HomeMy WebLinkAbout22010_Glenwood Square_PCPkg_20201113NOTICE OF INTENT TO REDEVELOP A BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY Brownfields Property Name: Glenwood Square Brownfields Project Number: 22010-18-092 North Carolina's Brownfields Property Reuse Act (the "Act"), North Carolina General Statutes ("NCGS") § 130A-310.30 through 130A-310.40, provides for the safe redevelopment of abandoned, idled, or underused properties at which expansion or redevelopment is hindered by actual or potential environmental contamination. One of the Act's requirements is the submittal of this Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property ("NI") that has been approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") for public notification purposes as per NCGS § 130A-310.34(a). The NI shall provide, to the extent known, a legal description of the location of the Brownfields Property, a map showing the location of the Brownfields Property, a description of the contaminants involved and their concentrations in the media of the Brownfields Property, a description of the intended future use of the Brownfields Property, any proposed investigation and remediation, and a proposed Notice of Brownfields Property ("NBP") prepared in accordance with NCGS § 130A-310.35. The proposed NBP for a particular brownfields project is attached hereto. The proposed NBP includes the proposed Brownfields Agreement, which is attached as Exhibit A, and the other required elements of this NI. A Summary of this Notice of Intent ("SNI") shall include a statement as to the public availability of the full NI. The party ("Prospective Developer") who desires to enter into a Brownfields Agreement with DEQ must provide a full copy of this NI to all local governments having jurisdiction over the Brownfields Property. The Act requires a public comment period of at least 30 days. The first day of public comment is defined as the day after which all of the following public notice tasks have occurred: the date the required SNI is: (1) published in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the Brownfields Property is located; (2) conspicuously posted at the Brownfields Property; and (3) mailed or delivered to each owner of property contiguous to the Brownfields Property. Written public comments may be submitted to DEQ within 30 days after the public comment period begins. Written requests for a public meeting may be submitted to DEQ within 21 days after the public comment period begins. These periods will start no sooner than November 18, 2020, and will end no sooner than the later of: 1) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after that; or 2) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after completion of the latest of the three (3) above -referenced tasks, if such completion occurs later than the date stated herein. All comments and meeting requests should be addressed as follows: Mr. Bruce Nicholson Brownfields Program Manager Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/13Nov2020 1 SUMMARY OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO REDEVELOP A BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY Brownfields Property Name: Glenwood Square Brownfields Project Number: 22010-18-092 Pursuant to the North Carolina Brownfields Property Reuse Act (the "Act") authorized by North Carolina General Statutes (NCGS) § 130A-310.30 through 130A-310.40, and specifically pursuant to NCGS § 130A- 310.34, Glenwood Two, LLC, as Prospective Developer, has filed with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") a Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property ("Property") located 0, 615/617, 621/623, & 701 Hillsborough Street, and 0 W. Morgan Street in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. The Brownfields Property, which is the former site of two automotive service stations and other commercial property consists of 1.95 acres. Environmental contamination exists on the Brownfields Property in groundwater, soil, soil gas, and sub -slab vapor. Glenwood Two, LLC has committed itself to redevelop the Brownfields Property for no uses other than restaurant, retail, office, and subject to the requirements of subparagraph 121. of the Brownfields Agreement, high density residential, and associated parking uses, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial uses. The Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property includes: (1) a proposed Brownfields Agreement between DEQ and Glenwood Two, LLC, which in turn includes (a) a map showing the location of the Property, (b) a description of the contaminants involved and their concentrations in the media of the Property, (c) the above -stated description of the intended future use of the Brownfields Property, and (d) proposed investigation and remediation; and (2) a proposed Notice of Brownfields Property prepared in accordance with NCGS § 130A-310.35. The full Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property may be reviewed online at the DEQ public record database, Laserfiche, by entering the project number 22010-18-092 into the search bar at the following web address: https://edocs.deq.nc.cov/WasteManagement/Welcome.aspx?dbid=0&repo=WasteMana eg ment The "Act" requires a public comment period of at least 30 days. The first day of public comment is defined as the day after which all of the following public notice tasks have occurred: the date this Notice is: (1) published in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the Brownfields Property is located; (2) conspicuously posted at the Brownfields Property; and (3) mailed or delivered to each owner of property contiguous to the Brownfields Property. Written public comments may be submitted to DEQ within 30 days after the public comment period begins. Written requests for a public meeting may be submitted to DEQ within 21 days after the public comment period begins. These periods will start no sooner than November 18, 2020, and will end no sooner than the later of: 1) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after that; or 2) 30 and 21 days, respectively, after completion of the latest of the three (3) above -referenced tasks, if such completion occurs later than the date stated herein. All public comments and public meeting requests should be addressed as follows: Mr. Bruce Nicholson Brownfields Program Manager Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/13Nov2020 Property Owners: Glenwood Two, LLC and Glenwood One Office, LLC Recorded in Book , Page Associated plat recorded in Plat Book , Page NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY Brownfields Property Name: Glenwood Square Brownfields Project Number: 22010-18-092 This documentary component of a Notice of Brownfields Property ("Notice"), as well as the plat component, have been filed this day of , 202_ by Glenwood Two, LLC ("Prospective Developer"). This Notice concerns contaminated property. A copy of this Notice certified by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") is required to be filed in the Register of Deeds' Office in the county or counties in which the land is located, pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes ("NCGS"), § 130A-310.35(b). This Notice is required by NCGS § 130A-310.35(a), in order to reduce or eliminate the danger to public health or the environment posed by environmental contamination at a property (`Brownfields Property") being addressed under the Brownfields Property Reuse Act of 1997, NCGS § 130A, Article 9, Part 5 ("Act"). Pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.35(b), the Prospective Developer must file a certified copy of this Notice within 15 days of Prospective Developer's receipt of DEQ's approval of the Notice or Prospective Developer's entry into the Brownfields Agreement required by the Act, whichever is later. The copy of the Notice certified by DEQ must be recorded in the grantor index under the names of the owners of the land and, if Prospective Developer is not the owner, also under the Prospective Developer's name. The Brownfields Property is a multi -parcel assemblage located at 0, 615/617, 621/623, & 701 Hillsborough Street, and 0 West Morgan Street, Raleigh, Wake County. It is comprised of Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 approximately 1.95 acres. The previous uses included two automotive service stations and other commercial office uses. The Prospective Developer is redeveloping the Brownfields Property for no uses other than restaurant, retail, office, and subject to the requirements of subparagraph 121. of the Brownfields Agreement, high density residential, and associated parking uses, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial uses. As described in paragraphs 3 and 12 of Exhibit A hereto, certain portions of the Brownfields Property were subject to previous land use restrictions recorded in 2017 as part of a previous brownfields agreement (the Glenwood Properties Brownfields Agreement, Brownfields Project No. 19078-15-092, the "Glenwood Properties BFA"). The land use restrictions included below in this Notice supersede and replace the original land use restrictions from the Glenwood Properties BFA previously recorded for those overlapping portions of the Brownfields Property. In addition, as described in paragraphs 3 and 12 of Exhibit A hereto, Notices of Residual Petroleum (NORP) were previously recorded on portions of this Brownfields Property (Wake County Register of Deeds Book 10970, Page 1179-1185 on August 13, 2004 and Book 17049, Pages 2543- 2548 on February 21, 2008). Both NORPs shall immediately be superseded by the filing of this Notice. The Brownfields Agreement between Prospective Developer and DEQ is attached hereto as Exhibit A. It is required by NCGS § 130A-310.32 and sets forth the use that may be made of the Brownfields Property and the measures to be taken to protect public health and the environment. The Brownfields Agreement's Exhibit 2 consists of one or more data tables reflecting the concentrations of and other information regarding the Brownfields Property's regulated substances and contaminants. Attached as Exhibit B to this Notice is a reduction, to 8.5 inches x 11 inches, of the survey plat component of this Notice. This plat shows areas designated by DEQ, has been prepared and certified by a professional land surveyor, meets the requirements of NCGS § 47-30, and complies with NCGS § 130A-310.35(a)'s requirement that the Notice identify: (1) The location and dimensions of the areas of potential environmental concern with respect to permanently surveyed benchmarks. (2) The type, location and quantity of regulated substances and contaminants known to exist on the Brownfields Property. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a legal description of the Brownfields Property that would be sufficient as a description of the property in an instrument of conveyance. LAND USE RESTRICTIONS NCGS § 130A-310.35(a) also requires that the Notice identify any restrictions on the current and future use of the Brownfields Property that are necessary or useful to maintain the level of protection appropriate for the designated current or future use of the Brownfields Property Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 2 and that are designated in the Brownfields Agreement. The restrictions shall remain in force in perpetuity unless canceled by the Secretary of DEQ (or its successor in function), or his/her designee, after the hazards have been eliminated, pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.35(e). All references to DEQ shall be understood to include any successor in function. The land use restrictions below have been excerpted verbatim from paragraph 12 of the Brownfields Agreement, and all subparagraph letters/numbers are the same as those used in the Brownfields Agreement. The following land use restrictions are hereby imposed on the Brownfields Property: a. No use may be made of the Brownfields Property other than for restaurant, retail, office, and subject to the requirements of subparagraph 121. below, high density residential, and associated parking uses, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial uses. For purposes of this restriction, the following definitions apply: i. "Restaurant" is defined as a commercial business establishment that prepares and serves food and beverages to patrons. ii. "Retail" is defined as the sale of goods or services, products, or merchandise directly to the consumer or businesses and includes showrooms, personal service, and the sales of food and beverage products. iii. "Office" is defined as the provision of business or professional services. iv. "High Density Residential" is defined as permanent dwellings where residential units are attached to each other with common walls, such as condominia, apartments, group homes, dormitories or boarding houses, and any property outside the dwelling structures is usable by all residents and not privately owned as part of a particular unit (e.g., privately -owned courtyards are prohibited), and may include related amenities, such as pools, clubhouses, courtyards, common areas, recreation areas and parking garages. v. "Parking" is defined as the temporary accommodation of motor vehicles in an area designed for same. vi. "Commercial" is defined as an enterprise carried on for profit or nonprofit by the owner, lessee or licensee. b. Physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property may not occur other than in accord, as determined by DEQ, with an Environmental Management Plan ("EMP") approved in writing by DEQ in advance (and revised to DEQ's written satisfaction prior to each subsequent redevelopment phase) that is consistent with all the other land use restrictions and describes redevelopment activities at the Brownfields Property, the timing of redevelopment phases, and addresses health, safety and environmental issues that may arise from use of the Brownfields Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 3 Property during construction or redevelopment in any other form on the Brownfields Property, including without limitation: i. soil and water management issues, including without limitation those resulting from contamination identified in the Environmental Reports; ii. issues related to potential sources of contamination referenced in paragraph 3 above; iii. contingency plans for addressing, including without limitation the testing of soil and groundwater, newly discovered potential sources of environmental contamination (e.g., USTs, tanks, drums, septic drain fields, oil -water separators, soil contamination); and iv. plans for the proper characterization of and, as necessary, disposal of contaminated soils excavated during redevelopment. c. Within 90 days after each one-year anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues (except that the final deadline shall fall 90 days after the conclusion of physical redevelopment), the then owner of the Brownfields Property shall provide DEQ a report subject to written DEQ approval on environment -related activities since the last report, with a summary and drawings, that describes: i. actions taken on the Brownfields Property in accordance with this Section V: Work to be Performed; ii. soil grading and cut and fill actions; iii. methodology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and laboratory analysis of environmental media; iv. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and v. removal of any contaminated soil, water or other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of all legally required manifests shall be included). d. Groundwater at the Brownfields Property may not be used for any purpose without the prior written approval of DEQ. e. No activity that disturbs soil on the Brownfields Property may occur unless and until DEQ states in writing, in advance of the proposed activity, that said activity may occur if carried out along with any measures DEQ deems necessary to ensure the Brownfields Property will be Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 4 suitable for the uses specified in subparagraph 12.a. above while fully protecting public health and the environment, except: i. in connection with landscape planting to depths not exceeding 24 inches; ii. mowing and pruning of above -ground vegetation; iii. for repair of underground infrastructure, provided that DEQ shall be given written notice at least seven days in advance of a scheduled repair (if only by email) of any such repair, or in emergency circumstances no later than the next business day, and that any related assessment and remedial measures required by DEQ shall be taken; and iv. in connection to work conducted in accordance with a DEQ-approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as outlined in subparagraph 12.b. above. f. Soil may not be removed from, or brought onto, the Brownfields Property without prior sampling and analysis to DEQ's satisfaction and the written approval of DEQ, unless conducted in accordance with an approved EMP as outlined above in subparagraph 12.b. g. No enclosed building may be constructed on the Brownfields Property and no existing building, defined as those depicted on the plat component of the Notice of Brownfields Property referenced in paragraph 16 below, may be occupied until DEQ determines in writing that: i. the building is or would be protective of the building's users, public health and the environment from risk of vapor intrusion based on site assessment data or a site -specific risk assessment approved in writing by DEQ; ii. the building is or would be sufficiently distant from the Brownfields Property's groundwater and/or soil contamination based on assessment data approved in writing by DEQ that the building's users, public health and the environment will be protected from risk from vapor intrusion related to said contamination; or iii. vapor intrusion mitigation measures are designed, installed and/or implemented in a manner that will fully protect public health to the satisfaction of a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina, as evidenced by said engineer's professional seal on a