HomeMy WebLinkAbout22011_Clinipad_RSR_20200423Redevelopment Summary Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 22011-18-060 Progress Project No. 1019096.002 April 23, 2020 2 approximately 32,000 cubic yards of soil have already been transported to the receiving site. It is anticipated that an additional 2,000 cubic yards from the northern excavation pit has yet to be excavated and transported to the receiving site. The purpose of this assessment wasgird to determine whether the soil not yet evaluated from Grids 23, 24, and 30 is suitable for off-site disposal (approximately 1,000 cubic yards). Following removal of the tree cover and construction of sediment control fencing and a temporary pond (located on the southeastern corner of the Brownfields Property), Progress gridded the approximate area of anticipated cut into 35 distinct units. Each grid measured approximately 80 feet by 80 feet. Due to the presence of the temporary sediment pond and its stockpile of soil (located in the northwestern portion of the site), Progress was unable to lay out each of the thirty five grids at the time of sampling. Progress completed soil sampling within 30 of the defined sampling grids. On September 3 through September 5, 2019 Progress was on-site with 3D Environmental Investigations, LLC, a North Carolina licensed well driller, to advance the soil borings within each of the accessible grids. The soil borings were advanced using a Geoprobe™, which utilized the direct push sampling method, and/or a hand auger (Figures 2 and 3). Progress advanced five soil borings in each of the defined areas to an approximate depth of four feet below land surface (bls). In an effort to establish uniformity, the soil borings in each grid were labeled similarly. The soil boring in the southwestern corner was labeled “A”, the soil boring in the southeastern corner of the grid was labeled “B”, the soil boring in the northeastern corner of the grid was labeled “C”, the soil boring in the northwestern corner of the grid was labeled “D”, and the soil boring from the center of each grid was labeled “Center”. The four corner soil borings were located 10 to 15 feet diagonally from the staked corner of each grid. Soil samples were collected from depth intervals of 0-2 feet bls and 2-4 feet bls. A representative sample from each soil boring interval was placed into two separate pre-labeled plastic baggies. Following adequate time one baggie from each sample interval was screened using a photoionization detector for the presence of volatile organic vapors. Progress utilized a pre-calibrated MiniRae 3000 equipped with a 10.6 eV Lamp. The photoionization detector (PID) was calibrated in the laboratory using isobutylene (100 parts per million) prior to shipment to the field, utilizing a correction factor for chlorinated solvents. The distinct soil samples from each sampling interval were composited into one soil sample for each grid unit. The composite sample from each of the grid units represented a total of ten soil samples from each grid. Progress utilized the soil sample from the second baggie of the sample which indicated the highest PID reading for laboratory analysis for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The composite samples were analyzed for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270, for Total Resource Conservation Recovery Act (RCRA) Metals using EPA Method 6020, and hexavalent chromium using EPA Method 7199. The soil sample that exhibited the highest reading when screened with the PID from each grid was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260. Progress also collected and tested a soil sample from the receiving site. Progress advanced a soil boring to an approximate depth of five feet bls. A soil sample from the terminus of the boring was selected for laboratory analysis. The soil sample from the receiving site was collected below the proposed cut depth on the receiving site in that location. The soil sample from the receiving site Redevelopment Summary Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 22011-18-060 Progress Project No. 1019096.002 April 23, 2020 3 was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260, for SVOCs using EPA Method 8270, for Total RCRA Metals using EPA Method 6020, and hexavalent chromium using EPA Method 7199. The soil samples were placed into laboratory prepared containers and then into a cooler packed with ice, a trip blank, a temperature blank, and delivered under chain-of-custody to a North Carolina certified laboratory. QA/QC documentation was provided. Progress requested a Level II Data Package from the laboratory. Additionally, Progress requested that the laboratory report the results to the method detection limit. The duplicate samples were analyzed using the aforementioned methods. The assessment activities were completed per the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup (October 2015). The results of the soil sampling indicated the presence of Total RCRA Metals and VOCs in each of the soil samples collected for laboratory analysis. Specifically, arsenic was detected in each of the soil samples, with the concentrations of arsenic detected in soil sample Grid 6 exceeding its Industrial/Commercial Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG). Based on the low level concentrations of arsenic detected and the presence of arsenic in each of the soil samples, it is Progress’ opinion that the concentrations of arsenic detected reflect naturally occurring concentrations and are not representative of evidence of a release. Hexavalent chromium was detected in soil samples Grid-6 (1.38 mg/Kg), Grid 9 (0.528J mg/Kg), Grid 21 (0.438J mg/Kg), and Grid 32 (0.507J mg/Kg) at concentrations exceeding its Residential PSRG. Additionally, methylene chloride (0.0256J mg/Kg) was detected in soil sample Grid 1 at a concentration exceeding its Residential PSRG. The remaining detected compounds were detected at concentrations not exceeding their respective Protection of Groundwater PSRG. The receiving site did not exhibit concentrations exceeding their respective