HomeMy WebLinkAbout1304_Cabarrus_CMSV_MSWLF_Phase3_Cell2K_GeologicObservation_FID1404135_20200424Environmental Consultants & Contractors April 24, 2020 File No. 02218304.01 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Subject: Report of Geologic Observation Phase 3 - Cell 2K Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill-V (MSWLF) Permit No. 13-04 Cabarrus County, North Carolina Dear Ms. Drummond: SCS Engineers, PC (SCS), on behalf of Atlantic Coast Consulting, Inc. and BFI Waste Systems of North Carolina (a division of Republic Services), hereby submits this Report of Geologic Observation for Cell 2K at the Charlotte Motor Speedway (CMS) Landfill. Cell 2K is a 15.46-acre cell located south of Cell 2J. At this time, all 15.46 acres have been excavated to base grades and are ready for the placement of clay liner. The following document, prepared by David Garrett and Associates, of Raleigh, NC, and dated May 2009, was reviewed by SCS: Design Hydrogeologic Report, CMS Landfill V - Phase 3. This document contains information on the geology and hydrogeology of the facility and expansion. GEOLOGIC OBSERVATION The following is a summary of the geologic field observations performed by Mr. Jared Hamela P.G., a licensed NC geologist, on March 6, 2020 and April 6, 2020, in accordance with the Landfill's Permit to Construct, No. 13-04-MSWLF-1992, Amendment 8, Attachment 2, Part I, Condition 11 and North Carolina Solid Waste Regulations, 15A NCAC 1313.1624(b)(7)(B)(ii): • Contractor excavation has revealed no rock formations within Cell 2K. • No blasting was required in this area. • Remnant cobbles and boulders of gabbro (originating from diabase features) and syenite, varying in size from a few inches in length to up to 5 feet in length, were visible but not present in any quantities that could be mapped. • Material observed included tan, red -brown, sandy silts with partially weathered rock fragments and clays (ML), residuum and saprolite from gabbro and syenite parent material consistent with the Concord Pluton of the Charlotte Belt • No perched groundwater was encountered in Cell 2K. No evidence of a spring, seep, or other artesian conditions were observed. The geology of the area of the cell inspected appears to be consistent with the observations and geologic evaluations documented in the design Hydrogeologic report cited above. No geologic 2520 Whitehall Park Drive, Suite 450, Charlotte, NC 28273 1 704-504-3107 Ms. Jaclynne Drummond April 24, 2020 Page 2 features (i.e. pinnacles or tors) jutting above the existing grade established by the contractor were observed. As such, the exposed conditions appear consistent with the expectations determined in the permitting documents and conditions reported in previous cells. It is SCS's recommendation that no modifications be made to the Ground Water Monitoring Plan or base grades. It is SCS's opinion that no geologic features are present in Cell 2K that would bear impact on the construction or operation of the Facility and no further geologic evaluations of Cell 2K are warranted. This report will be presented as a component of the Construction Quality Assurance (CQA) report for the cell. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of the undersigned at (704) 504-3107. Sincerely,. Jared T. Hamela, PG Senior Project Geologist SCS ENGINEERS, PC Jth/scl ENS".Q�iR''. ? Z' SEAL' a1 7lz170 Steven C. Lamb, PE Project Director/Vice President SCS ENGINEERS, PC M:\PROJECT FILES\02218304.01\Deliverables\1304 - CMS - Phase 3 Cell 2K - Geologic observation.docx cc: Mike Gurley - Environmental Manager, BFI Taylor Herbertson - Atlantic Coast Consulting, Inc.