HomeMy WebLinkAboutWheat Fields Brownfields Assessment Workplan - 010419WithersRavenel 4400 . Our People. Your Success. BROWN FI ELDS ASSESSMENT WORKPLAN Wheat Fields Development BF Project No. 22051-18-092 Sassom , LLC ±5.32-Acre Site 1009 Forestville Road Wake Forest , Wake County, North Carolina WR Project No. 021 80643.01 Prepared for: North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Brownfields Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Prepared by: WithersRavenel 115 Mackenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 North Carolina Firm License No. C-0832 January4, 2019 40- WithersRavenel 1 ■ Our People. Your Success. January 4, 2019 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management - Brownfields Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 Attn: Mr. Kelly Johnson Brownfields Section Project Manager RE: Brownfields Assessment Worlcplan Wheat Fields Development: BF Project No. 22051-18-092 Sassom, LLC 1009 Forestville Road Wake Forest, Wake County, North Carolina WR Project No. 02180643.01 Mr. Johnson: On behalf of Sassom, LLC WithersRavenel, Inc. (WR) is pleased to submit this Brownfields Assessment Workplan (workplan), which describes proposed procedures to determine the presence or absence of contaminants in surface soils and groundwater at the subject property. The workplan serves as a procedural guide for the collection of environmental samples near onsite structures that are scheduled to be built in accordance with a proposed North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Brownfields Agreement. Should you have any questions regarding the contents of the enclosed workplan, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, WithersRavenel Laura R. Elliott, P.G. Project Manager Brian J. Bellis, P.G. Senior Hydrogeologist 115 MacKenan Drive I Cary, NC 27511 t: 919.469.3340 1 f: 919.467.6008 1 www.withersravenel.com I License No. C-0832 Asheville I Cary I Greensboro I Pittsboro I Raleigh I Wilmington WithersRavenel 4400 . Our People. Your Success. Table of Contents 1. Background and Purpose.................................................................................................. 1 2. Soil Sampling and Analysis................................................................................................ 2 3. Groundwater Sampling and Analysis.............................................................................. 3 4. Subslab Vapor and Soil Vapor Sampling and Analysis ................................................ 3 5. Sample Analysis and Reporting....................................................................................... 4 Figure 1 Proposed Monitoring Well and Soil Boring Locations Appendix A WR Standard Operating Procedures for Collecting Soil and Groundwater Samples 40 NoOur People. Your Success. 1. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE WithersRavenel (WR) performed a Receptor Survey for the ±5.32-acre site located at 1009 Forestville Road, Wake Forest, Wake County, North Carolina (Figure 1). According to Wake County GIS records, the subject property consists of the following parcel: 1749680479 1 Sassom. LLC 1 1009 Forestville Road 1 ±5.32 Historically, a farm operated at the property and made use of two unregistered commercial underground storage tanks (USTs), one containing diesel and one containing gasoline, that were removed in 2005. After removal of the USTs, soil samples revealed concentrations of petroleum -related contaminants in excess of NCDEQ action levels and groundwater samples revealed concentrations of petroleum -related contaminants exceeding the North Carolina 15A NCAC 2L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards at monitoring wells MW- 1 and MW-2. The onsite water supply well was sampled in August 2015, and the results of the sampling event showed no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at concentrations above laboratory reporting limits in water from the well on that date. One vacant, single-family, brick, ranch house is present on the property, which is 2,326 sq. feet in area and was built in 1957, according to Wake County iMAPS website. The former storage building to its southeast is no longer present. One of the monitoring wells installed in one of the former UST basins has been destroyed, and the water supply well is in the far southeast corner of the property. The water supply well is currently not in use, but is considered active. The property is surrounded by new commercial and residential developments, as well as Heritage High School. Sassom, LLC received a Letter of Eligibility to enter the Brownfields Program on August 21, 2018. After the meeting held on October 9, 2018 with the representatives of Sassom, WR and NCDEQ Brownfields Program, several issues that will require additional investigation per the Program were identified. These issues involve areas where additional contamination may be present. Those areas are described below: 1) Groundwater upgradient and downgradient of the known groundwater contamination in the source area of the former USTs; 2) Soils surrounding or beneath the former two USTs which were not over -excavated at the time of UST removal; 3) Soil vapor in the former UST areas. Specific areas of the property which will be developed into parking areas or building (retail space and restaurants) and therefore will be investigated include the following: A 3,000-gallon diesel fuel underground storage tank (UST) was removed from the site in March 2005. No over -excavation was conducted. The final excavation measured approximately 15.5 feet x 22 feet x 12.5 feet deep, according to the UST Closure Report, dated July 8, 2005. Product lines and dispensers were located immediately above the UST and were removed during the excavation. The dimensions of the diesel UST were 8 feet x 14 feet. Upon removal, the UST was observed to be coated and in excellent condition. One monitoring well (MW-2) was installed on the north side of the tank pit in July 2007, as part of the Limited Site Assessment conducted per NCDEQ UST section requirements. Wheat Fields Development: BF Project No. 22051-18-092 WR No. 02180643.01 Brownfields Assessment Workplan January 2019 1 40 1. Our People. Your Success. A 2,000-gallon gasoline fuel UST was removed from the site in March 2005. No over -excavation was conducted. The final excavation measured approximately 11 feet x 23 feet x 10.5 feet deep, according to the UST Closure Report, dated July 8, 2005. The UST dimensions were 5 feet x 17 feet. Upon removal, minor holes were noted along the bottom of the UST and it displayed rusting and pitting. One monitoring well (MW-1) was installed within the tank pit in July 2007 as part of the Limited Site Assessment. WR has prepared the following workplan to serve as a procedural guide for collection and laboratory analyses of soil and groundwater samples to satisfy the requirements of the technical review of the Brownfields Property Application submitted for the above -referenced property. The proposed sampling locations were discussed in meeting between WR and NCDEQ Brownfields Program personnel on October 9, 2018. The proposed sampling and analysis work for each environmental media is described in the following sections. 2. SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS WR will contract with a State of North Carolina -Certified Well Contractor to advance soil borings around the former UST basins (see Figure 1) to determine current concentrations of petroleum -related compounds in nearby soils. Due to the location, accessibility, and surface topography of the former UST areas, WR will request the contractor use a Geoprobe capable of utilizing hollow -stem augers to advance the borings. Each boring will be advanced until saturated soil conditions indicative of the depth to the water table are encountered. Soil samples collected during advancement of the borings will be field -screened with a Photo -Ionization Detector (PID) for the presence of volatile organic vapors. The sample from each boring that exhibits the highest PID response will be submitted to a State of North Carolina -certified analytical laboratory under standard Chain -of -Custody procedures for analysis of the following: VOCs by EPA Test Method 8260D; Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Test Method 8270D; and 8 RCRA metals by EPA Test Method 6010/7470. The sample from each of the soil borings that will be selected for analysis based on PID readings will be identified as T1(UST Tank 1) SW1-SW4 (Sidewalls 1-4) and T2 (UST Tank 2) SW1-SW4 and their proposed locations are shown on Figure 1. These are locations where previous investigation has not been conducted, as the tanks were removed but no over -excavation was conducted. The horizontal extent of petroleum - contaminated soil is not yet known. These are locations where previous investigation groundwater results indicate likelihood that contaminants may be present, and which may be disturbed by planned future redevelopment activities. Soil samples will be collected directly from dedicated macrocore liners. Procedures that will be followed during collection of the samples are provided in Appendix A. Sample analysis results will be compared to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch's (IHSB's) Residential Health -Based Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). WR will also collect samples of soil at the locations of new borings where monitoring wells will be installed. Soils will be screened with a PID and collected at a depth where PID readings are highest (or at a comparable depth to samples collected in the UST areas if all readings are minimal) to compare to results from the two UST areas. The samples will be collected in accordance with the procedures provided in Appendix A, and will be analyzed by the methods referenced above by a NC Certified laboratory. Wheat Fields Development: BF Project No. 22051-18-092 WR No. 02180643.01 Brownfields Assessment Workplan January 2019 2 40 NoOur People. Your Success. 3. GROUNDWATER SAMPLINGAND ANALYSIS WR will conduct a limited groundwater investigation of the site. WR will collect a groundwater sample from the existing monitoring well (MW-1) located at 1009 Forestville Road and submit for laboratory analysis. While onsite previously, WR discovered what appeared to be the destroyed remains of former monitoring well MW-2. The NC Certified Well Contractor will properly abandon this well according to 15A NCAC 02C rules. WR will install three additional groundwater monitoring wells on the site to be identified as MW-3, MW-4, and MW-5 at the approximate locations indicated in Figure 1. These monitoring wells will be surveyed in order to allow determination of groundwater elevations and flow direction on site. The monitoring well locations were chosen to assess whether known petroleum -contaminated groundwater on site is likely to be migrating offsite to the south and east, which is the inferred direction of groundwater flow from the source area, based on topography and surficial drainage patterns at the site. Monitoring well MW-5 is intended to represent background or upgradient conditions. Soil samples from each boring will be classified in the field and descriptions will be recorded on boring logs. Boring log information will include top of ground elevation, detailed soil description and lithology at depths, depth of groundwater observed during drilling, notable reaction of drill rig during advancement, depth of competent rock encountered (if applicable), detailed notes/remarks, and a well construction diagram. After the Brownfields Program has approved the three proposed locations, the monitoring wells will be installed by a NC Certified Well Contractor. WR will install a permanent Type II 2-inch diameter groundwater monitoring well in each boring. Hollow stem augers will be required to advance the borings. Well installation will comply with the most current 15A NCAC 2C well construction standards, and will be completed with aboveground stick-up covers. Depth to groundwater measurements will be collected from each of the monitoring wells, and groundwater elevations will be determined. WR will collect one groundwater sample from each well to submit for laboratory analysis of VOCs, Semi-VOCs, and RCRA Metals using the analytical methods described in Section 2 of this workplan. The samples will be collected using WR's standard operating procedures contained in Appendix A. Groundwater sample results will be compared to the -NC Groundwater Quality Standards defined in 15A NCAC 2L, and to the most current version of the Residential and Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels established by NCDEQ. WR will determine the relative top of casing elevations for the one existing monitoring well and three newly - installed monitoring wells so that the direction of groundwater flow from the source area can be evaluated. WR will provide well construction details in a table and include installation date, top of casing elevation, ground surface elevation, total well depth, well screen interval, depth to groundwater, and groundwater elevation. WR will also provide a groundwater contour and flow map showing land surface topography, surface water features, and monitoring well locations. 