HomeMy WebLinkAbout22002_Overture Cary_EMP_20190509NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN This form is to be used to prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for projects in the North Carolina Brownfields Program at the direction of a Brownfields project manager. The EMP is a typical requirement of a Brownfields Agreement (BFA). Its purpose is to clarify actions to be taken during the demolition and construction at Brownfields properties in an effort to avoid delays in the event of the discovery of new contamination sources or other environmental conditions. The EMP provides a means to document redevelopment plans and environmental data for each applicable environmental medium to inform regulatory -compliant decision -making at the site. As much detail as possible should be included in the EMP, including contingency planning for unknowns. Consult your project manager if you have questions. Prospective Developers and/or their consultants must complete and submit this form and all pertinent attachments, see checklist below, to their Brownfields project manager prior to any earthmoving or other development -related activities that have the potential to disturb soil at the Brownfields Property, including demolition. For the resultant EMP to be valid for use, it must be completed, reviewed by the program, signed by all parties working on the project, and approved by the Brownfields project manager. Failure to comply with the requirements of the EMP could jeopardize project eligibility, or in the event of a completed agreement, be cause for a reopener So that the EMP provides value in protecting brownfields eligibility and public health, the preparer shall ensure that the following steps have been completed prior to submitting the EMP for review. Any EMP prepared without completing these steps is premature. ® Site sampling and assessment that meets Brownfields' objectives is complete and has been reviewed and approved by the Brownfields Project Manager. ® Specific redevelopment plans, even if conceptual, have been developed for the project, submitted and reviewed by the Brownfields Project Manager. EMP Version 2, June 2018 Please submit, along with the completed EMP form, the following attachments, as relevant and applicable to the proposed redevelopment: ® A set of redevelopment plans, including architectural/engineering plans, if available; if not conceptual plans may suffice if updated when detailed plans are drafted. ® A figure overlaying redevelopment plans on a map of the extent of contamination for each media. ® Site grading plans that include a cut and fill analysis. ❑ A figure showing the proposed location and depth of impacted soil that would remain on site after construction grading. ® Any necessary permits for redevelopment (i.e. demolition, etc.). ® A detailed construction schedule that includes timing and phases of construction. ® Tabulated data summaries for each impacted media (i.e. soil, groundwater, soil gas, etc.) applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ® Figures with the sampling locations and contamination extents for each impacted media applicable to the proposed redevelopment. ❑ A full final grade sampling and analysis plan, if the redevelopment plan is final. ❑ If known, information about each proposed potential borrow soil source, such as aerial photos, historic site maps, historic Sanborn maps, a site history, necessary for brownfields approval. ❑ Information and, analytical data if required, for quarries, or other borrow sources, detailing the type of material proposed for importation to the Brownfields Property. ❑ A work plan for the sampling and analysis of soil to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. Refer to Issue Resolution 15 in Brownfields Program Guidelines. ❑ A map of the Brownfields Property showing the location of soils proposed for export and sampling data from those areas. ❑ If a Vapor Mitigation System is required by the Brownfields Program, the Vapor Intrusion Mitigation System (VIMS) plan will be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer. The VIMS Plan may also be submitted under separate cover. EMP Version 2, June 2018 GENERAL INFORMATION Date: 5/9/2019 Revision Date (if applicable): Click or tap to enter a date. Brownfields Assigned Project Name: Overture Cary Brownfields Project Number: 22002-18-092 Brownfields Property Address: 3612 & 3624 Davis Drive, Cary and Morrisville, North Carolina Brownfields Property Area (acres): 6.93 Is Brownfields Property Subject to RCRA Permit? ....................... ❑ Yes © No If yes enter Permit No.: LOP e to enter text. Is Brownfields Property Subject to a Solid Waste Permit............ ❑ Yes © No If yes, enter Permit No.: Click or tap here to enter text. COMMUNICATIONS A copy of this EMP shall be distributed to all the parties below as well as any contractors or site workers that may be exposed to site vapors, soil, groundwater, and/or surface water. Additionally, a copy of the EMP shall be maintained at the Brownfields Property during redevelopment activities. NOTE, THE EMP DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF A SITE -SPECIFIC HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN. Prospective Developer (PD): CRP-GREP Overture Cary Owner, L.L.C. Contact Person: Robert Morgan Phone Numbers: Office: 843-576-5762 Mobile: 843-860-5676 Email: RMorgan@greystar.com Contractor for PD: Greystar Development & Construction Contact Person: Chris Hustek Phone Numbers: Office: 704-944-9144 Email: chris.hustek@greystar.com Environmental Consultant: Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. Contact Person: Dan Nielsen Phone Numbers: Office: 919-250-9918 Email: dnielsen@maaonline.com Brownfields Program Project Manager: Kelly Johnson, LG Phone Numbers: Office: 919-707-8279 Email: Kelly.Johnson@ncdenr.gov Mobile: 704-574-7510 Mobile: 919-614-3988 Mobile: Click or tap here to enter text. Other DEQ Program Contacts (if applicable, i.e., UST Section, Inactive Hazardous Site Branch, 3 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste): l ICK or tap nere to enter text. NOTIFICATIONS TO THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM Written advance Notification Times to Brownfields Project Manager: Check each box to accept minimum advance notice periods (in calendar days) for each type of onsitetask: On -site assessment or remedial activities: .................................................... 10 days Prior Construction or grading start: .......................................................................... 10 days Prior Discovery of stained soil, odors, USTs, buried drums or waste, landfill, or other signs of previously unknown contamination: ................................................................................ Within 48 hours Implementation of emergency actions (e.g. dewatering, flood or soil erosion control measures in area of contamination, ventilation of work zones): ................................... Within 48 hours Installation of mitigation systems: ................................................................ 10 days Prior IK Other notifications as required by local, state or federal agencies toimplement redevelopment activities: (as applicable): ................................................................................. Within 30 days REDEVELOPMENT PLANS 1) Type of Redevelopment (check all that apply): ®Residential ❑Recreational ❑Institutional ❑Commercial ❑Office ❑Retail ❑ Industrial El Other specify: Click or tap here to enter text. 2) Check the following activities that will be conducted prior to commencing earth -moving activities at the site: ® Review of historic maps (Sanborn Maps, facility maps) ❑ Conducting geophysical surveys to evaluate the location of suspect UST, fuel lines, utility lines, etc. © Interviews with employees/former employees/facility managers/neighbors 3) Summary of Redevelopment Plans (MANDATORY: attach detailed plans or conceptual plans, if detailed plans are not available. EMP review without such information would be premature): Provide brief summary of redevelopment plans, including demolition, removal of building slabs/pavement, grading plans and planned construction of new structures: Select portions of the redevelopment plans including grading plans are attached. Demolition 4 EMP Version 2, June 2018 activities will be conducted to remove one residential structure on the subject site. In general, the southeast portion of the site will be cut and the northwest portion will be filled. The site will be redeveloped with an apartment building catering to residence 55 years old and older. 4) Do plans include demolition of structure(s)?: ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ® If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements, including without limitation those related to lead and asbestos abatement that are administered by the Health Hazards Control Unit within the Division of Public Health of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. If available, please provide a copy of your demolition permit. 5) Are sediment and erosion control measures required by federal, state, or local regulations? ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown ® If yes, please check here to confirm that demolition will be conducted in accordance with applicable legal requirements. If soil disturbance is necessary to install sediment and erosion control measures, they may not begin until this EMP is approved. 6) Which category of risk -based screening level is used or is anticipated to be specified in the Brownfields Agreement? Note: If children frequent the property, residential screening levels shall be cited in the Brownfields Agreement for comparison purposes. ® Residential ❑ Non -Residential or Industrial/Commercial 7) Schedule for Redevelopment (attach construction schedule): a) Construction start date: 5/10/2019 b) Anticipated duration (specify activities during each phase): 20 months c) Additional phases planned? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, specify the start date and/or activities if known: Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Planned Activity: Click or tap here to enter text. Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Planned Activity: Click or tap here to enter text. Start Date: Click or tap to enter a date. Planned Activity: Click or tap here to enter text. d) Provide the planned date of occupancy for new buildings: 11/10/2020 5 EMP Version 2, June 2018 CONTAMINATED MEDIA 1) Contaminated Media on the Brownfields Property Part 1. Soil: .............................................................. ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Suspected Part 2. Groundwater: ............................................ ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected Part 3. Surface Water: .......................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected Part 4. Sediment: ................................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected Part 5. Soil Vapor: .................................................. ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected Part 6. Sub -Slab Soil Vapor: .................................. ❑ Yes © No ❑ Suspected Part 7. Indoor Air: ................................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Suspected 2) For the Area of Proposed Redevelopment on the Brownfields Property, attach tabulated data summaries for each impacted media and figure(s) with sample locations. PART 1. Soil — Please fill out the information below, using detailed site plans, if available, or estimate using known areas of contaminated soil and a conceptual redevelopment plan. Provide a figure overlaying new construction onto figure showing contaminated soil and groundwater locations. 1) Known or suspected contaminants in soil (list general groups of contaminants): Petroleum 2) Depth of known or suspected contaminants (feet): Estimated 5 feet 3) Area of soil disturbed by redevelopment (square feet): Entire site, 7 acres or 300,000 sf 4) Depths of soil to be excavated (feet): Maximum, 8.5 feet 5) Estimated volume of soil (cubic yards) to be excavated (attach grading plan): 13,000 cut and relocate as fill in other portions of the site. 6) Estimated volume of excavated soil (cubic yards) anticipated to be impacted by contaminants: 100 cy, these soils are located in an area where the cut is approximately 7 feet. 7) Estimated volume of contaminated soil expected to be disposed of offsite, if applicable: 0 cy 6 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Part 1.A. MANAGING ONSITE SOIL If soil is anticipated to be excavated from the Brownfield Property, relocated on the Brownfields Property, or otherwise disturbed during site grading or other redevelopment activities, please provide a grading plan that clearly illustrates areas of cut and fill (approximate areas & volumes are acceptable, if only preliminarydata available). 