Protection of Groundwater PSRGs. Because of site development constraints, it is necessary to transport soil from the Brownfields Property to the receiving site. Since the export of soil exhibiting concentrations of targeted compounds exceeding the applicable standards is not allowed if the receiving site does not also exhibit concentrations of the same compounds, additional sampling of the Brownfields Property was proposed. On October 10 and 11, 2019 Progress and 3D Environmental Investigations returned to the site to complete additional sampling on the Brownfields Property. Specifically, soil samples were proposed to be collected from the existing stockpile located on the northwestern corner of the site, from the area of proposed excavation pits along the northern property line to an approximate depth of five feet bls, and from Grids 2 through 4, Grid 5, and Grid 7 collected at a depth of ten feet bls. The location of the additional soil sampling grids and stockpile are depicted on Figures 2 and 3. According to volumetric calculations and drone aerial photography, the stockpile consists of approximately 2,100 cubic yards. Per NCDEQ protocol, one composite sample per 1,000 cubic yards is required to characterize the stockpile. Progress attempted to divide the stockpile into three equal volumes (Figure 2). Progress advanced three soil borings in each subdivided area of the stockpile, driving the GeoprobeTM onto the stockpile. Each boring was advanced until evidence of native material was encountered (i.e. hard soil and organics). Soil borings advanced in the area defined as SP-1 were advanced to an approximate depth of 15 feet below the top of the stockpile, Redevelopment Summary Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 22011-18-060 Progress Project No. 1019096.002 April 23, 2020 4 soil borings advanced in the area defined as SP-2 were advanced to an approximate depth of ten feet below the top of the stockpile, and soil borings advanced in the area defined as SP-3 were advanced to an approximate depth of five feet below the top of the stockpile. Eight distinct grids were marked in the field along the northern property line (EP-1 through EP-8). The grids were measured to be approximately 50 feet by 80 feet, with the exception of Grid 6, which measured approximately 50 feet by 48 feet. Soil borings in grids EP-1 through EP-8 were advanced to approximate depths of five feet bls. Lastly, additional soil borings were advanced to greater depths (ten feet bls) in grids located adjacent to the grids previously identified as having a targeted compound at a concentration exceeding its Residential PSRG. Specifically, Progress drilled soil borings in Grid 2, Grid 3, Grid 4, Grid 5, and Grid 7. Progress collected soil samples from intervals of 4-6, 6-8, and 8-10 feet bls. Progress advanced five soil borings in each grid area. In an effort to establish uniformity, the soil borings in each grid were labeled in the same manner as the original grid sampling methodologies. The soil boring in the southwestern corner of the grid was labeled “A”, the soil boring in the southeastern corner of the grid was labeled “B”, the soil boring in the northeastern corner of the grid was labeled “C”, the soil boring in the northwestern corner of the grid was labeled “D”, and the soil boring in the center of the grid was labeled “Center”. The four corner soil borings were located 10 to 15 feet from the staked corner of each grid. Soil samples collected from grids EP-1 through EP-8 were collected from depth intervals of 0-2.5 feet bls and 2.5-5 feet bls. Soil samples collected from grids previously sampled but selected to be drilled to deeper depths EP-1 through EP-8 were collected from depth intervals of 4-6 feet bls, 6-8 feet bls, and 8-10 feet bls. A representative sample from each soil boring interval was placed into two separate pre-labeled plastic baggies. Following adequate time one baggie from each sample interval was screened using a PID for the presence of volatile organic vapors. Progress utilized a pre-calibrated MiniRae 3000 equipped with a 10.6 eV Lamp. The PID was calibrated in the laboratory using isobutylene (100 parts per million) prior to shipment to the field, utilizing a correction factor for chlorinated solvents. The distinct soil samples from each sampling interval were composited into one soil sample for each grid unit. The composite sample from each of the grid units represented a total of ten soil samples from each grid. The second baggie of the sample which indicated the highest PID reading was placed into laboratory containers for laboratory analysis. The results of the PID screening are summarized in Table 1. The composite samples were analyzed for SVOCs using EPA Method 8270, for Total RCRA Metals using EPA Method 6020, and hexavalent chromium using EPA Method 7199. The soil sample that exhibited the highest reading when screened with the PID from each grid was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260. The soil samples were placed into laboratory prepared containers and then into a cooler packed with ice, a trip blank, a temperature blank, and delivered under chain-of-custody to a North Carolina certified laboratory. QA/QC documentation was provided, and two duplicate soil samples were collected (EP-11 and Grid 77). Progress requested a Level II Data Package from the laboratory. Additionally, Progress requested that the laboratory report the results to the method detection limit. The duplicate samples were analyzed using the aforementioned methods. The assessment activities were completed per the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup (October 2015). Redevelopment Summary Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 22011-18-060 Progress Project No. 1019096.002 April 23, 2020 5 The soil sample collected from the deeper interval of Grid 5 indicated concentrations of hexavalent chromium at a concentration that exceeds its Residential PSRG. Laboratory analysis of the remaining composite soil samples and discreet soil samples from the stockpile did not exhibit VOCs, SVOCs, or