report that includes photographs and a description of the installation and performance of said measures, and to DEQ. Any design specification for vapor intrusion mitigation measures shall be approved in writing by DEQ in advance of installation and/or implementation of said measures. The design specifications shall include methodology(ies) for demonstrating performance of said measures. h. Residential occupancy is prohibited until sampling occurs and demonstrates to DEQ's written satisfaction that residential use is suitable based on applicable environmental risk determinations. Prospective Developer shall conduct such sampling prior to any residential occupancy and it Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 shall be performed in accordance with a work plan approved in advance by DEQ and to DEQ's written satisfaction, and results must be submitted to DEQ for review no less than 30 days prior to requested occupancy date. i. Neither DEQ, nor any party conducting environmental assessment or remediation at the Brownfields Property at the direction of, or pursuant to a permit, order or agreement issued or entered into by DEQ, may be denied access to the Brownfields Property for purposes of conducting such assessment or remediation, which is to be conducted using reasonable efforts to minimize interference with authorized uses of the Brownfields Property. j. Any deed or other instrument conveying an interest in the Brownfields Property shall contain the following notice: "This property is subject to the Brownfields Agreement attached as Exhibit A to the Notice of Brownfields Property recorded in the Wake County land records, Book , Page " A copy of any such instrument shall be sent to the persons listed in Section XV (Notices and Submissions), though financial figures and other confidential information related to the conveyance may be redacted to the extent said redactions comply with the confidentiality and trade secret provisions of the North Carolina Public Records Law. The owner conveying an interest may use the following mechanisms to comply with the obligations of this subparagraph: (i) If every lease and rider is identical in form, the owner conveying an interest may provide DEQ with copies of a form lease or rider evidencing compliance with this subparagraph, in lieu of sending copies of actual, executed leases, to the persons listed in Section XV (Notice and Submissions); or (ii) The owner conveying an interest may provide abstracts of leases, rather than full copies of said leases, to the persons listed in Section XV. k. None of the contaminants known to be present in the environmental media at the Brownfields Property, as described in Exhibit 2 of this Agreement and as modified by DEQ in writing if additional contaminants in excess of applicable standards are discovered at the Brownfields Property, may be used or stored at the Brownfields Property without the prior written approval of DEQ, except: i. in de minimis quantities for cleaning and other routine housekeeping and maintenance activities; ii. as constituents of products and materials customarily used and stored in retail, restaurant, office, high density residential, and associated parking environments, provided such products and materials are stored in original retail packaging and used and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws; and iii. as constituents of fuels, lubricants and oils in emergency generators in on -board tanks totaling no more than 500 gallons, or in machinery, equipment and vehicles in on -board tanks integral to said equipment or in flammable liquid storage containers totaling no more than 25 gallons. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 6 1. The Brownfields Property may not be used for childcare (as that term is defined under NCGS § 110-86(2)), adult care centers or schools, except post -secondary schools, without the prior written approval of DEQ. in. Unless compliance with this Land Use Restriction is waived in writing in advance by DEQ in relation to particular buildings, demolition and/or renovation of any or all buildings on the Brownfields Property depicted on the plat component of the Notice referenced in paragraph 16 below shall be in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including without limitation those related to lead and asbestos abatement that are administered by the Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division of Public Health of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. n. Within 60 days after the effective date of this Agreement or prior to land disturbance activities, whichever occurs first, Prospective Developer shall abandon monitoring wells, injection wells, recovery wells, piezometers and other man-made points of groundwater access at the Brownfields Property in accordance with Subchapter 2C of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, unless an alternate schedule is approved by DEQ. Within 30 days after doing so, the Prospective Developer shall provide DEQ a report, setting forth the procedures and results. o. The owner of any portion of the Brownfields Property where any existing, or subsequently installed, DEQ-approved monitoring well is damaged by the owner, its contractors, or its tenants shall be responsible for repair of any such wells to DEQ's written satisfaction and within a time period acceptable to DEQ, unless compliance with this Land Use Restriction is waived in writing by DEQ in advance. p. During January of each year after the year in which the Notice referenced below in paragraph 16 is recorded, the owner of any part of the Brownfields Property as of January 1 st of that year shall submit a notarized Land Use Restrictions Update ("LURU") to DEQ, and to the chief public health and environmental officials of Wake County, certifying that, as of said January 1 st, the Notice of Brownfields Property containing these land use restrictions remains recorded at the Wake County Register of Deeds office and that the land use restrictions are being complied with. The submitted LURU shall state the following: i. the name, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and contact person's e- mail address of the owner, or board, association or approved entity submitting the LURU if said owner (or each of the owners on whose behalf the joint LURU is submitted) acquired any part of the Brownfields Property during the previous calendar year; ii. the transferee's name, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and contact person's e-mail address, if said owner (or each of the owners on whose behalf the joint LURU is submitted) transferred any part of the Brownfields Property during the previous calendar year; Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 7 iii. whether any vapor barrier and/or mitigation systems installed pursuant to subparagraph 12.g.iii. above are performing as designed, and whether the uses of the ground floors of any buildings containing such vapor barrier and/or mitigation systems have changed, and, if so, how; and iv. A LURU submitted for rental units shall include the rent roll and enough of each lease entered into during the previous calendar year to demonstrate compliance with lessee notification requirements in paragraphs 17 and 18 of this Agreement provided that if standard form leases are used in every instance, a copy of such standard lease form lease may be sent in lieu of copies of actual leases. For purposes of the land use restrictions set forth above, the DEQ point of contact shall be the DEQ Brownfields Property Management Unit referenced in subparagraph 35.a. of Exhibit A hereto, at the address stated therein. ENFORCEMENT The above land use restrictions shall be enforceable without regard to lack of privity of estate or contract, lack of benefit to particular land, or lack of any property interest in particular land. The land use restrictions shall be enforced by any owner of the Brownfields Property. The land use restrictions may also be enforced by DEQ through the remedies provided in NCGS § 130A, Article 1, Part 2 or by means of a civil action; by any unit of local government having jurisdiction over any part of the Brownfields Property; and by any person eligible for liability protection under the Brownfields Property Reuse Act who will lose liability protection if the restrictions are violated. Any attempt to cancel any or all of this Notice without the approval of the Secretary of DEQ (or its successor in function), or his/her delegate, shall be subject to enforcement by DEQ to the full extent of the law. Failure by any party required or authorized to enforce any of the above restrictions shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter as to the same violation or as to one occurring prior or subsequent thereto. FUTURE SALES, LEASES, CONVEYANCES AND TRANSFERS When any portion of the Brownfields Property is sold, leased, conveyed or transferred, pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.35(d) the deed or other instrument of transfer shall contain in the description section, in no smaller type than that used in the body of the deed or instrument, a statement that the Brownfields Property has been classified and, if appropriate, cleaned up as a brownfields property under the Brownfields Property Reuse Act. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Prospective Developer has caused this instrument to be duly executed this day of 1202. IN COUNTY Glenwood Two, LLC Heritage Properties, Inc., its Managing Member By: Ryan Blair V.P. & Secretary of Heritage Properties, Inc. I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Date: Official Signature of Notary (Official Seal) Notary's printed or typed name, Notary Public My commission expires: Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 9 *********************************** ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PROPERTY OWNER As the current owner, or representative of said owner, of at least part of the Brownfields Property, I hereby acknowledge recordation of this Notice of Brownfields Property and the land use restrictions contained herein. Glenwood One Office, LLC Name typed or printed Date NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY I certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me this day, each acknowledging to me that he or she voluntarily signed the foregoing document for the purpose stated therein and in the capacity indicated: Date: Official Signature of Notary Notary's printed or typed name, Notary Public (Official Seal) My commission expires: Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 10 APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATION OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY The foregoing Notice of Brownfields Property is hereby approved and certified. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Ellen Lorscheider Date Deputy Director, Division of Waste Management Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/12Nov2020 11 EXHIBIT A NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY IN THE MATTER OF: Glenwood Two, LLC UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY REUSE ACT OF 1997, NCGS § 130A-310.30, et sue. Brownfields Project No. 22010-18-092 I. INTRODUCTION BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT re: Glenwood Square 0, 615/617, 621/623, & 701 Hillsborough Street 0 W. Morgan Street Raleigh, Wake County This Brownfields Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality ("DEQ") and Glenwood Two, LLC (collectively the "Parties") pursuant to the Brownfields Property Reuse Act of 1997, NCGS § 130A-310.30, et seq. (the "Act") for the property located at 0 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID 1703-49-3220 and 1703-49-3132), 615/617 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-2194), 621/623 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-1193), 701 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-39-9156), and 0 W. Morgan Street (Parcel ID 1703-49-3006) (the "Brownfields Property"). The Brownfields Property is bifurcated by S. Boylan Avenue. A map showing the location of the Brownfields Property that is the subject of this Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. The Prospective Developer is Glenwood Two, LLC, a member -managed limited liability company, headquartered at 501 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 101, Towson, Maryland 21286. Its manager is Heritage Properties, Inc. of the same address, and Heritage Properties, Inc.'s Vice President and Secretary is Ryan Blair. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10Nov2020 The Parties agree to undertake all actions required by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to settle and resolve, subject to reservations and limitations contained in Section X (Certification), Section XI (DEQ's Covenant Not to Sue and Reservation of Rights) and Section XII (Prospective Developer's Covenant Not to Sue), the potential liability of Glenwood Two, LLC for contaminants at the Brownfields Property. The Parties agree that Glenwood Two, LLC's entry into this Agreement, and the actions undertaken by Glenwood Two, LLC in accordance with the Agreement, do not constitute an admission of any liability by Glenwood Two, LLC for contaminants at the Brownfields Property. The resolution of this potential liability, in exchange for the benefit Glenwood Two, LLC shall provide to DEQ, is in the public interest. II. DEFINITIONS Unless otherwise expressly provided herein, terms used in this Agreement which are defined in the Act or elsewhere in NCGS § 130A, Article 9 shall have the meaning assigned to them in those statutory provisions, including any amendments thereto. 1. `Brownfields Property" shall mean the property which is the subject of this Agreement, and which is depicted in Exhibit 1 to the Agreement. 2. "Prospective Developer" shall mean Glenwood Two, LLC. III. BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY INFORMATION SUMMARY 3. Relevant information about the history, ownership, and uses of the Brownfields Property is provided in the following summary table. Refer to the Exhibit 2 to this Agreement, which presents data table(s) of the contaminants present at the Brownfields Property at 2 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 concentrations above their applicable standards or screening levels for each media sampled. BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY INFORMATION SUMMARY 0 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID 1703-49-3220 and 1703-49-3132) 615/617 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-2194) Parcel Address(es) 621/623 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-1193) & Parcel IDs 701 (also formerly includes 709) Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703- 39-9156) 0 W. Morgan Street Parcel ID 1703-49-3006 Acreage 1.95 acres Current Property Owner Glenwood Two, LLC and Glenwood One Office, LLC The Brownfields Property is currently under construction: 1) a parking Current Land Use(s) deck with associated retail space on the parcel west of S. Boylan Avenue; and 2) an office building, retail structures and courtyard on the parcels located east of S. Boylan Avenue. Primarily commercial with residential to the south, east and west, and a health clinic to the southwest. A Brownfields Agreement (Glenwood Properties, BF Project No. 19078-15-092) has been recorded (Wake County Register of Deeds, Book 16690, Page 2621) for the property to Site Vicinity Land the immediate east and southeast, which includes high density Use(s) residential, hotel, heath institution, office, parking, restaurant, retail uses, and with prior written DEQ approval, other commercial uses. Due to property line changes, small portions of that property originally under that agreement are superseded by, and are now under, this Agreement. No use may be made of the Brownfields Property other than for restaurant, retail, office, and, subject to the requirements of Proposed Reuse(s) subparagraph 121. of this Agreement, high density residential, and associated parking uses, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial uses. The redevelopment is named "Bloc 83". Public Benefits of Increased tax base, an estimated 103 constructions jobs, 5 permanent Reuse building management jobs, and a revitalized depressed area with an estimated 1,100 workers in the building. The parcel located immediately east of S. Boylan Avenue at 621/623 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID 1703-49-1193) was under the Existing Land Use jurisdiction of the NC DEQ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Restrictions Prior to although a Notice of No Further Action was issued on August 13, 2004 Brownfields following recordation of a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NORP) on Agreement August 13, 2004. The NORP prohibits use of groundwater on the property, which is also a land use restriction of this Brownfields Agreement; therefore, these two land use restrictions are not in conflict Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY INFORMATION SUMMARY and the NORP will be superseded by this recordation of this Brownfields Agreement as detailed in paragraph 12 below. The parcel located immediately west of S. Boylan Avenue at 701 Hillsborough Street is subject to a NORP that was recorded on February 21, 2018 (Wake County Register of Deeds Book 17049/Page 2543) for the former Allen's Automotive operation. The NORP prohibits use of groundwater on the property, which is also a land use restriction of this Brownfields Agreement; therefore, these two land use restrictions are not in conflict and the NORP will be superseded by this recordation of this Brownfields Agreement as detailed in paragraph 12 below. As noted above, the eastern adjacent property is subject to a recorded Brownfields Agreement (Brownfields Project Name: Glenwood Properties Brownfields Project, Brownfields Project No. 19078-15- 092). As detailed in paragraph 12 below and as shown on Exhibit B, small portions of three parcels along the eastern edge of the Brownfields Property assigned the addresses of 0 Hillsborough Street and 0 W. Morgan Street, and referenced as Parcel IDs: 1703-49-3220, 1703-49-3132 and 1703-49-3006, respectively, are currently part of the adjacent Brownfields Property to the east, which will be superseded by this Agreement, once it is recorded. ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SUMMARY Earliest available records indicate that the Brownfields Property was developed with multiple dwellings by 1909. Portions of the Brownfields Property have been developed with a gasoline filling station, apartments, and a bank by the 1950s; another gasoline station between 1950 and 1966; and an automobile repair shop by the 1980s, among other various commercial uses. Prior to demolition activities by Historical the Prospective Developer, the last uses of the Brownfields Property Operations & included vacant retail and office buildings, asphalt parking areas, a Contaminant restaurant, a residence, office space, a stereo shop, a bar, and Sources automobile repair. Documented releases are associated with two parcels of the Brownfields Property including the eastern portion of the parcel located at 621/623 Hillsborough Street, which was developed with a gasoline filling station by 1950 until approximately 1984, when it was converted into an automobile repair shop that closed in 1993 (formerly Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SUMMARY Tao Automotive). The other documented release is associated with the western portion of the parcel located at 701 Hillsborough Street, which was developed with a gasoline station from approximately 1972 to 1982, when it was converted to an automotive repair shop that closed in 2017 (Allen's Automotive). Contaminant sources include at least 8 petroleum USTs ranging in capacity from 550-gallons to 3,000 gallons located at the former onsite gasoline stations. The portion of the Brownfields Property west of S. Boylan Avenue is currently under construction for a parking garage with retail space (701 Hillsborough Street, Parcel ID: 1703-39-9156). The portion of the Current Brownfields Property east of S. Boylan Avenue is currently under Operations/Activities construction for an office building, retail structures and courtyard (0, 615/617, and 621/623 Hillsborough Street, and 0 West Morgan Street, with Parcel IDs: 1703-49-3220 &170349-3132, 1703-49-2194, 1703- 49-1193, and 1703-49-3006, respectively.) Soil: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and metals in excess of applicable screening levels. Soil contamination is limited to petroleum - related compounds associated with historical uses including two gasoline stations/automotive repair shops. Groundwater: Historically VOCs consistent with petroleum -related contamination; however, most recent sampling event indicated that only naphthalene was detected in excess of its NC 2L groundwater Contaminated Media standard. Sub -Slab Soil Vapor: To date, no sub -slab soil vapor samples have exhibited contaminants above residential or non-residential screening levels. Indoor Air: Not sampled due to sub -slab vapor results. Surface Water/Sediment: Not applicable to this Brownfields Property. UST Incident No. 11083 UST Incident No. 46181 ID Numbers/Permits As noted above the adjacent property to the east has a recorded Brownfields Agreement (Brownfields Project Name: Glenwood Properties Brownfields Project, Brownfields Project No. 19078-15- Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SUMMARY 092). As detailed in paragraph 12 below and as shown on Exhibit B, small portions of three parcels along the eastern edge of the Brownfields Property assigned the addresses of 0 Hillsborough Street and 0 W. Morgan Street, and referenced as Parcel IDs: 1703-49-3220, 1703-49-3132, and 1703-49-3006, respectively, are currently part of the east adjacent Brownfields Property; however, this Agreement will supersede that previously recorded agreement for those small portions of the Brownfields Property. Onsite Receptors Construction workers and non-residential workers. Residential Considered receptors will be assessed when a request is made to DEQ for residential use as detailed in subparagraph 12.h. i. Water supply wells: No known water supply wells. Potential Offsite ii. Residential structures, churches, or childcare centers: No known Receptors churches or childcare centers within 1,000 feet of the Brownfields Considered Property. The nearest residence has a basement and is located approximately 200 feet south of the Brownfields Property. iii. Surface water: No known surface water bodies. Groundwater: Not identified at this time based on readily available Potential offsite data. migration pathways Soil Vapor: Not identified at this time based on readily available data. 4. Environmental reports regarding the Brownfields Property referred to hereinafter as the "Environmental Reports," include, but are not limited to: a. Those that the Prospective Developer obtained or commissioned regarding the Brownfields Property: Title Prepared by Date of Report Preliminary Evaluation of Possible Withers & Ravenel Hydrocarbon Contamination Environmental July 1992 Engineering, Inc. Report of Underground Storage Tank East Coast July 30, 1993 Closure Environmental, P.A. Comprehensive Site Assessment East Coast Environmental, P.A. September 30, 1994 Aquifer Testing Results Geo-Solutions, Inc. August 10, 1994 N Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 Title Prepared by Date of Report Comprehensive Site Assessment Review East Coast Environmental, P.A. August 4, 1995 Corrective Action Plan East Environmental, August 4, 1995 P.A. Corrective Action Plan Environmental June 1, 1995 Consulting, Inc. Corrective Action Plan East Coast Environmental, P.A. August 31 1995 g ' Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) Test Data ARG Engineering, April 5, 1995 Inc. Vapor Extraction System Design Report ARG Engineering, July 1995 Inc. Vapor Extraction System Project ARG Engineering, July 1995 Specification Inc. Analytical Report GeoChem, Inc. December 30, 1994 Analytical Report GeoChem, Inc. January 27, 1995 Analytical Report GeoChem, Inc. February 17, 1995 Analytical Report Com uChem May 25, 2004 Soil Assessment Report East Coast P.A. June June 16, 2004 Soil Cleanup Report with Site Closure East Coast July 23, 2004 Report Environmental P.A. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GTA Associates, Inc. January 12, 2018 623 Hillsborough St. and 11 S. Bo Ian Ave. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GTA Associates, Inc. July 11, 2018 621 Hillsborough St. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GTA Associates, Inc. July 24, 2018 701 Hillsborough St. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, GTA Associates, Inc. July 20, 2018 709 Hillsborough St. Re: Closure of Underground Storage Tanks GTA Associates, Inc. December 16, 2019 January 9, 2019, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment GTA Associates, Inc. Revised March 12, 2019 Soil Vapor Sampling — Samples 1-6; Bloc GTA Associates, Inc. July 28, 2020 83, Phase 2 Soil Vapor Sampling — Samples 7-9, Bloc GTA Associates, Inc. October 9, 2020 83, Phase 2 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 IV. PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER'S INVOLVEMENT 5. For purposes of this Agreement DEQ relies on Prospective Developer's representations that Prospective Developer's involvement with the Brownfields Property has been limited to obtaining or commissioning the Environmental Reports, preparing and submitting to DEQ a Brownfields Property Application (BPA) dated January 31, 2018, as updated and amended on March 26, 2018, September 20, 2018, and January 15, 2019, and the following: a. Prospective Developer purchased the parcels located at 621/623 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-1193), 615/617 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-2194), 0 Hillsborough Street (Parcel IDs 1703-49-3220 and 1703-49-3132) and 0 W. Morgan Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-3006), and 701 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-39-9156) on December 19, 2019, September 2, 2019, September 2, 2019, and September 3, 2019, respectively. b. Since purchasing the Brownfields Property, the Prospective Developer has performed demolition activities of the previous structures and grading of the Brownfields Property in preparation for construction of an office building on the parcels located east of South Boylan Avenue and a parking garage with associated retail space on the parcel located west of South Boylan Avenue. Demolition, grading, and construction activities have been performed under an Environmental Management Plan as referenced in subparagraph 12.b. below that was approved on May 28, 2019. 6. Prospective Developer has provided DEQ with information, or sworn certifications regarding that information on which DEQ relies for purposes of this Agreement, sufficient to Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 demonstrate that: a. Prospective Developer and any parent, subsidiary, or other affiliate has substantially complied with federal and state laws, regulations and rules for protection of the environment, and with the other agreements and requirements cited at NCGS § 130A- 310.32(a)(1); b. As a result of the implementation of this Agreement, the Brownfields Property will be suitable for the uses specified in the Agreement while fully protecting public health and the environment; c. Prospective Developer's reuse of the Brownfields Property will produce a public benefit commensurate with the liability protection provided Prospective Developer hereunder; d. Prospective Developer has or can obtain the financial, managerial, and technical means to fully implement this Agreement and assure the safe use of the Brownfields Property; and e. Prospective Developer has complied with all applicable procedural requirements. 7. Prospective Developer has paid to DEQ the $2,000 fee to seek a brownfields agreement required by NCGS § 130A-310.39(a)(1), and shall make a payment to DEQ of $6,000 at the time Prospective Developer and DEQ enter into this Agreement, defined for this purpose as occurring no later than the last day of the public comment period related to this Agreement. The Parties agree that such fees will suffice as the $2,000 fee to seek a brownfields agreement 0 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 required by NCGS § 130A-310.39(a)(1), and, within the meaning of NCGS § 130A- 310.39(a)(2), the full cost to DEQ and the North Carolina Department of Justice of all activities related to this Agreement, unless a change is sought to a Brownfields document after it is in effect, in which case there shall be an additional fee of at least $1,000. V. BENEFIT TO COMMUNITY 8. The redevelopment of the Brownfields Property proposed herein would provide the following public benefits: a. a return to productive use of the Brownfields Property and elimination of the drawbacks of unoccupied property; b. an increase in the Brownfields Property's productivity; c. a spur to additional community investment and redevelopment, through improved neighborhood appearance and otherwise; d. the creation of an estimated 103 constructions jobs, 5 permanent building management jobs, and a revitalized depressed area with an estimated 1,100 workers in the building. e. an increase in tax revenue for affected jurisdictions; f. additional restaurant, retail, office, high density residential (subject to the requirements of subparagraph 12.h. of this Agreement), associated parking, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial space for the area; g. expanded use of public transportation which reduces traffic, improves air quality, and reduces our carbon footprint; and 10 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 h. "smart growth" through use of land in an already developed area, which avoids development of land beyond the urban fringe ("greenfields"). VI. WORK TO BE PERFORMED 9. The guidelines as embodied in their most current version, including parameters, principles and policies within which the desired results are to be accomplished are (as to: field procedures, laboratory testing, Brownfields Program requirements, and remedial or mitigation measures): Section; a. the Guidelines of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch of DEQ's Superfund b. the Division of Waste Management Vapor Intrusion Guidance; c. the Brownfields Program Assessment Work Plan Checklist; and d. the Brownfields Survey Plat Checklist. 10. In redeveloping the Brownfields Property, Prospective Developer shall make reasonable efforts to evaluate applying sustainability principles at the Brownfields Property, using the nine (9) credit categories incorporated into the U.S. Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program (Integrative Process, Location and Transportation, Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation, and Regional Priority), or a similar program. 11. Based on the information in the Environmental Reports, other available reports, and subject to imposition of and compliance with the land use restrictions set forth below, and 11 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 subject to Section XI of this Agreement (DEQ's Covenant Not to Sue and Reservation of Rights), DEQ is not requiring Prospective Developer to perform any active remediation at the Brownfields Property other than remediation that may be required pursuant to a DEQ-approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as specified in subparagraph 12.b. below. VII. LAND USE RESTRICTIONS 12. By way of the Notice of Brownfields Property referenced below in paragraph 16, Prospective Developer shall impose the following land use restrictions under the Act, running with the land, to make the Brownfields Property suitable for the uses specified in this Agreement while fully protecting public health and the environment instead of remediation to unrestricted use standards. All references to DEQ shall be understood to include any successor in function. As referenced in paragraph 3 above, the western portion of the parcel located at 621/623 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-49-1193) has a closed -out UST incident (Incident #11083) that was issued a Notice of No Further Action dated August 13, 2004 following recordation of a Notice of Residual Petroleum. The Notice of Residual Petroleum, previously recorded pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14313-279.9 and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 14313-279.11 in the Wake County Register of Deeds, Book 10970, Page 1179-1185, on August 13, 2004, shall immediately be SUPERSEDED upon the filing of the Notice of Brownfields Property referenced in paragraph 16 below. As referenced in paragraph 3 above, the western portion of Brownfields Property located at 701 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID: 1703-39-9156) has a known petroleum release that was issued a Notice of No Further Action dated February 21, 2008 following recordation of a Notice of Residual Petroleum. The Notice of Residual Petroleum, previously recorded pursuant to N.C. 12 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 Gen. Stat. § 143B-279.9 and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 143B-279.11 in the Wake County Register of Deeds, Book 17049, Page 02543-02548, on February 21, 2008, shall immediately be SUPERSEDED upon the filing of the Notice of Brownfields Property referenced in paragraph 16 below. All references to DEQ shall be understood to include any successor in function. As referenced in paragraph 3 above and as shown on Exhibit B, small portions of three parcels along the eastern edge of the Brownfields Property assigned the addresses of 0 Hillsborough Street and 0 W. Morgan Street, and referenced as Parcel IDs: 1703-49-3220, 1703-49-3132, and 1703-49- 3006, respectively, are currently part of the east adjacent Brownfields Property and are subject to land use restrictions recorded in Wake County as part of a previous brownfields agreement (Brownfields Project No. 19078-15-092, Wake County Register of Deeds, Book 16690, Page 02621), also shown in Exhibit B. The land use restrictions placed herein SUPERSEDE and replace the original land use restrictions recorded for the small eastern portions of the above - referenced parcels with those set forth in this paragraph. All references to DEQ shall be understood to include any successor in function. a. No use may be made of the Brownfields Property other than for restaurant, retail, office, and subject to the requirements of subparagraph 12.h. below, high density residential, and associated parking uses, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial uses. For purposes of this restriction, the following definitions apply: i. "Restaurant" is defined as a commercial business establishment that prepares and serves food and beverages to patrons. ii. "Retail" is defined as the sale of goods or services, products, or 13 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 merchandise directly to the consumer or businesses and includes showrooms, personal service, and the sales of food and beverage products. services. iii. "Office" is defined as the provision of business or professional iv. "High Density Residential" is defined as permanent dwellings where residential units are attached to each other with common walls, such as condominia, apartments, group homes, dormitories or boarding houses, and any property outside the dwelling structures is usable by all residents and not privately owned as part of a particular unit (e.g., privately -owned courtyards are prohibited), and may include related amenities, such as pools, clubhouses, courtyards, common areas, recreation areas and parking garages. v. "Parking" is defined as the temporary accommodation of motor vehicles in an area designed for same. vi. "Commercial" is defined as an enterprise carried on for profit or nonprofit by the owner, lessee or licensee. b. Physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property may not occur other than in accord, as determined by DEQ, with an Environmental Management Plan ("BMP") approved in writing by DEQ in advance (and revised to DEQ's written satisfaction prior to each subsequent redevelopment phase) that is consistent with all the other land use restrictions and describes redevelopment activities at the Brownfields Property, the timing of redevelopment phases, and addresses health, safety and environmental issues that may arise from use of the Brownfields Property during construction or redevelopment in any other form on the 14 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 Brownfields Property, including without limitation: i. soil and water management issues, including without limitation those resulting from contamination identified in the Environmental Reports; paragraph 3 above; ii. issues related to potential sources of contamination referenced in iii. contingency plans for addressing, including without limitation the testing of soil and groundwater, newly discovered potential sources of environmental contamination (e.g., USTs, tanks, drums, septic drain fields, oil -water separators, soil contamination); and iv. plans for the proper characterization of and, as necessary, disposal of contaminated soils excavated during redevelopment. c. Within 90 days after each one-year anniversary of the effective date of this Agreement for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues (except that the final deadline shall fall 90 days after the conclusion of physical redevelopment), the then owner of the Brownfields Property shall provide DEQ a report subject to written DEQ approval on environment -related activities since the last report, with a summary and drawings, that describes: i. actions taken on the Brownfields Property in accordance with this Section V: Work to be Performed; ii. soil grading and cut and fill actions; iii. methodology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and 15 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 laboratory analysis of environmental media; iv. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and v. removal of any contaminated soil, water or other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of all legally required manifests shall be included). d. Groundwater at the Brownfields Property may not be used for any purpose without the prior written approval of DEQ. e. No activity that disturbs soil on the Brownfields Property may occur unless and until DEQ states in writing, in advance of the proposed activity, that said activity may occur if carried out along with any measures DEQ deems necessary to ensure the Brownfields Property will be suitable for the uses specified in subparagraph 12.a. above while fully protecting public health and the environment, except: i. in connection with landscape planting to depths not exceeding 24 inches; ii. mowing and pruning of above -ground vegetation; iii. for repair of underground infrastructure, provided that DEQ shall be given written notice at least seven days in advance of a scheduled repair (if only by email) of any such repair, or in emergency circumstances no later than the next business day, and that any related assessment and remedial measures required by DEQ shall be taken; and iv. in connection to work conducted in accordance with a DEQ-approved 16 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) as outlined in subparagraph 12.b. above. f. Soil may not be removed from, or brought onto, the Brownfields Property without prior sampling and analysis to DEQ's satisfaction and the written approval of DEQ, unless conducted in accordance with an approved EMP as outlined above in subparagraph 12.b. g. No enclosed building may be constructed on the Brownfields Property and no existing building, defined as those depicted on the plat component of the Notice of Brownfields Property referenced in paragraph 16 below, may be occupied until DEQ determines in writing that: i. the building is or would be protective of the building's users, public health and the environment from risk of vapor intrusion based on site assessment data or a site - specific risk assessment approved in writing by DEQ; ii. the building is or would be sufficiently distant from the Brownfields Property's groundwater and/or soil contamination based on assessment data approved in writing by DEQ that the building's users, public health and the environment will be protected from risk from vapor intrusion related to said contamination; or iii. vapor intrusion mitigation measures are designed, installed and/or implemented in a manner that will fully protect public health to the satisfaction of a professional engineer licensed in North Carolina, as evidenced by said engineer's professional seal on a report that includes photographs and a description of the installation and performance of said measures, and to DEQ. Any design specification for vapor intrusion mitigation measures shall be approved in writing by DEQ in advance of installation and/or implementation of said measures. The 17 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 design specifications shall include methodology(ies) for demonstrating performance of said measures. h. Residential occupancy is prohibited until sampling occurs and demonstrates to DEQ's written satisfaction that residential use is suitable based on applicable environmental risk determinations. Prospective Developer shall conduct such sampling prior to any residential occupancy and it shall be performed in accordance with a work plan approved in advance by DEQ and to DEQ's written satisfaction, and results must be submitted to DEQ for review no less than 30 days prior to requested occupancy date. i. Neither DEQ, nor any party conducting environmental assessment or remediation at the Brownfields Property at the direction of, or pursuant to a permit, order or agreement issued or entered into by DEQ, may be denied access to the Brownfields Property for purposes of conducting such assessment or remediation, which is to be conducted using reasonable efforts to minimize interference with authorized uses of the Brownfields Property. j. Any deed or other instrument conveying an interest in the Brownfields Property shall contain the following notice: "This property is subject to the Brownfields Agreement attached as Exhibit A to the Notice of Brownfields Property recorded in the Wake County land records, Book , Page ." A copy of any such instrument shall be sent to the persons listed in Section XV (Notices and Submissions), though financial figures and other confidential information related to the conveyance may be redacted to the extent said redactions comply with the confidentiality and trade secret provisions of the North Carolina Public Records Law. The owner conveying an interest may use the following mechanisms to comply with the obligations M. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/lONov2020 of this subparagraph: (i) If every lease and rider is identical in form, the owner conveying an interest may provide DEQ with copies of a form lease or rider evidencing compliance with this subparagraph, in lieu of sending copies of actual, executed leases, to the persons listed in Section XV (Notice and Submissions); or (ii) The owner conveying an interest may provide abstracts of leases, rather than full copies of said leases, to the persons listed in Section XV. k. None of the contaminants known to be present in the environmental media at the Brownfields Property, as described in Exhibit 2 of this Agreement and as modified by DEQ in writing if additional contaminants in excess of applicable standards are discovered at the Brownfields Property, may be used or stored at the Brownfields Property without the prior written approval of DEQ, except: in de minimis quantities for cleaning and other routine housekeeping and maintenance activities; ii. as constituents of products and materials customarily used and stored in retail, restaurant, office, high density residential, and associated parking environments, provided such products and materials are stored in original retail packaging and used and disposed of in accordance with applicable laws; and iii. as constituents of fuels, lubricants and oils in emergency generators in on -board tanks totaling no more than 500 gallons, or in machinery, equipment and vehicles in on -board tanks integral to said equipment or in flammable liquid storage containers totaling no more than 25 gallons. 1. The Brownfields Property may not be used for childcare (as that term is defined 19 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/lONov2020 under NCGS § 110-86(2)), adult care centers or schools, except post -secondary schools, without the prior written approval of DEQ. in. Unless compliance with this Land Use Restriction is waived in writing in advance by DEQ in relation to particular buildings, demolition and/or renovation of any or all buildings on the Brownfields Property depicted on the plat component of the Notice referenced in paragraph 16 below shall be in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including without limitation those related to lead and asbestos abatement that are administered by the Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division of Public Health of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. n. Within 60 days after the effective date of this Agreement or prior to land disturbance activities, whichever occurs first, Prospective Developer shall abandon monitoring wells, injection wells, recovery wells, piezometers and other man-made points of groundwater access at the Brownfields Property in accordance with Subchapter 2C of Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, unless an alternate schedule is approved by DEQ. Within 30 days after doing so, the Prospective Developer shall provide DEQ a report, setting forth the procedures and results. o. The owner of any portion of the Brownfields Property where any existing, or subsequently installed, DEQ-approved monitoring well is damaged by the owner, its contractors, or its tenants shall be responsible for repair of any such wells to DEQ's written satisfaction and within a time period acceptable to DEQ, unless compliance with this Land Use Restriction is waived in writing by DEQ in advance. 20 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/lONov2020 p. During January of each year after the year in which the Notice referenced below in paragraph 16 is recorded, the owner of any part of the Brownfields Property as of January 1 st of that year shall submit a notarized Land Use Restrictions Update ("LURU") to DEQ, and to the chief public health and environmental officials of Wake County, certifying that, as of said January 1 st, the Notice of Brownfields Property containing these land use restrictions remains recorded at the Wake County Register of Deeds office and that the land use restrictions are being complied with. The submitted LURU shall state the following: i. the name, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and contact person's e-mail address of the owner, or board, association or approved entity submitting the LURU if said owner (or each of the owners on whose behalf the joint LURU is submitted) acquired any part of the Brownfields Property during the previous calendar year; ii. the transferee's name, mailing address, telephone and facsimile numbers, and contact person's e-mail address, if said owner (or each of the owners on whose behalf the joint LURU is submitted) transferred any part of the Brownfields Property during the previous calendar year; iii. whether any vapor barrier and/or mitigation systems installed pursuant to subparagraph 12.g.iii. above are performing as designed, and whether the uses of the ground floors of any buildings containing such vapor barrier and/or mitigation systems have changed, and, if so, how; and iv. A LURU submitted for rental units shall include the rent roll and enough of each lease entered into during the previous calendar year to demonstrate compliance with lessee 21 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 notification requirements in paragraphs 17 and 18 of this Agreement provided that if standard form leases are used in every instance, a copy of such standard lease form lease may be sent in lieu of copies of actual leases. 13. The desired result of the above -referenced land use restrictions is to make the Brownfields Property suitable for the uses specified in this Agreement while fully protecting public health and the environment. 14. The consequence of achieving the desired results will be that the Brownfields Property will be suitable for the uses specified in the Agreement while fully protecting public health and the environment. The consequence of not achieving the desired results will be that modifications to land use restrictions and/or remediation in some form may be necessary to fully protect public health and/or the environment. VIII. ACCESS/NOTICE TO SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST 15. In addition to providing access to the Brownfields Property pursuant to subparagraph 12.i. above, Prospective Developer shall provide DEQ, its authorized officers, employees, representatives, and all other persons performing response actions under DEQ oversight, access at all reasonable times to other property controlled by Prospective Developer in connection with the performance or oversight of any response actions at the Brownfields Property under applicable law. Such access is to occur after prior notice and using reasonable efforts to minimize interference with authorized uses of such other property except in response to emergencies and/or imminent threats to public health and the environment. While Prospective Developer owns the Brownfields Property, DEQ shall provide reasonable notice to Prospective 22 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 Developer of the timing of any response actions to be undertaken by or under the oversight of DEQ at the Brownfields Property. Except as may be set forth in the Agreement, DEQ retains all of its authorities and rights, including enforcement authorities related thereto, under the Act and any other applicable statute or regulation, including any amendments thereto. 16. DEQ has approved, pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.35, a Notice of Brownfields Property ("Notice") for the Brownfields Property containing, inter alia, the land use restrictions set forth in Section VI (Work to Be Performed) of this Agreement and a survey plat of the Brownfields Property. Pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.35(b), within 15 days of the effective date of this Agreement, Prospective Developer shall file the Notice in the Wake County, North Carolina, Register of Deeds' Office. Within three (3) days thereafter, Prospective Developer shall furnish DEQ a copy of the documentary component of the Notice containing a certification by the register of deeds as to the Book and Page numbers where both the documentary and plat components of the Notice are recorded, and a copy of the plat with notations indicating its recordation. 17. This Agreement shall be attached as Exhibit A to the Notice. Subsequent to recordation of said Notice, any deed or other instrument conveying an interest in the Brownfields Property shall contain the following notice: "This property is subject to the Brownfields Agreement attached as Exhibit A to the Notice of Brownfields Property recorded in the Wake County land records, Book , Page ." A copy of any such instrument shall be sent to the persons listed in Section XVII (Notices and Submissions), though financial figures and other confidential information related to the conveyance may be redacted to the extent said redactions 23 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 comply with the confidentiality and trade secret provisions of the North Carolina Public Records Law. Prospective Developer may use the following mechanisms to comply with the obligations of this paragraph: (i) If every lease and rider is identical in form, Prospective Developer may provide DEQ with copies of a form lease or rider evidencing compliance with this paragraph, in lieu of sending copies of actual, executed leases, to the persons listed in Section XVII (Notices and Submissions); or (ii) Prospective Developer may provide abstracts of leases, rather than full copies of said leases, to the persons listed in Section XVII. 18. The Prospective Developer shall ensure that a copy of this Agreement is provided to any current lessee or sublessee on the Brownfields Property within seven days of the effective date of this Agreement. IX. DUE CARE/COOPERATION 19. The Prospective Developer shall exercise due care at the Brownfields Property with respect to the manner in which regulated substances are handled at the Brownfields Property and shall comply with all applicable local, State, and federal laws and regulations. The Prospective Developer agrees to cooperate fully with any assessment or remediation of the Brownfields Property by DEQ and further agrees not to interfere with any such assessment or remediation. In the event the Prospective Developer becomes aware of any action or occurrence which causes or threatens a release of contaminants at or from the Brownfields Property, the Prospective Developer shall immediately take all appropriate action to prevent, abate, or minimize such release or threat of release, shall comply with any applicable notification requirements under NCGS § 130A-310.1 and 143-215.85, Section 103 of CERCLA, 42 USC § 9603, and/or any 24 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 other law, and shall immediately notify the DEQ Official referenced in subparagraph 3 La. below of any such required notification. X. CERTIFICATION 20. By entering into this Agreement, the Prospective Developer certifies that, without DEQ approval, it will make no use of the Brownfields Property other than that committed to in the Brownfields Property Application dated January 31, 2018, as updated and amended on March 25, 2018, September 20, 2018, and January 15, 2019, by which it applied for this Agreement. That use is that which is provided in paragraph 12.a. of this Agreement. Prospective Developer also certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief it has fully and accurately disclosed to DEQ all information known to Prospective Developer and all information in the possession or control of its officers, directors, employees, contractors and agents which relates in any way to any past use of regulated substances or known contaminants at the Brownfields Property and to its qualification for this Agreement, including the requirement that it not have caused or contributed to the contamination at the Brownfields Property. XI. DEQ'S COVENANT NOT TO SUE AND RESERVATION OF RIGHTS 21. Unless any of the following apply, Prospective Developer shall not be liable to DEQ, and DEQ covenants not to sue Prospective Developer, for remediation of the Brownfields Property except as specified in this Agreement: a. The Prospective Developer fails to comply with this Agreement. b. The activities conducted on the Brownfields Property by or under the control or direction of the Prospective Developer increase the risk of harm to public health or the 25 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10NoQ020 environment, in which case Prospective Developer shall be liable for remediation of the areas of the Brownfields Property, remediation of which is required by this Agreement, to the extent necessary to eliminate such risk of harm to public health or the environment. c. A land use restriction set out in the Notice of Brownfields Property required under NCGS § 130A-310.35 is violated while the Prospective Developer owns the Brownfields Property, in which case the Prospective Developer shall be responsible for remediation of the Brownfields Property to unrestricted use standards. d. The Prospective Developer knowingly or recklessly provided false information that formed a basis for this Agreement or knowingly or recklessly offers false information to demonstrate compliance with this Agreement or fails to disclose relevant information about contamination at the Brownfields Property. e. New information indicates the existence of previously unreported contaminants or an area of previously unreported contamination on or associated with the Brownfields Property that has not been remediated to unrestricted use standards, unless this Agreement is amended to include any previously unreported contaminants and any additional areas of contamination. If this Agreement sets maximum concentrations for contaminants, and new information indicates the existence of previously unreported areas of these contaminants, further remediation shall be required only if the areas of previously unreported contaminants raise the risk of the contamination to public health or the environment to a level less protective of public health and the environment than that required by this Agreement. f. The level of risk to public health or the environment from contaminants is 26 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 unacceptable at or in the vicinity of the Brownfields Property due to changes in exposure conditions, including (i) a change in land use that increases the probability of exposure to contaminants at or in the vicinity of the Brownfields Property or (ii) the failure of remediation to mitigate risks to the extent required to make the Brownfields Property fully protective of public health and the environment as planned in this Agreement. g. DEQ obtains new information about a contaminant associated with the Brownfields Property or exposures at or around the Brownfields Property that raises the risk to public health or the environment associated with the Brownfields Property beyond an acceptable range and in a manner or to a degree not anticipated in this Agreement. h. The Prospective Developer fails to file a timely and proper Notice of Brownfields Property under NCGS § 130A-310.35. 22. Except as may be provided herein, DEQ reserves its rights against Prospective Developer as to liabilities beyond the scope of the Act. 23. This Agreement does not waive any applicable requirement to obtain a permit, license or certification, or to comply with any and all other applicable law, including the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act, NCGS § 113A-1, et seq. 24. Consistent with NCGS § 130A-310.33, the liability protections provided herein, and any statutory limitations in paragraphs 21 through 23 above, apply to all of the persons listed in NCGS § 130A-310.33, including future owners of the Brownfields Property, to the same extent as Prospective Developer, so long as these persons are not otherwise potentially responsible parties or parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates of potentially responsible parties. 27 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 XII. PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER'S COVENANT NOT TO SUE 25. In consideration of DEQ's Covenant Not To Sue in Section XI of this Agreement and in recognition of the absolute State immunity provided in NCGS § 130A-310.37(b), the Prospective Developer hereby covenants not to sue and not to assert any claims or causes of action against DEQ, its authorized officers, employees, or representatives with respect to any action implementing the Act, including negotiating, entering, monitoring or enforcing this Agreement or the above -referenced Notice of Brownfields Property. XIII. PARTIES BOUND 26. This Agreement shall apply to and be binding upon DEQ, and on the Prospective Developer, its officers, directors, employees, and agents. Each Parry's signatory to this Agreement represents that she or he is fully authorized to enter into the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to legally bind the Party for whom she or he signs. XIV. DISCLAIMER 27. Prospective Developer and DEQ agree that this Agreement meets the requirements of the Act, including but not limited to the requirements set forth in NCGS § 130A-310.32(a)(2). However, this Agreement in no way constitutes a finding by DEQ as to the risks to public health and the environment which may be posed by regulated substances at the Brownfields Property, a representation by DEQ that the Brownfields Property is fit for any particular purpose, nor a waiver of Prospective Developer's duty to seek applicable permits or of the provisions of NCGS § 130A-310.37. 10. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 28. Except for the land use restrictions set forth in paragraph 12 above and NCGS § 130A-310.33(a)(l)-(5)'s provision of the Act's liability protection to certain persons to the same extent as to a prospective developer, no rights, benefits or obligations conferred or imposed upon Prospective Developer under this Agreement are conferred or imposed upon any other person. XV. DOCUMENT RETENTION 29. The Prospective Developer agrees to retain and make available to DEQ all business and operating records, contracts, site studies and investigations, remediation reports, and documents generated by and/or in the control of the Prospective Developer, its affiliates or subsidiaries relating to storage, generation, use, disposal and management of regulated substances at the Brownfields Property, including without limitation all Material Safety Data Sheets or Safety Data Sheets, for six (6) years following the effective date of this Agreement, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Parties. Said records may be retained electronically such that they can be retrieved and submitted to DEQ upon request. At the end of six (6) years, the Prospective Developer shall notify DEQ of the location of such documents and shall provide DEQ with an opportunity to copy any documents at the expense of DEQ. By entering into this Agreement, Prospective Developer waives no rights of confidentiality or privilege provided by the North Carolina Public Records Act or otherwise and, at the time DEQ requests to copy or inspect said documents, Prospective Developer shall provide DEQ with a log of documents withheld from DEQ, including a specific description of the document(s) and the alleged legal basis upon which they are being withheld. To the extent DEQ retains any copies of such documents, Prospective Developer retains all rights it then may have to seek protection from 29 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/lONov2020 disclosure of such documents as confidential business information. XVI. PAYMENT OF ENFORCEMENT COSTS 30. If the Prospective Developer fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Section VI (Work to be Performed) and Section VII (Land Use Restrictions), it shall be liable for all litigation and other enforcement costs incurred by DEQ to enforce this Agreement or otherwise obtain compliance. XVII. NOTICES AND SUBMISSIONS 31. Unless otherwise required by DEQ or a Party notifies the other Party in writing of a change in contact information or delivery method, all notices and submissions pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent by prepaid first-class U.S. mail or courier service, as follows: a. for DEQ: Brownfields Property Management Unit (or successor in function) N.C. Division of Waste Management Brownfields Program Mail Service Center 1646 Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 b. for Prospective Developer: Ryan Blair (or successor in function) Glenwood Two, LLC c/o Heritage Properties, Inc. 501 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 101 Towson, MD 21286 Notices and submissions sent by prepaid first-class U.S. mail shall be effective on the third day following postmarking. Notices and submissions sent by hand or by other means affording written evidence of date of receipt shall be effective on such date. 30 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/lONov2020 XVIII. EFFECTIVE DATE 32. This Agreement shall become effective on the date the Prospective Developer signs it, after receiving the signed, conditionally approved Agreement from DEQ. DEQ's approval of this Agreement is conditioned upon the complete and timely execution and filing of this Agreement in the manner set forth herein. Prospective Developer shall expeditiously sign the Agreement in order to effect the recordation of the full Notice of Brownfields Property within the statutory deadline set forth in NCGS § 130A-310.35(b). If the Agreement is not signed by Prospective Developer within 45 days after such receipt, DEQ has the right to revoke its approval and certification of this Agreement, and to invalidate its signature on this Agreement. XIX. TERMINATION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS 33. If any Party believes that any or all of the obligations under Section IX (Access/Notice to Successors in Interest) are no longer necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Agreement, that Party may request in writing that the other Party agree to terminate the provision(s) establishing such obligations; provided, however, that the provision(s) in question shall continue in force unless and until the Party requesting such termination receives written agreement from the other Party to terminate such provision(s). XX. CONTRIBUTION PROTECTION 34. With regard to claims for contribution against Prospective Developer in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement, Prospective Developer is entitled to protection from such 31 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/tONov2020 claims to the extent provided by NCGS § 130A-310.37(a)(5)-(6). The subject matter of this Agreement is all remediation taken or to be taken and response costs incurred or to be incurred by DEQ or any other person in relation to the Brownfields Property. 35. The Prospective Developer agrees that, with respect to any suit or claim for contribution brought by it in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement, it will notify DEQ in writing no later than 60 days prior to the initiation of such suit or claim. 36. The Prospective Developer also agrees that, with respect to any suit or claim for contribution brought against it in relation to the subject matter of this Agreement, it will notify DEQ in writing within 10 days of receiving said suit or claim. XXI. PUBLIC COMMENT 37. This Agreement shall be subject to a public comment period of at least 30 days starting the day after the last of the following public notice tasks occurs: publication of the approved summary of the Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property required by NCGS § 130A-310.34 in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the Brownfields Property is located; conspicuous posting of a copy of said summary at the Brownfields Property; and mailing or delivery of a copy of the summary to each owner of property contiguous to the Brownfields Property. After expiration of that period, or following a public meeting if DEQ holds one pursuant to NCGS § 130A-310.34(c), DEQ may modify or withdraw its consent to this Agreement if comments received disclose facts or considerations which indicate that this Agreement is inappropriate, improper or inadequate. 32 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/lONov2020 IT IS SO AGREED: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY By: Ellen Lorscheider Date Deputy Director, Division of Waste Management IT IS SO AGREED: Glenwood Two, LLC By: Heritage Properties, Inc., its Managing Member Date By: Ryan Blair Vice President & Secretary of Heritage Properties, Inc. 33 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/10Nov2020 EXHIBIT 1 r W JQ4— St . t 9 `d eSSgd of 9 Je P w�hsr a V O inllpge :9 e' J� peep rya k • Tryon Htrr .,. Approximate Subject Property Boundary W 1ohQn,.r sr Tu:#er St =. S Arwood PI $y N th 51 ` u 2 Wtane 5t C o 'IV Lana Sr � 3 2 O w z 3 A w lanes St W lwxs st Z a Wlhrd PI N p s W Ed&d�. St 0 Hlkbop 4h St Z W Morgan St _ � 0 W I raget[ 51 W Hargett St A k 2 Nasn Sq.— W Mahn St sv Mtrs'n-• 3 W Paine St G A—k-Raleigh - W Cab-m S[ Naletgh Cmrw.t�� �� [•gym. e W Lenoir St W 5—th, ,t ,—. W Snum St 0 500 1,000 Notes �•��L_ 1. Base Image obtained from Bing Maps (©2018 Microsoft). Approximate Scale1 inch =1,000 feet o _ a GEO-TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATES, INC. GEOTECHNICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS � a Q Q BLOC 83 o 14280 PARK CENTER DRIVE, SUITE A �— LAUREL, MARYLAND20707 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA (410) 792-9446 OR (301) 470-4470 FAX: (410) 792-7395 www.gtaeng.com SITE LOCATION MAP © Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. PROJECT: 35151659 DATE: DECEMBER 2018 SCALE: 1" = 1,000' DESIGN BY: JWM REVIEW BY: PHH FIGURE: 1 Exhibit 2 The most recent environmental sampling at the Brownfields Property reported in the Environmental Reports occurred on June 23, 2020. The following tables set forth, for contaminants present at the Brownfields Property above unrestricted use standards or screening levels, the maximum and/or most recent concentration found at each sample location, and the applicable standard or screening level. Screening levels and groundwater standards are shown for reference only and are not set forth as cleanup levels for purposes of this Agreement. GROUNDWATER Groundwater contaminants in micrograms per liter (the equivalent of parts per billion), the standards for which are contained in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L (2L), Rule .0202, (April 1, 2013 version): Groundwater Contaminant Sample Location Date of Sampling Maximum Concentration Exceeding Standard (µg/L) Date of Most Sampling (µgo-) Most RecentStandard Concentration (µg/L) (µg/L) Benzene DW-1 2/7/1995 109 2/7/1995 109 1 MW-1 8/19/1993 508 2/7/1995 54.3 MW-2 2/4/1994 55 6/16/1994 31 MW-3 2/4/1994 3,200 2/7/1995 2,240 MW-4 2/4/1994 1 2/7/1995 <0.5 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate MW-2 11/2/1993 3.4 11/2/1993 3.4 3 Bromodichloromethane DW-1 6/16/1994 2 2/7/1995 <QL 0.6 Di -Isopropyl Ether DW-1 2/7/1995 132 2/7/1995 132 70 MW-1 8/19/1993 226 2/7/1995 15.9 MW-2 2/4/1994 71 6/16/1994 <QL MW-3 2/4/1994 960 2/7/1995 417 1,2-Dichloroethane DW-1 2/7/1995 12.9 2/7/1995 12.9 0.4 MW-1 6/16/1994 18 2/7/1995 5.6 MW-2 2/4/1994 25 6/16/1994 9 MW-3 2/7/1995 44.2 2/7/1995 44.2 1,2-Dichloropropane DW-1 2/7/1995 2 2/7/1995 2 0.6 MW-2 2/4/1994 2 6/16/1994 <QL MW-3 2/4/1994 2 2/7/1995 <2.5 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 Groundwater Contaminant Sample Location Date of Sampling Maximum Concentration Exceeding Standard �µg/L) Date of Most Sampling (µg/L) Most Recent Concentration �µg/L) Standard (µg/L) Ethylbenzene MW-3 2/4/1994 4,400 2/7/1995 3,370 600 Lead DW-1 6/16/1994 19 6/16/1994 19 15 MW-1 8/19/1993 15 6/16/1994 10 MW-2 8/19/1993 27 6/16/1994 <QL MW-3 6/16/1994 21 6/16/1994 21 MW-4 2/4/1994 29 6/16/1994 12 MW-5 6/16/1994 64 6/16/1994 64 Methylene Chloride MW-1 11/2/1993 49 6/16/1994 <QL 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether MW-1 8/19/1993 1,538 2/7/1995 416 20 MW-2 6/16/1994 860 6/16/1994 860 MW-3 6/16/1994 950 2/7/1995 618 Naphthalene DW-1 2/7/1995 10 2/7/1995 10 6 GTA-031 11 /7/2018 110 11 /7/2018 110 MW-1 11/2/1993 9.3 2/7/1995 <0.6 MW-3 11/2/1993 410 2/7/1995 366 Toluene MW-3 2/4/1994 17,000 2/7/1995 15,100 600 Total Xylenes MW-3 2/4/1994 16,000 2/7/1995 1 14,500 1 500 NS — No standard established <QL — Not detected above the laboratory quantitation limit 'Note that GTA-03 is near historical well MW-3 that in 1993 had a naphthalene detection of 410 ug/L. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 2 GROUNDWATER VAPOR INTRUSION RISK Groundwater contaminants with potential for vapor intrusion (VI) in micrograms per liter (the equivalent of parts per billion), the vapor intrusion screening levels for which are derived from the Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels of the Division of Waste Management July 2020 version): Groundwater Concentration Residential VI Contaminant with Sample Date of Exceeding Screening Potential for Vapor Location Sampling Screening Level Intrusion Level (µg/L) (µg/L) DW-1 2/7/1995 109 MW-1 2/7/1995 54.3 Benzene 16 MW-2 6/16/1994 31 MW-3 2/7/1995 2,240 1,2-Dichloroethane MW-3 2/7/1995 44.2 22 Eth lbenzene MW-3 2/7/1995 3,370 35 GTA-032 11 /7/2018 110 Naphthalene 46 MW-3 2/7/1995 366 Toluene MW-3 2/7/1995 15,100 3,800 Total X lenes MW-3 2/7/1995 14,500 77 ' Screening levels displayed for non -carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk. Note that GTA-03 was installed near historical well MW-3 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 SOIL Soil contaminants in milligrams per kilogram (the equivalent of parts per million), the screening levels for which are derived from the Preliminary Residential Health -Based Soil Remediation Goals of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch of DEQ's Superfund Section (July 2020 version): Soil Contaminant2 Sample Location Depth (ft) Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (mg/kg) Residential Screening Level' (mg/kg) Arsenic GTA-1 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.9 0.68 GTA-2 Unknown 9/5/2019 3.2 GTA-02 11 11/7/2018 0.87 GTA-3 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.9 GTA-4 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.2 GTA-5 Unknown 9/5/2019 3.5 GTA-6 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.1 GTA-06 12 11 /7/2018 1.3 GTA-7 Unknown 9/5/2019 1.1 GTA-07 12 11 /8/2018 1.7 GTA-8 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.2 GTA-9 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.2 GTA-09 24 11 /7/2018 1.1 GTA-10 Unknown 9/5/2019 2.3 GTA-L 1 Unknown 9/ 12/2019 4.45 GTA-L2 Unknown 9/17/2019 3.61 GTA-L3 Unknown 9/17/2019 2.9 GTA-L4 Unknown 9/17/2019 3.71 GTA-S1 Unknown 9/13/2019 2.78 GTA-S2 Unknown 9/13/2019 3.23 GTA-S3 Unknown 9/13/2019 3.57 GTA-S4 Unknown 9/13/2019 3.02 GTA-S5 Unknown 9/13/2019 3.76 GTA-S6 Unknown 9/13/2019 3.64 GTA-S7 Unknown 9/17/2019 2.02 GTA-S8 Unknown 9/17/2019 2.59 GTA-S9 Unknown 9/17/2019 3.52 GTA-S10 Unknown 9/17/2019 3.05 GTA-S 11 Unknown 10/3/2019 2.18 GTA-S 12 Unknown 10/3/2019 2.53 GTA-S 13 Unknown 10/3/2019 2.15 GTA-S 14 Unknown 10/3/2019 4.79 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 4 Soil Contaminant2 Sample Location Depth (ft) Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (mg/kg) Residential Screening Level' (mg/kg) Arsenic GTA-S 15 Unknown 10/3/2019 3.32 0.68 GTA-S 16 Unknown 10/3/2019 4.12 GTA-USTI-BI 9 9/13/2019 1.66 GTA-USTI-B2 9 9/13/2019 2.35 GTA-UST2-BI 9 9/13/2019 3.92 GTA-UST2-B2 9 9/13/2019 2.07 GTA-UST3-BI 9 9/13/2019 2.00 GTA-UST3-B2 9 9/13/2019 1.38 GTA-UST4-B1 9 9/13/2019 2.31 GTA-UST4-B2 9 9/13/2019 2.00 GTA-UST5-B1 9 9/17/2019 3.21 GTA-UST5-B2 9 9/17/2019 2.59 GTA-UST6-B 1 15 10/3/2019 1.54 GTA USTI-B 1 15 10/3/2019 3.57 GTA-UST8-B 1 15 10/3/2019 1.92 Chromium, Hexavalent GTA-03 22 11/7/2018 0.76 0.31 4,6-Dinitro-2- meth 1 henol GTA UST8-B1 15 10/3/2019 0.306 NS Eth lbenzene B-104 14 11-14 5/ 14/2004 29 6.1 4-Isopropyltoluene B-102 19 16-19 5/6/2004 0.079 NS B-103 20 17-20 5/6/2004 0.12 B-104 14 11-14 5/6/2004 8.1 B-105 24 21-24 5/14/2004 0.14 GTA-S 14 Unknown 10/3/2019 0.000345J GTA UST8-B 1 15 10/3/2019 0.00904 3-Methylcholanthrene GTA-S14 Unknown 10/3/2019 0.224J 0.0055 GTA-S 15 Unknown 10/3/2019 0.228J Naphthalene B-103 20 17-20 5/6/2004 2.9 2.1 B-104 14 11-14 5/ 14/2004 76 B-105 24 21-24 5/ 14/2004 3.3 Oil & Grease B-8, S-1 8.5-10 8/12/1993 29 NS T-1, Composite 8 6/29/1993 12,257 T-1, S-1 8 6/29/1993 120 T-1, S-2 8 6/29/1993 10,299 WO-1 12 8/6/1994 43.5 Petroleum hydrocarbons, C9-C 12 Ali hatics B-102 19 16-19 5/6/2004 120 20 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 Soil Contaminant2 Sample Location Depth (ft) Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level (mg/kg) Residential Screening Level' (mg/kg) Petroleum hydrocarbons, C9-C 12 Aliphatics B-103 20 17-20 5/6/2004 280 20 B-10414 11-14 5/14/2004 300 B-104 24 21-24 5/14/2004 170 B-105 24 21-24 5/14/2004 180 Petroleum hydrocarbons, C9-C 10 Aromatics B-102 19 16-19 5/6/2004 64 20 B-103 20 17-20 5/6/2004 130 B-104 14 11-14 5/14/2004 170 B-104 24 21-24 5/14/2004 89 B-105 24 21-24 5/14/2004 83 TPH GRO HA-2 2 7/21/1992 563 3 50 HA-4 6 7/21/1992 2,090 T-2, S-2 20 7/1/1993 3,495 T-3, S-1 20 7/1/1993 1,963 T-3, S-2 20 7/1/1993 95 T-4, S-1 20 7/1/1993 554 T-4, S-2 20 7/1/1993 579 Random-2 15 7/1/1993 698 VP-14 8.5-10 12/21/1994 153 VP-1 18.5-20 12/21/1994 3,590 Total X lenes B-104 14 11-14 5/14/2004 120 120 1,1,2-Trichloroethane B-104-14DL 11-14 5/14/2004 16 0.32 1,2,4-Trimeth lbenzene B-104 14 11-14 5/14/2004 240 63 1,3,5-Trimeth lbenzene B-104 14 11-14 5/14/2004 70 56 'Screening levels displayed for non -carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-6 lifetime incremental cancer risk. ZCertain constituents are not reported in this table; however, the laboratory reporting limit exceeds the residential screening level for that constituent. This applies to certain polynuclear aromatic compounds (PAHs) such as benzo(a)pyrene and dibenz(a,h)anthracene, for example. 3NCDEQ UST Section Action Level 'VP-1 results are reported under sample name VP -A on the analytical report NS — No established screening level J — Estimated value between method detection limit and laboratory reporting limit TPH-GRO — Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons — Gas Range Organics Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 SUB -SLAB VAPOR Sub -slab vapor contaminants in micrograms per cubic meter, the screening levels for which are derived from Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels of the Division of Waste Management (July 2020 version): Sub -Slab Vapor Contaminant2 Sample Location Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level Residential Screening Level /m3 Chloroform GTA-VS-6 6/23/2020 63.5 41 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene GTA-VS-3 6/23/2020 10.3 NS Ethyl Alcohol GTA-VS-1 6/23/2020 249 NS GTA-VS-2 6/23/2020 345 GTA-VS-3 6/23/2020 251 GTA-VS-3D3 6/23/2020 245 GTA-VS-4 6/23/2020 119 GTA-VS-S 6/23/2020 90.4 GTA-VS-6 6/23/2020 59.5 GTA-VS-7 9/16/2020 139 GTA-VS-BA 9/16/2020 62.2 GTA-VS-BB 9/16/2020 58.6 GTA-VS-93 9/16/2020 128 4-Ethyltoluene GTA-VS-2 6/23/2020 3.24 NS GTA-VS-3D3 6/23/2020 2.51 GTA-VS-7 9/16/2020 8.80 Trichloroethene GTA-SV-3 11/7/2018 20 14 Trichlorofluoromethane GTA-SV-4 11/7/2018 2.9 NS GTA-VS-I 6/23/2020 4.88 GTA-VS-2 6/23/2020 68 GTA-VS-3 6/23/2020 12.9 GTA-VS-3D3 6/23/2020 14.1 GTA-VS-S 6/23/2020 5.28 GTA-VS-6 6/23/2020 5.73 2,2,4-Trimeth 1 entane GTA-VS-S 6/23/2020 7.01 NS 'Screening levels displayed for non -carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk. NS — No screening level established 2Although the constituent naphthalene is not reported in this table, the laboratory reporting limit for naphthalene was 3.02 µg/m3, which exceeds the residential screening level of 2.8 µg/m3 3The samples GTA-VS-31) and GTA-VS-9 are invalid as the pressure on receipt by the laboratory was reported by the laboratory to be 0.0 inches Hg. Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 SOTL GAS Soil gas contaminants in micrograms per cubic meter, the screening levels for which are derived from Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels of the Division of Waste Management (July 2020 version): Concentration Residential Soil Gas Contaminant Sample Date of Exceeding Screening Location Sampling Screening Level Level /m3 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene GTA-SV-6 11/8/2018 5.5 NS 2,2,4-Trimeth 1 entane GTA-SV-6 11/8/2018 70 NS 'Screening levels displayed for non -carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk. NS — No screening level established Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/05Nov2020 I, RONALD T. FREDERICK, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM DEED DESCRIPTION RECORDED IN BOOK AND PAGE LAS_SHOWN�_; THAT THE BOUNDARIES NOT SURVEYED ARE CLEARLY INDICATED AND DRAWN FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN BOOK AND PAGE ___AS SHOWN) ; THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS 1: 134 308 ; AND THAT THIS PLAT WAS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMENDED. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, REGISTRATION NUMBER, AND SEAL THIS DAY OF A.D. 20__. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF THE FOLLOWING TYPE: G.S. 47-30 (f)(11)(d). THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY, SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A COURT —ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPTION TO THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. RONALD T. FREDERICK PLS L-4720 NOT FORT RECORDATION CONVEYANCES OR SALES GENERAL NOTES: 1. THIS IS A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCEL(S) OF LAND. THIS IS A BROWNFIELDS SURVEY. 2. BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON NC GRID NAD 83(2011). 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. 4. ZONING: NX-7—UL—CU 5. AREA BY COORDINATE GEOMETRY. 6. FLOOD NOTE: THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE. IT IS LOCATED IN ZONE "X" AS DEFINED BY F.E.M.A F.I.R.M COMMUNITY PANEL #3720170300J DATED MAY 2, 2006. 7. REFERENCES: AS SHOWN 8. THE AREAS AND TYPES OF CONTAMINATION DEPICTED HEREON ARE APPROXIMATIONS DERIVED FROM THE BEST AVAILABLE INFORMATION AT THE TIME OF FILING. A LISTING OF THE TECHNICAL REPORTS USED TO PREPARE THE PLAT ARE AVAILABLE IN THE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT FOR THIS PROPERTY. 9. CHANGES TO THE RIGHT OF WAY OF HILLSBOROUGH STREET AND SOUTH BOYLAN AVENUE HAVE RESULTED IN CERTAIN SAMPLE LOCATIONS PLOTTING OUTSIDE THE BROWNFIELD PROPERTY BOUNDARY. I NAD GRID (NAD83 2011) I I N/F I I I I I WILLIAMS—CROSS I I INVESTMENT CO. INC. I PIN:1703399454 I D.B. 1408, PG. 569 I HILLSBOROUGH 630, LLC. PIN:1703491348 I N/F MAHLON AYCOCK, ET.AL. N/F H.S.A.L.P. I N/F I D.B. 16997, PG. 1152 PIN:1703492349 I D.B. 2790, PG. 13 PIN:1703493325 THE BAR STOOL INC. I D.B. 4908, PG. 342 PIN3828, I I y PG. 1 D.B. 13828, PG. 1200 N/F THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF RALEIGH INC PIN:1703397175 D.B. 12630, PG. 838 0 GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. PIN:1703399156 N/F SAMIH YEHIA PIN:1703399004 D.B. 15864, PG. 676 N/F 700 WEST MORGAN LLC PIN:1703490004 D.B. 11755, PG. 933 Li � QJ m Z) Za g= 03 m w J m U HILLSBOROUGH STREET VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W W. MORGAN STREET VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W N/F CROCKER FAMILY PROPERTIES, LLC PIN:1703481885 D.B. 16759, PG. 165 N/F RALEIGH HOTEL GROUP, LLC PIN:1703484920 D.B. 16986, PG. 2031 r-----7 N/F PETER BOUGADES, ET.AL. ' PIN:1703495196 I ' N/F PETER BOUGADES, ET.AL. PIN:1703495067 L 0 BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY J McADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com OWNERS GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. oNi 0 00 0 N N H W 1 O a W Q cr O O Z W J Q W o a wrn O N M a z CD Q �Lr) O J � � LL1 M M O O z r_1 Q rn O ~ wLU � M O Im N r-I LPL = O O N W 0 V CO o O = N z o � en o2S � M M O N N � N M m cI Ol Lr) O ~ o � m o z _ a X W REVISIONS NO. DATE 1 ... ... 2 ... ... PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. HTG-18010 FILENAME HTG17000.F1B CHECKED BY RTF DRAWN BY SCALE DATE SHEET DJ M 1"-20' 10/20/2020 SHEET 1OF5 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF THE FOLLOWING TYPE: ,,�� CA SSO G.S. 47-30 (f)(11)(d). THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY, ., ,` SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A ••�,�.•FE104• ' COURT —ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPTION TO THE •••P p 9 `�F. DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. RONALD T. FREDERICK PLS L-4720 PRELIMINARY PLAT NOT FOR RECORDATION CONVEYANCES OR SALES THE JUNIOR LEAGUE OF INC 711 HIRLLSBOROUGH ST. PIN: 1703397175 D.B. 12630, PG. 838 PROPERTY LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L6 S 87°03'40" E 11.00' 0. �oQSUR p T PROPERTY CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH C2 1045.00' 20.05' S 86°30'41" E 20.05' BROWNFIELD WEST PARCEL 32,718 SQ.FT. OR 0.75 AC. HILLSBOROUGH STREET VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W I SAMIH/YEHIA I N/F 704 W. MORGAN ST. 700 WEST MORGAN LLC PIN:1703399004 700 W. MORGAN ST. D.B. 15864, PG. 676 PIN:1703490004 D.B. 11755, PG. 933 Li � QJ m Z) Z a g:C 0 O 3 m J m I NAD GRID (NAD83 2011) LEGEND OO EXISTING IRON PIPE ■ EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT EXISTING NAIL ® SOIL SAMPLE (@ MONITORING WELL ® VAPOR SAMPLES © SOIL GAS SAMPLE A CALCULATED POINT XXXX ADDRESS BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 1 inch = 20 ft. J McADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com OWNERS GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. LLI CD rq a = o rn Cn O M 0 = V)rn o 0o a z Q o 0 Q rl J a�i z NLLI § M 0 o o = N z o � U Z Q cri = F_ O �0 = o > a O m N ^ J = Ur r-I = 0 a O Z)� L} LLI LLI = rn w Y OC CC CO m Q _V I— o O=r14 J_ c-I cr Z 0 n - LU J M < Q L L1 o?S � u- O = I— cn rn r, 0 O U O N o � N N Z ca M °' LJJ ) o (� m 1O 7 o z X LLI REVISIONS NO. DATE 2 ... ... PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. HTG-18010 FILENAME HTG17000.F1B CHECKED BY RTF DRAWN BY DJM SCALE 1"-20' DATE 10/20/2020 SHEET SHEET 20F5 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF THE FOLLOWING TYPE: ••••�N -CARO �0 G.S. 47-30 (f)(11)(d). THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY, •••�; .� PRELIMINARY PLAT SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A ••• �••F ESS / •. �•• COURT -ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPTION TO THE I •• NOT FOR RECORDATION DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. ; Q C� r ;10000NVEYANCES OR SALES RONALD T. FREDERICK PLS L-4720 Li QJ m Z) Z a O 3 m w J 0 N rn N M N w ® MW-1 0o ���•' V O•T::FR�O��.• GTA-5 ® GTA-1 S 87'03'40" E 238. G1 FA-4 ®\® ® GTA-2 ®13-102 ®13-103 160.19' GTA-3 T-4,S-1 ®VP-1 HA-4 (2)® T- ®-2 B.S �1 ® ®)% �3 S-2 RANDOM -2 MW-2 ®GTA- VS-6 T-1,S-1 T-1,COMPOSITE® WO-1 ®T-1,S-2 ®B-8,S-1 ® GTA-SV-3 QGTA-VS-2 ® GTA-03 PROPERTY LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 N 02*14'23" E 1.14' L2 N 87"45'47" W 5.78' L3 S 87°03'40" E 18.47' L4 N 02*50'13" E 4.00' L5 N 02°29'22" E 2.78' ®GTA-VS-5 ®DW-1 GTA-SV-6 ZW-3 GTA-VS-3 ®GTA-VS-1 GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. PIN:1703491193 D.B. 17691, PG. 1681 LOT 1 B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 36,937 SQ.FT. 0.85 AC. ® GTA-SV-4 150.17' ® GTA-6 GTA-10 GTA-9 (9 ® GTA-7 ® GTA-8 ® GTA-02 ®GTA-VS-4 N 87'45'37" W 208.13'(TOTAL) ++++++ ++++++ BROWNFIELD EAST PARCEL 52,447 SQ.FT. OR 1.20 AC. HILLSBOROUGH STREET VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W 0 Ns m w OD N Ld ®MW-5 3 59.67' GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. PIN:1703492194 D.B. 17691, PG. 1681 LOT 2 B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 7,009 SQ.FT. 0.16 AC. h -i 18.65' toL3 J J B� m GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. PIN:1703493220 D.B. 17562, PG. 723 o Uj NORTH RETAIL UNIT 3 Uj a C.M. 2019, PG. 55 PORTION OF LOT 3 ,o + o F- B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 �o ++ in +++ LL- O ^ + + + O z ++++ V / En +++�W+ + + + �� + + N + + + ++++++ O ++++ 5m + + + + + LEI + + a N'+++++`+ a w 79 55'S9 + ++ + + V) " W 41.11'(7-07_ai I + '�'4++ 0° B6 N - - , --- rn'* ___-- N uj --- z -_ S 87'30'38" E 43.60' __ �V e13 103 SQ.FT. 322 SQ.FT 413 SQ.FT. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC. PIN:1703493132 D.B. 17543, PG. 1915 COMMON ELEMENT C.M. 2019, PG. 55 PORTION OF LOT 3 B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 o Q - _ - 45 SQ.FT. w a = - - 405 SQ.FT. ^ LLN in LL-O O z =_ r �W _ ;n J M = (p O5 _ 0 Oa 001.1 a Lj - aw_ GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. CUM - PIN:1703493006 - 00 PREVOIUS LIMITS OF BROWNFIELD 1141 D.B. 17562, PG. 723 ^ SEE BROWNFIELDS NOTE THIS PAGE SOUTH RETAIL UNIT C.M. 2019, PG. 55 2 PORTION OF LOT 3 s / iU-) B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 = / 616 CN I o // 1 0.79 SQ.FTj 3 - j/ i 0.17' m 2 (TIE) dam- NN / emu, oN� N6,+V�� / L - _DETAIL 1"=5' j L2 28.56' I m B16 1 29.23' 28.73' W. MORGAN STREET VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W PORTION OF BROWNFIELD TO BE ADDED TO GLENWOOD PROPERTIES BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, NCBP# 19078-15-092, B.M. 2017, PG. 283-284 PORTION OF BROWNFIELD TO BE REMOVED FROM GLENWOOD PROPERTIES BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, NCBP# 19078-15-092, B.M. 2017, PG. 283-284 N 87'45'18" W 121.27' LEGEND OO EXISTING IRON PIPE ■ EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT EXISTING NAIL ® SOIL SAMPLE ® MONITORING WELL ® VAPOR SAMPLES © SOIL GAS SAMPLE A CALCULATED POINT XXXX ADDRESS BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY BOUNDARY PROPERTY LINE N NAD GRID (NAD83 2011) S 87'08'07" E 139.14' LOT 3 B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 38,559 SQ.FT. 0.89 AC. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC. PIN:1703494102 D.B. 17543, PG. 1915 OFFICE UNIT C.M. 2019, PG. 55 PORTION OF LOT 3 B.M. 2019, PG. 1373 BROWNFIELD LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE 131 S 87°08'07" E 6.44' B2 S 02°51'53" W 4.17' B3 S 10*15'28" W 5.82' B4 S 79°55'59" E 12.40' B5 S 02°29'22" W 1.24' B6 S 81 `49'57" E 10.14' B7 S 02°51'53" W 14.59' B8 S 71 °32'53" E 3.05' B9 S 17*55'19" W 9.74' B10 N 87°08'07" W 0.41' B11 S 02°51'53" W 3.28' B12 S 17°51'53" W 15.06' B13 N 73°07'49" W 15.26' B14 S 16`52'11" W 13.24' 615 N 73°07'49" W 0.79' B16 N 88"07'49" W 2.00' B17 S 01'52'11" W 4.85' GRAPHIC SCALE 20 0 10 20 40 1 inch = 20 ft. !!j MCADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com OWNERS GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. LU a LUrn o O rn O V) V, o 00 a Q rH r-I N'1f 1-0 O p O 1 Q rl J 0-' z NLLI M O a:o o a N z o U � Z a cri = V O w O z LLI o O m N z a = LL = 0rn = O a a O Z) 0') W LL1 LLI w CC m m Q _V O O= cr Z 0 N LU J m Q Q L L1 o?S U- O rn Mo O O U O N o � N N Z ca M °' LJJ n o J H -i r� to m 1O o z LLI REVISIONS NO. DATE 1 ... ... 2 ... ... PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. HTG-18010 FILENAME HTG17000.F1B CHECKED BY RTF DRAWN BY DJM SCALE 1"-20' DATE 10/20/2020 SHEET SHEET 30F5 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF THE FOLLOWING TYPE: ���0""•■'�A G.S. 47-30 (f)(11)(d). THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY, • CA•R� SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A O ;•0 O. �• �FESS/ 1 COURT -ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPTION TO THE �• `�..