4. SUBSLAB VAPOR AND SOIL VAPOR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS WR will not conduct subslab vapor or soil vapor sampling during this initial phase of assessment. WR will evaluate the results of the soil and groundwater sample analyses produced during this assessment to determine if and where such sampling may be warranted. Wheat Fields Development: BF Project No. 22051-18-092 WR No. 02180643.01 Brownfields Assessment Workplan January 2019 3 40 NoOur People. Your Success. 5. SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND REPORTING As discussed in the previous sections, each sample of environmental media to be collected from the property will be analyzed by a North Carolina -certified analytical laboratory for the analyses discussed in those sections. The results of RCRA metals analysis for the soil samples, and all analytical results for the soil samples will be compared to the most current version of the NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals. The analytical results for the groundwater samples will be compared to the NC Groundwater Standards established in 15A NCAC 2L, the gross contaminant levels established by the NCDEQ UST Section, and the most current version of the NCDEQ Vapor Intrusion Screening Concentrations. WR will then prepare a report that documents all sample locations, sample acquisition details, and sample analysis results. The report will include the laboratory analytical reports for the analyses described in this workplan. The report will also discuss the comparisons of the analytical results to the appropriate NCDEQ standards, screening levels and preliminary soil remediation goals, and the potential implications with regard to the need for further action. Wheat Fields Development: BF Project No. 22051-18-092 WR No. 02180643.01 Brownfields Assessment Workplan January 2019 4 Figure J r . t . •� CDLl1N�A WEE RACE OP. LLC ! 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Zvi i �z 0 0. z co A w ti F ° o O O J M o 0 m m C3 uj o a H W U a Z r OW °o > w, U W -2Y pia N Lu p�� � Lu W 0, O O LL LL Lu r Y LL C 0 dJ °' �rc/) I..1� v c V1 f` a L� v 1J 5 Z b.0 Ll.l `` ,, �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. W&R SOP FOR SOIL & SEDIMENT SAMPLING (May 10, 2010) Table of Contents 1 General Information...............................................................................................2 2 Special Sampling Considerations......................................................................... 5 3 Manual Soil Sampling Methods...........................................................................11 4 Direct Push Soil Sampling Methods.....................................................................13 5 Split Spoon/Drill Rig Methods.............................................................................15 6 Shelby Tube/Thin-Walled Sampling Methods.....................................................16 7 Backhoe Sampling Method.................................................................................17 8 Sediment Sampling Methods (Specific to Water Body Applications) ................19 8 Paperwork Resulting from the Sampling Event...........................................23 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 1.o General Information 1.1 Purpose This document is derived directly from the Region 4, US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) Science and Ecosystem Support Division, Athens Georgia, Operating Procedure, Soil Sampling dated November 2007 and Sediment Sampling likewise dated November 2007 and describes Withers & Ravenel (W&R) standard operating procedures (SOPs) to be observed when collecting soil and sediment samples for field screening or laboratory analysis. On the occasion that field personnel determine that any of the procedures described in this section are either inappropriate, inadequate, or impractical and that another procedure is deemed feasible by the project manager to obtain a soil/sediment sample, the variant procedure will be documented in the field log book and subsequent investigation report, along with a description of the circumstances requiring its use. 1.2 General Precautions 1.2.1 Training New personnel should be properly trained. Certain sites and/or contracts will require a 4o-hour health and safety training course and an 8-hour refresher course prior to engaging in any field activities. Responsibility for training devolves to the project manager. The sampling technician should be initially field trained and evaluated by an experienced employee before conducting any of the procedures outlined in this SOP. All personnel shall be individually responsible for complying with all necessary quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) requirements. 1.2.1 Worker Safety Listing all the safety issues in this SOP guideline is simply not feasible. A complete description of worker safety protocol may be found in Withers & Ravenel Safety at http://wrinternal/Safety/index.htm. The following conditions should, however be clearly understood: • All personnel are responsible for their individual safety while conducting field sampling activities. If you are uncomfortable with some aspect of your project responsibilities, bring this to the attention of the project manager (preferably before you enter the field). • Field activities are inherently dangerous. You should always remain aware of your surroundings, the equipment that your are using to perform the sampling, any heavy equipment that may be operational in the area, electrical and or gas utilities in the area, suspicious persons, and wildlife (i.e., insects through larger predatory animals). • Be especially cautious in the vicinity of open water (pits, ditches, lagoons, ponds, creeks, rivers, lakes, etc). Not only are you in danger of falling in and drowning, but poisonous snakes and alligators live and congregate in wetland areas. 2 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your success • You may (knowingly or unknowingly) be sampling hazardous or toxic waste, assume that the soil/sediment you are handling is highly contaminated and protect yourself! • Almost certainly you will be in the greatest danger while traveling to and from the site; act accordingly. • If additional samplers (i.e., the buddy system) are necessary to promote safety, inform your project manager of your concerns. 1.2.2 Procedural Precautions The following precautions should be considered when collecting soil/sediment samples: • Special care must be taken not to contaminate samples. This includes storing samples in a secure location to preclude conditions which could alter the properties of the sample. Samples shall be custody sealed during long- term storage or shipment. • If samples are transported by the sampler, they will remain under his/her custody or be secured until they are relinquished. • Shipped samples shall conform to all U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) rules of shipment (see Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations - parts 171 to 179), and/or International Air Transportation Association (IATA) hazardous materials shipping requirements (see IATA's Dangerous Goods Regulations and Section 2.2.3 for more detailed information). • Field sampling will be documented in a bound logbook. • Chain -of -custody documents shall be filled out and remain with the samples until custody is relinquished. • All shipping documents, such as air bills, bills of lading, etc., shall be retained in the project files. 1.2.3 Equipment and Field Supply Checklist Your equipment list will vary by site and project goals; however W&R technicians will typically carry: • Paperwork: field log book, boring log, sampling chain of custody (COC), and previous sampling report; • Hand auger and handle extensions; • Spoons and soil pans (preferably stainless steel or glass), plastic bags (storage grade); • Photo ionizing and/or flame ionizing detector(s) for field screening soils; and • Nitrile gloves, large plastic (garbage) bags, and plastic sheeting • Toolkit (for minor repairs to equipment). Decontamination equipment: • Spray bottles of clear water, detergent water (& Liqui-Nox), and isopropyl alcohol; • DI or distilled water (sufficient quantity to perform the work — carry extra!); and 3 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. • Clean (decontaminated) five gallon buckets (minimum of 2). Sample containers (laboratory supplied), ice chest(s) and ice; Safety equipment; first aid kit, steel toed boots, safety vest, splash resistant safety glasses, brimmed hat, long pants, insect repellent and sunscreen (to be used very carefully); and Optional safety equipment; flashlight, respirator & replacement cartridges, safety cones, blinker lights for vehicle. 1.3 General Decontamination Procedure for Sampling Tools i) Prepare one clean, decontaminated 5-gallon bucket with potable water and detergent (Liqui-Nox), and a second bucket with potable water (only). 2) Disassemble the equipment to the degree practicable and place the parts within the bucket containing detergent water. 3) Wash each piece of the equipment (or piece of equipment assembly) thoroughly with soap and hot tap water using a brush or scrub pad to remove any particulate matter or surface film. 4) While wearing clean Nitrile gloves place the equipment into the second bucket containing water only and rinse each piece thoroughly. 5) Remove the equipment from the wash buckets and flush thoroughly with distilled or DI water. If the equipment was heavily contaminated with organic contaminants, flush liberally with isopropyl alcohol via a spray bottle. 6) Allow to air dry (24 hours if feasible). 7) If necessary, wrap equipment in one layer of aluminum foil for storage. 8) Change the wash water and your gloves whenever it/then is/are compromised or potentially compromised) by contamination! 9) Always assume equipment is contaminated when it reaches the jobsite and apply the decontamination procedures outlined above. M �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Succes-,. 2.0 Special Sampling Considerations 2.1 Soil/Sediment Samples for Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis If samples are to be analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), they should be collected in a manner that minimizes disturbance of the sample. For example, when sampling with a hand auger, the sample for VOC analysis should be collected directly from the auger bucket (preferred) or from minimally disturbed material immediately after an auger bucket is emptied into the pan. The sample shall be containerized by filling an En Core® Sampler or other Method 5035 compatible container as directed by the laboratory. Samples for VOC analysis are not homogenized. Preservatives may be required for some samples with certain variations of Method 5035. Consult the project manager and/or laboratory to determine if preservatives are necessary. 2.2 Soil Sediment Sampling (Method 5035) The specific sampling containers and sampling tools required will be directed by the project manager, and will depend upon the detection levels and intended data use. Selection of the appropriate sampling procedure and preservation method best applicable to the investigation will likewise be established by the project manger in coordination with the laboratory. 2.2.1 Sampling Methodology Always wear new/clean nitrite gloves whenever performing soil/sediment sampling, and change your gloves whenever compromised (or potentially compromised) by contamination! Soil/sediment samples may be collected directly with the sampling device (hand auger, Macro -Core® liner, spoon, etc) and placed into the sampling container. In almost every instance, the 40-ml vials be prepared and weighed by the laboratory. Typically, the 40-ml vials should contain 10 ml of distilled water for an un- preserved sample or approximately 10 ml of distilled water and a preservative. When sampling directly with the En Core® Sampler, the vial must be immediately capped and locked. A soil/sediment sample for VOC analysis may also be collected with conventional sampling equipment. A sample collected in this fashion must either be placed in the final sample container immediately or the sample may be immediately placed into an intermediate sample container with no head space. If an intermediate container (usually 2-oz. soil jar) is used, the sample must be transferred to the final sample container as soon as possible, not to exceed 3o minutes. After collection of the sample into either the En Core® Sampler or other container, the sample must immediately be stored in an ice chest and cooled. When preparing soil/sediment samples for shipping and analysis, the sample containers shall be tightly capped and each sampling location will be secured in a separate storage -quality ziplock- type plastic bag. 2.2.2 Special Techniques and Considerations for Method 5035 1) Effervesce: If samples effervesce from contact with the acid preservative, then either a test for effervescence must be performed prior to sampling, or the investigators must be 5 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Succes-,. prepared to collect each sample both preserved or unpreserved as needed, or all samples must be collected unpreserved. To check for effervescence, collect a test sample and add to a pre -preserved vial. If preservation (acidification) of the sample results in effervescence (rapid formation of bubbles) then preservation by acidification is not acceptable, and the sample must be collected un-preserved. If effervescence occurs and only pre -preserved sample vials are available, the preservative solution may be placed into an appropriate hazardous waste container and the vials triple rinsed with distilled water. An appropriate amount of distilled water, equal to the amount of preservative solution, should be placed into the vial. The sample may then be collected as an un-preserved sample. 