Total RCRA Metals at concentrations that exceed the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs, with the exception of arsenic. The concentrations of arsenic exceed the Residential and/or Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRGs. Progress does not consider the concentrations of arsenic detected to represent evidence of a release. The concentrations likely represent naturally occurring concentrations of arsenic at the site. Table 2 summarizes the findings of the soil analyses. Investigational derived waste was properly placed into DOT approved 55-gallon drums and temporarily stored near the southern property boundary of the Brownfields Property. The contents of the drums will be properly disposed. Please note, on October 30, 2019 it came to the attention of the PD that the grading contractor moved approximately 1,800 cubic yards of stockpiled soil located along the storm sewer right-of-way that transects the Brownfields Property. The soil was transported to the receiving site as previously proposed. The stockpiled soil was determined to not have originated from a grid previously identified as exhibiting elevated concentrations of hexavalent chromium or methylene chloride. The grading contractor and PD communicated concerning the incoming precipitation and the necessity that stormwater preventative controls be constructed at the site. The grading contractor mistakenly interpreted that the PD was authorizing movement of stockpiled soil from the Brownfields Property. However, the PD was referring to the moving of soil stockpiled along Ikea Boulevard onto the receiving site that is not part of the Brownfields Property. It was not the intent of the PD to authorize the movement of soil from the Brownfields Property to the receiving site prior to receiving written approval. Please note, the grid sampling discussed above has been summarized in the Report of Limited Soil Assessment - Grid Sampling dated November 4, 2019, approved by the NCBP in the November 1, 2019 Brownfields Soil Management Options. Approximately 32,000 cubic yards of soil from the Brownfields Property have been excavated and transported to the receiving site. As discussed in the Report of Limited Soil Assessment – Grid Sampling, field activities associated with the management of the soil on the Brownfields Property have included: Stripped approximately six inches off the entire site (total of 5,300 cubic yards) and buried the topsoil and organics in the excavated pit along the northern property line. As of the date of this report, approximately 3,300 cubic yards of topsoil and organics have been placed into the excavation pit along the northern property line Approximately 2,000 cubic yards of topsoil has been excavated and is currently located on the surface and awaiting deposition into the excavation pits. Transported the existing stockpile to the receiving site (approximately 2,100 cubic yards). Excavated Grids 2 through 5, Grids 7 and 8, Grids 10 through 20, Grid 22, Grids 25 through 28, Grid 31, and Grids 33 and 34 to their predetermined cut depths not exceeding four feet bls and the soil has been transported to the receiving site. Additionally, extended excavation of Grids 2, 4, and 7 to a depth of nine feet and transported soil to receiving site (29,700 cubic yards). Redevelopment Summary Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 22011-18-060 Progress Project No. 1019096.002 April 23, 2020 6 Excavated soil from Grid 1, Grid 6, and Grid 9 and place soil into Grids 2 through 4 and Grid 7 (2,400 cubic yards). Excavated soil from Grid 21 and Grid 32 and placed it into the buffer along the northern property line (880 cubic yards). On November 8, 2019 Progress returned to the site to complete additional sampling on the Brownfields Property. Specifically, soil samples were proposed to be collected from Grids 23, 24, and 30, which were formerly located beneath a soil stockpile. The soil sampling completed as part of this assessment was to determine whether an additional approximately 1,000 cubic yards of soil from the Brownfields Property meets the criteria to be transported to the receiving site. The soil borings were advanced using a decontaminated hand auger. The soil borings were advanced to depths determined using the estimated cuts in the vicinity of the remaining grids. Specifically, soil borings in Grid 23 were advanced to depths ranging from one to two and a half feet bls; soil borings in Grid 24 were advanced to depths ranging from one to three and a half feet bls; and soil borings in Grid 30 were advanced to depths ranging from one to one and a half feet bls. The locations of the additional soil sampling grids are depicted on Figures 2 and 3. Three distinct grids were marked in the field near the northwestern extent of the proposed cut. The grids were measured to be approximately 80 feet by 80 feet. Progress advanced five soil borings in Grid 24. Based on the proposed extent of cut, only three soil boring were advanced in Grids 23 and 30. The locations of the soil borings are depicted on Figure 3. In an effort to establish uniformity, the soil borings in each grid were labeled in the same manner as the original grid sampling methodologies. For Grid 24, the soil boring in the southwestern corner of the grid was labeled “A”, the soil boring in the southeastern corner of the grid was labeled “B”, the soil boring in the northeastern corner of the grid was labeled “C”, the soil boring in the northwestern corner of the grid was labeled “D”, and the soil boring in the center of the grid was labeled “Center”. The four corner soil borings were located 10 to 15 feet from the staked corner of each grid. For Grid 23, Progress only collected soil samples from the locations identified as “B”, “C”, and center since the “A” and “D” locations are located in areas of proposed fill. Additionally, for Grid 30, Progress advanced three soil borings (labeled “A”, “B”, and “C” located equidistant from one another along the southern boundary of the grid since the majority of the grid has been previously evaluated during a previous assessment or