HomeMy WebLinkAbout23045 Acme Spinning Mill Assessment Work Plan 20200929 Via Email September 29, 2020 NCDEQ – Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Attn: Mr. Bill Schmithorst, PG Re: Additional Brownfield Assessment Work Plan Acme Spinning Mill – Northern Parcel Belmont, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 23045-19-036 H&H Project No. BMT-001 Dear Bill: On behalf of Belmont Industrial, LLC, please find the enclosed Additional Brownfields Assessment Work Plan for the northern parcel addition to the Acme Spinning Mill Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. 23045-19-036) located in Belmont, Gaston County for your review and approval. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (704) 586-0007. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC Haley Martin, PG Ralph McGee, PG Assistant Project Geologist Project Manager Enclosure cc: Mr. Scott Bortz, Belmont Industrial, LLC (Via Email) i s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc Additional Brownfields Assessment Work Plan Acme Spinning Mill – Northern Parcel Belmont, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 23045-19-036 H&H Job No. BMT-001 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction and Background ...............................................................................................1  1.1 Previous Assessment Activities .............................................................................................1  1.2 Brownfields Program .............................................................................................................3  2.0 Additional Brownfields Assessment Activities .....................................................................5  2.1 Soil Sampling Activities ........................................................................................................5  2.2 Groundwater Sampling Activities .........................................................................................7  2.3 Sediment Sampling Activities ...............................................................................................9  2.4 Surface Water Sampling Activities .......................................................................................9  2.5 Quality Assurance – Quality Control ..................................................................................10  2.6 Investigation Derived Waste ...............................................................................................11  3.0 Reporting ...............................................................................................................................12  List of Tables Table 1 Sample Summary Table List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Proposed Sample Location Map 1 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc Additional Brownfields Assessment Work Plan Acme Spinning Mill – Northern Parcel Belmont, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 23045-19-036 H&H Job No. BMT-001 1.0 Introduction and Background On behalf of Belmont Industrial, LLC (Prospective Developer or PD), Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) is providing this Work Plan to conduct additional Brownfields assessment activities at the northern parcel of the Acme Spinning Mill Brownfields property (Brownfields Project No. [BPN] 23045-19-036) located along Cason Street in Belmont, Gaston County, North Carolina (Site). The Site consists of one parcel (Gaston County Parcel Identification No. 3596005284) totaling approximately 17.6 acres of land. A Site location map is provided as Figure 1. The Site was comprised primarily of undeveloped land with scattered barns and storage sheds from at least the late 1930s until the late 1990s. The southern property boundary was formerly developed with seven residences located along Cason Street. The residences were razed in the early 2000s. The PD plans to redevelop the southern portion of the Brownfields property with two industrial warehouse buildings. Proposed redevelopment of the northern parcel includes clearing and grading for development of a stormwater retention basin. Redevelopment activities will also include installation of new paved access drives, parking areas, and landscaped areas. Future redevelopment plans may include construction of a new industrial facility. 1.1 Previous Assessment Activities H&H reviewed several available documents to obtain additional information associated with previously environmental assessments completed at the Site. A brief summary of information provided in each report is outlined below. 2 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc December 2015 Transaction Screen In December 2015, EnviroAssessments (EA) completed a Transaction Screen Report (TSR) for the Site. Results of the TSR identified the following potential environmental concerns:  Areas of dumping were identified in the southern, western, and northern portions of the Site where the land surface had been previously disturbed by excavation and trenching. The debris consisted mostly of household refuse; however, some paint cans, bricks, and antifreeze containers were observed.  