�.• O DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. - _Q� ^r. RONALD T. FREDERICK PLS L-4720 20 Off• V ,a�_'_� . LAND USE RESTRICTIONS FOR THE PURPOSES OF N.C.G.S. § 130A-310.351 ELLEN LORSCHEIDER, DEPUTY DIRECTOR DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF WAKE NCGS 130A-310.35(A) REQUIRES RECORDATION OF A NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY ("NOTICE") THAT IDENTIFIES ANY RESTRICTIONS ON THE CURRENT AND FUTURE USE OF A BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY THAT ARE NECESSARY OR USEFUL TO MAINTAIN THE LEVEL OF PROTECTION APPROPRIATE FOR THE DESIGNATED CURRENT OR FUTURE USE OF THE PROPERTY AND THAT ARE DESIGNATED IN A BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY. THIS SURVEY PLAT CONSTITUTES ONE OF THREE EXHIBITS TO THE NOTICE PERTAINING TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY DEPICTED ON THIS PLAT AND RECORDED AT THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS' OFFICE. THE EXHIBITS TO THE NOTICE ARE: THE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, WHICH IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A TO THE NOTICE; A REDUCED VERSION OF THIS SURVEY PLAT, WHICH IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT B TO THE NOTICE; AND A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, WHICH IS ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT C TO THE NOTICE. THE LAND USE RESTRICTIONS BELOW HAVE BEEN EXCERPTED VERBATIM FROM PARAGRAPH 12 OF THE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT, AND ALL PARAGRAPH LETTERS/NUMBERS ARE THE SAME AS THOSE USED IN THE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT. THE FOLLOWING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS ARE HEREBY IMPOSED ON THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY AND SHALL REMAIN IN FORCE IN PERPETUITY UNLESS CANCELED BY THE SECRETARY OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (OR ITS SUCCESSOR IN FUNCTION), OR HIS/HER DESIGNEE, AFTER THE HAZARDS HAVE BEEN ELIMINATED, PURSUANT TO NCGS § 130A-310.35(E): a. NO USE MAY BE MADE OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY OTHER THAN FOR RESTAURANT, RETAIL, OFFICE, AND SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SUBPARAGRAPH 12.H. BELOW, HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, AND ASSOCIATED PARKING USES, AND SUBJECT TO DEQ'S PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL, OTHER COMMERCIAL USES. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS RESTRICTION, THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS APPLY: 1:7261VNIJ:L1,11aRy172191►121DW-WW414]!l,1210s]WW 16-11►I*VE*_1F-1QN6-a!I2121aI:/_11M9:21=1WRN1►I91W21:kvi29021•Z•]DL1►1D7:3viv/21:LCeIX.-aC•1•J11I0s]►64 N. "RETAIL"IS DEFINED AS THE SALE OF GOODS OR SERVICES, PRODUCTS, OR MERCHANDISE DIRECTLY TO THE CONSUMER OR BUSINESSES AND INCLUDES SHOWROOMS, PERSONAL SERVICE, AND THE SALES OF FOOD AND BEVERAGE PRODUCTS. iii. "OFFICE"IS DEFINED AS THE PROVISION OF BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. iv. "HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL" IS DEFINED AS PERMANENT DWELLINGS WHERE RESIDENTIAL UNITS ARE ATTACHED TO EACH OTHER WITH COMMON WALLS, SUCH AS CONDOMINIA, APARTMENTS, GROUP HOMES, DORMITORIES OR BOARDING HOUSES, AND ANY PROPERTY OUTSIDE THE DWELLING STRUCTURES IS USABLE BY ALL RESIDENTS AND NOT PRIVATELY OWNED AS PART OF A PARTICULAR UNIT (E.G., PRIVATELY -OWNED COURTYARDS ARE PROHIBITED), AND MAY INCLUDE RELATED AMENITIES, SUCH AS POOLS, CLUBHOUSES, COURTYARDS, COMMON AREAS, RECREATION AREAS AND PARKING GARAGES. v. 'PARKING"IS DEFINED AS THE TEMPORARY ACCOMMODATION OF MOTOR VEHICLES IN AN AREA DESIGNED FOR SAME. vi. "COMMERCIAL "IS DEFINED AS AN ENTERPRISE CARRIED ON FOR PROFIT OR NONPROFIT BY THE OWNER, LESSEE OR LICENSEE. b. PHYSICAL REDEVELOPMENT OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY MAY NOT OCCUR OTHER THAN IN ACCORD, AS DETERMINED BY DEQ, WITH AN ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ("EMP") APPROVED IN WRITING BY DEQ IN ADVANCE (AND REVISED TO DEQ'S WRITTEN SATISFACTION PRIOR TO EACH SUBSEQUENT REDEVELOPMENT PHASE) THAT IS CONSISTENT WITH ALL THE OTHER LAND USE RESTRICTIONS AND DESCRIBES REDEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, THE TIMING OF REDEVELOPMENT PHASES, AND ADDRESSES HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES THAT MAY ARISE FROM USE OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY DURING CONSTRUCTION OR REDEVELOPMENT IN ANY OTHER FORM ON THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION: L SOIL AND WATER MANAGEMENT ISSUES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THOSE RESULTING FROM CONTAMINATION IDENTIFIED IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTS; N. ISSUES RELATED TO POTENTIAL SOURCES OF CONTAMINATION REFERENCED IN PARAGRAPH 3 ABOVE; iii. CONTINGENCY PLANS FOR ADDRESSING, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE TESTING OF SOIL AND GROUNDWATER, NEWLY DISCOVERED POTENTIAL SOURCES OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION (E.G., USTS, TANKS, DRUMS, SEPTIC DRAIN FIELDS, OIL -WATER SEPARATORS, SOIL CONTAMINATION); AND iv. PLANS FOR THE PROPER CHARACTERIZATION OF AND, AS NECESSARY, DISPOSAL OF CONTAMINATED SOILS EXCAVATED DURING REDEVELOPMENT. c. WITHIN 90 DAYS AFTER EACH ONE-YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT FOR AS LONG AS PHYSICAL REDEVELOPMENT OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONTINUES (EXCEPT THAT THE FINAL DEADLINE SHALL FALL 90 DAYS AFTER THE CONCLUSION OF PHYSICAL REDEVELOPMENT), THE THEN OWNER OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY SHALL PROVIDE DEQ A REPORT SUBJECT TO WRITTEN DEQ APPROVAL ON ENVIRONMENT -RELATED ACTIVITIES SINCE THE LAST REPORT, WITH A SUMMARY AND DRAWINGS, THAT DESCRIBES: L ACTIONS TAKEN ON THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS SECTION V: WORK TO BE PERFORMED; N. SOIL GRADING AND CUT AND FILL ACTIONS; iii. METHODOLOGY(IES) EMPLOYED FOR FIELD SCREENING, SAMPLING AND LABORATORY ANALYSIS OF ENVIRONMENTAL MEDIA; iv. STOCKPILING, CONTAINERIZING, DECONTAMINATING, TREATING, HANDLING, LABORATORY ANALYSIS AND ULTIMATE DISPOSITION OF ANY SOIL, GROUNDWATER OR OTHER MATERIALS SUSPECTED OR CONFIRMED TO BE CONTAMINATED WITH REGULATED SUBSTANCES; AND v. REMOVAL OF ANY CONTAMINATED SOIL, WATER OR OTHER CONTAMINATED MATERIALS (FOR EXAMPLE, CONCRETE, DEMOLITION DEBRIS) FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY (COPIES OF ALL LEGALLY REQUIRED MANIFESTS SHALL BE INCLUDED). d. GROUNDWATER AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF DEQ. e. NO ACTIVITY THAT DISTURBS SOIL ON THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY MAY OCCUR UNLESS AND UNTIL DEQ STATES IN WRITING, IN ADVANCE OF THE PROPOSED ACTIVITY, THAT SAID ACTIVITY MAY OCCUR IF CARRIED OUT ALONG WITH ANY MEASURES DEQ DEEMS NECESSARY TO ENSURE THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WILL BE SUITABLE FOR THE USES SPECIFIED IN SUBPARAGRAPH 12.A. ABOVE WHILE FULLY PROTECTING PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT, EXCEPT: i. IN CONNECTION WITH LANDSCAPE PLANTING TO DEPTHS NOT EXCEEDING 24 INCHES; N. MOWING AND PRUNING OF ABOVE -GROUND VEGETATION; iii. FOR REPAIR OF UNDERGROUND INFRASTRUCTURE, PROVIDED THAT DEQ SHALL BE GIVEN WRITTEN NOTICE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS IN ADVANCE OF A SCHEDULED REPAIR (IF ONLY BY EMAIL) OF ANY SUCH REPAIR, OR IN EMERGENCY CIRCUMSTANCES NO LATER THAN THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY, AND THAT ANY RELATED ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIAL MEASURES REQUIRED BY DEQ SHALL BE TAKEN; AND iv. IN CONNECTION TO WORK CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A DEQ-APPROVED ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) AS OUTLINED IN SUBPARAGRAPH 12.6. ABOVE. f. SOIL MAY NOT BE REMOVED FROM, OR BROUGHT ONTO, THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT PRIOR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS TO DEQ'S SATISFACTION AND THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF DEQ, UNLESS CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN APPROVED EMP AS OUTLINED ABOVE IN SUBPARAGRAPH 12.B. g. NO ENCLOSED BUILDING MAY BE CONSTRUCTED ON THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY AND NO EXISTING BUILDING, DEFINED AS THOSE DEPICTED ON THE PLAT COMPONENT OF THE NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY REFERENCED IN PARAGRAPH 16 BELOW, MAY BE OCCUPIED UNTIL DEQ DETERMINES IN WRITING THAT: i. THE BUILDING IS OR WOULD BE PROTECTIVE OF THE BUILDING'S USERS, PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT FROM RISK OF VAPOR INTRUSION BASED ON SITE ASSESSMENT DATA OR A SITE -SPECIFIC RISK ASSESSMENT APPROVED IN WRITING BY DEQ; ii. THE BUILDING IS OR WOULD BE SUFFICIENTLY DISTANT FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY'S GROUNDWATER AND/OR SOIL CONTAMINATION BASED ON ASSESSMENT DATA APPROVED IN WRITING BY DEQ THAT THE BUILDING'S USERS, PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT WILL BE PROTECTED FROM RISK FROM VAPOR INTRUSION RELATED TO SAID CONTAMINATION; OR iii. VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION MEASURES ARE DESIGNED, INSTALLED AND/OR IMPLEMENTED IN A MANNER THAT WILL FULLY PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH TO THE SATISFACTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER LICENSED IN NORTH CAROLINA, AS EVIDENCED BY SAID ENGINEER'S PROFESSIONAL SEAL ON A REPORT THAT INCLUDES PHOTOGRAPHS AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE INSTALLATION AND PERFORMANCE OF SAID MEASURES, AND TO DEQ. ANY DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION MEASURES SHALL BE APPROVED IN WRITING BY DEQ IN ADVANCE OF INSTALLATION AND/OR IMPLEMENTATION OF SAID MEASURES. THE DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS SHALL INCLUDE METHODOLOGY(IES) FOR DEMONSTRATING PERFORMANCE OF SAID MEASURES. h. RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY IS PROHIBITED UNTIL SAMPLING OCCURS AND DEMONSTRATES TO DEQ'S WRITTEN SATISFACTION THAT RESIDENTIAL USE IS SUITABLE BASED ON APPLICABLE ENVIRONMENTAL RISK DETERMINATIONS. PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER SHALL CONDUCT SUCH SAMPLING PRIOR TO ANY RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY AND IT SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A WORK PLAN APPROVED IN ADVANCE BY DEQ AND TO DEQ'S WRITTEN SATISFACTION, AND RESULTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO DEQ FOR REVIEW NO LESS THAN 30 DAYS PRIOR TO REQUESTED OCCUPANCY DATE. L NEITHER DEQ, NOR ANY PARTY CONDUCTING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OR REMEDIATION AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY AT THE DIRECTION OF, OR PURSUANT TO A PERMIT, ORDER OR AGREEMENT ISSUED OR ENTERED INTO BY DEQ, MAY BE DENIED ACCESS TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY FOR PURPOSES OF CONDUCTING SUCH ASSESSMENT OR REMEDIATION, WHICH IS TO BE CONDUCTED USING REASONABLE EFFORTS TO MINIMIZE INTERFERENCE WITH AUTHORIZED USES OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY. j. ANY DEED OR OTHER INSTRUMENT CONVEYING AN INTEREST IN THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY SHALL CONTAIN THE FOLLOWING NOTICE: 'THIS PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT ATTACHED AS EXHIBIT A TO THE NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY RECORDED IN THE WAKE COUNTY LAND RECORDS, BOOK ----- PAGE . " A COPY OF ANY SUCH INSTRUMENT SHALL BE SENT TO THE PERSONS LISTED IN SECTION XV (NOTICES AND SUBMISSIONS), THOUGH FINANCIAL FIGURES AND OTHER CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION RELATED TO THE CONVEYANCE MAY BE REDACTED TO THE EXTENT SAID REDACTIONS COMPLY WITH THE CONFIDENTIALITY AND TRADE SECRET PROVISIONS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PUBLIC RECORDS LAW. THE OWNER CONVEYING AN INTEREST MAY USE THE FOLLOWING MECHANISMS TO COMPLY WITH THE OBLIGATIONS OF THIS SUBPARAGRAPH: (1) IF EVERY LEASE AND RIDER IS IDENTICAL IN FORM, THE OWNER CONVEYING AN INTEREST MAY PROVIDE DEQ WITH COPIES OF A FORM LEASE OR RIDER EVIDENCING COMPLIANCE WITH THIS SUBPARAGRAPH, IN LIEU OF SENDING COPIES OF ACTUAL, EXECUTED LEASES, TO THE PERSONS LISTED IN SECTION XV (NOTICE AND SUBMISSIONS); OR (II) THE OWNER CONVEYING AN INTEREST MAY PROVIDE ABSTRACTS OF LEASES, RATHER THAN FULL COPIES OF SAID LEASES, TO THE PERSONS LISTED IN SECTION XV. k. NONE OF THE CONTAMINANTS KNOWN TO BE PRESENT IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL MEDIA AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, AS DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 2 OF THIS AGREEMENT AND AS MODIFIED BY DEQ IN WRITING IF ADDITIONAL CONTAMINANTS IN EXCESS OF APPLICABLE STANDARDS ARE DISCOVERED AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, MAY BE USED OR STORED AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF DEQ, EXCEPT: i. IN DE MINIMIS QUANTITIES FOR CLEANING AND OTHER ROUTINE HOUSEKEEPING AND MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES; N. AS CONSTITUENTS OF PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS CUSTOMARILY USED AND STORED IN RETAIL, RESTAURANT, OFFICE, HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL, AND ASSOCIATED PARKING ENVIRONMENTS, PROVIDED SUCH PRODUCTS AND MATERIALS ARE STORED IN ORIGINAL RETAIL PACKAGING AND USED AND DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS; AND iii. AS CONSTITUENTS OF FUELS, LUBRICANTS AND OILS IN EMERGENCY GENERATORS IN ON -BOARD TANKS TOTALING NO MORE THAN 500 GALLONS, OR IN MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES IN ON -BOARD TANKS INTEGRAL TO SAID EQUIPMENT OR IN FLAMMABLE LIQUID STORAGE CONTAINERS TOTALING NO MORE THAN 25 GALLONS. THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY MAY NOT BE USED FOR CHILDCARE (AS THAT TERM IS DEFINED UNDER NCGS § 110-86(2)), ADULT CARE CENTERS OR SCHOOLS, EXCEPT POST -SECONDARY SCHOOLS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL OF DEQ. m. UNLESS COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LAND USE RESTRICTION IS WAIVED IN WRITING IN ADVANCE BY DEQ IN RELATION TO PARTICULAR BUILDINGS, DEMOLITION AND/OR RENOVATION OF ANY OR ALL BUILDINGS ON THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY DEPICTED ON THE PLAT COMPONENT OF THE NOTICE REFERENCED IN PARAGRAPH 16 BELOW SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LEGAL REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THOSE RELATED TO LEAD AND ASBESTOS ABATEMENT THAT ARE ADMINISTERED BY THE HEALTH HAZARDS CONTROL UNIT WITHIN THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES. n. WITHIN 60 DAYS AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS AGREEMENT OR PRIOR TO LAND DISTURBANCE ACTIVITIES, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER SHALL ABANDON MONITORING WELLS, INJECTION WELLS, RECOVERY WELLS, PIEZOMETERS AND OTHER MAN MADE POINTS OF GROUNDWATER ACCESS AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH SUBCHAPTER 2C OF TITLE 15A OF THE NORTH CAROLINA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, UNLESS AN ALTERNATE SCHEDULE IS APPROVED BY DEQ. WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER DOING SO, THE PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER SHALL PROVIDE DEQ A REPORT, SETTING FORTH THE PROCEDURES AND RESULTS. o. THE OWNER OF ANY PORTION OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WHERE ANY EXISTING, OR SUBSEQUENTLY INSTALLED, DEQ-APPROVED MONITORING WELL IS DAMAGED BY THE OWNER, ITS CONTRACTORS, OR ITS TENANTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR REPAIR OF ANY SUCH WELLS TO DEQ'S WRITTEN SATISFACTION AND WITHIN A TIME PERIOD ACCEPTABLE TO DEQ, UNLESS COMPLIANCE WITH THIS LAND USE RESTRICTION IS WAIVED IN WRITING BY DEQ IN ADVANCE. p. DURING JANUARY OF EACH YEAR AFTER THE YEAR IN WHICH THE NOTICE REFERENCED BELOW IN PARAGRAPH 16 IS RECORDED, THE OWNER OF ANY PART OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY AS OF JANUARY 1ST OF THAT YEAR SHALL SUBMIT A NOTARIZED LAND USE RESTRICTIONS UPDATE ("LURU") TO DEQ, AND TO THE CHIEF PUBLIC HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL OFFICIALS OF WAKE COUNTY, CERTIFYING THAT, AS OF SAID JANUARY 1ST, THE NOTICE OF BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY CONTAINING THESE LAND USE RESTRICTIONS REMAINS RECORDED AT THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS OFFICE AND THAT THE LAND USE RESTRICTIONS ARE BEING COMPLIED WITH. THE SUBMITTED LURU SHALL STATE THE FOLLOWING: L THE NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, TELEPHONE AND FACSIMILE NUMBERS, AND CONTACT PERSON'S E-MAIL ADDRESS OF THE OWNER, OR BOARD, ASSOCIATION OR APPROVED ENTITY SUBMITTING THE LURU IF SAID OWNER (OR EACH OF THE OWNERS ON WHOSE BEHALF THE JOINT LURU IS SUBMITTED) ACQUIRED ANY PART OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY DURING THE PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR; ii. THE TRANSFEREE'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, TELEPHONE AND FACSIMILE NUMBERS, AND CONTACT PERSON'S E-MAIL ADDRESS, IF SAID OWNER (OR EACH OF THE OWNERS ON WHOSE BEHALF THE JOINT LURU IS SUBMITTED) TRANSFERRED ANY PART OF THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY DURING THE PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR; iii. WHETHER ANY VAPOR BARRIER AND/OR MITIGATION SYSTEMS INSTALLED PURSUANT TO SUBPARAGRAPH 12.G.111. ABOVE ARE PERFORMING AS DESIGNED, AND WHETHER THE USES OF THE GROUND FLOORS OF ANY BUILDINGS CONTAINING SUCH VAPOR BARRIER AND/OR MITIGATION SYSTEMS HAVE CHANGED, AND, IF SO, HOW; AND iv. A LURU SUBMITTED FOR RENTAL UNITS SHALL INCLUDE THE RENT ROLL AND ENOUGH OF EACH LEASE ENTERED INTO DURING THE PREVIOUS CALENDAR YEAR TO DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE WITH LESSEE NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS IN PARAGRAPHS 17 AND 18 OF THIS AGREEMENT PROVIDED THAT IF STANDARD FORM LEASES ARE USED IN EVERY INSTANCE, A COPY OF SUCH STANDARD LEASE FORM LEASE MAY BE SENT IN LIEU OF COPIES OF ACTUAL LEASES. J McADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com OWNERS GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. LJJ rq a LUrn o Cn O Oj z O oo a Q 0 O Q rl J a�i z NW § M O o o aC N z o U Z Q O �O LLI cc LU = o > a O m N ^ J LL = C7 rn Z O a O �� L} LLI LLI = rn w Y OC cc m m < � Q _V I- o O J_ = r, cr Z o N r, - w J N r` rn = Q LLI o?S � u- OI— rn O rn r, O >- O U O` N o r � N N Z m en rn LLI ) o O z a X LLI REVISIONS NO. DATE 1 ... ... 