lies outside the area of proposed disturbance. A representative sample from each soil boring interval was placed into two separate pre-labeled plastic baggies. Following adequate time one baggie from each sample interval was screened using a PID for the presence of volatile organic vapors. Progress utilized a pre-calibrated MiniRae 3000 equipped with a 10.6 eV Lamp. The PID was calibrated in the laboratory using isobutylene (100 parts per million) prior to shipment to the field, utilizing a correction factor for chlorinated solvents. The distinct soil samples from each sampling interval were composited into one soil sample for each grid unit. The composite sample from each of the grid units represented a total of six to ten soil samples from each grid. The second baggie of the sample which indicated the highest PID reading was placed into laboratory containers for laboratory analysis. The results of the PID screening are summarized in Table 1. The composite samples were analyzed for SVOCs using EPA Method 8270, for Total RCRA Metals using EPA Method 6020, and hexavalent chromium using EPA Method 7199. The soil sample that exhibited the highest reading when screened with the PID from each grid was analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260. Redevelopment Summary Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 22011-18-060 Progress Project No. 1019096.002 April 23, 2020 7 The soil samples were placed into laboratory prepared containers and then into a cooler packed with ice, a trip blank, a temperature blank, and delivered under chain-of-custody to a North Carolina certified laboratory. QA/QC documentation was provided, and a duplicate soil sample was collected (Grid 242). Progress requested a Level II Data Package from the laboratory. Additionally, Progress requested that the laboratory report the results to the method detection limit. The duplicate sample was analyzed using the aforementioned methods. The assessment activities were completed per the Inactive Hazardous Sites Branch, Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup (October 2015). Laboratory analysis of the remaining composite and discreet soil samples did not exhibit VOCs, SVOCs, or Total RCRA Metals at concentrations that exceed the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs, with the exception of arsenic. The concentrations of arsenic exceed the Residential Health Based and/or Industrial/Commercial PSRGs. Progress does not consider the concentrations of arsenic detected to represent evidence of a release. The concentrations likely represent naturally occurring concentrations of arsenic at the site. Table 2 summarizes the findings of the soil analyses. REDEVELOPEMENT ACTIVITIES In July 2019 the site was grubbed, removing the trees and associated stumps so that the erosion control measures could be installed per Mecklenburg County regulations. A small temporary sediment pond was constructed near the southeastern corner of the site. The material removed to excavate the retention pond remained on-site and was stockpiled in the northwestern corner. In September 2019 the sanitary sewer was installed across the site from the northwest to southeast. Only one grid that was encountered was determined not to meet the requirements for export. The soil from that grid was stockpiled on site adjacent to the excavation and was used as backfill in the same grid it was excavated from. In December 2019 the mass grading for the Brownfields Project was completed. Specifically, the grids determined to be suitable for export were exported to the adjacent off-site property owned and controlled by the PD under different ownership than the Brownfields Property. The grids that were determined to not meet the criteria for off-site disposal were used as fill material along the northern property boundary or in adjacent or nearby grids that were excavated below the projected cut depth to accommodate the soil from a grid exhibiting a concentration exceeding the applicable standards. Arco Murray, the contractor for the developer, was provided a copy of the approved Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and was given specific instructions to make appropriate notifications if evidence of suspected contamination was encountered during grading activities. Arco Murray was further instructed that dirt from the Brownfields Property or the export site was not to leave the site. A copy of the EMP was posted in the on-site trailer for review by each of the subcontractors working on the site. The grading contractor who performed the mass grading site work (Blythe Development) was also engaged by Arco Murray to perform storm drain installation and fine grading for the Brownfields Property. Blythe Development was familiar with the processes and procedures of the EMP. FIGURES Figure 1 Topographic Site Map Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina P.O. Box 5884 Winston-Salem, NC 27113 Telephone: (336) 722-9999 Fax: (336) 722-9998 www.progressenvironmental.com United States Department of the Interior USGS 7.5 Minute Series Topographic Map Contour Interval: 10 feet Scale: 1”=2000’ Derita, North Carolina Date: 2016 Project: Former Clinipad Site Client: UCED-1, LLC Progress Job #: 1019096.002 Date: April 2020 SITE Site REV 0 DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NUMBER BY DATEREV DR.: JAB APR 2020 CK.: JSL APP'D.: SCALE: As shown PROGRESS NO.: 1019096.002 www.progressenvironmental.com 0' GRAPHIC SCALE 133'266' 1" = 133' 133' Figure 2 P.O. Box 5884Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27113(336) 722-9999 Progress Environmental Group, Inc. Sampling Plan MapFormer Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane BoulevardCharlotte, North Carolina %db("MAG-DATE")1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 11 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 2 0 2 1 2 2 2 5 2 6 2 7 3 4 3 1 3 2 3 3 Temporary Retention Pond 2 8 EP-4EP-3EP-2EP-1EP-5EP-7 EP-8 EP-6 Stockpiled Soil fromConstruction of Retention Pond SP-2 SP-1 Approximate Sampling Grid ID1 Approximate Excavation Pit Sampling GridEP-1 