HomeMy WebLinkAboutN1018 GARRISON ROADJI(-Ile UI I IUI Ill L.UIUIII IU Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources r ILEO (+ 6 bivlsion of Solid VJcste Manager ETH T COVER_��-��F James B Hunt, Jr„ Governor arc S b ?, Ib, /S 6 7 ` h � Jonallicn B Howes Secretary "E I v William L Meyer Director 97 OCT 15 A10 •03 `k T Cl-:v it GISTER OF ;IF (� ; BURKE CO N LAND CLEARING AND INERT DEBRIS LANDFILL NOTIFICATION Pursuant l0 15A hJCAC 138 05631211a►, the land ownerlsl and operatorlsl of any Land Cleanng and Inert Debits Landfill under two 12► acres In size shall submit this notification form to the Dlvislon-prior to conatructing or operating the landfill This form must be filed for recordairon in the Register of Deeds' Office The Register of Deeds shall Index the notification under the name of the owner(s) of the lend in the county or coun:les in which the land is located The Register's seal and the date, book and pAge number of recording must be Included on this form when submitted to the Division This hot' Icfit on It not valid to authorize operation of a landfill unless complete, accurate, recorded, end 9u6mitted to the Division as required by 15A NCAC 13B 056312►lbl i. Facility Name•_ _6/4/t/2/ 504i/ /CbPD -_ 2. Facility location fstredt address): JJ;4 Efta2 /SOn/ /cv _ City, lrbkGtqAf�JoAI County• LkrRKC zip: 28655 _ 3 Directions to Site a144/1ff�'_ 01 /LF Pry ST IuAL Yri WJ F _tLW 6115 nRN RICH//' 13T 6111991504 5T6/ZL= I N6 FT 6iv /L tG/f T _ 4, the land on which this landfill Is located Is described In the deed recorded in: deed book a county. _ 5 Wine of lend owner 6 Malting address of land owner: _ City: _ State• fW Q Zlp: C Jf j, 7 telephone nudber of land owner.' 76q I Zia% ' 55 % Lo If the land is owned by more than one person, attach additional sheets with the name, address, And phone number of all additional land owners 6 Ndmeof operator UP 1 OF 1,e11WSP6krAr1b1V _ 9 Trddd or business name of operator n. 0 , T 10 Mailing 6ddress of operator 2WC M-r 96meDian _ City• nore611/NTDyy State• ty, C. zip• 286 SS 11 Telephone number of operator•( 704 I y 38— 6a2'79 if the landfill Is operated by more than one person, attach additional sheets with the name, address, and phone number of all additional operators 12 Projected use of land after completion of landfill operatlons•� i/�1) _ P O box 27687 Rcleigh Norih Carolina 27611-7687 Ar cc..d Ccnc ,.�dy A:`amchve Aclicn Emplcyer telephone 919-733-4996 F„X 919-715 ]�05 SC%recycled! 10'6 post ��1 {.., �r PcU I�r' � r-1 I nu I�uu .. wy ., ,_ ran q,Nu.. ,. �� „ � ,, Landfills opereling under noullcauon 010f IJEFlNITIOII§ (721 'land cle/mi4 waste' mein! solid waste which is generalec solely Imm Nnd clearing activnle! such as aromas uees lunbs blush gran !nil other nnunlly cc uulnq vagnniva nwerul 1731 'land elearinq and Inen coolie landlilt' moans a lanlhy Ipr Ye land disposal of land etesiing waste epnerese Duck cone eln block ontaminned loll yiavtl and rock unheated anJ wmainie� ..00d end yud (rash 1741 uYard wash' miens schd was a resulting (rem landscaping and yard mauuenanes such az brush grass use hit ps and snmisi ve gelative materiel! 