HomeMy WebLinkAboutWentworthFurniture_Decision Memo_09.18.2020DECISION MEMORANDUM DATE: March 13, 2020 FROM: Cody Cannon TO: Brownfields Assessment File RE: Wentworth Furniture 1808 Emmanuel Church Road Conover, North Carolina BF # 21006-17-18 Based on the following information, it has been determined that the above referenced property, whose intended use is for no uses other than industrial, warehousing, retail, parking, institutional, and with prior written DEQ approval other commercial uses, is or can be made suitable for these uses. Introduction: The Brownfields Property comprises once parcel totaling 4.38 acres and is developed with a warehouse building totaling approximately 54,519 square feet which includes newly renovated office space along the northern edge of the building. An approximate 1,600 square foot storage building with unconditioned indoor air space is also present on the property. The Brownfields Property is bordered to the north by Emmanuel Church Road followed by a warehousing facility for Southern Furniture Co. to the northeast and a warehousing facility for Colonial Distribution to the northwest; to the east by rail road tracks and a warehousing facility for Ideal Italia Furniture; to the south by a metal fabrication facility called Conover Metal Products, Inc.; and to the west by a motorcycle dealership called Michael's Cycles and More. Redevelopment Plans: The prospective developer (PD) has begun redevelopment of the Brownfields Property by renovating the office space in the front of the building and establishing a furniture pallet manufacturing operation in a portion of the warehouse. Another section of the warehouse is currently being leased to a custom cabinet manufacturing operation. Additional redevelopment plans include interior and exterior building renovations. Site History: According to a review of historical aerial photographs and city directories, the Brownfields Property was comprised of vacant farm land until at least 1964, when the land was cleared for development. By 1976, the current warehouse building was present on the property and the current shed was present by 1984. The Brownfields Property has historically been used for furniture manufacturing by various entities. City directories state the property was in use by D6cor Originals, Inc. from at least 1989 to 2005, Wentworth Furniture, Inc. from at least 2010 to 2015, and Abbey Lane Cabinetry in 2015. Decor Originals, Inc. was listed as a Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) small quantity generator of hazardous waste. Wentworth Furniture, Inc. was listed as a RCRA conditionally exempt small quantity generator of hazardous waste. Both companies reportedly produced waste including chlorinated solvents. The PD purchased the property on November 3, 2016 from Bank of the Ozarks, which acquired the property though a court ordered sale to satisfy the default of a Deed of Trust on the property. The PD has since used the property for pallet manufacturing and, by a tenant, for custom cabinetry operations. Environmental Assessment History A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment report was completed by EnviroAssessments on June 13, 2016. Soil, groundwater, and geophysical assessments were conducted to investigate Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) identified in an EDR Radius Map Report dated April 25, 2016. Identified RECs included two former underground storage tanks installed on June 17, 1975. One of the USTs reportedly contained 5,000- gallons of kerosene while the second UST contained up to 2,000-gallons of an unknown liquid. No evidence of USTs was observed from ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electromagnetic (EM) surveys in the areas of the former UST canopies located near the northeastern corner of the warehouse building and on the south side of the shed building. Four soil samples were collected at a depth of 10 feet below land surface (ft BLS) from each former UST basin. Additionally, two temporary monitoring wells were installed on either side of each former UST basin. Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) were detected in two of the eight soil samples but below the DEQ UST Section Action Levels. Concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including Methylene Chloride, Tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and Trichloroethylene (TCE) were detected above the North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 2L groundwater standards (2L) in the two monitoring wells (WS-3 and WS-4) in the vicinity of the former UST on the south side of the storage shed building. TCE concentrations in monitoring wells WS-3 and WS-4 exceeded the DEQ Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) at 341 µg/L and 434 µg/L respectively. TCE was also detected above the 2L groundwater standard and Non -Residential VISL in monitoring well WS-1 located near the northeastern