SP-2 Sampling area of Stockpiled Soil 2 3 2 4 3 0 Approximate Sampling Grid ID-Being evaluated for off-site transport1 REV 0 DRAWING TITLE DRAWING NUMBER BY DATEREV DR.: JAB APR 2020 CK.: JSL APP'D.: SCALE: As shown PROGRESS NO.: 1019096.002 www.progressenvironmental.com 0' GRAPHIC SCALE 300'600' 1" = 300' 300'Approximate Sampling Grid, with Composite Samples (in RED) Approximate Receiving Site Sample Approximate Grab Sample for VOCs shallow (one per grid) Grid with Impacts above PSRGs Approximate Grab Sample for VOCs deep (one per grid, as applicable) C BA D Center Approximate Sampling Grid, with Composite Samples (in RED) being evaluated for off-site transport and disposal Figure 3 P.O. Box 5884Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27113(336) 722-9999 Progress Environmental Group, Inc. Soil Sampling Locations MapFormer Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane BoulevardCharlotte, North Carolina %db("MAG-DATE")Temporary Retention Pond Stockpiled Soil fromConstruction of Retention Pond TABLES Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 1,773 4 47.4 2 0.0 4 38.5 2 20 4 1.6 2 2.8 4 65.3 6 6.8 8 0.0 10 1.7 2 1.0 4 0.0 6 0.4 8 0.0 10 0.0 2 2.5 4 5.00 6 0.0 8 0.0 10 0.0 2 3.2 4 11.6 6 4.6 8 6.8 10 8.4 2 1.1 4 0.0 6 11.8 8 0 10 11.2 1 A B C D Center A B C D Center 2 Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 0.0 4 4.6 6 6.6 8 9.5 10 8.8 2 4.8 4 62.4 6 31.00 8 9.2 10 22.0 2 13.2 4 23.2 6 2.1 8 6.0 10 6.2 2 18.5 4 0.4 6 24.8 8 11.5 10 14.6 2 78.5 4 2.0 6 6.8 8 8.5 10 9.2 2 32.3 4 28.6 6 16.0 8 15.8 10 18.7 2 6.1 4 64.6 6 12.9 8 15.9 10 16 2 2.6 4 0.0 6 15.2 8 15.9 10 17.9 2 0.0 4 0.0 6 16.6 8 6.8 10 15.9 2 0.0 4 0.0 6 25.5 8 18.6 10 16.2 D 4 Center A B C 3 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 13.9 4 0.5 6 14.6 8 18.7 10 19.4 2 36.1 4 0.3 6 24.9 8 16.7 10 8.3 2 38.0 4 20.5 6 15.6 8 9.4 10 9.8 2 0.0 4 0.0 6 13.1 8 17.4 10 22.9 2 0.0 4 13 6 21.1 8 20.5 10 25.9 2 2.9 4 0.0 2 38.4 4 62.8 2 26.2 4 99.9 2 35.9 4 0.8 2 0.0 4 0.3 2 2.6 4 15.6 6 473.8 8 17.0 10 22.2 2 5.7 4 0.5 6 17.6 8 15.0 10 27.8 2 42.6 4 84.1 6 17.8 8 18.0 10 20.1 2 3.9 4 0.3 6 16.1 8 19.7 10 19.2 2 19.8 4 2.7 6 18.9 8 17.6 10 19.9 7 Center A B C D 6 A B C D Center 5 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 6.6 4 10.9 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 3.2 4 10.4 2 4.8 4 29.8 2 2.6 4 173.1 2 1.3 4 0.0 2 347.7 4 15.0 2 4.4 4 3.9 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.1 2 102.4 4 4.0 2 8.3 4 4.8 2 93.9 4 10.6 2 36.9 4 5.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 2.8 4 2.4 2 0.2 4 8.5 2 12.4 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 1.1 2 0.00 4 2.8 11 A B C D Center 10 A B C D Center 9 A B C D Center 8 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 5.6 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 1.6 4 0.0 2 5.8 4 0.0 2 24.7 4 1.2 2 1.1 4 8.3 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 36.2 2 6.6 4 14.2 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 50.8 4 9.7 2 2.4 4 20.1 2 44.7 4 29.3 2 0.1 4 14.6 2 3.6 4 4.1 2 1.3 4 16.7 2 0.0 4 1.3 2 68.8 4 13.7 2 0.0 4 26.3 2 0.0 4 0.2 2 0 4 3.1 2 386.9 4 68.5 2 6.4 4 20.1 2 25.3 4 8.1 2 5.8 4 1.6 16 A B C D Center 15 A B C D Center 14 A B C D Center 13 A B C D Center 12 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 0 4 66.3 2 0.9 4 6.5 2 2.3 4 1.7 2 1.9 4 31.1 2 0 4 2.3 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 42 4 11.5 2 5.00 4 23.7 2 43.4 4 10.6 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.1 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 2.2 4 0.00 2 3.4 4 1.4 2 3.3 4 0 2 0 4 24.1 2 6 4 4.5 2 0 4 0 2 13.8 4 64.4 2 1.3 4 47.3 2 6.4 4 26.6 2 0.0 4 64.9 2 2.1 4 11 2 20.2 4 13.9 2 4.5 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.2 2 0.0 4 1.3 2 3.5 4 6.2 2 0.0 4 2.7 22 A B C D Center 21 A B C D Center 20 A B C D Center 19 A B C D Center 18 A B C D Center 17 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 1 0.0 2.5 1.1 0.5 65.8 1 94.7 0.5 0.00 1 29.8 1 51.1 2.5 2.4 2 25.4 3.5 0.0 1 11.2 2 25.0 0.5 78.7 1 19.2 1 0.0 2.5 0.0 2 67.7 4 4.7 2 0.0 4 12.2 2 0.0 4 1.7 2 1.0 4 0.0 2 12.4 4 62.2 2 19.3 4 19.0 2 1.9 4 1.9 2 32.3 4 7.6 2 47.2 4 1.2 2 0.0 4 0.4 2 18.1 4 74.9 2 0.0 4 8.3 2 29.7 4 11.3 2 67.6 4 3.2 2 14.2 4 82.4 27 A B C D Center 26 A B C D Center 25 A B C D Center 24 A B C D Center 23 B C Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 7.6 4 412.5 2 0.0 4 1.2 2 0.0 4 7.7 2 106.3 4 46.9 2 6.2 4 0.0 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 0.5 127.6 1 64.0 0.5 95.8 1 30.5 0.5 56.9 1.5 110.1 2 0.0 4 17.6 2 97.3 4 4.9 2 0.5 4 1.5 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 15.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 4.4 4 0.00 2 0.00 4 0.00 2 0.00 4 1.7 2 15.0 4 0.9 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 0.0 2 0.0 4 81.4 2 0.0 4 0.8 33 A B C D Center 32 A B C D Center 31 A B C D Center 30 A B C 29 A B C D Center 28 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2 18.7 4 55.7 2 10.3 4 12.4 2 8.0 4 25.9 2 0.7 4 0.0 2 4.2 4 11.7 5 100.7 10 84.7 15 94.0 5 6.3 10 32.9 15 36.6 5 83.5 10 110.1 15 68.7 5 57.6 10 13.7 5 102.9 10 768 5 76.1 10 72.4 2.5 12.3 5 12.5 2.5 10.9 5 10.8 2.5 14.2 5 3.9 2.5 19.2 5 62.9 2.5 27.0 5 42.5 2.5 33.0 5 60.5 2.5 30.7 5 24.1 2.5 29.0 5 33.8 2.5 48.8 5 25.5 2.5 20.5 5 17.6 2.5 27.7 5 19.4 2.5 26.8 5 31.2 2.5 85.9 5 12.7 SP-1 SP-2 A B C 34 A B C D Center A B C SP-3 A B C EP-1 A B C D Center EP-2 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. Table 1 Summary of Photoionization Detector Results Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Report of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Composite Sample Location Sample ID Depth (feet) PID Reading (ppm) 2.5 14.3 5 2.8 2.5 21.9 5 24.4 2.5 17.4 5 9.5 2.5 7.0 5 0.3 2.5 13.7 5 17.9 2.5 27.0 5 34.3 2.5 45.7 5 221.2 2.5 5.2 5 59.1 2.5 13.2 5 40.0 2.5 13.9 5 17.2 2.5 120.4 5 36.0 2.5 30.0 5 38.1 2.5 40.7 5 68.1 2.5 24.5 5 23.8 2.5 24.0 5 30.2 2.5 10.1 5 26.5 2.5 35.2 5 104.8 2.5 16.8 5 21.3 2.5 12.8 5 29.4 2.5 5.3 5 3.9 2.5 18.2 5 43.8 2.5 10.7 5 30.2 2.5 23.7 5 1.2 2.5 27.3 5 5.0 2.5 10.4 5 51.0 2.5 10.7 5 11.0 2.5 8.8 5 11.3 2.5 9.8 5 84.0 2.5 8.1 5 5.7 2.5 75.7 5 17.2 EP-4 A B C D Center EP-8 A B C D Center EP-7 A B C D Center EP-6 A B C D Center EP-5 A B C D Center EP-3 A B C D Center Bold denotes sample selected for analysis for VOCs based on PID reading. 