HomeMy WebLinkAbout24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_Rev 2 20210506 Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan Revision 2 North Davidson II Brownfields Property Brownfields Project No. 24003-20-060 2315 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. PAM-003 May 6, 2021 (Revision 2) #C-1269 Engineering #C-245 Geology i M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan – Revision 2 North Davidson II Brownfields Property 2315 N. Davidson Street & 421 E. 26th Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 24003-20-060 H&H Job No. PAM-003 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................1 2.0 Design Basis .............................................................................................................................5 2.1 Pilot Testing Activities .........................................................................................................6 2.2 VIMS Design Components ...................................................................................................8 2.2.1 2315 N. Davidson Building .......................................................................................... 9 2.2.2 421 E. 26th Street Building ........................................................................................... 12 3.0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control ...................................................................................15 4.0 Post-Construction and Pre-Occupancy System Effectiveness Testing ............................16 4.1 System Influence Testing ....................................................................................................16 4.2 Indoor Air Sampling Effectiveness Assessment .................................................................17 5.0 Post-Occupancy Testing .......................................................................................................20 6.0 Future Tenants & Building Uses .........................................................................................21 7.0 Reporting ...............................................................................................................................22 8.0 Certification Statement ........................................................................................................23 Figures Figure 1 – Site Location Map Figure 2 – Site Layout Map ii M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx Appendices Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Excerpts from Previous Assessment Activities VIMS Design Sheets – 2315 N. Davidson Street Building (VM-1, VM-1A VM-2, and VM-3) - Revision 1, dated April 15, 2021 VIMS Design Sheets for 421 E. 26th Street Building (VM-4, VM-5, and VM-6) - Revision 1, dated April 15, 2021 Pilot Test Figures and Summary Tables – 2315 N. Davidson Street Building Pilot Test Figures and Summary Tables – 421 E. 26th Street Building VIMS Product Specifications Sheets Select VOC List 1 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan – Revision 2 North Davidson II Brownfields Property 2315 N. Davidson Street & 421 E. 26th Street Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 24003-20-060 H&H Job No. PAM-003 1.0 Introduction On behalf of Mill District Partners LLC, Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan (VIMP) for the redevelopment of the North Davidson II Brownfields property [North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Brownfields Project No. 24003-20-060] located at 2315 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Site or subject Site). A Site location map is provided as Figure 1. The Site consists of two contiguous parcels of land (Parcel Identification Numbers 08305204 and 08305206) that total approximately 3.8 acres. The southeastern parcel (2315 N. Davidson Street) is developed with an approximate 28,000-square foot (sq ft) vacant commercial building, and the northwestern parcel (421 E. 26th Street) is developed with an approximate 15,500-sq ft vacant commercial building. An inactive rail corridor that is owned by the City of Charlotte separates the two Site parcels. A Site Layout map is presented as Figure 2. The existing building on the southeastern parcel was constructed in 1950 and was utilized as an electrical appliance warehouse, a knit goods manufacturing facility, and a cork and insulation warehouse in the 1950s. Subsequently, the building appears to have been occupied by various warehouse facilities until the 1990s, when a previous owner renovated the building for use as an event venue. The northern portion of the building was also utilized as a brewery in the 2010s. The northwestern parcel was developed with a concrete plant and an automotive repair shop in the early to mid-1950s. The concrete plant operated until the late 1950s, and the automotive repair shop operated until at least the late 1960s. Additional buildings, including the existing warehouse, were constructed on the northwestern parcel in the 1950s and 1960s. The buildings appear to have 2 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx been used as part of lumber company, automotive scrapyard, automotive repair, automotive body shop, and warehouse operations. Between the 1970s and the early 2000s, several structures on the northwestern parcel were razed. In August 2019, H&H completed sub-slab vapor sampling activities at the Site to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion into the buildings. Sub-slab vapor data were compared to the February 2018 DEQ Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSLs). A summary of the results of the sub-slab vapor sampling activities is provided below, and excerpts from the previous assessment reports are included in Attachment A. • Trichloroethene (TCE; 91,000 μg/m3) was detected in sub-slab vapor sample SS-1 (west- central portion of 2315 N. Davidson Street building) above DEQ non-residential SGSL of 180 μg/m3. Tetrachloroethene (PCE; 860 μg/m3) and chloroform (260 µg/m3) were also detected in sample SS-1 above the residential SGSL for PCE of 280 μg/m3 and the non- residential SGSL for chloroform of 53 μg/m3. • TCE (27 μg/m3) was detected in sub-slab vapor sample SS-2 (south-central portion of 2315 N. Davidson Street building) above the residential SGSL of 14 μg/m3. • No volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected above the residential or non- residential SGSLs in sub-slab vapor samples collected in the building at 421 E. 26th Street. To further evaluate vapor intrusion and potential occupant exposure to chloroform, PCE, and TCE, H&H conducted indoor air sampling activities in the building at 2315 N. Davidson Street in November 2019. A summary of the results of the indoor air sampling is provided below. • H&H collected four indoor air samples (IAS-1 through IAS-4) in the Site building at 2315 N. Davidson Street. Based on August 2019 sub-slab vapor sampling results, the samples were analyzed for chloroform, PCE, and TCE. • Laboratory analytical results indicated the presence of chloroform (up to 0.2 μg/m3) and/or PCE (up to 0.34 μg/m3) in indoor air samples IAS-1 through IAS-4. The detected concentrations exceed the residential Indoor Air Screening Levels (IASLs) of 0.12 μg/m3 and 3 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 8.3 μg/m3 for chloroform and PCE, respectively. TCE (0.14 μg/m3) was detected in sample IAS-1 at a concentration below the residential IASL of 0.42 μg/m3. On August 12, 2020, H&H conducted sub-slab vapor assessment activities at the Site to confirm the August 2019 data. Four sub-slab vapor samples (SS-7 through SS-10) were collected in the building at 2315 N. Davidson Street, and three sub-slab vapor samples (SS-11 through SS-13) were collected from the building at 421 E. 26th Street. Sub-Slab Vapor • Chloroform, naphthalene, and PCE were detected in one or more samples at concentrations above the February 2018 residential SGSLs . • TCE was detected at concentrations above the February 2018 non-residential SGSLs in four sub-slab vapor samples and a duplicate sample collected in the building at 2315 N. Davidson Street. • No VOCs were detected in sub-slab vapor samples collected in the building at 421 E. 26th Street at concentrations above the February 2018 residential or non-residential SGSLs. • The results of the risk calculations using sub-slab vapor data for the building at 2315 N. Davidson Street indicate that calculated carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks are above acceptable risk levels for the residential and non-residential worker exposure scenarios. The results of the risk calculations using sub-slab vapor data for the building at 421 E. 26th Street indicate that the calculated carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks are below acceptable risk levels for residential and non-residential worker exposure scenarios. • Based on review of DEQ records, the inferred direction of groundwater flow in the vicinity of the Site, the results of prior on-Site and off-Site groundwater sampling, and the location of on-Site sub-slab vapor impacts, the sub-slab vapor impacts at the Site appear to be related to groundwater contamination that is sourced from the upgradient former Gibbs Electroplating and/or Applied Research Group facilities located south of the Site. The Prospective Developer (PD) plans to redevelop the existing buildings for restaurant, office, and other commercial uses including retail, warehousing, entertainment, and brewery or food production facility. No additional buildings are proposed to be developed on the Site at this time. 4 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx The draft Notice of Brownfields Property (NBP) is currently under review by DEQ. It is anticipated the NBP will include the following land use restriction related to vapor intrusion: No enclosed building may be constructed on the Brownfields Property and no existing building, defined as those depicted on the plat component of the Notice of Brownfields Property referenced below, may be occupied until DEQ determines in writing that: i. The building is or would be protective of the building’s users, public health and the environment from risk of vapor intrusion based on site assessment data or a site-specific risk assessment approved in writing by DEQ; or ii. The building is or would be sufficiently distant from the Brownfields Property’s groundwater and/or soil contamination based on assessment data approved in writing by DEQ that the building’s users, public health and the environment will be protected from risk from vapor intrusion related to said contamination; or iii. vapor intrusion mitigation measures are designed, installed, inspected, and implemented in accordance with the then current DEQ Brownfields Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Design Submittal, Minimum Design Requirements Checklist, subject to DEQ’s prior written satisfaction, and to the written satisfaction of a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina, as evidenced by said engineer’s professional seal on a report certifying that the vapor intrusion mitigation system is fully protective of public health. Such a report shall include photographs and a description of the installation and performance of said mitigation measures to DEQ’s written satisfaction. All design specifications for vapor intrusion mitigation measures shall be submitted to DEQ in advance of installation and/or implementation of said measures. Based on the prior sub-slab soil vapor sampling results, vapor intrusion mitigation controls are warranted for the 2315 N. Davidson Building. As a precaution, even though VOCs were not detected in sub-slab vapor samples above residential or non-residential SGSLs at the 421 E. 26th building and risk calculations indicated acceptable results, vapor intrusion mitigation controls will also be implemented for this building. The vapor intrusion mitigation systems (VIMS) herein are designed to mitigate the potential for sub-surface vapor intrusion and are designed to protect public health in regards to vapor intrusion risks from known Brownfields Property contaminants. The proposed VIMS are described in the following sections. 5 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 2.0 Design Basis The VIMS Plan is described in the following sections and was designed in accordance with the DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Vapor Intrusion Guidance (VI Guidance) dated March 2018 and the DEQ Brownfields Program Preliminary Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System Design Submittal New Construction Minimum Requirements Checklist included as Appendix H of the VI Guidance document. H&H has prepared this VIMP to address potential vapor intrusion risks to future occupants upon completion of redevelopment activities at the Site. The VIMS Plan includes VIMS designs for both the existing building located at 2315 N. Davidson Street (2315 N. Davidson Building) and the existing building located at 421 E. 26th Street (421 E. 26th Building). The proposed development at the 2315 N. Davidson Building includes retrofitting the building as a food hall with commercial restaurants, a micro-brewery, and seating space on the western portion of the building, and proposed office space on the southeastern portion of the building. The food hall will be known as the UDM Food Hall. The office space will be separated from the rest of the building with a tenant separation wall that will be installed without doorways or connection of HVAC equipment between the spaces. Note, as of the date of the VIMP, a tenant has not leased the proposed office space. However, as a precaution because a sub-grade footer is not present at the proposed tenant separation wall, this design also includes a VIMS within the proposed office space. The VIMS in the 2315 N. Davidson Building will operate as an active sub-slab depressurization system with electric fans to extract sub-slab vapors and discharge them above the building roofline. The proposed development at the 421 E. 26th Building includes retrofitting the building as a commercial restaurant and entertainment space that will be occupied by Seoul Food Company. A small building extension on the eastern portion of the existing slab will be constructed to serve as a kitchen extension and storage space, including the walk-in refrigerator/freezer. In addition, the proposed development includes an outdoor (open air) bar located on the eastern portion of the building. The VIMS in the 421 E. 26th Building will operate as a passive sub-slab depressurization 6 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx system with wind-driven turbines to extract sub-slab vapors and discharge them above the building roofline. The VIMS design for the 2315 N. Davidson Building is included as Sheets VM-1, VM-1A, VM-2, and VM-3 provided in Attachment B and will be used to guide installation of the system. The VIMS design for the 421 E. 26th Building is included as Sheets VM-4, VM-5, and VM-6 provided in Attachment C and will be used to guide installation of the system. A summary of the design basis and components for each VIMS for each building is included in the following sections. 2.1 Pilot Testing Activities Pilot test activities were conducted in both buildings on the Site in order to assess the sub-slab conditions to assist with the design of the VIMSs. A brief description of the pilot test activities is described below. The results of the pilot tests were used to aid in the design of the VIMSs. Pilot Test Methodology The pilot influence testing for both buildings included installation and testing of suction points in select locations in each zone of the buildings. The pilot test suction points were installed by coring a 4-inch (in) diameter boring through the concrete floor slab at each location and removing approximately 0.5 sq ft of sub-slab soil from the boring to create a void space. A 4-in diameter PVC vapor intake pipe was sealed with a rubber fitting to the opening of the boring at the concrete floor interface. Observation points were constructed by drilling a 5/8-in diameter borings through the floor slab and were installed at various intervals (typically 5 to 10 ft) to approximately 20 ft to 40 ft from each suction point. Following installation of the suction and observation points, pilot testing was performed by connecting extraction fans with an in-line manifold allowing variable vacuum pressure application to the suction point. The pilot test fans included electric radon-style fans (e.g., RadonAway RP-265 and Festa AMG Eagle Extreme) and a 6.5 hp wet/dry shop vacuum (shop vac). Variable vacuum pressures were applied ranging from approximately 2 to 40 inches of water column (in- WC) at each suction point depending on the observed results during the test. H&H utilized a 7 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx digital manometer that could read down to 0.001 in-WC to measure differential pressure between the sub-slab and indoor air at the observation points and vacuum fans. In addition, air velocity at the fan was measured using an anemometer, and air flow rates in cubic feet per minute (CFM) were calculated based upon the measurements. While any measurable vacuum below the slab indicates that vacuum influence is present in that area, vacuum measurements of at least 0.016 in- WC [4 pascals (Pa)] are desirable because this is the minimum vacuum deemed acceptable by DEQ to demonstrate adequate sub-slab depressurization is occurring. The testing was conducted using equipment and methods consistent with protocols on DEQ DWM projects and in general accordance with Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council guidance. After the pilot tests were completed, the removed soils were returned to each location and the core drill and hammer drills holes were repaired with at least 4-in of concrete patch and/or urethane sealant set flush with the surrounding concrete surface. 2315 N. Davidson Building From March 31 to April 2, 2020, H&H conducted sub-slab influence pilot testing at seven locations in the 2315 N. Davidson Building to evaluate sub-slab vapor communication beneath the existing slab to assist with VIMS design. The locations of the suction points (T-1 through T-7) are depicted on Figure D-1, and the results are summarized in Table D-1 in Attachment D. Results of sub-slab influence pilot testing indicate that sub-slab conditions are favorable for installation of a depressurization system with moderate to high suction fans at the 2315 N. Davidson Building. Generally, vacuum influence varied in different sections of the building. Soil was observed directly below the concrete slab in each section of the building. The northern, western, and southwestern portions of the building (locations T-1, T-2, T-4, and T-6) exhibited moderate vacuum sub-slab influence, the eastern portion of the building (location T-3) exhibited poor vacuum influence, and the southern portion of the building (locations T-5 and T-7) exhibited good vacuum influence. The soils in the southern portion of the building generally contained more sand than the other portions which likely contributed to the greater influence. During the pilot test, no large cracks, holes, or damage to the existing concrete was observed. In addition, shallow or perched water below the slab was not observed. 8 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 421 E. 26th Street Building On September 3 and 4, 2020 H&H conducted sub-slab influence pilot testing at three locations in the 421 E. 26th Building to evaluate sub-slab vapor communication beneath the existing slab to assist with VIMS design. The locations of the suction points (TP-1, TP-2, and TP-3) are depicted on Figure E-1 and results are summarized in Table E-1 in Attachment E. Results of sub-slab influence pilot testing indicate that sub-slab conditions are favorable for installation of a low vacuum sub-slab depressurization system or a passive system. Soil was observed directly below the concrete slab at test locations TP-1 and TP-2, but generally good vacuum influence was observed at these locations. At location TP-3, a sub-slab void was observed located below the extraction point. During the testing at TP-3, when vacuum was applied to the sub-slab void, notable vacuum influence was measured in almost every point across the entire building slab. Therefore, this indicates the sub-slab void has connection throughout the building. Further investigation conducted by the PD indicated the sub-slab void is approximately 4 ft to 6 ft deep, 6 ft wide, and 50 ft long. The void has cinder block walls and seems to be a former structural component. The PD plans to fill the void with high-permeability gravel such as 57 stone or pea gravel during building retrofit activities. Therefore, this void is expected to have similar air transmissivity after retro-fit activities are completed as measured during the pilot test activities. Note, the VIMS design includes a proposed extraction point (F-3) located at this sub-slab void (Section 2.2). During the pilot test, some cracks and slab damage were observed in the northern portion of the building, but these slab conditions do not appear to have significantly affected the pilot test results. In addition, shallow or perched water below the slab was not observed. 2.2 VIMS Design Components The main components of the VIMS are detailed in the design sheets and are briefly summarized below. Product specification sheets are included in Attachment F. 9 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 2.2.1 2315 N. Davidson Building The VIMS design for the 2315 N. Davidson Building is included as Sheets VM-1, VM-1A, VM-2, and VM-3 provided in Attachment B and will be used to guide installation of the system. The area for the proposed UDM Food Hall is approximately 19,600 sq ft, and the area for the proposed office upfit is approximately 8,400 sq ft. The entire building contains a concrete slab that is approximately 4 in to 6 in thick and the building contains one story. Suction Point and Suction Trenches Based upon the pilot testing results (Section 2.1) and the proposed building layout, the VIMS includes a combination of suction points and suction trenches to achieve sub-slab depressurization. The general configuration of the suction points and suction trenches are shown on the design sheet VM-2 in Attachment B. In general, at each suction point, a cavity (approximately 0.75 to 1 cubic ft) will be excavated beneath the bottom of the slab. The suction point will consist of 3-in Sch 40 PVC pipe with a vent cap end installed within the cavity. In addition, several 5/8-in diameter holes may be drilled into the sides of the pipe that is set within the gravel layer to further promote air flow from the sub-slab annular space. The suction trenches generally include an approximate 12-in wide by 12-in deep trench installed below the existing concrete. Within the suction trench, 3-in Sch 40 slotted or perforated PVC pipe will be installed and surrounded with clean gravel. The vent piping within the suction trenches will be connected to the solid riser pipes. Note, in some areas, including locations F-4 and F-5, other sub-surface utility trenches are proposed to be installed that run perpendicular to the proposed suction trenches. The other utility trenches are proposed to be filled with crushed gravel. Therefore, in order to prevent direct air short circuiting from the suction trench to the other utilities, a section of solid pipe will be installed inside of the suction trench and connected to an individual suction point (Detail 4 on Sheet VM-2) at these locations. Furthermore, a section of compacted soil will be placed near the other utilities to provide a low-permeability layer between the suction point and the other utility trenches. 