2) Holding Times: Sample holding times will be specified by the laboratory, and communicated to the sampling technician by the project manger. Field investigators should note that the holding time for an un-preserved VOC soil/sediment sample is 48 hours. Arrangements should be made to ship the soil VOC samples to the laboratory by FedEx Priority Overnight or Standard Overnight delivery the day they are collected so the laboratory may preserve and/or analyze the sample within 48 hours of collection. 3) Percent Moisture: Samplers must ensure that the laboratory has sufficient material to determine percent moisture in the VOC soil/sediment sample to correct the analytical results to dry weight. Typically, a separate sample (minimum of 2 0z.) for percent moisture determination will be required. The sample collected for percent moisture may also be used by the laboratory for other purposes. 4) Safety: Methanol is a toxic and flammable liquid. Therefore, methanol must be handled with all required safety precautions related to toxic and flammable liquids. Inhalation of methanol vapors must be avoided and vials should be opened and closed quickly during the sample preservation procedure. Methanol must be handled in a ventilated area and stored away from sources of ignition such as extreme heat or open flames. The vials of methanol should be stored in a cooler with ice at all times. 5) Shipping: According to the US EPA, shipment of the quantities of methanol and sodium bisulfate used for sample preservation falls under the exemption for small quantities, and: • The maximum volume of methanol or sodium bisulfate in a sample container is limited to thirty (30) ml; • The maximum volume of methanol or sodium bisulfate per shipping container is 500 ml; • The sample container must be stored upright and have the lid held securely in place; • Sample containers must be packed in an absorbent material capable of absorbing spills from leaks or breakage of the sample containers; • The shipper must mark the sample shuttle in accordance with shipping dangerous goods in acceptable quantities; and no �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. • The maximum sample shuttle weight must not exceed 64 pounds. 2.3 Special Precautions for Trace Contaminant Soil/Sediment Sampling • A clean pair of new, non -powdered, disposable gloves will be worn each time a different sample is collected and the gloves should be donned immediately prior to sampling. The gloves should be changed any time during sample collection when their cleanliness is compromised. • Sample containers for samples suspected of containing high concentrations of contaminants shall be collected, handled and stored separately. • All background samples shall be segregated from obvious high concentration or waste samples. Sample collection activities will be conducted in the order of known contamination, from the least contaminated to the most contaminated soil/sediment location. This implies you will carry a copy of the most recent site report map or spreadsheet with you into the field. When contamination level is unknown, proceed from upgradient, to side (or cross) gradient, to downgradient of the suspected source area. Downgradient locations should be sampled from farthest to closest to the source of contamination. As previously mentioned, samples of waste or highly contaminated media must not be placed in the same ice chest as samples containing low contaminant levels and/or background samples. • If possible, one member of the field sampling team should take all the notes and photographs, fill out tags, etc., while the other members collect the samples. • W&R samplers and subcontractors will use new -disposable, or properly decontaminated non -disposable equipment according to procedures outlined in Section 1.3. 2.4 Sample Homogenization 1) If sub -sampling (further sample processing) of the sample media is to be performed in the laboratory, transfer the entire primary sample directly into an appropriate, labeled sample container(s). Then proceed to step S. 2) If sub -sampling the primary sample in the field or compositing multiple samples in the field, place the sample into a glass or stainless steel homogenization container and mix thoroughly. Each aliquot of a composite sample should be of the same approximate volume. As previously stated, homogenization is not appropriate to VOCs sampling events. 3) Soil/sediment samples must be thoroughly mixed to ensure that the sample is as representative as possible of the sample media. The most common method of mixing is referred to as quartering. The quartering procedure should be performed as follows: • The material in the sample pan should be divided into quarters and each quarter should be mixed individually. • Two quarters should then be mixed to form halves. • The two halves should be mixed to form a homogenous matrix. 7 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. This procedure should be repeated several times until the sample is adequately mixed. If round bowls are used for sample mixing, adequate mixing is achieved by stirring the material in a circular fashion, reversing direction, and occasionally turning the material over. 4) Place the sample into a/an appropriate, labeled container(s) by using the alternate shoveling method and secure the cap(s) tightly. The alternate shoveling method involves placing a spoonful of soil in each container in sequence and repeating until the containers are full or the sample volume has been exhausted. Threads on the container and lid should be cleaned to ensure a tight seal when closed. 5) Return any unused sample material back to the borehole from which the sample was collected. 2.5 Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) If possible, a control sample should be collected from an area not affected by the possible contaminants of concern and submitted with the other samples. This control sample should be collected as close to the sampled area as possible and from the same soil/sediment type. Equipment blanks should be collected if equipment is field cleaned and re -used on -site or if necessary to document that low- level contaminants were not introduced by sampling tools. 2.6 Laboratory Analysis Specific to NC DENR, Division of Waste Management, Pre - Regulatory Landfill Unit i) Analytical scans for all non -gas samples should include analyses for: • Volatile Organic Compounds by Method 826o • Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds by Method 8270 • Metals (total concentrations) by SW-846 Methods • Ammonia • Sulfate • Nitrate, and • Pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, dioxins, cyanide, formaldehyde and any other CERCLA hazardous substances or pollutants if they are suspected to have been disposed at the landfill. 2) Metals to be analyzed include: antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc. 3) Metals, ammonia, sulfate, nitrate, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, dioxins, cyanide, formaldehyde and any other CERCLA hazardous substances samples should be analyzed by the U.S. EPA method having the lowest method detection limit. Alternatively for groundwater, the method must at least achieve detections equivalent to the 15A NCAC 2L standards. 4) Initial groundwater testing using method 826o and 827o analyte lists must also include a library search (using National Institute of Standards and Technology mass spectral library) to produce a list of tentatively identified compounds (TICS). The library search should identify the largest 10 peaks in each analytical fraction having reasonable agreement with reference spectra N. �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. (i.e. relative intensities of major ions agree within ± 20%). The list of identified TICs should not include laboratory control sample compounds, surrogates, matrix spike compounds, internal standards, system monitoring compounds or target compounds. Any TICs that have reasonable agreement with reference spectra, and are detected in more than one sample, should be included in all subsequent analytical work unless it can be proven that the compound is a laboratory contaminant. 5) Quantification of these specific TICs must be performed before cleanup levels can be determined. 2.7 Field Protocols and QA/QC Specific to NC DENR, Division of Waste Management, Pre -Regulatory Landfill Unit i) Field procedures relating to sample collection techniques, sample containers, sample preservation, equipment decontamination and field measurement procedures, should comply with the most current version of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Region IV Science And Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures. This information is available from the U.S. EPA Region IV SESD at: http://www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/fbqstp/. 2) Field QC samples: minimum of one duplicate sample, per medium, per container type, per field day; equipment rinsate blanks and VOA trip blanks are strongly recommended. If site conditions warrant more limited QA/QC testing, contact the Department. 3) All soil Sampling boring locations should be staked and flagged (or surveyed) until the remedial investigation is complete. 4) Soil, sediment and waste samples for volatiles analysis should be collected directly into sample containers without mixing. 5) A professional land surveyor, registered in North Carolina, must survey all monitoring well locations. 6) Investigation derived wastes or IDW sampling materials; muds, soils, purge water, and residuals from testing which are generated as part of assessment activities may be discharged or stored in the area of contamination and are not subject to RCRA as long as the material: • Stays on site and remains in the contaminated area; • Is secured; • Does not increase the spread of contamination or concentrations in a particular medium; • Does not cause mobilizations of contaminants; and • Does not introduce contamination to uncontaminated soil (causing an increase in contaminant concentrations). In residential and public use areas, IDW will require off -property management. IDW cannot be discharged to another area of concern. 2.8 Chain of Custody 9 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your success. It is imperative that an accurate record of sample collection, transport, analysis, and disposal be maintained and documented. Therefore, chain of custody procedures will be instituted and followed throughout the sampling program. It is necessary to document sample possession from the time of collection until disposal. The chain -of -custody procedure will include the following: • The chain of custody record will originate at the laboratory with shipment of sample containers and trip blanks; • All samples will be properly labeled to prevent misidentification of samples; • Samples will be accompanied by a chain -of -custody record that notes the date and time of collection and the name(s) of sampling personnel; • The chain -of -custody record will be completed by the sampling technician prior to departing the site; • Sample custody seals shall be used to indicate any tampering of samples; and • All records pertaining to the shipment of a sample shall be retained (freight bills, post office receipts, and bills of lading). The laboratory will not accept samples for analysis without a correctly prepared chain -of -custody record. The laboratory will be responsible for maintaining chain - of -custody records of the sample(s) from time of receipt to disposal. Each individual who possesses the samples will sign the chain -of -custody record. 2.9 Records Field notes, recorded in a bound field logbook, will be generated, as well as chain -of custody documentation completed in full. 10 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 3.0 Manual Soil/Sediment Sampling Methods 3.1 General Discussion Manual methods are primarily used to collect surface and shallow subsurface soil/sediment samples. 1) Surface soils are typically classified as soils between the ground surface and 6 to 12-inches below ground surface. The most common interval is o to 6 inches; however, the data quality objectives of the investigation may dictate another interval, such as o to 3 inches for risk assessment purposes. 2) The shallow subsurface interval may be considered to extend from approximately 12-inches below ground surface to a site -specific depth at which sample collection using manual collection methods (i.e., a properly decontaminated spoon or shovel) becomes impractical. 3.2 Spoons (Manual) Stainless steel spoons may be used for surface soil/sediment sampling to depths of approximately 6-inches below ground surface where conditions are generally soft and there is no problematic vegetative layer to penetrate. 3.2.1 Special Considerations When Using Spoons • When using stainless steel spoons, consideration must be given to the procedure used to collect the VOC sample. If the soil being sampled is cohesive and holds its in situ texture in the spoon, the En Core® Sampler or syringe used to collect the sub -sample for Method 5035 should be plugged directly from the spoon. If, however, the soil/sediment is not cohesive and crumbles when removed from the ground surface for sampling, consideration should be given to plugging the sample for Method 5035 directly from the ground surface at a depth appropriate for the investigation Data Quality Objectives. • When compositing (other than VOCs), make sure that each composite location (aliquot) consist of equal volumes, i.e., same number of equal spoonfuls. • If a thick, matted root zone is present at or near the surface, it should be removed before the sample is collected. 