HomeMy WebLinkAbout24014_Southern Resources_Phase II ESA_20200921 Prepared for Southern Resources, Inc. 3826 Raleigh St Charlotte, North Carolina 28206 PHASE II ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT SUBJECT SITE: SOUTHERN RESOURCES 3826 RALEIGH STREET, CHARLOTTE, NC Prepared by Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC 1300 South Mint St, Suite 300 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 Project Number GC7090 September 2020 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................1  2. BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................2  3. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES ...........................................................................5  3.1. Soil Assessment Procedures .........................................................................5  3.2. Groundwater Assessment Procedures ..........................................................6  3.2.1 Installation of Temporary Monitoring Wells ..................................6  3.2.2 Groundwater Sampling Procedures ................................................6  4. ASSESSMENT RESULTS ...................................................................................8  4.1. Soil Assessment ............................................................................................8  4.2. Groundwater Assessment .............................................................................9  4.3. Risk Assessment .........................................................................................10  5. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................11  6. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................12  LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Soil Sample Key Table 2 Groundwater Analytical Data Summary Table 3 Soil Analytical Data Summary LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Figure 2 Groundwater and Soil Sampling Locations TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CAR190028CAR190028 Southern Resources Phase II Report ii 9/21/2020 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Lithology Logs Appendix B Groundwater Sampling Logs Appendix C Laboratory Analytical Reports Appendix D NCDEQ Risk Calculator CAR190028 1 9/21/2020 1. INTRODUCTION Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC (Geosyntec), on behalf of Southern Resources, Inc. (“Client”), has prepared this Phase II Environmental Assessment Report (Phase II ESA) for the Southern Resources facility located at 3826 Raleigh Street in Charlotte, North Carolina (“Site”) (Figure 1). SRI Holdings, LLC is the current Site property owner and is considering a sale of the property. The objective of the Phase II ESA activities discussed herein was to evaluate the potential for impacts related to recognized environmental condition (REC) findings identified in a prior Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Report prepared by Hart & Hickman, PC (June, 2019) through the collection of soil and groundwater samples at the Site. CAR190028 2 9/21/2020 2. BACKGROUND The Southern Resources Site is located in Mecklenburg County, Charlotte, North Carolina (Figure 1) and consists of two adjoining parcels (identified as Mecklenburg County parcel IDs 09107201 and 09107201E) totaling approximately 4.8 acres. The current property land use is listed as industrial. The Site is primarily paved with concrete or asphalt, though soils are exposed in some areas. At the time of the Phase II ESA sampling, the Site was used for scrap metal recycling, with the exception of the eastern portion of the Site, which is unpaved and undeveloped. No supply wells are located at the Site and the property is connected to a municipal water source. The Site is located in a predominantly industrial area, though a multi-family residential complex is being constructed to the west, across East Craighead Road on the former Abernathy Lumber property (Figure 2). The former Exposiac property to the North, across Raleigh Street, has been owned and operated by Concrete Supply Company, LLC. since 1992. East of the Site is the former Tarmac Virginia property owned by Triple Crown, LLC since 1999. Groundwater flow is estimated to be to the northwest based on a study at the Metromont Corporation Facility less than a quarter mile away. The Site has operated as a scrap metal recycling facility since it was purchased from Rainbow Properties, LLC in 2000. Historical records show that the Site operated as a metal scrapyard since at least 1979, with construction-related companies operating the Site prior to that, since the 1950s (Hart & Hickman, 2019). Three buildings are located on the Site, two warehouses of approximately 20,000 square feet (sq ft) and 17,000 sq ft, and a former equipment maintenance building of approximately 2,200 sq ft (Hart & Hickman, 2019). The remainder of the Site contains a weighing platform near the front entrance, piles of scrap metal, and bins of household appliances. A railroad track crosses through the eastern portion of the Site and extends to the Concrete Supply Company, LLC property to the north. The Phase I ESA report by Hart & Hickman (H&H) identified the former use of tetrachloroethene (PCE), trichloroethene (TCE), and petroleum-based solvents at the Site in the 1980s and 1990s. A former equipment maintenance pit in the 2,200 sq ft building was constructed in approximately the 1940s. Adjacent properties including the projected upgradient former Tarmac Virginia property to the southeast have reported volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including TCE, impacts in groundwater. The 2019 H&H Phase I ESA identified the following RECs: CAR190028 3 9/21/2020  Based on review of historical and regulatory records, the Site has operated as a metal scrapyard since at least 1979 (at least 40 years). On-Site operations have included stockpiling and sorting large amounts of metal debris in various exterior locations on the Site. H&H reviewed various compliance documents dated 1981 to 2009 related to hazardous waste generation at the Site. According to the documents, PCE, TCE, and/or petroleum-based solvents hazardous wastes were generated at the Site in the 1980s and early 1990s. Compliance records indicate that Rainbow Metals generated approximately two 55-gallon drums of TCE hazardous waste per month as part of a vapor degreasing process performed in the early to mid-1980s. Subsequently, R&P Metals utilized both petroleum-based solvenst in a parts washer and halogenated solvents (e.g., TCE) as part of a scrap metal melting and reclamation process in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Several compliance violations have been identified in connection with hazardous waste generation at the Site. Based on the extended period of scrapyard operations, the use of halogenated solvents as part of parts cleaning/degreasing operations, and historical compliance issues associated with hazardous waste generation at the Site, H&H considers on-Site scrapyard operations and potential environmental releases of hazardous materials and/or petroleum products to be a REC.  The Site contact indicated that a former equipment maintenance pit which was filled with concrete was located in the storage building in the south-central portion of the Site. The building in which the maintenance pit was located appears to have been constructed in the late 1940s. Based on the presence of wet soil and debris in the vicinity of the reported maintenance pit, H&H did not observe evidence of the pit during Site reconnaissance. H&H considers the potential for environmental releases of hazardous materials and/or petroleum products in the vicinity of the maintenance pit to be a REC.  According to an April 1990 Report of Site Contamination Assessment prepared for an adjacent property located east of the Site, TCE (32 µg/L) was detected above the North Carolina 2L Groundwater Standard (2L Standard) of 3.0 µg/L in a monitoring well which appears to have been installed within 100 ft and upgradient of the Site. In addition, H&H reviewed groundwater data presented in a July 2016 Brownfields Assessment Report and a December 2013 Revised Phase II ESA report prepared for adjacent properties located northwest/west and downgradient of the Site. Groundwater analytical data presented in the reports indicate that TCE was detected in two temporary monitoring wells at concentrations above the 2L Standard. Based on the presence of TCE in groundwater samples collected upgradient and downgradient of the Site, TCE- CAR190028 4 9/21/2020 impacted groundwater may be migrating beneath the Site or may be sourced at the Site as a result of historical on-Site degreasing operations. H&H considers potential on-Site groundwater impacts to be a REC. The Phase II ESA was focused on addressing the findings of the Phase I ESA. Temporary well placement was chosen to capture projected upgradient groundwater, groundwater downgradient of the reported maintenance pit, and groundwater from the downgradient boundary of the Site. Soil samples were distributed across the property including near drum storage, near former transformers, and near the Site entrance/delivery area, as well as one location in the undeveloped eastern portion of the Site. CAR190028 5 9/21/2020 3. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES Nine soil samples and three groundwater samples were collected from the locations shown on Figure 2. Sampling procedures generally followed the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) as outlined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Region IV and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB). Additional media-specific sampling procedures are discussed further below. Soil and groundwater samples were collected using direct push drilling technology (DPT) with GeoprobeTM soil coring by a North Carolina- licensed driller from Geologic Exploration, Inc. (Geologic). Soil cuttings and purge water generated during assessment activities were returned to the sample location or spread nearby. Collected samples were submitted to a NELAP-accredited fixed-base laboratory (SGS North America, Inc. [SGS]) certified in North Carolina for the chemical analyses listed below. Estimated analytical concentrations (“J” flagged) were documented and the laboratory method detection limits, where practical, did not exceed NCDEQ screening criteria. Appropriate chain of custody procedures were followed upon sample collection, including proper ice packaging. 3.1. Soil Assessment Procedures Prior to the soil assessment, utility location was performed by GEL Engineering of NC, Inc. using ground penetrating radar (GPR) and radio-frequency electromagnetics (EM) to locate and mark subsurface utilities at the proposed sampling locations at the Site. Additionally, North Carolina 811 was called in advance for clearing of public utilities. Ten soil samples were collected from 8 locations (DPT-1 through DPT-8) across the Site (Figure 2). Sample locations were adjusted in the field based on accessibility. Soil samples were screened with a calibrated photo-ionization detector (PID) and soil lithology was logged by a field geologist as documented in Appendix A. One grab sample was collected from each sampling location with the depth chosen based on PID results. Unsaturated soils had PID concentrations below 11 parts per million (ppm) with the exception of soils from locations DPT-5 and DPT-5A where PID readings were as high as 285 ppm and DPT-6 where the highest PID reading was 134 ppm. Samples were collected from the depth of the highest PID reading in soils between 1 and 10 feet below ground surface (ft bgs). At DPT-5 refusal was encountered at approximately 6.5 ft bgs and the material above appeared to be non-native as it was black and wet with an odor. Offset DPT-5A was advanced approximately two feet away in native materials and sampled for VOCs and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). The locations of each soil sample were measured in the field using a global positioning system (GPS) with sub- meter accuracy and adjusted based on observation. CAR190028 6 9/21/2020 Collected soil samples were placed in laboratory provided sample containers, stored on ice under chain-of-custody control and submitted to SGS. Soil samples were analyzed by the laboratory pursuant to the schedule of analytical methods summarized in Table 1. Samples were analyzed for VOCs by USEPA Method 8260, SVOCs by USEPA Method 8270, PCBs by USEPA Method 8082, and metals by USEPA Methods 6020, 7471, and 7196. 3.2. Groundwater Assessment Procedures Groundwater samples were collected from three temporary monitoring wells (TW-1 through TW-3) as shown in Figure 2. 3.2.1 Installation of Temporary Monitoring Wells Temporary monitoring wells were installed by Geologic and were advanced using GeoprobeTM soil coring technology. Soil samples were collected, visually inspected and classified for lithology (Appendix A). Temporary monitoring well TW-1 was installed to 25 ft bgs due to the observation of limited moisture in the soil core while TW-2 and TW-3 were installed to approximately 20 ft bgs. The temporary monitoring wells were installed with a 10-ft section of 1-inch diameter SCH40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) riser pipe to the surface. A 20/30 silica sand filter pack was installed to surface. After sampling, temporary monitoring wells were abandoned by removing the PVC and filling the hole with bentonite chips. 3.2.2 Groundwater Sampling Procedures Prior to groundwater sample collection, Geosyntec used a water level meter to confirm the total depth of each monitoring well and measure the depth to groundwater. For groundwater purging and sample collection, low-flow techniques were employed. The pump intake or tubing was initially placed in the mid-portion of the water column. At each well, to the extent practical, the purge rate was set to minimize drawdown. Field parameters were collected for specific conductance, temperature, pH, oxidation reduction potential (ORP), dissolved oxygen (DO) and turbidity. Field forms documenting field parameters are included in Appendix B. Due to very slow recharge of less than 25 milliliters per minute, samples were collected after each well had been purged dry and allowed to recover. Collected groundwater samples were placed in pre-preserved, laboratory provided sample containers, stored on ice under chain-of-custody control and submitted to SGS. Samples CAR190028 7 9/21/2020 were analyzed for VOCs by USEPA Method 8260 and SVOCs by USEPA Method 8270SIM. CAR190028 8 9/21/2020 4. ASSESSMENT RESULTS The results of the soil and groundwater assessments are summarized below and in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. Analytical laboratory reports are included in Appendix C. 4.1. Soil Assessment The results of the soil assessment screened against the NCDEQ IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) are summarized in Table 2. Lithology logs and PID screening data are included in Appendix A. There were detections of VOCs (except at location DPT-7) and metals in soils across the Site. SVOCs were detected at locations DPT-4, DPT-5, DPT-5A, and DPT-7. The only exceedances of NCDEQ Industrial Health Based PSRGs for VOCs and SVOCs were in soil borings DPT-5 and offset DPT-5A, located between buildings next to drum storage and a forklift maintenance area (Figure 2). In addition, there was a single Residential PSRG exceedance of benzo(a)pyrene in DPT-4 which was located near scrap metal piles at the south end of the Site where the concrete cover had been broken. Industrial PSRG exceedances in DPT-5 and DPT-5A include benzene (DPT-5 only), ethylbenzene (DPT-5 only), naphthalene, TCE (DPT-5A only), benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, dibenzo(a,h)anthracene (DPT-5A only), dibenzofuran, fluoranthene, indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (DPT-5A only), and 1-methylnaphthalene. In addition, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, m&p xylene, total xylenes, chrysene, 2-methylnaphthalene, and pyrene exceeded Residential PSRGs in DPT-5. Ethylbenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 2-methylnaphthalene, and pyrene exceeded Residential PSRGs in DPT-5A. Arsenic was detected above the Residential PSRG of 0.68 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) in every sample for which it was analyzed except location DPT-8. Arsenic was below the Industrial PSRG of 3 mg/kg in 6 of 8 samples. Concentrations of arsenic ranged from 0.6 mg/kg at DPT-8 to 5.0 mg/kg at DPT-5. The relatively ubiquitous nature of the arsenic concentrations at similar concentration ranges across the Site suggests that the presence of arsenic can likely be attributed to naturally-occurring background concentrations of this metal and not an anthropogenic source. Chromium was detected in every sample analyzed above the Industrial PSRG of 7 mg/kg. Concentrations of chromium ranged from 27.9 mg/kg in DPT-2 to 356.0 mg/kg in DPT-7 located near the entrance next to the weighing platform. From a human health risk perspective, total chromium is a cancer risk driver; however, the cancer risks assume 100% of the total chromium is in hexavalent form, which is likely an unrealistic over- CAR190028 9 9/21/2020 approximation of the speciation distribution. Based on chromium speciation analyses from the two samples with highest chromium concentrations (locations DPT-6 and DPT-7) hexavalent chromium is expected to represent less than 1.5% of total chromium at the Site. Maximum detected hexavalent chromium in analyzed Site samples was 3.9 mg/kg at DPT-7 which is above the Residential PSRG of 0.31 mg/kg but below the Industrial PSRG of 7 mg/kg. 4.2. Groundwater Assessment Results of the groundwater assessment screened against Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2L Groundwater Standards (2L Standards) and NCDEQ Residential and Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Ground Water Screening Levels (VISL Screening Levels) are presented in Table 3. Field groundwater sampling logs are included in Appendix B. Groundwater analytical results indicate the presence of VOCs and one SVOC above 2L Standards and/or VISL Screening Levels in groundwater at the Site. Specifically, 2L Standard groundwater exceedances during this investigation included:  At the projected upgradient monitoring well TW-3, located near the southeastern property boundary, PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE), vinyl chloride (cDCE and vinyl chloride are daughter products of TCE), and naphthalene exceeded the 2L Standard. o The PCE concentration of 3.2 micrograms per liter (µg/L) (J-qualified as estimated) exceeded the 2L Standard of 0.7 µg/L. o The TCE concentration of 422 µg/L exceeded the 2L Standard of 3 µg/L. o The cDCE concentration of 1,470 µg/L exceeded the 2L Standard of 70 µg/L. o The vinyl chloride concentration of 4.5 µg/L (J-qualified) exceeded the 2L Standard of 0.03 µg/L. o The naphthalene concentration of 34.2 µg/L in the VOC analysis and 25.6 µg/L in the SVOC analysis exceeded the 2L Standard of 6 µg/L.  In monitoring well TW-2 which is located downgradient of a former equipment maintenance pit, only TCE exceeded the 2L Standard of 3 µg/L with a concentration of 52 µg/L. CAR190028 10 9/21/2020  Further downgradient in TW-1, located near the northern property boundary cDCE and TCE were detected above the 2L Standards. The 2L Standard of 70 µg/L for cDCE was exceeded by the concentration at TW-1 which was 534 µg/L. The TCE concentration at TW-1 was the highest detected on-Site with a concentration of 19,400 µg/L which exceeds the 2L Standard of 3 µg/L. 4.3. Risk Assessment The results of the soil and groundwater sampling were evaluated using the NCDEQ Risk Calculator. Due to the uncertainty of future Site use, complete risk pathways considered include residential, non-residential worker, construction worker, and recreator/trespasser soil combined pathways as well as residential and non-residential groundwater to indoor air pathways. Risk calculator summaries and outputs are included in Appendix D. Exposure factors and target risks from USEPA Regional Screening Level default values were used. For the risk evaluation, it was assumed that soils in the vicinity of DPT-5 and DPT-5A would be excavated and removed during Site redevelopment. The risk to Site users from soils was evaluated on a Site-wide basis with the highest detection of each analyte used during the calculation (with the exception of DPT-5 and DPT-5A as explained above). The risk calculator determined that risk was not exceeded for soil pathways to residents, recreators/trespassers, non-residential workers or construction workers. The risk to residents and non-residential workers from groundwater to indoor air was evaluated on a Site-wide basis. The risk calculator determined that risk was exceeded for the groundwater to indoor air pathway to residents and non-residential workers. CAR190028 11 9/21/2020 5. CONCLUSIONS Phase II ESA sampling conducted at the Site revealed VOC, SVOC, and metal impacts to Site soil and/or groundwater. One soil sample location (DPT-5 and DPT-5A) revealed several petroleum and solvent-related detections. No other VOC or SVOC detections were above the Industrial PSRGs in soil samples. Arsenic and chromium were detected in soil samples throughout the Site at concentrations above PSRGs. The results of the NCDEQ risk calculator indicated no risk to residents, recreators/trespassers, non- residential workers or construction workers from Site soils (with the exclusion of the DPT-5 area). Groundwater sampling revealed detections of PCE, TCE, cDCE, vinyl chloride, and naphthalene above 2L Standards. TCE and vinyl chloride were also detected at concentrations which exceed vapor intrusion screening levels for groundwater. The results of the NCDEQ risk calculator indicated that risk was exceeded for the groundwater to indoor air pathway to residents and non-residential workers. CAR190028 12 9/21/2020 6. REFERENCES Hart and Hickman. Phase I ESA Industrial Property. Charlotte, North Carolina. June 2019. TABLES Table 1 - Soil Sample KeySouthern Resources 3826 Raleigh StCharlotte, North CarolinaSample IDReason for SamplingVOCs by EPA Method 8260D SVOCs by EPA Method 8270E/3550C/3546 RCRA Metals by EPA Method 6020B/7471BPCBs by EPA Method 8082AHexavalent Chromium by EPA Method 7196A DPT-1-6 Metal debris, projected downgradient groundwater XXX----DPT-2-3Former transformers, projected downgradient of equipment maintenance pitXX XX--DPT-3-9Projected upgradient groundwaterXXX----DPT-4-1Metal debrisXXX----DPT-5-3----X----DPT-5-8XX------DPT-5A-9XX------DPT-6-7Metal debrisXX X--XDPT-7-2Metal debris, truck scaleXX X--XDPT-8-3Outside scrapyard----X----Notes:1. VOCs indicates Volatile Organic Compounds.2. EPA indicates Environmental Protection Agency.3. SVOCs indicates Semi-volatile Organic Compounds.4. RCRA indicates Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.5. TPH indicates Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons.6. PCBs indicates Polychlorinated biphenyls.Drum storage, forklift maintenanceGeosyntec Consultants of NC, PC Page 1 of 1September 2020 Table 2 - Soil Analytical Data Summary Southern Resources 3826 Raleigh StCharlotte, North CarolinaDPT-1-6 DPT-2-3 DPT-3-9 DPT-4-1 DPT-5-3 DPT-5-8 DPT-5A-9 DPT-6-7 DPT-7-2 DPT-8-363913697233-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19AnalyteNCDEQ Residential Health Based PSRG (mg/kg)NCDEQ Industrial Health Based PSRG (mg/kg) UnitsVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260DBenzene 1.2 5.4 mg/kg 0.0015 U 0.0015 U 0.0015 U 0.0014 U NA16.1 0.888 J0.0015 U 0.0013 U NAn-Butylbenzene7801,200mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA 0.66 U1.87 J0.0012 U 0.001 U NAsec-Butylbenzene1,6002,300mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA2.6 J1.9 J0.0012 U 0.001 U NAcis-1,2 Dichloroethene31470mg/kg 0.0017 U 0.0017 U1.54 0.0016 U NA 0.91 U 0.73 U0.168 0.0014 U NAtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene3104,700mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U0.0271 0.0011 U NA 0.66 U 0.53 U 0.0012 U 0.001 U NAEthylbenzene6.127mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA60.222.3 0.0012 U 0.001 U NAIsopropylbenzene (Cumene)4102,100mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA17.98.07 0.0012 U 0.001 U NAp-IsopropyltolueneNCNCmg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA6.434.75 0.0012 U 0.001 U NANaphthalene4.118mg/kg 0.0024 U 0.0024 U 0.0025 U 0.0023 U NA17,300 11,400 0.0039 J0.0021 U NAn-Propylbenzene7805,100mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA4.652.86 0.0012 U 0.001 U NAStyrene1,2007,300mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA18.813.6 0.0012 U 0.001 U NATetrachloroethene (PCE)1782mg/kg 0.0015 U 0.0015 U0.0021 J0.0015 U NA 0.84 U 0.68 U 0.0015 U 0.0013 U NATrichloroethene (TCE)0.874mg/kg0.0636 0.0012 J 0.309 J0.0011 U NA 0.66 U9.68 0.0091 0.001 U NA1,2,4 Trimethylbenzene63370mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA11585.1 0.0012 U 0.001 U NA1,3,5 Trimethylbenzene56320mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA5844 0.0012 U 0.001 U NAVinyl Chloride0.0611.7mg/kg 0.0012 U0.0018 J 0.0142 0.0033 JNA0.66 U 0.53 U0.0017 J0.001 U NAm&pXylene120500mg/kg 0.0013 U 0.0013 U 0.0014 U 0.0013 U NA134690.0013 U 0.0011 U NAo Xylene140590mg/kg 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0012 U 0.0011 U NA58.329.8 0.0012 U 0.001 U NATotal Xylene120530mg/kg 0.0025 U 0.0025 U 0.0026 U 0.0024 U NA19398.8 0.0025 U 0.0022 U NASemi-volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270E2,4-Dimethylphenol 250 3,300 mg/kg 0.054 U 0.055 U 0.057 U 0.054 UNANA54.2 J0.05 U 0.056 UNA2-Methylphenol (o-Cresol)6308,200mg/kg 0.024 U 0.025 U 0.026 U 0.025 UNANA24.6 J0.023 U 0.025 UNA3&4-Methylphenol (m&p-Cresol)6308,200mg/kg 0.033 U 0.034 U 0.035 U 0.034 UNANA54.9 J0.031 U 0.034 UNAAcenaphthene7209,000mg/kg 0.022 U 0.022 U 0.023 U 0.022 UNA334 B 370 B0.02 U 0.022 UNAAcenaphthyleneNCNCmg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U0.0281 JNANA24.4 0.019 U 0.021 UNAAnthracene3,60045,000mg/kg 0.023 U 0.023 U 0.024 U0.0356 JNA1,050217 0.021 U 0.023 UNABenz(a)anthracene1.121mg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U0.229 NA176168 J0.019 U 0.021 UNABenzo(a)pyrene0.112.1mg/kg 0.024 U 0.024 U 0.025 U0.372 NA76.7 J 69.7 J0.022 U 0.025 UNABenzo(b)fluoranthene1121mg/kg 0.022 U 0.023 U 0.023 U0.88 NA134115 J0.021 U 0.023 UNABenzo(g,h,i)peryleneNCNCmg/kg 0.021 U 0.021 U 0.022 U0.313 NANA24.2 J0.02 U 0.022 UNABenzo(k)fluoranthene110210mg/kg 0.027 U 0.027 U 0.028 U0.32 NANA44.8 J0.025 U 0.027 UNAChrysene1102,100mg/kg 0.021 U 0.021 U 0.022 U0.369 NA234123 J0.019 U 0.021 UNADibenzo(a,h)anthracene0.112.1mg/kg 0.025 U 0.026 U 0.027 U0.0727 JNANA20.5 0.024 U 0.026 UNADibenzofuran15210mg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U 0.02 U NA250 B 227 0.019 U 0.021 U NAbis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate39160mg/kg 0.041 U 0.041 U 0.043 U 0.041 UNANA0.4 U 0.038 U0.0478 JNAFluoranthene4806,000mg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U0.231 NA579 B 578 0.019 U 0.021 UNAFluorene4806,000mg/kg 0.022 U 0.022 U 0.023 U 0.022 U NA448 B 361 0.02 U 0.022 U NAIndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene1.121mg/kg 0.025 U 0.025 U 0.026 U0.383 NANA29.8 0.023 U 0.025 UNA1-Methylnaphthalene1873mg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U 0.02 U NA192 B 208 0.019 U 0.021 U NA2-Methylnaphthalene48600mg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U 0.02 U NA444 B 440 0.019 U 0.021 U NANaphthalene4.118mg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U 0.02 U NA1,930 B 2,0800.019 U 0.021 U NAPhenanthreneNCNCmg/kg 0.02 U 0.021 U 0.021 U0.0431 JNA1,010 B904 0.019 U 0.021 U NAPyrene3604,500mg/kg 0.023 U 0.024 U 0.025 U0.288 NA383369 0.022 U 0.024 UNAResource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Metals by EPA 6020B/7471B and Hexavalent Chromium by EPA 7196AArsenic 0.68 3 mg/kg1.5 2.7 2.2 3.4 5.0NA NA1.1 1.6 0.6Barium 3,100 47,000 mg/kg162.0 35.4 14.0 17.8 183.0NA NA51.9 28.5 146.0Cadmium14200mg/kg 0.51 U 0.43 U 0.54 U 0.39 U0.70NANA 0.43 U 0.61 U 0.54 UTotal Chromium0.317mg/kg30.027.943.142.430.6NANA104.0 356.088.1Hexavalent Chromium0.317mg/kg NANANANANANANA1.33.9NALead400800mg/kg5.45.18.610.387.9NANA1.43.31.6Mercury2.39.7mg/kg 0.047 U 0.047 U 0.062 U 0.045 U2.1NANA 0.048 U 0.046 U 0.043 USelenium7812,000mg/kg3. Biphenyls (PCBs) by EPA Method 8082A Notes:3. Bold concentrations are detected above the laboratory MDL.4. Italicized values indicate that the MDL is greater than the Residential PSRG.5. Concentrations highlighted in yellow indicate exceedances of the Residential PSRGs.6. Concentrations highlighted in orange indicate exceedances of the Industrial PSRGs.7. mg/kg indicates milligrams per kilogram.8. ft bgs indicates feet below ground surface.10. JB indicates an estimated value because analyte was found in associated method blank.11. U indicates analyte not detected above the MDL indicated.12. NA indicates the compound was not analyzed.13. NC indicates there is no applicable PSRG.1. Residential and Industrial health based preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs) from North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), 2018.2. Only constituents that were detected above the Method Detection Limit (MDL) in at least one soil sample during this sampling event are included in this table.9. J indicates estimated concentration above the laboratory MDL and below the Reporting Limit (RL). Soil Sample IDSample Depth (ft bgs)Sample DateNot Detected (only Analyzed in DPT-2-3)Geosyntec Consultants of NC, PC Page 1 of 1September 2020 Table 3 - Groundwater Analytical Data SummarySouthern Resources 3826 Raleigh StCharlotte, North CarolinaTW-1 TW-2 TW-325 20 20Top15 10 10Bottom25 20 203-Oct-19 3-Oct-19 3-Oct-19Residential VISL Ground Water Screening Level (µg/L)Non-residential VISL Ground Water Screening Level (µg/L)15A NCAC 02L Groundwater Standards and IMACs (values in µg/L)UnitsVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260D4,500,000 19,000,000 6,000 µg/L 2,000.0 U20.2 J50.0 U39 160 350 µg/L 64.0 U 0.3 U1.8 JNA NA 70 µg/L534.0 6.7 1,470.0NA NA 100 µg/L 44.0 U 0.2 U17.7 35 150 6 µg/L200.0 U1.0 U34.2 12 48 0.7 µg/L43.0 U0.2 U3.2 J3,800 16,000 600 µg/L 600.0 U0.4 J1.5 U14.43µg/L19,400.052.0422.01.530.03µg/L82.0 U 0.4 U4.5 J71300500µg/L 93.0 U0.7 J2.3 U98410500µg/L 51.0 U0.3 J1.3 U77320NAµg/L 140.0 U1.0 J3.6 USemi-volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270E by SIMNANA200µg/L 0.2 U 0.28 U0.54 JNANA300µg/L0.2 U 0.28 U2.60NANA300µg/L0.2 U 0.28 U0.65 JNA NA 8.3 µg/L 0.32 U 0.44 U0.82 NA NA 30 µg/L 0.32 U 0.44 U0.73 J35 150 6 µg/L0.800.44 U25.60NANA200µg/L 0.2 U 0.28 U13.20SilverNDNDNDNotes:2. IMACs indicate Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations.5. Bold concentrations are detected above the laboratory MDL.6. Italicized values indicate that the MDL is greater than the Groundwater 2L Standard or IMAC.8. Underlined concentrations indicate exceedances of the Target Groundwater Concentrations.9. µg/L indicates micrograms per liter.10. ft bgs indicates feet below ground surface.11. J indicates estimated concentration above the laboratory MDL and below the Reporting Limit (RL). 12. U indicates analyte not detected above the MDL indicated.13. NA indicates there is No Applicable Target Groundwater Concentration, Groundwater 2L Standard or IMAC.1. Groundwater 2L Standards refer to the Title 15A North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC) 2L Groundwater Quality Standards, amended in April 2013.3. VISL Ground Water Screening Levels from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Vapor Intrusion Screening Level tables for residential and commercial scenarios with a hazard quotient of 0.2 and a target risk of 10-5.4. Only constituents that were detected above the Method Detection Limit (MDL) in at least one monitoring well during this sampling event are included in this table.Tetrachloroethene (PCE)TolueneTrichloroethene (TCE)AnthraceneWell IDApproximate Depth (ft bgs)Date SampledScreened Interval (ft bgs)AnalyteAcetone7. Concentrations highlighted in yellow indicate exceedances of the Groundwater 2L or IMAC Standards.m&pXyleneo XyleneNaphthalenePhenanthreneNaphthalene1-Methylnaphthalene2-MethylnaaphthaleneVinyl ChlorideFluorantheneFluoreneTotal Xylene1,1 Dichloroethenecis-1,2 Dichloroethenetrans-1,2-DichloroethenePage 1 of 1September 2020 FIGURES Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, OrdnanceSurvey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Site Location 3826 Raleigh StreetCharlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County Parcel No: 09107201)Path: (Charlotte-01\) P:\GIS\Projects\S\Southern Resources\MXD\F1_Site Location.mxd 21 September 2020 AKenwellFigure 1Charlotte, NC September 2020 Notes:1. Basemap imagery provided by ArcMap10.5, ESRI 2. Parcel boundary information obtained from Mecklenburg County, NC online GIS database Legend Site Boundary 0 2,000 4,000Feet Approximate Site Location DPT-4 DPT-6 DPT-8 DPT-7 DPT-5/5A DPT-2/TW-2 DPT-3/TW-3 DPT-1/TW-1 09107201 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Groundwater and Soil Sampling Locations 3826 Raleigh Street, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Mecklenburg County Parcel No: 09107201)Path: (Charlotte-01\) P:\GIS\Projects\S\Southern Resources\MXD\F2_Sample Locations.mxd 21 September 2020 AKenwellFigure 2Charlotte, NC September 2020 Notes: 1. Estimated groundwater flow direction based on ERIS report topographic map and historical reports from neighboring properties. 