HomeMy WebLinkAbout24050_Vernon Packaging_Soil Vapor Sampling Report_20210623 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 1 June 23, 2021 Mr. Peter Doorn Project Manager Division of Waste Management – Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 P: (984) 275-5391 E: peter.doorn@ncdenr.gov Re: Soil Vapor Sampling Report Vernon Packaging 848, 850 and 860 N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina NCBP #24050-20-034 Terracon Project No. 751217006 Dear Mr. Doorn: On behalf of DPJ Residential, LLC, the Prospective Developer (PD), Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) hereby submits this Soil Vapor Sampling Report to evaluate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in soil gas at the above- referenced site. Objective As described in Terracon’s Brownfields Assessment Work Plan dated February 25, 2021, eight soil vapor probes were to be installed at the site and would be sampled conditionally, based on the results of the planned soil and groundwater sampling activities. Terracon’s Brownfields Assessment Report dated April 7, 2021 indicated that soil samples collected at the site contained the following concentrations of VOCs and/or SVOCs: ◼ The VOC 1,2-dibromoethane was detected in soil sample B-8@7’ at a concentration exceeding the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) but below the Residential Health-Based PSRG. This detection was J flagged, indicating that the reported concentration was an estimate. ◼ The VOCs chlorodibromomethane and 1,4-dichlorobenzene were also detected in soil sample B-8 @ 7’ at concentrations exceeding the laboratory detection limit but below the respective PSRGs. Soil Vapor Sampling Report Vernon Vernon Packaging ■ Winston Salem, NC June 23, 2021 ■ Terracon Project No. 75217006 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 2 ◼ The VOCs 1,4 dichlorobenzene and total xylenes were detected in soil sample B-04@3’ at concentrations exceeding the laboratory detection limit but below the respective PSRGs. ◼ Multiple SVOCs were reported in soil sample B-8 @ 7’ at concentrations exceeding the laboratory detection limit but below the respective PSRGs. Groundwater samples collected at the site contained the following concentrations of VOCs and SVOCs: ◼ The VOCs chloroform, trans-1,2-dichloroethene, and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) were all detected in at least one groundwater sample at concentrations exceeding their respective laboratory detection limits but below their respective 15A NCAC 2L Groundwater Quality Standards (2L Standards). ◼ The SVOC naphthalene was detected in groundwater sample MW-1 at a concentration exceeding its laboratory detection limit but below its 2L Standard. In summary, one soil sample contained the VOC 1,2-dibromomethane at an estimated concentration exceeding its Protection of Groundwater PSRG. Other VOCs and SVOCs detected in the soil samples were present at concentrations below their respective Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. VOCs and SVOCs detected in the groundwater samples were present at concentrations below their respective 2L Standards. Therefore, with concurrence from the North Carolina Brownfields Program (NCBP), soil vapor samples were not collected as part of the Brownfields Assessment. Because the planned use of the site includes residential development, and based on the emerging use and interpretation of soil vapor survey data, the NCBP subsequently requested that the soil vapor sampling activities be completed in accordance with Terracon’s work plan. Project Background The site consists of two complete parcels of land (Forsyth County Parcel I.D. Nos. 6835-19-5549 and 6835-19-5759) located at 848 and 860 N. Trade Street (respectively) in Winston Salem, Forsyth County, North Carolina along with a portion of the south-adjacent parcel (Forsyth County Parcel I.D. No. 6835-19-5455) located at 850 N. Trade Street (Exhibit 1). The 0.92-acre parcel located at 848 N. Trade Street is currently occupied by Triad Produce, consisting of one 10,676 square-foot warehouse building and a gravel parking area (Exhibit 2). A 2.46-acre parcel located at 860 N. Trade Street is currently occupied by Vernon Packaging, consisting of three interconnected office/warehouse buildings along the southern property boundary, and a gravel parking/truck storage area and grassed areas to the north. The original building was constructed in 1978 with building additions in 1986. The buildings comprise approximately 19,000 square feet. The site also includes a 0.65-acre gravel parking lot portion of the south-adjacent Combs Produce warehouse property located at 850 N. Trade Street (Forsyth County Parcel I.D. No, Soil Vapor Sampling Report Vernon Vernon Packaging ■ Winston Salem, NC June 23, 2021 ■ Terracon Project No. 75217006 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 3 6835-19-5455). The site operations consist of the temporary storage and distribution of fresh produce. Standard of Care Terracon’s services were performed in a manner consistent with generally accepted practices of the profession undertaken in similar studies in the same geographical area during the same time. Terracon makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, regarding the findings, conclusions, or recommendations. Please note that Terracon does not warrant the work of laboratories, regulatory agencies, or other third parties supplying information used in the preparation of the report. These investigation services were performed in accordance with the scope of work agreed with you, our client, as reflected in our proposal. Additional Scope Limitations Findings, conclusions and recommendations resulting from these services are based upon information derived from the on-site activities and other services, including file reviews, performed under this scope of work; such information is subject to change over time. Certain indicators of the presence of hazardous substances, petroleum products, or other constituents may have been latent, inaccessible, unobservable, not detected or not present during these assessment activities; thus, we cannot represent that the site is free of hazardous substances, toxic materials, petroleum products, or other latent conditions beyond those identified during this investigation. Subsurface conditions may vary from those encountered at specific borings or wells or during other surveys, tests, assessments, investigations or exploratory services; the data, interpretations, findings, and our recommendations are based