HomeMy WebLinkAbout23056 Affordable Custom Passive Soil Gas Parcel 2A Report Final 20191010 October 10, 2019 Mr. Edmund Waddill Emailed to: ewaddill@cherokeefund.com Scaleybark Partners LLC 310 S. West Street, Suite 100 Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 RE: LoSo Station Redevelopment Passive Soil Gas Sampling 3804 South Boulevard, Parcel 2A Draper Aden Associates Project No.19080207 Dear Mr. Waddill: Please find attached the electronic version of the above-referenced report documenting the results of the passive soil gas sampling conducted in August-September 2019, and a summary of the earlier assessment activities conducted from 2003 to 2007. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 919-582-7275 or djones@daa.com. Sincerely, Draper Aden Associates Daphne M. Jones, L.G. Senior Geologist/Regulatory Group Program Manager Attachment: Electronic copy of Passive Soil Gas Sampling Report, Parcel 2A ec: Oliver Pau: opau@cherokeefund.com with attachment Soil Gas Assessment Report LoSo Station 3804 South Boulevard – Parcel 2A Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina DAA Project Number 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 Prepared for Scaleybark Partners, LLC 310 S. West Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 (919) 743-2500 3rd Party Review This Report has been subjected to technical and quality reviews by: 9/20/2019 Name: Jim Hurley Signature Date Technical Reviewer 10/3/2019 Name: Daphne M. Jones, L.G. Signature Date Author/Project Manager __ 10/1/2019__ Name: John E. Palmer, L.G. Signature Date Senior Reviewer Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10 2019 i TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Previous Investigations .................................................................................................... 2 Geology and Hydrogeology........................................................................................... 3 Contaminants of Concern .............................................................................................................. 6 Passive Soil Gas Sampling .............................................................................................................. 6 Passive Soil Gas Sampling Procedures ...................................................................................... 7 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map – LoSo Station Redevelopment - Parcel 2A Figure 2 Site Map – LoSo Station Redevelopment - Parcels 2A, 2B & 2C Figure 3 LoSo Station Plat Map Figure 4 LoSo Station Master Plan Figure 5 Passive Soil Gas Sample Locations – LoSo Station Redevelopment – Parcel 2A Figure 6 Passive Soil Gas Exceedance – September 2019, LoSo Station Redevelopment - Parcel 2A TABLES Table 1 Summary of Passive Soil Gas Assessment Results Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 ii APPENDICES Appendix A Passive Soil Gas Sampler Surveyed Locations Appendix B Laboratory Data Report Appendix C Beacon Environmental Passive Soil Gas Testing Appendix D NCDEQ Risk Calculator Summary Pages for Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential Appendix E Beacon Environmental Services Soil. Gas Concentration Maps Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A – 3804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Introduction In 2005, the City of Charlotte (City) conducted due diligence on several parcels that they wanted to be developed for future transit-oriented development along the LYNX light rail line. These parcels were located at 101/102 Clanton Road and 3600/3610 South Boulevard, in Charlotte, North Carolina. After assessment and remediation of soil on these parcels, the City sold the property to Scaleybark Partners, LLC (Scaleybark) in early 2008. Scaleybark is in the process of preparing a portion of their property – Parcel 2A - located at 3804 South Boulevard in Charlotte, North Carolina for vertical redevelopment. Scaleybark contracted with Draper Aden Associates (DAA) to conduct passive soil gas (PSG) sampling on Parcel 2A prior to adding fill to bring the site to grade. Background The site now has an asphalt park-and-ride surface lot for commuters utilizing the LYNX light rail at LoSo Station (formerly known as Scaleybark Station), which opened for service in November 2007. The long- term goal is for vertical redevelopment of the property to create high-density transit-oriented mixed- use development of the property between Clanton Boulevard and Freeland Lane, fronting the light rail tracks along South Boulevard. The PSG results documented in this report were collected on the proposed 3.872-acre Parcel 2A (Figures 1 and 2). A preliminary plat map is provided as Figure 3. This parcel is currently being prepared for redevelopment into a multi-story parking garage surrounded by apartments and associated amenities. A master plan rendering of this area is included as Figure 4. The vertical redeveloper will take ownership of the site after Scaleybark completes the infrastructure, installs utilities, grades the site, and prepares the (soil) pad to be ready for construction. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 2 Previous Investigations The City of Charlotte contracted with Parsons in 2003 to conduct a Phase I ESA on approximately 10 acres that is now the southern portion of Parcel 2 and Parcel 3. No recognized environmental conditions (RECs) were noted on the property covered by this Phase I ESA. In 2005, the City contracted with S&ME Inc. (S&ME) to conduct a Phase I ESA on approximately 8 acres that is now the northern portion of Parcel 2 and two parcels with Clanton Street addresses. Several RECs were noted in the 2005 Phase I ESA. Affordable Custom Iron and other small businesses occupied the northern portion of Parcel 2A prior to the City’s purchase of the property. The RECs on what is now Parcel 2A included a spray paint booth, a chimney believed to be a remnant of an on-site incinerator, and at least two areas of buried waste of unknown content and extent. The southern portion of what is now Parcel 2 was a drive-in theater that operated from about 1955 until the early 1980s when it was redeveloped into a movie theater with seating and associated parking. The movie theater was subsequently demolished around 1985. No RECs are associated with the southern portion of Parcel 2. Based on the RECs identified in the 2005 Phase I ESA, the City had S&ME conduct a Phase II assessment in 2006 on the northern end of the South Boulevard Property parcels - what is now Parcel 2. Two areas on Parcel 2A had elevated concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and some of the eight RCRA metals. S&ME collected soil from below the debris fill adjacent to a former paint booth at TP-1, and a surface soil sample at SS-3, located at the toe of the waste embankment (Figure 5). These two areas were both on the Former Affordable Custom Iron property. Laboratory results detected elevated concentrations of PAHs in the soil sample from TP-1 at 12 ft depth, and several VOCs including CT at an elevated concentration, plus benzene, and perchloroethene (PCE) at low concentrations from a soil sample at the SS-3 location at 0.5 ft below ground surface (bgs). These areas were re-tested after excavation to 14 ft and 2 ft bgs respectively, with no PAH detections and the remaining VOCs did not exceed current PGW or residential direct contact preliminary soil Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 3 remediation goals (PSRGs). Barium and total chromium concentrations in the soil sample collected at the SS-3 location, prior to the initial excavation to two feet in January 2007 and four feet in July 2007, exceed the current PGW PSRG for barium and hexavalent chromium. S&ME did not collect samples to re-test barium in the two deeper post-excavation soil samples, and chromium speciation was not required at the time S&ME conducted this work. The analytical results of the soil assessment of the Clanton Road parcels were petroleum-related compounds (Underground Storage Tank (UST) Incident #91007). For the South Boulevard parcels (UST Incident #91008), soil assessment detected non-petroleum VOCs/SVOCs, and metals. S&ME excavated and properly disposed of soil from areas with elevated soil concentrations. Comparing the post excavation results against background samples S&ME collected, and the current preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs) for protection of groundwater (PGW) as well as direct contact residential use, only barium and hexavalent chromium did not meet unrestricted use concentrations. S&ME excavated these areas but post-excavation analyses of these particular metals were not conducted. S&ME submitted a Site Closure Request report to UST Section on September 6, 2007. The UST Section issued two No Further Action letters: on September 21, 2007 for Incident #91007, and on September 23, 2007 for Incident #91008. Because of the pre-excavation concentrations of carbon tetrachloride (CT), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and arsenic on the South Boulevard parcels, the UST Section referred Incident #91008 to the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch (IHSB); the IHSB assigned incident number NONCD0002805 to the site on September 24, 2007. S&ME finalized a second Phase I ESA dated September 6, 2007 that stated there were no RECs on the site after the excavation remedy was completed, prior to when the IHSB added this site to its inventory. Geology and Hydrogeology The subject property has an elevation ranging from about 730 to 740 ft NAVD. Most of the property is relatively flat with a gradual slope to the northeast and a steeper grade to drainages to the east and Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 4 west of the site (Figure 1). The Charlotte area is located within the Piedmont physiographic province, lying within the Inner Piedmont Belt, characterized by metamorphic and igneous rocks. The Charlotte 1° x 2° geologic map (USGS, 1988) indicates a Devonian-Ordovician granodiorite including weakly- foliated metagranodiorites lies beneath the Site. In the Piedmont, the boundary between soil and rock is transitional, between soil at the surface to saprolite and then partially weathered rock (PWR) overlying fractured bedrock. Groundwater is within two separate but interconnected water-bearing zones. Groundwater in the saprolite/PWR zone moves within pore spaces while fractures in the bedrock governs water flow. There have been no monitoring wells constructed/sampled on the LoSo Station redevelopment properties. The depth to groundwater in the surficial saprolite aquifer is estimated to be somewhere around 15 ft bgs, based on depth-to-water table measurements collected from nearby groundwater investigation reports. Groundwater flow in porous media generally follows surficial topography, so the saprolitic and PWR groundwater should generally flow to the north-northeast beneath the Site. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 5 SCOPE OF WORK The purpose of this work is to assess the soil gas conditions to evaluate historic impacts and determine if subsurface conditions may affect future redevelopment of the property. In 2006, S&ME collected a soil sample at 0.5 ft bgs at the SS-3 location with CT at a concentration of 2,200 µg/L. The laboratory did not report a detection of CT in the post-excavation soil sample at two feet bgs at the SS-3 location. DAA based the scope of this soil gas assessment on the findings of the 2006 and 2007 S&ME Phase II and Closure Request Reports and the planned redevelopment footprint of Parcel 2A. S&ME excavated two areas on Parcel 2A: TP-1 and SS-3. The approximate locations of these excavated areas are provided on Figure 5, along with the footprint of the planned redevelopment elements. Prior to initiating the work, DAA contacted NC One Call (811). LDSI Inc. (LDSI) staked and provided private utility location clearance for the planned PSG locations prior to DAA personnel arriving at the site. In the area of the previous soil excavations TP-1 and SS-3, DAA deployed PSG samplers along a 25-foot grid. Other samples beneath the planned residential redevelopment were spaced along a 50-foot grid, and beneath the future parking deck and outside the building footprint around 100-ft spacing. The area near the current stormwater detention basin on the NW side of Parcel 2A had low elevations; DAA moved some locations prior to having them surveyed/staked, and one other location (36) had to be moved in the field. DAA staff measured the new location (#36) to locations #25 and #26, so its CAD draft person could estimate the new northing/easting. Appendix A to this report lists the Northing/Easting data for the PSG sampling locations. During ongoing site activities associated with building up the dry detention pond area (Parcel 2D), graders covered three sample locations (2, 3 and 15) with soil during the two-week period the PSG samplers were in the ground. DAA could not locate these samplers for analysis. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 6 Contaminants of Concern DAA researched the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) online Laserfiche documents. Although groundwater data is not available for the LoSo redevelopment area, known groundwater contamination around this area consists mainly of PCE and its daughter products and/or petroleum constituents. SS-3 had a detection of CT of 2,200 µg/kg at 0.5 ft bgs, but CT was not detected when the area was excavated to two feet in depth. SS-3 was further excavated 4 ft bgs, but CT was not a requested analyte in that post-excavation sample. South Boulevard runs along topographic ridge that trends to the northeast. Low concentrations of CT were detected in groundwater at the Radio Center Brownfields Site located at 2339 South Boulevard, approximately 1,300 ft to the east-northeast of SS-1. Low concentrations of CT in indoor/outdoor air samples have been reported at the Pelton & Crane REC and Brownfields site located at 200 Clanton Road, approximately 1,100 ft to the north of the Site. Passive Soil Gas Sampling Beacon samplers have a low and controlled uptake rate to limit bias associated with low porosity soil. In order to reach the lowest soil gas screening concentrations, DAA left the soil gas samplers in the ground between 14 and 15 days. Beacon thermally desorbed the samplers onto a GC/MS following EPA Method 8260D. Beacon’s PSG lab report is included as Appendix B. DAA used PSG samplers to overcome temporal variability of soil gas concentrations that can change significantly at the same location over time, and provides information about the current sub-surface conditions at this site after S&ME conducted soil sampling/excavation work in 2006-2007. Beacon reports standard analytical results in units of mass (nanograms) for comparison between sample locations. DAA requested Beacon to calculate the data in units of concentration (µg/m3) based on the constituent detected and the amount of time the PSG sample was in the ground. Beacon is able to convert the total mass data to concentrations due to the quantitative nature of its data (AW&MA 2009 Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 7 VI Conference). Some VOCs have a better tie-in from mass to concentration, including compounds typically encountered at petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent impacted sites. DAA compared the Beacon calculated concentrations to residential North Carolina soil gas screening levels (NC SGSLs), and input the highest concentrations of each constituent detected or that could be present as a degradation product into NCDEQ’s Risk Calculator. Although NCDEQ may not allow the use of calculated soil gas concentrations from the PSG samplers for final regulatory decisions, the concentrations can be used: ♦ to determine whether there is likely residual soil contamination; ♦ to anticipate whether NCDEQ will likely require engineering controls for possible vapor intrusion, and ♦ to provide possible locations to obtain groundwater samples. Passive Soil Gas Sampling Procedures DAA prepared deployment of the passive soil gas samplers based on locations of the footprint of the planned redevelopment, the approximate locations of S&ME’s excavations at TP-1 and SS-3, current site conditions, and literature provided by and conversations with Beacon. DAA personnel deployed 37 PSG samplers on Parcel 2A on August 21-22, 2019, following the instructions provided by Beacon (Appendix C). DAA used a grid of nine samples with 25 ft centers in the area of TP-1 and SS-3 to try to determine if that area has residual soil contamination S&ME might have missed during their 2007 soil excavations. In areas beneath future residential development, DAA tried to locate PSG samplers with approximately 50 ft between locations. The area east of Parcel 2D is the former detention basin, which Scaleybark contractors are currently working on to reconfigure with a retaining wall to create the new dry detention basin. The area was steeply sloped and mostly water filled, so DAA moved samples that would have been placed in this area eastward. The remaining areas outside the future residential footprint had PSG sampler locations approximately every hundred feet, which is close enough to track variations in a groundwater plume, if present, beneath the site. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 8 Prior to field deployment, LDSI used the locations plotted in CAD to create northing/easting waypoints that they uploaded into a survey-grade GPS unit. The LDSI surveying team staked the locations, followed by their private utility locator team to clear the staked areas for possible underground utilities. DAA chose the PSG locations within the parking lot to be in the drive lanes so they were accessible at all times. Using a hammer drill with a 1½ inch diameter bit, DAA personnel drilled to a depth of one foot, then changed drills to a ½ inch to drill to a total depth of three feet. DAA personnel then lowered a 12 inch length of one inch diameter metal pipe provided by Beacon into the sample hole; the pipe serves to isolate the soil sample from any gravel pack beneath asphalt as well as preferential surficial pathways in the upper foot of soil. DAA cut off any portion of the pipe above grade with a pipe cutter to approximately one inch below the ground/pavement surface, and then pushed the pipe into the borehole with a tapping dowel and hammer. After DAA personnel inserted the soil gas sampler, which hangs from a coiled wire that extends to the surface, they placed a crumpled piece of aluminum foil over the top of the pipe. Depending on the surface cover, they used either soil or a concrete patch to seal the hole. The samplers remained in the boreholes for 14-15 days and were then removed on September 5, 2019. During removal of the passive soil gas samplers, DAA discovered that the survey stakes for three locations were missing/covered with fill. DAA could not locate sample locations 1, 2 and 15 or recover these three PSG samplers. DAA advanced the three-foot boreholes for the passive soil gas samplers in soil above the expected water table of around 15 bgs. Based on review of previous assessment reports, DAA did not expect to encounter contaminated soil. DAA left the small amount of excess soil from the soil borings on the ground surface near the sampling locations. After retrieval of the PSG samplers, DAA filled the borings with bentonite pellets. The lower elevations of Parcel 2A will be backfilled with between 5 and 20 ft of soil to create the pad ready for Crescent construction activities. DAA followed EPA/Beacon guidelines for duplicate samples at a rate of 1:20 samples or one per day. Beacon also included trip blanks transported to and from the site in the sampling kit. DAA shipped the samples in the original sample kit and packaging back to Beacon’s lab located in Forest Hill Maryland. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 9 Although NCDEQ’s lab certification program does not include thermal desorption GC/MS analyses, Beacon is a Department of Defense ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratory. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 10 SOIL GAS RESULTS Refer to Table 1 for the results of the VOCs detected in the passive soil gas sampling. Only one exceedance of the applicable residential SGSL standard was found. Naphthalene was detected at a concentration of 27.8 µg/m3 at Location #27 near the TP-1 excavation that exceeds the residential NC SGSL of 21 µg/m3 (Figure 6). Naphthalene is a petroleum constituent found in both gasoline and diesel fuels. DAA utilized the current NCDEQ Excel-based Risk Calculator, using the highest concentration of each constituent detected in the soil gas samples collected across Parcel 2A. As an additional conservative measure, DAA also added the method detection limit as concentrations for constituents that are daughter products of PCE or CT. These constituents were not detected in the soil gas analyses. Summaries of the input, the total residential risk and risk associated with each constituent detected are included in Appendix D. Total cumulative residential risk is 1.2E-05, which is in the middle of the 1.0E- 04 to 1.0E-06 risk range. The hazard quotient (HQ) for total non-carcinogenic risk is 0.34, about one third of the maximum allowed HQ =1.0. Additionally, petroleum constituents that off gas from dissolved groundwater plumes, not associated with petroleum product free phase liquids, quickly degrade in the aerobic pore space as the gas phases of these constituents move upward through soil column. Unless there are precluding factors such as preferential pathways, a vertical separation distance of only five feet between the top of the petroleum- contaminated groundwater and the base of an overlying building foundation or slab is generally enough to rapidly biodegrade petroleum constituents (ITRC 2014). Chloromethane is not an analyte that Beacon generally includes in their VOC analyses due to its problematic nature. Because chloromethane is so volatile, it has a relatively high detection limit (27.4 µg/m3 vs. < 3 µg/m3 for most of the other individual constituents detected in the PSG samplers). Although industrial processes can create chloromethane, most of the chloromethane released to the environment comes from natural sources (ASTDR 1998). Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 11 Chloromethane can also be a breakdown product of chloroform (trichloromethane), a common disinfection byproduct in public water supplies. Chloroform further degrades into methylene chloride (dichloromethane) and then to chloromethane. Most naturally occurring chloromethane comes from chemical reactions that occur when there is a substitution of a chlorine ion for hydrogen in the methane. This can occur near oceans or when natural materials like grass, wood, charcoal and coal are burned. Chloromethane is heavier than air. The Beacon lab director stated that when they detect chloromethane in most of the PSG samples, within a range of concentrations between two to five times of each other, it is likely naturally occurring and something that Beacon regularly sees when they are asked to analyze for this compound. Beacon detected chloromethane in 30 of the 34 sample locations on Parcel 2A at concentrations between 28.1 and 96.2 µg/m3. The residential SGSL for chloromethane is 530 µg/m3. About half the samples that contained the highest concentration of an analyte other than chloromethane were from locations beneath the current park-and-ride surface lot located to the south and east of the proposed parking deck footprint depicted in Figure 5. Even with buildup of soil gas beneath the asphalt, the highest concentrations of the detected constituents in this area are still between approximately one and two orders of magnitude lower than the NC SGSLs. As previously explained, petroleum constituents break down rapidly in aerobic soil conditions. The other samples that have one or more of the highest analyte concentrations are located in the northern portion of Parcel 2A, but spread among five separate sampling locations in the general area of the former soil excavations. Except for the one naphthalene SGSL exceedance at Location 27, all the highest analyte concentrations are below residential SGSLs. The soil gas sample from Location 27 was not collected beneath pavement. Beacon provided the total VOC compounds and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) color-coded maps attached as Appendix E. The VOCs are the sum of the concentrations of all individual constituents detected except for chloromethane, which is considered to be naturally-occurring. This includes 13 individual compounds detected as shown in Table 1. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 12 It is Beacon’s policy to use the data associated with the sample, not the sample duplicate. A light gray shading is used to show the area included in the contouring but is the color used when there are no constituents detected in that sample. The sum of the low and high carbon TPH fraction results is the basis for the second map. The sum of the TPH fractions are clearly beneath the current asphalt surface parking lot. For the total results of the individual VOCs, the highest concentrations are in two distinct areas: below the asphalt surface parking lot, and in the northeast corner of the parcel, near the approximate locations of the excavated SS-3 and TP-1 (locations 22, 24, 26, 27, 28 and 29). The two locations with the highest concentrations, #27 and #29, and the adjacent location #28 consist of naphthalene with or without 2-methylnapthalene and benzene, which are all petroleum related compounds. Also in this area of nine closely-gridded samples are Locations #22 and #26; both soil gas samples have chloroform and dichlorobenzene, with location #26 exhibiting the one detection of CT. Two other locations further to the west (#15 and #35) are chloroform detections only. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 13 QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL DAA provided Beacon with soil gas screening levels for their standard set of volatile organic compound (VOC) deliverables using Method 8260D to determine the length of time the PSG samplers had to remain in the ground to ensure the detection limits were lower than the screening levels. Because CT was present prior to excavation of the SS-3 area, DAA requested the addition of chloromethane as the daughter product. CT degrades first to chloroform (trichloromethane) and methylene chloride (dichloromethane). The quality control samples included duplicates at a rate of 1:20 samples or at least one per day. The lab sent a trip blank in the bag with the samples they shipped to DAA, and that DAA shipped back to them. To determine laboratory precision, DAA calculated the relative percent difference (RPD) for constituents detected in both the sample and duplicate run of the samples. RPDs are generally calculated for the constituents that have concentrations ≥ five times the reporting limit. Beacon uses 100 as the maximum RPD. The more volatile a compound is, the less predictable the deposition of the compound on the PSG sampler. None of the constituents detected were ≥ five times the detection limits, so DAA did not need to calculate an RPD for these results. However, for comparison, DAA provided the calculated RPDs in the table below to show that the laboratory precision is acceptable for this group of samples. Relative Percent Difference Between Sample/Duplicate Analyses Sample 8/8 Dup Concentrations µg/m3) RPD Chloromethane 43.9 42.4 3.5 TPH C4-C9 659 638 3.2 TPH C10-C15 643 634 1.4 Sample 24/24 Dup Benzene 7.10 6.99 1.6 Chloromethane 45.5 40.5 11.6 Sample 36/36 Dup Chloromethane 72.7 42.1 53.3 Toluene 3.73 3.61 3.3 Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 14 The trip blanks and laboratory control samples (method blanks) did not detect any constituents. Because this lab does not perform any other type of analyses other than thermal desorption of the PSG samplers, there is not a problem with background solvent concentrations often associated with full- service labs. One sample (#10) had an internal standard recovery of chlorobenzene-d5 below laboratory and method acceptance limits. Benzene, ethylbenzene and xylenes are the three detected constituents in this sample that use the chlorobenzene-d5 internal standard to calculate results. The concentrations of these three analytes in Sample #10 may be higher than the actual concentrations. The data results are otherwise valid as reported. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 15 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The results of this soil gas investigation indicate that there are low soil gas concentrations of individual petroleum-related constituents (30 detections) with fewer detections of chlorinated VOCs (9). The petroleum constituents detected are 1,2,4- and 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, naphthalene and 2-methylnapthalene, benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene and xylenes in addition to the two TPH fractions. The chlorinated VOCs consist of 1,2-dichlorobenzene, CT, chloroform and PCE. The results document higher soil gas concentrations under the paved parking lot and near the areas of soil excavated in 2007. All of the soil gas concentrations beneath the paved parking lot are below residential NC SGSLs. Even though naphthalene exceeds its residential NC SGSL, the site still meets cumulative residential risk. In the area near the soil excavation, the highest concentrations in soil gas are associated with petroleum-related constituents. Except for naphthalene, all the highest concentrations of soil gas in this vicinity are at least an order of magnitude below their respective residential NC SGSL. No constituent except for naphthalene from location #27 exceeded its NC SGSL. The soil gas sample from Location 27 was not collected beneath pavement. Neither DAA’s review of the lab data and sample locations, or the Beacon maps of soil vapor concentrations indicate a potential soil source area/hot spot. It is more likely that the low soil gas concentrations are the result of VOCs off gassing from a groundwater contaminant plume beneath the site. Using the highest soil gas concentrations for each analyte in the NCDEQ risk calculator documents, the cumulative risk associated with soil gas is acceptable and falls within the lower to mid-range residential non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic risk. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 16 Chloromethane is present in most of the samples in a range of concentrations between 28 and 96 µg/m3; all concentrations fall within a factor of three to four of each other and are likely naturally occurring. Passive Soil Gas Assessment Report Parcel 2A, LoSo Station Redevelopment 2804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC DAA Project No. 19080207-010701 October 10, 2019 17 REFERENCES Advanced Geoservices Corporation (2003) REC Program Remedial Investigation Report, Former Pelton and Crane Facility, 200 Clanton Road, Charlotte, North Carolina for Geological Summary AW & MA Vapor Intrusion Conference Proceedings, January 27-30, 2009. Mass to Concentration Tie-In for Passive Soil Gas Surveys: Improved Technique for Source Area, Spatial Variability and Vapor Intrusion Assessment. Beacon Environmental Services and Arizona State University. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Division of Toxicology (December 1998) Public Health Statement Chloromethane ECS Southeast LLP (May 22, 2019) DRAFT Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, LOSO Station, 3804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. ERM NC, PC (July 2006) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Queens Park Business Center, 112/114/115 Freeland Lane, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC, October 2014) Petroleum Vapor Intrusion Guidance Document. https://www.itrcweb.org/PetroleumVI-Guidance/Content/Resources/PVIPDF.pdf NAVFAC Technical Memorandum TM_NAVFAC EXWC-EV-1503 (July 2015) Passive Soil Sampling for Vapor Intrusion Assessment. NCDENR UST Section (September 21, 2007) Notice of No Further Action, Former Consolidated Steel, 101 Clanton Road, Charlotte, North Carolina, Incident Number: 91007 NCDENR UST Section (September 24, 2007) Notice of No Further Action, Former Affordable Custom Iron, 3610 South Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolina, Incident Number: 91008 Parsons (April 2, 2003) Environmental Site Assessment CATS South Corridor Area Group 2, Charlotte, North Carolina S&ME, Inc. (December 23, 2005) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, 3600 & 3610 South Boulevard and 101 & 102 Clanton Road, Charlotte, North Carolina. S&ME, Inc. (February 8, 2006), Phase II Report 2600 & 3610 South Boulevard and 101 & 102 Clanton Road, Charlotte, North Carolina. S&ME, Inc. (September 6, 2007) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Scaleybark Site, South Boulevard/Clanton Road, Charlotte, North Carolina. S&ME, Inc. (September 6, 2007) Site Closure Request, City of Charlotte Scaleybark Site, 3610 South Boulevard, 101 Clanton Road, Charlotte, North Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey Map I-1251-E (1988); Goldsmith, R., Milton, D.J., and Horton, J.W., Jr; Geologic Map of the Charlotte 1° x 2° Quadrangle (1:250,000), North Carolina and South Carolina FIGURES CLAN T O N R D TRYC L A N R D WHIT T O N S T . FREE L A N D L N SITESITE 2000 40000 SCALE IN FEETPROJECT NUMBERDRAFTERCHECKED BYPROJECT MANAGERDATEFILEFIGURE: Engineering Surveying Environmental Services 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200Cary, NC 27511919-873-1060 Fax: 919-873-1074www.daa.comNC Firm License # C-0861 Virginia Beach, VA Hampton Roads, VA Fayetteville, NC Charlottesville, VA Blacksburg, VA Richmond, VA Northern Virginia19080207-010701KTSDJDJ08/29/2019Scaleybark.dwg1 CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 3804 SOUTH BOULEVARD LoSo STATION REDEVELOPMENT - PARCEL 2A SITE LOCATION MAP T:\Env-NC\CAD Files\Project Files\Daphne - Scaleybark\Current Drawings\Scaleybark.dwg REFERENCE: USGS 7.5 MINUTETOPOGRAPHIC MAP CHARLOTTE WEST, NC 2016CHARLOTTE EAST, NC 2016 DEWITT LANE WHITTON STREETSOUTH BOULEVARD CRAFT STREET SCRIPT LANETRYCLAN DRIVEPARCEL 2A PARCEL 2B PARCEL 2C PARCEL 3 PARCEL 2D(CITY OF CHARLOTTE)(DRY DETENTION BASIN) DRAFTER PROJECT NUMBERPROJECT MANAGER CHECKED BYDATEFILE FIGURE: Engineering Surveying Environmental Services 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200Cary, NC 27511919-873-1060 Fax: 919-873-1074www.daa.comNC Firm License # C-0861 Virginia Beach, VA Hampton Roads, VAFayetteville, NC Charlottesville, VA Blacksburg, VA Richmond, VA Northern Virginia CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 3804 SOUTH BOULEVARD LoSo STATION REDEVELOPMENT - PARCELS 2A, 2B & 2CSITE MAP 2 19080207-010701KTSDJDJ8/29/2019Scaleybark.dwg T:\Env-NC\CAD Files\Project Files\Daphne - Scaleybark\Current Drawings\Scaleybark.dwg 150 3000 SCALE IN FEET NOTE: 1) AERIAL IMAGERY COURTESY OFGOOGLE EARTH, 2018. LEGEND 5025 050Vicinity Map - Not to Scale201 West 29th StreetCharlotte, NC 28206Phone: (704) 337-8329Fax: (704) 308-3153License No.: C-1925www.ldsi-inc.comGraphicScaleText Scale: 1"=50'Project Number: 4118141Date: 8/7/2019Drawn By:JDBReviewed By:Sealed By: SFMNo.DateByRevision1234Final Plat ofLoSo StationOwners: ScaleybarkPartners, LLC &City of Charlotte3804 South BoulevardCity of CharlotteMecklenburg CountyNorth Carolina“”SUEGISSURVEYING GNIREENIGNEPRELIMINARY“”“”FIGURE 3LoSo Station Plat Map FIGURE 3 LoSo Station Master Plan TP-1 SS-3 COURTYARDCOURTYARD PARKING DECK 2 3 5 10 12118 7 6 1 4 31 32 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 13 15 14 9 DEWITT LANE TRYCLAN DRIVEPARCEL 2A PARCEL 2DPARCEL 3 WHITTON STREETCRAFT STREET 27 DRAFTER PROJECT NUMBERPROJECT MANAGER CHECKED BYDATEFILE FIGURE: Engineering Surveying Environmental Services 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200Cary, NC 27511919-873-1060 Fax: 919-873-1074www.daa.comNC Firm License # C-0861 Virginia Beach, VA Hampton Roads, VAFayetteville, NC Charlottesville, VA Blacksburg, VA Richmond, VA Northern Virginia CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 3804 SOUTH BOULEVARD LoSo STATION REDEVELOPMENT - PARCEL 2A PASSIVE SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATIONS 5 19080207-010701KTSDJDJ9/24/2019Scaleybark.dwg T:\Env-NC\CAD Files\Project Files\Daphne - Scaleybark\Current Drawings\Scaleybark.dwg 80 1600 SCALE IN FEET PROPERTY BOUNDARYLEGEND OUTSIDE OF AREA OFINVESTIGATION PASSIVE SOIL GAS (PSG)SAMPLE LOCATIONS EXCAVATED AREA FROMS&ME 2007 CLOSUREREPORT PLANNED REDEVELOPMENTFOOTPRINT. PARCEL 2 NOT YET SUBDIVIDED24 SS-3 SAMPLERS DEPLOYED; UNLOCATABLE FOR RETRIEVAL2 TP-1 SS-3 COURTYARDCOURTYARD PARKING DECK 2 3 5 10 12118 7 6 1 4 31 32 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 13 15 14 9 DEWITT LANE TRYCLAN DRIVEPARCEL 2A PARCEL 3 PARCEL 2D WHITTON STREETCRAFT STREET CONTAMINANT RESIDENTIAL SGSL CONCENTRATIONNaphthalene21 µg/m³27.8 µg/m³ DRAFTER PROJECT NUMBERPROJECT MANAGER CHECKED BYDATEFILE FIGURE: Engineering Surveying Environmental Services 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200Cary, NC 27511919-873-1060 Fax: 919-873-1074www.daa.comNC Firm License # C-0861 Virginia Beach, VA Hampton Roads, VAFayetteville, NC Charlottesville, VA Blacksburg, VA Richmond, VA Northern Virginia CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 3804 SOUTH BOULEVARD LoSo STATION REDEVELOPMENT - PARCEL 2A PASSIVE SOIL GAS EXCEEDANCE - SEPTEMBER 2019 6 19080207-010701KTSDJDJ9/24/2019Scaleybark.dwg T:\Env-NC\CAD Files\Project Files\Daphne - Scaleybark\Current Drawings\Scaleybark.dwg 80 1600 SCALE IN FEETPROPERTY BOUNDARY LEGEND OUTSIDE OF AREA OFINVESTIGATION PASSIVE SOIL GAS (PSG) SAMPLE LOCATIONS EXCAVATED AREA FROMS&ME 2007 CLOSURE REPORT PLANNED REDEVELOPMENTFOOTPRINT. PARCEL 2 NOTYET SUBDIVIDED 24 SS-3 SAMPLERS DEPLOYED;UNLOCATABLE FOR RETRIEVAL2 SGSL SOIL GAS SCREENING LEVEL TABLES 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (4)1,2-Dichlorobenzene (3) 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene (2)2-Methylnaphthalene (2)Benzene (11)Carbon Tetrachloride (1)Chloroform (4)Chloromethane 1Ethylbenzene (1)Naphthalene (3)o-Xylene (2)p & m-Xylene (3)Tetrachloroethene (1)Toluene (2)TPH C10-C15 (10)TPH C4-C9 (11)NCDEQ Residential SGSL (µg/m3) 420 1,400 420 NE 120 160 41 630 370 21 700 700 280 35,000 NE NE 1 <1.43 <0.63 <1.43 <1.56 4.25 <1.09 <1.30 31.2 <1.40 <1.48 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 <2.83 671 1,520 4 <1.44 <0.63 <1.44 <1.56 <2.15 <1.09 <1.30 37.6 <1.40 <1.48 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 <2.83 <346 <393 5 8.31 <0.64 4.43 <1.56 4.97 <1.09 <1.30 34.7 <1.40 <1.48 2.18 3.79 1.51 <2.83 1,270 2,540 6 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.56 3.62 <1.09 <1.30 28.1 <1.40 <1.48 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 <2.83 712 1,150 7 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.56 2.41 <1.09 <1.30 32.8 <1.40 <1.48 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 <2.83 705 979 8 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.56 <2.15 <1.09 <1.30 42.4 <1.40 <1.49 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 <2.84 638 634 8 Dup <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.56 2.30 <1.09 <1.30 43.9 <1.40 <1.49 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 <2.84 659 643 9 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 2.48 <1.09 <1.30 76.1 <1.40 <1.49 <1.35 <1.35 <1.13 2.88 690 878 10 5.73 <0.64 3.20 <1.57 3.26 <1.09 <1.30 67.1 2.4 <1.49 3.01 6.34 <1.14 <2.84 874 2,410 11 2.08 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 4.53 <1.09 <1.30 46.8 <1.40 <1.49 <1.35 <1.35 <1.14 <2.84 728 938 12 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 2.77 <1.09 <1.30 53.4 <1.40 <1.49 <1.35 <1.35 <1.14 <2.84 620 698 13 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 <2.16 <1.09 <1.31 32.3 <1.40 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.84 <348 <394 14 1.96 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 3.92 <1.09 <1.31 30.4 <1.40 <1.49 <1.36 1.41 <1.14 <2.84 739 1,080 16 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 <2.16 <1.10 1.52 48.3 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <348 <395 17 <1.44 <0.64 <1.44 <1.57 <2.16 <1.10 <1.31 35.2 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <348 <395 18 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 <1.57 <2.16 <1.10 <1.31 39.8 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <395 19 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 <1.57 <2.16 <1.10 <1.31 96.2 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <395 20 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 <1.57 <2.16 <1.10 <1.31 45.1 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <395 22 <1.45 0.80 <1.45 <1.57 <2.16 <1.10 4.12 48.7 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <396 23 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 <1.57 <2.17 <1.10 <1.31 29.3 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <396 24 <1.45 6.99 <1.45 <1.57 <2.17 <1.10 <1.31 40.5 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <396 24 Dup <1.45 7.10 <1.45 <1.57 <2.17 <1.10 <1.31 45.5 <1.41 <1.49 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.85 <349 <396 26 <1.45 0.71 <1.45 <1.58 <2.17 2.67 1.81 71.9 <1.41 <1.50 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.86 <350 <397 27 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 4.94 2.17 <1.10 <1.31 48.8 <1.41 27.8 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.86 <350 <397 28 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 <1.58 <2.17 <1.10 <1.31 56.7 <1.41 1.64 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.86 <350 <397 29 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 6.05 <2.17 <1.10 <1.31 <27.4 <1.41 13.4 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.86 <350 <397 31 <1.45 <0.64 <1.45 <1.58 <2.17 <1.10 <1.31 91.6 <1.41 <1.50 <1.36 <1.36 <1.14 <2.86 <350 <397 32 <1.51 <0.67 <1.51 <1.64 <2.26 <1.15 <1.37 53.7 <1.47 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 <2.98 <365 <413 33 <1.51 <0.67 <1.51 <1.64 <2.26 <1.15 <1.37 72.8 <1.47 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 <2.98 <365 <414 34 <1.51 <0.67 <1.51 <1.64 <2.26 <1.15 <1.37 51.5 <1.47 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 <2.98 <365 <414 35 <1.51 <0.67 <1.51 <1.65 <2.26 <1.15 1.40 37.3 <1.47 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 <2.98 <365 507 36 <1.51 <0.67 <1.51 <1.65 <2.27 <1.15 <1.37 42.1 <1.47 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 3.73 <365 <414 36 Dup <1.51 <0.67 <1.51 <1.65 <2.27 <1.15 <1.37 72.7 <1.47 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 3.61 <365 <414 37 <1.52 <0.67 <1.52 <1.65 <2.27 <1.15 <1.37 34.4 <1.48 <1.56 <1.42 <1.42 <1.19 <2.99 <366 <414 Notes: Passive Soil Gas samplers 1-31 emplaced on August 21, 2019. Samplers 32-37 emplaced on August 22, 2019. All samplers removed on September 6, 2019. All results in µg/m3. Concentrations calculated by Beacon Environmental - See calculation summary in lab report (Appendix B) TPH - Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Sample IDs noted in blue font collected from beneath the asphalt-paved parking lot; all other locations were collected from soil-covered areas. SGSL- Soil Gas Screening Level (NCDEQ October 2017); based on Hazard Quotient of 0.2 for non-carcinogens, 1.0E-06 risk for carcinogens. Bold font - Result exceeds method detection limit. Shaded cells - concentration exceeds the Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Level for the analyte. NE - No Screening Level Established. < # - analyte not detected at a concentration that exceeds the method detection limit shown. Only analytes that were detected are listed in this table. Three samples (2, 3, and 15) were covered with soil during the two week sampling period and were not able to be retrieved. 1 Most chloromethane that is in the environment comes from natural sources, which is typically represented when chloromethane concentrations are all within a factor of two to five (4) Number at the end of the analyte name - excluding chloromethane - indicates the number of sample locations analyte detected in PSG sampler out of 34 total locations. of each other. See report for further discussion. TABLE 1 SUMMARY OF PASSIVE SOIL GAS ASSESSMENT RESULTSLoSo STATION REDEVELOPMENT - PARCEL 2A3804 SOUTH BOULEVARD, CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DAA PROJECT NO: 19080207-010701 Only samples that had one or more analytes detected listed in this table. Locations 21, 25 and 30 had no detections. Volatile Organic Compounds - EPA Method 8260D (µg/m3) Sample ID Analytes Detected Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX A Passive Soil Gas Sampler Surveyed Locations Survey Point # Northing Easting Elevation (NAVD 88) PSG Sampler Location # 7000 530048.2410 1439506.1550 733.764 SD/#2 7001 530092.5750 1439498.5270 733.153 SD/#3 7002 530064.8780 1439596.1580 734.836 SD/#5 7003 530175.0680 1439645.4860 732.182 SD/#10 7004 530239.7530 1439781.9590 730.877 SD/#12 7005 530185.7720 1439758.0460 732.428 SD/#11 7006 530078.2290 1439710.9400 735.269 SD/#8 7007 530021.2140 1439686.1860 736.621 SD/#7 7008 530044.6070 1439641.9730 735.704 SD/#6 7009 529968.7460 1439655.6020 737.644 SD/#1 7013 530103.5380 1439535.3280 732.621 SD/#4 7021 530512.0970 1439848.9650 730.372 SD/#31 7022 530558.6850 1439850.1140 728.874 SD/#32 7024 530388.0730 1439669.6990 724.44 SD/#16 7025 530352.9700 1439720.1160 728.917 SD/#17 7026 530335.2440 1439766.0340 726.571 SD/#18 7027 530325.0450 1439815.8460 730.893 SD/#19 7028 530380.7640 1439813.6570 725.24 SD/#20 7029 530369.9790 1439836.6720 728.267 SD/#21 7030 530361.4130 1439859.2080 734.481 SD/#22 7031 530382.2280 1439867.3450 731.431 SD/#23 7032 530391.9970 1439845.4920 726.957 SD/#24 7033 530404.1230 1439824.0180 724.109 SD/#25 7034 530426.0410 1439835.2990 725.415 SD/#26 7035 530416.5060 1439856.3640 725.809 SD/#27 7036 530407.0970 1439876.8500 727.68 SD/#28 7037 530463.4090 1439840.3090 726.169 SD/#29 7038 530497.6890 1439823.9280 726.329 SD/#30 7039 530590.6330 1439781.1700 726.726 SD/#33 7040 530535.5300 1439807.9060 727.876 SD/#34 7041 530503.6570 1439779.1980 725.519 SD/#35 7042 530457.7310 1439756.7530 719.498 SD/#36 * 530428.2233 1439793.3557 NA #36 7043 530414.6670 1439735.9620 723.912 SD/#37 7044 530278.6890 1439798.8440 729.6 SD/#13 7045 530330.6020 1439590.0730 729.116 SD/#15 7046 530285.7430 1439687.1360 729.578 SD/#14 7047 530131.5080 1439732.9390 733.83 SD/#9 Notes: NA - Not Available NAVD 88 - North American Vertical Datum of 1988 PSG - Passive Soil Gas * Location 36 moved in field; northing/easting estimated in CAD based on field measurement to staked Locations #25 and 26. PASSIVE SOIL GAS SAMPLER SURVEYED LOCATIONS APPENDIX A 3804 SOUTH BOULEVARD, CHARLOTTE, NC PARCEL 2A - LoSo STATION REDEVELOPMENT APPENDIX B Laboratory Data Report Beacon Environmental Services, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Project Description: Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 Beacon Project No.: 0004836 Beacon Proposal No.: 190813R02 Project Site: Scaleybark Charlotte, NC Prepared for: September 18, 2019 Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Cary, NC 27511 Daphne Jones Ryan W. Schneider Senior Project Manager All data meet requirements as specified in the Beacon Environmental Services, Inc. Quality Assurance Project Plan and the results relate only to the samples reported. The work performed was in accordance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005 requirements, except samples were analyzed within a 24-hour tune window and TPH is not included in BEACON s scope of accreditation. This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Release of the data contained in this data package has been authorized by the Laboratory Director or his signee, as verified by the following signatures: Steven C. Thornley Laboratory Director Peter B. Kelly Interim Quality Manager BEACON-USA.COM [TOC_1]Cover Page[TOC] Page 1 of 207 Table of Contents Cover Page 1 Sample Summary 6 Case Narrative 8 Analytical Results 9 Summary of Compound Detections 10 Data Summary Table 31 Detailed Analytical Results 32 0004836-01 - Trip Blank 1 33 0004836-02 - 1 34 0004836-03 - 4 35 0004836-04 - 5 36 0004836-05 - 6 37 0004836-06 - 7 38 0004836-07 - 8 39 0004836-08 - 8 Dup 40 0004836-09 - 9 41 0004836-10 - 10 42 0004836-11 - 11 43 0004836-12 - 12 44 0004836-13 - 13 45 0004836-14 - 14 46 0004836-15 - 16 47 0004836-16 - 17 48 0004836-17 - 18 49 0004836-18 - 19 50 Page 2 of 207 Table of Contents (continued) 0004836-19 - 20 51 0004836-20 - 21 52 0004836-21 - 22 53 0004836-22 - 23 54 0004836-23 - 24 55 0004836-24 - 24 Dup 56 0004836-25 - 25 57 0004836-26 - 26 58 0004836-27 - 27 59 0004836-28 - 28 60 0004836-29 - 29 61 0004836-30 - 30 62 0004836-31 - 31 63 0004836-32 - 32 64 0004836-33 - 33 65 0004836-34 - 34 66 0004836-35 - 35 67 0004836-36 - 36 68 0004836-37 - 36 Dup 69 0004836-38 - 37 70 0004836-39 - Trip Blank 2 71 0004836-01 - Trip Blank 1 72 0004836-02 - 1 73 0004836-03 - 4 74 0004836-04 - 5 75 Page 3 of 207 Table of Contents (continued) 0004836-05 - 6 76 0004836-06 - 7 77 0004836-07 - 8 78 0004836-08 - 8 Dup 79 0004836-09 - 9 80 0004836-10 - 10 81 0004836-11 - 11 82 0004836-12 - 12 83 0004836-13 - 13 84 0004836-14 - 14 85 0004836-15 - 16 86 0004836-16 - 17 87 0004836-17 - 18 88 0004836-18 - 19 89 0004836-19 - 20 90 0004836-20 - 21 91 0004836-21 - 22 92 0004836-22 - 23 93 0004836-23 - 24 94 0004836-24 - 24 Dup 95 0004836-25 - 25 96 0004836-26 - 26 97 0004836-27 - 27 98 0004836-28 - 28 99 0004836-29 - 29 100 Page 4 of 207 Table of Contents (continued) 0004836-30 - 30 101 0004836-31 - 31 102 0004836-32 - 32 103 0004836-33 - 33 104 0004836-34 - 34 105 0004836-35 - 35 106 0004836-36 - 36 107 0004836-37 - 36 Dup 108 0004836-38 - 37 109 0004836-39 - Trip Blank 2 110 QC Summaries 111 Additional QC Information 122 Sample Result Calculations 123 Equation 162 MDL/MRL Calculation Summary Table 163 Certifications 202 Notes and Definitions 203 Sample Management Records 204 Chain of Custody 205 Page 5 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Sample Summary AnalysisClient Sample ID Received MatrixLab Sample ID Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-01 Trip Blank 1 Air09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-02 1 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-03 4 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-04 5 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-05 6 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-06 7 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-07 8 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-08 8 Dup Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-09 9 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-10 10 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-11 11 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-12 12 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-13 13 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-14 14 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-15 16 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-16 17 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-17 18 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-18 19 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-19 20 