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EXISTING CELL 1B7.3 ACRESEXISTING CELL 3A8.2 ACRESFUTURE CELLS 6 &79.8 ACRES670660650640630620630650640680670660700690700690680670660650670Cell Area: 12.7 Acres73072071071066066065064071017101720270630303640064640465065065055065050666066066066060666060670767076707670780868086909907070700077aacrCC620LegendCell LimitsPlan ContoursBase GradeSEALL-4787IIRENNATWNADROYEVRUSDNALPROFESSIONALNORTHCAROLINAI, Dan W Tanner II, Professional Land Surveyor, certify:The Horizontal Tolerance for all points are 0.2' and Vertical Tolerance for allpoints are 0.08'.Horizontal Datum: NAD83 (2011)Vertical Datum: NAVD88_______________________________________________Date L-4787Ex. GeoBGPoint on top of Existing GeosyntheticsJob #: 11737Base Grade As-Built SurveyCell 3B, 4 And 5 ConstructionGreat Oak LandfillNCDEQ Permit 7607-MSWLF-20153597 Old Cedar Falls RoadRandleman, NC 27317Asheboro Township Randolph CountyNorth Carolina June 6, 2020Scale: 1" = 50 US Survey FeetSURVEY CAROLINA, PLLCFirm #: P-1110Dan W Tanner II L-4787© 2020 Survey Carolina, Pllc154 S. Fayetteville St, Suite B, Asheboro, NC 27203Phone Number: 336 625-8000Email: mail@surveycarolina.com0 50 100 150Dan W Tanner IIDigitally signed by Dan W Tanner II Date: 2020.07.20 09:28:23 -04'00'