solely upon data obtained at the time and within the scope of these services. Soil Gas Sampling Point Installation As described in Terracon’s Brownfields Assessment Report dated April 7, 2021, a total of eight soil vapor sampling probes were installed at the site in March, 2021. The sampling probes were installed in accordance with the procedures described in Terracon’s Work Plan dated February 25, 2021: ◼ Advancement of 2.25-inch diameter borehole to an approximate depth of 10 feet below ground surface (bgs). The boring for SVP-4 was advanced to a depth of approximately 8 feet bgs using a hand auger. ◼ Installation of a ¼-inch diameter Teflon® tube to approximately 6 inches from the bottom of the boring and extending 2 feet above ground surface. The bottom end of tube was equipped with a Geoprobe® implant anchor/drive point and top end of tube was crimped. ◼ Installation of a coarse sand pack around and approximately 2 feet above the bottom of the tubing. ◼ Installation of 2-foot thick bentonite seal over the sand pack, followed by grout to the ground surface. Soil Vapor Sampling Report Vernon Vernon Packaging ■ Winston Salem, NC June 23, 2021 ■ Terracon Project No. 75217006 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 4 Terracon returned to the site on June 7, 2021 to assess the condition of the soil vapor probes and to replace damaged soil vapor probes, as needed. Soil vapor probes SVP-06 and SVP-07 were previously located in relatively high-traffic areas of the site and the tubing was observed to be damaged. Therefore, Terracon used a direct-push technology (DPT) drill rig to reinstall the soil vapor sampling probes to depths of approximately 10 feet bgs in accordance with the work plan procedures. Terracon returned to the site on June 8, 2021 to collect the soil vapor samples. The samples were collected over a 6-minute time interval into 1-liter Summa canisters, in general accordance with the following protocols: Shut-In Test At each soil vapor implant, prior to connection of the sampling train to the implant, a shut-in (dead- head) test was conducted to check for leaks in the above-ground purge/sampling manifold. The sample canister and a sacrificial canister (which was not submitted for laboratory analysis) were connected to the sampling train. The sampling train influent was capped, the sampling canister remained closed, and the sacrificial canister was opened to create a negative pressure reading on the sampling train pressure gauge. The sacrificial canister valve was then closed. If there was an observable loss of vacuum, the fittings were adjusted until the vacuum in the sample train did not noticeably dissipate. Helium Tracer Test For each soil vapor implant sample, following the shut-in test, the purge/sampling train was connected to the soil vapor sampling implant and a helium tracer gas leak test was conducted. The tracer gas serves as a QA/QC method to verify the integrity of the seal of the sampling train to the sample implant. A helium detector was used to verify the presence and concentration of tracer gas. The protocol for using a tracer gas was to enclose the tubing and ground interface within a shroud and enrich the shroud atmosphere to at least 10 percent helium. The purging device (i.e., syringe or peristaltic pump) was situated inside the shroud and connected to the sampling train by Teflon® lined tubing running through the shroud. A minimum of three volumes of the vapor implant annulus and attached Teflon® lined tubing were purged. Purged soil gas was directed to a Tedlar® bag at the end of each purge volume. Purged soil gas in the Tedlar® bag was then screened for helium to assess for leaks in the sampling implant seal. The helium concentrations in the shroud and the the purged soil vapor were documented after each purge volume. Sample collection commenced after the tracer testing indicated helium concentrations in the vapor implant were less than or equal to 10 percent of the helium concentration in the shroud, indicating a sufficiently sealed vapor implant annulus. Soil Vapor Sampling Report Vernon Vernon Packaging ■ Winston Salem, NC June 23, 2021 ■ Terracon Project No. 75217006 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 5 Sample Collection After completion of the helium tracer test, the valve of the purge device was closed, and the sample canister valve was opened to collect soil vapor for laboratory analysis. The sample was collected in a laboratory supplied, batch certified 1.0-liter Summa canister connected to sample tubing using Swagelok® fittings at the soil vapor implant. The sample canister was filled using a dedicated flow controller and set to a sample rate of less than or equal to 200 milliliters per minute. An in-line vacuum gauge was installed to the sample controller to verify initial vacuum levels within the canister and as an indicator that final equalization had been reached (i.e., sampling was complete). The sample canister valve was closed when the gauge measured less than 6 inches of mercury (Hg) vacuum (i.e., sampling was complete). The final vacuum was not allowed to reach 0 inches Hg vacuum. Sample Analyses The samples were labeled, packaged and shipped along with a chain-of-custody form to Pace Analytical Laboratory in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee for analysis of VOCs using U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method TO-15 and methane using EPA Method 8015M. Analytical Results Methane was not detected in the soil vapor samples at concentrations exceeding the laboratory Reporting Detection Limit. The soil vapor samples contained a variety of VOC constituents. With the exception of chloroform, the detected VOC concentrations did not exceed their respective North Carolina Department of Waste Management (NCDWM) Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs). Chloroform was detected in four of the eight samples at concentrations ranging from 4.12 to 97.3 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), as compared to the VISL of 4.1 µg/m3. The soil vapor sample analytical results are presented on Table 1 and displayed on Exhibit 3. The laboratory analytical report is included in Appendix A. Risk Calculator The soil vapor sample analytical results were input into the Risk Calculator, which was set to default values. The Risk Calculator indicated that the carcinogenic and hazard index risk values were not exceeded for site residents, non-residential workers, construction workers or recreators/trespassers. Copies of selected input and output sheets associated with the Risk Calculator are presented in Appendix B. Soil Vapor Sampling Report Vernon Vernon Packaging ■ Winston Salem, NC June 23, 2021 ■ Terracon Project No. 75217006 Responsive ■ Resourceful ■ Reliable 6 Terracon appreciates the opportunity to present this report to the NCBP. Terracon is licensed to practice geology in North Carolina. The certification number of the corporation is F-0869. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (336) 854-8135. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Mark I. Miller, L.G. Edmund Woloszyn Jr., R.E.M. Senior Geologist Department Manager II Licensed NC 1715 Environmental Services Attachments: Exhibit 1 – Topographic Map Exhibit 2 – Site Plan with Sampling Locations Exhibit 3 – Soil Vapor Analytical Results Map Table 1 – Exterior Soil Gas Sample Analytical Results Summary Appendix A – Laboratory Analytical Results and Chain of Custody Appendix B – Risk Calculator Results Cc: Mr. Porter Jones, DPJ Residential, LLC EXHIBITS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Vernon Packaging 848, 850 and 860 N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, NC TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: RURAL HALL, NC (1/1/1994), WALKERTOWN, NC (1/1/1997), WINSTON-SALEM WEST, NC (1/1/1997) and WINSTON-SALEM EAST, NC (1/1/1997). 7327 -G W Friendly Avenue Greensboro, NC 75217006 Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: MIM EW EW 1”=2,000’ Vernon Pkg Feb 2021 2020 Project No. Scale: File Name: Date: 1 Exhibit MIM APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY @A @A @A @A @A &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !(!( B-7 B-6 B-4 B-1 B-9/VP-5 B-3/VP-2 B-2/VP-1 B-8/VP-4 B-5/VP-3 B-11/VP-7 B-12/VP-8 B-10/VP-6MW-4 MW-5 MW-3 MW-2MW-1 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 0 10050 Feet 75217006 Service Layer Credits: NC Statewide Orthoimagery, Site Boundaryapproximated from Forsyth County GIS and NCDEQ BrownfieldsProgram Site Plan. Legend !(Compressor !(Pole-Mounted Transformer !(Pad-Mounted Transformer !(Dumpsters &>Soil Borings/Soil Vapor Probes @A Groundwater Monitoring WellsApproximate Parcel BoundaryApproximate Site BoundaryOAK STREETWEST TENTH STREET Site Plan with Sampling Locations Vernon Packaging848, 850, and 860 N. Trade StreetWinston-Salem, North CarolinaNORTH TRADE STREETWEST NINTH STREET MARTIN LUTHERKING JR DR 2 EXHIBITNO.Project No.: Scale: 1" = 100' File Name: Date:Feb. 2021 Vernon Pkg.7327-G West Friendly AvenueGreensboro, NC 27410 Project Manager.: MIMDrawn by: Reviewed by: Approved by:EW AAF EW @A @A @A @A @A &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> &> B-7 B-6 B-4 B-1 B-9/VP-5 B-3/VP-2 B-2/VP-1 B-8/VP-4 B-5/VP-3 B-11/VP-7 B-12/VP-8 B-10/VP-6MW-4 MW-5 MW-3 MW-2MW-1 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 0 10050 Feet 75217006 Service Layer Credits: NC Statewide Orthoimagery, Site Boundaryapproximated from Forsyth County GIS and NCDEQ BrownfieldsProgram Site Plan. Legend &>Soil Borings/Soil Vapor Probes @A Groundwater Monitoring WellsApproximate Parcel BoundaryApproximate Site BoundaryOAK STREETWEST TENTH STREET Soil Vapor Analytical Results Map Vernon Packaging848, 850, and 860 N. Trade StreetWinston-Salem, North CarolinaNORTH TRADE STREETWEST NINTH STREET MARTIN LUTHERKING JR DR 3 EXHIBITNO.Project No.: Scale: 1" = 100' File Name: Date:June 2021 Vernon Pkg.7327-G West Friendly AvenueGreensboro, NC 27410 Project Manager.: MIMDrawn by: Reviewed by: Approved by:EW JWR EW SVP-1VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 7.06 ug/m3Carbon Disulfide = 2.24 ug/m3Chloroform = 7.25 ug/m3Ethanol = 9.96 ug/m3Trichlorofluoromethane= 4.3 ug/m3Dichlorofluoromethane= 12.4 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 3.81 ug/m3Toluene = 3.59 ug/m3 Only detected concentrations are shownConcentrations in BOLD exceed NCDWM Residential Vapor INtrusion Screenig LevelsConcentrations reported in micrograms per cubic meter (ug/m3) SVP-2VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 4.68 ug/m3Chloroform = 5.06 ug/m3Chloromethane = 0.632 ug/m3Ethanol = 10.8 ug/m3Trichlorofluoromethane= 7.87 ug/m3Dichlorofluoromethane= 29.7 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 6.52 ug/m3 SVP-3 VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 4.51 ug/m3Ethanol = 10.1 ug/m3Trichloroflouromethane= 12.3 ug/m3Dichloroflouromethane= 63.8 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 4.23 ug/m3Toluene = 1.88 ug/m3 SVP-4VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 6.65 ug/m3Chloroform = 2.75 ug/m3Ethanol = 30.7 ug/m3Trichlorofluoromethane= 104 ug/m3Dichlorofluoromethane= 31 ug/m32-Propanol = 3.54 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 1.54 ug/m3Toluene = 3.42 ug/m3M and P-Xylene = 2.35 ug/m3 SVP-5VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 18.7 ug/m3Chloromethane = 0.932 ug/m3Ethanol = 10.9 ug/m3Trichlorofluoromethane= 203 ug/m3Dichlorofluoromethane= 24.8 ug/m32-Butanone (MEK) = 3.83 ug/m32-Propanol = 7.08 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 1.56 ug/m3Toluene = 3.77 ug/m3M and P-Xylene = 2.16 ug/m3 SVP-6VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 11.5 ug/m3Benzene = 9.04 ug/m3Ethanol = 8.28 ug/m3Ethylbenzene = 4.22 ug/m34-Ethyl Toluene = 4.07 ug/m3Trichlorofluoromethane= 188 ug/m3Dichlorofluoromethane= 7.91 ug/m3Heptane = 0.912 ug/m3Propene = 15.2 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 12.4 ug/m3Toluene = 38 ug/m31,2,4 Trimethylbenzene = 4.48 ug/m31,3,5 Trimethylbenzene = 1.25 ug/m3 SVP-7VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 19.8 ug/m3Benzene = 1.73 ug/m3Carbon Disulfide = 4.95 ug/m3Chloroform = 97.3 ug/m3Cyclohexane = 0.751 ug/m3 Ethanol = 11.7 ug/m3Ethylbenzene = 2.69 ug/m3Trichlorofluoromethane= 36.9 ug/m3Dichlorofluoromethane= 54.9 ug/m3Heptane = 1.09 ug/m3Methyl Chloride = 1.98 ug/m32-Butanone (MEK) = 5.04 ug/m3Propene = 19.6 ug/m3Tetrachloroethylene = 11 ug/m3Toluene = 12 ug/m31,2,4 Trimethylbenzene = 1.27 ug/m3M and P-Xylene = 9.15 ug/m3O-Xylene = 3.24 ug/m3 SVP-8VOCs by TO-15Acetone = 13 ug/m3Chloroform = 4.12 ug/m3Ethanol = 8.16 ug/m3Trichloroflouromethane= 30.9 ug/m3Dichloroflouromethane= 15.4 ug/m32-propanol = 43.3Tetrachloroethylene = 2.68 ug/m3Toluene = 3.55 ug/m3 TABLE Table 1 Exterior Soil Gas Sample Analytical Results Summary Vernon Packaging 848, 850 and 860 N. Trade Street Winston-Salem, North Carolina Terracon Project No. 75217006 SVP-1 SVP-2 SVP-3 SVP-4 SVP-5 SVP-6 SVP-7 SVP-8 Method Analyte Result Result Result Result Result Result Result Result ACETONE 7.06 4.68 4.51 6.65 