corner of the warehouse building at a concentration of 6.2 µg/L. In response to a Request for Additional Assessment Letter issued by the DEQ Brownfields Program on December 27, 2018, Blue Ridge Engineering, PLLC (Blue Ridge) completed a Summary of Analytical Results from Groundwater, Soil, and Vapor Sampling report on July 31, 2019 (Revised on December 31, 2019). Groundwater and soil samples were collected from three locations including the locations of former monitoring wells WS-2 and WS-4 and the open area along the southern portion of the warehouse building. Additionally, seven sub -slab soil gas samples were collected from locations throughout the warehousing and office areas of the building. TCE was detected above the 2L groundwater standard and Non -Residential VISL in monitoring wells W-6 (former WS-4) and W-7. Concentrations of selenium, lead, chromium, and barium exceeded 2L groundwater standards in monitoring well W-6 (former WS-4). No concentrations of VOCs, Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), or RCRA Metals exceeded DEQ Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) in the soil samples collected. Several VOCs were detected in the seven sub -slab soil gas samples collected. However, sub -slab sample V-4, located in the central portion of the warehouse building, contained a concentration of TCE (337 µg/ru) in exceedance of the Non -Residential VISL. Due to the risk associated with the sub -slab soil gas sample results, DEQ Brownfields requested that an indoor air investigation be conducted at the property. Blue Ridge completed an Indoor Air Assessment Report on January 20, 2020. Indoor air samples were collected from five sample locations across the warehousing and office portions of the building. Several VOCs were detected in each of the samples but only Ethylbenzene was detected at a concentration exceeding the DEQ Non -Residential Indoor Air Screening Level (IASL) in sample A-4 located in the southeastern portion of the warehouse in the cabinet manufacturing area. TCE was detected in indoor air samples A- 2A and A-4 but below the Non -Residential IASL at 1.1 µg/m3 and 0.97 µg/m3 respectively. Potential Receptors: Potential receptors are: on -site workers, construction workers, and trespassers. Contaminated Media: DEQ has evaluated data collected from the following media at the subject property: groundwater, soil, soil -gas, and indoor air. DEQ relies on the following data to base its conclusions regarding the subject property and its suitability for its intended reuse. Soil Data from soil samples collected as part of the 2019 Brownfields assessment was utilized for risk assessment for non-residential soil exposure. No detections of VOCs, SVOCs, or RCRA Metals exceeded DEQ Industrial/Commercial PSRGs. The associated carcinogenic and non -carcinogenic risk values calculated using the DEQ Risk Calculator (December 2019) do not exceed thresholds for non-residential workers or construction workers. Groundwater Data from the three groundwater monitoring wells collected as part of the 2019 Brownfields assessment was utilized to assess direct groundwater exposure risk and groundwater to indoor air risk for future non-residential workers at the property. Concentrations of barium, chromium, lead, selenium, and TCE exceeded the 2L groundwater standards. Concentrations of TCE exceeded the Non -Residential VISL. The DEQ Risk Calculator (December 2019) was used to calculate the direct exposure risk and groundwater to indoor air risk on a site wide worst case scenario basis. The non - carcinogenic risk threshold for direct groundwater exposure for non-residential workers was exceeded at 18. The non -carcinogenic risk threshold for groundwater to indoor air for non-residential workers was exceeded at 11. Sub -Slab Soil Gas Data from the seven sub -slab soil gas samples collected as part of the 2019 Brownfields assessment was used to assess the vapor intrusion risk from sub -slab soil gas to non- residential workers. Trichloroethylene exceeded the Non -Residential VISL at a concentration of 337 µg/m3 in sample V-4. The DEQ Risk Calculator (December 2019) was used to calculate the sub -slab soil gas to indoor air risk for non-residential workers on a site wide worst case scenario basis. Neither the carcinogenic nor the non -carcinogenic hazard index exceeds the DEQ risk threshold. Indoor Air Data from the five indoor air samples collected as part of the 2019 indoor air assessment was used to assess the indoor air risk for non-residential workers at the Brownfields property. Several VOCs were detected in all samples but only ethylbenzene was detected at a concentration of exceeding the non-residential IASL in sample A-4. Neither the carcinogenic nor the non - carcinogenic hazard index exceeds the DEQ risk threshold. Risk Calculations Risk Calculations were performed using Excel worksheets provided by Sandy Mort, NCDEQ Brownfields Toxicologist. The