10 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx The suction point cavity and areas surrounding slotted sections of suction trench piping will be backfilled with washed (clean) #57 stone or washed pea gravel (or similar high permeability stone approved by the engineer). A section of 3-in diameter solid Sch. 40 PVC riser piping then be connected to piping with the suction point or suction trench and positioned inside of a stud wall or adjacent to an existing wall as depicted in the design sheets. The riser piping will extend to roof and connected to the electric fan. Note, the discharge locations are specified to be a minimum of 15 ft from air intakes and thus the location of the discharge point for some locations will be off- set from the risers to account for the other building mechanical equipment. The piping off-sets will be installed below the building roofline using 3-in Sch 40 PVC pipe. The proposed locations of the off-set locations are depicted on Sheet VM-1A. Piping will be sloped (minimum 1%) and/or configured to allow drainage of condensate into the sub-slab material. Each suction point, suction trench, and the associated piping will be inspected or documented to the approval of the engineer (or agent of), prior to repairing the concrete surfaces. The concrete will be repaired per the construction plans with a moisture barrier installed between the gravel layer and the new concrete. Note, concrete joints (e.g., cold joints and expansion joints), and penetrations will be sealed with a urethane caulk or similar air-tight sealant to prevent air short circuiting. Area with New Concrete A small section of slab (approximately 450 sq ft) is proposed to be removed and replaced in the area of the former brewery in the western portion of the building during upfit activities due to proposed equipment to be installed in this area. Therefore, in this area approximately 4-in of clean #57 stone gravel, or similar high permeability stone, and a minimum 10-mil moisture barrier will be installed prior to installation of the new concrete slab. The moisture barrier will be placed to protect the new concrete and not to serve as a vapor barrier because the active fans are designed to provide adequate sub-slab depressurization across this area. Furthermore, in order to enhance the sub-slab depressurization in this area, slotted or perforated 3-in diameter Sch 40 PVC vent pipe will be installed within the gravel layer and connected to riser F-6 and the associated suction trench in this area. 11 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx Electric Fans The proposed electric fans for each riser (F-1 through F-11) include PressureTech PT-16 Radon Fans (PT-16) that are high vacuum suction fans with a maximum vacuum of 17.4-in WC and maximum air flow of approximately 67 CFM. Specification sheets for the PT-16 fans are included in Attachment F. Monitoring Points The proposed monitoring points are to be constructed with 1-in slotted PVC pipe installed to approximately 12-in deep with coarse sand (Northern Filter Media 1/8 x #12 Well Pack [#2 Well Pack], or similar coarse sand) surrounding the slotted sections. The monitoring points will be completed with a floor clean-out cover set flush with the existing concrete floor. The monitoring point locations were chosen to provide representative coverage across the building slab and in locations that will be accessible for future vacuum monitoring events. In addition, one clean-out will be installed on each pipe within a suction trench to provide access for future maintenance, if warranted. The clean-out will be completed with a floor clean-out cover set flush with the existing concrete floor. Vacuum Alarm System A vacuum alarm system will be installed to alert the building owners if an electric fan stops operating or if vacuum levels drop below 1.0-in WC in the riser (or a vacuum level deemed appropriate based upon pre-occupancy system efficacy testing and approval of the design engineer). The proposed vacuum alarm system includes a Dwyer Instruments 616KD-07 Differential Pressure Sensor/Transmitter installed at each riser to monitor vacuum levels within the riser. The differential pressure sensors will be connected to a Sensaphone Sentinel monitor that will be programmed to send out localized and electronic alarm notifications in the event the pre-described vacuum is not achieved. The Sentinel is designed to monitor up to 12 alarms; therefore, one unit installed in a centralized location should be adequate to monitor each of the proposed 11 risers and fans. The Sentinel will either be connected to the building internet signal or connected to a separate cellular signal as will be determined by the building owner during construction. Note, an equivalent vacuum monitoring and alarm system may be installed per 12 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx approval of the VIMS design engineer. As an extra precaution, a sign by the alarm that reads “If Alarm Sounds, Contact Property Management”, or similar language, will be posted to alert the building tenants. The specification sheets for the Dwyer differential pressure sensor and Sensaphone products are included in Attachment F. 2.2.2 421 E. 26th Street Building The VIMS design for the 421 E. 26th Building is included as Sheets VM-4, VM-5, and VM-6 provided in Attachment C and will be used to guide installation of the system. The area of the existing slab in this building is approximately 15,500 sq ft, and the proposed building extension on the eastern side is approximately 1,300 sq ft. The entire existing building contains a concrete slab that is approximately 4 in thick and the building contains one story. The new building sections will also contain an approximate 4-in thick concrete slab. Suction Point and Suction Trenches Based upon the pilot testing results (Section 2.1) and the proposed building layout, the VIMS includes a combination of suction points and one suction trench to provide sub-slab depressurization across the existing and proposed building slab. Details showing the general configuration of the suction points and suction trench are shown on the design sheet VM-5 in Attachment C. In general, the suction points will be constructed identically to the suction points at the 2315 N. Davidson Building (refer to description in Section 2.2.1). Note, riser location F-3 will include a suction point that is installed within the sub-slab void (Section 2.1) to provide enhanced sub-slab depressurization across a large portion of the building. In this location, the intake screen of the suction point will be installed within the backfilled gravel within the sub-slab void. Areas with New Concrete A small section of concrete slab (approximately 950 sq ft) is proposed to be removed and replaced in the area of the northern portion of the building due to cracks and damage in the concrete in this area. In addition, the building retrofit activities include an approximate 1,300 sq ft extension on 13 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx the eastern portion of the building for an expanded kitchen and storage area. Therefore, in these areas, approximately 4-in of clean #57 stone gravel or similar high-permeability stone and a minimum 15-mil vapor barrier will be installed prior to installation of the new concrete slab. The sub-slab vapor conveyance piping network is designed to prevent accumulation of contaminant vapors below the concrete slab, but vapor barrier will also be installed in these areas as a secondary measure to further prevent vapor intrusion. Based on the available data for this building and the vapor conveyance piping network, the proposed vapor barriers described below are compatible with the expected building conditions when installed in accordance with this VIMS design. The specified vapor barrier will be the Raven Industries VaporBlock 15 (VBP-15). The vapor barrier will be sealed per manufacturer instructions across the area of new concrete. To summarize the vapor barrier installation instructions, the vapor barrier will be installed by the construction contractor to cover the base course layer below the slab area of the proposed slabs. VaporSeal™ and 2-sided butyl seal tape will be used to attach/seal the vapor barrier to concrete surfaces. Seams within the building footprint will have a minimum 6-in overlap and will be sealed with VaporSeal™ tape. Small puncture holes will be sealed with VaporSeal™ tape and/or Pour-N- Seal™. Larger holes, tears, or other damage will be repaired using a patch of vapor barrier that overlaps the damaged area and then will be taped along the seams. In areas where utility penetrations (i.e., piping, ducts, etc.) are present and the use of taping is not practical or is deemed “ineffective” by the design engineer, Pour-N-Seal™ will be poured into a form to patch the penetration with a vapor tight seal. Please note that an equivalent vapor barrier approved by the design engineer which meets the criteria specified on Sheet VM-6 of the VIMS Plan may also be used by the installation contractor, such as the Stego Industries 15-mil Stego-Wrap. If an alternate equivalent vapor barrier is selected, DEQ will be notified of the alternate vapor barrier request. In order to enhance the sub-slab depressurization in this area, slotted or perforated 3-in diameter Sch 40 PVC vent pipe will also be installed within the gravel layer and connected to the associated risers in each area as shown on the design sheets. 14 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx Passive Wind-Driven Fans The Plan includes Empire Model TV04SS (stainless steel) wind-driven turbine fans (or approved alternative) installed on the discharge end of the riser duct piping on the roof. Discharge locations must be a minimum of 2 ft above the roofline and 10 ft from operable opening or air intake into the building. Note that fan locations on the rooftop depicted in the VIMS design may be repositioned within the requirements specified above and pending engineer approval. Product specifications for the proposed turbine fans and PVC vapor collection piping are provided in Attachment F. Monitoring Points The proposed monitoring points are to be constructed with 1-in slotted PVC pipe identical to the monitoring points for the 2315 N. Davidson Building (refer to description in Section 2.2.1). The monitoring point locations were chosen to provide representative coverage across the building slab and in locations that will be accessible for future vacuum monitoring events. In addition, one clean-out will be installed on the pipe within the suction trench to provide access for future maintenance, if warranted. 15 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 3.0 Quality Assurance / Quality Control For quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) purposes, inspections will be conducted during each phase of system installation activities for each VIMS. A breakdown of the required inspections for each building is provided below. • Inspection of suction points and suction trenches prior to concrete repair/replacement; • Inspection of suction points and trenches after installation and concrete has been repaired; • Inspection of above-grade riser duct piping; • Inspection of monitoring points and suction trench clean-outs; and • Inspection of the fans (both buildings) and vacuum alarm system (2315 N. Davidson Building only). Note that additional inspections will be conducted for the 421 E. 26th Building if the VIMS is converted to an active system as determined by the efficacy testing (Section 4.0). Furthermore, if future upfit activities of the proposed office space in the 2315 N. Davidson Building is performed after installation of the VIMS in this area, additional inspections must be conducted during upfit activities to verify the installed VIMS has not been impacted. Each inspection will be performed by, or under direction of, the design engineer certifying the VIMS Plan. The inspections will include field logs and photographs for each section of slab that will be included in final reporting. The engineer certifying the report, or designee, will provide DEQ with 48-hour notice prior to conducting the inspections. Please note that 48-hrs notice to DEQ may not be possible in all instances (for example, if a concrete pour needs to happen within 24 hours due to weather concerns). 16 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 4.0 Post-Construction and Pre-Occupancy System Effectiveness Testing System effectiveness testing including influence tests and indoor air sampling activities are described in the following sections. 4.1 System Influence Testing Prior to building occupancy, post-installation influence testing will be conducted on each building to provide evidence that the VIMS is or will provide sufficient depressurization below the slab as described below. 2315 N. Davidson Building The proposed VIMS in the 2315 N. Davidson Building includes an active system with proposed PressureTech PT-16 fans. Therefore, the pre-occupancy influence test for this building will be conducted with the installed fans to determine the vacuum levels below the slab. Pressure differential will be measured at extraction fan locations and pressure monitoring points for the building slab. Note, while pilot testing has already been conducted in this building to aid in design of the VIMS, the additional testing will be conducted following the building retrofit activities. The layout of pressure monitoring points for this building are on Sheet VM-1 in Attachment B. In addition to the pre-occupancy influence test, the installed Sensaphone Sentinel alarm system, or similar approved alarm, will be tested to verify proper function. While any measurable vacuum below the slab indicates that vacuum influence is present in that area, vacuum measurements of at least 0.016 in-WC (4 Pa) will attempt to be achieved because this is the minimum vacuum deemed acceptable by DEQ to demonstrate adequate sub-slab depressurization is occurring. 421 E. 26th Street Building The proposed VIMS in the 421 E. 26th Street Building includes a passive system. Therefore, the pre-occupancy influence test for this building will be conducted to determine if communication from the risers to the monitoring points can be achieved in the event the system needs to be 17 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx activated. For the system effectiveness testing in the 421 E. 26th Street Building, one or more variable-speed vapor extraction fans will be attached directly to riser duct piping. Pressure differential will be measured at extraction fan locations and pressure monitoring points for the building slab. Note, while pilot testing has already been conducted in this building to aid in design of the VIMS, the additional testing will be conducted following the building retrofit activities. The layout of pressure monitoring points for this building are on sheet VM-4 in Attachment C. While any measurable vacuum below the slab indicates that vacuum influence is present in that area, vacuum measurements of at least 0.016 in-WC (4 Pa) will attempt to be achieved because this is the minimum vacuum deemed acceptable by DEQ to demonstrate adequate sub-slab depressurization is occurring. 4.2 Indoor Air Sampling Effectiveness Assessment In order to further assess the effectiveness of the VIMS in each building, pre-occupancy indoor air samples will be collected from each building. The buildings are intended to be occupied shortly following completion of the retrofit activities. Therefore, the indoor air sampling events will be conducted a minimum of two weeks following construction of the VIMS with the fans operating to allow for representative building conditions during sampling. If possible, based on the construction schedule, the pre-occupancy indoor air samples will be collected with the HVAC systems operating. For the 2315 N. Davidson Building, five indoor air parent samples are proposed to be collected during the indoor air sampling event. For the 421 E. 26th Building, three indoor air parent samples are proposed to be collected during the indoor air sampling event. The approximate locations for the proposed indoor air samples are depicted on Sheet VM-1 (2315 N. Davidson Building) and Sheet VM-4 (421 E. 26th Building). Each indoor air sample will be collected in accordance with the DWM VI Guidance using an individual-certified 6-liter Summa canister over an 8-hour period and analyzed for select VOCs by EPA Method TO-15. The VOCs for the select analyte list will include compounds that were 18 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx detected in previous sub-slab vapor samples. The compounds included in the select list are included in Attachment G. Each indoor air Summa canister will be connected to either a dedicated sampling cane or placed on an elevated surface in order to collect the air sample in the breathing zone (approximately 5 ft above the ground surface). Periodic checks will be conducted to monitor the pressure within the Summa canisters to ensure adequate sample volume is collected. Following sample collection, the samples will be shipped to an analytical laboratory under standard chain of custody protocol. The analytical laboratory will be instructed to report J-flag concentrations for each sample. In addition, the laboratory will be requested to report results to the lower of the laboratory method detection limits or the DEQ Non-Residential IASLs. For QA/QC purposes, one duplicate sample and one background air sample will be collected during each indoor air sampling event. During the sampling activities, indoor/outdoor air pressure differential will be measured near the start, middle, and end of the 8-hour sampling period using a manometer sensitive to 0.001 inches of water. In addition, exterior wind speed, exterior wind direction, indoor/outdoor temperature, and precipitation (if any) will be recorded near the start, middle, and end of the sampling period. H&H will also complete a DEQ Indoor Air Building Survey and Sampling Form to record sample information and building conditions at the time of sampling. Note that new construction materials such as paint, carpet, etc., which could be sources of VOCs in indoor air, may cause interference with Site-specific compounds during indoor air sampling. Therefore, the construction contractor will be requested to provide safety data sheets (SDSs) for materials used during construction which will be submitted to DEQ if elevated compounds are detected in indoor air. At a minimum, the contractor(s) shall not use building materials that contain the chlorinated solvents PCE or TCE. Indoor Air Effectiveness Reporting The indoor air sampling results will be submitted to DEQ with the VIMS Installation Report for each building. If unacceptable risk levels are calculated based on the results of initial indoor air sampling, DEQ will be notified of the results and next steps prior to submission of the VIMS Installation Report. Based upon the results of the sampling, H&H will make recommendations in 19 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx general accordance with DWM VI Guidance. It is anticipated that the recommendations will consist of one of the following: • The VIMS is effective, and indoor air sampling will continue at a semi-annual frequency until a request to DEQ is submitted and approved by DEQ to reduce or terminate sampling (per the DWM VI Guidance, in the case where calculated cumulative risks are below 1 x 10-4 for potential carcinogenic risk and below a hazard index of 1 for potential non- carcinogenic risk). Note, at a minimum, three semi-annual indoor air sampling events (including the pre-occupancy event) will be conducted prior to a request to reduce or terminate the sampling. • Additional indoor air sampling is warranted to confirm that the VIMS is effective (per the DWM VI Guidance, in the case where calculated cumulative risks are greater than 1 x 10-4 for potential carcinogenic risk or above a hazard index of 1 for potential non- carcinogenic risk). In this case, the type of active fans and other installed system components will be evaluated to determine if the system can be modified to increase its effectiveness. In addition, an evaluation of the compounds identified in building materials from the SDSs will be conducted to see if the detected compounds could be sourced from building materials. Note, for the 421 E. 26th Street Building, if additional indoor air sampling is required, modifications to the existing system will first be evaluated to increase effectiveness (i.e., increasing the size of passive wind-driven turbine fans). Should results of post-construction indoor air testing continue to indicate potential unacceptable vapor intrusion risks to occupants of the building, active fans will be installed at the discharge end of the riser duct piping (as needed) to convert the system from passive to active sub-slab depressurization. DEQ will be notified of alterations to the system. 20 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 5.0 Post-Occupancy Testing The VIMS for the retrofit activities at the 2315 N. Davidson Building includes an active VIMS with electric fans. As such, post-occupancy differential pressure testing is anticipated to verify the system is effectively depressurizing the sub-slab space. After the retrofit activities are complete and the building is occupied, vacuum monitoring will be conducted on a quarterly basis and the results will be submitted to DEQ after each event. After one year of operation with generally stable vacuum results, a request to reduce the frequency of the vacuum monitoring will be submitted to DEQ for review and approval. Note, this system includes a continuously monitored vacuum alarm at each riser. Therefore, if a fan becomes inoperable or proper vacuum is not achieved, then assessment and repairs of the issue can be promptly conducted. The VIMS for the retrofit activities at the 421 E. 26th Building includes a passive VIMS with wind- driven turbine fans. Thus, post-occupancy vacuum monitoring is not planned to be conducted. If the 421 E. 26th Street building is converted to an active system based on results of post-construction and pre-occupancy assessment results, mitigation system modifications and plans for long-term differential pressure monitoring across the slab will be submitted to the DEQ Brownfields Program for approval prior to implementation. If conversion to an active system is deemed necessary, specifications for the fans to be used will be submitted to DEQ. As discussed in Section 4.0, post-occupancy indoor air sampling will be completed on a semi- annual basis. Following three semi-annual indoor air sampling events (with the pre-occupancy sampling as the first semi-annual event) with results indicating acceptable risk levels for non- residential use, a request to terminate sampling will be submitted for DEQ approval. 21 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 6.0 Future Tenants & Building Uses The proposed buildings are planned for restaurant, office, and other commercial uses including retail, warehousing, entertainment, and brewery or food production facility. After occupancy of the buildings, the property management company, under direction of the building owner, will be responsible to maintain the vapor mitigation piping and fans in accordance with the pending NBP for the Site. The property management company will perform inspections of each VIMS for damages or evidence that the system is not functioning and shall maintain inspection records on Site. The inspection shall include a visual inspection of the following: 1. All aboveground piping and slab penetrations where accessible. 