3.3 Hand Augers Hand augers may be used to advance boreholes and collect soil/sediment samples in the surface and shallow subsurface intervals. Typically, 4-inch stainless steel auger buckets with cutting heads are used. Hand auger boreholes are advanced one bucket at a time until the sample depth is achieved. When the sample depth is reached, the bucket is filled with soil and removed. Once the soil sample has been collected from the auger bucket, that sample bucket is either thoroughly decontaminated according to the protocol outlined in Section 1.3, or replaced with a properly decontaminated bucket. This process is repeated until the ultimate depth of investigation has been attained. The practical depth of investigation using a hand auger depends upon the soil properties and depth of investigation. In sand, augering is usually easily performed, but the depth of collection is limited to the 11 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success depth at which the sand begins to flow or collapse. Hand augers may also be of limited use in tight clays or cemented sands. Drilling methods will be used for sample collection when hand augering is no longer practicable. 3.3.3 Special Considerations for Soil/Sediment Sampling with the Hand Auger • Because of the tendency for the auger bucket to scrape material from the sides of the auger hole while being extracted, the top several inches of soil/sediment in the auger bucket should always be discarded prior to placing the bucket contents in the homogenization container for processing. • Observe precautions for volatile organic compound sample collection found in Section 2.2.4. Collect the VOC sample directly from the auger bucket, if possible. • When a new borehole is advanced, the entire hand auger assembly must be replaced with a properly decontaminated hand auger assembly. 12 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success 4.o Direct Push Soil Sampling Methods Direct push methods are used primarily to collect shallow and deep subsurface soil samples with either the Geoprobe@ or a drill rig adapted with a hydraulic hammer. Direct push methods involve the collection and retrieval of the soil sample within a thin -walled liner. 4.1 Macro -Core@ Soil Sampler The Macro -Core@ (MC) sampler is a solid barrel direct push sampler equipped with a piston -rod point assembly used primarily for collection of either continuous or depth - discrete subsurface soil samples. Although other lengths are available, the standard MCO sampler has an assembled length of approximately 52 inches (1321 mm) with an outside diameter of 2.2 inches (56 mm). The MCO sampler is capable of recovering a discrete sample core 45 inches x 1.5 inches (1143 mm x 38 mm) contained inside a removable liner. The resultant sample volume is a maximum of 1300 mi. The MCO sampler may be used in either an open -tube or closed -point configuration. Samples collected for chemical analyses must be collected with the closed -point configuration. If used for collection of soil for stratigraphic descriptions, the open -tubed configuration is acceptable. 4.2 Special Considerations When Using Direct Push Sampling Methods 1) Liner Use and Material Selection — Due to the mode of operation, the samples must be collected within a liner. For the majority of environmental investigations conducted by direct push methods, either cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB) or Teflon@ liners are used. If samples are collected for organic compound analyses, Teflon@ liners are required. CAB or PVC liners may be used if metals or other inorganic constituents are the object of the investigation. 2) Sample Orientation — When the liners and associated sample are removed from the sample tubes, it is important to maintain the proper orientation of the sample. This is particularly important when multiple sample depths are collected from the same push. It is also important to maintain proper orientation to define precisely the depth at which an aliquot was collected. Maintaining proper orientation is typically accomplished using vinyl end caps. Convention is to place red caps on the top of the liner and black caps on the bottom to maintain proper sample orientation. Orientation can also be indicated by marking on the exterior of the liner with a permanent marker. 3) Core Catchers — Occasionally the material being sampled lacks cohesiveness and is subject to crumbling and falling out of the sample liner. In cases such as these, the use of core catchers on the leading end of the sampler may help retain the sample until it is retrieved to the surface. Materials of construction for core catchers must be consistent with the type of liner used, i.e., if stainless steel liners are required, stainless steel core catchers must be used. 4) Decontamination — Upon reaching ultimate depth, the core barrel will be disassembled and decontaminated. Typically, decontamination of the direct push components will be conducted via a steam cleaner operated by the drilling subcontractor, under the direct supervision of the W&R geologist or technician. 13 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 5) VOC Sample Collection - Observe precautions for volatile organic compound sample collection found in Section 2.2.4. 14 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Succes-,. 5.0 Split Spoon / Drill Rig Soil Sampling Methods 5.1 Operation Split spoon sampling methods are used primarily to collect shallow and deep subsurface soil samples. Split spoon samplers are basically split cylindrical barrels that are threaded on each end. The leading end is held together with a beveled threaded collar that functions as a cutting shoe. The other end is held together with a threaded collar that serves as the sub used to attach the spoon to the string of drill rod. Split spooning is typically advanced through a hollow stem auger and powered by either a hydraulic hammer or a drill rig cat head, and may be conducted on a specified sampling interval or continuously. 5.2 Split Spoon Sampling A drill rig is used to advance the borehole to the target depth. The drill string is then removed and a properly decontaminated split spoon is attached to a string of drill rod. Split spoons used for soil sampling must be constructed of stainless steel and are typically 2.o-inches OD (1.5-inches ID) and 18-inches to 24-inches in length. After the split spoon has been driven into the soil, filling the spoon, it is retrieved to the surface, where it is removed from the drill rod string and opened for sample acquisition. Each time a soil sample is removed from the spoon, a second properly decontaminated spoon is placed on the string in readiness for the next sampling interval. To ensure proper decontamination of the split spoon, cleansing the spoon shall be the responsibility of the W&R geologist or technician supervising the drilling operations. Cleansing the disassembled components of the split spoon assemble between sampling intervals will be accomplished using the protocol outlined in Section 1.3. 5.3 Special Considerations When Using Split Spoon Sampling Methods 1) Discard the top several inches of material in the spoon before removing any portion for sampling. This material normally consists of borehole wall material that has sloughed off of the borehole wall after removal of the drill string prior to and during inserting the split spoon. 2) Observe precautions for volatile organic compound sample collection found in Section 2.2.4. 15 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 6.o Shelby Tube / "Undisturbed" Soil Sampling Methods 6.1 General Discussion Shelby tubes, also referred to as thin -walled push tubes samplers, are used to collect subsurface soil samples in cohesive soils and clays during drilling activities. Typically, W&R does not utilize Shelby tubes for chemical analyses; limiting the use of Shelby tubes to collect relatively undisturbed soil samples for geotechnical analyses, such as hydraulic conductivity and permeability, to support hydrogeologic characterizations. 6.2 Shelby Tube Sampling Method A typical Shelby tube is 3o-inches in length and has a 3.o-inch OD (2.875 ID) and may be constructed of steel, stainless steel, galvanized steel, or brass. They also typically are attached to push heads that are constructed with a ball -check to aid in holding the contained sample during retrieval. If used for collecting samples for chemical analyses, it must be constructed of stainless steel. If used for collecting samples for standard geotechnical parameters, any material is acceptable. To collect a sample, the tube is attached to a string of drill rod and is lowered into the borehole, where the sampler is then pressed into the undisturbed clay or silts by hydraulic force. After retrieval to the surface, the tube containing the sample is then removed from the sampler head. If samples for chemical analyses are needed, the soil contained inside the tube is then removed for sample acquisition. If the sample is collected for geotechnical parameters, the tube is typically capped, maintaining the sample in its relatively undisturbed state, and shipped to the appropriate geotechnical laboratory. Cleansing the disassembled components of the split spoon assemble between sampling intervals will be accomplished using the protocol outlined in Section 1.3. 6.3 Special Consideration When Using Split Spoon Sampling Methods Observe precautions for volatile organic compound sample collection found in Section 2.2.4. 16 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 7.o Excavation Soil Sampling Methods 7.1 General Discussion Mechanized excavators may be used in the collection of surface and shallow subsurface soil samples. The trenches created by excavation with an excavator offer the capability of collecting samples from very specific intervals and allow visual correlation with vertically and horizontally adjacent material. If possible, the sample should be collected without entering the trench, and only in compliance with OSHA CFR - 29, Part - 1926.650 Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart P - Excavations. If you, as a W&R employee or subcontractor are uncertain of the OSHA regulations and/or are uncomfortable about any aspect of sampling in the vicinity of an excavation, notify your project manager immediately for instruction and do not enter into any excavation until receiving further safety instructions. Samples may be obtained from the trench wall or they may be obtained directly from the bucket at the surface. The following sections describe various techniques for collecting representative soil samples with the aid of an excavator. 7.2 Manual Sample Retrieval from an Excavation If a sample interval is targeted from the surface, it can be sampled using a hand auger or stainless steel scoop mounted on an extension tool. In either case the first step is to scrape away the soil comprising the surface of the excavated wall. This material likely represents soil that has been smeared by the excavator bucket from adjacent material. After the smeared material has been scraped off, the auger or scoop is properly decontaminated and used to remove a sufficient volume of soil from the excavation wall to make up the required sample volume. 7.3 Direct -From -Bucket Method Samples are often removed using an excavator bucket. In order to ensure representativeness, it is advisable to dress the surface to be sampled by scraping off any smeared material that may cross -contaminate the sample. 7.4 Special Considerations When Sampling with an Excavator 1) Working in the vicinity of heavy equipment is inherently dangerous! Always maintain eye contact with the equipment operator, and do not approach the excavator/excavation until the equipment has ceased moving and the operator clearly directs you to approach the excavation. Always remain alert and aware of all heavy equipment operations that may be underway in the vicinity of the work. 2) Do not physically enter excavations to collect a sample. Use either procedure 7.2, or procedure 7.3, to obtain soil for sampling. 3) Smearing is an important issue when sampling with an excavator. Measures must be taken, such as dressing the surfaces to be sampled to mitigate problems with smearing. 4) Care must be taken that the excavator bucket not be heavily contaminated. Ensure that any heavy equipment that enters the site is properly decontaminated; this may take special subcontractor coordination prior to beginning the project. If care is taken when removing the sample from the 17 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. excavation floor or sidewall, that sample need never come in contact with the bucket or any material not intended to be sampled. Observe and direct the excavator operator carefully, and remove the sample from the front, top portion of the bucket. Always remove the sample from just inside the surface in this location to ensure that the geologic material is still in its original soil matrix. 5) Observe precautions for volatile organic compound sample collection found in Section 2.2.4. IN �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your success. 