3060A/7196A Sample ID Sample Depth (feet bls)Date Collected (m/dd/yyyy) Grid 1 Composite 9/4/2019 0.00571J 1.27 41.4 <0.101 11.0 4.32 0.375 <0.195 <0.322 0.0463J 0.000818J 0.000964J <0.000638 <0.000731 <0.000885 <0.000769 0.00369J <0.00219 <0.000816 <0.0192 0.0256J <0.000454 <0.00358 <0.00420 <0.00108 0.00478J <0.000615 <0.00179 <0.0104 0.0126J <0.0151 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0105J 0.721 120 <0.0941 6.89 4.79 <0.224 <0.182 <0.300 0.0189J <0.000471 0.000649J <0.00164 <0.000559 <0.000676 <0.000588 0.00234J <0.00168 <0.000623 <0.0147 <0.00781 <0.000347 <0.00274 <0.00321 <0.000823 0.00307J <0.000471 <0.00136 <0.00966 0.0207J <0.0141 Deep Composite 10/11/2019 0.00591J 0.746 37.9 <0.0943 7.22 2.80 <0.224 <0.183 <0.300 0.0258J <0.000471 <0.000489 <0.00164 <0.000560 <0.000678 <0.000589 <0.000813 <0.00169 <0.000625 0.0348 <0.00782 <0.000348 <0.00275 <0.00322 <0.000825 <0.00147 <0.000471 <0.00137 <0.00967 <0.00636 <0.0141 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0208J 1.58 53.5 <0.0949 15.3 5.92 0.444J <0.184 <0.303 0.119J 0.000501J 0.000829J <0.00165 0.000659J <0.000682 <0.000593 0.00251J <0.00170 <0.000629 <0.0148 0.0207J <0.000350 <0.00277 <0.00324 <0.000831 0.00330J <0.000475 <0.00138 <0.00974 <0.00820 <0.0142 Deep Composite 10/11/2019 0.00422J 0.656 31.4 <0.0940 5.69 3.85 0.252J <0.182 <0.300 0.0304J <0.000554 <0.000576 <0.00193 <0.000659 <0.000796 <0.000693 <0.000956 <0.00199 <0.000734 0.0471 <0.00921 <0.000409 <0.00323 <0.00378 <0.000970 <0.00173 <0.000554 <0.00161 <0.00974 <0.00634 <0.0141 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0191J 2.57 59.6 <0.0971 21.2 6.55 0.529J <0.188 <0.310 0.0231J 0.000549J 0.000745J <0.00169 <0.000577 <0.000698 <0.00303 0.00234J <0.00174 <0.000643 <0.0152 0.0126J <0.000358 <0.00283 <0.00331 <0.000850 0.00336J <0.000485 <0.00141 <0.00996 <0.00839 <0.0146 Deep Composite 10/11/2019 0.00351J 0.617 31.2 <0.0953 3.97 5.04 <0.226 <0.185 <0.304 0.0345 <0.000476 <0.000494 <0.00166 <0.000566 <0.000685 <0.000595 <0.000822 <0.00170 <0.000631 0.0402 <0.00791 <0.000351 <0.00277 <0.00325 <0.000834 <0.00149 <0.000476 <0.00138 <0.00978 <0.00643 <0.0143 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0203J 2.85 32.6 <0.100 36.8 6.47 0.729 <0.194 <0.319 0.0335J <0.000500 0.000661J <0.00174 <0.000594 <0.000719 <0.000625 0.00214J <0.00179 <0.000663 <0.0156 <0.00830 <0.000369 <0.00291 <0.00341 <0.000875 0.00292J <0.000500 <0.001465 <0.0103 <0.00864 <.0.0150 Deep Composite 10/11/2019 0.00740J 1.11 52.5 <0.0948 21.1 8.29 <0.225 <0.184 0.547J 0.0440 <0.000474 <0.000492 <0.00165 <0.000563 <0.000681 <0.000593 <0.000818 <0.00169 <0.000628 0.0341 <0.00787 <0.000350 <0.00276 <0.00324 <0.000830 <0.00148 <0.000474 <0.00137 <0.00973 <0.00640 <0.0142 Grid 6 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0597 3.26 39.9 <0.0967 38.4 7.17 0.955 <0.187 1.38 0.0228J <0.000484 0.000750J <0.00168 <0.000574 <0.000695 <0.000605 0.00211J <0.00173 <0.000641 <0.0151 0.0184J 0.00107J <0.00282 <0.00330 <0.000847 0.00328J <0.000484 <0.00140 <0.00993 <0.00653 <.0.0145 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0222J 2.22 36.8 <0.0961 17.2 6.56 0.626 <0.186 <0.306 0.0948J <0.000480 0.000570J <0.00167 <0.00571 <0.00691 <0.00601 0.00186J <0.00172 <0.00637 <0.0150 0.0103J <0.000354 <0.00280 <0.00328 <0.000841 0.00312J <0.000480 <0.00139 <0.00986 <0.00649 <.0.0144 Deep Composite 10/11/2019 <0.00332 0.708 28.5 <0.0949 6.40 3.77 <0.225 <0.184 <0.303 0.0348 <0.000475 <0.000492 <0.00165 <0.000564 <0.000682 <0.000593 <0.000819 <0.00170 <0.000629 0.0345 <0.00788 <0.000350 <0.00276 <0.00324 <0.000830 <0.00148 <0.000475 <0.00138 <0.00974 <0.00641 <0.0142 Grid 77`Deep Composite 10/11/2019 <0.00333 0.772 31.0 <0.0952 8.77 2.24 <0.226 <0.184 <0.303 0.0299J <0.000533 <0.000553 <0.00186 <0.000633 <0.000766 <0.000666 <0.000919 <0.00190 <0.000707 0.0410 <0.00885 <0.000393 <0.00310 <0.00364 <0.000933 <0.00167 <0.000533 <0.00155 <0.00977 <0.00642 <0.0143 Grid 8 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0164J 1.22 47.2 <0.0940 8.65 5.64 0.377J <0.182 <0.300 0.0461J <0.000470 0.000808J <0.00163 0.000731J <0.000676 <0.000587 0.00187J <0.00168 <0.000623 <0.0147 0.0127J <0.000347 <0.00274 <0.00321 <0.000822 0.00365J <0.000470 <0.00136 <0.00965 <0.00634 <0.0141 Grid 9 Composite 9/4/2019 0.0393 1.76 31.6 <0.0938 15.6 4.54 0.270J <0.182 0.528J 0.0200J 0.000479J 0.000514J <0.00163 <0.000557 <0.000674 <0.000586 0.00182J <0.00168 <0.000621 <0.0147 0.0161J 0.000894J <0.00273 <0.00320 <0.000820 0.00237J <0.000469 <0.00136 <0.00962 <0.00633 <.0.0141 Grid 10 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0182J 1.05 41.5 <0.0965 9.61 5.70 <0.229 <0.187 <0.308 0.0283J <0.000483 0.000716J <0.00168 <0.000573 <0.000694 <0.000603 0.00159J <0.00173 <0.000639 <0.0151 0.0224J <0.000356 <0.00281 <0.00329 <0.000845 0.00310J <0.000483 <0.00140 <0.00991 <0.00652 <.0.0145 Grid 11 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0102J 1.41 38.9 <0.118 15.3 5.51 0.334J <0.228 <0.375 0.0358J 0.00235 0.000909J <0.00205 <0.000699 0.00111J 0.00397 0.0171 0.00246J 0.00154J 0.0324J 0.0160J <0.000434 <0.00343 <0.00402 <0.00103 0.00271J 0.00343 <0.00171 <0.0121 0.0168J <.0.0177 Grid 12 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0295J 2.35 56.4 <0.0928 18.7 5.25 0.639 <0.180 <0.296 0.0254J 0.000484J <0.000482 <0.00161 <0.000551 <0.000667 <0.000580 0.00160J <0.00166 <0.000615 0.0246J 0.00855J <0.000342 0.00312J <0.00317 <0.000812 <0.00145 <0.000464 <0.00135 <0.00953 0.0100J <.0.0139 Grid 13 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0325J 2.49 64.3 <0.0946 16.6 5.95 0.745 <0.183 <0.302 0.0213J <0.000473 0.000756J <0.00164 0.000757J <0.000680 <0.000591 0.00186J <0.00169 <0.000627 0.0282J 0.0126J <0.000349 <0.00276 <0.00323 <0.000828 <0.00148 <0.000473 <0.00137 <0.00971 <0.00638 <0.0142 Grid 14 