HomeMy WebLinkAbout8301CDLF1997_INSP_20210804FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 1 of 10 UNIT TYPE: Lined MSWLF LCID YW X Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Scotland Closed MSWLF X HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 8301-CDLF-1997 8301-MSWLF-1980 DS83-004 CDLF X Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE Date of Site Inspection: August 4, 2021 Date of Last Inspection: March 3, 2020 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Scotland County CDLF/Closed MSWLF 10701 Patterson Rd., Maxton, NC 28352 GPS COORDINATES: Lat: 34.72641° Long: 79.37884° FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Bryant Higgins, SW Director 901-844-9206 bhiggins@scotlandcounty.org Bill Lash, Landfill Supervisor 910-352-3557 blash@scotlandcounty.org FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: Scotland County Annex, P.O. Box 489, Laurinburg, NC 28353 PARTICIPANTS: David Powell, NC DEQ – Solid Waste Section Amanda Thompson, NC DEQ – Solid Waste Section Bryant Higgins, Scotland County Solid Waste Director Bill Lash, Scotland County Landfill Supervisor Deidra Burton, Scotland County Scale House Operator STATUS OF PERMIT: 8301-CDLF-1997 - Life of Site Permit to Operate Expires December 31, 2057 8301-MSWLF-1980 - Closed PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Comprehensive Inspection STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: NA FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 2 of 10 OBSERVED VIOLATIONS: 1. Permit Attachment 3, Part VII, (22) - The area that is encompassing approximately two (2) acres and located at the northwest end of the landfill facility is permitted to operate a treatment and processing facility as defined in Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0101(49). Measurements of staging and processing area in the NW corner of the property, using a measure wheel and a laser range finder, calculated an approximated size of just under one full acre being used. YW should be stored at a max height of 15 feet, width of 50 feet, at any time. Some piles were higher than 15ft. There were fire breaks and road access. Hardly any unapproved waste was visible but area could use some building up to shed storm water. Remember, waste cannot be stored in water. There were two additional storage piles of older mulched material along property line in the NW of the parcel, just east of the one-acre storage and processing. They are between the property line and the old barrow pit. These two piles collectively, were approximated to be just over two acres. Total yard waste area being used is approximately 3.3 acres. Site is approved for two acres and a total of 4,000 tons annually. Older material is piled into a berm along perimeter of the staging and processing area. These are very close and possibly inside a 25-foot buffer for drainage ditches and a 50 foot from property lines around the facility. A measurement was taken from second stockpile with about 40 ft. distance from ditch but a certain distance could not be taken due to dense vegetation. Yard waste has increased with City of Laurinburg now sending their YW here. A lot of this material is older and has not been utilized onsite or taken to the appropriate landfill for disposal. During inspection, options for utilizing the stockpiled older YW material were discussed. Erosion control onsite, addressing bare areas on closed MSW and CDLF, and starting to use the YW with a 50/50 mix for ADC on the CDLF. Disposal at an LCID or other approved YW facility should be considered as well. When using or applying YW mulch, a maximum depth of 2 – 4 –inches should be used. YW along property lines and drainage ditches should be removed. NW corner, approx. 1 acre of staging and processing with fire breaks. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 3 of 10 Looking towards staging and processing area near roadway in background to the left. Photo is taken from second storage pile of YW, with first in center frame beyond shrubs. Property line on right. Looking NE from second YW storage pile. Property line and ditch to the left. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 4 of 10 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS 8301-CDLF-1997/Closed MSW 1. Facility is currently operating in Phase IV (on top of closed unlined MSWLF – Phase II). Includes post-closure care requirements for the closed MSWLF Phase I, II, and III (under Phase IV CDLF) as well as, concrete stockpile areas, mobile home deconstruction area and 2-acre yard waste storage and processing area. 2. Sign at facility entrance was reviewed. Emergency contact number was added as requested during last inspection. Good job. 3. SWS staff reviewed records of the following: 2021 waste screening, recent monthly waste volumes, scrap tire forms, groundwater and methane sampling for 2020 and 2021, mobile home records, cardboard recycling, septic hauler of leachate records, Scalehouse fines, yard waste tonnages, TS assessment report and cover logs. Volume report summary for C and D, YW, TS, tire etc. 4. Facility staff that have completed operator training; Bryant Higgins MOLO exp. June 15, 2022; Tim Haggans exp. October 19, 2022 LAND and 4/19/2023 TRAN; Willie Hunt exp. November 16, 2022 TRAN; Vincent Locklear exp. May 16, 2024 TRAN and Feb. 28, 2024 LAND; and William Lash exp. June 13, 2022 MOLO. Reminder - In accordance with G.S. 130A-309.25, an individual trained in landfill operations must be on duty at the site while the facility is open for public use and at all times during active waste management operations to ensure compliance with operational requirements. The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 5 of 10 5. Landfill gas monitoring reports showed some high LEL percentages. 4/23/2021 showed GP-2 was at 90% LEL and GP-3 was at 70% LEL. Upon inspection of several gas and water wells, some seemed to have same registration ID, some were unlocked or damaged and some possible not constructed to correct standards. Landfill staff should inspect all gas/water wells onsite at Scotland Landfill and ensure all issues are addressed and any new wells are updated on maps if not done so already. All landfill gas and water monitoring wells at Scotland County landfills should be locked, have identification plates with correct identification name and constructed in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C. Any proposed modification to an approved plan must be submitted to the Section Hydrogeologist for a review and approved prior to implementation. Please be sure any and all changes to wells, such as new installs or abandonment, onsite have been submitted to DEQ William Sugg at (919) 707.8258 or perry.sugg@ncdenr.gov. SW corner across roadway into edge of field. Not locked, and has wasps nest inside. Fix broken lid, lock and be careful of spraying chemicals at the well and contaminating. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 6 of 10 Also, SW corner, across road in field, GP2 and GP3 – Just PVC pipe with unsecured cap. 6. Roads were of all-weather construction and in good shape. Windblown waste was not observed during the inspection. 7. Working face was small and manageable at the time of this inspection. The waste type observed was correct at the time of this inspection. Working face CDLF. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 7 of 10 8. Small amount of water from very recent rain was observed near working face on CDLF. Water shall not be impounded of waste. Proper sloping and grading should allow for storm water to be shed without eroding and minimize soaking into landfill which may create leachate in the future. Building up this area with soil may also be needed. Working face out of frame far right. 9. A 20-foot cargo container was being used off to the side of working face for storage of a mini excavator. This kept it from getting wet, in which when it did get wet, it would not work. Nothing should be stored on the landfill or inside the Edge of Waste (EOW). Upon discussion during and after the inspection, Mr. Higgins determined he could alter his storage and remove the container from landfill and store it at a close by location or try tarping. Working face is out of frame to the right. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 8 of 10 10. During previous inspection there was some settled and eroding areas observed on the landfill. Mulch has been applied and spread out in some of these areas. Mr. Lash indicated that additional soil will be added when weather allows. Areas should be graded to the proper slope of 4 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). Recommend that you monitor these areas for leachate issues until conditions improve enough to repair them properly. In addition, some of the mulched areas were still too thick. Max mulch depth of 2 to 4 inches should be applied. Revegetate the area once earth work is complete. SE side of closed MSW 11. Concrete that had been crushed is being used to build up roads onsite. A small amount of unacceptable waste (painted block) was observed mixed in with the concrete during this inspection and must be removed for proper disposal before crushing. Current quantity onsite is less than the approved max volume of 10,000 cubic yards, but the material is spread out. Permittee must maintain a stockpile of inert debris with the dimensions no more than 150 feet by 150 feet by 25 feet high. Green painted block, not approved waste for crushing. Please remove. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 9 of 10 Concrete piles. 12. Mobile Home Deconstruction area was clean and nothing present during inspection. MH deconstruction area. None since 2019. 13. Corrective measures are necessary as result of this inspection. A follow up inspection will be conducted by Solid Waste Section Staff in about 60 days. Mr. Powell is willing to work with the Scotland County, just please communicate well and make progress towards fixing the issues onsite quickly. Due to the nature of some of the violations, additional time may be needed for correcting the violations. Scotland County should have made measureable progress at addressing all violations within 60-day time frame. Additional follow ups may be needed. Failure to meet the conditions for compliance may result in Compliance Actions. FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Page 10 of 10 DS83-004 1. Debris site is clean and currently deactivated. 2. Should it be needed during an emergency, don’t forget to contact Regional Staff to activate beforehand. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. _________________________________________ Phone: 910-433-3350 _ David Powell Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative Sent on: 08/18/2021 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _] Copies: Drew Hammonds, Eastern District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Ming Chao, Permitting Engineer – Solid Waste Section Amanda Thompson, Environmental Senior Specialist – Solid Waste Section William Sugg, Hydrogeologist – Solid Waste Section