0583 APPLICABIU TY flEOUIRE IIE!Ii5 FOD LAND CLEADI110 AIZD INEDT DEBDIS ILCIDI LANDFIILS Menageinant of anl� cl a �np aria -'oars :eons snaR'6e n ucproaiica wl rL a Slala luerareny oT—r nsanegmq so �d waste as pmvlded for under fl C G 5 i 130A 309 041a1 Ouoofal in a lanai II n considereJ to be Na least desu able rnelhod of managing land clearing end men debris Where IanJlAlmg Is necessary the repubemems of Ihn flule apply 111 An ui?vidual pit mit born ,ze O�wnpn of Salld Wane Managemenl h not repubed lay Land Clearing and Iners Dmns ILCIDI Iai Wlills U�as eat ell of she lollow�nq cc �Cmonz lal The lanhry a ,c to Donated lay she dnoosal of land :'eam+g wasse roar[ debris unueaud wood and yard wash Opeiauons muss be convs-.e^t and In compliance wrih the local govemmem solid waste menagemans plan as aoproveJ by Ure Dlmsion of Sobd Waste 4anagnnem Ihl The mul duccfal area is undo two Ines In size Iel Tha laubry and cuc•uef comply won Ina hung cnuna under Dula 0584, and ppareuonel reouuemensz undrr Hule 0566 _ Idl ii+e � ac arty a not a amps rom �-moat amply whhill Dinar Federal Sutra, or local laws oldmances Doles requlatlons c rs Including but not Ilmised to zoning resuicslpns, Ilood plain resuicvons, vzeJand sit sulgmns ladim entasion end npslon tonvol requnemanrs and mining requlatmna 121 Wham to Indwldual permit a nos requued the lollowmg appbes Id The owner of tre land when Ne landfill a locased must nodly sh! Owislan on ! pmsnubad loon duly signed nosanxed and recmped es pit ul'rl a 034"1f II�pOeular o(the I�lill lj3'iilnent rom Tfiard owner sfi"aTTlfo m9nlfe nonGcauon iolm--- Ibl 7Te owner mus. :de the prescribed noul�caslvn loon for rscordatlon us the flegisur of Oseda' 011lce The Degnur of Daads anad mo .the ro�—incision m the gnnmr i 3e� unau the mine oT iF6o�nar of ITi� (ins n iFe tcunzy vi counues In TT them a oil—d�'-l�i ep A copy vl the recorded notllicavon alll.ad with the Deglzter i seal and the dale hook and page number of re ordinq shall be seal to she Divlslon of Solid Waste Managemenl Icl When she In,d cn wNch Ilia land Cleanup end Inen Oehds Landldi b sold, leased, convoyed or uanslened in any manual the deed pr oru Imsrument of rainier shall coin am In the desrnpslon eecuon in no amalier sype than shot used In Ilse body pl the deed or Insuument a ausemen[ shag the properly has been used as a Land Cleaiinp and Inert Debris Landldi and a relarence by bcck Ind mge to the recordaslpn of the notllicavon --7� 0584 SITINO CDITEBIA FOD U!ID OLEADINO AND INEDT DEBDIS ILCIDI IANOFILLS aifrToll w rip mtTng nnena ihall icpry--TiTand nniT—��narz a un-G i iCLlQlien3lilG— (11 facdlues or pracdees sled oat be locaud In IM 100 year Iloodvinn 121 Faandes or precdces zha0 rip: cause os conu� sus al -Tang of any endangered or shrealened spec of plants Ilsn p wddllle 13I Faagsies or pracucea she4 ra— t rutTs-G-the dasvunlon or advei se moddicadon of die enslcal heblsat of endangered or threatened apeclas as idanuhed in SD [ill -Pert 17 wl7 h�li hereby Incorporated by relay a Including any subsequent s endments and ed�tiona Tnls malarial la wadable for Impaction tt sN Oapanrnent of 6+mronmm6 Heelds, end Natural Desomces Oroislon of Solid Y7asu Management e01 Oberlin flcad Raleigh, North Carolina 2)605 where copies can he oblalned as no tins III Facllillas or pucnces (hall nos damage or desuoy