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0126J 2.79 36.2 <0.0944 24.9 6.60 0.429J <0.183 <0.301 0.0309J <0.000472 <0.000490 <0.00164 <0.000561 <0.000679 <0.000590 0.00128J <0.00169 <0.000625 0.0223J 0.00906J <0.000348 <0.00275 <0.00322 <0.000826 <0.00148 <0.000472 <0.00137 <0.00969 <0.00637 <.0.0142 Grid 15 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0174J 1.52 27.7 <0.0988 38.4 3.48 0.389J <0.191 <0.315 0.0202J <0.000494 0.000803J <0.00172 <0.000586 <0.000710 <0.000617 0.00166J <0.00177 <0.000654 0.0270J 0.0139J <0.000364 <0.00288 <0.00337 <0.000864 <0.00154 <0.000494 <0.00143 <0.0101 0.0106J <.0.0148 Grid 16 Composite 9/5/2019 0.00657J 1.23 32.0 <0.0950 11.8 6.26 0.428J <0.184 <0.303 0.0378J <0.000475 0.000495J <0.00165 <0.000564 <0.000683 <0.000594 0.00105J <0.00170 <0.000629 0.0172J 0.00911J <0.000350 <0.00277 <0.00324 <0.000831 <0.00148 <0.000475 <0.00138 <0.00975 0.00830J <0.0143 Grid 17 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0278J 1.88 33.4 <0.0953 21.8 5.89 0.496J <0.185 <0.304 0.0328J <0.000477 0.000511J <0.00166 <0.000566 <0.000685 <0.000596 0.00126J <0.00170 <0.000632 0.0186J 0.00864J <0.000352 0.00500J <0.00325 <0.000834 <0.00149 <0.000477 <0.00138 <0.00978 <0.00643 <.0.0143 Grid 18 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0221J 1.46 40.4 <0.0937 13.8 4.90 0.617 <0.182 <0.299 0.0330J <0.000469 0.000509J <0.00163 <0.000556 <0.000673 <0.000586 0.00124J <0.00167 <0.000621 0.0215J <0.00778 <0.000346 <0.00273 <0.00320 <0.000820 <0.00146 <0.000469 <0.00136 <0.00962 <0.00632 <.0.0141 Grid 19 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0282J 1.75 46 <0.0925 17.5 4.90 0.783 <0.179 <0.295 0.0265J <0.000463 0.000548J <0.00161 <0.000549 <0.000665 <0.000578 0.00125J <0.00165 <0.000613 0.0251J 0.0111J <0.000341 <0.00269 <0.00316 <0.000810 <0.00145 <0.000463 <0.00134 <0.00949 <0.00624 <0.0139 Grid 20 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0236J 2.16 33.7 <0.0928 20.0 7.21 0.970 <0.180 <0.296 0.0618J <0.000464 0.00128J 0.00648J <0.000551 <0.000667 <0.000580 0.00144J <0.00166 <0.000615 0.0275J 0.0151J <0.000342 <0.00270 <0.00317 <0.000812 <0.000145 <0.000464 <0.00135 <0.00952 <0.00626 <0.0139 Grid 21 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0117J 1.68J 37.7J 0.456J 29.9J 5.77J 0.688J <0.186 0.438J 0.0237J 0.00117J <0.00129 <0.00166 <0.000569 <0.000689 <0.000599 0.00546 <0.00171 <0.000635 0.0196J 0.0893J <0.000353 <0.00279 <0.00327 <0.000838 <0.00150 0.00142 <0.00139 <0.00983 <0.00647 0.0171J Grid 22 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0106J 1.11 36.5 <0.0962 20.4 4.34 0.482J <0.186 <0.307 0.0209J 0.000560J 0.000649J <0.00130 <0.000571 <0.000691 <0.000601 0.00121J <0.00172 <0.000637 0.0237J 0.0125J <0.000355 <0.00280 <0.00328 <0.000842 <0.00150 <0.000481 <0.00139 <0.00987 <0.00649 <0.0144 Grid 23 Composite 11/8/2019 0.0410 2.56 32.3 <0.0996 18.0 7.02 0.668 <0.193 <0.317 <0.0204 <0.000598 <0.000620 <0.00208 <0.000710 <0.000859 <0.000747 <0.00103 <0.00214 <0.000792 0.0789 <0.00992 <0.000441 0.0242 <0.00408 <0.00105 0.00598J <0.000598 <0.00173 0.0138J <0.00672 <0.0149 Grid 24 Composite 11/8/2019 0.0451 2.21 39.6 <0.0994 19.5 7.42 0.688 <0.193 <0.317 4.86 <0.000656 <0.000681 <0.00227 <0.000779 <0.000943 <0.000820 <0.00113 <0.00235 <0.000870 0.431 <0.0109 <0.000483 0.574 0.00841J <0.00115 0.0117 <0.000656 <0.0190 <0.0102 <0.00671 <0.0149 Grid 242 Composite 11/8/2019 0.0418 2.30 30.4 <0.0999 20.8 6.45 0.730 <0.194 <0.319 4.35 <0.000620 <0.000643 <0.00215 <0.000736 <0.000891 <0.000774 <0.00107 <0.00221 <0.000821 0.435 <0.0103 <0.000457 0.703 0.00983J <0.00108 0.0164 <0.000620 0.00321J <0.0103 <0.00675 <0.0150 Grid 25 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0257J 1.60 25.0 <0.0969 16.7 5.09 0.511J <0.188 <0.309 0.0314 0.000528J <0.000502 <0.00168 <0.000575 <0.000696 0.00105J 0.000997J <0.00173 <0.000642 0.0246J <0.00804 <0.000357 <0.00282 0.0533 <0.000847 <0.00151 <0.000484 <0.00140 <0.00994 <0.00654 <0.0145 Grid 26 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0227J 2.04 28.4 <0.0974 17.3 6.67 0.453J <0.189 <0.310 0.108 <0.000487 <0.000505 <0.00169 <0.000578 <0.000700 <0.000609 0.00154J <0.00174 <0.000645 0.0312 <0.00808 <0.000359 0.0133 <0.00332 <0.000852 <0.00152 <0.000609 <0.00141 <0.00999 <0.00657 <0.0146 Grid 27 Composite 9/5/2019 0.00621J 1.07 21.4 <0.0952 9.61 4.81 0.356J <0.184 <0.303 <0.00163 <0.000476 <0.000494 <0.00165 <0.000565 <0.000684 <0.000595 0.00141J <0.00170 <0.000631 0.0251J 0.00807J <0.0000351 <0.00277 <0.00325 <0.000833 <0.00149 <0.0000476 <0.00138 <0.00977 <0.00643 <0.0143 Grid 28 Composite 9/5/2019 0.00513J 0.948 31.1 <0.0935 10.40 13.5 0.229J <0.181 <0.298 0.0230J 0.000724J <0.000562 <0.00188 <0.000644 <0.000780 <0.000678 0.00163J <0.00194 <0.000719 0.0359 <0.0090 <0.000400 <0.00316 <0.00371 <0.000949 <0.00169 <0.000542 <0.00157 <0.00960 <0.00631 <0.0140 Grid 30 Composite 11/8/2019 0.0485 3.00 51.0 <0.0964 32.3 8.29 0.866 <0.187 <0.307 1.61 <0.000506 <0.000525 <0.00176 <0.000601 <0.000728 <0.000633 <0.000873 <0.00181 0.00639 0.304 <0.00840 <0.000373 0.187 0.00541J <0.000886 0.0164 <0.000506 <0.00147 <0.00989 <0.00651 <0.0145 Grid 31 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0410 1.95 20.1 <0.0937 12.7 4.46 0.440J <0.181 <0.299 <0.0160 <0.000468 <0.000486 <0.00163 <0.000556 <0.000673 <0.000585 0.000904J <0.00167 <0.000621 0.0207J 0.00961J <0.000345 <0.00273 <0.00320 <0.000820 <0.00146 <0.000468 <0.00136 <0.00961 <0.00632 <0.0141 Grid 32 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0456 1.84 21.9 <0.0996 16.2 5.10 0.329J <0.193 0.507J 0.0561 <0.000498 <0.000517 <0.00173 <0.000591 <0.000716 <0.000622 0.00124J <0.00178 <0.000660 0.0263J <0.00827 <0.000367 <0.00290 <0.00340 <0.000871 <0.00156 <0.000498 <0.00144 <0.0102 <0.00672 <0.0136 Grid 33 Composite 9/5/2019 0.0118J 1.24 38.0 <0.0956 7.41 7.69 0.382J <0.185 <0.305 0.0361 0.000534J <0.000496 <0.00166 <0.000567 <0.000687 <0.000597 0.00118J <0.00171 <0.000633 0.0231J 0.00825J <0.000352 <0.00278 <0.00326 <0.000836 <0.00149 <0.000478 <0.00139 <0.00981 <0.00645 <0.0143 Grid 34 Composite 9/5/2019 0.00609J 0.609 43.6 <0.0945 4.19 6.38 0.293J <0.183 <0.301 0.139 0.000880J 0.000690J <0.00164 <0.000561 <0.000679 <0.000295 <0.00815 <0.00169 0.00132J 0.0171J 0.0137J <0.000349 0.249 <0.00323 0.00123J 0.00541J <0.000473 <0.00137 <0.00970 <0.00638 <0.0142 Receiving Site 2.5'-5'9/5/2019 0.0198J 2.25 28.0 <0.104 27.6 5.36 0.599J <0.202 <0.332 0.0222J 0.000530J <0.000540 <0.00181 <0.000619 <0.000749 <0.000651 0.00119J <0.00186 <0.000690 0.0244J <0.00865 <0.000384 <0.00303 <0.00356 <0.000912 <0.00163 <0.000521 <0.00151 <0.0107 <0.00703 <0.0156 SP-1 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0142J 1.14 28.3 <0.0920 6.28 5.46 0.369 <0.178 <0.293 0.162 <0.000460 <0.000477 <0.00160 <0.000546 <0.000661 <0.000575 <0.000793 <0.00164 <0.000609 0.0317 <0.00763 <0.000339 0.0177 0.00353J <0.000805 0.00144J <0.000460 <0.00133 <0.00944 <0.00621 <0.0138 SP-2 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0230J 1.37 32.9 <0.0957 8.54 6.09 0.446 <0.185 <0.305 0.0833 <0.000536 <0.000556 <0.00187 <0.000636 <0.000770 <0.000670 <0.000924 <0.00191 <0.000710 0.0925 <0.00890 <0.000395 0.153 <0.00366 <0.000937 <0.00167 <0.000536 <0.00155 <0.00982 <0.00646 <0.0143 SP-3 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0157J 1.35 32.9 <0.0923 8.00 5.11 0.473 <0.179 <0.294 0.0255J <0.000462 <0.000479 <0.00160 <0.000548 <0.000664 <0.000577 <0.000796 <0.00165 <0.000612 0.0344 <0.00766 <0.000341 0.00414J <0.00315 <0.000808 0.00187J <0.000462 <0.00134 <0.00948 <0.00623 <0.0139 EP-1 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0877 2.26 31.9 0.159J 18.4 8.22 0.660 <0.190 <0.313 0.0173J <0.000492 <0.000510 <0.00171 <0.000584 <0.000707 <0.000614 <0.000848 <0.00176 <0.000651 0.0294J <0.00816 <0.000363 0.0422 <0.00336 <0.000860 <0.00154 <0.000492 <0.00143 <0.0101 <0.00664 <0.0147 EP-11 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0619 2.46 30.0 0.195J 19.6 8.59 0.594J <0.187 <0.310 0.0548 <0.000487 <0.000505 <0.00169 <0.000578 <0.000700 <0.000609 <0.000840 <0.00174 <0.000645 0.0437 <0.00808 <0.000359 <0.00284 <0.00332 <0.000852 0.00167J <0.000487 <0.00141 <0.00999 <0.00657 <0.0146 EP-2 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0504 3.45 21.3 <0.0965 24.3 6.21 0.881 <0.189 <0.308 <0.0165 <0.000482 <0.000501 <0.00168 <0.000573 <0.000694 <0.000603 <0.000832 <0.00172 <0.000639 <0.0151 <0.00801 <0.000356 0.00724 <0.00329 <0.000844 0.00194J <0.000482 <0.00140 <0.00990 <0.00651 <0.0145 EP-3 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0341J 2.63 29.2 <0.0940 19.1 7.18 0.630 <0.182 <0.300 0.0307 <0.000470 <0.000488 <0.00163 <0.000558 <0.000676 <0.000588 <0.000811 <0.00168 <0.000623 0.0249J <0.00781 <0.000347 <0.00274 <0.00321 <0.000823 <0.00147 <0.000470 <0.00136 <0.00965 <0.00635 <0.0141 EP-4 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0485 1.94 28.4 <0.0950 20.0 5.64 0.602 <0.184 <0.303 0.0764 <0.000717 <0.000744 <0.00249 <0.000851 <0.00103 <0.000896 <0.00123 <0.00256 <0.000950 0.0604 <0.0119 <0.000528 <0.00418 <0.00489 <0.00126 <0.00224 <0.000717 <0.00208 <0.00974 <0.00641 <0.0142 EP-5 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0445 1.58 32.7 <0.0971 8.67 4.49 0.520 <0.188 <0.309 0.0380 <0.000485 <0.000503 <0.00169 <0.000576 <0.000698 <0.000607 <0.000837 <0.00173 <0.000643 0.0318 <0.00806 <0.000358 <0.00283 <0.00331 <0.000849 0.00154J <0.000485 <0.00141 <0.00996 <0.00655 <0.0146 EP-6 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0332J 1.57 21.3 <0.0968 8.46 4.00 0.627 <0.188 <0.309 0.0671 <0.000649 <0.000673 <0.00225 <0.000769 <0.000933 <0.000811 <0.00112 <0.00232 <0.000859 0.0663 <0.0108 <0.000478 <0.00377 <0.00443 <0.00113 <0.00203 <0.000649 <0.00188 <0.00993 <0.00653 <0.0145 EP-7 Composite 10/10/2019 0.0261J 1.20 21.5 <0.0939 4.47 3.62 0.414 <0.182 <0.299 0.0271J <0.000470 <0.000487 <0.00163 <0.000558 <0.000675 <0.000587 <0.000810 <0.00168 <0.000622 0.0314 <0.00780 <0.000346 <0.00274 <0.00321 <0.000822 <0.00147 <0.000470 <0.00136 <0.00964 <0.00634 <0.0141 EP-8 Composite 10/10/2019 0.00981J 1.07 14.1 <0.0950 24.4 7.33 0.358 <0.184 <0.303 0.0773 <0.000660 <0.000685 <0.00229 <0.000784 <0.000949 <0.000825 <0.00114 <0.00236 <0.000875 0.0654 <0.0110 <0.000487 <0.00385 <0.00450 <0.00116 0.00227 <0.000660 <0.00191 <0.00975 <0.00641 <0.0142 1.0 5.8 580 3 360,000 NE*2.1 3.4 3.8 25 0.01 0.39 0.015 0.0023 0.0034 2.5 0.41 0.62 13 17 0.025 0.09 1.24 1.5 0.0063 8.3 0.021 8.5 0.38 NE 14 2.3 0.68 3,100 14 23,000 400*78 78 0.31 12,000 1.2 0.34 23 0.49 3.8 48 31 310 6.1 5,500 58 49 NE 1,200 17 990 0.87 12 0.11 NE 39 9.7 3.0 47,000 200 350,000 800*1,200 1,200 6.5 140,000 5.4 1.5 99 2.2 17 210 470 4,700 27 40,000 650 220 NE 7,300 82 9,700 4 370 2.1 NE 160 = Values are those that exceed the Protection of Groundwater Preliminary Soil Remediation Goal (PSRG) mg/Kg = Values are those that exceed the Residential Health Based PSRG = Values are those that exceed Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG Results are reported in mg/kg NA = not analyzed NE = not established * Plesae note, Total Lead does not have an IHSB PSRG value. Lead is compared to the US EPA Residential standard of 400 mg/Kg and US EPA Industrial standard of 800 mg/Kg J = The identification of the analyte is acceptable, the reported value is an estimate. IHSB Version May 2019 TolueneProtection of Groundwater (PSRG) in mg/Kg AcetoneBis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalateContaminant of Concern BenzeneStyreneChloromethaneTotal LeadGrid 7 cis-1,2-DichloroetheneIndustrial/Commercial PSRG in mg/Kg Total MercuryTotal ArsenicTotal BariumTotal Cadmium (diet)TetrachloroetheneHexavalent Chromium2-butanoneChloroformResidential PSRG in mg/Kg Table 2 Former Clinipad Site 7101 MacFarlane Boulevard Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North CarolinaReport of Limited Soil Assessment-Grid Sampling Analytical Method Total RCRA Metals Summary of Soil Analytical Results 8260 8270 Dimethylphthalate1,2-DichloroethaneMethyl tert butyl ether1,1-Dichloroethanetrans-1,2-DichloroetheneTotal Silver1,2,4-TrimethylbenzeneDibenz(a,h)anthracenep-IsopropyltolueneTrichloroetheneEhtylbenzeneMethylene Chloride1,1-DichloroetheneGrid 5 Grid 2 Grid 3 Grid 4 Total ChromiumTotal Selenium