8.o Sediment Sampling Methods (Specific to Water Body Applications) The physical location of the investigator when collecting a sample may dictate the equipment to be used. Wading is the preferred method for reaching the sampling location; however, wading may disrupt bottom sediments causing biased results. If the stream is too deep to wade, the sediment sample may be collected from a platform such as a boat or a bridge. In all forms of sediment sampling, care should be taken to minimize the loss of the fine particles of sediment to which metals and organics may chemically adsorb. 8.1 Equipment Selection Considerations As previously outlined, sediment sampling may be conducted using a properly decontaminated stainless steel spoon or hand auger in very shallow water conditions. When obtaining samples from a deeper or swiftly moving water body, and/or boat, bank, or bridge a variety of methods can be used: • Long handled Scoops • Coring Devices (sludge samplers, Shelby tubes, Ogeechee Sand Pounders®, Vibracore®, and others) • Dredges (Ponar, Young, Eckman, or others) 8.2 Wading using Stainless Steel Scoops and Spoons If the conveyance is dry or is a wadeable surface water body, sediment samples may be collected using a properly decontaminated stainless steel scoop or spoon, or hand auger. This method is accomplished by wading into the surface water body and while facing upstream (into the current), scooping the sample along the bottom of the surface water body in the upstream direction. Excess water may be removed/drained from the scoop or spoon. However, this may result in the loss of some fine-grained particle size material associated with the substrate being sampled. Aliquots of the sample thus collected are then placed in a glass pan and homogenized according to the quartering method described in Section 2.4. 8.3 Bank/Platform Sampling In surface water bodies that are too deep to wade, the sampling devises outlined above may be utilized from the banks, if the surface water body is narrow, or from a boat or any other platform. Again, care should be taken to minimize the loss of the fine particle sizes. 8.4 Sediment Coring Devices Core samplers may be used to sample vertical columns of sediment. Core samplers tend to minimize the loss of material at the sediment -water interface and provide a view of the depositional sequence. EPA recommends coring devices in sampling sediments for trace organic compounds or metals analyses. These devises vary from hand -driven push tubes to electronic vibrational core tube drivers. 8.4.1 Manually Deployed Push Tubes Method 19 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. In shallow, wadeable waters, or for diver -collected samples, the direct use of a core liner or tube manufactured of Teflon®, plastic, or glass is recommended for the collection of sediment samples. Plastic tubes are principally used for collection of samples for physical parameters such as particle size analysis and, in some instances, are acceptable when inorganic constituents are the only parameter of concern. The tube should be approximately 12-inches in length if only recently deposited sediments (8 inches or less) are to be sampled. Longer tubes should be used when the depth of the substrate exceeds 8 inches. Soft or semi -consolidated sediments such as mud and clays have a greater adherence to the inside of the tube and thus can be sampled with larger diameter tubes. The core tube is pushed into the substrate until four inches or less of the tube is above the sediment -water interface. When sampling hard or coarse substrates, a gentle rotation of the tube while it is being pushed will facilitate greater penetration and decrease core compaction. The top of the tube is then capped to provide suction and reduce the chance of losing the sample. A Teflon® plug or end cap, or a sheet of Teflon® held in place by a rubber stopper or cork may be used. After capping, the tube is slowly extracted with the suction and adherence of the sediment keeping the sample in the tube. Before pulling the bottom part of the tube and core above the water surface, it too should be capped. 8.4.2 Sludge Sampler Method Sludge samplers are commercially available (Ben Meadows Company & other wholesalers) that, when attached to hand auger or slide hammer handle assemble, may be used to retrieve a sediment sample from a deeper water body. These devices use similar technology and accessories to the Macro -Core® samplers outlined in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, inclusive of plastic liners and end caps. 8.4.3 Shelby Tube Method Shelby tubes may be used as a sediment coring and sampling device. The corer is attached to a standard auger extension and handle, allowing it to be corkscrewed into the sediment from a boat or while wading. Once the tube is to the desired depth, the check valve will close automatically forming suction on the tube; thus, holding the sample inside. To facilitate complete core collection and retention, it is recommended that the corer (like a Shelby tube) have a check valve built into the driving head which allows water and air to escape from the cutting core, thus creating a partial vacuum, helping to hold the sediment core in the tube. The coring tube is easily detached and the intact sediment core is removed with an extraction device. Before extracting the sediment from the coring tubes, the clear supernatant above the sediment -water interface in the core should be decanted from the tube by turning the core tube to its side, and gently pouring the liquid out until fine sediment particles appear in the waste liquid. The loss of some of the fine sediments usually occurs with this technique. 8.4.4 Ogeechee Sand Pounders® and Gravity Cores Methods In deeper, non -wadeable water bodies, sediment cores may be collected from a bridge or a boat using different coring devices such as Ogeechee Sand Pounders®, 20 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Succes-,. gravity cores, and vibrating coring devices. All three devices utilize a core barrel with a core liner tube system. The core liner can be removed from the core barrel and replaced with a clean core liner, as needed, after each sample. Liners are made of stainless steel, Teflon@ or plastic. The Ogeechee@ uses a slide -hammer mechanism attached to the core head that allows the sampler to pound the core tube into the sediment. The Ogeechee@ is best suited to sandy, more consolidated sediments. The gravity core uses a guiding fin mechanism with a built-in gravity -type check valve. The gravity core is placed in the water and released at the surface to free fall to the bottom. The fin mechanism keeps the core tube upright and free from spinning in the water column as it descends. The core tube stabs the bottom, forcing the sediment into the tube. Both coring devices are equipped with removable nose pieces on the core barrel and disposable core catchers for the liner tubes. The core catchers are designed to cap the liner tube to avoid loss of the core when retrieved from the bottom. The gravity core can be modified to attach a slide hammer mechanism, similar to the Ogeechee@, to further pound the core into the sediment further if deemed necessary. 8.4.5 Vibratory Core Tube Driver Method Vibratory Core Tube Drivers (VibracoreO) facilitate sampling of soft or loosely consolidated, saturated sediments, with minimal compaction or spreading, using lined or unlined core tubes. It is designed for use with core tubes having nominal diameters ranging from 2-inches to 4-inches OD. The Vibracore@ uses an electric motor to create vibration ranges from approximately 6,00o RPM to 8,00o RPM (ioo Hz to 133 Hz) depending on the resistance afforded by the sediment; the greater the resistance, the higher the frequency. The actual vibrational displacement of the Vibracore@ is on the order of a few tens of thousandths of an inch, so essentially no mixing of the sediment within the tube occurs. The vibrational energy tends to re- orient the sediment particles at the lower end of the core tube, causing them to move out of the way of the advancing wall of the core tube and into a more efficient (i.e. denser) packing. This action advances the core tube with minimal compaction of the sediment. 8.5 General Discussion Dredges provide a means of collecting sediment from surface water bodies that are too deep to access by other methods. They are most useful when collecting softer, finer -grained substrates comprised of silts and clays but can also be used to collect sediments comprised of sands and gravel, although sample recovery in these materials may be less than complete. Dredges, attached to ropes, are lowered vertically from the sampling platform (boat, bridge, etc.) to the substrate being sampled beneath the deployment point. Two typical dredges are described below. 8.6 Ponar (and Mini-Ponar) Dredges The Ponar dredge has side plates and a screen on the top of the sample compartment and samples a 0.05 m2 surface area. The Mini-Ponar dredge is a 21 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Succes-,. smaller, much lighter version of the Ponar dredge and samples a 0.023 m2 surface area. The screen over the sample compartment permits water to pass through the sampler as it descends thus reducing turbulence around the dredge. The Ponar dredge is easily operated by one person and is one of the most effective samplers for general use on most types of substrates. The Ponar dredge is deployed in its open configuration. It is lowered gently from the sampling platform to the substrate below the platform. After the dredge lands on the substrate, the rope is tugged upward, closing the dredge and capturing the sample. The dredge is then hauled to the surface, where it is opened to acquire the sample. 8.7 Young Grab Dredge The Young grab sampler is a stainless steel clamshell-type grab sampler similar to a Ponar dredge. It is a clamshell-type sampler with a scissors closing action typically used for marine and estuarine sediment sampling. The Young sampler comes in two sizes, 0.1 m2 and 0.04 m2. The o.1 m2 is typically used when a larger volume of sediment is needed for chemistry and particle size. The Young sampler is lowered to the substrate to be sampled with a cable or rope that has a catch that is released when tension is taken off the cable or rope. When the sample device is pulled up, the scissors action of the arms close the clamshell and grabs the sample. Sample recovery is similar to the Ponar. 22 �: WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. g.o Paperwork Resulting from the Sampling Event All paperwork generated during the sampling event will be immediately downloaded into pdf format and filed in the project directory. 23 ::WithersRavenet Our People. Your Success. W&R SOP FOR GROUNDWATER, POTABLE WATER, AND SURFACE WATER SAMPLING (May 10, 2010) Table of Contents i.o Personnel Qualifications.........................................................................................2 2.o Equipment and Field Supply Checklist................................................................3 3.0 Monitoring Well Maintenance...............................................................................3 4.0 Monitoring Well Development...............................................................................4 5.0 Water -Level Measurement.......................................................................................5 6.o Purging a Monitoring Well.................................................................................6 7.0 Sample Collection and QA/QC........................................................................10 8.o Decontamination............................................................................................11 9.o Paperwork Resulting from the Sampling Event.............................................13 1o.o SUBCHAPTER 2C - WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS.................................14 11.o SUBCHAPTER 2L - GROUNDWATER CLASSIFICATION AND STANDARDS ......... 18 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 1.o Personnel Qualifications: New personnel should be properly trained. Certain sites and/or contracts will require a 4o-hour health and safety training course and an 8-hour refresher course prior to engaging in any field activities. Responsibility for training devolves to the project manager. 1.1 Trainin g The sampling technician should be initially field trained and evaluated by an experienced employee before conducting any of the procedures outlined in this standard operating procedure (SOP). All personnel shall be individually responsible for complying with all necessary quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) requirements (see Section 7.2 for additional details). 