HomeMy WebLinkAbout4703_401SandLCIDLF_additional_permitapplication_FID1441980_202007171
Chao, Ming-tai
Sent:Friday, July 17, 2020 11:05 AM
To:Chao, Ming-tai
Cc:cpiratzky@rwkpa.com; lisacjl123@aol.com; ncgeology@yahoo.com
Subject:[External] RE: New LCIDLF permit application, Hoke County
Attachments:PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW FORM.docx; New Permit DATA sheet.pdf
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an
attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov>
Dear Mr. Chao,
Please find attached the New Permit Data Sheet and the Permit Application Review Form for the referenced project.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us.
Best regards,
Sean M. McLean, P.E
101 W. Main Street, Suite 202
Post Office Box 444
Garner, NC 27529
(919) 779‐4854 (office)
(919) 779‐4056 (fax)
‐‐‐‐ "Chao wrote:
> Dear Mr. McLean:
> After a quick review, the SWS can't locate the Operations Plan in the permit application; the plan is required by Rules
15A NCAC 13B. 0564‐.0566. Additionally, please provide the following info to the Facility Plan:
> 1. The property deeds where the proposed LCIDLF will be located.
> 2. The facility physical address and facility point of contact ‐ name, facility physical address, phone#/e‐mail address,
mailing address.
> 3. The waste capacity ‐ total volume (in cubic yard) of waste from the bottom of the waste to the top of landfill final
grade (including the final cover).
> [cid:image003.png@01D656B6.340C3460]
> From: Chao, Ming‐tai
> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 11:30 AM
> To: sean@rwkpa.com
> Cc: lisacjl123@aol.com; cpiratzky@rwkpa.com; Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Powell, David C
<David.Powell@ncdenr.gov>; Johnson, Mary H (mary.johnson@ncdenr.gov) <mary.johnson@ncdenr.gov>
> Subject: New LCIDLF permit application, Hoke County
> Dear Mr. McLean:
> Today the Solid Waste Section (SWS) received your submittal ‐ the new permit application for a LCIDLF in Hoke County.
The SWS will review the application shortly.
> According to your July 09, 2020 email message and the received permit application documents, the proposed LCIDLF is
a mining reclamation under a NC mining permit condition(s). Please send an electronic copy of the NC mining permit
and approved permit application associated the approved mining activities at this facility. The SWS record also show
there is a LCID Notification Site (N0396) at the same address as this new proposed LCIDLF. If this is the correct info,
please confirm it and forward me the electronic copy of the site (N0396) application document. To do so, many LCIDLF
siting requirements (Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0564 & .0565) may have been approved by the same state agencies
previously, so the paper works & efforts of permit review process can be significantly reduced for this landfill
> Additionally, please fill out the site application forms (see attachments) and return the completed form to my
attention; so that the SWS accountant can send in the permit fee invoice to the right person.
> Pursuant to NCGS 130A‐295.2 & 295.3, the SWS will conduct facility compliance history review (CHR) later; the CHR
forms will send to the permit applicant (based on the info on the application form).
> Please feel free to contact me via e‐mail message, if you have any questions of the permit review processes. Thank
you and have a wonderful day.
> [cid:image004.png@01D656B6.340C3460]
Review Requested by:
Date Requested: Click here to enter a date.
Facility Name and Permit ID 401 Sand Company LCID Site
Applicant (Owner) Name John A. Lindsay
Description of Permit Request [This is the action the applicant
is requesting in accordance with NCGS 130A-295.8(b)]
(1)a. New – New Facility (1)b. New – Expand Facility Boundary
(1)c. New – Expand Waste Boundary (1)d. New – Substantial Amendment (2)a. Amendment – Next Phase of the Approved Facility Plan
(2)b. Amendment – Renewal/Review 5YR 10YR (2)c. Amendment – Change in Ownership (3)a. Modification – Change to Approved Plans (No CHR) (3)b. Modification – Subsequent Permit to Operate (No CHR) (3)c. Modification – Five-year Limited Review (4) Major Permit Modification
Permitted Annual Tonnage 45908.37
Permit Fee
Date Application Received Click here to enter a date.