2. All rooftop electric and turbine fans. 3. All monitoring points. 4. Overall inspection of floor slab for damage that could indicate issues with the system or create a pathway for sub-slab vapors to enter the building. In addition, for the 2315 N. Davidson Building, an inspection of the vacuum monitoring system and differential pressure sensors shall be conducted to ensure proper functionality and alarm notifications. In addition, the property management group shall designate a person, or persons, to be receive the notifications from the alarm system and be knowledgeable with the system to promptly address the alarm condition. If vapor mitigation components are damaged or need to be altered for building renovations, the property management company shall contact a North Carolina PE to oversee or inspect the activities, and a report will be submitted to DEQ detailing the repairs or alterations. To aid in identification of the vapor mitigation piping, the mitigation piping will be labeled with “VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM – CONTACT PROPERTY MANAGER”, or similar language, on accessible piping at intervals of no greater than 10 linear feet. 22 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 7.0 Reporting A VIMS Installation Report that documents installation activities associated with the VIMS for each building will be submitted to DEQ following confirmation that the mitigation system is installed. The report(s) will include a summary of VIMS installation activities, QA/QC measures, pre-occupancy system effectiveness testing including indoor air assessment results, inspection documents, and an opinion as to whether the VIMS was installed in accordance with the DEQ- approved VIMS Plan. Note, depending on the construction schedule, separate VIMS Installation Reports may be submitted for the 2315 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th Street buildings. If future upfit activities impact the installed systems, such as in the proposed office space area in the 2315 N. Davidson Building, an additional VIMS Installation Report will be submitted to DEQ to document the upfit activities. Furthermore, reports documenting the future post-occupancy indoor air sampling activities will be submitted to DEQ following each sampling event. 23 M:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\to DEQ\Revision 2\24003_North Davidson II_VIMP_05062021_Rev 2.docx 8.0 Certification Statement Engineer’s Certification The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) detailed herein is designed to mitigate the potential for sub-surface vapor intrusion in general accordance with industry standards and applicable guidelines published as of the date of this document including DWM Vapor Intrusion Guidance, Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC) guidance, and American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists (AARST) standards. Further, this VIMS is designed to protect public health in regards to vapor intrusion risks from known Brownfields Property contaminants as evidenced by the undersigned seal of the professional engineer licensed in North Carolina. Seal: Mr. Trinh DeSa, PE NC PE License No. 044470 Hart & Hickman, PC 0 2000 4000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEETN U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) CHARLOTTE EAST, NORTH CAROLINA 1991 TITLE PROJECT SITE LOCATION MAP NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET & 421 E. 26TH STREETCHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JOB NO: REVISION NO: FIGURE: 5-18-20 0 1PAM-003 SITE REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. PAM-003 DATE: 12-22-20 FIGURE NO. 2 NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY 2315 N. DAVIDSON ST. & 421 E. 26TH ST. CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SITE LAYOUT MAP LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY FORMER RAIL SPUR LITTLE SUGAR CREEK DRAINAGE FEATURE 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyLYNX LI G H T R AIL N. D AVI DS O N S T R E ET E 2 6 TH S T R EE T JOR D A N P L A C E N. B R E V A R D S T R E E T FORMER LUMBER SHED NODA SELF STORAGE (FORMER U.S. TEXTILE CORP.) (2401 N. DAVIDSON STREET) YANDLE METAL SHOP (2414 N. DAVIDSON STREET) YANDLE METAL SHOP (FORMER GENERAL LATEX & CHEMICAL CORP.) (2414 N. DAVIDSON STREET) COLLECTIVE APARTMENT COMPLEX (FORMER R.H. BOULIGNY, INC.) (2300 N. DAVIDSON STREET) NODA BREWING COMPANY (FORMER GIBBS ELECTROPLATING) (2229 N. DAVIDSON STREET) PERFORMANCE LOGISTICS (511 E. 25TH STREET) WOODTECH INTERIORS, INC (2228 N. BREVARD STREET) SUPERIOR STONE OF THE SOUTHEAST (2310 N. BREVARD STREET) FORMER APPLIED RESEARCH GROUP (2221 N. DAVIDSON STREET) RHINO MARKET & DELI AND FREE RANGE BREWING (2320 N. DAVIDSON STREET) NOTES: 1.AERIAL IMAGERY OBTAINED FROM MECKLENBURG COUNTY GIS (2019). 421 E. 26TH STREET BUILDING APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BUILDING SLAB EXTENSION 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET BUILDING S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\Figures\Site Map_R1.dwg, 12/22/2020 9:16:05 AM, DWG To PDF.pc3 Attachment A Excerpts from Previous Assessment Activities MW-10 IAS-1/SS-1 MW-1 MW-3 SB-1 SS-6 IAS-3/SS-3 IAS-4/SS-4 SS-5 MW-2 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 BKG-1 MW-4 SB-5 IAS-2/SS-2 SS-7 SB-9 SS-8 SS-9 SS-10 SS-13 SS-12 SB-7 SB-6 SB-8 SW-2 SW-1 SS-11 SED-1 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. PAM-003 DATE: 9-28-20 FIGURE NO. 3 NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET & 421 E. 26TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA SAMPLE LOCATION MAP LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY FORMER RAIL SPUR LITTLE SUGAR CREEK DRAINAGE FEATURE EXISTING GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SOIL BORING SUB-SLAB VAPOR SAMPLE POINT CO-LOCATED SUB-SLAB VAPOR AND INDOOR AIR SAMPLE POINT SURFACE WATER SAMPLE LOCATION SEDIMENT SAMPLE LOCATION ABANDONED MONITORING WELL 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyLYNX LI G H T R AIL N. D AVI DS O N S T R E ET E 2 6 TH S TRE E T JOR D A N P L A C E APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FORMER LUMBER WAREHOUSE APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF FORMER AUTO REPAIR SHOP N. B R E V A R D S T R E E T MW-5 SB-1 MW-1 NOTES: 1)MONITORING WELLS MW-1 THROUGH MW-5 WERE INSTALLED IN APRIL 2016 BY SUMMIT ENGINEERING. 2)SOIL SAMPLES WERE COLLECTED BY H&H ON 3/5/-6/2020 AND 8/11-12/2020. 3)SUB-SLAB VAPOR SAMPLES COLLECTED BY H&H ON 8/8/2019 AND 8/11/2020. 4)INDOOR AIR SAMPLES COLLECTED BY H&H ON 11/12/2019. 5)SEDIMENT AND SURFACE WATER SAMPLES COLLECTED BY H&H ON 8/11/2020. IAS-1/SS-1 MW-10 SS-7 SW-1 SED-1 S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\EMP\Figures\Site Map_R1.dwg, 12/22/2020 1:42:32 PM, DWG To PDF.pc3 Table 3Summary of Groundwater Analytical ResultsNorth Davidson II Brownfields Property2351 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. PAM-003Sample ID MW-1 MW-2 MW-DUP-1 MW-3 MW-4 MW-5Date 3/5/2020 3/5/2020 3/5/2020 3/6/2020Area of Potential ConcernFormer Lumber ShedFormer Junkyard AreaFormer Auto Repair ShopUpgradient Portion of SiteVOCs (8260D)Chloroform<2.3 <2.3 <2.3 <11.7 <11.73.0J70 0.81 3.6cis-1,2-Dichloroethene<0.29 <0.29 <0.292.2J<1.5 <0.2970 NS NSDiisopropyl ether<0.22 <0.22 <0.2212.8<1.1 <0.2270 1,400 5,900Methyl tert-butyl ether<0.28 <0.28 <0.28636<1.4<0.2820 450 2,000Trichloroethene<0.22 <0.22 <0.22110669<0.223.0 1.0 4.4SVOCs (8270E)-- -- --RCRA Metals (6020B, 7470A)Arsenic0.395J 0.631J<0.2500.403J 0.901J<0.25010 -- --Arsenic (Dissolved)NA <0.250 <0.250 <0.250 NA NA10 -- --Barium92.0 77.0 22.4 28.9 35.3 78.6700 -- --Barium (Dissolved)NA22.5 22.5 29.6NA NA700 -- --Cadmium<0.160 <0.160 <0.1600.424J<0.160 <0.1602.0 -- --Cadmium (Dissolved)NA <0.160 <0.160 <0.160 NA NA2.0 -- --Chromium1.15J17.81.01J13.5 3942.3510 -- --Chromium (Dissolved)NA0.689J 0.738J 1.01JNA NA10 -- --Lead0.970J 2.02 0.482J 1.01J 0.745J 1.21J15 -- --Lead (Dissolved)NA <0.2400.284J<0.240 NA NA15 -- --Selenium<0.380 <0.380 <0.3800.415J 1.33J<0.38020 -- --Selenium (Dissolved)NA <0.380 <0.380 <0.380 NA NA20 -- --Silver<0.310 <0.310 <0.310 <0.310 <0.310 <0.31020 -- --Silver (Dissolved)NA <0.310 <0.310 <0.310 NA NA20 -- --Mercury<0.0490 <0.0490 <0.0490 <0.0490 <0.0490 <0.04901.0 0.18 0.75Mercury (Dissolved)NA <0.0490 <0.0490 <0.0490 NA NA1.0 0.18 0.75Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) 15A NCAC 02L.0202 Groundwater Standards (2L Standards) (April 2013)2) NC DEQ Division of Waste Management (DWM) Residential Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Screening Levels (GWSLs) (July 2020)3) NC DEQ DWM Non-Residential Vapor Intrusion GWSLs (July 2020)With the exception of metals, only constituents detected in at least one sample are shown.Concentrations are reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L).Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory method detection limitsLaboratory analytical methods are shown in parentheses.Bold concentrations exceed the DEQ 2L Standard and/or the Residential GWSL.Underlined concentrations exceed the DEQ 2L Standard and the Non-Residential GWSL.VOCs = volatile organic compounds; SVOCs = semi-volatile organic compounds, RCRA = Resource Conservation and Recovery ActNA = not analyzed; NS = not specified; -- = not applicableJ = estimated value between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory reporting limitAll Below Laboratory Method Detection LimitsNC 2L Groundwater Standards (1) Residential GWSL(2)Non-Residential GWSL(3)3/6/2020Former Junkyard AreaS:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\EMP\Data Tables\GW Data Table_10-12-2010/19/2020Table 3 Hart & Hickman, PC Table 5Summary of Sub-slab Vapor Analytical ResultsNorth Davidson II Brownfields Property2351 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th StreetCharlotte, North CarolinaH&H Job No. PAM-003Sample IDSample LocationSample DateAnalytical MethodAcetoneBenzene2-Butanone (MEK)Carbon DisulfideCarbon TetrachlorideChloroformChloromethaneCyclohexane1,2-Dichlorobenzene1,4-DichlorobenzeneDichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12)cis-1,2-DichloroethyleneEthanolEthylbenzene4-EthyltolueneHeptaneHexane2-Hexanone (MBK)IsopropanolMethylene Chloride4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)NaphthalenePropeneStyreneTetrachloroetheneTetrahydrofuranTolueneTrichloroetheneTrichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11)1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-Trimethylbenzenem&p-Xyleneo-XyleneSS-1 8/8/2019 100J<2.6 <9.2 <4.3 <4.1260<2.8 <4.9 <5.8 <7.3 <4.3 <3.2120J<5.0 <6.0 <4.8 <12 <4.8 <6.0 <8.4 <3.9 <8.0 <3.4 <5.3860<3.9 <3.991,000<6.5 <6.3 <6.2 <10 <5.4SS-2 8/8/2019 120 0.5J 7.2J<0.430.63J 1.9<0.28 <0.49 <0.58 <0.732.5<0.32130<0.50 <0.60 <0.48 <1.2 <0.485.4J<0.84 <0.390.86J<0.34 <0.5319<0.390.89272.0J<0.63 <0.62 <1.0 <0.54SS-3 220 0.33J 5.7J 4.3J<0.411.3<0.28 <0.49 <0.58 <0.73 <0.43 <0.32130<0.50 <0.60 <0.48 <1.2 <0.4816J<0.84 <0.39 <0.80 <0.34 <0.533.2<0.390.65J<0.431.9J<0.63 <0.62 <1.0 <0.54DUP-2/SS-3 230 0.42J 7.5J 5.3J<0.41 <0.36 <0.28 <0.49 <0.58 <0.732.3<0.32110<0.50 <0.60 <0.48 <1.2 <0.4811J<0.84 <0.390.86J<0.34 <0.533.1<0.390.83<0.431.9J<0.63 <0.62 <1.0 <0.54SS-4 8/8/2019 260 1.3 9.5J 25<0.41 <0.36 <0.28 <0.49 <0.58 <0.732.9<0.32110 2.2 2.4<0.48 <1.2 <0.4812J 0.85J<0.390.94J 17<0.53 <0.75 <0.393.2<0.431.0J 14 8.9 8.9 3.6SS-5 8/8/2019 72 1.1 10J 8.6<0.41 <0.36 <0.28 <0.49 <0.58 <0.732.8<0.3251 0.94<0.602.6 6.1J<0.489.4J<0.84 <0.391.7<0.34 <0.537.4<0.394.2 1.2 3.2J 2.6 1.4 3.4 1.5SS-6 8/8/2019 56 0.87 6.9J 20<0.41 <0.36 <0.28 <0.49 <0.58 <0.732.7<0.3251 0.64J<0.60 <0.48 <1.2 <0.486.7J<0.84 <0.391.7<0.34 <0.538.4<0.393.4 6.1 2.7J<0.63 <0.622.1 0.82JSS-7<86018J<150 <120 <2592<24 <25 <33 <20 <23 <202,600 22J 32J<27 <96 <35 <340 <120 <3244J<87 <18540<11023J43,000<64120 49J 77J 43JSS-DUP/SS-7<860 <14 <150 <120 <258232J<25 <33 <20 <23 <20600J<14 <23 <27 <96 <35 <340 <120 <32 <44 <87 <18540<110 <1643,000<6431J<1927J<17SS-8 8/11/2020 600 1.8 22J<1.6 <0.33290.45J 2.5 0.53J 1.1J 2.8<0.271,000 34 82 1.2<1.36.5 28 1.7J 3.4J4.7J2.6J 0.44J 170<1.54.05,0006.0 190 40 180 110SS-9 8/11/2020 140J 0.27J 8.7J 34<0.33 <0.24 <0.322.5<0.440.36J<0.31 <0.2752 1.6 51 1.3<1.3 <0.467.6J<1.60.79J3.9<1.20.39J 1.4<1.55.0<0.401.5J 130 88 8.5 7.4SS-10 8/11/2020<860 <14 <150 <120 <2515033J<25 <33 <20 <23 <201,300<1432J<27 <96 <35 <340 <120 <32 <44 <87 <18560<110 <1626,000<6466J 27J 42J 25JSS-11 8/11/2020 170 1.3 44 8.3<0.33 <0.24 <0.321.5<0.44 <0.272.9<0.27150 0.97<0.302.2 2.9J 11 38<1.630 1.5J 6.8J 1.3 8.5<1.54.4<0.402.1J 1.1 0.31J 230 0.76JSS-12 8/11/2020 59 0.58J 16J 4.9J<0.33 <0.24 <0.326.7<0.44 <0.273.0<0.27150 0.28J 0.31J<0.35 <1.33.1 13J<1.6 <0.430.88J<1.20.31J 27 7.1 1.1 1.2 2.7J 0.47J<0.261.1J 0.43JSS-13 8/11/2020 38<0.193.6J<1.60.45J 0.57J<0.322.1<0.44 <0.272.9 1.7 300 0.23J 0.31J<0.35 <1.3 <0.4612J<1.60.67J 0.84J 1.5J 0.77J 4.1<1.50.83 3.1 1.8J 0.37J<0.260.8J 0.33J220,000 120 35,000 4,900 160 41 630 42,000 1,400 85 700 NS NS 370 NS 2,800 4,900210 1,400 4,200 21,000 21 21,000 7,000 280 14,000 35,000 14 NS 420 420 700 7002,700,000 1,600 440,000 61,000 2,000 530 7,900 530,000 18,000 1,100 8,800 NS NS 4,900 NS 35,000 61,000 2,600 18,000 53,000 260,000 260 260,000 88,000 3,500 180,000 440,000 180 NS 5,300 5,300 8,800 8,800Notes:1) North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Residential Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs) (February 2018)2) North Carlolina DEQ DWM Non-Residential SGSLs (February 2018).Bold values exceeds the NCDEQ DWM Residential SGSL.Bold and Underlined value exceeds the NCDEQ DWM Residential and Non-Residential SGSL.Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory detection limits.Compound concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3).J = estimated concentration between the laboratory method detection limit and the laboratory reporting limitNS = Not SpecifiedDWM Residential SGSL (1)DWM Non-Residential SGSL (2)2315 N. Davidson StreetTO-158/8/2019421 E. 26th Street2315 N. Davidson Street8/11/2020421 E. 26th StreetS:\AAA‐Master Projects\PAMAKA ‐ PAM\PAM‐003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\Combined Data Tables (9‐18‐20) RJC.xlsx1/7/2021Table 5Hart & Hickman, PC Table 6 Summary of Indoor Air Analytical Data North Davidson II Brownfields Brownfields Property 2315 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. PAM-003 Sample IDSample LocationSample DateAnalytical MethodChloroformTetrachloroethyleneTrichloroethyleneIAS-1 0.10 J <0.13 0.14 J IAS-1 Duplicate (DUP-1)0.20 0.34 <0.076 IAS-2 Southern Portion of 2315 N. Davidson Street Building 11/6/2019 0.086 J <0.13 <0.076 IAS-3 Northern Portion of 2315 N. Davidson Street Building 11/6/2019 0.13 J 0.16 J <0.076 IAS-4 Eastern Portion of 2315 N. Davidson Street Building 11/6/2019 0.12 J <0.23 <0.13 BKG-1 Upwind, West of 2315 N. Davidson Street Building 11/6/2019 <0.11 <0.23 <0.13 0.12 8.3 0.42 0.53 35 1.8 Notes: 1) North Carolina Department of Environment Quality (DEQ) Division of Waste Management (DWM) Residential and Non-Residential Indoor Air Screening Levels (IASLs) dated July 2020. Based on a Total Cumulative Risk of 1x10-6 and a Target Hazard Quotient of 0.2. Compound concentrations are reported in micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3). Compound concentrations are reported to the laboratory detection limits. J = Compound was detected above the laboratory method detection limit, but below the laboratory reporting limit resulting in a laboratory estimated concentration. IAS = indoor air sample; BKG = background DWM Non-Residential IASL (1) TO-15 DWM Residential IASL (1) Western Portion of 2315 N. Davidson Street Building 11/6/2019 S:\AAA‐Master Projects\PAMAKA ‐ PAM\PAM‐003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\EMP\Data Tables\Indoor Air Data Table (11‐29‐19) 10/12/2020 Table 6 Hart & Hickman, PC Attachment B VIMS Design Sheets – 2315 N. Davidson Street Building (VM-1, VM-1A VM-2, and VM-3) VIMS PLAN VIEW LAYOUT (2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET)1" = 10'1VM-1F-1F-2F-3F-4F-5F-6F-7F-8F-9F-10F-11H&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEMPLAN VIEW LAYOUTVM-1NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) UDM FOOD HALL 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology04/15/21LEGENDEXISTING LOAD INTERNAL BEARING WALL AND FOOTERPROPOSED INTERNAL STUD WALLVIMS SUCTION TRENCH (12" WIDE BY 12" DEEP) WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC SLOTTED ORPERFORATED PIPE SET WITHIN CLEAN 57 STONE3" SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE SET WITHIN TRENCH WITH SOIL BACKFILLAREA FOR PROPOSED NEW CONCRETE WITH MOISTURE BARRIER3" SCH 40 SLOTTED PIPE SET WITHIN GRAVEL BASE BELOW AREA OF NEW CONCRETE3" SCH 40 PVC RISER WITH CONNECTED TO TRENCHINDIVIDUAL SUCTION POINT WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC RISERINDIVIDUAL SUCTION POINT WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC RISER CONNECTED TO VIMS TRENCHVACUUM MONITORING POINT (DETAILS 8 & 9 / VM-2)(1" SCH 40 PVC SLOTTED PIPE SET WITHIN GRAVEL WITH CLEAN-OUT FLOOR COVER)SUCTION TRENCH CLEAN-OUT (DETAIL 10 / VM-2)VIMS ELECTRIC FAN DISCHARGE ON ROOF OFF-SET FROM RISERHORIZONTAL 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPING BELOW CEILING FOR FAN OFF-SET FROM RISERPROPOSED INDOOR AIR SAMPLE LOCATIONTRENCHES IN FUTURE OFFICEUPFIT POSITIONED TO AVOIDEXISTING WALLSTRENCHES IN FUTURE OFFICEUPFIT POSITIONED TO AVOIDEXISTING WALLSAREA TO RECEIVE NEW CONCRETEAND 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIER5 FT SEPARATION FROM TRENCHTO INTERIOR WALL (TYP)NOTES:1.EACH RISER FAN WILL CONTAIN A PRESSURE-TECH PT-16 ELECTRICFAN INSTALLED ON THE ROOFTOP. SEE DETAIL 11 / VM-2.2.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM; SCH = SCHEDULE;TYP = TYPICAL3.SENSAPHONE SENTINEL, OR SIMILAR ALARM APPROVED BY THEDESIGN ENGINEER, SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CENTRAL LOCATION TOBE CHOSEN BY THE ENGINEER / OWNER DURING CONSTRUCTION.REFER TO DETAIL 12/VM-2.4.REFER TO SHEET VM-1A FOR PROPOSED ROOF PLAN DEPICTINGLOCATIONS OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT.EXISTING BUILDING EXTERIORWALLEXISTING BUILDING EXTERIORWALL1VM-22VM-25AVM-210VM-210VM-210VM-210VM-210VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-28VM-25/11VM-25VM-26/14VM-26/14VM-24VM-23VM-23VM-23/14VM-23/14VM-27VM-27VM-27VM-27VM-27VM-27VM-2REFER TO DETAIL 13 FOR UTILITYPENETRATIONS THROUGHEXTERIOR WALL/FOOTERREFER TO DETAIL 13 FOR UTILITYPENETRATIONS THROUGHEXTERIOR WALL/FOOTER5 FT LENGTH OF SOLID PIPEFROM RISER (TYP)PROPOSED UTILITY CROSSINGPROPOSED UTILITYCROSSINGNORTH DAVIDSONSTREET3" PVCWYE11VM-214VM-214VM-211VM-211VM-211VM-211VM-210VM-211VM-214VM-214VM-211VM-211VM-211VM-2\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N.Davidson_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:37:57 PM VIMS PLAN VIEW LAYOUT (2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET)1" = 10'1VM-1F-1F-2F-3F-4F-5F-6F-7F-8F-9F-10F-11H&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEMROOF PLANVM-1ANORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) UDM FOOD HALL 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyLEGENDPROPOSED INTERNAL STUD WALLINDIVIDUAL SUCTION POINT WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC RISERINDIVIDUAL SUCTION POINT WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC RISER CONNECTED TO VIMS TRENCHVIMS ELECTRIC FAN DISCHARGE ON ROOF OFF-SET FROM RISERHORIZONTAL 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPING BELOW CEILING FOR FAN OFF-SET FROM RISERNOTES:1.THE DEPICTED ROOF PLAN WAS OBTAINED FROM THE MECHANICAL PERMITDRAWINGS DATED JULY 31, 2020. THE FINAL MECHANICAL DESIGN AND LAYOUTMAY CHANGE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE VIMS INSTALLATION CONTRACTORSHALL VERIFY THE FINAL LOCATIONS OF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT AND ADJUSTFAN DISCHARGE LOCATIONS ACCORDINGLY UPON APPROVED FROM THE DESIGNENGINEER.2.VIMS FAN DISCHARGE LOCATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 15 FT FROM HVAC AIRINTAKES, SUCTION FANS, OR OPERABLE OPENINGS INTO THE BUILDING. REFERTO SHEET VM-3 FOR SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS.3.EACH RISER FAN WILL CONTAIN A PRESSURE-TECH PT-16 ELECTRIC FANINSTALLED ON THE ROOFTOP. SEE DETAIL 11 ON SHEET VM-2.4.