EA identified three concrete drainage pipe outfalls in the western portion of the Site. The outfalls appeared to be active and discharge directly to the Site from the adjacent former Acme Mill property, Jadco-Hughes property, and an adjacent carpentry and stone shop. EA observed discolored stormwater discharge from the drainage culvert that discharged from the adjacent carpentry and stone shop.  Historical environmental reports identified soil and groundwater impacts on the north adjacent, and topographically downgradient facility identified as the Jadco-Hughes property. EA reported that two monitoring wells exist on the Site that serve as upgradient monitoring wells to the Jadco-Hughes property. Only one monitoring well, MW-20, was identified during the EA Site reconnaissance.  EA identified reported soil and groundwater impacts at the former Acme Mills property located adjacent to the south of the Site as a potential environmental concern. February 2016 Phase II ESA H&H conducted Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) soil, sediment, and groundwater sampling activities in February 2016 to evaluate the potential for impacts in areas of environmental concern identified in the December 2015 TSR . H&H installed and sampled five soil samples (SB-1 through SB-5), three sediment samples (SED-1 through SED-3), and one temporary groundwater monitoring well (TMW-1) at the Site. 3 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc  Soil sample laboratory analytical results indicated the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and metals in soil at concentrations above the at concentrations that exceed the DEQ Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB) Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). Concentrations of Aroclor 1248 (13 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]) and Aroclor 1254 (8.9 mg/kg) were detected at concentrations above the IHSB Industrial/Commercial PSRGs of 0.94 mg/kg and 0.97 mg/kg, respectively in soil sample SB-4 collected near the northern Site boundary. Arsenic was detected in soil sample SB-2 (central portion of the Site) at a concentration of 22 mg/kg which exceeds site-Specific background concentrations and the DEQ IHSB Industrial/Commercial PSRG of 3.0 mg/kg. No other organic or inorganic compounds were detected at concentrations above the IHSB Commercial/Industrial PSRGs.  Laboratory analytical results for sediment samples collected near the observed culvert outfalls did not indicate the presence of organic compounds at concentrations above the DEQ IHSB Industrial/Commercial PSRGs. Several metals were detected at concentrations consistent with published and Site-specific background levels.  Groundwater sample laboratory analytical results did not identify organic compounds at concentrations above the laboratory method detection limits in the southern portion of the Site. 1.2 Brownfields Program To address potential environmental concerns associated with historical on-Site and off-Site operations, the PD elected to enter the former Acme Mill properties located at 182 Woodlawn Street and 667 Cason Street into the DEQ Brownfields Program and received eligibility in a letter dated August 27, 2019. Following issuance of the eligibility letter for the Acme Mill parcels, the PD entered a contract to acquire the Site and elected to add the northern parcel addition to the Acme Spinning Mill Brownfields property to address environmental concerns. The northern parcel addition received eligibility into the DEQ Brownfields Program in a letter dated June 16, 2020. The PD purchased the Site on July 22, 2020. 4 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc Following review of available environmental assessment reports, the DEQ Brownfields Program requested additional environmental assessment be completed at the Site prior to drafting the Brownfields Agreement. H&H has prepared this Work Plan to conduct additional Brownfields assessment activities at the Site to address DEQ Brownfields requests for additional assessment. The purpose of the Brownfields assessment activities described herein is to further evaluate the potential for impacts at the Site for the protection of Site workers during future redevelopment. The Brownfields assessment activities discussed in the following sections include the collection of soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water samples. A summary of the proposed Brownfields assessment activities is provided below. 5 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc 2.0 Additional Brownfields Assessment Activities The Brownfields assessment activities will be conducted in general accordance with the DEQ IHSB Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup of Contaminated Sites (Guidelines) dated January 2020, the DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Guidance (VI Guidance) dated March 2018, and most recent versions of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region IV Science and Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures guidance. Prior to conducting the proposed assessment field activities, H&H will contact North Carolina 811, the public utility locator, to mark subsurface utilities located on the Site. H&H will also contract with a private utility locator to screen proposed sample locations for subgrade utilities that may not be marked by the public locator. Additionally, soil boring locations will be hand cleared to approximately 5 feet below ground surface (ft bgs) prior to use of mechanical drilling equipment to further screen the boring locations for the presence of subsurface utilities. 