1.2 Worker Safety Listing all the safety issues in this SOP guideline is simply not feasible. A complete description of worker safety protocol may be found in Withers & Ravenel Safety at http://wrinterna[/Safety/index.htm. The following conditions should, however be clearly understood: • All personnel are responsible for their individual safety while conducting groundwater monitoring activities. If you are uncomfortable with some aspect of your project responsibilities, bring this to the attention of the project manager (preferably before you enter the field). • Field activities are inherently dangerous. You should always remain aware of your surroundings, the equipment that your are using to perform the sampling, any heavy equipment that may be operational in the area, electrical and or gas utilities in the area, suspicious persons, and wildlife (i.e., insects through larger predatory animals). For example, wasps and black widows live and breed within the tops of stand-up type protective well covers - always open these from behind and with caution. • Be especially cautious in the vicinity of open water (pits, ditches, lagoons, ponds, creeks, rivers, lakes, etc). Not only are you in danger of falling in and drowning, but poisonous snakes and alligators live and congregate in wetland areas. • You may (knowingly or unknowingly) be sampling hazardous or toxic waste, assume that the groundwater you are handling is highly contaminated and protect yourself! • Almost certainly you will be in the greatest danger while traveling to and from the site; act accordingly. • If additional samplers (i.e., the buddy system) are necessary to promote safety, inform your project manager of your concerns before entering the field. 2 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your success. 2.o Equipment and Field Supply Checklist Your equipment list will vary by site and project goals, however W&R technicians will typically carry: • Paperwork: purge forms, field log book, previous sampling report • Water quality meter and calibration kit • Water level meter • Peristaltic, submersible, and/or bladder pumps • 12 volt Batteries & additional batteries for equipment • Bailers & bailer cord (i/8-inch thick or less) • Polyethylene tubing & silicone tubing, dual tubing • Teflon and/or Stainless Steel Scoop • Five gallon buckets (2 to 4 for purge water) • Nitrile gloves, large plastic bags, and plastic sheeting • Interface Probe and/or Product Paste (Free Product identification) • Toolkit (for opening and servicing wellheads & minor repairs to equipment) Decontamination equipment; • DI or distilled water (sufficient quantity to perform the work — carry extra!) • Spray bottles of clear water, detergent water & Liqui-Nox, and isopropyl alcohol • Clean (decontaminated) five gallon buckets (minimum of 2) Sample containers (laboratory supplied), ice chest(s) and ice; Safety equipment; first aid kit, steel toed boots, safety vest, splash resistant safety glasses, brimmed hat, long pants, insect repellent and sunscreen (to be used very carefully); and Optional safety equipment; flashlight, respirator & replacement cartridges, safety cones, blinker lights for vehicle. 3.0 Monitoring Well Maintenance Before sampling a groundwater monitoring well, evaluate the wellhead for security and completeness of installation. All permanent wells should be installed within a protective cover. The cover may be a flush mount or stand-up type. Flush mount covers should be bolted down when not being sampled, the gaskets should be present and cleaned each time the well is sampled, and the inner casing should be fitted with a lockable, watertight cap. Stand-up type covers should be fitted with an intact metal top and hinge, and the inner casing should be fitted with a watertight cap. All wells should be secured with a functioning padlock between sampling events. Record the condition of the 3 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. security system and protective casing at the well site, i.e., cap, lock, and base in the W&R Purge Form and/or field logbook. In addition, the well should be fitted with a well contractor identification plate. The NC DENR (most states have similar directives) mandates the following: (A) An identification plate, showing the drilling contractor and certification number, shall be installed on the well within 72 hours after completion of the drilling; (B) The identification plate shall be constructed of a durable weatherproof, rustproof metal, or equivalent material; (C) The identification plate shall be securely attached to either the aboveground portion of the well casing, surface grout pad or enclosure floor around the casing where it is readily visible; and 0 The identification plate shall be stamped or otherwise imprinted with permanent legible markings to show the: (i) total depth of well; (ii) casing depth (ft.) and inside diameter (in.); (iii) screened intervals of screened wells; (iv) packing interval of gravel -or sand -packed wells; (v) static water level and date measured; and (vi) date well completed. 4.0 Monitoring Well Development The quality of the groundwater sample depends on the condition of the well. If the well is new or has not been previously sampled, some attempt to develop the well should be made. The means of development is dependent upon the goal of the assessment. 4.1 Wells dedicated to VOCs and/or SVOCs If the well is to be used solely for monitoring for VOCs and/or SVOCs (DSCA and UST work, etc), development of the new well can be reasonably confined to removal of the suspended drilling fluids and any sediment that has found its way through the screen. Removal of sediments can usually be accomplished using a peristaltic pump and 3/8-inch OD or larger tubing. Following sediment removal, a thorough, initial purge of the well should be completed (see Section 6.o for a description of a well purge). Typically we limit our purge to a minimum of three well volumes; for an initial purge you may wish to remove a full five well volumes or more. 4.2 Wells sampled for Metals If analytical review involves sampling for metals (solid waste work, etc), development of the new well should be more stringent. Your goal should be to clear the sand pack surrounding the well screen of as much clay component as necessary to reduce the turbidity of the groundwater to <10 NTU. Thus, you will first remove the suspended drilling fluids and any sediment that has found its way through the screen; followed by development E ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. by some mechanical means. A well may be mechanically developed using, compressed air, surge block, or more likely, a thoroughly decontaminated 2- inch submersible pump. When using the submersible pump, be certain to lift and lower the pump through the entirety of the well screen to agitate the sand packing and disturb the clay material residing there. Complete the development with an initial purge of the well. Sampling may take place immediately following development activities; however, it may be prudent to allow the well to recover for a minimum of 24-hours to allow the aquifer (and the complex geochemistry therein), to equilibrate and the water level to return to a normal state. No fluids (except air), not even DI water should ever be introduced into a monitoring well during the development or purging process. 5.0 Water -Level Measurement The depth to groundwater is typically recorded at each well location, converted to a water level elevation, and utilized to create a potentiometric map specific to that sampling event. Water level readings for a given sampling event should all be measured on the same day to avoid temporal variation. 5.1 Work Station Prior to obtaining a water -level measurement, you may need to create a clean surface area onto which sampling equipment can be positioned and work can be performed. If necessary, use an appropriately sized sheet of plastic or cut a slit in one side of a plastic bag and slip it over and around the well, to create a clean space for the sampling equipment. Unlock and/or open the monitoring well. Note and record description of condition of the well head in the W&R Purge Form and/or field logbook. 5.2 Water Level Measurement After evaluating and opening a monitoring well, it should be allowed an equilibration time of 30 to 6o minutes before obtaining a water -level measurement. Water -level measurement will be made using an electronic water level indicator. Establish a measuring point if it does not exist. Typically, all depth measurements should be made from top (the highest point) of the inner well casing. The measuring point should be permanently marked, and used in all subsequent sampling events. Care should be taken to assure that the water -level measurement device hangs freely in the monitoring well and is not adhering to the wall of the well casing. Record that measurement immediately onto the purge form or field logbook. If the well tag does not list the depth of the well from the top of casing, it will be necessary to determine the depth of the well (i.e., sound the well). If the well depth is listed on the well tag, do not sound the well. Never lower the 5 WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. measuring devise any lower in the well casing than is necessary to collect the data that is needed at any well location. 5.3 Decontamination of Water Level Meter (Between Wells) The measurement device shall be decontaminated prior to, and immediately after use with detergent (preferably Liqui-Nox) and DI water. Typically, only that portion of the tape which enters the water table is cleaned, although any portion of the remaining measuring tape that contacts the contaminated measuring tape is likewise cleaned. If the previous well was heavily contaminated, or that contamination level is unknown, the tape should be washed in a decontamination bucket that is dedicated to that purpose. If the contamination level is known, and the sampling is progressing from the well with the lowest known contamination level to the well with the highest contamination level, it will only be necessary to thoroughly spray the tape on its roll, followed by a thorough flushing of the tape with DI water. It is important that the measuring tape is never placed directly on the ground surface, or allowed to contact potentially contaminated surfaces. 6.o Purging a Monitoring Well With the exception of temporary groundwater sampling points (i.e., "tempwells"), groundwater sampling begins with purging the well. Purging is the process of removing stagnant, turbid water from the well casing and sand packing prior to sampling and replacing it with groundwater from the adjacent geologic formation. The goal being to collect a representative sample of the actual aquifer condition. 6.1 Purge Volume Computation (Quantity to Purge) Monitoring Wells should be purged of that amount of water equal to three to five times the wetted volume of the casing. Water volume can be calculated by the following formulas: 1-inch Well Casing: V = 0.0409 x H 2-inch Well Casing: V = o.164 x H Where: H = height of the water column in feet V = volume of water in gallons Wells with inside diameters other than those listed above may be calculated using the formula shown at the bottom of the W&R Purge Form (essentially V = Pi x rZ x H x 7.48)• The W&R Purge Form and/or field logbook should clearly reflect those well volume calculations or determinations that you used to satisfy the purge volume goal. R ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. 6.2 Sampling Order (Where to Sample) Well purging will be conducted in the order of known contamination, from the least contaminated to the most contaminated well. This implies you will carry a copy of the most recent site report map or spreadsheet with you into the field! When contamination level is unknown, proceed from upgradient, to side (or cross) gradient, to the downgradient wells. Downgradient wells should be sampled from the well located farthest from the suspected point of contamination (or source) to closest to the point of contamination. 6.3 Purge Methods W&R utilizes two general methods in purging monitoring wells, a low -flow purge using either portable or dedicated bladder pump(s) or, a traditional purge used with a peristaltic pump, submersible pump, or bailer. 