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM; SCH = SCHEDULE; TYP = TYPICAL;KEF = KITCHEN EXHAUST FAN; KSF = KITCHEN SUCTION FAN; RTU =ROOF TOPUNITNORTH DAVIDSONSTREET04/15/21\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N.Davidson_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:38:06 PM BASE COURSE BELOW NEW CONCRETE1NTSVM-2VENTED COLLECTION PIPING BELOW NEW CONCRETE2NTSVM-2BASE COURSE - CLEAN 57 STONE(WASHED WITH NO FINES), MIN 4"THICK BENEATH NEW CONCRETE3" SCH 40 PVC VENT PIPE SET WITHIN MIN 4" BASECOURSE. VENT PIPE SHALL BE 0.020" SLOTTEDPIPE OR 5/8" PERFORATED WITH 5-HOLE SPACED60 DEGREES APART AND 6" OFF CENTERSOIL SUB-BASESOIL SUB-BASEMIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITH REBARAND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCE WITHSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS.MIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS.MIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERMIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERBELOW NEW CONCRETEVIMS SUCTION POINTNTS3VM-23" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED STUDWALL0.75 TO 1 CU FT CAVITY FILLEDWITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR PEAGRAVEL (MIN 18" DEEP AND 10" DIA)3" VENT CAP PLACED MIN 6"ABOVE BOTTOM OF CAVITYEXISTING SOILSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAREXISTING CONCRETEVIMS TRENCH DETAIL WITH SUCTION POINTNTS4VM-2SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEET VM-13" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED STUDWALL3" SCH 40 PVC TEEMIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDEXTRACTION POINTBACKFILL AROUND SOLIDSECTION OF TRENCH WITHCOMPACTED SOIL0.75 TO 1 CU FT CAVITY FILLEDWITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR PEAGRAVEL (MIN 18" DEEP AND 10" DIA)3" VENT CAP PLACED MIN 6"ABOVE BOTTOM OF CAVITYEXISTING SOILSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILARMIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH INACCORDANCE WITH STRUCTURALDRAWINGS.MIN 6-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETEVIMS SUCTION TRENCH DETAIL - AREA OF NEW CONCRETE SLABNTS5AVM-2SOLID TO PERFORATED/SLOTTED 3" SCH 40PVC PIPE TRANSITION3" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED STUDWALL3" SCH 40 PVC TEEMIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDEXTRACTION POINTBACKFILL AROUND SOLID SECTION OFTRENCH WITH COMPACTED SOIL TOCREATE SEPARATION BETWEEN GRAVELSECTIONSCLEAN 57 STONE, OR SIMILAR,PLACED WITHIN TRENCH AROUNDSLOTTED PIPE SECTIONEXISTING SOILSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILARMIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETEMIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSSUCTION TRENCHNEW CONCRETESLAB AREA VIMS SUCTION TRENCH WITH RISER AT EXISTING WALL - SIDE VIEWNTS6VM-23" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPESOLID TO PERFORATED/SLOTTED 3" SCH 40PVC PIPE TRANSITIONMIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDSLOTTED SECTIONCLEAN 57 STONE, OR SIMILAR, PLACEDWITHIN TRENCH AROUND SLOTTEDPIPE SECTIONEXISTING SOILSMINIMUM 6" CONCRETE SLAB WITH REBARAND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCE WITHSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGSMIN 6-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETESOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEET VM-1SEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAR3" SCH 40 PVC 45-DEGREE OR90-DEGREE ELBOW(S) TO AVOIDEXISTING FOOTERVIMS SUCTION TRENCH - SECTION VIEW7NTSVM-2EXISTING SOILS3" SCH 40 PVC PERFORATEDOR SLOTTED PIPE WITH MIN4" STONE BELOW PIPECLEAN 57 STONESEAL COLD JOINT BETWEENEXISTING AND NEW CONCRETE WITHURETHANE SEALANT, OR SIMILARMIN 6-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETEMIN 6" CONCRETE SLAB WITH REBARAND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSEXISTING CONCRETE8NTSVACUUM MONITORING POINTVM-2EXISTING CONCRETE SLABFLOOR CLEAN-OUT SET FLUSHWITH FINISHED FLOOR(SEE DETAIL 9)1" SCH 40 0.020" SLOTTED PVCPIPE WITH OPEN END ON BOTTOM#2 WELLPACK FILTRATIONSAND (OR SIMILAR COARSESAND)EXISTING SUB-SLAB SOILSEAL JOINT WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAR (SEE SPEC #)1" EXPANDABLE WELLPLUGPOLY-URETHANESEALANTVAPOR BARRIERSEE DETAIL 9 / VM-2VACUUM MONITORING POINT FINISHING DETAILNTSVM-39FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIAZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR1" EXPANDABLE WELLPLUG#2 WELLPACK FILTRATION SAND(OR SIMILAR COARSE SAND)SEAL JOINT WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAR (SEE SPEC #)POLY-URETHANESEALANTVAPOR BARRIERELECTRIC EXHAUST FAN AND RISER ON ROOFTOPNTS11VM-2PRESSURE-TECH PT-16 HIGH SUCTIONFAN OR SIMILAR FAN APPROVED BY THEDESIGN ENGINEERPOSITION DISCHARGE A MINIMUM OF 15FT FROM AIR INTAKES OR OPERABLEBUILDING OPENINGS AND MINIMUM 3'ABOVE ROOFLINELABEL FAN WITH IDENTIFICATION NUMBERAND "VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM -CONTACT MAINTENANCE IF NOTOPERATING", OR SIMILARINSTALL WEATHERPROOF BOX FOR 120VACTO DC INVERTER REQUIRED FOR FANRUN ELECTRIC CONDUIT TO CENTRALBREAKER BOX FOR FAN; RUN LOW VOLTAGEWIRE TO CENTRAL ALARM FROMDIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR3" SCH 40 PVC TEE WITH THREADEDREDUCER BUSHING FOR BARB INSTALLATION 12" OR 14" BARB INSTALLATION WITH POLYTUBING, OR SIMILAR, CONNECTED TODIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSORDWYER 616KD-07 DIFFERENTIALPRESSURE TRANSMITTER SENSOR RATEDFOR 0 TO 25" WC SECURE TO RISERINSTALL RISER SUPPORT CONNECTEDTO ROOFTOP (AS NEEDED)3" SCH 40 PVC RISERSECURE TO ROOF TRUSSES,COLUMNS, OR STUD WALLSDROP CEILING OR EXISTINGCEILING TRUSSESWATERTIGHT ROOF FLASHINGVARMINT GUARD PIPE CAP WITH SCREEN,RADONAWAY #76041-2, OR SIMILARLABEL RISER PIPE EVERY 10-FT WITH"VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM - CONTACTMAINTENANCE"ROOFTOPREFER TO ROOF/CEILING PLAN ON SHEETVM-1 AND DETAIL 14 FOR LOCATION OFHORIZONTAL PIPE RUNS WHERE FANEXHAUST IS OFF-SET FROM RISERUTILITY PENETRATION AT EXTERIOR WALLNTS13VM-2EXTERIOR GRADE VARIES.REFER TO CIVIL ANDARCHITECTURAL PLANSCREATE AIR TIGHT SEAL AROUND UTILITYTHROUGH EXTERIOR WALL OR FOOTER, AND / ORBACKFILL MINIMUM 3' LENGTH OF TRENCH OFCOMPACTED SOILSCOMPACTED SOILS AROUNDUTILITY AT EXTERIORPENTRATIONEXISTING EXTERIOR WALLAND FOOTERCRUSHED STONE BACKFILLWITHIN UTILITY TRENCHEXISTING SOILSINTERIOR SPACEEXTERIOR SPACE(OPEN AIR)UTILITIES INSTALLEDBY OTHERSVIMS EXTRACTION TRENCH CLEAN-OUTNTS10VM-2FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIAZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR2" EXPANDABLE WELL CAP3" SCH 40 PVC ALL-HUB2-WAY CLEANOUT3" SCH 40 PVC SOLID ORPERFORATE/SLOTTED PIPE. REFERTO SHEET VM-12" SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH 4" X 2"PVC FLUSH REDUCER BUSHINGCLEAN 57 STONE OR COMPACTEDSOIL. REFER TO SHEET VM-1.MIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57 STONEAND NEW CONCRETE(IF PRESENT)3" X 2" PVC REDUCERMIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSTYPICAL VACUUM ALARM SET-UPNTS12VM-2REMOTE SENSAPHONE SENTINEL(SCD-1200) UNIT IN CENTRAL LOCATIONTO BE CHOSEN BY ARCHITECT/OWNER.24 VDC POWER SUPPLY ACCESSORY(SENSAPHONE FGD-0070).ELECTRICAL OUTLET (120VAC) OR HARD-WIRED TOBREAKER BOXLOW VOLTAGE WIRESDWYER 616KD-07 DIFFERENTIALPRESSURE TRANSMITTER SENSORRATED FOR 0 TO 25" WC SECURETO RISER, OR SIMILAR APPROVEDBY THE DESIGN ENGINEERVIMS TRENCH DETAIL WITH SUCTION POINT AND SUCTION TRENCH - SIDE VIEWNTS5VM-2SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEET VM-1SOLID TO PERFORATED/SLOTTED 3" SCH 40PVC PIPE TRANSITION3" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED STUDWALL3" SCH 40 PVC TEEMIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDEXTRACTION POINTUTILITY TRENCH WITH CRUSHEDGRAVEL INSTALLED BY OTHERSBACKFILL AROUND SOLIDSECTION OF TRENCH WITHCOMPACTED SOILCLEAN 57 STONE, OR SIMILAR, PLACEDWITHIN TRENCH AROUND SLOTTED PIPESECTION0.75 TO 1 CU FT CAVITY FILLEDWITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR PEAGRAVEL (MIN 18" DEEP AND 10" DIA)3" VENT CAP PLACED MIN 6"ABOVE BOTTOM OF CAVITYEXISTING SOILSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILARMIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETEMIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSMIN 6-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETEVIMS HORIZONTAL PIPING FOR EXHAUST FAN OFF-SET FROM RISERNTS14VM-2SEE DETAIL 11(ELECTRIC EXHAUST FAN)SEE DETAILS 3 TO 6(VIMS RISER)MIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDEXTRACTION POINTEXISTING CEILLINGTRUSSESROOFTOPPIPE SUPPORTS PER NCBUILDING CODESOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEETS VM-1 & VM-1A3" SCH 40 PVC90-DEGREE ELBOW3" SCH 40 PVC90-DEGREE ELBOWH&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEMSECTION DETAILSVM-2NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) UDM FOOD HALL 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyNOTES:1.NTS = NOT TO SCALE;2.SCH = SCHEDULE;3.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM4.MIN = MINIMUM04/15/21\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N.Davidson_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:38:15 PM H&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEMNOTES &SPECIFICATIONSVM-3NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) UDM FOOD HALL 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:ISSUED FOR PERMITTINGVAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyVAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) NOTES & SPECIFICATIONSA) GENERAL1.THIS VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR DIRECTION OF VIMS COMPONENT INSTALLATION ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE CONSTRUCTION OFSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS NOT RELATED TO THE VIMS. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY CONSISTENCY OF VIMS DETAILS WITH APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL,ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, & PLUMBING PLANS AND RESOLVE ANY INCONSISTENCIES PRIOR TO VIMS INSTALLATION.2.NOT EVERY CONDITION OR ELEMENT IS OR CAN BE EXPLICITLY SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS; THEREFORE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE INDUSTRY ACCEPTED STANDARDGOOD PRACTICE FOR MISCELLANEOUS WORK NOT EXPLICITLY SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFER WITH AND SEEK THE APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN ENGINEERCERTIFYING THE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (DESIGN ENGINEER) FOR THE FINAL LOCATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF VIMS COMPONENTS.3.ALL MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS USED BY THE CONTRACTORS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHALL NOT CONTAIN THE COMPOUNDS TETRACHLOROETHENE(PCE) OR TRICHLOROETHENE (TCE). THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE DESIGN ENGINEER SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) FOR ALL MATERIALS USED FORCONSTRUCTION.4.CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. AFTER COMPLETION AND CERTIFICATION OF THEVIMS BY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ ) PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE SYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THEDESIGN ENGINEER AND DEQ FOR APPROVAL.B) SUCTION TRENCHES AND SUCTION POINTS1.AT THE SUCTION TRENCHES, A 12" DEEP BY 12" WIDE TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED WITHIN THE EXISTING SOILS BELOW THE EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB AT LOCATIONSDEPICTED ON SHEET VM-1. THE TRENCH SHALL BE FILLED WITH WASHED (CLEAN) #57 STONE GRAVEL, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT, AND A 3" DIA SCH 40 PVC PERFORATEDOR SLOTTED PIPE. A MINIMUM 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE 57 STONE AND NEW CONCRETE.2.VIMS PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF 3" SCH 40 PVC. PVC PIPE JOINTS SHALL BE CONNECTED USING PVC SOCKET COUPLINGS AND LOW-VOC PVC GLUE OR THREADEDFITTINGS. SUB-SLAB OR TRENCH VAPOR COLLECTION PIPE SHALL BE PERFORATED 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH 5/8" DIAMETER HOLES IN 5 ROWS AT 60° ANGLES ANDSPACED 6" ON CENTER, OR THE PIPE SHALL BE 0.020" SLOTTED PIPE. OTHER PERFORATED OR SLOTTED CONFIGURATIONS MAY BE USED, PER APPROVAL OF THEDESIGN ENGINEER.3.AT THE SUCTION POINTS, A CAVITY THAT IS A MINIMUM OF 18" DEEP AND 10" IN DIAMETER AND IS APPROXIMATELY 0.75 TO 1.0 CU FT SHALL BE EXCAVATED AT THELOCATION OF THE SUCTION POINT AND SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR CLEAN PEA GRAVEL. THE PIPE WITHIN THE SUCTION POINT SHALL CONTAIN AVENT SCREEN AND BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE GRAVEL.4.SOILS USED TO BACKFILL AROUND SOLID SECTIONS OF PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED PRIOR TO COMPLETING THE TRENCH WITH CONCRETE. SOLID SECTIONS OF PIPESHALL NOT BE TRAPPED AND SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1% (18" PER FOOT) TO ALLOW FOR ACCUMULATED WATER TO GRAVITY DRAIN TO THE SUCTION POINT.5.NEW CONCRETE ON TOP OF THE SUCTION POINTS AND SUCTION TRENCHES SHALL BE MINIMUM 6" THICK WITH REBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PLANS.C) RISER PIPES AND FANS1.ALL VERTICAL PIPE RUNS SHALL BE SUPPORTED AT LEAST EVERY 10 FEET AND AT EVERY PENETRATION THROUGH SLABS, CEILINGS, OR ROOF DECKS AND SHALL BEINSTALLED APPLICABLE 2018 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLUMBING CODES.2.MODIFICATIONS TO THE HORIZONTAL RUNS FOR ABOVE GRADE VENT PIPING SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. HORIZONTAL PIPE RUNS SHALL BESUPPORTED AT LEAST EVERY 6 FEET WITH APPROVED HANGERS OR OTHERWISE SPECIFIED PER NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING CODE.3.RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONNECT EACH SLAB PENETRATION LOCATION TO A ROOFTOP EXHAUST DISCHARGE POINT WITH AN ELECTRIC RADON FAN.THE RISER PIPE SHALL BE EITHER 3" SCH 40 PVC.4.3” SCH 40 PVC RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL EXTEND IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION THROUGH THE BUILDING ROOF AND TERMINATE A MINIMUM OF 3 FT ABOVE THE BUILDINGROOF LINE. PRESSURE TECH PT-16 FANS, OR EQUIVALENT FANS APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE EXHAUST DISCHARGE END OF EACHRISER DUCT PIPE. EXHAUST DISCHARGE LOCATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 15 FT FROM ANY OPERABLE OPENING OR AIR INTAKE INTO THE BUILDING. NOTE THATDISCHARGE LOCATIONS ON THE ROOFTOP DEPICTED IN THE VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN MAY BE REPOSITIONED AS LONG AS THE NEW POSITION MEETS THE REQUIREMENTSPRESENTED ABOVE AN DESIGN ENGINEER APPROVAL.5.ABOVE-SLAB ACCESSIBLE RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED BY MEANS OF A TAG OR STENCIL AT A MINIMUM OF ONCE EVERY 10-LINEAR FT WITH"VAPOR MITIGATION - CONTACT MAINTENANCE". LABELS SHALL ALSO BE FIXED TO THE ELECTRIC FANS IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION ON THE ROOFTOP.6.PRESSURE TECH PT-16 ELECTRIC FANS RUN ON DC POWER PROVIDED BY AN INVERTER. PROVIDE 120 VOLT ELECTRIC SERVICE TO FANS FORCONNECTION TO THE INVERTER. PROVIDE WEATHERPROOF BOX NEAR THE FAN LOCATION FOR THE INVERTER. ELECTRIC SERVICE SHALL EITHERCONTAIN OUTDOOR RATED ELECTRIC OUTLETS NEAR THE FAN LOCATIONS OR BE HARD-WIRED BACK TO A CENTRAL BREAKER BOX. ALL WIRING ANDELECTRICAL TO BE INSTALLED PER APPLICABLE BUILDING AND ELECTRICAL CODES.7.A VARMINT GUARD SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE TOP OF THE RISER PIPE AS SPECIFIED ON SHEET VM-2.D) MONITORING POINTS AND CLEAN-OUTS1.PERMANENT MONITORING POINTS SHALL CONSIST OF 1" SCH 40 PVC 0.020-INCH SLOTTED PIPE WITH AN OPEN END INSTALLED PER THE DETAILS ONSHEET VM-2. A 1" EXPANDABLE WELL PLUG SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PIPE WITHIN THE CLEAN-OUT. COARSE SAND (#2 GRAVEL PACK) OR SIMILARHIGH PERMEABILITY SOIL OR STONE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE PLACED AROUND THE SLOTTED PORTION OF THE MONITORINGPOINT AND PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6" BELOW THE SLOTTED PIPE. A 4" DIA FLOOR CLEAN-OUT (ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4, OR SIMILAR)SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE NEW CONCRETE SURFACE.2.PERMANENT CLEAN-OUTS INSTALLED ON THE SUCTION TRENCHES SHALL CONSIST OF A 3" PVC ALL-HUB 2-WAY CLEAN-OUT INSTALLED ALONG THE VIMSPIPING. A 2" DIA SCH 40 PVC PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE CONCRETE WITH A 2" EXPANDABLE WELL PLUG INSTALLED ON THE CLEAN-OUT. A 4" DIAFLOOR CLEAN-OUT (ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4, OR SIMILAR) SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE NEW CONCRETE SURFACE.E) SYSTEM ALARMS AND TELEMETRIC MONITORING1.A DWYER 616KD-07 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSOR AND TRANSMITTER SHALL BE INSTALLED AT EACH RISER PIPE AND CONNECTED TO ACENTRALIZED SENSAPHONE SENTINEL REMOTE MONITORING DEVICE, OR SIMILAR ALARM SYSTEM APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, AS SHOWN ONSHEETS VM-1 AND VM-2. THE CENTRALIZED SENSAPHONE SENTINEL DEVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED IN A SUITABLE MONITORED LOCATION TO BEIDENTIFIED BY THE OWNER OR ARCHITECT. THE SENSAPHONE SENTINEL SHALL BE NO MORE THAN 200 FT FROM EACH DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURESENSOR.2.PROVIDE ELECTRICAL CONDUIT FOR THE LOW VOLTAGE WIRE FROM THE DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSORS AND SENSAPHONE SENTINEL DEVICE.3.ALARMS SHALL BE SET TO BE ACTIVATED WHEN VACUUM LEVELS IN THE RISER PIPE DROP BELOW 1.0 INCHES OF WATER COLUMN, OR OTHERWISEAPPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER.4.A LABEL SHALL BE AFFIXED NEAR THE VACUUM ALARMS WITH "VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM - CONTACT MAINTENANCE IF ALARM IS ACTIVATED". OTHERSIMILAR LANGUAGE MAY BE USED FOR THE LABELS PER APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER.5.SPECIFIC ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN THE EVENT OF TRIGGERED ALARMS ARE DETAILED IN THE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN AND WILL BEINCLUDED IN VIMS INSTALLATION REPORT UPON COMPLETION OF THE VIMS.F) SEALING OF JOINTS, CRACKS, AND OPENINGS IN THE SLAB1.ALL FLOOR SLAB PENETRATIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO EXPANSION JOINTS, CONTROL JOINTS, CONSTRUCTION JOINTS, ISOLATION JOINTS,OPEN CRACKS IN THE CONCRETE SLAB, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, VENTING SYSTEM PIPES, SHALL BE SEALED USING URETHANE SEALANTACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, OR SIMILAR SEALANTS. SEALANTS USED SHALL CONTAIN NO PCE OR TCE AND SHOULDBE LOW-VOC SEALANTS.2.NO HOLLOW FORMS OR OPEN CONDUITS SHALL BE LEFT IN PLACE THAT CONNECT SUB-SLAB ANNULAR SPACE TO THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING.G) INSPECTIONS1.INSPECTIONS: INSPECTIONS OF EACH COMPONENT OF THE VIMS SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, OR ENGINEER'S DESIGNEE, TOCONFIRM VIMS COMPONENTS ARE INSTALLED PER THE APPROVED DESIGN. THE REQUIRED INSPECTION COMPONENTS INCLUDE:1.1.INSPECTION OF SUB-SLAB PIPING LAYOUT AND GRAVEL, INCLUDING WITHIN SUCTION TRENCHES AND SUCTION POINTS1.2.INSPECTION OF MONITORING POINT PLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION;1.3.INSPECTION OF ABOVE-GRADE PIPING LAYOUT;1.4.INSPECTION OF ELECTRIC FANS AND RISER DUCT PIPE CONNECTIONS; AND1.5.INSPECTION OF DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE SENSORS AND ALARM SYSTEM.2.THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. A MINIMUM 48-HOURNOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE REQUIRED INSPECTION(S).H) SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE DESIGN ENGINEER OR APPROVED CONTRACTOR TO CHECK THE OPERATION OF ALL VENTING SYSTEM FANOPERATION, ALARM OPERATION, AND VERIFICATION OF SUB-SURFACE VACUUM MEASUREMENTS BEFORE THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED.2.THE OWNER, THROUGH CONTRACT WITH A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AS WARRANTED, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ROUTINE OPERATION,INSPECTION, CALIBRATION, AND MONITORING OF THE VENTING SYSTEM ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PROVISIONS ASDETAILED IN THE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN INCLUDING:a.INSPECTION AND REPAIR OF SEALS IN THE SLAB, AND SEALING OF ANY NEW CRACKS OR OPENINGS IN THE SLAB THAT OCCUR FOR ANY REASON;b.NOTIFICATION TO TENANTS AND CONTRACTORS OF THE PRESENCE AND FUNCTION OF THE VIMS, AND TO INSTRUCT TENANTS AND CONTRACTSTO NOTIFY THE OWNER OF PROPOSED ACTIVITIES THAT DAMAGE OR COULD IMPACT THE VIMS;c.NOTIFICATION TO TENANTS AND CONTRACTORS OF THE DISCHARGE EXHAUST REQUIREMENTS; ANDd.IF THE SYSTEM MONITOR (SENSAPHONE SENTINEL) ALARM SOUNDS, IMPLEMENT ACTIONS AS OUTLINED IN THE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN FOR EVALUATION OF THE ALARM AND SUBSEQUENT REPAIRS.3.THE OWNER SHALL DESIGNATE A PERSON OR DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPERATION, INSPECTION, MONITORING, AND AS NECESSARY,REPAIR OF THE VENTING SYSTEM AND COORDINATION WITH A NORTH CAROLINA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AS DESCRIBED IN THESE DRAWINGS ANDASSOCIATED VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN. THIS PERSON SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH THESE DRAWINGS AND THE OPERATION OF THE FANS ANDMONITORING EQUIPMENT.04/15/21\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N.Davidson_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:38:23 PM Attachment C VIMS Design Sheets for 421 E. 26th Street Building (VM-4, VM-5, and VM-6) POSPF-2F-3F-4F-1F-5F-6VIMS PLAN VIEW LAYOUT (421 E. 26TH STREET)1" = 10'1VM-4H&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEM(421 E. 26TH ST)PLAN VIEW LAYOUTVM-4NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) SEAOUL FOOD COMPANY 421 EAST 26TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINAPROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology04/15/21LEGENDEXISTING EXTERIOR WALL AND EXTENTS OF EXISTING CONCRETE SLABPROPOSED NEW WALL3" SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE SET WITHIN TRENCH WITH SOIL BACKFILLAREA FOR PROPOSED NEW CONCRETE WITH MOISTURE BARRIER3" SCH 40 SLOTTED PIPE SET WITHIN GRAVEL BASE BELOW AREA OF NEW CONCRETE3" SCH 40 PVC RISER WITH CONNECTED TO TRENCHINDIVIDUAL SUCTION POINT WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC RISERINDIVIDUAL SUCTION POINT WITH 3" SCH 40 PVC RISER CONNECTED TO VIMS TRENCHVACUUM MONITORING POINT(1" SCH 40 PVC SLOTTED PIPE SET WITHIN GRAVEL WITH CLEAN-OUT FLOOR COVER)SUCTION TRENCH CLEAN-OUTVIMS ELECTRIC FAN DISCHARGE ON ROOF OFF-SET FROM RISERHORIZONTAL 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPING BELOW CEILING FOR FAN OFF-SET FROM RISERPROPOSED OUTDOOR (OPEN AIR) PATIO & BARAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUB-SLAB VOID (PROPOSED TO BE FILLED WITH GRAVEL)PROPOSED INDOOR AIR SAMPLE LOCATIONNOTES:1.REFER TO SHEET VM-5 FOR SECTION DETAILS AND SHEET VM-6 FORSPECIFICATIONS.2.EACH RISER FAN WILL CONTAIN A WIND DRIVEN TURBINE FAN.3.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM; SCH = SCHEDULE;TYP = TYPICAL4.REFER TO DETAIL 11 FOR UTILITY PENETRATION THROUGH EXTERIORWALL IF WARRANTED BASED ON PLUMBING DESIGN.5.BUILDING LAYOUT PROVIDED FROM ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PLANSDATED AUGUST 7, 2020.1VM-52VM-52VM-51VM-55 / 9VM-53 / 9VM-53 / 9VM-55 / 9VM-54 / 9VM-58VM-510VM-53A/9VM-5AREA TO RECEIVE NEW CONCRETEAND 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIERAREA TO RECEIVE NEW CONCRETEAND 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIERVIMS TRENCHAPPROXIMATE EXTENTS OF SUB-SLABVOID (TO BE FILLED WITH GRAVEL)OUTDOOR / OPEN AIR PATIOSPACE6 / 7VM-56 / 7VM-56 / 7VM-56 / 7VM-56 / 7VM-5OFF-SET DISCHARGE POINT TOBE MIN 10 FT FROM AIR INTAKES6 / 7VM-5COORDINATE POSITION OF RISER F-3 WITHPLUMBING FLOOR SINK TO KEEP LOCATIONABOVE PREVIOUS SUB-SLAB VOID6 / 7VM-5\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\421 E 26 St\421 E.26th Street_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:38:36 PM BASE COURSE BELOW NEW CONCRETE1NTSVM-5VENTED COLLECTION PIPING BELOW NEW CONCRETE2NTSVM-5BASE COURSE - CLEAN 57 STONE(WASHED WITH NO FINES), MIN 4"THICK BENEATH NEW CONCRETE3" SCH 40 PVC VENT PIPE SET WITHIN MIN 4" BASECOURSE. VENT PIPE SHALL BE 0.020" SLOTTEDPIPE OR 5/8" PERFORATED WITH 5-HOLE SPACED60 DEGREES APART AND 6" OFF CENTERSOIL SUB-BASESOIL SUB-BASEMIN 4" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITH REBARAND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCE WITHSTRUCTURAL DRAWINGS.MIN 6" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS.MIN 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIERMIN 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIERBELOW NEW CONCRETEVIMS SUCTION POINTNTS3VM-5SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEET VM-13" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED WALL3" SCH 40 PVC TEE0.75 TO 1 CU FT CAVITY FILLEDWITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR PEAGRAVEL (MIN 18" DEEP AND 10" DIA)3" VENT CAP PLACED MIN 6"ABOVE BOTTOM OF CAVITYEXISTING SOILSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAREXISTING CONCRETEVIMS TRENCH DETAIL WITH SUCTION POINTNTS4VM-5SOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEET VM-13" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED STUDWALL3" SCH 40 PVC TEEMIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDEXTRACTION POINTBACKFILL AROUND SOLIDSECTION OF TRENCH WITHCOMPACTED SOIL0.75 TO 1 CU FT CAVITY FILLEDWITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR PEAGRAVEL (MIN 18" DEEP AND 10" DIA)3" VENT CAP PLACED MIN 6"ABOVE BOTTOM OF CAVITYEXISTING SOILSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILARMIN 4" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH INACCORDANCE WITH STRUCTURALDRAWINGS.MIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57STONE AND NEW CONCRETE VIMS PIPING AND RISER IN AREA WITH NEW CONCRETENTS5VM-53" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE INSIDEFURR OUTSOLID TO PERFORATED/SLOTTED 3" SCH 40PVC PIPE TRANSITIONCLEAN 57 STONE, OR SIMILAR, PLACEDIN AREA OF NEW SLABEXISTING SOILSNEW CONCRETE SLAB ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSSEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAR15-MIL VAPOR BARRIER PLACEDUNDER AREAS WITH NEW SLABSEAL COLD JOINT BETWEEN EXISTINGCONCRETE AND NEW CONCRETE WITHURETHANE SEALANT, OR SIMILAREXTERIOR WALLEXISTING CONCRETE6NTSVACUUM MONITORING POINTVM-5EXISTING CONCRETE SLABFLOOR CLEAN-OUT SET FLUSHWITH FINISHED FLOOR(SEE DETAIL 9)1" SCH 40 0.020" SLOTTED PVCPIPE WITH OPEN END ON BOTTOM#2 WELLPACK FILTRATIONSAND (OR SIMILAR COARSESAND)EXISTING SUB-SLAB SOILSEAL JOINT WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAR (SEE SPEC #)1" EXPANDABLE WELLPLUGPOLY-URETHANESEALANTVAPOR BARRIERSEE DETAIL 7 / VM-5VACUUM MONITORING POINT FINISHING DETAILNTSVM-57FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIAZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR1" EXPANDABLE WELLPLUG#2 WELLPACK FILTRATION SAND(OR SIMILAR COARSE SAND)SEAL JOINT WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAR (SEE SPEC #)POLY-URETHANESEALANTVAPOR BARRIERELECTRIC EXHAUST FAN AND RISER ON ROOFTOPNTS9VM-5EMPIRE MODEL TV04SS (STAINLESSSTEEL) WIND TURBINE FAN OR SIMILARFAN APPROVED BY THE DESIGNENGINEERPOSITION DISCHARGE A MINIMUM OF 10FT FROM AIR INTAKES OR OPERABLEBUILDING OPENINGS AND MINIMUM 2-FTABOVE ROOFLINE OR PARAPETSLABEL FAN WITH IDENTIFICATION NUMBERAND "VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM -CONTACT MAINTENANCE IF NOTOPERATING", OR SIMILARINSTALL WEATHERPROOF 120VACOUTLET FOR FUTURE HOOK-UP OFELECTRIC FAN, IF WARRANTED3" X 4" FLEXIBLE REDUCER /COUPLING3" SCH 40 PVC RISERSECURE TO ROOF TRUSSES,COLUMNS, OR STUD WALLSDROP CEILING OR EXISTINGCEILING TRUSSESWATERTIGHT ROOF FLASHINGLABEL RISER PIPE EVERY 10-FT WITH"VAPOR MITIGATION SYSTEM - CONTACTMAINTENANCE"ROOFTOPREFER TO ROOF/CEILING PLAN ON SHEETVM-4 FOR LOCATION OF HORIZONTAL PIPERUNS WHERE FAN EXHAUST IS OFF-SETFROM RISERUTILITY PENETRATION AT EXTERIOR WALLNTS11VM-5EXTERIOR GRADE VARIES.REFER TO CIVIL ANDARCHITECTURAL PLANSCREATE AIR TIGHT SEAL AROUND UTILITYTHROUGH EXTERIOR WALL OR FOOTER, AND / ORBACKFILL MINIMUM 3' LENGTH OF TRENCH OFCOMPACTED SOILSCOMPACTED SOILS AROUNDUTILITY AT EXTERIORPENTRATIONEXISTING EXTERIOR WALLAND FOOTERCRUSHED STONE BACKFILLWITHIN UTILITY TRENCHEXISTING SOILSINTERIOR SPACEEXTERIOR SPACE(OPEN AIR)UTILITIES INSTALLEDBY OTHERSVIMS EXTRACTION TRENCH CLEAN-OUTNTS8VM-5FLOOR CLEANOUT, ADJUSTABLE, 4" DIAZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4FLUSH WITH FINISHED FLOOR2" EXPANDABLE WELL CAP3" SCH 40 PVC ALL-HUB2-WAY CLEANOUT3" SCH 40 PVC SOLID PIPE2" SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH 4" X 2"PVC FLUSH REDUCER BUSHINGCLEAN 57 STONE OR COMPACTEDSOIL. REFER TO SHEET VM-1.MIN 10-MIL MOISTURE BARRIERPLACED AT INTERFACE OF 57 STONEAND NEW CONCRETE(IF PRESENT)3" X 2" PVC REDUCERMIN 4" NEW CONCRETE SLAB WITHREBAR AND WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCEWITH STRUCTURAL DRAWINGSVIMS HORIZONTAL PIPING FOR EXHAUST FAN OFF-SET FROM RISERNTS10VM-5SEE DETAIL 9(WIND DRIVEN TURBINE FAN)SEE DETAILS 3 TO 6(VIMS RISER)MIN 1% SLOPE TOWARDEXTRACTION POINTEXISTING CEILLINGSTEEL TRUSSESROOFTOPPIPE SUPPORTS PER NCBUILDING CODESOLID 3" SCH 40 PVC.LENGTH VARIES, REFER TOSHEETS VM-1 & VM-1A3" SCH 40 PVC90-DEGREE ELBOW3" SCH 40 PVC90-DEGREE ELBOWVIMS SUCTION POINT AT FORMER SUB-SLAB VOID LOCATION (FAN F-3 LOCATION)NTS3AVM-53" SCH 40 PVC RISERDUCT PIPE TO ROOFTOP(SEE DETAIL 11)PROPOSED STUDWALL3" VENT CAPFORMER SUB-SLABVOID FILLED WITHGRAVEL OR STONESEAL PENETRATION WITH URETHANESEALANT, OR SIMILAREXISTING CONCRETEH&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEM(421 E. 26TH ST.)SECTION DETAILSVM-5PROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyNOTES:1.NTS = NOT TO SCALE;2.SCH = SCHEDULE;3.VIMS = VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM4.MIN = MINIMUMNORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) SEAOUL FOOD COMPANY 421 EAST 26TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA04/15/21\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\421 E 26 St\421 E.26th Street_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:38:44 PM H&H NO. PAM-003VAPOR INTRUSIONMITIGATION SYSTEM (421 E. 26TH ST.)NOTES &SPECIFICATIONSVM-6PROFESSIONALAPPROVAL / SEALREVISION 1APRIL 15, 2021TITLE:SHEET:VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATIONPLAN PREPARED BY:2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100Charlotte, North Carolina 28203704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f)License # C-1269 / #C-245 GeologyVAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (VIMS) NOTES & SPECIFICATIONSA) GENERAL1.THIS VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN IS INTENDED TO BE USED FOR DIRECTION OF VIMS COMPONENT INSTALLATION ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED TO GUIDE CONSTRUCTION OFSTRUCTURAL COMPONENTS NOT RELATED TO THE VIMS. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY CONSISTENCY OF VIMS DETAILS WITH APPLICABLE STRUCTURAL,ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, & PLUMBING PLANS AND RESOLVE ANY INCONSISTENCIES PRIOR TO VIMS INSTALLATION.2.NOT EVERY CONDITION OR ELEMENT IS OR CAN BE EXPLICITLY SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS; THEREFORE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE INDUSTRY ACCEPTED STANDARDGOOD PRACTICE FOR MISCELLANEOUS WORK NOT EXPLICITLY SHOWN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFER WITH AND SEEK THE APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN ENGINEERCERTIFYING THE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM (DESIGN ENGINEER) FOR THE FINAL LOCATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF VIMS COMPONENTS.3.ALL MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS USED BY THE CONTRACTORS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF THE BUILDING SHALL NOT CONTAIN THE COMPOUNDS TETRACHLOROETHENE(PCE) OR TRICHLOROETHENE (TCE). THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY THE DESIGN ENGINEER SAFETY DATA SHEETS (SDS) FOR ALL MATERIALS USED FORCONSTRUCTION.4.CHANGES OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. AFTER COMPLETION AND CERTIFICATION OF THEVIMS BY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ ) PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE SYSTEM SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THEDESIGN ENGINEER AND DEQ FOR APPROVAL.B) SUCTION TRENCHES AND SUCTION POINTS1.AT THE SUCTION TRENCH, A 12" DEEP BY 12" WIDE TRENCH SHALL BE EXCAVATED WITHIN THE EXISTING SOILS BELOW THE EXISTING CONCRETE SLAB AT THE LOCATIONDEPICTED ON SHEET VM-4. THE TRENCH SHALL BE FILLED WITH WASHED (CLEAN) #57 STONE GRAVEL, OR APPROVED EQUIVALENT, AND A 3" DIA SCH 40 PVC PERFORATEDOR SLOTTED PIPE. A MINIMUM 15-MIL MOISTURE BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE 57 STONE AND NEW CONCRETE IN THE TRENCH.2.IN AREAS WITH NEW CONCRETE, A 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIER SHALL BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE 57 STONE AND NEW CONCRETE.3.VIMS PIPE SHALL CONSIST OF 3" SCH 40 PVC. PVC PIPE JOINTS SHALL BE CONNECTED USING PVC SOCKET COUPLINGS AND LOW-VOC PVC GLUE OR THREADEDFITTINGS. SUB-SLAB OR TRENCH VAPOR COLLECTION PIPE SHALL BE PERFORATED 3" SCH 40 PVC PIPE WITH 5/8" DIAMETER HOLES IN 5 ROWS AT 60° ANGLES ANDSPACED 6" ON CENTER, OR THE PIPE SHALL BE 0.020" SLOTTED PIPE. OTHER PERFORATED OR SLOTTED CONFIGURATIONS MAY BE USED, PER APPROVAL OF THEDESIGN ENGINEER.4.AT THE SUCTION POINTS, A CAVITY THAT IS A MINIMUM OF 18" DEEP AND 10" IN DIAMETER AND IS APPROXIMATELY 0.75 TO 1.0 CU FT SHALL BE EXCAVATED AT THELOCATION OF THE SUCTION POINT AND SHALL BE BACKFILLED WITH CLEAN 57 STONE OR CLEAN PEA GRAVEL. THE PIPE WITHIN THE SUCTION POINT SHALL CONTAIN AVENT SCREEN AND BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6" ABOVE THE BOTTOM OF THE GRAVEL.5.SOILS USED TO BACKFILL AROUND SOLID SECTIONS OF PIPE SHALL BE COMPACTED PRIOR TO COMPLETING THE TRENCH WITH CONCRETE. SOLID SECTIONS OF PIPESHALL NOT BE TRAPPED AND SHALL BE SLOPED A MINIMUM OF 1% (18" PER FOOT) TO ALLOW FOR ACCUMULATED WATER TO GRAVITY DRAIN TO THE SUCTION POINT.6.NEW CONCRETE ON TOP OF THE SUCTION POINTS AND SUCTION TRENCHES SHALL BE MINIMUM 4" THICK WITH REBAR AND/OR WIRE MESH IN ACCORDANCE WITH THEAPPLICABLE STRUCTURAL PLANS.C) RISER PIPES AND FANS1.ALL VERTICAL PIPE RUNS SHALL BE SUPPORTED AT LEAST EVERY 10 FEET AND AT EVERY PENETRATION THROUGH SLABS, CEILINGS, OR ROOF DECKS AND SHALL BEINSTALLED APPLICABLE 2018 NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLUMBING CODES.2.MODIFICATIONS TO THE HORIZONTAL RUNS FOR ABOVE GRADE VENT PIPING SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. HORIZONTAL PIPE RUNS SHALL BESUPPORTED AT LEAST EVERY 6 FEET WITH APPROVED HANGERS OR OTHERWISE SPECIFIED PER NORTH CAROLINA BUILDING CODE.3.RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONNECT EACH SLAB PENETRATION LOCATION TO A ROOFTOP EXHAUST DISCHARGE POINT WITH A WIND-DRIVEN TURBINEFAN. THE RISER PIPE SHALL BE EITHER 3" SCH 40 PVC.4.3” SCH 40 PVC RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL EXTEND IN A VERTICAL ORIENTATION THROUGH THE BUILDING ROOF AND TERMINATE A MINIMUM OF 2 FT ABOVE THE BUILDINGROOF LINE. EMPIRE MODEL TV04SS STAINLESS STEEL FANS, OR EQUIVALENT FANS APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE EXHAUSTDISCHARGE END OF EACH RISER DUCT PIPE. EXHAUST DISCHARGE LOCATIONS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 10 FT FROM ANY OPERABLE OPENING OR AIR INTAKE INTO THEBUILDING. NOTE THAT DISCHARGE LOCATIONS ON THE ROOFTOP DEPICTED IN THE VAPOR MITIGATION PLAN MAY BE REPOSITIONED AS LONG AS THE NEW POSITIONMEETS THE REQUIREMENTS PRESENTED ABOVE AN DESIGN ENGINEER APPROVAL.5.ABOVE-SLAB ACCESSIBLE RISER DUCT PIPING SHALL BE PERMANENTLY IDENTIFIED BY MEANS OF A TAG OR STENCIL AT A MINIMUM OF ONCE EVERY 10-LINEAR FT WITH"VAPOR MITIGATION - CONTACT MAINTENANCE". LABELS SHALL ALSO BE FIXED TO THE FANS IN AN ACCESSIBLE LOCATION ON THE ROOFTOP.D) MONITORING POINTS AND CLEAN-OUTS1.PERMANENT MONITORING POINTS SHALL CONSIST OF 1" SCH 40 PVC 0.020-INCH SLOTTED PIPE WITH AN OPEN END INSTALLED PER THE DETAILS ONSHEET VM-2. A 1" EXPANDABLE WELL PLUG SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THE PIPE WITHIN THE CLEAN-OUT. COARSE SAND (#2 GRAVEL PACK) OR SIMILARHIGH PERMEABILITY SOIL OR STONE APPROVED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER SHALL BE PLACED AROUND THE SLOTTED PORTION OF THE MONITORINGPOINT AND PLACED A MINIMUM OF 6" BELOW THE SLOTTED PIPE. A 4" DIA FLOOR CLEAN-OUT (ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4, OR SIMILAR)SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE NEW CONCRETE SURFACE.2.PERMANENT CLEAN-OUT INSTALLED ON THE SUCTION TRENCH SHALL CONSIST OF A 3" PVC ALL-HUB 2-WAY CLEAN-OUT INSTALLED ALONG THE VIMSPIPING. A 2" DIA SCH 40 PVC PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED TO THE CONCRETE WITH A 2" EXPANDABLE WELL PLUG INSTALLED ON THE CLEAN-OUT. A 4" DIAFLOOR CLEAN-OUT (ZURN INDUSTRIES MODEL #CO2450-PV4, OR SIMILAR) SHALL BE INSTALLED FLUSH WITH THE NEW CONCRETE SURFACE.E) SYSTEM POWER1.IN THE EVENT THAT THE VIMS WILL NEED TO BE ACTIVATED WITH ELECTRIC FANS, AN 120VAC ELECTRIC OUTLET SHOULD BE INSTALLED IN ANACCESSIBLE LOCATION NEAR THE WIND DRIVEN FANS. IF WARRANTED, ACTIVATION WITH ELECTRIC FANS WILL BE DETERMINE DURING THE SYSTEMTESTING AND SAMPLING ACTIVITIES.F) SEALING OF JOINTS, CRACKS, AND OPENINGS IN THE SLAB1.ALL FLOOR SLAB PENETRATIONS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO EXPANSION JOINTS, CONTROL JOINTS, CONSTRUCTION JOINTS, ISOLATION JOINTS,OPEN CRACKS IN THE CONCRETE SLAB, PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL CONDUITS, VENTING SYSTEM PIPES, SHALL BE SEALED USING URETHANE SEALANTACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, OR SIMILAR SEALANTS. SEALANTS USED SHALL CONTAIN NO PCE OR TCE AND SHOULDBE LOW-VOC SEALANTS.2.NO HOLLOW FORMS OR OPEN CONDUITS SHALL BE LEFT IN PLACE THAT CONNECT SUB-SLAB ANNULAR SPACE TO THE INTERIOR OF THE BUILDING.G) INSPECTIONS1.INSPECTIONS: INSPECTIONS OF EACH COMPONENT OF THE VIMS SHALL BE CONDUCTED BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER, OR ENGINEER'S DESIGNEE, TOCONFIRM VIMS COMPONENTS ARE INSTALLED PER THE APPROVED DESIGN. THE REQUIRED INSPECTION COMPONENTS INCLUDE:1.1.INSPECTION OF SUB-SLAB PIPING LAYOUT AND GRAVEL, INCLUDING WITHIN SUCTION TRENCHES AND SUCTION POINTS1.2.INSPECTION OF MONITORING POINT PLACEMENT AND INSTALLATION;1.3.INSPECTION OF ABOVE-GRADE PIPING LAYOUT;1.4.INSPECTION OF PASSIVE FANS AND RISER DUCT PIPE CONNECTIONS; AND2.THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL COORDINATE WITH THE ENGINEER TO PERFORM THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS. A MINIMUM 48-HOURNOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO THE REQUIRED INSPECTION(S).H) SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE1.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ARRANGE FOR THE DESIGN ENGINEER OR APPROVED CONTRACTOR TO CHECK THE OPERATION OF EACH COMPONENT OFTHE VENTING SYSTEM.2.THE OWNER, THROUGH CONTRACT WITH A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AS WARRANTED, SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ROUTINE OPERATION,INSPECTION AND MONITORING OF THE VENTING SYSTEM ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS AND THE PROVISIONS AS DETAILED INTHE VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN INCLUDING:a.INSPECTION AND REPAIR OF SEALS IN THE SLAB, AND SEALING OF ANY NEW CRACKS OR OPENINGS IN THE SLAB THAT OCCUR FOR ANY REASON;b.NOTIFICATION TO TENANTS AND CONTRACTORS OF THE PRESENCE AND FUNCTION OF THE VIMS, AND TO INSTRUCT TENANTS AND CONTRACTSTO NOTIFY THE OWNER OF PROPOSED ACTIVITIES THAT DAMAGE OR COULD IMPACT THE VIMS;c.NOTIFICATION TO TENANTS AND CONTRACTORS OF THE DISCHARGE EXHAUST REQUIREMENTS; AND3.THE OWNER SHALL DESIGNATE A PERSON OR DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OPERATION, INSPECTION, MONITORING, AND AS NECESSARY,REPAIR OF THE VENTING SYSTEM AND COORDINATION WITH A NORTH CAROLINA PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AS DESCRIBED IN THESE DRAWINGS ANDASSOCIATED VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION PLAN. THIS PERSON SHALL BE FAMILIAR WITH THESE DRAWINGS AND THE OPERATION OF THE FANS ANDMONITORING EQUIPMENT.NORTH DAVIDSON II BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (BROWNFIELDS NO. 24003-02-060) SEAOUL FOOD COMPANY 421 EAST 26TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA04/15/21\\hhfs01\MasterFiles\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\421 E 26 St\421 E.26th Street_VIMS Design_4-14-21.dwg, 4/15/2021 2:38:53 PM Attachment D Pilot Test Figures and Summary Tables – 2315 N. Davidson Street Building E. 26TH STREET N. DAVIDSON STREET.T1 T2 T6 T4 T5 T7 T3 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. PAM-003 DATE: 12-22-20 FIGURE NO. D-1 EXISTING BUILDING 2315 N. DAVIDSON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PILOT TEST LOCATION MAP 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology LEGEND BUILDING BOUNDARY AND INTERNAL EXISTING WALLS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SUB-SLAB UTILITIES PILOT TEST EXTRACTION LOCATION MEASURING POINT LOCATION T-1 NOTE: 1)PILOT TEST PERFORMED FROM 3/31/20 THROUGH 4/2/20.S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\Figures\PAM -003 SITE MAP.dwg, 12/22/2020 2:39:36 PM, DWG To PDF.pc3 Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-1 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 4/3/2020 7:35 8:15 8:40 9:30 10:10 10:45 11:25 Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac -5 -5 -8 -16 -16 -25 -40 85 89 135 260 257 372 550 Calculated Flow (CFM)4.2 4.4 6.6 12.8 12.6 18.3 27.0 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-1 E 5 -0.095 -0.093 -0.146 -0.283 -0.282 -0.405 -0.607 T-1 E 10 -0.015 -0.014 -0.024 -0.045 -0.043 -0.060 -0.088 T-1 E 15 -0.005 -0.004 -0.013 -0.019 -0.017 -0.026 -0.046 T-1 E 20 -0.002 -0.003 -0.008 -0.015 -0.014 -0.020 -0.021 T-1 S 5 -0.027 -0.028 -0.043 -0.094 -0.092 -0.139 -0.212 T-1 S 10 -0.018 -0.017 -0.029 -0.059 -0.057 -0.083 -0.121 T-1 S 15 -0.008 -0.007 -0.016 -0.027 -0.026 -0.037 -0.050 T-1 S 20 -0.003 -0.003 -0.008 -0.011 -0.011 -0.019 -0.020 T-1 NW 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.002 -0.001 -0.003 -0.003 T-1 SW 9 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 -0.004 -0.004 -0.007 -0.009 T-1 SE 30 -----------0.027 -0.019 T-1 SE 40 -----------0.012 -0.017 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Suction Point Data Measuring Point Data Pressure ("WC) Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 1 of 7) Hart & Hickman, PC Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-2 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 04/02/20 04/02/20 04/02/20 04/02/20 13:50 14:15 16:10 16:35 Shop Shop Shop Shop -5 -8 -16 -25 74 125 241 350 Calculated Flow (CFM)3.6 6.1 11.8 17.2 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-2 NW 5 -0.010 -0.022 -0.047 -0.054 T-2 NW 10 -0.001 -0.010 -0.021 -0.035 T-2 NW 15 -0.015 -0.018 -0.019 -0.024 T-2 NW 20 -0.006 -0.006 -0.009 -0.008 T-2 NE 5 -0.001 -0.026 -0.037 -0.071 T-2 NE 10 -0.016 -0.026 -0.027 -0.034 T-2 NE 15 0.000 -0.001 -0.004 -0.011 T-2 NE 20 -0.001 -0.020 -0.019 -0.019 T-2 NE 30 --0.000 0.000 0.000 T-2 S 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 T-2 SE 46 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Suction Point Data Pressure ("WC) Measuring Point Data Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\ 2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 2 of 7) Hart & Hickman, PC Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-3 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 4/2/2020 4/2/2020 04/02/20 04/02/20 04/02/20 04/02/20 10:00 10:25 10:55 11:25 12:00 12:50 Shop Shop Shop Shop Shop Shop -5 -8 -16 -25 -40 -40 120 123 235 300 507 505 Calculated Flow (CFM)5.9 6.0 11.5 14.7 24.9 24.8 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-3 NE 5 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.006 -0.012 -0.012 T-3 NE 10 -0.001 -0.004 -0.009 -0.009 -0.009 -0.008 T-3 NE 15 0.000 -0.004 -0.007 -0.007 -0.009 0.000 T-3 NE 20 0.000 -0.003 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 -0.005 T-3 S 5 -0.060 -0.093 -0.157 -0.253 -0.356 -0.365 T-3 S 10 0.000 -0.009 -0.012 -0.013 -0.013 -0.013 T-3 S 15 0.000 -0.007 -0.003 -0.003 -0.004 -0.003 T-3 S 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 T-3 W 5 -0.005 -0.005 -0.045 -0.047 -0.083 -0.081 T-3 W 10 -0.026 -0.038 -0.068 -0.105 -0.152 -0.181 T-3 W 15 -0.009 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.006 T-3 W 20 -0.004 -0.002 -0.005 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 T-3 W 30 0.000 0.000 -0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Pressure ("WC) Measuring Point Data Suction Point Data Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 3 of 7) Hart & Hickman, PC Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-4 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 3/31/20 3/31/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 16:25 17:00 8:00 9:15 10:00 10:55 11:30 12:15 RP-265 Eagle Extreme Eagle Extreme Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac Shop-vac -2.57 -4.83 -4.85 -8.15 -8.20 -16.05 -25.03 -40.10 116.5 47 43 67 68 103 164 232 Calculated Flow (CFM)5.7 2.3 2.1 3.3 3.3 5.1 8.0 11.4 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-4 NE 5 0.000 -0.001 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 T-4 NE 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 -0.001 T-4 NE 15 0.000 -0.001 -0.006 -0.013 -0.017 -0.024 -0.025 -0.027 T-4 NE 20 +0.070 +0.050 -0.009 -0.016 -0.016 -0.024 -0.025 -0.037 T-4 SE 5 0.000 -0.018 -0.008 -0.014 -0.018 -0.028 -0.030 -0.032 T-4 SE 10 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.002 -0.003 -0.004 -0.004 -0.006 T-4 SE 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 T-4 SE 20 +0.020 -0.190 -0.165 -0.045 0.127 +0.200 +0.259 +0.253 T-4 W 5 -0.005 -0.016 -0.011 -0.016 -0.021 -0.034 -0.039 -0.045 T-4 W 10 -0.015 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 -0.002 -0.004 -0.005 -0.007 T-4 W 15 -0.060 0.000 -0.005 -0.019 -0.022 -0.024 -0.025 -0.027 T-4 W 20 +0.012 0.000 0.000 -0.003 -0.005 -0.011 -0.013 -0.013 T-4 E 41.5 ---------0.033 -0.044 -0.071 -0.062 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Pressure ("WC) Measuring Point Data Suction Point Data Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 4 of 7]) Hart & Hickman, PC Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-5 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 4/1/2020 16:00 16:30 17:00 Shop Shop Shop -8 -5 -16 125 85 225 Calculated Flow (CFM)6.1 4.2 11.0 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-5 NE 5 -0.527 -0.335 -0.991 T-5 NE 10 -0.141 -0.084 -0.264 T-5 NE 15 -0.055 -0.033 -0.101 T-5 NE 20 -0.027 -0.01 -0.032 T-5 NE 33 -0.022 -0.002 -0.027 T-5 NE 40 -0.032 -0.01 -0.049 T-5 S 5 -0.757 -0.458 -1.209 T-5 S 9 -0.089 -0.025 -0.069 T-5 NW 5 -0.546 -0.36 -0.983 T-5 NW 10 -0.250 -0.162 -0.447 T-5 NW 15 -0.019 -0.010 -0.027 T-5 NW 20 -0.002 -0.002 -0.006 T-5 NW 46 -0.025 -0.022 -0.035 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Pressure ("WC) Measuring Point Data Suction Point Data Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 5 of 7) Hart & Hickman, PC Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-6 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 4/2/2020 4/2/2020 4/2/2020 8:30 8:50 9:00 Shop Shop Shop -5.2 -8 -16 250 172 263 Calculated Flow (CFM)12.3 8.4 12.9 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-6 E 5 -0.081 -0.117 -0.199 T-6 E 10 -0.066 -0.092 -0.140 T-6 E 15 -0.008 -0.013 -0.018 T-6 E 20 -0.039 -0.051 -0.083 T-6 S 5 -0.069 -0.164 -0.269 T-6 S 10 -0.034 -0.047 -0.080 T-6 S 15 -0.004 -0.006 -0.013 T-6 S 20 -0.025 -0.046 -0.071 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per m Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Pressure ("WC) Measuring Point Data Suction Point Data Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\ 2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 6 of 7) Hart & Hickman, PC Table D-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location T-7 North Davidson II 2315 N. Davidson Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 4/1/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 4/1/20 13:10 14:00 14:35 15:00 RP265 Eagle Extreme Shop Shop -2.71 -4.9 -8.05 -16.2 135 88 155 192 Calculated Flow (CFM)6.6 4.3 7.6 9.4 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP T-7 E 5 -0.092 -0.135 -0.208 -0.426 T-7 E 10 -0.008 -0.009 -0.014 -0.03 T-7 S 5 -0.117 -0.204 -0.333 -0.672 T-7 S 9 -0.06 -0.099 -0.146 -0.320 T-7 NW 5 -0.102 -0.187 -0.279 -0.566 T-7 NW 10 -0.007 -0.01 -0.015 -0.03 T-7 NW 20 -0.017 -0.053 -0.062 -0.119 T-7 NW 30 0.000 -0.01 -0.027 -0.04 T-7 NW 40 0.000 -0.013 -0.013 -0.013 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Suction Point Data Pressure ("WC) Measurement Point Data Velocity (ft/min) Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\2315 N. Davidson VIMS\ 2315 N Davidson_Pilot Test Results - PAM.003 Table D-1 (Page 7 of 7) Hart & Hickman, PC Attachment E Pilot Test Figures and Summary Tables – 421 E. 26th Street Building REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. PAM-003 DATE: 12-22-20 FIGURE NO. E-1 EXISTING BUILDING 421 E. 26TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA PILOT TEST LOCATION MAP 2923 South Tryon Street-Suite 100 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f) License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology LEGEND BUILDING INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL WALLS APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF CONCRETE SLAB CRACKS PILOT TEST EXTRACTION POINT LOCATION VACUUM MEASURING POINT TP-1 TP-1 TP-3 TP-2 NOTE: 1) PILOT TEST PERFORMED FROM 09/03/20 THROUGH 09/04/20.S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\Figures\PAM-003 Pilot Test 421 E 26th_v2013.dwg, 12/22/2020 2:39:13 PM, DWG To PDF.pc3 Table E-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location TP-1 North Davidson II 421 E. 26th Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 9/4/2020 9/4/2020 12:20 13:35 Eagle Extreme Shop -4.79 -8 43 102 Calculated Flow (CFM)2.1 5.0 