18.7 11.5 19.8 13 19.8 220000 BENZENE <0.639 <0.639 <0.639 <0.639 <0.639 9.04 1.73 <0.639 9.04 12 CARBON DISULFIDE 2.24 <0.622 <0.622 <0.622 <0.622 <0.622 4.95 <0.622 4.95 4900 CHLOROFORM 7.25 5.06 <0.973 2.75 <0.973 <0.973 97.3 4.12 97.3 4.1 CHLOROMETHANE <0.413 0.632 <0.413 <0.413 0.932 <0.413 <0.413 <0.413 0.932 630 CYCLOHEXANE <0.689 <0.689 <0.689 <0.689 <0.689 <0.689 0.751 <0.689 0.751 42000 ETHANOL 9.96 10.8 10.1 30.7 10.9 8.28 11.7 8.16 30.7 NE ETHYLBENZENE <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 4.22 2.69 <0.867 4.22 37 4-ETHYL TOLUENE <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 4.07 <0.982 <0.982 4.07 NE TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE 4.3 7.87 12.3 104 203 188 36.9 30.9 203 NE DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE 12.4 29.7 63.8 31 24.8 7.91 54.9 15.4 63.8 700 HEPTANE <0.818 <0.818 <0.818 <0.818 <0.818 0.912 1.09 <0.818 1.09 2800 METHYLENE CHLORIDE <0.694 <0.694 <0.694 <0.694 <0.694 <0.694 1.98 <0.694 1.98 3400 2-BUTANONE (MEK)<3.69 <3.69 <3.69 <3.69 3.83 <3.69 5.04 <3.69 5.04 35000 2-PROPANOL <3.07 <3.07 <3.07 3.54 7.08 <3.07 <3.07 43.3 43.3 1400 PROPENE <2.15 <2.15 <2.15 <2.15 <2.15 15.2 19.6 <2.15 19.6 NE TETRACHLOROETHYLENE 3.81 6.52 4.23 1.54 1.56 12.4 11 2.68 12.4 280 TOLUENE 3.59 <1.88 1.88 3.42 3.77 38 12 3.55 38 35000 1,2,4-TRIMETHYLBENZENE <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 4.48 1.27 <0.982 4.48 420 1,3,5-TRIMETHYLBENZENE <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 <0.982 1.25 <0.982 <0.982 1.25 420 M&P-XYLENE <1.73 <1.73 <1.73 2.35 2.16 <1.73 9.15 <1.73 9.15 700 O-XYLENE <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 <0.867 3.24 <0.867 3.24 700 Notes: VOCs - volatile organic compounds Compounds detected in one or more samples shown Concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) Bold indicates concentration above the Reported Detection Limit indicates concentrations above The NC DWM Residential Screening Level TO-15 6/8/2021Date Collected Sample ID NC DWM Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels Maximum Concentration Reported APPENDIX A LABORATORY ANALYTICAL RESULTS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY ANALYTICAL REPORT June 11, 2021 Terracon - Greensboro, NC Sample Delivery Group:L1363895 Samples Received:06/09/2021 Project Number:75217005 Description:Vernon Packaging Report To:Zach Tidmore 7327-G, West Friendly Ave Greensboro, NC 27410 Entire Report Reviewed By: June 11, 2021 [Preliminary Report] Heather J Wagner Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 615-758-5858 800-767-5859 www.pacenational.com 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 1 of 29 June 11, 2021 Heather J Wagner Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 1 of 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 5 Sr: Sample Results 6 SVP-1 L1363895-01 6 SVP-2 L1363895-02 8 SVP-3 L1363895-03 10 SVP-4 L1363895-04 12 SVP-5 L1363895-05 14 SVP-6 L1363895-06 16 SVP-7 L1363895-07 18 SVP-8 L1363895-08 20 Qc: Quality Control Summary 22 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M 22 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 23 Gl: Glossary of Terms 27 Al: Accreditations & Locations 28 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 29 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 2 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 2 of 29 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-1 L1363895-01 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 13:13 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 09:28 06/11/21 09:28 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 12:23 06/10/21 12:23 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-2 L1363895-02 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 13:30 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 09:30 06/11/21 09:30 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 13:07 06/10/21 13:07 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-3 L1363895-03 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 15:21 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 09:33 06/11/21 09:33 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 13:49 06/10/21 13:49 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-4 L1363895-04 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 16:14 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 09:36 06/11/21 09:36 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 14:30 06/10/21 14:30 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-5 L1363895-05 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 16:25 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 09:41 06/11/21 09:41 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 15:12 06/10/21 15:12 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-6 L1363895-06 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 16:48 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 09:45 06/11/21 09:45 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 15:53 06/10/21 15:53 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-7 L1363895-07 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 17:13 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 10:43 06/11/21 10:43 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 16:35 06/10/21 16:35 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 3 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 3 of 29 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SVP-8 L1363895-08 Air Zach Tidmore 06/08/21 17:32 06/09/21 10:15 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M WG1686733 1 06/11/21 10:46 06/11/21 10:46 DAH Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 WG1686163 1 06/10/21 17:17 06/10/21 17:17 CAW Mt. Juliet, TN 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 4 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 4 of 29 CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. [Preliminary Report] Heather J Wagner Project Manager 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 5 of 29 Heather J Wagner Project Manager ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 5 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 L1363895 SVP-1 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 13:13 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 2.97 7.06 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 0.720 2.24 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 1.49 7.25 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 5.28 9.96 B 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 