HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9380_40823_CA_CLO_20180622_20-Day And Intial Abatement Report Inquiry20-DAY AND INITIAL ABATEMENT REPORT FORMER GOODYEAR SERVICE CENTER 3752 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078-C JUNE 22, 2018 0 E5ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP "Setting the Standard for Service" OEM Geotechnical • Construction Materials • Environmental • Facilities NC Registered Engineering Firm F-1078 NC Registered Geologists Firm C-406 SC Registered Engineering Firm 3239 June 22, 2018 Mr. Chris Bitterlin Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC PO Box 5262 Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 Reference: 20-Day and Initial Abatement Report Former Goodyear Service Center 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C Dear Mr. Bitterlin: As authorized by your acceptance of ECS Proposal Number 49-8508P dated February 12, 2018 and the associated Change Order dated February 23, 2018, ECS Southeast, LLP (ECS) has completed the 20-Day and Initial Abatement Report for the above -referenced site. Included in this report is a description of the field activities, the results obtained, and our conclusions and recommendations. ECS appreciates the opportunity to provide our environmental consulting services to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning this report or this project, please contact us. Respectfully submitted, ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP Shaun A. Brewer Assistant Staff Project Manager sabrewera-ecslimited.com 704-525-5152 Jph S. Lair, P.G. Principal Geologist ilair(@ecslimited.com 01i1�rf►IZISTi3Y hristopher D. Orrell, P.G. Staff Project Manager correll(aD-ecslimited.com 704-525-5152 ECS Capitol Services, PLLC • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Midwest, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLP • ECS Texas, LLP www.ecslimited.com 20-Day and Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE INFORMATION................................................................................................................. 1 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION......................................................................................... 3 2.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS................................................................................................. 3 3.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION...................................................................... 3 4.0 UST CLOSURE AND INITIAL RESPONSE......................................................................... 4 5.0 SITE INVESTIGATION........................................................................................................ 4 6.0 CONCLUSIONS..................................................................................................................6 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................6 8.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT......................................................................................... 6 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Lift Location Map Figure 4 Sample Location Map TABLES Table 1 UST Information Table 2 Summary of Soil Sample Results APPENDIX Appendix A Site Photographs Appendix B NCDEQ UST-2 and UST-61 Forms Appendix C Liquid and Soil Disposal Manifest Appendix D Lift Disposal Manifest Appendix E Laboratory Data Sheets and Chain -of -Custody Records 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 SITE INFORMATION Site Name and Location: Former Goodyear Service Center/Bunn Tire Service 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina UST Owner/Operator: Facility I D Number: Land Owner Latitude and Longitude: Date of Report: Land Use Category: Contacts Bunn Tire 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina RM Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC PO Box 5262 Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 35.2010080 North, 80.7827120 West June 22, 2018 Commercial Primary Contact: Mr. Chris Bitterlin Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC PO Box 5262 Mooresville, North Carolina 28117 (619) 985-4433 Remediation Contractor: EVO Corporation 1703 Vargrave St Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27216 (336) 725-5844 Environmental Holdings Group (EHG) 190 Kittty Hawk Drive Morrisville, NC 27560 919-544-6750 Primary Consultant: ECS Southeast, LLP 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 (704) 525-5152 Christopher D. Orrell, P.G. 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 Laboratories: Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 (704) 529-6364 Description of Release During demolition activities at the site, five underground hydraulic lifts were discovered underneath the concrete slab on the far eastern portion of the former on -site building. The lifts were removed on February 19, 2018. Following the removal of the lifts, soil samples were collected from beneath each lift and submitted for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) diesel range and gasoline range organics (DRO/GRO). Laboratory analysis of the soil sample collected from beneath the dual post lift detected DRO at a concentration of 2,703 mg/kg, which is above the North Carolina Action Level of 100 mg/kg. Approximately 18.5 tons of contaminated soil was removed and disposed off -site. Seal and Signature of Certifying Licensed Geolo is# I, Christopher D. Orrell, a Licensed Geologist for ECS Southeast, LLP, do certify that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate t�"'�f.y knowledge. Christopher D. Orrell, P.G. NC License No. 2566 ECS Southeast, LLP is permitted to practice certification number of the corporation is C-406. 2 ._ SEALS 25664k//, rff= Carolina. The 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 1.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The site is located at 3752 East Independence Boulevard in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. According to a Phase I ESA report conducted by ECS dated February 27, 2014 (ECS Project No. 08-9651), this facility operated as a Goodyear Service Center from at least 1969 until at least 1975 and as Bunn Tire Service from at least 1980 until at least 1995. During demolition activities for the redevelopment of the site, five underground hydraulic lifts were discovered underneath the concrete slab by Environmental Holdings Group (EHG). The underground hydraulic lifts were located on the southeast portion of the former building. EHG contacted ECS to assess the closure of the hydraulic lifts. 2.0 SITE CHARACTERISTICS The site is located at 3752 East Independence Boulevard in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Figures 1 and 2). The site is located in an urban/commercial area of Mecklenburg County. Photographs are included in Appendix A. 3.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION 3.1 Lift Information Five in -ground hydraulic lifts, four single post and one dual post, were discovered under the concrete slab of the building as it was being removed on February 16, 2018. Underground Storage Tank (UST) information is summarized in Table 1. 3.2 Site Characteristics The nearest residence is located approximately 1,250 feet southwest of the release. Oakhurst Elementary School is located approximately 3,000 feet south of the release. As determined from the USGS Topographic Map, Charlotte East, North Carolina Quadrangle (Figure 1), elevations at the site range from approximately 690 feet above mean sea level near the southeastern boundary to 720 feet above mean sea level near the northwestern boundary of the site. An unnamed tributary to Briar Creek is located approximately 800 feet southwest of the release area. Surface runoff on the site is generally to the south-southwest. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985), the subject property is situated in the Charlotte and Milton Belts. The soils encountered in this area are the residual product of in - place chemical weathering of rock presently underlying the site. In general, shallow unconfined groundwater movement within the overlying soils is controlled largely by topographic gradients. However, as the groundwater percolates downward to the bedrock, it becomes controlled by the orientation of the rock fracture systems. Thus, the direction of groundwater movement may not be consistent with the reflecting topography. Recharge occurs primarily by infiltration along higher elevations and typically discharges into streams or other surface water bodies. The elevation of the shallow water table is transient and can vary with seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. Movement of groundwater under water table conditions is generally from higher to lower elevations. As such, shallow groundwater would be expected to flow to the south- southwest beneath the site. 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 4.0 UST CLOSURE AND INITIAL RESPONSE On March 12, 2018, the UST-61-Release Reporting form was completed and submitted to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). A copy of the form is included in Appendix B. On February 19, 2017, ECS personnel met EHG of Charlotte, North Carolina at the site to begin closure activities. Closure activities included the closure by removal of five in - ground hydraulic lifts. EHG used a vacuum truck supplied by EVO Corporation of Winston- Salem, North Carolina to remove 150 gallons of liquid from the lifts. The liquid was manifested and taken off -site for disposal at EVO Corporation's facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. A copy of the liquid material manifest is included in Appendix C. A tracked excavator was used to complete the removal activities. Overlying concrete had already been removed and soil was removed with the excavator to remove the lifts. The lifts were removed, cleaned, and inspected. No holes or evidence of a release was observed on the surface of the lifts. The lifts measured 1.5 feet in diameter and 7 feet in length. The lifts were transported by EHG for disposal. The lift disposal manifest is included in Appendix D. 5.0 SITE INVESTIGATION 5.1 Lift Removal 5.1.1 Field Screening Following removal of the lifts from the eastern portion of the building, representative samples of soil from the base of the lifts were collected and screened using the probe of a photo -ionization detector (PID). A portion of soil from each location was placed in a re -sealable plastic bag for the purpose of field screening. Each plastic bag was placed in a warm location for approximately ten minutes to allow the headspace in the bag to equilibrate. The probe of the PID was inserted into the bag, and the bag was immediately resealed. The PID meter was monitored and the readings recorded. The readings are summarized below. Sample ID Approximate Depth (feet bgs) PID Reading (ppm) L-1 7-8 2.4 L-2 7-8 0.1 L-3 7-8 0.0 L-4 7-8 0.1 L-5 7-8 0.2 5.1.2 Sample Collection and Analysis After removing the lifts from the ground, the excavator was used to collect a soil sample (L-1 through L-5) from beneath the location of each lift. Each sample was collected from an approximate depth of 7 to 8 feet below ground surface (bgs). The ECS personnel on site manually collected the samples from the bucket of the excavator making sure the soil was not touching the sides of the bucket. The sampler wore new, disposable nitrile gloves at each sample location. The approximate location of the sample is shown on Figure 3. 