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP TP-1 SE 5 -0.193 -0.504 TP-1 SE 10 -0.079 -0.187 TP-1 SE 15 -0.045 -0.107 TP-1 SE 20 -0.017 -0.038 TP-1 SE 30 -0.002 -0.004 TP-1 SE 40 0.000 -0.006 TP-1 N 5 -0.161 -0.434 TP-1 N 10 -0.093 -0.246 TP-1 N 15 -0.045 -0.119 TP-1 N 20 -0.027 -0.065 TP-1 N 30 -0.018 -0.050 TP-1 N 40 -0.007 -0.019 TP-1 SW 5 -0.174 -0.467 TP-1 SW 10 -0.101 -0.264 TP-1 SW 15 -0.079 -0.188 TP-1 SW 20 -0.055 -0.135 TP-1 SW 30 -0.044 -0.107 TP-1 SW 40 -0.019 -0.055 TP-3 W 5 -0.003 0.000 TP-3 W 10 -0.001 -0.003 TP-3 W 15 -0.001 -0.003 TP-3 W 20 -0.002 -0.003 TP-3 W 30 -0.005 -0.013 TP-3 W 43 -0.001 -0.005 TP-3 E 5 -0.002 0.000 TP-3 E 9 -0.001 -0.001 TP-3 N 5 0.000 -0.004 TP-3 N 10 ---0.002 TP-3 N 15 --0.000 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Pressure ("WC) Suction Point Data Measuring Point Data Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) Velocity (ft/min) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\421 E 26 St\ Pilot Test Results - 421 E 26th St Table E-1 (Page 1 of 3) Hart & Hickman, PC Table E-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location TP-2 North Davidson II 421 E. 26th Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 9/3/2020 9/3/2020 9/3/2020 9/3/2020 9/3/2020 4/3/2020 11:25 12:00 13:25 13:40 14:00 14:20 RP 265 Eagle Extreme Shop Shop Shop Shop -2.755 -4.8 -8.09 -16 -25 -35 140 144 21 22 30 50 Calculated Flow (CFM)6.9 7.1 1.0 1.1 1.5 2.5 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP TP-2 N 5 -0.001 -0.009 -0.017 -0.039 -0.053 -0.068 TP-2 N 10 0.004 0.002 -0.001 -0.005 -0.011 -0.012 TP-2 N 15 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.001 -0.001 -0.002 TP-2 N 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TP-2 N 30 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TP-2 S 5 -0.006 -0.019 -0.033 -0.063 -0.087 -0.108 TP-2 S 10 ``-0.009 -0.020 -0.044 -0.062 -0.072 TP-2 S 15 -0.002 -0.003 -0.008 -0.017 -0.025 -0.035 TP-2 S 20 0.000 0.000 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 TP-2 S 30 0.000 0.000 -0.002 -0.002 -0.003 -0.003 TP-2 S 40 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TP-2 SE 5 -0.004 -0.007 -0.013 -0.031 -0.041 -0.056 TP-2 SE 10 -0.003 -0.005 -0.012 -0.025 -0.034 -0.045 TP-2 SE 15 0.000 -0.001 -0.002 -0.005 -0.007 -0.010 TP-2 SE 20 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 TP-2 SE 30 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) Velocity (ft/min) Suction Point Data Measuring Point Data Pressure ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\421 E 26 St\ Pilot Test Results - 421 E 26th St Table E-1 (Page 2 of 3) Hart & Hickman, PC Table E-1 Summary of Pilot Test Field Data - Location TP-3 North Davidson II 421 E. 26th Street H&H Project No. PAM.003 9/4/2020 9/4/2020 9:50 11:05 Shop Eagle Extreme 5.7 3.7 2300 2125 Calculated Flow (CFM)112.8 104.3 Test Grid Cardinal Direction ft from SP TP-3 N 5 -0.469 -0.384 TP-3 N 10 -0.493 -0.414 TP-3 N 15 -0.468 -0.388 TP-3 N 20 -0.334 -0.283 TP-3 N 30 -0.268 -0.225 TP-3 N 40 -0.538 -0.462 TP-3 W 5 -0.529 -0.439 TP-3 W 10 -0.418 -0.353 TP-3 W 15 -0.202 -0.171 TP-3 W 20 -0.016 -0.041 TP-3 W 30 -0.136 -0.132 TP-3 W 43 -0.200 -0.197 TP-3 E 5 -0.443 -0.206 TP-3 E 9 -0.248 -0.126 TP-2 S 5 -0.017 -0.015 TP-2 S 10 -0.020 -0.019 TP-2 S 15 -0.023 -0.023 TP-2 S 20 -0.035 -0.031 TP-2 S 30 -0.142 -0.126 TP-2 SE 5 -0.018 -0.014 TP-2 SE 10 -0.020 -0.017 TP-2 SE 15 -0.029 -0.027 TP-2 SE 20 -0.055 -0.049 TP-2 SE 30 -0.220 -0.186 TP-2 N 5 -0.005 -0.002 TP-2 N 10 0.000 0.000 TP-2 N 15 0.000 -0.002 TP-2 N 20 -0.003 -0.002 TP-2 N 30 -0.003 -0.003 TP-2 N 40 0.000 0.000 TP-1 N 5 -0.081 -0.076 TP-1 N 10 -0.088 -0.083 TP-1 N 15 -0.064 -0.060 TP-1 N 20 -0.057 -0.071 TP-1 N 30 -0.053 -0.049 TP-1 N 40 -0.032 -0.029 TP-1 SW 5 -0.060 -0.057 TP-1 SW 10 -0.054 -0.047 TP-1 SW 15 -0.056 -0.051 TP-1 SW 20 -0.052 -0.047 TP-1 SW 30 -0.029 -0.026 TP-1 SW 40 -0.016 -0.014 TP-1 SE 5 -0.079 -0.071 TP-1 SE 10 -0.138 -0.116 TP-1 SE 15 -0.120 -0.104 TP-1 SE 20 -0.070 -0.059 TP-1 SE 30 -0.014 -0.011 TP-1 SE 40 -0.007 -0.005 Notes SP = suction point; "WC = inches of water column; ft = feet; cfm = cubic feet per minute Suction point is constructed with 3" diameter schedule 40 PVC RP-265 is a radon style fan manufactured by Radon Away Eagle Extreme is a radon style fan manufctured by Festa Shop-vac was a 6.5hp wet/dry vacuum manufactured by Shop-Vac Date Time Fan Model Vacuum ("WC) Velocity (ft/min) Suction Point Data Measuring Point Data Pressure ("WC) S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\421 E 26 St\ Pilot Test Results - 421 E 26th St Table E-1 (Page 3 of 3) Hart & Hickman, PC Attachment F VIMS Product Specifications Sheets PressureTech High Suction Radon Fans PressureTech is changing the game for the radon industry with the introduction of the most effective and energy efficient radon fan ever developed! For the first time ever, a residential radon fan is capable of achieving extraordinary levels of static pressure while operating quietly and efficiently. PressureTech will conquer radon problems under the most challenging conditions including clay soil, compacted sand, and even bedrock. PressureTech has revolutionized the radon fan industry by utilizing DC motor technology which can achieve much higher air flow and suction than typical radon fans. Until PressureTech, radon fans have been made using outdated and inefficient AC motor technology. The PressureTech radon fan is capable to producing over 5 times more static pressure than the leading radon fans and can do so using a fraction of the electricity! At the heart of the PressureTech fan is an ultra-efficient, computer-controlled direct current motor with integrated impeller system for years of trouble-free continuous operation. One of the biggest advantages of PressureTech fans over traditional radon fans is the low voltage motor. In fact, the voltage is so low that most jurisdictions do not require an electrical license or permits to wire the fan! IMPORTANT NOTICE: PressureTech PT Series Fans have low voltage DC motors and must be used with the included power converter when connected to standard voltage (110-120V AC). Connecting fan directly 110/120V power source without power converter will damage fan and void warranty. See wiring instructions on last page of this manual. PressureTech’s fans can be used for virtually any radon mitigation or vapor intrusion application, residential or commercial. The pressure adjustment dial allows you to adjust the flow of the system in conjunction with your diagnostic testing to achieve optimal negative pressure below the slab. With suction capabilities exceeding 10-inches of water column, there is no project that this fan can’t handle! PressureTech is excited to introduce the radon fan that will put an end to problem houses once and for all! So, don’t delay; try a PressureTech radon fan on your next installation and experience for yourself the future of the radon mitigation industry! The extraordinary thing about the PressureTech fan is that you don’t have to wait until you have a problem house to use it. Although it can handle those homes with difficult soil conditions, this fan is quiet and energy-efficient enough to use for your everyday installations. Using the PressureTech product gives the mitigator a clear advantage over their competitors. Not only does it have suction capabilities far beyond anything else on the market, but the motor actually runs on a low voltage current. What this means is that many of the expenses associated with the installation are eliminated. For example, most municipalities do not require a licensed electrician for low voltage wiring. Many of the permits and subsequent inspection fees are not necessary when using this fan. And, quite frankly, the fact that it is low voltage completely eliminates the risk of electrical hazards that are associated with wiring higher voltages. There are a lot of radon contractors out there who are walking a fine line by doing their own wiring of 110volt fans. In most states, this is simply illegal and puts both the homeowner and the installer at risk. This type of liability nightmare can be now be avoided thanks to the low voltage technology PressureTech is bringing to the table. The radon industry simply has never seen a product like this. There’s just nothing else like it on Earth! This product could change the game and make those “nightmare” mitigation jobs a thing of the past. Fan Model Volts Watts Maximum Pressure Maximum Airflow PressureTech PT8 24V (includes 110V converter) 58-80 8.6″ WC 50 CFM PressureTech PT16 36V (includes 110V converter) 110-170 17.4″ WC 67 CFM PressureTech P25 48V (includes 110V converter) 255-298 25.2″ WC 82 CFM PressureTech PT8 With PressureTech’s introduction of the PT8 Radon Fan, the radon industry has finally turned the corner into modern-day technology! The PT8 was designed with two things in mind: unmatched performance and unmatched energy efficiency. Thanks to recent developments in DC motor technology, PressureTech has been able to create an in-line fan that is capable of achieving OVER 8 INCHES OF SUCTION while using only 60 watts of power! The motor is also low voltage, so wiring the fan doesn’t require a licensed electrician or permit in most jurisdictions. The PT8 is ultra-quiet, efficient, and extremely effective at more than doubling the pressure field extension (PFE) you achieve below the slab, compared to the other “high suction” radon fans that are on the market. PressureTech PT16 & PT25 PressureTech has taken “high suction” to another level by introducing the PT16 and PT25 radon mitigation / vapor intrusion fans. With static pressure capabilities up to 25 inches of water column, this compact in-line fan outperforms loud, bulky box fans that are commonly used for commercial radon mitigation and vapor intrusion projects. The PT Series has many advantages over other fans thanks to the revolutionary DC motor technology that PressureTech has introduced. Direct Current (DC) motors are capable of much higher speeds and run more efficiently than traditional fan motors. The result is higher suction, higher airflow, and lower electrical consumption. By using less electricity, these fans save your clients money in operating costs and will outlast traditional motors that tend to burn out much sooner due to excessive heat. Because of lower electrical consumption than Alternating Current (AC) motors, DC motors run at much lower temperatures which extends the running life up to 5 times longer. PressureTech PT Series Radon / Vapor Fan Installation and Operating Instructions Installation Instructions 1. After interior portion of radon system piping is installed and routed to the outdoor wall of the building, the radon fan must be installed in-line with the piping. NOTE: Always install the fan in an upright position to avoid moisture accumulation in the housing. 2. Using an appropriate rubber connector or pipe reducer coupling, securely connect the inlet portion of the fan to the vertical riser of the outdoor piping. Tighten the metal clamps on the both side of the connector to ensure that fan is adequately secured to the pipe. 3. Build the exhaust stack which will be installed on the outlet of the fan. 4. Attach the exhaust stack to the outlet of the fan using an appropriate rubber connector or pipe reducer coupling. Attach the exhaust stack to the exterior of the building so it is securely held by pipe clamps to avoid excess weight/stress being applied to the fan. 5. Install the power converter in appropriate location. Do not connect power to the power converter until the fan is completely wired. 6. Remove the cap from the fan electrical box. 7. Connect the wires from the power converter to the wire terminals in fan electrical box using appropriate connectors. NOTE: Outdoor wiring should be enclosed in outdoor rated conduit. 8. Once all wire connections are secure in the fan electrical box, connect the power converter to the power source and check to make sure the fan is running. 9. Once confirmed that the fan is running, check all connections and electrical cover to ensure that the installation is secure. 10. Activation and troubleshooting: If fan is not running, check any disconnect switches to make sure they are in the ON position. If the fan does not activate from a power switch, check the wiring inside of the fan electrical box to make sure no connections were broken or wired improperly. Also, check the circuit breaker for the outlet that system is plugged into to confirm that it hasn’t tripped. Operating Instructions PressureTech PT Series radon / vapor fans are intended to run continuously to maintain healthy air within the building. Once the radon system is installed and fan is activated, power should never be disconnected except to service or replace the fan. Power Converter The PressureTech PT Series radon / vapor fans have low voltage DC motors, so a power converter must be installed to convert the 110V power source to a low voltage current. The power converter can be wired anywhere between the fan and power source and is rated for both indoor and outdoor applications. Simply connect the positive (red) and negative (black) DC wires to the fan. Then, connect the hot (black), neutral (white) and ground (green) wires to your 110V power source or utilize flexible plugged cord to plug into an outlet when located within 6-feet of the power supply location. Sentinel ALARM NOTIFICATION METHODS: E-Mail, Text Messages, Voice Phone Calls Programmable alarm escalation levels Comprehensive scheduling per input, profile, and alarm destination Unlimited number of User Profiles Multiple contact types per user INPUTS: 12 Universal Inputs • Normally Open / Normally Closed Dry Contact • 2.8K / 10K Thermistor • 4-20mA Current Loop • Pulse Count • 12 Bit Resolution TEMPERATURE SENSING RANGE: -109° to 168°F | -85° to 76°C RELAY OUTPUT: Programmable. Rated for 1A 30VAC/ 1A 30VDC DATA LOGGING: Unlimited samples securely stored on the Sentinel servers Programmable sampling interval - 1 min to 24 hrs User programmable channel selection COMMUNICATION PORTS: Ethernet 10/100Base–T STANDARDS: FCC Part 15 – Class A Compliant BATTERY BACKUP: 4.8V 2000mAHr NiMh Battery pack (included) Provides 8 hours of backup LOCAL INDICATORS: 12 Alarm Status LEDs • Power LED • Online LED • Standby LED • Ethernet link and Activity LEDs POWER REQUIREMENTS: Comes with 12VDC plug-in power supply. (International power options available). ENVIRONMENTAL: Operating Humidity: 0-90% RH, non–condensing Operating Temperature: 32° to 122°F | 0° to 50°C PHYSICAL: In metal enclosure: 5.5 x 5.5 x 1.5” | 140 x 140 x 38mm 1 lb. | .45kg With Weatherproof Enclosure: 12.17 x 10.25 x 3.5” | 309 x 260 x 89mm 3.7 lb. | 1.67 kg ENCLOSURE: Durable powder coated metal housing suitable for wall or panel installation or weatherproof NEMA 4X rated fiberglass enclosure. Technical Specifi cations 901 Tryens Road • Aston, PA 19014 • PH: 877-373-2700 • F: 610-558-0222 • www.sensaphone.com CLOUD BASED MONITORING HOW LONG BEFORE YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG? COUNTLESS INDUSTRIES DEPEND ON SENSAPHONE FOR THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE REMOTE MONITORING SOLUTIONS AVAILABLE. WHEN YOU NEED TO BE ABSOLUTELY SURE A REMOTE SITE IS STABLE, SECURE, AND MONITORED AROUND THE CLOCK, THERE’S NO SUBSTITUTE FOR CERTAINTY. ClOUd-Based MOnitOring... COnvenient weB-Based ManageMent • Supervised internet connection assures the sentinel is online and monitoring at all times • Manage an unlimited number of devices from one account • Monitor up to 12 external sensors or equipment status • Receive an e-mail, phone call, or text message when an alarm is detected • Real time status updates available • Included battery backup • Cellular coverage available from att and verizon MONITORING & ALERTING LIT-1035 © SENSAPHONE 9/2015SENSAPHONE® 901 TRYENS ROAD ASTON, PA 19014 PH: 888-369-4781 F: 610-558-0222 WWW.SENSAPHONE.COM Distributed By: in tHe ClOUd The Sentinel system stores all sensor readings in the cloud, which provides unlimited information storage. Multiple devices can be managed from one account using intuitive web-based management tools. Enhanced data logging capabilities allow users to print, graph or export accurate historical records. The Sentinel system also can produce event reports and deliver them daily via e-mail, as well as generate an audit trail of all user data activities, edits or deletions. The device is Ethernet based, but it is available with a cellular option for locations that do not have Internet access. envirOnMental MOnitOring FOr tHe MOBile age The cloud-based Sentinel allows you to monitor remote facilities and environments and check critical conditions of your sensitive commodities with the same degree of certainty you’ve come to expect from Sensaphone. It takes the burden out of managing your system by giving you access to your readings from anywhere using a simple, powerful web-based interface and mobile app. If there’s a disruption, you’ll be the rst to know. Alerts can be sent straight to your mobile device—keeping you updated and giving you peace-of-mind wherever you are. Mobile app available for android and iphone Powered by america’s largest cellular networksLearn More: www.sensaphone.com/ Sentinel Sentinel ALARM NOTIFICATION METHODS: E-Mail, Text Messages, Voice Phone Calls Programmable alarm escalation levels Comprehensive scheduling per input, profile, and alarm destination Unlimited number of User Profiles Multiple contact types per user INPUTS: 12 Universal Inputs • Normally Open / Normally Closed Dry Contact • 2.8K / 10K Thermistor • 4-20mA Current Loop • Pulse Count • 12 Bit Resolution TEMPERATURE SENSING RANGE: -109° to 168°F | -85° to 76°C RELAY OUTPUT: Programmable. Rated for 1A 30VAC/ 1A 30VDC DATA LOGGING: Unlimited samples securely stored on the Sentinel servers Programmable sampling interval - 1 min to 24 hrs User programmable channel selection COMMUNICATION PORTS: Ethernet 10/100Base–T STANDARDS: FCC Part 15 – Class A Compliant BATTERY BACKUP: 4.8V 2000mAHr NiMh Battery pack (included) Provides 8 hours of backup LOCAL INDICATORS: 12 Alarm Status LEDs • Power LED • Online LED • Standby LED • Ethernet link and Activity LEDs POWER REQUIREMENTS: Comes with 12VDC plug-in power supply. (International power options available). ENVIRONMENTAL: Operating Humidity: 0-90% RH, non–condensing Operating Temperature: 32° to 122°F | 0° to 50°C PHYSICAL: In metal enclosure: 5.5 x 5.5 x 1.5” | 140 x 140 x 38mm 1 lb. | .45kg With Weatherproof Enclosure: 12.17 x 10.25 x 3.5” | 309 x 260 x 89mm 3.7 lb. | 1.67 kg ENCLOSURE: Durable powder coated metal housing suitable for wall or panel installation or weatherproof NEMA 4X rated fiberglass enclosure. Technical Specifi cations 901 Tryens Road • Aston, PA 19014 • PH: 877-373-2700 • F: 610-558-0222 • www.sensaphone.com DWYER INSTRUMENTS, INC. | dwyer-inst.com58Differential Pressure TransmittersPRESSUREDIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS ±0.25, ±1, OR ±2% ACCURACYOne-Touch® Digital Push-Button Calibration Technology The Series 616KD Differential Pressure Transmitters ±0.25, ±1, or ±2% Accuracy with One-Touch® Digital Push-Button Calibration Technology are designed for simplicity, making them the ideal choice for installers and maintenance professionals. These instruments not only alleviate cumbersome turn pots typically found in most transmitters, but eliminate entirely the need to span the instruments during calibration. With a single digital push-button, both ZERO AND SPAN are calibrated properly, nothing else is required. No additional reference pressure sources or separate calibration devices are necessary. FEATURES AND BENEFITS• Simple calibration push-button sets back zero and span, saving time installing and over the service life• Cost effective and compact device suitable for OEM applications where space, simplicity, and value are key• Ranges and accuracy selection cover a wide range of applications minimizing components and determining standardizing on design• Optional 1/8˝ NPT process connection allows for use with metal barbed ���� or compression ���� for use with metal tubing• Optional plenum rated units meeting UL Standard 2043 are available APPLICATIONS• Air handlers• Variable air volume • Duct pressure• Filter monitoring 5/16[7.94] OPTIONALTERMINALCOVER 5/8[15.88] 3-21/64[84.53] ø5/32[3.97]MOUNTINGHOLE2 PLACES 7/8[22.23] 1-1/32[26.19] 2-13/32 [61.12]2-1/4 [57.15] 1/2[12.70] 2-13/32[61.12] 1/2 [12.70]1-1/2[38.10] SPECIFICATIONS Service: Air and non-combustible, compatible gases.Wetted Materials: Consult factory.Accuracy: 616KD-A: ±0.25% FS; 616KD-B: ±1% FS, 616KD: ±2% FS.Stability: ±1% FS/year.Temperature Limits: 0 to 140°F (-17.8 to 60°C).Compensated Temperature Range: 20 to 122°F (-6.67 to 50°C).Pressure Limits: 2 psig (ranges 5 in w.c. or lower); 5 psig (ranges 10 to 40 in w.c.).Thermal Effect: 616KD-A: ±0.02% FS/°F; 616KD-B: ±0.04% FS/°F; 616KD: ±0.06% FS/°F, includes zero and span.Power Requirements: 4-20 mA output: 10-35 VDC (2 wire) or 12-26 VAC (4 wire); 5V output: 10-35 VDC (3 wire) or 12-26 VAC (4 wire); 10V output: 13-35 VDC (3 wire) or 12-26 VAC (4 wire) for 616KD A and B. 16-36 VDC (2 or 3 wire): 20-28 VAC (3 wire) for 616KD. Output Signal: 4-20 mA or option with TURBINE VENTILATORS CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS “A” THROAT SIZE GUAGE NO. OF BRACES BRACE MATERIALCROWN GALV.BLADE GALV.THROAT GALV. 4 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 6 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 8 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 10 24 28 26 3 ALUMINUM 12 24 28 24 3 ALUMINUM 14 22 26 24 3 ALUMINUM 16 22 26 24 3 STEEL 18 22 26 24 4 STEEL 20 20 26 24 4 STEEL 24 20 26 22 4 STEEL DIMENSIONAL AND PERFORMACE DATA “A” THROAT SIZE “B” HEIGHT “C” OVERALL WIDTH EXHAUSTED CAPACITY* APPROX. SHIPPING WEIGHT 4 12 10 1/4 125 5 6 14 1/2 12 3/4 147 7 8 15 14 1/4 255 8 10 16 1/4 16 1/4 425 11 12 17 19 631 13 14 19 3/4 22 3/4 700 21 16 21 3/4 25 1/2 950 31 18 24 29 1200 38 20 25 1/4 31 5/8 1700 46 24 28 1/4 35 3/4 2350 58 *4 MPHWIND CFM PRODUCT PART # VAPORBLOCK 10 ........................................................................... VB10 VAPORBLOCK 15 ........................................................................... VB15 Vapor Barrier - Commercial APPLICATIONS • Underslab Vapor Retarder/Barrier • Foundation Wall Vapor Retarder • Radon Retarder HIGH PERFORMANCE UNDERSLAB VAPOR BARRIER © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION VaporBlock® is a high performance underslab vapor barrier designed to retard moisture migration through concrete slabs and concrete walls to protect your structure from: • MOLD: VaporBlock® reduces moisture condensation within a structure, impeding the growth of molds, mildews, and fungi. • MOISTURE: VaporBlock® protects flooring materials by maintaining moisture levels well below the requirements of ASTM E-1745-11. • RADON: VaporBlock® is used as a component of radon mitigation systems to protect indoor air quality and occupant health. Raven also offers VaporBlock® Plus™, a highly effective gas and moisture barrier. VaporBlock® is one of the most effective underslab vapor barriers on the market today! Benefits include: • Ultra-low moisture vapor permeability • Superior puncture resistance • High tensile tear strength • Resistance to decay and degradation VaporBlock® is manufactured to strict conformance specifications under our ISO 9001 Certified Management System to consistently exceed ASTM standards and project expectations. Raven's accredited lab ensures VaporBlock® meets the highest possible quality standards across multiple industries. VaporBlock® is supported with independent testing. Results are available upon request, as required under ASTM E-1745-11. VaporBlock® is readily available through nation-wide distribution: • Available in 10 and 15 mil for optimal project flexibility • Larger roll sizes equal lower installation costs Raven Industries manufactures VaporBlock® and controls all aspects from start to finish assuring the final product meets our high performance standards. Raven is a publicly-traded company, with over 60 years of stability and service excellence to stand behind our products with a future of innovation and growth. Note: All instructions on architectural or structural drawings should be reviewed and followed. Detailed installation instructions accompany each roll of VaporBlock and can also be located on our website. ASTM E-1643 also provides general installation information for vapor retarders. All VaporBlock series materials can be installed with print or color facing up or down and will provide the same performance. ASTM E-1745-11, "Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs". VAPORBLOCK®VB10 & VB15 HIGH PERFORMANCE UNDERSLAB VAPOR BARRIER PRO-FORMA DATA SHEETFOR VAPORBLOCK® VB15** VAPORBLOCK VB10 VAPORBLOCKVB15**ASTM E 1745-11Class A, B & C1 PROPERTIES TEST METHOD IMPERIAL IMPERIAL IMPERIAL AppeArAnce Blue Blue - Thickness, nominAl 10 mil 15 mil - roll size 15 ft x 200 ft 12 ft x 200 ft - WeighT 49 lbs/MSF 73 lbs/MSF - clAssificATion ASTM E1745-11 CLASS A, B, & C CLASS A, B, & C Class A, B, or C Tensile sTrengThAverAge mD & TD(neW mATeriAl) (AfTer exposure) ASTM E154Section 9, (D882)52 lbs/in 53 lbs/in 60 lbs/in 61 lbs/in Class A = 45 lbs/in Class B = 30 lbs/in Class C = 13.6 lbs/in Minimum puncTure resisTAnce ASTM D1709Method B 2600 g 3000 g Class A = 2200 g Class B = 1700 g Class C = 475 g Minimum permeAnce(neW mATeriAl) (AfTer conDiTioning) ASTM E154 Section 7 ASTM E96 Procedure B ASTM E154 Section 8, E96 Section 11, E96 Section 12, E96 Section 13, E96 0.0146 Perms grains/(ft²•hr•in Hg) 0.0153 0.0151 0.0160 0.0181 0.01 Perms grains/(ft²•hr•in Hg) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Class A, B, & C 0.1 Permsgrains/(ft²•hr•in Hg) Maximum WVTR ASTM E96Procedure B 0.0084grain/hr-ft²0.004grain/hr-ft²- mAximum sTATic use Temp 180° F 180° F - minimum sTATic use Temp -70° F -70° F - VaporBlock® is a high performance underslab vapor barrier designed to retard moisture migration through concrete slabs and concrete walls. 