6.3.1 Low -Flow Method (Micro -Purge) Low -flow is defined as the removal of purge water at a rate less than o.5 Liter/minute; thus, this method is typically used in conjunction with a portable or dedicated bladder pump (any pump capable of meeting the removal -rate criteria is acceptable however). Low -Flow sampling is a quick and inexpensive way to sample wells where ground water lifts greater than 25-feet are required, the well is of small diameter and therefore unavailable to a submersible pump, the height of the water column within the well results in excessive purge volumes, or the project goals simply require low -flow methods. In addition, it is not necessary to determine the overall depth of the well during groundwater sampling events using low -flow methods. If low -flow methods are used: • Do not remove samples immediately following (new) well development, allow a sufficient amount of time for the aquifer parameters to equilibrate; • set the pump slightly above the approximate mid -point of the saturated screen interval, if possible, or at least 2-feet above the bottom of the well; • Use small tubing (1/4-inch OD) and minimize disturbance of the water residing in the well as little as possible during water level readings; • Monitor the well drawdown during purging, adjust the pump speed as necessary to permit no drawdown of potentiometric surface; • If a peristaltic pump is used, monitor the flow rate and use a vise grip or c- clamp to reduce the flow as necessary; • Water quality measurements should be taken every three to five minutes; and • Stabilization is achieved after all parameters have stabilized for three successive readings. Three successive readings should be within ± o.1 for 7 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your success. pH, ± 3% for specific conductivity, ± io my for redox potential, and ± io% for turbidity and DO. 6.3.2 Traditional Method(s) Traditional purging is typically conducted with a peristaltic pump, submersible pump, or bailer. A description of each follows: Peristaltic Pump For those wells in which the static water level is less than 25 feet in total depth below top of casing (TOC), and low -flow methods are not employed, the peristaltic pump is recommended. The peristaltic pump is designed to move water through suction produced by mechanical peristalsis. The pump may be powered from an internal or external 12-volt DC source. Optimally, using this method the only materials that come in contact with the groundwater are the interior surfaces of the purging/sampling tube and the sample bottles. Dedicated or new polyethylene tubing and silicon tubing will be used at each well. If dedicated tubing is used, it should be replaced approximately every two years. The purge/sample tube intake will be set at approximately the mid -point of the saturated screen interval, and, if possible, at least 2-feet above the bottom of the well. Use a water level meter to adjust the pump speed. Do not withdraw water faster than the formation can recharge the well! This will minimize turbidity and deliver the most representative groundwater -sample possible. If the peristaltic pump becomes inoperable or malfunctions and cannot be used for a given sampling event, the problem should be clearly recorded in the field logbook. The bailer or other method shall be used as an alternate purging and sampling method. Prior to the next sampling event, the peristaltic pump will be repaired, so that the alternate method is not used in two consecutive sampling events. Submersible Pump An electric submersible pump is typically used in cases where ground water lifts greater than 25-feet are required, and low -flow methods are not employed. Such pumps can be powered by an external 12-volt DC source, or a 110-volt generator. If a submersible pump is to be used, its intake will be set at the approximate mid -point of the saturated screen interval, if possible, or at least 2-feet above the bottom of the well. Do not withdraw water faster than the formation can recharge the well! If no pump controller is used, or no valve has been installed in the discharge line, adjust the flow using a vise -grip or c-clamp on the discharge line. The pump shall always be thoroughly decontaminated between wells in accordance with Section 8.o and new polyethylene discharge tubing will be used at each well location. Bailer ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your success. If you must use a bailer to purge a well, use a disposable polyethylene bailer whenever possible. Disposable polyethylene or Teflon bottom -loading bailers with standard ball and socket joint bottoms may be used during the well purging process. Any non -dedicated bailers will be decontaminated prior to use or reuse (see Section 8.o for decontamination procedure). Whichever purge method is utilized, all reused downhole equipment shall always be thoroughly decontaminated between wells in accordance with Section 8.o and new discharge tubing will be used at each well location. 6.4 Water Quality Stabilization for Traditional Purge (When to Sample Hopefully stabilization can be achieved within three well volumes; if not, continue purging until stabilization is determined or to a maximum of five well volumes. If sampling for metals, continue the purge process until turbidity falls below to NTUs or as directed by the project manager. How to recognize water quality parameter "stabilization" during a traditional purge: • Water Temperature - water temperature is variable because the ambient conditions are variable. Sample when you determine that the temperature is relatively constant for a minimum of three consecutive readings; • pH - Sample when you determine that the pH remains constant within o.i Standard Unit (SU) for a minimum of three consecutive readings; • Specific Conductance - Sample when you determine that the specific conductance is within approximately to percent for a minimum of three consecutive readings; and • Turbidity - Sample when turbidity has somewhat stabilized or is below io NTUs. There are no regulatory criteria for establishing how many total sets of measurements are adequate to document stability of water quality parameters. Measurements should however be taken frequently enough to provide a sufficient number of measurements to evaluate geochemical stability. For the purposes of this SOP, personnel are instructed to collect a set of measurements for each of the first two well volumes, and every 1/2 well volume thereafter until stabilization is achieved. If a well is inadvertently purged to dryness, a notation should be entered in the W&R Purge Form and/or field logbook, and the purge should be considered complete. Wells that are purged to dryness should be allowed to recover sufficiently to obtain the required amount of sample and to document water quality parameters during that sampling event. Sampling must commence as soon as possible after purging. Although US EPA guidance differs (e.g., wells should not be purged at the end of one day and sampled the following day), in North Carolina, a sampler may wait up to 24 hours for the well to recharge, or for "problem" turbidity to clear. A five gallon bucket should be used to contain 0 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. purge water as a guide to determine the volume of water removed. The need to containerize purge water will be based on the analytical results from the previous sampling event, instructions issued by the client, or as directed by the project manager. If permissible, uncontaminated purge water will be discharged at least 20-feet downgradient of the well being sampled. 7.0 Sample Collection 7.1 Sample Withdrawal Gloves will always be changed between sampling locations and at any time that the sterile integrity of the sampler's gloves has been compromised (i.e., if you think Vou "might" need to change your gloves do so!). Groundwater samples will be removed using the same method used to purge the well, except that a groundwater sample will never be collected for analytical evaluation after it has passed through a "flow -through" water quality meter cell. If possible, one member of the field sampling team should take all the notes and photographs, fill out tags, etc., while the other members collect the samples. The vial should be filled so that there is a reverse or convex meniscus at the top of the vial and absolutely no bubbles or headspace should be present in the vial after it is capped. After the cap is securely tightened, the vial should be inverted and tapped to see if any undetected bubbles are dislodged. If a bubble or bubbles are present, the vial should be topped off using a minimal amount of sample to re-establish the meniscus. Care should be taken not to flush any preservative out of the vial during topping off. If, after topping off and capping the vial, bubbles are still present, a new vial should be obtained and the sample re -collected. In some situations, high effervescence may be necessary to use unpreserved vials. For example, if the surface water sample contains a high concentration of dissolved calcium carbonate, there may be a (pH driven) reaction between the hydrochloric acid and the water, producing large numbers of fine bubbles. This will render the sample unacceptable. In this case, unpreserved vials should be used and arrangements must be confirmed with the laboratory to ensure that they can accept the unpreserved vials and meet the shorter sample holding times. If you are unsure of the proper protocol, notify your project manager. The time of sampling will be entered in W&R Purge Form and/or field logbook. Samples will be placed into ice -filled coolers, and delivered or shipped (via FeclEx overnight) under proper chain -of -custody protocol to a laboratory (certified in that state to perform that analytical method). 7.2 Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) The project goals may necessitate certain QA/QC or auxiliary samples be collected and/or prepared. All background or control samples shall be collected 10 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. and placed in separate ice chests or shipping containers. The project manager may direct such sampling to include: Trip Blanks: A sample prepared at the laboratory using DI or distilled water in the appropriate sample container with the proper preservative, taken out to the field, and returned to the laboratory for analysis without being opened. Trip blanks are generally for volatile organic compound sampling, and are intended to assess contamination introduced during sample transport. One trip blank will be placed in each cooler, and analyzed for all VOCs under investigation. Field / Equipment (rinsate) Blanks: A sample prepared in the field by pouring over or running DI or distilled water through the sample collection equipment after decontamination and before sample collection. The sample is collected in the appropriate sample container with the proper preservative, identical to the groundwater samples. Equipment blanks are intended to document background contamination resulting from the adverse field conditions, field equipment, sampling procedure, sample container, preservative, and shipment. Replicates/Duplicates: Two or more samples generated in the field and collected at the same sampling location. Field replicates should be samples collected side by side or by collecting one sample and immediately collecting the second sample. Field replicates are intended to test the precision of the entire method, site heterogeneity, field sampling, and the laboratory analysis. Split Samples: Two or more representative subsamples generated in the field and taken from a single environmental sample in the field. Prior to splitting, the environmental sample is homogenized to correct for sample heterogeneity that would adversely impact data comparability. Field split samples are usually analyzed by different laboratories (inter -laboratory comparison) or by the same laboratory (intra-laboratory comparison). Field splits are used to assess sample handling procedures from field to laboratory and (especially) laboratory's comparability, thus you should code these samples in a manner that makes their origin "blind" to the laboratory. 7.3 Field Protocols and QA/QC Specific to NC DENR, Division of Waste Management, Pre -Regulatory Landfill Unit i) Field procedures relating to sample collection techniques, sample containers, sample preservation, equipment decontamination and field measurement procedures, should comply with the most current version of the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Region IV Science And 11 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Ecosystem Support Division (SESD) Field Branches Quality System and Technical Procedures. This information is available from the U.S. EPA Region IV SESD at: http://www.epa.gov/region4/sesd/fbqstp/. 2) Field QC samples: minimum of one duplicate sample, per medium, per container type, per field day; equipment rinsate blanks and VOA trip blanks are strongly recommended. If site conditions warrant more limited QA/QC testing, contact the Department. 3) Boring locations should be staked and flagged (or surveyed) until the remedial investigation is complete. 4) A professional land surveyor, registered in North Carolina, must survey all monitoring well locations. 5) Filtration of groundwater samples for metals analysis before acid digestion is not permitted. Samples must be prepared using Standard Method 3030C "Preliminary Treatment for Acid -Extractable Metals," Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, latest edition. If turbidity is a problem, groundwater samples should be collected using a low -flow purging and sampling technique. Additional well development may also be necessary. 6) For surface waters that are very shallow (less than six inches deep) or highly turbid, samples may be collected in a separate collection container and then decanted into the sample container. Samples for organic analysis must be decanted into the sample container immediately. Samples for metals analysis may be allowed to settle for a few minutes prior to decanting. All collection containers must be made of the same materials as the sample container. They must be pre -cleaned and handled in the same manner. 7) Investigation derived wastes or IDW sampling materials; purge water, muds, and residuals from testing which are generated as part of assessment activities may be discharged or stored in the area of contamination and are not subject to RCRA as long as the material: • Stays on site and remains in the contaminated area; • Is secured; • Does not increase the spread of contamination or concentrations in a particular medium; • Does not cause mobilizations of contaminants; and • Does not introduce contamination to uncontaminated soil (causing an increase in contaminant concentrations). In residential and public use areas, IDW will require off -property management. IDW cannot be discharged to another area of concern. 7.3 Laboratory Analysis Specific to NC DENR, Division of Waste Management, Pre - Regulatory Landfill Unit i) Analytical scans for all non -gas samples should include analyses for: • Volatile Organic Compounds by Method 826o • Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds by Method 8270 12 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. • Metals (total concentrations) by SW-846 Methods • Ammonia • Sulfate • Nitrate, and • Pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, dioxins, cyanide, formaldehyde and any other CERCLA hazardous substances or pollutants if they are suspected to have been disposed at the landfill. 