an ichaeolpgical or historical silo I51 Faahtles or pnatoes shoo ra; anise m adverse Impact on a erase Dark, riniidpn or scenic free or any pshn lands Included In the zusa newts and histpnc preserve ISI Fadildu alsall has ba locoed m any weslind b defined In the Clean Wum An Seeslon /041b1 I71 s must e a own t at anceaT--- sTsuiu^61t io9s are avulable zor cover a trharlr or oil she IBI land Cleldng and Inen ecru m f t a mess she lallawmg wdace and ground wrier rkquimmanu lal faclniea pr pores shall not eauie a discharge of polWtansa into wetera of the zuu Wa[ Is In wplatmn of Na regm�emems of she Ile fond Pollutant Dlschuga Elminulon Synem IIIPDESI. under Section 402 0l the Clean Wner An as amended Ibl Fetdnes or aortas shell nos came a discharge of dredged mnanals or Iig material Imo wamu pl Ne erase than b m viola uon of the repunemenu under Secton 404 al she Clean Wata Act, sa amended Icl Fmdmea or put uu shall nol ouzo non point source pollutlan pf waters of shi lute shot violates asvgned wrier quality astndardf Id! Was•e m landrinz with a disposal area greater titan Iwo apes shag be pNced ! minlmwn pI lour leer above the seasonal high water able taceot where an allernasive separation is approved by the Dlvialon tel Write In bndhlh wnh a disposal area less roan Iwo acres shhl bi DNced ebovi lhi seisonel h�ph water table ISI nia bdllty snau mass the lolipwinp minimum bona regmremanu bl � the wear— i�ou 3ary ta�1! ear ac—f s wean of rid auu li defined In O S 143 212 Ibl 11SII set rom ,pa �zoosa nee to pro-- oanylrs residantlal dwallinga eommercui or pubbe bwldings and walls Icl idler uemymmu maybe edlusted a necessary to Insure Idaquni protection of public heahn and she enwwnment I101 The laullty shell meat all raquhemenif of any avvllcahle :Doing ordlnanee -'�� O69S OPEDAiIONAI flEOnIflE!dEN r9 FOfl LAND CIEADING AND INEDT DEBfl15 I1C101 LANDFILLS hand tllidng and hen Deons IICIDI Nndlills s sl meat Ilia o awing openvond nquuemmu pl DDn.don,l vhn, ,non b. approved and (ollpwad a spauheJ Ipr the 6nnty I21 The Mcllity shall only octane Inofa solid waatea which It a permuted to nerve t31 a ens renuc ao to a sine rat uu a e as compacts es HlnseTY a DucJcal Into cell: 1/1 AtlegV•le sod cover !hill be aoplled manlldr. ar when the salve nee leacher ohs acre In else whichever octws ILst ISI l�al a relation of any phase of dnoosal ooennpna o upon revpeatlon of a pern+it the dnoosal a e shall be cpv red with a minimum of aria C , of su table Boll c r sloped to allow surlacerw aids runoll In a connplled m r The Divlslon may nquue fursner action in order so c rscs any tondulonawhich Is ar lay became inlwlous to the public haallh o�'a nuisance to the cominuiusy �/ZaLK. /O/i�/y/ �f1i �U(:i'�i � � �U I61 Adeauam amsran cc- - s s:mcwres or devices shall by uubxeQ to prfyent illy Item IHvmg th9 sq and ,o privem a+ceasrve on uta uoaan 171 Prows I I a grog -a - aulh: ant to restrain efos,on must b9 accompblMq yplMiq ag yr9lilpj gays of 130 caianGar dayf upon comp aho�t n otiny poise* orlindhll development at The Iaalay Mall ba cepu+Icry sewmd by moans of gores chains berms IInc ff• Ili la pfgvpnt Vnauthadaed iccaae a+capt when an operator o0 on ty �n at an ant s tfil be dut"I'llimai w 1i'11�1�1{�flgl� �lj pP