2.1 Soil Sampling Activities H&H will conduct soil sampling as part of the additional Brownfields assessment activities. The purpose of the soil sampling is to evaluate for potential impacts in areas of potential environmental concern and in areas that may be disturbed during future redevelopment and grading activities. H&H will advance eleven (11) soil borings at the Site and collect a soil sample for laboratory analysis at each boring location. Locations of the proposed soil borings are shown on Figure 2, and the soil sample depths, objectives, and laboratory analyses are summarized in Table 1. A description of the soil boring locations and soil sampling activities is provided below.  Four (4) soil borings (SB-4A through SB-4D) will be advanced adjacent to previous soil boring SB-4 where PCBs were previously detected;  Three (3) soil borings will be advanced in the western portion of the Site to further 6 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc evaluate conditions for potential impacts associated with nearby upgradient operations (SB-6 through SB-8); and  Four (4) soil borings will be advanced in the northern portion of the Site in an area of previous land disturbance (SB-9 through SB-12). At each boring location, the drilling contractor will utilize a hand auger to advance the soil borings to a minimum of 5 ft bgs to clear for potential subsurface utilities prior to using mechanical drilling techniques. A direct-push technology (DPT) drill rig will be utilized to further advance the soil borings to depths up to 10 ft bgs. During boring advancement, continuous soil samples will be collected from the soil borings and will be screened in the field for the presence of odors, staining, and/or elevated volatile organic vapors using a calibrated photoionization detector (PID). To estimate the lateral extent of PCBs in shallow soil, H&H will collect one soil sample from 0 to 2 ft bgs at each of the four borings (SB-4A through SB-4D) advanced in the vicinity of previous soil boring SB-4 (Figure 2). In the remaining soil borings, one soil sample will be collected from the depth interval exhibiting the highest PID readings or other evidence of impact. If obvious evidence of impact is not identified during field screening activities, H&H will collect the soil sample from shallow soil (i.e., no greater than 2 ft bgs). The soil samples selected for laboratory analysis will be placed directly into dedicated laboratory supplied sample containers, labeled with the sample identification, date, time, and requested analysis and placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice. The samples will be delivered to a North Carolina certified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260, semi-VOCs (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7196. In addition, soil samples SB-4A through SB-4D will be submitted for laboratory analysis of PCBs by EPA Method 8082 and PCB congeners by EPA Method 1668. The PCB congeners will be held at the laboratory pending analytical results for PCBs by EPA Method 8082. If PCBs are not detected by EPA Method 8082, the PCB congeners samples will not be analyzed. 7 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc Following sample collection, the soil borings will be abandoned and the ground surface will be repaired similar to pre-drilling conditions. In addition, the sample locations will be estimated using a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) unit. 2.2 Groundwater Sampling Activities H&H will contract a qualified drilling contractor to advance borings for installation of four (4) temporary groundwater monitoring wells at the Site. The purpose of the temporary groundwater monitoring wells will be to evaluate for the presence of potential groundwater impacts from on-Site and nearby off-Site sources. The locations of the proposed temporary monitoring wells are shown on Figure 2 and are described below.  