2) Metals to be analyzed include: antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, and zinc. 3) Metals, ammonia, sulfate, nitrate, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, dioxins, cyanide, formaldehyde and any other CERCLA hazardous substances samples should be analyzed by the U.S. EPA method having the lowest method detection limit. Alternatively for groundwater, the method must at least achieve detections equivalent to the i5A NCAC 2L standards. 4) Initial groundwater testing using method 826o and 827o analyte lists must also include a library search (using National Institute of Standards and Technology mass spectral library) to produce a list of tentatively identified compounds (TICs). The library search should identify the largest io peaks in each analytical fraction having reasonable agreement with reference spectra (i.e. relative intensities of major ions agree within ± 20%). The list of identified TICs should not include laboratory control sample compounds, surrogates, matrix spike compounds, internal standards, system monitoring compounds or target compounds. Any TICS that have reasonable agreement with reference spectra, and are detected in more than one sample, should be included in all subsequent analytical work unless it can be proven that the compound is a laboratory contaminant. 5) Quantification of these specific TICs must be performed before cleanup levels can be determined. 7.4 Chain of Custody It is imperative that an accurate record of sample collection, transport, analysis, and disposal be maintained and documented. Therefore, chain of custody procedures will be instituted and followed throughout the sampling program. It is necessary to document sample possession from the time of collection until disposal. The chain -of -custody procedure will include the following: • The chain of custody record will originate at the laboratory with shipment of sample bottles and trip blanks; • All samples will be properly labeled to prevent misidentification of samples; • Samples will be accompanied by a chain -of -custody record that notes the date and time of collection and the name(s) of sampling personnel; • The chain -of -custody record will be completed by the sampling technician prior to departing the site; 13 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. Sample custody seals shall be used to indicate any tampering of samples; and All records pertaining to the shipment of a sample shall be retained (freight bills, post office receipts, and bills of lading). The laboratory will not accept samples for analysis without a correctly prepared chain -of -custody record. The laboratory will be responsible for maintaining chain -of -custody records of the sample(s) from time of receipt to disposal. Each individual who possesses the samples will sign the chain -of -custody record. 8.o Decontamination Cross contamination problems can be minimized or eliminated through the use of proper decontamination procedures. Non -dedicated purging equipment (e.g., submersible pumps, bladder pumps, and re -usable Teflon bailers) will be decontaminated immediately after use, and prior to shifting from one well to the next. The following is intended as a minimum guide to the sampler; field conditions will dictate whether or not these procedures will be expanded. Always error on the side of two much decontamination effort! Submersible Pump: Wearing new clean gloves; pump one gallon of distilled water through immediately after use (from the gallon jug it was purchased in). Wash or wipe the exterior surface of the pump, electric cord with a detergent solution and rinse with distilled water. Prepare two decontaminated 5-gallon buckets, one containing a small amount of Liqui-Nox dissolved in 4 gallons of DI or distilled water (the wash bucket), and one containing 4 gallons of DI or distilled water (the flush bucket). Place the pump and the contaminated portion of the electric cord in the wash bucket and allow the pump to operate for five minutes while recirculating the water back into the same bucket. Place the pump and the formerly contaminated portion of the electric cord in the flush bucket and allow the pump to operate for five minutes while recirculating the water back into the same bucket. After changing your gloves, liberally flush the outside of pump with isopropyl alcohol and allow to air dry before reuse. Bladder Puma: Wearing new clean gloves; disassemble the pump, and pull one end of the Teflon bladder away from its male -connection. Prepare two decontaminated 5-gallon buckets, one containing a small amount of Liqui-Nox dissolved in 4 gallons of DI or distilled water (the wash bucket), and one containing 4 gallons of DI or distilled water (the flush bucket). Place the pump components into the detergent bucket and thoroughly wash all assessable components with a brush. With your hands, flush detergent water in -to and out -of the Teflon bladder for several minutes. After changing your gloves, remove form the wash bucket, reassemble the pump (inclusive of a short length of dual tubing) and place the pump into the 14 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. flush bucket. Operate the pump for five minutes to thoroughly flush the interior components. Liberally flush the outside of pump with isopropyl alcohol and allow to air dry before reuse. Railarc- If a non -dedicated Teflon bailer is used, add clean detergent solution to bailer, cover the ends, and agitate solution end to end while rotating the barrel to ensure washing of all interior surfaces. Dump spent detergent solution in a waste collection vessel. Thoroughly rinse exterior surfaces three times with distilled water. Rinse the interior of bailer with distilled water three times. Using a Teflon wash bottle designated for use with isopropyl alcohol or methanol; squirt solvent on the inside of the bailer's barrel and rotate the bailer to flush the entire surface. Repeat solvent rinse process three times. Rinse the exterior surface of the bailer with solvent and wipe dry with a chemical resistant wipe. Repeat this process three times as well. Dispose of all wipes and spent solutions in appropriate containers and return them to the laboratory. Bailer Cord: The wetted or contaminated portion of braided nylon or braided cotton cord should be cut away and disposed. You may reuse the wash and rinse water a limited number of times, depending upon your understanding of the known contamination at the site - use your own discretion but again, error on the side of too much decontamination effort. If directed by the project manager, collect and containerize all waste water used during the decontamination process. Never re -use polyethylene or silicone tubing (except that may be dedicated to a single sampling location under certain conditions). Tubing is too inexpensive, and sampler time and analytic evaluation are far too expensive to risk cross contamination. 9.o Potable Water /Water Supply Well Sampling (Specific) In general, sampling from potable water supply wells is very similar to that of water wells, excepting that potable water supply samples will typically be collected from a tap or spigot located at or near the well head or pump house and before the water supply is introduced into any storage tanks or treatment units. If no pump is located within the well, or the existing pump is inoperative, use the same sampling methods for groundwater monitoring wells outlined in the sections above. 9.1 Special Considerations for Potable Water Sampling Samples should be collected following purging from a valve or cold water tap as near to the well as possible, preferably prior to any storage/pressure tanks or physical/chemical treatment system that might be present. Remove any hose 15 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your success. that may be present before sample collection and reduce the flow to a low level to minimize sample disturbance, particularly with respect to volatile organic constituents. Samples should be collected directly into the laboratory -supplied appropriate containers. It may be necessary to use a secondary container, such as a clean/new 8 oz. sample jar or a properly decontaminated scoop, to obtain and transfer samples from spigots with low ground clearance. All measurements for pH, specific conductance, temperature, and turbidity should be recorded at the time of sample collection. Unless the pump is continuously running, the US EPA recommends that potable wells be purged for a minimum of 15 minutes prior to sample withdrawal. If continuously running, only one set of water quality readings will be documented. If well is operated intermittently or is dormant, a minimum of three sets of water quality readings will be documented during that 15 minute purge. As with groundwater sampling from a monitoring well, purge should be extended until turbidity is below 10 NTUs and water quality parameters have stabilized. When previously unknown, obtain the name(s) of the resident or water supply owner/operator, the resident's contact information (mailing address and phone number). The information is required so that the residents or water supply owner/operators can be informed of the results of the sampling program. 1o.o Surface Water Sampling (Specific) io.i General Discussion for Surface Water Sampling The physical location of the investigator when collecting a sample may dictate the equipment to be used. While wearing new nitrile gloves, surface water samples will typically be collected by decanting the water from a collection device such as a new disposable bailer, or a properly decontaminated scoop or bucket into the laboratory -prepared containers. When transferring the sample from a collection device, make certain that the device does not come in contact with the sample containers. It is acceptable to fill the containers from the surface water body being sampled; however, as this action usually results in flushing the preservative from the container, it is not recommended for preserved samples. Wading or streamside sampling from banks may cause the re -suspension of bottom deposits and bias the sample. Wading is acceptable if the stream has a noticeable current (is not impounded), and the samples are collected while facing upstream. Any of the pumps introduced in Section 6.3.2 may also be utilized to collect a surface water sample, decontamination and tubing protocol remain in effect. Water quality measurements for pH, specific conductance, temperature, and turbidity will be measured and recorded on a W&R Purge Form at the time of each sample collection. 16 ::WithersRavenel Our People. Your Success. When directed by the project manager, a control sample may be collected from a location not affected by the possible contaminants of concern and submitted with the other samples. In streams or other bodies of moving water, the control sample should be collected upstream of the sampled area. 10.2 Discrete Depth Samplers When discrete samples are desired from a specific depth, and the parameters to be measured do not require a Teflon® -coated sampler, a standard Kemmerer or Van Dorn sampler may be used. The Kemmerer sampler is a brass cylinder with rubber stoppers that leave the ends of the sampler open while being lowered in a vertical position, thus allowing free passage of water through the cylinder. The Van Dorn sampler is plastic and is lowered in a horizontal position. In each case, a messenger -weight is sent down a rope when the sampler is at the designated depth, to cause the stoppers to close the cylinder, which is then raised. Water is removed through a valve to fill respective sample containers. With a rubber tube attached to the valve, dissolved oxygen sample bottles can be properly filled by allowing an overflow of the water being collected. With multiple depth samples, care should be taken not to disturb the bottom sediment, thus biasing the sample. 10.3 Decontamination Procedure for Surface Water Sampling Tools 1) Prepare one clean, decontaminated 5-gallon bucket with potable water and detergent (Liqui-Nox), and a second bucket with potable water (only). 2) Disassemble the equipment to the degree practicable and place the parts within the bucket containing detergent water. 3) Wash each piece of the equipment (or piece of equipment assembly) thoroughly with soap and potable water using a brush or scrub pad to remove any particulate matter or surface film. 4) While wearing clean Nitrile gloves place the equipment into the second bucket containing water only and rinse each piece thoroughly. 5) Remove the equipment from the wash buckets and flush thoroughly with distilled or DI water. If the equipment was heavily contaminated with organic contaminants, flush liberally with isopropyl alcohol via a spray bottle. 6) Allow to air dry (24 hours if feasible). 7) If necessary, wrap equipment in one layer of aluminum foil for storage. 8) Change the wash water and your gloves whenever it/they is/are compromised (or potentially compromised) by contamination! g) Always assume equipment is contaminated when it reaches the jobsite and apply the decontamination procedures outlined above. 11.0 Paperwork Resulting from the Sampling Event All paperwork generated during the sampling event will be immediately downloaded into pdf format and filed in the project directory. 17