11 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 The soil samples were placed into laboratory prepared glass containers. After being filled, the sample container was labeled and placed into a cooler containing ice to maintain the samples at approximately 4° Celsius. The samples were shipped to RedLabs in Wilmington, North Carolina under chain of custody protocol to be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) using ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF). A copy of the Chain of Custody Record is included in Appendix D. 5.1.3 Lift Closure Soil Sample Results Laboratory analytical results of soil sample L-1 detected TPH-DRO above the state action level. The results are summarized on Table 1 and the laboratory analytical data sheets are included in the Appendix D. 5.2 Initial Abatement 5.2.1 Soil Excavation and Disposal On February 27, 2018, ECS observed the excavation and loading of approximately 18.5 tons of impacted soil from the area beneath and around L-1 for off -site disposal. The final excavation measured approximately 12 by 12 by 10 feet (Figure 4). EVO Corporation transported the soil to their facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for disposal. The Non -Hazardous Manifests and transportation weight tickets are included in Appendix C. 5.2.2 Confirmation Soil Sampling Following the excavation activities, ECS personnel collected four side wall soil samples (N-1, E- 1, W-1, S-1) and one bottom sample (13-1) were collected from the sidewalls and base of the excavation. The sidewall samples were collected from approximately 10-11 feet bgs and the base sample was collected from a depth of 11 feet bgs. The final excavation measured approximately 11 feet by 11 feet by 11 feet. The approximate excavation area and sample locations are shown on Figure 4. The soil samples were collected while the sampler was wearing a new pair of disposable nitrile gloves for each sample collected. The soil samples were placed directly into laboratory prepared containers. The soil sample containers were labeled and placed into protective packaging material and placed into a cooler with ice to maintain the samples at approximately 4° Celsius (C°). The samples were transported to Prism Laboratories to be analyzed for semi - volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270BNA (base neutrals and acid extractable) and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) using the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Method. Groundwater was not encountered during closure activities. The excavation was filled with the overburden and off -site fill material. 20-Dayand Initial Abatement Report 3752 East Independence Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina ECS Project No. 49-5078-C June 22, 2018 5.2.3 Confirmation Soil Sample Results Laboratory analysis of side wall soil samples N-1 and W-1 detected C11-C22 and C19-C36 range hydrocarbons above the laboratory reporting limits but below Residential and Soil -to - Groundwater Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). The remaining soil samples (E-1, S-1, and B-1) did not detect targeted compounds above laboratory reporting limits or MSCCs. The results are summarized on Table 1 and the laboratory analytical data sheets are included in the Appendix D. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS An ECS professional observed the closure by removal of five hydraulic lifts from the eastern portion of the site. Based on the field observations and laboratory results, a release had occurred from the dual post lift (L-1). Approximately 18.50 tons of impacted soil was excavated by EHG and hauled offsite by EVO Corporation to their facility in Winston-Salem, North Carolina for disposal. Based on the analysis of soil samples collected following the soil excavation, the petroleum -impacted soil has been removed to below the NCDEQ Residential and Soil -to - Groundwater MSCCs. 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ECS recommends that a copy of this report be submitted for review to the NCDEQ, Mooresville Regional Office. ECS recommends that a Notice of No Future Action (NFA) be issued for the release. 8.0 QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT The activities and evaluative approaches used in this assessment are consistent with those normally employed in environmental assessment projects of this type. Our evaluation of site conditions has been based on our understanding of the site project information and the data obtained during our field activities. This report was prepared for the express use of Manchester NC Coliseum, LLC Use of this report by other individuals or companies implies their acceptance of the General Conditions of Service of the original contract. Ce FIGURES I'$ v •f r',ir`--->a.-- fC'' - I~ti 7 .. 7771� �yy iwlty _ .•Y �"_ - ` ��f;Yx:}._ _ f' ._ "_ - .y. ', '� '4. f 'tea i' y lip lip It - *{ -" - .. {'~ — __,.� 'k1 1 •#:fly I � '"�- yx _. �� — � � ly � y � I � r� •�li �� � C _ I: it SITE fr. � ��'���" I,;:��.. '__."�.��• 5� - �~: i Ll •.g� '� fib. i.��> ��r� � � .T��. � : - }�x�? • + I 7.6 - s S 'S� _ •%.� • ail ,���1�"� Ff_� .�}.j ;"` } .5 :�." r. - .iF N, rO y I his glib S�8 + r •a kY 4 �, f' 4 *? + + f SOURCE: FIGURE 1 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP SITE LOCATION MAP 7.5 - MINUTE SERIES CHARLOTTE EAST, NC QUADRANGLE FORMER GOODYEAR SERVICE CENTER DATED: 1998 3752 INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBERG COUNTY, SCALE: 1 : 24,000 NC CONTOUR INTERVAL = 10' TM ECS PROJECT NO 49-5078-C bw r ' + - —� — — — 'EVAN- w Wick, I [p CD r i 500 ft LM i 1 It L-5 L-4 L-3 L- L-1 y r if de 130 ft-..Approximate Lift L LEGE .r LEGEND AApproximate Sample Location LlApproximate Excavation Location 0 I. P ■t - Lam' � r] i " I do4- Ile ti SOURCE: FIGURE 4 AMPLE LOCATION MAP GOOGLE EARTH AERIAL PUBLISHED: 2018 FORMER GOODYEAR SERVICE CENTER 3752 INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD SCALE AS SHOWN CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBERG COUNTY, NC ITM ECS PROJECT NO 49-5078-C TABLES TABLE 1: UST INFORMATION 3752 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078-C UST ID Last Previous Capacity Construction Tank Installation Status Release Number Contents Contents (in Gallons) Details Dimensions Date L1 Hydraulic Hydraulic Oil 50 Dual Post 2' by 7' Unknown Removed Yes Oil 2/19/2018 L2 Hydraulic Hydraulic Oil 50 Single Post 2' by 7' Unknown Removed No Oil 2/19/2018 L3 Hydraulic Hydraulic Oil 50 Single Post 2' by 7' Unknown Removed No Oil 2/19/2018 L4 Hydraulic Hydraulic Oil 50 Single Post 2' by 7' Unknown Removed No Oil 2/19/2018 L5 Hydraulic Hydraulic Oil 50 Single Post 2' by 7' Unknown Removed No Oil 2/19/2018 TABLE 2: SUMMARY OF SOIL SAMPLE RESULTS 3752 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078-C Sample Identification L-1 L-2 I L-3 I L-4 L-5 B-1 S-1 N-1 E-1 W-1 NC ACTION LEVEL (mg/kg) Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC Residential MSCC Sample Date 2/19/2018 2/27/2018 TPH by 8015/3550 Diesel Range TPH 2,703 0.82 BRL BRL 0.86 100 SVOCs by 8270 All Target Compounds 3RL BRL BRL BRL BRL EPH by MADEP C9-Cl8 Aliphatics 0.43 J 0.30 J 3.7 J 0.31 J 2.0 J 540 1,500 C19-C36 Ali hatics 110 58 # 31,000 C11-C22 Aromatics 18 7.9 J 31 469 Notes: TPH = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons MSCC = Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration -- = Not Applicable mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram = ppm (parts per million) BOLD = Value exceed Action Level or Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC EPH = Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons SVOC = Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds MADEP = Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection BRL = Below Reporting Limit J = Estimated concentration between the laboratory reporting limit and the laboratory detection limit # = Health based level > 100% L = Lift APPENDIX A Photograph 1: General view of the hydraulic lifts Photograph 2: View of removal of hydraulic fluid from the hydraulic cylinder PHOTOGRAPH LOG FORMER COLISEUM CENTER 3752 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078-C Photograph 3: View of post and reservoir removal Photograph 4: Petroleum stained soil approximately 7 feet below ground surface PHOTOGRAPH LOG FORMER COLISEUM CENTER 3752 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078-C .J Photograph 5: View of impacted soil removal activities Photograph 6: View site after removing impacted soil PHOTOGRAPH LOG FORMER COLISEUM CENTER 3752 EAST INDEPENDENCE BOULEVARD CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ECS PROJECT NO. 49-5078-C APPENDIX 6 V S 1 -2A Site Investigation Report for Permanent Closure or Change -in - Service of REGISTERED UST Return completed form to; ^TAT. IIFE otiw• NC DEQ / DWM I UST SECTION j Facility ID # 1646 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NC 27699.1646 ATTN: REGISTRATION & PERMITTING Date Received phone (919) 707-8171 fax (919) 715-1117 liltlr/,tvr _tm;i_Icn�. U r�.ar�! INSTRUCTIONS READ THIS FIRST) 1. UST permanent closure or change in service must be 66n}pleted In accordance with the latest Version of the GufdOlnes for Site Cheeks, lank Closure and Initial Rasponse and Abatement. The guidelines can be nblained at 1_Il1f1+s L.1111q{Iyl;thrsuthliy{ ufsv{t;tu•rttarttisrelrtsn3_ltr�3jt- usnl -rnCf'llrhdr7rufit, i!1=;tlar_agr;•,I;{I. ks4-s_r_clinn. 