2. Parcel boundary information obtained from Mecklenburg County, NC online GIS database. 3. Sample locations marked with GPS and adjusted by observation.4. Former equipment maintenance pit from Hart&Hickman 2019. Legend Drum Storage Forklift Maintenance Area Reported Location of Former Equipment Maintenance Pit Temporary Well Soil Boring Site Boundary 0150300Feet Triple Crown LLC (Former Tarmac Virginia) Former Abernathy Lumber Former Celanese Concrete Supply (Former Exposiac) Former Exposiac NC Railroad CompanyE C ra ighead Rd Raleigh St Rale igh S t Estimated Groundwater Flow Direction APPENDICES APPENDIX A – LITHOLOGY LOGS APPENDIX B – GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOGS APPENDIX C – LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS 10/14/19 Technical Report for Geosyntec Consultants Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC GC7090 SGS Job Number: FA68729 Sampling Date: 10/03/19 Report to: Geosyntec Consultants 1300 S Mint St Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28203 jahrens@geosyntec.com; dhanley@geosyntec.com; akenwell@geosyntec.com ATTN: Amy Kenwell Total number of pages in report: Certifications: FL(E83510), LA(03051), KS(E-10327), IL(200063), NC(573), NJ(FL002), NY(12022), SC(96038001) DoD ELAP(ANAB L2229), AZ(AZ0806), CA(2937), TX(T104704404), PA(68-03573), VA(460177), AK, AR, IA, KY, MA, MS, ND, NH, NV, OK, OR, UT, WA, WV This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of SGS. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. SGS North America Inc. • 4405 Vineland Road • Suite C-15 • Orlando, FL 32811 • tel: 407-425-6700 • fax: 407-425-0707 Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Jean Dent-Smith 407-425-6700 Caitlin Brice, M.S. General Manager Orlando, FL 10/14/19 e-Hardcopy 2.0 Automated Report 110 SGS is the sole authority for authorizing edits or modifications to this document. Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. Review standard terms at: http://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions The results set forth herein are provided by SGS North America Inc. Please share your ideas about how we can serve you better at: EHS.US.CustomerCare@sgs.com 1 of 110 FA68729 Table of Contents -1- Sections: Section 1: Sample Summary ................................................................................................... 3 Section 2: Case Narrative/Conformance Summary .............................................................. 4 Section 3: Summary of Hits .................................................................................................... 8 Section 4: Sample Results ........................................................................................................12 4.1: FA68729-1: DPT-1-6 .................................................................................................... 13 4.2: FA68729-2: DPT-2-3 .................................................................................................... 19 4.3: FA68729-3: DPT-3-9 .................................................................................................... 26 4.4: FA68729-4: DPT-4-1 .................................................................................................... 32 4.5: FA68729-5: DPT-5-3 .................................................................................................... 38 4.6: FA68729-6: DPT-5-8 .................................................................................................... 39 4.7: FA68729-7: DPT-5A-9 ................................................................................................. 43 4.8: FA68729-8: DPT-6-7 .................................................................................................... 49 4.9: FA68729-9: DPT-7-2 .................................................................................................... 55 4.10: FA68729-10: DPT-8-3 ................................................................................................ 61 Section 5: Misc. Forms ............................................................................................................62 5.1: Chain of Custody ........................................................................................................... 63 Section 6: MS Volatiles - QC Data Summaries ..................................................................... 65 6.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 66 6.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 72 6.3: Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary .............................................................. 75 6.4: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 79 Section 7: MS Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries ............................................................ 82 7.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 83 7.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 89 7.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 93 Section 8: GC/LC Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries ..................................................... 95 8.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 96 8.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 97 8.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 98 Section 9: Metals Analysis - QC Data Summaries ................................................................ 99 9.1: Prep QC MP36235: As,Ba,Cd,Cr,Pb,Se,Ag .................................................................. 100 9.2: Prep QC MP36236: Hg .................................................................................................. 106 1234567892 of 110 FA68729 SGS North America Inc. Sample Summary Geosyntec Consultants Job No:FA68729 Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Project No: GC7090 Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID This report contains results reported as ND = Not detected. The following applies: Organics ND = Not detected above the MDL FA68729-1 10/03/19 09:15 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-1-6 FA68729-2 10/03/19 10:15 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-2-3 FA68729-3 10/03/19 11:15 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-3-9 FA68729-4 10/03/19 12:15 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-4-1 FA68729-5 10/03/19 13:00 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-5-3 FA68729-6 10/03/19 12:45 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-5-8 FA68729-7 10/03/19 13:15 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-5A-9 FA68729-8 10/03/19 14:45 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-6-7 FA68729-9 10/03/19 15:15 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-7-2 FA68729-10 10/03/19 15:45 AKJH 10/05/19 SO Soil DPT-8-3 Soil samples reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise indicated on result page. 3 of 110 FA687291 SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: Geosyntec Consultants Job No: FA68729 Site: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Report Date 10/14/2019 2:49:37 10 Samples were collected on 10/03/2019 and were received at SGS North America Inc - Orlando on 10/05/2019 properly preserved, at 1.8 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an SGS Orlando job number of FA68729. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. MS Volatiles By Method SW846 8260D Matrix: SO Batch ID: V2B515 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA68730-3MS, FA68730-3MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. Blank Spike Recovery(s) for Chloroethane, Ethyl Alcohol are outside control limits. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene, Acetone, Chloroethane, Ethyl Alcohol, Naphthalene, Toluene, Methyl Tert Butyl Ether are outside control limits. Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery(s) for 1,1-Dichloroethane, Acetone, Chloroethane, Chloroform, Di-Isopropyl Ether, Ethyl Alcohol, Methyl Tert Butyl Ether, Toluene are outside control limits. Probable cause is due to matrix interference. FA68730-3MS: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68730-3MSD: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68729-1 for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68729-1: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68729-1 for Chloroethane: Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-1 for Ethyl Alcohol: Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-1 for Bromodichloromethane: Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. FA68729-2: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68729-2 for Chloroethane: Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-2 for Bromodichloromethane: Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. FA68729-2 for Ethyl Alcohol: Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-2 for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68729-3: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68729-3 for Bromodichloromethane: Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. FA68729-3 for Ethyl Alcohol: Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-3 for Chloroethane: Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-3 for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68729-4: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. Internal standard response outside control limits. Confirmed by reanalysis. FA68729-4 for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68729-4 for Bromodichloromethane: Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. FA68729-4 for Chloroethane: Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-4 for Ethyl Alcohol: Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-8: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68729-8 for Ethyl Alcohol: Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-8 for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68729-8 for Bromodichloromethane: Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. FA68729-8 for Chloroethane: Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV 4 of 110 FA687292 outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-9 for Ethyl Alcohol: Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-9: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. FA68729-9 for Methyl Tert Butyl Ether: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68729-9 for Bromodichloromethane: Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. FA68729-9 for Chloroethane: Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. Matrix: SO Batch ID: V2B517 FA68729-4: Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. Confirmation run for internal standard areas. Matrix: SO Batch ID: VF3218 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. VF3218-BS: No sample available for MS/MSD. VF3218-BSD: No sample available for MS/MSD. FA68729-6 for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-6 for 1,2-Dichloroethane: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-6 for Dichlorodifluoromethane: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-6 for Methylene Chloride: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-7 for 1,1,1-Trichloroethane: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-7 for 1,2-Dichloroethane: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-7 for Dichlorodifluoromethane: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-7 for Methylene Chloride: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. Matrix: SO Batch ID: VF3220 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. VF3220-BS: No sample available for MS/MSD. VF3220-BSD: No sample available for MS/MSD. MS Semi-volatiles By Method SW846 8270E Matrix: SO Batch ID: OP77168 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) FA68729-6, FA68729-7 have compound(s) reported with a “B” qualifier, indicating analyte is found in the associated method blank. Blank Spike Recovery(s) for Naphthalene are outside control limits. Sample(s) FA68729-6, FA68729-7 have surrogates outside control limits. Sample(s) FA68729-6, FA68729-7 are outside limits due to dilution. FA68729-2 for Naphthalene: Associated BS outside control limits high. Sample was ND. FA68729-3 for Naphthalene: Associated BS outside control limits high. Sample was ND. FA68729-6 for 2,4,6-Tribromophenol: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-6 for 2-Fluorobiphenyl: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-6 for 2-Fluorophenol: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-6 for Nitrobenzene-d5: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-6 for Phenol-d5: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-6 for Terphenyl-d14: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-7 for 2,4,6-Tribromophenol: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-7 for 2-Fluorobiphenyl: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-7 for 2-Fluorophenol: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-7 for Nitrobenzene-d5: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-7 for Phenol-d5: Outside control limits due to dilution. FA68729-7 for Terphenyl-d14: Outside control limits due to dilution. Matrix: SO Batch ID: OP77205 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) FA68729-8MS, FA68729-8MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. 5 of 110 FA687292 All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. FA68729-1 for Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-8 for Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. FA68729-9 for Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. GC/LC Semi-volatiles By Method SW846 8082A Matrix: SO Batch ID: OP77171 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) FA68595-9MS, FA68595-9MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. FA68729-2 for Aroclor 1260: Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 6020B Matrix: SO Batch ID: MP36235 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA68729-1DUP, FA68729-1MS, FA68729-1MSD, FA68729-1PS, FA68729-1SDL were used as the QC samples for metals. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for Barium are outside control limits. Spike amount low relative to the sample amount. Refer to lab control or spike blank for recovery information. Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery(s) for Barium, Arsenic, Selenium are outside control limits. Probable cause is due to matrix interference. RPD(s) for Duplicate for Barium, Selenium are outside control limits for sample MP36235-D1. High RPD due to possible sample non-homogeneity. RPD(s) for MSD for Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Lead, Selenium, Silver are outside control limits for sample MP36235-S2. High RPD due to possible sample non-homogeneity. FA68729-1 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-1 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-1 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-1 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-1 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-1 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-1 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-2 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-3 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-4 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. 6 of 110 FA687292 FA68729-5 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-5 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-5 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-5 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-5 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-5 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-5 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-8 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-9 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Arsenic: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Barium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Cadmium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Chromium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Lead: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Selenium: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. FA68729-10 for Silver: Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. MP36235-PS1 for Arsenic: Spike recovery indicates matrix interference and/or outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. Metals Analysis By Method SW846 7471B Matrix: SO Batch ID: MP36236 All samples were digested within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Sample(s) FA68729-1DUP, FA68729-1MS, FA68729-1MSD, FA68729-1SDL were used as the QC samples for metals. RPD(s) for Serial Dilution for Mercury are outside control limits for sample MP36236-SD1. Percent difference acceptable due to low initial sample concentration (< 50 times IDL). General Chemistry By Method SM19 2540G Matrix: SO Batch ID: GN83248 Sample(s) FA68581-4DUP were used as the QC samples for Solids, Percent. Matrix: SO Batch ID: GN83259 Sample(s) FA68753-6DUP were used as the QC samples for Solids, Percent. SGS Orlando certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at SGS Orlando and as stated on the COC. SGS Orlando certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the SGS Orlando Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. SGS Orlando is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used. Narrative prepared by: ______________________________________ Ariel Hartney, Client Services (Signature on file) 7 of 110 FA687292 Summary of Hits Page 1 of 4 Job Number:FA68729 Account:Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Collected:10/03/19 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method FA68729-1 DPT-1-6 Trichloroethylene a 63.6 6.0 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Arsenic b 1.5 0.51 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 162 0.51 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 30.0 0.51 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 5.4 0.51 mg/kg SW846 6020B Selenium b 3.9 0.51 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-2 DPT-2-3 Trichloroethylene a 1.2 J 6.0 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Vinyl Chloride a 1.8 J 6.0 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Arsenic b 2.7 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 35.4 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 27.9 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 5.1 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Selenium b 1.8 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-3 DPT-3-9 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1540 370 100 ug/kg SW846 8260D trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene a 27.1 6.2 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Tetrachloroethylene a 2.1 J 6.2 1.6 ug/kg SW846 8260D Trichloroethylene 309 J 370 74 ug/kg SW846 8260D Vinyl Chloride a 14.2 6.2 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Arsenic b 2.2 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 14.0 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 43.1 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 8.6 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Mercury 0.062 0.047 mg/kg SW846 7471B Selenium b 0.99 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-4 DPT-4-1 Vinyl Chloride c 3.3 J 5.7 1.1 ug/kg SW846 8260D Acenaphthylene 28.1 J 200 20 ug/kg SW846 8270E Anthracene 35.6 J 200 23 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(a)anthracene 229 200 20 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(a)pyrene 372 200 24 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(b)fluoranthene 880 200 22 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 313 200 21 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(k)fluoranthene 320 200 27 ug/kg SW846 8270E Chrysene 369 200 21 ug/kg SW846 8270E Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 72.7 J 200 26 ug/kg SW846 8270E 8 of 110 FA687293 Summary of Hits Page 2 of 4 Job Number:FA68729 Account:Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Collected:10/03/19 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method Fluoranthene 231 200 20 ug/kg SW846 8270E Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 383 200 25 ug/kg SW846 8270E Phenanthrene 43.1 J 200 20 ug/kg SW846 8270E Pyrene 288 200 23 ug/kg SW846 8270E Arsenic b 3.4 0.39 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 17.8 0.39 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 42.4 0.39 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 10.3 0.39 mg/kg SW846 6020B Selenium b 1.5 0.39 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-5 DPT-5-3 Arsenic b 5.0 0.58 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 183 0.58 mg/kg SW846 6020B Cadmium b 0.70 0.58 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 30.6 0.58 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 87.9 0.58 mg/kg SW846 6020B Mercury 2.1 0.23 mg/kg SW846 7471B Selenium b 2.3 0.58 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-6 DPT-5-8 Benzene 16100 3300 800 ug/kg SW846 8260D sec-Butylbenzene 2600 J 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D Ethylbenzene 60200 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D Isopropylbenzene 17900 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D p-Isopropyltoluene 6430 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D Naphthalene 17300000 1300000 530000 ug/kg SW846 8260D n-Propylbenzene 4650 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D Styrene 18800 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D Toluene 37800 13000 6600 ug/kg SW846 8260D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 115000 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 58000 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D m,p-Xylene 134000 6600 720 ug/kg SW846 8260D o-Xylene 58300 3300 660 ug/kg SW846 8260D Xylene (total)193000 9900 1400 ug/kg SW846 8260D Acenaphthene 334000 B 120000 13000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Anthracene 1050000 120000 14000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(a)anthracene 176000 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(a)pyrene 76700 J 120000 14000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(b)fluoranthene 134000 120000 13000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Chrysene 234000 120000 13000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Dibenzofuran 250000 B 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Fluoranthene 579000 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Fluorene 448000 B 120000 13000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 9 of 110 FA687293 Summary of Hits Page 3 of 4 Job Number:FA68729 Account:Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Collected:10/03/19 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method 1-Methylnaphthalene 192000 B 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 2-Methylnaphthalene 444000 B 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Naphthalene 1930000 B 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Phenanthrene 1010000 B 120000 12000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Pyrene 383000 120000 14000 ug/kg SW846 8270E FA68729-7 DPT-5A-9 Benzene 888 J 2600 650 ug/kg SW846 8260D n-Butylbenzene 1870 J 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D sec-Butylbenzene 1900 J 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D Ethylbenzene 22300 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D Isopropylbenzene 8070 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D p-Isopropyltoluene 4750 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D Naphthalene 11400000 1100000 420000 ug/kg SW846 8260D n-Propylbenzene 2860 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D Styrene 13600 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D Toluene 12200 11000 5300 ug/kg SW846 8260D Trichloroethylene 9680 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 85100 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 44000 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D m,p-Xylene 69000 5300 580 ug/kg SW846 8260D o-Xylene 29800 2600 530 ug/kg SW846 8260D Xylene (total)98800 7900 1100 ug/kg SW846 8260D 2,4-Dimethylphenol 54200 J 200000 54000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 2-Methylphenol 24600 J 200000 24000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 3&4-Methylphenol 54900 J 200000 33000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Acenaphthene 370000 B 200000 21000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Acenaphthylene 24400 2000 200 ug/kg SW846 8270E Anthracene 217000 200000 23000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(a)anthracene 168000 J 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(a)pyrene 69700 J 200000 24000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(b)fluoranthene 115000 J 200000 22000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 24200 J 200000 21000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Benzo(k)fluoranthene 44800 J 200000 26000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Chrysene 123000 J 200000 21000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 20500 2000 250 ug/kg SW846 8270E Dibenzofuran 227000 B 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Fluoranthene 578000 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Fluorene 361000 B 200000 22000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 29800 J 200000 25000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 1-Methylnaphthalene 208000 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 2-Methylnaphthalene 440000 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Naphthalene 2080000 B 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E Phenanthrene 904000 B 200000 20000 ug/kg SW846 8270E 10 of 110 FA687293 Summary of Hits Page 4 of 4 Job Number:FA68729 Account:Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Collected:10/03/19 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method Pyrene 369000 200000 23000 ug/kg SW846 8270E FA68729-8 DPT-6-7 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene a 168 6.0 1.6 ug/kg SW846 8260D Naphthalene a 3.9 J 6.0 2.4 ug/kg SW846 8260D Trichloroethylene a 9.1 6.0 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Vinyl Chloride a 1.7 J 6.0 1.2 ug/kg SW846 8260D Arsenic b 1.1 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 51.9 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 104 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 1.4 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B Selenium b 0.65 0.43 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-9 DPT-7-2 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 47.8 J 420 42 ug/kg SW846 8270E Arsenic b 1.6 0.61 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 28.5 0.61 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 356 0.61 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 3.3 0.61 mg/kg SW846 6020B Selenium b 0.97 0.61 mg/kg SW846 6020B FA68729-10 DPT-8-3 Arsenic b 0.55 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Barium b 146 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Chromium b 88.1 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Lead b 1.6 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B Selenium b 1.0 0.54 mg/kg SW846 6020B (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. (c) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. Internal standard response outside control limits. Confirmed by reanalysis. 11 of 110 FA687293 SGS North America Inc. Sample Results Report of Analysis Orlando, FL Section 4 12 of 110 FA687294 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-1-6 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 2B13537.D 1 10/07/19 16:24 SP n/a n/a V2B515 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 5.15 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 240 120 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 6.0 1.8 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane b ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 30 8.7 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane c ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 6.0 1.6 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane d ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.4 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 6.0 2.1 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.7 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 13 of 110 FA6872944.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-1-6 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 6.0 2.8 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol e ND 480 90 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 30 9.0 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride d ND 24 13 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 30 9.0 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether f ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 24 12 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.7 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 63.6 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane d ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 30 20 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg m,p-Xylene ND 12 1.3 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 18 2.5 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 99%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 118%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 87%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 14 of 110 FA6872944.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-1-6 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. (c) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (d) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (e) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (f) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 15 of 110 FA6872944.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-1-6 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067399.D 1 10/09/19 12:55 MV 10/09/19 09:00 OP77205 SX2776 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.4 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1000 200 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 200 23 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 200 25 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 200 23 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 200 54 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1000 200 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 410 81 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 200 24 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 200 33 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 200 22 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1000 200 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1000 200 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 200 20 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 200 23 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 200 22 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 200 20 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 200 23 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 200 20 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 200 24 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 200 22 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 200 21 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 200 27 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 200 20 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 200 21 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 200 41 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 200 51 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 200 20 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 200 23 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 200 25 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 200 20 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 200 21 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 16 of 110 FA6872944.