0.766 4.30 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 2.50 12.4 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 6 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 6 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 L1363895 SVP-1 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 13:13 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 0.561 3.81 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 0.952 3.59 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 91.1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 7 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 7 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 L1363895 SVP-2 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 13:30 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 1.97 4.68 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 1.04 5.06 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 0.306 0.632 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 5.75 10.8 B 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 1.40 7.87 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 6.01 29.7 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 8 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 8 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 L1363895 SVP-2 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 13:30 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 0.961 6.52 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 92.1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 9 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 9 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 L1363895 SVP-3 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 15:21 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 1.90 4.51 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 5.35 10.1 B 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 2.19 12.3 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 12.9 63.8 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 10 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 10 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 L1363895 SVP-3 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 15:21 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 0.623 4.23 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 ND 1.88 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 93.7 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 11 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 11 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 L1363895 SVP-4 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 16:14 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 2.80 6.65 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 0.565 2.75 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 16.3 30.7 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 18.5 104 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 6.26 31.0 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 1.44 3.54 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 12 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 12 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 L1363895 SVP-4 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 16:14 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 0.227 1.54 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 0.907 3.42 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 0.267 1.31 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 0.542 2.35 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 91.4 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 13 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 13 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 L1363895 SVP-5 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 16:25 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 7.86 18.7 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 0.451 0.932 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 5.79 10.9 B 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 36.1 203 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 5.02 24.8 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 1.30 3.83 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 2.88 7.08 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 14 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 14 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 L1363895 SVP-5 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 16:25 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 0.230 1.56 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 1.00 3.77 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 0.499 2.16 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 91.6 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 15 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 15 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 L1363895 SVP-6 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 16:48 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 4.85 11.5 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 2.83 9.04 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 4.39 8.28 B 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 0.974 4.22 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 0.829 4.07 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 33.4 188 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 1.60 7.91 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 0.223 0.912 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 8.80 15.2 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 16 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 16 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 L1363895 SVP-6 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 16:48 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 1.82 12.4 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 10.1 38.0 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 0.913 4.48 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 0.255 1.25 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 4.46 19.3 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 1.20 5.20 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 93.6 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 17 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 17 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 07 L1363895 SVP-7 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 17:13 