risk calculations indicated the following based on available data, including the following media: groundwater, soil, sub -slab soil gas, and indoor air. Medium Site Area Non -Residential Worker LICR HI Groundwater Exposure Entire Site 8.6E-05 18 Groundwater to Indoor Air Entire Site 3.1E-05 11 Soil Exposure Entire Site 5.4E-07 4.3E-02 Sub -Slab Soil Gas Entire Site 3.9E-06 4.2E-01 Indoor Air Entire Site 2.6E-06 2.8E-01 Medium Site Area Construction Worker LICR HI Soil Exposure Entire Site 8.8E-08 1.8E-01 LICR = Lifetime Incremental Cancer Risk HI = Hazard Index Bold and Red shading LICR> 1E-04 or HI> 1. Due to the results of the risk calculators, restrictions are in place regarding groundwater, soil gas, and indoor exposure at the Brownfields Property. Required Land Use Restrictions: Based on the site -specific data provided to the Brownfield program, the site reuse is suitable for the site as long as the agreed upon land use restrictions in the BFA are abided by. 1. No use other than for industrial, warehousing, retail, parking, institutional, and with prior DEQ approval other commercial uses. 2. No use as a childcare of adult care facility. 3. No groundwater use 4. No disturbing soil without DEQ approval or for landscape/mowing/pruning/repair of underground infrastructure (written notice to DEQ)/work for EMP. 5. Soil Import/Export requires prior DEQ approval. 6. Standard Vapor Intrusion Language: No occupancy of new buildings until DEQ says indoor air is safe/no VI issues/VI protection installed. 7. Quarterly indoor air monitoring of existing building until a minimum of 6 sampling events demonstrate that VOC concentrations are either stable or decreasing and the calculated risk does not exceed the DEQ threshold for non- residential workers; the PD can submit a request to DEQ to reduce the frequency or cease sampling events. 8. Environmental Management Plan 9. DEQ access to Brownfields Property. 10. Notice of Brownfields Property reference in deed. 11. No contaminants on property except for de minimis amounts, fluid in vehicles, fuels for generators/equipment 12. Abandon any existing monitoring wells. 13. Land Use Restriction Update submission by January 31 st each year. Fl ure 1—Site Location Ma Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Newton, North Carolina g p Quadrangle 1993 9111 Monroe Road, Suite 175 Site Name: EMJA Properties LLC Charlotte, North Carolina 28270 T 704.846.8853 F 704.846.3271 1% 1808 Emmanuel Church Road enviroassessments.com i Conover, North Carolina EA Project Number: 16-10477.2 enviroassessments BB&T Project Number: OMS-211401 — Report #1 SUSPECT FORMER UST BASIN #1 \ 0 / CANOPY � ftftI SITE BUILDING IS-6-10 (ND) s-1,2-DCE: 4.6 ethyl Chlor: 5.6 CE: 7.2 'E: 434 LEGEND 0 Soil sample location 0 Soil and groundwater sample location Soil results are reported in milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) Groundwater results are reported in micrograms per liter (ug/L) ND = Non -Detect (below laboratory reporting limits) IS-4-10 TPH-DRO: ND TPH-GRO: 6.9 MEK: 5.2 Methvl Chlor: 3.0 S-3-10 (ND) / F—E:6.2 D) STORAGE BUILDING S-8-10 (ND) S-5-10 (ND) • WS-3 • Methyl Chlor: 5.7 •••~ PCE: 5.1 7-10 ITCE: 341 H-DRO: 11.4 H-GRO: ND r SUSPECT FORMER UST BASIN #2 TPH: Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons DRO: Diesel Range Organics GRO: Gasoline Range Organics PCE: Tetrachloroethene TCE: Trichloroethene Cis-1,2-DCE: Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene MEK: 2-Butanone Methyl Chlor: Methylene Chloride BOLD results exceed the NC Action Level of 10 mg/kgmg/kg for TPH or NCAC 2L Groundwater Quality Standards Figure 3 — Sample Detail Map Scale: 1 inch = 30 Feet N r 9111 Monroe Road, Suite 175 Site Name: EMJA Properties LLC Charlotte, North Carolina 28270 T704.846.8853 F704.846.3271 1808 Emmanuel Church Road enviroassessments.com Conover, North Carolina EA Project Number: 16-10477.2 enviroassessments BB&T Project Number: OMS-211401 — Report #1 94P7 `q+s ca.vaMe Subject Property 6.26 Acres 5/8" Imn Fro! Fouts Conover Metal Products, AC 3K 982 PG 695 Exhibit SAMPLE LOCATION MAP Summary of Analytical Results from Groundwater, Soil, and Vapor Sampling Activities BF 21006-17-18 Page 10 of 12 Wonial Investors, LLC / 6K 3145 PG 1997 / f N64'98'W"W J ]R'ReLar // Southern Furniture Company of Co hover, INC 9K 1300 PG 650 wFeer un. ��Oty 4FY Serxr ManM1ola -� ` / PaMTMC �-� IIgMPde./ ftallro lTrads Vndxkallmad +� '_ eF'r FFYC-I. RYP•) . eld Alp 4 ,10 F� r+ .vN'. i ad Exhibit GROUNDWATER FLOW POTENTIOMETRIC MAP e Plus of Conover, LLC iK 3271 PG 1424 PS 48 PG M Tract 1 Summary of Analytical Results from Groundwater, Soil, and Vapor Sampling Activities BF 21006-17-18 Page 12 of 12 T Gas Line (End LWanan unknown) Southe Pavement 4� R- Tree Lire — (typ.l Rat CPeGl� Fr S v� Exhibit VAPOR SAMPLE LOCATION FLOOR PLAN Summary of Analytical Results from Groundwater, Soil, and Vapor Sampling Activities BF 21006-17-18 Page 11 of 12