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-1-6 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 200 25 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 200 20 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 20 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 22 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 27 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 200 48 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 410 41 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 200 41 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 200 41 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 410 81 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 200 20 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 410 41 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 200 20 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 200 22 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 200 21 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 200 20 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 200 41 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 200 24 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene a ND 200 25 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 200 20 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 200 20 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 200 20 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 200 22 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 200 20 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 200 23 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 200 24 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 57%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 61%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 71%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 52%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 59%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 68%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 17 of 110 FA6872944.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-1-6 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 1.5 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 162 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.51 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 30.0 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 5.4 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury <0.047 0.047 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 3.9 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.51 0.51 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16242 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 18 of 110 FA6872944.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 2B13538.D 1 10/07/19 16:49 SP n/a n/a V2B515 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 5.17 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 240 120 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 6.0 1.8 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane b ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 30 8.7 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane c ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 6.0 1.6 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane d ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.4 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 6.0 2.1 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.7 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 19 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 6.0 2.8 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol e ND 480 90 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 30 9.0 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride d ND 24 13 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 30 9.0 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether f ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 24 12 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.7 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.2 6.0 1.2 ug/kg J 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane d ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 30 20 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 1.8 6.0 1.2 ug/kg J m,p-Xylene ND 12 1.3 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 18 2.5 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 99%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 117%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 88%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 20 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. (c) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (d) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (e) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (f) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 21 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067351.D 1 10/07/19 15:51 MV 10/07/19 07:58 OP77168 SX2774 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.1 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1000 210 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 210 23 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 210 25 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 210 24 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 210 55 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1000 210 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 410 82 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 210 25 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 210 34 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 210 22 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1000 210 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1000 210 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 210 21 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 210 24 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 210 22 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 210 21 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 210 23 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 210 21 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 210 24 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 210 23 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 210 21 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 210 27 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 210 21 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 210 21 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 210 41 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 210 52 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 210 21 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 210 24 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 210 26 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 210 21 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 210 21 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 22 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 210 26 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 210 21 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 22 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 27 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 210 49 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 410 41 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 210 41 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 210 41 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 410 82 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 210 21 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 410 41 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 210 21 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 210 22 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 210 21 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 210 41 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 210 24 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 210 25 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 210 21 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene a ND 210 21 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 210 21 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 210 22 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 210 21 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 210 24 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 210 24 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 58%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 63%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 74%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 53%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 57%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 72%45-119% (a) Associated BS outside control limits high. Sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 23 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8082A SW846 3546 Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 MM59500.D 1 10/08/19 13:53 NM 10/07/19 08:53 OP77171 GMM1195 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 15.2 g 5.0 ml Run #2 PCB List CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 ND 20 8.2 ug/kg 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 ND 20 10 ug/kg 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 ND 20 10 ug/kg 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 ND 20 8.2 ug/kg 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 ND 20 8.2 ug/kg 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 ND 20 8.2 ug/kg 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 a ND 20 8.2 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 877-09-8 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 98%44-126% 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl 82%41-145% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 24 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-2-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:80.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 2.7 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 35.4 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.43 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 27.9 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 5.1 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury <0.047 0.047 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 1.8 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.43 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16242 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 25 of 110 FA6872944.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-3-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:77.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 2B13539.D 1 10/07/19 17:15 SP n/a n/a V2B515 Run #2 F0091989.D 1 10/08/19 15:17 SP n/a n/a VF3218 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 5.27 g 5.0 ml Run #2 5.51 g 5.0 ml 100 ul VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 250 120 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 6.2 1.5 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 6.2 1.8 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane b ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 31 9.0 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 6.2 1.3 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane c ND 6.2 2.5 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 6.2 1.6 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane d ND 6.2 2.5 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.2 1.4 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 6.2 2.2 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1540 e 370 100 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 27.1 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 6.2 1.3 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 26 of 110 FA6872944.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-3-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:77.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 6.2 2.9 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol f ND 490 92 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 31 9.2 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 6.2 2.5 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 6.2 2.5 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride d ND 25 14 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 31 9.2 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether g ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 6.2 2.5 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.2 1.3 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 2.1 6.2 1.6 ug/kg J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 25 12 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.2 1.7 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 309 e 370 74 ug/kg J 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane d ND 6.2 2.5 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 6.2 1.5 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 31 20 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 14.2 6.2 1.2 ug/kg m,p-Xylene ND 12 1.4 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 6.2 1.2 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 18 2.6 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 101%105% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 115%106% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 103%95% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 87%98% 71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 27 of 110 FA6872944.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-3-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:77.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. (c) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (d) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (e) Result is from Run# 2 (f) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (g) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 28 of 110 FA6872944.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-3-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:77.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067352.D 1 10/07/19 16:17 MV 10/07/19 07:58 OP77168 SX2774 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.4 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1100 210 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 210 24 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 210 26 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 210 25 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 210 57 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1100 210 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 430 85 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 210 26 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 210 35 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 210 23 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1100 210 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1100 210 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 210 21 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 210 25 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 210 23 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 210 21 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 210 24 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 210 21 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 210 25 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 210 23 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 210 22 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 210 28 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 210 21 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 210 22 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 210 43 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 210 54 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 210 21 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 210 25 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 210 27 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 210 21 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 210 22 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 29 of 110 FA6872944.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-3-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:77.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 210 27 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 210 21 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 23 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 28 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 210 51 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 430 43 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 210 43 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 210 43 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 430 85 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 210 21 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 430 43 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 210 21 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 210 23 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 210 22 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 210 22 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 210 43 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 210 25 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 210 26 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 210 21 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene a ND 210 21 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 210 21 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 210 23 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 210 21 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 210 25 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 210 25 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 49%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 54%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 63%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 45%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 48%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 59%45-119% (a) Associated BS outside control limits high. Sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 30 of 110 FA6872944.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-3-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:77.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 2.2 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 14.0 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.54 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 43.1 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 8.6 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury 0.062 0.047 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 0.99 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.54 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16242 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 31 of 110 FA6872944.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-4-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-4 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 2B13540.D 1 10/07/19 17:41 SP n/a n/a V2B515 Run #2 b 2B13563.D 1 10/10/19 14:25 SP n/a n/a V2B517 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 5.43 g 5.0 ml Run #2 5.29 g 5.0 ml VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 230 110 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.7 1.4 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 5.7 1.7 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane c ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 28 8.3 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 5.7 1.2 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane d ND 5.7 2.3 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 5.7 1.5 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane e ND 5.7 2.3 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.7 1.3 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 5.7 2.0 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.7 1.6 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 5.7 1.2 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 32 of 110 FA6872944.4 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-4-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-4 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 5.7 2.6 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol f ND 450 85 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 28 8.5 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 5.7 2.3 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 5.7 2.3 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride e ND 23 13 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 28 8.5 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether g ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.7 2.3 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.7 1.2 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 5.7 1.5 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 23 11 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.7 1.6 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane e ND 5.7 2.3 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 5.7 1.4 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 28 19 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 3.3 5.7 1.1 ug/kg J m,p-Xylene ND 11 1.3 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 5.7 1.1 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 17 2.4 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102%102% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 119%115% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101%98% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 86%90% 71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 33 of 110 FA6872944.4 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-4-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-4 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. Internal standard response outside control limits. Confirmed by reanalysis. (b) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. Confirmation run for internal standard areas. (c) Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. (d) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (e) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (f) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (g) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 34 of 110 FA6872944.4 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-4-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-4 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:81.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067423.D 1 10/10/19 09:36 MV 10/09/19 09:00 OP77205 SX2777 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.3 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1000 200 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 200 23 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 200 25 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 200 23 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 200 54 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1000 200 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 410 81 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 200 25 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 200 34 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 200 22 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1000 200 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1000 200 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 200 20 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 200 24 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 200 22 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 28.1 200 20 ug/kg J 120-12-7 Anthracene 35.6 200 23 ug/kg J 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 229 200 20 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 372 200 24 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 880 200 22 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 313 200 21 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 320 200 27 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 200 20 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 200 21 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 200 41 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 200 51 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 200 20 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 200 24 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 200 26 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 200 20 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene 369 200 21 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 35 of 110 FA6872944.4 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-4-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-4 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:81.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 72.7 200 26 ug/kg J 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 200 20 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 20 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 22 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 27 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 200 48 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 410 41 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 200 41 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 200 41 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 410 81 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 200 20 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 410 41 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 231 200 20 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 200 22 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 200 21 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 200 21 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 200 41 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 200 24 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 383 200 25 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 200 20 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 200 20 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 200 20 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 200 20 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 200 22 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 43.1 200 20 ug/kg J 129-00-0 Pyrene 288 200 23 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 200 24 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 53%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 57%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 75%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 48%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 55%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 70%45-119% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 36 of 110 FA6872944.4 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-4-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-4 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:81.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 3.4 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 17.8 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.39 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 42.4 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 10.3 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury <0.045 0.045 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 1.5 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.39 0.39 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/10/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16242 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 37 of 110 FA6872944.4 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-5-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-5 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:81.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 5.0 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 183 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a 0.70 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 30.6 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 87.9 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury 2.1 0.23 mg/kg 5 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 2.3 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.58 0.58 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16250 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 38 of 110 FA6872944.5 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5-8 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-6 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:68.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 F0091990.D 1 10/08/19 15:41 SP n/a n/a VF3218 Run #2 F0092035.D 100 10/10/19 14:04 SP n/a n/a VF3220 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 3.39 g 5.0 ml 20.0 ul Run #2 3.39 g 5.0 ml 5.0 ul VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 130000 66000 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene 16100 3300 800 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 3300 970 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 3300 660 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 16000 4800 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 2600 3300 660 ug/kg J 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 3300 670 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 3300 1300 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 3300 870 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane a ND 3300 1300 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 3300 760 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 3300 1200 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane a ND 3300 660 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 3300 910 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 3300 670 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 3300 660 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 39 of 110 FA6872944.6 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5-8 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-6 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:68.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 3300 1500 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 260000 49000 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 60200 3300 660 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 16000 4900 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 17900 3300 660 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene 6430 3300 660 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 3300 1300 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 3300 1300 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride a ND 13000 7200 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 16000 4900 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 3300 660 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 17300000 b 1300000 530000 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 4650 3300 660 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene 18800 3300 660 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 3300 680 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 3300 840 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene 37800 13000 6600 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 3300 920 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane a ND 3300 660 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 3300 660 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 3300 660 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 3300 1300 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 3300 820 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 115000 3300 660 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 58000 3300 660 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 16000 11000 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 3300 660 ug/kg m,p-Xylene 134000 6600 720 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene 58300 3300 660 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)193000 9900 1400 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 109%103% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 110%101% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 92%99% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97%100% 71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 40 of 110 FA6872944.6 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5-8 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-6 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:68.