2 ... ... PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. HTG-18010 FILENAME HTG17000.F1B CHECKED BY RTF DRAWN BY DJM SCALE 1"-20' DATE 10/20/2020 SHEET SHEET 40F5 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF THE FOLLOWING TYPE: G.S. 47-30 (f)(11)(d). THIS SURVEY IS OF ANOTHER CATEGORY, SUCH AS THE RECOMBINATION OF EXISTING PARCELS, A COURT -ORDERED SURVEY, OR OTHER EXCEPTION TO THE DEFINITION OF SUBDIVISION. RONALD T. FREDERICK PLS L-4 Eihibit 2 CAR��° •.•F E S S / •. .9 < v LW20(moo:. �.•• \ / •g . SU`� .• ��as The most recent environmental sampling at the Brownfields Property reported in the Environmental Reports occurred on June 23, 2020. The following tables set forth, for contaminants present at the Brownfields Property above unrestricted use standards or screening levels, the maximum andJor most recent concentration found at each sample location, and the applicable standard or screening level. Screening levels and groundwater standards are shown for reference only and are not set forth as cleanup levels for purposes of this Agreement - GROUNDWATER Groundwater contaminants in micrograms per liter (the equivalent of parts per billion), the standards for which are contained in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administratiti.e Code, Subehapter 2L (21.), Rule -0202. (April 1, 2013 version): Groundwater Contaminant Sample Location Date of Sampling Maximum Concentration Exceeding Standard (µg/L) Date of Most Sampling WWI_) Most Recent Concentration (µ&'L) Standard (µg:L) Benzene DW-I 2,17/1995 109 2/7/1995 109 1 MW-1 8/1911993 508 2/7/1995 54-3 MW-2 2/4/1994 55 6/16/1994 31 MW-3 24/1994 3,200 2J7/1995 2.240 MW-4 2J4/1994 1 217/1995 <1.5 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate MW-2 11/2/1993 3.4 1101993 3.4 3 Bromodichloremethane DW-1 6/16/1994 2 217/1995 <QL 0.6 Di-Isopropl•l Ether DW-I 217/1995 132 2/7/1995 132 70 MW-1 9/1911993 226 2/7/1995 15-9 MW-2 2l4/1994 71 6/16/1994 <QL MW-3 2/4/1994 960 2/7/1995 417 1,2-Dichloroethane DW-1 217/1995 12-9 2J7/1995 12-9 0-4 MW-1 &1611994 18 217/1995 5-6 MW-2 2/4/1994 25 6/1611994 9 MW-3 2/7/1995 44-2 2/7/1995 44-2 1,2-Dichloropropane DiV-1 21711995 2 2/7/1995 2 0.6 MW-2 214/1994 2 6/16/1994 <QL MW-3 214/1994 2 217/1995 <2.5 Groundwater Contaminant Sample Location Date of Sampling Maximum Concentration Exceeding Standard (µs,L) Date of Most Sampling Most Recent Concentration Standard (µgL) Ethyllbenzene NM-3 214/1994 4,400 2JV1995 3,370 600 Lead DW-1 6116/1994 19 611611994 19 15 MtiV-1 8/1.9/1993 15 6/16/1994 1.0 N'TNT-2 8/1911993 27 6/1.611994 'SQL NMV-3 6/16/1994 21 6/16/1994 21 NM-7-4 2/4/1994 29 611611994 12 MW-5 6/1.611994 64 6/1611994 64 Methylene Chloride MNV-1 11/2/1993 49 6/16.'1994 <QL 5 Methyl tert-butyl ether MSS'-1 8/1911993 1,538 2/7/1995 416 20 MW-2 6116/1994 860 6/16/1994 860 MW-3 6116/1994 950 21711995 618 Naphthalene DW-1 2/7/1995 10 2J711995 10 6 GTA-03 l 11/7/2018 110 11f7/2018 110 MSG°-1 111211993 9-3 2R/1995 <0.6 MW-3 11/2/1993 410 2/711995 366 Toluene MW-3 2/4/1994 1700 217/1995 15,100 600 Total Xylenes MW-3 2J4/1994 1,6.000 2J711995 14.500 500 NS -No standard established <QL -Not detected above the laboratory quantitation limit iNote that GTA-03 is near historical well MW-3 that in 1993 had a naphthalene detection of 410 ug/L- GROUNDWATER VAPOR INTRUSION RISK Groundwater contaminants with potential for vapor intrusion (VI) in micrograms per liter (the equivalent of parts per billion), the vapor intrusion screening levels for which are derived from the Residential Vapor Intrusion. Screening Levels of the Division of Waste Management July 2020 version) - Groundwater Concentration Residential VI Contaminant with Sample Date of Exceeding Screening Potential for Vapor Location Sampling Screening Levell Intrusion Level (µg/L) (4g1L) DIV-1 20/1995 109 MW-1 2J7/1995 54.3 Benzene 16 MW-2 6/1611994 31 MW-3 217/1995 2,240 1,2-Dichloroethane MW-3 217/1995 44.2 22 Eth •lbenzene MW-3 2J7/1995 3,370 35 GTA-032 11/7/2018 110 Naphthalene 4-6MW-3 217/1995 366 Toluene MW-3 2J7/1995 15,100 3,800 Total X lens MW-3 2J7/1995 14,500 77 r screening levels displayed for mom carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0-2- Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1-01-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk- 2Note that GTA-03 was installed near historical well NAV-3 CONTAMINANT TABLES SOIL Soil contaminants in milligrams per kilogram (the equivalent of parts per million), the screening levels for which are derived from the Preliminary Residential Health -Based Soil Remediation Goals of the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch of DEQ's Superfund Section (July 2020 version): Soil Contaminant` Sample Location Depth ft P ) Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding i screening Level m Residential Screening Levell (mom) Arsenic GTA-1 Unknown 915/2019 2-9 0-68 GTA-2 Unknown 915/2019 3-2 GTA-02 11 11/7/2018 0.87 GTA-3 Unknown 915/2019 2.9 GTA4 Umkmown 915/2019 2.2 GTA-5 Unknown 9/5/2019 3-5 GTA-6 Unknown 915/2019 2.1 GTA-06 12 111712018 1-3 GTA-7 Unknown 9/5/2019 1-1 GTA-07 12 1118/2018 1.7 GTA-8 Unknown 915/2019 2-2 GTA-9 Unknown 915/2019 2.2 GTA-09 24 11/712018 1-1 GTA-10 Umkmown 9/5/2019 2.3 GTA-Ll Unknown 9A212019 4.45 GTA-L2 Unknown 9/171'2019 3.61 GTA-L3 Unknown 9A712019 2-9 GTA-L4 Unknown 9/1712019 3.71 GTA-S1 Unknown 9/13/2019 2.78 GTA-S2 Unknown 9/1312019 3.23 GTA-S3 Unknown 9/1312019 3.57 GTA-S4 Unknown 9A312019 3.02 GTA-S5 Unknown 9/13/2019 3.76 GTA-S6 Unknown 9/1312019 3.64 GTA-S7 Unknown 9/IT2019 2.02 GTA-S8 Unknown 9/17/2019 2.59 GTA-S9 Unknown 9A712019 3.52 GTA-S10 Unknown 9/1712019 3.05 GTA-911 Unknown 1013/2019 2.18 GTA-S12 Unknown 10/312019 2.53 GTA-S13 Unknown 10/3/2019 2.15 GTA-S14 Unknown 10/3/2019 4.79 Soil Contaminants Sample Location Depth ft p { } Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening xrin Level m Residential Screening Levell (mg/kg) Arsenic GTA-S15 Unknown 10/312019 3.32 0.68 GTA-S16 Unknown 10/3/2019 4-12 GTA-UST1-B1 91 9/13/2019 1-66 GTA-UST1-B2 9 9/1.3/2019 2.35 GTA-UST2-B1 9 9/1.3/2019 3-92 GTA-UST2-B2 9 9/1.312019 2.07 GTA-UST3-B1 9 9/13/2019 2-00 GTA-UST3-B2 9 9/13/2019 1-38 GTA-UST4-B1 9 9/13/2019 2-31 GTA-UST4-B2 9 9/13/2019 2.00 GTA-UST5-B1 9 9/17/2019 3-21 GTA-UST5-B2 9 9/1.7l2019 2.59 GTA-US T6 -B 1 15 10/3/2019 154 GTA UST7-Bl 15 10/3/2019 3-57 GTA-UST8-B 1 15 10/3l2019 1.92 Chromium, Hexavalent GTA-03 22 11/7/2015 0-76 0-31 4,6-Dmitro-2- meth l henol GTAUSTS-B1 15 10/3/2019 0-306 NS Eth lbenzene B-104 14 11-14 5/14/2004 29 6-1 4-Isopropyltoluene B-102 19 16-19 516/2004 0.079 NS B-103 20 17-20 516/2004 0-12. B-104 14 11-14 5J6/2004 8.1 B-105 24 21-24 544/2004 0-14 GTA-S14 Unknown 10/312019 0.000345J GTAUST8-B1 15 10/3/2019 0-00904 3-Methvlcholanthrene GTA-S14 Unknown 1013/2019 0-224J 0.0055 GTA-S15 Unknown 10/3/2019 0.228J Naphthalene B-103 20 17-20 5/6/2004 2-9 2.1 B-104 14 11-14 5/14/2004 76 B-105 24 21-24 5/14/2004 3-3 Oil & Grease 13-8, S-1 8-5-10 8/12/1993 29 NS T-1, Composite 8 6/29/1993 12,257 T-1, S-1 8 6129/1993 120 T-1, S-2 8 6129/1993 1.0.299 WO-1 12 &611994 43.5 Petroleum hydrocarbons, C9-C12 Ali hatics B-102 19 16-19 5/6l2004 120 20 Soil Contaminant Sample. Location Depth ft (} Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding screening Level m Residential Screening Levell (mom) Petroleum hydrocarbons; C9-C12 Aliphatics B-103 20 17-20 51612004 280 20 B-104 14 11-14 511412004 300 B-104 24 21-24 5/14/2004 170 B405 24 21-24 5/14/2004 180 Petroleum hydrocarbons, C9-C10 Aromatics B-102 19 16-19 5/6/2004 64 20 B-103 20 17-20 5/6/2004 130 B404 14 11-14 5/14/2004 170 B-1.0424 21-24 5114/2004 89 B-1.05 24 21-24 5/14/2004 83 TPH GRO HA-2 2 7/21/1992 563 503 HA.-4 6 7/21/1992 2,090 T-2, S-2 20 71111993 3,495 T-3, S-1 20 71111993 1,963 T-3, S-2 20 7/1,11993 95 T-4, S-1 20 71111993 554 T-4, S-2 20 7/1'1993 579 Random-2 15 71111993 698 Vp-14 8.5-10 12/214994 153 VP-1 18.5-20 12/21/1994 3,590 Total X lens B404 14 11-14 5/14/2004 120 120 1,1,2-Trichloroethane B-104-14DL 11-14 1 5/14/2004 16 1 0-32 1,2,4-Trimeth lbetizene B-1.04 14 11-14 1 5/14/2004 240 1 63 1,3,5-Trimeth lbenzene B-104 14 11-14 1 5/14/2004 70 1 '56 -acreenmg revels mspiayea ror non-carcmogens are xor a nazarc qumenc equ& w u.r. acreemag ieveis mspia j ec roc carcinogens are fora 1-DE-6 lifetime incrememal cancer risk. T,ertam constituents are not reported m this table: how•eiw, the laboratory reporting limit exceeds the residential screening level for that constituent This applies to certain polynuclear aromatic compounds (PAlls) such as benzo(a)p wne and dibenz(0)authracene, for example. -NCDEQ UST Section Action Level 'VP-1 results axe reported under sample came VP -A on the analytical report NS -No established screening level 1- Estmoated value between method detection limit and laboratory reporting limit TM-GRO - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons -Gas Range Organics SUB -SLAB VAPOR Sub -slab vapor contaminants in micrograms per cubic meter, the screening levels for which are derived from Residential Vapor Intrusion. Screening Levels of the Division of Waste Management (July 2020 version): Sub -Slab Vapor Contaminant2 Sample Location Date of Sampling Concentration Exceeding Screening Level Residential Screening Level m3) Chloroform GTA-VS-6 6/23/2020 63-5 41 Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene GTA-VS-3 6/23/2020 10.3 NS Ethyl Alcohol GTA-VS-1 6/23/2020 249 NS GTA-VS-2 6/23/2020 345 GTA-VS-3 6/23/2020 251 GTA-VS-3D3 6/23/2020 245 GTA-VS-4 6J23/2020 119 GTA-VS-5 6/23/2020 90.4 GTA-VS-6 6/23/2020 59.5 GTA-VS-7 9/16/2020 139 GTA-VS-8A 9/16/2020 62.2 GTA-VS-8B 9/16/2020 58.6 GTA-VS-93 9/16/2020 128 4-Ethyltoluene GTA-VS-2 6/23/2020 3.24 NS GTA-VS-3D3 6/23/2020 2.51 GTA-VS-7 9/16/2020 8.90 Trichloroethene GTA-SV-3 11/7/2018 20 14 Trichlorofluoromethane GTA-SV-4 11/712018 2.9 NS GTA-VS-1 6/23/2020 4.98 GTA-VS-2 6/23/2020 68 GTA-VS-3 6J23/2020 12.9 GTA-VS-3D3 6/23/2020 14.1 GTA-VS-5 6/23/2020 5.28 GTA-VS-6 6/23/2020 5.73 2,2,4-Trunethylpentane GTA-VS-S 1 6/23/2020 7.01 NS 'Screening levels displayed for non -carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0.2. Screening levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1.0E-5 lifetime incremental cancer risk. NS - No screening level established zA]though the constituent naphthalene is not reported in this table, the laboratory reporting limit for naphthalene was 3.02 µg/m3, which exceeds the residential screening level of 2.8 µg/m3 3The samples GTA-V S-313 and GTA-VS-9 are invalid as the pressure on receipt by the laboratory was reported by the laboratory to be 0.0 inches Hg. SOIL GAS Soil gas contaminants in micrograms per cubic meter, the screening levels for which are derived from Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels of the Division of Waste _Management (July 2020 version): Concentration Residential Soil Gas Contaminant Sample Date of Exceeding Screening Location Sampling Screening Level Level m3 Cis-12-Dichloroethene GTA-SV-6 11/8/2018 5.5 NS 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane GTA-SV-6 1 V8/2018 70 NS 'Screening levels displayed for non -carcinogens are for a hazard quotient equal to 0-2- Screaung levels displayed for carcinogens are for a 1-01r5 lifetime incremental cancer risk- NS - No screening level established J McADAMS The John R. McAdams Company, Inc. 2905 Meridian Parkway Durham, NC 27713 phone 919. 361. 5000 fax 919. 361. 2269 license number: C-0293 www.mcadamsco.com OWNERS GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. GLENWOOD ONE OFFICE, LLC PROSPECTIVE DEVELOPER GLENWOOD TWO, LLC. ~ o N a w C) LU 0 O/ O 06 li a z < 1 N � 0 0 0 < T -I J rn z N W rn O LL O O < N z o -1 U Z Q w O z LVO cc � H Q 1 r- Z OLL l~ a _ C7 rn = O a O �- LLU W W w OC V m M < j Q O O = N - LU J V) W < o6 -:1- w rn o O O � �_ O O o U N � N N z m m rn W m J ~ � to m o Z it X W REVISIONS NO. DATE 1 ... ... 2 ... ... PLAN INFORMATION PROJECT NO. HTG-18010 FILENAME HTG17000.F1B CHECKED BY RTF DRAWN BY DJM SCALE 1"-20' DATE 10/20/2020 SHEET SHEET EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION 2020-10-20 WEST BROWNFIELD BEING ALL OF LOT 4 AS SHOWN ON BOOK OF MAPS 2019, PAGE 1695 OF THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIPE ON THE WESTERN RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH BOYLAN AVENUE, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 4 AS SHOWN ON BOOK OF MAPS 2019, PAGE 1695 OF THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 86050'01" WEST A DISTANCE OF 182.25 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE NORTH 01°25'00" EAST A DISTANCE OF 182.28 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF HILLSBOROUGH STREET; THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT OF WAY SOUTH 85057'43" EAST A DISTANCE OF 148.64 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE LEFT, A RADIUS OF 1,045.00 FEET, AN ARC LENGTH OF 20.05 FEET, A CHORD BEARING OF SOUTH 86030'41" EAST, A CHORD LENGTH OF 20.05 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH 87°03'40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 11.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE WESTERN RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH BOYLAN AVENUE; THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT OF WAY SOUTH 00°34'28" WEST A DISTANCE OF 180.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 32,718 SQUARE FEET OR 0.75 ACRES. 2020-10-20 BROWNFIELD EAST BEING ALL OF LOTS 1 AND 2 AS SHOWN ON BOOK OF MAPS 2019 PAGES 1373-1374 OF THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY, AS WELL AS THE NORTH RETAIL UNIT, THE SOUTH RETAIL UNIT AND THE COMMON ELEMENT AS SHOWN ON CONDOMINIUM MAP 2019 PAGES 55-56. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS: BEGINNING AT A POINT, ON THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF HILLSBOROUGH STREET, THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTH RETAIL UNIT AS SHOWN ON CONDOMINIUM MAP 2019 PAGES 55-56; THENCE LEAVING SAID RIGHT OF WAY AND WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID UNIT SOUTH 0205 F53" WEST A DISTANCE OF 4.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 17°40'09" WEST A DISTANCE OF 68.41 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 1095'28" WEST A DISTANCE OF 5.82 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF LOT 2 AS SHOWN ON BOOK OF MAPS 2019 PAGES 1373-1374; THENCE WITH SAID LINE SOUTH 79055'59" EAST A DISTANCE OF 12.40 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH 02°29'22" WEST A DISTANCE OF 1.24 FEET TO A POINT, THE NORTHERNMOST CORNER OF THE COMMON ELEMENT AS SHOWN ON Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/270ct2020 CONDOMINIUM MAP 2019 PAGES 55-56; THENCE WITH THE EASTERN LINE OF SAID COMMON ELEMENT SOUTH 81 °49'57" EAST A DISTANCE OF 10.14 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 02051'53" WEST A DISTANCE OF 14.59 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 71 °32'53" EAST A DISTANCE OF 3.05 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 17055' 19" WEST A DISTANCE OF 9.74 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 87008'07" WEST A DISTANCE OF 0.41 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 02051'53" WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.28 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 1751'53" WEST A DISTANCE OF 15.06 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 73°07'49" WEST A DISTANCE OF 15.26 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERN LINE OF THE SOUTH RETAIL UNIT AS SHOWN ON CONDOMINIUM MAP 2019 PAGES 55-56; THENCE WITH SAID LINE SOUTH 16052'11" WEST A DISTANCE OF 13.24 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 73007'49" WEST A DISTANCE OF 0.79 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 16'52'11" WEST A DISTANCE OF 34.33 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 01052'11" WEST A DISTANCE OF 57.78 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 88007'49" WEST A DISTANCE OF 2.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SOUTH 01052'11" WEST A DISTANCE OF 4.85 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF WEST MORGAN STREET, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH RETAIL UNIT; THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 87045'37" WEST A DISTANCE OF 28.56 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 AS SHOWN ON BOOK OF MAPS 2019 PAGES 1373-1374; THENCE NORTH 87045'37" WEST A DISTANCE OF 29.23 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE, THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1 AS SHOWN ON AFORE SAID BOOK OF MAPS; THENCE NORTH 87045'37" WEST A DISTANCE OF 150.17 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE EASTERN RIGHT OF WAY OF SOUTH BOYLAN AVENUE; THENCE WITH SAID RIGHT OF WAY NORTH 00034'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 232.92 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE ON THE SOUTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF HILLSBOROUGH STREET; THENCE SOUTH 87°03'40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 160.19 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 87003'40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 59.67 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 3, AS SHOWN ON THE AFORE SAID BOOK OF MAPS; THENCE SOUTH 87°03'40" EAST A DISTANCE OF 18.65 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH 02°29'22" WEST A DISTANCE OF 2.78 FEET TO AN IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH 87°08'07" EAST A DISTANCE OF 6.44 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTAINING 52,447 SQUARE FEET OR 1.20 ACRES. 2 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/270ct2020