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 8.35 19.8 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 0.543 1.73 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 1.59 4.95 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 20.0 97.3 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 0.218 0.751 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 6.18 11.7 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 0.621 2.69 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 6.57 36.9 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 11.1 54.9 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 0.267 1.09 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 0.570 1.98 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 1.71 5.04 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 11.4 19.6 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 18 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 18 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 07 L1363895 SVP-7 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 17:13 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 0.223 0.949 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 1.62 11.0 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 3.19 12.0 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 0.258 1.27 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 2.11 9.15 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 0.747 3.24 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 93.3 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 19 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 19 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 08 L1363895 SVP-8 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 17:32 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppmv mg/m3 ppmv mg/m3 Methane 74-82-8 16 10.0 6.54 ND ND 1 WG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Acetone 67-64-1 58.10 1.25 2.97 5.45 13.0 1 WG1686163 Allyl chloride 107-05-1 76.53 0.200 0.626 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzene 71-43-2 78.10 0.200 0.639 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Benzyl Chloride 100-44-7 127 0.200 1.04 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 164 0.200 1.34 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromoform 75-25-2 253 0.600 6.21 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Bromomethane 74-83-9 94.90 0.200 0.776 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 54.10 2.00 4.43 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 76.10 0.200 0.622 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 154 0.200 1.26 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroethane 75-00-3 64.50 0.200 0.528 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Chloroform 67-66-3 119 0.200 0.973 0.847 4.12 1 WG1686163 Chloromethane 74-87-3 50.50 0.200 0.413 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Chlorotoluene 95-49-8 126 0.200 1.03 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 84.20 0.200 0.689 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 208 0.200 1.70 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 188 0.200 1.54 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 147 0.200 1.20 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 99 0.200 0.810 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 98 0.200 0.802 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 96.90 0.200 0.793 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 113 0.200 0.924 ND ND 1 WG1686163 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 111 0.200 0.908 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Ethanol 64-17-5 46.10 1.25 2.36 4.33 8.16 B 1 WG1686163 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Ethyltoluene 622-96-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 137.40 0.200 1.12 5.49 30.9 1 WG1686163 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 120.92 0.200 0.989 3.11 15.4 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 187.40 0.200 1.53 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 76-14-2 171 0.200 1.40 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Heptane 142-82-5 100 0.200 0.818 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 87-68-3 261 0.630 6.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 n-Hexane 110-54-3 86.20 0.630 2.22 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 120.20 0.200 0.983 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 84.90 0.200 0.694 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl Butyl Ketone 591-78-6 100 1.25 5.11 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 72.10 1.25 3.69 ND ND 1 WG1686163 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 100.10 1.25 5.12 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Methyl methacrylate 80-62-6 100.12 0.200 0.819 ND ND 1 WG1686163 MTBE 1634-04-4 88.10 0.200 0.721 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Naphthalene 91-20-3 128 0.630 3.30 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2-Propanol 67-63-0 60.10 1.25 3.07 17.6 43.3 1 WG1686163 Propene 115-07-1 42.10 1.25 2.15 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 20 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 20 of 29 SAMPLE RESULTS - 08 L1363895 SVP-8 Collected date/time: 06/08/21 17:32 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 CAS #Mol. Wt.RDL1 RDL2 Result Result Qualifier Dilution Batch Analyte ppbv ug/m3 ppbv ug/m3 Styrene 100-42-5 104 0.200 0.851 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 168 0.200 1.37 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4 166 0.200 1.36 0.394 2.68 1 WG1686163 Tetrahydrofuran 109-99-9 72.10 0.200 0.590 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Toluene 108-88-3 92.10 0.500 1.88 0.943 3.55 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 181 0.630 4.66 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 133 0.200 1.09 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Trichloroethylene 79-01-6 131 0.200 1.07 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 120 0.200 0.982 ND ND 1 WG1686163 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 540-84-1 114.22 0.200 0.934 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 62.50 0.200 0.511 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl Bromide 593-60-2 106.95 0.200 0.875 ND ND 1 WG1686163 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 86.10 0.200 0.704 ND ND 1 WG1686163 m&p-Xylene 1330-20-7 106 0.400 1.73 ND ND 1 WG1686163 o-Xylene 95-47-6 106 0.200 