Three temporary monitoring wells (TMW-2, TMW-3, and TMW-4) will be installed in the western portion of the Site topographically downgradient of adjacent facilities; and  One temporary monitoring well (TMW-5) will be installed in the northern portion of the Site and topographically upgradient of the former Jadco-Hughes property located on the northern adjacent property. The temporary groundwater monitoring well borings will be advanced with a track-mounted drill rig capable of utilizing hollow-stem auger drilling techniques. During drilling, soil cuttings will be collected and logged for lithologic description and field screened for the presence of obvious staining, unusual odors, and elevated volatile organic vapors using a calibrated PID. If field screening results indicate potential for impacts in a soil boring, a soil sample will be collected for laboratory analysis using the methodologies described in Section 2.2 above. The temporary groundwater monitoring wells will be constructed of 1- or 2-inch diameter PVC with a 10 to 15 ft section of well screen set to bracket the water table and 1- or 2-inch diameter PVC well casing to the ground surface. A sand filter pack will be placed from the bottom of the borings to approximately 2 ft above the top of the well screens. The temporary wells will be completed by placing a minimum of an approximately 2 ft thick hydrated bentonite seal above 8 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc the sand filter pack. The estimated depth to the water table is approximately 20 ft bgs; therefore, the temporary wells are anticipated to be installed at depths of approximately 30 ft bgs. Once the temporary monitoring wells are installed, the wells will be allowed to equilibrate to static condition, and a decontaminated electronic water level indicator will be used to measure the depth to the water table relative to the ground surface and tops of well casings in each well. The wells will then be developed by removing a minimum of 3 to 5 volumes and until field parameters have stabilized (pH± 0.1 Standard Units [SU] and conductivity varies no more than 5%). Additionally, a groundwater sample will be collected from one existing groundwater monitoring well (MW-20) located in the northeast corner of the Site and topographically upgradient of the northern adjacent property (Figure 2). Prior to sampling, a decontaminated electronic water level indicator will be used to measure the depth to the water table relative to the top of the well casing. Groundwater samples will be collected utilizing low flow/low stress purging techniques using a peristaltic pump and dedicated polyethylene tubing. The intake point of the pump tubing will be placed in the approximate mid-portion of the screened interval of the well, and groundwater will be removed at a rate no greater than 200 milliliters per minute. H&H will utilize a calibrated water quality meter to collect measurements of pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxidation reduction potential, turbidity, and specific conductivity at three to five-minute intervals during the purging process. Purging will be considered complete when the field parameters stabilize (pH ± 0.1 SU, conductivity varies no more than 5%, and turbidity is less than 10 Nephelometric Turbidity Units [NTUs]). Once groundwater parameters stabilize, groundwater samples for VOC analysis will be collected directly into laboratory supplied sample containers using the “soda straw” method to eliminate the potential for volatile compound loss through the pump head. Samples collected for the remaining analyses will be collected directly into laboratory supplied sample containers from the dedicated sample tubing discharge. The sample containers will be labeled with the sample 9 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc identification, date, time, and requested analysis, and placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice. The groundwater samples will be delivered to a North Carolina certified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for analyses of VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and RCRA metals by EPA Method 6020/7471. Following sample collection, the temporary monitoring wells will be properly abandoned by a licensed well driller and the surfaces will be repaired similar to pre-drilling conditions. In addition, the well locations will be estimated using a hand-held GPS unit. 2.3 Sediment Sampling Activities H&H will collect two (2) sediment samples from the north-south trending tributary of Fites Creek that transects the central portion of the Site. H&H will collect one upgradient sediment sample near the southern property boundary (SED-4) and one downgradient sediment sample near the northern property boundary (SED-5). The locations of the sediment samples are shown on Figure 2. Sediment samples will be collected using a decontaminated stainless steel dredge or trowel and placed directly into dedicated laboratory supplied sample containers and labeled with the sample identification, date, time, and requested analysis. The samples will be placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice and delivered to a North Carolina certified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and RCRA metals plus hexavalent chromium by EPA Methods 6020/7471/7196. 2.4 Surface Water Sampling Activities H&H will to collect two (2) surface water samples from the north-south trending tributary of Fites Creek that transects the central portion of the Site. One upgradient surface water sample will be collected near the southern property boundary (SW-1) and one downgradient surface water sample will be collected near the northern property boundary (SW-2). The locations of the surface water samples are shown on Figure 2. 