2. Pnrninnent clo zlre: Complete all sections of this form. 3. C n o-in- etylce, Where a UST system will be converted from storing a regulated substance to a non -regulated substance, complete sections I, II, III, IV, and VI 4. For more than 5 registered UST systems, attach additional forms as needed 5. Tank Fee Refund: An annual tank fee may be refunded for a tank for which a tank fee was not required. An owner or operator must submit a written request and include: (1) contact Information, (2) federal identification # or SSN, and (3) a copy of UST-2 form. The annual tank fee will be prorated based on the date of permanent closure. 6. UNREGISTERED USTs use Form UST-2B Name ency, or Street Address 3-7Eo1 Get L, (3 � •T'�_ Lvi�> � L�ti .sue, ti City -- — C'o„,u.,n.'ty State North Carolina Zip Code �Z Phone Number Contact for Facility: Mr. Chris Bitterlln Closufe Contractor Name: Closure Contractor Company: Daniel Mock EHG _ Primary Consultant Name; Primary Consultant Corlparly: John M. Stewart, P.G. ECS Southeast, LLP It. LOCATION OF TANKS Facility Name or Company �— Former Coliseum Center Facility Id # (If known) East Independence Boulevard arlotte me Nurr Meck.lenbura Job Title: V,oPc,�-� Ph°rje k" 619-985-4433 Owner Address- Phone # 704-527-201 S 1010 Atando Avenue C Address Phone 4 4811 I(oger Blvd Greens :336-856-7150 IV. UST INFORMATION FOR REGISTERED UST SYSTEMS V. EXCAVATION CONDITION UNREGISTERED USTs use Form UST-213 Tank ID No Size in Gallons Last Contents I Last Use Dale Prrmnnent Close Dale Method of Permanent Closure: Change in. Indicate REMOVED or enter fill Service material, such as foam/ Dale concrete/ sand _ 1 20 Hydraulic Removed Removed ❑ EI E -E ❑ ❑ [] 0 0 ❑ ❑ 2 2/27/18 2 20 auiic Fluid 2/27/18 ❑ ❑ 3 4 20 20 auiic Fluic auiic Fluic _ 2/27/18 2/27/18 Removed ❑ F E ❑ [�_ ❑ ❑. F Removed ❑ j] 5 20 auiic Fluic _ 2/27/18 Removed ❑ 0 ❑ E , ❑ Efl ❑ I ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ i VI. CERTIF1C4567N--- i certify under penalty of law that 1 have personally examined and am farniliar wilh the information submitted in this and all attached documents and that {I based on my inquiry of lhnse individuals immediately responsible `or ohlaining the infunnAcn, I beteve that the submilleo information is [rue accurate and complete. F-6w, name and official title cf uwner or ovmer's authorized representative Chris D On ell _ � - lCkl{i -l�lr��.�Prii ':":'..I•Jf (.11 phi\:IF;OI+IF,'.!rrPlr��.L .)U=1. I' ::..:... .... .. .:;-I"` _ f_h\I+:•.;:�"':ciJ1 15-f SECTION ;? ,.,„ tr:i,, i•,,,. 1ti__"I'^ !'i.,C?nlfi q 0. -,'., r• �. UST-61 I 24-Hour Release and UST Leak Reporting Form. For Releases This form should be completed and submitted to the UST Seclloi's regional office following a known or suspected release from an underground storage tank (UST) system. This lorm is required to be submitted within 24 hours of discovery of a known or in NC suspected, release (DWM USE ONLY) Suspeclad Contamination? (Y/N) Facility ID Number Incident 0 Risk {N,I,L,U) Confirmrrl GW Contamination? (Y!N) ! Date Leak Discovered Recolved On Received fay Confirmed Soil Contamination ?(YIN) Comm/Non-Commercial? Co---. Reported by (circle one): Phone, Fax or Report Samples Taken?(Y/N) Y Reg/Non-regulated? o.- u Region Free Product? (YIN) _r. _ If Yes, Stale Greatest Thickness INCIDENT DESCRIPTION Incident Name: tea,-.rue.rr C o� � �''••�rv� Address: 3[yrzp `nsLL �.r+r �^ rt yc .�p�l; � _ County, F1e0AtPj,, RegiijoJ Office (circle onm); A5hovilleoAcioro City/Town: „ CZode: Raleigh, Washington, Wllming[otr, Wins on Latitude (declmald.ya.$): Longitude (decimal degrees) 13riofly dcsnristt suspected or canfirmed release: (Including bcif nvf Cm+fed f07 polura of relerfsra. arrrounr of free product Presonf and racvve e of iPffs fniNal res ailses cr, �'. t • .:.le u.... . r-..vrat� .• rA 'tic . � ,i�-t?:l�•� t�'�•� dale of release, amount uucts to rareulors] C: NOW RELEASE WAS DISCOVERED (Release Code) (Check one) ❑ Release Detection Equipment or Methods ❑ Visual/Odor ® During UST Closure/Removal ❑ Water in Tank ❑ Properly Transfer I ❑ Water Supply Well Contamination SOURCE OF CONTAMINATION source f Release -cause of RCILI- se T eVf3 of Refe•.se (Check one to indicate primary (Check one to indicnie primno, (GIrr;Fk cvm). source) cause) � ® Tank ❑ Spill ® Petroleum ❑ Piping ❑ Overfill ❑ Non -Petroleum ❑ Dispenser 0 Corrosion ❑ Both ❑ Submersihle. Turbine Pump ❑ Physical or Mechanical ❑ Damage Location Delivery Problem ❑ Problem (Check one) ❑ Other Install ❑ Olhcr ©Facility ❑ Unknown ❑ Unknown ❑ Residence Dulioihons,ucsur,led oil re,-erse Delioifions pro.nertfed or; r•lverse ❑ Other Ownor�_hr t kh!n,npA 2. Military 3 lJnknown ra Ps, Ih, ' S Federal &. County 7 Slalc Obtained by: ❑ GPS ❑ Topographic map ❑ GIS Address matching ® Other 6kc`^13 re• ❑ Unknown Describe location: ❑ Groundwater Contamination ❑ Surface Water Contamination ❑ Other (specify) Pro dwc[T e Released (Chock one lu indicufepfimary praducf We released) ❑ Gasoline/ Diesel/ ❑ Diesel/Veg. Oil Kerosene Blend LI Healing Oil ❑ Vegetable Oil 100°% ® Other Petroleum ❑ El - E20 Li Producls ❑ E21 - E84 Cl Metals Other Inorganics ❑ E85 - E99 ❑ Other Organics Cl Ethanol 100% ❑ E01 - F09 Olh!i ]Ilrm _(.Yh'! F.'ublic ca7n:c:c arlcull'ur;al 3 Resutontlni Fi;i u' :cl n IwIcslnni ( c i111Pb r..,i ; r. P:LCiny Page 1 of 2 UST Finn 61 (tlilil&} IMPACT ON DRINKING WATER SUPPLIES Water Supply Wells Affected? 1. Yes 2. N 3. Unknown Number of Water Supply Wells Affected Water Supply Wells Cnnlaminated: (lncTude llsars Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers. Attach additional sheet it necessary) 1. 2, 3, UST SYSTEM OWNER UST Owner/Company �cAx�r-� -rl Pelni al.Contact Address dl City., 5�- ! ZO Code Telephone Number r^ , UST SYSTEM OPERATOR UST Operator/Company Address City 1—Stale Zlp Code j Telephone Number Ij LANDOWNER AT LOCATION OF UST INCIDENT Landowner Address47 zip Cdd l Telephone Number CRY Slaty �o�rz22;Ut Lim NX— j Draw Sketch of Area (showing two major road intersections) or Attach Map Parson Reporting Incident rTS 0"tfit I Company �. r� r..s}+eusi �LA-p Telephone Number 7flu-SzS �r AddrI:RS , Gr �t '<;�wtc,Y•��C Date 3�Iz r2 T!tlE Fro rJl�.�.,► s�.f UST Form 61 (02/08) Page 2 of 2 Definitions of Sources Tank: neans the funk that stoics the product and is part ol'Ihe undelglound striate tank system Piping: meuns the piping uud corutcclots IvIII irlg front Ihe lank or submersible tiobmc pump to thr dispenser or other cud -use cquiporcnt (Vernl, vapor recovery, or fill lines are esclude(t) Dispenser: includes the dispenser and Ihc-zquipmem used to connect (lie dispenser to Ihe piping (c.g., a Ielcase from a suction pump or from compoucnls located above the shear valve) SOl11nCt Xlble Turbine Pun-Ip (STP) Arcu includes the submersible im bins• pump bead (typicall), located iu the tank sump), Ihe line leak delector, and (lie piping that connects the submersible uubine puurp to tl:e mnk Delivery Pioblenc identilics releases that nccuncd during product delivery to the lack. (Typical causes associated with Ibis source arc spills ttnd avcrlills:) Other: serves as the option to use when the release source Is known but does not lit u-:In one, of the prcrr..ding caregories (e.g„ for releases Crum veal lines, vapor '"overy lines, mud rill lines) Unknown; identifies releases l'ur which Ihe source has nut been determined Delinlliuns OfCaa.,es Shill: use Ihis c;ulsc when a mill ucculs ;e.g., ;ahcll rl;::_ dclivcry hcw is discnnr.ccu:d r-ow the IaIA fill pipe nr when thc nuzzle is removed Irom III('. oispcnsc?) Overfill, use when ar. uverlill occurs tc e nvc, Illk n,ay occur fii ont the I11I pipe ,u the tank oI w hcu Ilic nnr'dc riils to shu« off aI he dispenser) Physic::l ur tvlcchanical Darnel;c: use rol,;ill Iyl:es or nhys;c:Il ur mechanical damage, except col osnat (e.Je., punr.lurc of l:mk w piping. (nose linings, broken components, and coin{:.-oncnls III:[[t:on have nccd OIn1Lrlsll'II) wi:cn a mcLll lank, piping, :a who cun:pnn.nl Im, ,t nticasc due I,) coirosnrn (e g... !0n steel, con ni!on lakes IIIC I'mm oI'ntst) InsialLnion iIroblcm llic whun the plo' lcm IS dciclln'lled Io hucc occullcd sl'uc!1Wally i,t:t:!�ae dw l IST Sy<tan: wns no! insinitcd nlopclly 0!hee use Ibis c:puon wizen the hut drr.; n;;l ,"-I inin ro+t: nPlhe pwccdinc t:alcucrics (e g,,,, puuinc retaliated Slthtal)CCS rilln,'lorwoi n,. vr::llsl Unknmvji- use when Ihe c;wie hue not b�:cn delerl,,:I'.J APPENDIX C CORP❑RAT ION 1703 Vargrave, Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Ph 336-725-M" fax 336-726-6244 CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL Evo Corporation does hereby certify that 155 gallons of product received on 2/19/2018 from: Generator: Manchester Originating at: 3752 East Independence Blvd, Charlotte, NC EC Waste ID #: 021820 has been disposed of by Evo Corporation in a manner approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Signature Thomas W. Hammett CEO Evo Corporation vi;Ww.evocorp:netTHE NEXT LEVEL. EVO CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 www.evocorp.net NON -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANIFEST Load --#. GENERATOR INFORMATION, Generator:n'""pphone: 375:2 East cnce 1vt1. Site Address: City/State: Charlotte, h1c, Contact: Manifest No. 81936 Daniel Mock NA f RIR� DESGRIP.TInN 1 QUANTIV: ! wiI iGHT Product �,Gross Weight (lbs): Material: Hydraulic Oil .. Empty Weight (lbs): Contaminant: Net Weight (lbs): Quantity Tons D u TRANSPORTER INF Evo Corporation' _ Transporter: Truck #: qo_ ms Palls Sacs Yards Cher: A I I UiV 336-725-5844 Phone: Contact: 'Tony Disher ;. As the transporter, I certify that the materials described above being shipped under this non -hazardous materials manifest are properly classified, packaged, labeled, secured and are In proper condition for transport in commerce under the applicable regulations governing transportation, and I hereby receive this material for delivery to the facility designate. Driver Signature: '_�t A Date:�� FACILITY INFORMATION EVO CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Evo Project #: 021820 Phone: (336) 725-5844 Contact: Tony Dlsher_ I certify that the carrier has delivered the materials described above to this facility, and I hereby accept this material for treatment and/or disposal in anner that has been authorized by the State of North Carolina. Facility Si nature Date:() —2,0 White/Facility Canary/Invoice Goldenrod/Generator Pink/Carrier Evo Corporation, 2008 Fr_-�n-) CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street Winston-Salem, NO 27107 ph 336-72$-5844 fax 336-725-6244 CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL Evo Corporation does hereby certify that 18.50 tons of non --hazardous contaminated material received on 2/27/2018 from: ►UL. er6 Generator: Manchester TJvjU4- Originating at: 3752 East Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC EC Waste ID #: 021820 has been disposed of by Evo Corporation in a manner approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Signature Thomas W. Hammett CEO Evo Corporation www.evocorp.netTHE [NEXT LEVEL. EVO CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 www.evocorp.net NON -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANIFEST Load # Manifest No. 81964 GENERAT- PR INFORMATION anciaeoter - 919-625-1503 Generator:-f'��'t'`'`""r' phone: e 1vci. Site Address: City/State: Chax1Qtte' NC _ Contact: DacnYel Mock MATERIAL DE5GRIPTION [`QUANTITY / WEIGHT — - -- soil Gross Weight (Ibs): d e�o Material: Empty Weight (Ibs :.