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-20 21 Soil Gas09/06/2019 [TOC_1]Sample Summary[TOC] 0004836 Page 6 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 AnalysisClient Sample ID Received MatrixLab Sample ID Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-21 22 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-22 23 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-23 24 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-24 24 Dup Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-25 25 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-26 26 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-27 27 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-28 28 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-29 29 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-30 30 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-31 31 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-32 32 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-33 33 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-34 34 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-35 35 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-36 36 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-37 36 Dup Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-38 37 Soil Gas09/06/2019 Sampler Type: EPA 8260C Beacon Passive Sampler 0004836-39 Trip Blank 2 Air09/06/2019 Samples Received: 39 Samples Analyze: 39 0004836 Page 7 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 [TOC_1]Case Narrative[TOC]Case Narrative U.S. EPA Method 8260C All samples were analyzed using thermal desorption-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (TD-GC/MS) instrumentation following U.S. EPA Method 8260C, with laboratory results provided in nanograms (ng) and micrograms per cubic meter ( g/m‡). Laboratory QA/QC procedures included internal standards, surrogates, and blanks based on EPA Method 8260C. Analyses and reporting were under BEACON’s Quality Assurance Project Plan. Passive Soil-Gas Survey Notes If sample locations are covered with or near the edge of an impervious surface (e.g., asphalt or concrete), the concentrations of compounds in soil gas are higher than if the surfacing was not present. Therefore, the sample location conditions should be considered when comparing results between locations. Survey findings are exclusive to this project and when the spatial relationships are compared with results of other BEACON Surveys it is necessary to incorporate information from both investigations (e.g., depth to sources, soil types, porosity, soil moisture, presence of impervious surfacing, sample collection times). Reporting Limits The RLs represent a baseline above which results meet laboratory-determined limits of precision and accuracy. Field sample measurements above the upper calibration standard are estimated. The project method quantitation limit (MQL) is the limit of quantitation (LOQ) as noted in the data tables. Beacon determined uptake rates for a suite of compounds with the Beacon sampler for sampling in air. The reported data includes LOQ limits. Beacon reports results and reporting limits to three significant digits. STATEMENT OF DATA QUALIFICATIONS Qualifier Summary: Analysis: EPA 8260C (ng) Internal Standard recovery was below laboratory and method acceptance limits.I3Chlorobenzene-d5 0004836-10 Q ExplanationQCompound 10 Analysis: EPA 8260C (ug/m3) Internal Standard recovery was below laboratory and method acceptance limits.I3Chlorobenzene-d5 0004836-10 Q ExplanationQCompound 10 End of Case Narrative 0004836 Page 8 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analytical Results [TOC_1]Analytical Results[TOC] 0004836 Page 9 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 [TOC_2]Summary of Compound Detections[TOC] Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 10004836-02Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 57874-87-3 500 K19091007.D Benzene 4971-43-2 25 K19091007.D TPH C4-C9 19400 5000 K19091007.D TPH C10-C15 9700 5000 K19091007.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 40004836-03Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 69574-87-3 500 K19091009.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 50004836-04Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 64074-87-3 500 K19091011.D Benzene 5871-43-2 25 K19091011.D Tetrachloroethene 13127-18-4 10 K19091011.D p & m-Xylene 70108-38-3 25 K19091011.D o-Xylene 4095-47-6 25 K19091011.D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 77108-67-8 25 K19091011.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 14595-63-6 25 K19091011.D TPH C4-C9 32400 5000 K19091011.D TPH C10-C15 18300 5000 K19091011.D 0004836 Page 10 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 60004836-05Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 51874-87-3 500 K19091013.D Benzene 4271-43-2 25 K19091013.D TPH C4-C9 14600 5000 K19091013.D TPH C10-C15 10300 5000 K19091013.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 70004836-06Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 60574-87-3 500 K19091015.D Benzene 2871-43-2 25 K19091015.D TPH C4-C9 12400 5000 K19091015.D TPH C10-C15 10200 5000 K19091015.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 80004836-07Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 78074-87-3 500 K19091017.D TPH C4-C9 8060 5000 K19091017.D TPH C10-C15 9180 5000 K19091017.D 0004836 Page 11 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 8 Dup0004836-08Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 80974-87-3 500 K19091019.D Benzene 2771-43-2 25 K19091019.D TPH C4-C9 8170 5000 K19091019.D TPH C10-C15 9490 5000 K19091019.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 90004836-09Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 140074-87-3 500 K19091021.D Benzene 2971-43-2 25 K19091021.D Toluene 25108-88-3 25 K19091021.D TPH C4-C9 11200 5000 K19091021.D TPH C10-C15 9940 5000 K19091021.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 100004836-10Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 123074-87-3 500 K19091023.D Benzene 3871-43-2 25 K19091023.D Ethylbenzene 43100-41-4 25 K19091023.D p & m-Xylene 117108-38-3 25 K19091023.D o-Xylene 5695-47-6 25 K19091023.D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 56108-67-8 25 K19091023.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 9995-63-6 25 K19091023.D TPH C4-C9 30600 5000 K19091023.D TPH C10-C15 12600 5000 K19091023.D 0004836 Page 12 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 110004836-11Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 86174-87-3 500 K19091025.D Benzene 5371-43-2 25 K19091025.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 3695-63-6 25 K19091025.D TPH C4-C9 11900 5000 K19091025.D TPH C10-C15 10500 5000 K19091025.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 120004836-12Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 98274-87-3 500 K19091027.D Benzene 3271-43-2 25 K19091027.D TPH C4-C9 8850 5000 K19091027.D TPH C10-C15 8920 5000 K19091027.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 130004836-13Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 59574-87-3 500 K19091029.D 0004836 Page 13 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 140004836-14Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 55874-87-3 500 K19091031.D Benzene 4571-43-2 25 K19091031.D p & m-Xylene 26108-38-3 25 K19091031.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 3495-63-6 25 K19091031.D TPH C4-C9 13700 5000 K19091031.D TPH C10-C15 10600 5000 K19091031.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 160004836-15Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 88774-87-3 500 K19091033.D Chloroform 1267-66-3 10 K19091033.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 170004836-16Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 64674-87-3 500 K19091035.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 180004836-17Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 73174-87-3 500 K19091037.D 0004836 Page 14 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 190004836-18Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 176074-87-3 500 K19091039.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 200004836-19Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 82774-87-3 500 K19091041.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 220004836-21Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 89274-87-3 500 K19091222.D Chloroform 3167-66-3 10 K19091222.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1395-50-1 10 K19091222.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 230004836-22Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 53674-87-3 500 K19091224.D 0004836 Page 15 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 240004836-23Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 74274-87-3 500 K19091226.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 10995-50-1 10 K19091226.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 24 Dup0004836-24Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 83374-87-3 500 K19091228.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 11195-50-1 10 K19091228.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 260004836-26Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 131074-87-3 500 K19091232.D Chloroform 1467-66-3 10 K19091232.D Carbon Tetrachloride 2456-23-5 10 K19091232.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1195-50-1 10 K19091232.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 270004836-27Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 89174-87-3 500 K19091234.D Benzene 2571-43-2 25 K19091234.D Naphthalene 46491-20-3 25 K19091234.D 2-Methylnaphthalene 7891-57-6 25 K19091234.D 0004836 Page 16 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 280004836-28Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 104074-87-3 500 K19091236.D Naphthalene 2791-20-3 25 K19091236.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 290004836-29Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Naphthalene 22491-20-3 25 K19091238.D 2-Methylnaphthalene 9691-57-6 25 K19091238.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 310004836-31Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 167074-87-3 500 K19091242.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 320004836-32Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 94274-87-3 500 K19091244.D 0004836 Page 17 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 330004836-33Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 128074-87-3 500 K19091246.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 340004836-34Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 90274-87-3 500 K19091248.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 350004836-35Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 65374-87-3 500 K19091250.D Chloroform 1067-66-3 10 K19091250.D TPH C4-C9 6120 5000 K19091250.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 360004836-36Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 73674-87-3 500 K19091252.D Toluene 31108-88-3 25 K19091252.D 0004836 Page 18 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Mass Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 36 Dup0004836-37Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 127074-87-3 500 K19091254.D Toluene 30108-88-3 25 K19091254.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (ng) 370004836-38Lab Sample ID: (ng) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 60274-87-3 500 K19091256.D 0004836 Page 19 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 10004836-02Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 31.274-87-3 27.0 K19091007.D Benzene 4.2571-43-2 2.15 K19091007.D TPH C4-C9 1520 392 K19091007.D TPH C10-C15 671 346 K19091007.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 40004836-03Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 37.674-87-3 27.1 K19091009.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 50004836-04Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 34.774-87-3 27.1 K19091011.D Benzene 4.9771-43-2 2.15 K19091011.D Tetrachloroethene 1.51127-18-4 1.13 K19091011.D p & m-Xylene 3.79108-38-3 1.35 K19091011.D o-Xylene 2.1895-47-6 1.35 K19091011.D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4.43108-67-8 1.44 K19091011.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 8.3195-63-6 1.44 K19091011.D TPH C4-C9 2540 393 K19091011.D TPH C10-C15 1270 347 K19091011.D 0004836 Page 20 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 60004836-05Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 28.174-87-3 27.1 K19091013.D Benzene 3.6271-43-2 2.15 K19091013.D TPH C4-C9 1150 393 K19091013.D TPH C10-C15 712 347 K19091013.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 70004836-06Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 32.874-87-3 27.1 K19091015.D Benzene 2.4171-43-2 2.15 K19091015.D TPH C4-C9 979 393 K19091015.D TPH C10-C15 705 347 K19091015.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 80004836-07Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 42.474-87-3 27.1 K19091017.D TPH C4-C9 634 393 K19091017.D TPH C10-C15 638 347 K19091017.D 0004836 Page 21 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 8 Dup0004836-08Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 43.974-87-3 27.1 K19091019.D Benzene 2.3071-43-2 2.15 K19091019.D TPH C4-C9 643 393 K19091019.D TPH C10-C15 659 347 K19091019.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 90004836-09Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 76.174-87-3 27.1 K19091021.D Benzene 2.4871-43-2 2.15 K19091021.D Toluene 2.88108-88-3 2.84 K19091021.D TPH C4-C9 878 394 K19091021.D TPH C10-C15 690 347 K19091021.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 100004836-10Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 67.174-87-3 27.2 K19091023.D Benzene 3.2671-43-2 2.16 K19091023.D Ethylbenzene 2.40100-41-4 1.40 K19091023.D p & m-Xylene 6.34108-38-3 1.35 K19091023.D o-Xylene 3.0195-47-6 1.35 K19091023.D 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 3.20108-67-8 1.44 K19091023.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.7395-63-6 1.44 K19091023.D TPH C4-C9 2410 394 K19091023.D TPH C10-C15 874 347 K19091023.D 0004836 Page 22 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 110004836-11Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 46.874-87-3 27.2 K19091025.D Benzene 4.5371-43-2 2.16 K19091025.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.0895-63-6 1.44 K19091025.D TPH C4-C9 938 394 K19091025.D TPH C10-C15 728 348 K19091025.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 120004836-12Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 53.474-87-3 27.2 K19091027.D Benzene 2.7771-43-2 2.16 K19091027.D TPH C4-C9 698 394 K19091027.D TPH C10-C15 620 348 K19091027.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 130004836-13Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 32.374-87-3 27.2 K19091029.D 0004836 Page 23 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 140004836-14Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 30.474-87-3 27.2 K19091031.D Benzene 3.9271-43-2 2.16 K19091031.D p & m-Xylene 1.41108-38-3 1.36 K19091031.D 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.9695-63-6 1.44 K19091031.D TPH C4-C9 1080 395 K19091031.D TPH C10-C15 739 348 K19091031.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 160004836-15Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 48.374-87-3 27.2 K19091033.D Chloroform 1.5267-66-3 1.31 K19091033.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 170004836-16Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 35.274-87-3 27.2 K19091035.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 180004836-17Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 39.874-87-3 27.3 K19091037.D 0004836 Page 24 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 190004836-18Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 96.274-87-3 27.3 K19091039.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 200004836-19Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 45.174-87-3 27.3 K19091041.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 220004836-21Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 48.774-87-3 27.3 K19091222.D Chloroform 4.1267-66-3 1.31 K19091222.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.8095-50-1 0.64 K19091222.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 230004836-22Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 29.374-87-3 27.3 K19091224.D 0004836 Page 25 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 240004836-23Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 40.574-87-3 27.3 K19091226.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 6.9995-50-1 0.64 K19091226.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 24 Dup0004836-24Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 45.574-87-3 27.3 K19091228.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 7.1095-50-1 0.64 K19091228.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 260004836-26Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 71.974-87-3 27.3 K19091232.D Chloroform 1.8167-66-3 1.31 K19091232.D Carbon Tetrachloride 2.6756-23-5 1.10 K19091232.D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.7195-50-1 0.64 K19091232.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 270004836-27Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 48.874-87-3 27.4 K19091234.D Benzene 2.1771-43-2 2.17 K19091234.D Naphthalene 27.891-20-3 1.50 K19091234.D 2-Methylnaphthalene 4.9491-57-6 1.58 K19091234.D 0004836 Page 26 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 280004836-28Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 56.774-87-3 27.4 K19091236.D Naphthalene 1.6491-20-3 1.50 K19091236.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 290004836-29Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Naphthalene 13.491-20-3 1.50 K19091238.D 2-Methylnaphthalene 6.0591-57-6 1.58 K19091238.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 310004836-31Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 91.674-87-3 27.4 K19091242.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 320004836-32Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 53.774-87-3 28.5 K19091244.D 0004836 Page 27 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 330004836-33Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 72.874-87-3 28.5 K19091246.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 340004836-34Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 51.574-87-3 28.5 K19091248.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 350004836-35Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 37.374-87-3 28.5 K19091250.D Chloroform 1.4067-66-3 1.37 K19091250.D TPH C4-C9 507 414 K19091250.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 360004836-36Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 42.174-87-3 28.6 K19091252.D Toluene 3.73108-88-3 2.99 K19091252.D 0004836 Page 28 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Summary of Compound Detections- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 36 Dup0004836-37Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 72.774-87-3 28.6 K19091254.D Toluene 3.61108-88-3 2.99 K19091254.D Result Analyte LOQ QCAS# EPA 8260C (g/m‡) 370004836-38Lab Sample ID: (g/m‡) Method: File ID Soil Gas Chloromethane 34.474-87-3 28.6 K19091256.D 0004836 Page 29 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Data Summary Table- Mass (ng)(ng) LOQ Compound Frequency Max Value Chloromethane 30 500 1,760 Chloroform 4 10 31 Carbon Tetrachloride 1 10 24 Benzene 10 25 58 Toluene 2 25 31 Tetrachloroethene 1 10 13 Ethylbenzene 1 25 43 p & m-Xylene 3 25 117 o-Xylene 2 25 56 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2 25 77 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4 25 145 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 3 10 109 Naphthalene 3 25 464 2-Methylnaphthalene 2 25 96 TPH C4-C9 11 5,000 32,400 TPH C10-C15 10 5,000 18,300 0004836 Page 30 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Data Summary Table- Concentration (g/m‡)(g/m‡) LOQ Compound Frequency Max Value Chloromethane 30 27.0 96.2 Chloroform 4 1.31 4.12 Carbon Tetrachloride 1 1.10 2.67 Benzene 10 2.15 4.97 Toluene 2 2.84 3.73 Tetrachloroethene 1 1.13 1.51 Ethylbenzene 1 1.40 2.40 p & m-Xylene 3 1.35 6.34 o-Xylene 2 1.35 3.01 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 2 1.44 4.43 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4 1.44 8.31 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 3 0.640 6.99 Naphthalene 3 1.50 27.8 2-Methylnaphthalene 2 1.58 6.05 TPH C4-C9 11 392 2,540 TPH C10-C15 10 346 1,270 [TOC_2]Data Summary Table[TOC] 0004836 Page 31 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 [TOC_2]Detailed Analytical Results[TOC] Detailed Analytical Results 0004836 Page 32 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Detailed Analytical Results- Mass Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-01 - Trip Blank 1[TOC] CAS# Trip Blank 1Lab Sample ID:0004836-01 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Air 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <500 500 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 33 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-02 - 1[TOC] CAS# 1Lab Sample ID:0004836-02 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 578 500 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 49 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D2-Methylnaphthalene 19400 5000 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTPH C4-C9 9700 5000 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 34 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-03 - 4[TOC] CAS# 4Lab Sample ID:0004836-03 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 695 500 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 35 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-04 - 5[TOC] CAS# 5Lab Sample ID:0004836-04 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 640 500 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 58 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 13 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 70 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 40 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 77 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 145 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D2-Methylnaphthalene 32400 5000 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTPH C4-C9 18300 5000 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 36 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-05 - 6[TOC] CAS# 6Lab Sample ID:0004836-05 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 518 500 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 42 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D2-Methylnaphthalene 14600 5000 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTPH C4-C9 10300 5000 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 37 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-06 - 7[TOC] CAS# 7Lab Sample ID:0004836-06 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 605 500 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 28 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D2-Methylnaphthalene 12400 5000 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTPH C4-C9 10200 5000 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 38 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-07 - 8[TOC] CAS# 8Lab Sample ID:0004836-07 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 780 500 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D2-Methylnaphthalene 8060 5000 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTPH C4-C9 9180 5000 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 39 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-08 - 8 Dup[TOC] CAS# 8 DupLab Sample ID:0004836-08 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 809 500 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 27 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D2-Methylnaphthalene 8170 5000 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTPH C4-C9 9490 5000 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 40 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-09 - 9[TOC] CAS# 9Lab Sample ID:0004836-09 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1400 500 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 29 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D2-Methylnaphthalene 11200 5000 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTPH C4-C9 9940 5000 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 41 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-10 - 10[TOC] CAS# 10Lab Sample ID:0004836-10 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1230 500 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 38 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 43 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 117 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 56 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 56 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 99 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D2-Methylnaphthalene 30600 5000 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTPH C4-C9 12600 5000 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 42 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-11 - 11[TOC] CAS# 11Lab Sample ID:0004836-11 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 861 500 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 53 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 36 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D2-Methylnaphthalene 11900 5000 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTPH C4-C9 10500 5000 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 43 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-12 - 12[TOC] CAS# 12Lab Sample ID:0004836-12 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 982 500 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 32 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D2-Methylnaphthalene 8850 5000 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTPH C4-C9 8920 5000 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 44 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-13 - 13[TOC] CAS# 13Lab Sample ID:0004836-13 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 595 500 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 45 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-14 - 14[TOC] CAS# 14Lab Sample ID:0004836-14 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 558 500 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 45 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 26 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 34 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D2-Methylnaphthalene 13700 5000 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTPH C4-C9 10600 5000 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 46 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-15 - 16[TOC] CAS# 16Lab Sample ID:0004836-15 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 887 500 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 12 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 47 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-16 - 17[TOC] CAS# 17Lab Sample ID:0004836-16 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 646 500 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 48 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-17 - 18[TOC] CAS# 18Lab Sample ID:0004836-17 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 731 500 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 49 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-18 - 19[TOC] CAS# 19Lab Sample ID:0004836-18 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1760 500 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 50 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-19 - 20[TOC] CAS# 20Lab Sample ID:0004836-19 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 827 500 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 51 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-20 - 21[TOC] CAS# 21Lab Sample ID:0004836-20 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <500 500 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 52 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-21 - 22[TOC] CAS# 22Lab Sample ID:0004836-21 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 892 500 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 31 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 13 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 53 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-22 - 23[TOC] CAS# 23Lab Sample ID:0004836-22 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 536 500 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 54 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-23 - 24[TOC] CAS# 24Lab Sample ID:0004836-23 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 742 500 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 109 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 55 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-24 - 24 Dup[TOC] CAS# 24 DupLab Sample ID:0004836-24 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 833 500 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 111 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 56 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-25 - 25[TOC] CAS# 25Lab Sample ID:0004836-25 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <500 500 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 57 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-26 - 26[TOC] CAS# 26Lab Sample ID:0004836-26 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1310 500 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 14 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 24 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 11 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 58 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-27 - 27[TOC] CAS# 27Lab Sample ID:0004836-27 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 891 500 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 464 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 78 25 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 59 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-28 - 28[TOC] CAS# 28Lab Sample ID:0004836-28 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1040 500 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 27 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 60 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-29 - 29[TOC] CAS# 29Lab Sample ID:0004836-29 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <500 500 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 224 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 96 25 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 61 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-30 - 30[TOC] CAS# 30Lab Sample ID:0004836-30 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <500 500 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 62 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-31 - 31[TOC] CAS# 31Lab Sample ID:0004836-31 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1670 500 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 63 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-32 - 32[TOC] CAS# 32Lab Sample ID:0004836-32 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 942 500 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 64 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-33 - 33[TOC] CAS# 33Lab Sample ID:0004836-33 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1280 500 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 65 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-34 - 34[TOC] CAS# 34Lab Sample ID:0004836-34 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 902 500 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 66 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-35 - 35[TOC] CAS# 35Lab Sample ID:0004836-35 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 653 500 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D2-Methylnaphthalene 6120 5000 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 67 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-36 - 36[TOC] CAS# 36Lab Sample ID:0004836-36 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 736 500 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 31 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 68 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-37 - 36 Dup[TOC] CAS# 36 DupLab Sample ID:0004836-37 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 1270 500 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 30 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 69 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-38 - 37[TOC] CAS# 37Lab Sample ID:0004836-38 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 602 500 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 70 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-39 - Trip Blank 2[TOC] CAS# Trip Blank 2Lab Sample ID:0004836-39 (ng)(ng)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Air 75-00-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <500 500 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChloroform 107-06-2 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DBenzene 79-01-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DToluene 106-93-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <10 10 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <25 25 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D2-Methylnaphthalene <5,000 5000 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTPH C4-C9 <5,000 5000 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 71 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Detailed Analytical Results- Concentration Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-01 - Trip Blank 1[TOC] CAS# Trip Blank 1Lab Sample ID:0004836-01 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Air 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <27.0 27.0 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.31 1.31 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.05 1.05 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.28 2.28 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.45 0.45 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.15 2.15 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.36 1.36 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.01 3.01 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.D2-Methylnaphthalene <392 392 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTPH C4-C9 <346 346 09/10/2019 18:08 K19091005.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 72 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-02 - 1[TOC] CAS# 1Lab Sample ID:0004836-02 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 31.2 27.0 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.31 1.31 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.05 1.05 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.28 2.28 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.45 0.45 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 4.25 2.15 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.36 1.36 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.01 3.01 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.D2-Methylnaphthalene 1520 392 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTPH C4-C9 671 346 09/10/2019 18:59 K19091007.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 73 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-03 - 4[TOC] CAS# 4Lab Sample ID:0004836-03 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 37.6 27.1 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.31 1.31 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.05 1.05 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.28 2.28 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.45 0.45 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.15 2.15 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.36 1.36 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.01 3.01 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.D2-Methylnaphthalene <393 393 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTPH C4-C9 <346 346 09/10/2019 19:49 K19091009.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 74 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-04 - 5[TOC] CAS# 5Lab Sample ID:0004836-04 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 34.7 27.1 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 4.97 2.15 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 1.51 1.13 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 3.79 1.35 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 2.18 1.35 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 4.43 1.44 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 8.31 1.44 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.D2-Methylnaphthalene 2540 393 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTPH C4-C9 1270 347 09/10/2019 20:39 K19091011.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 75 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-05 - 6[TOC] CAS# 6Lab Sample ID:0004836-05 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 28.1 27.1 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 3.62 2.15 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.D2-Methylnaphthalene 1150 393 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTPH C4-C9 712 347 09/10/2019 21:29 K19091013.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 76 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-06 - 7[TOC] CAS# 7Lab Sample ID:0004836-06 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 32.8 27.1 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 2.41 2.15 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.D2-Methylnaphthalene 979 393 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTPH C4-C9 705 347 09/10/2019 22:20 K19091015.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 77 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-07 - 8[TOC] CAS# 8Lab Sample ID:0004836-07 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 42.4 27.1 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.15 2.15 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.D2-Methylnaphthalene 634 393 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTPH C4-C9 638 347 09/10/2019 23:09 K19091017.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 78 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-08 - 8 Dup[TOC] CAS# 8 DupLab Sample ID:0004836-08 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 43.9 27.1 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 2.30 2.15 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.D2-Methylnaphthalene 643 393 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTPH C4-C9 659 347 09/10/2019 23:59 K19091019.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 79 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-09 - 9[TOC] CAS# 9Lab Sample ID:0004836-09 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 76.1 27.1 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 2.48 2.15 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 2.88 2.84 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.D2-Methylnaphthalene 878 394 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTPH C4-C9 690 347 09/11/2019 00:49 K19091021.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 80 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-10 - 10[TOC] CAS# 10Lab Sample ID:0004836-10 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 67.1 27.2 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 3.26 2.16 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 2.40 1.40 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 6.34 1.35 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 3.01 1.35 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 3.20 1.44 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 5.73 1.44 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.D2-Methylnaphthalene 2410 394 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTPH C4-C9 874 347 09/11/2019 01:38 K19091023.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 81 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-11 - 11[TOC] CAS# 11Lab Sample ID:0004836-11 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 46.8 27.2 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 4.53 2.16 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.02 3.02 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 2.08 1.44 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.D2-Methylnaphthalene 938 394 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTPH C4-C9 728 348 09/11/2019 02:29 K19091025.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 82 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-12 - 12[TOC] CAS# 12Lab Sample ID:0004836-12 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 53.4 27.2 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 2.77 2.16 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.D2-Methylnaphthalene 698 394 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTPH C4-C9 620 348 09/11/2019 03:19 K19091027.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 83 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-13 - 13[TOC] CAS# 13Lab Sample ID:0004836-13 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 32.3 27.2 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.29 2.29 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.D2-Methylnaphthalene <394 394 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTPH C4-C9 <348 348 09/11/2019 04:09 K19091029.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 84 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-14 - 14[TOC] CAS# 14Lab Sample ID:0004836-14 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 30.4 27.2 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 3.92 2.16 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.78 2.78 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.84 2.84 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 1.41 1.36 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 1.96 1.44 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.D2-Methylnaphthalene 1080 395 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTPH C4-C9 739 348 09/11/2019 04:59 K19091031.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 85 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-15 - 16[TOC] CAS# 16Lab Sample ID:0004836-15 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 48.3 27.2 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 1.52 1.31 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.D2-Methylnaphthalene <395 395 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTPH C4-C9 <348 348 09/11/2019 05:49 K19091033.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 86 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-16 - 17[TOC] CAS# 17Lab Sample ID:0004836-16 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 35.2 27.2 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 1.44 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.D2-Methylnaphthalene <395 395 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTPH C4-C9 <348 348 09/11/2019 06:39 K19091035.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 87 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-17 - 18[TOC] CAS# 18Lab Sample ID:0004836-17 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 39.8 27.3 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.D2-Methylnaphthalene <395 395 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/11/2019 07:29 K19091037.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 88 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-18 - 19[TOC] CAS# 19Lab Sample ID:0004836-18 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 96.2 27.3 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.03 3.03 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.D2-Methylnaphthalene <395 395 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/11/2019 08:19 K19091039.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 89 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-19 - 20[TOC] CAS# 20Lab Sample ID:0004836-19 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 45.1 27.3 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.37 1.37 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.D2-Methylnaphthalene <395 395 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/11/2019 09:09 K19091041.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 90 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-20 - 21[TOC] CAS# 21Lab Sample ID:0004836-20 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <27.3 27.3 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.D2-Methylnaphthalene <396 396 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/12/2019 15:26 K19091220.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 91 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-21 - 22[TOC] CAS# 22Lab Sample ID:0004836-21 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 48.7 27.3 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.32 1.32 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 4.12 1.31 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.16 2.16 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.80 0.64 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.D2-Methylnaphthalene <396 396 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/12/2019 16:17 K19091222.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 92 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-22 - 23[TOC] CAS# 23Lab Sample ID:0004836-22 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 29.3 27.3 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.D2-Methylnaphthalene <396 396 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/12/2019 17:09 K19091224.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 93 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-23 - 24[TOC] CAS# 24Lab Sample ID:0004836-23 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 40.5 27.3 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 6.99 0.64 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.D2-Methylnaphthalene <396 396 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/12/2019 18:00 K19091226.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 94 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-24 - 24 Dup[TOC] CAS# 24 DupLab Sample ID:0004836-24 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 45.5 27.3 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 7.10 0.64 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.D2-Methylnaphthalene <396 396 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/12/2019 18:52 K19091228.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 95 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-25 - 25[TOC] CAS# 25Lab Sample ID:0004836-25 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.54 1.54 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <27.3 27.3 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.06 1.06 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.30 2.30 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.79 2.79 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.85 2.85 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.49 1.49 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.19 1.19 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.57 1.57 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.D2-Methylnaphthalene <396 396 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTPH C4-C9 <349 349 09/12/2019 19:44 K19091230.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 96 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-26 - 26[TOC] CAS# 26Lab Sample ID:0004836-26 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.55 1.55 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 71.9 27.3 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.07 1.07 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.31 2.31 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 1.81 1.31 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 2.67 1.10 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.80 2.80 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.86 2.86 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 0.71 0.64 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.50 1.50 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.58 1.58 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.D2-Methylnaphthalene <397 397 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTPH C4-C9 <350 350 09/12/2019 20:35 K19091232.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 97 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-27 - 27[TOC] CAS# 27Lab Sample ID:0004836-27 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.55 1.55 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 48.8 27.4 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.07 1.07 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.31 2.31 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.80 2.80 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.86 2.86 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.04 3.04 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 27.8 1.50 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 4.94 1.58 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.D2-Methylnaphthalene <397 397 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTPH C4-C9 <350 350 09/12/2019 21:25 K19091234.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 98 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-28 - 28[TOC] CAS# 28Lab Sample ID:0004836-28 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.55 1.55 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 56.7 27.4 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.07 1.07 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.31 2.31 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.80 2.80 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.86 2.86 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.05 3.05 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 1.64 1.50 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.58 1.58 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.D2-Methylnaphthalene <397 397 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTPH C4-C9 <350 350 09/12/2019 22:16 K19091236.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 99 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-29 - 29[TOC] CAS# 29Lab Sample ID:0004836-29 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.55 1.55 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <27.4 27.4 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.07 1.07 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.31 2.31 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.80 2.80 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.86 2.86 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.05 3.05 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 13.4 1.50 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 6.05 1.58 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.D2-Methylnaphthalene <397 397 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTPH C4-C9 <350 350 09/12/2019 23:07 K19091238.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 100 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-30 - 30[TOC] CAS# 30Lab Sample ID:0004836-30 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.55 1.55 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <27.4 27.4 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.55 0.55 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.07 1.07 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.31 2.31 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.80 2.80 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.86 2.86 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.05 3.05 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.50 1.50 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.20 1.20 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.58 1.58 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.D2-Methylnaphthalene <397 397 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTPH C4-C9 <350 350 09/12/2019 23:58 K19091240.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 101 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-31 - 31[TOC] CAS# 31Lab Sample ID:0004836-31 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.55 1.55 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.61 0.61 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 91.6 27.4 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.33 1.33 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.55 0.55 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.07 1.07 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.31 2.31 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.56 0.56 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.31 1.31 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.84 0.84 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 0.46 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.10 1.10 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.17 2.17 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.38 1.38 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.80 2.80 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.39 1.39 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.86 2.86 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.05 3.05 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.14 1.14 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.41 1.41 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.36 1.36 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.36 1.36 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.50 1.50 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.58 1.58 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.D2-Methylnaphthalene <397 397 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTPH C4-C9 <350 350 09/13/2019 00:48 K19091242.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 102 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-32 - 32[TOC] CAS# 32Lab Sample ID:0004836-32 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.61 1.61 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.63 0.63 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 53.7 28.5 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.38 1.38 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.40 2.40 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.90 0.90 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.37 1.37 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.26 2.26 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.98 2.98 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.17 3.17 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.47 1.47 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.64 1.64 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.D2-Methylnaphthalene <413 413 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTPH C4-C9 <365 365 09/13/2019 01:39 K19091244.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 103 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-33 - 33[TOC] CAS# 33Lab Sample ID:0004836-33 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.61 1.61 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.63 0.63 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 72.8 28.5 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.38 1.38 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.41 2.41 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.91 0.91 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.37 1.37 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.26 2.26 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.98 2.98 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.17 3.17 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.47 1.47 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.64 1.64 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.D2-Methylnaphthalene <414 414 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTPH C4-C9 <365 365 09/13/2019 02:29 K19091246.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 104 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-34 - 34[TOC] CAS# 34Lab Sample ID:0004836-34 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.61 1.61 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.63 0.63 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 51.5 28.5 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.38 1.38 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.41 2.41 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.91 0.91 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.37 1.37 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.26 2.26 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.98 2.98 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.17 3.17 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.47 1.47 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.64 1.64 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.D2-Methylnaphthalene <414 414 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTPH C4-C9 <365 365 09/13/2019 03:19 K19091248.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 105 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-35 - 35[TOC] CAS# 35Lab Sample ID:0004836-35 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.61 1.61 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 37.3 28.5 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.39 1.39 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.41 2.41 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.91 0.91 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 1.40 1.37 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.26 2.26 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.98 2.98 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.18 3.18 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.47 1.47 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.65 1.65 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.D2-Methylnaphthalene 507 414 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTPH C4-C9 <365 365 09/13/2019 04:10 K19091250.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 106 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-36 - 36[TOC] CAS# 36Lab Sample ID:0004836-36 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.61 1.61 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 42.1 28.6 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.39 1.39 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.41 2.41 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.91 0.91 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.37 1.37 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.27 2.27 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 3.73 2.99 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.18 3.18 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.47 1.47 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.65 1.65 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.D2-Methylnaphthalene <414 414 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTPH C4-C9 <365 365 09/13/2019 05:01 K19091252.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 107 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-37 - 36 Dup[TOC] CAS# 36 DupLab Sample ID:0004836-37 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.61 1.61 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 72.7 28.6 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.39 1.39 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.41 2.41 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.91 0.91 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.37 1.37 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.27 2.27 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 3.61 2.99 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.18 3.18 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.47 1.47 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 1.51 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.65 1.65 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.D2-Methylnaphthalene <414 414 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTPH C4-C9 <365 365 09/13/2019 05:51 K19091254.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 108 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-38 - 37[TOC] CAS# 37Lab Sample ID:0004836-38 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Soil Gas 75-00-3 <1.62 1.62 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.64 0.64 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 34.4 28.6 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.39 1.39 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.57 0.57 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.11 1.11 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.41 2.41 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.58 0.58 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.91 0.91 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.37 1.37 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.87 0.87 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 0.48 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.15 1.15 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.27 2.27 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.44 1.44 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.92 2.92 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.45 1.45 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.99 2.99 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.18 3.18 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.19 1.19 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.48 1.48 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.20 1.20 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.42 1.42 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.52 1.52 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.52 1.52 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.52 1.52 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 0.67 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.56 1.56 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.25 1.25 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.65 1.65 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.D2-Methylnaphthalene <414 414 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTPH C4-C9 <366 366 09/13/2019 06:41 K19091256.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 109 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Result Analyte LOQ Q [TOC_3]0004836-39 - Trip Blank 2[TOC] CAS# Trip Blank 2Lab Sample ID:0004836-39 (g/m‡)(g/m‡)Analyzed EPA 8260CMethod: File ID Air 75-00-3 <1.53 1.53 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChloroethane 75-01-4 <0.60 0.60 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DVinyl Chloride 74-87-3 <27.0 27.0 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChloromethane 75-35-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1-Dichloroethene 75-09-2 <1.31 1.31 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DMethylene Chloride 76-13-1 <0.54 0.54 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 156-60-5 <1.05 1.05 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Dtrans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1634-04-4 <2.28 2.28 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DMethyl-t-butyl ether 75-34-3 <0.55 0.55 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1-Dichloroethane 156-59-2 <0.86 0.86 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Dcis-1,2-Dichloroethene 67-66-3 <1.30 1.30 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChloroform 107-06-2 <0.83 0.83 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2-Dichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.45 0.45 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,1-Trichloroethane 56-23-5 <1.09 1.09 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DCarbon Tetrachloride 71-43-2 <2.15 2.15 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DBenzene 79-01-6 <1.36 1.36 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTrichloroethene 123-91-1 <2.77 2.77 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,4-Dioxane 79-00-5 <1.38 1.38 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,2-Trichloroethane 108-88-3 <2.83 2.83 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DToluene 106-93-4 <3.01 3.01 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 127-18-4 <1.13 1.13 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTetrachloroethene 630-20-6 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 108-90-7 <0.56 0.56 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DChlorobenzene 100-41-4 <1.40 1.40 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DEthylbenzene 108-38-3 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Dp & m-Xylene 79-34-5 <1.14 1.14 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 95-47-6 <1.35 1.35 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.Do-Xylene 96-18-4 <0.64 0.64 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,3-Trichloropropane 98-82-8 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DIsopropylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.43 1.43 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 541-73-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,3-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,4-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.63 0.63 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2-Dichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 91-20-3 <1.48 1.48 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DNaphthalene 87-61-6 <1.18 1.18 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 91-57-6 <1.56 1.56 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.D2-Methylnaphthalene <392 392 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTPH C4-C9 <346 346 09/10/2019 18:33 K19091006.DTPH C10-C15 0004836 Page 110 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 QC Information/Summary [TOC_1]QC Summaries[TOC] 0004836 Page 111 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Organics in Air/Soil Gas by EPA (SW846) 8260C (Mass) - Quality Control Summary 19I0015-BLK1 (Lab Blank) File ID: K19091003.D Result Q Analyte (ng) (ng)CAS# LOQ Analyzed: 9/10/19 17:19 Chloroethane 75-00-3 <25 25 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 10 Chloromethane 74-87-3 <500 500 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 10 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 10 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 76-13-1 <10 10 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 10 Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 25 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 10 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 10 Chloroform 67-66-3 <10 10 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 10 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 10 Benzene 71-43-2 <25 25 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <10 10 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <25 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 10 Toluene 108-88-3 <25 25 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <25 25 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <10 10 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 10 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <10 10 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <25 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <10 10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 25 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 10 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <25 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 Naphthalene 91-20-3 <25 25 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 10 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 25 TPH C4-C9 <5000 5000 TPH C10-C15 <5000 5000 0004836 Page 112 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Organics in Air/Soil Gas by EPA (SW846) 8260C (Mass) - Quality Control Summary 19I0022-BLK1 (Lab Blank) File ID: K19091218.D Result Q Analyte (ng) (ng)CAS# LOQ Analyzed: 9/12/19 14:19 Chloroethane 75-00-3 <25 25 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 10 Chloromethane 74-87-3 <500 500 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 10 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 10 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 76-13-1 <10 10 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 10 Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 25 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 10 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 10 Chloroform 67-66-3 <10 10 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 10 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 10 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 10 Benzene 71-43-2 <25 25 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <10 10 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <25 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 10 Toluene 108-88-3 <25 25 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <25 25 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <10 10 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 10 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <10 10 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <25 25 p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <25 25 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <10 10 o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 25 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 10 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <25 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 25 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 10 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 10 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 10 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 10 Naphthalene 91-20-3 <25 25 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 10 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 25 TPH C4-C9 <5000 5000 TPH C10-C15 <5000 5000 0004836 Page 113 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Organics in Air/Soil Gas by EPA (SW846) 8260C (Concentration) - Quality Control Summary 19I0015-BLK1 (Lab Blank) File ID: K19091003.D Result Q Analyte (g/m‡) (g/m‡)CAS# LOQ Analyzed: 9/10/19 17:19 Chloroethane 75-00-3 <1.64 1.64 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.64 0.64 Chloromethane 74-87-3 <1.45 1.45 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.50 1.50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.41 1.41 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 76-13-1 <0.58 0.58 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.13 1.13 Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.44 2.44 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.59 0.59 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <0.92 0.92 Chloroform 67-66-3 <1.39 1.39 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <0.89 0.89 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.49 0.49 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.16 1.16 Benzene 71-43-2 <2.30 2.30 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <1.46 1.46 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <2.96 2.96 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.47 1.47 Toluene 108-88-3 <3.02 3.02 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <3.22 3.22 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <1.21 1.21 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.22 1.22 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <1.49 1.49 p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <1.44 1.44 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <1.22 1.22 o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.44 1.44 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.68 0.68 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <1.53 1.53 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.53 1.53 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.53 1.53 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.68 0.68 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.68 0.68 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.68 0.68 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.27 1.27 Naphthalene 91-20-3 <1.58 1.58 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.27 1.27 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.67 1.67 TPH C4-C9 <420 420 TPH C10-C15 <370 370 0004836 Page 114 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Organics in Air/Soil Gas by EPA (SW846) 8260C (Concentration) - Quality Control Summary 19I0022-BLK1 (Lab Blank) File ID: K19091218.D Result Q Analyte (g/m‡) (g/m‡)CAS# LOQ Analyzed: 9/12/19 14:19 Chloroethane 75-00-3 <1.64 1.64 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.64 0.64 Chloromethane 74-87-3 <1.45 1.45 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.50 1.50 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.41 1.41 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113) 76-13-1 <0.58 0.58 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.13 1.13 Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.44 2.44 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.59 0.59 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <0.92 0.92 Chloroform 67-66-3 <1.39 1.39 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <0.89 0.89 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.49 0.49 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.16 1.16 Benzene 71-43-2 <2.30 2.30 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 <1.46 1.46 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <2.96 2.96 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.47 1.47 Toluene 108-88-3 <3.02 3.02 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <3.22 3.22 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 <1.21 1.21 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.22 1.22 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 <0.59 0.59 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 <1.49 1.49 p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <1.44 1.44 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <1.22 1.22 o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.44 1.44 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.68 0.68 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 <1.53 1.53 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.53 1.53 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.53 1.53 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.68 0.68 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.68 0.68 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.68 0.68 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.27 1.27 Naphthalene 91-20-3 <1.58 1.58 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.27 1.27 2-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.67 1.67 TPH C4-C9 <420 420 TPH C10-C15 <370 370 0004836 Page 115 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Sample Duplicate RPD Summary - Mass Organics in Air/Soil Gas by EPA (SW846) 8260C (Mass) Duplicate Sample: 8 Dup (0004836-08) File ID: K19091019.D Sample: 8 (0004836-07) File ID: K19091017.D Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Q Analyte (ng)(ng)(%)CAS#(ng) Sample ResultLOQ Analyzed: 9/10/19 23:09 Analyzed: 9/10/19 23:59 Q 100Chloroethane75-00-3 <25 <2525 100Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 <1010 100Chloromethane74-87-3 809 780500 3.65 1001,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 <1010 100Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 <1010 1001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <10 <1010 100trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 <1010 100Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 <2525 1001,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 <1010 100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 <1010 100Chloroform67-66-3 <10 <1010 1001,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 <1010 1001,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 <1010 100Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 <1010 100Benzene71-43-2 27 <2525 7.69 100Trichloroethene79-01-6 <10 <1010 1001,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <25 <2525 1001,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 <1010 100Toluene108-88-3 <25 <2525 1001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <25 <2525 100Tetrachloroethene127-18-4 <10 <1010 1001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 <1010 100Chlorobenzene108-90-7 <10 <1010 100Ethylbenzene100-41-4 <25 <2525 100p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <25 <2525 1001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <10 <1010 100o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 <2525 1001,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 <1010 100Isopropylbenzene98-82-8 <25 <2525 1001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 <2525 1001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 <2525 1001,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 <1010 1001,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 <1010 1001,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 <1010 1001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 <1010 100Naphthalene91-20-3 <25 <2525 1001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 <1010 1002-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 <2525 100TPH C4-C9 8170 80605000 1.36 100TPH C10-C15 9490 91805000 3.32 0004836 Page 116 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Duplicate Sample: 24 Dup (0004836-24) File ID: K19091228.D Sample: 24 (0004836-23) File ID: K19091226.D Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Q Analyte (ng) (ng)(%)CAS#(ng) Sample ResultLOQ Analyzed: 9/12/19 18:00 Analyzed: 9/12/19 18:52 Q 100Chloroethane75-00-3 <25 <2525 100Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 <1010 100Chloromethane74-87-3 833 742500 11.56 1001,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 <1010 100Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 <1010 1001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <10 <1010 100trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 <1010 100Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 <2525 1001,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 <1010 100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 <1010 100Chloroform67-66-3 <10 <1010 1001,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 <1010 1001,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 <1010 100Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 <1010 100Benzene71-43-2 <25 <2525 100Trichloroethene79-01-6 <10 <1010 1001,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <25 <2525 1001,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 <1010 100Toluene108-88-3 <25 <2525 1001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <25 <2525 100Tetrachloroethene127-18-4 <10 <1010 1001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 <1010 100Chlorobenzene108-90-7 <10 <1010 100Ethylbenzene100-41-4 <25 <2525 100p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <25 <2525 1001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <10 <1010 100o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 <2525 1001,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 <1010 100Isopropylbenzene98-82-8 <25 <2525 1001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 <2525 1001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 <2525 1001,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 <1010 1001,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 <1010 1001,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 111 10910 1.82 1001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 <1010 100Naphthalene91-20-3 <25 <2525 1001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 <1010 1002-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 <2525 100TPH C4-C9 <5,000 <5,0005000 100TPH C10-C15 <5,000 <5,0005000 0004836 Page 117 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Duplicate Sample: 36 Dup (0004836-37) File ID: K19091254.D Sample: 36 (0004836-36) File ID: K19091252.D Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Q Analyte (ng) (ng)(%)CAS#(ng) Sample ResultLOQ Analyzed: 9/13/19 5:01 Analyzed: 9/13/19 5:51 Q 100Chloroethane75-00-3 <25 <2525 100Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <10 <1010 100Chloromethane74-87-3 1270 736500 53.24 1001,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <10 <1010 100Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <10 <1010 1001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <10 <1010 100trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <10 <1010 100Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <25 <2525 1001,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <10 <1010 100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <10 <1010 100Chloroform67-66-3 <10 <1010 1001,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <10 <1010 1001,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <10 <1010 100Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <10 <1010 100Benzene71-43-2 <25 <2525 100Trichloroethene79-01-6 <10 <1010 1001,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <25 <2525 1001,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <10 <1010 100Toluene108-88-3 30 3125 3.28 1001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <25 <2525 100Tetrachloroethene127-18-4 <10 <1010 1001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <10 <1010 100Chlorobenzene108-90-7 <10 <1010 100Ethylbenzene100-41-4 <25 <2525 100p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <25 <2525 1001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <10 <1010 100o-Xylene 95-47-6 <25 <2525 1001,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <10 <1010 100Isopropylbenzene98-82-8 <25 <2525 1001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <25 <2525 1001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <25 <2525 1001,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <10 <1010 1001,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <10 <1010 1001,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <10 <1010 1001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <10 <1010 100Naphthalene91-20-3 <25 <2525 1001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <10 <1010 1002-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <25 <2525 100TPH C4-C9 <5,000 <5,0005000 100TPH C10-C15 <5,000 <5,0005000 0004836 Page 118 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Sample Duplicate RPD Summary - Concentration Organics in Air/Soil Gas by EPA (SW846) 8260C (Concentration) Duplicate Sample: 8 Dup (0004836-08) File ID: K19091019.D Sample: 8 (0004836-07) File ID: K19091017.D Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Q Analyte (g/m‡)(g/m‡)(%)CAS#(g/m‡) Sample ResultLOQ Analyzed: 9/10/19 23:09 Analyzed: 9/10/19 23:59 Q 100Chloroethane75-00-3 <1.53 <1.531.53 100Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.60 <0.600.60 100Chloromethane74-87-3 43.9 42.427.1 3.48 1001,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.41 <1.411.41 100Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.32 <1.321.32 1001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <0.54 <0.540.54 100trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.06 <1.061.06 100Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.29 <2.292.29 1001,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.55 <0.550.55 100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <0.86 <0.860.86 100Chloroform67-66-3 <1.30 <1.301.30 1001,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <0.83 <0.830.83 1001,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 <0.460.46 100Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.09 <1.091.09 100Benzene71-43-2 2.30 <2.152.15 6.74 100Trichloroethene79-01-6 <1.37 <1.371.37 1001,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <2.78 <2.782.78 1001,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.38 <1.381.38 100Toluene108-88-3 <2.84 <2.842.84 1001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <3.02 <3.023.02 100Tetrachloroethene127-18-4 <1.13 <1.131.13 1001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.14 <1.141.14 100Chlorobenzene108-90-7 <0.56 <0.560.56 100Ethylbenzene100-41-4 <1.40 <1.401.40 100p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <1.35 <1.351.35 1001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <1.14 <1.141.14 100o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.35 <1.351.35 1001,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.64 <0.640.64 100Isopropylbenzene98-82-8 <1.44 <1.441.44 1001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.44 <1.441.44 1001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.44 <1.441.44 1001,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 <0.640.64 1001,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 <0.640.64 1001,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.64 <0.640.64 1001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 <1.191.19 100Naphthalene91-20-3 <1.49 <1.491.49 1001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.19 <1.191.19 1002-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.56 <1.561.56 100TPH C4-C9 643 634393 1.41 100TPH C10-C15 659 638347 3.24 0004836 Page 119 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Duplicate Sample: 24 Dup (0004836-24) File ID: K19091228.D Sample: 24 (0004836-23) File ID: K19091226.D Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Q Analyte (g/m‡) (g/m‡)(%)CAS#(g/m‡) Sample ResultLOQ Analyzed: 9/12/19 18:00 Analyzed: 9/12/19 18:52 Q 100Chloroethane75-00-3 <1.54 <1.541.54 100Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.61 <0.610.61 100Chloromethane74-87-3 45.5 40.527.3 11.63 1001,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.42 <1.421.42 100Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.33 <1.331.33 1001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <0.54 <0.540.54 100trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.06 <1.061.06 100Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.30 <2.302.30 1001,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.56 <0.560.56 100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <0.87 <0.870.87 100Chloroform67-66-3 <1.31 <1.311.31 1001,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <0.84 <0.840.84 1001,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.46 <0.460.46 100Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.10 <1.101.10 100Benzene71-43-2 <2.17 <2.172.17 100Trichloroethene79-01-6 <1.38 <1.381.38 1001,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <2.79 <2.792.79 1001,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.39 <1.391.39 100Toluene108-88-3 <2.85 <2.852.85 1001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <3.04 <3.043.04 100Tetrachloroethene127-18-4 <1.14 <1.141.14 1001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.15 <1.151.15 100Chlorobenzene108-90-7 <0.56 <0.560.56 100Ethylbenzene100-41-4 <1.41 <1.411.41 100p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <1.36 <1.361.36 1001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <1.15 <1.151.15 100o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.36 <1.361.36 1001,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.64 <0.640.64 100Isopropylbenzene98-82-8 <1.45 <1.451.45 1001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.45 <1.451.45 1001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.45 <1.451.45 1001,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.64 <0.640.64 1001,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.64 <0.640.64 1001,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 7.10 6.990.64 1.56 1001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.19 <1.191.19 100Naphthalene91-20-3 <1.49 <1.491.49 1001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.19 <1.191.19 1002-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.57 <1.571.57 100TPH C4-C9 <5,000 <5,000396 100TPH C10-C15 <5,000 <5,000349 0004836 Page 120 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Duplicate Sample: 36 Dup (0004836-37) File ID: K19091254.D Sample: 36 (0004836-36) File ID: K19091252.D Duplicate Result RPD RPD Limit Q Analyte (g/m‡) (g/m‡)(%)CAS#(g/m‡) Sample ResultLOQ Analyzed: 9/13/19 5:01 Analyzed: 9/13/19 5:51 Q 100Chloroethane75-00-3 <1.61 <1.611.61 100Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 <0.64 <0.640.64 100Chloromethane74-87-3 72.7 42.128.6 53.31 1001,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 <1.48 <1.481.48 100Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 <1.39 <1.391.39 1001,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)76-13-1 <0.57 <0.570.57 100trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 <1.11 <1.111.11 100Methyl-t-butyl ether 1634-04-4 <2.41 <2.412.41 1001,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 <0.58 <0.580.58 100cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 <0.91 <0.910.91 100Chloroform67-66-3 <1.37 <1.371.37 1001,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 <0.87 <0.870.87 1001,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 <0.48 <0.480.48 100Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 <1.15 <1.151.15 100Benzene71-43-2 <2.27 <2.272.27 100Trichloroethene79-01-6 <1.44 <1.441.44 1001,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 <2.92 <2.922.92 1001,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 <1.45 <1.451.45 100Toluene108-88-3 3.61 3.732.99 3.27 1001,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)106-93-4 <3.18 <3.183.18 100Tetrachloroethene127-18-4 <1.19 <1.191.19 1001,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 <1.20 <1.201.20 100Chlorobenzene108-90-7 <0.59 <0.590.59 100Ethylbenzene100-41-4 <1.47 <1.471.47 100p & m-Xylene 108-38-3 <1.42 <1.421.42 1001,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 <1.20 <1.201.20 100o-Xylene 95-47-6 <1.42 <1.421.42 1001,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4 <0.67 <0.670.67 100Isopropylbenzene98-82-8 <1.51 <1.511.51 1001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 <1.51 <1.511.51 1001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 <1.51 <1.511.51 1001,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 <0.67 <0.670.67 1001,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 <0.67 <0.670.67 1001,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 <0.67 <0.670.67 1001,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 <1.25 <1.251.25 100Naphthalene91-20-3 <1.56 <1.561.56 1001,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 <1.25 <1.251.25 1002-Methylnaphthalene 91-57-6 <1.65 <1.651.65 100TPH C4-C9 <5,000 <5,000414 100TPH C10-C15 <5,000 <5,000365 0004836 Page 121 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Additional QC Information [TOC_1]Additional QC Information[TOC] 0004836 Page 122 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 [TOC_2]Sample Result Calculations[TOC] Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: Trip Blank 1Lab ID: 0004836-01 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091005.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 123 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 1Lab ID: 0004836-02 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 577.63 31.2 21,570 K19091007.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 49.45 4.25 21,570 K19091007.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091007.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 19432.26 1520 21,570 K19091007.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 9704.11 671 21,570 K19091007.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 124 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 4Lab ID: 0004836-03 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 695.10 37.6 21,550 K19091009.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,550 K19091009.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 125 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 5Lab ID: 0004836-04 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 640.00 34.7 21,535 K19091011.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 57.82 4.97 21,535 K19091011.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 13.29 1.51 21,535 K19091011.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 70.27 3.79 21,535 K19091011.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 40.41 2.18 21,535 K19091011.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 77.09 4.43 21,535 K19091011.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 144.68 8.31 21,535 K19091011.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,535 K19091011.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 32361.88 2540 21,535 K19091011.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 18306.34 1270 21,535 K19091011.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 126 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 6Lab ID: 0004836-05 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 518.20 28.1 21,525 K19091013.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 42.09 3.62 21,525 K19091013.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,525 K19091013.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 14623.49 1150 21,525 K19091013.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 10264.51 712 21,525 K19091013.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 127 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 7Lab ID: 0004836-06 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 604.62 32.8 21,510 K19091015.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 27.94 2.41 21,510 K19091015.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,510 K19091015.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 12448.50 979 21,510 K19091015.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 10153.05 705 21,510 K19091015.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 128 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 8Lab ID: 0004836-07 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 780.44 42.4 21,500 K19091017.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091017.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 8061.81 634 21,500 K19091017.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 9184.00 638 21,500 K19091017.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 129 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 8 DupLab ID: 0004836-08 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 808.59 43.9 21,500 K19091019.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 26.70 2.30 21,500 K19091019.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,500 K19091019.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 8170.03 643 21,500 K19091019.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 9486.26 659 21,500 K19091019.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 130 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 9Lab ID: 0004836-09 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1400.69 76.1 21,490 K19091021.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 28.75 2.48 21,490 K19091021.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 25.39 2.88 21,490 K19091021.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,490 K19091021.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 11152.37 878 21,490 K19091021.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 9940.48 690 21,490 K19091021.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 131 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 10Lab ID: 0004836-10 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1234.47 67.1 21,480 K19091023.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 37.77 3.26 21,480 K19091023.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 42.80 2.40 21,480 K19091023.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 117.14 6.34 21,480 K19091023.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 55.58 3.01 21,480 K19091023.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 55.57 3.20 21,480 K19091023.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 99.46 5.73 21,480 K19091023.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,480 K19091023.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 30560.74 2410 21,480 K19091023.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 12578.95 874 21,480 K19091023.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 132 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 11Lab ID: 0004836-11 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 861.29 46.8 21,475 K19091025.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 52.50 4.53 21,475 K19091025.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 36.11 2.08 21,475 K19091025.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,475 K19091025.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 11900.25 938 21,475 K19091025.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 10478.18 728 21,475 K19091025.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 133 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 12Lab ID: 0004836-12 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 982.32 53.4 21,465 K19091027.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 32.05 2.77 21,465 K19091027.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,465 K19091027.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 8853.51 698 21,465 K19091027.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 8921.18 620 21,465 K19091027.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 134 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 13Lab ID: 0004836-13 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 594.61 32.3 21,450 K19091029.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,450 K19091029.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 135 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 14Lab ID: 0004836-14 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 557.71 30.4 21,440 K19091031.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 45.42 3.92 21,440 K19091031.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 25.94 1.41 21,440 K19091031.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 33.91 1.96 21,440 K19091031.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,440 K19091031.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 13659.54 1080 21,440 K19091031.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 10609.66 739 21,440 K19091031.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 136 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 16Lab ID: 0004836-15 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 886.98 48.3 21,420 K19091033.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 11.64 1.52 21,420 K19091033.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,420 K19091033.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 137 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 17Lab ID: 0004836-16 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 645.83 35.2 21,415 K19091035.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,415 K19091035.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 138 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 18Lab ID: 0004836-17 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 730.89 39.8 21,410 K19091037.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,410 K19091037.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 139 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 19Lab ID: 0004836-18 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1763.82 96.2 21,400 K19091039.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,400 K19091039.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 140 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 20Lab ID: 0004836-19 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 826.65 45.1 21,395 K19091041.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,395 K19091041.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 141 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 21Lab ID: 0004836-20 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,390 K19091220.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 142 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 22Lab ID: 0004836-21 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 892.21 48.7 21,385 K19091222.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 31.46 4.12 21,385 K19091222.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 12.51 0.80 21,385 K19091222.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,385 K19091222.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 143 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 23Lab ID: 0004836-22 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 536.04 29.3 21,380 K19091224.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,380 K19091224.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 144 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 24Lab ID: 0004836-23 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 742.46 40.5 21,375 K19091226.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 109.24 6.99 21,375 K19091226.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091226.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 145 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 24 DupLab ID: 0004836-24 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 833.12 45.5 21,375 K19091228.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 111.00 7.10 21,375 K19091228.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,375 K19091228.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 146 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 25Lab ID: 0004836-25 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,370 K19091230.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 147 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 26Lab ID: 0004836-26 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1314.83 71.9 21,335 K19091232.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 13.82 1.81 21,335 K19091232.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 24.28 2.67 21,335 K19091232.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 11.11 0.71 21,335 K19091232.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,335 K19091232.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 148 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 27Lab ID: 0004836-27 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 891.19 48.8 21,330 K19091234.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 25.01 2.17 21,330 K19091234.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 464.10 27.8 21,330 K19091234.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 78.33 4.94 21,330 K19091234.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,330 K19091234.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 149 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 28Lab ID: 0004836-28 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1036.77 56.7 21,325 K19091236.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 27.46 1.64 21,325 K19091236.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,325 K19091236.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 150 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 29Lab ID: 0004836-29 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 224.34 13.4 21,315 K19091238.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 95.86 6.05 21,315 K19091238.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,315 K19091238.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 151 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 30Lab ID: 0004836-30 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,310 K19091240.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 152 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 31Lab ID: 0004836-31 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1672.76 91.6 21,305 K19091242.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,305 K19091242.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 153 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 32Lab ID: 0004836-32 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 941.86 53.7 20,465 K19091244.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,465 K19091244.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 154 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 33Lab ID: 0004836-33 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1275.81 72.8 20,460 K19091246.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,460 K19091246.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 155 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 34Lab ID: 0004836-34 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 902.07 51.5 20,455 K19091248.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,455 K19091248.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 156 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 35Lab ID: 0004836-35 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 653.32 37.3 20,445 K19091250.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 10.25 1.40 20,445 K19091250.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 6123.23 507 20,445 K19091250.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,445 K19091250.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 157 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 36Lab ID: 0004836-36 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 736.06 42.1 20,425 K19091252.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 31.26 3.73 20,425 K19091252.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091252.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 158 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 36 DupLab ID: 0004836-37 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 1273.13 72.7 20,425 K19091254.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 30.24 3.61 20,425 K19091254.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,425 K19091254.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 159 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: 37Lab ID: 0004836-38 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 602.18 34.4 20,415 K19091256.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 20,415 K19091256.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 160 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ng DFt Calculated ResultInitial Result Sample Result Calculation Summary (Concentration) EPA 8260C File ID M C minutes Sampling Time Dilution Factor Uptake Rate U Sample Name: Trip Blank 2Lab ID: 0004836-39 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.540Benzene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.410Toluene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 U U 21,570 K19091006.D 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 161 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Calculations: C = 1000 M DF U X t where: C = concentration (g/m3) M = mass (ng) DF = dilution factor Uc = uptake rate (ml/min), corrected t = sampling time (minutes) U = compound specific uptake rate Reference: Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 125/June 30, 2014 ! Uptake rate determined using Graham s Law of Diffusion. [TOC_3]Equation[TOC] 0004836 Page 162 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: Trip Blank 1Lab ID: 0004836-01 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,570 25.0 27.0 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.40 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.31 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.05 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.28 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.45 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.36 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,570 25.0 3.01 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,570 10,000.0 784.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,570 10,000.0 692.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! [TOC_2]MDL/MRL Calculation Summary Table[TOC] 0004836 Page 163 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 1Lab ID: 0004836-02 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,570 25.0 27.0 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.40 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.31 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.05 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.28 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.45 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.36 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,570 25.0 3.01 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,570 10,000.0 784.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,570 10,000.0 692.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 164 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 4Lab ID: 0004836-03 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,550 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.31 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.05 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,550 25.0 2.28 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.45 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.36 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,550 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,550 25.0 3.01 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.63 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.63 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 0.63 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,550 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,550 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,550 10,000.0 786.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,550 10,000.0 692.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 165 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 5Lab ID: 0004836-04 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,535 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,535 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,535 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,535 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,535 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,535 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,535 10,000.0 786.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,535 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 166 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 6Lab ID: 0004836-05 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,525 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,525 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,525 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,525 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,525 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,525 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,525 10,000.0 786.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,525 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 167 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 7Lab ID: 0004836-06 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,510 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,510 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,510 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,510 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,510 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,510 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,510 10,000.0 786.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,510 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 168 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 8Lab ID: 0004836-07 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,500 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,500 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,500 10,000.0 786.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,500 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 169 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 8 DupLab ID: 0004836-08 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,500 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,500 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,500 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,500 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,500 10,000.0 786.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,500 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 170 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 9Lab ID: 0004836-09 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,490 25.0 27.1 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,490 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,490 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,490 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,490 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,490 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,490 10,000.0 788.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,490 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 171 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 10Lab ID: 0004836-10 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,480 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,480 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,480 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,480 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,480 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,480 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,480 10,000.0 788.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,480 10,000.0 694.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 172 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 11Lab ID: 0004836-11 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,475 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,475 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,475 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,475 25.0 3.02 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,475 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,475 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,475 10,000.0 788.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,475 10,000.0 696.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 173 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 12Lab ID: 0004836-12 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,465 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,465 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,465 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,465 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,465 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,465 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,465 10,000.0 788.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,465 10,000.0 696.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 174 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 13Lab ID: 0004836-13 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,450 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,450 25.0 2.29 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,450 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,450 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,450 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,450 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,450 10,000.0 788.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,450 10,000.0 696.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 175 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 14Lab ID: 0004836-14 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,440 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,440 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,440 25.0 2.78 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 2.84 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,440 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,440 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,440 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,440 10,000.0 790.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,440 10,000.0 696.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 176 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 16Lab ID: 0004836-15 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,420 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.41 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,420 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,420 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,420 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,420 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,420 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,420 10,000.0 790.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,420 10,000.0 696.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 177 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 17Lab ID: 0004836-16 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,415 25.0 27.2 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,415 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,415 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,415 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.44 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.44 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.44 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,415 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,415 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,415 10,000.0 790.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,415 10,000.0 696.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 178 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 18Lab ID: 0004836-17 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,410 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,410 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,410 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,410 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,410 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,410 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,410 10,000.0 790.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,410 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 179 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 19Lab ID: 0004836-18 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,400 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,400 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,400 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,400 25.0 3.03 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,400 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,400 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,400 10,000.0 790.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,400 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 180 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 20Lab ID: 0004836-19 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,395 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,395 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.37 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,395 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,395 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,395 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,395 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,395 10,000.0 790.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,395 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 181 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 21Lab ID: 0004836-20 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,390 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,390 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,390 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,390 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,390 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,390 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,390 10,000.0 792.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,390 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 182 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 22Lab ID: 0004836-21 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,385 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.32 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,385 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 2.16 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,385 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,385 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,385 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,385 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,385 10,000.0 792.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,385 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 183 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 23Lab ID: 0004836-22 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,380 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,380 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,380 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,380 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,380 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,380 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,380 10,000.0 792.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,380 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 184 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 24Lab ID: 0004836-23 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,375 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,375 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,375 10,000.0 792.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,375 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 185 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 24 DupLab ID: 0004836-24 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,375 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,375 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,375 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,375 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,375 10,000.0 792.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,375 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 186 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 25Lab ID: 0004836-25 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.54 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,370 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.06 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,370 25.0 2.30 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,370 25.0 2.79 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 2.85 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,370 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.49 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,370 10.0 1.19 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,370 25.0 1.57 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,370 10,000.0 792.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,370 10,000.0 698.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 187 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 26Lab ID: 0004836-26 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.55 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,335 25.0 27.3 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.07 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,335 25.0 2.31 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,335 25.0 2.80 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 2.86 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,335 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.50 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,335 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,335 25.0 1.58 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,335 10,000.0 794.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,335 10,000.0 700.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 188 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 27Lab ID: 0004836-27 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.55 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,330 25.0 27.4 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.07 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,330 25.0 2.31 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,330 25.0 2.80 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 2.86 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,330 25.0 3.04 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.50 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,330 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,330 25.0 1.58 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,330 10,000.0 794.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,330 10,000.0 700.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 189 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 28Lab ID: 0004836-28 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.55 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,325 25.0 27.4 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.07 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,325 25.0 2.31 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,325 25.0 2.80 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 2.86 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,325 25.0 3.05 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.50 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,325 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,325 25.0 1.58 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,325 10,000.0 794.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,325 10,000.0 700.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 190 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 29Lab ID: 0004836-29 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.55 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,315 25.0 27.4 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.07 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,315 25.0 2.31 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,315 25.0 2.80 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 2.86 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,315 25.0 3.05 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.50 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,315 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,315 25.0 1.58 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,315 10,000.0 794.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,315 10,000.0 700.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 191 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 30Lab ID: 0004836-30 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.55 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,310 25.0 27.4 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.55 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.07 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,310 25.0 2.31 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,310 25.0 2.80 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 2.86 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,310 25.0 3.05 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.50 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,310 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,310 25.0 1.58 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,310 10,000.0 794.