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Our People. Your Success.
115 MacKenan Drive | Cary, NC 27511
t: 919.469.3340 | f: 919.467.6008 | | License No. C‐0832
Cary | Greensboro | Pittsboro | Raleigh | Wilmington
November 30, 2019
State of North Carolina
Department of Environmental Quality
Federal & State Lead Program, DWM‐UST Section
1646 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699‐1646
Attn: Mr. Mark Petermann
Selma Pawn Shop
(3) 8,000‐gallon – Gas, (1) 8,000‐gallon – Diesel, and (1) 4,000‐gallon– Kerosene USTs
816 South Pollock Street, Selma, Johnston County, North Carolina
Groundwater Incident Number 29447
WR Project Number: 02170214.25
Mr. Petermann:
WithersRavenel, Inc. (WR) has completed screen point installation and sampling, monitoring well
installations and groundwater sampling activities described in our proposal numbered TA‐04
under contract N17005 for the above referenced site, approved by the UST Section on
September 4, 2019. This Initial Monitoring Report summarizes the results of the recently
completed activities and augments recommendations for performance of corrective actions at
the facility outlined in WR’s Corrective Action Feasibility Study (May 2019).
Note: The property was formerly listed in reports prepared for NCDEQ as being located at “900
S. Pollock Street”, while the Johnston County tax card for the parcel identifies the location as
“816 S. Pollock Street”.
WR appreciates the opportunity to be of service to the Federal & State Lead Program. Should
you have any questions regarding the attached, please contact us at (919)469‐3340.
Kevin B. Buchanan G. Matthew James, PG
Staff Environmental Scientist II Senior Geologist
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
A. SITE INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 3
B. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................. 4
C. SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION ............................................................... 8
INFORMATION .........................................................................................................14
E. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................... 17
Figure 1 General Location Map
Figure 2 Site Map
Figure 3 Groundwater Hydraulic Gradient Map (ft) – February & October 2019
Figure 4A Groundwater Analytical Results – February & October 2019
Figure 4B Groundwater Analytical Results – QED/UVF Method – October 2019
Figure 5 Groundwater Benzene Isoconcentration Map – February & October 2019
Figure 6 Groundwater Total BTEX Isoconcentration Map ‐ February & October 2019
Table B‐1 Site History – UST/AST System and Other Release Information
Table B‐3 Summary of Soil Analytical Results
Table B‐4 Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results ‐ VOCs
Table B‐4B Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results – RedLab, LLC Data
Table B‐7 Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information
Table B‐9 Current & Historical Groundwater Elevations and Free Product Thickness’
Appendix A Laboratory Analytical Reports and Chains‐of‐Custody
Appendix B Copy of Field Notes
Appendix C Photographic Documentation
Appendix D Well Construction Records & Boring Logs
(MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18, MW‐19)
Appendix E General Standard Operating Procedures
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
1. Summary of Activities Associated with Current TA
WithersRavenel (WR) prepared and submitted requests for an offsite access agreement to a
single off‐site private property owner at a location to the north of the site, and requested a
modification of an existing access agreement with the Town of Selma for the installation of
screen point sample borings and permanent Type II monitoring wells. The agreement submitted
to Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert & Dianne Shirley (north of the site) was never acknowledged or approved.
The agreement for access to locations within the Town of Selma Right of Way (R/W) along S.
Massey Street was approved by the Town manager. Following receipt of the access agreement,
WR submitted a monitoring well permit applications for well installations. WR subsequently
supervised the completion of screen point sampling assessment of groundwater conditions as a
mean to determine locations for permanent wells, followed by the installation of off‐site
monitoring wells MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18 and MW‐19. In conjunction with
monitoring well installations, WR surveyed the wells’ locations and elevations. Finally, WR
conducted a limited groundwater monitoring event including the purging and sampling of the
newly installed monitoring wells.
2. Soil, Groundwater and Free Product Assessment Information
No soil sampling was performed in association with the current TA. Previously, WR installed and
sampled hand augered soil borings within the building interior in the vicinity of the former pump
islands. WR completed six soil borings (SB‐1, SB‐2, SB‐3, SB‐4, SB‐5, and SB‐6) on October 3rd,
2016. Analytical results for the samples from these locations indicated the presence of several
petroleum‐related compounds at levels exceeding their respective Soil‐to‐Water Maximum Soil
Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). Toluene was reported in the samples obtained from SB‐4
and SB‐5 at concentrations above the Residential MSCC. Naphthalene was also detected by
EPA Method 8270 in samples obtained from SB‐1, SB‐5 and SB‐6 at levels in exceedance of the
Soil‐to‐Water MSCC for the compound. Previous soil sampling conducted by East Coast
Environmental, PA (ECE), in association with UST closures in March 2007 showed one or more
targeted compounds present in the samples submitted for analysis (SS‐1, SS‐2, SS‐4, SS‐6, SS‐7,
SS‐8, SS‐9 and SS‐10). Numerous compounds were reported at levels exceeding their respective
Soil‐to‐Water MSCCs, while benzene and isopropylbenzene were both reported at
concentrations exceeding their respective Residential MSCCs in samples SS‐4 and SS‐6. Based
the intermittent presence of free product at locations across the site it is reasonable to assume
that soils with specific contaminants at levels exceeding their respective Soil‐to‐Water MSCCs
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
Sub‐slab Soil Vapor
WR completed the installation and sampling of four sub‐slab vapor monitoring points within the
building interior between November 9‐11, 2015. Results of TO‐15 analysis of vapor samples
from each of these points indicated the presence of one or more volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) in each sample. Results for samples from SS‐1 and SS‐2 showed one or more VOCs at
levels exceeding their respective Residential Screening Levels established by NCDEQ‐DWM ‐
Vapor Intrusion Screening Concentrations ‐ Sub‐slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels
(SGSLs). Benzene, ethylbenzene, n‐hexane and 1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene were each reported in
sample SS‐1 at concentrations exceeding their respective Non‐Residential SGSLs established by
NCDEQ‐DWM Vapor Intrusion Screening Concentrations. Based on elevated sub‐slab
contaminant concentrations in the vicinity of SS‐1, it is likely that an undocumented/unassessed
release from the former pump island near the location of SS‐1 occurred prior to UST system
Mobile laboratory results for groundwater samples collected from three of 16 screen point
sample locations showed quantifiable levels of total BTEX. In remaining screen point sample
locations, BTEX was reported as “less than” (<) levels that could be quantified, however,
detection limits for all of the screen point groundwater samples analyzed by RedLab, LLC were
analyzed on a parts‐per million scale. Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from
newly installed monitoring wells on October 29, 2019 indicated the presence of one or more
petroleum‐related compounds in the samples obtained from each of the wells (MW‐15, MW‐16,
MW‐17, MW‐18 and MW‐19) at concentrations in excess of their respective “2L Standards”
defined by NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 2L, Section .0202 (Water Quality Standards for Class GA
Groundwater). Benzene was reported at a level exceeding the Gross Contaminant Level (GCL)
for the compound. Tetrachloroethene (PCE) was reported in samples from wells MW‐16 and
MW‐19 at concentrations above the 2L Standard for the compound. The presence of PCE in
these wells confirms the presence of an as‐yet undocumented release not related to that from
the UST systems closed on the Selma Pawn site.
Based on the February 2019 groundwater sampling event performed at the location, the extent
of surficial groundwater contamination has not been defined to levels equivalent to the NC 2L
Standards. Also based on this data and the presence of two separate areas of GCL impacts, it
appears that there are two separate (petroleum) source areas located within the monitoring well
network at the location. The first of these sources appear to be associated with the former UST
systems located on the property, while the second appears associated with the former AST(s)
which were reportedly located on the northern portion of the site.
Free Product
Free product was measured at a thickness of 0.02 ft in monitoring well MW‐13 during
assessment performed at the location in October 2019. Free product has historically been
measured in on‐site monitoring wells MW‐1 and MW‐5. Product thickness in those wells has
been measured up to 1.83 ft in MW‐1 (April 2007) and 0.12 ft in MW‐5 (February 2013). A free
product thickness of 0.11 ft was detected in MW‐9 on October 3, 2016, prior to the
performance of an MMPE event at the location.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
MIP/HPT Investigation
Results of the MIP/HPT investigation conducted at the location in February 2019 showed
“relative contaminant responses” through Electron Capture Detector (ECD), Photo Ionization
Detector (PID) and Flame Ionization Detector (FID) testing. These relative contaminant
responses generally appeared to extend from approximately 5 ft beneath surface grade to
approximately 22 ft on the Selma Pawn site; however, elevated PID responses were noted to
extend to approximately 30 ft beneath grade in two of the seven MIP/HPT borings installed. In
performance of the MIP/HPT investigation, no obvious subsurface confining layers were noted,
with the exception of boring B‐108, in which the tooling operator stated that there was a “hard”
layer starting at approximately 33.5 ft.
Slug Testing
WR completed aquifer slug tests on monitoring wells MW‐5, MW‐10 and MW‐12 during
February 2019. Results of these tests indicated hydraulic conductivity values ranging between
0.41 ft/day (1.4 x 10‐4 cm/sec) in MW‐5 to 8.30 ft/day (2.9 x 10‐3) in MW‐12.
3. Receptor Information
WR performed a receptor survey update during 2015 under a previous contract with NCDEQ,
and verified that all properties situated within a 1,000‐ft radius of the source area on site are
supplied potable water through the Town of Selma, NC Public Utilities Department. Drinking
water for the Town is supplied through a network of drilled wells (see discussion of potential
receptors in Section C.4).
The Town of Selma also provides sewer services to all surrounding properties. No assessment of
the potential impact to Town maintained sewer lines has been performed, to date, and it is
presently unclear whether sewer lines in the area intersect the local groundwater.
WR did not identify any private water supply wells within a 1,500‐ft radius of the site, and no
sensitive receptors were identified within a 1,000‐ft radius of the site.
4. Remediation Activities
Remedial actions performed at the site to date include the removal of the UST systems in March
2007, which included the excavation and disposal of 488.8 tons of contaminated soils. Closure
of the UST systems was followed in May 2010, April 2011, August 2013, and October 2016 by
the performance of MMPE events, conducted as interim efforts to remove free product
identified at the site. No remedial activities were performed at the site by WR in association
with the current TA.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
7. Recommendations
Based on the results of assessment and monitoring activities conducted at the site in association
with this TA, WR recommends the following:
• Performance of cursory vapor intrusion evaluations of potentially affected properties on the
northwestern side of S. Massey Street.
• Completion of inquiries with the NCDEQ Raleigh Regional Office as to the potential current
or former existence of USTs on the Bartholomew property, located to the south of the
Selma Pawn Shop site.
• Performance of a clean water injection pilot test utilizing existing monitoring wells located
on the site.
• Following completion of clean water injection pilot test and based upon appropriate
conditions for groundwater remediation through injection, reduction of source area and
downgradient groundwater concentrations through injection of a chemical oxidant to
reduce dissolved phase concentrations to levels less than GCL standards.
• Continued groundwater monitoring of the site until such time as the site risk can be reduced
and the incident closed.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
WR conducted screen point sampling investigation, monitoring well installations and a limited
groundwater sampling event at the site (Figure 1) between October 28 and 29, 2019. The
following information summarizes the site history and characterization.
1 UST Information
The locations of the former UST systems, onsite improvements, and the present onsite
monitoring wells are depicted on Figure 2. Five USTs were located on the subject property in
two separate tank areas. One tank area was centrally located on the subject property behind the
building on the site including USTs 1 through 4 [three 8,000‐gallon (gal) gasoline and one 8,000‐
gal diesel fuel tanks], while the second tank area (located along the eastern property boundary)
included a single 4,000‐gal kerosene UST. According to the historical information on the
incident, all five USTs were closed by removal in 2007.