Contact Name, Title & Phone # John A. Lindsay
Email Address 401sandcompany@centurylink.net
Company 401 Sand Company, LLC
911 Address Doc Brown Road, Raeford, NC
Mailing Address PO Box 122
City/State/Zip Raeford/NC/28376
Parent Company n/a
Known Subsidiaries n/a
Other known names business has operated under n/a
Known Counties of Operation Hoke
Does the applicant have a past
or current solid waste permit?
Yes No Unknown
Facility Type: LCID Permit #: N0396
Did the permit applicant submit Financial Assurance cost estimates?
Yes No Not Needed
Other notes
Data Field Description Data
M: name given to the facility. Name can permit name, but does not
have to.401 Sand Company LCID Site
M: first line of physical address assigned by local 911 service, may
be different than mailing address.3169 Doc Brown Road
Address2 M: second line of physical address, used when necessary.n/a
City M: city, town or locality where facility is located.Raeford
M: two letter US postal service abbreviation for the state where the
facility is located.NC
Zip M: zip code for the location address.28376
County M: county name where facility is located.Hoke
Latitude M: decimal degrees, should be between 33 and 37.35.03083
Longitude M: decimal degrees, should be between -75 and -85.79.17694
O: applies to how the coordinates were collected: 001=GPS or
002=geocode or 003=from map 001
O: descriptive text for locating a facility when address is not
Site itself is located appproximately 1,250 feet north of
Doc Brown Road (S.R. 1302)
M: 001=Fixed or 002=Mobile, e.g. Facility is Fixed, a septage
pumper is Mobile 001
O: description of point where coordinates were collected at the
facility, 001=front door, 002=permitted feature, 003=for mobile,
004=undefined point on facility 004
Status M: description of the overall facility; Open or Closed.Open
M: classification of the owner of the facility as either Public or
Private entities.Private
M: date on which the facility began to be of interest to the
program, Facility Registration Date; Facility's Original Permit Issue
Date; Facility's First Inspection Date; Program's Start Date;
Department's Creation Date (07/01/1989)n/a
O: description of event represented by Start_Date field, e.g.
Facility's Original Permit Issue Date.n/a
O: date on which the facility ceased to be of interest to the
O: description of event represented by End_Date field, e.g. Date
of Final Closure.n/a
PermitID M: unique id number used for permit n/a
M: id number used in location table to identify the facility or
environmental interest subject to this permit. This number is
assigned and is only needed if permit relates to an existing site.n/a
Permit_Name M: Common Name used for this permit 401 Sand Company LCID Site
Orig_PermitIssueDate M: Date when first permit issued.n/a
PermitIssueDate M: Date MOST recent permit issued.n/a
PermitExpDate M: Date when current permit expires.n/a
M: Active=Accepting/handling waste; Inactive=Not accepting
waste; Proposed=Application in-house for NEW permit;
Expired=Past Expiration date but not officially closed; Post-
Closure=Not taking waste but monitoring; Closed=Not accepting
waste and 'official' closure letter sent; Post-Closure Complete=Not
taking waste and monitoring complete; County=Non-facility within
a county Proposed
M: block of rules governing site e.g. .1600, .0500, .1100, .0800,
M: environmental monitoring required, yes is required or no is not
M: primary waste type handled under this permit: MSW, CD,
Indus, Tire, LCID, Medical, YW, Septage, HHW, WG LCID
M: primary operation when dealing with waste: LF, Trans, LandAp,
TP, Compost, MatRecovery, Incin, Hauler, WasteToEnergy,
Authorization, Notification, Collection, Detention Collection
Owner_Name M: name of owner as appears on the permit.401 Sand Company
Operator_Name M: name of operator/facility manager.John A. Lindsay
Chao, Ming-tai
Sent:Friday, July 17, 2020 10:59 AM
To:Chao, Ming-tai
Cc:cpiratzky@rwkpa.com; lisacjl123@aol.com; ncgeology@yahoo.com
Subject:[External] RE: New LCIDLF permit application, Hoke County
Attachments:DB 336 P526-527.pdf; DB 1243 P972-974.pdf; LCID Capacity.pdf; N0396 LCIDN47L&DLandfill.pdf;
Permit No. 47-16.pdf
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an
attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov>
Dear Mr. Chao,
Please find attached the waste capacity, existing permit for N0396, deed information and permit 47‐16 (for the sand
mine itself). the New Permit Data Sheet and Permit Application Review form will be attached to a subsequent email.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us.
