HomeMy WebLinkAbout22002_Overture Cary_AWP_20190218Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions February 18, 2019 Mr. Kelly Johnson, PG NC Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Mail Service Center 1646 Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Subject: PHASE II WORK PLAN OVERTURE CARY 3612 & 3624 DAVIS DRIVE CARY AND MORRISVILLE, WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO.: 22002-18-092 MID -ATLANTIC PE LICENSE: F-0967 REVISION NO.: 0 MID -ATLANTIC JOB NO. OOOR3021.01 Dear Mr. Johnson: 409 Rogers View Court Raleigh, NC 27610 office 919.250.9918 facsimile 919.250.9950 MAAONLINE.COM Mid -Atlantic Associates, Inc. (Mid -Atlantic) has prepared this Work Plan for Phase II work to be conducted at the proposed Overture Cary development located in Cary and Morrisville, North Carolina. The objective of this Work Plan is to outline environmental assessment activities required to fill gaps in assessment data at the subject site identified by the Brownfield Program. INTRODUCTION The subject site consists of two parcels totaling approximately 12 acres and is located at 3612 & 3624 Davis Drive in Cary and Morrisville, Wake County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The site contains one vacant residence and includes open and wooded land. A telecommunication tower is located on the eastern portion of the subject site, but is a set aside property not included with the Brownfield property. The subject site is assigned Parcel ID Numbers 0745-54-3962 and 0745-44- 9957 according to the Wake County Tax Administration Office. During a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) conducted at the subject site (report dated December 12, 2017), Mid -Atlantic identified one Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) subject site. The REC is associated with a confirmed release from a former heating oil aboveground storage tank at the rear of the house. Staining on the support structures for the AST and on the wall of the vacant house were observed. Three soil samples were collected in the EXPERIENCED CUSTOMER FOCUSED INNOVATIVE Phase II Work Plan Cary Overture Cary and Morrisville, North Carolina February 18, 2019 Page 2 vicinity of the AST supports, and the analytical results confirmed the presence of petroleum constituents at levels in excess of the NC Action Levels for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) gasoline range organics and diesel range organics (GRO and DRO). In addition, a Business Environmental Risk was documented in the December 12, 2017 PESA. Three double -walled ASTs are present in the bases of the emergency generators used to power the telecommunications tower. One of the generators is housed inside the enclosed building and two are mounted on pads within the fenced enclosure. No evidence of a release was identified during the PESA. The PESA noted that a future release from the ASTs could potentially impact the subject site; however, the potential for a release is considered remote. As a part of the eligibility determination process, the Brownfield Program reviewed the December 12, 2017 PESA as well as other information. As a result of that review, the Program identified environmental assessment data gaps. This Work Plan outlines the activities that will be conducted to fill the environmental assessment data gaps identified by the Brownfield Program in an email dated January 14, 2019. On February 11, 2019 Mid -Atlantic submitted a Receptor Survey Report to the Program as requested in the January 14, 2019 email. The scope of work outlined below was developed after consulting with the Program on the findings of the receptor survey. SCOPE OF WORK In an attempt to address assessment data gaps at the site, Mid -Atlantic proposes the following scope of work: • Collect three soil samples from the stained soil identified adjacent to the residence located on the subject site (Figure 2). Test each sample for the presence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA 8260, semi-VOCs (SVOCs) using EPA 8270 and eight RCRA metals (Table 1). • Collect one soil sample from an adjacent topographically downgradient location to the telecommunications tower (Figure 2). The sample will be tested for the presence of VOCs using EPA 8260, SVOCs using EPA 8270 and eight RCRA metals (Table 1). • Collect one soil sample in the immediate vicinity of each of the two debris piles identified during the PESA (Figure 2). Each sample will be tested for the presence of VOCs using EPA 8260, SVOCs using EPA 8270 and eight RCRA metals (Table 1). • Collect one background soil sample at a location to be determined based on site conditions at the time of sampling. The sample will be tested for the presence of eight RCRA metals (Table 1). • Construct one temporary groundwater monitoring well in the immediate vicinity of the stained soil area adjacent to the residence (Figure 2). Collect one groundwater sample from the temporary well and test the sample for the presence of VOCs using EPA 8260 and SVOCs using EPA 8270 (Table 2). • Construct one temporary groundwater monitoring well from an adjacent topographically downgradient location to the telecommunications tower (Figure 2). Collect one groundwater sample from the temporary well and test the sample for the presence of VOCs using EPA 8260 and SVOCs using EPA 8270 (Table 2). Mid. Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Phase II Work Plan Cary Overture Cary and Morrisville, North Carolina February 18, 2019 Page 3 • Abandon the on -site water supply well in accordance with applicable regulations. • Close the septic system in accordance with applicable regulations, if any. • Soil cuttings from the temporary well borings will be spread at the site unless Photoionization Detector (PID) readings indicate that soils are contaminated (see below). Purge water and decontamination materials will be containerized into 55-gallon drums for off -site disposal, pending receipt of laboratory analytical results. • Abandonment of the temporary monitoring wells by a Licensed North Carolina Well Driller. • Preparation of a Limited Site Assessment Report to document field activities and provide analysis of the data collected. SAMPLING METHODOLOGY Soil cuttings from the borings for each soil boring and temporary well will be screened using a PID to evaluate if VOCs are detected in soil during drilling activities. Soil samples will be collected in 5 foot intervals using a GeoProbe macrocore sampler and direct push technology. A portion of each soil sample will be removed from the sampling device (acetate sleeves from the macrocore sampler) and placed in a pre -labeled, plastic "ziploc" bag. After several minutes, the gas contained in the "headspace" or void area within the bag will be screened with a PID. The PID will also be used for air monitoring in accordance with provisions in the site health and safety plan (HASP). The soil samples collected for laboratory analysis will be removed from the acetate sleeve and placed directly into laboratory supplied sample jars. Soil borings used for construction of temporary monitoring wells will be advanced using a GeoProbe until the water table is intersected or GeoProbe refusal is encountered. If GeoProbe refusal is encountered prior to the water table, hollow -stem augers and/or air hammer drilling methods will then be used to advance the boring and complete the monitoring well installation activities. Temporary monitoring wells will constructed using Schedule 40 PVC and one -inch diameter PVC casing with 10 feet of 0.010 inch mechanically -slotted PVC well screen so that the screen brackets the water table. Prior to groundwater sample collection, each well will be developed and purged of three to five standing well volumes or to dryness to remove stagnant water from the well in an effort to collect samples that are representative of the water quality in the formation surrounding each well. Purging will be performed with a new, polyethylene bailer dedicated to each well. Samples from each well will be collected with its dedicated bailer. Following sampling activities, each well will be abandoned under the direction of a Licensed North Carolina Well Driller. Guidance documents used for performance of this work include: Inactive Hazardous Sites Program Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup (October 2015); Quality System and Technical Procedures for SESD Field Branches; and North Carolina Administrative Code Title 15A Subchapter 2C Section 0.100 Well Construction Standards (October 1, 2009). Mid. Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Phase 11 Work Plan February 18, 2019 Cary Overture Page 4 Cary and Morrisville, North Carolina LABORATORY ANALYSIS Soil and groundwater samples will be submitted to Prism Laboratories (Prism) of Charlotte, North Carolina, NC Certification Number 402. The soil samples will be analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs and eight RCRA metals as summarized in Table 1. Groundwater samples will be submitted for analysis of VOCs and SVOCs (Table 2). Reporting limits and method detection limits will meet applicable screening criteria including the reporting of J-Flags. Prism will report QA/QC to Level II. QA/QC One duplicate soil sample and one duplicate groundwater sample will be collected in the field. The duplicate samples will be analyzed for VOCs. One trip blank and one equipment rinse blank will also be analyzed for VOCs only (Table 2). Mid -Atlantic will fill each laboratory provided jar to ensure the lab will have sufficient sample volume for MS/MSD analysis. The chain -of -custody will be completed in the field and packed with the groundwater and soil samples. The Mid -Atlantic field technician will return to the office with the packed cooler which will be picked up by a Prism courier. The courier will then hand deliver the cooler to the laboratory located in Charlotte, North Carolina. INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE (IDW) MANAGEMENT Previous soil assessment data indicates that hazardous waste does not exist at the subject site. As such, soil cuttings from the soil and temporary well borings will be spread at the site, unless PID readings indicate that soils are contaminated. Purge water and decontamination materials will be containerized into 55-gallon drums for off -site disposal, pending receipt of laboratory analytical results. REPORTING