WR is not aware of any aboveground storage tank (ASTs) located on the subject site. However,
as reported in the Initial Abatement Action Report (IAAR) submitted by East Coast
Environmental (ECE) on April 27, 2007, the current property owner indicated that the site
contained ASTs when it was used as a petroleum bulk storage facility. The IAAR report also
stated that there were no records or documented releases from the AST systems that were
reportedly on site during the past. Mr. Harry Godwin, representative of the current owner of the
site, previously stated that the ASTs were once located along the northern edge of the property
in close proximity to the former kerosene UST (see Figure 2). Table B‐1 summarizes information
regarding USTs that were formerly utilized on the property.
2. Description of Release/General Assessment History
The following summary of the assessment history is based on WR’s review of historical files for
the subject incident:
March 2007 ‐ ECE supervised the removal of five USTs from the subject property. None of
the five USTs were in compliance with NCDENR requirements for leak detection and
corrosion protection at the time of their removal. A total of 488.8 tons of contaminated soil
were removed and transported off‐site to a permitted facility in association with the tank
closure activities. Because groundwater was discovered in the bottom of the excavation, soil
samples were collected from the sidewalls. Analytical results for several soil samples
collected during the tank closure activities indicated the presence of one or more petroleum
related compounds at concentrations that exceeded both the Residential and Soil‐to‐Water
MSCCs. Benzene was reported at concentrations above residential MSCCs in SS‐4 and SS‐6
at 24 mg/kg and 63 mg/kg, respectively. Due to the presence of groundwater at the base of
the UST bed that contained USTs 1 through 4, a groundwater monitoring well (MW‐1) was
installed immediately after the USTs were removed.
April 2007 ‐ Free phase product was measured in MW‐1 at a thickness of 1.83 ft.
October 2008 ‐ Agra Environmental (Agra) performed a site reconnaissance and receptor
survey. No receptors were identified within 1,000 ft of the source area. However, through
an interview with a town official, the location of two water supply wells were revealed, one
at 1,200 ft and one 1,700 ft from the site. These wells are two of nine wells in the network
utilized used by the Town of Selma for provision of potable water.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
January 2010 ‐ Schnabel Engineering preformed a soil and groundwater assessment on the
subject property, during which, 24 soil borings (SB‐1 through SB‐24) and three groundwater
monitoring wells (MW‐2 through MW‐4) were installed and sampled. In addition, a receptor
survey was conducted. Analytical results for 21 of the 24 soil samples contained one or
more petroleum constituents at concentrations that exceeded their respective soil‐to‐
groundwater MSCCs. The highest concentrations appeared around borings SB‐6, SB‐10, SB‐
11, and SB‐14. Analytical results for groundwater samples from the newly installed
monitoring wells MW‐3 and MW‐4 indicated the presence of petroleum related constituents
at concentrations that exceeded the 2L standard. No water supply wells were identified
within 1,500 ft of the site, despite information provided in previous reports. Approximately
0.04 ft of free phase product was detected in MW‐1.
May 2010 ‐ an MMPE event was performed, focusing on product removal from MW‐1.
April 2011 ‐ monitoring well MW‐5 was installed and an MMPE event was performed on
MW‐1, MW‐3 and MW‐5.
February 2013 ‐ Progress Environmental performed a sampling event and found an
additional monitoring well (MW‐5) that was originally installed by Palmetto Drilling in
January 2009. Free phase product was discovered in wells MW‐1 and MW‐5 while MW‐3
and MW‐4 were dry.
March 2013 ‐ monitoring wells MW‐3 and MW‐4 were abandoned and replaced by MW‐3R
and MW‐4R.
August 2013 ‐ an MMPE event was performed at the site.
September 2013 ‐ Crawford Environmental Services (CES) completed a sampling event at the
site. Wells MW‐1, 2, 3R, and 5 were sampled. MW‐4R could not be accessed due to a
vehicle being parked on the well. Several VOCs were detected above 2L standards that
included ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes, naphthalene, MTBE, n‐propylbenzene, n‐
butylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, 1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene, and 1,3,5‐trimethyl‐benzene (MW‐
1), benzene (MW‐2), benzene, MTBE, 1,2‐dichloroethane, and 1,2‐dichloropropane (MW‐3R),
benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylenes, MTBE, naphthalene, n‐propylbenzene, n‐
butylbenzene, 1,2‐dichloroethane, isopropyl‐benzene, 1,2,4‐trimethylbenzene, and 1,3,5‐
trimethylbenzene (MW‐5). Benzene, EDB, and 1,2‐dichloroethane exceeded their respective
August 2014 ‐ WR installed monitoring well MW‐6 and sampled the groundwater within the
well. Analytical results for the groundwater sample showed the presence of several
petroleum constituents at levels exceeding their respective 2L Standards. No free product
was measured in any of the site wells at the time.
April 2015 ‐ WR performed assessment activities at the site that included the gauging of free
product in all site monitoring wells, the purging and sampling of monitoring wells MW‐1,
MW‐2, MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐5 and MW‐6, and the evaluation of site building construction
to determine basic structural characteristics of slab or foundation with relation to potential
vapor intrusion. No free product was detected in any wells gauged as a part of monitoring
during April 2015. Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from the wells on
site indicated the presence of one or more petroleum‐related compounds in MW‐1, MW‐2,
MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐5 and MW‐6. One or more compounds detected in samples from
MW‐1, MW‐3R, MW‐5 and MW‐6 were reported at concentrations in excess of their
respective 2L Standards. Benzene was reported at a concentration in MW‐5 exceeding the
GCL for the compound. Evaluation of the structure at the site indicated the potential for
vapor intrusion into the building, as structural footers were found to lie within approximately
5 ft of the vadose zone at the location, and several cracks and floor penetrations were
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
September ‐ November 2015 ‐ WR completed a receptor survey update, supervised the
installation of four Type II groundwater monitoring wells (MW‐7, MW‐8, MW‐9 and MW‐10)
and surveyed the newly installed monitoring wells. WR gauged free product within MW‐1,
gauged, purged and sampled monitoring wells MW‐2, MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐5, MW‐6, MW‐
7, MW‐8, MW‐9 and MW‐10, and deployed Adventus® O‐SOX™ in monitoring wells MW‐1,
MW‐5 and MW‐10. Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from site
monitoring wells on November 11, 2015 indicated the presence of one or more petroleum
compounds in the samples obtained from monitoring wells MW‐2, MW‐3R, MW‐5, MW‐6,
MW‐7, MW‐8, MW‐9 and MW‐10 at concentrations in excess of their respective 2L
Standards. Benzene was reported in the sample obtained from MW‐7 at a concentration in
excess of the GCL for the compound. In addition to these tasks, WR also installed and
sampled a total of four sub‐slab vapor monitoring points (SS‐1, SS‐2, SS‐3 and SS‐4).
Analytical for TO‐15 analysis from each of these points indicated the presence of one or
more VOCs in the samples submitted. Samples from SS‐1 and SS‐2 showed one or more
targeted compounds at levels exceeding their respective Residential Screening Levels
established by NCDEQ‐DWM ‐ Vapor Intrusion Screening Concentrations ‐ Sub‐slab and
Exterior Soil Gas Screening Levels (SGSLs). Benzene, ethylbenzene, n‐hexane and 1,2,4‐
trimethylbenzene were each reported in sample SS‐1 at concentrations exceeding their
respective Non‐Residential SGSLs established by NCDEQ‐DWM Vapor Intrusion Screening
September ‐ October 2016 ‐ WR completed a chemical inventory within the building interior
and supervised the performance of a 96‐hour MMPE Event. WR also installed six interior
soil borings (SB‐1 through SB‐6), gauged for free product, gauged, purged, and sampled
monitoring wells MW‐1, MW‐2, MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐5, MW‐6, MW‐7, MW‐8, MW‐9 and
MW‐10, and deployed Adventus® O‐SOX™ within monitoring wells MW‐1, MW‐5, MW‐7
and MW‐10.
o WR noted several potential sources located within the building including gas
powered equipment, solvent cleaners, insecticides, paints and aerosols. Vessels
containing varnish remover, automotive parts cleaner, floor and jewelry cleaners
were observed in the building, however, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS’s)
were not available for these containers.
o Prior to performing the 96‐hour Mobile Multi‐Phase Extraction (MMPE) event,
monitoring wells MW‐1, MW‐5, MW‐7 and MW‐9 were opened and the
Adventus® O‐SOX Oxygen Releasing Socks in Wells MW‐1, MW‐5 and MW‐10
were removed from the wells. These socks were replaced upon the completion of
the post 96‐hour MMPE sampling event (October 20, 2016). Free product was
measured in MW‐9 (0.11 ft) prior to the MMPE event was removed as liquid. On
October 3 and October 7, 2016, WR contracted Eastern Environmental
Management (EEM) to complete the MMPE event. During the event
approximately 9,936 gals of VOC‐impacted water was recovered from wells MW‐
1, MW‐5, MW‐7 and MW‐9 and transported offsite for disposal. Based on mass
removal calculations, 17.69 pounds or 2.83 gals of VOCs as gasoline were
removed as vapor during the event. No free product was measured in any of the
monitoring wells after the event or two weeks following the MMPE event at the
time of groundwater sampling occurred.
o Analytical results for the soil samples obtained from locations at the site indicated
the presence of one or more petroleum‐related compounds in each of the
samples submitted. One or more compounds detected in samples SB‐1 through
SB‐6 were reported at concentrations in excess of their respective Soil‐to‐Water
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
MSCCs defined by NCDEQ‐DWM. Naphthalene was reported at concentrations
in excess of its Soil‐to‐Water MSCC in the samples obtained from SB‐1, SB‐5 and
SB‐6 when analyzed by EPA Method 8270. Toluene was reported in the samples
taken from SB‐4 and SB‐5 at concentrations exceeding the Residential MSCC.
o Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from site monitoring wells
on October 20, 2016 indicated one or more petroleum‐related compounds at
levels exceeding their respective 2L Standards in samples obtained from the 10
monitoring wells. Benzene was reported in the samples obtained from wells MW‐
5 and MW‐7 at concentrations exceeding the GCL for the compound. PCE,
reported at concentrations exceeding the 2L Standard in samples from MW‐2 and
MW‐4R, is not a contaminant WR believes relates to the release from the former
UST systems at the site; rather they may be the result of an unrelated,
undocumented release from an unknown source.
July 2017 ‐ WR mobilized to the site for the purposes of conducting indoor air sampling at
the facility. This sampling included the placement of laboratory certified Summa® canisters
at two select locations within the interior spaces of the Selma Pawn Shop building. An
additional Summa® canister was placed in a location outside of the structure, to serve as a
“background” sample. Each Summa® canister included a regulator calibrated to allow for
collection of samples over an 8‐hour period at each location. Analytical data for analysis of
these samples showed the presence of numerous targeted compounds at concentrations
exceeding the laboratory method detection limit(MDL) for method TO‐15. For the purposes
of evaluation, levels of each compound detected were compared to the corresponding
NCDEQ Indoor Air Screening Level (IASL) ‐Indoor Air and Crawlspace Screening
Concentration and NCDEQ‐DWM Residential and Non‐Residential Vapor Intrusion
Screening Concentrations, October 2016. Data for each of the three samples obtained from
the site showed benzene present at concentrations in excess of the Residential IASL. Levels
of benzene, however, were not shown to be in excess of the Non‐Residential IASL.
Concentrations of the several other compounds reported in each of the samples fell beneath
their respective Residential and Non‐Residential IASLs.