���d .— Contaminant: Hydraulic 011 Net Weight (Ibs): 37 0 & d Quantity ��SoEns)Drums Pails Sacs Yards Other: _ TRANSPORTER INFORMATION Evo corporation 336-725-5844 Transporter: Truck #: 2. — 3 l Phone: Contact: Tony Fisher As the transporter, I certify that the materials described above being shipped under this non -hazardous materials manifest are properly classified, packaged, labeled, secured and are in proper condition for transport In commerce under the applicable regulations governing transportation, and I hereby receive this material for delivery to the facility designate. Driver Signature: EVO CORPORATION Date: ~FIKCILITY INFORMATION Evo Project #: UJ= 1703 Vargrave Street Phone: (336) 725-5844 Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Contact: Tony Dlsher I certify that the carrier has delivered the materials described above to this facility, and I hereby accept this material for treatment and/or disposal in a manner that has been authorized by the State of North Carolina. Facilitv Sicinature: AV,-4; U. L n J Date: t-e-b — 27, /2 White/Facility Canary/Invoice Goldenrod/Generator Evo Corporwion, 2008 r r_,i n"3 _._------------------------ _ I Pink/Carrier 34711195 TICKET NUMBER WW 'AD SCALE CERTIFIED AUTOMATED TRUCK SCALE CAT SCALE COMPANY P.O. BOX 630 WALCOTT, IA 52773 (563) 264-6263 www.catscale.com THE CAT SCALE GUARANTEE The CAT Scala Company guarantees that our scales will give an accurate weight. What makes us different from other scale companies Is that we back up our guarantea with cash.a WEIGH WHAT WE SAY OR WE PAY® If you gel an overweight fine from the state AFTER one of our CAT Scales showed a legal weight, we will Immediately check our scale and we will: (1) Reimburse you for the cost of the overweight fine If our scale Is wrong, OR (2) A representalive of CAT Scale Company will appear In court WAT—H the driver as an expert witness if we believe our scale was correct. IF YOU SHOULD GET AN OVERWEIGHT FINE, YOU SHOULD DO THE FOLLOWING TO GET THE PROBLEM RESOLVED: 1) Post bond and raquest a -court date. 2) Celt CAT Scale Company direct 24 hours a day at i-B77-CATSCALE, ext. 7 (Toll Free) or visit www.catscaleguarantee.com for Instructions. 3) IMMEDIATELY send a copy of the citation, CAT Scale Ticket, your name, company, address, and phone number to CAT Scale Company Attn: Guarantee Department. DATE: 1025 SCALE: 3471119S LOCATION: PUBLIC WEIGHMASTER'S CERTIFICATE OF WEIGHT & MEASURE `The four weights shown below are separate weights. The GROSS WEIGHT Is the CERTIFIED WEIGHT and was weighed an a full length platform scale. All weights are guaranteed by CAT Scale, 2-27-2018 695 PILOT TRAVEL 185 EXIT 71 SALISBURY NC DRNEAXLE CENTERS TRAILER AXLE ' GROSS WEIGHT :L C?O�2Q JL b :290L+C3 1 b �3za(J2!(7 1 b This Is to certify that the following described merchandise was weighed, counted, or measured by a public or deputy weighmaster, and when properly signed and sealed shall be prime facia evidence of the accuracy of the weight shown as prescribed bylaw. ) I .STOCK. PRODUCE, PROPERTY, COMMODITY, OR ARTICLE WEIGHED MPANY WEIGH NUMBER FEE EVO $2.00 FRI GHT ALL KINDS TRACTOR # 212_ _ TRAILER # 316 WEIGHMAOR TICKET # OF WEIGHER SIGNATURE FULL WEIGH 3- 4 7_1 1__. A. LA HUNT (IFREWEIGH) )S OMER COPY 0CAT SaaWReg 39G310/17 APPENDIX D 419 Atando Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 Vendor: Environmental Holding Group 190 Kitty Hawk Dr Morrisville, NC 27560-8510 Fax: SCALE TICKET G Purchase / 1/2018 Ticket No. 5 Truck# Trai er MC-LAWR CE-65 7 Contract Contain Refer EHG- . DEPEN NCE Seal 988207- O r no. to Time s operator 0 2 2018 10:58:29 1 Gross 62 020 P00077066 2 /2018 11:34:48 1 Tare 39,760 P00077066 Net 22 260 aterial B eakdown a d djustments: Commo I Net weight 1 SHREDDER TIN Adj:Concrete 22,260 -1,000 Tota et Adjustments Tare Gross_ _ 21260 1,000 39,760 62,020 PASSED THRU APPROVED RADIATION EQUIPMENT APPENDIX E REOL.AB- Q-ED- RAPID iN YIR�NMS NTAL CIAO- STtCB POS Hydrocarbon Analysis Results Client: ECS Samples taken Monday, February 19, 2018 Address: 1812 CENTER PARK DRIVE Samples extracted Monday, February 19, 2018 CHARLOTTE NC 28217 Samples analysed Tuesday, February 20, 2018 Contact: CHRIS ORRELL Operator NICK HENDRIX COLLECTED BY: SHAUN BREWER Project: 5078-C-COLISEUM CENTER - LIFT REMOVAL U 04049 Matrix Sample ID Dilution BTEX GRO DRO TPH Total Aromatics 16 EPA BaP % Ratios HC Fingerprint Match used (C6 - C9) (C5 - C10) (C10 - C35) (c5 - C35) (C10-C35) PAHs I C5- C10- C18 M C10 C18 S L-1 6167.0 <154.2 <154.2 2703 2703 849.3 <49.3 <6.2 0 92.4 7.6 Deg.PHCWaste Oil 57.7%,(FCM) S L-2 22.4 <0.56 <0.56 0.82 0.82 0.47 <0.18 <0.022 0 66.9 33.1 V.Deg.PHC 89.9%,(FCM) S L-3 21.7 <0.54 <0.54 <0.54 <0.54 <0.11 <0.17 <0.022 0 0 0 PHC not detected S L-4 13.1 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.07 <0.1 <0.013 0 78.3 21.7 Residual HC,(P) S L-5 21.7 <0.54 <0.54 0.86 0.86 0.7 <0.17 <0.0221 0 88.8 11.2 Deg Fuel 76.8%,(FCM) Concentration values in mg/kg for soil samples and mg/L for water samples. Soil values uncorrected for moisture or stone content. Fingerprints provide a tentative hydrocarbon identification. Abbreviations :- FCM = Results calculated using Fundamental Calibration Mode: % = confidence of hydrocarbon identification : (PFM) = Poor Fingerprint Match : (T) = Turbid : (P) = Particulate detected B = Blank Drift: (SBS)/(LBS) = Site Specific or Library Background Subtraction applied to result: (BO) = Background Organics detected : (OCR) = Outside cal range : (M) = Modifed Result. % Ratios estimated aromatic carbon number proportions : HC = Hydrocarbon : PHC = Petroleum HC : FP = Fingerprint only. Data generated by HC-1 Analyser o eJ N 3 3 O R 3 v (D rD � , n o '� n fD (D rD r O � � V •n �P � L C � r Q (D Qoo N A = D o 2 O O_ C � � v CD f c CD !D l3 D n n � n N (D Q (D Q DJ fD v 0 0 h (D - (D �D N (DD �J m m 0 v ssss S _ r s _ C i to m O cn _ ,ir, N - N 3 '• Case Narrative PRISM Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions `,. LABORATORIES, INC. ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 NC Certification No. 402 NC Drinking Water Cent No. 37735 SC Certification No. 99012 Project: Former Coliseum Center Lab Submittal Date: 02/27/2018 Prism Work Order: 8020469 03/07/2018 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. a,j Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Data Qualifiers Key Reference: Reviewed By Terri W. Cole For Angela D. Overcash Project Manager D RPD value outside of the control limits. J Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference * Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 1 of 22 /P R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Sample Receipt Summary 03/07/2018 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date Sampled Date Received B-1 8020469-01 Solid 02/27/18 02/27/18 S-1 8020469-02 Solid 02/27/18 02/27/18 N-1 8020469-03 Solid 02/27/18 02/27/18 E-1 8020469-04 Solid 02/27/18 02/27/18 W-1 8020469-05 Solid 02/27/18 02/27/18 Samples were received in good condition at 3.4 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 22 Full -Service Analytical & P R I S M Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Summary of Detections 03/07/2018 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 8020469-01 B-1 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 0.43 J mg/kg dry 8020469-02 S-1 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 0.30 J mg/kg dry 8020469-03 N-1 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 3.7 J mg/kg dry 8020469-03 N-1 C19-C36 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 110 mg/kg dry 8020469-03 N-1 C11-C22 Aromatics MADEP EPH 18 mg/kg dry 8020469-04 E-1 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 0.31 J mg/kg dry 8020469-05 W-1 C9-C18 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 2.0 J mg/kg dry 8020469-05 W-1 C19-C36 Aliphatics MADEP EPH 58 mg/kg dry 8020469-05 W-1 C11-C22 Aromatics MADEP EPH 7.9 J mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 3 of 22 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-01 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:40 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID C9-C18 Aliphatics 0.43 J mg/kg dry 33 0.21 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 19:57 ZRC P8C0018 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg dry 33 3.9 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 19:57 ZRC P8C0018 C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg dry 13 2.4 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 19:57 ZRC P8C0018 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 89 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 94 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 94 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 100 % 40-140 General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 76.6 % by 0.100 0.100 1 'SM2540 G 312118 14:28 BJC P8C0048 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.083 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.081 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.083 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dimethyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.078 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.085 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.074 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.047 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 4 of 22 