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (b) Result is from Run# 2 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 41 of 110 FA6872944.6 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-5-8 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-6 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:68.2 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067385.D 500 10/08/19 19:05 MV 10/07/19 07:58 OP77168 SX2775 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 29.9 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 334000 120000 13000 ug/kg B 120-12-7 Anthracene 1050000 120000 14000 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 176000 120000 12000 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 76700 120000 14000 ug/kg J 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 134000 120000 13000 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene 234000 120000 13000 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 250000 120000 12000 ug/kg B 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 579000 120000 12000 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene 448000 120000 13000 ug/kg B 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 192000 120000 12000 ug/kg B 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 444000 120000 12000 ug/kg B 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1930000 120000 12000 ug/kg B 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 1010000 120000 12000 ug/kg B 129-00-0 Pyrene 383000 120000 14000 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 0% a 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 0% a 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 0% a 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 0% a 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 0% a 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 0% a 45-119% (a) Outside control limits due to dilution. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 42 of 110 FA6872944.6 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5A-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-7 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 F0091991.D 1 10/08/19 16:05 SP n/a n/a VF3218 Run #2 F0092036.D 100 10/10/19 14:28 SP n/a n/a VF3220 Initial Weight Final Volume Methanol Aliquot Run #1 3.23 g 5.0 ml 20.0 ul Run #2 3.23 g 5.0 ml 5.0 ul VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 110000 53000 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene 888 2600 650 ug/kg J 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 2600 780 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 2600 530 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 13000 3900 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 1870 2600 530 ug/kg J 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 1900 2600 530 ug/kg J 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 2600 540 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 2600 1100 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 2600 700 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane a ND 2600 1100 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 2600 610 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 2600 940 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane a ND 2600 530 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 2600 730 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 2600 540 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 2600 530 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 43 of 110 FA6872944.7 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5A-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-7 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 2600 1200 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 210000 40000 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 22300 2600 530 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 13000 4000 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 8070 2600 530 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene 4750 2600 530 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 2600 1100 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 2600 1100 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride a ND 11000 5800 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 13000 4000 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 2600 530 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 11400000 b 1100000 420000 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 2860 2600 530 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene 13600 2600 530 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 2600 550 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 2600 680 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene 12200 11000 5300 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 2600 740 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 2600 530 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane a ND 2600 530 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 2600 530 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 9680 2600 530 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 2600 1100 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 2600 660 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 85100 2600 530 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 44000 2600 530 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 13000 8700 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 2600 530 ug/kg m,p-Xylene 69000 5300 580 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene 29800 2600 530 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)98800 7900 1100 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 110%102% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 107%101% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 91%99% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96%98% 71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 44 of 110 FA6872944.7 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5A-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-7 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:81.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (b) Result is from Run# 2 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 45 of 110 FA6872944.7 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5A-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-7 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:81.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067355.D 10 10/07/19 17:35 MV 10/07/19 07:58 OP77168 SX2774 Run #2 X067428.D 1000 10/10/19 11:44 MV 10/07/19 07:58 OP77168 SX2777 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.3 g 1.0 ml Run #2 30.3 g 1.0 ml ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 10000 2000 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 2000 230 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 2000 250 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 2000 230 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 54200 a 200000 54000 ug/kg J 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 10000 2000 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 4000 810 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 24600 a 200000 24000 ug/kg J 3&4-Methylphenol 54900 a 200000 33000 ug/kg J 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 2000 220 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 10000 2000 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 10000 2000 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND a 200000 20000 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 2000 230 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 370000 a 200000 21000 ug/kg B 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 24400 2000 200 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene 217000 a 200000 23000 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 168000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg J 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 69700 a 200000 24000 ug/kg J 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 115000 a 200000 22000 ug/kg J 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 24200 a 200000 21000 ug/kg J 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 44800 a 200000 26000 ug/kg J 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 2000 200 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 2000 210 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 2000 400 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 2000 510 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 2000 200 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 2000 230 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 2000 250 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 2000 200 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 2000 200 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene 123000 a 200000 21000 ug/kg J ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 46 of 110 FA6872944.7 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5A-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-7 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:81.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 20500 2000 250 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 227000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg B 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 2000 200 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 2000 220 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 2000 270 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 2000 480 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 4000 400 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 2000 400 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 2000 400 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 4000 810 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 2000 200 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 4000 400 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 578000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene 361000 a 200000 22000 ug/kg B 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 2000 210 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 2000 200 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 2000 400 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 2000 240 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 29800 a 200000 25000 ug/kg J 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 2000 200 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 208000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 440000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 2080000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg B 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 2000 200 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 2000 200 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 2000 220 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 904000 a 200000 20000 ug/kg B 129-00-0 Pyrene 369000 a 200000 23000 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 2000 240 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 53%0% b 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 55%0% b 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 86%0% b 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 92%0% b 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 51%0% b 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 63%0% b 45-119% (a) Result is from Run# 2 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 47 of 110 FA6872944.7 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-5A-9 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-7 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3546 Percent Solids:81.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (b) Outside control limits due to dilution. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 48 of 110 FA6872944.7 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-6-7 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-8 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:87.6 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 2B13541.D 1 10/07/19 18:07 SP n/a n/a V2B515 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 4.78 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 240 120 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 6.0 1.8 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane b ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 30 8.7 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane c ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 6.0 1.6 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane d ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.4 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 6.0 2.1 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 168 6.0 1.6 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 49 of 110 FA6872944.8 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-6-7 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-8 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:87.6 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 6.0 2.8 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol e ND 480 90 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 30 9.0 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride d ND 24 13 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 30 9.0 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether f ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 3.9 6.0 2.4 ug/kg J 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 24 12 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.7 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 9.1 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane d ND 6.0 2.4 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 6.0 1.5 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 30 20 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 1.7 6.0 1.2 ug/kg J m,p-Xylene ND 12 1.3 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 6.0 1.2 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 18 2.5 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 121%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 88%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 50 of 110 FA6872944.8 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-6-7 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-8 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:87.6 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. (c) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (d) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (e) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (f) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 51 of 110 FA6872944.8 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-6-7 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-8 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:87.6 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067401.D 1 10/09/19 13:47 MV 10/09/19 09:00 OP77205 SX2776 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.3 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 940 190 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 190 21 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 190 23 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 190 22 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 190 50 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 940 190 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 380 75 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 190 23 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 190 31 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 190 20 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 940 190 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 940 190 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 190 19 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 190 22 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 190 20 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 190 19 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 190 21 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 190 19 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 190 22 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 190 21 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 190 20 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 190 25 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 190 19 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 190 20 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 190 38 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 190 47 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 190 19 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 190 22 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 190 24 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 190 19 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 190 19 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 190 19 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 52 of 110 FA6872944.8 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-6-7 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-8 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:87.6 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 190 24 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 190 19 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 190 19 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 190 20 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 190 25 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 190 45 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 380 38 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 190 38 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 190 38 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 380 75 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 190 19 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 380 38 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 190 19 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 190 20 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 190 19 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 190 19 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 190 38 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 190 22 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene a ND 190 23 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 190 19 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 190 19 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 190 19 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 190 19 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 190 19 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 190 19 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 190 20 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 190 19 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 190 22 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 190 22 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 61%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 65%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 75%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 56%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 62%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 74%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 53 of 110 FA6872944.8 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-6-7 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-8 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:87.6 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 1.1 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 51.9 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.43 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 104 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 1.4 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury <0.048 0.048 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 0.65 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.43 0.43 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16250 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 54 of 110 FA6872944.8 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-7-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-9 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:79.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a 2B13542.D 1 10/07/19 18:33 SP n/a n/a V2B515 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 6.02 g 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 210 100 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.2 1.3 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 5.2 1.5 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane b ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 26 7.6 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 5.2 1.1 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane c ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 5.2 1.4 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane d ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.2 1.2 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 5.2 1.8 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.2 1.4 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 5.2 1.1 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 55 of 110 FA6872944.9 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-7-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-9 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:79.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 5.2 2.4 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol e ND 420 78 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 26 7.8 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride d ND 21 11 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 26 7.8 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether f ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.2 1.1 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 5.2 1.3 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 21 10 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.2 1.5 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane d ND 5.2 2.1 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 5.2 1.3 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 26 17 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg m,p-Xylene ND 10 1.1 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 5.2 1.0 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 16 2.2 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103%75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 123%72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 100%75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 85%71-133% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 56 of 110 FA6872944.9 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:DPT-7-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-9 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:79.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Initial calibration response factors not 8260D compliant. (c) Associated ICV and BS outside control limits high, however sample ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (d) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (e) Associated BS recovery outside control limits high; however sample is ND. Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. (f) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 57 of 110 FA6872944.9 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-7-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-9 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:79.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 X067404.D 1 10/09/19 15:04 MV 10/09/19 09:00 OP77205 SX2776 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run #1 30.0 g 1.0 ml Run #2 ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 1000 210 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 210 24 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 210 26 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 210 24 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 210 56 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 1000 210 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 420 84 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 210 25 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 210 34 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 210 23 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 1000 210 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 1000 210 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 210 21 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 210 24 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 210 22 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 210 21 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 210 23 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 210 21 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 210 25 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 210 23 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 210 22 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 210 27 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 210 21 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 210 22 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 210 42 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 210 53 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 210 21 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 210 24 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 210 26 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 210 21 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 210 21 ug/kg ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 58 of 110 FA6872944.9 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:DPT-7-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-9 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E SW846 3550C Percent Solids:79.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC ABN List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 210 26 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 210 21 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 23 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 210 28 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 210 50 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 420 42 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 210 42 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 210 42 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 420 84 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 210 21 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 47.8 420 42 ug/kg J 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 210 21 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 210 22 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 210 21 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 210 42 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 210 25 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene a ND 210 25 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 210 21 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 210 21 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 210 21 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 210 21 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 210 23 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 210 21 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 210 24 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 210 25 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 62%40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 65%41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 75%42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 57%40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 64%43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 70%45-119% (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits high, sample was ND. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 59 of 110 FA6872944.9 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-7-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-9 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:79.7 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 1.6 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 28.5 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.61 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 356 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 3.3 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury <0.046 0.046 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 0.97 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.61 0.61 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16250 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 60 of 110 FA6872944.9 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:DPT-8-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68729-10 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:SO - Soil Date Received:10/05/19 Percent Solids:83.0 Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Metals Analysis Analyte Result RL Units DF Prep Analyzed By Method Prep Method Arsenic a 0.55 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Barium a 146 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Cadmium a <0.54 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Chromium a 88.1 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Lead a 1.6 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Mercury <0.043 0.043 mg/kg 1 10/10/19 10/10/19 JC SW846 7471B 1 SW846 7471B 4 Selenium a 1.0 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 Silver a <0.54 0.54 mg/kg 10 10/09/19 10/14/19 DM SW846 6020B 2 SW846 3050B 3 (1) Instrument QC Batch: MA16239 (2) Instrument QC Batch: MA16250 (3) Prep QC Batch: MP36235 (4) Prep QC Batch: MP36236 (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. RL = Reporting Limit 61 of 110 FA6872944.10 SGS North America Inc. Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: • Chain of Custody Orlando, FL Section 5 62 of 110 FA687295 FA68729: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2 63 of 110 FA6872955.1 Job Number:FA68729 Client:GEOSYNTEC Date / Time Received:10/5/2019 9:00:00 AM Delivery Method:FX Project:SOUTHERN RESOURCES Airbill #'s:1009 6377 6234 Cooler Information 1. Custody Seals Present 2. Custody Seals Intact 4. Cooler temp verification 3. Temp criteria achieved 5. Cooler media IR Gun Ice (Bag) Trip Blank Information 1. Trip Blank present / cooler 2. Trip Blank listed on COC 2. Samples preserved properly Sample Information 1. Sample labels present on bottles 5. Sample recvd within HT 4. Condition of sample 3. Sufficient volume/containers recvd for analysis: Intact Comments SM001Rev. Date 05/24/17 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Cooler Temps (Raw Measured) °C: Cooler Temps (Corrected) °C: Cooler 1: (0.8); Cooler 1: (1.8); 3. Type Of TB Received W or S N/A 6. Dates/Times/IDs on COC match Sample Label 7. VOCs have headspace 8. Bottles received for unspecified tests 9. Compositing instructions clear 10. Voa Soil Kits/Jars received past 48hrs? 11. % Solids Jar received? Misc. Information 25-Gram 5-GramNumber of Encores:8Number of 5035 Field Kits:Number of Lab Filtered Metals: Test Strip Lot #s:pH 0-3 230315 pH 10-12 219813A Other: (Specify) Y or N N/A Y or N Therm ID:IR 1; Therm CF:1; # of Coolers:1 Y or N N/A 12. Residual Chlorine Present? Residual Chlorine Test Strip Lot #: Technician:Reviewer:PETERH Date:Date: 10/5/2019 9:00:00 AM FA68729: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 2 64 of 110 FA6872955.1 SGS North America Inc. MS Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries Orlando, FL Section 6 65 of 110 FA687296 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V2B515-MB 2B13530.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 200 100 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 5.0 1.5 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 25 7.3 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.8 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 5.0 2.3 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 400 75 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 66 of 110 FA6872966.