HomeMy WebLinkAbout8801_CORR_202002034 Blanchard Road, P.O. Box 85A Cumberland, ME 04021 Tel: 207.829.5016  Fax: 207.829.5692 info@smemaine.com smemaine.com 19148 20200203da.docx ENVIRONMENTAL  CIVIL  GEOTECHNICAL  WATER  COMPLIANCE February 3, 2020 Ms. Debora Aja Western Environmental Program Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 Subject: Evaluation Report of Slope Pin and Piezometer Monitoring Data Ash Landfill Glatfelter Pisgah Forest, NC Dear Ms. Aja Glatfelter has been performing routine monitoring of nineteen slope pins and eleven piezometers at the Ash Landfill in Pisgah Forest, North Carolina. The monitoring was instituted in mid-May 2019 to address a possible landfill movement as identified from previous monitoring of several of those same instruments. This letter addresses monitoring data collected for December 2019. This letter also discusses Glatfelter’s plans for monitoring the Ash Landfill in 2020, and beyond. The slope pin monitoring consists of measuring the horizontal (i.e., northing and easting) and vertical (i.e., elevation) position of each pin by way of ground survey. Monitoring of the piezometers consists of measuring the depth to water in each piezometer and calculating the water elevation based on a previous elevation survey of the piezometer pipe openings. Figure 1 shows the location and identification of each of the slope pins and piezometers monitored. Survey control for the slope pin and piezometer monitoring is based on permanent control points, which are located near the Ash Landfill perimeter, but outside of the waste limit. The horizontal and vertical position of the control points was refreshed in May 2019, when the weekly monitoring was initiated. SLOPE PINS There are nineteen slope pins installed in the surface of the Ash Landfill to monitor for possible slope movement. The pin identifications, in terms their horizontal coordinates and elevations, are listed in Table 1. The pin position information in Table 1 is based on survey completed on May 15, 2019 by Carolina Mountain Survey (CMS) of Brevard, North Carolina. Graphical data displays for the slope pins are presented in Attachment 1 to this letter. The displays show the following: • A plot of the horizontal movement of each pin since May 15, 2019; and • A plot of the vertical movement of each pin since May 15, 2019. 19148 20200203da.docx February 3, 2020 Page 2 of 3 Discussions with CMS regarding precision and accuracy relative to the horizontal and vertical survey for the slope pins indicates though the precision provided by the survey instruments used for the pin locations is quite high (to the nearest 0.001 foot or less) it is likely the accuracy of the horizontal and vertical measurements, from a practical standpoint, is more or less on the order of ½ inch (i.e. approximately .05 feet [e.g., about the diameter of a dime]). Review of the horizontal movement plots for slope pins Ash 1 through Ash 6 and Ash 31 through Ash 36 shows the December 2019 slope pin data generally fall within the grouping of previous data points, and thus indicates little, if any, horizontal pin movement has occurred since May 2019 (i.e., within the accuracy of the survey). The December 2019 data for slope pins Ash 21 through Ash 27 however shows several cases where horizontal moment exceeded ½ inch (i.e., 0.54 inches to 0.69 inches). In the CMS data deliverable for December 2019, CMS indicated weather conditions were breezy for the December survey and the breeze likely affected the longer survey shots, which are mostly associated with slope pins Ash 21 through Ash 27. To this end, the December 2019 data for slope pins Ash 21 through Ash 27 are not considered to be suggestive of significant slope movement but rather are considered as potential outliers for purposes of this letter. Review of the vertical movement plots for the slopes pin shows essentially no elevation change has occurred (within the accuracy of the survey) for any of the slope pins since May 2019, when the more frequent monitoring schedule was implemented. PIEZOMETERS Eleven piezometers are used to monitor for water level changes in the Ash Landfill’s waste deposit. The piezometer identifications and associated elevations (i.e., the top of the piezometer pipe, piezometer tip, and local ground surface) are listed in Table 2. The piezometer elevation information shown in Table 2 is based on a vertical survey performed by CMS in May 2019. Table 2 also includes a summary of the water level data collected during the period of May 7, 2019 through December 20, 2019 as well as piezometric elevations measured at the Ash Landfill since May 2014. Review of the piezometer water levels in Table 2 shows no changes that are considered technically significant with respect to a possible changed condition in the waste deposit. Review of Table 2 also shows the water levels in the piezometers are suggestive of a water table in the landfill that is at, or near, the lower limit of the waste deposit. Visual inspection of the Ash Landfill’s piezometer water level history shows no changes or trends that are considered potentially problematic relative to the geotechnical performance of the waste deposit. CONCLUSIONS The slope pin monitoring data presented and discussed in this letter indicates little, if any, movement of the Ash Landfill has occurred since mid-May 2019, or possibly before. The piezometer monitoring data collected for the Ash Landfill shows only small water level changes in the waste deposit, which are considered insufficient to cause large vertical deformations and / or changes in slope stability. Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly slope pin and piezometer monitoring was completed at the Ash Landfill during the period of May 2019 through December 2019. Prior to May 2019 the slope pins and piezometers were monitored quarterly. The recent, more frequent, monitoring was performed to 19148 20200203da.docx February 3, 2020 Page 3 of 3 address a possible landfill movement identified in May 2019. Evaluation of the monitoring data collected since May 2019 shows there is no reason to believe the Ash Landfill is undergoing any significant horizontal or vertical movement. The evaluation also showed the possible landfill movement identified in May 2019 was possibly caused by a faulty elevation benchmark used for survey of the slope pins. RECOMMENDATIONS There is no apparent reason to continue with the frequent monitoring schedule of the Ash Landfill slope pins and piezometers. Rather, it is recommended Glatfelter revert to quarterly data collection for the slope pins and piezometers using the same general quarterly schedule as that used prior to May 2019 (i.e., monitoring in mid-March, mid-June, mid-September, and mid-December). The next monitoring report for the Ash Landfill slope pins and piezometers will be submitted to NCDEQ following completion of the second round of monitoring (i.e. mid-June) of 2020. After that data submittal, it is recommended that Glatfelter return to maintaining the monitoring data on file for review by request. If you have and questions or comments regarding the contents of this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS, INC. Matthew W. Muzzy, P.E. Principal/Senior Geoenvironmental Enginer Attachments cc: Jill Urey, Glatfelter Mike Cody, DMC Remediation & Laboratory Consulting, LLC Jack Garren Northing Easting Elevation Ash 1 570549.94 898426.71 2204.07 Ash 2 570556.09 898409.74 2197.38 Ash 3 570561.64 898397.03 2193.52 Ash 4 570529.81 898336.47 2179.00 Ash 5 570534.66 898322.32 2174.87 Ash 6 570541.59 898448.83 2211.56 Ash 21 570403.20 898484.27 2211.74 Ash 22 570369.96 898476.59 2200.85 Ash 23 570333.40 898466.36 2187.47 Ash 24 570292.66 898455.95 2172.25 Ash 25 570217.85 898436.32 2152.01 Ash 26 570180.30 898423.20 2134.82 Ash 27 570144.38 898411.75 2125.72 Ash 31 570524.17 898429.41 2207.71 Ash 32 570534.80 898391.89 2195.02 Ash 33 570545.92 898352.62 2181.69 Ash 34 570555.49 898313.90 2169.56 Ash 35 570565.97 898274.38 2155.42 Ash 36 570573.70 898239.54 2143.34 Northings, Easting, and Elevation based on survey by Carolina Mountain Survey, May 15, 2019 Table 1 Slope Pin Locations Ash Landfill Glatfelter Table 2Piezometer Water Level ElevationsAsh LandfillGlatfelterPiezometer Elevations Date B8 B9-A B9-B B10-A B10-B PZ-2 PZ-2R PZ-3 PZ-4 PZ-5 Q88V7Elevation of Piezometer Top Opening (feet)2119.91 2215.40 2215.90 2178.08 2178.51 2122.06 2120.01 2170.46 2199.562204.19 2233.17Elevation of Piezometer Tip (feet)2097.96 2166.10 2158.41 2125.55 2138.05 2102.06 2088.07 2119.76 2167.642152.69 2155.91Ground Elevation at Piezometer (feet)2119.25 2213.56 2213.61 2175.52 2175.59 2119.16 2119.26 2166.39 2196.132200.50 2230.145/3/14 2099.68 2146.09 2157.71 2132.05 2137.67 2102.05 2096.65 2129.66 2162.53 2151.68 2178.128/13/14 2099.20 2146.02 2157.71 2131.80 2137.67 2102.04 2096.63 2129.302162.52 2151.68 2176.1311/5/14 2098.59 2145.15 2157.70 2131.74 2137.67 2102.04 2096.22 2129.042162.52 2151.67 2174.432/7/15 2099.49 2144.65 2157.71 2131.78 2137.68 2102.04 2096.63 2129.23 2162.53 2151.68 2173.505/8/15 2098.01 2144.41 2157.70 2131.62 2137.67 2102.06 2096.66 2129.16 2162.53 2151.67 2174.198/11/15 2097.56 2144.05 2157.70 2130.98 2137.67 2102.02 2095.91 2128.412162.53 2151.67 2172.8111/17/15 2101.22 2143.37 2157.70 2130.36 2137.67 2102.31 2097.19 2128.15 2162.53 2151.67 2172.262/12/16 2101.41 2145.37 2157.70 2132.23 2137.67 2102.26 2097.26 2129.772162.53 2151.67 2178.985/24/16 2097.56 2145.75 2157.70 2131.88 2137.67 2102.25 2096.19 2129.462162.53 2151.67 2178.998/16/16 2098.21 2145.61 2157.70 2131.28 2137.67 2102.26 2096.31 2128.302162.53 2151.67 2175.1711/15/16 2097.55 2144.32 2157.70 2130.69 2137.67 2102.23 2095.81 2127.78 2162.53 2151.67 2172.222/15/17 2098.86 2142.87 2157.70 2127.68 2137.67 2102.17 2096.26 2126.972162.53 2151.67 2169.485/9/17 2100.76 2141.76 2157.70 2119.39 2137.67 2102.19 2097.03 2127.23 2162.53 2151.67 2168.978/15/17 2098.64 2141.62 2157.70 2130.10 2137.67 2098.47 2100.12 2128.342162.53 2151.67 2170.7511/14/17 2100.26 2141.97 2157.70 2130.18 2136.23 2098.81 2100.12 2128.18 2161.76 2151.67 2171.302/16/18 2101.08 2142.81 2157.70 2130.96 2136.23 2103.06 2097.67 2129.082161.76 2151.66 2173.155/15/18 2099.35 2144.15 2157.70 2131.73 2137.23 2102.17 2096.64 2129.472161.76 2151.67 2176.058/14/18 2100.66 2145.00 2157.70 2132.09 2138.23 2102.13 2097.20 2129.682161.76 2151.67 2179.3311/27/18 2101.77 2146.50 2157.70 2132.38 2139.23 2102.10 2097.66 2129.99 2163.76 2151.67 2180.272/15/19 2100.90 2147.40 2157.70 2132.83 2140.23 2102.11 2097.23 2130.462161.67 2151.69 2184.675/7/19 2100.81 2165.48 2157.85 2132.66 2137.70 2102.11 2097.01 2130.05 2161.76 2169.78 2187.025/24/19 2099.75 2165.64 2157.87 2132.72 2137.70 2102.15 2096.21 2130.192163.78 2151.80 2186.575/28/19 2100.06 2165.62 2157.82 2132.68 2137.68 2102.13 2097.03 2130.182163.80 2151.79 2186.486/4/19 2098.93 2165.61 2157.84 2132.52 2137.68 2102.08 2097.56 2129.97 2163.81 2151.79 2185.986/11/19 2098.51 2165.64 2157.85 2132.52 2137.68 2102.10 2096.63 2130.012163.81 2151.79 2185.656/18/19 2098.94 2165.65 2157.86 2132.64 2137.69 2102.10 2096.58 2130.132163.81 2151.81 2185.3406/25/19 2099.03 2165.65 2157.85 2132.50 2137.69 2102.10 2096.60 2130.97 2163.82 2151.81 2184.9207/02/19 2098.96 2165.65 2157.85 2132.59 2137.67 2102.08 2096.53 2130.00 2163.81 2151.79 2185.5607/09/19 2098.45 2165.61 2157.84 2132.39 2137.67 2102.10 2096.47 2129.86 2163.81 2151.79 2184.1207/16/19 2098.24 2165.64 2157.84 2132.39 2137.68 2102.08 2096.43 2129.85 2163.81 2151.79 2183.7407/23/19 2098.31 2165.65 2157.84 2132.39 2137.71 2102.05 2096.51 2129.86 2163.81 2151.79 2183.3707/30/19 2098.37 2165.48 2157.85 2132.35 2137.68 2102.07 2096.42 2129.75 2163.81 2151.79 2182.9708/13/19 2098.06 2175.50 2157.86 2132.35 2137.69 2102.11 2096.42 2129.74 2163.82 2151.81 2182.2108/30/19 2098.39 2175.50 2157.80 2131.17 2137.67 2102.10 2096.48 2129.48 2163.81 2151.79 2183.2209/13/19 2097.81 2175.50 2157.85 2132.11 2137.68 2102.07 2096.37 2129.43 2163.80 2151.79 2180.5209/24/19 2097.67 2175.50 2157.85 2132.21 2137.68 2102.06 2096.29 2129.49 2163.80 2151.79 2180.0310/22/19 2097.53 2175.50 2157.84 2132.09 2137.69 2102.06 2096.20 2129.26 2163.76 2151.82 2178.5711/22/19 2099.92 2175.50 2157.85 2132.10 2137.69 2102.06 2096.90 2129.18 2163.76 2151.81 2177.7812/20/19 2100.29 2175.51 2157.80 2131.86 2137.70 2102.05 2097.31 2129.07 2163.77 2151.79 2176.74Shading indicates Dry PiezometerShading indicates Broken and Dry PiezometerPiezometerElevation of Water Level in Piezometer (feet) B-1 B-8 B10-A,B B-9A,B ASH-27 ASH-26 ASH-25 ASH-24 ASH-23 ASH-22 ASH-21 ASH-31 ASH-32 ASH-33ASH-34 ASH-35 ASH-36 PZ-2R PZ-2 PZ-3 PZ-4 Q88V7 PZ-5 ASH-6 2196 220 0 2210 221 4 2160 2170 2180 2190 2200 2210 21 2 4 213 0 214 0 215 0 21022110ASH-1 ASH-2ASH-3 ASH-4ASH-5 LEGEND BORING/PIEZOMTER LOCATION PIN LOCATION DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS9/10/2019 050 100 FEET FIGURE 1 ASH LANDFILL MONITORING LOCATIONS GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SME-STDFIG 1 ASH PINWATER LEVEL PROFILE GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD (TYP) NOTES: 1.BASEMAP ADAPTED FROM RECORD DRAWING TITLED "FINAL GRADING PLAN" BY SME, DATED JUNE 6, 2006. 2.EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY FROM GOOGLE EARTH. 3.LOCATIONS FOR PIEZOMETERS AND PINS PROVIDED BY CAROLINA MOUNTAIN SURVEY OF BREVARD, NORTH CAROLINA.\\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\WATER LEVEL PROFILE.dwg, 9/10/2019 2:22:09 PM, jrl ATTACHMENT 1 SLOPE PIN DATA DISPLAYS DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019 SLOPE PIN - ASH 1 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:21 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 2 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:22 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 3 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:22 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 4 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:22 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 5 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:23 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD SLOPE PIN - ASH 6 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:23 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 21 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:23 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 22 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:23 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 23 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:24 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 24 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:24 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 25 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:24 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 26 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:24 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 27 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:25 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 31 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:25 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 32 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:25 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 33 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:25 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 34 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:26 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 35 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:26 AM, jrl DWG:REV:LMN:CTB: SME SEVEE & MAHER ENGINEERS12/27/2019ASH PINS LMN SME-STD NOTE: DATA PLOTS BASED ON MAY 15, 2019 THROUGH DECEMBER 16, 2019 MONITORING PERIOD. SLOPE PIN - ASH 36 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL MOVEMENT ASH LANDFILL GLATFELTER PISGAH FOREST, NORTH CAROLINA SLOPE PIN MOVEMENT DATA HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT VERTICAL MOVEMENT \\nserver\CFS\Phg\AshLandfill\CLOSURE\Acad\ASH PINS-DEC 2019.dwg, 12/27/2019 10:35:26 AM, jrl