0.867 ND ND 1 WG1686163 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 460-00-4 175 60.0-140 91.8 WG1686163 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 21 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 21 of 29 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1686733 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 8015M L1363895-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3666040-3 06/11/21 09:24 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte ppmv ppmv ppmv Methane U 6.98 10.0 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3666040-1 06/11/21 09:10 • (LCSD) R3666040-2 06/11/21 09:14 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte ppmv ppmv ppmv %%%%% Methane 500 460 433 92.0 86.6 79.0-115 6.05 20 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 22 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 22 of 29 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1686163 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 L1363895-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3665984-3 06/10/21 10:49 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte ppbv ppbv ppbv Acetone U 0.584 1.25 Allyl Chloride U 0.114 0.200 Benzene U 0.0715 0.200 Benzyl Chloride U 0.0598 0.200 Bromodichloromethane U 0.0702 0.200 Bromoform U 0.0732 0.600 Bromomethane U 0.0982 0.200 1,3-Butadiene U 0.104 2.00 Carbon disulfide U 0.102 0.200 Carbon tetrachloride U 0.0732 0.200 Chlorobenzene U 0.0832 0.200 Chloroethane U 0.0996 0.200 Chloroform U 0.0717 0.200 Chloromethane U 0.103 0.200 2-Chlorotoluene U 0.0828 0.200 Cyclohexane U 0.0753 0.200 Dibromochloromethane U 0.0727 0.200 1,2-Dibromoethane U 0.0721 0.200 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U 0.128 0.200 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U 0.182 0.200 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U 0.0557 0.200 1,2-Dichloroethane U 0.0700 0.200 1,1-Dichloroethane U 0.0723 0.200 1,1-Dichloroethene U 0.0762 0.200 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene U 0.0784 0.200 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene U 0.0673 0.200 1,2-Dichloropropane U 0.0760 0.200 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene U 0.0689 0.200 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U 0.0728 0.200 1,4-Dioxane U 0.0833 0.200 Ethylbenzene U 0.0835 0.200 4-Ethyltoluene U 0.0783 0.200 Trichlorofluoromethane U 0.0819 0.200 Dichlorodifluoromethane U 0.137 0.200 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane U 0.0793 0.200 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane U 0.0890 0.200 Heptane U 0.104 0.200 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene U 0.105 0.630 n-Hexane U 0.206 0.630 Isopropylbenzene U 0.0777 0.200 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 23 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 23 of 29 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1686163 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 L1363895-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3665984-3 06/10/21 10:49 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte ppbv ppbv ppbv Methylene Chloride U 0.0979 0.200 Methyl Butyl Ketone U 0.133 1.25 2-Butanone (MEK)U 0.0814 1.25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)U 0.0765 1.25 Methyl Methacrylate U 0.0876 0.200 MTBE U 0.0647 0.200 Naphthalene U 0.350 0.630 2-Propanol U 0.264 1.25 Propene U 0.0932 1.25 Styrene U 0.0788 0.200 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U 0.0743 0.200 Tetrachloroethylene U 0.0814 0.200 Tetrahydrofuran U 0.0734 0.200 Toluene U 0.0870 0.500 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U 0.148 0.630 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U 0.0736 0.200 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U 0.0775 0.200 Trichloroethylene U 0.0680 0.200 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene U 0.0764 0.200 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene U 0.0779 0.200 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane U 0.133 0.200 Vinyl chloride U 0.0949 0.200 Vinyl Bromide U 0.0852 0.200 Vinyl acetate U 0.116 0.200 m&p-Xylene U 0.135 0.400 o-Xylene U 0.0828 0.200 Ethanol 0.590 J 0.265 1.25 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.4 60.0-140 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3665984-1 06/10/21 09:30 • (LCSD) R3665984-2 06/10/21 10:10 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte ppbv ppbv ppbv %%%%% Ethanol 3.75 3.41 3.45 90.9 92.0 55.0-148 1.17 25 Propene 3.75 3.13 3.06 83.5 81.6 64.0-144 2.26 25 Dichlorodifluoromethane 3.75 3.90 3.87 104 103 64.0-139 0.772 25 1,2-Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 3.75 3.89 3.86 104 103 70.0-130 0.774 25 Chloromethane 3.75 3.20 3.17 85.3 84.5 70.0-130 0.942 25 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 24 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 24 of 29 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1686163 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 L1363895-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3665984-1 06/10/21 09:30 • (LCSD) R3665984-2 06/10/21 10:10 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte ppbv ppbv ppbv %%%%% Vinyl chloride 3.75 3.53 3.57 94.1 95.2 70.0-130 1.13 25 1,3-Butadiene 3.75 2.98 2.99 79.5 79.7 70.0-130 0.335 25 Bromomethane 3.75 4.50 4.42 120 118 70.0-130 1.79 25 Chloroethane 3.75 3.75 3.75 100 100 70.0-130 0.000 25 Trichlorofluoromethane 3.75 4.15 4.12 111 110 70.0-130 0.726 25 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 3.75 3.94 3.91 105 104 70.0-130 0.764 25 1,1-Dichloroethene 3.75 3.54 3.50 94.4 93.3 70.0-130 1.14 25 1,1-Dichloroethane 3.75 3.55 3.55 94.7 94.7 70.0-130 0.000 25 Acetone 3.75 3.53 3.49 94.1 93.1 70.0-130 1.14 25 2-Propanol 3.75 3.21 3.21 85.6 85.6 70.0-139 0.000 25 Carbon disulfide 3.75 3.78 3.71 101 98.9 70.0-130 1.87 25 Methylene Chloride 3.75 3.00 2.91 80.0 77.6 70.0-130 3.05 25 MTBE 3.75 3.63 3.60 96.8 96.0 70.0-130 0.830 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 3.75 3.51 3.54 93.6 94.4 70.0-130 0.851 25 n-Hexane 3.75 3.28 3.27 87.5 87.2 70.0-130 0.305 25 Vinyl acetate 3.75 2.65 2.70 70.7 72.0 70.0-130 1.87 25 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 3.75 3.58 3.68 95.5 98.1 70.0-130 2.75 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 3.75 3.48 3.50 92.8 93.3 70.0-130 0.573 25 Chloroform 3.75 3.72 3.76 99.2 100 70.0-130 1.07 25 Cyclohexane 3.75 3.65 3.67 97.3 97.9 70.0-130 0.546 25 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 3.75 3.78 3.77 