IF u}i la lliuy comp once with operational radulramer.s and to prevent acceptance of unauthorised waste{ 191 Accses roads shalt to of all wanner construction end property maintained I101 surlace water shalt bo dwened Tram rhp working feel and shall not pp Impouridlo Pv4r yrf1N Ili II ohd wain* she no oa atsoosed of in water 1121 dpen-Surmng at load waste Is praNpaa 1131 ifii concentration o s+p oav} puai ganvytgQ by the Ipcdlry ;hlN pat a•cleq. lel Twenty five percent of the lower explosvf limn (or the gases Irl IfQly tifirclufff Ibl The lower explosive limit for the tires; it thl pfapprly boundary Ilal teacher* shalt be prccarly managed on site through the use of current poet tpfflfg9frilling pffellcfi 1151 o the son deem o necusary. W g Wfifr 91 surface watfl monitadpg. if hgihl [Ply of Ifgatred .f ptovlgf4 lot under Rules 0801 �'bSiT as,S a ub, .0,ar 1161 A sign shag be postsc at the facility entrance showing the contact norm fad n4mbff In calf 9119 fmstgency and into plans number The permit number ra;uuempnl la not applicable lot facilities not Ip9ttpmg fit Iticoviilafl Pflmll CarUficatlon by Land Ownet. I certify that the Information provided by me In this notlflcatlon I; irua, 7ccurate, and comple[e to the best of my knowledge The tacdiry siring and disposal operfitlon§ Pf thi§ hl)nd Claauny &Inert Pabns landfill will comply with the requirements of Sections 0563, ,P464 and •P456 of j5A NCAC 139, North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules The fficlllty ¢nci Pperallgnq of thlq landfill will also comply with all applicable Federal, State, find local laws, fulg§, rdpNlat(gn§, Vnd ordinance?. Where the operator Is different from the (find owner, I, the land gwner, hfiy@ kngy0olgC of the 9p@fatgr'4 Plans to dispose of solid wasta oil the land and I specifically pront p@rmiq§iqn fpr the opfifailon of the landfill I understand that bosh the land owner and operator Ord jointly and §gverally Iipblq for Improper operations and proper closure of the landfill as provided for by North Gafgllna General Stoma 13OA- 309 27 1 further understand that North Cgroling General Stat4tq 110fk-?2 pfgyidpq for §dfnlmglfallvp penalties of up to five thousand dollars (45,000 00) per day par Hach V1014tion of the Solid Waste Management Rules I further understand that the Solid Waste Mr3n4 worst Ruleq may pe rgvlsed or amended In the future and that the facility *luny and operation§ pf Ihi§ landfill will be required tq comply with all such revisions or amendments 7H a 1*2n4A N GSA IPIO foN -nxw �zz ,. !e Print Name (Owner) Signature (Owner) Date Norrt Cero/0 8County I, ' 'e J a Notary Public for §aid County and State, do haraby car }I(y +,IQ� that AVfn - personally appeared beforti mo thq dfiy and lcknowladged;he- -due`-exe ut�tori of the-for�e�a- a vLateu ..A (�({i Sc, nl S ; 5 N R'Ic�w 2 Witness"my hand and official seal, this the /J day of f-/e/71%P!t )9 �- i�.E"r (Otfic)al Sean, rUf-il.1u ' ,%Nta/ CamRilsslon expue �r�uP, i�3i/ys) fJ tt ry P IIc 19 8TAT6 OF NORTH CAROOUNA—Bf� = COUNTY The farepmot cerdfiaao dS� S,GiJalf_'e,�.-O NCLP.. of sard county is adiueted to be corraY, tatt the iaartsmrnt earth to cerctlica te, be rcirsa. t IT /`S I oftf`-� i92^L Lk Register of Deeds (INLIZABET11 Cooil eL/