1 Referencing ASTM E1745-11, Standard Specification for Plastic Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at www.RavenEFD.com 092818 EFD 1092 RAVEN ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com VAPORBLOCK®VB10 & VB15 **PROFORMA Contents: Data listed for VaporBlock® VB15, under ASTM E154, section 11, 12, and 13, is extrapolated from actual section 8 values and is subject to change at any time as additonal test data becomes available. Scan QR Code to download current technical data sheets via the Raven website. INSTALLATION GUIDELINES Please Note: Read these instructions thoroughly before installation to ensure proper use of VaporBlock®. ASTM E 1643 can also provide valuable information regarding the installation of vapor retarders. When installing this product, contractors shall conform to all applicable local, state and federal regulations and laws pertaining to residential and commercial building construction. Materials List: VaporBlock® Vapor Retarder (Barrier)VaporBond 4” Seaming TapeButyl Seal 2-Sided TapeVaporBoot Pipe Boot System 25/Tube plus TapeVaporBoot Tape (optional)POUR-N-SEAL™ (optional)Mako® Screed Supports (optional) Elements of a moisture-resistant floor system. General illustration only.(Note: This example shows multiple options for waterstop placement.) An optional perimeter wall class “A” vapor retarder can be installed with or without a bituminous coating applied to the concrete. Raven VaporBlock® 10 or 15 mil (Class A) vapor retarders can be sealed to the perimeter wall with Raven Butyl Seal Tape. An optional footer wrap may also be applied. Elements of a moisture-resistant floor system. General illustration only.(Note: This example shows multiple options for waterstop placement.) OPTIONAL PERIMETER WALL & FOOTER METHODS Page 1 of 5 Original diagrams on this page were reprinted with permission by the Portland Cement Association. Reference: Kanare, Howard M., Concrete Floors and Moisture, EB119, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2008, 176 pages. 1.4. Seal around all plumbing, conduit, support columns or other penetrations that come through the VaporBlock® membrane. The Raven VaporBoot Pipe Boot System is the recommended sealing method. (Includes 25 pre-cut VaporBlock® pipe boots along with 1 roll of VaporBoot Tape). (Fig. 3 & 4) Pipe boots may also be fabricated from excess VaporBlock® membrane (Fig. 3 & 4) and sealed with VaporBoot Tape or VaporBond Tape (sold separately). Reminder Note: All holes or penetrations through the membrane will need a patch cut to a minimum of 6” from the opening in all directions. To fabricate pipe boots from VaporBlock® excess material (see Fig. 3 & 4 for A-E): A) Cut a square large enough to overlap 6” in all directions. B) Mark where to cut opening on the center of the square and cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the pipe. C) Force the square over the pipe leaving the tightly stretched cut area around the bottom of the pipe with approximately a 1/2” of the boot material running vertically up the pipe (no more than a 1/2” of stretched boot material is recommended). D) Use VaporBoot Tape or VaporBond Tape to secure the boot to the pipe. VaporBoot Tape (option) – fold tape in half lengthwise, remove half of the release liner and wrap around the pipe allowing 1” extra for overlap sealing. Peel off the second half of the release liner and work the tape outward gradually forming a complete seal. VaporBond Tape (option) - Tape completely around the pipe overlapping the to get a tight seal against the pipe. E) Complete the process by taping over the boot perimeter edge with VaporBond Tape to create a monolithic membrane between the surface of the slab and moisture sources below and at the slab perimeter. (Fig. 3 & 4) SINGLE PENETRATION PIPE BOOT INSTALLATION Fig. 3 1. Use a pre-cut VaporBoot or cut a square of VaporBlock® barrier to extend at least 6” from the pipe in all direc- 3. Force over pipe. 2. Cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the 5. Use Raven VaporBoot or VaporBond Tape and overlap 1” at the seam. 4. Tape over the boot perimeter edge with VaporBond Tape. Pipe Boot Diagram Fig. 4 VaporBoot Flexible Tapeor VaporBond 4” TapeVaporBond 4” Tape VaporBoot or cut square of VaporBlock®Material 6”(min.) 1.1. Level and tamp or roll granular base as specified by your architectural or structural drawings. If sharp crushed rock is used, a 1/2” layer of fine grade compactable fill is required between the base and the vapor retarder. 1.2. Unroll VaporBlock® running the longest dimension parallel with the direction of the pour and pull open all folds to full width. (Fig. 1) 1.3. Lap VaporBlock® over the footings and seal with Raven 2-sided Butyl Seal tape. Prime concrete surfaces, when necessary, and assure they are dry and clean prior to applying Raven Butyl Seal Tape. Apply even and firm pressure with a rubber roller. Overlap joints a minimum of 6” and seal overlap with Raven VaporBond Tape. Fig. 2: VaporBlock® Overlap Joint Sealing Fig. 1: VaporBlock® Overlaping Roll-out Method VAPORBLOCK® PLACEMENT VaporBond 4” Tape Page 2 of 5 Original diagrams in figures #1 & #3 were reprinted with permission by the Portland Cement Association.Reference: Kanare, Howard M., Concrete Floors and Moisture, EB119, Portland Cement Association, Skokie, Illinois, and National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, 2008, 176 pages. 1.5. For side-by-side multiple penetrations (option 1); A) Cut a patch large enough to overlap 6” in all directions (Fig. 5) of penetrations. B) Mark where to cut openings and cut four to eight slices about 3/8” less than the diameter of the penetration for each. C) Force the patch material over penetration to achieve a tight fit and form a lip (Fig. 6). D) Tape around each of the penetrations and the patch with VaporBond 4” Tape. (Fig. 7) For additional protection apply an acceptable polyurethane elastomeric sealant around the penetrations. (Fig. 8) 1.6. Holes or openings through VaporBlock® are to be repaired by cutting a piece of VaporBlock® 6” larger in all directions from the opening. Seal the edges of the patch with VaporBond Tape. Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 MULTIPLE PENETRATION PIPE BOOT INSTALLATION Fig. 5 Page 3 of 5 Option 1 1.6. POUR-N-SEAL™ method of sealing side-by-side multiple penetrations (option 2): A) Intall the vapor barrier as closely as possible to pipe penetrations to minimize the amount of POUR-N-SEAL™ necessary to seal around all penetrations. B) Once barrier is in place, remove soil or other particles with a dry cloth or a fine broom to allow for improved adhesion to the POUR-N-SEAL™ liquid. C) Create a dam around the penetration area approximately 2” away from the pipe or other vertical penetrations by removing the relase liner from the back of foam strip and adhere to the vapor barrier. Form a complete circle to contain the POUR-N-SEAL™ materials (Fig. 11). D) Once mixedm pour contents around the pipe penetrations. If needed, a brush or plat wooden stick can be used to direct the sealany completely around penetrations creating a complete seal. E) DO NOT leave excess POUR-N-SEAL™ in plastic container for longer than the time it takes to pour sealant. Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 11 Option 2 Page 4 of 5 VAPORBLOCK® REPAIR INSTRUCTIONS 1.7. Proper installation requires all holes and openings are repaired prior to placing concrete. When patching small holes, cut a piece of VaporBlock® large enough to overlap the hole 6” in all directions (smallest patch will be 12” x 12”). Place patch material over the center of the hole and tape over the patch perimeter with 4” wide VaporBond Tape (Fig. 14-16). Fig. 16 Fig. 15Fig. 14 1.8. When installing VaporBlock® around pipe penetrations, vertical columns, electrical ducts and other obstructions, you will find it necessary to cut it to the nearest outside edge. This cut can be easily sealed by cutting a strip of VaporBlock® 12” wide and centering it over the cut. Once in place, tape around the perimeter with 4” wide VaporBond Tape. VAPORBLOCK® PROTECTION 2.1. When installing reinforcing steel and utilities, in addition to the placement of concrete, take precaution to protect VaporBlock®. Carelessness during installation can damage the most puncture–resistant membrane. Sheets of plywood cushioned with geotextile fabric temporarily placed on VaporBlock® provide for additional protection in high traffic areas including concrete buggies. 2.2. Use only brick-type or chair-type reinforcing bar supports to protect VaporBlock® from puncture. 2.3. Avoid driving stakes through VaporBlock®. If this cannot be avoided, each individual hole must be repaired. 2.4. To avoid penetrating VaporBlock® when installing screed supports, utilize non-penetrating supports such as the Mako® Screed Support-System (Fig. 18). 2.5. If a cushion or blotter layer is required in the design between VaporBlock® and the slab, additional care should be given if sharp crushed rock is used. Washed rock will provide less chance of damage during placement. Care must be taken to protect blotter layer from precipitation before concrete is placed. 2.6. VaporBlock® Vapor Barrier can be identified on site as blue in color printed in black ink with the following logo and classification listing (Fig. 19). Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at wwww.RavenEFD.com ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com 020316 EFD1156 Page 5 of 5 ® Fig. 19 Fig. 18 © Raven 2016. All Rights Reserved. ACCESSORIES SEAMING TAPES & OTHER ACCESSORIES FOR PLASTIC SHEETING ACCESSORY TAPES AND EPOXY Butyl Seal Tape (TP2BR / TP6BR) Butyl Seal is a double-sided reinforced aggressive black butyl rubber tape used to join panels of polyethylene and polypropylene together by overlapping the edges and applying Butyl Seal in between. It is also used to adhere to concrete walls and footings when properly prepared. Butyl Seal is non-hardening and flexible. Available in 2” x 50’ and 6” x 50’ rolls. R25B Tape (R25B) R25B Tape is a single-sided aggressive synthetic elastomeric adhesive that bonds instantly to properly prepared polyethylene and polypropylene. The black polymer backing and adhesive is specially formulated to provide years of performance even in direct sunlight. A poly release liner provides for ease of installation. Available in 4” x 100’ roll. VaporBond™ Tape (TVB4) VaporBond™ Tape is a white single-sided tape that combines a heavy-duty, weather-resistant polyethylene backing with an aggressive rubber adhesive. VaporBond™ Tape offers excellent seaming capabilities for our materials with an “Easy Tear” feature to reduce installation time. TVB4 has a WVTR of 0.18 perms per ASTM D3833. Typical applications include vapor retarders, covers and liners. Available in 4” x 210’ roll. VaporSeal™ Tape (TVSP4/TVSP12) VaporSeal™ Tape is a patent pending single-sided 7-layer gas barrier tape with a release liner for ease of installation. The backing contains a layer of highly impermeable EVOH designed to block migration of radon, methane, and VOC’s. An aggressive acrylic adhesive provides outstanding adhesion to polyethylene over a wide temperature range. Typical uses include joining, repairing and sealing gas/moisture barriers. Available in 4” x 160’ and 12” x 50’ rolls. VaporBoot™ Tape (TBOOT) VaporBoot™ Tape is a single-sided elastomeric butyl tape used to complete pipe boot installations (sealing the boot to the pipe). The 100% stretchable butyl adhesive features excellent adhesion values and 3-D stretching that can be easily molded to multiple surfaces without any creases and folds. Available in 2” x 16.4’ roll. ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES VaporBoot™ System (VBOOT) The VaporBoot™ System is designed to assist in securing pipe and other penetrations that run vertically through the vapor retarder material. The VaporBoot™ System offers a quick solution and is delivered to the jobsite in a complete package. VaporBoots are produced from high performance VaporBlock® material. Package Contents: 25 - VaporBoots (18” x 18”, w/precut center marker)1 - roll of VaporBoot Tape VaporBoot™ Plus Preformed Pipe Boots (VBPBT) VaporBoot™ Plus Preformed Pipe Boots are produced from heavy 40 mil co-extruded polyethylene and barrier resins for excellent strength and durability. The preformed boots are stepped to fit 1” to 4” wide pipe penetrations. VaporBoot™ Plus Preformed Pipe Boots are available in quantities of 12 per box. From tie-down fasteners to field seaming tape, Raven Industries has the accessories you need to maximize your film’s versatility and minimize installation time on the job. © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. POUR-N-SEAL™ (PNS1G) POUR-N-SEAL™ is a gray two part epoxy used to seal around multi-pipe penetrations in areas where pipe boots are not practical, when installing VaporBlock® or Absolute Barrier®. The POUR-N-SEAL™ system includes 25 lineal feet of a 1” adhesive-backed foam to form a dam around multi-pipe penetrations to contain POUR-N-SEAL™ during the setting process. ACCESSORIES ADDITIONAL ACCESSORIES (CONTINUED) Tie-Down Buttons (BUTI) & Tarp Grabbers (BUTEZ) Tie-Down Buttons and Tarp Grabbers help keep plastic sheeting securely in place. Tie-Down Buttons are designed to eliminate traditional grommets in plastic sheeting up to 10 mil thick and are reusable plastic fittings that are easy to install in any position. Tarp Grabbers are up to 4 times stronger than a brass grommet and are typically used in heavier plastic sheeting from 10 mil to 30 mil thick. Great for equipment covers, large storage covers and truck tarps. Dura♦Skrim® Reinforced Sandbags Dura♦Skrim® reinforced sandbags are used to secure large covers and liners to prevent wind damage. Sandbags are produced with strong Dura♦Skrim® 8 & 12 mil reinforced polyethylene. These 15” wide x 24” long bags are designed to hold 35 lbs. Sandbags are also available in other Raven reinforced materials with minimum order requirements. 11.8” Cable Ties are also available. Dura-Clip™ (CLIP11) These full size clips are 11” long and fit most commercial scaffolding. Dura-Clip™ will securely fasten your poly sheeting to scaffolding, reducing wind whip and increasing the life of your enclosure. The Dura-Clip™ is normally placed about every 3’ onto the enclosure. Raven Welding Rod Raven Welding Rod is used for field seaming, repairs and detail work, such as installing pipe boots. Packaged in 25 lb spools, it is available in 4mm and 5mm sizes to fit most brands of extrusion guns. Raven Welding Rod is made from a thermally UV stabilized LLDPE resin and is available in both black and white to correspond with the color of geomembranes being utilized. SEAMING TAPES & OTHER ACCESSORIES FOR PLASTIC SHEETING TAPE ACCESSORY PROPERTIES PROPERTIES VaporBond Tape(TVB4)VaporSeal Tape(TVSP4 / TVSP12)VaporBoot Tape(TBOOT)R25B Tape(R25B)Butyl Seal Tape(TP2BR / TP6BR) Backing 6.7 mil Polyethylene 7 mil EVOH/LLDPE 30 mil EPDM 8 mil Multi-Polymer N/A adhesive 3.3 mil Rubber Based Pressure-Sensitive 2 mil Acrylic Adhesive Pressure-Sensitive 20 mil Butyl Rubber 17 mil Synthetic Elastomeric 40 mil Butyl Rubber color White Silver Black Black Black Type Single Sided Single Sided Single Sided Single Sided Double Sided size 4” x 210’ 4” x 160’ / 12” x 50’ 2” x 16.4’4” x 100’2” x 50’ / 6” x 50’ rolls per case 12 12 / 4 64 6 16 / 4 WeighT per case 45 lbs 50 lbs / 18 lbs 45 lbs 33 lbs 47 lbs / 20 lbs adhesion values 35 oz. / in. (to steel) 80 oz. / in. (to steel) 145 oz. / in. (to steel) 144 oz. / in. (to steel) 88 oz. / in. (to steel) perms 0.081 g/(24h*100 in²) 0.014 g/(24h*100 in²)N/A <0.005 g/(24h*100 in²) 0.82 g/(24h*100 in²) service Temp.-40° F to +180° F -40° F to +190° F +14° F to +122° F +20° F to +180° F 0° F to +170° F min.applicaTion Temp.50° F 50° F 14° F 35° F 35° F ideal sTorageTemp. / humidiTy 70° F w/ 40-50 % 60°-80° F w/ 40-60 % 70° F w/ 70 % 70° F w/ 40-50 % 70° F w/ 40-50 % © 2018 RAVEN INDUSTRIES INC. All rights reserved. Scan QR Code to download current technical data sheets via the Raven website. Note: To the best of our knowledge, unless otherwise stated, these are typical property values and are intended as guides only, not as specification limits. Chemical resistance, odor transmission, longevity as well as other performance criteria is not implied or given and actual testing must be performed for applicability in specific applications and/or conditions. RAVEN INDUSTRIES MAKES NO WARRANTIES AS TO THE FITNESS FOR A SPECIFIC USE OR MERCHANTABILITY OF PRODUCTS REFERRED TO, no guarantee of satisfactory results from reliance upon contained information or recommendations and disclaims all liability for resulting loss or damage. Limited Warranty available at www.RavenEFD.com 092818 EFD 1103 RAVEN ENGINEERED FILMSP.O. Box 5107 Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5107Ph: +1 (605) 335-0174 • TF: +1 (800) 635-3456 efdsales@ravenind.comwww.ravenefd.com P1 OF 2 STEGO® WRAP 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIER A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: DEC 10, 2018 Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. 1. PRODUCT NAME STEGO WRAP 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIER 2. MANUFACTURER Stego Industries, LLC 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 contact@stegoindustries.com www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: Stego Wrap 15-Mil Vapor Barrier is used as a below-slab vapor barrier. COMPOSITION: Stego Wrap 15-Mil Vapor Barrier is a multi-layer plastic extrusion manufactured with only high grade prime, virgin, polyolefin resins. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS: Stego Wrap 15-Mil Vapor Barrier can be used in systems for the control of soil gases (radon, methane), soil poisons (oil by-products) and sulfates. 4. TECHNICAL DATA TABLE 1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEGO WRAP 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIER PROPERTY TEST RESULTS Under Slab Vapor Retarders ASTM E1745 Class A, B & C– Standard Specification for Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under Concrete Slabs Exceeds Class A, B & C Water Vapor Permeance ASTM F1249 – Test Method for Water Vapor Transmission Rate Through Plastic Film and Sheeting Using a Modulated Infrared Sensor 0.0086 perms Permeance After Conditioning ASTM E154 Section 8, F1249 – Permeance after wetting, drying, and soaking 0.0098 perms (ASTM E1745 ASTM E154 Section 11, F1249 – Permeance after heat conditioning 0.0091 perms Sections 7.1.2 - 7.1.5) ASTM E154 Section 12, F1249 – Permeance after low temperature conditioning 0.0097 perms ASTM E154 Section 13, F1249 – Permeance after soil organism exposure 0.0095 perms Methane Transmission Rate ASTM D1434 – Standard Test Method for Determining Gas Permeability 192.8 GTR* Characteristics of Plastic Film and Sheeting (mL(STP)/m2*day) Radon Diffusion Coefficient K124/02/95 8.8 x 10-12 m2/second Puncture Resistance ASTM D1709 – Test Method for Impact Resistance of Plastic Film by Free-Falling Dart Method 2,266 grams Tensile Strength ASTM D882 – Test Method for Tensile Properties of Thin Plastic Sheeting 70.6 lbf/in Thickness 15 mil Roll Dimensions width x length: 14' x 140' area: 1,960 ft2 Roll Weight 140 lb Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) *GTR = Gas Transmission Rate STEGO® WRAP 15-MIL VAPOR BARRIER A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: DEC 10, 2018 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com P2 OF 2 5. INSTALLATION UNDER SLAB: Unroll Stego Wrap 15-Mil Vapor Barrier over an aggregate, sand or tamped earth base. Overlap all seams a minimum of 6 inches and tape using Stego® Tape or Stego® Crete Claw® Tape. All penetrations must be sealed using a combination of Stego Wrap and Stego Accessories. For additional information, please refer to Stego’s complete installation instructions. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Stego Wrap 15-Mil Vapor Barrier is available through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Stego distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided herein. Stego Industries, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Stego Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE None required. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Email: contact@stegoindustries.com Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protect-able trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. UNDER-SLAB INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Stego Wrap can be installed over an aggregate, sand, or tamped earth base. It is not necessary to have a cushion layer or sand base, as Stego Wrap is tough enough to withstand rugged construction environments. 2. Unroll Stego Wrap over the area where the slab is to be placed. Stego Wrap should completely cover the concrete placement area. All joints/ seams both lateral and butt should be overlapped a minimum of 6” and taped using Stego® Tape. NOTE: The area of adhesion should be free from dust, dirt, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion of the pressure-sensitive tape. 3. ASTM E1643 requires sealing the perimeter of the slab. Extend vapor retarder over footings and seal to foundation wall, grade beam, or slab at an elevation consistent with the top of the slab or terminate at impediments such as waterstops or dowels. Consult the structural engineer of record before proceeding. SEAL TO SLAB AT PERIMETER:* NOTE: Clean the surface of Stego Wrap to ensure that the area of adhesion is free from dust, dirt, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion of the pressure-sensitive adhesive. a. Install Stego® Crete Claw® Tape on the entire perimeter edge of Stego Wrap. b. Prior to the placement of concrete, ensure that the top of Stego Crete Claw Tape is free of dirt, debris, or mud to maximize the bond to the concrete. IMPORTANT: Please read these installation instructions completely, prior to beginning any Stego Wrap installation. The following installation instructions are based on ASTM E1643 - Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. If project specifications call for compliance with ASTM E1643, then be sure to review the specific installation sections outlined in the standard along with the techniques referenced in these instructions. VAPOR BARRIER STEGO TAPE Minimum 6” overlap STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO® WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO® WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO® WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO® WRAP STEGO ®WRAP STEGO®WRAP STEGO® WRAP STEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPSTEGO®WRAPFIGURE 1: UNDER-SLAB INSTALLATION VAPOR BARRIER STEGO CRETE CLAW TAPE SLAB PERIMETER VAPOR BARRIER FOOTING STEGOTACK TAPE FIGURE 2a: SEAL TO SLAB AT PERIMETER FIGURE 2b: SEAL TO PERIMETER WALL STEGO LABOR SAVER! This method not only complies with ASTM E1643, but it also: • reduces labor compared to other perimeter sealing techniques. • can be used even without an existing wall or footing, unlike alternatives. OR SEAL TO PERIMETER WALL WITH STEGOTACK® TAPE:* a. Make sure area of adhesion is free of dust, dirt, debris, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion. b. Remove release liner on one side and stick to desired surface. c. When ready to apply Stego Wrap, remove the exposed release liner and press Stego Wrap firmly against StegoTack Tape to secure. * If ASTM E1643 is specified, consult with project architect and structural engineer to determine which perimeter seal technique should be employed for the project. STEGO® WRAP VAPOR BARRIER/RETARDERINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS www.stegoindustries.com Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. P1 of 2 MULTIPLE PIPE PENETRATION SEALING: Multiple pipe penetrations in close proximity and very small pipes may be sealed using Stego Wrap and Stego Mastic for ease of installation (See Figure 5). STEGO TAPE STEGO MASTICCOMPLETELY FILL ALL VOIDS FIGURE 5: MULTIPLE PIPE PENETRATION SEALING STEGO WRAP PIPE PENETRATION REPAIR DETAIL: 1: Install Stego Wrap around pipe penetrations by slitting/cutting material as needed. Try to minimize the void space created. 2: If Stego Wrap is close to pipe and void space is minimized then seal around pipe penetration with Stego Tape and/or Stego Mastic. (See Figure 4a) 3: If detail patch is needed to minimize void space around penetration, then cut a detail patch to a size and shape that creates a 6” overlap on all edges around the void space at the base of the pipe. Stego Pre-Cut Pipe Boots are also available to speed up the installation.4: Cut an “X” the size of the pipe diameter in the center of the pipe boot and slide tightly over pipe. 5: Tape down all sides of the pipe boot with Stego Tape.6: Seal around the base of the pipe using Stego Tape and/or Stego Mastic. (See Figure 4b) STEGO TAPE LARGE VOID SPACE CREATED STEGO MASTICSTEGO TAPE CUT AN “X” THE SIZE OFPIPE DIAMETER OR STEGOPRE-CUTPIPE BOOT STEGOPRE-CUTPIPE BOOT STEGOPRE-CUTPIPE BOOT STEGOPRE-CUTPIPE BOOT FIGURE 4b: DETAIL PATCH FOR PIPE PENETRATION SEALING MINIMAL VOID SPACE CREATED STEGO MASTICSTEGO TAPE OR FIGURE 4a: PIPE PENETRATION SEALING 5. IMPORTANT: ALL PENETRATIONS MUST BE SEALED. All pipe, ducting, rebar, wire penetrations and block outs should be sealed using Stego Wrap, Stego Tape and/or Stego Mastic (See Figure 4a). If penetrations are encased in other materials, such as expansive materials like foam, unless otherwise specified, Stego Wrap should be sealed to the underlying penetration directly. STEGO TAPE DAMAGED AREA STEGO TAPE STEGO TAPE SMALL HOLEOR FIGURE 3: SEALING DAMAGED AREAS 4. In the event that Stego Wrap is damaged during or after installation, repairs must be made. For holes, cut a piece of Stego Wrap to a size and shape that covers any damage by a minimum overlap of 6” in all directions. Clean all adhesion areas of dust, dirt, moisture, and frost. Tape down all edges using Stego Tape (See Figure 3). NOTE: Stego Industries, LLC’s (“Stego”) installation instructions are based on ASTM E1643 - Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs. These instructions are meant to be used as a guide, and do not take into account specific job site situations. Consult local building codes and regulations along with the building owner or owner’s representative before proceeding. If you have any questions regarding the above mentioned installation instructions or Stego products, please call us at 877-464-7834 for technical assistance. While Stego employees and representatives may provide technical assistance regarding the utility of a specific installation practice or Stego product, they are not authorized to make final design decisions. NOTE: Stego Industries recommends the use of vapor barrier-safe concrete accessories, like Beast® Screed, to help minimize the amount of penetrations in a Stego Wrap Installation. 2 1 3 Beast Screed Adjustable Cap Beast Screed SystemBeast Screed will easily adjust to ensure a fixed elevation and more accurate FL numbers than traditional wet-screeding. Beast Screed Post Beast Foot www.stegoindustries.com STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC • SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 • 949-257-4100 • 877-464-7834 Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protectable trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 12/2018 P2 of 2 P1 OF 2 STEGO® TAPE A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: DEC 10, 2018 Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. 1. PRODUCT NAME STEGO TAPE 2. MANUFACTURER Stego Industries, LLC 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 contact@stegoindustries.com www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: Stego Tape is a low-permeance tape designed for protective sealing, hanging, seaming, splicing, and patching applications where a highly conformable material is required. It has been engineered to bond specifically to Stego® Wrap, making it ideal for sealing Stego Wrap seams and penetrations. COMPOSITION: Stego Tape is composed of polyethylene film and an acrylic, pressure-sensitive adhesive. SIZE: Stego Tape is 3.75" x 180'. Stego Tape ships 12 rolls in a case. 4. TECHNICAL DATA TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEGO TAPE PROPERTY RESULTS Dimensions 3.75" x 180' Total Thickness 6 mil Permeance 0.03 perms Tensile Strength 17 lb/in Elongation (at break) MD 1060% Adhesion (20 min dwell ss, PSTC 101) 84 oz/in Ultraviolet Resistance Excellent APPLICABLE STANDARDS:Pressure Sensitive Tape Council (PSTC)• PSTC 101 – International Standard for Peel Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tape American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM)• ASTM E1643 - Standard Practice for Selection, Design, Installation, and Inspection of Water Vapor Retarders Used in Contact with Earth or Granular Fill Under Concrete Slabs Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) STEGO® TAPE A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: DEC10, 2018 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protect-able trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. P2 OF 2 5. INSTALLATION SEAMS: Overlap Stego Wrap 6 inches and seal with Stego Tape. Make sure the area of adhesion is free from dust, dirt, moisture and frost to allow maximum adhesion of the pressure sensitive tape. PIPE PENETRATION SEALING1) Install Stego Wrap around pipe by slitting/cutting material2) If void space around pipe is minimal, seal around base of pipe with Stego Tape (Stego® Mastic can be used for additional coverage) DETAIL PATCH FOR PIPE PENETRATION SEALING 1) Cut a piece of Stego Wrap that creates a 6 inch overlap around all edges of the void space2) Cut an “X” in the center of the detail patch3) Slide detail patch over pipe, secure tightly4) Tape down all sides of detail patch with Stego Tape5) Seal around base of pipe with Stego Tape (Stego Mastic can be used for additional coverage) Stego Tape should be installed above 40°F. In temperatures below 40°F take extra care to remove moisture or frost from the area of adhesion. For additional information, please refer to Stego’s complete installation instructions. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Stego Tape is available through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Stego distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided herein. Stego Industries, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Stego Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE None required. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Email: contact@stegoindustries.com Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P1 OF 2 STEGOTACK® TAPE A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: JULY 20, 2018 Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. 1. PRODUCT NAME STEGOTACK TAPE 2. MANUFACTURER Stego Industries, LLC 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 contact@stegoindustries.com www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: StegoTack Tape is a double-sided adhesive strip used to bond and seal Stego® Wrap Vapor Barrier to concrete, masonry, wood, metal, and other surfaces. StegoTack Tape is a flexible and moldable material to allow for a variety of applications and installations. COMPOSITION: StegoTack Tape is made from a blend of synthetic rubber and resins. SIZE: StegoTack Tape is 2" x 50'. StegoTack Tape ships 12 rolls in a case. 4. TECHNICAL DATA TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEGOTACK TAPE PROPERTY RESULTS Dimensions 2" x 50' Total Thickness 30 mil Permeance (30 mil) 0.03 perms Color Grey Material Synthetic rubber blend Adhesion to Steel 12.5 lb/in width ASTM D1000 Installation Temperature 40°F/110°F In Service Temperature Range -20°F/+140°F VOC Content No VOCs, 100% solids 5. INSTALLATION TO WALLS: Make sure the area of adhesion is free of dust, dirt, debris, moisture, and frost to allow maximum adhesion. Remove release liner on one side and stick to desired surface. When ready to apply Stego Wrap, remove the exposed release liner and press Stego Wrap firmly against StegoTack Tape to secure. Cut StegoTack Tape using a utility knife or scissors. Cut StegoTack Tape before removing the release liner for easier cutting. Install StegoTack Tape between 40°F and 110°F. For additional information please refer to Stego's complete installation instructions. Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) STEGOTACK® TAPE A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: JULY 20, 2018 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protect-able trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. P2 OF 2 6. AVAILABILITY & COST StegoTack Tape is available through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Stego distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided herein. Stego Industries, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Stego Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE For longer adhesive life, store in dry, temperate area. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Email: contact@stegoindustries.com Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P1 OF 2 STEGO® CRETE CLAW® TAPE (6" wide) A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: DEC 10, 2018 Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. 1. PRODUCT NAME STEGO CRETE CLAW TAPE (6" wide) 2. MANUFACTURER Stego Industries, LLC 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 contact@stegoindustries.com www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: Stego Crete Claw Tape is a multi-layered tape that is used to seal Stego® Wrap Vapor Barrier to the perimeter of the slab while the concrete is placed. Stego Crete Claw Tape allows wet concrete to cast into the textured top surface to form a mechanical bond/seal. COMPOSITION: Stego Crete Claw Tape is composed of polyethylene film, aperture film, and an acrylic, pressure- sensitive adhesive. SIZE: Stego Crete Claw Tape is 6" x 180'. Stego Crete Claw Tape (6" wide) ships 8 rolls in a case. 4. TECHNICAL DATA TABLE 4.1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEGO CRETE CLAW TAPE (6" wide) PROPERTY RESULTS Dimensions 6" x 180' Total Thickness 26 mil Permeance: ASTM F1249 0.03 perms 180° Adhesion Peel Strength: ASTM D903 17.6 lbf/in Sheer Adhesion Strength: 1 in2 shear test using an Instron 3345 Machine >49 lbf/in2* * Specimens failed by stretching vapor barrier to failure before pulling Stego Crete Claw Tape from concrete. Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) 5. INSTALLATION SECURING STEGO WRAP TO SLAB: Clean surface of Stego Wrap to ensure that it is free of moisture, frost, dirt, and debris prior to the installation of Stego Crete Claw Tape. When ready to apply Stego Crete Claw Tape, peel back the release liner and apply to Stego Wrap. Stego Crete Claw Tape should be completely on Stego Wrap. To detail, cut Stego Crete Claw Tape with a box knife or scissors. Stego Crete Claw Tape should be installed above 40°F for maximum adhesion. For additional information please refer to Stego's complete installation instructions. TIP: Wrap the release liner back over the entire roll while unrolling Stego Crete Claw Tape. This technique will allow the release liner to pull off easily and keep it out of the way. STEGO® CRETE CLAW® TAPE (6" wide) A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: DEC 10, 2018 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protect-able trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. P2 OF 2 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Stego Crete Claw Tape is available through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Stego distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided herein. Stego Industries, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Stego Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE Store Stego Crete Claw Tape in a dry and temperate area. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Email: contact@stegoindustries.com Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com P1 OF 2 STEGO® MASTIC A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: JULY 20, 2018 Continued... Note – legal notice on page 2. 1. PRODUCT NAME STEGO MASTIC 2. MANUFACTURER Stego Industries, LLC 216 Avenida Fabricante, Suite 101 San Clemente, CA 92672 Sales, Technical Assistance Ph: (877) 464-7834 contact@stegoindustries.com www.stegoindustries.com 3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION USES: Stego Mastic is designed to be used as a vapor retardant membrane for use in conjunction with Stego® Wrap Vapor Barrier/Retarder. Stego Mastic can be used for sealing utility and pipe penetrations in Stego Wrap. COMPOSITION: Stego Mastic is a medium viscosity, water-based, polymer-modified anionic bituminous/asphalt emulsion. SIZE: Stego Mastic comes in 2-gallon or 5-gallon pails, and 20-ounce sausage tubes. 4. TECHNICAL DATA TABLE 1: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF STEGO MASTIC PROPERTY TEST RESULTS Tensile ASTM D412 32 psi Elongation ASTM D412 3860% Resistance to Decay ASTM E154 10% perm loss Accelerated Aging ASTM G23 No Effect Permeance ASTM E96 0.17 perms Hydrostatic Water Pressure ASTM D751 28 psi Adhesion to Concrete & Masonry ASTM C836 7 lbf/in Hardness ASTM C836 75 Crack Bridging ASTM C836 No Cracking Low Temp Flexibility ASTM C836 No Cracking Note: perm unit = grains/(ft2*hr*in-Hg) STEGO® MASTIC A STEGO INDUSTRIES, LLC INNOVATION | VAPOR RETARDERS 07 26 00, 03 30 00 | VERSION: JULY 20, 2018 DATA SHEETS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FOR MOST CURRENT VERSION, VISIT WWW.STEGOINDUSTRIES.COM (877) 464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.com Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protect-able trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. P2 OF 2 5. INSTALLATION PREPARATION:• A test application simulating the project environment should always be done prior to final usage of Stego Mastic.• All surfaces should be dry and free of loose materials, oils and other contaminants. The surfaces should be cleaned in the same fashion as the test surface in order to ensure proper results.• Store above 40°F, and apply above 40°F and below 100°F. PENETRATIONS:To repair penetrations in Stego Wrap, cut Stego Wrap just big enough to fit over and around the penetration so as to minimize void space. Liberally apply Stego Mastic around the penetration to keep the integrity of the membrane intact. Stego Mastic can be applied from sausage tubes with a standard sausage gun and/or from pails by brush, roller, or trowel. NOTES: 1) If needed to minimize void space around penetrations, utilize a detail patch of Stego Wrap or Stego® Pre-Cut Pipe Boot to fit over the penetration and seal the patch/boot with Stego® Tape prior to applying Stego Mastic. 2) Solvent-based products should not be applied over this product. 3) Clean all tools with kerosene and/or oil-based cleaners. For additional information, please refer to Stego’s complete installation instructions. 6. AVAILABILITY & COST Stego Mastic is available through our network of building supply distributors. For current cost information, contact your local Stego distributor or Stego Industries’ Sales Representative. 7. WARRANTY Stego Industries, LLC believes to the best of its knowledge, that specifications and recommendations herein are accurate and reliable. However, since site conditions are not within its control, Stego Industries does not guarantee results from the use of the information provided herein. Stego Industries, LLC does offer a limited warranty on Stego Wrap. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 8. MAINTENANCE None required. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES Technical advice, custom CAD drawings, and additional information can be obtained by contacting Stego Industries or by visiting the website. Email: contact@stegoindustries.com Contact Number: (877) 464-7834 Website: www.stegoindustries.com 10. FILING SYSTEMS • www.stegoindustries.com Continued...Note - legal notice on back page.www.stegoindustries.com OVERVIEW Cut nozzle to the desired width Unscrew the top lid of the mastic gun, push the release mechanism and pull out the metal plunger arm P1 of 2 ✔ ✔ ✔ 1 4 2 5 3 6 LOADING INSTRUCTIONS FEATURES AND BENEFITS STEGO® MASTIC 20-OUNCE SAUSAGE TUBE Stego Mastic Sausage Tubes are ideal for vapor barrier repairs and small installations that don’t require a full pail of Stego Mastic. No surplus goes to waste. Sausage tubes save time, money and are more environmentally responsible. They increase yield, reduce waste and the package can be recycled. Place the Stego Mastic Sausage Tube inside the gun Press the trigger as needed to bring the top of Stego Mastic Sausage Tube to the edge of the gun chamber STEGO MASTIC SAUSAGE TUBE AND MASTIC GUN STEGO MASTIC 20-OUNCE SAUSAGE TUBE Cut, poke or slice a small hole in the Stego Mastic Sausage Tube just below the metal clip Place the nozzle over the top of the chamber/mastic tube and screw the lid back over and onto the mastic gun Sausage tubes allow for Stego Mastic to be used with a mastic applicator gun for more precise handling and control and once applied, the mastic can be spread. Stego Mastic is ready to apply Same as #3, single pipe shown Apply Stego Mastic liberally (~2 inch width and minimum 60-mils depth) behind where Stego Wrap will terminate Where multiple pipes are close together, place mastic around and between all individual pipes If Stego Mastic is applied unevenly at first pass, it can be evened out with a trowel or by hand Place Stego Wrap into place Stego Mastic should completely seal the edge of the wrap to the penetrations Completely sealed pipe penetration Utilize Stego Term Bar or other means (e.g. concrete, backfill) to provide consistent, continuous pressure to the Wrap-Mastic interface 1 4 1 2 5 2 3 6 3 • Read and have on hand the Stego Wrap Installation Instructions – Available online at www.stegoindustries.com/ installation-instructions • If unfamiliar with Stego Mastic, a test application simulating the project environment should always be done prior to final usage of Stego Mastic. • All surfaces should be dry and free of loose materials, oils and other contaminants. The surfaces should be cleaned in the same fashion as the test surface in order to ensure proper results. PIPE PENETRATION SEALING • To seal around penetrations in Stego Wrap, cut Stego Wrap just big enough to fit over and around the penetration so as to minimize void space. Liberally apply Stego Mastic around the penetration to create a monolithic membrane. P2 of 2 GAME-CHANGING BARRIER SOLUTIONS Stego, the stegosaurus design logo[s], Crete Claw, StegoTack, StegoCrawl, Beast, and the Beast design logo are all deemed to be registered and/or protectable trademarks or service marks of Stego Industries, LLC. © 2018 Stego Industries, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Please see www.stegoindustries.com/legal. 6/2018 Please contact us to get in touch with the nearest Stego representative. We look forward to working with you on your next project. 877-464-7834 | www.stegoindustries.comContact SEAL TO PERIMETER WALL INSTALLATION NOTES (1) All installation notes are intended to be a quick reference guide; they are not intended to replace the full Stego Installation Instructions available on the Stego website.(1)(1) # SLOT INCHES MM NFM Product # NFM Formerly 120 0.12 3.04 1/4X1/8 #4 90 0.09 2.28 3/16X#10 #3 80 0.08 2.03 3/16X #10 #3 70 0.07 1.77 1/8X#12 #2 60 0.06 1.54 1/8X#16 #1 5050 0.05 1.27 1/8X#16 #1 40 0.04 1.016 80-120 Coarse O 30 0.03 0.762 60-80 O 20 0.02 0.508 45-55 OO 15 0.015 0.381 30-40 OOO 10 0.01 0.254 OOO OOO 7 0.007 0.177 OOO OOO WELL PACK SLOT CHART Attachment G Select VOC List Table G-1Site-Specific Indoor Air Sampling VOC List North Davdison II 2315 N. Davidson Street and 421 E. 26th Street Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. PAM.003 1 Acetone 2 Benzene 3 2-Butanone (MEK) 4 Carbon Disulfide 5 Carbon Tetrachloride 6 Chloroform 7 Chloromethane 8 Cyclohexane 9 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 11 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 12 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 13 Ethanol 14 Ethylbenzene 15 4-Ethyltoluene 16 Heptane 17 Hexane 18 2-Hexanone (MBK) 19 Isopropanol 20 Methylene Chloride 21 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 22 Naphthalene 23 Propene 24 Styrene 25 Tetrachloroethene 26 Tetrahydrofuran 27 Toluene 28 Trichloroethene 29 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 30 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 31 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 32 m&p-Xylene 33 o-Xylene VOC = volatile organic compound Select VOCs by EPA Method TO-15 S:\AAA-Master Projects\PAMAKA - PAM\PAM-003 N. Davidson & E. 26th\VIMS\VIMP\Attachment G - Select VOC TO-15 List12/22/2020 Table G-1 (Page 1 of 1) Hart & Hickman, PC