HomeMy WebLinkAbout22010_Glenwood Square_DM_20201110DECISION MEMORANDUM DATE: November 10, 2020 FROM: Kelly Johnson/Sharon Eckard TO: BF Assessment File RE: Glenwood Square 0, 615/617, 621/623, & 701 Hillsborough Street, and 0 W. Morgan Street Raleigh, Wake County Brownfields Project No. 22010-18-092 Based on the following information, it has been determined that the above referenced site, whose intended use verbatim from the brownfields agreement is for no uses other than for restaurant, retail, office, and, subject to the requirements of subparagraph 121. of this Agreement, high density residential, and associated parking uses, and subject to DEQ's prior written approval, other commercial uses, and can be made suitable for such uses. Introduction: The Brownfields Property comprises five parcels totaling approximately 1.95 acres; it is bifurcated by S. Boylan Avenue forming a western parcel addressed as 701 Hillsborough Street with the remaining parcels to the east of S. Boylan Avenue. The Prospective Developer (PD) is Glenwood Two, LLC, a member -managed limited liability company, headquartered at 501 Fairmount Avenue, Suite 101, Towson, Maryland 21286. Its manager is Heritage Properties, Inc. of the same address. Heritage Properties, Inc.'s Vice President and Secretary is Ryan Blair. Redevelopment Plans: The Brownfields Property is currently under construction for: 1) a parking deck with associated retail space on the parcel west of S. Boylan Avenue; and 2) an office building, retail structures and courtyard on the parcels located east of S. Boylan Avenue. The redevelopment is named "Bloc 83". The former structures were recently demolished. The footprint of new buildings and impervious structures essentially covers the entirety of the footprint of the Brownfields Property with new landscaping being installed in most pervious areas. Although the redevelopment is principally commercial in nature, the PD requested that high density residential use be included in the allowable land uses. Site History: Earliest available records indicate that the Brownfields Property was developed with multiple dwellings by 1909. Portions of the Brownfields Property have been developed with a gasoline filling station, apartments, and a bank by the 1950s; another gasoline station between 1950 and 1966; and an automobile repair shop by the 1980s, among other various commercial uses. Prior to demolition activities by the Prospective Developer, the last uses of the Brownfields Property included vacant retail and office buildings, asphalt Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 parking areas, a restaurant, a residence, office space, a stereo shop, a bar, and automobile repair. Documented releases are associated with two parcels of the Brownfields Property including the eastern portion of the parcel located at 621/623 Hillsborough Street, which was developed with a gasoline filling station by 1950 until approximately 1984, when it was converted into an automobile repair shop that closed in 1993 (formerly Tao Automotive). The other documented release is associated with the western portion of the parcel located at 701 Hillsborough Street, which was developed with a gasoline station from approximately 1972 to 1982, when it was converted to an automotive repair shop that closed in 2017 (Allen's Automotive). Contaminant sources include at least 8 petroleum USTs ranging in capacity from 550- gallons to 3,000 gallons located at the former onsite gasoline stations. Historical soil samples have been collected as far back as the early 1990s related to UST releases that exhibited contaminant concentrations above residential screening levels. Five USTs (one 500-gallon waste oil (T-1), two 2,000-gallon gasoline (T-2 & T-3), one 5,000-gallon gasoline (T-4), and one 3,000-gallon gasoline (T-5) were located to the north and west of the former Tao Automotive site located in the northwestern area of the Brownfields eastern parcel. These USTs and some impacted soil were removed in late June 1993 through early July 1993. This earlier excavation removed soils within five feet of the USTs. Although no volume of excavated soil was provided in available documentation, post -excavation sampling indicated that residual contamination remained. More recently, soil samples were collected in November 2018 from various locations across the Brownfields Property, primarily focused on the parcels with former automotive uses (eastern portion of the parcel west of South Boylan Avenue, and northwest portion of the parcel east of South Boylan Avenue), in accordance with a reviewed and approved work plan that included soil, groundwater, soil vapor, and sub -slab soil gas. Additional soil samples were collected in September and October 2019 as part of UST removal and excavation activities in accordance with an approved EMP and also with discussions with DEQ Brownfields when the tanks were found. Two 550-gallon USTs (UST-1 and UST-2) were removed from the eastern parcel on September 5, 2019. Four 3,000-gallon USTs (GTA UST-1 through GTA UST-4) were removed from the northeastern area of the western parcel and one 1,100-gallon UST (GTA UST-5) was removed from the southeastern area of the western parcel on September 12 through 13, 2019. Three 550-gallon USTs (GTA UST-6 through GTA UST-8) were removed from the central portion of the western parcel on October 3, 2019. The UST areas included several tanks on the eastern portion of the parcel west of South Boylan Avenue and one tank found along Hillsborough Street on the parcel east of South Boylan Avenue. A total of approximately 9,600 gallons of liquid and sludge were removed from these USTs prior to removal. Approximately 380 cubic yards of petroleum -impacted soil were removed as part of the UST removals. 