1) HAZARDOUS WASTE DETERMINATION: a) Does the soil contain a LISTED WASTE as defined in the North Carolina Hazardous Waste Section under 40 CFR Part 261.31-261.35?....................................... ❑Yes ®No ❑ If yes, explain why below, including the level of knowledge regarding processes generating the waste (include pertinent analytical results as needed). Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ If yes, do the soils exceed the "Contained -Out" levels in Attachment 1 of the North Carolina Contained -In Policy? ................................................. ❑ Yes ❑ No b) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A LISTED HAZARDOUS WASTE AND EXCEEDS THE CONTAINED -OUT LEVELS IN ATTACHMENT 1 TO THE NORTH CAROLINA CONTAINED -IN POLICYTHE SOIL MAY NOT BE RE -USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. c) Does the soil contain a CHARACTERISTIC WASTE? .................................... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ If yes, mark reason(s) why below (and include pertinent analytical results). ❑ Ignitability Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Corrosivity Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Reactivity Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Toxicity ck or tap here to enter text. ❑ TCLP results lick or tab here to enter text. ❑ Rule of 20 results (20 times total analytical results for an individual hazardous constituent on TCLP list cannot, by test method, exceed regulatory TCLP standard) flick or tap here to enter text. ® If no, explain rationale: Soil impacts are associated with virgin #2 fuel oil d) NOTE: IF SOIL MEETS THE DEFINITION OF A CHARACTERISTIC HAZARDOUS WASTE, THE SOIL MAYNOT BE RE -USED ON SITE AND MUST BE DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH DEQ HAZARDOUS WASTE SECTION RULES AND REGULATIONS. 7 EMP Version 2, June 2018 2) Screening criteria by which soil disposition decisions will be made (e.g., left in place, capped in place with low permeability barrier, removed to onsite location and capped, removed offsite): © Preliminary Health -Based Residential SRGs ❑ Preliminary Health -Based Industrial/Commercial SRGs ❑ Division of Waste Management Risk Calculator (For Brownfields Properties Only) ❑ Site -specific risk -based cleanup level. Please provide details of methods used for determination/explanation. I.IIUN UI Ld P IICIC LU CIILCI LCXL. Additional comments: ,nL,n U1 LOP 1 ici c w c, cer text. 3) If known impacted soil is proposed to be reused within the Brownfields Property Boundary, please check the measures that will be utilized to ensure safe placement and documentation of same. Please attach a proposed location diagram/site map. ® Provide documentation of analytical report(s) to Brownfields Project Manager ® Provide documentation of final location, thickness and depth of relocated soil on site map to Brownfields Project Manager once known ❑ Geotextile to mark depth of fill material. Provide description of material: Click or tap here to enter text. ® Manage soil under impervious cap ® or clean fill ® Describe cap or fill: The petroleum impacted soil will be relocated to a portion of the site that is to be filled (see drawing). This location will be under paved parking ® Confer with NC BF Project Manager if Brownfield Plat must be revised (or re -recorded if actions are Post -Recordation). ® GPS the location and provide site map with final location. ❑ Other. Please provide a description of the measure: lick or tap here to enter te> 4) Please describe the following action(s) to be taken during and following excavation and management of site soils: Management of fugitive dust from site ® Yes, describe the method will include: If necessary, dust control will be implemented using water in a manner typically used at construction sites. EMP Version 2, June 2018 ❑ No, explain rationale: lick or tap here to enter text. Field Screening of site soil ® Yes, describe the field screening method, frequency of field screening, person conducting field screening: Field screening by an environmental professional using PID/FID will be conducted when excavating soil impacted with #2 fuel oil. For the remainder of the site, visual and olfactory evaluation will be conducted by construction crews. ❑ No, explain rationale: Click or tap here to enter text. Soil Samale Collection ® Yes, describe the sampling method (e.g., in -situ grab, composite, stockpile, etc.): Grab soil samples will be collected from side wall and bottom after excavation is completed to document quality of soil remaining on site. One sample (grab for VOCs and composite for SVOCs) of the relocated soil will be also be tested. ❑ No, explain rationale: ' - - - -- l-) enter text. If soil samples are collected for analysis, please check the applicable chemical analytes: ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Clicr, UI LCIP IICIC LU U1ILU1 LCXL. ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): rii�i, r +ap here — -nter text. ❑ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click r - l-3p here 1, enter text. ® Check to confirm that stockpiling of known or suspected impacted soils will be conducted in accordance with Figure 1 of this EMP. Stockpile methodology should provide erosion control, prohibiting contact between surface water/precipitation and contaminated soil, and preventing contaminated runoff. Explain any variances or provide additional details as needed: EMP Version 2, June 2018 The area of known petroleum impacted soil will be flagged in the field at the conclusion of demolition activities at the residence. When this area is ready for excavation the relocation area will be staked and flagged. Then the impacted soil will be excavated and placed in the staked and flagged area. Contractors will be advised that the flagged areas are protected and not to be disturbed unless specifically authorized to do so. The flagging will remain until this area is brought to final, pre - pavement grade. ❑ Final grade sampling of exposed native soil (i.e., soil that will not be under buildings or permanent hardscape). Select chemical analyses for final grade samples with check boxes below (Check all thatapply): ❑ Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ❑ Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ❑ Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or `-- ---- �- --�- �- ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): UICK or tap here to enter text. ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): Click or tap here to enter tex* Please provide a scope of work for final grade sampling, including a diagram of soil sampling locations, number of samples to be collected, and brief sampling methodology. Samples should be collected from 0-2 ft below ground surface, with the exception of VOCs which should be taken from 1-2 ft below ground surface. Alternatively, a work plan for final grade sampling may be submitted under separate cover. Click or tap here to enter text, ® If final grade sampling was NOT selected please explain rationale: Historical use of the site and prior assessment of potential AOCs identified one area of concern. This area will be addressed through excavation as described above. Therefore post grade sampling is not warranted. Part I.B. IMPORTED FILL SOIL NO SOIL MAY BE BROUGHT ONTO THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM. According to the Brownfields IR 15, "Documenting imported soil (by sampling, analysis, and reporting in accordance with review and written approval in advance by the Brownfields Program), will safeguard the liability protections provided 10 EMP Version 2, June 2018 by the brownfields agreement and is in the best interest of the prospective developer/property owner." Requirements for importing fill: 1) Will fill soil be imported to the site? ................................................ ® Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 2) If yes, what is the estimated volume of fill soil to be imported? Approximately 0 to 2,000 cy may be used. These soils originate from a parcel adjacent to the subject site. 3) If yes, what is the anticipated depth that fill soil will be placed at the property? (if a range of depths, please list the range.) 0 to 13 feet 4) Provide the source of fill, including: location, site history, nearby environmental concerns, etc. Attach aerial photos, maps, historic Sanborn maps and a borrow source site history: The fill source is the northern adjacent property. The subject site and the northern adjacent property were once part of a larger property that has been subdivided. During Phase I assessment activities conducted for the subject site, the adjacent northern property was not identified on any environmental lists and environmental issues were not identified in historic aerial photographs, interviews, and city directory reviews. The adjacent property, similar to the subject site, had an agricultural use history which evolved into vacant wooded land. The northern adjacent property is currently under development. The development of this northern adjacent site has generated excess soil. This excess soil is currently stockpiled on the northern portion of the subject site. A portion of this excess soil will be removed from the subject site and stored in another soil pile in early May 2019. This new stockpile is located south of and adjacent to the subject site. The portion of the stockpile on the subject site that is not relocated to the southern adjacent property may be used as fill on the subject site if needed to balance the site. 5) PRIOR TO ITS PLACEMENT AT THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY, provide a plan to analyze fill soil to demonstrate that it meets acceptable standards applicable to the site and can be approved for use atthe Brownfields property. The stockpile currently on the subject site (approximately 20,000 cy) will be sampled and the samples analyzed as indicated below. This testing will be completed prior to moving the stockpile on site or to the southern adjacent property. 6) Please check the applicable chemical analytes for fill soil samples. (Check all that apply): ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver): Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text. 11 EMP Version 2, June 2018 ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): I, LICK or tap nere io enter iex ❑ Other Constituents & Respective Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.): Click or tap here to enter text. 7) The scope of work for import fill sampling may be provided below or in a Work Plan submitted separately for DEQ review and approval. Attach specific location maps for in -situ borrow sites. If using a quarry, provide information on the type of material to be brought onto the Brownfields Property. One soil sample will be tested for each 2,000 cy of stockpile. The samples will be collected using a Geoprobe due to the depth of portions of the pile (approximately 25 to 30 feet). The samples will be collected to be representative of the pile in both area and depth. We anticipate three to five aliquots (depending on depth) will be collected from each boring equally spaced with respect to depth. The three to five aliquots will be composited and tested by 8270 and eight RCRA metals. All aliquots will be screened with a PID/FID. The aliquot exhibiting the highest reading will be tested by 8260. If all readings from the FID/PID are similar, the depth of the sample selected will be staggered from sample location to sample location. Structural materials, #57 washed stone and aggregate base course, will be imported from a permitted quarry. Washed stone will originate from virgin stone and does not require testing. The aggregate base course will come from Wake Stone —Triangle which we understand to be pre - approved. If an alternative source for aggregate base course is necessary, it will come from a pre - approved quarry or testing will be performed. Other stone products with fines will either be tested or come from a pre -approved quarry. Part 1.C. EXPORTED SOIL NO SOIL MAY LEAVE THE BROWNFIELDS PROPERTY WITHOUT APPROVAL FROM THE BROWNFIELDS PROGRAM. FAILURE TO OBTAIN APPROVAL MAY VIOLATE A BROWNFIELDS AGREEMENT CAUSING A REOPENER OR JEOPARDIZING ELIGIBILITY IN THE PROGRAM, ENDANGERING LIABILITY PROTECTIONS AND MAKING SAID ACTION POSSIBLY SUBJECT TO ENFORCEMENT. JUSTIFICATIONS PROVIDED BELOW MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PROGRAM IN WRITING PRIOR TO COMPLETING TRANSPORT ACTIVITIES. Please refer to Brownfields IR 15 for additional details. 1) If export from a Brownfields Property is anticipated, please provide details regarding the proposed export actions. Volume of exported soil, depths, location from which soil will be excavated on site, related sampling results, etc. Provide a site map with locations of export and sampling results included. 