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,310 10,000.0 700.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 192 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 31Lab ID: 0004836-31 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.55 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.61 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,305 25.0 27.4 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.42 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.33 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.55 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.07 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,305 25.0 2.31 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.56 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.87 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.31 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.84 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.46 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.10 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 2.17 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.38 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,305 25.0 2.80 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.39 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 2.86 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,305 25.0 3.05 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.14 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.41 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.36 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.15 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.36 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.45 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.45 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.45 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.64 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.64 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 0.64 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.50 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,305 10.0 1.20 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,305 25.0 1.58 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,305 10,000.0 794.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,305 10,000.0 700.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 193 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 32Lab ID: 0004836-32 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.61 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.63 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,465 25.0 28.5 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.38 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,465 25.0 2.40 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.90 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 2.26 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,465 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 2.98 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,465 25.0 3.17 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.47 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.51 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.51 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.51 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,465 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,465 25.0 1.64 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,465 10,000.0 826.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,465 10,000.0 730.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 194 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 33Lab ID: 0004836-33 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.61 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.63 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,460 25.0 28.5 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.38 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,460 25.0 2.41 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.91 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 2.26 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,460 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 2.98 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,460 25.0 3.17 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.47 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.51 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.51 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.51 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,460 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,460 25.0 1.64 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,460 10,000.0 828.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,460 10,000.0 730.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 195 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 34Lab ID: 0004836-34 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.61 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.63 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,455 25.0 28.5 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.38 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,455 25.0 2.41 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.91 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 2.26 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,455 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 2.98 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,455 25.0 3.17 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.47 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.51 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.51 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.51 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,455 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,455 25.0 1.64 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,455 10,000.0 828.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,455 10,000.0 730.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 196 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 35Lab ID: 0004836-35 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.61 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.64 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,445 25.0 28.5 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.39 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,445 25.0 2.41 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.91 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 2.26 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,445 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 2.98 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,445 25.0 3.18 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.47 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.51 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.51 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.51 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,445 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,445 25.0 1.65 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,445 10,000.0 828.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,445 10,000.0 730.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 197 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 36Lab ID: 0004836-36 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.61 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.64 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,425 25.0 28.6 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.39 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.41 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.91 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.27 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.99 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,425 25.0 3.18 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.47 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.51 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.51 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.51 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.65 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,425 10,000.0 828.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,425 10,000.0 730.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 198 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 36 DupLab ID: 0004836-37 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.61 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.64 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,425 25.0 28.6 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.39 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.41 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.91 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.27 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 2.99 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,425 25.0 3.18 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.47 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.51 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.51 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.51 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,425 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,425 25.0 1.65 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,425 10,000.0 828.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,425 10,000.0 730.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 199 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: 37Lab ID: 0004836-38 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.62 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.64 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 20,415 25.0 28.6 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.48 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.39 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.57 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.11 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,415 25.0 2.41 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.58 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.91 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.37 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.87 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.48 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.15 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 2.27 0.540Benzene 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.44 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 20,415 25.0 2.92 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.45 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 2.99 0.410Toluene 1.00 20,415 25.0 3.18 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.19 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.59 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.48 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.42 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.20 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.42 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.67 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.52 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.52 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.52 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.67 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.67 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 0.67 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.56 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 20,415 10.0 1.25 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 20,415 25.0 1.65 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 20,415 10,000.0 828.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 20,415 10,000.0 732.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 200 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Analyte g/m‡ Calculated LOQInitial LOQ ng DF Uct EPA 8260C Method Detection and Reporting Limit Calculations (Concentration) M C minutes Sampling Time Uptake Rate Dilution Factor Sample Name: Trip Blank 2Lab ID: 0004836-39 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.53 0.758Chloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.60 0.770Vinyl Chloride 1.00 21,570 25.0 27.0 0.857Chloromethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.40 0.3301,1-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.31 0.353Methylene Chloride ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.54 0.8611,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Fr.113)! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.05 0.440trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.28 0.508Methyl-t-butyl ether ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.55 0.8401,1-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.86 0.540cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.30 0.357Chloroform ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.83 0.5601,2-Dichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.45 1.0201,1,1-Trichloroethane 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.09 0.426Carbon Tetrachloride ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.15 0.540Benzene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.36 0.340Trichloroethene 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.77 0.4191,4-Dioxane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.38 0.3371,1,2-Trichloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 2.83 0.410Toluene 1.00 21,570 25.0 3.01 0.3851,2-Dibromoethane (EDB)! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.13 0.410Tetrachloroethene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.56 0.835Chlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.40 0.830Ethylbenzene 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.35 0.860p & m-Xylene 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.14 0.4071,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.35 0.860o-Xylene 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.64 0.7301,2,3-Trichloropropane ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.808Isopropylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.8081,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.43 0.8081,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,3-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,4-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 0.63 0.7311,2-Dichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.48 0.783Naphthalene ! 1.00 21,570 10.0 1.18 0.3921,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ! 1.00 21,570 25.0 1.56 0.7432-Methylnaphthalene ! 1.00 21,570 10,000.0 784.00 0.591TPH C4-C9 ! 1.00 21,570 10,000.0 692.00 0.670TPH C10-C15 ! 0004836 Page 201 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 [TOC_2]Certifications[TOC] Project RequiredExpiresDescriptionCertification No.Certification ID Laboratory Certification List Alaska CS-LAP 19-002 Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation 10/31/2020 DoD-ELAP L18-339 United States Department of Defense Environmental Laboratory Accreditation 10/31/2020 NY-NELAC 12097 New York Department of Health 04/01/2020 Utah-NELAC MD01091 Utah Department of Health 12/31/2019 0004836 Page 202 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Qualifiers/Notes and Definitions RPD Relative Percent Difference General Definitions: NA Not Applicable Limit of DetectionLOD Limit of QuantitationLOQ QualifierQ Dilution FactorDF DL Detection Limit Sample/Sample Receipt Qualifiers and Notes: I3 Internal Standard recovery was below laboratory and method acceptance limits. [TOC_2]Notes and Definitions[TOC] 0004836 Page 203 of 207 Project Site: Project Location: Project Manager:Reported: Draper Aden Associates 114 Edinburgh South Drive, Suite 200 Daphne JonesCary, NC 27511 Beacon Project No.: 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1 1.410.838.8780 09/18/2019 Scaleybark Charlotte, NC 190813R02Beacon Proposal: CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA 0004836 Sample Management Records [TOC_1]Sample Management Records[TOC] 0004836 Page 204 of 207 Page 205 of 207 Page 206 of 207 Page 207 of 207 APPENDIX C Beacon Environmental Passive Soil Gas Testing Passive Soil-Gas Survey Proposal August 13, 2019 Scaleybark Site, Charlotte, NC “BEACON  A PROVEN LEADER IN SOIL-GAS SURVEYS” 2203A Commerce Road, Suite 1, Forest Hill, MD 21050 USA phone: 1-410-838-8780 www.beacon-usa.com Beacon Proposal No. 190813R02 Target Compound List Analysis by EPA Method 8260C Chloroethane Vinyl Chloride Chloromethane 1,1-Dichloroethene Methylene Chloride 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane (Freon 113) trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Methyl-t-butyl ether (MTBE) 1,1-Dichloroethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene Chloroform 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Benzene Trichloroethene (TCE) 1,4-Dioxane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Toluene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Tetrachloroethene (PCE) 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Chlorobenzene Ethylbenzene p & m-Xylene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane o-Xylene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Isopropylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Naphthalene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 2-Methylnaphthalene TPH C4-C9 TPH C10-C15 Note: All compounds are included in Beacon’s accreditation for ISO/IEC 17025, NELAP, and DoD ELAP, except TPH. Additional compounds may be added to meet project specific requirements. The method is modified to use a 24-hour tune window to meet expedited site characterization project objectives. The reporting quantitation level (RQL) for each compound is 10, 25, or 1,000 nanograms (ng); however, the demonstrated limit of quantitation (LOQ) for each compound is 10 ng. APPENDIX D NCDEQ Risk Calculator Summary Pages for Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Version Date: Basis: Site Name: Site Address: DEQ Section: Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: Submittal Date: Reviewed By: 9/25/2019 Prepared By:Daphne Jones Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Risk Calculator LoSo Redevelopment Parcel 2A Soil Gas Sampling 3804 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC Brownfields NONCD0002805 (Inactive Haz. Sites) May 2019 May 2019 EPA RSL Table North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Complete Exposure Pathways Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NONCD0002805 (Inactive Haz. Sites) Exposure Unit ID: Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential Note: Risk output will only be calculated for complete exposure pathways. Receptor Pathway Check box if pathway complete Soil Groundwater Use Soil Groundwater Use Construction Worker Soil Soil Surface Water Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Groundwater to Indoor Air Soil Gas to Indoor Air Indoor Air Source Soil Source Groundwater Source Soil Source Groundwater Input Form 1A VAPOR INTRUSION PATHWAYS DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER PATHWAYS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION PATHWAYS Groundwater Surface Water North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Exposure Point Concentrations Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NONCD0002805 (Inactive Haz. Sites) Exposure Unit ID: Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential Description of Exposure Point Concentration Selection: Note: Chemicals highlighted in orange are non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. Exposure Point Concentration (ug/m3) Notes:CAS Number Chemical Minimum Concentration (Qualifier) Maximum Concentration (Qualifier) Units Location of Maximum Concentration Detection Frequency Range of Detection Limits Concentration Used for Screening Background Value Screening Toxicity Value (Screening Level) (n/c) Potential ARAR/TBC Value Potential ARAR/TBC Source COPC Flag (Y/N) Rationale for Selection or Deletion 4.97 Location 5- under parking lot (detected at 10 locations)71-43-2 Benzene ug/m3 2.67 Location 26 near former excavation areas (1 location)56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride ug/m3 4.12 Location 22 near former deep TP-1 excavation (detected at 4 locations)67-66-3 Chloroform ug/m3 96.2 Location 19 (Detected at 30 out of 34 locations)74-87-3 Chloromethane ug/m3 7.1 Location 24 Dup- near former excavations (3 locations)95-50-1 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-ug/m3 1.41 Used MDL - Daughter of PCE 75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-ug/m3 0.86 Used MDL - Daughter of PCE 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-ug/m3 1.06 Used MDL - Daughter of PCE 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-ug/m3 2.4 Location 10 - under parking lot (1 location)100-41-4 Ethylbenzene ug/m3 1.32 Used MDL - Daughter of CCl4 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride ug/m3 6.05 Location 29 - near former excavations (2 locations)91-57-6 ~Methylnaphthalene, 2-ug/m3 27.8 Location 27 - near former excavations (3 locations)91-20-3 ~Naphthalene ug/m3 1.51 Location 5 - under parking lot (1 location)127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene ug/m3 3.73 Location 36 - Center future triang.courtyard (2 locations)108-88-3 Toluene ug/m3 1.37 Used MDL - daughter of PCE 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene ug/m3 8.31 Location 5- Under Parking Lot (detected at 4 locations) 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-ug/m3 4.43 Location 5 - under parking lot (detected at 2 locations)108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-ug/m3 6.34 Location 10 (under pkg lot): same for both p- and m- concentration to be conservative (3 locations)106-42-3 Xylene, P-ug/m3 6.34 Location 10 (under pkg lot): same for both p- and m- concentration to be conservative (3 locations)108-38-3 Xylene, m-ug/m3 3.01 Location 10 (under parking lot) (Detected at 2 locations)95-47-6 Xylene, o-ug/m3 Input Form 2D Soil Gas Exposure Point Concentration Table North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator Risk for Individual Pathways Output Form 1A Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NONCD0002805 (Inactive Haz. Sites) Exposure Unit ID: Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use*NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Groundwater Use*NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil NC NC NC Soil NC NC NC Surface Water*NC NC NC Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air 1.2E-05 3.4E-01 NO Indoor Air NC NC NC Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC Pathway Source Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC Source Soil NC Source Groundwater NC 3. NM = Not Modeled 4. NC = Pathway not complete DIRECT CONTACT SOIL AND WATER CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker Recreator/Trespasser 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk-based closure. Surface Water Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? Exceedence of 2B at Receptor? VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Resident Non-Residential Worker CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Target Receptor Concentrations Exceeded? Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? Exceedence of 2L at Receptor? 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. Notes: North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator DEQ Risk Calculator - Vapor Intrusion - Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air Version Date: May 2019 Basis: May 2019 EPA RSL Table Site ID: NONCD0002805 (Inactive Haz. Sites) Exposure Unit ID: Soil Gas to Indoor Air - Residential CAS #Chemical Name: Soil Gas Concentration (ug/m3) Calculated Indoor Air Concentration (ug/m3) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non- Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non-Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 71-43-2 Benzene 4.97 0.1491 3.6E-01 6.3E+00 4.1E-07 4.8E-0356-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 2.67 0.0801 4.7E-01 2.1E+01 1.7E-07 7.7E-0467-66-3 Chloroform 4.12 0.1236 1.2E-01 2.0E+01 1.0E-06 1.2E-0374-87-3 Chloromethane 96.2 2.886 -1.9E+01 3.1E-0295-50-1 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-7.1 0.213 -4.2E+01 1.0E-0375-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-1.41 0.0423 -4.2E+01 2.0E-04156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-0.86 0.0258 --156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-1.06 0.0318 --100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 2.4 0.072 1.1E+00 2.1E+02 6.4E-08 6.9E-0575-09-2 Methylene Chloride 1.32 0.0396 1.0E+02 1.3E+02 3.9E-10 6.3E-0591-57-6 ~Methylnaphthalene, 2-6.05 0.1815 --91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 27.8 0.834 8.3E-02 6.3E-01 1.0E-05 2.7E-01127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.51 0.0453 1.1E+01 8.3E+00 4.2E-09 1.1E-03108-88-3 Toluene 3.73 0.1119 -1.0E+03 2.1E-0579-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.37 0.0411 4.8E-01 4.2E-01 8.6E-08 2.0E-0295-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-8.31 0.2493 -1.3E+01 4.0E-03108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-4.43 0.1329 -1.3E+01 2.1E-03106-42-3 Xylene, P-6.34 0.1902 -2.1E+01 1.8E-03108-38-3 Xylene, m-6.34 0.1902 -2.1E+01 1.8E-0395-47-6 Xylene, o-3.01 0.0903 -2.1E+01 8.7E-04 Cumulative:1.2E-05 3.4E-01 All concentrations are in ug/m3 Output Form 3B Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. APPENDIX E Beacon Environmental Services Passive Soil Gas Concentration Maps