Best regards,
Sean M. McLean, P.E
101 W. Main Street, Suite 202
Post Office Box 444
Garner, NC 27529
(919) 779‐4854 (office)
(919) 779‐4056 (fax)
‐‐‐‐ "Chao wrote:
> Dear Mr. McLean:
> After a quick review, the SWS can't locate the Operations Plan in the permit application; the plan is required by Rules
15A NCAC 13B. 0564‐.0566. Additionally, please provide the following info to the Facility Plan:
> 1. The property deeds where the proposed LCIDLF will be located.
> 2. The facility physical address and facility point of contact ‐ name, facility physical address, phone#/e‐mail address,
mailing address.
> 3. The waste capacity ‐ total volume (in cubic yard) of waste from the bottom of the waste to the top of landfill final
grade (including the final cover).
> [cid:image003.png@01D656B6.340C3460]
> From: Chao, Ming‐tai
> Sent: Friday, July 10, 2020 11:30 AM
> To: sean@rwkpa.com
> Cc: lisacjl123@aol.com; cpiratzky@rwkpa.com; Stanley, Sherri <Sherri.Stanley@ncdenr.gov>; Powell, David C
<David.Powell@ncdenr.gov>; Johnson, Mary H (mary.johnson@ncdenr.gov) <mary.johnson@ncdenr.gov>
> Subject: New LCIDLF permit application, Hoke County
> Dear Mr. McLean:
> Today the Solid Waste Section (SWS) received your submittal ‐ the new permit application for a LCIDLF in Hoke County.
The SWS will review the application shortly.
> According to your July 09, 2020 email message and the received permit application documents, the proposed LCIDLF is
a mining reclamation under a NC mining permit condition(s). Please send an electronic copy of the NC mining permit
and approved permit application associated the approved mining activities at this facility. The SWS record also show
there is a LCID Notification Site (N0396) at the same address as this new proposed LCIDLF. If this is the correct info,
please confirm it and forward me the electronic copy of the site (N0396) application document. To do so, many LCIDLF
siting requirements (Rules 15A NCAC 13B .0564 & .0565) may have been approved by the same state agencies
previously, so the paper works & efforts of permit review process can be significantly reduced for this landfill
> Additionally, please fill out the site application forms (see attachments) and return the completed form to my
attention; so that the SWS accountant can send in the permit fee invoice to the right person.
> Pursuant to NCGS 130A‐295.2 & 295.3, the SWS will conduct facility compliance history review (CHR) later; the CHR
forms will send to the permit applicant (based on the info on the application form).
> Please feel free to contact me via e‐mail message, if you have any questions of the permit review processes. Thank
you and have a wonderful day.
> [cid:image004.png@01D656B6.340C3460]
Approximate Volume of LCID Facility
401 Sand Mine
Hoke County, NC
LCID Facility
Length 466.57 ft
Width 466.6 ft
Width 466.6 ft
Height 30 ft
Side Slopes 3 :1, ft/ft
Top Length 286.57 ft
Top Front Width 286.6 ft
Top Back Width 286.6 ft
Bottom Surface Area 217,702 ft2
Top Surface Area 82,131 ft2
Total Volume 4,173,488 ft3
154,574 yd3