2 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 Existing Land Use Restrictions Prior to Brownfields Agreement: The parcel located immediately east of S. Boylan Avenue at 621/623 Hillsborough Street (Parcel ID 1703-49-1193) was under the jurisdiction of the NC DEQ Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, although a Notice of No Further Action was issued on August 13, 2004 following recordation of a Notice of Residual Petroleum (NORP) on August 13, 2004. The NORP prohibits use of groundwater on the property, which is also a land use restriction of this Brownfields Agreement; therefore, these two land use restrictions are not in conflict and the NORP will be superseded by this recordation of this Brownfields Agreement as detailed in paragraph 12 below. The parcel located immediately west of S. Boylan Avenue at 701 Hillsborough Street is subject to a NORP that was recorded on February 21, 2018 (Wake County Register of Deeds Book 17049/Page 2543) for the former Allen's Automotive operation. The NORP prohibits use of groundwater on the property, which is also a land use restriction of this Brownfields Agreement; therefore, these two land use restrictions are not in conflict and the NORP will be superseded by this recordation of this Brownfields Agreement as detailed in paragraph 12 below. The eastern adjacent property is subject to a recorded Brownfields Agreement (Brownfields Project Name: Glenwood Properties Brownfields Project, Brownfields Project No. 19078-15-092). As detailed in paragraph 12 and as shown on Exhibit B, small portions of three parcels along the eastern edge of the Brownfields Property assigned the addresses of 0 Hillsborough Street (PINs: 1703-49-3220 and 1703-49-3132) and 0 W. Morgan Street (PIN 1703-49-3006), are currently part of the adjacent Brownfields Property to the east, which will be superseded by this Agreement, once it is recorded. Potential Receptors: Potential receptors are construction workers, on -site non-residential workers, visitors, and trespassers. Residential receptors will be assessed when a request is made to DEQ for residential use as detailed in subparagraph 121. Contaminated Media: DEQ has evaluated data collected from the following media at the subject property: soil, groundwater, soil gas, and sub -slab soil gas. DEQ relies on the following data to base its conclusions regarding the subject property and its suitability for its intended reuse. Soil Soil samples collected in November 2018 and September/October 2019 exhibited arsenic at concentrations up to 4.79 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), above its residential Preliminary Soil Remedial Goal (PSRG) of 0.68 mg/kg, and are possibly representative of background sources rather than a contaminant release. One soil sample collected in November 2018, GTA-03, exhibited hexavalent chromium at a concentration of 0.76 mg/kg, which is above its PSRG of 0.31 mg/kg. Two samples collected on October 3, 2019, collected at unknown depth intervals, exhibited estimated values of 3- Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 methylcholanthrene at concentrations of 0.224J mg/kg and 0.2281 mg/kg, above its PSRG of 0.0055 mg/kg. For the recent November 2018 and September 2019 soil samples, the following compounds were detected but have no established PSRGs: 4,6-dinitro-2-methylphenol at 0.306 mg/kg and 4-isopropyltoluene at 0.00904 mg/kg. Contaminants that have been detected historically at the Brownfields Property above their respective residential PSRGs are primarily petroleum related and were collected at depths below the depth of excavation in the UST basins. These include ethylbenzene at 29 mg/kg, naphthalene up to 76 mg/kg, petroleum hydrocarbons (C9-C 12 aliphatics up to 300 mg/kg and C9-C 10 aromatics up to 170 mg/kg), total petroleum hydrocarbons gasoline range organics (TPH GRO) up to 3,495 mg/kg, total xylenes at 120 mg/kg, 1,1,2-trichloroethane at 16 mg/kg, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene at 240 mg/kg, and 1,3,5- trimethylbenzene at 70 mg/kg. For the historical soil samples, the following compounds were detected but have no established residential or non-residential screening levels: 4- isopropyltoluene up to 8.1 mg/kg and oil & grease up to 12,257 mg/kg. Groundwater Historical groundwater samples have been collected as far back as the early 1990s related to UST releases that exhibited contaminant concentrations above current NC 2L Groundwater Quality Standards (NC 2Ls) and the July 2020 DWM Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL). These historical contaminants are primarily petroleum related and include benzene up to 3,200 microgram per liter (µg/L), bis(2- ethylhexyl)phthalate at 3.4 µg/L, bromodichloromethane at 2 µg/L, di -isopropyl ether up to 960 µg/L, 1,2-dichloroethane up to 44.2 µg/L, 1,2-dichloropropane up to 2 µg/L, ethylbenzene at 4,400 µg/L, lead up to 64 µg/L, methylene chloride up to 49 µg/L, methyl tert-butyl ether up to 1,538 µg/L, naphthalene up to 410 µg/L, toluene up to 17,000 µg/L, and total xylenes up to 16,000 µg/L. Historical groundwater contaminants detected above their respective residential VISLs include: benzene, 1,2-dichloroethane, ethylbenzene, naphthalene, toluene, and xylenes. The most recent groundwater sampling event was conducted in November 2018 in coordination with the Brownfields Program in accordance with a reviewed and approved work plan that included soil, groundwater, soil gas, and sub -slab vapor. The approved work plan included the installation of six temporary groundwater monitoring wells; however, four of those borings were dry and only two groundwater samples could be collected from the temporary monitoring wells. One historical groundwater monitoring well, MW-I, was discovered on the eastern portion of the parcel west of South Boylan Avenue that was then also sampled during this event. Among the three groundwater samples collected in November 2018, only one compound, naphthalene, was detected at a concentration exceeding its applicable NC Groundwater 2L standard or residential VISL. Naphthalene was detected at a concentration of 110 µg/L in monitoring well GTA-03, which exceeds its NC 2L Groundwater Standard (NC 4 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 2L) of 6 µg/L and also its residential VISL of 46 µg/L. It should be noted that well GTA- 3 was located approximately 25 feet northwest of historical well MW-3 that in 1993 and 1995 had a naphthalene detection of 410 µg/L and 366 µg/L, respectively. Surface Water Surface water is not located on the site. Soil Vapor One exterior soil vapor location collected on November 8, 2018, GTA-SV-6, was assessed in coordination with the Brownfields Program in accordance with a reviewed and approved work plan that included soil, groundwater, soil vapor, and sub -slab soil gas (collected from now -demolished structures). This sample did not exhibit compounds at concentrations exceeding established residential or non-residential VISLs. Note that a sub -slab soil gas sample was collected near the location of this exterior soil gas sample location post-construction/pre-occupancy of the new building which also did not exhibit compound concentrations exceeding residential or non-residential VISLs. The following compounds were detected but have no established residential or non- residential VISL: cis-1,2-dichloroethene at 5.5 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) and 2,2,4-trimethylpentane at 70 µg/m3. Sub -Slab Vapor Sub -slab vapor sampling occurred in 2018 at buildings that have since been demolished at the Brownfields Property. The most recent sub -slab vapor sampling occurred post- construction/pre-occupancy on June 23, 2020 for the building east of South Boylan Avenue and on September 16, 2020 for the building west of South Boylan Avenue. The purpose of this sampling event was to document what site conditions will be going forward after significant site changes and to assess potential risk to future occupants through potential vapor intrusion exposure. Sub -slab vapor results from these two sampling events did not exhibit any EPA Method TO-15 compounds at concentrations exceeding July 2020 residential VISLs, with the exception of chloroform in one sample, GTA-VS-6 collected on 6/23/2020 (not to be confused with soil vapor sample GTA-SV-6 collected on 11/8/2018 at a different location) at a concentration of 63.5 µg/m3, above the residential screening level of 41 µg/m3, but below the non-residential screening level and trichloroethene (TCE) at GTA- SV-3 collected in November 2018 at 20 µg/m3. The following compounds were detected but have no established residential or non- residential VISL: cis-1,2-dichloroethene at 10.3 µg/m3, ethyl alcohol up to 345 µg/m3, 4- ethyltoluene up to 8.8 µg/m3, trichlorofluoromethane up to 68 µg/m3, and 2,2,4- trimethylpentane at 7.01 µg/m3. Indoor Air The results from sub -slab vapor samples collected after construction of the new buildings at the Brownfields Property does not currently suggest a VI risk, so no indoor air 5 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 sampling has been conducted. At least one more round of sub -slab vapor samples will be collected in approximately March/April 2021 for confirmation purposes. Risk Calculations The DEQ Risk Calculator was developed to evaluate the risk of multiple contaminants and multiple exposure routes associated with contaminated environmental media at a site. The risk evaluation procedures, equations, and default parameters used to create the calculator follow the current USEPA risk assessment guidance. The DEQ Risk Calculator dated July 2020 was used to evaluate the following. The Brownfields Property was evaluated as a whole in order to determine the risk posed by residual soil, groundwater, and sub -slab vapor. Note that the risk calculator includes historical soil and groundwater concentrations that may have naturally attenuated by this time to be more conservative, but primarily uses the most recent sub -slab and soil vapor data collected from the site since November 2018 to reflect a more reasonable case for vapor intrusion. Post-construction/pre-occupancy sub -slab vapor samples collected in June and September 2020 are considered most relevant for risk from vapor intrusion as the primary potential environmental risk to future occupants. Maximum concentrations for each sub -slab soil vapor TO-15 compound were input in the risk calculator below, while these results were compared to residential VISLs in the Brownfields Agreement's Exhibit 2, the Brownfields Property will be used for nonresidential purposes for the foreseeable future. There is a land use restriction for the PD (or future property owner) to contact DEQ Brownfields for any required assessment and written approval before using any portion of the Brownfields Property for residential purposes. 