Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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Lined MSWLF LCID X YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: Hoke
Closed MSWLF HHW White goods Incin T&P FIRM PERMIT NO.: 4703-LCID-2020
CDLF Tire T&P / Collection Tire Monofill Industrial Landfill DEMO SDTF FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE
Date of Site Inspection: June 14, 2021 Date of Last Inspection: April 13, 2021
FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: 401 Sand LCID Landfill Doc Brown Rd, Raeford, NC 28376
GPS COORDINATES: Lat: 35.034910 Long: -79.173166
FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Elliot Lindsay, 910-366-0261 Duncan Parker email – duncanparkersgg@yahoo.com FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS:
Mr. Elliot Lindsay 3029 Fayetteville Rd, Raeford, NC 28376
PARTICIPANTS: David Powell, NC DEQ, Solid Waste Section Andrew Hammonds, NC DEQ, Solid Waste Section Duncan Parker, L&D Landfill - 401 Sand Co. Josh Byrd, L&D Landfill - 401 Sand Co. STATUS OF PERMIT: Permit issued September 3, 2020; Expires September 3, 2025.
PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Pre Operation Inspection Follow Up Notice of Violation to follow.
1. 15A NCAC 13B .0201 (a) No person shall treat, process, store, or dispose of solid waste or arrange for the treatment, processing, storage, or disposal of solid waste except at a solid waste management facility permitted by the Division for such activity, except as provided in G.S. 130A-294(b).
15A NCAC 13B .0201 (b) No person shall cause, suffer, allow, or permit the treatment, storage, processing, or disposal of solid waste upon any real or personal property owned, operated, leased, or in any way controlled by that person without obtaining a permit for a solid waste management facility from the Division authorizing such activity, except as provided in G.S. 130A-294(b).
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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15A NCAC 13B .0201 (c) No solid waste management facility shall be established, operated, maintained, constructed, expanded, or modified without a valid permit issued by the Division for the specified type of activity. It is the responsibility of every owner or operator of a proposed solid waste management facility to apply for a permit for the facility. The term "owner" shall include record owners of the land where the
facility is located or proposed to be located and holders of any leasehold interest, however denominated, in any part of the land or structures where the facility is located or proposed to be located. Permit Attachment 2, Part V, (5) – (g.) Prior to operating the landfill, a site inspection and pre-operative meeting should be conducted by a representative of the Section. The permittee must notify the Section’s Senior Environmental Specialist and make arrangements for the site inspection and pre-operative meeting. (h.) After completion of the requirements in subparagraphs a. through g. above, the Section Senior Environmental Specialist will notify the Permitting Branch Supervisor by letter or email that the pre-operative requirements have been met and that the unit(s) may commence receiving waste. The permittee will be copied on the notification and may begin receiving waste at that time.
This inspection was the preoperational inspection of the permitted LCIDLF, it was discovered upon arrival that operations had already begun. Landfill owner and staff had been informed during recent inspections not to operate until all required documents had been received for the permit to be finalized and all remaining issues
addressed at the site. Inspection, dated 4/13/2021, stated, “Operator should repair and develop all aspects of the facility according to approved plans, have approved mining permit in hand, and made any adjustments to these documents that are needed before requesting a Pre Operation Inspection from the Section. Facility
cannot accept waste until these steps have been completed and a Pre Operation Inspection is completed by Section staff confirming. Communicate with Section staff, when ready, for a final check or Pre Operational Inspection.”
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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1. Andrew Hammonds and David Powell with the Section conducted preoperational inspection of newly permitted
LCIDLF as Permitting staff indicated that they had recently received all required documentation. Upon arrival, it was obvious that the facility had already been accepting waste and operating, despite being informed that it could not accept waste until all issues had been addressed from previous visits and all documents were received by the Section Permitting. Site staff confirmed that operations begun before submittal of all documentation.
2. Ms. Melissa Joyner, with DEMLR, had discussed during the previous visit, that unused areas needed vegetative cover along with silt fence. Lower elevation 2-acre area has silt fence but it was recommended that a second silt fence be installed in low areas. This area had ben seeded along with inside of silt fence in an area which would receive waste soon. Mr. Parker indicated he had spoken with Ms. Joyner and they had agreed to not install a second silt fence unless necessary as the site becomes operational. Outfalls that were having some issues and eroding on inside of silt fence had been repaired.
The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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3. The lower elevation area of 2 acres has been graded and sloped well to shed storm water to the erosion control
structures. Be sure to maintain this as you build the LCID. Ensure that during all development, operation and closure activities, side slopes do not exceed 3:1. The rest of the acreage was still being excavated and mined. EOW markers are in place.
NCAC 13B .0566. (2) Solid waste in the landfill shall be compacted. Slopes shall not exceed a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical at any time.
4. There was some uncovered waste when inspectors were onsite. Be sure and cover within 30 days or when waste size reached half an acre, whichever comes first. 15A NCAC 13B .0566 (3) - All waste shall be covered with no less than six inches of soil monthly, or when the working face reaches one acre in size, whichever occurs first. Any soils used for cover at the site shall meet unrestricted use standards for soils as defined in G.S. 130A-310.65.
Division of Waste Management
Solid Waste Section
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5. There was a very small amount of unapproved waste visible during inspection, be sure those wastes make it to the appropriate landfill. 6. It is recommended that anyone working at the landfill be familiar with the permit and 15A NCAC 13B .0566 OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LCIDLFS. All the LCIDLF rules were revised and adopted January 2021. A copy of all the LCIDLF rules were sent to Mr. Parker via email on 6/14/2021. Operators should repair and develop all aspects of the facility according to approved plans, and approved mining permit and according to rule. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report.
________________________________________ Phone: 910-433-3350 _ David Powell Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative
Sent on: 7/2/2020 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. [ _]
Copies: Drew Hammonds, Eastern District Supervisor - Solid Waste Section Ming Chao, Permitting Engineer – Solid Waste Section