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V2B515-MB 2B13530.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 25 7.5 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 20 11 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 25 7.5 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 20 10 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 25 16 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg m,p-Xylene ND 10 1.1 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 15 2.1 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 95% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 117% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 105% 75-126% 67 of 110 FA6872966.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V2B515-MB 2B13530.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 87% 71-133% 68 of 110 FA6872966.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3218-MB F0091986.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 200 100 ug/kg 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/kg 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 5.0 1.5 ug/kg 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 25 7.3 ug/kg 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/kg 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.8 ug/kg 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/kg 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 5.0 2.3 ug/kg 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 400 75 ug/kg 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 69 of 110 FA6872966.1.2 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3218-MB F0091986.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 25 7.5 ug/kg 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 20 11 ug/kg 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 25 7.5 ug/kg 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 108-88-3 Toluene ND 20 10 ug/kg 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 5.0 1.3 ug/kg 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 25 16 ug/kg 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg m,p-Xylene ND 10 1.1 ug/kg 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/kg 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 15 2.1 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 104% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 105% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 71-133% 70 of 110 FA6872966.1.2 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3220-MB F0092034.D 1 10/10/19 SP n/a n/a VF3220 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 2.0 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 100% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 97% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 101% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 71-133% 71 of 110 FA6872966.1.3 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V2B515-BS 2B13529.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 67-64-1 Acetone 250 375 150 61-152 71-43-2 Benzene 50 51.5 103 76-126 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 50 46.7 93 76-122 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 50 50.2 100 77-120 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 50 53.8 108 74-130 75-25-2 Bromoform 50 54.6 109 76-127 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)250 336 134 75-137 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 50 58.3 117 71-128 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 50 53.5 107 79-135 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 50 53.2 106 77-133 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 50 56.7 113 78-133 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 50 53.3 107 81-129 75-00-3 Chloroethane 50 66.9 134* 68-133 67-66-3 Chloroform 50 56.0 112 72-123 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene 50 53.1 106 77-129 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene 50 51.4 103 80-134 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 50 53.8 108 76-127 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane 50 51.5 103 77-126 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 48.5 97 68-168 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 49.8 100 80-129 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 50.4 101 81-129 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 52.0 104 76-130 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 57.6 115 73-125 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 57.9 116 74-128 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene 50 58.2 116 81-136 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 50 52.4 105 74-126 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 50 57.0 114 70-127 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 51.2 102 74-125 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 50 50.7 101 76-122 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 50 63.8 128 77-133 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 50 55.0 110 75-130 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 47.0 94 80-123 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 56.6 113 75-131 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether 50 54.2 108 75-122 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol 1000 1870 187* 53-154 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 50 56.2 112 77-123 * = Outside of Control Limits. 72 of 110 FA6872966.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V2B515-BS 2B13529.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 250 312 125 72-133 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 50 58.9 118 80-136 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene 50 53.6 107 77-131 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide 50 55.2 110 65-139 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride 50 55.2 110 71-144 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 50 63.2 126 74-137 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 327 131 76-132 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 50 41.8 84 77-120 91-20-3 Naphthalene 50 53.4 107 79-129 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 50 52.0 104 80-135 100-42-5 Styrene 50 51.4 103 78-125 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 57.5 115 78-126 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 55.6 111 71-126 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 50 53.9 108 79-130 108-88-3 Toluene 50 52.4 105 76-124 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50 51.3 103 77-128 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 52.1 104 78-130 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 55.7 111 70-129 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 53.5 107 74-124 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 50 52.2 104 75-128 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 63.1 126 73-145 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50 52.9 106 74-127 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50 52.0 104 74-123 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50 52.7 105 73-122 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 250 285 114 48-164 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 50 54.8 110 76-141 m,p-Xylene 100 114 114 80-128 95-47-6 o-Xylene 50 56.1 112 80-132 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)150 170 113 80-129 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 114% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 104% 75-126% * = Outside of Control Limits. 73 of 110 FA6872966.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch V2B515-BS 2B13529.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 84% 71-133% * = Outside of Control Limits. 74 of 110 FA6872966.2.1 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3218-BS a F0091984.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 VF3218-BSD a F0091985.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 Spike BSP BSP BSD BSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 67-64-1 Acetone 250 340 136 298 119 13 61-152/30 71-43-2 Benzene 50 53.7 107 55.2 110 3 76-126/30 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 50 51.2 102 51.6 103 1 76-122/30 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 50 50.0 100 54.0 108 8 77-120/30 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 50 59.1 118 60.0 120 2 74-130/30 75-25-2 Bromoform 50 54.7 109 56.6 113 3 76-127/30 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)250 284 114 275 110 3 75-137/30 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 50 53.1 106 52.4 105 1 71-128/30 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 50 53.1 106 53.7 107 1 79-135/30 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 50 53.4 107 52.8 106 1 77-133/30 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 50 58.9 118 59.4 119 1 78-133/30 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 50 51.2 102 51.8 104 1 81-129/30 75-00-3 Chloroethane 50 55.0 110 59.2 118 7 68-133/30 67-66-3 Chloroform 50 57.3 115 58.8 118 3 72-123/30 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene 50 53.0 106 53.3 107 1 77-129/30 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene 50 51.8 104 51.5 103 1 80-134/30 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 50 52.7 105 55.4 111 5 76-127/30 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane 50 51.4 103 52.5 105 2 77-126/30 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 50 49.5 99 49.8 100 1 68-168/30 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 50 50.3 101 52.3 105 4 80-129/30 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 50 51.0 102 52.2 104 2 81-129/30 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 50 50.9 102 50.5 101 1 76-130/30 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 50 58.6 117 59.7 119 2 73-125/30 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 50 57.7 115 60.1 120 4 74-128/30 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene 50 57.6 115 58.7 117 2 81-136/30 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 50 54.2 108 56.5 113 4 74-126/30 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 50 55.6 111 57.4 115 3 70-127/30 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 50 56.6 113 57.9 116 2 74-125/30 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 50 49.4 99 50.9 102 3 76-122/30 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 50 61.2 122 64.6 129 5 77-133/30 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 50 56.6 113 57.4 115 1 75-130/30 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 54.1 108 56.0 112 3 80-123/30 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 50 54.5 109 54.9 110 1 75-131/30 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether 50 52.3 105 54.6 109 4 75-122/30 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol 1000 1180 118 874 87 30 53-154/30 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 50 51.7 103 52.2 104 1 77-123/30 * = Outside of Control Limits. 75 of 110 FA6872966.3.1 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3218-BS a F0091984.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 VF3218-BSD a F0091985.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 Spike BSP BSP BSD BSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 250 266 106 259 104 3 72-133/30 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 50 54.8 110 55.8 112 2 80-136/30 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene 50 54.2 108 52.5 105 3 77-131/30 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide 50 50.7 101 53.4 107 5 65-139/30 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride 50 53.2 106 55.5 111 4 71-144/30 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 50 61.1 122 63.6 127 4 74-137/30 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 250 270 108 284 114 5 76-132/30 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 50 52.9 106 56.3 113 6 77-120/30 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 50 52.3 105 51.4 103 2 80-135/30 100-42-5 Styrene 50 52.2 104 51.0 102 2 78-125/30 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 53.3 107 55.6 111 4 78-126/30 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 50 53.1 106 56.4 113 6 71-126/30 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 50 49.7 99 50.3 101 1 79-130/30 108-88-3 Toluene 50 49.7 99 50.6 101 2 76-124/30 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 50 55.7 111 54.5 109 2 77-128/30 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 50 53.7 107 53.4 107 1 78-130/30 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 50 56.0 112 58.1 116 4 70-129/30 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 50 53.2 106 54.5 109 2 74-124/30 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 50 54.6 109 56.8 114 4 75-128/30 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 50 54.1 108 55.3 111 2 73-145/30 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 50 52.4 105 54.1 108 3 74-127/30 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 50 51.0 102 50.8 102 0 74-123/30 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 50 53.0 106 53.2 106 0 73-122/30 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 250 259 104 288 115 11 48-164/30 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 50 52.6 105 53.6 107 2 76-141/30 m,p-Xylene 100 105 105 107 107 2 80-128/30 95-47-6 o-Xylene 50 52.4 105 53.8 108 3 80-132/30 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)150 157 105 161 107 3 80-129/30 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP BSD Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102%104% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 105%105% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 96%97% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102%103% 71-133% * = Outside of Control Limits. 76 of 110 FA6872966.3.1 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3218-BS a F0091984.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 VF3218-BSD a F0091985.D 1 10/08/19 SP n/a n/a VF3218 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 (a) No sample available for MS/MSD. * = Outside of Control Limits. 77 of 110 FA6872966.3.1 Blank Spike/Blank Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VF3220-BS a F0092032.D 1 10/10/19 SP n/a n/a VF3220 VF3220-BSD a F0092033.D 1 10/10/19 SP n/a n/a VF3220 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-6, FA68729-7 Spike BSP BSP BSD BSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 91-20-3 Naphthalene 50 58.8 118 59.7 119 2 79-129/30 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP BSD Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103%100% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 102%103% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 100%103% 75-126% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101%102% 71-133% (a) No sample available for MS/MSD. * = Outside of Control Limits. 78 of 110 FA6872966.3.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68730-3MS a 2B13550.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 FA68730-3MSD a 2B13551.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 FA68730-3 a 2B13535.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 FA68730-3 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 67-64-1 Acetone 411 385 599 49* 387 631 57*5 61-152/27 71-43-2 Benzene 3.5 J 77 82.1 102 77.4 86.7 107 5 76-126/26 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 77 71.7 93 77.4 74.2 96 3 76-122/32 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 77 77.7 101 77.4 83.9 108 8 77-120/24 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 77 85.0 110 77.4 89.3 115 5 74-130/25 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 77 80.3 104 77.4 84.6 109 5 76-127/26 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)91.4 385 434 89 387 442 91 2 75-137/25 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 77 74.9 97 77.4 79.4 103 6 71-128/35 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 77 77.5 101 77.4 80.0 103 3 79-135/34 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 77 77.8 101 77.4 78.7 102 1 77-133/34 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 77 87.4 114 77.4 96.7 125 10 78-133/29 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 77 80.9 105 77.4 83.6 108 3 81-129/29 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 77 124 161* 77.4 138 178*11 68-133/29 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 77 90.0 117 77.4 96.9 125*7 72-123/26 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 77 76.4 99 77.4 78.8 102 3 77-129/33 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 77 73.9 96 77.4 76.7 99 4 80-134/33 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 77 80.7 105 77.4 83.5 108 3 76-127/27 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 77 76.9 100 77.4 79.3 102 3 77-126/26 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 77 70.8 92 77.4 78.0 101 10 68-168/29 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 77 68.9 89 77.4 72.3 93 5 80-129/32 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 77 69.0 90 77.4 72.5 94 5 81-129/33 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 77 70.5 92 77.4 73.8 95 5 76-130/32 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 77 92.0 120 77.4 99.5 128*8 73-125/27 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 77 90.1 117 77.4 92.8 120 3 74-128/23 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 77 90.0 117 77.4 100 129 11 81-136/28 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 77 83.4 108 77.4 90.9 117 9 74-126/26 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 77 87.2 113 77.4 97.3 126 11 70-127/27 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 77 82.4 107 77.4 85.6 111 4 74-125/25 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 77 76.6 100 77.4 77.9 101 2 76-122/26 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 77 90.2 117 77.4 102 132 12 77-133/28 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 77 87.4 114 77.4 92.2 119 5 75-130/28 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 77 75.4 98 77.4 77.9 101 3 80-123/26 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 77 82.9 108 77.4 83.3 108 0 75-131/28 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 77 87.6 114 77.4 95.2 123*8 75-122/25 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol 197 J 1540 3750 231* 1550 3640 222*3 53-154/42 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 77 83.9 109 77.4 87.4 113 4 77-123/31 * = Outside of Control Limits. 79 of 110 FA6872966.4.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68730-3MS a 2B13550.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 FA68730-3MSD a 2B13551.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 FA68730-3 a 2B13535.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 FA68730-3 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 385 386 100 387 406 105 5 72-133/26 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 77 84.4 110 77.4 88.9 115 5 80-136/32 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 77 75.3 98 77.4 78.4 101 4 77-131/34 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 77 85.8 111 77.4 96.2 124 11 65-139/31 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 77 79.3 103 77.4 89.6 116 12 71-144/27 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 77 93.9 122 77.4 102 132 8 74-137/28 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 385 392 102 387 409 106 4 76-132/26 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 179 77 216 48* b 77.4 220 53* b 2 77-120/24 91-20-3 Naphthalene 9.5 77 68.5 77* 77.4 72.3 81 5 79-129/33 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 77 76.0 99 77.4 78.6 101 3 80-135/33 100-42-5 Styrene ND 77 76.2 99 77.4 80.3 104 5 78-125/30 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 77 82.6 107 77.4 87.0 112 5 78-126/27 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 77 77.4 101 77.4 79.9 103 3 71-126/30 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 77 76.7 100 77.4 80.1 103 4 79-130/31 108-88-3 Toluene 33.2 77 77.2 57* 77.4 79.6 60*3 76-124/30 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 77 62.7 81 77.4 65.2 84 4 77-128/35 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 77 59.3 77* 77.4 62.9 81 6 78-130/34 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 77 86.1 112 77.4 95.0 123 10 70-129/27 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 77 78.8 102 77.4 80.1 103 2 74-124/28 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 77 83.3 108 77.4 86.7 112 4 75-128/27 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 77 101 131 77.4 110 142 9 73-145/31 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 77 73.3 95 77.4 75.8 98 3 74-127/27 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 6.1 J 77 73.2 87 77.4 76.7 91 5 74-123/34 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1.5 J 77 74.7 95 77.4 77.9 99 4 73-122/33 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 385 206 54 387 200 52 3 48-164/37 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 77 83.4 108 77.4 93.1 120 11 76-141/27 m,p-Xylene ND 154 168 109 155 176 114 5 80-128/30 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 77 80.5 105 77.4 84.8 110 5 80-132/30 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 231 248 107 232 260 112 5 80-129/30 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68730-3 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 104%105%100% 75-124% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 111%110%116% 72-135% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97%95%103% 75-126% * = Outside of Control Limits. 80 of 110 FA6872966.4.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68730-3MS a 2B13550.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 FA68730-3MSD a 2B13551.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 FA68730-3 a 2B13535.D 1 10/07/19 SP n/a n/a V2B515 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68730-3 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 88%88%89% 71-133% (a) Results reported from Bisulfate preserved sample. (b) Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. * = Outside of Control Limits. 81 of 110 FA6872966.4.1 SGS North America Inc. MS Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries Orlando, FL Section 7 82 of 110 FA687297 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77168-MB X067348.D 1 10/07/19 MV 10/07/19 OP77168 SX2774 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 830 170 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 170 44 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 330 67 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 170 27 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 170 18 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 170 17 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 70.6 170 18 ug/kg J 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 170 19 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 170 17 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 170 18 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 170 22 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 170 17 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 170 42 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 170 17 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 170 19 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 170 21 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 170 17 ug/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 170 21 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 36.4 170 17 ug/kg J 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 18 ug/kg 83 of 110 FA6872977.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77168-MB X067348.D 1 10/07/19 MV 10/07/19 OP77168 SX2774 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 22 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 170 40 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 330 67 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 170 17 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene 36.2 170 18 ug/kg J 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 170 17 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 170 33 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 170 20 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 170 17 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 104 170 17 ug/kg J 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 244 170 17 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1940 170 17 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 170 18 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 24.6 170 17 ug/kg J 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 170 19 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 170 20 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 58% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 64% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 72% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 54% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 58% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 70% 45-119% 84 of 110 FA6872977.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77168-MB X067383.D 1 10/08/19 MV 10/07/19 OP77168 SX2775 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 830 170 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 170 44 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 330 67 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 170 27 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 170 18 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 170 17 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 72.2 170 18 ug/kg J 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 170 19 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 170 17 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 170 18 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 170 22 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 170 17 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 170 42 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 170 17 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 170 19 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 170 21 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 170 17 ug/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 170 21 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 35.6 170 17 ug/kg J 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 18 ug/kg 85 of 110 FA6872977.1.2 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77168-MB X067383.D 1 10/08/19 MV 10/07/19 OP77168 SX2775 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 22 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 170 40 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 330 67 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 170 17 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene 36.0 170 18 ug/kg J 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 170 17 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 170 33 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 170 20 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 170 17 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 103 170 17 ug/kg J 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 241 170 17 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1930 170 17 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 170 18 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 24.7 170 17 ug/kg J 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 170 19 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 170 20 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 56% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 61% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 52% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 59% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 73% 45-119% 86 of 110 FA6872977.1.2 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77205-MB X067397.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-1, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 830 170 ug/kg 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 170 44 ug/kg 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 330 67 ug/kg 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 170 20 ug/kg 3&4-Methylphenol ND 170 27 ug/kg 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 170 18 ug/kg 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 830 170 ug/kg 108-95-2 Phenol ND 170 17 ug/kg 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 170 19 ug/kg 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 170 18 ug/kg 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 170 19 ug/kg 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 170 17 ug/kg 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 170 18 ug/kg 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 170 17 ug/kg 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 170 22 ug/kg 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 170 17 ug/kg 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 170 42 ug/kg 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 170 17 ug/kg 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 170 19 ug/kg 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane)ND 170 21 ug/kg 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 170 17 ug/kg 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 170 17 ug/kg 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 170 21 ug/kg 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 170 17 ug/kg 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 18 ug/kg 87 of 110 FA6872977.1.3 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77205-MB X067397.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-1, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 170 22 ug/kg 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 170 40 ug/kg 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 170 33 ug/kg 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 330 67 ug/kg 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 170 17 ug/kg 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 330 33 ug/kg 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 170 18 ug/kg 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 170 17 ug/kg 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 170 33 ug/kg 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 170 20 ug/kg 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 170 20 ug/kg 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 170 17 ug/kg 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 170 17 ug/kg 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 170 17 ug/kg 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 170 17 ug/kg 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 170 18 ug/kg 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 170 17 ug/kg 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 170 19 ug/kg 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 170 20 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 59% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 65% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 53% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 57% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 62% 45-119% 88 of 110 FA6872977.1.3 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77168-BS X067347.D 1 10/07/19 MV 10/07/19 OP77168 SX2774 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 3330 2220 67 36-118 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol 1670 1310 79 52-108 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 1670 1050 63 48-104 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1670 1230 74 51-105 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1670 1110 67 43-96 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 3330 2480 74 40-119 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 3330 2790 84 64-121 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 1670 1040 62 46-107 3&4-Methylphenol 3330 2120 64 44-111 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 1670 1120 67 49-104 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 3330 2440 73 56-116 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 3330 2610 78 61-114 108-95-2 Phenol 1670 1010 61 45-110 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1670 1370 82 56-109 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 1670 1200 72 56-109 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 1670 1210 73 56-106 120-12-7 Anthracene 1670 1200 72 61-110 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 1670 1330 80 66-111 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 1670 1300 78 59-104 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1670 1330 80 67-113 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1670 1430 86 67-113 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1670 1260 76 67-114 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 1670 921 55 53-108 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1670 1340 80 62-110 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1670 1300 78 65-113 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 1670 1160 70 30-115 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1670 1050 63 48-105 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1670 898 54 46-103 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) 1670 815 49 40-110 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1670 1110 67 53-106 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1670 1280 77 58-106 218-01-9 Chrysene 1670 1260 76 65-112 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1670 1460 88 68-115 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 1670 1260 76 57-108 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1670 869 52 44-102 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1670 861 52 42-100 * = Outside of Control Limits. 89 of 110 FA6872977.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77168-BS X067347.D 1 10/07/19 MV 10/07/19 OP77168 SX2774 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-6, FA68729-7 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1670 854 51 40-106 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1670 1390 83 36-114 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate 1670 1300 78 61-109 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 1670 1280 77 59-108 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate 1670 1380 83 64-119 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate 1670 1320 79 63-108 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1670 1090 65 58-112 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1670 1350 81 64-115 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 1670 1250 75 60-108 86-73-7 Fluorene 1670 1280 77 58-109 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 1670 1280 77 59-111 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1670 904 54 41-108 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1670 1070 64 49-110 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1670 840 50 40-105 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1670 1590 95 66-116 78-59-1 Isophorone 1670 987 59 42-89 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 1670 1130 68 49-106 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 1670 1310 79 47-106 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1670 2830 170* 44-104 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 1670 898 54 43-108 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1670 919 55 48-108 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1670 1190 71 62-110 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 1670 1240 74 63-111 129-00-0 Pyrene 1670 1280 77 65-115 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1670 972 58 45-100 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 54% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 62% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 78% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 52% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 61% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 68% 45-119% * = Outside of Control Limits. 90 of 110 FA6872977.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77205-BS X067396.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-1, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 3330 2030 61 36-118 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol 1670 1260 76 52-108 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol 1670 1140 68 48-104 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1670 1260 76 51-105 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1670 1130 68 43-96 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol 3330 2270 68 40-119 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol 3330 2650 80 64-121 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol 1670 1050 63 46-107 3&4-Methylphenol 3330 2150 65 44-111 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol 1670 1230 74 49-104 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol 3330 2330 70 56-116 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 3330 2510 75 61-114 108-95-2 Phenol 1670 1040 62 45-110 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1670 1350 81 56-109 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 1670 1130 68 56-109 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 1670 1190 71 56-106 120-12-7 Anthracene 1670 1140 68 61-110 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 1670 1270 76 66-111 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 1670 1210 73 59-104 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1670 1320 79 67-113 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1670 1290 77 67-113 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1670 1200 72 67-114 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 1670 1010 61 53-108 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1670 1300 78 62-110 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1670 1250 75 65-113 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline 1670 1120 67 30-115 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1670 1100 66 48-105 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1670 1010 61 46-103 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) 1670 884 53 40-110 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene 1670 1120 67 53-106 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1670 1250 75 58-106 218-01-9 Chrysene 1670 1210 73 65-112 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1670 1320 79 68-115 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 1670 1190 71 57-108 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1670 1030 62 44-102 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1670 1030 62 42-100 * = Outside of Control Limits. 91 of 110 FA6872977.2.2 Blank Spike Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77205-BS X067396.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-1, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1670 1020 61 40-106 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1670 1210 73 36-114 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate 1670 1250 75 61-109 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate 1670 1230 74 59-108 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate 1670 1380 83 64-119 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate 1670 1240 74 63-108 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1670 1010 61 58-112 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1670 1320 79 64-115 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 1670 1190 71 60-108 86-73-7 Fluorene 1670 1200 72 58-109 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 1670 1260 76 59-111 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1670 1050 63 41-108 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1670 1110 67 49-110 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1670 1000 60 40-105 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1670 1400 84 66-116 78-59-1 Isophorone 1670 1010 61 42-89 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 1670 1090 65 49-106 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 1670 1140 68 47-106 91-20-3 Naphthalene 1670 1070 64 44-104 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 1670 967 58 43-108 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1670 965 58 48-108 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1670 1130 68 62-110 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 1670 1170 70 63-111 129-00-0 Pyrene 1670 1250 75 65-115 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1670 1100 66 45-100 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 60% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 65% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 79% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 56% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 63% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 69% 45-119% * = Outside of Control Limits. 92 of 110 FA6872977.2.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77205-MS X067402.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 OP77205-MSD X067403.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 FA68729-8 X067401.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-1, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 FA68729-8 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid ND 3810 2100 55 3790 2140 56 2 36-118/41 59-50-7 4-Chloro-3-methyl Phenol ND 1900 1410 74 1900 1450 76 3 52-108/21 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol ND 1900 1210 64 1900 1250 66 3 48-104/26 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND 1900 1390 73 1900 1440 76 4 51-105/27 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND 1900 1230 65 1900 1280 68 4 43-96/23 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND 3810 2490 65 3790 2550 67 2 40-119/32 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol ND 3810 2980 78 3790 3090 81 4 64-121/29 95-48-7 2-Methylphenol ND 1900 1150 60 1900 1160 61 1 46-107/24 3&4-Methylphenol ND 3810 2360 62 3790 2370 62 0 44-111/24 88-75-5 2-Nitrophenol ND 1900 1300 68 1900 1350 71 4 49-104/27 100-02-7 4-Nitrophenol ND 3810 2530 66 3790 2590 68 2 56-116/23 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol ND 3810 2920 77 3790 3050 80 4 61-114/23 108-95-2 Phenol ND 1900 1120 59 1900 1140 60 2 45-110/24 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND 1900 1520 80 1900 1580 83 4 56-109/25 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 1900 1280 67 1900 1340 71 5 56-109/23 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 1900 1340 70 1900 1400 74 4 56-106/23 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 1900 1340 70 1900 1400 74 4 61-110/21 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 1900 1470 77 1900 1540 81 5 66-111/23 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 1900 1420 75 1900 1480 78 4 59-104/23 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 1900 1540 81 1900 1570 83 2 67-113/24 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 1900 1510 79 1900 1560 82 3 67-113/21 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 1900 1390 73 1900 1500 79 8 67-114/22 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol ND 1900 1080 57 1900 1090 57 1 53-108/24 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether ND 1900 1540 81 1900 1620 85 5 62-110/21 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate ND 1900 1450 76 1900 1530 81 5 65-113/20 106-47-8 4-Chloroaniline ND 1900 1210 64 1900 1270 67 5 30-115/30 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND 1900 1180 62 1900 1240 65 5 48-105/24 111-44-4 bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether ND 1900 1060 56 1900 1110 59 5 46-103/27 108-60-1 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND 1900 929 49 1900 940 50 1 40-110/25 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene ND 1900 1230 65 1900 1320 70 7 53-106/23 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether ND 1900 1430 75 1900 1490 79 4 58-106/21 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 1900 1400 74 1900 1480 78 6 65-112/25 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 1900 1520 80 1900 1570 83 3 68-115/23 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran ND 1900 1330 70 1900 1380 73 4 57-108/22 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1900 1070 56 1900 1100 58 3 44-102/28 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1900 1060 56 1900 1090 57 3 42-100/30 * = Outside of Control Limits. 93 of 110 FA6872977.3.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2 of 2 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77205-MS X067402.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 OP77205-MSD X067403.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 FA68729-8 X067401.D 1 10/09/19 MV 10/09/19 OP77205 SX2776 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E FA68729-1, FA68729-4, FA68729-8, FA68729-9 FA68729-8 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1900 1060 56 1900 1100 58 4 40-106/29 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND 1900 1410 74 1900 1510 80 7 36-114/28 84-66-2 Diethyl Phthalate ND 1900 1400 74 1900 1450 76 4 61-109/20 131-11-3 Dimethyl Phthalate ND 1900 1390 73 1900 1440 76 4 59-108/20 117-84-0 Di-n-octyl Phthalate ND 1900 1620 85 1900 1700 90 5 64-119/21 84-74-2 Di-n-butyl Phthalate ND 1900 1410 74 1900 1490 79 6 63-108/19 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine ND 1900 1180 62 1900 1250 66 6 58-112/22 117-81-7 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ND 1900 1550 81 1900 1630 86 5 64-115/23 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 1900 1340 70 1900 1400 74 4 60-108/25 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 1900 1370 72 1900 1410 74 3 58-109/21 118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene ND 1900 1480 78 1900 1550 82 5 59-111/21 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 1900 1100 58 1900 1160 61 5 41-108/27 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND 1900 1180 62 1900 1290 68 9 49-110/31 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane ND 1900 1030 54 1900 1040 55 1 40-105/32 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 1900 1630 86 1900 1670 88 2 66-116/22 78-59-1 Isophorone ND 1900 1090 57 1900 1140 60 4 42-89/22 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 1900 1190 63 1900 1250 66 5 49-106/26 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 1900 1250 66 1900 1290 68 3 47-106/27 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 1900 1140 60 1900 1180 62 3 44-104/27 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene ND 1900 1020 54 1900 1070 56 5 43-108/25 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine ND 1900 1070 56 1900 1070 56 0 48-108/27 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND 1900 1360 71 1900 1410 74 4 62-110/21 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 1900 1340 70 1900 1410 74 5 63-111/22 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 1900 1480 78 1900 1560 82 5 65-115/25 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 1900 1180 62 1900 1240 65 5 45-100/26 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68729-8 Limits 367-12-4 2-Fluorophenol 56%57%61% 40-102% 4165-62-2 Phenol-d5 62%63%65% 41-100% 118-79-6 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 80%84%75% 42-108% 4165-60-0 Nitrobenzene-d5 52%55%56% 40-105% 321-60-8 2-Fluorobiphenyl 62%66%62% 43-107% 1718-51-0 Terphenyl-d14 71%74%74% 45-119% * = Outside of Control Limits. 94 of 110 FA6872977.3.1 SGS North America Inc. GC/LC Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries Orlando, FL Section 8 95 of 110 FA687298 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77171-MB MM59487.D 1 10/08/19 NM 10/07/19 OP77171 GMM1195 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8082A FA68729-2 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 ND 17 6.7 ug/kg 11104-28-2 Aroclor 1221 ND 17 8.3 ug/kg 11141-16-5 Aroclor 1232 ND 17 8.3 ug/kg 53469-21-9 Aroclor 1242 ND 17 6.7 ug/kg 12672-29-6 Aroclor 1248 ND 17 6.7 ug/kg 11097-69-1 Aroclor 1254 ND 17 6.7 ug/kg 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 ND 17 6.7 ug/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 877-09-8 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 85% 44-126% 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl 71% 41-145% 96 of 110 FA6872988.1.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77171-BS MM59486.D 1 10/08/19 NM 10/07/19 OP77171 GMM1195 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8082A FA68729-2 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/kg ug/kg % Limits 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 133 125 94 58-126 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 133 136 102 59-133 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 877-09-8 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 78% 44-126% 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl 67% 41-145% * = Outside of Control Limits. 97 of 110 FA6872988.2.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68729 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77171-MS MM59497.D 1 10/08/19 NM 10/07/19 OP77171 GMM1195 OP77171-MSD MM59498.D 1 10/08/19 NM 10/07/19 OP77171 GMM1195 FA68595-9 MM59496.D 1 10/08/19 NM 10/07/19 OP77171 GMM1195 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8082A FA68729-2 FA68595-9 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/kg Q ug/kg ug/kg % ug/kg ug/kg % RPD Rec/RPD 12674-11-2 Aroclor 1016 ND 168 172 102 166 164 99 5 58-126/25 11096-82-5 Aroclor 1260 ND 168 182 108 166 173 104 5 59-133/31 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68595-9 Limits 877-09-8 Tetrachloro-m-xylene 86%83%90% 44-126% 2051-24-3 Decachlorobiphenyl 72%71%72% 41-145% * = Outside of Control Limits. 98 of 110 FA6872988.3.1 SGS North America Inc. Metals Analysis QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries • Blank Spike and Lab Control Sample Summaries • Serial Dilution Summaries Orlando, FL Section 9 99 of 110 FA687299 BLANK RESULTS SUMMARY Part 2 - Method Blanks Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36235 Methods: SW846 6020B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/09/19 MB Metal RL IDL MDL raw final Aluminum 25 1.1 1.1 Antimony 0.25 .025 .025 Arsenic 0.25 .025 .025 -0.0041 <0.25 Barium 0.25 .025 .025 0.021 <0.25 Beryllium 0.25 .025 .027 Cadmium 0.25 .025 .025 -0.0036 <0.25 Calcium 25 1.8 1.8 Chromium 0.25 .025 .025 0.073 <0.25 Cobalt 0.25 .025 .025 Copper 0.25 .025 .025 Iron 25 2 2 Lead 0.25 .025 .025 -0.0014 <0.25 Magnesium 25 1.3 1.3 Manganese 0.25 .025 .025 Molybdenum 0.25 .025 .025 Nickel 0.25 .025 .025 Potassium 25 1.6 1.6 Selenium 0.25 .028 .045 0.0026 <0.25 Silver 0.25 .025 .025 -0.0054 <0.25 Sodium 25 1.2 1.2 Strontium 0.25 .025 .025 Thallium 0.25 .025 .025 Tin 0.25 .025 .025 Titanium 0.25 .076 .076 Vanadium 0.25 .025 .025 Zinc 0.25 .073 .073 Associated samples MP36235: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 100 of 110 FA6872999.1.1 MATRIX SPIKE AND DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36235 Methods: SW846 6020B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/09/19 10/09/19 FA68729-1 QC FA68729-1 Spikelot QC Metal Original DUP RPD Limits Original MS MPICPMS1 % Rec Limits Aluminum Antimony Arsenic 1.5 1.6 (a) 6.5 0-20 1.5 24.9 28.2 82.8 80-120 Barium 162 129 (a) 22.7*(b) 0-20 162 144 28.2 -63.7(c) 80-120 Beryllium Cadmium 0.0 0.0 (a) NC 0-20 0.0 28.0 28.2 99.1 80-120 Calcium Chromium 30.0 33.3 (a) 10.4 0-20 30.0 61.4 28.2 111.2 80-120 Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 5.4 5.7 (a) 5.4 0-20 5.4 37.3 28.2 112.9 80-120 Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium 3.9 4.8 (a) 20.7*(b) 0-20 3.9 27.9 28.2 85.0 80-120 Silver 0.0 0.0 (a) NC 0-20 0.0 13.5 14.1 95.6 80-120 Sodium Strontium Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc Associated samples MP36235: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (N) Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested (a) Sample dilution required due to difficult matrix. (b) High RPD due to possible sample non-homogeneity. (c) Spike amount low relative to the sample amount. Refer to lab control or spike blank for recovery information. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 101 of 110 FA6872999.1.2 MATRIX SPIKE AND DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36235 Methods: SW846 6020B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/09/19 FA68729-1 Spikelot MSD QC Metal Original MSD MPICPMS1 % Rec RPD Limit Aluminum Antimony Arsenic 1.5 16.2 21.2 69.2N(a) 42.3 (b) 20 Barium 162 141 21.2 -98.9(c) 2.1 20 Beryllium Cadmium 0.0 18.6 21.2 87.6 40.3 (b) 20 Calcium Chromium 30.0 49.4 21.2 91.4 21.7 (b) 20 Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 5.4 24.4 21.2 89.5 41.8 (b) 20 Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium 3.9 19.7 21.2 74.4N(a) 34.5 (b) 20 Silver 0.0 9.7 10.6 91.4 32.8 (b) 20 Sodium Strontium Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc Associated samples MP36235: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (N) Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested (a) Spike recovery indicates possible matrix interference and/or sample non-homogeneity. (b) High RPD due to possible sample non-homogeneity. (c) Spike amount low relative to the sample amount. Refer to lab control or spike blank for recovery information. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 102 of 110 FA6872999.1.2 SPIKE BLANK AND LAB CONTROL SAMPLE SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36235 Methods: SW846 6020B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/09/19 BSP Spikelot QC Metal Result MPICPMS1 % Rec Limits Aluminum Antimony Arsenic 26.1 25 104.4 80-120 Barium 25.1 25 100.4 80-120 Beryllium Cadmium 26.3 25 105.2 80-120 Calcium Chromium 26.3 25 105.2 80-120 Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 25.6 25 102.4 80-120 Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium 24.3 25 97.2 80-120 Silver 12.5 12.5 100.0 80-120 Sodium Strontium Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc Associated samples MP36235: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 103 of 110 FA6872999.1.3 SERIAL DILUTION RESULTS SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36235 Methods: SW846 6020B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: ug/l Prep Date: 10/09/19 FA68729-1 QC Metal Original SDL 10:50%DIF Limits Aluminum Antimony Arsenic 30.1 28.7 4.6 0-10 Barium 3160 3100 1.8 0-10 Beryllium Cadmium 0.00 0.00 NC 0-10 Calcium Chromium 585 590 1.0 0-10 Cobalt Copper Iron Lead 106 100 5.4 0-10 Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium 76.8 79.5 3.5 0-10 Silver 0.00 0.00 NC 0-10 Sodium Strontium Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc Associated samples MP36235: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 104 of 110 FA6872999.1.4 POST DIGESTATE SPIKE SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36235 Methods: SW846 6020B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: ug/l Prep Date: 10/09/19 Sample Final FA68729-1 PS Spike Spike Spike QC Metal ml ml Raw Corr.** ug/l ml ug/ml ug/l % Rec Limits Aluminum Antimony Arsenic 9.8 10 30.10427 29.50218 39.88 0.4 0.5 20 51.9*(a) 80-120 Barium Beryllium Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium 9.8 10 76.83019 75.29359 93.68159 0.4 0.5 20 91.9 80-120 Silver Sodium Strontium Thallium Tin Titanium Vanadium Zinc Associated samples MP36235: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (**) Corr. sample result = Raw * (sample volume / final volume) (anr) Analyte not requested (a) Spike recovery indicates matrix interference and/or outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 105 of 110 FA6872999.1.5 BLANK RESULTS SUMMARY Part 2 - Method Blanks Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36236 Methods: SW846 7471B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/10/19 MB Metal RL IDL MDL raw final Mercury 0.042 .0025 .0042 0.0079 <0.042 Associated samples MP36236: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 106 of 110 FA6872999.2.1 MATRIX SPIKE AND DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36236 Methods: SW846 7471B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/10/19 10/10/19 FA68729-1 QC FA68729-1 Spikelot QC Metal Original DUP RPD Limits Original MS HGFLWS1 % Rec Limits Mercury 0.013 0.014 7.4 0-20 0.013 0.29 0.276 100.5 80-120 Associated samples MP36236: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (N) Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 107 of 110 FA6872999.2.2 MATRIX SPIKE AND DUPLICATE RESULTS SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36236 Methods: SW846 7471B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/10/19 FA68729-1 Spikelot MSD QC Metal Original MSD HGFLWS1 % Rec RPD Limit Mercury 0.013 0.33 0.303 104.7 12.9 20 Associated samples MP36236: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (N) Matrix Spike Rec. outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 108 of 110 FA6872999.2.2 SPIKE BLANK AND LAB CONTROL SAMPLE SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36236 Methods: SW846 7471B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: mg/kg Prep Date: 10/10/19 BSP Spikelot QC Metal Result HGFLWS1 % Rec Limits Mercury 0.26 0.25 104.0 80-120 Associated samples MP36236: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 109 of 110 FA6872999.2.3 SERIAL DILUTION RESULTS SUMMARY Login Number: FA68729 Account: GSYNNCC - Geosyntec Consultants Project: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC QC Batch ID: MP36236 Methods: SW846 7471B Matrix Type: SOLID Units: ug/l Prep Date: 10/10/19 FA68729-1 QC Metal Original SDL 1:5 %DIF Limits Mercury 0.141 0.00 100.0(a) 0-10 Associated samples MP36236: FA68729-1, FA68729-2, FA68729-3, FA68729-4, FA68729-5, FA68729-8, FA68729-9, FA68729-10 Results < IDL are shown as zero for calculation purposes (*) Outside of QC limits (anr) Analyte not requested (a) Percent difference acceptable due to low initial sample concentration (< 50 times IDL). _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 1 110 of 110 FA6872999.2.4 10/16/19 Technical Report for Geosyntec Consultants Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC GC7090 SGS Job Number: FA68732 Sampling Date: 10/03/19 Report to: Geosyntec Consultants 1300 S Mint St Suite 110 Charlotte, NC 28203 jahrens@geosyntec.com; dhanley@geosyntec.com; akenwell@geosyntec.com ATTN: Amy Kenwell Total number of pages in report: Certifications: FL(E83510), LA(03051), KS(E-10327), IL(200063), NC(573), NJ(FL002), NY(12022), SC(96038001) DoD ELAP(ANAB L2229), AZ(AZ0806), CA(2937), TX(T104704404), PA(68-03573), VA(460177), AK, AR, IA, KY, MA, MS, ND, NH, NV, OK, OR, UT, WA, WV This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of SGS. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. SGS North America Inc. • 4405 Vineland Road • Suite C-15 • Orlando, FL 32811 • tel: 407-425-6700 • fax: 407-425-0707 Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Jean Dent-Smith 407-425-6700 Caitlin Brice, M.S. General Manager Orlando, FL 10/16/19 e-Hardcopy 2.0 Automated Report 42 SGS is the sole authority for authorizing edits or modifications to this document. Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. Review standard terms at: http://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions The results set forth herein are provided by SGS North America Inc. Please share your ideas about how we can serve you better at: EHS.US.CustomerCare@sgs.com 1 of 42 FA68732 Table of Contents -1- Sections: Section 1: Sample Summary ................................................................................................... 3 Section 2: Case Narrative/Conformance Summary .............................................................. 4 Section 3: Summary of Hits .................................................................................................... 5 Section 4: Sample Results ........................................................................................................6 4.1: FA68732-1: TW-1 ......................................................................................................... 7 4.2: FA68732-2: TW-2 ......................................................................................................... 11 4.3: FA68732-3: TW-3 ......................................................................................................... 14 Section 5: Misc. Forms ............................................................................................................18 5.1: Chain of Custody ........................................................................................................... 19 Section 6: MS Volatiles - QC Data Summaries ..................................................................... 21 6.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 22 6.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 28 6.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary ........................................................... 34 Section 7: MS Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries ............................................................ 40 7.1: Method Blank Summary ................................................................................................ 41 7.2: Blank Spike Summary ................................................................................................... 42 12345672 of 42 FA68732 SGS North America Inc. Sample Summary Geosyntec Consultants Job No:FA68732 Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Project No: GC7090 Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample ID This report contains results reported as ND = Not detected. The following applies: Organics ND = Not detected above the MDL FA68732-1 10/03/19 13:00 JH 10/05/19 AQ Ground Water TW-1 FA68732-2 10/03/19 14:45 JH 10/05/19 AQ Ground Water TW-2 FA68732-3 10/03/19 15:45 JH 10/05/19 AQ Ground Water TW-3 3 of 42 FA687321 SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: Geosyntec Consultants Job No: FA68732 Site: Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Report Date 10/16/2019 12:08:50 3 Samples were collected on 10/03/2019 and were received at SGS North America Inc - Orlando on 10/05/2019 properly preserved, at 1.9 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an SGS Orlando job number of FA68732. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. MS Volatiles By Method SW846 8260D Matrix: AQ Batch ID: VC5431 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) FA68595-11MS, FA68595-11MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Matrix: AQ Batch ID: VC5432 All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) FA68711-11MS, FA68711-11MSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Matrix Spike Recovery(s) for 1,2,3-Trichloropropane are outside control limits. Probable cause is due to matrix interference. Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery(s) for 1,2,3-Trichloropropane, 1,3-Dichloropropane, Methylene Chloride are outside control limits. Probable cause is due to matrix interference. FA68732-1 for 2-Hexanone: Associated CCV outside of control limits low. FA68732-1 for 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK): Associated CCV outside of control limits low. MS Semi-volatiles By Method SW846 8270E BY SIM Matrix: AQ Batch ID: OP77197 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. SGS Orlando certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at SGS Orlando and as stated on the COC. SGS Orlando certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision, accuracy and completeness as specified in the SGS Orlando Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. SGS Orlando is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used. Narrative prepared by: ______________________________________ Ariel Hartney, Client Services (Signature on File) 4 of 42 FA687322 Summary of Hits Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68732 Account:Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Collected:10/03/19 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method FA68732-1 TW-1 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 534 200 55 ug/l SW846 8260D Trichloroethylene 19400 200 69 ug/l SW846 8260D Naphthalene 0.80 0.80 0.32 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM FA68732-2 TW-2 Acetone 20.2 J 25 10 ug/l SW846 8260D cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 6.7 1.0 0.28 ug/l SW846 8260D Toluene 0.40 J 1.0 0.30 ug/l SW846 8260D Trichloroethylene 52.0 1.0 0.35 ug/l SW846 8260D m,p-Xylene 0.73 J 2.0 0.47 ug/l SW846 8260D o-Xylene 0.29 J 1.0 0.26 ug/l SW846 8260D Xylene (total)1.0 J 3.0 0.72 ug/l SW846 8260D FA68732-3 TW-3 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1.8 J 5.0 1.6 ug/l SW846 8260D cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1470 20 5.5 ug/l SW846 8260D trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 17.7 5.0 1.1 ug/l SW846 8260D Naphthalene 34.2 25 5.0 ug/l SW846 8260D Tetrachloroethylene 3.2 J 5.0 1.1 ug/l SW846 8260D Trichloroethylene 422 5.0 1.7 ug/l SW846 8260D Vinyl Chloride 4.5 J 5.0 2.0 ug/l SW846 8260D Anthracene 0.54 J 0.77 0.19 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM Fluoranthene 2.6 0.77 0.19 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM Fluorene 0.65 J 0.77 0.19 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM 1-Methylnaphthalene 0.82 0.77 0.31 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.73 J 0.77 0.31 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM Naphthalene 25.6 0.77 0.31 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM Phenanthrene 13.2 0.77 0.19 ug/l SW846 8270E BY SIM 5 of 42 FA687323 SGS North America Inc. Sample Results Report of Analysis Orlando, FL Section 4 6 of 42 FA687324 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:TW-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 C0136320.D 200 10/14/19 17:14 KB n/a n/a VC5432 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 5000 2000 ug/l 71-43-2 Benzene ND 200 62 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 200 73 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 200 90 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 200 48 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 200 81 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 1000 400 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 200 46 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 200 49 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 200 63 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 200 71 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 200 40 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 400 130 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 200 60 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 200 44 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 200 61 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 200 55 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 400 55 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 400 100 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 65 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 43 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 200 51 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 200 68 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 200 62 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 200 64 ug/l 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 534 200 55 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 200 44 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 200 85 ug/l 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 200 62 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 200 48 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 200 67 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 200 58 ug/l ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 7 of 42 FA6873244.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:TW-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 200 43 ug/l 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 200 48 ug/l 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 40000 16000 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 200 71 ug/l 591-78-6 2-Hexanone a ND 2000 400 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 200 44 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 200 43 ug/l 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 400 120 ug/l 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 400 100 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 1000 400 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIB a ND 1000 200 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 200 46 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 1000 200 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 200 57 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 200 44 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 200 55 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 200 60 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 200 43 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene ND 200 60 ug/l 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 400 120 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 400 100 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 200 50 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 200 93 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 19400 200 69 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 400 100 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 400 130 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 200 65 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 200 55 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 2000 400 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 200 82 ug/l m,p-Xylene ND 400 93 ug/l 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 200 51 ug/l 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 600 140 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103%83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 106%79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97%85-112% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 97%83-118% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 8 of 42 FA6873244.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:TW-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Associated CCV outside of control limits low. ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 9 of 42 FA6873244.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:TW-1 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-1 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E BY SIM SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 T046047.D 1 10/07/19 17:00 KH 10/07/19 07:57 OP77197 ST1623 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 250 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 BN PAH List CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.080 0.032 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.080 0.032 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene 0.80 0.80 0.32 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 7297-45-2 2-Methylnaphthalene-d10 73%50-150% 93951-69-0 Fluoranthene-d10 85%50-150% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 10 of 42 FA6873244.1 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 2 Client Sample ID:TW-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 C0136301.D 1 10/12/19 20:26 AB n/a n/a VC5431 Run #2 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone 20.2 25 10 ug/l J 71-43-2 Benzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 1.0 0.37 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.45 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.20 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 2.0 0.67 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 2.0 0.28 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 6.7 1.0 0.28 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.43 ug/l 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 11 of 42 FA6873244.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 2 Client Sample ID:TW-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 200 82 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 10 2.0 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 2.0 0.59 ug/l 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene 0.40 1.0 0.30 ug/l J 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.61 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.25 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.47 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 52.0 1.0 0.35 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 2.0 0.63 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.27 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 10 2.0 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l m,p-Xylene 0.73 2.0 0.47 ug/l J 95-47-6 o-Xylene 0.29 1.0 0.26 ug/l J 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)1.0 3.0 0.72 ug/l J CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103%83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 106%79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 96%85-112% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100%83-118% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 12 of 42 FA6873244.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:TW-2 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-2 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E BY SIM SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 T046048.D 1 10/07/19 17:32 KH 10/07/19 07:57 OP77197 ST1623 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 180 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 BN PAH List CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 1.1 0.44 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 1.1 0.44 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 1.1 0.28 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.22 0.044 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.22 0.044 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.11 0.044 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.22 0.044 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.11 0.044 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.22 0.044 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.22 0.044 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 1.1 0.28 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 1.1 0.28 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.22 0.044 ug/l 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 1.1 0.44 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 1.1 0.44 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 1.1 0.44 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 1.1 0.28 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 1.1 0.28 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 7297-45-2 2-Methylnaphthalene-d10 76%50-150% 93951-69-0 Fluoranthene-d10 80%50-150% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 13 of 42 FA6873244.2 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 3 Client Sample ID:TW-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 C0136302.D 5 10/12/19 20:52 AB n/a n/a VC5431 Run #2 C0136317.D 20 10/14/19 15:56 KB n/a n/a VC5432 Purge Volume Run #1 5.0 ml Run #2 5.0 ml VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 130 50 ug/l 71-43-2 Benzene ND 5.0 1.6 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 5.0 1.8 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 5.0 2.3 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 5.0 1.2 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 25 10 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.2 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 5.0 1.6 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 5.0 1.8 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 10 3.3 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 5.0 1.5 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 5.0 1.5 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 5.0 1.4 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 10 1.4 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 10 2.5 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.6 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 5.0 1.3 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.7 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 5.0 1.6 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1.8 5.0 1.6 ug/l J 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1470 a 20 5.5 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 17.7 5.0 1.1 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 2.1 ug/l 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.5 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 5.0 1.2 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.7 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.5 ug/l ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 14 of 42 FA6873244.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 2 of 3 Client Sample ID:TW-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 5.0 1.2 ug/l 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 1000 410 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.8 ug/l 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 50 10 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 10 2.9 ug/l 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 10 2.5 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 25 10 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 25 5.0 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene 34.2 25 5.0 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 5.0 1.1 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.4 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 5.0 1.5 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 3.2 5.0 1.1 ug/l J 108-88-3 Toluene ND 5.0 1.5 ug/l 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 10 3.1 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 10 2.5 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 1.2 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 5.0 2.3 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 422 5.0 1.7 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 10 2.5 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 10 3.2 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.6 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 5.0 1.4 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 50 10 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 4.5 5.0 2.0 ug/l J m,p-Xylene ND 10 2.3 ug/l 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 5.0 1.3 ug/l 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 15 3.6 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103%104% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 105%105% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97%95% 85-112% 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101%102% 83-118% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 15 of 42 FA6873244.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 3 of 3 Client Sample ID:TW-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8260D Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC VOA List for NC, May 2012 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q (a) Result is from Run# 2 ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 16 of 42 FA6873244.3 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Page 1 of 1 Client Sample ID:TW-3 Lab Sample ID:FA68732-3 Date Sampled:10/03/19 Matrix:AQ - Ground Water Date Received:10/05/19 Method:SW846 8270E BY SIM SW846 3510C Percent Solids:n/a Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 T046049.D 1 10/07/19 18:04 KH 10/07/19 07:57 OP77197 ST1623 Run #2 Initial Volume Final Volume Run #1 260 ml 1.0 ml Run #2 BN PAH List CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.77 0.31 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.77 0.31 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene 0.54 0.77 0.19 ug/l J 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.15 0.031 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.15 0.031 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.077 0.031 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.15 0.031 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.077 0.031 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.15 0.031 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.15 0.031 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 2.6 0.77 0.19 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene 0.65 0.77 0.19 ug/l J 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.15 0.031 ug/l 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 0.82 0.77 0.31 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.73 0.77 0.31 ug/l J 91-20-3 Naphthalene 25.6 0.77 0.31 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 13.2 0.77 0.19 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.77 0.19 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 Run# 2 Limits 7297-45-2 2-Methylnaphthalene-d10 66%50-150% 93951-69-0 Fluoranthene-d10 80%50-150% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 17 of 42 FA6873244.3 SGS North America Inc. Misc. Forms Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: • Chain of Custody Orlando, FL Section 5 18 of 42 FA687325 FA68732: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2 19 of 42 FA6873255.1 Job Number:FA68732 Client:GEOSYNTEC Date / Time Received:10/5/2019 9:00:00 AM Delivery Method:FX Project:SOUTHERN RESOURCES Airbill #'s: Cooler Information 1. Custody Seals Present 2. Custody Seals Intact 4. Cooler temp verification 3. Temp criteria achieved 5. Cooler media IR Gun Ice (Bag) Trip Blank Information 1. Trip Blank present / cooler 2. Trip Blank listed on COC 2. Samples preserved properly Sample Information 1. Sample labels present on bottles 5. Sample recvd within HT 4. Condition of sample 3. Sufficient volume/containers recvd for analysis: Intact Comments SM001Rev. Date 05/24/17 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Cooler Temps (Raw Measured) °C: Cooler Temps (Corrected) °C: Cooler 1: (0.9); Cooler 1: (1.9); 3. Type Of TB Received W or S N/A 6. Dates/Times/IDs on COC match Sample Label 7. VOCs have headspace 8. Bottles received for unspecified tests 9. Compositing instructions clear 10. Voa Soil Kits/Jars received past 48hrs? 11. % Solids Jar received? Misc. Information 25-Gram 5-GramNumber of Encores:Number of 5035 Field Kits:Number of Lab Filtered Metals: Test Strip Lot #s:pH 0-3 230315 pH 10-12 219813A Other: (Specify) Y or N N/A Y or N Therm ID:IR 1; Therm CF:1; # of Coolers:1 Y or N N/A 12. Residual Chlorine Present? Residual Chlorine Test Strip Lot #: Technician:Reviewer:PETERH Date:Date: 10/5/2019 9:00:00 AM FA68732: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 2 20 of 42 FA6873255.1 SGS North America Inc. MS Volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries Orlando, FL Section 6 21 of 42 FA687326 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5431-MB C0136281.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 25 10 ug/l 71-43-2 Benzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 1.0 0.37 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.45 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.20 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 2.0 0.67 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 2.0 0.28 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.43 ug/l 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 200 82 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 22 of 42 FA6873266.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5431-MB C0136281.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 10 2.0 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 2.0 0.59 ug/l 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.61 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.25 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.47 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.35 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 2.0 0.63 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.27 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 10 2.0 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l m,p-Xylene ND 2.0 0.47 ug/l 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 3.0 0.72 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 105% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97% 85-112% 23 of 42 FA6873266.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5431-MB C0136281.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100% 83-118% 24 of 42 FA6873266.1.1 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5432-MB C0136309.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 67-64-1 Acetone ND 25 10 ug/l 71-43-2 Benzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 1.0 0.37 ug/l 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.45 ug/l 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.20 ug/l 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 2.0 0.67 ug/l 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 2.0 0.28 ug/l 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.43 ug/l 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.31 ug/l 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.34 ug/l 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 1.0 0.24 ug/l 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 200 82 ug/l 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.36 ug/l 25 of 42 FA6873266.1.2 Method Blank Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5432-MB C0136309.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 10 2.0 ug/l 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 1.0 0.21 ug/l 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 2.0 0.59 ug/l 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 5.0 2.0 ug/l 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 1.0 0.23 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 5.0 1.0 ug/l 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 1.0 0.29 ug/l 100-42-5 Styrene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.28 ug/l 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 1.0 0.22 ug/l 108-88-3 Toluene ND 1.0 0.30 ug/l 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.61 ug/l 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.25 ug/l 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 1.0 0.47 ug/l 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 1.0 0.35 ug/l 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 2.0 0.50 ug/l 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 2.0 0.63 ug/l 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.32 ug/l 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 1.0 0.27 ug/l 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 10 2.0 ug/l 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 1.0 0.41 ug/l m,p-Xylene ND 2.0 0.47 ug/l 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 1.0 0.26 ug/l 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 3.0 0.72 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 103% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 104% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97% 85-112% 26 of 42 FA6873266.1.2 Method Blank Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5432-MB C0136309.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 83-118% 27 of 42 FA6873266.1.2 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5431-BS C0136280.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/l ug/l % Limits 67-64-1 Acetone 125 119 95 50-147 71-43-2 Benzene 25 22.8 91 81-122 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 25 22.3 89 80-121 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 25 21.9 88 76-123 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 25 24.3 97 79-123 75-25-2 Bromoform 25 21.8 87 66-123 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)125 106 85 56-143 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 25 24.0 96 79-126 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 25 23.7 95 83-133 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 25 22.2 89 80-133 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 25 26.5 106 76-136 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 25 21.9 88 82-124 75-00-3 Chloroethane 25 24.2 97 62-144 67-66-3 Chloroform 25 23.4 94 80-124 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene 25 22.5 90 81-127 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene 25 22.6 90 83-130 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 25 23.0 92 78-122 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane 25 21.5 86 75-120 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 25 26.2 105 42-167 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 25 21.9 88 82-124 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 25 22.6 90 84-125 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 25 22.3 89 78-120 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 25 23.9 96 81-122 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 25 22.5 90 75-125 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene 25 25.1 100 78-137 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 25 23.5 94 78-120 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 25 24.2 97 76-127 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 25 23.0 92 76-124 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 25 20.8 83 80-118 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 25 24.9 100 74-139 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 25 25.4 102 79-131 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 25 23.0 92 75-118 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 25 22.8 91 80-120 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether 25 21.7 87 68-123 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol 500 515 103 46-145 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 25 22.7 91 81-121 * = Outside of Control Limits. 28 of 42 FA6873266.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5431-BS C0136280.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/l ug/l % Limits 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 125 99.1 79 61-129 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 25 24.1 96 83-132 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene 25 23.3 93 79-130 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide 25 22.6 90 59-143 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride 25 22.1 88 50-159 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 25 18.1 72 69-135 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 125 101 81 66-122 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 25 21.4 86 72-117 91-20-3 Naphthalene 25 20.3 81 63-132 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 25 22.9 92 82-133 100-42-5 Styrene 25 22.0 88 78-119 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 25 23.9 96 77-122 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 25 21.1 84 72-120 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 25 23.9 96 76-135 108-88-3 Toluene 25 22.7 91 80-120 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 25 21.3 85 68-131 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 25 22.4 90 73-129 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 25 24.5 98 75-130 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 25 21.1 84 76-119 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 25 23.4 94 81-126 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 25 27.4 110 71-156 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 25 20.4 82 77-120 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 25 21.6 86 79-120 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 25 22.9 92 79-120 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 125 109 87 43-154 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 25 26.0 104 69-159 m,p-Xylene 50 46.1 92 79-126 95-47-6 o-Xylene 25 22.6 90 80-127 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)75 68.8 92 80-126 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 101% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 102% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98% 85-112% * = Outside of Control Limits. 29 of 42 FA6873266.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5431-BS C0136280.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99% 83-118% * = Outside of Control Limits. 30 of 42 FA6873266.2.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5432-BS C0136307.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/l ug/l % Limits 67-64-1 Acetone 125 120 96 50-147 71-43-2 Benzene 25 23.6 94 81-122 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 25 23.1 92 80-121 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 25 22.9 92 76-123 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 25 25.9 104 79-123 75-25-2 Bromoform 25 22.4 90 66-123 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)125 109 87 56-143 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene 25 23.7 95 79-126 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 25 23.7 95 83-133 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 25 23.7 95 80-133 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 25 28.2 113 76-136 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 25 22.6 90 82-124 75-00-3 Chloroethane 25 28.3 113 62-144 67-66-3 Chloroform 25 24.6 98 80-124 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene 25 23.1 92 81-127 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene 25 23.0 92 83-130 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 25 23.7 95 78-122 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane 25 21.7 87 75-120 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 25 29.5 118 42-167 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 25 21.9 88 82-124 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 25 23.0 92 84-125 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 25 22.4 90 78-120 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 25 25.4 102 81-122 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane 25 23.3 93 75-125 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene 25 26.0 104 78-137 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 25 24.6 98 78-120 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 25 25.2 101 76-127 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane 25 24.0 96 76-124 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane 25 21.3 85 80-118 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane 25 26.4 106 74-139 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 25 25.9 104 79-131 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 25 23.2 93 75-118 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 25 24.0 96 80-120 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether 25 21.6 86 68-123 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol 500 492 98 46-145 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 25 23.1 92 81-121 * = Outside of Control Limits. 31 of 42 FA6873266.2.2 Blank Spike Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5432-BS C0136307.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/l ug/l % Limits 591-78-6 2-Hexanone 125 101 81 61-129 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene 25 24.5 98 83-132 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene 25 24.0 96 79-130 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide 25 26.9 108 59-143 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride 25 24.3 97 50-159 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 25 18.5 74 69-135 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 125 99.7 80 66-122 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 25 22.2 89 72-117 91-20-3 Naphthalene 25 20.4 82 63-132 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene 25 23.4 94 82-133 100-42-5 Styrene 25 23.4 94 78-119 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 25 24.6 98 77-122 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 25 20.5 82 72-120 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 25 24.6 98 76-135 108-88-3 Toluene 25 23.0 92 80-120 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 25 21.5 86 68-131 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 25 22.8 91 73-129 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 25 26.2 105 75-130 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 25 20.8 83 76-119 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 25 24.0 96 81-126 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 25 30.6 122 71-156 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 25 19.4 78 77-120 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 25 22.5 90 79-120 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 25 23.4 94 79-120 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 125 106 85 43-154 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 25 27.7 111 69-159 m,p-Xylene 50 48.3 97 79-126 95-47-6 o-Xylene 25 23.3 93 80-127 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)75 71.7 96 80-126 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 102% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98% 85-112% * = Outside of Control Limits. 32 of 42 FA6873266.2.2 Blank Spike Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch VC5432-BS C0136307.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100% 83-118% * = Outside of Control Limits. 33 of 42 FA6873266.2.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68595-11MS C0136292.D 5 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 FA68595-11MSD C0136293.D 5 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 FA68595-11 a C0136282.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 FA68595-11 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/l Q ug/l ug/l % ug/l ug/l % RPD Rec/RPD 67-64-1 Acetone ND 625 497 80 625 529 85 6 50-147/21 71-43-2 Benzene ND 125 114 91 125 115 92 1 81-122/14 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 125 110 88 125 110 88 0 80-121/14 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 125 113 90 125 114 91 1 76-123/14 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 125 123 98 125 124 99 1 79-123/19 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 125 109 87 125 108 86 1 66-123/21 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 625 499 80 625 527 84 5 56-143/18 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 125 113 90 125 110 88 3 79-126/16 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene 0.38 J 125 113 90 125 111 88 2 83-133/16 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 0.36 J 125 110 88 125 108 86 2 80-133/16 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 125 136 109 125 132 106 3 76-136/23 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 2.9 125 114 89 125 112 87 2 82-124/14 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 125 115 92 125 128 102 11 62-144/20 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 125 119 95 125 123 98 3 80-124/15 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 125 110 88 125 108 86 2 81-127/15 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 125 111 89 125 110 88 1 83-130/15 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 125 115 92 125 115 92 0 78-122/19 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 125 107 86 125 103 82 4 75-120/13 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 125 128 102 125 137 110 7 42-167/19 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.60 J 125 108 86 125 109 87 1 82-124/14 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 125 111 89 125 109 87 2 84-125/14 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.51 J 125 111 88 125 107 85 4 78-120/15 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 125 121 97 125 121 97 0 81-122/15 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 125 116 93 125 114 91 2 75-125/14 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 125 121 97 125 126 101 4 78-137/18 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 125 120 96 125 119 95 1 78-120/15 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 125 117 94 125 117 94 0 76-127/17 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 125 116 93 125 116 93 0 76-124/14 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 125 101 81 125 100 80 1 80-118/13 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 125 118 94 125 120 96 2 74-139/17 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 125 119 95 125 125 100 5 79-131/16 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 125 112 90 125 114 91 2 75-118/23 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 125 114 91 125 113 90 1 80-120/22 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 125 106 85 125 108 86 2 68-123/16 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 2500 2090 84 2500 2290 92 9 46-145/30 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 125 112 90 125 111 89 1 81-121/14 * = Outside of Control Limits. 34 of 42 FA6873266.3.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68595-11MS C0136292.D 5 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 FA68595-11MSD C0136293.D 5 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 FA68595-11 a C0136282.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 FA68595-11 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/l Q ug/l ug/l % ug/l ug/l % RPD Rec/RPD 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 625 474 76 625 499 80 5 61-129/18 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 125 119 95 125 117 94 2 83-132/15 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 125 114 91 125 110 88 4 79-130/16 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 125 91.3 73 125 111 89 19 59-143/19 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 125 98.8 79 125 108 86 9 50-159/19 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 125 89.7 72 125 91.6 73 2 69-135/16 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 625 501 80 625 508 81 1 66-122/16 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether 4.2 125 113 87 125 115 89 2 72-117/14 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 125 102 82 125 105 84 3 63-132/25 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 125 112 90 125 109 87 3 82-133/15 100-42-5 Styrene ND 125 111 89 125 107 86 4 78-119/23 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 125 118 94 125 120 96 2 77-122/19 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 125 105 84 125 104 83 1 72-120/14 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 125 117 94 125 115 92 2 76-135/16 108-88-3 Toluene ND 125 112 90 125 112 90 0 80-120/14 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 125 104 83 125 103 82 1 68-131/25 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 125 108 86 125 109 87 1 73-129/20 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 125 123 98 125 126 101 2 75-130/16 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 125 104 83 125 106 85 2 76-119/14 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ND 125 115 92 125 117 94 2 81-126/15 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 125 135 108 125 143 114 6 71-156/21 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 125 101 81 125 102 82 1 77-120/16 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 125 107 86 125 106 85 1 79-120/18 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 125 111 89 125 110 88 1 79-120/19 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 625 534 85 625 556 89 4 43-154/14 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride ND 125 118 94 125 133 106 12 69-159/18 m,p-Xylene ND 250 230 92 250 222 89 4 79-126/15 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 125 113 90 125 111 89 2 80-127/14 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 375 343 91 375 334 89 3 80-126/15 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68595-11 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 102%103%102% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 104%104%103% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 98%97%97% 85-112% * = Outside of Control Limits. 35 of 42 FA6873266.3.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68595-11MS C0136292.D 5 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 FA68595-11MSD C0136293.D 5 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 FA68595-11 a C0136282.D 1 10/12/19 AB n/a n/a VC5431 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-2, FA68732-3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68595-11 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99%98%101% 83-118% (a) Sample was not preserved to a pH < 2; reported results are considered minimum values. * = Outside of Control Limits. 36 of 42 FA6873266.3.1 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68711-11MS C0136330.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 FA68711-11MSD C0136331.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 FA68711-11 a C0136311.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 FA68711-11 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/l Q ug/l ug/l % ug/l ug/l % RPD Rec/RPD 67-64-1 Acetone ND 125 100 80 125 104 83 4 50-147/21 71-43-2 Benzene ND 25 23.3 93 25 23.3 93 0 81-122/14 108-86-1 Bromobenzene ND 25 22.6 90 25 22.1 88 2 80-121/14 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane ND 25 21.6 86 25 22.2 89 3 76-123/14 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane ND 25 25.2 101 25 25.1 100 0 79-123/19 75-25-2 Bromoform ND 25 20.7 83 25 20.7 83 0 66-123/21 78-93-3 2-Butanone (MEK)ND 125 94.9 76 125 94.4 76 1 56-143/18 104-51-8 n-Butylbenzene ND 25 22.1 88 25 22.2 89 0 79-126/16 135-98-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND 25 22.9 92 25 22.8 91 0 83-133/16 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene ND 25 22.6 90 25 23.0 92 2 80-133/16 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 25 28.1 112 25 28.0 112 0 76-136/23 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene ND 25 22.3 89 25 22.4 90 0 82-124/14 75-00-3 Chloroethane ND 25 25.5 102 25 27.4 110 7 62-144/20 67-66-3 Chloroform ND 25 24.5 98 25 24.6 98 0 80-124/15 95-49-8 o-Chlorotoluene ND 25 22.3 89 25 22.6 90 1 81-127/15 106-43-4 p-Chlorotoluene ND 25 22.6 90 25 22.4 90 1 83-130/15 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane ND 25 22.8 91 25 22.6 90 1 78-122/19 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 25 19.5 78 25 20.1 80 3 75-120/13 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 25 28.2 113 25 29.9 120 6 42-167/19 95-50-1 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 25 22.0 88 25 21.7 87 1 82-124/14 541-73-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 25 22.1 88 25 22.6 90 2 84-125/14 106-46-7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 25 21.9 88 25 22.5 90 3 78-120/15 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane 2.2 25 27.0 99 25 27.2 100 1 81-122/15 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 25 24.0 96 25 23.9 96 0 75-125/14 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1.1 25 25.3 97 25 25.6 98 1 78-137/18 156-59-2 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 14.1 25 37.2 92 25 37.3 93 0 78-120/15 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 25 24.4 98 25 24.3 97 0 76-127/17 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 25 22.9 92 25 23.0 92 0 76-124/14 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 25 19.9 80 25 19.6 78*2 80-118/13 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 25 23.6 94 25 23.2 93 2 74-139/17 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 25 24.7 99 25 24.8 99 0 79-131/16 10061-01-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 25 21.9 88 25 22.3 89 2 75-118/23 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 25 22.2 89 25 22.3 89 0 80-120/22 108-20-3 Di-Isopropyl Ether ND 25 21.0 84 25 21.1 84 0 68-123/16 64-17-5 Ethyl Alcohol ND 500 405 81 500 421 84 4 46-145/30 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ND 25 23.0 92 25 22.7 91 1 81-121/14 * = Outside of Control Limits. 37 of 42 FA6873266.3.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 2 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68711-11MS C0136330.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 FA68711-11MSD C0136331.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 FA68711-11 a C0136311.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 FA68711-11 Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound ug/l Q ug/l ug/l % ug/l ug/l % RPD Rec/RPD 591-78-6 2-Hexanone ND 125 91.5 73 125 92.2 74 1 61-129/18 98-82-8 Isopropylbenzene ND 25 24.1 96 25 24.0 96 0 83-132/15 99-87-6 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 25 22.9 92 25 23.0 92 0 79-130/16 74-83-9 Methyl Bromide ND 25 20.5 82 25 24.2 97 17 59-143/19 74-87-3 Methyl Chloride ND 25 20.6 82 25 22.6 90 9 50-159/19 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ND 25 17.3 69 25 17.0 68*2 69-135/16 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 125 89.7 72 125 93.4 75 4 66-122/16 1634-04-4 Methyl Tert Butyl Ether ND 25 21.5 86 25 21.7 87 1 72-117/14 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 25 17.8 71 25 18.5 74 4 63-132/25 103-65-1 n-Propylbenzene ND 25 22.1 88 25 22.2 89 0 82-133/15 100-42-5 Styrene ND 25 22.9 92 25 22.6 90 1 78-119/23 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 25 24.6 98 25 24.0 96 2 77-122/19 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 25 18.0 72 25 18.5 74 3 72-120/14 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ND 25 23.5 94 25 23.2 93 1 76-135/16 108-88-3 Toluene ND 25 22.3 89 25 22.1 88 1 80-120/14 87-61-6 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 25 19.1 76 25 19.6 78 3 68-131/25 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 25 21.0 84 25 21.4 86 2 73-129/20 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.1 25 27.4 105 25 27.2 104 1 75-130/16 79-00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 25 19.7 79 25 20.0 80 2 76-119/14 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 4.9 25 28.3 94 25 28.6 95 1 81-126/15 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane ND 25 31.0 124 25 31.2 125 1 71-156/21 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 25 18.5 74* 25 18.1 72*2 77-120/16 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 25 21.9 88 25 21.7 87 1 79-120/18 108-67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 25 22.7 91 25 22.7 91 0 79-120/19 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate ND 125 98.8 79 125 98.0 78 1 43-154/14 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 2.8 25 27.9 100 25 30.0 109 7 69-159/18 m,p-Xylene ND 50 47.0 94 50 45.8 92 3 79-126/15 95-47-6 o-Xylene ND 25 22.9 92 25 22.6 90 1 80-127/14 1330-20-7 Xylene (total)ND 75 69.9 93 75 68.4 91 2 80-126/15 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68711-11 Limits 1868-53-7 Dibromofluoromethane 104%103%104% 83-118% 17060-07-0 1,2-Dichloroethane-D4 108%106%104% 79-125% 2037-26-5 Toluene-D8 97%97%96% 85-112% * = Outside of Control Limits. 38 of 42 FA6873266.3.2 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 3 of 3 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch FA68711-11MS C0136330.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 FA68711-11MSD C0136331.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 FA68711-11 a C0136311.D 1 10/14/19 KB n/a n/a VC5432 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8260D FA68732-1, FA68732-3 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA68711-11 Limits 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99%100%99% 83-118% (a) Confirmation run. * = Outside of Control Limits. 39 of 42 FA6873266.3.2 SGS North America Inc. MS Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries Orlando, FL Section 7 40 of 42 FA687327 Method Blank Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77197-MB R483167A.D 1 10/07/19 KH 10/07/19 OP77197 SR3119 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E BY SIM FA68732-1, FA68732-2, FA68732-3 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q 83-32-9 Acenaphthene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 120-12-7 Anthracene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ND 0.080 0.032 ug/l 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ND 0.080 0.032 ug/l 218-01-9 Chrysene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 206-44-0 Fluoranthene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 86-73-7 Fluorene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND 0.16 0.032 ug/l 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 91-20-3 Naphthalene ND 0.80 0.32 ug/l 85-01-8 Phenanthrene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l 129-00-0 Pyrene ND 0.80 0.20 ug/l CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 7297-45-2 2-Methylnaphthalene-d10 68% 50-150% 93951-69-0 Fluoranthene-d10 74% 50-150% 41 of 42 FA6873277.1.1 Blank Spike Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number:FA68732 Account:GSYNNCC Geosyntec Consultants Project:Southern Resources; 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP77197-BS R483166A.D 1 10/07/19 KH 10/07/19 OP77197 SR3119 The QC reported here applies to the following samples:Method: SW846 8270E BY SIM FA68732-1, FA68732-2, FA68732-3 Spike BSP BSP CAS No. Compound ug/l ug/l % Limits 83-32-9 Acenaphthene 8 5.7 71 54-128 208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 8 5.8 73 55-128 120-12-7 Anthracene 4 3.1 78 57-129 56-55-3 Benzo(a)anthracene 4 3.1 78 60-134 50-32-8 Benzo(a)pyrene 4 3.3 83 58-131 205-99-2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 4 3.1 78 62-139 191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 4 3.1 78 48-136 207-08-9 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 4 2.9 73 60-139 218-01-9 Chrysene 4 3.2 80 64-136 53-70-3 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 4 3.3 83 46-131 206-44-0 Fluoranthene 8 5.9 74 59-140 86-73-7 Fluorene 8 6.0 75 55-129 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 4 3.4 85 46-139 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene 8 5.1 64 52-128 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene 8 5.1 64 50-117 91-20-3 Naphthalene 8 5.4 68 52-124 85-01-8 Phenanthrene 8 5.8 73 60-130 129-00-0 Pyrene 8 6.1 76 53-134 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries BSP Limits 7297-45-2 2-Methylnaphthalene-d10 71% 50-150% 93951-69-0 Fluoranthene-d10 77% 50-150% * = Outside of Control Limits. 42 of 42 FA6873277.2.1 APPENDIX D - NCDEQ RISK CALCULATOR Version Date: Basis: Site Name: Site Address: DEQ Section: Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Reviewed By: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator Southern Resources 3826 Raleigh St, Charlotte, NC NA May 2019 May 2019 EPA RSL Table Prepared By:Amy Kenwell North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Complete Exposure Pathways Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: Note: Risk output will only be calculated for complete exposure pathways. Receptor Pathway Check box if pathway complete Soil Groundwater Use Soil Groundwater Use Construction Worker Soil Soil Surface Water Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Source Soil Source Groundwater Source Soil Source Groundwater Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION PATHWAYS Groundwater Surface Water Input Form 1A VAPOR INTRUSION PATHWAYS DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER PATHWAYS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1A Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Soil 2.3E-05 2.2E-01 NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Soil 2.1E-06 2.4E-02 NO Groundwater Use* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil 1.3E-06 2.3E-01 NO Soil 1.3E-05 1.0E-01 NO Surface Water* NC NC NC Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Groundwater to Indoor Air 1.6E-02 3.7E+03 YES Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC Groundwater to Indoor Air 2.6E-03 8.9E+02 YES Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC Pathway Source Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC 3. NM = Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not complete 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. Notes: DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Resident Soil Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS # Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentration (mg/kg) Dermal Concentration (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentration (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk* Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient* Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 3.4 3.4 3.4 4.4E-06 6.2E-07 8.8E-11 5.0E-06 8.7E-02 1.0E-02 3.7E-06 9.7E-02 7440-39-3 Barium 162 162 162 1.0E-02 5.2E-06 1.0E-02 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 352.1 352.1 352.1 3.0E-03 3.0E-0318540-29-9 Chromium(VI)3.9 3.9 3.9 1.3E-05 5.4E-09 1.3E-05 1.7E-02 6.3E-07 1.7E-02 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-1.54 1.54 1.54 9.8E-03 9.8E-03 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-0.0271 0.0271 0.0271 1.7E-05 1.7E-05 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 10.3 10.3 10.3 <SL** <SL** <SL** 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.0478 0.0478 0.0478 9.6E-10 2.7E-10 6.9E-16 1.2E-09 3.1E-05 7.3E-06 3.8E-05 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.0356 0.0356 0.0356 1.5E-06 4.7E-07 2.0E-06 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 0.229 0.229 0.229 1.5E-07 5.0E-08 2.9E-09 2.0E-07 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 0.372 0.372 0.372 2.4E-06 8.1E-07 3.7E-12 3.2E-06 1.6E-02 4.9E-03 3.0E-06 2.1E-02205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.88 0.88 0.88 5.7E-07 1.9E-07 8.8E-13 7.7E-07 207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.32 0.32 0.32 2.1E-08 7.0E-09 3.2E-14 2.8E-08 218-01-9 ~Chrysene 0.369 0.369 0.369 2.4E-09 8.0E-10 3.7E-15 3.2E-0953-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.0727 0.0727 0.0727 4.7E-07 1.6E-07 7.3E-13 6.3E-07 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 0.231 0.231 0.231 7.4E-05 2.3E-05 9.7E-05 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.383 0.383 0.383 2.5E-07 8.3E-08 3.8E-13 3.3E-0791-20-3 ~Naphthalene 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 9.6E-10 9.6E-10 2.5E-06 7.7E-07 2.5E-05 2.9E-05 129-00-0 ~Pyrene 0.288 0.288 0.288 1.2E-04 3.8E-05 1.6E-04 7782-49-2 Selenium 3.9 3.9 3.9 1.0E-02 3.2E-09 1.0E-02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 6.3E-12 6.2E-11 6.8E-11 4.5E-06 1.6E-05 2.0E-05 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.309 0.309 0.309 3.5E-08 2.1E-07 2.4E-07 7.9E-03 4.7E-02 5.5E-0275-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 1.5E-07 2.7E-08 1.8E-07 6.1E-05 4.3E-05 1.0E-04 Cumulative:2.3E-05 2.2E-01 Output Form 2A ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 400 mg/kg for residential soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Non-Residential Worker Soil Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS # Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentration (mg/kg) Dermal Concentration (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentration (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 3.4 3.4 3.4 9.4E-07 2.0E-07 2.0E-11 1.1E-06 5.8E-03 1.2E-03 8.7E-07 7.1E-03 7440-39-3 Barium 162 162 162 6.9E-04 1.2E-06 6.9E-04 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 352.1 352.1 352.1 2.0E-04 2.0E-04 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI)3.9 3.9 3.9 6.0E-07 4.5E-10 6.0E-07 1.1E-03 1.5E-07 1.1E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-1.54 1.54 1.54 6.6E-04 6.6E-04 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-0.0271 0.0271 0.0271 1.2E-06 1.2E-06 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 10.3 10.3 10.3 <SL** <SL** <SL** 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.0478 0.0478 0.0478 2.0E-10 8.7E-11 1.6E-16 2.9E-10 2.0E-06 8.7E-07 2.9E-06 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.0356 0.0356 0.0356 1.0E-07 5.6E-08 1.6E-07 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 0.229 0.229 0.229 7.0E-09 3.9E-09 2.4E-10 1.1E-08 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 0.372 0.372 0.372 1.1E-07 6.3E-08 3.1E-13 1.8E-07 1.1E-03 5.8E-04 7.2E-07 1.6E-03 205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.88 0.88 0.88 2.7E-08 1.5E-08 7.3E-14 4.2E-08 207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.32 0.32 0.32 9.8E-10 5.4E-10 2.6E-15 1.5E-09 218-01-9 ~Chrysene 0.369 0.369 0.369 1.1E-10 6.2E-11 3.0E-16 1.7E-10 53-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.0727 0.0727 0.0727 2.2E-08 1.2E-08 6.0E-14 3.4E-08 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 0.231 0.231 0.231 4.9E-06 2.7E-06 7.7E-06 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.383 0.383 0.383 1.2E-08 6.4E-09 3.2E-14 1.8E-08 91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 2.2E-10 2.2E-10 1.7E-07 9.2E-08 6.0E-06 6.3E-06 129-00-0 ~Pyrene 0.288 0.288 0.288 8.2E-06 4.5E-06 1.3E-05 7782-49-2 Selenium 3.9 3.9 3.9 6.7E-04 7.5E-10 6.7E-04 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 1.3E-12 1.4E-11 1.6E-11 3.0E-07 3.8E-06 4.1E-06 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.309 0.309 0.309 4.3E-09 3.3E-08 3.7E-08 5.3E-04 1.1E-02 1.2E-02 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 3.1E-09 1.6E-09 4.7E-09 4.1E-06 1.0E-05 1.4E-05 Cumulative:2.1E-06 2.4E-02 Output Form 2C ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 800 mg/kg for commercial/industrial soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Construction Worker Soil Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. CAS # Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentration (mg/kg) Dermal Concentration (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentration (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 3.4 3.4 3.4 1.2E-07 2.0E-08 4.5E-08 1.9E-07 2.0E-02 3.2E-03 5.1E-02 7.4E-02 7440-39-3 Barium 162 162 162 2.4E-03 7.3E-03 9.7E-03 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 352.1 352.1 352.1 6.9E-04 1.6E-02 1.7E-02 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI)3.9 3.9 3.9 7.9E-08 1.0E-06 1.1E-06 2.3E-03 2.9E-03 5.2E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-1.54 1.54 1.54 2.3E-04 2.3E-04 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-0.0271 0.0271 0.0271 4.0E-07 2.1E-05 2.1E-05 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 10.3 10.3 10.3 <SL** <SL** <SL** 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.0478 0.0478 0.0478 2.7E-11 8.7E-12 3.5E-13 3.6E-11 1.4E-06 4.5E-07 1.9E-06 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.0356 0.0356 0.0356 1.0E-07 4.4E-08 1.5E-07 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 0.229 0.229 0.229 9.2E-10 3.9E-10 8.8E-11 1.4E-09 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 0.372 0.372 0.372 1.5E-08 6.3E-09 6.9E-10 2.2E-08 3.7E-03 1.5E-03 4.2E-02 4.7E-02 205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.88 0.88 0.88 3.6E-09 1.5E-09 1.6E-10 5.2E-09 207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.32 0.32 0.32 1.3E-10 5.4E-11 5.9E-12 1.9E-10 218-01-9 ~Chrysene 0.369 0.369 0.369 1.5E-11 6.2E-12 6.8E-13 2.2E-11 53-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.0727 0.0727 0.0727 2.9E-09 1.2E-09 1.3E-10 4.3E-09 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 0.231 0.231 0.231 6.8E-06 2.8E-06 9.6E-06 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.383 0.383 0.383 1.5E-09 6.4E-10 7.1E-11 2.3E-09 91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 4.2E-11 4.2E-11 1.9E-08 8.0E-09 3.0E-05 3.0E-05 129-00-0 ~Pyrene 0.288 0.288 0.288 2.8E-06 1.2E-06 4.0E-06 7782-49-2 Selenium 3.9 3.9 3.9 2.3E-03 4.4E-05 2.3E-03 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 1.8E-13 3.4E-12 3.6E-12 6.2E-08 2.4E-05 2.4E-05 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.309 0.309 0.309 5.7E-10 8.3E-09 8.9E-09 1.8E-03 7.4E-02 7.6E-02 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 4.1E-10 9.5E-10 1.4E-09 1.4E-05 2.1E-04 2.2E-04 Cumulative:1.3E-06 2.3E-01 Output Form 2E ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 800 mg/kg for commercial/industrial soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Direct Contact - Recreator/Trespasser Soil Output Form 2F Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: * - Note that inhalation on this calculator refers to outdoor inhalation of volatiles and particulates, not indoor inhalation associated with vapor intrusion. Receptor Type: CAS # Chemical Name: Ingestion Concentration (mg/kg) Dermal Concentration (mg/kg) Inhalation Concentration (mg/kg)* Ingestion Carcinogenic Risk Dermal Carcinogenic Risk Inhalation Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Ingestion Hazard Quotient Dermal Hazard Quotient Inhalation Hazard Quotient Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 3.4 3.4 3.4 2.5E-06 3.4E-07 4.1E-12 2.8E-06 4.8E-02 5.7E-03 1.7E-07 5.4E-02 7440-39-3 Barium 162 162 162 5.8E-03 2.4E-07 5.8E-03 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 352.1 352.1 352.1 1.7E-03 1.7E-03 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI) 3.9 3.9 3.9 7.1E-06 2.5E-10 7.1E-06 9.3E-03 2.9E-08 9.3E-03156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- 1.54 1.54 1.54 5.5E-03 5.5E-03156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- 0.0271 0.0271 0.0271 9.7E-06 9.7E-06 7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 10.3 10.3 10.3 <SL** <SL** <SL** 117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 0.0478 0.0478 0.0478 5.4E-10 1.5E-10 3.2E-17 6.9E-10 1.7E-05 4.0E-06 2.1E-05 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.0356 0.0356 0.0356 8.5E-07 2.6E-07 1.1E-06 56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 0.229 0.229 0.229 8.3E-08 2.8E-08 1.3E-10 1.1E-07 50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 0.372 0.372 0.372 1.4E-06 4.5E-07 1.7E-13 1.8E-06 8.8E-03 2.7E-03 1.4E-07 1.2E-02 205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.88 0.88 0.88 3.2E-07 1.1E-07 4.1E-14 4.3E-07207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.32 0.32 0.32 1.2E-08 3.9E-09 1.5E-15 1.6E-08218-01-9 ~Chrysene 0.369 0.369 0.369 1.3E-09 4.5E-10 1.7E-16 1.8E-0953-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.0727 0.0727 0.0727 2.6E-07 8.8E-08 3.4E-14 3.5E-07 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 0.231 0.231 0.231 4.1E-05 1.3E-05 5.4E-05 193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.383 0.383 0.383 1.4E-07 4.6E-08 1.8E-14 1.9E-07 91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 0.0039 0.0039 0.0039 4.4E-11 4.4E-11 1.4E-06 4.3E-07 1.2E-06 3.0E-06 129-00-0 ~Pyrene 0.288 0.288 0.288 6.8E-05 2.1E-05 8.9E-05 7782-49-2 Selenium 3.9 3.9 3.9 5.6E-03 1.5E-10 5.6E-03 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0021 0.0021 0.0021 3.5E-12 2.9E-12 6.4E-12 2.5E-06 7.4E-07 3.2E-0679-01-6 Trichloroethylene 0.309 0.309 0.309 2.0E-08 9.5E-09 2.9E-08 4.4E-03 2.2E-03 6.6E-0375-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 0.0142 0.0142 0.0142 1.4E-07 2.0E-08 1.6E-07 3.4E-05 2.0E-06 3.6E-05 Cumulative: 1.3E-05 1.0E-01 ** - Note that the EPA has no consensus on reference dose or cancer slope factor values for lead, therefore it is not possible to calculate cancer risk or hazard quotient. Lead concentrations are compared to the EPA screening level of 400 mg/kg for residential soil. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Vapor Intrusion - Resident Groundwater to Indoor Air Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: CAS # Chemical Name: Groundwater Concentration (ug/L) Calculated Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non-Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 20.2 0.028904334 - 6.5E+03 8.9E-07 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-1.8 1.920686836 - 4.2E+01 9.2E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-1470 245.2003271 - -156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-17.7 6.787653312 - - 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.54 0.001227473 - - 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 2.6 0.000941783 - - 86-73-7 ~Fluorene 0.65 0.002556419 - -90-12-0 ~Methylnaphthalene, 1-0.82 0.017231398 - - 91-57-6 ~Methylnaphthalene, 2-0.73 0.015459526 - - 91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 34.2 0.615208504 8.3E-02 6.3E-01 7.4E-06 2.0E-01 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 3.2 2.315617334 1.1E+01 8.3E+00 2.1E-07 5.6E-02108-88-3 Toluene 0.4 0.108585446 - 1.0E+03 2.1E-05 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 19400 7812.346688 4.8E-01 4.2E-01 1.6E-02 3.7E+03 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 4.5 5.114472608 1.7E-01 2.1E+01 3.1E-05 4.9E-02 1330-20-7 Xylenes 1 0.271054783 - 2.1E+01 2.6E-03 Cumulative:1.6E-02 3.7E+03 Groundwater concentrations are in ug/L. Air concentrations are in ug/m3. Output Form 3A Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Vapor Intrusion - Non-Residential Worker Groundwater to Indoor Air Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NA Exposure Unit ID: CAS # Chemical Name: Groundwater Concentration (ug/L) Calculated Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non- Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non- Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 20.2 0.028904334 -2.7E+04 2.1E-07 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-1.8 1.920686836 -1.8E+02 2.2E-03 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-1470 245.2003271 -- 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-17.7 6.787653312 -- 120-12-7 ~Anthracene 0.54 0.001227473 -- 206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 2.6 0.000941783 -- 86-73-7 ~Fluorene 0.65 0.002556419 -- 90-12-0 ~Methylnaphthalene, 1-0.82 0.017231398 -- 91-57-6 ~Methylnaphthalene, 2-0.73 0.015459526 -- 91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 34.2 0.615208504 3.6E-01 2.6E+00 1.7E-06 4.7E-02 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 3.2 2.315617334 4.7E+01 3.5E+01 4.9E-08 1.3E-02 108-88-3 Toluene 0.4 0.108585446 -4.4E+03 5.0E-06 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 19400 7812.346688 3.0E+00 1.8E+00 2.6E-03 8.9E+02 75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 4.5 5.114472608 2.8E+00 8.8E+01 1.8E-06 1.2E-02 1330-20-7 Xylenes 1 0.271054783 -8.8E+01 6.2E-04 Cumulative:2.6E-03 8.9E+02 Groundwater concentrations are in ug/L. Air concentrations are in ug/m3. Output Form 3D Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator