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CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT VOLUME 3 OF 3 PROTECTIVE COVER LAYER, LEACHATE DETECTION SYSTEM (LDS), LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM (LCS), ELECTRICAL LEAK LOCATION, AND LEACHATE DETECTION SYSTEM AND LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM VIDEO INSPECTION CONSTRUCTION OF CELLS 3B, 4, AND 5 GREAT OAK LANDFILL RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA FACILITY PERMIT NO. 7607-MSWLF-2015 BLE Project Number J20-13334-02 September 28, 2020 09-28-202009-28-2020 1 September 28, 2020 Waste Management of South Carolina, Inc. 1047 Highway Church Road Elgin, South Carolina 29045 Attention: Ms. Susan Harrison, P.E. Manager of Engineering Subject: Construction Quality Assurance Report Volume 3 of 3 Protective Cover Layer, Leachate Detection System (LDS), Leachate Collection System (LCS), Electrical Leak Location, and Leachate Detection System and Leachate Collection System Video Inspection Great Oak Landfill, Cells 3B, 4, and 5 Randleman, North Carolina BLE Project Number J20-13334-02 Dear Ms. Harrison: This Volume 3 of 3 of the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Report summarizes our observations and construction quality assurance test results during installation of the Protective cover layer, Leachate Detection System (LDS), Leachate Collection System (LCS), Electrical Leak Location, and Leachate Detection System and Leachate Collection System Video Inspection for Cells 3B, 4, and 5. The construction tasks reported in this volume occurred from June 3, 2020 to August 26, 2020 at the Great Oak Landfill. Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. (BLE) has monitored and documented the Cells 3B, 4, and 5 construction tasks listed below to determine if the construction was performed in accordance with the project drawings, specifications, and conditions, as approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ), Division of Waste Management. The report will be presented in three volumes as outlined below. Volume 1 • Subgrade preparation, and • Proofrolling soil subgrade. Volume 2 • Secondary 60-mil HDPE Geomembrane (Flexible Membrane Liner, FML), • Leachate Detection System (LDS) Geocomposite, • Reinforced Geosynthetic Clay Liner (GCL), • Primary 60-mil HDPE Geomembrane (Flexible Membrane Liner, FML), and • Leachate Collection System (LCS) Geocomposite Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 September 28, 2020 Great Oak Landfill BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Randolph County, North Carolina 2 Volume 3 •Protective cover layer, •Leachate Detection System (LDS), •Leachate Collection System (LCS), •Electrical Leak Location, and •Leachate Detection System and Leachate Collection System Video Inspection. The purpose of this document is to report construction observations and testing by BLE and provide the CQA report required by Title 15A, NCAC Subchapter 13B Section .1624 of the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules and as outlined in the project specifications and the CQA Plan. To the best of our knowledge, deviations from the plans and specifications are not substantial and are indicated herein. It is our professional opinion that the construction was completed in accordance with the following: •The Construction Plans and Contract Documents, •The CQA Plan, •Requirements of NCDEQ Solid Waste Disposal Permit, and •Acceptable Engineering Practices. It is our professional opinion that the Protective Cover Layer, Leachate Detection System (LDS), and Leachate Collection System (LCS), is in conformance with the project requirements. This statement is based on the results of the monitoring and quality control/quality assurance procedures described in this report. Please call us if you have questions concerning the attached report. Sincerely, BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. Bjorn E. Sundquist, P.E. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Senior Engineer Senior Engineer Licensed, NC #42473 Licensed, NC #41611 Attachments 09-28-2020 09-28-2020 i TABLE OF CONTENTS VOLUME 1 PAGE 1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1-1 2.0 SUMMARY OF QUALITY CONTROL/QUALITY ASSURANCE PARTIES 1-2 2.1 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1-2 2.2 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF CAROLINAS, INC. 1-2 2.3 PROMUS ENGINEERING, LLC 1-2 2.4 EARNHARDT GRADING 1-2 2.5 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALTIES INTERNATIONAL, INC 1-2 2.6 SURVEY CAROLINA PLLC 1-2 2.7 BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. 1-2 3.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION AND TESTING 1-2 3.1 Cells 3B, 4, and 5 1-2 3.1.1 Site Preparation 1-3 3.1.2 Subgrade Preparation 1-3 VOLUME 2 3.2.1 SECONDARY 60-MIL HDPE GEOMEMBRANE (FML) 2-1 3.2.2 LEAK DETECTION SYSTEM (LDS) GEOCOMPOSITE 2-3 3.2.3 REINFORCED GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER (GCL) 2-4 3.2.4 PRIMARY 60-MIL HDPE GEOMEMBRANE (FML) 2-4 3.2.5 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM (LCS) GEOCOMPOSITE 2-6 VOLUME 3 3.3.1 LEACHATE DETECTION SYSTEM 3-1 3.3.2 PROTECTIVE COVER 3-1 3.3.3 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 3-2 3.3.4 ELECTRICAL LEAK LOCATION SURVEY 3-3 3.3.5 LEACHATE DETECTION AND COLLECTION SYSTEM VIDEO INSPECTION 3-3 4.0 CONCLUSION 3-3 ii APPENDICES VOLUME 1 A FIGURES: Site Location Map, Field Sketch – Cells 3B, 4, and 5, and Base Grade As-Built Survey B RECORDS OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS and PROJECT MEETINGS: Structural Fill and Subgrade C PHOTOGRAPHS: Structural Fill and Subgrade D REPORT OF GEOLOGIC OBSERVATIONS E LABORATORY TEST RESULTS: Structural Fill and Subgrade F FIELD TEST RESULTS: Structural Fill and Subgrade G MATERIAL SUBMITTALS VOLUME 2 H RECORDS OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS and PROJECT MEETINGS: Geosynthetics Installation I PHOTOGRAPHS: Geosynthetics Installation J REINFORCED GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER (GCL) CQA and MQC Conformance Documentation K REINFORCED GEOSYNTHETIC CLAY LINER (GCL) CQA Construction Documentation iii APPENDICES (continued) L PRIMARY and SECONDARY HDPE GEOMEMBRANE (FML): CQA and MQC Conformance Documentation M PRIMARY and SECONDARY HDPE GEOMEMBRANE (FML): CQA Construction Documentation and FML As-Built Drawings N INTERFACE FRICTION TEST RESULTS O LEACHATE DETECTION SYSTEM GEOCOMPOSITE CQA and MQC Conformance Documentation P LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM GEOCOMPOSITE CQA and MQC Conformance Documentation VOLUME 3 Q RECORDS OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS AND PROJECT MEETINGS: Leachate Detection System, Protective Cover, Leachate Collection System R PHOTOGRAPHS: Leachate Detection System, Protective Cover, Leachate Collection System S LABORATORY and CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS: Protective Cover, Leachate Collection System, Nonwoven Geotextile T PROTECTIVE COVER AS-BUILT SURVEY U MATERIAL SUBMITTALS Leachate Detection System and Leachate Collection System Stone V REPORT OF ELECTRICAL LEAK LOCATION SURVEY W VIDEO INSPECTION OF LEACHATE DETECTION SYSTEM AND LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 September 28, 2020 Great Oak Landfill BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Randolph County, North Carolina 3-1 The discussion of the subgrade and compacted soil liner construction is presented in Volume 1 of this report. The discussion of the installation of the secondary and primary geomembrane, the leachate detection system geocomposite, and the leachate collection system geocomposite is presented in Volume 2 of this report. 3.3.1 Leachate Detection System (LDS) The LDS consists of approximately 1,970 lf of perforated 8-inch diameter, SDR 11 HDPE pipe, surrounded by NCDOT No. 57 stone on top of an LDS geocomposite. The LDS geocomposite installation was described in volume 2 of this report. Approximately 160 lf of solid wall 8-inch diameter, SDR 11 HDPE pipes serve as the clean-out accesses for the LDS perforated pipes. The clean-outs are located on the north and west sides of the cells. The leachate detection system pipe perforations are 5/8-inch in diameter positioned in four rows at 90-degrees and spaced 4-inches on center staggered along the length of the pipe. Sections of the perforated LDS pipe were joined by fusion welding. The LDS perforated pipe, stone, and geocomposite overlays the secondary textured 60-mil geomembrane, and is overlain by the GCL, which is overlain by the primary textured 60-mil HDPE geomembrane. The leachate detection system drains by gravity to the northeast end of the cells, where it ties into the existing Cell 3A leachate detection system. The NCDOT No. 57 stone was provided by Martin Marietta’s Asheboro Quarry. A gradation provided by Martin Marietta is included in Appendix U. BLE performed laboratory testing and conformance testing of the NCDOT No. 57 stone as specified in the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) Plan. The results of laboratory testing and conformance documents are presented in Appendix S of this report. BLE conducted particle size analyses in accordance with ASTM D422, calcium carbonate tests in accordance with ASTM D4373, and a constant head permeability test in accordance with ASTM D2434. The particle size distribution, provided in Appendix S, indicates that the stone used in Cells 3B, 4 and 5 meets the requirements for NCDOT No. 57 stone. The calcium carbonate equivalence for the leachate collection stone was determined to be a maximum of 5.5%, which meets the project requirements. The permeability of the NCDOT No. 57 stone was 15.9 cm/s which meets the project requirements. 3.3.2 Protective Cover The protective cover layer consists of a minimum 2-foot thick layer of mechanically screened material with a maximum particle size less than 3 inches of sandy silt and sandy clay soils borrowed from earthwork cut areas within the cell limits, and stockpiled northwest of the proposed Cells 3B, 4, and 5. The protective cover borrow soils meet the project requirements and were approved for use in the protective cover soil layer for Cells 3B, 4, and 5. Laboratory test results are presented in Appendix S of this volume of the CQA report. Based on our laboratory testing and our observations during installation, the protective cover meets the project requirements. Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 September 28, 2020 Great Oak Landfill BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Randolph County, North Carolina 3-2 The protective cover installation was monitored on a full-time basis by the CQA engineering technician. Protective cover soil haul roads, a minimum of 4 feet thick, were constructed by low ground- pressure bulldozers spreading material hauled to the cell area by articulated, off-road haul trucks in the cell floor of Cells No. 3B, 4, and 5. The protective cover soil was placed on existing protective cover and spread outwards over previously placed leachate collection system geocomposite using the low ground pressure bulldozers. The surface of the geocomposite was inspected, as it was covered, for distress including excessive slack or tension, folds, and/or trampolining, throughout the workday. An as-built survey of the top of the protective cover soils, prepared by Survey Carolina, PLLC, is presented in Appendix T of this report. A review of the as-built survey demonstrated a minimum thickness of 2.0 feet of protective cover soils were ultimately placed over the cell. (The total thickness of the geosynthetics is 0.09 feet; therefore, the total minimal protective cover thickness above the base grades shown on the as-built survey is 2.09 feet.) 3.3.3 Leachate Collection System (LCS) The leachate collection system consists of approximately 1,970 lf of perforated 8-inch diameter, SDR-11 HDPE pipe, surrounded by NCDOT No. 57 stone underlain and wrapped with an 8 osy nonwoven geotextile. The LCS nonwoven geotextile, pipe, and stone are installed on top of the LCS geocomposite described in volume 2 of this report. The LCS includes approximately 400 lf of solid wall 8-inch diameter, SDR 11 HDPE pipes, which serve as the clean-out accesses for the perforated pipes. The clean-outs are located on the north and west sides of the cells. The leachate collection pipe perforations are 5/8-inch in diameter positioned in four rows at 90-degrees and spaced 4-inches on center staggered along the length of the pipe. Sections of the perforated LCS pipe were joined by fusion welding. The leachate collection pipes are surrounded by NCDOT No. 57 stone. An 8-osy non-woven geotextile was installed underneath and wrapped around the NCDOT No. 57 to serve as a filter between the protective cover soil and stone, and to protect the top of the stone from siltation. The top part of the 8 osy nonwoven geotextile will be removed from the top of the stone prior to placement of waste over the leachate collection system. The leachate collection system drains by gravity to the northeast end of the cells, where it ties into the existing Cell 3A leachate collection system. BLE conducted particle size analyses in accordance with ASTM D422, calcium carbonate tests in accordance with ASTM D4373, and a constant head permeability test in accordance with ASTM D2434. The particle size distribution, provided in Appendix S, indicate that the stone used in Cells 3B, 4 and 5 meets the requirements for NCDOT No. 57 stone. The calcium carbonate equivalence for the leachate collection stone was determined to be a maximum of 5.5%, which meets the project requirements. The permeability of the NCDOT No. 57 stone was 15.9 cm/s which meets the project requirements. Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 September 28, 2020 Great Oak Landfill BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Randolph County, North Carolina 3-3 The 8 osy nonwoven geotextile used for this LCS is SKAPS GE180. The geotextile is composed of 100 percent polypropylene staple fibers which are needle-punched. In accordance with the Technical Specifications and CQA Plan, one sample from the rolls of 8 osy nonwoven geotextile was selected by the manufacturer for MQC testing and by BLE for CQA testing. The MQC and CQA test results are provided in Appendix S of this report. The MQC and CQA tests all achieved or exceeded the specified minimum test values. Following review of the CQA and MQC test results, the 8 osy nonwoven geotextile was approved for use in Cells 3B, 4 and 5. 3.3.4 Electrical Leak Location (ELL) The covered primary geomembrane was surveyed using the Dipole Method (ASTM D 7007). The Dipole Method is used for geomembranes covered by soil, aggregates, water, or other conductive materials. High voltage is applied to the materials covering the geomembrane, and the power source is grounded to the earth beneath the geomembrane. A mobile dipole is used in a grid pattern above the geomembrane and cover soils to measure and record voltage over the survey area. The voltage is recorded in real time by a data collector and is graphed for post survey review. If a puncture is detected, current will exit the hole in all directions. The resulting pattern generated by the data collector display is known as a “bull’s eye pattern”. The data from the collector will be used to show potential leak areas on the post survey mapping. The ELL survey was performed on September 9, 10, and 11, 2020. No leaks were detected. The ELL report is presented in Appendix V. 3.3.5 Leachate Detection System and Leachate Collection System Video Inspection On September 1 and September 24, 2020, the leachate detection system and leachate collection system pipes and cleanouts were cleaned with high-pressure water, and a camera inspection was completed for each. No defects to the leachate detection system and leachate collection system pipes and cleanouts were noted during the camera inspections. The results of the camera inspections are included in Appendix W. 4.0 CONCLUSION In conclusion, it is our professional opinion and we therefore certify that the Cells No. 3B, 4, and 5 construction consisting of: • Mass excavation, structural fill, and subgrade preparation, • Secondary 60-mil textured HDPE geomembrane installation, • Leak Detection System (LDS) installation, • Reinforced geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) installation, • Primary 60-mil textured HDPE geomembrane installation, • Leachate Collection System (LCS) installation, and • Protective cover construction has been constructed in accordance with the following: Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 September 28, 2020 Great Oak Landfill BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Randolph County, North Carolina 3-4 • The Construction Plans and Contract Documents, • The CQA Plan, • Requirements of NCDEQ Solid Waste Disposal Permit, and • Acceptable Engineering Practices. Presentation of this CQA Report concludes the CQA monitoring and reporting for the Cell No. 3B, 4, and 5 construction. PROJECT MEETINGS RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS & APPENDIX Q RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/03/2020 07:00 18:30 11.00 80 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 67 88 4 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued placing structural fill along the western half of the proposed cell, using 2 CAT D6N dozers, 2 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks, and 1 CAT 815 compactor. 2. Contractor re-graded and re-rolled the leachate corridor in the eastern half of the cell, using 1 CAT D6N and 1 CAT smooth drum compactor. 3. FML was being deployed in the easter hafl of the cell. Contractor continued to apply water and smooth drum roll all surfaces ahead of deployment, using 1 CAT smooth drum compactor and 1 off-road water truck. N/A 1. Observed placement of structural fill in the western half of the proposed cell. 2. Observed re-grading and re-rolling the eastern leachate collection corridor. 3. Observed contractor applying water and re-rolling subgrade surface along the eastern half of the cell. 4. Performed 6 nuclear density tests along top of subgrade. All tests passed 95% compaction by standard proctor. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/03/2020Graded, placed, and compacted structural fill Regraded and rerolled leachate collection corridorAdded moisture and re-rolled surface prior to FML deployment RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/15/2020 0700 1800 10.00 92 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mr. Anthony Wilson PFF 4 4 56 63 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor installed No. 57 stone and 8-inch HDPE perforated pipe in the leachate collection corridor for the leak detection system using 2 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks, 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator, and 8 laborers with flat-tipped shovels. All leak detection pipe was laid on 4-inches of No. 57 stone before additional stone was added. All stone was measured to a thickness of 12-inches after all stone was placed over the pipe. 2. PFF welded 2 previously welded sections of 8-inch HDPE leak detection pipe together for placement into the leachate corridor. N/A Observed contractor's activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/15/2020Placed No. 57 stone and 8-inch perforated leak detection pipe in the leachate corridor. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/19/2020 0700 1545 8.25 96 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 64 81 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued cleaning off washed silt off from around the previously placed No. 57 stone in the leak detection corridor, using 3 laborers with shovels and a leaf blower. 2. Contractor repositioned HDPE leak detection pipe into the leachate collection corridor and continued to place No. 57 stone along the northeastern corner of the cell using 3 laborers and 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator. N/A 1. Observed cleaning washed silt from around the leachate collection corridor. 2. Observed placing pipe and stone in leachate collection corridor for the leak detection layer. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/19/2020Placed pipe and leak detection stone in leachate collection corridor. Cleaned washed silt. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/22/2020 0600 1700 10.00 99 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF 4 4 71 88 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to clean washed silt out of previously placed No. 57 stone in the leachate corridor, using 1 CAT 326 Super Long Reach excavator and 8 laborers with shovels. 2. Contractor began to fill in rills from previous rain events using 1 CAT D6N dozer, 1 CAT 740 off-road dump truck, and 1 CAT smooth-drum compactor. 3. Contractor began excavating leachate corridor trench along the southwestern quadrant using 1 CAT 336 excavator and 1 CAT D6N dozer. N/A 1. Observed cleaning washed silt out of previously placed rock. 2. Observed filling in rills along western half of cell. 3. Observed excavation of leachate collection corridor. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/22/2020Cleaned washed silt out of previously placed rockFilled in rills from previous rain eventExcavated leachate collection corridor RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/23/2020 06:00 17:30 10.50 100 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF 4 4 68 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to clean washed silt out of previously placed No. 57 stone in the leachate corridor, using 1 CAT 326 Super Long Reach excavator and 8 laborers with shovels. 2. Contractor continued to fill in rills from previous rain events, using 1 CAT D6N dozer, 1 CAT 740 off-road dump truck, and 1 CAT smooth-drum compactor. 3. Contractor continued excavating leachate corridor trench along the western half of the proposed cell, using 1 CAT 336 excavator, 1 CAT D6N dozer, and 1 CAT smooth-drum compactor. 4. Contractor excavated anchor trench along the western edge of the proposed cell, using 1 CAT 336 excavator and 1 laborer. N/A 1. Observed cleaning washed silt out of previously placed rock. 2. Observed filling in rills along western half of cell. 3. Observed excavation of leachate collection corridor. 4. Observed excavation of anchor trench along western edge of proposed cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/23/2020Cleaned washed silt out of previously placed rockFilled in rills from previous rain eventExcavated leachate collection corridorExcavated anchor trench RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/24/2020 0600 1700 10.50 101 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF Survey Carolina 4 68 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor cleaned southern tie-in and around repairs on the southern tie-in for future secondary liner deployment, using 1 mini-excavator and 3 laborers with shovels. 2. Contractor removed washed silt and re-rolled leachate collection corridor trenches along the western half of the proposed cell, using 1 CAT D6N dozer and 1 CAT smooth-drum compactor. 3. Contractor repaired containment berm in the northeastern corner of the proposed cell, using 1 CAT 326 Super Long Reach excavator and 1 CAT D6N dozer. 4. PFF continued to weld 8-inch HDPE pipe for future leak detection piping. N/A 1. Observed cleaning southern tie-in for future liner deployment. 2. Observed cleaning and re-rolling leachate collection corridors. 3. Observed repairing containment berm in the northeastern corner. 4. Observed PFF welding 8-inch HDPE leak detection piping. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/24/2020Cleaned and re-rolled leachate corridor trenchCleaned washed silt from southern tie-inRepaired section of containment berm RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/25/2020 0600 1400 7.5 102 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF 4 4 69 84 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued cleaning southern tie-in and around repairs on the southern tie-in for future secondary liner deployment, using 5 laborers with shovels. 2. PFF continued to weld 8-inch HDPE pipe for future leak detection piping in the northeastern corner. New leak detection pipe was welded to existing leak detection piping. N/A 1. Observed cleaning southern tie-in for future liner deployment 2. Observed PFF welding 8-inch HDPE leak detection piping. 3. Obtained and shipped sample of No. 57 stone for sieve analysis and permeability testing. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/25/2020Cleaned washed silt from southern tie-inFinished welding leak detection piping RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/26/2020 0600 1930 13.0 103 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF 4 64 86 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor re-rolled and re-graded leachate collection corridor trench, with 1 CAT D6N dozer and 1 CAT smooth drum compactor. 2. Contractor continued to place No. 57 stone along the leak detection trench in the northeastern corner of the proposed cell, using 3 laborers and 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator. 3. Contractor placed No. 57 stone and 8-inch leak detection piping in the leachate corridor along the western half of the proposed cell, using 5 laborers and 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator. N/A 1. Observed re-grading and re-rolling leachate collection corridor trench. 2. Observed placing No. 57 stone along the leak detection pipe in the northeastern corner. 3. Observed placing pipe and No. 57 stone in the leak detection trenches on the western half of the proposed cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/26/2020Finished placing No. 57 stone around leak detection pipePlaced pipe and stone in leak detection trenchre-graded and re-rolled leak detection trench RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/29/2020 0600 1830 12.0 106 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF 4 69 88 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor placed No. 57 stone and 8-inch leak detection piping in the leachate corridor along the western half of the proposed cell, using 5 laborers and 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator. 2. PFF continued to weld 8-inch HDPE perforated leak detection pipe for future installation into the leak detection corridor trench. N/A 1. Observed placing pipe and No. 57 stone in the leak detection trenches on the western half of the proposed cell. 2. Observed PFF welding 8-inch HDPE perforated leak detection pipe for future installation. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/29/2020Finished placing stone in leak detection trenchPlaced pipe and stone into leak detection trench RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 06/30/2020 0600 1800 12.0 107 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF Survey Carolina 4 70 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor finished excavating and rolling north leachate collection corridor trench, using 1 CAT 336 excavator, 1 CAT D6N, and 1 CAT smooth drum compactor. 2. Contractor smooth drum compacted subgrade surface, using 1 CAT smooth drum compactor. 3. Contractor continued excavating northern anchor trench, using 1 CAT 336 excavator. 4. Contractor moved screen to another location on-site, for future protective cover screening operations. 5. Contractor cleaned off area along the southern tie-in to make additional repairs to existing liner system, using 4 laborers and 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator. N/A 1. Observed preparation of leachate collection corridor trench. 2. Observed smooth drum rolling of subgrade surface. 3. Observed excavation of northern anchor trench. 4. Observed cleaning off southern tie-in. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040006/30/2020Finished excavating and preparing leachate collection corridorSmooth drum compacted subgradeExcavated anchor trenchCleaned off tie-in RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/01/2020 06:00 18:00 12.0 108 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Anthony Wilson PFF 4 4 69 87 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor finished placing pipe and stone in the northern, recently excavated, leachate collection corridor trench for the leak detection system. Rock was placed, using 2 laborers and 1 CAT 326 super long reach excavator. 2. Contractor filled in rills, finished grading containment berm, and removed excess soil from the excavated leachate collection corridor, using 1 CAT D6N dozer and 1 CAT smooth drum compactor. N/A 1. Observed placement of pipe and rock in the northern leachate collection corridor trench. 2. Observed filling in rills and removing excess soil in the northwestern corner. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/01/2020Placed 8-inch perforated leak detection pipe and stone in leachate corridorFilled in rills and smooth drum compacted subgrade surface RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/02/2020 0600 1800 12.0 109 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno Survey Carolina 4 4 68 88 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen soil for future use for protective cover. N/A 1. Observed screening operations. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/06/2020 06:00 16:30 10.50 113 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 4 69 88 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell, for future use as protective cover. N/A 1. Observed screening activities Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/07/2020 06:00 14:30 8.50 114 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 4 71 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell, for future use as protective cover. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/08/2020 06:00 15:30 9.50 115 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 4 4 71 87 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material, north of the proposed cell, for future use as protective cover. 2. A rain event occurred on site, at approximately 15:00. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/09/2020 06:00 17:00 11.0 116 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 4 71 86 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material, north of the proposed cell, for future use as protective cover. 2. Contractor began moving geomembrane and GCL, from on-site stockpile to the cell area, for future use in the proposed cell, using 1 CAT forklift. N/A 1. Observed contractor's activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/10/2020 06:00 16:00 10.0 117 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 71 91 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 4 OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell for future use as protective cover. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/14/2020 06:00 18:30 12.5 121 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 71 89 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell for future use as protective cover. 2. Contractor began placing protective cover soils along the eastern half of the proposed cell, using 2 CAT D6N dozers and 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover soils along the eastern half of the proposed cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/14/2020Placement of Protective Cover soils RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/15/2020 06:00 16:30 10.5 122 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 71 91 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell for future use as protective cover. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover soils along the eastern half of the proposed cell using 2 CAT D6N dozers and 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placing protective cover soils along the eastern half of the proposed cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/15/2020Placed protective cover soils RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/16/2020 0600 1530 9.5 123 03/16/2020 James Fortson Mauricio Moreno 4 73 89 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell, for future use as protective cover. 2. Contractor continued placing and grading protective cover soils along the eastern half of the proposed cell, using 2 CAT D6N dozers and 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover soils along the eastern half of the proposed cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/16/2020Placement of protective cover soils RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/17/2020 0530 1500 9.5 124 03/16/2020 James Fortson AJ Russ 4 75 92 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued to screen material north of the proposed cell, for future use as protective cover. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/20/2020 0600 1500 9 127 03/16/2020 James Fortson AJ Russ 4 74 95 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/21/2020 0600 1600 9 128 03/16/2020 James Fortson AJ Russ 4 73 93 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/22/2020 06:00 18:30 12.5 129 03/16/2020 James Fortson AJ Russ 4 71 93 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor began placing protective cover along the western slope of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/22/2020Began placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/23/2020 06:00 18:00 12 130 03/16/2020 James Fortson AJ Russ 4 4 71 90 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover, north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western slope of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. The contractor decided to halt work at 18:00, due to rainy conditions. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/23/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/24/2020 06:00 16:30 10.5 131 03/16/2020 James Fortson 4 4 70 87 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT 4 GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western slope of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. 3. Contractor built and shaped containment berm in the southwestern corner of the proposed cell, using 1 CAT mini-excavator. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/24/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/27/2020 0600 1900 13.0 134 03/16/2020 James Fortson 4 71 90 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/27/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/28/2020 0600 1800 12.0 135 03/16/2020 James Fortson 4 73 91 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/28/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/29/2020 1300 1700 4.0 136 03/16/2020 James Fortson 4 4 73 91 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. Contractor started placing protective cover at 13:00 due to wet conditions from a rain event the prior evening. Work was also halted at 1700 due to another rain event. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040007/29/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 07/30/2020 1300 1700 4.0 137 03/16/2020 James Fortson 4 4 73 91 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. No work was performed in the proposed cell by the contractor due to excessively wet conditions. N/A Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/03/2020 09:00 12:00 3.0 141 03/16/2020 Raphael Debaty 71 82 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell, using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. Inclement weather began at 11:00. Contractor continued to screen soils, but halted work in the cell footprint. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/03/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/04/2020 13:00 19:00 6.0 142 03/16/2020 Raphael Debaty 68 86 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell using 3 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. Due to previous inclement weather, work was not performed in the project area until 13:00. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/04/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/05/2020 07:00 18:15 11.25 143 03/16/2020 Raphael Debaty 71 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell, using 4 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 2 CAT D6N dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/05/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/06/2020 06:30 17:00 10.50 144 03/16/2020 Raphael Debaty 68 86 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER Earnhardt Grading, Inc. 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placing protective cover along the western half of the proposed cell using 4 CAT 740 off-road dump trucks and 1 CAT D6N dozer. 3. Contractor used CAT349F excavator, CAT D6N, and 2 off-road dump trucks to remove additional cover material and relocate to edge of protective cover. N/A 1. Observed screening activities. 2. Observed placement of protective cover, no damage to underlying geosynthetics was observed. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/06/2020Continued placement of protective cover RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/10/2020 6:30 AM 6:00 PM 11.5 148 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 71 86 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placement of protective cover along the eastern section of the proposed cell using (4) CAT 740 Articulated Trucks and (2) CAT D6N Dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening of protective cover material north of proposed cell area. 2. Observed placement of protective cover along eastern section of proposed cell. Took photos of daily operation. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/10/2020Continued placement of protective cover material along eastern section of proposed cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/11/2020 6:30 AM 6:00 PM 11.5 149 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 4 71 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placement of protective cover along the northwestern section of the proposed cell using (2) CAT 740 Articulated Trucks, CAT 349F Excavator and (2) CAT D6N Dozers. Protective cover material was stockpiled along western section of cell and loaded using excavator. Material was end dumped and spread with dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening of protective cover material North of proposed cell area. 2. Observed placement of protective cover along north-central section of proposed cell. Took photos of daily operation. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/11/2020Continued placement of protective cover material along eastern section of proposed cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/12/2020 6:30 AM 4:00 PM 9.5 150 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 72 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE 4 PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued screening protective cover north of the proposed cell area. 2. Contractor continued placement of protective cover along the northeastern section of the proposed cell using (2) CAT 740 Articulated Trucks and (2) CAT D6N Dozers. Protective cover material was end dumped by articulated trucks and spread with dozers. N/A 1. Observed screening of protective cover material north of proposed cell area. 2. Observed placement of protective cover along northeastern section of proposed cell. Took photos of daily operation. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/12/2020Continued placement of protective cover material along northeastern section of proposed cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/19/2020 7:00 AM 5:00 PM 10 157 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 4 67 85 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued fusion welding 8" diameter LCS pipe and used CAT 307C Mini Excavator to trench along western section of proposed Cell for leachate collection system installation. Trench was lined with geotextile fabric and #57 drainage aggregate was placed as bedding (minimum 4") prior to placement of LCS pipe. Contractor used CAT 924K Loader to set LCS pipe along trench and CAT 349F Excavator to backfill with #57 drainage aggregate. 2. Contractor used CAT 349F Excavator and CAT 740 Articulated Truck to remove excess protective cover material from proposed Cell. N/A 1. Observed/Recorded fusion welding, trenching and placement of leachate collection system along western section of proposed Cell. LCS pipe was installed in accordance with leachate collection system details on sheet 7 of plans. 2. Observed removal of excess protective cover material from proposed Cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/19/2020Contractor continued fusion welding, trenching and placement of perforated 8” Dia. LCS pipe along western section of proposed Cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/20/2020 7:00 AM 6:00 PM 11 158 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 4 68 81 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued fusion welding 8" diameter LCS pipe and used CAT 307C Mini Excavator to trench along southern section of proposed Cell for leachate collection system installation. Trench was lined with geotextile fabric and #57 drainage aggregate was placed as bedding (minimum 4") prior to placement of LCS pipe. Contractor used CAT 924K Loader to set LCS pipe along trench and CAT 349F Excavator to backfill with #57 drainage aggregate. 2. Contractor used CAT D6N Dozer, CAT 349F Excavator and CAT 740 Articulated Truck to remove excess protective cover material from proposed Cell. N/A 1. Observed/Recorded fusion welding, trenching and placement of leachate collection system along southern section of proposed Cell. LCS pipe was installed in accordance with leachate collection system details on sheet 7 of plans. 2. Observed removal of excess protective cover material from proposed Cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/20/2020Contractor continued fusion welding, trenching and placement of perforated 8” Dia. LCS pipe along western section of proposed Cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/21/2020 7:00 AM 11:00 AM 4 159 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 69 77 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued fusion welding 8" Dia. LCS pipe and used CAT 307C Mini Excavator to trench along eastern section of proposed Cell for leachate collection system installation. Trench was lined with geotextile fabric and #57 drainage aggregate was placed as bedding (minimum 4") prior to placement of LCS pipe. Contractor used CAT 924K Loader to set LCS pipe along trench and CAT 349F Excavator to backfill with #57 drainage aggregate. 2. Contractor used CAT D6N Dozer, CAT 349F Excavator and CAT 740 Articulated Truck to remove excess protective cover material from proposed Cell. N/A 1. Observed/Recorded fusion welding, trenching and placement of leachate collection system along eastern section of proposed Cell. LCS pipe was installed in accordance with leachate collection system details on sheet 7 of plans. 2. Observed removal of excess protective cover material from proposed Cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/21/2020Contractor continued fusion welding, trenching and placement of perforated 8” Dia. LCS pipe along eastern section of proposed Cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/24/2020 1:00 PM 5:00 PM 4 162 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 70 82 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued installation of 8" Dia. Pipe for LCS along eastern section of proposed Cell. Contractor used CAT 307C Mini Excavator to trench for placement of LCS. Trench was lined with geotextile fabric and #57 drainage aggregate was placed as bedding (minimum 4") prior to placement of LCS pipe. Contractor used CAT 924K Loader to set LCS pipe along trench and CAT 349F Excavator to backfill with #57 drainage aggregate. Geotextile fabric was placed over #57 aggregate (overlapped) and heat bonded to seal. N/A 1. Observed/Recorded fusion welding, trenching and placement of leachate collection system along eastern section of proposed Cell. LCS pipe was installed in accordance with leachate collection system details on sheet 7 of plans. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/24/2020Contractor continued fusion welding, trenching and placement of perforated 8” Dia. LCS pipe along eastern section of proposed Cell. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/25/2020 7:00 AM 5:00 PM 10 163 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 4 69 87 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued installation of LCS along northeastern corner of proposed Cell. Contractor used CAT 307C Mini Excavator to trench for placement of LCS along northeastern corner and for solid cleanout risers along northern perimeter. Each trench was lined with geotextile fabric and #57 drainage aggregate was placed as bedding (minimum 4") prior to placement of LCS pipe. Contractor used CAT 924K Loader to set LCS pipe along trench and CAT 349F Excavator to backfill with #57 drainage aggregate. Geotextile fabric was placed over #57 aggregate (overlapped) and heat bonded to seal. 2. Jetclean America on site today for pipeline inspection of existing leachate collection tie-in at northeastern corner of proposed Cell. Existing pipeline was found to be in good condition with no problems identified. N/A 1. Observed/Recorded trenching and placement of leachate collection system and solid cleanout risers along northeastern section and northern perimeter of proposed Cell. LCS pipe was installed in accordance with leachate collection system details on sheet 7 of plans. 2. Observed pipeline inspection of existing leachate collection tie-in along northeastern corner of proposed Cell. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/25/2020Contractor continued trenching and placement of perforated 8” Dia. LCS pipe along northeastern section of proposed Cell.Contractor continued trenching/placement of LCS pipe and solid cleanout risers along northern perimeter. RECORD OF DAILY OBSERVATIONS CLIENT: DATE:Project Day Number ARRIVAL TIME:Notice to Proceed Date: DEPARTURE TIME: WORK HOURS: NAME ONSITE BLE PERSONNEL: WEATHER: °F TEMPERATURE MORNING LOW: DAYTIME HIGH:°F SITE ACTIVITIES CONTRACTOR ACTIVITIES: TECHNICIAN ACTIVITIES: RECORD REVIEWED & APPROVED BY: Signature REPRESENTING CONSTRUCTION ISSUES: VISITORS: RAIN WINDY SUNNY PTLY CLOUDY CLOUDY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE - CELLS 3B, 4 AND 5 RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 190173 WASTE MANAGEMENT 08/26/2020 7:00 AM 5:00 PM 10 164 03/16/2020 A.J. Russ 4 69 88 STRUCTURAL FILL PLACEMENT GEOMEMBRANE PROTECTIVE COVER 4 LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM OTHER 1. Contractor continued installation of LCS along northern perimeter of proposed Cell (completed). Contractor used CAT 307C Mini Excavator to trench for placement of LCS and for solid cleanout risers along northern perimeter. Each trench was lined with geotextile fabric and #57 drainage aggregate was placed as bedding (minimum 4") prior to placement of LCS pipe. Geotextile fabric was placed over #57 aggregate (overlapped) and heat bonded to seal. 2. Contractor used CAT 349F Excavator and CAT D6N Dozer to fine grade top of protective cover material throughout proposed Cell. Survey crew (Survey Carolina) was on site for protective cover survey of proposed Cell area. N/A 1. Observed/Recorded trenching and placement of leachate collection system and solid cleanout risers along northern perimeter of proposed Cell. LCS pipe was installed in accordance with leachate collection system details on sheet 7 of plans. 2. Observed fine grading of protective cover material throughout proposed Cell area. Jonathan P. Usher, P.E. Rev. 2.10 20010020040008/26/2020Contractor continued trenching/placement of LCS pipe and solid cleanout risers along northern perimeter. (Completed) CONSTRUCTION MEETING MINUTES 1 Jonathan Usher From:Harrison, Susan <sharri21@wm.com> Sent:Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:55 AM To:Jonathan Usher Cc:Chao, Ming-tai Subject:Great Oak - Construction Meeting Minutes 8-5-20 Construction Meeting Wednesday, August 5, 2020 10:00 AM Teams Meeting Attendees: Susan Harrison, Mark LeGrand, Marc Gilbert, Bjorn Sundquist, Jonathan Usher, Mike McFeeley, Ming Tai-Chou, Chuck Kirchner, Josh Earnhardt, Don Misenheimer, Raphael Debaty, Ming Tai-Chou 1. Safety: a. Safety & Health - i. Do not come in contact with WM employees; do not enter WM facilities b. No one to checkin at WM office; consider outside checkin procedures c. Heat - stay hydrated; have tents 2. Items from Previous Meeting: 3. Current Work Activities: a. Screening -screener moved; using two screeners i. Need 45k yards total; ii. 80% screen iii. 25,000 yds placed iv. One more week of screening b. CQA - i. Reviewing paperwork c. Piping - i. We will note rain events to indicate potential for storm water getting into leak detection system d. Protective Cover - expected to be complete by mid-August e. Video of LCS - make sure all feet are accounted for i. 8/24 to video f. Leak Detection Testing - on schedule 4. Future Work Activities: a. Schedule - Cell completion in mid-August; possibly use video to perform inspection b. Earnhardt - 4 day weeks 5. Other Items: a. CQA Report - BLE reissued Volume I based on Ming's comments; mailed a new copy i. Per Ming - Volume I is complete ii. Ming - doesn't want PDF submitted as protected; BLE to provide password iii. As of today, DEQ is not doing onsite inspections iv. Volume II to be submitted next week b. Financial Assurance - completed; hard copy of bonds to be submitted to Raleigh office early August c. Storm water in leak detection sump on 7/20 2 i. WM to send narrative to Ming and Sherry detailing events and future actions to avoid that situation SUSAN B. HARRISON, PE Manager of Engineering South Atlantic Area sharri21@wm.com C: 678.436.2719 1047 Highway Church Road Elgin, SC 29045 Recycling is a good thing. Please recycle any printed emails. 1 Jonathan Usher From:Harrison, Susan <sharri21@wm.com> Sent:Tuesday, August 25, 2020 4:13 PM To:Jonathan Usher Subject:Great Oak - Construction Meeting Minutes 8-25-2020 Teams Meeting Attendees: Susan Harrison, Mark LeGrand, Bjorn Sundquist, Jonathan Usher, Mike McFeeley, Ming Tai-Chou, Josh Earnhardt, Paxton Arthurs 1. Safety: a. Safety & Health - i. Do not come in contact with WM employees; do not enter WM facilities b. No one to checkin at WM office; consider outside checkin procedures c. Heat - stay hydrated 2. Items from Previous Meeting: 3. Current Work Activities: a. Screening -screeners removed i. Only areas remaining to be filled in after leak detection testing b. CQA - submitted Volume 2 last week c. Surveying - begin final tomorrow d. Piping - i. Last cleanout and connection today e. Protective Cover - completed f. Video of LCS - make sure all feet are accounted for i. Scheduled for 9/1 g. Leak Detection Testing - make it last thing; after Labor Day 9/8? 4. Future Work Activities: a. Schedule - Cell completion in mid-August; possibly use video to perform inspection b. Earnhardt - 4 day weeks 5. Other Items: a. CQA Report - BLE issue Volume III 9/14 i. Per Ming - Volume II comments next week ii. As of today, DEQ is not doing onsite inspections SUSAN B. HARRISON, PE Manager of Engineering South Atlantic Area sharri21@wm.com C: 678.436.2719 1047 Highway Church Road Elgin, SC 29045 APPENDIX R PHOTOGRAPHS CQA Report Photographs BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, & 5 Volume 3 of 3 Randolph County, North Carolina 1 Photograph No. 1: Installing a minimum of 4 inches of NCDOT No. 57 stone underneath the 8- inch diameter perforated SDR 11 HDPE Leachate Detection System (LDS) pipe. Photograph No. 2: Installing NCDOT No. 57 stone over 8-inch diameter perforated SDR 11 HDPE LDS pipe. CQA Report Photographs BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, & 5 Volume 3 of 3 Randolph County, North Carolina 2 Photograph No. 3: Completed section of LDS. Photograph No. 4: Starting to install protective cover using a CAT D6 LGP dozer. CQA Report Photographs BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, & 5 Volume 3 of 3 Randolph County, North Carolina 3 Photograph No. 5: Placement of protective cover in Cells 3B, 4, and 5 nearly complete. Photograph No. 6: Excavation for a section of the Leachate Collection System (LCS). CQA Report Photographs BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, & 5 Volume 3 of 3 Randolph County, North Carolina 4 Photograph No. 7: Installation of the 8-inch diameter perforated SDR 11 HDPE pipe over a minimum of NCDOT No. 57 stone and 8 osy nonwoven geotextile for the LCS. Photograph No. 8: Installation of the NCDOT No. 57 stone and 8 osy nonwoven geotextile over the 8-inch diameter perforated SDR 11 HDPE pipe for the LCS. CQA Report Photographs BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, & 5 Volume 3 of 3 Randolph County, North Carolina 5 Photograph No. 9: Installation of 8 osy nonwoven geotextile over the NCDOT No. 57 stone for the LCS. Photograph No. 10: Completed LCS sections. CQA Report Photographs BLE Project No. J20-13334-02 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, & 5 Volume 3 of 3 Randolph County, North Carolina 6 Photograph No. 11: Completed north half of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 Protective Cover and LCS, looking southeast. Photograph No. 12: Completed south half of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 Protective Cover and LCS, looking southeast. APPENDIX S LABORATORY AND CONFORMANCE TEST RESULTS PROTECTIVE COVER LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM 8-OSY NONWOVEN GEOTEXTILE SAMPLE MATERIAL DESCRIPTION CALCIUM HYDRAULIC NUMBER GRAVEL SAND SILT & CLAYCARBONATE LIQUID PLASTICITY DRY MOISTURE CONDUCTIVITY CONTENT CONTENT CONTENT LIMIT INDEX DENSITY CONTENT (PERMEABILITY) (USCS)%%%%%pcf %cm/s LC-1 ASTM #57 Stone - LCS 95.8 1.6 2.6 5.5 ------94.6 ---15.9 PCSP-2 Tan fi.-med. Sandy SILT 5.6 21.9 72.5 ---38 11 --------- PCSP-3 Tan fi.-co. Sandy SILT w/gravel 11.7 17.6 70.7 ---39 12 --------- PCSP-4 Tan fi.-co. Sandy SILT w/gravel 14.7 23.8 61.5 ---36 10 --------- PCSP-5 Tan fi.-med. Sandy CLAY 2.1 19.2 78.7 ---38 13 --------- PCSP-6 Brown fi.-co. sandy SILT 9.9 14.0 76.1 ---38 21 --------- RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE CONSTRUCTION OF CELLS NO. 3B, 4, AND 5 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS - PROTECTIVE COVER & LEACHATE COLLECTION SYSTEM Cells 3B, 4 & 5 = 552,736 SF (12.7 AC) ATTERBERG LIMITS CONDUCTIVITY PARAMETERSSIEVE ANALYSIS Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. Project No. J20-13334-02 PROMUS ENGINEERING Project No. 190173 LABORATORY TEST SUMMARY Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc. Greenville, SC Client: Project: Project No.:Figure Waste Management Great Oak Landfill Cells 3B, 4 & 5 13334-02 SYMBOL SOURCE SAMPLE DEPTH Material Description USCSNO.(ft.) SOIL DATAPERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE -mm 0.0010.010.1110100 % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 0.0 5.6 4.4 6.4 11.1 72.5 0.0 6.9 4.8 5.2 4.8 7.6 70.7 0.0 0.0 14.7 6.4 7.3 10.1 61.5 0.0 0.0 2.1 4.5 5.7 9.0 78.7 0.0 0.0 9.9 2.5 3.4 8.1 76.16 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report Prot. Cover PCSP-2 Tan fi.-med. sandy SILT ML Prot. Cover PCSP-3 Tan fi.-co. sandy SILT w/gravel ML Prot. Cover PCSP-4 Tan fi.-co. sandy SILT w/gravel ML Prot. Cover PCSP-5 Tan fi.-med. sandy CLAY CL Prot. Cover PCSP-6 Brown fi.-co. sandy SILT CL LIQUID AND PLASTIC LIMITS TEST REPORT PLASTICITY INDEX0 10 20 30 40 50 60 LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 CL-ML CL or OL CH or O H ML or OL MH or OH Dashed line indicates the approximate upper limit boundary for natural soils 47 SOIL DATA SYMBOL SOURCE NATURAL USCSSAMPLEDEPTHWATERPLASTICLIQUIDPLASTICITY NO.CONTENT LIMIT LIMIT INDEX (%)(%)(%)(%) Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc. Greenville, SC Client: Project: Project No.:Figure Waste Management Great Oak Landfill Cells 3B, 4 & 5 13334-02 Prot. Cover PCSP-2 27 38 11 ML Prot. Cover PCSP-3 27 39 12 ML Prot. Cover PCSP-4 26 36 10 ML Prot. Cover PCSP-5 25 38 13 CL Prot. Cover PCSP-6 17 38 21 CL Bunnell Lammons Engineering, Inc. Greenville, SC NCDOT #57 Stone PL=LL=PI= D90=D85=D60=D50=D30=D15=D10=Cu=Cc= USCS=AASHTO= * NCDOT #57 Stone 1-1/2" 1" 1/2" #4 #8 100.0 99.0 50.0 4.2 2.6 100.0 95.0 - 100.0 25.0 - 60.0 0.0 - 10.0 0.0 - 5.0 22.3497 20.8241 14.6229 12.6919 8.2666 5.9935 5.3843 2.72 0.87 Calcium Carbonate Equivalent = 5.5% Waste Management Great Oak Landfill Cells 3B, 4 & 5 13334-02 Material Description Atterberg Limits Coefficients Classification Remarks Source of Sample: Leachate Sample Number: LC-1 Date: Client: Project: Project No:Figure SIEVE PERCENT SPEC.*PASS? SIZE FINER PERCENT (X=NO)PERCENT FINER0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GRAIN SIZE -mm 0.0010.010.1110100 NCDOT #57 Stone % +3"Coarse % Gravel Fine Coarse Medium % Sand Fine Silt % Fines Clay 0.0 21.3 74.5 4.26 in.3 in.2 in.1½ in.1 in.¾ in.½ in.3/8 in.#4#10#20#30#40#60#100#140#200Particle Size Distribution Report PROJECT MEMO GREAT OAK LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION OF CELLS 3B, 4, & 5 RANDLEMAN, NORTH CAROLINA BLE Project No. J19-13334-02 To: Ms. Susan Harrison, P.E. Copy: Mr. Rob Witcher, P.E. Mr. Bjorn Sundquist, P.E. Mr. James Fortson From: Mr. Jonathan Usher, P.E. Date: July 20, 2020 Subject: Recommendation of Acceptance of the 8 osy Nonwoven Geotextile for the Leachate Collection System (LCS) We have reviewed the MQC (manufacturer) test results provided to us by SKAPS Industries and the CQA (third party) test results provided to us by TRI / Environmental for 3 rolls of GE-180 8 osy nonwoven geotextile proposed for use in the Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 for the Leachate Collection System (LCS) at the Great Oak Landfill. The test results and frequencies indicate that the 3 rolls of SKAPS Industries GE-180 are acceptable for use in the Construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 for the Leachate Collection System at the Great Oak Landfill. Please call if you have any questions. Attachments: Summary of D&O Plan Geotextile Test Frequency Requirements MQC & CQA Test Results 7/20/20 SUMMARY OF DESIGN AND OPERATION PLAN CQA PLAN MATERIAL PROPERTY &NO. OF PERFORMED TESTS TEST METHOD MQC CQA MQC CQA MQC CQA Trapezoidal Tear Resistance 100,000 sf --- (ASTM D 4533) Grab Tensile 100,000 sf 100,000 sf (ASTM D 4632) Grab Elongation 100,000 sf 100,000 sf (ASTM D 4632) Apparent Opening Size 1 per project 1 per project (ASTM D 4751) UV Resistance 1 per project --- (ASTM D 4355) Mass per Unit Area 100,000 sf 100,000 sf (ASTM D 5261) Permittivity 1 per project 1 per project (ASTM D 4491) Puncture Resistance 100,000 sf 100,000 sf (ASTM D 4833) 1 1 ---1 --- NO. REQUIRED TESTSREQUIRED FREQUENCY TOTAL AREA OF GEOTEXTILE = 31,050 SF (3 Rolls)TOTAL CELL AREA = 553,214 SF (12.7 ACRES) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8-OSY GEOTEXTILE TEST FREQUENCY REQUIREMENTS Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. Project No. J19-13334-02 MATERIAL: GE180 MANUFACTURER: SKAPS Industries CONSTRUCTION QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN - CONSTRUCTION OF CELLS 3B, 4, & 5 GREAT OAK LANDFILL RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PROMUS Engineering Project No. 190173 1 ---1 --- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SKAPS Industries (Nonwoven Division) 335, Athena Drive Athens, GA 30601 (U.S.A.) Phone (706) 354-3700 Fax (706) 354-3737 E-mail: contact@skaps.com Waste Management PO : Great Oak ASTM D 5261 oz/sy (g/m2)8.00 (271) ASTM D 5199 mils (mm)100 (2.54) ASTM D 4632 lbs (kN)225 (1.00) Grab Elongation ASTM D 4632 %50 Trapezoidal Tear ASTM D 4533 lbs (kN)90 (0.40) Puncture Resistance ASTM D 4833 lbs (kN) 130 (0.58) ASTM D 6241 lbs (kN) 650 (2.89) Mullen Burst Strength ASTM D 3786 psi (kPa)425 (2930) ASTM D 4491 sec-1 1.26 Permeability*ASTM D 4491 cm/sec 0.30 ASTM D 4491 gpm/ft2(l/min/m2)100 (4074) ASTM D 4751 US Sieve (mm)80 (0.18) UV Resistance ASTM D 4355 %/hrs 70/500 Notes: * At the time of manufacturing. Handling may change these properties. KOUROSH SABZEVARI QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER This is to certify that SKAPS GE180 is a high quality needle-punched nonwoven geotextile made of 100%polypropylene staple fibers,randomly networked to form a high strength dimensionally stable fabric.SKAPS GE180 resists ultraviolet deterioration,rotting,biological degradation.The fabric is inert to commonly encountered soil chemicals.Polypropylene is stable within a pH range of 2 to 13.SKAPS GE180 conforms to the property values listed below: PROPERTY TEST METHOD UNITS M.A.R.V. Minimum Average Roll Value June 30, 2020 Dear Sir/Madam: AOS* www.skaps.com Weight Thickness* Permittivity* Water Flow* Grab Tensile CBR Puncture Product : GE180-180 ROLL #WEIGHT THICKNESS MD TENSILE MD ELONG XMD TENSILE XMD ELONG MD TRAP XMD TRAP PUNCTURE CBR PUNCTURE AOS WATER FLOW PERMEABILITY PERMITTIVITY ASTM METHOD D5261 D5199 D4632 D4632 D4632 D4632 D4533 D4533 D4833 D6241 D4751 D4491 D4491 D4491 UNITS oz/sq yd (mils)lbs.%lbs %lbs.lbs lbs.lbs.US Sieve gpm/ft2 cm/sec sec-1 TARGET 8.00 100 225 50 225 50 90 90 130 650 80 100 0.30 1.26 62762.1 8.11 122 226 68 230 76 96 105 132 652 80 101 0.42 1.3562762.2 8.11 122 226 68 230 76 96 105 132 652 80 101 0.42 1.3562762.3 8.11 122 226 68 230 76 96 105 132 652 80 101 0.42 1.35 *All Values are MARV. Mail To:Bill To: Kourosh Sabzevari <= Same Skaps Industries 571 Industrial Parkway Commerce, GA 30529 email: kourosh@skaps.comcc email: anurag@skaps.com Dear Mr Sabzevari Thank you for consulting TRI/Environmental, Inc. (TRI) for your geosynthetics testing needs. TRI is pleased to submit this final report of the laboratory testing for the sample(s) listed below. Project: General Testing for Geotextile TRI Job Reference Number:52362 Material(s) Tested:One, Skaps GT131 Nonwoven Geotextile(s) Test(s) Requested:UV Resistance (ASTM D 4355) If you have any questions or require any additional information, please call us at 1-800-880-8378 Sincerely, Mansukh Patel Laboratory ManagerGeosynthetic Services Division *Signature is on file January 2, 2020 Page 1 of 2 GEOTEXTILE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Skaps Industries Project: General Testing for Geotextile Material: Skaps Nonwoven Geotextile Sample Identification: Lot 04042419-1 / Roll 040870841 TRI Log #: 52362 STD. PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER MEAN DEV. 1 2 3 4 5UV Resistance (ASTM D 4355) Strength Retained measured via strip tensile (ASTM D 5035)PERCENT RETAINED MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - B 82.3 87.0 82.5 91.2 88.2 86.2 3.8 MD - Tensile Strength (ppi) - B 41.1 43.5 41.2 45.6 44.1 43.1 1.9 MD - Tensile Strength (N) - B 366 387 367 406 392 384 17 MD - Tensile Strength (kN/m) - B 7.21 7.62 7.22 7.99 7.73 7.55 0.34 MD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - E 70.3 76.8 90.4 68.5 81.0 77.4 8.8 MD - Tensile Strength (ppi) - E 35.1 38.4 45.2 34.2 40.5 38.7 4.4 MD - Tensile Strength (N) - E 313 342 402 305 361 344 39 MD - Tensile Strength (kN/m) - E 6.16 6.73 7.92 6.00 7.10 6.78 0.77 90 TD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - B 92.2 98.3 105.6 86.4 111.9 98.9 10.2TD - Tensile Strength (ppi) - B 46.1 49.1 52.8 43.2 56.0 49.4 5.1TD - Tensile Strength (N) - B 410 437 470 385 498 440 45TD - Tensile Strength (kN/m) - B 8.07 8.61 9.25 7.57 9.81 8.66 0.89 TD - Tensile Strength (lbs) - E 84.7 79.4 72.3 74.2 89.5 80.0 7.2TD - Tensile Strength (ppi) - E 42.4 39.7 36.2 37.1 44.8 40.0 3.6 TD - Tensile Strength (N) - E 377 353 322 330 398 356 32 TD - Tensile Strength (kN/m) - E 7.42 6.95 6.34 6.50 7.84 7.01 0.63 81 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - B 48.0 52.7 50.0 58.0 54.7 52.7 3.9 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - E 49.3 46.7 49.3 48.0 46.0 47.9 1.5 91 TD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - B 77.3 82.0 69.3 91.3 79.3 79.9 8.0 TD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%) - E 63.3 56.0 56.0 56.0 58.7 58.0 3.2 73 B - Baseline Unexposed E - Exposed for 500 hours of ASTM D 4355 Cycle MD Machine Direction TD Transverse Direction Page 2 of 2 AOS test method Modified to include US Sieve size 80 Mail To:Bill To: Susan Harrison <= Same (P.O. # 1126159091) Waste Management, Inc 1047 Highway Church Road Elgin, SC 29045 email: sharri21@wm.com ccemail: jonathan.usher@blecorp.com Dear Ms. Harrison: Thank you for consulting TRI/Environmental, Inc. (TRI) for your geosynthetics testing needs. TRI is pleased to submit this final report of the laboratory testing for the sample(s) listed below. Project: Great Oak Landfill Cells 3B-4-5 TRI Job Reference Number:57399 Material(s) Tested:One, Skaps GE180 Nonwoven Geotextile(s) Test(s) Requested:Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D 5261) Grab Tensile (ASTM D 4632) Puncture Strength (ASTM D 4833) Apparent Opening Size (ASTM D 4751) Permittivity (ASTM D 4491) If you have any questions or require any additional information, please call us at 1-800-880-8378 Sincerely, Mansukh Patel Laboratory Manager Geosynthetic Services Division *Signature is on file July 13, 2020 July 20, 2020 Page 1 of 2 GEOTEXTILE TEST RESULTS TRI Client: Waste Management, Inc Project: Great Oak Landfill Cells 3B-4-5 Material: Skaps GE180 Nonwoven Geotextile Sample Identification: 62762.3 TRI Log #: 57399 STD. PARAMETER TEST REPLICATE NUMBER MEAN DEV. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Mass/Unit Area (ASTM D 5261) 5" diameter circle (grams)4.13 3.97 3.79 3.99 4.48 3.37 4.05 3.44 3.56 3.89 3.87 0.34 Mass/Unit Area (oz/sq.yd)9.61 9.23 8.82 9.28 10.42 7.84 9.42 8.00 8.28 9.05 8.99 0.79 Grab Tensile Properties (ASTM D 4632) MD - Tensile Strength (lbs)291 387 292 280 264 328 248 220 235 243 279 50 TD - Tensile Strength (lbs)205 245 247 248 250 318 266 237 245 217 248 30 MD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%)68 61 69 70 69 64 75 71 57 68 67 5 TD - Elong. @ Max. Load (%)85 103 98 91 106 89 102 87 96 107 96 8 Puncture Resistance (ASTM D 4833) Puncture Strength (lbs)121 99 119 127 149 123 18 Opening Size Diameter (mm)0.155 0.144 0.158 0.164 0.136 0.151 0.011 Sieve No.80 100 80 80 100 80 Permittivity (ASTM D 4491,Method C) Thickness ( mil)120 113 107 111 135 116 110 114 134 116 117.6 9.6 Thickness ( mm)3.05 2.87 2.72 2.82 3.43 2.95 2.79 2.90 3.40 2.95 2.99 0.24 Permittivity (Sec-1)1.61 1.55 1.80 1.90 1.17 1.49 1.75 1.60 1.49 1.54 1.59 0.20 Permittivity (GPM/ft2)120.4 115.9 134.6 142.1 87.5 111.5 130.9 119.7 111.5 115.2 118.9 15.1 Flow rate (LPM/m2)4907 4724 5486 5791 3566 4541 5333 4876 4541 4693 4846 615 Permittivity (cm/sec)0.491 0.445 0.489 0.536 0.401 0.439 0.489 0.463 0.507 0.454 0.471 0.039 MD Machine Direction TD Transverse Direction Page 2 of 2 Apparent Opening Size (ASTM D 4751, Method B. Modified to include US Sieve size 80) APPENDIX T PROTECTIVE COVER AS-BUILT SURVEY EXISTING CELL 1B7.3 ACRESEXISTING CELL 3A 8.2 ACRES FUTURE CELLS 6 &79.8 ACRES670 660 650 640 630 620 630 650 640 680670660700690700690680670660 650 670Cell Area: 12.7 Acres730720710710 660 660 650640ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcp End o fExi s t ingPi pe s End o fPip e sEnd ofPipes ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcplcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcp lcplcplcplcplcpldpldpldpldpldpldpldpldpldpldpldpldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldp ldpldpldpldpldpldpLegendCell LimitsPlan ContoursBase GradeSEALL-4787IIRENNATWNAD RO YEVRUSDNA LPR OFESSIONALN ORTHCAROLINAI, Dan W Tanner II, Professional Land Surveyor, certify:The Horizontal Tolerance for all points are 0.2' and Vertical Tolerance for allpoints are 0.08'.Horizontal Datum: NAD83 (2011)Vertical Datum: NAVD88_______________________________________________DateL-4787Ex. GeoBGPoint on top of Existing GeosyntheticsProtective Cover As-Built SurveyCell 3B, 4 And 5 ConstructionGreat Oak LandfillNCDEQ Permit 7607-MSWLF-20153597 Old Cedar Falls RoadRandleman, NC 27317Asheboro TownshipRandolph CountyNorth CarolinaSeptember 2, 2020Scale: 1" = 50 US Survey FeetSURVEY CAROLINA, PLLCFirm #: P-1110Dan W Tanner II L-4787© 2020 Survey Carolina, Pllc154 S. Fayetteville St, Suite B, Asheboro, NC 27203Phone Number:336 625-8000Email:mail@surveycarolina.com050100150lcpldpAnchor TrenchLeak Detection PipeLeachate Collection PipeNote:Points 1061, 1073, 1078, 1099, 1104,1105, 1107, 1109, 1110, 1112, 1181 areon top of Leachate Corridor StoneJob #: 11737 Plant 44315-Asheboro Basic Quality Statistical Summary Report Sieve/Test SpecificationAverageSt DevTests Product 0570-Pegson Portable #57 Target Specification NCDOT 57 Period 01/01/2020 - 03/13/2020 1 1/2" (37.5mm)100.0 0.00 100-10021 1" (25mm)98.6 0.68 95-10021 3/4" (19mm)87.9 4.2921 1/2" (12.5mm)41.0 8.75 25-6021 3/8" (9.5mm)18.4 7.0521 #4 (4.75mm)2.6 0.68 0-1021 #8 (2.36mm)1.8 0.40 0-521 Pan 0.00 0.00021 Query Query Selections Date Created 03/13/2020 Date Range 01/01/2020 - 03/13/2020 Plant Asheboro 2Page:of 2Martin Marietta, Inc.StonemontQC 03/13/2020 September 16, 2020 Ms. Susan Harrison Waste Management 1047 Highway Church Road Elgin, SC 29045 Subject: Report of Electrical Leak Location Services Dipole Testing Method (ASTM D 7007) Cells 3B, 4 and 5 Great Oak Landfill Randolph County, North Carolina BLE Project Number J20-13334-03 Dear Ms. Harrison: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. (BLE) is pleased to submit this report of Electrical Leak Location (ELL) services associated with the construction of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 at the Great Oak Landfill. This report documents the methods and results for the ELL survey conducted by BLE on the soil covered geomembrane installed for Cells 3B, 4, and 5. PROJECT INFORMATION The Great Oak Landfill is located in Randolph County, North Carolina, and is operated by Waste Management. Our understanding of the project is based on correspondence with Ms. Susan Harrison of Waste Management, and the project plans and specifications titled Great Oak Landfill - Cells 3B, 4 and 5 Construction Project, prepared by Promus Engineering. Waste management requested that BLE identify potential leaks within Cells 3B, 4, and 5 on the soil covered 60-mil HDPE textured geomembrane using ELL methods, as required by the project specifications. BLE performed the ELL services on the soil covered geomembrane for the construction project of Cells 3B, 4, and 5. The ELL survey of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 covered an approximate surface area of 12.7 acres (553,212 sf) using the Dipole Testing Method (ASTM D 7007). Cells 3B, 4, and 5 have been constructed at the subject site. The liner system consists of, from top to bottom, a minimum 24-inch thick protective cover soil, leachate collection system geocomposite drainage layer, primary 60-mil textured HDPE geomembrane, geosynthetic clay liner, leak detection system geocomposite drainage layer, secondary 60-mil textured HDPE geomembrane, and a soil subgrade. Report of ELL Survey September 16, 2020 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, and 5 BLE Project No. J20-13334-03 Randolph County, North Carolina 2 The cells contain a network of leachate system corridors. Each leachate system corridor is approximately 2 feet wide at the base, and 6 feet wide at the top, with a depth of 2.5 feet. The leachate system corridors overlay the leachate collection system geocomposite drainage layer and consists of, from bottom to top, a perforated HDPE pipe encased in ASTM No. 57 aggregate and covered with a non-woven geotextile. Beneath the leachate system corridors is a leak detection trench. Each leak detection trench is approximately 2 feet wide at the base, and 4 feet wide at the top, with a depth of 1 foot. The leak detection trenches overlay the leak detection system geocomposite drainage layer and consists of, from bottom to top, a perforated HDPE pipe encased in ASTM No. 57 aggregate overlain by the geosynthetic clay liner. ELL METHOD Dipole Testing Method (ASTM D 7007) The dipole method is used for geomembranes covered by soil, aggregate, water, or other conductive materials. High voltage is applied to the material covering the geomembrane, and the power source is grounded to the earth beneath the geomembrane. A mobile dipole is used above the geomembrane on the cover soils to measure and record voltage in a grid pattern over the survey area. If a leak is detected, the current will exit the hole in all directions and the pattern is generated as a “bull’s eye pattern” by the data collector display. The data collector will provide the information to show the leak area on the post survey drawing. A sensitivity test will be performed prior to testing. This ensures that the peak to peak voltage created by the specific minimum hole size measures at least three times that of the background noise of the survey area. Survey grid spacing and the effects of moisture conditions can be established during the sensitivity test, as well. The voltage is recorded in real time by a data collector and graphed for post survey review (ASTM D 8265). ELL PREPARATIONS / PROCEDURES BLE’s ELL technologists, Mr. Brian Keyes and Mr. Jacob Nichols, were onsite on September 8 to 10, 2020, to perform the ELL services on the soil covered geomembrane in Cells 3B, 4, and 5 (Figure 1). The ELL survey was performed with temperatures ranging from approximately 69°F to 83°F, with cloudy to clear skies. Prior to performing the surveys, the perimeter of the ELL survey area was observed to confirm proper isolation of the protective cover soil. Following confirmation of proper isolation of the protective cover soil, voltage was applied to the protective cover above the geomembrane with the power source connected to the three wires between the geosynthetic clay liner and the primary geomembrane, and grounded to the earth beneath the liner system. Report of ELL Survey September 16, 2020 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, and 5 BLE Project No. J20-13334-03 Randolph County, North Carolina 3 The dipole equipment was calibrated by performing a leak detection sensitivity test, as outlined in ASTM D 7007. An artificial leak, 1/4-inch in size, was placed below the 24-inch thick protective cover soil onto the geocomposite drainage net surface within the limits of Cells 3B, 4, and 5. During the leak detection sensitivity test, background noise and artificial leak signal plus noise data points were evaluated to confirm that the artificial leak could be located, and that the equipment functioned properly. The leak detection sensitivity testing determined the peak to peak leak signal plus noise to noise ratio to be greater than the required ratio of 3. The ELL technologists performed the survey from the western edge moving towards the eastern edge of Cells 3B, 4, and 5. The entire area of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 was surveyed using a spacing of approximately 10 feet. The voltage recordings and locations were documented during the ELL survey using GPS equipment and graphing software (ASTM D 8265). ELL / FIELD RESULTS Following each ELL survey, the voltage recordings were loaded to a graphing program (ASTM D 8265). The voltage recordings and mapping data were reviewed to determine if anomalies were present, which would indicate a potential leak. All areas that were identified as potential leaks were further evaluated by collecting additional voltage recordings, using a reduced grid spacing. The additional voltage recordings in these areas did not indicate any anomalies and concluded that no leaks were detected within Cells 3B, 4, and 5. The ELL photographs and field sketch (Figure 1) are attached to this report. CLOSING We appreciate this opportunity to provide our ELL services for this project. Please let us know if you have questions concerning this ELL report. Sincerely, BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. Brian D. Keyes Bjorn E. Sundquist, P.E. Engineering Associate Senior Engineer Licensed, NC #042473 Attachments: Photographs Figure 1: ELL Field Sketch cc: Mr. Andrew Colby (BLE) Mr. Jeff Helvey, P.E. (BLE) 9/16/20 Report of ELL Survey September 16, 2020 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, and 5 BLE Project No. J20-13334-03 Randolph County, North Carolina 4 Photograph 1: Cells 3B, 4, and 5, viewed from the west looking east. Photograph 2: Cells 3B, 4, and 5, viewed from the north looking southwest. Report of ELL Survey September 16, 2020 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, and 5 BLE Project No. J20-13334-03 Randolph County, North Carolina 5 Photograph 3: Isolation along the west end of Cells 3B, 4, and 5. Photograph 4: Isolation along the east end of Cells 3B, 4, and 5. Report of ELL Survey September 16, 2020 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, and 5 BLE Project No. J20-13334-03 Randolph County, North Carolina 6 Photograph 5: Leachate system corridor within Cells 3B, 4, and 5. Photograph 6: Artificial leak, placed below the 24-inch thick protective cover soil onto the leachate collection system geocomposite drainage layer surface, within the limits of Cells 3B, 4, and 5. Report of ELL Survey September 16, 2020 Great Oak Landfill – Cells 3B, 4, and 5 BLE Project No. J20-13334-03 Randolph County, North Carolina 7 Photograph 7: ELL survey of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 in progress, using the Dipole Testing Method. Photograph 8: ELL survey of Cells 3B, 4, and 5 in progress, using the Dipole Testing Method. 19/15/2020J20-13334-03BDKAACBES ELL FIELD SKETCH CELLS 3B, 4, & 5 GREAT OAK LANDFILL RANDOLPH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA JETCLEAN AMERICA HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETTING 7538 DUNBRIDGE DRIVE EXPLOSION PROOF VIDEO INSPECTION ODESSA, FL 33556 VACUUM TRUCK SERVICES T: 800-226-8013 / F: 813-926-4616 WWW.JETCLEANAMERICA.COM JETCLEANAMERICA@YAHOO.COM Earnhardt Grading Waste Management Great Oak Landfill Cell 3B-4-5 Expansion New LCS Pipe Jet & EX Video-Inspection Work Performed August 2020 – September 2020 Conducted By: Jetclean America 800-226-8013 JETCLEAN AMERICA HIGH PRESSURE WATER JETTING 7538 DUNBRIDGE DRIVE EXPLOSION PROOF VIDEO INSPECTION ODESSA, FL 33556 VACUUM TRUCK SERVICES T: 800-226-8013 / F: 813-926-4616 WWW.JETCLEANAMERICA.COM JETCLEANAMERICA@YAHOO.COM REPORT DATE : 7/31/2020 TO : Mark LeGrand – Earnhardt Grading FROM : Ralph Calistri (jetcleanamerica@yahoo.com) SUBJECT : Waste Management – Great Oak LF - Cell 3B-4-5 – New LCS Pipe Jet & Video Jetclean America completed the high-pressure water-jetting and explosion-proof video- inspection of the new Cell 3B-4-5 leachate Primary & Secondary collection piping on 9/22/2020. Included with this report is the applicable Jetting Log, CCTV Survey List, Pipe Graphic Reports, and videos on flash drive in .mp4 format. High-pressure Water-jetting: The new Cell 3B-4-5 Primary & Secondary leachate collection piping was jetcleaned in entirety from each available access location. Distances achieved with the jet nozzle are documented below. The system was blockage free upon completion. ACHIEVED LOCATION DISTANCE (ft) Primary CO1 400' Secondary CO1 400' Primary CO2 468' Secondary CO2 474' Primary CO3 535’ Secondary CO3 475’ Primary CO4 1,100’ Secondary CO4 1,100’ Explosion-proof Video-inspection: After pipe jetcleaning was completed, the new Cell 3B-4-5 Primary & Secondary leachate collection piping was video-inspected in as far as possible from each available access location using certified explosion-proof equipment (see included CCTV Survey List, Pipe Graphic Reports, and video footage in .mp4 format). With the exception of the items listed below, all other areas of the piping viewed with the inspection camera appeared to be in good condition, with no additional defects noted. Video Setups 2, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13 – Internal fusion weld protrusions visible in some sections of piping. See Pipe Graphic Reports and Video Footage. Both jetting nozzle and inspection camera were able to pass through all noted areas without interruption with the exception of Cleanout 2, where only the jet nozzle was able to pass. Please call us with questions or concerns. Regards, Ralph Calistri - Jetclean America - 800-226-8013 1 8/31/2020 SECONDARY CO 1 CO 4 SEC HEADER D 363.628/31/2020 PRIMARY CO1 CO 4 PRIM HEADER D 266.838/31/2020 PRIMARY CO 2 END CAP D 467.448/31/2020 PRIMARY CO 2 IN REVERSE D 467.458/31/2020 SECONDARY CO 2 END CAP D 473.569/1/2020 SECONDARY CO4 DOWNSTREAM D 1040.279/1/2020 PRIMARY CO 3 END CAP D 533.589/1/2020 SECONDARY CO 3 FIRST 41' OF PIPE D 41.9 9 9/3/2020 PRIMARY CO4 TO CROSS AT CO 3 D 379.5109/3/2020 DOWNSTREAM D 702.5 Setup Date Street Start MH Finish MH ScheduledLength SurveyedLengthDirSizePreCleanVid Cassetteinch CCTV Surveys List for Earnhardt Thursday, September 03, 2020Number of surveys in this list is as of ftUnit of measure:14 JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 PRIMARY CO4 @ CO3 CROSS 11 9/22/2020 PRIMARY CO 3 END CAP D 541.5129/22/2020 PRIMARY CO 4 DOWNSTREAM D 599.9139/22/2020 CO 4 PIPE CUT UPSTREAM U 477.5 Total Length Surveyed 0.0Total Scheduled Length 4,736.3 Setup Date Street Start MH Finish MH ScheduledLength SurveyedLengthDirSizePreCleanVid Cassetteinch CCTV Surveys List for earnhardt Wednesday, September 23, 2020Number of surveys in this list is as of ftUnit of measure:3 JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 363.6 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [SECONDARY CO 1]Water level 0 0.0 Ft Survey abandoned [Loss of Traction] 363.6 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR SECONDARY CO 1 XWork Order Video Surveyed On 08/31/2020Setup1OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From SECONDARY CO 1 Depth FtToCO 4 SEC HEADER Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 266.8 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO1]Water level 0 0.0 Ft Survey abandoned [Loss of Traction at Joint/Protrusion] 266.8 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO1 XWork Order Video Surveyed On 08/31/2020Setup2OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO1 Depth FtToCO 4 PRIMARY HEADER Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 467.4 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO 2]Water level 0 0.0 Ft Survey abandoned [Dislodged Bead Ring Visible At End Cap] 467.4 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO 2 XWork Order Video Surveyed On 08/31/2020Setup3OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO 2 Depth FtToEND CAP Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 467.4 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO 2 IN REVERSE]Water level 0 0.0 Ft Survey abandoned [end of pipe reverse video] 1.9 Ft Survey abandoned [end of pipe] 467.4 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO 2 REVXWork Order Video Surveyed On 08/31/2020Setup4OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO 2 Depth FtToIN REVERSE Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 473.5 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [SECONDARY CO 2]Water level 0 0.0 Ft Survey abandoned [End Cap] 473.5 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR SECONDARY CO 2 XWork Order Video Surveyed On 08/31/2020Setup5OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From SECONDARY CO 2 Depth FtToEND CAP Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 1040.2 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [SECONDARY CO4]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [co 3 intersection] 380.6 Ft General Comment [protrusions 7 and 4] 578.9 Ft General Comment [co 2 intersection 4 way]General Comment [protrusions 12, 2 and 5] 594.2 Ft Survey abandoned [end of survey at co1 Y] 1,040.2 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR SECONDARY CO4 XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/01/2020Setup6OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From SECONDARY CO4 Depth FtToDOWNSTREAMDepthFtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 533.5 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO 3]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [4 way intersection w/co4] 152.1 Ft General Comment [protrusion 3 and 7 position] 152.2 Ft Survey abandoned [End Cap] 533.5 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO 3 XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/01/2020Setup7OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO 3 Depth FtToEND CAP Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 41.9 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [SECONDARY CO 3]Water level 0 0.0 Ft Survey abandoned [Camera Stops At Stones Which Have Been Subsequently Removed Through Opened Pipe (See Setup 9)] 41.9 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR SECONDARY CO 3R XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/01/2020Setup8OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Light rainfall CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From SECONDARY CO 3R Depth FtToFIRST 41' OF PIPE Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 8/31/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 379.5 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO4 REDO]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [small gravel] 177.4 Ft General Comment [intersection co 3] 377.9 Ft Survey abandoned [stuck at intersection on welds at cross at CO3] 379.5 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO4 REDOXWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/03/2020Setup9OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Dry CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO4 Depth FtToCROSS AT CO 3 Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 9/3/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 702.5 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO4 MP @ CO3 CROSSOVER]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [intersection co 2] 216.0 Ft General Comment [layer of peeled material] 551.0 Ft General Comment [protrusion at 12 and 5 position] 552.8 Ft General Comment [protrusion at 3, 5, 7 and 9 position] 681.0 Ft Survey abandoned [end of survey] 702.5 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO4 MP XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/03/2020Setup10OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Dry CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO4 @ CO3 CROSSDepth FtToDOWNSTREAMDepthFtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 9/3/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 541.5 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO 3]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [intersection co 4 trunk] 160.0 Ft Survey abandoned [end of pipe] 541.5 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO 3A XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/22/2020Setup11OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Dry CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO 3 Depth FtToEND CAP Depth FtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 9/3/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 599.9 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [PRIMARY CO 4]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [TOE OF RISER] 88.3 Ft General Comment [SMALL GRAVEL VERY LIGHT] 268.0 Ft General Comment [LIGHT SMALL GRAVEL] 351.0 Ft General Comment [INTERSECTION WITH CO 3] 377.3 Ft General Comment [PROTRUSION 9 POSITION PIPE ALIGNMENT] 378.4 Ft General Comment [BEGINIING OF GRAVEL] 390.0 Ft General Comment [END OF LIGHT GRAVEL SMALL] 393.0 Ft General Comment [INTERSECTION CO2] 595.0 Ft General Comment [PROTRUSION ON MANF. WELD OF INTERSECTION TEE] 598.6 Ft Survey abandoned [STUCK AT INTERSECTION CO2] 599.9 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO 4A XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/22/2020Setup12OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Dry CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From PRIMARY CO 4 Depth FtToDOWNSTREAMDepthFtDirectionDownstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 9/3/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 0 Ft 477.5 Ft Pipe FlowSurvey DirStart of SurveyManhole/Node [CO 4 PIPE CUT AT EXISTING]Water level 0 0.0 Ft General Comment [PROTRUSIONS 11, 2 AND 5] 9.5 Ft General Comment [INTERSECTION OF CO1] 41.1 Ft General Comment [PROTRUSIONS 9 AND 3] 42.1 Ft General Comment [PROTRUSION 3 POSITION] 149.5 Ft General Comment [INTERSECTION CO 2] 474.0 Ft Survey abandoned [STUCK AT WELD INTERSECTION CO2] 477.5 Ft Miscellaneous Pipe Graphic Report of PLR PRIMARY CO 4B XWork Order Video Surveyed On 09/22/2020Setup13OperatornickVan Ref nc3Street Name Weather Dry CityLocation typeSurfaceSurvey purposePipe UseShapeMaterialLining Schedule length FtSizeby8insJoint spacing Ft From CO4 PIPE CUT AT EXIST Depth FtToUPSTREAMDepthFtDirectionUpstreamPre-cleanGeneral noteLocation note Structural ServiceHydraulic Constructional Facility Year laid Last cleaned 9/3/2020 Contract for earnhardt JETCLEAN AMERICA INC.Phone:800-226-8013Fax:813-926-4616 September 24, 2020 To: BLE Engineering, Waste Management From: Mark LeGrand, Earnhardt Grading, Inc. Subject: Videoing and Jetting of Leak Detection Line from Cleanout 3 to End After previous attempts to video the above referenced line had failed due to the fact that the video camera being used could not pass the cross intersection of the line, we used a different video company with a different and more heavy duty camera. After several attempts, the camera was able to travel through the cross and video the entire line. During the initial videoing, there was gravel present in the line from approximately 22’ to approximately 37’. After the initial videoing, the line was cleaned with high pressure jetting and the gravel was removed. The line was again videoed from beginning to approximately 50’ to show that the gravel was removed and that the line is clean.