Following completion of assessment field activities and receipt of laboratory analytical data, Mid -Atlantic will prepare a Limited Site Assessment Report to document field activities and provide analysis of the data collected. Each concentration detected in the soil samples collected will be compared to the appropriate NC Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs, February 2018). Each concentration detected in groundwater sampled will be compared to the appropriate North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGQS) and the Division of Waste Management (DWM) Residential and Non -Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (February 2018). At a minimum, the report will include: • Reporting/summary of site work conducted for all sections outlined above; • Summary of findings and possible recommendations; • All applicable tables and figures including tabulated analytical data per media sampled and compared to the screening levels mentioned above and figures depicting actual sample locations; Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions Phase 11 Work Plan February 18, 2019 Cary Overture Page 5 Cary and Morrisville, North Carolina • Mid -Atlantic's PE/PG License Number; and • The Professional Engineer's or Licensed Geologist's individual PE/LG seal and signature. CLOSING We appreciate the opportunity to submit this Work Plan. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach me at 919-250-9918. Sincerely, MID-ATLAN,l 41q,ASSQCIATES, INC. DAniel H. lie en, Z?,9 _11K Principal Attach Darin M. McClure, PE Principal Engineer Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions TABLES Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions TABLE 1 Limited Site Assessment Soil Sampling Plan Overture Cary Cary and Morrisvile, North Carolina Boring Soil Boring Default Sample Description Sample VOCs SVOCs Metals Name Depth* Depth" Name SB-1 SB-1 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet G G G Stained Area SB-2 SB-2 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet G G G SB-3 SB-3 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet G G G Tele- communications SB-4 SB-4 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet G G G Tower SB-5 SB-5 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet G G G Debris Piles SB-6 SB-6 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet G G G Background BG-1 BG-1 5 feet 1.5-2.5 feet -- G Duplicate Sam le** 1, G Totals 6 7 6 7 VOCs: Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8260 SVOCs: Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8270 Metals: Eight RCRA metals G: Grab Samples C: Composite Sample *Depth Below Land Surface **Duplicates to be collected at sample intervals that appear contaminated, if identifiable in the field. Notes: 1. Default sample depth used if field evidence does not suggest an alternative sample depth. 2. For borings with composite sample, select VOC sample interval with highest TVA reading TABLE 2 Limited Site Assessment Groundwater Sampling Plan Overture Cary Cary and Morrisville North Carolina Temporary Groundwater Temporary Screen Groundwater Description Monitoring Monitoring Interval*,' Sample Name VOCs SVOCs Metals Well Name Well Depth* Stained Area TMW-1 30 feet 20 to 30 TMW-1 X X X feet Telecommunication Tower TMW-2 30 feet 20 to 30 TMW-2 X X X feet Duplicate Sample X Totals 2 2 3 2 2 VOCs: Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA 8260 SVOCs: Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds by EPA Method 8270 Metals: Eight RCRA metals *Feet below land surface Note 1: Set well screen to intercept water table FIGURES Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions a REFERENCES: 1. CARY, NC DIGITAL RASTER GRAPHICS, USGS. SCANNED FROM1:24,000-SCALE CARY, NC TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS, PUBLISHED 2013, USGS. 2. INSET MAP DIGITAL DATA FROM 2002 NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION ATLAS, BUREAU OF TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C. 3. PROPERTY BOUNDARY DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY GIS. Mid Atlantic Engineering & Environmental Solutions TOPOGRAPHIC SITE MAP CARY OVERTURE 3624 & 3612 DAVIS DRIVE CARY & MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1:12,000 Feet 0 1,000 2,000 DRAWN DATE: BY: EBA FEBRUARY 2019 DRAFT JOB NO: CHECK: OOOR3021.01 ENG. GIS NO: CHECK: 1 G-R3021.01-1 APPROVAL: DWG NO: 1 } N O" 1 9L is k O~ �:�•� � ;,ice ��::. `, . DEBRIS PILE G+ [G SB-1/TMW-1 ' Legend l � - SB-z °: SB-6 f fir' PROPOSED SAMPLE LOCATIONS 21 STAIN T s` w F U GENERATOR WITH 200-GALLON AST � I i. ❑T PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER , 4~ - Ti POLE MOUNTED TRANSFORMER WATER SUPPLY WELL'�a.,.-x _ DEBRIS PILE y . �.} 5 SUBJECT SITE ' 0 50 100 200 PARCEL BOUNDARY r , Feet DRAWN BY: EBA DATE: FEBRUARY 2019 Mid Atlantic SAMPLE LOCATION MAP CARY OVERTURE DRAFT CHECK BY. JOB NO.: 00OR3021.01 3624 & 3612 DAVIS DRIVE ENGINEER CHECK GIS NO.: 1G-000R3021.01-2 Engineering & Environmental Solutions CARY & MORRISVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA APPROVED BY: DRAWING NO.: 2 REFERENCE: DATA FROM WAKE COUNTY COUNTY GIS. MID -ATLANTIC FIELD NOTES.