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Environmental Consultants & Contractors October 8, 2020 File No. 02201314.88 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Subject: Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Charlotte Motor Speedway - Landfill V - Phase 3 Permit No. 13-04 Concord, North Carolina Dear Ms. Drummond: SCS Engineers, PC (SCS), on behalf of BFI Waste Systems of North America, hereby submits this Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (Plan) for the Charlotte Motor Speedway - Landfill V. The Plan was developed pursuant to a response form the Solid Waste Section (FID 1404139) requesting an updated Plan be submitted for approval. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned at (704) 504- 3107. Sincerely, Jared T. Hamela, PG Senior Project Geologist SCS ENGINEERS, PC jth/adg Albert D. Glenn, PE Project Director SCS ENGINEERS, PC M:\PROJECT FILES\02201314.88\Deliverables\LFGMP\1304 CMS Landfill V LFGMP 20201008 cover letter.docx 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450, Charlotte, NC 28273 1 704-504-3107 iJ Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill V Permit No. 13-04 BFI Waste Systems of North America, Inc. 5105 Morehead Road Concord, NC 28027 (704) 782-2072 02201314.88 1 October 8, 2020 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, NC 28273 704-504-3107 Table of Contents CArrtinn Page 1.0 CERTIFICATION..............................................................................................................................1 2.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................2 3.0 CONTACT INFORMATION...............................................................................................................2 4.0 SITE BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................2 4.1 SITE GEOLOGY..........................................................................................................................3 4.2 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY..............................................................................................................3 5.0 LANDFILL GAS MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING........................................................................4 6.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS.....................................................................................................6 7.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN.....................................................................................................................6 8.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING LOCATION CRITERIA.......................................................................6 9.0 LANDFILL GAS PROBE REHABILITATION AND ABANDONMENT....................................................7 9.1 ADDITIONAL LANDFILL GAS PROBE INSTALLATIONS.............................................................7 10.0 LANDFILL GAS PROBE MAINTENANCE..........................................................................................7 11.0 MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIONS.................................................................................................8 Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Landfill Gas Monitoring Locations Tables Table 1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Table Exhibits Exhibit A Potentiometric Surface Map - Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report - First Semi - Annual 2020 Sampling Event - Charlotte Motor Speedway, Landfill V Concord, North Carolina Permit No. 13-04. Jett Environmental Consulting, PLLC., June 2020 Appendices Appendix A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section - Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance, November 2010 Appendix B CMS Landfill V Methane Monitoring Probe Installation Report. S&ME, Inc., January 1998 M:\PROJECT FILES\02201314.88\Deliverables\LFGMP\1304 CMS Landfill V LFGMP 20201002 v02.docx Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsenaineers.com 1.0 CERTIFICATION The landfill gas monitoring plan for this facility has been prepared by a qualified geologist who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina. The plan has been prepared based on first-hand knowledge of site conditions and familiarity with North Carolina solid waste rules and industry standard protocol. This certification is made in accordance with North Carolina Solid Waste Regulations, indicatingthis Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan should provide early detection of any release of hazardous constituents to the uppermost aquifer, so as to be protective of public health and the environment. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. /1//H1!!I Xr Jare T. Hamela Senior Project Geologist Date: October 8. 2020 ;�/,,// ►IIII ISI a•••�('�. C A p g SEAL p �- Q s xx V OF120 Not valid unless this document bears the seal of the above -named licensed professional. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com 2.0 INTRODUCTION On behalf of BFI Waste Systems of North America, Inc., SCS Engineers, PC (SCS) hereby submits this Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan (Plan) for the Charlotte Motor Speedway - Landfill V, permit number 13- 04. This Plan was developed in general accordance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Rules (Rule) 15A NCAC 13B .0503; .1626; and .1627. 3.0 CONTACT INFORMATION The following is a list of contacts to be considered with regard to this Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan: Owner Contact Mike Gurley Republic Services, Inc. Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill Concord, NC 28027 (704) 782-2004 Design Engineer SCS Engineers, PC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, INC 28273 (704)504-3107 Compliance and Reporting SCS Engineers, PC 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450 Charlotte, INC 28273 (704) 504-3107 NCDEQ Office Contacts Jaclynne Drummond Hydrogeologist Asheville Regional Office Division of Waste Management INC Department of Environmental Quality (828) 296-4500 Teresa Bradford Regional Inspector Mooresville Regional Office Division of Waste Management INC Department of Environmental Quality (704) 663-1669 4.0 SITE BACKGROUND Landfill Gas Monitorinc Blue Flame Crew, LLC 1009 Central Drive Concord, INC 28027 (704) 490-4013 Larry Frost Permitting Engineer Asheville Regional Office Division of Waste Management NC Department of Environmental Quality (828) 296-4500 The Charlotte Motor Speedway - Landfill V (facility) is located at 5105 Morehead Road in Concord, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, compassing 697.69 acres. The general location of the facility is depicted on the site location map provided as Figure 1. The facility existing conditions, delineated landfill phases, and the landfill gas monitoring network is depicted on Figure 2. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsenaineers.com 4.1 SITE GEOLOGY The facility is located in the Piedmont physiographic and geologic province of North Carolina, specifically within a generally northeast trending plutonic complex known as the Charlotte Belt. Subterranean igneous bodies (plutons) exist throughout this belt, ranging in composition from felsic granite to mafic diorite-gabbro. Mafic diabase dikes intruded the region duringtensional tectonic events associated with continental rifting. The facility lies within the inner diorite-gabbro unit of the Concord Ring Dike. The Concord Ring Dike is a zoned plutonic feature situated within the Charlotte Belt. The complex consists of a large diorite- gabbro stock, roughly six miles in diameter, enveloped on three sides by a "ring" with elevated topography of intermediate -composition syenite. Medium -grained diorite-gabbro samples are present that contain varying proportions of cumulus olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase. The syenite is characterized by a mineral composition of orthoclase feldspar, augite, hornblende, and biotite and a coarse porphyritic texture with megacrysts of pink feldspar. The syenite is more resistant to weathering and thus forms isolated surface boulders in addition to a circular ridge. The historical rock core data indicate a variety of diorite-gabbro, which is more intermediate in composition than gabbro, suggesting a possible zoning within the gabbro or a gradational contact with the syenite. Some of the diorite-gabbro cores indicated cross -cutting feldspathic veins, likely associated with the syenite. Based on rock coring and field observations within the facility, it is believed that a "finger" of the outer syenite ring extends into the northwest corner of the study area. Syenite has been observed in isolated surface exposures and in a few nearby cores within this relatively small area of the facility. Two small, northwest trending diabase dikes occur in this same portion of the site, suggesting a relationship between these intrusive rock units and the local joint pattern (reference: Design Hydrogeologic Report - CMS Landfill V - Phase 3 (Cells 21-2K and 2M) Solid Waste Permit # 13-04. David Garrett and Associates, 2008). 4.2 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY Previous facility investigations indicate that first occurrence of groundwater is present in either the overburden/saprolite, partially weathered rock, or bedrock depending on location. Data suggests hydraulic connection between these units, which form the uppermost aquifer. Generally, the aquifers exhibit unconfined qualities when encountered in overburden/saprolite and partially weathered rock and semi -confined qualities when encountered in partially weathered rock and bedrock. Generally, data indicate that the groundwater flow is principally within the overburden/saprolite and partially weathered rock, in the direction of the Rocky River. Locally, the vertical component of the groundwater flow may be slightly downward in topographically high areas and slightly upward in topographically low areas. In general, the configuration of the groundwater surface is similar to the topography and groundwater flow direction correlates to surface topography. Two converging streams at the facility property boundary provide hydraulic isolation from the surrounding regional ground water regimes and serve as the ground water receptors for the facility. The Site Suitability study and subsequent Design Hydrogeologic studies for Phases 1, 2, and 3 show ground water flow to the south, with a radial flow pattern beneath facility Phases 2 and 3 split between the Rocky River to the west and an unnamed tributary to the east (reference: Design Hydrogeologic Report - CMS Landfill V - Phase 3 (Cells 21-2K and 2M) Solid Waste Permit # 13-04. David Garrett and Associates, 2008). Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com 5.0 LANDFILL GAS MANAGEMENT AND MONITORING All monitoring and sampling procedures shall be conducted in accordance with the landfill gas monitoring and reporting guidance developed by the Division of Waste Management (DWM) Solid Waste Section (SWS), provided as Appendix A. Landfill gas (LFG) is a by-product from the decomposition of organic waste in a sanitary landfill, which typically includes methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, water, and other constituents. Methane can be explosive under certain conditions, and landfill gas migration has been known to transfer certain contaminants into groundwater. The Solid Waste Rules focus on the explosive properties of landfill gas from a public safety standpoint. Subsurface gas normally migrates above the groundwater table and is restricted laterally by a body of water, such as streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, etc. Pipelines or trenches (which exist nearby) can serve as potential conduits for off -site landfill gas migration. In addition, the soils that exist at the facility just above the bedrock are very porous and can potentially serve as a pathway for gas migration. Active collection is the primary means of controlling LFG at this facility. A network of collection wells and piping is installed throughout the landfill that is connected to vacuum source(s) and combusted by flare(s) or supplied to an on -site energy production facility. Monitoring for the presence of subsurface landfill gas adjacent to the landfill is accomplished at SWS approved locations via either bar -hole punch tests or landfill gas monitoring wells (a.k.a. monitoring probes) which are both identified as "MMW-#" on the included Figure 2. The existing landfill gas monitoring network consists of: • fourteen (14) permanent landfill gas wells - MMW-1 through MMW-4 and MMW-15 through MMW-24, and • four bar -hole punch locations (to be converted to wells) - MMW-5, MMW-6, MMW-13, and MMW-14. • facility occupied structures, including the administration building, scale house, maintenance buildings, leachate treatment building, and LFG-to-energy production buildings. Components of the landfill's active LFG collection system are not to be monitored. Landfill gas monitoring will be performed on a quarterly basis during the active life of the landfill and throughout the post- closure care period. Alternatively, buildings may be equipped with continuous explosive gas detection devices. This Plan proposes converting the bar -hole punch monitoring locations into permanent landfill gas wells as well as the installation of additional compliance wells in the vicinity of the compliance boundary for Phase 3, details of which are provided in Section 7.1. A landfill gas monitoring probe construction detail is provided as Figure 1 in Appendix A. Landfill gas monitoring wells are installed above the groundwater table using construction techniques that are otherwise similar to groundwater monitoring wells. Table 1 lists the existing and proposed landfill gas monitoring wells and any probe construction data that is available. Appendix B contains construction details for six of the existing landfill gas monitoring wells reported in CMS Landfill V Methane Monitoring Probe Installation Report dated January 1998 prepared by S&ME, Inc. The instrument used to monitor the landfill gas monitoring network shall be specifically manufactured to detect and quantify methane gas and other landfill gas components (e.g. Landtec GEM or Envision Portable Gas Analyzer or other similar type equipment). Personnel using the landfill gas monitoring instrument shall be fully trained by a competent person and must understand the principles of Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com 4 operation and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Calibrating the instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications is required prior to each sampling event and on a daily basis for multiple - day sampling events. Bump checks and re -calibration shall be performed as needed to ensure proper function of the instrument and accurate data collection. Include the following information on each landfill gas monitoring form: • facility name, • permit number, • monitoring location identification or location of sample collection, • date of landfill gas monitoring event, • ambient air temperature, • general weather conditions • type and serial number of gas monitoring instrument, • calibration date of the instrument, • date and time of field calibration, • type of gas used for field calibration (15/15 [15% CO2/15% CH4] or 35/50 [35% CO2/50% CH4]), • expiration date of field calibration gas canister, • pump rate of instrument being used, and • Instrument reported methane gas (CH4) concentration. Monitoring data shall be logged on the SWS Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form, provided in Appendix A. Copies of all landfill gas monitoring forms shall be retained with the facilities on -site records. Verification that the equipment was calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications is required. When determining which field calibration gas to use, take into consideration the expected levels of methane in the landfill gas monitoring wells or structures. If the methane gas levels are expected to be low, use the 15/15 gas canister. If the methane levels are expected to be high, use the 35/50 gas canister (Appendix A). The step-by-step instructions for landfill gas monitoring is provided in Appendix A and summarized as follows: • Step 1 - Calibrate the instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications. In addition, prepare the instrument for monitoring by allowing it to properly warm up as directed by the manufacturer. Make sure the static pressure shows a reading of zero on the instrument prior to taking the first sample. • Step 2 - Purge sample tube for at least one minute prior to taking reading. Connect the instrument tubing to the landfill gas monitoring well cap fitted with a stopcock valve or quick connect coupling. • Step 3 - Open the valve and record the initial reading and then the stabilized reading. A stable reading is one that does not vary more than 0.5 percent by volume on the instrument's scale. • Step 4 - Record the stabilized reading including the oxygen concentration and barometric pressure. A proper reading should have two percent oxygen by volume or less. If levels of oxygen are higher, it may indicate that air is being drawn into the system giving a false reading. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com Step 5 - Turn the stopcock valve to the off position and disconnect the tubing. • Step 6 - Proceed to the next landfill gas monitoring well and repeat Steps 2 - 5. Depending on the sampling data, future additional monitoring and/or remedial measures may be required. 6.0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS North Carolina Solid Waste Rule (Rule) 15A NCAC 13B .1646 (4) (a) requires monitoring for the following explosive gas limits: 25% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL defined as 5% methane in standard atmosphere) within occupied structures - excluding the gas recovery systems; • 100% LEL at the facility boundary; • No detectable concentration in off -site structures. 7.0 CONTINGENCY PLAN Rule 15 A NCAC 13B .1646 (4) (c) specifies that, upon detection of methane gas exceeding the threshold values described in Section 6, the facility management must perform the following: • Immediately take all steps required to protect human health and notify the Section; • Within seven days place in the operating record a report of the methane gas levels (and the location of the detection), along with a description of the response to protect human health; • Investigate the extent and identify potential sources and conduits for the detected methane gas; • Within 60 days implement a remediation plan for the methane gas release, place a copy of the plan in the facility's Operating Record and notify the SWS that the plan has been implemented. The plan shall describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. 8.0 LANDFILL GAS MONITORING LOCATION CRITERIA Gas migration is a process of diffusion through porous media, affected by porosity and permeability, similar to groundwater within an unconfined or partly confined soil aquifer. For landfill gas, pressures and concentrations are higher near the source (i.e. landfill) and gradually decrease with distance - unless a distinct conduit is present - thus a "halo effect" is often discernable. The gas can be confined in the soil by lower permeability clay layers and saturated layers that can occur either above or below the porous layer. At the facility, horizontal permeability for groundwater flow appears to exceed vertical permeability, due in part to the shape of the saprolite (PWR) aquifer as it conforms to the topography and upper bedrock surface. The potentiometric surface map for the facility from the most recent water quality monitoring event, submitted by Jett Environmental PLLC, is provided in Exhibit A for reference. The unsaturated saprolite and known landfill gas conveyance pipelines contained in this zone are likely preferential pathways for gas migration and are the zones targeted for monitoring. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com Placement of well screens for gas monitoring above the groundwater table is standard practice. The required horizontal placement for gas monitoring wells or bar -hole punch locations is based on site specific conditions. Considering the similarities of gas migration to groundwater flow and with a compliance boundary established at the facility property boundary, a sensible criteria for monitoring locations is outside the landfill's perimeter landfill gas collection conveyance pipelines, approximately half the distance from the pipelines to the compliance boundary. No more than 150 feet from the landfill, if the property boundary is more than 300 feet from the landfill. Existing and proposed landfill gas monitoring locations for the facility are shown on Figure 2. 9.0 LANDFILL GAS PROBE REHABILITATION AND ABANDONMENT The facility operator shall take precautions to avoid disturbing any monitoring well, including informing staff not to contact the wells when mowing or traversing the site. Should wells become irreversibly damaged or require rehabilitation, the SWS shall be notified. If monitoring wells within unconsolidated formations are damaged irreversibly they shall be abandoned by over -drilling and/or pulling the well casing and backfilling the boring with an impermeable, chemically -inert sealant such as neat cement grout and/or bentonite clay. Landfill gas monitoring wells located in existing or future waste footprints shall be abandoned in general accordance with Rule 15A NCAC 2C .0113 and by over drilling the well and backfilling with a bentonite-cement grout. All well repairs or abandonment shall be performed by a NC -licensed well contractor and certified by a NC -licensed geologist or engineer. 9.1 ADDITIONAL LANDFILL GAS PROBE INSTALLATIONS Locations that were previously monitored by the bar -hole punch method (MMW-5, MMW-6, MMW-13 and MMW-14) shall have permanent landfill gas monitoring wells installed either at the same location or at an alternate location along the compliance boundary that should provide more representative data and/or limit damage to the wells. Additional compliance landfill gas monitoring wells (MMW-7 through MMW-12) shall be installed at the compliance boundary for the remaining development of the facility's Phase 3. The locations of the proposed landfill gas monitoring wells are shown on Figure 2. All additional methane monitoring wells shall be installed by a NC -licensed well contractor under the supervision of a qualified geologist or engineer who is registered in North Carolina and who shall certify to the SWS that the installation complies with the North Carolina Regulations. Documentation for the wells installation shall be submitted to SWS by the NC -licensed geologist or engineer after completion. 10.0 LANDFILL GAS PROBE MAINTENANCE The monitoring wells shall be used and maintained in accordance with design specifications throughout the life of the monitoring program. Routine maintenance will include inspection and correction/repair of, as necessary, identification labels, concrete aprons, locking caps and locks, and access to the wells. Should it be determined that wells no longer provide samples representative of the quality of gas passing the relevant point of compliance, the SWS shall be notified. The owner shall evaluate the monitoring network and provide a plan to the SWS for modifying, rehabilitating, decommissioning, or installing replacement wells or additional monitoring wells, as appropriate. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com 11.0 MODIFICATIONS AND REVISIONS At a future time, it may be appropriate to modify this Plan. Such changes require advance approval from the SWS. Also, this Plan will be reviewed periodically and amended as needed. Users of this Plan are advised to utilize the most recent edition as well as any guideline updates or memos that may have been issued by the SWS after the approval and implementation of this Plan. Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com 8 Figure 1 Site Location Map Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com F-1 F t 650� �MDRESY,� _ _� �C �. _ g.P 0 NE�G 4 29 N o o�— . SITE LOCATION o wo 0� r/ F O \l✓v �� upsPETS+)R0 — e (� Ll Malla,.� HG ao B CROSS 5SO lI�I- \� iEATHERWq_ODLN. �R\A O,PKi\o 1 SCALE: 0 1000 2000 3000 APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET BASE MAP SOURCE: USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP, 7.5 MINUTE SERIES, HARRISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA, 2016 •' Vv yO — e 2 SITE LOCATION CHARLOTTE MOTOR SPEEDWAY LANDFILL 5105 MOREHEAD ROAD CONCORD, NC 28027 qr-q FN(,INFFRS FIGURE 1 - SITE LOCATION MAP Figure 2 Landfill Gas Monitoring Locations Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com F-2 I LEGEND- - 10 FOOT ELEVATION CONTOUR — PROPERTY LINE — LIMITS OF WASTE — PHASE 1 EXTENTS 0s,s — PHASE 2 EXTENTS l c/) Z — PHASE 3 EXTENTS _ - 560 _ O 0 450 900 1350 1 `01S — FUTURE PHASE 4 EXTENTS °9.9 ` 550 Q J SCALE IN FEET ` °`S ° ' U ms sso yb° 1 Q — LIMITS OF CLOSURE CAP \ y \ °CS y8O I bo O V MMW—# — EX. METHANE MONITORING WELL M 560 • MMW-9 0 ° MMW-7 • • /� h1° I Z J 0 MMW—# — EX. BAR HOLE PUNCH METHANE - - - - %6°� 0 1 — 1 MONITORING LOCATION MW_ o boo 0F9 I I I 0 W °b9 I j10 • ; 6g5 o N s N MMW—# — PROPOSED METHANE MONITORING WELL � 640/ o v I Ps I •MMW-10 1 Z Q EXISTING PHASE 2 EXTENTS g I � I I PROP 0 J 06 TOPOGRAPHY NOTE: •620 660 § _-"- o I °o I ICELL 2M4 (/) J • n.CELL I CELL I PROP I 1. LANDFILL SURFACE GRADES TAKEN FROM JANUARY 9, MMW-5 6q0 `6;00 ►— C 720 CELL 21 I 2020, AERIAL SURVEY BY COOPER AERIAL SURVEYS. 63° 6h .-,�,�; 211 I 2J I CELL 2K a1•1•���� v U 6p3 66 I V 730 CELL :% 100 I h b° J O 640 `` j0- 0 2G J J ' 1 ' • 650 M M 650 �l'1�0 CELL ` 6 66 y0 -� o hq0 h h Nuj 1 ' • 640 650 620 660 i 12 p _lb m3 6 It" 640 I I, J 640 640 630 40 670 �' AO 2 F ^h° 120 / 6A _ Of 69 I b '° .n o W 0 I • = o O 6 0T 029 9 b / Q H � _�" 7^° M �... i MMW— Z 1 069 / 650 y70 1p0 ` 720 6b00 0 h0o o• , 6o Lu W 1 OS9 660 680 '/ aW-' 1j0 ` �10 �` b^o • • \ I 2g I / �^ o h ^° Lu W < 0 / • °►9 , M W 2 670 ' 7 30 12 ` bb Oe 0T I ` 089 6q0 - �.-1�p° __� b o MMW-13 °°S S _ 6 o I �m° n J a 700 N •,660 690 *�' b 9 R 1 '`• ❑ � 700 _ "�-----"�0 ' CELL 2E G 680 � 730 po 0L9 EXISTING ° U by°° �a°1�° - 74� ^^~ 60e9 �� ` :h° 57p BMW-12 EXISTING PHASE 0 PHASE 1 EXTENTS 640 7130 CELL 2C 029 0 3 EXTENTS Q b / 1 75p n �o in v �'i N • n nnnn „ W-14 00 / 140 ` ` 600 - N OS 1 0 0 590 > 0 0 `` 580 - • ^ ood CELL 2A 7�0 b "Q �° '�P 5pp • J p ^° 1 790 56M 1 a , 0 co MM — I ^ � FUTURE PHASE Q o °^ ° ^"4h° 790 / / ♦ ` ° — _ _ . oo s ° 4 EXTENTS °�S 9S 560 13 w z 0g/ ° b b•° ° ,\ II I I ^ ,�/ / BQ� —1hO 00S N 029 S 750 760 Deg u 008 Obg 560 0 L0 09L CELL9999 �57CD�o 0°9O LzMM Zeo ^bo �o ° Ilk O 790 Vv CELL 2B 670 o N yb° o � °ms V L U Ogg 099 650 b^oZo y10 jS 9 �q0 Of9 69 b 01'9b ► d� W LA \ I 000 170 'I O 6 b O 620 1 29 8 OSL I ! 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BUILDING >a/S///4 600 ° °<S to Q CD MMW-2Q 610 0 ® ❑ h6° (10 /\ 610 ;� °Ls � Z Lu > J X 600 � � Q o ors yg0 _ g°° y^° MAINTENANCE ' q �, °o o� ,' 6°p 8� W o � F— •MMW LL MMW-19 BUILDINGS 570 hh ° SCALE 8C I /Z Y h� SCALE HOUSE h ° �i / —� a C? 0 U - -- hob � ®� a� ° °`s Z J O It y o 0199 J Z Wn 00, b L h Sq LE A C H A TE �0y^° 10 � hb 56 .' �0�9 g 0 ° LFG—TO—ENERGY 6� at 10 (f� = 0 TREATMENT °� PRODUCTION BUILDINGS h°� ,� w z o BUILDING b�° °r� V o Ta OT ON } 0 0 N .000 0 Al Lc) 2= O m ° c4 U a & N / 56 N . 0119 DATE: SITE 00 ENTRANCE y1° 10 7 2020 y80 \ 620 o b2° h� 620 630 630 09S _ _ _ -b� SCALE: N 0 640 ` 63 OOoSs S— b2O~° 0*9 bpi AS SHOWN DRAWING NO. REPUBLIC SERVICES 02 of 3 Table 1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Table Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com T-1 Table 1 Landfill Gas Monitoring Probe Table Charlotte Motor Speedway - Landfill V, Permit #13-04 LFG Probe ID Installatin Date Depth (ft) Screen Interval (ft) MMW-1 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-2 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-3 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-4 Jun-1997 21.5 6.5-21.5 MMW-5 Proposed for Installation MMW-6 Proposed for Installation MMW-7 Proposed for Installation MMW-8 Proposed for Installation MMW-9 Proposed for Installation MMW-10 Proposed for Installation MMW-I I Proposed for Installation MMW-12 Proposed for Installation MMW-13 Proposed for Installation MMW-14 Proposed for Installation MMW-15 Jun-1997 20.5 5.0-20.5 MMW-16 Jun-1997 19.0 10-19.0 MMW-17 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-18 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-19 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-20 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-21 Unknown Unknown Unknown MMW-22 Jun-1997 14.0 4.0-14.0 MMW-23 Jun-1997 14.0 4.0-14.0 MMW-24 Jun-1997 16.0 6.0-16.0 Exhibit A Potentiometric Surface Map from the Groundwater Statistical Analysis Report - First Semi -Annual 2020 Sampling Event for Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill V Permit No. 13-04 prepared by Jett Environmental Consulting, PLLC, June 2020 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com Exhibit A BMW-96 585.96 �. ! SW-1 - I y MW1A MIN-1B CLGSEa 575.41 574.48 CELL fA � r - � I r CLOSED CELL 1B �♦ EXISTR CELL i 1 PHA$& ! MW-2A _ 574.OT1 J �QY � 573.75 � nt MW-22A MW-10 ✓ 581,03 558.26 582,43 S 582.43 ,MW-10A 558.31 { E) CI PI MW-21 ---•� 570.90 MW-20B♦ 578,22 MW 57 i I � r r. r r f MW-19' 5s6,371 MW-19AR" + 565.45 /563.30 � + • ll-- i MW-19R" f� V. � ��� l 1 r �,564... I 1 EXISTI,spr CELL 2.s PHASE 1 V i y o STI LL 2C t ASE 1 , 2E i '05c94n f%MW-22 Shallow Monitoring Well Location MW-22A Deep Monitoring Well Location 570-03 Groundwater Elevation (fmsl) —565— Potentiom et ric Surface Contour{fmr,[) Hydraulic Gradient & Inferred Graundwater Flaw Direction Surface Water Sampling Location IApproxj — — — Landfill Cell Boundary Expansion Areas Denotes ASsessment Monitoring Program Well Denotes Water pualityAssessment (Extent) Well Water levels collected by Pace Analytical Services. PLC on April I3, 2020, Basemap provided by Cooper Aerial Surveys Co., date of Photography is January 27, 2011 4 NORrs k 0 250 500 1000, Scale in Feet Graphic Scale: 1 inch = 500 feet r` 5�r7``1.32 5 J EXISTING ` + CELL 2F } MW-26• ' �. PHASE 2 , �� 583.34 rr MW-17• MW-17A' 558.75 559.37 V EXIST 57515 565,64R,•— " �MW-34r CELL 2 549.68 * PHASE MW-33, - 549-64 �t EXISTING CELL 2H ' PHASE] 2 MW-32R• I ' 567.43 J 56946 r ? r EXISTING r CELL 21 rr PHASE 3 r ; A MW-30R r i r / r 563.29 - .! ETT Figure 1 '°°'M° �"-49W°"� First Semi -Annual 2020 Potentiometric Surface Map Wgntzw?le, MO 63385 314.43E-n654 ENVIRONMENTAL wWwjerhnvw.- C O N S L! L T I N C, Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill V. Harrisburg, North Carolina Appendix A North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance, November 2010 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com Appendix A NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE SECTION LANDFILL GAS MONITORING GUIDANCE NOVEMBER 2010 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 — Introduction..............................................................................................Page 2 Section 2 — Factors Influencing Landfill Gas Generation and Migration ..............................Page 3 Section 3 - Current Solid Waste Section Rules Pertaining to Landfill Gas Monitoring ..............Page 5 Section 4 — Landfill Gas Incidents and Explosions ........................................................Page 9 Section 5 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells..................................................................Page 11 Section 6 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Instrumentation .....................................................Page 14 Section 7 — References.........................................................................................Page 17 Section 8 — Suggested Outline for a Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan ......................................Page 18 Section 9 — Checklist of Items to be Included in a Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan ......................Page 19 SECTION 1- Introduction North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B require quarterly monitoring of methane gas (at MSW landfills) and quarterly monitoring of methane and other explosive landfill gases (LFG) (at C&D and other landfills) to ensure that landfill gas does not exceed the lower explosive limit (LEL) at the facility property boundary or 25 percent of the lower explosive limit in facility structures. If the concentration exceeds the specified limits, steps must be taken to ensure the protection of public health and a remediation plan must be implemented immediately. A landfill gas monitoring plan is necessary to ensure that these performance standards are met and this guidance document was developed to assist in establishing a standardized procedure for the monitoring of landfill gas. Background Organic matter in landfills begins to decompose almost immediately after being placed in a disposal site. Putrescible wastes such as food products and sewage sludges begin to break down by biological processes very rapidly whereas paper, cardboard or cellulose based materials are slower to decompose. However, when conditions become favorable, most organic matter will decompose. The decomposition process typically goes through several stages that depend on conditions such as pH, temperature, and moisture content. The final stage results in the production of methane and although the rate of production may vary, most landfills produce methane. Landfill Gas Generation Landfill gas is a natural by-product of the anaerobic decomposition of organic waste in a landfill. The composition, quantity and rate of landfill gas generation are dependent on the types of waste that are decomposing and the level of microbial activity within the wastes. The decomposition of biodegradable waste begins with aerobic decomposition which lasts until the oxygen in the landfill is depleted. The anaerobic phase then begins, resulting in landfill gas production. There are four stages of landfill gas composition: the first stage is characterized by elevated nitrogen levels and occurs when the landfill is new. The second stage is characterized by elevated carbon dioxide levels and occurs for a relatively short period of time after the initial stage is complete. The third and fourth stages are characterized by elevated methane concentrations and represent the active life of a landfill and the post -closure time frame. Landfill gas is generally composed of 50-55% methane (CH4); 45-50% carbon dioxide (CO2); less than 5% nitrogen (N2); and less than 1% non -methane organic compounds. These individual gases generally remain co -mingled and do not naturally separate. The Solid Waste Section (SWS) Rules typically focus on methane (CH4) and its explosive properties due to public safety issues. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is also of particular concern in landfills and is typically recognized by its rotten egg odor. H2S is immediately dangerous to life and health at concentrations of 100 parts per million (ppm). Landfill Gas Migration The production of landfill gas creates a positive pressure within the landfill that forces the gas to migrate. Landfill gas migrates from place to place by diffusion and pressure gradient and will follow the path of least resistance. Subsurface gas typically migrates above the groundwater table and is restricted laterally by streams. Porous soils lying above the bedrock can serve as pathways to transmit large volumes of gas. Underground off -site migration is common and can be facilitated by the presence of pipelines, buried utility corridors or trenches located within or adjacent to the landfill boundaries. Movement depends on soil type and moisture, and migration distances of 1,500 feet have been observed. Barometric pressure also influences movement. Falling barometric pressure allows methane to migrate out of the landfill and into surrounding areas. SECTION 2 - Factors Influencing Landfill Gas Generation and Migration Factors that affect landfill gas generation and migration through the subsurface include the following: Waste Composition The production of landfill gas is directly related to the amount of organic matter present in waste. The bacteria that break down the waste require small amounts of specific minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and other micronutrients. Bacteria are able to thrive and produce landfill gas if the minerals/micronutrients are present. If the minerals/micronutrients are not present or if substances that inhibit bacterial growth exist, landfill gas production will occur at a reduced rate. Some forms of organic matter such as cellulose break down quickly whereas matter such as lignin breaks down more slowly. The rate at which landfill gas is produced depends on the proportions of each type of organic matter present in the waste. Moisture Content Landfills with higher moisture content generate higher concentrations of landfill gas in earlier stages of development (such as during leachate recirculation). Moisture accelerates the methanogenic process. Temperature Landfill bacteria are temperature dependant. They are able to survive and function below the freezing point, but they also function well at temperatures up to 65°C. Anaerobic bacteria produce small amounts of heat and may not be able to maintain the temperature of a shallow landfill when external temperatures decrease, so LFG generation may exhibit seasonal variations. Saturated landfills may not achieve ideal temperatures because the bacteria do not generate sufficient heat to raise the temperature of the excess water. Higher temperatures promote volatilization and chemical reactions with the waste so the trace gas component of landfill gas tends to increase with higher landfill temperatures. Age of Landfill Typically, landfills have an increasing generation of landfill gas for a number of years until closure at which time landfill gas generation reaches a peak and begins to subside. An evaluation of the age of the landfill and use of a landfill gas generation curve can be helpful in determining the likelihood of significant landfill gas concentrations from the landfill. Landfill Cap The type or presence of landfill cover can influence landfill gas generation and migration. Although a low permeability cap will reduce moisture and landfill gas generation over the longer term, initially, the installation of a landfill cap could drive landfill gas migration further from the landfill in the subsurface without proper ventilation (either passive or active). This is especially true in the case of unlined (unvented) landfills. Water Table Landfill gas movement in unlined landfills may be influenced by groundwater table variations. A rising water table could cause displacement and force upward movement of landfill gas. Man-made and Natural Conduits Structures such as drains, trenches, and buried utility corridors can act as conduits for landfill gas migration. Geologic features including fractured bedrock, porous soil, and permeable strata also provide conduits for landfill gas migration Landfill Liner Conditions The presence of a Subtitle-D (or equivalent) landfill liner has the capability to limit the lateral migration of landfill gas in the subsurface. Unlined landfills have no barrier to prevent lateral landfill gas migration in the subsurface. Weather Conditions Barometric pressure and precipitation have significant effects on landfill gas migration. Increased barometric pressure yields decreased landfill gas venting from the subsurface, until the pressure within the subsurface is greater than the atmospheric (barometric) pressure. Conversely, as the barometric pressure decreases, the landfill will vent the stored gas until pressure equilibrium is reached. Capping of a landfill can influence the effect of barometric pressure on landfill gas migration. Generally, a more permeable landfill cap will allow greater influence by barometric pressure than a less permeable landfill cap. SECTION 3 — Current Solid Waste Section Rules Pertaining to Landfill Gas Monitoring Web link to the 15A NCAC 13B rules - http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw/rules 15A NCAC 13B .0101- DEFINITIONS .0 10 1 (14) "Explosive gas" means Methane (CH4) .0101(25) "Lower explosive limit" (LEL) means the lowest percent by volume of a mixture of explosive gases which will propagate a flame in air at 25 degrees Celsius and atmospheric pressure. .0503 - SITING AND DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR DISPOSAL FACILITIES .0503(2) A site shall meet the following design requirements: (a) The concentration of explosive gases generated by the site shall not exceed: (i) twenty-five percent of the limit for the gases in site structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); and (ii) the lower explosive limit for the gases at the property boundary; .0543 - CLOSURE AND POST -CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR C&DLF FACILITIES .0543(e) Post -closure criteria. (1) Following closure of each C&DLF unit, the owner and operator must conduct post -closure care. Postclosure care must be conducted for 30 years, except as provided under Subparagraph (2) of this Paragraph, and consist of at least the following: (C) maintaining and operating the gas monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of Rule .0544 of this Section; and (2) The length of the post -closure care period may be: (A) decreased by the Division if the owner or operator demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment and this demonstration is approved by the Division; or (B) increased by the Division if the Division determines that the lengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment. .0544 - MONITORING PLANS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR C&DLF FACILITIES .0544(d) Gas Control Plan (1) Owners and operators of all C&DLF units must ensure that: (A) the concentration of methane gas or other explosive gases generated by the facility does not exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit in on -site facility structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); (B) the concentration of methane gas or other explosive gases does not exceed the lower explosive limit for methane or other explosive gases at the facility property boundary; and (C) the facility does not release methane gas or other explosive gases in any concentration that can be detected in offsite structures. (2) Owners and operators of all C&DLF units must implement a routine methane monitoring program to ensure that the standards of this Paragraph are met. (A) The type of monitoring must be determined based on soil conditions, the Hydrogeologic conditions under and surrounding the facility, hydraulic conditions on and surrounding the facility, the location of facility structures and property boundaries, and the location of all offsite structures adjacent to property boundaries. (B) The frequency of monitoring shall be quarterly or as approved by the Division. (3) If methane or explosive gas levels exceeding the limits specified in Subparagraph (d)(1) of this Rule are detected, the owner and operator must: (A) immediately take all steps necessary to ensure protection of human health and notify the Division; (B) within seven days of detection, place in the operating record the methane or explosive gas levels detected and a description of the steps taken to protect human health; and (C) within 60 days of detection, implement a remediation plan for the methane or explosive gas releases, place a copy of the plan in the operating record, and notify the Division that the plan has been implemented. The plan must describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. (4) Based on the need for an extension demonstrated by the operator, the Division may establish alternative schedules for demonstrating compliance with Parts (3)(B) and (3)(C) of this Paragraph. (5) For purposes of this Item, "lower explosive limit" means the lowest percent by volume of a mixture of explosive gases in air that will propagate a flame at 25 C and atmospheric pressure. .0566 - OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LAND CLEARINGINERT DEBRIS (LCID) LANDFILLS .0566(13) The concentration of explosive gases generated by the facility shall not exceed: (a) Twenty-five percent of the lower explosive limit for the gases in facility structures. (b) The lower explosive limit for the gases at the property boundary. .1626 — OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR MSWLF FACILITIES .1626(4) Explosive gases control. (a) Owners or operators of all MSWLF units must ensure that: (i) The concentration of methane gas generated by the facility does not exceed 25 percent of the lower explosive limit for methane in facility structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components); and (ii) The concentration of methane gas does not exceed the lower explosive limit for methane at the facility property boundary. (b) Owners or operators of all MSWLF units must implement a routine methane monitoring program to ensure that the standards of (4)(a) are met. A permanent monitoring system shall be constructed on or before October 9, 1994. A temporary monitoring system shall be used prior to construction of the permanent system. (i) The type and frequency of monitoring must be determined based on the following factors: (A) Soil conditions; (B) The hydrogeologic conditions surrounding the facility; (C) The hydraulic conditions surrounding the facility; and (D) The location of facility structures and property boundaries. (ii) The minimum frequency of monitoring shall be quarterly. (c) If methane gas levels exceeding the limits specified in (4)(a) are detected, the owner or operator must: (i) Immediately take all necessary steps to ensure protection of human health and notify the Division; (ii) Within seven days of detection, place in the operating record the methane gas levels detected and a description of the steps taken to protect human health; and (iii) Within 60 days of detection, implement a remediation plan for the methane gas releases, place a copy of the plan in the operating record, and notify the Division that the 6 plan has been implemented. The plan shall describe the nature and extent of the problem and the proposed remedy. (iv) Based on the need for an extension demonstrated by the operator, the Division may establish alternative schedules for demonstrating compliance with (4)(c)(ii) and (iii) of this Rule. (d) For purposes of this Item, "lower explosive limit" means the lowest percent by volume of a mixture of explosive gases in air that will propagate a flame at 25°C and atmospheric pressure. 1626(10) Recordkeeping requirements. (a) The owner or operator of a MSWLF unit must record and retain at the facility, or an alternative location near the facility approved by the Division, in an operating record the following information as it becomes available: (iii) Gas monitoring results and any remediation plans required by Item (4) of this Rule; .1627 — CLOSURE AND POST CLOSURE REQUIREMENTS FOR MSWLF ACTIVITES .1 627(d) Post -Closure Criteria (1) Following closure of each MSWLF unit, the owner or operator shall conduct post -closure care. Post -closure care shall be conducted for 30 years, except as provided under Subparagraph (2) of this Paragraph, and consist of at least the following: (D)-Maintaining and operating the gas monitoring system in accordance with the requirements of Rule .1626 of this Section. (2) The length of the post -closure care period may be: (A) Decreased by the Division if the owner or operator demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment and this demonstration is approved by the Division; or (B) Increased by the Division if the Division determines that the lengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment. (3) Following completion of the post -closure care period for each MSWLF unit, the owner or operator shall notify the Division that a certification, signed by a registered professional engineer, verifying that post -closure care has been completed in accordance with the post -closure plan, has been placed in the operating record. NOTES: Based on the referenced rules above, the following words / phrases are presently in the Solid Waste Section rules pertaining to methane and explosive landfill gas. Rule .0101(14) states: "Explosive gas means Methane (CH) ". Rule .0503 (2)(a) refers to "explosive gases ". Rule .0544(d) refers to "Gas Control Plan " Rule .0544(d)(1) refers to "methane or other explosive gases ". Rule .0544(d)(2) refers to "methane monitoring program" Rule .0544(d)(3) refers to "methane or explosive gas levels" Rule .0566 (13) refers to "explosive gases". Rule .1626 (4) refers to "explosive gases control" Rule .1626(4)(a-b) refers to "methane monitoring" and "methane monitoring program " Monitoring Goals Landfill design and landfill gas monitoring regulations in North Carolina require that there not be an exceedance of 100% of the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) (equivalent to 5% methane) at the property boundary, or 25% LEL in on -site structures. These regulations were developed over time to protect the health and safety of the citizens of North Carolina and the U.S. from the asphyxiation and explosive hazards of landfill gas. NC Rule History A review of NC landfill guidance documents and regulations from 1972 to the present indicates that from 1972 through 1982, there was no mention of design requirements regarding the control of landfill gas, nor were there any landfill monitoring requirements for landfill gas. In 1982, the regulations were changed to require that sanitary landfill design prevent landfill gas concentrations of 100% LEL at the property boundary line and 25% inside on -site structures. Although a design requirement was added, no design requirement was established to determine if the design requirement was being met. In 1993 with the establishment of. 1600 rules, requirements for designs to limit landfill gas levels to below 100% at the property boundary line and 25% in on -site structures and monitoring of landfill gas concentrations around the perimeter of the landfill and inside on -site structures were adopted. SECTION 4 - Landfill Gas Incidents and Explosions Hazards Involving Landfill Gas Landfill fires may or may not be directly caused by landfill gas. The primary concern with these fires is air contamination from the resulting smoke; however they also present a variety of additional problems. In addition to concerns with containing and extinguishing landfill fires, potential reactions involving unknown chemicals in the landfill can cause uncertain hazards. Discarded consumer products in a landfill, such as pesticides, paints, solvents, cleaners, and other material can be the source of chemical releases. Heat from the fire can cause chemicals to volatilize, breakdown, and enter the environment. Also to be considered is the presence of other combustible gases in addition to methane. Whenever an environmental investigation of a landfill is prompted by odorous compounds or explosive gases, the presence of toxic substances should also be investigated. One example is hydrogen sulfide (1-12S) that can cause asphyxiation and is flammable. An analysis should include alkyl benzenes, sulfur compounds, vinyl chloride, and methane, and other products associated with industrial wastes, construction and debris waste, and normal organic and inorganic waste. Fires and explosion hazards become a concern when gases collect in confined spaces. Buildings, basements, and pits are typically regarded as confined spaces. However, landfill gases also collect in and migrate to cracks in the landfill cover, leachate "springs", cracks in adjacent structures, paved parking areas, etc. Fires can occur on the surface and underground. Surface fires involve recently buried waste near the surface in an aerobic decomposing layer, typically 1 to 4 feet below ground. These fires can be intensified by subsurface landfill gas and spread throughout the landfill. Subsurface fires occur deeper within the landfill, involve material buried for months or years, and can burn for days and months. The following is a brief summary of some incidents involving landfill gas migration from landfills: 2007 Four employees died as a result of exposure to high concentrations of hydrogen sulfide while attempting to repair a leachate pump at a C&D landfill in Superior, Wisconsin (Journal of Environmental Heath 2008). 1999 An 8-year old girl was burned on her arms and legs when playing in an Atlanta, Georgia playground. The area was reportedly used as an illegal dumping ground many years ago (Atlanta Journal -Constitution 1999). 1994 While playing soccer in a park built over an old landfill in Charlotte, North Carolina, a woman was seriously burned by a methane explosion (Charlotte Observer 1994). 1987 Offsite landfill gas migration is suspected to have caused a house to explode in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (EPA 1991). 1984 Landfill gas migrated to and destroyed one house near a landfill in Akron, Ohio. Ten houses were temporarily evacuated (EPA 1991). 1983 An explosion destroyed a residence across the street from a landfill in Cincinnati, Ohio. Minor injuries were reported (EPA 1991). 1975 In Sheridan, Colorado, landfill gas accumulated in a storm drain pipe that ran through a landfill. An explosion occurred when several children playing in the pipe lit a candle, resulting in serious injury. 1969 Methane gas migrated from an adjacent landfill into the basement of an armory in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A lit cigarette caused the gas to explode, killing three men and seriously injuring five others (USACE 1984). 10 SECTION 5 - Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells Locations Landfill gas monitoring well locations will be site specific depending upon site geology, depth to groundwater, surface water features, on -site and off -site structures and sensitive receptors. The landfill gas monitoring wells must be spaced no more than 500 feet apart depending upon site specifics. A readily accessible, unobstructed path must be maintained so that landfill gas monitoring wells are always accessible using four-wheel drive vehicles. Regardless of site specifics, the permittee must obtain approval from the Solid Waste Section for the design and installation of any landfill gas monitoring well system. Well Construction and Installation Landfill gas monitoring wells are the same as groundwater monitoring wells with two exceptions. Landfill gas monitoring wells are installed just above the water table within the unsaturated zone and are equipped with a stopcock valve or a quick connect coupling on the cap, which allows for accurate landfill gas measurements. The stopcock valve must be equipped with flexible tubing and a barb connection that will fit the gas meter's inlet tube. The stopcock valve or a quick connect coupling must be closed between monitoring events. The landfill gas monitoring well must also be capped, locked, and labeled with a permanently affixed identification plate stating the well contractor name and certification number, date of well competition, total depth of well, screen length and well ID number. See detailed schematics of a landfill gas monitoring well (Figure 1). The depth of each landfill gas monitoring well will be site specific depending upon depth to groundwater. Landfill gas monitoring wells must be constructed the same as groundwater monitoring wells as described in 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C. Typically landfill gas monitoring wells must be installed using 2" PVC piping and screen. The screen length, also site specific, must span the majority of the unsaturated zone while still allowing for proper well construction. A North Carolina Licensed/Professional Geologist must be present to supervise the installation of all landfill gas monitoring wells. The exact locations, screened intervals, and nesting of the wells must be approved by the Solid Waste Section Hydrogeologist prior to landfill gas monitoring well installation. Each landfill gas monitoring well must be surveyed for location and elevation by a North Carolina Registered Land Surveyor. Within thirty (30) days of the completed construction of each new landfill gas monitoring well, the well construction record (Division of Water Quality form GW-Ib) and the boring log/well detail diagram of each well must be submitted to the Solid Waste Section. The submittal must also include a scaled topographic map showing the location and identification of new, existing and abandoned landfill gas monitoring wells. Nested and Clustered Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells Nested and/or clustered landfill gas monitoring wells may be required in unsaturated zones of 45 feet or more to measure specific depths of the unsaturated zone. Initially, the installation of one long screen shall be sufficient. If a monitoring event shows an exceedance of the lower explosive limit, then the Solid Waste Section may require the installation of nested and/or clustered landfill gas monitoring wells. Abandonment of Wells An abandonment record must be submitted to the Solid Waste Section within 30 (thirty) days of the abandonment of a landfill gas monitoring well. The landfill gas monitoring well(s) must be overdrilled and sealed with grout in accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0113(d) and certified by a North Carolina Licensed/Professional Geologist. 11 Professional Certification The certification statement below must be signed and sealed by a Professional Geologist and submitted with the Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan. The landfill gas monitoring plan for this facility has been prepared by a qualified geologist who is licensed to practice in the State of North Carolina. The plan has been prepared based on first-hand knowledge of site conditions and familiarity with North Carolina solid waste rules and industry standard protocol. This certification is made in accordance with North Carolina Solid Waste Regulations, indicating this Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan should provide early detection of any release of hazardous constituents to the uppermost aquifer, so as to be protective of public health and the environment. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made. Signed Printed Date Not valid unless this document bears the seal of the above mentioned licensed professional. 12 Figure 1— Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Detail SAMPLING PORT WELL CAP (NOT CEDED) f � r � f X I M i r WELL TAC (INCLUDE THE FOLLDWINC INFORMATION) _ WELL ID.: DRrLLING COMPANY: DATE OF INSTALLATION: TOTAL DEPTH: CONSTRJuTION DETAILS: 3' 4a4' L(XKABLE STEEL CASING (3' WIN_ STICK UP WITH LOCKING COVER) CAP AND SAMPLING PORI "—PERFORATED PVC RISER CONCRETE 1-140 "-- BENTO °I TE PELLET SEAL (HYDRATED PER MFG. SPECS) GRWT SEAL (CEMENT AND SODIUM BENTONITE) SEDIMENT SEASONAL HIGH WATER TABLE 13 SECTION 6 — Landfill Gas Monitoring Instrumentation The person using the landfill gas monitoring instrument must understand the principles of operation and follow the manufacturer's instructions. This includes calibrating the instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications. Include the following on the top portion of the landfill gas monitoring form (See example below) : facility name, permit number, type and serial number of gas monitoring instrument, calibration date of the instrument, date and time of field calibration, type of gas used for field calibration (15115 or 35150), expiration date of field calibration gas canister, date of landfill gas monitoring event, name and position of sample collector, pump rate of instrument being used, ambient air temperature, and general weather conditions. Verification that the equipment was calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications is also required. When determining which field calibration gas to use, take into consideration the expected levels of methane in the landfill gas monitoring wells. If the methane levels are expected to be low, use the 15115 gas canister (15% CO2/15% C114). If the methane levels are expected to be high, use the 35150 gas canister (35% CO2/50% CH4). For every landfill gas monitoring well, please include the following: verification of sample tube purge prior to each sample taken (should be one minute), the time pumped in seconds (should be at least one minute), barometric pressure, time stabilized reading collected, percent lower explosive limit, percent methane by volume, percent oxygen, percent carbon dioxide, and any observations or comments. Most modern gas monitoring instruments will measure percent oxygen and carbon dioxide in addition to the methane and display the results on the same instrument. Recording the levels of percent oxygen and carbon dioxide should require little or no extra effort. The landfill gas monitoring data form (See example below) and results should be retained in the facility's operating record unless an exceedance has occurred and/or is requested by the Solid Waste Section. Landfill gas monitoring readings from non -calibrated or inaccurately calibrated instruments are not reliable, and will therefore be rejected by the Solid Waste Section. Landfill gas monitoring readings collected with monitoring equipment that was not designed for landfill gas monitoring will also be rejected by the Solid Waste Section. There are several different landfill gas monitoring instruments on the market which may be used in order to obtain all of the information required by the Solid Waste Section. Monitoring Times Monitoring times are also important when conducting landfill gas monitoring. Proper landfill gas monitoring should include sampling during times when landfill gas is most likely to migrate. Landfill gas can migrate and accumulate not only in landfill gas monitoring wells; it can also migrate and accumulate in buildings and other structures. Because subsurface gas pressures are considered to be at a maximum during the afternoon hours, monitoring should be conducted in the afternoon or whenever the barometric pressure is low. Scientific evidence also indicates that weather and soil conditions influence the migration of landfill gas. Barometric pressure and precipitation have significant effects on landfill gas migration. Increased barometric pressure generates decreased landfill gas venting from the subsurface, until the pressure within the subsurface is greater than the atmospheric (barometric) pressure. On the other hand, when the barometric pressure decreases, the landfill will vent the stored gas until a pressure equilibrium is reached. Capping of a landfill can influence the effect of barometric pressure on landfill gas migration. Generally, a more permeable landfill cap will allow greater influence by barometric pressure than a less permeable 14 landfill cap. As a result, landfill gas monitoring should be conducted when the barometric pressure is low and soils are saturated. During the winter season when snow cover is just beginning to melt or when the ground is frozen or ice covered, landfill gas monitoring should be conducted when the barometric pressure is low. Landfill Gas Sampling Procedures Any accumulation of landfill gas in the landfill gas monitoring wells is the result of landfill gas migration. The following procedure is a recommended example for conducting landfill gas monitoring well sampling, but always read and follow the manufacturer's instructions because each instrument will be different. Step 1— Calibrate the instrument according to the manufacturer's specifications. In addition, prepare the instrument for monitoring by allowing it to properly warm up as directed by the manufacturer. Make sure the static pressure shows a reading of zero on the instrument prior to taking the first sample. Step 2 — Purge sample tube for at least one minute prior to taking reading. Connect the instrument tubing to the landfill gas monitoring well cap fitted with a stopcock valve or quick connect coupling. Step 3 — Open the valve and record the initial reading and then the stabilized reading. A stable reading is one that does not vary more than 0.5 percent by volume on the instrument's scale. Step 4 - Record the stabilized reading including the oxygen concentration and barometric pressure. A proper reading should have two percent oxygen by volume or less. If levels of oxygen are higher, it may indicate that air is being drawn into the system giving a false reading. Step 5 — Turn the stopcock valve to the off position and disconnect the tubing. Step 6 — Proceed to the next landfill gas monitoring well and repeat Steps 2 — 5. Landfill Gas Constituent Sampling and Analysis Sampling of landfill gas to determine volume percentages/concentrations of each constituent can be accomplished through the use of canisters which are specifically designed for landfill gas analysis. Several analytical methods are available to determine the concentrations of a variety of constituents. Typically, landfill gas analysis of this type is performed to determine the non -methane organic compounds emission rate for Tier 2 testing under the Clean Air Act (Title V Subpart WWW 60.754). Isotropic identification of landfill methane can be accomplished to identify one source of methane from another. In this case, isotopes of carbon and hydrogen in the methane are analyzed to determine the methane source. 15 SECTION 7 - References Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry. "Landfill Gas Primer- An Overview for Environmental Health Professionals. 2001." http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/HAC/landfill/html/toc.html (accessed February 24. 2010). California Environmental Protection Agency. "Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Functionality at 20 California Landfills, 2008". http://www.calrecycle.ca.gov/Publications/Organics/2008022.pd (accessed February 24 2010). Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Gas Management Systems, under Rule 62-701.530. http://www.dep.state.fl.us/waste/quick topics/rules/default.htm (accessed February 24, 2010). Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Flood Grant Team. "An Analysis of Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Design and Construction, 2007". http://www.clu- in.org/conf/itrc/direclpush/prez/Missouri_Study.pdf (accessed February 24, 2010). Missouri Department of Natural Resources. "Design and Construction of Landfill Gas Monitoring Wells" http://www.dnr.missouri.gov/pubs/pub2054.pdf (accessed February 24. 2010). Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Environmental Monitoring for Landfills, under Chapter NR 507.22. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/aw/wm/information/wiacsss.htm (accessed February 24, 2010). "Landfill Gas -an Overview" Landfill-gas.com. Web, 22, Feb. 2010 http://www.landfill-gas.com/webpage-LFG-overview.doc 17 SECTION 8 — Suggested Outline for a Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan 1. Introduction 1.1. Background (project overview, site observations, NCDENR rules referenced) 1.2. Site Geology with discussion of groundwater depth and flow (potentiometric surface map) 1.3. Regulatory Limits 2. Landfill Gas Monitoring 2.1. Landfill Gas Monitoring Well Locations (discussion of reasoning behind proposed locations, discussion of well construction, reference map showing proposed locations, reference table displaying well ID, well depth, screen interval and depth to groundwater) 2.2. Structure and Ambient Sampling 2.3. Landfill Gas Monitoring Frequency 3. Landfill Gas Sampling Procedures 3.1. Detection Equipment Used (discussion of calibration procedures) 3.2. Landfill Gas Sampling Procedure 4. Record Keeping and Reporting 4.1. Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form 4.2. Sampling Reports 4.3. Permanent Record Keeping 5. Contingency Plan 6. Certification of Professional Geologist 7. Certification of Registered Land Surveyor Figures Map displaying proposed landfill gas monitoring well locations Potentiometric Surface Map Diagram showing construction of stopcock valve or quick connect coupling on well cap Diagram showing well construction of each landfill gas monitoring well Table Table displaying well ID, well depth, screen interval, depth to groundwater Example of landfill gas monitoring data form 18 SECTION 9 - Checklist of Items to be Included in a Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan 1. Depth to groundwater discussion 2. Well locations a. Number of wells b. Well spacing 3. Instrumentation being used a. Calibration procedures 4. Sampling procedures as per the manufacture's instructions 5. Map of well locations 6. Table describing each well location a. Well ID b. Well depth c. Screen interval d. Depth to groundwater e. Subsurface lithology 7. Diagram of cap construction w/ stopcock valve or quick connect coupling 8. Diagram of well construction 9. Potentiometric surface map 10. Professional Geologist certification 11. Registered Land Surveyor certification 19 NC Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Section Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are 'Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Facility Name: Permit Number: Sampling Date: NC Landfill Rule (.0500 or.1600): Sample Collector Name & Position: Gas Meter Type & Serial Number: Field Calibration Date & Time: Field Calibration Gas Type (15115 or 35/5 Gas Meter Pump Rate: Gas Meter Calibration Date: eld Calibration Gas Canister Expiration Date: Ambient Air Temperature: Barometric Pressure (in. or mm Hg): Weather Conditions: Instructions: Under "Location or LFG Well", list monitoring well # or describe monitoring location (e.g., inside field office). Attach a test location map or drawing. Report methane readings as both % LEL and % CH4 by volume. Convert % CH4 (by volume) to % LEL as follows: % methane (by volume)/20 = % LEL. *Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas monitoring may be required for Construction & Demolition Landfills (CDLFs). See individual permit conditions and/or Facility LFG monitoring plan. Location or LFG Well ID S ample Tube Purge Time of Day Time Pumped (sec) Initial % LEL Stabilized % LEL % CH4 ( volume ) % 02 (volume) % CO2 (volume) % H2S* (volume) NOTES NOTE: If needed, attach additional data forms to include additional LFG monitoring data locations for the facility. ACTION LEVELS: Methane: >1.25% by volume (inside structures) AND >5% by volume (at facility boundary) Hydrogen Sulfide: >1% by volume (inside structures) AND >4% by volume (at facility boundary) Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. SIGNATURE TITLE Revised — March 6, 2017 Appendix B CMS Landfill V Methane Monitoring Probe Installation Report prepared by S&ME, Inc., January 1998 Landfill Gas Monitoring Plan www.scsengineers.com Appendix B 1 ' CMS LANDFILL V METHANE MONITORING PROBE INSTALLATION REPORT ' MMW-4, MMW-15, MMW-16, MMW-22, MMW-23 AND MMW-24 S&ME PROJECT NO.1356-97488 1 Prepared By: S&ME, Inc. P.O. Box 7668 Charlotte, NC 28241-7668 January, 1998 1 Ise& E I January 7, 1998 BF1 ' 5105 Morehead Road Harrisburg, NC 28075 ' Attention: Mr, David Cradduck Reference: Methane Monitoring Probes ' CMS Landfill V, Cell 2A — 2C S&ME Job No. 1356-97-488 ' Gentlemen.: Please find enclosed the Methane Monitoring Probe Installation Report for the above referenced ' project. Included with this report are the Construction and installation procedures, probe construction records, and probe location plan. S&ME appreciates the opportunity to provide our services to BF1. If you have any questions or ' need additional information, please contact us. ' Sincerely, 1 S&ME, Inc. ' Dan E. Brewer, P.E. Senior Project Manager ' Jack JAmar. P.E. Branch Manager ' cc; Mr. Bill Crumley, BFI 1 5&ME, Inc, 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard, Charlotte, North Carolho 28273, (70d) 523-4726, Fox (704) 525-3953 Moiling address: P.Q. [lox 7W, Charlotte, North Carolina 28241-7668 CMS LANDFILL V METHANE MONITORING PROBE INSTALLATION REPORT MMW-4. MMW-15, MMW-16, MMW-22, MMW-23 AND MMW-24 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 MONITORING PROBE LOCATION 2.0 MONITORING PROBE CONSTRUCTION 3.0 PROBE INSTALLATION PROCEDURES APPENDIX Probe Construction Records Updated Facility Plan Pape I 1 ' CMS Landfill V S&ME Project No. 1356-97-488 Installation of Methane Monitoring Probes January 7, 1998 ' 1.0 MONITORING PROBE LOCATION ' The location of the methane monitoring probes are presented on the updated Facility Plan in the appendix. The probes were installed at the landfill on June 6, 1997, during August, 1997, and on ' November 27, 1997 by S&ME, Inc. 2.0 MONITORING PROBE CONSTRUCTION The methane monitoring probes MMW-4, MMW-15, MMW-16, MMW-22, MMW-23 and MMW-24 were constructed in general accordance with NC Well Construction Standards for monitoring probes. Listed below are the screen depths for the probes. Monitoring Probe Screen Interval MMW4 6.5 — 21.5 MMW-15 5.0 — 20.5 MMW-16 10.0 —19.0 MMW-22 4.0 — W.0 MMW-23 4.0 —14.0 MMW-24 6.0 —1f.0 The methane monitoring probe construction records are presented in the appendix. �11����1a Ir:C1LIA The boreholes were drilled and constructed by a qualified and experienced North Carolina licensed well driller, S&ME, Inc. All equipment used for drilling and installation of the probes was properly cleaned before and after construction of monitoring probes. This consisted of steam -high pressure ' CMS Landfill V 5&ME Project No. 1356-97-488 Installation of Methane Monitoring Probes January 7, 1998 twater cleaning of the downhole drilling equipment prior to performing the borings. S&ME utilized CME-45 drilling rig. 1 The monitoring probes were constructed of 1-inch I.D., PVC Schedule 44 flush, water tight ' threaded joint casing and 10-foot to 15-foot lengths of 0.02-inch machine slotted screen. ' At the completion of the boreholes, the project manager and a licensed geologist finalized the construction details of monitoring wells based on site -specific factors and the general criteria listed ' below. ' 1. The annular space between the borehole wail and the probe casing were backfilled with clean, washed pea gravel. The gravel pack was placed to two feet above the slotted screen. 1 2. A I to 2-foot pelletized bentonite seal was placed above the filter pack and allowed to hydrate for a period of at least 2 hours. The depth of bentonite was measured prior to grouting. 1 3. The annular space was filled with cuttings to a depth of I to 2 feet below land surface. 1 4. A 1-inch PVC probe pipes were extended approximately 2.5 feet above the ground surface. 1 A 4-inch by 4 inch steel protective casing was constructed over the probe pipe and anchored in a nominal 2-foot by 2-toot concrete pad approximately 6 inches in thickness. A name ' plate was affixed to the protective casing providing the information required in the NC Well ' Construction Regulations. 13561project197-4WCMS mmw.doc 1 1 2 fl 1 1 APPENDIX 1 PROJECT: CNs-L."tilk v wE�t LAG MMw--4 Concord, North CarotinsWELL PROJECT No.; 1356-97-488 ELEVATICN: 62L48 ft. NGYD NOTES: Tap of metal casing elevation - 623.87 ft. LOGGED BY: S&ME BORING DEPTH: 25.0 FEET DATE DRILLED. 06-25-97 WATER LEVEL.• DRY DRILLING METHOD. CME-45 DRILL RIG: Coniara 450 u,WELL DIAGRAM 7941, toDescription& Remarks JE v n N -J Termina Pion of Boring At 25.0 Feet a CL to � � c � ro m y V m — — p — m 612 _ o — o — o — c — W7 a — w o a a — 3U2 597 7 page: r or r $WE e s Engineering tt Testing PROJECT: CMS-LaMfill V Concord, North Caroline PROJECT NO.: 1356-97-488 ELEVATION: 57A56 P. NGVD LOGGED BY: ME BORING DEPTH: 20.0 FEET DATE DRILLED: 11-27-97 WATER LEVEL Dry DRILLING METHOD: 4-114" NSA DRILL RIG: CME-45 WELL LOG MMW-15 NOTES: Top of casing elevation - 582.54 ft. a= a© Description & Remarks n a w cc LU Termination Of Boring At 20.0 Feet WELL DIAGRAM Ir • q p: O C xr m 4 rr C7 - C - 41 E _ O ti a — o — w U cn m a — u tly — tnvlr4nfRenCal aLrMes Engineering x Testlnp PROJECT: CMS-L andfM Y WELL LOG MMW—IB Concord. North Carofirta PROJECT NO.: 1356-97-488 ELEVATION: 59105 ft_ NOVO NOTES: Top of metal casing elevation a 593.73 ft. LOGGED BY: BE BORING DEPTH: 20.0 FEET DATE DRILLED: 06-25-97 WATER LEVEL: Dry OFMJJ 8 METHOD: CME-45 DRILL RIB Cantara 450 UJ WELL dIAGRAM x a Description & Remarks aT a w to z In ch LY CJ fi a, C7 p � 0 5 6&B •. tin w TL 0 C W V3 a =_ U — i 15 578 24 571 Termination Of Boring A 120,0 Feet 25 5eB 3n Set 35 559 Page: 1 of 1 $WE es Engineering * Testing PR04ECT: CMS-Lar4fiH V WELL LOG MMW-22 Concord, North Cw*Me PROJECT NO.: 1356-97-488 ELEVATIOW 598.7f ft. NGVO NOTES: Top of metal casing elevation = 601.29 it. LOGGED BY: ME BORING DEPTH: rsa FEET DATE DRILLED 08-18-97 WATER LEVEL: Dry DRILLING METHOD: CME-45 DRILL RIG: Cantera 450 2 Uj w w WELL DIAGRAM � = a= a o Description & Remarks � J a 4l Lu a J < =n a Q n 0 w a� s� Zc A b c Ri a w — q � v — c — v _— ro u — ro U — � i0 589 Q — q — 4 V7 —_ Y — 15 584 Termina tiorr 0 f Boring A t 16.0 Fee t 20 579 �5 574 30 58B 35 584 Page: T 01 t a ME Ernlronrsentsl Services EngIneerinq x Testlnq ' Page : 1 of I ' $&ME ent Engineering * Testing J PROJECT: CMS-Landf M VWELL LOG MMW-24 Concord. North CaroMe PROJECT NO.: 1356-97-498 ELEVATION; 574.07 ft. NGYo NOTES: Tap of casing elevation - 576.00 ft. LOGGED BY: ME BORING DEPTH: 1B.0 FEET DATE DRILLED; 06-25-97 WATER LEVEL: DrY 13RILLING METHOD: CME-45 DRILL RIG: Cantara 450 WELL 1310RAM a w a o Description & Remarks L�,L Lu i X w > a a w y Lu < $ a 0 [n w o � Carl O, 4 u 0 � � y a � o chi y r c m v 0.: Tern