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 Client Sample ID: B-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-01 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:40 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.047 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.036 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.075 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.074 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.077 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.077 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.072 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.049 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.051 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 12:58 JMV P8130484 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 73 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 74 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 77 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 64 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 72 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 80 % 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 5 of 22 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: S-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-02 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:45 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID C9-C18 Aliphatics 0.30 J mg/kg dry 32 0.21 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 20:34 ZRC P8C0018 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg dry 32 3.8 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 20:34 ZRC P8C0018 C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg dry 13 2.3 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 20:34 ZRC P8C0018 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 96 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 95 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 95 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 103 % 40-140 General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 75.8 % by 0.100 0.100 1 'SM2540 G 312118 14:28 BJC P8C0048 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.084 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.082 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.084 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dimethyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.070 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.079 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.086 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.075 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.070 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.047 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 6 of 22 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 Client Sample ID: S-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-02 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:45 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.048 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.037 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.076 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.074 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.078 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.078 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.073 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.070 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.051 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:20 JMV P8130484 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 71 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 76 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 66 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 72 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 78 % 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 7 of 22 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: N-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-03 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:50 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID C9-C18 Aliphatics 3.7 J mg/kg dry 32 0.21 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 21:10 ZRC P8C0018 C19-C36 Aliphatics 110 mg/kg dry 32 3.8 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 21:10 ZRC P8C0018 C11-C22 Aromatics 18 mg/kg dry 13 2.3 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 21:10 ZRC P8C0018 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 89 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 88 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 95 % 40-140 General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 77.2 % by 0.100 0.100 1 "SM2540 G 3/2/18 14:28 BJC P8C0048 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.082 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.080 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.082 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.078 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.084 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.073 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.051 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.046 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 8 of 22 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 Client Sample ID: N-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-03 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:50 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.049 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.047 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.036 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.074 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.073 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.077 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.076 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.071 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.049 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.43 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 13:43 JMV P8130484 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 66 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 68 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 70 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 63 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 67 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 73 % 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 9 of 22 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: E-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-04 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:55 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID C9-C18 Aliphatics 0.31 J mg/kg dry 34 0.22 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 21:47 ZRC P8C0018 C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL mg/kg dry 34 4.1 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 21:47 ZRC P8C0018 C11-C22 Aromatics BRL mg/kg dry 14 2.5 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 21:47 ZRC P8C0018 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 89 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 94 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 100 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 108 % 40-140 General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 72.8 % by 0.100 0.100 1 'SM2540 G 312118 14:28 BJC P8C0048 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.071 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.087 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.085 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.088 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dimethyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.073 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.083 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.090 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.078 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.070 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.073 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.049 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 10 of 22 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 Client Sample ID: E-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-04 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 09:55 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.038 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.079 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.077 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.065 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.072 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.081 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.081 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.076 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.073 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.071 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.45 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:06 JMV P8130484 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 71 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 75 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 78 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 68 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 74 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 81 % 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 11 of 22 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: W-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-05 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 10:00 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID C9-C18 Aliphatics 2.0 J mg/kg dry 30 0.19 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 22:23 ZRC P8C0018 C19-C36 Aliphatics 58 mg/kg dry 30 3.5 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 22:23 ZRC P8C0018 C11-C22 Aromatics 7.9 J mg/kg dry 12 2.1 1 MADEP EPH 3/5/18 22:23 ZRC P8C0018 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 1-Chlorooctadecane 91 % 40-140 o-Terphenyl 91 % 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 92 % 40-140 2-Bromonaphthalene 100 % 40-140 General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 83.5 % by 0.100 0.100 1 "SM2540 G 3/2/18 14:28 BJC P8C0048 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.076 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.074 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.076 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.072 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.078 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.049 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.068 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.061 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.043 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 12 of 22 ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Sample Matrix: Solid Laboratory Report 03/07/2018 Client Sample ID: W-1 Prism Sample ID: 8020469-05 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Collected: 02/27/18 10:00 Time Submitted: 02/27/18 12:45 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.046 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.043 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.033 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.069 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.049 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.071 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.070 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.066 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.064 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 2/28/18 14:29 JMV P8130484 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 69 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 69 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 70 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 63 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 66 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 77 % 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 13 of 22 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/7/18 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Project: Former Coliseum Center Prism Work Order: 8020469 Attn: Chris Orrell Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:00PM 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8B0484 - 3546 Blank (P860484-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dimethyl phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Chlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Nitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chloroaniline BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Nitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Acenaphthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Acenaphthylene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Azobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzoic Acid BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzyl alcohol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Chrysene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dibenzofuran BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Diethyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dimethyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 14 of 22 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/7/18 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Project: Former Coliseum Center Prism Work Order: 8020469 Attn: Chris Orrell Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8BO484 - 3546 Blank (P8B0484-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Fluorene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachloroethane BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Isophorone BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Nitrobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pentachlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Phenanthrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.24 mg/kg wet 3.333 67 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.18 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.37 mg/kg wet 3.333 71 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.999 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.26 mg/kg wet 3.333 68 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.23 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 54-127 LCS (P81130484-113SI) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.774 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 46 34-118 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.699 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 42 33-117 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.657 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 39 30-115 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.656 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 39 31-115 1-Methyl naphthalene 0.910 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 55 40-119 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 0.942 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 39-126 2,4-Dichlorophenol 0.948 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 40-122 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 30-127 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.792 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 48 27-129 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0.949 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 48-126 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 0.994 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 46-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 0.908 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 54 41-114 2-Chlorophenol 0.853 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 51 34-121 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.856 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 51 38-122 2-Methylphenol 0.949 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 32-122 2-Nitrophenol 0.842 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 50 36-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 22-121 3/4-Methyl phenol 0.818 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 49 34-119 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 0.865 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 52 29-132 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 0.978 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 46-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 0.966 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 45-122 4-Chloroaniline 0.897 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 54 17-106 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 15 of 22 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/7/18 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P81130484 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8B0484-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0.924 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 55 45-121 4-Nitrophenol 1.06 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 30-132 Acenaphthene 0.962 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 40-123 Acenaphthylene 1.00 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 32-132 Anthracene 1.09 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 47-123 Azobenzene 1.00 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 60 39-125 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 68 49-126 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.12 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 45-129 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 45-132 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.971 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 43-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.09 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 47-132 Benzoic Acid 0.838 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 50 10-83 Benzyl alcohol 0.763 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 46 29-122 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 0.862 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 52 36-121 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.696 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 42 31-120 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 0.714 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 43 33-131 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.11 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 51-133 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.08 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 65 48-132 Chrysene 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 50-124 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.47 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 45-134 Dibenzofuran 0.935 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 56 44-120 Diethyl phthalate 0.982 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 50-124 Dimethyl phthalate 0.961 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 48-124 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.06 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 51-128 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 45-140 Fluoranthene 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 50-127 Fluorene 0.968 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 43-125 Hexachlorobenzene 0.941 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 56 45-122 Hexachlorobutadiene 0.763 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 46 32-123 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.621 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 37 32-117 Hexachloroethane 0.626 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 38 28-117 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.05 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 45-133 Isophorone 0.840 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 50 30-122 Naphthalene 0.838 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 50 35-123 Nitrobenzene 0.712 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 43 34-122 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 0.733 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 44 36-120 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.28 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 38-127 Pentachlorophenol 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 25-133 Phenanthrene 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 50-121 Phenol 0.907 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 54 34-121 Pyrene 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 68 47-127 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.15 mg/kg wet 3.333 64 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 0.984 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 1.79 mg/kg wet 3.333 54 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 0.787 mg/kg wet 1.667 47 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 1.81 mg/kg wet 3.333 54 34-121 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 16 of 22 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/7/18 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Project: Former Coliseum Center Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P81130484 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P8B0484-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.16 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 54-127 LCS Dup (P8B0484-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.11 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 34-118 36 20 D 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.04 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 62 33-117 39 20 D 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.03 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 62 30-115 44 20 D 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.02 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 61 31-115 43 20 D 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 40-119 29 20 D 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 39-126 26 20 D 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.24 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 40-122 26 20 D 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.48 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 89 30-127 29 20 D 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.965 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 27-129 20 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 48-126 19 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 46-124 20 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 41-114 26 20 D 2-Chlorophenol 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 34-121 36 20 D 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.17 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 38-122 31 20 D 2-Methylphenol 1.30 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 78 32-122 31 20 D 2-Nitrophenol 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 36-123 30 20 D 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.46 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 22-121 19 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 34-119 29 20 D 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.04 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 62 29-132 18 20 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 46-124 20 20 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 45-122 24 20 D 4-Chloroaniline 1.16 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 17-106 25 20 D 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.17 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 45-121 23 20 D 4-Nitrophenol 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 30-132 17 20 Acenaphthene 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 40-123 24 20 D Acenaphthylene 1.29 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 32-132 25 20 D Anthracene 1.32 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 47-123 19 20 Azobenzene 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 39-125 20 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.37 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 49-126 18 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.32 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 45-129 17 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.37 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 45-132 22 20 D Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 43-134 17 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 47-132 10 20 Benzoic Acid 1.12 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 10-83 28 20 D Benzyl alcohol 1.07 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 29-122 34 20 D bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 36-121 31 20 D Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 0.992 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 31-120 35 20 D Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 1.04 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 63 33-131 37 20 D Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.37 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 51-133 21 20 D Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.29 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 78 48-132 18 20 Chrysene 1.51 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 90 50-124 28 20 D Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.64 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 45-134 10 20 Dibenzofuran 1.17 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 44-120 22 20 D Diethyl phthalate 1.17 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 50-124 18 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 17 of 22 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/7/18 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Project: Former Coliseum Center Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Batch P8BO484 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS Dup (P8B0484-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 02/27/18 Dimethyl phthalate 1.19 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 48-124 21 20 D Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.24 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 51-128 16 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.36 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 45-140 16 20 Fluoranthene 1.30 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 78 50-127 17 20 Fluorene 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 43-125 21 20 D Hexachlorobenzene 1.16 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 45-122 21 20 D Hexachlorobutadiene 1.12 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 67 32-123 38 20 D Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 0.896 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 54 32-117 36 20 D Hexachloroethane 0.990 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 28-117 45 20 D Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.27 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 45-133 19 20 Isophorone 1.10 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 30-122 27 20 D Naphthalene 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 35-123 34 20 D Nitrobenzene 0.974 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 58 34-122 31 20 D N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 0.992 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 36-120 30 20 D N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 38-127 20 20 Pentachlorophenol 1.37 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 25-133 13 20 Phenanthrene 1.34 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 50-121 20 20 Phenol 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 34-121 32 20 D Pyrene 1.39 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 47-127 19 20 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 2.64 mg/kg wet 3.333 79 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.28 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.62 mg/kg wet 3.333 79 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.11 mg/kg wet 1.667 66 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.53 mg/kg wet 3.333 76 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.39 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 18 of 22 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/7/18 ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Project: Former Coliseum Center Prism Work Order: 8020469 Attn: Chris Orrell Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8UM - 3546 Blank (P8C0018-BLK1) Prepared: 03/01/18 Analyzed: 03/05/18 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics 0.286 25 mg/kg wet J C19-C36 Aliphatics BRL 25 mg/kg wet C11-C22 Aromatics BRL 10 mg/kg wet Surrogate: 1-Chlorooctadecane 1.55 mg/kg wet 2.000 78 40-140 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 1.47 mg/kg wet 2.000 73 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 3.56 mg/kg wet 4.000 89 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Bromonaphthalene 3.69 mg/kg wet 4.000 92 40-140 LCS (P8C0018-13SI) Prepared: 03/01/18 Analyzed: 03/05/18 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics 44.9 25 mg/kg wet 60.00 75 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 73.8 25 mg/kg wet 80.00 92 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 154 10 mg/kg wet 170.0 90 40-140 Surrogate: 1-Chlorooctadecane 1.85 mg/kg wet 2.000 93 40-140 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 1.81 mg/kg wet 2.000 91 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 3.61 mg/kg wet 4.000 90 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Bromonaphthalene 3.88 mg/kg wet 4.000 97 40-140 LCS Dup (P8C0018-BSD1) Prepared: 03/01/18 Analyzed: 03/05/18 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics 49.5 25 mg/kg wet 60.00 82 40-140 10 50 C19-C36 Aliphatics 83.0 25 mg/kg wet 80.00 104 40-140 12 50 C11-C22 Aromatics 180 10 mg/kg wet 170.0 106 40-140 16 50 Surrogate: 1-Chlorooctadecane 1.90 mg/kg wet 2.000 95 40-140 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 1.92 mg/kg wet 2.000 96 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 3.85 mg/kg wet 4.000 96 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Bromonaphthalene 4.14 mg/kg wet 4.000 103 40-140 Matrix Spike (P8C0018-MS1) Source: 8020469-05 Prepared: 03/01/18 Analyzed: 03/05/18 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics 57.0 30 mg/kg dry 71.62 2.02 77 40-140 C19-C36 Aliphatics 143 30 mg/kg dry 95.50 58.4 88 40-140 C11-C22 Aromatics 214 12 mg/kg dry 202.9 7.87 102 40-140 Surrogate: 1-Chlorooctadecane 2.15 mg/kg dry 2.387 90 40-140 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 2.20 mg/kg dry 2.387 92 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 4.31 mg/kg dry 4.775 90 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Bromonaphthalene 4.67 mg/kg dry 4.775 98 40-140 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 19 of 22 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Project: Former Coliseum Center Attn: Chris Orrell 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons by GC/FID - Quality Control Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Batch MUM - 3546 Level II QC Report 3/7/18 Prism Work Order: 8020469 Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike Dup (P8C0018-MSD1) Source: 8020469-05 Prepared: 03/01/18 Analyzed: 03/05/18 C9-Cl8 Aliphatics 51.4 30 mg/kg dry 71.27 2.02 69 40-140 10 50 C19-C36 Aliphatics 153 30 mg/kg dry 95.03 58.4 100 40-140 7 50 C11-C22 Aromatics 225 12 mg/kg dry 201.9 7.87 107 40-140 5 50 Surrogate: 1-Chlorooctadecane 1.99 mg/kg dry 2.376 84 40-140 Surrogate: o-Terphenyl 2.09 mg/kg dry 2.376 88 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 4.32 mg/kg dry 4.751 91 40-140 Surrogate: 2-Bromonaphthalene 4.68 mg/kg dry 4.751 99 40-140 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 20 of 22 Level II QC Report P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s 3/7/18 Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, ECS Carolinas, LLP (Charlotte) Project: Former Coliseum Center Prism Work Order: 8020469 Attn: Chris Orrell Time Submitted: 2/27/2018 12:45:OOPM 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D Charlotte, NC 28217 General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P8C0048 - Solids, Dry Weight Duplicate (P8C0048-DUP1) Source: 8020469-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/02/18 % Solids 76.8 0.100 % by Weight 76.6 0.4 20 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: 3546 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8020469-01 P8C0018 10.04 g 2 mL 03/01/18 16:50 8020469-02 P8C0018 10.18 g 2 mL 03/01/18 16:50 8020469-03 P8C0018 10.12 g 2 mL 03/01/18 16:50 8020469-04 P8C0018 10.02 g 2 mL 03/01/18 16:50 8020469-05 P8C0018 10.09 g 2 mL 03/01/18 16:50 Prep Method: Solids, Dry Weight Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8020469-01 P8C0048 30 g 30 g 03/02/18 14:28 8020469-02 P8C0048 30 g 30 g 03/02/18 14:28 8020469-03 P8C0048 30 g 30 g 03/02/18 14:28 8020469-04 P8C0048 30 g 30 g 03/02/18 14:28 8020469-05 P8C0048 30 g 30 g 03/02/18 14:28 Prep Method: 3546 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 8020469-01 P8130484 30.06 g 1 mL 02/28/18 9:24 8020469-02 P860484 30.03 g 1 mL 02/28/18 9:24 8020469-03 P8130484 30.07 g 1 mL 02/28/18 9:24 8020469-04 P8130484 30.02 g 1 mL 02/28/18 9:24 8020469-05 P8130484 30.02 g 1 mL 02/28/18 9:24 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 21 of 22 ci❑ ❑W Z n D ❑ z —n m ❑ ❑c m n� O ❑ p cm' m cm) ❑ ❑� D z� II n C �a n m X 0- CD ❑ p a� Z G) n11 2 L) ❑ 2 N In N n � u m m no O ❑ O Z r np II ❑ m o 0 = m r fD CL ❑ n Z n < ❑ O U) D n u o❑ ❑rill v CID ❑� (d n D❑ ❑ Z � m FT El F o❑❑CID � = Z w t7 m c ❑ 7G cn 0 0 o m plc cn w cn En m m 'v x;;a3 zr CT 8.a c D M M p d° 41. n r n f09 O ? CL N s m G r �+ •�* CL c 9 cn N () mm n -I ° ° a U) 3 z � � = s � T z � y t 0 N D `O m y 3 l x V a r "' mD �N Z y m K <. a N `° s a z 3 vi �• IJ n O G a G Q TI 01m �0 a nm � U) %0\_ c? 3 M r, m U) N U m MCA 'C 1 3 v, a? �y ,� : 0 x9i� `rJ Z t0 2 0� �o me '.J �n n Jn r t i0 OCr� �anm yam z° m Trn O J{ fi �c O m S E; O p D v M. c T rn _ -0,'° m ca 1 7 fD 0 0 1 Q;ar21 0 z° W m� x c o 0 G N W r " �' 3 ,� ` 1 m m �� o� n �, IM 0 O Z m •D z m w Q N N m' mN ' = 0) 3 pm cn D m�acfDi G 0 W IM rn '^ a o g 0W DN SN ll r m e �Dm co 0 fD -4 oi0. 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I 0 p = z _ v IM P z m o p ,� p D 3 m I CO) X cn cn cn I r aCID m O D z r 3. z . m m lO n I m m m Z �Z — D�wa . a I zsy 0 m r X ;ID 0 0 0 5 c c a o a=0 N d '13c O cn g r Df � 3 fD a1° Q ' f3D N O n � N a .3 -n m m {46 c 1 AY /� A CID z U) 0 N 3 �. x -(- N n b w lD n > m w �J c .C. o w N 9. r = CL °moo .0 r, N N m N• ID 2 O N D 2.a 0 D m r J•A r 7 a0= Z `= 0 N �ID0 A m ` i m a fD m 1 u f'm Q N 3 rn C l n Z ` U,+w A n° V! °�Ao° 7o m c�Cl W R ii O rM z X m» <" m m rZ =y 0 5° v m O c m xu m m v �• u m, < m x rm Op a x a< w � 3 D = m n m. O Or 1 m ��'�cDio<3. '�°' jT_m� Q G) U) a D 7a J J 0 O v m C a m CID •J CL If lif Paae 22 of 22 Beverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 3:07 PM To: Chris Orrell, P.G.; Bowser, Daniel P Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request Received. Dan Bowser forwarded me the report. Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. D- � I E Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Q, IFep�irlmen[ o+ Lmrrnn mental 4w UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office N4.we 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. B everlyAncdenn gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: hit2s://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httns://dea.nc. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-gis-mans File Review Procedures: hops://deq.ne. gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): fts://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-manaizement/laserfiche Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: htti)s:Hfiles.ne.izov/nedeafWaste%2OMana2ement/DWM/UST[WhatsNew/Final-Electronic-Document-Submittal-Policv.l)df https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/D WM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%2Ofilc%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Chris Orrell, P.G. [mailto:COrrell@ecslimited.com] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 3:02 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov>; Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. <MMcDuff ie@ecslimited.com> Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request �� External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Thanks Dan. Trudy, let us know if you have any questions! CHRIS ORRELL, P.G. I Environmental Project Manager ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP T 704.525.5152 1 D 704.409.7740 1 C 704.200.3436 www.ecslimited.com Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. From: Bowser, Daniel P[ma iIto: clan. bowserCa)ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:52 PM To: Chris Orrell, P.G. Cc: Beverly, Trudy Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request Meck County All IlncidentNumberiDateOccurredlRegiMgr iCloseOutiCurrStatuslUSTNumlCDNumiConfRisklincidentNameI Address I City 40823 2/27/2018 N TMB C MO- 0 U BUNN TIRE 3752 EAST CHAI 9380 SERVICE INDEPENDENCE (FORMER) BLVD This is Trudy Beverly's incident; I have forwarded a copy of this email to her, she can help you with this. Thank you, Daniel P. Bowser, PG Hydrogeologist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tank Section - Corrective Action Branch (704) 235-2172 dan.bowserancdenr.aov 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Chris Orrell, P.G. <COrrell@ecslimited.com> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:48 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. <MMcDuff ie@ecslimited.com> Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to kort.spam@nc.gov ra I believe it is listed under MO-9380. CHRIS ORRELL, P.G. I Environmental Project Manager ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP T 704.525.5152 1 D 704.409.7740 1 C 704.200.3436 www.ecslimited.com Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. From: Bowser, Daniel P [mailto:dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:22 PM To: Chris Orrell, P.G. Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request Im assuming a hard copy was sent in, what is the incident number for this, if you have it. Thank you, Daniel P. Bowser, PG Hydrogeologist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tank Section - Corrective Action Branch (704) 235-2172 dan.bowserancdenr.aov 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Chris Orrell, P.G. <COrrell@ecslimited.com> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 2:21 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. <MMcDuff ie@ecslimited.com> Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request MM External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to wort.spam@nc.gov I do not believe so, at least we have not been informed as such. He just sent an email to the clients attorney indicated that an LSA needed to be conducted in the vicinity of L-1. We believe there is a misunderstanding as excavation activities were completed around L-1 and the risk -based closure samples were below the MSCCs. CHRIS ORRELL, P.G. I Environmental Project Manager ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP T 704.525.5152 1 D 704.409.7740 1 C 704.200.3436 www.ecslimited.com Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. From: Bowser, Daniel P [mailto:dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 1:45 PM To: Chris Orrell, P.G. Subject: RE: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request Did he send an NORR asking for an LSA? Thank you, Daniel P. Bowser, PG Hydrogeologist North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tank Section - Corrective Action Branch (704) 235-2172 dan.bowserancdenr.aov 610 East Center Ave Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Chris Orrell, P.G. <COrrell@ecslimited.com> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2020 1:42 PM To: Bowser, Daniel P <dan.bowser@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Matthew H. McDuffie, P.G. <MMcDuff ie@ecslimited.com> Subject: [External] 3752 East Independence Boulevard - NFA Request MM External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Wort.spam@nc.gov Hey Dan, Our client has reached out to us regarding the attached report and let us know that Ed Leach indicated that an LSA needed to be done in order to close out the incident. Can you please review the attached report and give us your thoughts? It is our understanding that this should be able to receive an NFA with no deed restrictions as is. Thanks! CHRIS ORRELL, P.G. I Environmental Project Manager T 704.525.5152 1 D 704.409.7740 1 C 704.200.3436 1812 Center Park Drive, Suite D I Charlotte I NC 1 28217 ECS SOUTHEAST, LLP www.ecslimited.com COVID-19 UPDATE - ECS IS BOTH OPEN AND WORKING! Through boots on the ground and virtual platforms, ECS is working to help maintain the health, safety and welfare of our communities and critical infrastructure throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Linkedln I Facebook I Twitter Confidential/proprietary message/attachments. Delete message/attachments if not intended recipient. ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. ------------------------------------------------------- This message has been analyzed by Deep Discovery Email Inspector. 0