HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolid Waste EDD GuidanceNEW EDD – SOLID WASTE SPECIAL NOTE Use of the new NCDEQ EDD is intended to replace existing Electronic Data Deliverables (EDD) or spreadsheets of field and lab analytical data. It is not intended to replace any reports or narratives that accompany this data. The new NCDEQ EDD is built to be comprehensive in the data that can be collected, but it does not mean that providing this data is required. Data providers should consult with the NC DEQ Project Manager (PM) prior to preparing and submitting EDDs to verify what data will be submitted for their project. Communication with the PM can help to avoid unnecessary efforts. It is the responsibility of the data provider to coordinate with the NC DEQ to ensure that the data collected are submitted under the correct Facility/Site ID. Please verify the Facility/Site ID number information with your NC DEQ project manager. NCDEQ EDD – SOLID WASTE VERSION The NCDEQ EDD has been trimmed down to contain only the sections (tabs) of the NCDEQ EDD applicable for Solid Waste facilities. These tabs have been grouped by color based on submittal frequency. The yellow tabs: DataProvider_v1 and Location_v1 are submitted only once per facility/site prior to submittal of environmental monitoring data. The blue tabs: FieldResults_v1, Sample_v1, TestResultsQC_v1, and Batch_v1 are submitted during each sampling event. Because our new data system is structured with certain business rules in place, it is necessary for data providers (facility contacts, consultants, or labs) to submit an Initial EDD (yellow tabs) prior to submitting any environmental monitoring data. An Initial EDD provides information about the data provider and sampling locations for a facility. This Initial EDD is only submitted once, unless there are changes, such as changing a contact name or an addition of a sampling site, which would require a resubmittal. Sampling Event EDD (blue tabs) is submitted whenever sampling takes place. A Sampling Event EDD consists of data tables for analytical samples collected at a Facility and associated Locations. The FieldResults_v1 will contain field parameters collected during the sampling event. The Sample_v1 table will contain sample matrix, collection date and time, sample type, etc. The TestResultsQC_v1 table will contain analytical results, methods, detection limits, reporting limits, etc. This table also contains laboratory and validator quality control (QC) data. Initial EDD Sections Data Provider Provides general information about the data provider and the site contact to be used by NC DEQ, if questions arise. This table need only be submitted once for each data provider. All subsequent EDD submissions to NC DEQ for any site by the same data provider will reference the Data Provider information originally submitted. Location Contains a record for each of the sampling locations for a facility. A Location table needs to be submitted for any and all locations that will have samples, water levels, well information, or any other EDD sections requiring the use of a Location ID. This section may be submitted multiple times for a site if new locations are added to the site, or if additional information is added for existing locations. To ensure accurate location information, the following fields are required to be submitted with this section: Sampling Event EDD Sections Field Results Contains data specific to the collection of field parameters (turbidity, temperature, specific conductance, pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen, etc.). Data providers are required to submit Location data first during the Initial EDD submittal process prior to submitting Field Results, so that presentation of information for duplicate locations does not present errors when loading data to the database. Sample Provides information for each sample collected at a site and location. The Sample ID (sys_sample_code) field is used to store a unique Sample ID assigned by either NC DEQ or a data provider that is independent of the Lab Sample ID. If the sample type is a duplicate or dup (e.g. matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate [MS/MSD], blind dup, lab dup, etc.), the Sample ID (sys_sample_code) of the original sample from which the duplicate is derived is required in the parent_sample_code field of the Sample_v1 EDD file. Otherwise, this field is left null for all non- duplicate samples. Data providers shall not use special characters (e.g. #, ‘, “, @, !) when naming samples. Inclusion of such characters in the sys_loc_codes and sys_sample_codes can be incompatible with the database. The use of hyphens to separate segments of a sys_sample_code is beneficial for sample name readability. NC DEQ recommends including the sample date in the name in order to make it unique for each sampling event and unique from the location ID. It is beneficial to put the year first, followed by month, and then day in order for the dates to sort correctly in the database. Example of Reporting Sample ID Sys_sample _code Sample_type _code Sample_source Parent Sample Required (Y/N)? Parent_sample _code Sample_date Sys_loc_code 8003-MW1-20200618 N Field N 06/18/2020 12:01 PM 8003-MW1 MW-FB-20200618 FB Field N 06/18/2020 12:30 PM MW-TB-20200618 TB Field N 06/18/2020 7:00 AM 8003-MW1-FD-20200618 FD Field Y 8003-MW1-20200618 06/18/2020 12:01 PM 8003-MW1 8003-MW1-MS-20200618 MS Field Y 8003-MW1-20200618 06/18/2020 12:01 PM 8003-MW1 N = normal FB = field blank TB = trip blank FD = field duplicate MS = matrix spike Y = yes N = no As identified in the table above, the sys_loc_codes for field QC samples, including trip blanks (TB) and field blanks (FB) must be null. The sys_sample_codes for QC samples must be consistent with the codes identified in the valid values file. Further, when identifying field QC samples, such as TBs and FBs, the data provider must include a unique identifier in the sample name, such as a sample date, so that the result is unique in the database. All normal, “N”, environmental samples require a location. NC DEQ does not require locations for clean fill samples or waste characterization samples. Waste characterization samples use the sample_type_code “WC”. Clean fill samples use the sample_type_code “CF”. Generally, these samples are collected from drums, stockpiles, or a material source for which the location will change and therefore will not be representative of a given location on the site. Test Results QC Contains information pertaining to analytical tests performed on samples with laboratory QC data elements. This EDD section may also be used to capture data collected in the field with direct reading instruments such as water quality meters and from field test kits, however, it is preferred that data be submitted in the FieldResults_v1 EDD section. Batch The Batch_v1 EDD section contains data that relate the individual samples to their laboratory sample batch identifiers and laboratory sample delivery groups. The fields in this section need to match the data entered in corresponding fields in the TestResultQC_v1 section. FURTHER INFORMATION A detailed description of the data fields in each of the EDD sections can be found in the NCDEQ EDD Description File.