January 2018 – WR Conducted a site‐wide groundwater sampling event at the site.
Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from site monitoring wells on January
30, 2018 indicated one or more petroleum‐related compounds at levels exceeding their
respective 2L Standards in samples obtained from the nine monitoring wells sampled during
the January 2018 event. A sample was not obtained from MW‐5 as free phase product was
measured in the well at a thickness of 0.02 ft. PCE, reported at concentrations exceeding the
2L Standard in samples from MW‐2 and MW‐4R, is not a contaminant WR believes relates to
the release from the former UST systems at the site; rather they may be the result of an
unrelated, undocumented release from an unknown source. The greatest concentrations of
contaminants were noted in the vicinity of monitoring wells MW‐5 and MW‐7, situated in
close proximity to the former UST area on the property.
February 2019 ‐ WR prepared and submitted requests for offsite access agreements to four
off‐site private property owners at locations surrounding the site (two of which were
approved as well as obtained an access agreement with the Town of Selma for the
installation of a well within the Town’s R/W of S. Massey Street. Following receipt of off‐
site access agreements, WR submitted monitoring well permit applications for well
installations. WR subsequently supervised the completion of Membrane Interface Probe
(MIP) and Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) investigation of on‐site soil and groundwater
conditions, followed by the installation of off‐site monitoring wells MW‐11, MW‐12, MW‐13
and MW‐14. In conjunction with monitoring well installations, WR surveyed the wells’
locations and elevations, conducted a site‐wide groundwater monitoring event including the
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
purging and sampling of all monitoring wells associated with the release at the location, and
completed aquifer slug tests on monitoring wells MW‐5, MW‐10 and MW‐12. Results of
these activities showed:
o The MIP/HPT investigation conducted at the location in February 2019 showed “relative
contaminant responses” through Electron Capture Detector (ECD), Photo Ionization
Detector (PID) and Flame Ionization Detector (FID) testing. These relative contaminant
responses generally appeared to extend from approximately 5 ft beneath surface grade
to approximately 22 ft; however, elevated PID responses were noted to extend to
approximately 30 ft beneath grade in two of the seven MIP/HPT borings installed. In
performance of the MIP/HPT investigation, no obvious subsurface confining layers were
noted, with the exception of boring B‐108, in which the tooling operator stated that
there was a “hard” layer starting at approximately 33.5 ft.
o WR completed aquifer slug tests on monitoring wells MW‐5, MW‐10 and MW‐12.
Results of these tests indicated hydraulic conductivity values ranging between 0.41
ft/day (1.4 x 10‐4 cm/sec) in MW‐5 to 8.30 ft/day (2.9 x 10‐3) in MW‐12.
o Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from site monitoring wells on
February 12, 2019 indicated the presence of one or more petroleum‐related compounds
in the samples obtained from monitoring wells MW‐1, MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐5, MW‐6,
MW‐7, MW‐8, MW‐9, MW‐10, MW‐11, MW‐12, MW‐13 and MW‐14 at concentrations
in excess of their respective 2L Standards. Benzene (MW‐5, MW‐7 and MW‐13) as well
as 1,2‐dibromoethane or “EDB” (MW‐13) were reported at levels exceeding their
respective GCLs. PCE was reported in samples from wells MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐6,
MW‐8 and MW‐14 at concentrations above the 2L Standard for the compound.
3. Brief Description of Site Characteristics
The property is located in Selma, Johnston County, North Carolina (Figure 1). The property
address is located on South Pollock Street and includes a pawn shop and automotive sale
business (Figure 2). While the property was formerly listed as being located at “900 S. Pollock
Street”, the Johnston County tax card for the parcel identifies the location as “816 S. Pollock
Street”. The NCPIN No. for the property is 261405‐08‐8480. The surrounding area is heavily
developed with a mixture of commercial and residential properties. Structures at the site include
a slab on grade structure (the Selma Pawn Shop) of approximately 1,800 square ft (ft2), and a
wood framed structure on a concrete block crawlspace foundation utilized as office space for
Selma Car Sales, which is approximately 1,400 ft2 in size. Steel framed aluminum skinned
canopies lie on either side of the Selma Pawn Shop. The bases of these canopies run parallel to
the former pump islands on the property. The remainder of the site surfaces consist mainly of
asphalt and concrete, with minor areas of grass and gravel. Water and sewer facilities are
provided to the location through the Town of Selma Public Works Department. Site
photographs are included in Appendix C.
4. Information on Receptors/Potential Receptors
WR conducted a site reconnaissance in association with the performance of a receptor survey
update on September 14, 2015. No private water supply wells were identified by WR personnel
within 1,000 ft of the source area on the site. No sensitive receptors were identified within the
same radius. The Site and all surrounding properties are provided potable water through buried
lines owned and maintained by the Town of Selma Public Works Department.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
Selma receives drinking water from a total of nine drilled wells located to the north, northwest
and northeast of the site as a part of Public Water Supply System ID # 03‐51‐015. The nearest
of the wells associated with this water supply is “Well #7”, located approximately 1,200 ft north
of the site at 513 South Smithfield Street. This well is listed as a part of the public water supply
within the NC Source Water Assessment Program administered by the NCDEQ Division of
Water Resources. This well, in addition to other supply wells associated with the PWS are
routinely sampled to monitor water quality. This well is described in the August 2015 SWAP
report as having a “higher” vulnerability rating. The August 2015 SWAP report identified the
Selma Pawn Shop and several other documented releases in the vicinity as potential sources for
contamination to the well.
Surface drainage through the area is generally channeled through storm drainage lines or wet
weather ditches running parallel to secondary roadway(s), while drainage along US Highway 301
(S. Pollock Street) is channeled through storm drainage lines maintained by the Town. Relief in
the area is relatively flat, but locally drains to the west, towards Buffalo Creek and ultimately the
Neuse River.
5. Geology & Hydrogeology
According to information illustrated on the “1985 Geologic Map of North Carolina”, the site is
located within the western portion of the Coastal Plain Physiographic Province (Coastal Plain) in
an area of Terrace Deposits and Upland Sediments of Tertiary age. Underlying soils are
described as “Gravel, clayey sand and sand, minor iron‐oxide cemented sandstone.” To date, no
confining units have been documented to overly underlying rock beneath the location, with the
possible exception of what was characterized as a “hard” layer starting at a depth of 33.5 ft
beneath surface grade in boring B‐108, installed in association with the MIP/HPT investigation
performed on the site in February 2019.
No assessment of groundwater conditions beneath any confining layers or aquitards underlying
the site have been performed, to date, nor has the potential for recharge of surficial groundwater
to any underlying “confined” aquifer system(s).
WR completed aquifer slug tests on monitoring wells MW‐5, MW‐10 and MW‐12 during
February 2019, as discussed in Section D.6. Results of these tests indicated hydraulic
conductivity values ranging between 0.41 ft/day (1.4 x 10‐4 cm/sec) in MW‐5 to 8.30 ft/day (2.9
x 10‐3) in MW‐12.
Based on groundwater elevation measurements obtained during February 2019, the direction of
groundwater flow is west to east on the western side of the site, while trending north to
southwest along the northern and eastern portions of the site (see Figure 4). However, this
interpretation is inconsistent with previously determined groundwater flow direction, as
historical gradient has been mapped to the north‐northeast. As groundwater elevations were
found to be substantially higher than those measured during January 2018.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
Between October 28 and 29, 2019, WR personnel mobilized to the subject site to perform
assessment and sampling activities in accordance with Task Authorization TA‐04 under NCDEQ
Contract # N17005. Prior to the installation and sampling screen point borings and monitoring
wells on off‐site properties, WR obtained a modification to the existing access agreement with
the Town of Selma to allow for installation and sampling of screen point borings and permanent
monitoring wells within the Town owned right of way of S. Massey Street, to the north and
northwest of the source area. WR obtained monitoring well Permit # WM0501373 from
NCDEQ for the well installations. Activities included those outlined below and described more
thoroughly in the following sections:
1 GPR Survey
WR personnel supervised the performance of a GPR survey at the site on October 29, 2019 to
clear locations for the performance of the screen point assessment and installation of additional
monitoring wells relating to the release at the site. The survey was performed by Northstate
Utility Locating, Inc. (NSUL) of Greensboro, NC.
2 Screen Point Sampling Activities
WR oversaw the completion of screen point installations, obtained groundwater samples from
those screen points and submitted those samples for on‐site mobile laboratory testing on
October 28, 2019. Installation of screen points was performed by Quantex, Inc., of Wendell, NC
using a track‐mounted GeoProbe® 66 Series Direct Push Technology (DPT) rig. A total of 16
screen point sample borings (SP‐1 through SP‐16) were installed at the locations depicted on
Figure 2. These borings extended from surface grade to depths of 12 ft beneath grade at each
location. Following installation of each screen point boring, 1‐inch (in) diameter (dia) PVC well
screens, 5 ft in length, were emplaced in each boring topped with 1‐in dia PVS riser extending to
surface grade. After installation of well screen and riser into each screen point location, #2 clean
washed well sand was introduced to surround the screened PVC sections. Each screen point
was purged with a peristaltic pump after having allowed sufficient time for infiltration of
representative groundwater. Subsequent to purging, each screen point was sampled using the
peristaltic pump. Samples collected from each location were submitted to RedLab, LLC, for on‐
site mobile laboratory testing using a QED HC‐1 Ultra Violet Fluorescence (UVF) analyzer. In
addition to samples from the screen point locations, WR also submitted a sample from
monitoring well MW‐13 for mobile laboratory testing.
Mobile laboratory results for groundwater samples collected from three of the 16 screen point
sample locations showed quantifiable levels of total BTEX. In remaining screen point sample
locations, BTEX was reported as “less than” (<) levels that could be quantified, however,
detection limits for all of the screen point groundwater samples analyzed by RedLab, LLC were
analyzed on a parts‐per million scale. RedLab characterized the hydrocarbons as “light”
hydrocarbons in seven of the samples submitted and as “medium” or “heavy” hydrocarbons in
seven samples. Hydrocarbons were not detected by RedLab in the two most northerly screen
point locations (SP‐7 and SP‐8) or in SP‐3, located along the eastern boundary of the Glennie‐
REA property. These data are included in Table B‐4B, and shown on Figure 4B. The laboratory
analytical report and chain‐of‐custody records associated with these samples are included in
Appendix A.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
3 Monitoring Well Installations (MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18, MW‐19)
WR supervised the installation of five Type II groundwater monitoring wells at the site between
October 28‐29, 2019. Monitoring wells MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18 and MW‐19 were
installed at the locations shown on Figure 2, and were constructed as shown in Table B‐7.
General locations of the wells were established based on the data obtained in the completion of
screen point sampling and mobile laboratory analysis of groundwater samples. The wells were
installed by Quantex using a mobile GeoProbe® drill rig employing six‐inch diameter augers and
auger drilling methods. Following installation, the top of casing (TOC) of the newly installed
wells were measured through surveying relative to a benchmark established at the TOC of
monitoring well MW‐1 (assigned an arbitrary elevation of 100.00 ft). Boring logs and monitoring
well construction records for each well installed at the site during October 2019 are included in
Appendix D. Following the installation of the monitoring wells, each was developed to allow for
infiltration of representative groundwater.
4 Groundwater Elevations (October 29, 2019)
Prior to the purging and sampling of newly installed monitoring wells, as described below, WR
personnel gauged the wells with an electronic water level indicator to determine the depth to
groundwater within each of the wells. In the performance of these activities, no free product
was measured in any of the monitoring wells, with the exception of 0.02 ft of product measured
in MW‐13 on October 28, 2019.
The depth to groundwater measurements in the newly installed monitoring wells ranged from
9.84 ft below TOC (BTOC) in monitoring well MW‐16, to 10.42 ft BTOC in monitoring well MW‐
17. Based on these groundwater elevation measurements, groundwater appears to flow from
south to north, however, as these groundwater levels were obtained shortly after the wells’
installations, WR expects that the water levels in these wells will rise and be closer aligned to
those measured in the remaining site wells during February 2019. Water table elevation
contours as determined from the February and October 2019 measurements are shown
separately on Figure 4. Groundwater elevation measurement data are presented in Table B‐7,
while historical groundwater elevation measurements are included in Table B‐9.
5 Groundwater Sampling and Analytical Results
Monitoring Well Sampling
WR personnel obtained groundwater samples from monitoring wells (MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17,
MW‐18 and MW‐19 on October 29, 2019, following gauging and purging. Each well sampled
was purged with a dedicated disposable bailer as described in the procedures outlined in
Appendix E. Copies of field notes are included in Appendix B. Following purging and adequate
recharge of groundwater within each well, samples were decanted directly from the bailer into
laboratory prepared sample containers holding appropriate preservative as required.
Groundwater samples were submitted to Prism Laboratories, Inc. (Prism) for analysis by
The laboratory analytical report and chain‐of‐custody records associated with these samples are
included in Appendix A.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
Laboratory Results – SM6200B
Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from monitoring wells on October 29, 2019
indicated the presence of one or more petroleum‐related compounds in the samples obtained
from each of the wells (MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18 and MW‐19) at concentrations in
excess of their respective 2L Standards. Benzene was reported at a level exceeding the GCL in
PCE was reported in samples from wells MW‐16 and MW‐19 at concentrations above the 2L
Standard for the compound. The presence of PCE in these wells confirms the presence of an as‐
yet undocumented release not related to that from the UST systems closed on the Selma Pawn
Based on the February and October 2019 groundwater sampling events performed at the
location, the extent of surficial groundwater contamination has not been defined to levels
equivalent to the NC 2L Standards. This data and the presence of two separate areas of GCL
impacts tend to confirm that there are two separate contaminant plumes characterized within
the monitoring well network as appearing co‐mingled.
Note that the extents of benzene exceeding GCL concentrations in the area to the northwest of
monitoring well MW‐18 has not been defined. Based on the proximity to a residential property
located to the northwest of the well, and fluctuations in groundwater elevation over time, the
potential may exist for vapor intrusion at the location.
The groundwater analytical results are summarized in Table B‐4 and shown on Figure 4A.
Groundwater isoconcentration maps for benzene and total BTEX detected in samples during
February and October 2019 are included as Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
This report documents the results of field activities conducted at the site in association with TA‐
04 including the installation and sampling of 16 screen point sample locations, mobile laboratory
analysis of groundwater samples from screen point locations, installation of five Type II
monitoring wells and the sampling of the newly installed wells. Data obtained during these
assessment and sampling activities combined with historical information show the following:
Site risk at the location is currently “Intermediate”, based on the current presence of free
product in MW‐13, historical presence of free product in several other wells and current
existence of groundwater GCL exceedances.
Subsurface soil contamination exists at concentrations exceeding the Soil‐to‐Water MSCCs,
however, the extents of soil impact at concentrations above the Soil‐to‐Water MSCCs has
not been completely defined. Impacted soils at the facility are presently capped by asphalt
and/or concrete, while those located on the northern adjoining parcel at the location of MW‐
13 are not.
Benzene and isopropylbenzene were each reported at levels exceeding their respective
Residential MSCCs in two soil samples collected in association with UST closures, however,
the depth of these samples (8 ft beneath grade) are beneath the current groundwater
Performance of the MIP/HPT assessment at the facility showed PID and FID responses in
each of the borings installed, from near surface grade extending to depths as great as 34 ft
beneath grade.
Moderate ECD responses in borings SB‐104 and SB‐105 are indicative of chlorinated solvent
compounds. PCE has been detected in 7 of the 19 monitoring wells related to assessment at
the facility at concentrations exceeding the 2L Standard for the compound.
Data obtained in the performance of the MIP/HPT assessment showed contaminants from
near surface grade to a general depth of approximately 22 ft beneath surface grade.
While contaminants were indicated within boring B‐108 extending to as deep as 34 ft
beneath grade, the greatest levels detected within the boring were between 4 ft and 24 ft
beneath grade. This boring was installed in an area within which free product and
groundwater GCL exceedances have been observed.
The extents of contaminant impact in the horizontal was not accomplished through
completion of the MIP/HPT assessment, however, the data obtained does show the
approximate vertical extents of impact.
Performance of screen point sampling and groundwater analysis of samples obtained from
those locations showed quantifiable levels of total BTEX in three of the 16 samples analyzed.
In remaining screen point sample locations, BTEX was reported as “less than” (<) levels that
could be quantified, however, detection limits for all of the screen point groundwater
samples analyzed by RedLab, LLC were analyzed on a parts‐per million scale. No petroleum
hydrocarbons were reported for samples from SP‐7 and SP‐8 (the most northerly screen
point sample locations) or in SP‐3, located near the eastern boundary of the Glennie REA
property adjoining the site to the north.
Based on groundwater elevation measurements obtained during February 2019, the
direction of groundwater flow is west to east on the western side of the site, while trending
north to southwest along the northern and eastern portions of the site. However, this
interpretation is inconsistent with previously determined groundwater flow direction, as
historical gradient has been mapped to the north‐northeast. Groundwater elevations for
newly installed wells (MW‐15 through MW‐19) show groundwater flow to the north,
Selma Pawn Shop NCDEQ GW Incident #29447 WR Project # 02170214.25
Initial Monitoring Report November 2019
however, groundwater levels measured within these wells occurred shortly after their
installation. WR believes that groundwater levels within the wells will stabilize at levels more
aligned with those in previously installed wells.
Analytical results for groundwater samples obtained from site monitoring wells during
February 2019 showed one or more petroleum‐related compounds in the samples obtained
from monitoring wells MW‐1, MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐5, MW‐6, MW‐7, MW‐8, MW‐9, MW‐
10, MW‐11, MW‐12, MW‐13 and MW‐14 at concentrations in excess of their respective 2L
Standards. Data for samples collected from wells MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18 and
MW‐19 in October 2019 each had one or more compounds reported at concentrations in
excess of their respective 2L Standards.
Benzene was reported in the sample collected from MW‐18 at a level exceeding the GCL for
the compound.
Current assessment data show two separate, unrelated source areas; one on the Selma Pawn
Shop site and the other on the Glennie Rea property to the north. Based on current data,
these plumes appear co‐mingled. The lateral extents of groundwater impact at the location
have not been defined to levels equivalent to the 2L Standards.
The extents of benzene exceeding GCL concentrations in the area to the northwest of
monitoring well MW‐18 has not been defined. Based on the proximity to a residential
property located to the northwest of the well, and fluctuations in groundwater elevation over
time, the potential may exist for vapor intrusion at the location.
PCE was reported in samples from wells MW‐16 and MW‐19 at concentrations above the 2L
Standard for the compound. This data, combined with that from February 2019 showing
PCE in MW‐3R, MW‐4R, MW‐6, MW‐8 and MW‐14 at levels above the 2L Standard
confirms the presence of an as‐yet undocumented release not related to that from the UST
systems closed on the Selma Pawn site.
Based on the results of assessment and monitoring activities conducted at the site in association
with this TA, WR recommends the following:
• Performance of cursory vapor intrusion evaluations of potentially affected properties on the
northwestern side of S. Massey Street.
• Completion of inquiries with the NCDEQ Raleigh Regional Office as to the potential current
or former existence of USTs on the Bartholomew property, located to the south of the
Selma Pawn Shop site.
• Performance of a clean water injection pilot test utilizing existing monitoring wells located
on the site.
• Following completion of clean water injection pilot test and based upon appropriate
conditions for groundwater remediation through injection, reduction of source area and
downgradient groundwater concentrations through injection of a chemical oxidant to
reduce dissolved phase concentrations to levels less than GCL standards.
• Continued groundwater monitoring of the site until such time as the site risk can be reduced
and the incident closed.
UST IDNumberCurrent/LastContentsPreviousContentsCapacity(in gallons)ConstructionDetailsTankDimensions (diameter x length) (ft)Description ofAssociatedPiping & PumpsDate of TankInstallationStatus ofUSTWas release associated with UST System? (Y/N)1 Gasoline N/A 8,000 Steel 8 x 21 Unknown May 7, 1981Permanently Closed By Removal (March 2007)Y2 Gasoline N/A 8,000 Steel 8 x 21 Unknown May 7, 1981Permanently Closed By Removal (March 2007)Y3 Gasoline N/A 8,000 Steel 8 x 21 Unknown May 7, 1981Permanently Closed By Removal (March 2007)Y4 Diesel N/A 8,000 Steel 8 x 21 Unknown May 7, 1981Permanently Closed By Removal (March 2007)Y5 Kerosene N/A 4,000 Steel 5 x 24 Unknown May 7, 1981Permanently Closed By Removal (March 2007)YAST IDNumberCurrent/LastContentsPreviousContentsCapacity(in gallons)ConstructionDetailsTankDimensions (diameter x length) (ft)Description ofAssociatedPiping & PumpsDate of TankInstallationStatus ofASTWas release associated with AST System? (Y/N)N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AIncidentNumberMaterialReleasedDateofRelease29447 Gasoline UnknownNotes:1.) WR is not aware of any ASTs associated with the subject site.2.) Action Report submitted by East Coast Environmental on April 27, 2007). The report stated that there were no records or documented releases from the AST systems that were reportedly on site during the past.Table B-1Site History: UST/AST System & Other Release InformationSELMA PAWN SHOPAdjacent property owners complained about the quality of water from an onsite water supply well. South Pollock StreetSelma, Johnston County, North CarolinaDescription of ReleaseIncident # 29447The current property owner indicated that the site contained ASTs when it was used as a petroleum bulk storage facility (as documented in the Initial Abatement Page 1 of 1
CalculatedAcetoneBenzenen-Butylbenzenesec-Butylbenzenetert-ButylbenzeneChloroformChloromethane1,2-Dibromoethane1,2-Dichloroethane1,1-Dichloroethene1,2-DichloropropaneDi-isopropyl etherEthylbenzene2-HexanoneIsopropylbenzenep-Isopropyltoluene2-Butanone (MEK)4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK)Methyl tert-butyl etherNaphthalenen-PropylbenzeneStyreneTetrachloroetheneToluene1,1,1-TrichloroethaneTrichloroethene1,2,3-Trichloropropane1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene1,3,5-TrimethylbenzeneTotal Xylene67-64-1 71-43-2 104-51-8 135-98-8 98-06-6 67-66-3 74-87-3 106-93-4 107-06-2 75-35-4 78-87-5 108-20-3 100-41-4 98-82-8 99-87-6 78-93-3 108-10-11634-04-4 91-20-3 103-65-1 100-42-5 127-18-4 108-88-3 71-55-6 79-01-6 96-18-4 95-63-6 108-67-8 NA 4/28/2015<100004500<200 <200 <200 <1000 <500 <200 <200 <200 <200 <2001700NR <200 <200 <2000 <2000430<1000 <200 <200 <2008200<200 <200 <5001200 340 780011/11/201510/20/2016<100002780<200 <200 <200 <1000 <500 <200 <200 <200 <200 <2001070NR <200 <200 <2000 <2000380<1000 <200 <200 <2005230<200 <200 <5001300 398 68601/29/2018<2500271<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <500 <50 <50 <500 <50079 287<50 <50 <50607<50 <50 <125629 204 17302/12/2019<0.31 3000 27 16 2.1<0.076 <0.079 <0.051 8.2<0.083 <0.11 10 2200<0.065 70 17<0.24 <0.078 260 880<0.087 8.2<0.098 5900<0.061 <0.078 <0.14 1800 730 10000 4/28/2015<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <1 <10 <10 <1 <5 <1 <11.7<5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <211/11/2015<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <113.9<101.14<5 <1 <11.47<5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <210/20/2016<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <1 <10 <10 <1 <5 <1 <11.44<5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <21/29/2018<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <10 <1 <1 <10 <109.44<5 <1 <11.83<1 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <22/12/2019<10 <0.048 <0.076 <0.076 <0.088 <0.076 <0.079 <0.051 <0.066 <0.083 <0.11 <0.050 <0.061 <0.065 <0.054 <0.089 <0.24 <0.078 1.4<0.19 <0.087 <0.047 <0.098 <0.044 <0.061 <0.078 <0.14 <0.054 <0.076 <0.15 4/28/2015<506.6<1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <12.08<1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <1 <10 <10100<5 <1 <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <211/11/2015<2500250<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50 NR <50 <50 <500 <500100<250 <50 <50 <50 <250 <50 <50 <125 <50 <50 <10010/20/2016<50176<11.25<1 <5 <2.5 <114.1<1 <12.5<1 NR5.12 1.73<10 <1048.4 15.4<1 <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <11.871/29/2018<12501140<25 <25 <25 <125 <62.5 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25168<250 <25 <25 <250 <250747<125 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <62.525.8<25 <502/12/2019<10 320 0.54 1.3<0.088 <0.076 <0.079 <0.051 17 3.6 0.63 9.7<0.061 <0.065 2.8<0.089 <0.24 <0.078 600 12<0.087 <0.047 13 0.91<0.061 2.9<0.14 1.4 1.4 11 4/28/2015<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <1 <10 <1018<5 <1 <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <211/11/2015<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <1 <10 <1016.4<5 <1 <1 <1 <5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <210/20/2016<50 <1 <1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 NR <1 <1 <10 <109.45<5 <1 <13.59<5 <1 <1 <2.5 <1 <1 <21/29/2018<50189<1 <1 <1 <5 <2.5 <19.03 4.15 1.03 2.73 5.74<10 <1 <1 <10 <1086.8<51.12<121.9 1.66<12.21<2.5 <1 <1 <22/12/2019<0.31 400<0.5 1.4<0.088 <0.076 <0.079 0.76 29 4.1 4.7 12 2.4<0.065 4.3 1.1<0.24 <0.078 330 7.6 0.98<0.047 16 4.5<0.061 4.3 0.65 2.5 1.4 5.7 4/28/2015<120007200<250 <250 <250 <1200 <620 <250 <250 <250 <250 <250980NR <250 <250 <2500 <25003000 1800<250 <250 <2506300<250 <250 <6202200 570 780011/11/2015<502980 18.5 8.44<1 <5 <2.59.86 121<1 <124.1 534NR45.2 5.04<10 <10224 253 114 8.63<11250<1 <1 <2.5768 213 273010/20/2016<125006780<250 <250 <250 <1250 <625 <250 <250 <250 <250 <2501430NR <250 <250 <2500 <2500390<1250308<250 <2505520<250 <250 <6252400 626 80301/29/20182/12/2019110850051 30<0.88 <0.76 <0.79 34 240<0.83 <1.1 67 310 79 68 28<2.4 <0.78 1600 620 190 16<0.98 5300<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 2300 620 97008/5/2014<500300<10 <10 <10 <50 <25 <10 <10 <10 <10 <1080NR <10 <10 <100 <100190<5011<10 <10470<10 <10 <2565 18 370 4/28/2015<120002400<250 <250 <250 <1200 <620 <250 <250 <250 <250 <250340NR <250 <250 <2500 <25001800<1200 <250 <250 <2502100<250 <250 <620450<250175011/11/2015<50460 1.55 1.19<1 <5 <2.5 <113.8<110.6 13.9 47.8NR6.15<1 <10 <10952 28 9.44<12.74 83.8<1 <1 <2.530.7 14.6 105.110/20/2016<2500653<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50169NR <50 <50 <500 <500374<250 <50 <50 <50564<50 <50 <125268 80.7 6831/29/2018<250932 28.9 14.6<5 <25 <12.5 <525.9<5 <56.15 224<5022.6 10.9<50 <50493 146 61.6<516.4 855<5 <5 <12.5446 121 5822/12/2019<0.31 1800 4.1 3.4 1.4<0.076 <0.079 5.2 42 17<0.11 11 130<0.065 8 3.2<0.24 <0.078 700 77 16 2.7 60 740 1.8 9.1<0.14 160 45 39011/11/2015<500656010.5<10 <10 <50 <25 <1066.4<10 <1027.1 1290NR47.7<10 <100 <100365 374 113<10 <1010800<10 <10 <25887 231 538010/20/2016<100009710<200 <200 <200 <1000 <500 <200 <200 <200 <200 <2001230NR <200 <200 <2000 <2000595<1000 <200 <200 <20010400<200 <200 <500837 216 51401/29/2018<50003860<100 <100 <100 <500 <250 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100425<1000 <100 <100 <1000 <1000419<500 <100 <100 <1003550<100 <100 <250320 110 10402/12/2019<3.1 1400050 41 14<0.76 <0.79 <0.51 16<0.83 <1.1 30 1600<0.65 68 58<2.4 <0.78 210 1400 110 17<0.98 16000<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 2200 710 1300011/11/2015<500130<10 <10 <10 <50 <25 <10 <10 <10 <10 <1010.9NR <10 <10 <100 <10033.9<50 <10 <10 <10 <50 <10 <10 <2510.1<105410/20/2016<500210<10 <10 <10 <50 <25 <10 <10 <10 <10 <1020.3NR <10 <10 <100 <10026.4<50 <10 <10 <10 <50 <10 <10 <2541.2 13.6 130.91/29/2018<25002920<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <5067.5<50 <50 <50160<500 <50 <50 <500 <5001450<250 <50 <50 <50572<50 <50 <125132<503032/12/2019120 2400 9.1 15<0.88 <0.76 <0.79 <0.51 32 15<1.1 12 350 20 40 1677 <1 420 210 66<0.47 22 1500<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 440 130 180011/11/2015<25002140<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <5055.7<50 <50 <50254NR <50 <50 <500 <500311<250 <50 <50 <501020<50 <50 <125219 64.9 122110/20/2016<25003450<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50516NR <50 <50 <500 <5001030<25069.6<50 <501090<50 <50 <125342 107 12761/29/2018<2501830<5 <5 <5 <25 <12.5 <531.1<5 <516 298<5016.6 12.5<50 <501050 111 41.4<511.7 984<5 <5 <12.5227 56.7 5742/12/2019<10 4600 25 24<0.88 <0.76 <0.79 <0.51 47<0.83 <1.1 25 2700 12 110 110<2.4 <0.78 870 1000 300 17<0.98 4700<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 2400 520 1200011/11/2015<501230 13.1 10.9<1 <5 <2.5 <111.7<1 <18.86 1680NR103 5.4<10 <10374 406 259<1 <13330<1 <1 <2.51880 446 736010/20/2016<2500473<50 <50 <50 <250 <125 <50 <50 <50 <50 <50761NR <50 <50 <500 <500153<25057.8<50 <502340<50 <50 <1251050 382 46101/29/2018<1250218<25 <25 <25 <125 <62.5 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25220<250 <25 <25 <250 <25090.3<125 <25 <25 <252030<25 <25 <62.5342 115 11702/12/2019<3.1 920 6 15<0.88 <0.76 <0.79 <0.51 <0.66 <0.83 <1.1 <0.50 1500<1 50 13<2.4 12 350 260 110 14<0.98 8300<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 860 290 7500MW-11 2/12/2019<0.31 9.4 65 32 3.4<0.076 <0.079 <0.051 <0.066 <0.083 <0.11 0.89 340<0.065 77 7<0.24 <0.078 <0.042 600 950<0.047 <0.098 7<0.061 <0.078 <0.14 710 68 140MW-12 2/12/2019<3.1 210<0.76 23<0.88 <0.76 <0.79 <0.51 <0.66 <0.83 <1.1 <0.50 790<0.65 98 16<2.4 <0.78 98 360 310 5.6<0.98 260<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 2300 580 2700MW-13 2/12/2019<31 8200<7.6 <0.5 <8.8 <7.6 <7.9 5364<8.3 <11 <5.0 3000<6.5 160<8.9 <24 <7.8 390 810 470 51<9.8 24000<6.1 <7.8 <14 2900 780 14000MW-14 2/12/2019<0.31 0.56<0.076 <0.5 <0.088 <0.076 <0.079 <0.051 <0.066 3.3<0.11 <0.050 2<0.065 <0.51<0.24 <0.078 1.4 1.2 1.2<0.047 14 5.4<0.061 1.5<0.14 6.2 2 10MW-15 10/29/2019<3.1 <5.019 10<0.88 <0.76 <0.79 <0.51 <0.66 <0.83 <1.1 <0.50 390<0.65 58<5.0 <2.4 <0.78 <0.42 210 170<0.47 <0.98 43<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 1100 290 1600MW-16 10/29/2019<0.31 1000 6.5 4.8<0.50 <0.076 <0.079 <0.051 7.9 5.6<0.11 1.6 290 1 19 2.2<0.24 <0.078 73 96 53 5.5 17 1900<0.061 2.5<0.14 270 79 1000MW-17 10/29/2019<0.31 120 0.85 0.57<0.088 3 6.7<0.051 1.1<0.50 <0.11 <0.5041<0.065 3.2<0.50 <0.24 <0.078 20 16 8 0.59<0.50130 E<0.061 <0.078 <0.14 32 11 80MW-18 10/29/2019<31 7200<50 <7.6 <8.8 <7.6 <50 <5.1 <6.6 <8.3 <11 <5.0 2600<6.5 110<8.9 <24 <7.8 130 830 280<50 <9.8 16000<6.1 <7.8 <14 2000 540 12000MW-19 10/29/2019<3.1 1600 11 6.9<0.88 <0.76 7.1<0.51 <0.66 <5.0 <1.1 <0.50 1200<0.65 45<5.0 <2.4 <0.78 <0.42 420 120 18 9.5 2800<0.61 <0.78 <1.4 950 260 41006000 1 70 70 70 70 3 0.02 0.4 7 0.6 70 600 40 70 25 4000 100 20 6 70 70 0.7 600 200 3 0.005 400 400 5006,000,000 5,000 6,900 8,500 15,000 70,000 3,000 50 400 7,000 600 70,000 84,500 40,000 25,000 11,700 4,000,000 100,000 20,000 6,000 30,000 70,000 700260,000 200,000 3,000 NL 28,500 25,000 85,500Notes:1)NL= Not Listed2)NA= Compound Not Analyzed for by Laboratory.3)NR= Compound Not Reported By Previous Consultants4)Result= Result Exceeds Laboratory Detection LimitsResult= Result Exceeds 2L StandardResult= Result Exceeds GCL ValueMW-1MW-10MW-9MW-8MW-7MW-6MW-5Analytical MethodGCLs for GroundwaterNC 2L Standard DateCollectedNot Sampled - Free ProductNot Sampled - Free ProductSampleIDMW-4RMW-3RMW-2Compounds analyzed for by laboratory but not listed were not detected above laboratory detection limits. See the laboratory report included in the Appendix for a full list of constituents. NC 2L Standard - North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standard as per NC Administrative Code 15A NCAC 02LGCLs for Groundwater = NCDENR UST Section Gross Contamination Levels for GroundwaterTABLE B-4Selma, Johnston County, North CarolinaIncident # 29447SUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTSSELMA PAWN SHOP6200B - VOCsSouth Pollock StreetAll results provided in ug/L (micrograms per liter) or parts per billionPage 1 of 1
SampleIDDateCollectedBTEX (C6 ‐ C9)GRO (C5 ‐ C10)DRO (C10 ‐ C35)% Light Hydrocarbons% Mid Hydrocarbons% Heavy HydrocarbonsHydrocarbon Fingerprint MatchMW‐1310/28/2019>2087 >12389 >64.2 99.1 0.8 0.1Deg Gas 19.9%,(FCM),(PFM),(OCR)SP‐110/28/2019<47.3 259.6 47.3 98.8 1.20 86%,(FCM)SP‐210/28/2019<0.075 <0.075 0.0800100Residual HC,(P)SP‐310/28/2019<0.28 <0.28 <0.28000PHC not detected,(BO)SP‐410/28/2019<0.4 <0.4 0.4074 26Residual HC,(BO),(P)SP‐510/28/20196.7 41.7 4 99.6 0.2 0.2Deg.Gas 75.8%,(FCM)SP‐610/28/2019<0.78 <0.78 0.78 0 45.8 54.2Residual HC,(BO),(P)SP‐710/28/2019<0.78 <0.78 <0.78000PHC not detectedSP‐810/28/2019<0.4 <0.4 <0.4000PHC not detectedSP‐910/28/2019<0.4 <0.4 <0.4065.4 34.6Residual HC,(BO),(P)SP‐1010/28/20196.3 21.9 0.4 99.7 0.1 0.2Deg Gas 72.4%,(FCM),(BO)SP‐1110/28/2019<0.28 <0.28 <0.2801000,(FCM),(P)SP‐1210/28/2019<0.4 11 13 10000 83.4%,(FCM),(BO),(P)SP‐1310/28/2019<0.28 1.4 0.28 99.5 0.50Deg.Gas,(FCM),(P)SP‐1410/28/2019<0.4 <0.4 <0.400100PHC not detected,(BO),(P)SP‐1510/28/20193.7 7.5 0.4 98 1.5 0.5Deg.PHC 49.1%,(FCM)SP‐1610/28/2019<0.4 <0.4 0.4042.8 57.2Residual HC,(BO),(P)Notes:1)All results provided in mg/L (milligrams per liter) or parts per millionAnalytical Method Ultra Violet FluorescenceTABLE B‐4BSUMMARY OF GROUNDWATER ANALYTICAL RESULTS ‐ RedLab, LLC DATASELMA PAWN SHOPIncident # 29447South Pollock StreetSelma, Johnston County, North CarolinaResults generated by a QED HC‐1 analyser.FCM = Results calculated using Fundamental Calibration Mode : % = confidence for sample fingerprint match to library(SBS) or (LBS) = Site Specific or Library Background Subtraction applied to result(PFM) = Poor Fingerprint Match(T) = Turbid(P) = Particulate presentPage 1 of 1
Easting NorthingMW-1 3/23/2007 2 16.0 6.0 6 - 16 100.00 2/12/2019 7.89 --- 92.11 2210957.88 648480.77MW-2 1/7/2014 2 15.0 5.0 5 - 15 99.50 2/12/2019 6.79 --- 92.71 2211070.57 648482.58MW-3R 3/12/2013 2 20.0 5.0 5 - 20 99.96 2/12/2019 7.10 --- 92.86 2210899.42 648480.12MW-4R 3/12/2013 2 20.0 5.0 5 - 20 99.67 2/12/2019 6.79 --- 92.88 2210926.20 648401.06MW-5 Unknown 2 15.0 Unknown Unknown 100.38 2/12/2019 7.57 --- 92.81 2210936.85 648470.23MW-6 8/5/2014 2 20.0 10.0 10 - 20 100.09 2/12/2019 7.29 --- 92.80 2210994.71 648523.48MW-7 11/9/2015 2 20.0 5.0 5 - 20 100.18 2/12/2019 7.50 --- 92.68 2210952.37 648457.52MW-8 11/9/2015 2 19.0 4.0 4 - 19 100.06 2/12/2019 7.25 --- 92.81 2210921.00 648462.81MW-9 11/9/2015 2 17.0 4.0 4 - 17 100.11 2/12/2019 7.43 --- 92.68 2210933.47 648491.39MW-10 11/9/2015 2 18.0 5.0 5 - 18 100.09 2/12/2019 7.54 --- 92.55 2210988.01 648486.11MW-11 2/9/2019 2 17.0 7.0 7 - 17 100.95 2/12/2019 7.45 --- 93.50 2210852.74 648383.70MW-12 2/9/2019 2 18.0 8.0 8 - 18 99.94 2/12/2019 6.85 --- 93.09 2210834.25648517.97MW-13 2/9/2019 2 18.0 8.0 8 - 18 99.35 10/29/2019 6.34 0.02 93.03 2210954.00 648616.86MW-14 2/9/2019 2 18.0 8.0 8 - 18 100.05 2/12/2019 6.81 --- 93.24 2211071.20 648604.81MW-15 10/28/2019 2 15.0 5.0 5 - 15 100.71 10/29/2019 10.19 --- 90.52 2210990.12 648654.86MW-16 10/29/2019 2 15.0 5.0 5 - 15 100.72 10/29/2019 9.84 --- 90.88 2210913.03 648559.49MW-17 10/29/2019 2 15.0 5.0 5 - 15 101.25 10/29/2019 10.42 --- 90.83 2210881.04 648594.47MW-18 10/29/2019 2 15.0 5.0 5 - 15 100.59 10/29/2019 9.99 --- 90.60 2210917.41 648649.16MW-19 10/29/2019 2 15.0 5.0 5 - 15 100.66 10/29/2019 10.35 --- 90.31 2210955.69 648704.361)2)TABLE B-7South Pollock StreetMONITORING & REMEDIATION WELL CONSTRUCTION INFORMATIONWell Casing Diameter(inches)Free Product Thickness(feet)Incident # 29447Top of Casing (TOC) elevations based on 100.00 foot benchmark established on TOC for MW-1 by WR. Well coordinates collected using a Trimble 2005 Series GeoXH GPS Unit.Screened Interval (feet)Selma, Johnston County, North CarolinaNotes: Well Casing Depth (feet)Depth-to-Water from Top-of-Casing(feet)Date Water Level MeasuredWell Coordinates(NC State Plane NAD 83 Feet)SELMA PAWN SHOPTotal Depth (feet)Date InstalledWell IDGroundwaterElevation (feet)Top-of-Casing Elevation (feet)Page 1 of 1
Well ID
Date Water Level
Free Product
4/10/07 13.80 15.63 1.83 NM NM
8/1508 NM NM 0.31 NM NM
1/6/10 9.13 9.17 0.04 9.14 90.86
4/28/10 8.68 8.70 0.02 8.68 91.32
2/5/13 13.80 14.05 0.25 13.84 86.16
9/10/13 --- 12.51 --- 12.51 87.49
8/5/14 --- 11.71 --- 11.71 88.29
4/28/15 --- 5.08 --- 5.08 94.92
11/11/15 --- 9.40 0.01 9.40 90.60
10/3/16 --- 13.96 --- 13.96 86.04
10/20/16 --- 10.32 --- 10.32 89.68
1/29/18 --- 12.02 --- 12.02 87.98
2/12/19 --- 7.89 --- 7.89 92.11
3/18/13 --- 13.92 --- 13.92 85.58
9/10/13 --- 13.91 --- 13.91 85.59
8/5/14 --- 11.60 --- 11.60 87.90
4/28/15 --- 5.50 --- 5.50 94.00
11/11/15 --- 8.81 --- 8.81 90.69
10/20/16 --- 9.84 --- 9.84 89.66
1/29/18 --- 12.73 --- 12.73 86.77
2/12/19 --- 6.79 --- 6.79 92.71
3/18/13 --- 12.80 --- 12.80 87.16
9/10/13 --- 12.59 --- 12.59 87.37
8/5/14 --- 11.71 --- 11.71 88.25
4/28/15 --- 5.74 --- 5.74 94.22
11/11/15 --- 9.57 --- 9.57 90.39
10/20/16 --- 10.27 --- 10.27 89.69
1/29/18 --- 14.29 --- 14.29 85.67
2/12/19 --- 7.10 --- 7.10 92.86
3/18/13 --- 13.35 --- 13.35 86.32
9/10/13 ---
8/5/14 --- 11.81 --- 11.81 87.86
4/28/15 --- 5.19 --- 5.19 94.48
11/11/15 --- 8.95 --- 8.95 90.72
10/20/16 --- 9.88 --- 9.88 89.79
1/29/18 --- 13.03 --- 13.03 86.64
2/12/19 --- 6.79 --- 6.79 92.88
2/5/13 14.28 14.40 0.12 14.30 86.08
9/10/13 --- 12.79 --- 12.79 87.59
8/5/14 12.13 12.14 0.01 12.13 88.25
4/28/15 --- 6.15 --- 6.15 94.23
11/11/15 --- 9.78 --- 9.78 90.60
10/3/16 --- 12.06 --- 12.06 88.32
10/20/16 --- 10.71 --- 10.71 89.67
1/29/18 14.25 14.27 0.02 14.25 86.13
2/12/19 --- 7.57 --- 7.57 92.81
6-16 100.00
5 - 15 99.50
5 - 20 99.96
MW-5 Unknown 100.38
South Pollock Street
Selma, Johnston County, North Carolina
5 - 20 99.67
Incident # 29447
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Well ID
Date Water Level
Free Product
South Pollock Street
Selma, Johnston County, North Carolina
Incident # 29447
8/5/14 --- 12.05 --- 12.05 88.04
4/28/15 --- 6.09 --- 6.09 94.00
11/11/15 --- 9.53 --- 9.53 90.56
10/20/16 --- 10.48 --- 10.48 89.61
1/29/18 --- 13.35 --- 13.35 86.74
2/12/19 --- 7.29 --- 7.29 92.80
11/11/15 --- 9.53 --- 9.53 90.65
10/3/16 --- 11.84 --- 11.84 88.34
10/20/16 --- 10.74 --- 10.74 89.44
1/29/18 --- 14.02 --- 14.02 86.16
2/12/19 --- 7.50 --- 7.50 92.68
11/11/15 --- 9.49 --- 9.49 90.57
10/20/16 --- 10.39 --- 10.39 89.67
1/29/18 --- 13.44 --- 13.44 86.62
2/12/19 --- 7.25 --- 7.25 92.81
11/11/15 --- 9.63 --- 9.63 90.48
10/3/16 11.81 11.92 0.11 11.83 88.28
10/20/16 --- 10.64 --- 10.64 89.47
1/29/18 --- 13.62 --- 13.62 86.49
2/12/19 --- 7.43 --- 7.43 92.68
11/11/15 --- 9.46 --- 9.46 90.63
10/20/16 --- 11.09 --- 11.09 89.00
1/29/18 --- 12.74 --- 12.74 87.35
2/12/19 --- 7.54 --- 7.54 92.55
2/12/19 --- 7.45 --- 7.45 93.50
2/12/19 --- 6.85 --- 6.85 93.09
2/12/19 --- 6.34 --- 6.34 93.01
10/28/19 9.68 9.70 0.02 9.68 89.67
MW-14 8 - 18 100.05 2/12/19 --- 6.81 --- 6.81 93.24
MW-15 5 - 15 100.71 10/29/19 --- 10.19 --- 10.19 90.52
MW-16 5 - 15 100.72 10/29/19 --- 9.84 --- 9.84 90.88
MW-17 5 - 15 101.25 10/29/19 --- 10.42 --- 10.42 90.83
MW-18 5 - 15 100.59 10/29/19 --- 9.99 --- 9.99 90.60
MW-19 5 - 15 100.66 10/29/19 --- 10.35 --- 10.35 90.31
10 - 25 100.09
5 - 20 100.18
4 - 19 100.06
Top of Casing (TOC) elevations based on 100.00 foot benchmark established on TOC for MW-1 by WR.
NM Denotes "Not Measured"
7 - 17
8 - 18
8 -18
4 - 17 100.11
5 - 18
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Hydrocarbon Analysis ResultsClient:WITHERS RAVENELSamples takenMonday, October 28, 2019Address:Samples extractedMonday, October 28, 2019Samples analysedMonday, October 28, 2019Contact:JACKSON CATESOperatorCAROLINE STEVENSProject:SELMA PAWN SHOP / #02170214.258U04049Matrix Sample IDDilution usedBTEX (C6 - C9)GRO (C5 - C10)DRO (C10 - C35)TPH (C5 - C35)Total Aromatics (C10-C35)16 EPA PAHsBaP HC Fingerprint Match% light % mid% heavyw MW-13 1891.0 >2087 >12389 >64.2 >12453.2 >106.9 <15.1 <1.9 99.1 0.8 0.1Deg Gas 19.9%,(FCM),(PFM),(OCR)W SP-1 1891.0 <47.3 259.6 47.3 306.9 23.3 <15.1 <1.9 98.8 1.2 0 86%,(FCM)W SP-2 3.0 <0.075 <0.075 0.08 0.08 0.03 <0.02 <0.003 0 0 100Residual HC,(P)WSP-3 11.0<0.28<0.28<0.28<0.28 <0.06<0.09<0.011000PHC not detected,(BO)W SP-4 16.0 <0.4 <0.4 0.4 0.4 0.34 <0.13 <0.016 0 74 26Residual HC,(BO),(P)W SP-5 31.0 6.7 41.7 4 45.7 2 <0.25 <0.031 99.6 0.2 0.2Deg.Gas 75.8%,(FCM)W SP-6 31.0 <0.78 <0.78 0.78 0.78 0.32 <0.25 <0.031 0 45.8 54.2Residual HC,(BO),(P)Initial Calibrator QC checkOKFinal FCM QC CheckOK 105.7 %Results generated by a QED HC-1 analyser. Concentration values in mg/kg for soil samples and mg/L for water samples. Soil values are not corrected for moisture or stone contentFingerprints provide a tentative hydrocarbon identification. The abbreviations are:- FCM = Results calculated using Fundamental Calibration Mode : % = confidence for sample fingerprint match to library(SBS) or (LBS) = Site Specific or Library Background Subtraction applied to result : (PFM) = Poor Fingerprint Match : (T) = Turbid : (P) = Particulate presentRatios
Hydrocarbon Analysis ResultsClient:WITHERS RAVENELSamples takenMonday, October 28, 2019Address:Samples extractedMonday, October 28, 2019Samples analysedFriday, October 18, 2019Contact:JACKSON CATESOperatorCAROLINE STEVENSProject:SELMA PAWN SHOP / #02170214.2510U04049Matrix Sample IDDilution usedBTEX (C6 - C9)GRO (C5 - C10)DRO (C10 - C35)TPH (C5 - C35)Total Aromatics (C10-C35)16 EPA PAHsBaP HC Fingerprint Match% light % mid% heavyWSP-7 31.0<0.78<0.78<0.78<0.78 <0.16<0.25<0.031000PHC not detectedWSP-8 16.0<0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.08<0.13<0.016000PHC not detectedW SP-9 16.0 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.29 0.29 <0.13 <0.016 0 65.4 34.6Residual HC,(BO),(P)W SP-10 16.0 6.3 21.9 0.4 22.3 0.4 <0.13 <0.016 99.7 0.1 0.2Deg Gas 72.4%,(FCM),(BO)W SP-11 11.0 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 0.18 0.18 <0.09 <0.011 0 100 0,(FCM),(P)W SP-12 16.0 <0.4 11 13 24 1.4 <0.13 <0.016 100 0 0 83.4%,(FCM),(BO),(P)W SP-13 11.0 <0.28 1.4 0.28 1.68 0.12 <0.09 <0.011 99.5 0.5 0Deg.Gas,(FCM),(P)W SP-14 16.0 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.08 <0.13 <0.016 0 0 100PHC not detected,(BO),(P)W SP-15 16.0 3.7 7.5 0.4 7.9 0.18 <0.13 <0.016 98 1.5 0.5Deg.PHC 49.1%,(FCM)Initial Calibrator QC checkOKFinal FCM QC CheckOK 95.3 %Results generated by a QED HC-1 analyser. Concentration values in mg/kg for soil samples and mg/L for water samples. Soil values are not corrected for moisture or stone contentFingerprints provide a tentative hydrocarbon identification. The abbreviations are:- FCM = Results calculated using Fundamental Calibration Mode : % = confidence for sample fingerprint match to library(SBS) or (LBS) = Site Specific or Library Background Subtraction applied to result : (PFM) = Poor Fingerprint Match : (T) = Turbid : (P) = Particulate presentRatios
Hydrocarbon Analysis ResultsClient:WITHERS RAVENELSamples takenMonday, October 28, 2019Address:Samples extractedMonday, October 28, 2019Samples analysedMonday, October 28, 2019Contact:JACKSON CATESOperatorCAROLINE STEVENSProject:SELMA PAWN SHOP / #02170214.2511U04049Matrix Sample IDDilution usedBTEX (C6 - C9)GRO (C5 - C10)DRO (C10 - C35)TPH (C5 - C35)Total Aromatics (C10-C35)16 EPA PAHsBaP HC Fingerprint Match% light % mid% heavyW SP-16 16.0 <0.4 <0.4 0.4 0.4 0.25 <0.13 <0.016 0 42.8 57.2Residual HC,(BO),(P)Initial Calibrator QC checkOKFinal FCM QC CheckOK 99.5 %Results generated by a QED HC-1 analyser. Concentration values in mg/kg for soil samples and mg/L for water samples. Soil values are not corrected for moisture or stone contentFingerprints provide a tentative hydrocarbon identification. The abbreviations are:- FCM = Results calculated using Fundamental Calibration Mode : % = confidence for sample fingerprint match to library(SBS) or (LBS) = Site Specific or Library Background Subtraction applied to result : (PFM) = Poor Fingerprint Match : (T) = Turbid : (P) = Particulate presentRatios
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Photo 1
Free Product from MW‐13
Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 7
Scree Point Groundwater Purging/Sampling
Photo 8
Typical Screen Point Installation
(MW‐15, MW‐16, MW‐17, MW‐18, MW‐19)
368-&630.2&*4&681*283+2:.6321*28&2)&896&0*7396(*7>.:.7.323+#&8*69&0.8= *:.7*)&2
List all applicable well construction permits (i.e. County, State, Variance, etc.)
@*38-*61&0*&8.2,330.2, 9440=@*7.)*28.&0#&8*6 9440=7.2,0*
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If this is a repair, fill out known well construction information and explain the nature of the repair under #21 remarks section or on the back of this form.
For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same construction, you can
submit one form.
';?-8B18801<?4.18;B8-:0>@=2-/1 2?
For multiple wells list all depths if different (example- 3@200’ and 2@100?
&?-?5/B-?1=81A18.18;B?;<;2/->5:3 2?If water level is above casing, use “+”
-+51803<9 1?4;0;2?1>?
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.,2&896*3+*68.+.*)#*003286&(836 &8*By signing this form, I hereby certify that the well(s) was (were) constructed in accordance
with 15A NCAC 02C .0100 or 15A NCAC 02C .0200 Well Construction Standards and that a
copy of this record has been provided to the well owner.
- ;= 88 *188> 9'1.88-.7+361;.8-.2 )&=73+(3140*8.323+;*00
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James D. Barker
Quantex, Inc.
WM 0501373
10/29/19 MW-15 thru 19
Selma Pawn Shop NA
900 S. Pollock Street, Selma, NC 27576
Johnston NA
35.530061 78.291176
7.5 8 Tan Silty SAND
0 5 2 Sch 40 PVC
5 15 2 0.010 Sch 40 PVC
0 3 neat cement Pour - 80 lbs. neat cement
3 4 bentonite Pour - 20 lbs. 3/8" bentonite
4 15 #2 sand Pour
0 3 Tan/Brown SILT
3 15 Tan Silty SAND
Well ID: Job Name:
Date: Site Loc.:
W&R Rep: Driller:
115 MacKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 tel:919.469.3340 fax:919.467.6008
Dry, Black, Sandy Clayey SILT
Moist, Dark Brown/Brown Silty CLAY (Some Sand),
Saturated at 12-15 ft
Boring Terminated at 15' BLS
1.) Boring Terminated at 20' BLS, Collapsed to 18'
2.) BLS - Below Land Surface = Groundwater Level (Measured Beneath TOC), 10/29/19
3.) TOC - Top of Casing
Page 1 of 1
2 0-3 ft Concrete Grout
0-5 ft- 2" Dia.
PVC Casing3
NC NAD83 Easting:2210990.12 NC NAD83 Northing:648654.86
Depth in
Feet Soil Description
(Field USCS Classification)
Well Construction
0 Ground Surface
October 28, 2019 Selma, NC TOC EL:100.71
J.Cates Quantex, Inc.GW EL:90.52
3 - 4 ft Bentonite
4 - 18 ft #2 Clean-
Washed Torpedo SAND 5 - 15 ft 2" Dia.
0.010-Slot PVC
Well Screen
Selma Pawn Shop (TF#29447)Job #:;02170214.25
Page 1 of 5
Well ID: Job Name:
Date: Site Loc.:
W&R Rep: Driller:
Moist to Saturated, Tan/Brown Clayey Silty SAND
Moist, Tan/Brown Sandy Clayey SILT
Moist, Brown/Tan Silty CLAY, trace sands
Page 1 of 1
115 MacKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 tel:919.469.3340 fax:919.467.6008
1.) Boring Terminated at 20' BLS, Collapsed to 18'
2.) BLS - Below Land Surface = Groundwater Level (Measured Beneath TOC), 10/29/19
3.) TOC - Top of Casing
16 Boring Terminated at 15' BLS
5 - 15 ft 2" Dia.
0.010-Slot PVC
Well Screen
0-3 ft Concrete Grout
0-5 ft- 2" Dia.
PVC Casing
4 3 - 4 ft Bentonite
4 - 18 ft #2 Clean-
Washed Torpedo SAND
NC NAD83 Easting:2210913.03 NC NAD83 Northing:648559.49
Depth in
Feet Soil Description
(Field USCS Classification)
Well Construction
0 Ground Surface
October 29, 2019 Selma, NC TOC EL:100.72
J.Cates Quantex, Inc.GW EL:90.63
MW-16 Selma Pawn Shop (TF#29447)Job #:;02170214.25
Page 2 of 5
Well ID: Job Name:
Date: Site Loc.:
W&R Rep: Driller:
Page 1 of 1
115 MacKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 tel:919.469.3340 fax:919.467.6008
Moist, Tan/Brown Sandy/Clayey SILT
Moist, Brown/Tan Silty CLAY (Some Fine Sands)
Moist to Saturated, Tan/Brown Clayey Silty SAND
Boring Terminated at 15' BLS
1.) Boring Terminated at 20' BLS, Collapsed to 18'
2.) BLS - Below Land Surface = Groundwater Level (Measured Beneath TOC), 10/29/19
3.) TOC - Top of Casing
5 - 15 ft 2" Dia.
0.010-Slot PVC
Well Screen
0-3 ft Concrete Grout
0-5 ft- 2" Dia.
PVC Casing
4 3 - 4 ft Bentonite
4 - 18 ft #2 Clean-
Washed Torpedo SAND
NC NAD83 Easting:2210881.04 NC NAD83 Northing:648594.47
Depth in
Feet Soil Description
(Field USCS Classification)
Well Construction
0 Ground Surface
October 29, 2019 Selma, NC TOC EL:101.25
J.Cates Quantex, Inc.GW EL:90.83
MW-17 Selma Pawn Shop (TF#29447)Job #:;02170214.25
Page 3 of 5
Well ID: Job Name:
Date: Site Loc.:
W&R Rep: Driller:
Tan/Brown, Sandy, Clayey SILT, Dry to Moist
Moist, Tan/Brown Silty CLAY, Some Sand
Moist to Saturated, Tan/Brown, Clayey Silty SAND
Page 1 of 1
115 MacKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 tel:919.469.3340 fax:919.467.6008
1.) Boring Terminated at 20' BLS, Collapsed to 18'
2.) BLS - Below Land Surface = Groundwater Level (Measured Beneath TOC), 10/29/19
3.) TOC - Top of Casing
16 Boring Terminated at 15' BLS
5 - 15 ft 2" Dia.
0.010-Slot PVC
Well Screen
0-3 ft Concrete Grout
0-5 ft- 2" Dia.
PVC Casing
4 3 - 4 ft Bentonite
4 - 18 ft #2 Clean-
Washed Torpedo SAND
NC NAD83 Easting:2210917.41 NC NAD83 Northing:648649.16
Depth in
Feet Soil Description
(Field USCS Classification)
Well Construction
0 Ground Surface
October 29, 2019 Selma, NC TOC EL:100.59
J.Cates Quantex, Inc.GW EL:90.60
MW-18 Selma Pawn Shop (TF#29447)Job #:;02170214.25
Page 4 of 5
Well ID: Job Name:
Date: Site Loc.:
W&R Rep: Driller:
Moist, Tan/Brown Silty CLAY, Some Sand
Moist to Saturated, Tan/Brown, Clayey Silty SAND
Page 1 of 1
115 MacKenan Drive Cary, North Carolina 27511 tel:919.469.3340 fax:919.467.6008
Boring Terminated at 15' BLS
Dry, Brown/Tan Sandy Clayey SILT
1.) Boring Terminated at 15' BLS
2.) BLS - Below Land Surface = Groundwater Level (Measured Beneath TOC), 10/29/19
3.) TOC - Top of Casing
5 - 15 ft 2" Dia.
0.010-Slot PVC
Well Screen
0-3 ft Concrete Grout
0-5 ft- 2" Dia.
PVC Casing
4 3 - 4 ft Bentonite
4 - 18 ft #2 Clean-
Washed Torpedo SAND
NC NAD83 Easting:2210955.69 NC NAD83 Northing:648704.36
Depth in
Feet Soil Description
(Field USCS Classification)
Well Construction
0 Ground Surface
October 29, 2019 Selma, NC TOC EL:100.66
J.Cates Quantex, Inc.GW EL:90.31
MW-19 Selma Pawn Shop (TF#29447)Job #:;02170214.25
Page 5 of 5
Generalized Standard Operating Procedures (Not All Inclusive)
Our People. Your Success.
Soil Sampling, Soil Boring and Monitor Well Installation, Well Development
Soil borings are installed utilizing a stainless-steel hand auger, direct-push hydraulic drill or auger rotary
drill using either a macro core™ sampler, hollow stem augers, or air rotary roller cone bit. Soil borings are
typically sampled at discrete intervals from the bucket of a clean stainless steel hand auger, direct push
stainless steel sampler with acetate sleeve, or a split barrel sampler. When appropriate, soil samples may
be collected from drill cuttings associated with the boring or well installation.
Monitor wells are constructed within select soil borings of one, two, or four-inch inside diameter PVC
casing and machine slotted screen in accordance with NCAC Title 15A, Subchapter 02C (Well
Construction Standards, Criteria and Standards Applicable to Water Supply and Certain Other Wells).
Clean-washed “#2 Torpedo Sand” is typically utilized to fill the boring annulus surrounding the well
screen, extending to a minimum of 1-foot above the well screen. A minimum 1-foot thick bentonite clay
seal is emplaced above the sand pack and hydrated. Neat cement grout is placed in the remaining annulus
space from the upper portion of the bentonite seal to within 1-foot of surface grade. In coastal plain areas
where shallow groundwater is encountered, a variance to construction standards may be employed to
ensure the upper portion of the well screen intersects the upper aquifer surface. Wellheads may be
completed with either concrete-set flush mounted traffic-bearing steel skirted manholes with bolt down
covers or steel above-ground “stick-up” well protectors set in a concrete pad. The monitoring wells are
secured with locking caps. Temporary wells or piezometers may be completed with the PVC riser cut at
or above grade, and are abandoned within 24-hours of their installation.
Wells may be developed using a bailer, electric submersible pump, pneumatic pump, or peristaltic pump,
dependent upon site conditions. When wells are developed by the driller, they may be developed with
any of the methods outlined above, in addition to air or water injection. Soil boring logs and well
construction details are typically prepared for presentation in a report appendix. Borings completed in
bedrock may be drilled using air rotary, coring, or sonic drilling methods.
Groundwater Depth to Water Measurements
Groundwater level measurements are typically obtained using an electronic water level indicator which
registers a tone and/or illuminated light when the probe contacts groundwater. Depth to groundwater
measurements are obtained by lowering the probe attached to a cable usually marked in 0.01 foot
intervals into the well until the probe of the meter intersects the water surface. The measurement from
the top of the riser pipe or top of casing (TOC) to the water level is recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot. The
electronic water level indicator probe and exposed probe cable is decontaminated between measurement
Generalized Standard Operating Procedures (Not All Inclusive)
Our People. Your Success.
Free Product Level Measurements
Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) or “free product” present on the water table is measured using
an electronic oil/water interface probe. The interface probe has both an audible and illuminating light
that indicate when a liquid level is encountered. The oil/water interface probe registers a solid tone and
solidly lit light when LNAPL petroleum product is encountered and a beeping tone flashing light when
groundwater is encountered. Depth to LNAPL measurements are obtained by lowering the probe
attached to a cable marked in 0.01 foot intervals into the well until the probe of the meter intersects the
product or groundwater. The measurements from the top of the riser pipe or TOC to the liquid level are
recorded to the nearest 0.01 foot. The thickness of LNAPL is calculated by subtracting the depth to
LNAPL measurement from the depth to groundwater measurement. The electronic interface probe is
decontaminated between measurement locations.
Soil Sampling and Field Screening
Soil sampling is performed in general accordance with ASTM: 1586-84 where applicable. Sampling
procedures are followed to protect the chemical integrity of the soil samples and minimize the potential
for cross contamination between sample locations, including discarding of the exterior of the sample
which contacts the auger bucket, acetate sleeve, or split barrel sampler, the use of stainless steel sampling
equipment, and the thorough decontamination of sampling apparatus prior to use and between sample
Soil samples retained as a part of excavation or other intrusive “digging” activities may be collected from
the bucket of excavation equipment or using a hand shovel, if appropriate. Care to collect soil samples
from excavation equipment includes retrieving native soil from material that has not made contact with
the excavating equipment. Samples are collected in sealable bags or by directly filling sample containers
as described above.
Sampling is performed using new, disposable nitrile gloves for each sample location to ensure sample
integrity and minimize the potential for cross contamination or field personnel exposure to contaminants.
Sampling equipment such as hand auger extensions and buckets, direct push samplers, split spoons or
shovels, are decontaminated prior to their use in the collection of samples.
Samples are placed within laboratory grade sample containers provided by the laboratory to which the
samples are submitted, labeled, sealed, and placed in an ice filled cooler. An aliquot of the sample is
typically placed in a clean sealable bag and allowed to reach ambient air temperature for future screening
of volatile vapor content with a photoionization detector (PID), flame-ionization detector (FID) or other
portable screening device.
Screening of samples with a PID, FID or other field screening device is performed in accordance with
device manufacturer specifications for screening, following calibration of the instrument based on
manufacturer recommended procedures.
Generalized Standard Operating Procedures (Not All Inclusive)
Our People. Your Success.
Groundwater Sampling
Groundwater samples are generally collected using one of three standard methods – through the use of a
dedicated, disposable bailer, a peristaltic pump or submersible electric pump.
When sampling with a bailer, a minimum of three well volumes of groundwater are extracted from the
well as a means of purging, unless the well is purged to a “dry” state prior to the removal of three volumes
of water. Prior to collection of the groundwater sample with the bailer, the water level is allowed to
recover to within 80% of the original level measured prior to purging.
When sampling with a peristaltic or submersible electric pump, polyethylene (PE) tubing (or equivalent) is
emplaced into the screened section of the monitoring well, and the pump is used to extract water through
the tubing. When using the either of these methods, general water quality measurements including but
not limited to pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxygen reductive potential (ORP), specific
conductivity and turbidity may be used as methods for determining when an adequate purge of the well
has been conducted. When water quality parameters are measured, the resulting data are included in
well purge forms or field notes specific to each site and sampling point.
Following the purging of three well volumes of groundwater (in the case of the bailed well) or stability of
monitored measurements (in the case of the peristaltic or submersible electric pump), the groundwater
sample(s) are introduced directly into sample containers provided by the laboratory to which samples are
ultimately submitted for analysis. Any samples requiring chemical preservation are contained in pre-
preserved container(s) provided by the laboratory.
Sampling is performed using new, disposable nitrile gloves for each sample location to ensure sample
integrity and minimize the potential for cross contamination of samples or field personnel exposure to
Water Supply Well Sampling
Sampling of water supply wells is accomplished through the collection of a representative sample from an
in-line water tap or other point accessible for sampling. Where possible, the sample is collected from a
point prior to any filtration or point of entry (POE) system which might be installed on a well. In some
cases, samples will be collected from both pre and post-POE locations. Prior to the collection of samples
through an in-place sampling point, the tap or sampling port is cleaned with an Alconox® and deionized
water solution, rinsed with deionized water, and again with an isopropyl alcohol (IPA) rinse.
In the case of active supply wells (e.g., a well with a useable well pump with an active power supply), the
well pump is energized and allowed to run for a minimum of ten (10) minutes time, after which a sample is
contained in laboratory grade sample containers as described in the previous section. Water quality
parameters may be (but are not necessarily) measured in association with the well purging.
Supply wells without active power supplies are not generally sampled, as the well seal cannot be
compromised by individuals not certified as a well contractor. However, in the case of a well with no
power supply or pump installed, samples could be obtained through the use of a bailer, peristaltic pump or
electric submersible pump.
Generalized Standard Operating Procedures (Not All Inclusive)
Our People. Your Success.
Decontamination Procedures
Decontamination procedures employed in the performance of field activities will vary dependent upon
the method(s) of sampling performed at any site, but will generally include the following:
• Remove excess soil/sludge from any sampling equipment as needed,
• Wash and scrub the equipment with a phosphate-free detergent such as Alconox® or Liquinox® in a
contaminant-free tap water solution. Use a brush to remove particulate matter and surface films as
• Rinse thoroughly with tap water,
• Rinse thoroughly with analyte-free water (deionized water),
Rinse thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol,
• Allow the equipment to air dry,
• Prevent inadvertent contamination during storage and transport (accomplished through storage of
equipment in foil or plastic bags/sheeting).
In the case of disposable bailers and tubing utilized for the purging and sampling of wells, these items may
be decontaminated prior to their disposal. In general, no decontamination of these items is necessary
prior to their use in sampling.