101 101 70.0-130 0.265 25 Carbon tetrachloride 3.75 3.85 3.86 103 103 70.0-130 0.259 25 Benzene 3.75 3.83 3.87 102 103 70.0-130 1.04 25 1,2-Dichloroethane 3.75 3.69 3.69 98.4 98.4 70.0-130 0.000 25 Heptane 3.75 3.23 3.28 86.1 87.5 70.0-130 1.54 25 Trichloroethylene 3.75 4.03 4.00 107 107 70.0-130 0.747 25 1,2-Dichloropropane 3.75 3.59 3.61 95.7 96.3 70.0-130 0.556 25 1,4-Dioxane 3.75 3.67 3.68 97.9 98.1 70.0-140 0.272 25 Bromodichloromethane 3.75 3.80 3.82 101 102 70.0-130 0.525 25 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 3.75 3.65 3.63 97.3 96.8 70.0-130 0.549 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)3.75 3.30 3.32 88.0 88.5 70.0-139 0.604 25 Toluene 3.75 3.91 3.94 104 105 70.0-130 0.764 25 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 3.75 3.63 3.63 96.8 96.8 70.0-130 0.000 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 3.75 4.02 4.04 107 108 70.0-130 0.496 25 Tetrachloroethylene 3.75 4.36 4.36 116 116 70.0-130 0.000 25 Methyl Butyl Ketone 3.75 3.29 3.31 87.7 88.3 70.0-149 0.606 25 Dibromochloromethane 3.75 4.03 4.08 107 109 70.0-130 1.23 25 1,2-Dibromoethane 3.75 4.05 4.09 108 109 70.0-130 0.983 25 Chlorobenzene 3.75 4.15 4.20 111 112 70.0-130 1.20 25 Ethylbenzene 3.75 4.01 4.01 107 107 70.0-130 0.000 25 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 25 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 25 of 29 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARYWG1686163 Volatile Organic Compounds (MS) by Method TO-15 L1363895-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3665984-1 06/10/21 09:30 • (LCSD) R3665984-2 06/10/21 10:10 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec.LCSD Rec.Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte ppbv ppbv ppbv %%%%% m&p-Xylene 7.50 7.96 8.01 106 107 70.0-130 0.626 25 o-Xylene 3.75 3.89 3.86 104 103 70.0-130 0.774 25 Styrene 3.75 3.96 3.96 106 106 70.0-130 0.000 25 Bromoform 3.75 4.03 4.04 107 108 70.0-130 0.248 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.75 3.86 3.87 103 103 70.0-130 0.259 25 4-Ethyltoluene 3.75 4.07 4.04 109 108 70.0-130 0.740 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 3.75 4.11 4.09 110 109 70.0-130 0.488 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 3.75 4.03 4.00 107 107 70.0-130 0.747 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 3.75 4.35 4.30 116 115 70.0-130 1.16 25 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3.75 4.39 4.38 117 117 70.0-130 0.228 25 Benzyl Chloride 3.75 3.56 3.54 94.9 94.4 70.0-152 0.563 25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 3.75 4.28 4.26 114 114 70.0-130 0.468 25 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 3.75 4.25 4.16 113 111 70.0-160 2.14 25 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 3.75 4.22 4.11 113 110 70.0-151 2.64 25 Naphthalene 3.75 4.15 4.04 111 108 70.0-159 2.69 25 Allyl Chloride 3.75 3.10 3.02 82.7 80.5 70.0-130 2.61 25 2-Chlorotoluene 3.75 3.97 3.96 106 106 70.0-130 0.252 25 Methyl Methacrylate 3.75 3.51 3.52 93.6 93.9 70.0-130 0.284 25 Tetrahydrofuran 3.75 3.12 3.16 83.2 84.3 70.0-137 1.27 25 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 3.75 3.39 3.35 90.4 89.3 70.0-130 1.19 25 Vinyl Bromide 3.75 4.52 4.35 121 116 70.0-130 3.83 25 Isopropylbenzene 3.75 4.05 4.04 108 108 70.0-130 0.247 25 (S) 1,4-Bromofluorobenzene 92.9 92.3 60.0-140 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 26 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 26 of 29 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer - Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On-Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions MDL Method Detection Limit. ND Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). RDL Reported Detection Limit. Rec.Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. SDG Sample Delivery Group. (S) Surrogate (Surrogate Standard) - Analytes added to every blank, sample, Laboratory Control Sample/Duplicate and Matrix Spike/Duplicate; used to evaluate analytical efficiency by measuring recovery. Surrogates are not expected to be detected in all environmental media. U Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. Limits These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. Qualifier This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. Result The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state “ND” (Not Detected) or “BDL” (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry)Confidence level of 2 sigma. Case Narrative (Cn) A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non-conformances to protocol observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control Summary (Qc) This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. Sample Chain of Custody (Sc) This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. Sample Results (Sr) This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss)This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description B The same analyte is found in the associated blank. J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 27 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 27 of 29 Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arizona AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey–NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico ¹TN00003 Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina ¹DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina ³41 Georgia ¹923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohio–VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LAO00356 Kentucky ¹ ⁶KY90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky ²16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana AI30792 Tennessee ¹ ⁴2006 Louisiana LA018 Texas T104704245-20-18 Maine TN00003 Texas ⁵LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA A2LA – ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A2LA – ISO 17025 ⁵1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15-00234 EPA–Crypto TN00003 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ¹ Drinking Water ² Underground Storage Tanks ³ Aquatic Toxicity ⁴ Chemical/Microbiological ⁵ Mold ⁶ Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable * Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. * Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. 1 Cp 2Tc 3Ss 4Cn 5Sr 6Qc 7Gl 8Al 9Sc ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 20:05 28 of 29 ACCOUNT:PROJECT:SDG:DATE/TIME:PAGE: Terracon - Greensboro, NC 75217005 L1363895 06/11/21 21:53 28 of 29 APPENDIX B RISK CALCULATOR RESULTS