12 EMP Version 2, June 2018 No soil is planned for export. In the event the #2 fuel oil impacted soil must be removed from the subject site, these soils will be disposed at Soil Works facility in Selma, North Carolina. 2) To what type of facility will the export Brownfields soil be sent? ❑ Subtitle D/Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (analytical program to be determined by landfill) ❑ Permitted but Unlined Landfill (i.e. LCID, C&D, etc.) Analytical program to be determined by the accepting Landfill; ® Landfarm or other treatment facility ❑ Use as fill at another suitable Brownfields Property — determination that a site is suitable will require, at a minimum, that similar concentrations of the same or similar contaminants already exist at both sites, use of impacted soil will not increase the potential for risk to human health and the environment at the receiving Brownfields property, and thata record of the acceptance of such soil from the property owner of the receiving site is provided to Brownfields. Please provide additional details below. ❑ Use as Beneficial Fill off -site at a non-Brownfields Property - Please provide documentation of approval from the property owner for receipt of fill material. This will also require approval by the DEQ Solid Waste Section. Additional information is provided in IR 15. Please provide additional details below. 3) Additional Details: (if transfer of soil to another property is requested above, please provide details related to the proposed plans). Click or tap here to enter text. Part I.D. MANAGEMENT OF UTILITY TRENCHES ❑ Install liner between native impacted soils and base of utility trench before filling with clean fill (Preferred) ❑ Last out, first in principle for impacted soils (if soil can safely be reused onsite and is not hazardous waste), i.e., impacted soils are placed back at approximately the depths they were removed from such that impacted soil is not placed at a greater depth than the original depth from which it was excavated. ❑ Evaluate whether necessary to install barriers in conduits to prevent soil vapor transport, and/or degradation of conduit materials due to direct impact with contaminants? ❑ If yes, provide specifications on barrier materials: Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ If no, include rationale here: Click or tap here to enter text. 13 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Other comments regarding managing impacted soil in utility trenches: Utility trenches are not expected to encounter contaminated soil and in the absence of VOC impact to groundwater are not expected to create preferential pathways for contaminant migration. PART 2. GROUNDWATER — Please fill out the information below. 1) What is the depth to groundwater at the Brownfields Property? Approximately 35 feet in the vicinity of the residence 2) Is groundwater known to be contaminated by ❑onsite El offsite El both or El unknown sources? Describe source(s): Groundwater is not contaminated 3) What is the direction of groundwater flow at the Brownfields Property? Likely to the east in the direction of the adjacent ponds 4) Will groundwater likely be encountered during planned redevelopment activities? Dyes ®No If yes, describe these activities: UILK ur Lap here w enUer LexL. Regardless of the answer; in the event that contaminated groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities (even if no is checked above), list activities for contingent management of groundwater (e.g., dewateringof groundwater from excavations or foundations, containerizing, offsite disposal, discharge to sanitary sewer, NPDES permit, or sampling procedures). A release of #2 fuel oil has occurred at the site in the past. Groundwater has been tested in the immediate vicinity of this release and has been shown to not be contaminated. Therefore any groundwater encountered will be presumed clean and managed as such unless visual, olfactory or other evidence suggests the groundwater is contaminated. An environmental professional will be on call in the unlikely event that impacted groundwater is encountered during redevelopment activities. At that time, the appropriate approach to managing the encountered groundwater will be determined. Since the volumes of water generated would likely be small, temporary containerization on site (drums, poly tank) with removal and disposal at a permitted off -site facility would be used. 5) Are monitoring wells currently present on the Brownfields Property?.................❑Yes ®No If yes, are any monitoring wells routinely monitored through DEQ or other agencies?.................................................................................................................. ❑Yes ❑ No 6) Please check methods to be utilized in the management of known and previously unidentified wells. ® Abandonment of site monitoring wells in accordance with all applicable regulations. It is the Brownfields Program's intent to allow proper abandonment of well(s) as specified in the Brownfields Agreement, except if required for active monitoring 14 EMP Version 2, June 2018 through another section of DEQ or the EPA. ❑ Location of existing monitoring wells marked ❑ Existing monitoring wells protected from disturbance ❑ Newly identified monitoring wells will be marked and protected from further disturbance until notification to DEQ Brownfields can be made and approval for abandonment is given. 7) Please provide additional details as needed: The monitoring well used to test groundwater in the vicinity of the fuel oil release was a temporary well and was abandoned after groundwater samples were collected. A water supply well located near the residence will be abandoned in accordance with NCAC 2C rules. Please note, disturbance of existing site monitoring wells without approval by DEQ is not permissible. If monitoring wells are damaged and/or destroyed, DEQ may require that the PD be responsible for replacement of the well. PART 3. SURFACE WATER -Please fill out the information below. 1) Is surface water present at the property? ❑ Yes ® No 2) Attach a map showing the location of surface water at the Brownfields Property. 3) Is surface water at the property known to be contaminated? ❑ Yes ® No 4) Will workers or the public be in contact with surface water during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ® No 5) In the event that contaminated surface water is encountered during redevelopment activities, or clean surface water enters open excavations, list activities for management of such events (e.g. flooding, contaminated surface water run-off, stormwater impacts): Surface water bodies do not exist at the subject site. Construction sequencing and the use of stormwater run-off diversion structures will be used to minimize collection of water in open excavations. In the event evidence of stormwater impacts are observed, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine the appropriate course of action. Since the volumes of water generated would likely be small, temporary containerization on site (drums, poly tank) with removal and disposal at a permitted off -site facility would be used, as necessary. If stormwater accumulates in the soil excavation associated with the #2 fuel oil release, this water will be removed and disposed as petroleum impacted at a permitted off site facility. PART 4. SEDIMENT — Please fill out the information below. 15 EMP Version 2, June 2018 1) Are sediment sources present on the property? ❑ Yes ® No 2) If yes, is sediment at the property known to be contaminated: ❑ Yes ❑ No 3) Will workers or the public be in contact with sediment during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ® No 4) Attach a map showing location of known contaminated sediment at theproperty. S) In the event that contaminated sediment is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such events (stream bed disturbance): Not Applicable PART 5. SOIL VAPOR — Please fill out the information below. 1) Do concentrations of volatile organic compounds at the Brownfields property exceed the following vapor intrusion screening levels (current version) in the following media: IHSB Residential Screening Levels: Soil Vapor: ........... ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Unknown Groundwater:..... El Yes ® No ❑ Unknown IHSB Industrial/Commercial Screening Levels: Soil Vapor: ........... ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Unknown Groundwater: ..... ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the locations of soil vapor contaminants that exceed site screening levels. 3) If applicable, at what depth(s) is soil vapor known to be contaminated? I.I It., IK UI ldp IICI C LU CIIICI ICXI 4) Will workers encounter contaminated soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ©No ❑ Unknown 5) In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities (trenches, manways, basements or other subsurface work,) list activities for management of such contact: In the event evidence of soil vapor exposure is identified, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine an appropriate course of action. This course of action will likely include an increase in ventilation using large capacity fan(s). 16 EMP Version 2, June 2018 PART 6. SUB -SLAB SOIL VAPOR — Please fill out the information below if existing buildings or foundations will be retained in the redevelopment. 1) Are sub -slab soil vapor data available for the Brownfields Property? ❑ Yes © No ❑ Unknown 2) If data indicate that sub -slab soil vapor concentrations exceed screening levels, attach a map showing the location of these exceedances. 3) At what depth(s) is sub -slab soil vapor known to be contaminated? ❑0-6 inches ❑Other, please describe: -I IL. I\ VI -I./ LICK LLJ CI I - I -AL. 4) Will workers encounter contaminated sub -slab soil vapor during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ®No ❑ Unknown 5) In the event that contaminated soil vapor is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact In the event evidence of sub -slab soil vapor exposure is identified, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine an appropriate course of action. This course of action will likely include an increase in ventilation using large capacity fan(s). PART 7. INDOOR AIR — Please fill out the information below. 1) Are indoor air data available for the Brownfields Property? ❑ Yes ® No ❑ Unknown 2) Attach a map showing the location(s) where indoor air contaminants exceed site screening levels. 3) If the structures where indoor air has been documented to exceed risk -based screening levels will not be demolished as part of redevelopment activities, will workers encounter contaminated indoor air during planned redevelopment activities? ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown 4) In the event that contaminated indoor air is encountered during redevelopment activities, list activities for management of such contact: In the event evidence of vapor exposure through indoor air is identified, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine an appropriate course of action. This course of action will likely include an increase in ventilation using large capacity fan(s). If adequate mitigation cannot be implemented, we will contact NCDEQ Brownfields Program Project Manager. VAPOR INTRUSION MITIGATION SYSTEM — Please fill out the information below. Is a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) proposed for this Brownfields Property? ❑ Yes © No ❑ Unknown 17 EMP Version 2, June 2018 If yes, ❑ VIMS Plan Attached or ❑ VIMS Plan to be submitted separately If submitted separately provide date: -lick or tap here to enter tex" VIMS Plan shall be signed and sealed by a NC Professional Engineer If no, please provide a brief rationale as to why no vapor mitigation plan is warranted: There are no groundwater impacts with VOCs. Impacted soil will be moved to a location approximately 60 feet away from the structures and under a paved parking area. Thus, vapor intrusion is not a concern at this site. CONTINGENCY PLAN — encountering unknown tanks, drums, or other waste materials In this section please provide actions that will be taken to identify or manage unknown potential new sources of contamination. During redevelopment activities, it is not uncommon that unknown tanks, drums, fuel lines, landfills, orother waste materials are encountered. Notification to DEQ Brownfields Project Manager, UST Section, Fire Department, and/or other officials, as necessary and appropriate, is required when new potential source(s) of contamination are discovered. These Notification Requirements were outlined on Page 1 of this EMP. Should potentially impacted materials be identified that are inconsistent with known site impacts, the DEQ Brownfields Project Manager will be notified and a sampling plan will be prepared based on the EMP requirements and site -specific factors. Samples