6 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 Risk for Individual Pathways it Version Date: July 2020 Basis: May 2020 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 22010-18-092 Ex osure Unit ID: Site -Wide Soil, GW (MW-3&GTA-03), & Sub -slab Va r/Soil Gas DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carciinnogenic sk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Soil 8.8E-05 1.7E+00 YES Groundwater Use* 1.1E-02 2.2E+02 YES Non -Residential Worker Soil 1.7E-05 3.3E+00 YES Groundwater Use* 2.6E-03 5.1E+01 YES Construction Worker Soil 2.8E-06 2.2E+00 YES Recreator/Trespasser Soil 4.1E-05 1.6E+00 YES Surface Water* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carciinnogenic sk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Groundwater to hidoor Air 2.5E-03 5.8E+01 YES Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.6E-05 5.1E-02 NO Indoor Air NC NC NC Non -Residential Worker Groundwater to hidoor Air 5.7E-04 1.4E+01 YES Soil Gas to hidoor Air 1.3E-06 2.7E-02 NO Indoor Air NC NC NC The environmental risk attributed to noncancer hazards exceeds the threshold hazard index of 1 for direct contact with soil in residential, nonresidential, construction worker, and recreator/trespasser exposure scenarios. Carcinogenic risk is not exceeded for direct contact with soil. However, most of the higher concentrations of contaminants in soil were detected at depth at the Brownfields Property. Once current construction is complete, the Brownfields Property will be almost completely covered by structures and/or pavement and landscaping so that exposure to site soil once construction is finished is not anticipated. Note that the current proposed use of the Brownfields Property is for non-residential purposes; however, residential use is permitted in the Brownfields Agreement only after consultation and approval of the Brownfields Program. Direct exposure to groundwater for both residential and nonresidential exposure scenarios for both carcinogenic and noncancer hazard effects. However, direct groundwater use is restricted via the land use restrictions in the Brownfields Agreement, similar to the earlier NORPs that were previously recorded on the Brownfields Property. The groundwater to indoor air pathways for both residential and nonresidential worker exposures exceed acceptable risk calculations; however, the soil gas to indoor air risk exposures do not. New buildings currently under construction do not have vapor intrusion (VI) mitigation protections as risk was not high enough to warrant VI mitigation. Post- construction/pre-occupancy sub -slab vapor sampling confirmed that environmental risk was within an acceptable range. At least one more monitoring event in approximately six months will be performed to serve as confirmation sampling. Additional sampling is required in the BFA if residential use is contemplated at the Brownfields Property. 7 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 Required Land Use Restrictions: The land use restrictions in the Brownfields Agreement include the standard language for land uses and for these other concerns: - No child/adult care centers - No groundwater use - No soil disturbance except under an approved EMP - No soil removed or brought onto the property without DEQ approval - No building construction without VI consideration (note that buildings have been constructed and approved for non-residential use without VI mitigation) - No redevelopment without an approved EMP in place - DEQ access to the property - Deed notice requirement - No use of known contaminants on the property - Residential use is only permitted after consultant with the Brownfields Program - LURU It should be noted that two NORPs previously recorded on the Brownfields Property are to be superseded by this Brownfields Agreement and that certain portions of the previously recorded Glenwood Properties Brownfields Property immediately to the east of this Brownfields Property will be superseded by this Agreement. This is indicated on the Brownfields plat. Based on the site -specific data provided to the Brownfield program, the site reuse is suitable for the site as long as the agreed upon land use restrictions in the BFA are abided by. Property Management Unit There are several items for the Property Management Unit: 1. Note that a Brownfields Agreement (Glenwood Properties, BF Project No. 19078-15- 092) has been recorded (Wake County Register of Deeds, Book 16690, Page 2621) for the property to the immediate east and southeast, which includes high density residential, hotel, heath institution, office, parking, restaurant, and retail uses. Due to property line changes, small portions of that property originally under that agreement are superseded by, and are now under, this Agreement. 2. As a result of a separate application certain portions of the original application for this Agreement, Glenwood Square are to be amended to the existing Glenwood Properties recorded agreement. Please refer to plat for specifics. 3. One more round of sub -slab soil vapor sampling has been requested (more limited in scope than the pre -occupancy sampling) and will need to be conducted in approximately March/April 2021. 4. Note that the current proposed use of the Brownfields Property is for non-residential purposes; however, residential use is permitted in the Brownfields Agreement only after 8 Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020 consultation and approval of the Brownfields Program in accordance with land use restriction 121. of this Agreement (Glenwood Square). Glenwood Square/22010-18-092/1ONov2020