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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-2777_3430_CA_MRP_20200211_MW9installationFebruary 11, 2020 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management, Underground Storage Tank Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Attention: Ms. Sharon Ghiold via email: Reference: Corrective Action Performance Report Becky’s Grocery, Incident No. 3430, MO-2777 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, Stanly County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4305-18-035B Dear Ms. Ghiold: S&ME, Inc., (S&ME) presents this report in accordance with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality/S&ME Contract No. N17002 and S&ME Proposal No. 43-1700757B, dated October 15, 2019 as authorized by Task Authorization No. 03, dated October 15, 2019. Scope of Services S&ME’s approved Scopes of Services for this Task Authorization included the installation of one monitor well in the former dispenser island (MW-9) and measuring the relative top-of-casing elevations of the new monitor well in relation to the existing site monitor wells. Additionally, S&ME proposed to collect a groundwater sample from existing monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-3, and the new monitor well MW-9. The documentation of the installation activities of MW-9 are submitted in this separate Corrective Action Performance Report. The results of the groundwater monitoring activities are submitted in a separate Limited Groundwater Sampling Report. These services were completed as proposed, which the exception of being unable to locate MW-1 and MW-3. The site vicinity is shown on the USGS Topographic Map included as Figure 1, and a site map is included as Figure 2. Site photographs are included in Appendix III. Monitor Well Installation On December 2, 2019, S&ME mobilized to the site to install monitor well MW-9. The monitor well was installed using a track mounted Geoprobe® drill rig using 4 ¼ - inch solid stem augers to a depth of 23 ft-bgs. The well was constructed with two-inch diameter Schedule 40 PVC riser with 15-foot length of 0.010-inch slotted, two-inch diameter PVC screens. A filter pack comprised of #2 filter sand was extended to approximately two feet above the top of the screen, over which an approximately two-foot layer of hydrated bentonite seal was put in place. The wells were then completed using grout to the surface and encased in a flush-mount vault. The monitor well boring log and well completion records are included in Appendix IV. Corrective Action Performance Report Becky’s Grocery, Incident No. 3430, MO-2777 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, Stanly County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4305-18-035B S&ME, Inc. | 9751 Southern Pine Boulevard | Charlotte, NC 28273 | p 704.523.4726 | Following the installation of monitor well MW-9, S&ME personnel measured the relative top of casing elevations utilizing a laser level and rod. The depth to groundwater measurements and groundwater elevations are included in the attached Table 1. Following the installation of the monitor wells, S&ME collected groundwater samples from the monitor well network on January 8, 2020. Documentation of this sampling event is documented in the Groundwater Monitoring Report submitted under separate cover. Please contact us at 919-872-2660 if you have any questions or comments regarding this report. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Sarah Taylor Thomas P. Raymond, P.E. Staff Geologist Senior Engineer Attachments: Appendix I: Figure 1 – USGS Topographic Map Figure 2 – Site Map Figure 3 – Groundwater Quality Map Appendix II: Table 1 – Well Construction and Liquid Level Data Appendix III – Site Photographs Appendix IV – Boring Logs and Well Completion Records Appendices Appendix I – Figures ^_ ^_Project Location SCALE: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NO. 11 " = 2,000 ' 1-29-20Drawing Path: Q:\4305\18\035B Beckys Grocery 2019 Dec\1_USGS MAP.mxd plotted by DHomans 01-29-20200 2,000 4,000(FEET) USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ³ REFERENCE: USGS USA TOPO STREAMING DATASETGIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM USGS NATIONAL MAP. THIS MAP IS FORINFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. 4305-18-035B BECKY'S GROCERY TF-3430, UST#: MO-277720518 RIDGECREST ROADLOCUST, STANLY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA !A$ !A$ !A$!A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$¦FormerUST Basin ¦ FormerDispenserIsland RIDGECREST RDRIDGECREST RDMW-1 MW-2 MW-4MW-5 MW-6 MW-7 MW-8 MW-3 MW-9 !A$Monitoring Well Project Parcel SCALE: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NO. 21 " = 40 ' 1-29-20Drawing Path: Q:\4305\18\035B Beckys Grocery 2019 Dec\2_sitemap.mxd plotted by DHomans 01-29-20200 40 80(FEET) SITE MAP ³ REFERENCE: 2019 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHGIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM STANLY COUNTY AND NC ONEMAP. THIS MAP IS FORINFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. 4305-18-035B BECKY'S GROCERY TF-3430, UST#: MO-277720518 RIDGECREST ROADLOCUST, STANLY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ !A$ MW-9Benzene= 390n-Butylbenzene= 1,800sec-Butylbenzene= 3301,2 Dichloroethane= 92Ethylbenzene= 2,500Isopropylbenzene = 490p-Isopropyltoluene= 230Naphthalene= 2,800n-Propylbenzene= 2,300Toluene= 4,3001,2,4-Trimethylbenzene= 20,0001,3,5-Trimethylbenzene= 6,6001,2-Dibromoethane= 60Total Xylenes= 18,400 MW-2(NS) MW-4(NS) MW-8(NS) MW-7(NS) MW-6(NS) MW-5(NS) MW-3(NS) MW-1(NS)RIDGECREST RDRIDGECREST RDConcentrations exceeding the 2LStandards are shown in µg/L Bold values exceed the GrossContamination Level (GCL) SN Not Sampled Ð!G Water Supply Wells !A$Monitoring Well Project Parcel SCALE: DATE: PROJECT NUMBER FIGURE NO. 31 " = 30 ' 1-29-20Drawing Path: Q:\4305\18\035B Beckys Grocery 2019 Dec\3_gwquality.mxd plotted by DHomans 01-29-20200 30 60(FEET) GROUNDWATER QUALITY MAPJanuary 8, 2020 ³ REFERENCE: 2015 STANLY PHOTOGRAPHGIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED FROM STANLY COUNTY AND NC ONEMAP. THIS MAP IS FORINFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. ALL FEATURE LOCATIONS DISPLAYED ARE APPROXIMATED.THEY ARE NOT BASED ON CIVIL SURVEY INFORMATION, UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. 4305-18-035B BECKY'S GROCERY TF-3430, UST#: MO-277720518 RIDGECREST ROADLOCUST, STANLY COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Appendix II – Tables TABLE 5 WELL CONSTRUCTION AND LIQUID LEVEL DATA Becky's Grocery (Incident No.: 3430, UST #: MO-2777) 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, Stanly County, North Carolina S&ME Project # 4305-18-035 Well ID Date Installed Well Casing Depth (ft BGS) Well Casing Diameter (in) Depth of Well (ft-BGS) Top of Casing Elevation* (ft) Date Water Level Measured Depth to Product from Top of Casing (ft) Depth to Water from Top of Casing (ft) Free Product Thickness ** (ft) Groundwater Elevation* (ft) 09/19/12 NP 15.81 NA 83.6301/06/14 NP 11.41 NA 88.0303/20/18 NL NL NA NA09/19/12 NP 17.82 NA 83.5201/06/14 NP 17.81 NA 83.5303/20/18 NL NL NA NA09/19/12 NM NM NA NA01/06/14 NL NL NA NA09/19/12 NP 11.67 NA 90.9501/06/14 NP 11.93 NA 90.6903/05/15 NP 11.82 NA 90.8003/20/18 NP 8.94 NA 93.6806/12/19 NP 11.10 NA 91.5209/19/12 NP 14.24 NA 87.8101/06/14 NP 13.19 NA 88.8603/05/15 NP 11.93 NA 90.1203/20/18 NP 13.90 NA 88.1506/12/19 NP 8.97 NA 93.0809/19/12 NP 11.14 NA 90.9001/06/14 NP 8.29 NA 93.7503/05/15 NP 5.82 NA 96.2203/20/18 NP 6.83 NA 95.2106/12/19 NP 9.15 NA 92.8909/19/12 NP 13.81 NA 88.2301/06/14 NM NM NA NA03/05/15 NP 10.02 NA 92.0203/20/18 NL NL NA NA09/19/12 NP 13.09 NA 88.2601/07/14 NP 13.02 NA 88.3303/05/15 NP 12.38 NA 88.9703/20/18 NL NL NA NAMW-9 12/02/19 8.0 2.0 8.0 to 23.0 23.0 101.87 01/08/20 NP 13.62 NA 88.25 NOTES:* : Reference Point for Elevation Measurements:Benchmark Datum:Arbitrary Benchmark Benchmark Elevation: 100 ft Assumed or Measured:Assumed** : If Free Product is present in a well, groundwater elevation should be calculated by: [Top of Casing Elevation - Depth to Water] + [free product thickness x 0.8581] ft-BGS = feet below ground surface NM = Not Measured NA = Not ApplicableNL = Not Located NP = Not Present 102.04 MW-8 09/13/09 6.5 2.0 6.5 to 21.9 21.9 101.35 09/10/99 7.0 2.0 7.0 to 102.05 MW-6 09/09/99 6.0 2.0 6.0 to 26.0 26.0 102.04 MW-5 09/08/99 7.0 2.0 7.0 to 14.0 to 24.0 24.0 101.34 Screen Interval (ft-BGS) 19.0 to 24.0 24.0 99.44MW-1 11/06/90 19.0 2.0 MW-2 11/06/90 14.0 2.0 MW-3 11/07/90 13.0 2.0 13.0 to 23.0 23.0 105.68 to 25.0 25.0 102.62MW-4 09/09/99 10.0 2.0 10.0 26.0 26.0 22.0 22.0MW-7 Appendix III – Site Photographs TF-3430 Becky’s Grocery Locust, NC Project #: 4305-18-035B Sheet 1 of 3 Photo 1 Date: January 8, 2020Photographer:M. BrundageLocation 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, NC Remarks View of monitoring well MW-1 area Photo 2 Date: January 8, 2020Photographer:M. BrundageLocation 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, NC Remarks View of monitoring well MW-4 TF-3430 Becky’s Grocery Locust, NC Project #: 4305-18-035B Sheet 2 of 3 Photo 3 Date: January 8, 2020Photographer:M. BrundageLocation 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, NC Remarks View of monitoring well MW-5 Photo 4 Date: January 8, 2020Photographer:M. BrundageLocation 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, NC Remarks View of monitoring well MW-6 TF-3430 Becky’s Grocery Locust, NC Project #: 4305-18-035B Sheet 3 of 3 Photo 5 Date: January 8, 2020Photographer:M. BrundageLocation 20518 Ridgecrest Road, Locust, NC Remarks View of monitoring well MW-9 Appendix IV – Boring Logs and Well Completion Records LOG OF SOIL BORING WITH MONITOR WELL CONSTRUCTION NOTES PROJECT NAME: DATE DRILLED: DRILLING METHOD: DEPTH TO WATER:TOC ELEVATION: LOGGED BY: DRILLER: LATITUDE:LONGITUDE: ELEVATION (ft.) DEPTH (ft.) LITHOLOGY Description WellConstruction WellDescription NOTES: 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 MW-9 TF-3430 Becky's Grocery 12/2/2019 GeoProbe 13.62 N/M K. Murphy EDPS N/A N/A Asphalt Clayey SAND: Light Brown; strong odor, damp Clayey SAND: Grey and Orangish Brown; strong odor, damp Clayey SAND: Yellowish Brown and Tan; strong odor, damp Sandy CLAY: Yellowish Tan; strong odor, damp SAND: Light Brown and Tan; medium to fine grained sand, strong odor, damp SAND: Light Brown; fine grained sand, strong odor Rock: White dust; in rock, water around 23' Portland Grout Sch. 40 PVC Casing Bentonite Static Water Level #2 Filter Sand Sch. 40 0.010" Sl. PVC Screen