will generally be collected to document the location of the potential impacts. Check the following chemical analysis that are to be conducted on newly identified releases: ® Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260 ® Semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270 ® Metals RCRA List (8) (arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, mercury, lead, selenium and silver) Click or tap here to enter text. ❑ Pesticides: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here ' . ❑ PCBs: Specify Analytical Method Number(s): Click or tap here to enter text ❑ Other Constituents & Analytical Method(s) (i.e. Hexavalent Chromium, Herbicides, etc.) Please note, if field observations indicate the need for additional analyses, they should be conducted, even if not listed here. Lr11L,N UI LOP I ICI C LU CI ILCI LCA, 18 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Please provide details on the proposed methods of managing the following commonly encountered issues during redevelopment of Brownfields Properties. Underground Storage Tanks: In the event a UST is encountered, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine the appropriate course of action. In addition, the Brownfield Program Project Manager will be informed of the discovery. The UST will be removed, disposed and the area in the vicinity of the UST assessed for evidence of a release. Sub -Grade Feature/Pit: In the event evidence of a sub -grade feature/pit is encountered, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine the appropriate course of action. In addition, the Brownfield Program Project Manager will be informed of the discovery. The historical function of the feature/pit will be assessed to determine if environmental assessment is warranted. Buried Waste Material: In the event buried waste is encountered, the on -call environmental professional will be consulted to determine the appropriate course of action. In addition, the Brownfield Program Project Manager will be informed of the discovery. The nature of the waste will be evaluated to determine if environmental assessment is warranted. Re -Use of Impacted Soils On -Site: Click or tap here to enter text. If unknown, impacted soil is identified on -site, management on -site can be considered after the project team provides the necessary information, outlined in Part 1.A. Item 11, for Brownfields Project Manager approval prior to final placement on -site. If other potential contingency plans are pertinent, please provide other details or scenarios as needed below: None POST -REDEVELOPMENT REPORTING ® Check this box to acknowledge that a Redevelopment Summary Report will be required for the project. If the project duration is longer than one year, an annual update is required and will be due by January 31 of each year, or 30 days after each one-year anniversary of the effective date of this EMP (as agreed upon with the Project Manager). These reports will be required for as long as physical redevelopment of the Brownfields Property continues, except that the final Redevelopment Summary Report will be submitted within 90 days after completion of redevelopment. Based on the estimated construction schedule, the first Redevelopment Summary 19 EMP Version 2, June 2018 Report is anticipated to be submitted on 6/10/2020 The Redevelopment Summary Report shall include environment -related activities since the last report, with a summary and drawings, that describes: 1. actions taken on the Brownfields Property; 2. soil grading and cut and fill actions; 3. methodology(ies) employed for field screening, sampling and laboratory analysis of environmental media; 4. stockpiling, containerizing, decontaminating, treating, handling, laboratory analysis and ultimate disposition of any soil, groundwater or other materials suspected or confirmed to be contaminated with regulated substances; and 5. removal of any contaminated soil, water or other contaminated materials (for example, concrete, demolition debris) from the Brownfields Property (copies of all legally required manifests shall be included). ❑X Check box to acknowledge consent to provide a NC licensed P.G. or P.E. sealed, Redevelopment Summary Report in compliance with the site's Brownfields Agreement. 20 EMP Version 2, June 2018 APPROVAL SIGNATURES Brownfields Project Number: 22002-18-092 Brownfields Project Name: Overture Cary Prospective Developer: CR"P-G­RE_P_ Overture Cary Owner,, L.L.C. Printed Name/Title/Company: Robert Morgan/Greystar Real Estate Partners A -'- Consultant: Mid -Atli n i 'i�eAssociates Printed Name/Title/Company.- Daniel Nielsen/Principal/Mid- Atlantic Associates rownfields Project Manager:Kelly Johnson 21 EMP Version 2, June 2018 _5 Date ( 1v li- Of t Zip to •I C1,11C I a (I ir Date ( I I . il i.. "t v, I Date ; 114 ot/f;io it) (ontet a a"I't k i 1. Figure 1 NCBP Diagram for Temporary- Containment of Impacted or Potentially Impacted Soil Cross -Section View Top Plastic C:ov(.x Shutting: lindorliner: 1 layer, minimum of 10 (1 I,syer, minim urn: 10 mil thick) mil thick plastic Berm (Straw hales, R%ciglit composted earth, etc.) (If plastic Wver used) Land Contaminated Soils Surface/ Straw Bale Berm Map View ght k7 .......... ......... . ..... ---_ F L Contanrinated Soils ■ ..._.... _.... ....... ....... ....... ....... ._...... ...» - V DO■ ❑ Plastic _ Sheeting Note Adapted from NC DEQ UST Section 'Guidelines for Ex Situ Petroleum Contaminated Soil Remediation" dated December, 1, 2013 22 EMP Version 2, June 2018 23 EMP Version 2, June 2018 REDEVELOPMENT PLANS 00 0 N 0 4 S or 4F 00 I Z:1 do, / PROPOSED PROPERTY / LINE B2A ♦ I � A3 _1 A7�0 A4 Al \\ \ 20'-0" UTILITY Al A \ EASEMENT \ \ CARPORT #1 \ \\ \ \\ \ Al (9) SPACES (HATCHED AREA) \ \ \ Al RE: 1 /A1.38 \ \ \ \ PROPOSED PROPERTY \ \ LINE \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ A2 10'-0" PROGRESS \ \ \\ \ A2 ENERGY EASEMENT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Al \ \ Al x CARPORT #2 PUMP ROOM (8) SPACES \ \ (HATCHED AREA) \ \ - RE: 1/A1.39 \ \ \ MAINT. ROOM RISER ROOM \ \ \ \ TRASH ROOM \ I 1 I 1 , GENERAL SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL DIMENSIONS 6. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR POOL \ OF SURFACE PARKING AND PAVING, AS WELL & COURTYARD LAYOUTS, PLANTING, RETAINING \ \ \ AS FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS AND SURFACE WALLS, DECORATIVE PAVING, ETC. � \ \ SITE DRAINAGE. 7. PROVIDE 2. REFER TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND CIVIL FENCE. GATES SHAN. BLL BIE SELGH F-CLOSING CLOSING& ENCLOSURE PLANS FOR CURB RAMP LOCATIONS AND SELF -LATCHING, SHALL HAVE COMPLIANT DETAILS. ACCESSIBLE MANUV. CLEARANCES & SHALL OPEN AWAY FROM POOL. (RE: LAND. DWGS) 3. PROVIDE HANDICAP PARKING STALLS IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ACCESSABILITY 8. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE STANDARDS. ONLY, REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS AND DIMENSION 4. REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR ACCESSIBLE CONTROL PLAN. / PARKING SIGNAGE. 5. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR 9• FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS ARE INCLUDED FOUNDATION PLAN & TYPICAL DETAILS. DRAWINGS. FOR RENCE ONLY, REFER TO CIVIL PROJECT SITE DENOTES LOCATION OF ACCESSIBLE ROUTE � � � � � � ■ DENOTES LOCATION OF ACCESSIBLE \ I \ \ I LAKE GROVE BLVD INTO BUILDING. MAINTAIN MAXIMUM RUNNING ENTRANCES INTO BUILDING. SLOPE OF 5% AND MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE VICINITY MAP 2� OF2%. y'\ UTILITY \ UTILITY AND PIPELINE EASEMENT /\ \ \ EASEMENT STAIR #4 \ \ \ FUTURE GREENWAY PATH \� \ ♦ \ �� - PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE POOL PAVILION RE:1 /A1.40 COURTYAtBt 6 STAIR #2 \ \ \ — — — — / ,'� PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ® POOL ROOM \ B4 '-------------- — CLUBHOUSE yIA O / /\\ \� ORMWAT \\ \ A9 A2 B1 B2 , \ \ MAVGEMENFACIITY "A \ \ EEO STAIR #1 \ \ \ \ B1 COURTYARD V11 i A � ® A ® DOG A3HC / PARK \ \ \ A3 B1 B2 \ STAIR #3 200' CELL TOWER FALL ZONE I \ qc \ C I I-4- EXISTING� _\ I i I I I I I I CELL TOWER I I � I I 20'-C" UTILITY EASEMENT PROPO D PROPERTY LINE --------------- TO+�1N OF MORRISVILLE_ _ TOWN OF CARY SITE PLAN I I I f5 30 0" PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE ------------------------------------------ --------------------- `0_11ll H 1CARo��'. '. FEss/o L ,p ARCHITECT � ?PRT/V C) �: w SEAL �A•.o 'W 51838 0; _ d =; �/ y•. MORTHCARD�;��P. C O�S' TO IN III W Q 0 0 z c� z U Ld w Z 0 O� u� w wN Ld Q� o� 0 z C f W L Zrn O U � � m 0 f X � a Q E Nr. + aO 00 O U� ro MAIN o U) y W W ® � o 02) JOB NO.: 17014 FILE NAME: 7014A102 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION X ISSUED FOR PRICING X ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NO. A1.02 A i �-�_ SS\ TOP=336.16' GENERAL NOTES \ \ \ \ , \--" ss �_ _ \�� ` INV IN=330.06' (N) 1 P , �O \\©1 S 82'16'18" j 1.59 `lNY OUT=329.95' (S) 1. THIS IS A SURVEY OF AN EXISTING PARCELS) OF LAND. THIS IS A Ss vw \ � � v� v A vAVv v A r ^� I I r / r / � \ v i \ , �' V A \ TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY. \ / 016 \P ` 341 _ _ 15_P 13 P \ \ 2. BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON NC GRID NAD 83 0, \v \ v 23 \ r / / / / 50 THEM BUFFER v \ � v i � -.Q- A v \ € 3 C \ '� 3. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. \\\\\\ \ { ' / (M�ASU ED (50' FROM TO \ _ _ \ C� , 4. ZONING: PDD MAJOR PER WAKE CO. GIS, NO ZONING REPORT PROVIDED. \ Y \ \ ` \ ' \\�\\ �ara\ i / / / ( /OF E ANK, EACH SIDE) \ Cg Q \ \ 17 P� -34 _ �34 _ 1 (D1�\P \ \ ww 5. AREA BY COORDINATE GEOMETRY. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ LC�T 2 M \ w \ 0 3 _ 2 \ 1\ P. / / t - v V / v v \ Qo • p A \ 6. FLOOD NOTE: THIS PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED IN A SPECIAL FLOOD RE,DUS TWIN AKES ( `� _ ` - - \ \ \ �\ _ - / \ 11 p •\ 1 p \ �\ \ ` \ HAZARD ZONE, IT IS LOCATED IN ZONE X AS DEFINED BY F.E.M.A F.I.R.M \ \ \ \ \ \ P N: Or�1455 3962/ --_ \ b \ \ \ \ COMMUNITY PANEL3720074500J v v A\ v\\\ v� \� `�\V `/ t i / J - V A y A / v v 12 P v51P \ r� \ \s \ \ \ / ( D. 15074 G. 7�6 \ 1 \ \ \12 \ DATED MAY 2, 2406. \ \ O : \ \ / \ \ / \ \ -\ �\0\13 7. REFERENCES: B.M. 2009, PG. 1197, B.M. 2009, PG. 1201 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ a ° \\\\ \� \ \ \\ ( I ( M. ?bl! 7 PG. 721 _ - \ \ \ \ / \ -\ \�- - �\ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \\ \ \ 526,33� SF / \ \ \ \ \ \\ - - 'C" \ \10 POF THE WAKE COUNTY REGISTRY. \\((12.08AC. \ 16 \ 8. UTILITY STATEMENT \ ( - \344��`` N F THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELD v v / ZONING: N LAKES PDD $AU III (NORTH) v � , � v VA V Vv� % \ \\\ \\ \ `� \ \ \ �3 \ \ TOWN OF CARY SURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NO \\ \ \ \ I LAND \USE:\ VACANT \ \ \ �� -\ \ \ \ \\ 1 \ \ \ PIN: 0745554680GUARANTEE THAT 1HE UNDERGROUND UTiUT1ES SHOWN COMPRISE ALL \?\\\_ -\1 \ \\ \ SUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THE ,\\\�;�\\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ i ` \ _ \ \ \ �\ \ \ \ �. / / \ \ \ \\ \\ \ D.B. 16174, PG. 1405 SURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND \ \�\ \ \\ � \\\ \\`\ \ 1 \ \ �\ LAND USE: PARK UTILITIES SHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE \\\101 PROGRSS ENERGY---- �`g\- \\ 12�\ZONING: TWIN LAKES PDD DOES CERTIFY THAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE \\\\EASEMENT \ 35s 3� \ \ \ \ \ / / / \ \ \ \ \ 1 P \ FROM INFORMATION AVAILABLE. THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT PHYSICALLY °\\\D.B. 12096, f�G. 3075- -356- - -- \ \ S�\ \ \ \ s 3 ¢\\\ \\ \. \g LOCATED THE UNDERGROUND UIiLiTiES. 1 G - _ - - ` \ \ \ \ \ \ PC�S S1TC\LEASE \ \ \\ \ "\ 9. VERTICAL DATUM IS BASED ON NAVD 88. \ �\ \ \ y5t \ \ / FfB. 9300 P 1642 \ \ \ \P,\\��\\16 \P 11p p -- - ��\ \ \ \` , \\ \ \\ 0 \ \ 10. TREE SURVEY PROVIDED BY MR. STEVEN BALL, RF, PWS,' NC REGISTERED v \ _ A w V A // /ACCESS DRIVE AND \ \ \ V V2 E \ �� \ \ FORESTER #1723 SOIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS PA. \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ ` \ \\\\\\ \ \ 24 16 P \ `� \ \ \ so \ 34�-/� / \ \ 10 \ I 11. CONTOUR LINES DISPLAYED ON THE PROPERTY OF RAYMOND WONG ARE \�A \vv \ v - - - - - - v A V A v V A A / \ v A v \ ASSOCIATED UTILITIES \ \ \ \ \ I \\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\\ \ g Ism 35g` \ w \ NOT !N EASE NT \ \ ' DIGITIZED FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS SHAPE FILES. \ \ V A\ mowv \\w \v v�� �v vv v A V A vv \�� ��--/ _ _-v V A \ V A \ V A v,1 \ fA�( \ _ _ AILITY ----_vv v v v�,�PTOP=372.5T \ \\ \\\'�A� A \ - - - -----------\ V v V \v 1 �13 R � \\\\ \ \ \ \I-ACCEASEMENT -� - t -� t 1 19 1�INV=368.97' 15"RCP \ \\ \ \ -fa \{ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \\ \ \ \\ a \ \ o Fo Fo =7? --- Fo1-10 P \ \ \ \\ \ \ �\ I D.B. 9300, PG. 1642 `� EXISTING 196 t�N- TEALTH � v \ v ; y v �� 14 P v 5 P� \ v (MONOPOLE COMNtl�JNI TImNS \ \\ \ \ \ � \ \\ \ \ s-/ uE��� \ \ \SEE QEMO ON NO ' \ \ \ v\ V vv °h / 1 v � 91 \ tj v i TOWER \ �6 'SI NCH \ 0 SHE C-2 o---�------ --� -- -r _ \ \ \ a \ .+ v ue _-- -� 3 \ \ v� i� V ` \ v V�� AA t \ 101 p 17, WO w �i�J 89'30'23" W 248.58' \ v. R _ v { - \ v 1 i v \ v I \ uE \\\ -� \ \ \ ' - x- x i \\\ \ N/F \'v\A\V A , \ \ \, \ z (l V`v v i3 c - .- s 1 0v V`G\ ROBERT & AMBER TAYLOR \ \ v \ \ s \.a 6 v VA, 0 0p 5 1 v PIN: 0745444852 \ vV A V vv ay f \ \\ \wvA\ v� 5 G �- 8'C �-6lo T: 11 4- D.B. 15575, PG. 22$3 \\\A�� \ y v A> Ay \ \'v i\VA Vo \� i 07 C �' EXISTING DRIVE AND ASSOCIATED v \ \Z\ m I \ "'� v v i / - �� �� E n X / 1 1 `v V A V A V \ b v F y \ \ !' r. UTILITIES TO BE REMOVED v o A �� - - w "F 1 P 12 LAND USE: SINGLE FAMILY \ \ v i 'v 1. A \c A \ j" _ v / t v \ \ ZONING: VLDR v \\f t I (t \� -���� f 9�PE IXISTING STRUCTURE \ i� vv \ v / „ - I EV� \\ 12 TO BE REMOVED \ v A v -1 - - -94 \ oV A \ \ A vv �\ \ \ i \ \ A A o\� v i 1 1N�AJG, YM�QN@, E'vTAL. i 'a. s o vv V v GRAVEL v I i 745t449 5 t 14 �s \ \\ \ DRIVE \ r 49 x x Xi r \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ ss \ TOP=335.22' D.El� 89 7, QG. 408 i ® 3 �y 1 P \ \ - _ I I I ( / (� A \ v \ \ \ \ vv \ INV IN=328.40' (N) \ INV OUT=328.31' S \USE.\ SI�IGL ZA 11 fFo - 3s3 \\� ( ) TOP=371.70' \\\ v q\1A ZpN(NG: 1 G (Dd6i '` \ 11i, LANQ USE SIN LE FAMILYr O1 `" © �\\ \ \� \ g \ \ , 1 / J as _ INV IN=368.10' 15"RCP(N) ( \ \ \ \ � v � � � ( i � � � r � � ? i "' v '0� \ \\ \ \ \ '\ , i i \ IXI§TIOG) EASEMENT �T0 /BED 7 M� l ` P� © F \ ~ \ \ i \ t o4 ELL TO R {Si \ P �\ \ 20' TOWN OF CARY UTILITY o INV OUT=368.00' 15' RCP(S} /� \ v \ \ \ \° \ v t �I �� ( \ \ \ �►-_ j \ V �t v\ \ v ; � ` �ABJ�NgO ED v \ ,, 010 V A \ jo i 36 0 A S v mow" \ -_ AND PIPELINE EASEMENT �. 7 iS DRI1�E I \ 1 P �� \ Q.B. 8057, PG. 773 0, \\\\rnA \oA \ z \�� ¢ I / \4 �� c x n eAn �` P� \ �♦ F 1 i \\ A q CP S 5' t E 2�1.66' S p TOWN OF MORRISVILLE �� �. _m VP V 12 t� - V-�-____ F o i I I t �3 G� 9-1 1 1 UE - -� UE UE �6 TOWN of CARY \ v 3 3 b0 r,° G C� v \ \ 014 P V p1ovPv 12P 10P (D12 �� �\ 10 P v v \ vvv` 010�14G vv 011\P t 0\\ \ \ \ ¢ vV° \ CARY�MZ9RRISVILLE 1 P oVP� \ TOP=369.29' I 1 \ \ \ y \ i .� \1 1 p 11�P\ p3 Cr+ \1 \� ', i �\ \\ \\ \ t , t _ - \ \CITY LIMITS\ BOUNDARY INV=365.54 15'RCP i \ \ \ \ V' -- �� y v \ V A v \ /( t \ // / / / // ��' �� / / - - --343- v \ $r TEMPORARY DRAIN GE ` ( t ( /\ / / / / / 11 P \ 3 g i AE 10 P-EASEME-N-T�vv \i 1 11 366 - D.B. 12916, 'P-G. 2360 > > ; 1 i , / �. i I I \ ,� \ - _ 5 P O P 50 STREAM E3C1F�E� �� \ J =- = -364 % 1 I I / ' I i I -�- - _ _.. \ \ w { I I I rr / ( ( I I A (ME-50� FROM TOP v \ \ / r I i \ OF BANK EACI�--SIDE) \ , \ \ , '_ • 10' PROGR OS ENERGY ' / 62 ( ZONING: N LA ES P D MU III ,P,2 _ Mu, '-III w V �^ / ,%' EASEMENT - ' 7 �- �/ i \ \ �_ �"' , / \ D.B. 12096, PG. 107�1 / ) / LAN USE. VACANT r \ \ \ \ \ / J t l ( ( r / / V A i V i / / \' C115 P INV IN=364.92 15 RCP(N) \ \ \ \ I (� / �\ D.B. 12096, PG. 10478/ / / r / / r \ / ' \ \ \ / /� l l i / r l \ A v�-�/ A j / �10JP A r/ 13 p INV OUT=364.82' 15"RCP(S) U12 P \ r / J / 00111p P\ \ �\ A i V - - - /� - / / / 1 P // / / / P/ 12 d V A �� \ r 1 t \ TOP=333.84' \ \ V \ 3 CH / / �15 P 0 �/ A r / J i J14 �\ _ ` / INV IN-324.99' (N) \ s \ INV OUT=324.87' (S) o\ r i / // // h� © ,'� / / / P I V A10 P A 12 P A r / s TOP=368.10' \ \ f \ t� v " 010 P // 011 t)10 WO / ' 13 Pi' 14 P/ / / Of4 P I 010 P ) 1 / l J i J J / Po1a \ INV IN=364.15' 15"RCP(N) \ \t \ a %\� , ` \ ' ' / M,. / /� �3 0 / 10 P / / / / / td" 10 P j INV OUT=364.05' 15"RCP(S) \ 3 (/ t ---- f' / / 16 P ��� �x3 P / / �� Q4 P 1 \ x. 14 P / / 4 ' / �,��, �20 PO f� c)1 P I 03 \ \ ? \ \\ \ Q11( 1 RAP '13P 1� - / / / 011 .116 '� 11/ (D 1 pQ12P ! `' i 14c� 11 1 '10Pi/ ��' / / / / // / / i I 4 moo- / 4 )' Q�od15i 10, o Q °I�' I 10 © 3�/ --- _ INV=364.2T 15"RCP \ \4 \ \\ \ s \ 9 ----- -3so� _ - - = _ 1 N'89'249" Ni �23 6' 1 _ - _ = \ \ \ 12 P`' . M_ T _ � � \ _ -- �\��. P \V A / / /P / / i13P N/F s Silo / / / / / � / DEBRIS' , \` \ SD = "`- \ / \ �\ EXISTING BUILDING I STRUNCK, CONLEY, ETAL.1N� �o' �i' �� >, v vv A r PIN: 0745543536 / / 1 / / / / , / C v @1� 11 P A \ D.B. 12358, / ' / '� / / / / / / , / / 11 P INV=364.36' 15"RCP \ PG. 2487 N/F / / _ � �' �10' � / / / / 2 � (Q I B.M. 2005, PG. 1045 KEP MORRISVILLE REALTY LLC / / / / / �' 10 P - `\ LAND USE: MULT TENANT RETAIL PIN: 0745449957 /r. // / / / $/ / / / �,�' / / / / / / / / �.'� - �s �` } 1b tP1 G N/F \ ZONING: NAC D.B. 8327, PG. 1777 / / ��r' / ��� / /� / / / / m 11 B.M. 2005, PG. 1045 APOLLO USA LLC I � ( / ''� � � / ���� � '' �� ;,�� / / / DELINEATED /' � � { 41p{ P { PIN: 0745447646 ' \ LAND USE: DAY CARE / ,' / �36' / / / WETLANDS / 12 P D.B. 16160, PG. 1022 ( / LAND USE: SINGLE FAMILY ZONING: NAC (�� ' / / �� / / / 3 / �, / / / / 01 114 M ` ZONING: NAC 1 , EXISTING BUILDING t 0 % / ,' / i i ' / / / / 012 \ ki LEGEND i QQ EXISTING IRON PIPE O IRON PIPE SET � A CALCULATED POINT NY r ® BORE HOLE 14 QS SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE © SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT WV a WATER VALVE ® WATER METER � FIRE HYDRANT pp TELEPHONE PEDESTAL i rn (1)TELEPHONE MANHOLE o ❑E ELECTRIC BOX LIGHT POLE CO -)POWER i POLE ili CURB INLET rn c QD STORM DRAINAGE MANHOLE ❑ YARD INLET 0 U SD STORM DRAIN PIPE 71 i OU OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE v W WATER LINE J i o SS SANITARY SEWER LINE a T TELEPHONE LINE Ji G GAS LINE i UE UNDERGROUND ELECTRI UT UNDERGROUND TELEPHI 41 o -X X- FENCE LINE �10 sus•. `} % EXISTING BUILDING t / 12 P �' l 13 P \ / N/F/// /Q11 / // / _ __ \ \ ��� \\ S\ 14 P LEE MOORE OIL CO / t (- 13 ~ \ \ \ \ PIN: 0745541516D.B. 11479( ((� B.M. 2005,E PG. 10452471 N� I (/ 15 ®�5 P LAND USE: FOODMART wl t�I V A - - - _ - - v v v v v 0 ZONING: NAC coo p TREE LEGEND i gl M 10 P- i �;1{� 13 P\ �\ @A ASH o 11 l `R 11 19 BE BEECH \ z� I \ ® \ Q10 R -', \ V vv \ \ V vv i \ I i ��'� / l @e BIRCH v A ��� ®� \ \ \ vvv \\ \� \\ \ t\ '� �/ to C CEDAR \ `�`�Qio`P \ _ - 338 - \ \ \ \ \ U \ { ' \ \ \ \ t y i i @� CHERRY \ 10�p \ ` - 20� TOWN OF CA EENWAY\EASEtvt\ENT\ _ w t { r / / / TOP { '4 Pv -- - • �� v INP OU3=33 .86' h8"RCP(S) �I i { i I I ®t ss\ { @M CRAPE MYRTLE \ 0 � 3� ---- ----BM: 2017 G 1 \ V 3 I ( I I I o� EXISTING 10' TRAIL O \ 1 .10vwHo v 1 h o P l I l l i ' 12 P (-CYP (YPRFSS i �.., .,.. o,,,, �,.,., ' \ �34' _ --- \ \ s lb P \ \ 0t ( I � Q------ - - TOP=326.31' III 11 P� p11 P®11 P \ \0 I { ( I_L �'- ---- 32 r \ �A� \ p - - - 1i1, P \ \ \ \ \ i \ \ I L - =323 - =33222 - � INV IN=310.71' (S) r W71) P �0 P�3©_ 13 P 012 P ,QQO P��\ \ \� \ \`_ \! \ ---_ _ - - = _ _ - = _ _ INV IN=310.76' (N} t - \ `" - - - 3aa - - - - - - - - _ - _ 3�-1 NV OUT=310.61 EA _ 45 / 3 \ 3kY 3n 3n ny. 3ti 18 H HICKORY @HD HOLLY 10 MG MAGNOLIA 15 M MAPLE @,W JAPANESE MAPLE �8 MI MIMOSA zo RO RED OAK &0 WHITE OAK 310 OAK @PEC PEACH @PER PEAR @PE PECAN @8 PRS PERSIMMON is P PINE t4 PO POPLAR fA RB REDBUD 14 sY SYCAMORE 1a W WALNUT DOUBLE AND TRIPLE TRUNKS @D-O DOUBLE OAK �z}'0 T-o TRIPLE OAK CALIPER INCH SIZE OF TREE T-0 TYPE OF TREE -D FOR DOUBLE, T FOR TRIPLE LINE TABLE LINE BEARING DISTANCE L1 S 07'20'02" W 25.74' L2 S 36'44'51" E 39.98' L3 S 81'44'51" E 9.26' L4 N 10*28'24" W 28.09' L5 S 00'30'42" W 41.80' L6 S 40'36'55" E 84.77' L7 S 24'55'22" E 49.75' L8 S 33'07'59" E 83.95' L9 S 29'58'54" E 43.37' L10 N 60'05'24" E 19.95' L11 S 26'55'21" E 80.33' L12 S 26'55'21" E 5.82' L13 S 52'44'31" E 98.31' L14 S 05'35'49" W 45.71' L15 S 13*18'18" E 72.16' L16 S 32*39'11" E 22.68' L17 S 10'09'11" E 33.94' L18 S 37'25'22" E 28.83' L19 S 25'37'22" E 58.34' L20 S 24'49'23" E 53.01' L21 S 62'04'31" W 31.52' L22 S 36'26'38" E 40.11' L23 S 50'47'25" E 4.99' L24 S 36'44'51" E 83.93' L25 S 53*12'00" W 47.33' LAKE GROVE BOULEVARD VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W P.B. 2007, PG. 1743 J CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH Cl 101.00' 125.06' S 29'07'58" E - 117.22' C2 123.26' 147.60' S 59'53'20" E 138.94' C3 308.14' 160.20' S 34'42'56" E 158.40' C4 145.31' 73.43' S 47'50'33" E 72.65' C5 140.99' 77.83' S 20'02'49" E 76.85' C6 415.24' 153.72' S 25'09'53" E 152.84' C7 190.01' 26.79' S 39'03'04" E 26.77' C8 324.77' 71.00' N 69'08'27" E 70.86' C9 131.16' 103.31' S 78'57'54" E 100.66' C10 115.07' 145.28' S 29*15'22" E 135.82' C11 86.19' 45.04' S 00'48'41" E 44.53' C12 111.08' 79.08' S 26'01'58" E 77.42' C13 186.46' 8.31' S 3327'47" E 8.31' C14 99.99, 75.35' S 11*14'32" E 73.58' C15 101.96' 55.53' S 09'13'10" E 54.85' C16 1053.56' 130.60' N 3538'29" E 130.51' C17 1050.88' 386.24' N 49'44'21" E 384.07' C18 3482.28' 185.97' N 11'31'06" W 185.95' C19 8570.36' 81.28' N 36'40'22" W 81.28' C20 1338.14' 46.21' N 30'56'26" W 46.21' C21 1206.17' 54.40' N 19'54'32" W 54.40' C22 1218.16' 21.31' N 28'51'35" W 21.31' C23 1338.14' 12.82' N 29'40'37" W 12.82' --r-- 30- 3n 3 3n 35 n T P 331.92' \ \ \ SS 's " `7�' GPI;$�)- \ ,. rcd IN' --- -- - \1 TOP 33� 9/23' / / �. ��IN= 3 'i _ \ 5.2b I Ol�T=3 3.18� 18"�CP(k) \ INtV QU =3 5.20'\ 4"RCP(S) - _ _ - - - ` _ _ _ 342 -7F - _ - GRACE PARK/DEVELOPMENT ASSN. INC. PIN: 0745548227 D.B. 13811, PG. 1256 ' B.M. 2007, PG. 2650 APPROVED by the Town of Cary LAND USE: TOWNHOUSE ZONING: NAC Development Review Committee GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 1 inch = 50 ft. 18-DP-075 By: dlovelan 02/15/2019 � QQ N V U N 4 �U z E h " S tV M O VJ � A ® V O t1 co W a .-i d+ aCQ Z ado H c E' W H E- InCO 9 O W Wa co a W A U z o a a � A R� O V �a l � W � PROJECT NO. GRE-17000 FH.ENME: GRE17000-Cl CHECKED BY: RTF DFLkWN BY: JBT SCALE: 1 "=50' DATE' 02-10-19 SHEET NO. C-1 '.'�J WADAMs NOTE: LINE AND CURVE DATA INCLUDES OFFSITE LINE WORK NOT ASSOCIATED WITH THIS PROJECT SITE. FINAL DRAWING - RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION m C L U in E a r N tV in N N 3 a 0 1 0 0 h w rn 0 0 X \ C? s r EXISTING BU{LDING" r r��- / � \\ \ A a 4�, d'F'� YZ 35'd i•OWWt� GARY U ILIT � EA WENT/ \ �/ x Z, \ \�_ \ p.' \ '\ RETAINING WALL,#1 WITH — FENCE (DESIGN Bpi OTHERS) of /.. � ,,,y \ ✓.%`�� �� J 11X,t�(!v yr t^ni STRSE TOT EASEM � QgDICATED 10' PR06ESS ENERGY EASEMENT �� � D.B. 120g6�G. 1075 �a 20' 'MINIMUM N20'15'19"W STREEtTSCAPE151.81' \ (7,930%0) z R=12t \ kt IN a £ 20' TOWN TAYLOR, ROBERTUTILITY E. PIN: 07454448.5 D.B. 15575, PG. 2283 MORRISVILLE 20"',STREETY t3 E iff i 4 f DAMS DRIVE STREETS CAPE (( 41 % (� SEE OFFSITE ROAD WIDENING 1 PLANS BY KIMLEY HORN ; (SHEETS RO.00—R6.03) a 1 ,,.. 3� � 4 APOLLO USA LLC. PIN: 0745447646 {, k D.B. 16160, PG. 1022 �F � a SITE LEGEND z -a- SIGNAGE ,' 4 YARD LIGHTSt ; LIGHT POLE MARION REAL ESTATE PIN: 0745447200 POWER POLE D.B. 13928, PG. 2482 TRAFFIC DIREC11ONAL ARROW , t ACC ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL VAN VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL xi -T — ACCESSIBLE RAMPS TYPE 0 TYPE ® TYPE " = h ACCESSIBLE ROUTE slim 11e11mileil■ PHASE LINE - - PROPERTY LINE - - - RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE - - - - LOT LINE — — EASEMENT LINE — CENTERLINE Al LEE MOORE OIL CO PIN: 0745541516 D.B. 11479, PG. 2471 B.M. 2005, PG. 1045 STRUNCK, CONLEY, ETAL. PIN: 0745543536 D.B. 12358, PG. 2487 B.M. 2005, PG. 1045 KEP MORRISVILLE REALTY LLC PIN: 0745449957 D.B. 8327, PG. 1777 t B.M. 2005, PG. 1045 EXISTING LAKE GROVE BOULEVARD (VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC R/W) P.B. 2007, PG. 1743_ — t t Y�1 EXISTING WETLANDS 246 TOTAL STANDARD PARKING SPACES PER CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF VARIANCE 18—V-03. NO BUILDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN LOT 10 AND THE 196' RADIUS SETBACK FROM THE EXISTING CELL TOWER. HWAC UNITS FOR PROPOSED BUILDING WILL BE PLACED ON THE ROOF. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT NCDOT AND TOWN OF CARY ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS SEE SHEET C-2 FOR ALL SITE, UTILITY, GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES AND SPECIFICATIONS. GRAPHIC SCALE 1 inch = 60 ft. APPROVED by the Town of Cary Development Review Committee �� 1131 • tt • CO8 0'.3Z . Cq M n+ ! (U� o x 8Z ■ C M a) 0 VJ CAR 41 V aaaaaau,rr,rp�, S 2 �L z 0 W O d+ O O O � T \ CrJ 7G�� v ado W Hr E H �wE-4 x v H�C) a a �90 W IXI W a W x A � a a �Q a p t� a �a O � � 1� PROJECT No. GRE-17000 FMWAW: GRE17000-0AS1 CBECM BY: WHD DRAWN BY: JB SCMZ: 1 "=60' DATE: 02-10-19 SUM NO. C-3 w FINAL DRAWING — RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION W1 WADAMS a� v c 0 0 U C IL rn M 60 rn 0 04 o+ 3 I 0 0 0 w CY N O� 0 0 C c N O� C 3 0 0 c 0 U c 0 C c 0 0 0 0 r- i w CY i w CY IL N U .o x IN, EXISTING HATCHES POND LANE ® \ EXISTING BUILDING //�/ //� ��\ oo \ \ \\ (PRIVATE) 35' TOWN OF CARYRETA �// / / \ 3 WITH UTILITY EASEMENT \\ RAIL I(DESI NNING A BYLL OTHERS) THERS) \ �j�AINIA 1/WITkf CURB TIE OAND ISGU TER AND TING 24" ANDARD \ / / I \ <\ \ / \ ' �FENC�i (DES N BS' fd'fHERSY / \�� EXISTING ASPHALT (TYP.) �\JF \ \\ \ \ / / / \s y \ 20' TOWN OF CARY UTILITY \s� f�' Q��� \\ \ AND PIPELINE EASEMENT EXISTING POND z // �/ / �'� � \a�� \\\D.B. 8057, PG. 771 Q�®/ /�'' `� % . ,\ \ 24" STANDARD CURB z �/// �/ AND GUTTER (TYP.) \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /// / �Y / ��' �� 0 R\ ' (TYP.)FIRELANE STRIPING\ \ / / / !✓ 1 �' �� �\ ' / \ / RETAINING WALL 4 WITH FENCE (DESIGN BY OTHERS) I 3'R so S 5 11� / 100 STREAM BUFFER \ \ / �-! 4" ViITE STOP \ o �., B WITH STOP 25'R\ F ��� �� / / (MEASURED 50' FROM TOP //�,N (TYP) i / 3'R \ Q� OF BANK, EACH SIDE) /?�%�'\�o' 40P SI N/ ' B 5'R�o�'oo \ / I \ I 50' STREAM BUFFER (MEASURED BANK, EACH SIDE) TOP OF0 0 'DETECTABLE 5 \ \ g \ VARIABLE WIDTH TOWN OF WARN\ SURF E •� �1 CARY UTILITY EASEMENT 'R •�`L P \ \ \31 jr VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC /�" r' - �\o ��°so0 I VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT \ \' 3'R G�� PEED LIMIT ��s / / \ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION SIGN NR15 MPH \\ \ \ \ / / / / \\ \ EASEMENT ACCESSIBLEro \ \\ \\ \ \ 18' L 'R \ 1 \ \ \ —� , / \ \ EASEMENT STORMWATER PEDESTRI \ \\ N / � RETAINING 2 WALL • � '��s. \ \ \\ \ SIGN (W11AN2) \/ c0 EAVY DUTY # • o \ \ / I 1 ' ° ASPHALT WITH SAFETY RAIL • \ \'f'o •�� R \ WITH ARROW DESIGN BY OTHERS EXISTING POND (2) STEPS ( ) F \ �16-7P) / / I I I 1 \ \ I 3'R W/ HANDRAILS 4' WHITE PARKING \s �� \ \ 3� "" • 22' EOP-EOP 24" STANDARD CURB FIRELANE STRIPING LANDING (TYP.) • \ ` \ �� 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK \ (TYP.) \`� Q x AND GUTTER (TYP.) TO TIE INTO EXISTING \ \ • NL`�\ \ �� �— —1 / 1-1 I I I I \ I HEAVY DUTY 10' PROGRESS \ \ \ ASPHALT 5' CONCRETE 2' ENERGY EASEMENT \ SIDEW �f� '� ` / 4' WHITE PARKING \ \ VARIABLE WIDTH TOWN OF I D.B. 12096, PG. 1075 \ \ �� o I �/ LANDING (TYP.) I I I \ \ \ \ • \ `�J \ \ `� ao\CARY GREENWAY EASEMENT \ 4' WHITE PARKING • p ° N � 3' TOWN\ CARY STREET LIGHT \ POOL • \`� �y \ x° ri 6' CONCRETE r EASEMENT O BE DEDICATED \ LANDING (TYP.) • o� s � I I o + SIDEWALK + STORMWATER MANAGEMENT \ \ �\ 20' TOWN OF CARY R Ao c� o ' 5'X8' CONCRETE \ A � \ Q N a FACILITY MAINTENANCE/ACCESS BUS STOP PAD �� \ UTILITY EASEMENT ` 2' SPEED LIMIT �� /i \ STORMWATER I \ V \ \ r ` 5 R\ SIGN 15 MPH FIRELANE/STRIPING EASEMENT \ \ \ " n / \ \• \N 7\ AMENITY AREA "A" • ` — _ TYP.) �� RETAINING WALL #4 WITH CONTROL MEASURE A \\\ \ COVERED CARPORT \ n UN Z (SEE SHEET LS-1) 5 R oQ 3 ( i� WITH COLUMNS AND 83Z� \\ FENCE(DESIGN BY OTHERS) \ \\ \ / \ A o `\ ,\ � \ (SEE SHEETS SW —Al THRU SW—A5) \ MASONRY BASE \ c� w• 8 \ 7.5CONCRETE SIDEWALK \ \\ BIKE RACKS L • 0 R x �� ,ya \ / \ \ \� \ O 4 SPACES) •� \� SPgCFS� — — — — — — — o,\ \ \ � ` 24" STANDARD CURB � \ � ( � 'R 5 R 5R \ \� AND GUTTER (TYP.) y PEDESTRIAN \ V 0• SIGN (W11-2) 21+00 5' S •6 On�.r Sp 20 Q i \\\ \ \ \ q \ \ 20' TOWN OF CARY UTILITY / \ ` WITH ARROW 64.44' R� CFS i 6' CONCRETE\\ \ \\ � 3'R/ � R _ 5 SPACES o SIDEWALK � AND PIPELINE EASEMENT RETAINING WALL #1 WITH ' \ APARTMENTS (W16-7P) Co�O -� 10'R — — �4s\ \� / o \ y� D.B. 8057, PG. 771 HIGH VISIBILITY + 22' EOP-EOP \ \ — 's 1055 HATCHES POND LANE �� • 5'R 5'R \ 6 FENCE (DESIGN BY OTHERS) \ 3'R � CROSSWALK • _ R�� � \ \� STREETSCAPE BUFFE� \\ FIRELANE/NO 4' MIN CLEAR PATH •• • HEAVY DUTY irl� \ \ (30.5' AVERAGE WIDTH) \ \ / R _R FIRELANE STRIPING PARKING STRIPING • ASPHALT \ \\ k COVERED CARPORT \ O (TYP.) (TYP.) WITH STOP & DO NOT 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5'R \ \� 5' CONCRETE \ \ ENTER SIGN (TYP.) © \ \O \ SIDEWALK \ \ \ SPEED LIMIT SIGN ACCESSIBLE PARKING 20' TOWN OF CARY \` 20' MINIMUM 2 SPEED LIMIT \ \ \ \ STREETSCAPE 0' 9 22' EOP-EOP SIGNAGE TYP. UTILITY EASEME��NT//�� �j \ \`�S, 5'R SIGN 15 MPH \ \\ \\ (7,930 SF) \\\ HATCHES POND LANE / \\C' \ R� \ \ \ \ FUTURE GREENWAY (DESIGN \ L,, vn \ AMENITY AREA "B" / ES, \ VARIABLE WIDTH \ \ BY OTHERS) \ \\ \\ R \ \� un TRASH ROOM WITH (SEE SHEET LS-1) (2) STEPS (PRIVATE) FENCE (TYP.) \ TYPE B BUFFER \ \ \ 3' COMPACTOR AND W/ HANDRAIIE�iE SHEET -I DOG t \ (16,111 SF) % ROLL -OUT BINS ACCESSIBLE PARKING w7� \ I r \ SIGNAGE (TYP.) # PARK li\O \ VARIABLE WIDTH \ I \ \ \ L \N RISER � RETAINING WALL 5A I � ROOM I� P • NEW LOT 9 WITH DOG PARK FENCE PUBLIC VEHICLE / I 6.93 AC. 305,383 SF WHEEDLESITGN BY OP WITHI NOTHERS) S I \ i ��- y�l ACCESS EASEMEN j 3 R 2' OF CURB (TYP.�, N _ ��HEEL STOP WITHIN 5 RISERS i �\ I - _ — STORMWATER \ �, © 2' OF CURB (TYP.) c c o \ \ EXISTING POND Icn MANAGEMENT FACILITY \\ TAYLOR, ROBERT �/ 1 \ •o �O 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK s C L \ �� MAINTENANCE/ACCESS \ PIN: 0745444852 \ `i t� V th \ \ T, GG m I� , T=23 EASEMENT D.B. 15575, PG. 2283 \ `� gyp, N P _ a I� I \ \ VARIABLE WIDTH \ EASEMENT OPEN TO \ \ \\ l o \ GG co c� z c� Ix c \ Atl( TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION \ \ \ f rd \ 8' 5' 11' PEDESTRIAN SIGN (W11-2) EASEMENT FOR FUTURE • 3'R - I I o \PUBLIC GREENWAY CONNECTION \ AREA • �•• 3'R 3'R 8 SPACES 3'R 3'R 14 SPACES I��i m l I '' / WITH ARROW (W16-7P) \ \ \ \\ \\ -� \ \ •••• \ 9 �9 P S — —N — — WALL #5 WITH N R - - �,\ \ �` V • O C SQ GE I RAIL (DESI BY OTHERS) o! HIGH VISIBILITY \ \ \ \ \\ ✓� \ n ,�� i 3 R 10 SPACES 3'R 3'R 11 SPACES I 3'R 10'R DI A I II I A \ �C O CROSSWALK \ \ _u I — I\ \ \ NEW LOT 10 \ \\ \ \ f C / r 5 R ACCESSIBLE \ 10' $ �I 1 I \ \\ 0 08 AC 3 600 SF LOT 10 (CELL TOWER) BUFFER REQUIRED PROPOSED AREA 16,000 SF 16,111 SF DAVIS DRIVE STREETSCAPE BUFFER AREA (SF) LENGTH (LF) NORTH 7,930 300 SOUTH 7,276 198 TOTAL 15,206 498 AVERAGE WIDTH (LF) 30.53 \\\ I \ B-B 9 m i x I RAMP (TYP.) 30, I \ 6O'X60' AS APPROVED 8 6 18 BY \ \ 3'R 1O'R U) I 15' ACCESS 31 I I 3'R C i 1 5 R \PEASEMEN EDESTRIAN I C O NECNORY \ \\ i \THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 18-V-03 \ / — SIGN (W11 --2) c0,%10t1d �0'R 10'R WITH ARROW O CR13 SPACES (W16-7P) 3NE STRIPING S'DK I PROPOSEDI I I I P�ROPERTY FIRELANE STRIPING LINE(TYP) 14 SPACES 3'�3'R 14 SPACES 3'��2 114 SPACES ACCESSIBLE oI (TYP) \ \\ \\\ \ \\ \ \\ I \ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION RAMP TYP-) N EASEMENT \ I 6' CONCRETE �� \\ \ x\ \ 1�, �' 20 PRIVATE STORMWATER MORRISVILLE REQUIRED I 10' 10' L I I SIDEWALK \ \ \ ` EASEMENT 20' STREETYARD I g—g g—g B I ACCESSIBLE EXISTING 196' NON—STEALTH"� �' \ \I25'R I RAMP (TYP.) MONOPOLE COMMUNICATIONS \� r o � DETECTABLE ', 2 � � TOWER `�\ \ �\ \ �� 444.38' _ _ W_AR_NING SURFACE 1 \ \ \ I HEAVY DUTY PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE N90'00'00"w (SEE SHEET D-1) �� 6' CONCRETE X \ \ RELOCATED 10' PROGRESS ASPHALT 20' TOWN OF CARY \ STOP SIGN WITH 1 UTILITY EASEMENT W4-4AP PLACARD 1 SIDEWALK STORM WATER MANAGEMENT �' �� 1 ENERGY EASEMENT ` I _______________________ _ __-- --_ \--------_ FACILITY MAINTENANCE/ACCESS \`� D.B. 12096, PG. 1075--------------- ' — — — — — — — — — — — — 24" STANDARD CURB v' ��-� � 24' WHITE STOP BAR 11 EASEMENT \ ------ TOWN OF MORRISVILLE _ ___________�� AND GUTTER (TYP.) \ WITH STOP SIGN (TYP.) TOWN OF CARY 30' TYPE B BUFFER \ 1 N90'00'00"E 1 \ \ 1 \ SO'00'00"E -A59.50' STUB ROAD FOR VARIABLE WIDTH TEMPORARY \ 1 111 1 1 1 \ 17.66' Ul FUTURE EXTENSION CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ' \ \ OFFSITE ROAD WI ING I CARY/MORRISVILLE �', + TEMPORARY BARRICADE / \' f \ 1 ANS BY KIMLEY HO \ 1 \ EASEMENT CITY LIMITS BOUNDARY 196' SETBACK \ of (SEE DETAIL 3000.25) I;5H1�ETS RO.00-R6.03 1\ \ \ STREETSCAPE BUFFER \ p1 o I \ \ 1 \ 1 1 \ (30.5' AVERAGE WIDTH) \ \ 11 o STORMWATER / I \ \ 1\ 1 \1 I \ so'1376 ' 1 o CONTROL MEASURE "B" ' SITE LEGEND 1I I \ \ � 1 1 1-, ', -0 \ SIGNAGE 1 \ 1 I \ FUTURE DEVELOPMENT \ \ �� I (SEE SHEETS SW-61 THRU SW—B5) \ \ NEW LOT 11 YARD LIGHTS 1 I 5.78 AC. 251,577 SF \I I \ 5' CONCRETE\ 1 =m LIGHT POLE II \ I SIDEWALK POLE POWER E E \ 11 1 \ 34' STREETSCAPE TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL ARROW ACC ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL 1 S45000'00"E ACCESSIBLE RAMPS 1 \ \ VAN VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL \ II I I I 3' TOWN OF CARY STREET LIGHT 1485 N90'00'00"w \ \ 1 1 �1II I\ I I I EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED 1 s4.4s' \ \ 1 \I ' I , � ' I I1 \ TYPE ® TYPE© TYPE © � I \ 1 I III 10 EASEMENT 20' ACCESSIBLE ROUTE MENT 1 ' \ \ 20' PERIMETER BUFFER FUTURE EXTENSION FROM HATCHES POND LANE TO CONNECT TO HOLLY GRAVE BLVD. TO BE DESIGNED WITH DEVELOPMENT OF LOT 11 .II�II�II�II�II. PHASE LINE \ 1 \ II 1------- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — HVAC UNITS FOR PROPOSED BUILDING PROPERTY LINE 1 �II� ; _ _ _ _ - WILL BE PLACED ON THE ROOF. RIGHT—OF—WAY LINE — — — — LOT LINE (� I .� 7— SEE SHEET C-2 FOR ALL SITE, UTILITY, 11 I, 11. I GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES EASEMENT LINE AND SPECIFICATIONS. CENTERLINE NOTES 24 TTOTAL STANDARD PARKING SPACES 1. NOTE: ISSD CALCULATIONS FOR INTERNAL DRIVEWAY CONNECTIONS FOR HEAVY DUTY 15 MPH SPEED LIMIT WERE OBTAINED FROM 2011 AASHTO TABLE ASPHALT PAVEMENT 9-6: DESIGN INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE — CASE B1 & EXHIBIT 9-8: DESIGN INTERSECTION SIGHT DISTANCE — CASE B2 & B3 FIRE LANE STRIPING PER CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF VARIANCE 18-V-03. NO BUILDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED BETWEEN LOT 10 AND THE 196' RADIUS SETBACK FROM THE EXISTING CELL TOWER. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN GRAPHIC SCALE ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT NCDOT 40 0 20 40 80 AND TOWN OF CARY ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS a 1 inch - 40 ft. M p • �Cq CqM � d w von z■ 2zao �0 u�`n Cq M I pl" D) VJ � A V y: 42 eomo ��C H�;,,,�,,. 4 N a a 0 J � J Q Q � U U J p 3 a o w Z U a -> w of LL w � N of � 3 z o 0 m m N� N N w r-1 O d� O O O � z ado U E- Ey �WE_4 E 0 a � Wiz P4 O a O 7 � � A U O O as F-1 � W � a a � M� �a 1� Lf� w � U A O PROJECT N0. GRE-17000 FILENAME: GRE17000-S1 CHECKED BY: WH D DRAWN BY: _ SCALE: 1 "= 40' DATE: 02-10-19 SHEET N0. C-4 �� MCADAMS FINAL DRAWING - RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION \+ \ \ \\ \ \ /// // • �C,, \ \ \\` \ �/� �• 1� \� / 35' TOWN OF CARY UTILITY EASEMENT 00 BW=365 00 op SSMH DIP I�ORMpPE� WT 5 .85 w 4 \ 10" DIP STO SE"kIN ul �° ® 1% MINPE a� c 0 0 U C E IL 0 00 rn 0 04 3 v c� I 0 0 0 w CY N O c 3 0 0 C a� t i N O C �3 0 0 c 0 U C 0 0 v c 0 0 0 0 r- I w CY i w CY U 0 IL IN, , \ EXISTING �' �'/ \ I HATCHES POND LANE �!�� /'�� j� EW=34 INV=34 RIM=35 � / �j / / INV=342.00 INV=343.80 RIM=356.45 / INV IN=349.85 (CB-208) \ / ( PRIVATE) i , i i �/ / CB-101 CB-201 INV OUT=349.35 \ FUTURE GR ENWAY / / �/ , / ' ` / T/C=349.45 BY OTHERS / / ��j i / / INV IN=344.15 (CB-102) T/C=352.68 CB-208 \ \ \ RETAINING WALL #3 WITH / / .sue i / INV IN=344.20 (CB-1 03) INV INV OUTOUT= 4344.40 T/C=357.20 (CB INV IN=350.15 (CB-209) TW=364.00\ RAIL (DESIGN BY OTHERS) INV OUT=344.10 BW=361.00 A �' / i'�i �� / - A \ CB-102 CB-202 INV OUT=350.05 \ \ �' ��' \ \ \ T/C=349.45 T/C=353.33 CB-209 \ TW_364.33 \ \ \ \ EXISTING POND / / / j �� / \ \ / \ INV OUT=344.20 IINV IN=345.20 NV OUT 344.7pC6-203) T/C=357.35 BW=361.67 \ \ \ / // \.\ CB-103 INV IN=351.50 (CB-210) T/C=351.95 CB-203 INV OUT=351.25 I 100' STREAM BUFFER / // i \ \ \ INV OUT 346 6INV IINN=346.90 bCB-104) NVC IN=346.50 (CB-204) CB-210 �\ - 2.22 TW=364.67 \\ ` (MEASURED 50' FROM TOP - / i / \ /� \ \ INV IN=346.00 (CB-205) INV IN =351.75 (CB-21 1) BW=364.00 \ � OF BANK, EACH SIDE) / i CB-104 INV OUT=345.50 / \ \ INV OUT=351.65 / \ T/C=354.35 TW=360.00 CB-204 / / BW=359.33 ' �' \� INV OUT 3492bCB-105) T C=352.17 CB-211 EX. SSMH / T/C=357.60 EX. 8" SS // 50' STREAM BUFFER �/� i'� �' INV IN=346.78 (CB-204A) INV IN=352.60 (CB-212) / (MEASURED 50' FROM TOP i / / CB-105 INV OUT=346.70 INV OUT=352.50 / OF BANK, EACH SIDE) / �/ / \ T/C=355.55 CB-205 / INV IN=350.55 (CB-106) T/C=353.58 CB-212 MANHOLE TO BE ADJUSTED TO FINAL INV OUT=350.45 INV IN=347.80 (CB-206) T/C=358.80 / // A TW=3 1.00 ROAD GRADE (TYP) / \ \ INV OUT=347.70 INV OUT=353.30 \ BW= 50 3 RETAINING WALL #4 WITH I ( CB-106 CB-206 EW-300 FENCE (DESIGN BY OTHERS) (/ \ / \ \ \ T/C=356.85 T/C=355.62 INV.=344.00 I \ INV IN=351.90 (CB-107) JB-301 \ - \ INV IN = 348.80 JB 207) \ \ TW=j70.0 / // / I \ \ ( VARIABLE WIDTH TOWN OF / j/ 1 INV OUT=351.30 INV OUT=348.70 (-INV OU1.10 BW=3 / / �\ / / / / CARY UTILITY EASEMENT / \ \ INV OT=344.30 \\ 67.00 / /zv ASTORMWATER MANAGEMENT / / I ( \ \ T/C=356.65 FACILITY MAINTENANCE/ACCESS / / / \ / - EXISTING POND INV OUT=352.15 363.95 SNR \ TW=359.75 EASEMENT I \ \ 0 BW=357.85 CE ® % BW=350.75 358.�O M SLOPE FUTURE GREENWAY TW=359.00 BY OTHERS I \ \ / / TW 59.40 AREA DRAI \ \ 1 \ �-349.50 =357.85 (TYP) / - TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ) ` \ FENCE RETAINING ESIGNLBY OTIHE \\ / / // VARIABLE WID PUBUC I \ \ \ \ � � � /�j / ( � � � jrj� � - ;'\ \ � \ EASEMENT � ) \ O / ( VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT- / PRIVATE STORM RETAINING WALL #2 DRAINAGE EASEMENTCB-211 (2) STEPS �W/ HANDRAILS WITH SAFETY RAIL 0` 14 LF 15" RCP (DESIGN B OTHERS) CB-106 \ - ss / - I' - I P GRESS W 3 8. 0 \ ®5.10% 33 LF 15" CLASS I IV \ i I I� I I \ \ 20' TOWN OF CARY UTILITY 'F\RGY ASEMENT \ \ \ RCP ®0.76% =359. 0 \ �� ` , 7` �il \ \ AND PIPELINE EASEMENT D. 120 PG. 1075 D.B. 8057, PG. 771 \ \ \ \ \ 12" PVC S OR SERVICE \ \ 355.80 / \ I j I I \ \`II VARIABLE WIDTH TOWN OF I \ \ \ \ 3 ® 1% MIN SLOP \ \ ® / \ I I I \ \ I 358.50 CB-107 355.50 � �� I I � \ J \ CARY GREENWAY EASEMENT \ 62 LF 15" RCP W=346 00 I I I 4'X4' RISER STRUCTURE 3' TOWN OF CARY STREET LIGHT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ T \0 1.22% FLUSH CURB 118 LF 15" RCP TW-353.00 �� � I \I j \\ (SEE SW SHEETS FOR \µ, EASEMENT TO ,BE DEDICATED \\ \ \ \ 126 LF 15" RCP/ POOL 0 1.99% BW=345.50 i I _ \ OUTFALL INFO) I \ \\ \ \ \ \ 0 0.60% `� TW=355.50 • \\ \ AREA DRAIN (TYP)/ \ BW=348.00 68 LF 15" RCP 20' TOWN OF CARY �_ \ - \ _ 0 1.63% \ \ STORMWATER J \ \ \ \ \ UTILTY� EASEMENT / / s" PVC STORM SERVICE r- �6-1o5 "'�CONTROL MEASURE "A" ® 1 % MIN SLOPE 356.5 \ \\ \ \ \ I (SEE SHEETS SW -Al THRU SW-A5) \ \ ^\ \\\ \ CARPORT \ \ \ \ o \ FFE=358.50' 356CB-1o3 .50 / 356.50 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ I \ 10" PVC STORM (SERVICE \�/® - _ - 1% MIN SLO/I E 355.75 \ CB-104 \ \ - \ - \ \ RETAINING WALL #4 WITH \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ AM€ REA 'A" �.� (2) STEPS 30' TOWN OF CARD �3 ` \ / CB-210 _l/ HANDRAILS S r'\\ / \ FENCE (DESIGN BY OTHERS) / \ \ � ETAIN G WALL #1 WITH \ \ "I / (SEE SH�T'1=S�1) •�O st - - EASEMENT �` ` - / \ \ \ "CE SIGN BY OTHERS) \\ \ 19 LF 15" RCP ( \ TW=351.00 \ \X,\\ �\ \ \ \\ \ 0 0.79% I \ 8" DIP STORM SERVICE ` BW\345.0 \ \ CB 209 TREE PROTECTION \ \ \ ® 1 % MIN SLOPE \ \ I \ \q \ \� \\ TW=366.00 \ \\ \ STREETSCAPE BUFFER_ ` (UNDER WALL) FENCE (TYP.) \ \ \ \\\BW=359.25 \\ \ (30.5' AVERAGE WIDTH) APARTMENTS \ / A \ EXTEND WALL \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ PVC STORM SERVIC \ FOUNDATION �\ \ \ \ \ \ I 0 T%-MIN,SLOPE 356.50 T -352.0 \ \ LOCALLY BELOW\ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ 9 \ \ \ rcP \\ 356.50 ® Al "HE S POND ANE W- 52.00 \ \ \PIPE \ ,a\ \ \ \ / STORMWATER MANAGEMENT \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 8" PVC STORM AMENITY AREA "B `1 151 LF 18" RCP CB-101 \ VELOCITY DISSIPATOR w4D FACILITY MAINTENANCE/ACCESS f \ A (PRMATE \ EASEMENT \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ SERVICE 0 1 % SEE SHEET LS-1) ` 0 162% / _ _ SCAR 0 T \\\ \ \\ MIN SLOPE ( UE SHED P-1 356.00 \ \ \ ��' \ CLASS B RIP RAP "\ �\ \ VARIABLE WIDTH R \58.50 AREA DRAIN (TYP) \FFE=356.50 s - / \ i I TYPE B BUFFER \ \ g \ \ TW-356: 0 \ \ \ \ \ \ � � \ � \\ \ � _ _ _ _ _ -- • \ NEW LOT 9 D 0 G BW=.354. o \ � \ // \ � \ I I (116,1111 SF) \ 178 LF 18" RCP s� \ 6.93 AC. \305,38 5F PARK \ \ \ 0 0.62% LF 15" RCP \ �� / \ 20' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT � \ FOR FUTURE GREENWAY CONNECTION \\ ST RM SERVICE � RETAININ WALL #5A WITH RAIL 1.00% \PY� N� Y�-LI U 0 4.CONSTRUC�1 EING \ \ \ - h Q EW 100 \ PR( ED 6 RE IMED WA IN \ \ CLEA OUT (TYP.) TW=356. 0 W= 3 65 \ TO BE C0�1 E FRO VALVE \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (DESIGN BY THERS) \ \ \ \ BW=354 60 BW=3 1.00 \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ r 358.50 r TW=350.00 \ EXISTING POND I� \ \BW=345.00 \ FUTURE GREENWAY STORM SERVICE BW=35I1.pO \ �\ \ BY OTHERS \ \\ I 358.00 CLEANOUT (TYP.) _ A �\ \ \ \\ \\\\ 20' MINIMUM \ 10" PVC STORM SERVICE \ 350. 5 2 'plo PRIVATE GREENWAY \ \ \ \ \ \ \ STREETSCAPE \ 8" PVC TORM 0 1% MIN SLOPE FLUSH CU I \ E�F�1,ENT OPEN TO \ \ \ \ \ (7,930 SF) \ SERVICE 1% 1% FLUSH 'CURB \ ETAINING WA L 5 WITH 3 9.7� / PU I \ \ EXISTING 196' NON -STEALTH \ \\ \\ \ IN SLOPE 8" PVC STORM SERVICE \ # A \ \ \ - MONOPOLE COMMUNICATIONS 1% MIN SLOPE Vi 12" PVC STORM R IL (DESIGi�I BY OTHERS) p 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ^� i 29 LF 0-RING 18" RCP r' � TOWER \ \ \ \ \ TW=365.00 \ - - I SERVICE ® 1% MIN I I 0 7 32%' BW=358.75 \ 28 LF 18" RCP \ \ SLOPE - I I o1 \ \ FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 0 0.71% 1 I I W 351.95 349.7 o I \ \ NEW LOT 10 I \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ CB-208 \ I 11 LF 0-RING 15" - 15' ACCESS I `A \ ( \ \ \ \ TW=360.00 \ I I \ I 20 TOWN OF CARY RCP ® 0.63% I CB -20 EASEMENT I / I I I \ �\ \ i \0.08 AC. 3,600 SF UTILITY EASEMENT N 1 �_ 3512 \ \ � - � � C 04 I \\ 20' TREETYARD 10" PVC STO M SERVIC ~- J��`'� s2 0 I VARIABLE WIDTH PUBLIC /I a� I \\ \ \ TEMPORARY GREENWAY \ \ \\ \ \ \ I \ \ 5 ® 1% MIN SLOPE- I - 2.95% 351.30 I VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMEN r \ \ \ \ CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 24 LF 0 RING 15 \ \ \ \ \ \ I - CB 206 CB-205 I RCP ®0.84% CB-20 ( I / �\ \ \ \\ ^ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION JB-207 1 I I \ \ \ 1 TW-360.00 I 36 LF 0-RING 30" \ \ \ \ EASEMENT \ \ \ \ REL CA D 10' PROGIR \ \ \ I BW=358.00 92 LF 24" RCP 137 LF 24" RC 136 LF O-RING 24" I351.80 RCP 0 0.84% I I I6 \ \ ��\ \� \ \ \ ENE Y SEMENT f \ 351.40 352 \ �\ GRADING LEGEND \ \ I - ®o.so% \ - ®o.ss% RCP ® 1.25% 351.80 B. 09 , PG. 1075 \ Ilk \\� \ \\ I 35 I \ CB-202 �\ \ �' \' �\ \ \ \ \ I 1p � 1p 1 ( __ 3 8 - ( > 0 FLARED END SECTION \ \ \ \ \ \ 360 354 --� �� SEE 0 I ROAD WI ENING I �- /I PLANS 1� KIMLEY HORN 1 30' TYPE'B BUFFER 1 1 EW U ENDWALL SECTION ( � Add ) \ 1 I 1 364 I-- ----------------------------------------- I ------=-------------------------- - SHEET 00-R 03 '.. \ _ _ _ _ _ �--- ---------------------- \ CATCH BASIN \ \ �� 1 WV Is F TW=363.33 - � \ STUB ROAD FOR \ \ \ TO TOWN OF CA U.E �T dl - d� - u r>7- - dl m dim dl - - d1).- RCP 0 0.82% 36" _ DROP INLET I \ \ \ I 1 1 BW-358.00�1--dhLaT--� TW� 358.00 \ a I T, ' EXTENSION 24 I \ 1 \ 11 1 \ \ BW=357.33 I LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE ■ STORM SERVICE INLET I \ \ \ I 1 \ / \ \ 1 1 \ I 20' PRIVATE STORM _ TREE PROTECTION 1 I \ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION \ I \ / \ \� DRAINAGE EASEMENT • FENCE (TYP.) STORM SERVICE ROOF -DRAIN I 1 11 f I 1 \ EASEMENT I \ l \ 3 I \ 1 \ 1 \ 1 CARY/MORRISVILLE \ I \ 40 \ O JUNCTION BOX \ \ 1 f \ \ I I \ \ I I \CITY LIMITS BOUNDARY \ \ I \\ �-- 1I \ 11 1 1 I \ \ \ DRAINAGE FLOW ARROW 61 LF 0-RING 36" \ VELOCITY DI;#IPATOR PA j \ I \1 \ 1 f I 1 1 \ \ \ \ \RCP ® 0.98% L=21;W=1119';T=18" 1 \ STREETSCAPE BUFFER \ CLASS B R RAP (30.5" AVERAGE WIDTH) ti LINE BREAK SYMBOL 1 I f I 1 \ II \ \ \ / 1 I l � - II II \ � _ \ \ I 250.50 \ 11 1 A 1 f \ \ \ I I' 196' SETBACK I \ \ � 250.00 TOP & BOTTOM CURB ELEVATIONS I I \ 1 1 I \ 1 1 \ \ \ TW=223.00 TOP OF WALL ELEVATION I I 11 1 I \I \ \ 1 - - - - - �I \ FUTURE \ I VELOCITY DISSIPATOR PAD I `, 1 _ �� I I FU U E I � / ��� � � L=18'; W=10.2'; T=18" BW=213.00 BOTTOM OF WALL ELEVATION _ I II I i \ 11 � I 1 / NEW L(�T 11 � / CLASS B RIP RAP ELEVATION NOT OF WALWALL IS ROUND \ I \I I 1 I /251,577 1 � ( 34' STREETSCAPE / 5.78 AC. SF ( / � III I `I I I (7,276 SF) I i STORMWATER _ _ _ STORMWATER MANA EMENT I 11 11 I I I _- - - w CONTROL MEASURE "B'' EW-300 \ FACILITY MAINTENANCE/ACCESS + 250.60 SPOT ELEVATION 1 / / l I J I � � EASEMENT STORM DRAINAGE II 1\1 1 4 r I �� / (SEE (SHEETS SW-B1 THRU SW-B5) I - 43 LF 0 . RING 36" STORM SERVICE LINE I II 1 I� 1 / / I / / I RCP 0. o.ss% 4X4' RISER STRUCTURE (SEE SW SHEETS FOR � \\ ROOF DRAIN, 8" ADS \ II 1 I I I/ 1 / / I o OUTFALL INFO) /\ - RD - RD - RD - \ I I \ / 3' TOWN OF CARY STREET LIGHT / / / `� \ NON -PERFORATED TUBING OR I r 111 I EASEMENT TO BE DEDICATED EQUAL 1. % SLOE 3MIN.P ' 0 ° MIN. - COVER PVC SCHEDULE 40 IN \ \ 1 y £ 1 I I / / / / / / / \ d4 - dl -UT--Al m dl - d} \ TRAFFIC AREAS 1 \-301 \\ -TP -TP -TP - TREE PROTECTION FENCE / i0s I I\ I I \ f 40 DUKE EASEMENT ENERGY LD LD LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE i � \ � 1 \ ' / I � I 1 20' PERIMETER BUFFER WOODED AREA 7 � BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATIONS W \ / / LEVEL 5 401.13 250 MAJOR CONTOUR\\,\ I 1 \\ I� I \ \ \ / f _ i / / LEVEL 4 390.47 \ \ _ _ -- -- - _ _ �i LEVEL 3 379.82 252 MINOR CONTOUR I / �- \ \I \ _ -__ - -� _ -- SEE SHEET C-2 FOR ALL SITE UTILITY LEVEL 2 369.16 (I I \ 1 I - -- > , LEVEL 1 356.50/358.50 250EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR 1I I \ / \\� - > > / GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL NOTES I � 252_______ EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR I I 11 / I �� /I AND SPECIFICATIONS. EASEMENT LINE ACCESSIBLE PARKING AREA (2% MAX. SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN GRAPHIC SCALE 40 0 20 40 80 0 ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT NCDOT AND TOWN OF CARY ENGINEERING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 1 inch = 4o ft. FINAL DRAWING - M p • �Cq CqM � 3o d • von z■ 00zao O0 Lo Cam) 0) Cq M fir^ VJ � A V �N OAR �0 �1-42 01\ qM ...�F. � w w F � a U � d > w 0 w w a o Q � (3 cr U O N 3 a z o w Z Z U a a > J w Cr 3 w � 0 U Q o w d N � U� 0) N Z7 o O o 0 0 N N N aaa O d� O O O � C3 4 ado U N E-� W E_4 � a E-1VlCn Wiz a 0 � �� W A U U) a z 0 C7 0 z a a Q A 5 F M� a >•I A � z V O PROJECT N0. GRE-17000 FILENAME: GRE17000-G1 CHECKED BY: WH D DRAWN BY: J B SCALE: 1 "= 40' DATE: 02-10-19 SHEET N0. C-5 RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION �� MCADAMS CONTAMINANT OVERLAY MAP 00 0 N 0 / v 4 S ,/ / , / _' \ PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE / ♦ \ I � A3 A7�0 \\ \ 20'-0" UTILITY Al \ EASEMENT \ \ CARPORT #1 \ \\ \ \ Al (9) SPACES \ \ \ \ �\\ \—, (HATCHED AREA) \ \ \ Al RE: 1 /A1.38 \ \ \ \ PROPOSED PROPERTY \ \ LINE \ \ \ 10'-0" PROGRESS ENERGY EASEMENT NOTE: THE MARKUPS ON THIS DRAWING WERE ADDED AFTER THE ORIGINAL DRAWING WAS SEALED. MARKUPS FOR ILLUSTRATION ONLY. TAI • om A2 X A2 Al \ \ Al '� \ CARPORT #2 (8) SPACES \ PUMP ROOM (HATCHED AREA) \ \ RE: 1 /A1.39 \ \ \ MAINT. ROOM \ RISER ROOM \ \ \ TRASH ROOM \ \ \ \ C4 G I 1 I 1 , GENERAL SITE PLAN NOTES: 1. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS FOR ALL DIMENSIONS 6. REFER TO LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS FOR POOL \ OF SURFACE PARKING AND PAVING, AS WELL & COURTYARD LAYOUTS, PLANTING, RETAINING \ \ \ AS FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS AND SURFACE WALLS, DECORATIVE PAVING, ETC. \ \ SITE DRAINAGE. 2. REFER TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AND CIVIL FENCE. GAT SIN. SHABLL BIE GH SELOFO CLOSINGS& E PLANS FOR CURB RAMP LOCATIONS AND SELF —LATCHING, SHALL HAVE COMPLIANT DETAILS. ACCESSIBLE MANUV. CLEARANCES & SHALL 3. PROVIDE HANDICAP PARKING STALLS IN OPEN AWAY FROM POOL. (RE: LAND. DWGS) ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE ACCESSABILITY 8. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE FOR REFERENCE STANDARDS. ONLY, REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR EXACT 4. REFER TO CIVIL DRAWINGS FOR ACCESSIBLE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS AND DIMENSIONCONTROL PLAN. / PARKING SIGNAGE. 5. REFER TO STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS FOR 9• FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATIONS ARE INCLUDED FOR REFERENCE ONLY, REFER TO CIVIL FOUNDATION PLAN & TYPICAL DETAILS. DRAWINGS. PROJECT SITE DENOTES LOCATION OF ACCESSIBLE ROUTE DENOTES LOCATION OF ACCESSIBLE \ I \ \ I LAKE GROVE BLVD INTO BUILDING. MAINTAIN MAXIMUM RUNNING ENTRANCES INTO BUILDING. SLOPE OF 5% AND MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE VICINITY MAP OF2%. N. UTILITY \ UTILITY AND PIPELINE EASEMENT \/\ \ \ EASEMENT \ STAIR #4 \ \ \ FUTURE GREENWAY PATH i _ I i 1 \� \ \ ♦ \\ �� _ - PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE POOL PAVILION RE:1 /A1.40 COURTYAtBt 00 A \ V A STAIR #2 — _ _ — ,' PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE \ 'N \\ ® POOLROOM ----�- - - - - - - - - _ \\ \ \ B4- - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - O VAS\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ �\ CLUBHOUSE yA 0 - \\/ \ \ \\ ORM WATER /O A9 A2 B 1 B2 \\ \ MA GEMEN \ \ / \ \ / � \ FACI ITY "A" \ \ EEO STAIR #1 \ \ \ \ B 1 COURTYARD, ®A ® A3HC DOG / A3 B 1 PARK B2 � � B2 / I-- - -- _---- --� - OUli B2 z I • _---- ---� N, \�\ STAIR #3 200' CELL TOWER FALL ZONE -I I I \ \ \ -- C, C I I I I I I EXISTING CELL TOWER I I � I I 20'-C" UTILITY EASEMENT \ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — PROPO D PROPERTY LINE — TOWN OF MORRISVILLE_ _ TOWN OF CARY SITE PLAN I I I f5 30 0" PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE \ `0_11H 1CARo��'. '. oFEss/o ti L ,p ARCHITECT 0UID0 M0��� pp,RT/V C) �: w SEAL �A•.o 'W 51838 0; _ d =; �/ y•. MORTHCARD�;��P. c III W Q 0 0 z 0 z U Ld w Z 0 O� u� w wN Ld QC, o� 0 z C f W L a Zrn O U fr co � � m 0 O X � a Q N co+ 0 co O N �� OD MAIN o U) y W W ® 00) z a 02) � Q o 0 JOB NO.: 17014 FILE NAME: 7010102 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION X ISSUED FOR PRICING X ISSUED FOR PERMIT ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAWING NO. A1.02 CUT AND FILL DIAGRAM i N I I I PG I \ \ \ \ \ \\ , MDS `-- \ \N�- 1> - - X�* "\ +13.2 13. 0. +12.53+12.69+1 \ �. \ \\ � I 1.7 .18 .0 1. 11%8 + 12. .41 + s. 4. .o: j5�1 4 .7 in + 9. 11.02+ 9 +�0 +10.10+9. 52 +1 ^ 364 \ \ \ 4\ 8.0 + + le +9. 9.44 • • +9. +9. 1 +\' . + 510 \ `Q6.)6 I / + .45 ++ \�+746 7.56 + + 6 + 7 36 64 +.9 4+ 12 +5. +5.66 +6. + 26 .2 \+ 6. 7�39 / 34 4 43 2 + +4.11 "4.39 +4. 5 + . +3.21 +3.6\4 +4.2 7 7.03 7.43 7 �o � \ 1 \ p362 + 3,20 + .7 3 +2.02 +2.15 +2.52 +3.0z 4. 9 .1 + +7r 7. 7 +' \ I 1.88 + 7 + + 1.29 + 1.39 + 1.22 �K1.16 + 1.45 + 1.96 # 2.66 + : + 6. V +\ 1 + �:8 +0.0 + 0.94 + 0.93 + 0.82 +0.74 +0.69 +1.30 .94 +2. 6 + • •. + 0.01 + 1.04 .05 0. 0.71 + 0.62 + 0.53 + 0.45 0.3 0.98 + n .83 + 2.78 + + + FS 6.59 ?s + ^ \ �_��� s6lp O � SS V A V A \ 64 + 7.08 + 0 �72 + 0. 16 + 4 + 0.44 + 0.48 + 0.52 0.55 1.07 1.98 + 2.96 3 94 + .93 6.4 \ 1 /� V A \ 8. 1. �• V A,' �� \ ss -Joe \ \ \\ \\ ` \\ ;\\ 3 +� 1 +1 +1.14 +0 + .44 +0.11 +0.10 +0.191+0.28 +1 31+2.15 +3.17/+4.16 +5.17/+5.8 6. + 9 • • \\ / \ +103 7��\ \ \ \`�\\ \ \ \ \\ \+ .45 +6. 1.84 1.5 1.381 1.13 .46 +0.17\ +/ -7 +0.86 +1. +2.49 +3.4$ +4.40 +5.2 +5.78 +6. 1 + ,ic + 9 S. 7 ou \ \ \� \ 2 + 23 + 1. fi 1. ou + + 0. + _ ... + 1.34 2.09 2.85 + .74 + 4.64 + 5. 3 + 0 6.5: + ' 6 94 + + Q + + 6.70 + 7 + 7. + 2.24 .77 .28 + \ \ \ + .51 + 1 1.82 +1. +1.2 �� 4 + + + 14 +4.0 4.67 +�.14 +5.55 +6.09 + +6. 6-1 + � +-- *- + + +6.9 6.6 0.95 +�?.22 +1 +1. 19 +3.7 3. +1. 1 +0.9 1 +1.10 +1.8p +2.52 +3.3 + 7 +4.95 �.5� +5.30 +5.39 +5.39 +5.3 5.36 S +5. 5 + .53 +�F{60 7� - �+ t3 + .92 + + 6.� 9 +0.91 +2, \\ \ \ !• ` \ \ \ \ \ \\ + 7.7p + + �0 + 8 + 1 _ + 1.16 + 1.P6 + 2.69 + 3.62 + 4.1 + 4.63 + 4.76 + 4.71 + 4.65 + 4.61 + 4 63 4.62 + t _ + ... + + + 4 4.54 + n + + 5.65 + o.' 5 +.97 6.29 4.88 .5 <2.03 + 3. + 2.7d +1. 4 + 3. 2. •. \ \ \ \ \ \ / +2.06 1.9 1.11 .22 0. +1.11 +1.7 +2.51 +3.4045 .05 +4.00 +3.95 +3.91 +3.94 +3.94 +3.93 +3.90 +39 + 98 +3.90 +4.30`k4.6 +4.64 +5.1� +5 +6.6 + + +5. �� 15 .2 +2.56 3.43 2. 7 + 30 3 8 \ \ \\ \\\\\ 4 \ \ \\ \�.22 + 76 8 99 +1.58 \+2.19 +2.87 +3.00 +3. +2.98 +3.03 +31Z -21 +\.18 +3.13 +3.13 +3.22 +3.41 + \ +7.56 6.�+5. � .26�+ '�S 0 + .36 + .155 6 +3. 5 13 +1.04 +1.56 +1.91 +1 +1 9+1.83_+1.9 \ 9 +2.08 +2.17 +2.24 +2.3�\2.53 +2.72 +3.12 +3�3 +4.49 +5.32�+6.17 +6.94 +7.75 +8.57 +9.20 �F.�,+6. 0 < + 2 +y 0 +0 2. \3.8 +2.09 + .57 \\ \ 0.7 0.14 0 32 .1 + .28 + 0.46 + 0.87 + 0.91 + 0.87 0.81 + 0.74 + 0.86 �, 1 + 1.34 + 1.57 + 1.82'4-,2,03 + 2.48 + 3.21 \+ 4.03 + 4.87 + 5\710 + 6.52 + 7.35 +\7.99 + 8. .14 +76.22 + 1 3. 6 • + 31 0.99 1. 4 4. 5 + 36 1 +1. 0. +0.64 +0.20 +0.14 +0.17 + .27 +0.3 027 +0.14 +0.037 +0.85 +1.07 +1.29 +1.91 +2.73 +3.53 +4.37 +5.24 +6.13 +6.85 +7.44 8.0 .21 +5.43,+4.54 + .6 0.1 R I. 5 78 + .06 t 4.02 61 I 6 1.88'+3. +2.91 2. 1 1.77 +1.41 +1.41 +1.39 +1.40 +1.41 +1.40 +1.32 +1.10,3 +0.58 +0. +`0,28 +0.68 +1.42\+2.19 +3.03 +3.97 +4.88 5.71 +6.30 +6.85 +7. / .45 +4.86 +4.17 +3. 6 0 + + .64 +�.40 +2. 8 0. \+ 2 +\?- \ \ \ \ \\ \ !c \ \ \ \ + + + &5 O 4{4.0 19 + 7 + 2.64 + 2.67 + 2.65 + 2.59 + .30 + 2.�6 + 2.24 + 1.63 + 1.3 + 1.05 + 0.39 0.10 + 0.77 + 1.59 + .56 + 3. 8 + 4.14 + 4.74 + 5. + 5.69 + J.72 + 4.24 + 3.50 + 2. 1 +0 5 .69 + .6 + 1 + 4 64 + + 3.29 +U. \2 + 0. 0.7 \ 1. / +I 1,\+3.8 + 2 +3-79-+3:92-+3$2 +3.71 2 2. +1. 1.3 + .91 +0 6 0.1 + 1.90, 1.8 + .43 +3. 1 3. + 3.27 + 6 A.1 + .02 +3. 2 4 !.22 0. 3 +0. 4 .4 .0 �+ 0 2.\ +3.93 +2.89 +1.5 089 + 3 .3 4.69 .26 4. + 4.52 + 4.57 .41 + \ + 4 07 3.5 + .99 .56 + 2.1 + 1. + 1.17 + 0\.69 + 0.05 9 + 1.57 + 2.82 + 3.2 3.61 + 3.56 + 3.15 2.51 + .8 I 0. •8 I .92 I + .0 + 5 1. 75 + 0. l \ I \ \ \ a \ 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 ( + + 5.31 �91 + 4.9 4 + + 6 + 8 + 73 4.82 + 4.47 +ik.03 3.49 + 2.87 +.28 + 1.82 + 1.33 0.90 + 0.02\+ ^ �� 23 \+ 1.94 + 2.27 + 2.67I + 3.13 + 3. + 2.82 + 2 + 1. 0 .19 + .7 1 1 I I \ ` \ \ I \ 4.11 1 +5. +5. 0 5.8 5. +5.27/+5.32 .35 6.52 6.48 + 0 6.311 .2 + 6.09 5.8 + 2 \+ .2 •6.88 o.65 +6.6 +6.21 + 4.38 +\i.!.: 3.35 + 2 �1 q9 2. 9 + 1.86 \ + p 40 + 5.2 + 79 4 2 + 3.71 + 20 2. 3 + 1.97 * 1 I 53 5.43 +4.61 +3.71 +3.5 I+2.96 +2.35 �F1.7 ! + +0. 3 4 1. +1.92 +2. 2. + .�2 + U. 9 4 1.0 +1 - 4 j t.6 + 2 9 + .02-' 1 28 1. 6 .33 + .0 I x 1 \ \ \\ \ I I +1 7 + .09 + - • ! 78 1. 3 .5 + .3 \ O� x/ . + .5 0.09 + 0.39 + 0.84 + 1.OA +1. 1 95 4160 + 0. 0 9 + 1. 4 + 1.1 I x \ \ \\ \ \ \1 \ +\ s • 3.31 0 + 1. 1 +1. +0I+\ X J X .+7.54 7.46 +6.98 6.56 +5.74 +4.90 +4.02 +3.54 +2.71 2.12 +1.48 +0.98 +0.58 +0.18 +0.26 +0.2 +( +++0.1 \ I \\ { \\\ \ \ 4 \\\ \ +0. I� .13 + 7.8 18 2 .84 + 97 5. 8 +4.19 +345 3. 3.11 +230 1. + 0 +1. 1 0.6 + .2� + 0. 4 0.1 + .03 +0. 5 0. +0.91 2 + 5 I \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \I \ + 7 + /+ 7.45 + 1 .22 + 8.58 + 8.03 + 7.85 + 6.89 + 5.98 + 5.09 29 + 0.54 + + -.^; 1 �o + oa a + + ).46 + 0.86 + 2 + 0 3.6 + 9 0.53 \ \ 9.41` - \ iC - -- 59'11' I3•E \ \ \ \ N90'00'00'W \ S• \ 30. 5' \ \ / 3.62 8 + 1.91 + 1.0 6 0.22 + + 1.53 + 0.76 + 0.46 1 2 1 J6.02 7. 5. 364 L \ \ 1 8 +4.15 +3.21 +2.24 +122 +0. 2. 0 7I38 + 6 + .2 + 3 \ \ \ \ \ N44 30' 12"W I \ \\ \ 1 \ \ 1 1 I \ \ \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ + + + 6.6 4. +I .7 + .4 + 8. 5 3. 0. X \ \ �+1 5 +CO7 +1 6.19 3 +10.20+ .13 + 8 fi. fi 3.� \ \ \ V A v I 1 \1 \ f 11 1 II I \ I I \ \ \ \\ \\ / I/ +113 + .6 +6.64 53 +5.5 +7. +7.3 6. lum'� 9 10. + .1 5. 6VpI / \\ \ \ 1 \ 1I I \ \ \ / W l a 1 \ o +062 1 + + 9.56 +8.14 + +0.29 7. + + 0 �ase Surface EG1 \ \/ No \ 1\\I li --Ah I II Cbmpa6 ison S�rface PG 1 i i � � N +0 , + .5 +6 / ,,.5s+1 /48+s.21 /I-a.o, +1.10 0 0.8 + .7 02 0 + .2 11 1 1 I \� \ P 1 �11 \ 1 I I Illgi __Cu,t Factor 1 000 �66- I I / / +0 9 + .1 +5 11.18+10.46\+ +8. .80 + .1 4. 1-- 5. 91 1 \ \ FyI'I Factor 1 .000 I � + 0. 1. ++4. . - 3.08 + 1.9 :93 0 9 .08 5 8 \ Cut volume (unaljusted) 12i802.84 Cu.l Yd. / I \ \ Fill v,6lume (unadfusted) 2811 44.42 Cu! Yd. / I Az +°. �n ^ +A, C., \ 1 1 A N/,41volume (unjusted) 1 51341 .58 Cu// . Yd. <Fil'I> I I i1.95 + 2.45 + 2.92 + 3.32 + 3.69 + 394v + 4.23 + 4.58 + 7 + .9 v � , �A- � \ l\ _l GRAPHIC SCALE ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN 40 0 20 40 80 ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT NCDOT AND TOWN OF CARY ENGINEERING 1 inch = 40 ft. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS PRELIMINARY DRAWING e NOT RELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION CO p •3�� U x `, N a0Vb duo b z• 00 iz �o -3 IL) LO U N co rnr^ V J V O 7 W a 0 C? � C:) CQ CeD� L;Wz a 0 E- �wE-4 a U) � W � Z �y 04 0 a O 14 W x A U X z z a � o a U O O wz p�y w 0 PROJECT NO- GRE-17000 FILENAME: GRE17000-E2 CHECKED BY: WH D DRAWN BY: J B SCALE: 1 "= 40' DATE` 02-22-18 SHEET N0. E-2 9 MCADAMS PERMITS A APRt® n" LOPMENT SERVVCEs ENMONMENTAL GRADING WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Permit No.: 8 Approved Bye Comments: Fee: $4000 Permit Issue Date: 3/22/2019 Affected Basin: Denuded Area in Acres: 8 This is to certify that owner Greystar GP II, LLC has received approval from the Town of Cary to engage in land disturbing activities at Overture at Twin Lakes 1@-9Pv4W8. Location: 1055 Hatches Pond Ln This ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT is issued and accepted subject to the following conditions: 1. All soil erosion and sedimentation control devices shall be installed in accordance with Town of Cary Standard Specifications and Details. 2. The Town of Cary may inspect the site at any time following the issuance of this Permit and may require additional measures to be installed in lieu of or in addition to those measures shown on the approved Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan where deemed necessary. 3. Grading permits that denude one or more acres must comply with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. This grading permit covers you under the general permit regulated by the State of North Carolina Division of Water Resources. 4. Applicant must call 460-4934 or 462-3886 for an on -site inspection and receive a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE for Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control prior to proceeding with site grading, utility installation, and building permit application. 5. A copy of the approved Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and this Permit must be available on -site at all times. 6. Any failure to execute the provisions of this permit, the approved Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan, or any other provisions of the Soil Erosion Control Ordinance shall result in immediate legal action by the Town of Cary to the limits prescribed by the Ordinance. I hereby qcknowledge and accept all conditions of this Permit as listed above. C ' t1 Signature of Permit Holder Representing ° Date Receipt No. By: I� TOWN O/ CARY 316 North Academy Street •Cary, NC 27513•PO Box 8005•Cary, NC 27512-8005 te1919-469-4030 • fax 919-460-4935 • www.townofeary.org CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE GxEYS O R V R L O P M R N T ® CONSTRUCTION. L.P. AN", &A ®®®®®®®®®® ®® ®® PlIpItsd Finish ® ®®mom ate■■a��ea■■■■■■aa■ o5/06120 ■tee■■■■■■■� 13120 o ■■ 1 aa■ ■tee■■■■■■■ /a■■■�■■■■ 0 ■tee■■■■■■■■■■aaaa■ ■tee■■■■■■■ 17120 ■■ 1 aa■ TABULATED DATA SUMMARY TABLE 3.1 SUMMARY OF CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS DETECTED IN SOIL OVERTURE CARY CARY AND MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NUMBER 22002-18-092 MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO.: R3021.01 SAMPLE ID Action UNRESTRICTED PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL CHEMICAL CONSTITUENT SB-1 SB-2 SB-3 SB-4 SB-5 SB-5 SB-6 BG-1 HA-1 HA-2 HA-3 Level HEALTH BASED GROUNDWATER PSRG (mg/kg) (4.0'-5.0') (0.0'-2.5') (2.5'-5.0') (3.0'-3.5') (2.5'-5.0') (Dupe) (0.0'-2.5') (0.0'-2.5') (2.5') (3.5') (3.5') (mg/kg) PSRG (mg/Kg) PSRG (mg/Kg) TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS (DIESEL AND GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS) Sampled November 21, 2018 Diesel Range Organics NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 39.8 1,255 515.9 100 Gasoline Range Organics NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 5.1 209.7 115.2 50 VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (METHOD 8260 B) Sampled April 15, 2015 Acetone <0.0018 0.022J <0.0012 0.019J 1 0.0043J 1 0.0075J 1 0.018J I NA I NA NA NA 12000 25 140000 2-Butanone (MEK) <0.0017 <0.0017 <0.0011 0.0026J 1 <0.0010 1 <0.00093 <0.0013 1 NA I NA I NA I NA 1 1 5500 1 17 1 40000 SEMI -VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (METHOD 8270D) Sampled April 15, 2019 Benzo(a)anth race ne <0.055 <0.066 <0.051 <0.052 <0.050 NA 0.077J NA NA NA NA 1.1 0.35 21 Benzo(b)fluoranthene <0.049 <0.059 <0.045 <0.046 <0.044 NA 0.171 NA NA NA NA 1.1 1.2 21 Benzo(a)pyrene <0.045 <0.055 <0.042 <0.043 <0.041 NA 0.054J NA NA NA NA 0.11 0.12 2.1 Chrysene <0.053 <0.064 <0.049 <0.050 <0.048 NA 0.111 NA NA NA NA 110 36 2100 Fluoranthene <0.053 <0.064 <0.049 <0.051 <0.049 NA 0.14J NA NA NA NA 480 670 6000 Pyrene <0.055 <0.067 <0.051 1 <0.053 <0.050 NA 1 0.241 NA NA NA NA 360 440 4500 RCRA METALS (METHODS 7471A & 6010B) Sampled April 15, 2019 Mercury <0.022 <0.027 <0.020 <0.021 <0.020 NA <0.020 <0.021 NA NA NA 2.3 1 9.7 Arsenic <0.17 5.5 1.9 1.6 <0.15 NA 2.6 3.1 NA NA NA 0.68 5.8 3 Barium 15 41 35 37 26 NA 59 250 NA NA NA 3100 580 47000 Cadmium <0.043 <0.052 <0.089 <0.041 <0.039 NA <0.039 <0.40 NA NA NA 14 3 200 Chromium III/Chromium VI 4.5 26 14 8.6 4.8 NA 26 21 NA NA NA 2300/0.31 36000/3.8 35000/6.5 Lead 8 10 20 8.8 5.4 NA 9.7 15 NA NA NA 400 270 800 Selenium <0.35 <0.42 <0.32 <0.33 <0.32 NA <0.32 <0.33 NA NA NA 78 2.1 1200 Silver <0.039 <0.047 <0.036 <0.037 <0.036 NA <0.36 <0.036 NA NA NA 78 3.4 1200 Notes: All concentrations reported in mg/Kg Bold = Concentration exceeds Action Level or mg/Kg = Milligrams per kilogram Protection of Groundwater PSRG PSRG = Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (February 2018) Highlighted = Concentration exceeds Unrestricted Health Based PSRG J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate Border = Concentration exceeds Industrial PSRG B = The same analyte is found in the associated blank (1.5'-25) = Sample Depth, feet J4 = The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy Dupe = Duplicate Sample J6 = The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low = Not applicable NE = Not established NA = Not analyzed SAMPLE LOCATION DRAWING 10 FORMER AST - - �LG DRO (ppm) GRO (ppm) 1 39.8 5.1 2 1,255 209.7 3 515.9 115.2 G 8260 827Q ND ND ND ND ND ND I.,. . ... W IM M yG LEGEND (n HANDAUGER O SOIL BORING ❑ SOIL BORING AND TEMPORARY WELL i O SUBJECT SITE O PARCEL BOUNDARY 0 30 60 — Feet DRAWN BY: RDC DATE: APRIL 2019 SAMPLE LOCATION MAP DRAFT CHECK idAtlantic OVERTURE CARY Bv: JOB NO.: 00OR3021.01 T40000 3612 & 3624 DAVIS DRIVE BYGINEERCHECK GIS NO.: 01G-R3021.01-4 Engineering &Environmental Solutions MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA BYPROVED DRAWING NO.: 2.2 REFERENCE: DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY COUNTY GIS. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES.