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HomeMy WebLinkAboutRA-2070_12610_CA_RPTS_20151116_ATC FINAL Four Corners Updated Receptor Survey 2725 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 Tel: 919-871-0999 Fax: 919-871-0335 N.C. Engineering License No. C-1598 1 November 16, 2015 Mr. Mark Petermann North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management Underground Storage Tank Section 1637 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1637 Re: Updated Receptor Survey Four Corners Store 6154 West Mount Drive Rocky Mount, Nash County, North Carolina Facility ID No. 0-022637 NCDENR Incident No. 12610 ATC Project No. SL1261004 Dear Mr. Petermann: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) is pleased to submit the results of an updated receptor survey conducted at the former Four Corners Store located at 6154 West Mount Drive in Rocky Mount, Nash County, North Carolina. A site topographic map is included as Figure 1. A site map depicting pertinent site features is included as Figure 2. The receptor survey was performed based on a September 30, 2015, Task Authorization (TA-4) by the Trust Fund Branch of the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Section, Division of Waste Management, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). The work is being performed as part of the State Lead Contract #N14004i between NCDEQ and ATC. As authorized in Task Authorization TA-4, ATC performed an updated water supply well survey in the surrounding vicinity of the site by conducting a visual reconnaissance. The survey was performed by driving and/or walking throughout the surrounding area and visually assessing the individual parcels of land for evidence of water supply wells, well houses, and/or water meters. In addition, ATC interviewed property owners when available. The water supply well survey was performed within a radius of 1,000 feet from the source area. ATC also mailed water supply well survey letters to owners of properties within 1,000 feet of the site which potentially had a water supply well that was not documented in previous reports. Based on the water supply well survey, there are six water supply wells located within 1,000 feet of the site. Of the six, three are inactive (WSW-1, WSW-4, and WSW-6), one well has been abandoned (WSW-2), one well is used for irrigation purposes (WSW-3), and one well is used for drinking purposes (WSW-5). Water supply well WSW-1 is located on the site property. Water supply well information is included as Table 1 and potential receptors are presented in Figure 3. Water supply well information forms and field notes are included in Appendix A. TABLE TABLE 1WATER SUPPLY WELL INFORMATIONFOUR CORNERS STORE6154 WEST MOUNT DRIVEROCKY MOUNT, NASH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINAINCIDENT #12610Well ID Parcel ID Property Owner(s) Property Address Owner AddressOwner Telephone NumberEstimated Distance and Direction from Source Connected to a Municipal Water SupplyUsage6154 West Mount Drive 202 Maraschino DriveRocky Mount, NC 27803 Greenville, NC 278586232 West Mount Drive 202 Maraschino DriveRocky Mount, NC 27803 Greenville, NC 278586191 West Mount Drive 6191 West Mount DriveRocky Mount, NC 27803 Rocky Mount, NC 278036243 West Mount Drive 4656 Cypress Cove LaneRocky Mount, NC 27803 Rocky Mount, NC 278035067 S Old Carriage Road 5067 S Old Carriage RoadRocky Mount, NC 27803 Rocky Mount, NC 278034934 S. Old Carriage Road 6917 Raspberry Plain PlaceRocky Mount, NC 27803 Springfield, VA 221531)WSW-2 019512WSW-1 019512Abandoned60 ft Southwest500 ft EastKendall Farms, LLCLynne Garcia: 252-446-4040Lynne Garcia: 252-446-4040350 ft SoutheastCurrent Parcel identifications, property owners and addressing from the Nash County, Connect GIS Web ServerYes IrrigationKendall Farms, LLCYes InactiveNo021889 Audrey ThompsonNotes:WSW-4 020513Marie Daughtridge c/oRose Burnett635 ft East Southeast YesPotable425 ft Northwest No Inactive - Vacant LotInactiveWSW-5 019983 James M. Bullock350 ft South No252-443-5586252-451-1129703-992-8586Rose Burnett: 252-937-6197WSW-6 020239 John MooreWSW-3 FIGURES 2725 E. Millbrook Road, Suite 121 Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 871-0999 SITE TOPOGRAPHIC MAP PROJECT NO: SL1261004 DATE: 7/30/14 REVIEWED BY: KR FOUR CORNERS STORE INCIDENT #12610 6154 WEST MOUNT DRIVE ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA Quadrangle: Rocky Mount FIGURE 1 SCALE: AS SHOWN SITE APPENDIX A WATER SUPPLY WELL INFORMATION FORMS AND FIELD NOTES