10 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc Surface water samples will be collected directly into dedicated laboratory supplied sample containers and labeled with the sample identification, date, time, and requested analysis. The samples will be placed in a laboratory supplied cooler with ice and delivered to a North Carolina- certified laboratory under standard chain of custody protocols for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260, SVOCs by EPA Method 8270, and RCRA metals by EPA Method 6020/7470. 2.5 Quality Assurance – Quality Control Non-dedicated equipment and tools will be decontaminated prior to use at each boring or sampling location or following exposure to soil or groundwater. The following samples will be collected for quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) purposes:  One duplicate soil, groundwater, sediment, and surface water sample will be collected and analyzed for the same parameters as the parent samples.  One trip blank will accompany the groundwater and surface water samples during the field activities as well as during sample shipment and will be analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260. Laboratory QA/QC procedures will be employed to ensure appropriate sample handling and analysis and to aid in the review and validation of the analytical data. QA/QC procedures will be conducted in accordance with the method protocols and will include regular equipment maintenance, equipment calibrations, and adherence to specific sample custody and data management procedures. Samples will be analyzed in conjunction with appropriate blanks, laboratory duplicates, continuing calibration standards, surrogate standards, and matrix spiking standards in accordance with approved methodologies to monitor both instrument and analyst performance. Laboratory reporting limits for each analyte will be at or below appropriate screening criteria, where possible. Additionally, H&H will request that the laboratory include estimated concentrations for compounds that are detected at levels above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit (J flags). 11 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc The laboratory analytical data report and QA package for each group of samples submitted to and analyzed by the subcontracted laboratory will be provided in an appendix to the final report. Laboratory QA data consistent with Level II documentation will be provided for this project. A copy of the completed chain of custody record and shipping receipt will be appended to the corresponding laboratory analytical report included with the final report. 2.6 Investigation Derived Waste Investigation derived waste (IDW) generated during the proposed assessment activities will be managed in general accordance with DEQ IHSB Guidelines. It is anticipated that IDW generated during the assessment activities will be thin spread on-Site. However, if significant impacts are observed (i.e., free-product) the soil cuttings will be containerized in labeled 55-gallon drums and staged on-Site pending analytical results of a composite IDW sample. Based on laboratory analytical results of IDW samples, the drums will be transported off-Site to a suitable facility for disposal. 12 s:\aaa-master projects\belmont industrial\additional assessment - northern parcel\work plan\final to deq\23045 - additional brownfields assessment work plan_acme spinning mill.doc 3.0 Reporting Following completion of the assessment activities and receipt of the analytical data, H&H will document our findings in an Additional Brownfields Assessment Report. The report will include a description of the sampling activities; a figure depicting sample locations; boring logs for the soil borings and temporary well borings; temporary well construction logs; groundwater sampling logs, laboratory analytical data; a discussion of the data in comparison to regulatory screening levels; and conclusions and recommendations concerning our activities. The report will also include the firm geology and engineering license numbers and a licensed professional seal and signature. Table 1Sample Summary TableAcme Spinning Mill - Northern ParcelBelmont, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 23045-19-036H&H Project No. BMT-001SB-4A through SB-4D Soil Delineate PCB Detections 5 0 to 2 4 PCBs (8082) and PCB congeners (1668)*SB-6 through SB-12 Soil Evaluate Soil Conditions 10 varies 6VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7471), and hexavalent chromium (7199)TMW-2 through TMW-5 and MW-20 Groundwater Evaluate Groundwater Conditions 30 20 to 30 5VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7470A)SED-4 and SED-5 Sediment Evaluate Sediment Conditions 2VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7471), and hexavalent chromium (7199)SW-1 and SW-2 Surface Water Evaluate Surface Water Conditions 2VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7470A)SB-DUP Soil10 varies 1VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7471), and hexavalent chromium (7199)GW-DUP Groundwater 30 20 to 30 1VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7470A)SED-DUP Sediment 1VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7471), and hexavalent chromium (7199)SW-DUP Surface Water1VOCs (8260), SVOCs (8270), RCRA metals (6020/7470A)Trip Blank Trip Blank NA NA 1 VOCs (8260)Notes:* = Soil samples will also be submitted for laboratory analysis of PCB congeners by EPA Method 1668. The PCB congeners will be held at the laboratory pending analytical results for PCBs by EPA Method 8082. EPA Method number follows laboratory parameter in parenthesis. VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds; SVOCs = Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds; RCRA = Resource Conservation Recovery Act; PCBs = Polychlorinated Biphenylsft = feet; QA/QC = Quality Assurance/ Quality Control; ; NA = Not ApplicableQA/QCUpgradient and Downgradient Tributary of Fites CreekUpgradient and Downgradient Tributary of Fites CreekSample IDApproximate Boring Depth (ft)Number of SamplesLaboratory AnalysisSample ObjectiveSample TypeApproximate Sample Depth (ft)S:\AAA‐Master Projects\Belmont Industrial\Additional Assessment ‐ Northern Parcel\Work Plan\Sample Summary Table.xlsxTable 1 (Page 1 of 1)Hart & Hickman, PC TITLE PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP ACME SPINNING MILL - NORTHERN PARCEL CASON STREET BELMONT, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE NO: 9-15-2020 0 1BMT-001 0 2000 4000N APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) MOUNT HOLLY, NORTH CAROLINA 2013 SITE SB-1 TMW-1 SB-2 SB-5 SED-2SB-3 SED-3 VMP-3 HHSB-2 HHSB-6HHSB-5 HHSB-1 HHSB-4 HHSB-7B-2 VMP-4A VMP-3A HHSB-2A HHSB-4A HHSB-7A VMP-1 VMP-4 VMP-2 VMP-2A TVMP-3 TVMP-2 TVMP-1 COMP-1 COMP-2 COMP-3 COMP-4 COMP-5 B-1/B-1GW B-3/B-3GW B-4/B-4GW SB-4 77770000 000070 0777700000000700 777700000000700777700000000700777700000000700 777700000000700777700000000700777700000000700777700000000700777700000000700 777700000000700 777700000000700 777700000000700 777744440 000740 777744440000740777744440000740 7777444400007407777222200007207777222200007207777222200007207777222200007207777222200007200000 777722220000720777722220000720777722220000720 2222000020777722220000720 7777 22220000 720 7777 2222 00007 2 0 7777222200007207777 277777222200007206666666668888000068066668888000068066668888000068066688880000680666688880000680 666688880000680666699990000690666699990000690 66669999000069066669999000069066669999 000069 0666699990000690666699990000690666699990000690 6666999900006907777333300007307777333300007307777 33330000730 777733330000730 777733330000730777733330000730 777733330000730777733330000730777733330000730 7777 3333 0000 7 30777711110000710 777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710 777711110000710 777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710777711110000710666677770000670666677770000670666677770000670666677770000670 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. BMT-001 DATE: 8-28-20 FIGURE NO. 2 ACME SPINNING MILL - NORTHERN PARCEL CASON STREET BELMONT, NORTH CAROLINA PROPOSED SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PARCEL BOUNDARY ELEVATION CONTOUR (FEET) RAILROAD UNNAMED TRIBUTARY OF FITES CREEK STORMWATER DRAINAGE FEATURE CULVERT SOIL BORING LOCATION (OCTOBER 2014) SOIL BORING LOCATION (DECEMBER 2014) SOIL BORING LOCATION (FEBRUARY 2016) ALIQUOT SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION PERMANENT MONITORING WELL LOCATION CO-LOCATED SOIL BORING AND TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL SEDIMENT SAMPLE LOCATION PERMANENT SOIL VAPOR MONITORING LOCATION TEMPORARY SOIL VAPOR MONITORING POINT ABANDONED PERMANENT SOIL VAPOR MONITORING POINT PROPOSED SOIL BORING LOCATION PROPOSED CO-LOCATED SOIL BORING AND TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION PROPOSED TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION PROPOSED CO-LOCATED SURFACE WATER/ SEDIMENT SAMPLE LOCATION 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology CENTERVIEW STREET ACME ROAD (NE W ALI GN MENT) W O O D L A W N S T R E E T OAKS PARKWAYROPER STREETNOTES: 1. SOIL SAMPLE B-1 THROUGH B-4 AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLES B-1GW, B-3GW, AND B-4GW WERE COLLECTED BY ECS IN OCTOBER 2014. 2. SOIL VAPOR MONITORING POINTS VMP-1 THROUGH VMP-4 WERE INSTALLED AND SAMPLED BY H&H IN DECEMBER 2014. 3. SOIL SAMPLES HHSB-1 THROUGH HHSB-7 WERE COLLECTED BY H&H IN DECEMBER 2014. 4. SOIL SAMPLES SB-1 THROUGH SB-4, SEDIMENT SAMPLES SED-1 THROUGH SED-3, AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLE TMW-1 WERE COLLECTED BY H&H IN FEBRUARY 2016. 5. 6. PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN WAS PREPARED BY SEAMON WHITESIDE AND PROVIDED BY THE PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER. PARCEL DATA OBTAINED FROM GASTON COUNTY GIS, 2020. ELEVATION CONTOURS OBTAINED FROM GASTON COUNTY LiDAR, DATED 2007. SOIL VAPOR MONITORING POINTS VMW-2A THROUGH VMP-4A, TVMP-1, AND TVMP-2 WERE INSTALLED AND SAMPLED BY H&H IN FEBRUARY 2020. CASON STREETPROPOSED STORM WATER POND PROPOSED STORM WATER POND MW-20 BF-SW-2/BF-SED-2 BF-SW-1/BF-SED-1 6SB-4BSB-4C SB-4D SB-4A TMW-4/SB-8 TMW-2/SB-6 SED-1 HHSB-3 HHSB-3A 700SB-12SB-11 SB-9 SB-7 TMW-5/SB-10 TMW-3 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Belmont Industrial\Plat\Site Map.dwg, FIG 3.PROPOSED, 8/28/2020 11:59:36 AM, sperry7.