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MO-3414_8604_CA_CSA_19940811_Comprehensive Site Assessment
CHRISTOPHER W. LOEB (704) 377-8343 ROBINSON, BRADSHAW & HINSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1900INDEPENDENCE CENTER 101 NORTH TRYON STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 28246 TELEPHONE (704) 377-2536 FAX (704) 378-4000 August 18, 1994 Mr. Allen Schiff N.C. Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 919 North Main Street Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Re: Former Underground Storage Tanks East Seventh Street Property Charlotte Mecklenburg County. NC Dear Allen: SOUTH CAROLINA OFFICE. THE GUARDIAN BUILDING ONE LAW PLACE - SUITE 600 P.0_ DRAWER 12070 ROCK HILL, S.C. 29731 TELEPHONE (803) 325-2900 FAX (803) 325-2929 N.C. DEPT. OF FNVIRONM2I 4T, HEALTH, & 111ATUI<AL RFS OURCES AUG 1 9 1994 Q)V(S)rJl( 01 I;,01 AGEMUff MOORE VILLE RLUOIK OKE We represent Mr. David Krug, the owner of property located at the corner of East Seventh Street and Caswell Road in Charlotte, North Carolina. Your office should already have a file on this property from previous correspondence related to underground storage tanks removed from the property. Mr. Setzer served as DEM's contact person for earlier correspondence concerning the property, but we assume you are now the proper contact person. Our understanding is that DEM previously determined that Mr. Krug is not the owner or operator of the tanks previously located on the property. Nonetheless, Mr. Krug is proceeding on a voluntary basis to attempt to complete closure of the tanks. At the request of Mr. Krug, we have enclosed a Comprehensive Site Assessment ("CSA") prepared by Shield Environmental for review by DEM. Although Mr. Krug assumes no responsibility in this matter, Mr. Krug would like to move ahead with preparation of a Corrective Action Plan upon receipt of DEM's approval of the CSA. Please call with your questions or comments. With best regards. very truly yours, ROBINSON, BRADSHAW & HINSON, P.A. Christopher W. Loeb CC: Mr. David Krug (w/o enc.) John S. Arrowood, Esq. (w/enc.) Mr. Mark McCormack (w/o enc.) 1 1 l 1 1 Project Manager w AapMkv441 Waaw*=\9=14Umg. COAIPRFIIENSIVF, EAST 7TH STREET & CASWELL ROAD MECKL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SHIELD JOB NUMBER 930014 For: Mr. David Krug David Krug and Associates 131 Providence Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 Prepared By: Shield Environmental Associates, Inc. Carolina Business Center 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 August 11, 1994 N.0 . DEPT. OF ' ... - . ', T'uRAL IRESOURCrs AUG 1, 9 1994 OF Ef fl.K.WETAL CARO D= s J hn M. RBrorg ,P U- 1013 i - icense #1013 J dcJd 7/ A ��O ��+ • 1 Executive Summary ' • Type: Petroleum hydrocarbon constituents are present in the groundwater at the site. • Containers: Site previously dispensed gasoline and diesel. The products were dispensed ' via pumps connected to USTs. • Amount: No data is available to indicate the quantity of product released at the site. Initial Abatement and Emergency Response • Tank Closure: 4n March 22, 1992, seven underground storage tanks (USTs) were removed from the site. The capacities and contents of the USTs were as follows: ' (1) 10,000-gallon gasoline (2) 4,000-gallon gasoline ' (3) 2,600-gallon gasoline (1) 1,000-gallon gasoline/diesel • Soil Removal: Approximately 825 cubic yards of soil was removed during closure activities and disposed at an approved land application facility. Known contamination was left on -site due to excavation restrictions. All known concentrations are below the ' site specific clean-up levels except for areas under sidewalks or roads at the Caswell Road right of way. ' • Free Product: No free product petroleum was detected. • Water Supply: There are no active water supply wells in close proximity to the site. ' Re`sidences and businesses in the immediate vicinity are provided potable water by the City of Charlotte. 1 Damage/Extent of Release and Affected Receptors • Potential Receptors: There are no surface water intakes within 0.5 miles of the site. ' • Subsurface Structures: No known basements or vaults are located in close proximity to the site. ' • Populations: The area is heavily populated by residential and commercial properties. a:\aM\wol%docu\93Wia\IwLig.� Maximum Concentrations • SOIL (Maximum known in -place concentrations) Method Rexult (Mg/Ka) Location Dgpth 5030 940 S of 2,600 gallon UST 14-16 ft. BGL Under sidewalk (Caswell Road ROW) • GROUNDWATER (results in ug/L) Benzene 85 (MW-1) (03-11-93) Toluene 31 (MW-1) Ethylbenzene 51 (MW-1) Xylenes 161 (MW-1) MTBE 2 (MW-1) 1PE 45 (MW-1) 1,2-Dichloroethane 60 (MW-1) Methylene Chloride 6 (MW-I) 1,2-Dichloropropane 4 (MW-1) 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1 (MW-1) • Estimated Groundwater Flow Rate and Direction: gradient across the site is approximately .008 in a westerly direction. Conclusions and Recommended Corrective Action: Shield recommends the following course of action: Based upon known constituent concentrations, land use, groundwater flow direction and municipal water supplies, the possibility for no further action, monitor only, or alternative clean- up requirements should be examined. Prepare a CAP document for the site and implement the CAP, after North Carolina Division of Environmental Management approval. w:Vpp.\wp51Ndamem\93W14N rug.a 1 1 1 1 1 1 S TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Numbers 1.0 SITE HISTORY AND SOURCE CHARACTERIZATION ........... 1 2.0 POTENTIAL RECEPTORS AND MIGRATION PATHWAYS ........ 2 3.0 SOILS INVESTIGATION ............................... 3 4.0 GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION ....................... 4 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................ 8 6.0 LIMITATIONS.....................................8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Site Location Map Figure 2: County Road Map Figure 3: Site Plan Figure 4: Soil Sample Locations - UST Closure Figure 5: Potentiometric Surface Map Figure 6: Total VOC Isoconcentration Map Figure 7: Geologic Cross -Section A -A' Figure 8: Infiltration Test LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Adjacent Property Owners Table 2: Field Screening and Laboratory Data for Soil Table 3: Well Construction/Gauge Details Table 4: Laboratory Data for Groundwater Appendix A: Atlantic Environmental Services Closure Report Appendix B: Receptor Survey Appendix C: Site Sensitivity Evaluation Appendix D: Well Construction Records and Gauge Reports Appendix E: Laboratory Reports/Chain of Custody Appendix F: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Appendix G: Slug Test Calculations a:�ag+6NV101W0Mnn %930014Man.c Comprehensive Site Assessment Report 1 Krug Property Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 1.0 SITE HISTORY AND SOURCE CHARACTERIZATION 1.1 History of Property Ownership The Krug Property (Krug's) is located at the corner of 7th Street and Caswell Road in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The Site Location Map (Figure 1) shows the United States Geological Survey Topographical Quadrangle Map for the area and indicates the site location. Krug's has in the past, prior to ownership by Mr. Krug, been the location of a business which dispensed gasoline and diesel as a commercial enterprise. The surrounding area has been zoned residential and commercial. Figure 2 is the County Road Map, indicating the site location (Section 35 - Lots 9-11) and the location of adjacent property owners. An itemized list of the adjacent property owners is shown as Table 1. 1.2 Release Incidents and Environmental Investigations There were originally seven USTs on site which were permanently closed March 22, 1992 (see Figure 3 - Site Plan for former UST locations). The April 9, 1992 "Underground Storage Tank Closure Report" (see Appendix A) prepared by Atlantic Environmental Services (Atlantic) lists the tanks as: 1 10,000 gallon gasoline 2 4,000 gallon gasoline 3 2,600 gallon gasoline 1 1,000 gallon gasoline / diesel ' During the UST removal, apparent hydrocarbon contamination was noted in the soil at several of the UST locations. The soil exhibited elevated soil vapor readings when screened with a Tank Techtor Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA). Subsequently, approximately 825 cubic yards ' of soil was removed during closure activities. According to the Atlantic report, soil contamination associated with the site was left at several locations: ' 1,000 gallon UST - "Approximately 100 cubic yards of contaminated soil under tanks removed and disposed. Closure samples indicated soil contamination at 20 to 22 feet below the ' surface. Removal was suspended because excavation depth was at the depth of groundwater. " 1 " Vpp kw01%d0PM=aX9M1avvug.c J 1-1 11 Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Krug Property Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 4,000 gallon USTs - "Approximately 200 cubic yards of contaminated soil under tanks removed and disposed. Closure samples indicate that all soil contamination was removed except at a small area next to the sidewalk. Removal was suspended because excavation depth was at groundwater depth and [because of] the possible structural failure of the sidewalk." 2,600 gallon USTs - "Approximately 300 cubic yards of contaminated soil under tanks removed and disposed. Closure samples indicate that all soil contamination was removed except at the property boundary and at one area where excavation depth was at groundwater depth... Remaining contamination in the sidewals of the 2,600 gallon tanks exists on City of Charlotte property or occurs at a depth that cannot be removed with typical excavation equipment. " 2 The above closure activities conducted in February and March of 1992 at Krug's indicated the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) that exceeded the 10 parts per million (ppm) action limit established by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management (NCDEM). Known remaining soils containing hydrocarbons are below roads or sidewalks or are at concentrations below SSE clean-up levels. Figure 4 shows the soil sample locations for the UST closure. Based upon those analytical results, Shield was contracted by Krug to perform a Comprehensive Site Assessment of the site. The purpose of this report is to provide the results of the assessment and to present Shield's conclusions and recommendations. 2.0 POTENTIAL RECEPTORS AND NUGRATION PATHWAYS ' 2.1 Water Supplies Within 1,500 Feet Field reconnaissance activities were conducted during December 1992 to locate drinking water ' well users (see Appendix B for Receptor Survey). There are no apparent water supply wells (WSW's) in close proximity to the site. ' 2.2 Surface Water Intakes Within 0.5 Mile There are no surface water intakes within 0.5 miles of the site. Comprehensive Site Assessment Report 3 Krug Property ' Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 ' 2.3 Subsurface Utilities Although the groundwater is shallow in this area, the subsurface utilities are not indicated as probable off -site migration "conduits." Subsurface utilities on and in the vicinity of the site do not intersect known soil or groundwater contamination. ' 2.4 Availability of Municipal Water Krug's and the adjacent properties are supplied with water by the City of Charlotte. Other businesses in the immediate vicinity appear to be provided potable water from the same system. 2.5 Potential Impacts ' To date, all analysis indicates that potable water supplies within 1,500 feet of the plume do not appear to be at risk. ' 3.0 SOILS INVESTIGATION ' 3.1 Site Soils and Geology ' Regional Geology - The aquifer underlying the site is typical of the composite weathered residuum -fractured crystalline rock aquifers that occur within the Piedmont region of North Carolina. The aquifer is unconfined, existing in phreatic or water table conditions. Under these conditions, the water table surface is in equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure and is not confined by low -permeability layers between the surface of the water table and the surface of the ground. Groundwater, under water table conditions, is typically recharged by direct ' infiltration from precipitation. This water flows through pore spaces of the geologic media to its ultimate discharge in topographic low regions where the surface of the water table intersects the ground. As a result of these typical flow patterns, the potentiometric (water table) surface expressed by water table aquifers typically appears as a subdued replica of the land surface topography. Site Soils - Boring samples indicate that the soils are inhomogeneous inorganic clays and sandy silts. These soils are thought to be formed by in -place weathering of the parent rock rather than deposited by water. See Figure 4 for location of USTs and Soil Sampling Locations. 1 Comprehensive Site Assessment Report 4 Krug Property Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 Soil contamination extent has been defined and has either been addressed by off -site landfarm activities or has been left in place as outlined in the Atlantic report. Table 2 gives the field screening and laboratory data for soils. A Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) is given as Appendix ' C. The SSE final cleanup level for soils has been calculated to be 300 ppm. Soil contamination originally existed in three distinct areas: ' + Location 1 - area of 10,000/1,000-gallon USTs no soils above SSE final cleanup levels + Location 2 - area of 4,000-gallon USTs no soils above SSE final cleanup levels + Location 3 - area of 2,600-gallon UST soil exists above SSE final cleanup levels beneath sidewalks/ roads ' 3.2 Migration and Attenuation of Contaminants Migration - Silt and clay particles formed by in -place weathering in the Piedmont typically have a higher horizontal conductivity than vertical hydraulic conductivity. As a result, hydrocarbon contaminants with specific gravities less than water tend to migrate preferentially in a horizontal direction. Attenuation - Clays and silts tend to adsorb gasoline range hydrocarbons. The adsorption produces a smearing of the contaminants across the phreatic interface as the water table fluctuates. In addition, hydrocarbon concentrations may be expected to diminish as the plume moves downgradient due to dispersion, adsorption and biodegradation. 4.0 GROUNDWATER OWMTIGAT.ION 4.1 Monitor Wells 4.1.1 Number and Construction of Wells Four Type II monitoring wells were installed at the locations shown on Figure S. These wells were installed in order to identify and determine the horizontal extent of the petroleum hydrocarbon plume apparently released from the USTs previously excavated and removed from the site. These wells were installed in unconsolidated material composed primarily of clays. The annulus for each well was advanced with a rotary drill rig using 4-1/4-inch hollow stem augers. All augers were decontaminated between borings with high pressure steam. The construction of each well was completed by installing a 2-inch PVC well screen and PVC riser pipe in each boring. The annulus around this pipe was filled with filter sand material to a depth w:upp\ap5 i �da��mieac\930U � a\ W �g.cev 1 Comprehensive Site Assessment Report 5 Krug Property ' Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 ' of 1 foot above the screen. A bentonite seal was placed above the filter sand and the rest of the annulus was filled to ground surface with grout. Refer to Appendix D for well construction records. ' One Type III well was completed into competent bedrock in order to establish the vertical extent of contamination. The well was placed in a location closest to the shallow monitoring well exhibiting the highest contaminant levels. Table 3 summarizes the well construction details, screening intervals, and potentiometric data. Figure 5 gives a potentiometric surface map of the area. Appendix D gives the well construction records and soil descriptions. 1 4.1.2 Aquifer Contamination (Vertical and Horizontal) C 1 Horizontal Extent Groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-4 show results below the North Carolina groundwater quality standards, NCAC T15A O2L.0202 (2L standards). A total VOC Isoconcentration map is provided as Figure 6. Laboratory analysis of groundwater samples from monitoring wells MW-1 and MW-2 showed that they exceeded the 2L standards for various compounds. (See Table 4 - Laboratory Data for Groundwater) Appendix E contains the laboratory reports and chain of custody records. Quality Assurance protocols are given in Appendix F. Vertical Extent A vertical extent well (VEW-1) was installed at Krug's. The 6-inch PVC outer casing was set at 70 feet below grade level (BGL) in fractured bedrock. During the installation of the 2-inch inner casing, the outer casing was punctured by the auger. While trying to remove the auger, the outer casing was cracked, torn, and dislodged. The well was completed even though it was suspect. A groundwater sample was collected from that well. Upon receipt of laboratory results, it was determined by Shield that cross -contamination from the upper water bearing zone likely occurred and that the sample is not reliable or representative of the lower aquifer (as discussed with Mr. A. Schiff of the Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) of the NCDEM). It was agreed that VEW-1 should be grouted up and a subsequent attempt should be made to install a new VEW. Comprehensive Site Assessment Report 6 Krug Property ' Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 1 On June 1, 1994, a second vertical extent well was installed (VEW-2) using steel outer casing. The well was successfully installed at a total depth of 93 feet BGL. A groundwater sample was analyzed for constituents of concern, all of which were non -detect (ND). The results indicate that the vertical extent of contamination has been defined. A geologic cross-section of the area is provided as Figure 7. 4.2 Plume Characteristics 4.2.1 Physical Potentiometric surface data has consistently indicated groundwater flow toward the west. The general shape and concentration of the plume indicate an east to west groundwater flow. 4.2.2 Chemical Primarily, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) constituents have affected the groundwater. These compounds have a specific gravity less than 1.0 and can be expected to "float" on water. Additionally they will adsorb to clay particles. Chlorinated hydrocarbons were also detected in the groundwater samples. The values of all detections were mathematically added in order to give total VOC's concentration for each sampling point. An Isoconcentration Contour Map of Total VOC's Groundwater Contamination was then overlaid on the site plan (see Figure 6). Table 4 provides a summary of the laboratory data for groundwater. 4.2.3 Features Affecting Flow Patterns and Plume Migration The most significant feature affecting flow patterns is the topography of the area. The land is generally flat in the area of the site but falls off gradually to the west and rises up gradually to the east. The groundwater flow apparently follows this general topography (refer to Figure 1). 4.3 Hydrogeologic Conditions A survey of the top of the well casings and depth to groundwater measurements was performed to calculate the groundwater elevations, gradient, and flow direction at Krug's. Table 3 contains a summary of groundwater elevation data. Figure 5 shows the groundwater movement is generally to the west. Groundwater gradient calculations showed an average gradient of approximately .008 ft/ft, which was fairly uniform across the site. w: Vpp.�wpsl bonaaau�43oo� auuu�.aw 1-1 Comprehensive Site Assessment Report Krug Property Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 7 Information about the soil porosity and permeability was collected by performing slug tests on MW-1 and MW-3 and by an infiltration test (Figure 8). Slug tests were performed by measuring the static water level in each well and then removing as much water as possible. The recovering water level was measured until it returned to at least 80 % of its static level. The water level measurements and time are plotted on semi -logarithmic graph paper and the point that is 37 % less than the static level was used to determine the time value to be used in the hydraulic conductivity calculations. The hydraulic conductivity (K-value) value calculated for MW-1 was 0.292 ft/day. The K-value for MW-3 was 0.222 ft/day. (See Appendix G - Slug Test Calculations) An infiltration test was performed by excavating a hole approximately 3 feet x 3 feet x 3 feet deep. Ten gallons of water were poured into the excavation to saturate the underlying soils. A 6-inch inside diameter cylinder was driven into the soil and the cylinder was filled with water and allowed to stand overnight. The cylinder was then refilled and the water level was measured and water was allowed to infiltrate into the saturated soils beneath the cylinder. After several hours, water was poured into the cylinder to the initial measurement height and the added water volume was recorded. Using the inside surface area of the soil in the cylinder, the volume of water added and the time elapsed, an infiltration rate of 1.79 x 101 gpm/fe was calculated. 4.3.1 Confining Beds 1 There were no confining beds observed at the site during site activities. 4.3.2 Seasonal High Water Table The observed high water table noted for each well is as follows: MW-1 MW-2 MW-3 MW-4 1 1 a:%sW\.,psI ckmamavrug.� 9.29 feet BGL 13.43 feet BGL 16.00 feet BGL 5.29 feet BGL 1 1 ' Comprehensive Site Assessment Report 8 Krug Property Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Shield Number 930014 5.0 RECONEMENDATIONS Shield recommends the following course of action: Based upon known constituent concentrations, land use, groundwater flow direction and municipal water supplies, the possibility for no further action, monitor only, or alternative clean- up requirements should be examined. Prepare a CAP document for the site and implement the CAP, after North Carolina Division of ' Environmental Management approval. 6.0 L=ATIONS ' This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of David Krug and Seventh Street Properties, Ltd., for specific application to the referenced site located in Mecklenburg County in Charlotte, ' North Carolina. The assessment was conducted based on the scope of work and level of effort desired by the client and with resources adequate only for that scope of work. Our findings have been developed in accordance with generally accepted standards of geology and hydrogeology ' practices in the State of North Carolina, available information, and our professional judgment. No effort has been made to misrepresent the conditions of the site. No other. warranty is expressed or implied. ' The data presented in this report are indicative of conditions that existed at the precise locations sampled and at the time the sample was collected. Additionally, the data obtained from samples iwould be interpreted as being meaningful with respect to parameters indicated in the laboratory report. No additional information can logically be inferred from this data. ' a:�►��si�a���sr�ao►a�.� 7 L A v z Lot E' A VE . �1 arr ` �♦ rriY E d GL, C Ox� _ O WAIP Vol a � {_ �� � � •` � - � � PZri � . h - r rae. � ,<rr y� a � j n � O� � Cfl �i 54 O _ stVIY..F E• V 1 A VE. `Z e ❑ 45 IL ly4' 6q ;L� ;w 01 a' w :► � ,ter. � t :LJ C>327 - t 6 G _ _ �9 S• t p' �v w C �lxl f . b O� �^ ae • fYf� - h 13 A ~,� I t 4 !g $ , / / C i a. -09 � �14 � 4 �or W $ a _ ri . ati 11 C ;�. �i of � ! t / 2 • F` �/�/� • 0�roa �rrr Zi �( J Ct j I or r espy 0 I ' d1�W �a U6 x � x o z o F W pU U VUo a a � a O D O k. r.. h I C I � i I I J 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 H W •- r_' U a 0 �Y,■ 0�aSu x ❑ Cs a +�+ o a zo5x 00•B9 0 x ti CD . ago w� a W � a -- ~~ `�``•� U V 1 A00 o "■ w �+-■`ter � � N � U to 00-48 � II �a •■``•++■ ate, o h • • 09 7 W x oz z. 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(ON� O+ 0% O� ,n' a: a a ' <r qtr O� v Gr. cV cV N CN Cd nl — ... �. .. .. n n N C C C C G C C C C C K W W d 0 � � Q ate.. ♦�.. � � 4 0 Q y O O O O O O O O O O O O N O O T ON O CON t- ?� -W p ... �-. ... p p ,.. �..i �+ Q N O 9 i i O i d O O O cz C C G C O O � I I I 11 I I I I I I I I I i I /\ §§ z z z W. z z ƒ _ ) 2 2 § 2 2 k" 2 z z z- z� ■ ® a 2 z 2 9 a - k] `�� _■ 2 2 2 a 2 m \ z z z z a z§ _ } � �. \ ƒ� z z§ 2 z gm m$ m� 2 ..4: _. `3 2± ooe . §} ■ _ 2) 9$ 2 2 2 \§�f2 G� �ƒ ]° \> ƒ\ ) 2 2 2 2- z) ( } 2 9 2 - z z z 2 z A= z z a 6 z z z z z , u & .§�-. \» § f] 8 z z z■ 2 f }) \ 2 $ CLOSURE REPORT Underground Storage Tank 1936 East Seventh Street 1952 East Seventh Street Owner. Unknown April 9, 1992 Prepared for. David R. Krug David R. Krug & Associates, Inc. 131 Providence Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 Prepared by: Robert H. Pingry Atlantic Environmental Services P. O. Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 (704) 332-8712 t. FOR Pica,, CWN*o ed Fan„ To: TANKS �1 IN e �°R'� DEM Regortal Mom aocxrdnq b the aourry d the tao%Iysn (SEE AMP ON %-WRSE SIDE OF CM& ERS COPY (aLLIE) FOA REGIONAL NC I OFFICE ADDRESSj. 1 1, i Fiaa» axrplete and scan wd'M OM days W1**wV MWOO n of so OrwxrPIW. 4W. w orrr S" Q Marlotte NC 28207 'c'704--376-9ft z I P Cede Area Code Te+edwrr Ntwar Sate use Only I.D. Number Dade Received David R. KnV & Associates, 1w. 0_n13845 Carp" F m • (d aradatie) or Saga Rand NC 28207 376-80dby Z i p Code Aron Coda Tafeptrcna NMdw— ' wne Job Tde David R. President David R TMephorr N+nkar & soc(7 4 ? Cloatre Atlantic Environmental Services, ITrc. BOb PingrY P.O. Bax 1. 30 Charlotte 282U ' (Nartfe) Lae 2217 C= pa k Drive Charlotte NC 28241-1483 (Name) (Address) Tank see n Tank Las E ierr p weef Oft ~ �Np� � raelotts DIrT>ensixla Careens No Yes Na Yea 10,000 8' x 26' 7" gasoline fYes x t+ re Serarare side of bko caplr tO1A1 WS anj for ad*onal x x irdornta m mgUred br 1 1,000 4' x 126" gas/diesel x X x ka - DEM n dw VA ten MPxt artd drat h. 2 4,000 514" x 21' gasoline x x x 3 2,600 5'6" x 1518' gasoline x x x J Chedc the acMes awofftd ' © canters local 6e n m-A ® W* DEN Pag.n81 Cffiw bebm abwdareM Dram & ksh piping info brit LXJ PWOM ad pmd= and m=:L� {mm p,* Eummas dmo b tank ' Crean and rrpea tank Rerrfom drip Uv. fa *0. OeWs pw, vapor mwery tank comecy M sthrfersrbie purrs and od w w* ira.res Cap ar dw al Gies except the rent and fit fr. PLape brit of al pre*= & Larnnahre vapors Ca<t arts or mrxe kv w a in the tanks © BadM errs area. Der Tw* Pwmwmtly o0eed• March 22, 1992 _ A4AMNMffXLXZAM © FA tank u+d material overflows tank gals I� Pkg or cap al opw i>gs; BDco<xfrw and cap ar reMM9 %"I fire Said iced rrfab-w used . pbase spKd r: EMMQV Gees! Y" h* AL LAW tank ® Dq=a of to* n apprawed n�rrur FVw W* dssfinaiwt Nationwide Tank & Disposal �, -,* wdw Penny of law that I have pwwnapy examined and am farnaw wirer the irtfwrkWon submitted in 1his and all atta rW as Mwft. and IhM based on Iry i quirf of two rdw duals wnrrredfadeN msponsble for irg the irrf tips. I believe that the tmad infotmabon 'a true, &=raw, and oompleta. i nwTv and CMcW We of owsw or -cwrws suronzed repntser>rama Pobert H. PingxY President, Atlantic Environ I '2 G(. 13 j g— X'JST-2 W"M Caw - POOOrw once Y-1r-�. .o-cr.. v - :� rvi rx�,p .. . r,.. 1. DAVID R. KRUG & ASSOCIATES Closure Report 1 1. Probable Sources of Contamination: 1 SOURCE 10,000 Gallon Underground Storage Tank ' Product Piping P g ' Fill Pipe Riser t Pump 2. 1,000 Callon Underground Storage Tank Product Piping Fill Pipe P 1 Pump 1 3. Two (2) 4,000 Gallon Underground Storage Tanks ' and Fill Pipe Riser Product Piping ' Pump 1 1 1 I:j x.1111I r., Approximately 100 cubic yards of contaminated soil under East end of tank removed and disposed. Closure samples indicated all soil contamination was removed. No contamination found No contamination found No contamination found Approximately 100 cubic yards of contaminated soil under tank removed and disposed. Closure samples indicated soil contamination remains at twenty to twenty-two (20 - 22) feet below the surface. Removal was suspended because excavation depth was at the depth of groundwater. No contamination found No contamination found No contamination found Approximately 200 cubic yards of contaminated soil under South end of tank removed and disposed. Closure samples indicate that all soil contamination was removed except at a small area next to the sidewalk. Removal was suspended because excavation depth was at groundwater depth and the possible structural failure of the sidewalk, No contamination found Approximately 75 cubic yards of contaminated soils removed and disposed. Closure samples indicated that all soil contamination was removed. F 4. Three (3) 2.600 Callon Approximately 300 cubic yards of contaminated Underground Storage Tanks soils under tanks removed and disposed. and Fill Pipe Riser Closure samples indicate that all soil ' contamination was removed except at the Product Piping property boundary and at one area where excavation depth was at groundwater depth. Pump No contamination found ' Approximately 50 cubic yards of contaminated soils removed and disposed. Closure samples ' indicated that all soil contamination was removed. ' Total soil contamination removed and disposed, 825 cubic yards. ' II. Field Screening Methods: All excavated soils were screened using a Tank Techtor Organic Vapor Analyzer (OVA) ' by Atlantic Environmental Services. The OVA indicated hydrocarbon contamination at the tank locations described in Section 1. Probable Sources of Contamination. Contaminated soils were excavated to a depth of 18 to 22 feet or to where the OVA indicated hydrocarbons to be less than 10 parts per million, at which point Atlantic Environmental suspended the stockpiling of contaminated soils and obtained a closure sample. III. ClosureSamples: Closure samples were collected using the bucket of the backhoe for a 'grab' sample or ' from a stainless steel auger. Soil samples were then placed into a laboratory jar, sealed with a teflon cap, labeled, and placed into a cooler with ice for delivery to PAR Laboratories. A Chain of Custody was delivered to the lab along with the respective samples. All samples were analyzed for Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) using EPA methods 3550 and 5030. N. Tabulated Results of Field Screening and Closure Samples: TANK SAMPLE DEPTH LOCATION 10.000 1 14' East end of tank Gallons 2 14' Middle 3 14' West end of tank 4 T Pump Island/Product Line 5 IV Middle 11000 6 Sample not taken GaHons 7 20' Middle 8 20' East end of tank 9 Sidewall Sidewall 10 22' West end of tank 4.000A 1 12' North side of tank Gallons 2 1T Middle 3 1S' South side of tank 4.0008 4 1Y North side of tank Gallons 5 IV Middle 6 1V South side of tank 7 IV Southeast comer 8 Sidewall East and West Sidewall Composite ABOVE OVA (ppm) LAB (ppm) ALLOWABLE' 0-5 c 10 60 t 10 0-5 c 10 0-5 t 10 0-5 c 10 60 t 10 > 100 110 100 > 100 78 68 a 100 86 76 0-5 r 10 20 c 10 .10 < 10 0-5 t 10 0-5 t 10 50 185 175 0-5 t 10 0-5 t 10 ABOVE TANK SAMPLE DEPTH LOCATION OVA (ppm) L S (ppm) ALLOWABLE* 2,600A 1 18' North End 15 20 10 Gallons 2 is, South End a 10 < 10 3 124V South Sidewall > 1000 940 930 Property Line 4 12-14' East Sidewall 15 < 10 Property Line 2,600B 5 19, South End 5 t 10 Gallons 6 18' North End 28 260 250 7 124V East Sidewall 50 420 410 2,600C 8 IT North End 5 C 10 Gallons 9 18' South End 30 22 12 Pump A V West Pump c 10 < 10 Island Island Product B 8' Product Line ¢ 10 < 10 Line Pump C V East Pump c 10 t 10 Island Island • Allowable limits are less than 10 parts per million. V. Facility Status Permanently closed. M. Copy of Laboratory Chain of Title Attached MI. Copy of Lab Reports Attached VIII. Quantity of Soil Excavated Approximately 825 cubic yards of contaminated soil was removed and disposed of from all tank locations. Soil was transported to the Stillwell Farm located North of Dallas, North Carolina, for landfarming treatment by Atlantic Environmental Services (permit pending). 17 IIX. Summary All sources of contamination found at this property have been removed. The majority of the contaminated soil was excavated and replaced with clean backfill pit'gravel and soil. Remaining contamination in the sidewalls of the 2,600 gallon tanks exists on City ' of Charlotte property or occurs at a depth that cannot be removed with typical excavation equipment. ' Ten (10) closure samples indicate various concentrations of TPH contamination. The contamination indicated by these samples cannot be removed for the following reasons: 1. Depth of closure sample is at the depth of groundwater, as in the case of samples 8, 9, and 10 of the 1000 gallon tank; samples 2 and 6 of the 4000 gallon tanks, a and b, and samples 1, 6, and 9 of the 2600 gallon tank. ' 2. Contamination exists on the adjacent property owned by the City of Charlotte or is in the City of Charlotte right-of-way, as is the case of samples 3 and 7 of the two 2600 gallon tanks. 3. Possible structural failure of the storage barn and sidewalk, as is the case for soil ' samples 9 and 10 of the 10,000 gallon tank; sample 6 of the 4000 gallon tank; samples 3 and 7 of the 2600 gallon tanks. 1, 1 1- 10� 000 _ 1 � 000 6a110A ?V-4 LE kl]4/ (V M,�" I ' J r 1 - DYI, 5�ryr trv%p 7t�' STRF _ 4 pau•�) k E Y Saf"f e, w1; �L CO n�O •r . �v T � O'+ P H levels . SIT, PLAN) VS r avA�. 1- 7 J iC'- C hF• doe ; Nc OWnCr ` Ce..�ra�.�o• :: i fit Arai• S; 1 -QL c/ c Z - 4, 000 6 Ilan i kE,,/ �"• SCM?\,s L,, A� C.O Au rn ; no•+; o.� ��cf'�c,tes TP H levels PPT^ SITE f ��►IV ,vs,r }ZErnova` 1952 C kp r Qwnr.-.,.-. UNKNoy✓nl COn+rac+sr • IC 1 T [ � n V • �O n rN �r � 6 Strv'.�eg 7r(. mp�t� 3 I Icig L Vi F? C-C, AV^I(- 4,5%- 11. o r- F-x cf.✓.4 1 1an Aots IREr OVA, - OF Z - 41000 g� 110„ •1G.n L<s 115Z E.s� 7f* .S+ram"-�- I. 1 1 1 1 ALWL -EKe-AVAT,dn OF z600 �s+^won Tan l< /$ , fc 2. o 41 lock;^� oil 11. -- f4i STAN *wJG ;r ,•A .1 sic wm� law F X6 .4e ail Exc&-V�10 ► 0T /C Coo G« 11". o,--- , 4W% VM 501 . 21 pp� -.ALM d,3cover7 0� prev;ovs17 un k n mow^ 1) 000 5a l lo• -L f coo 5a f�� k MW LL. -j 'e, . V • •,�� , -71 �- 1 t vl e d � ` �Qrz r j � J �vILI LL 0 c ul o w "' a" d Q V a � J I'D 1 CHA I N OF' CUSTODY PAR Laboratories, Inc. Shipping Mailing- 2217 Graham Park Drive PAR P.O. Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 t� IA"4re~" r r hNOAUNd 704/588-8333 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 ` It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. ' Mr'r'?:!/ tIF, (9,LLI.4 i 1) C17M�hENTS: k ►Ru&- -sob 1 CA i 1 C 1 am + R-o nj:C T nOn ! �-• 1 1 r V ' 1 i 1 WIT, willt r j1r l3Alk - SAMPLE. BY: CHITy� PMN & TELEFHX 00 SAMPLE TYPE: DW WW GWMW SAMPLES MAINTAINED @ <44bC YES >4—NO It 000 HW SOIL S OTHER PRESERVED: YES 47��l SAMPLE LOCATION & STATION NUMBER C G SET UP DATE/TIME COLLECTION DATE/TIME ANALYSIS REQUESTED / z l za/¢L a 7-pH 3 5'So 5-o5 co Z r1 C �P�Jr`C I x /000 / o coo �� '��.�,�-% > <1 /a /d ear.o e. /Q�v-C 5-�C Z%/�L i5co /-( 35-so, Sb3c; 6o i do Z 7 75-0 // C. %asar� ,,� L/Zz/�4L r)Cp Tphr 3 5 5;o !9030 1j2eht L /SZO 3 S M VID7so �/� ['� I DISHED LATE/TIME �� � 2 4 9Z ! �c� / RECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME ¢ gz RECEIVED DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED H LATE/TIME RELINQUISHED BY: DATE/TIME C=COMPOSITE G=GRAB DW=DRINKING H=0 WW=WASTE H=0 GWMW=GROUND H=0 MONITORING WELL HW=HAZARDOUS WASTE F11a K"- : DAIY-nt &-2E-9: PAR PAR L.edorstoriea, Inc. 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE Ll LABORATORIES. INC. P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE, NC 28241-1483 704/588-8333 FEBRUARY 28, 1992 REFERENCE NO: 92 781 MADE FOR: ATLANTIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. P. 0. BOX 15130 CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 ATTENTION: BOB PINGRY ANALYSES OF: SOIL SAMPLES MARKED: KRUG JOB; GRAB & AS LISTED RECEIVED ON: 2/24/92 ANALYSES: SAMPLE TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS* (mg/kg AS RECEIVED) 1 <10 2 <10 3 <10 4 <10 5 <10 * EPA METHOD 3550/5030 GC/FID RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: PAR LABORATORIES, INC. JOHN S. RICE LABORATORY DIRECTOR PARPAR Laboratories, Inc. LABORATpF7lE5- INC 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE. NC 28241-1483 704/588-8333 ' March 27, 1992 Reference No: 92 781 Made For: Atlantic Environmental Services P.O. Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 Attention: Bob Pingry ' Analyses of: Soil sample for EPA 601 & 602 1 Marked: Krug Job #6 Received On: 2-24-92 Analyses: (ppb) ' 2-Butanone a5 Tetrachloroethane 45 Dichlorodifluoromethene a5 Chloromethane e5 vinyl Chloride <5 Bromomethane <5 ' 1,1-Dichloroethylene a5 Methylene chloride 45 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene a5 i,i-Dichloroethane <5 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene c5 Chloroform -05 Bromochloromethane <5 1,1,1-Trichloroethane <5 Carbon Tetrachloride a5 Benzene <5 ' 1,2-Dichloroethane <5 Trichloroethene <5 1,2--Dichloropropane a5 Bromodichloromethane <5 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether <5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene a5 �i PAR Laboratories, Inc. PAR cAeoAaroarEs. iNc 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE, NC 28241-1483 704/588-8333 Reference No: 92 781 Continued I(ppb) Toluene 45 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 45 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane c5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane <5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <5 Dibromochloromethane <5 Chlorobenzene e5 ' Ethylbenzene e5 Bromoform a5 1,4-Dichlorobutane <5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane <5 ' 1,3-Dichlorobenzene t5 1,4-Dichlorobenzene a5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <5 ' 2-Butanone <5 Tetrachloroethane t5 z--Xy 1 ene a5 p-Xylene c5 m-Xylene c5 Respectfully submitted: PAR Laboratories, Inc. John S. Rice Laboratory Director Ll PARPAR Laboratories, Inc. caBORaro+4�E5. INC. 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE [a P.Q. BOX 411483 CHAALOiTE, NC 28241-1483 704/588-8333 FEBRUARY 28, 1992 REFERENCE NO: 92 782 MADE FOR: ATLANTIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. P. 0. BOX 15130 CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 ATTENTION: BOB PINGRY ANALYSES OF: SOIL SAMPLES MARKED: KRUG JOB; GRAB & AS LISTED RECEIVED ON: 2/24/92 ANALYSES: SAMPLE TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS* (mg/kg AS RECEIVED) 7 <10 8 110 9 78 10 86 * EPA METHOD 3550/5030 GC/FID RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: PAR LABORATORIES, INC. JOHN S. RICE LABORATORY DIRECTOR C H A I M O F C U S T O D Y Shipping PAR Laboratories, Inc. Mailing 2217 Graham Park Drive PAP P.O. Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 704/588-8333 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North Carolina ' Department of Health and Environmental Control. rw44'f V-�s 97ILL11%) / /T I L4/f ..,c e IC COMMENTS: j IOSv s� lcs r /"�r77ti J� pT �C_ 13"X /Si3 o Z 4 Oao ..//u., �..,�, 5 ' C1TY, STA1E i 41P N L COACT V r M,A;t+ER er: IRsz F_ Ai (cam. zo , . .332 ZEL ?im a,/- 0 r �o� - s~a/u•.,/if ' SAMPLE TYPEN:-' 6W WW GWMW HW SOIL t�,_ OTHER SAMPLES MAINTAINED @ <4-C YES NO PRESERVED: YES NO SAMPLE LOCATION SET UP COLLECTION ANALYSIS TATION NUMBER STATION C DATE/TIME AT /TIME DATE/TIME REQUESTED e ]6 Z/ f1 J3a o / !r 35Sv S`o3 aN�QL 6J Mej- % D ►� �{ o r S = c�er.�►/� ' iV U I SHE RELINQUISH9 BY: I1 RELINQUISHED BY: IX >` ro -r/i/ ?z Z//r/gz z/1 z/ 9z Z,dZ..(rZ- DATE/TIME rz /o. jo DATE/TIME DATE/TIME 13 qo 0 rD ar RECEIVED BY: n 1 -► % RECEIVER BY: RECEIVED BY: C=COMPOSITE G=GRAB DW=DRINKING H=0 WW=WASTE H=O GWMW=GROUND H=O MONITORING WELL HW=HAZARDOUS WASTE Fi:? Na--:-0-41,44C ir26-9: DATE/TIME DATE/TIME DATE/TIME lJ P/� PAR Laboratories, Inc. A 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE LABORATORIES. INC. P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE, NC 28241-1483 7041588-8333 FEBRUARY 26, 1992 REFERENCE NO: 92 673 MADE FOR: ATLANTIC ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. P. 0. BOX 15130 CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 ATTENTION: BOB PINGRY ANALYSES OF: SOIL SAMPLES MARKED: 1952 E. 7TH STREET & AS LISTED RECEIVED ON: 2/13/92 ANALYSES: SAMPLE TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS* (mg/kg AS RECEIVED) 1 <10 2 <10 3 <10 4 <10 5 <10 6 185 7 <10 8 <10 * EPA METHOD 3550/5030 GC/FID RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: PAR LABORATORIES, INC. JOHN S. RICE LABORATORY DIRECTOR IL C H A IN O F C U S T O D Y PAR Laboratories, 'Inc. Shipping Mailing 2217 Graham Park Drive A*AR P.O. Box 411483 Charlotte, NC 28273 704/588.8333 Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 ' It is essential that all information be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. ■ '' COMMENTS: : r ADDRESS o k j 110 r 14P () 5� C l vS� � e s �-r+• ��� CITY, STATE 6 ZIP MDE SWAB BY: PERt..:'fl & T�_! ETE h1ii�FR IDAACTI 3 SAMPLE T E. DW WW GWMW HW SOIL DC�_ OTHER ' SAMPLES MAINTAINED a <4-C YES NO PRESERVED: YES NO SAMPLE LOCATION & STATION NUMBER C G SET UP DATE/TIME COLLECTION DATE/TIME ANALYSIS REQUESTED -SS03a Z #3--1� l" 133 R I HE Y: DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME 230 .3-1(� 2,'12 RELINQUISH DATE/TIME RECEIVED Y. DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED BY: DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME IC=COMPOSITE G=GRAH DW=DRINKING H=O WW=WASTE H=O GWMW=GROUND H=O MONITORING WELL HW=HAZARDOUS WASTE PAR PAR Laboratories, Inc. 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE LA9oRAWRIES.INC. P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE, NC 28241-1483 704/588-8333 March 30, 1992 Reference No: 92 1070 Made For: Attention: Analyses Of: Marked: Received On: Analyses: Sample 1111=1 Atlantic Environmental Services P.O. Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 Bob Pingry Soil Samples Sample #1 - #1 North Closure Tank A Sample #2 - #2 South Closure Tank A Sample #3 - #3 South Sidewall Tank A Sample 04 - #4 East Sidewall Tank A 3/16/92; 3/16/92; 3/16/92; 3/16/92 1 (mg/kg) 20 Respectfully submitted: PAR Laboratories, Inc. John S. Rice Laboratory Director DATE POSTED MAR 3 1 RECD DATE FAIR CHECK # 2 <10 3 940 4 TESTED <10 PAR Laboratories, Inc. 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE iaBo�nTOMES.INC_ P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE, NC 28241-1483 704/588-8333 March 30, 1992 Reference No: 92 1071 Made For: Attention: Analyses of: Marked: Received On: Analyses: Sample TPH Atlantic Environmental Services P.O. Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 Bob Pingry Soil Samples Sample #1 - #5 South Closure Tank 8 Sample #2 - 06 North Closure Tank B Sample 03 - 07 East Sidewall Tank B Sample 04 - #8 North Closure Tank C Sample #5 - 09 South Closure Tank C 3/16/92; 3/16/92; 3/16/92; 3/16/92; 3/16/92 1 (mg/kg) <10 Respectfully submitted: PAR Laboratories, Inc. John S. Rice Laboratory Director 2 260 3 420 4 5 <10 22 TESTED O H A IN O F C U S T O D Y PAR Laboratories, Inc. Shipping Mailing 2217 Graham Park Drive LPA. R P.O. Box 411483 5.�Charlotte, NC 28241-1483 Charlotte, NC 28273704/588-8333 It is essential that all info-rmation be recorded on this Chain of Custody document for acceptance by PAR Laboratories, Inc. and the North Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. krc^eTIe rh-Iftoey*�a� I �r-..ees -0, ZdA 1 S 130 CITY, STATE 4 :IP CME §P-C, Ff : C Vim,-6-He 'QC- L S 21' e2 r (...1` TXT Pe5N & T=' I�filllBETi , d :n SAMPLE TYPE: DW WW GWMW _ ' SAMPLES MAINTAINED @ <4=C YES _K%._ NO n t 1 .' MMENTS : k a.,c— ?,ra,3<< 4- P'e t vn.Jcr ?. P^p 23 144$ HW SOI.L a'( OTHER PRESERVED: YES NO SAMPLE LOCATION & STATION NUMBER C G SET UP DATE/TIME COLLECTION DATE/TIME ANALYSIS REQUESTED A Az lovs ilk ti 3 - 5-o30 1>1 3 z1 t asp 711 SH DPY DATE/TIME 1 ECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME RELINQUISHED BY: DATE/TIME RECEIVED BY: DATE/TIME ' C=COMPOSITE G=GRAB DW-DRINKING H=O WW=WASTE H=0 GWMW=GROUND H=0 MONITORING WELL HW=HAZARDOUS WASTE • Flit ��3.c': ':'"^:� b-:�-Y; t 1 1 1 1 1 1 PAR PAR Laboratories, Inc. 2217 GRAHAM PARK DRIVE LASOPArORIES. INC P.O. BOX 411483 CHARLOTTE, NC 28241-1483 7041688-8333 March 30, 1992 Reference No: 92 1187 Made For: Attention: Analyses Of: Marked: Received On: Analyses: Sample TPH Atlantic Environmental Services P.O. Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 Bob Pingry Soil Sample Sample #1 - Krug Project #A Sample #2 - Krug Project #B Sample #3 - Krug Project #C 3/24/92; 3/24/92; 3/24/92 1 (mg/kg) <10 Respectfully submitted: PAR Laboratories, Inc. John S. Rice Laboratory Director 2 W111 3 TESTED <10 I I 1 1 � 1 `a ' W d ' W W 10 z CL O LU U m t Z zz O F- ' W IL Z ' LLI cr- ' z a D u U O 1 140 cc V 7Z r O .z a I ♦ I l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111+ v • 17z 1 1 ♦ A1 1♦ 11 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 a +� ♦ l a I 1 i� I I 1 1+ I 1 �► 1 1+ 11 1♦ I I 1 1 1 1 1 + w ♦ I �: I 1 • �1 + I 1 I♦ ^^ + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + ♦ t 1+ I I+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 dt 1 ( 1 1 1 I#vv• I I• 11 I I I I I I I ccI+ l�► 1 1+ ( 1 1 1 1 I 1 1ucc t U 1 O li ~♦ z 2 u O 1 1+ 11 1 1 1 1 1 ♦ y ♦ 1 +Jzix •41, ..♦ ~ ZZ Ott 1 1+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s YY 1 1 1 1 a kj I xu I I luW JN 1 1* 1 1 1 1 lY; tnv)z• 1 �• 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 # IU+ I YJ CO or ui O+ 1• t 1( I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1# I Ilr.� l► ,i a # 4 rd- J j 0.6 i� +► 1 1 1 1 + �-• :r.l �► 1 1 1 1 a[ d U �► 1 1# � I�� l + x + + aC + I :..a I uw +► 1 1 t l J+ �V+1.JQ= + xaxCL I # I 11 1 + xa+ I vs 1 + Wo# I Z a vs>+- 0u 1 1• r 1 1 1 lac�;uo-S Z } I Y+_ O 'j# z! � 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 � 1• 1 1 *� + 1 w d p# ►�+ Y up+► 1 1 1 1 II i - V I w r 1 � 1 1 1 Mwx 1 cvt UL a 1 1 I * �► l a 1 v +� U. a 1 11 1 1 1 I 1 uj 1 1 aF aC ui # 1 Z ..+ LL O J V 1 �► -1 s u'i* i aw i a5k i 1 i i 1 1 u 1► I Z a z x+ an .i t d V ae:., .••. p 1 1 1 + aC # ujor0L.WIX U cn Lu .-� pv Z < 1 1 + Us+ 1 + * �� ....� w� •ram. �... 1.— F I :3Ll CC 1 t # d.+# +Ca+ +z-:# Ir i ♦ w � i i r.: w ♦ —s. -c L ♦ a .r + r ♦ �r � i r+ ..J � s +F r s J r + y i . cI ♦ ..w ♦ r- 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I 1 I �I 1 �1 1 7:1 z ;1 Charlotte Fire Department ' PERMIT APPLICATION NUMBER DIR STREET NAME APT/BLDG LAND USE LOCATION; 951 r_ ' OCCUPANT: K, , PHONE (2224-� .3 A - h2 APPLICANT:a^"�%cn,.._rc•+fi ' ADDRESS: P c. x / S /3 O CITY C )-%'C7- �c C EMERGENCY (1) �� PHONE(�4 )a32 - .071z- 2492(1 CONTACT: (2) 1 _ 1!cJ �r.�cf PHONE(-?o4 1376 - BCco ' (3) ' �� PHONE(_2C' 33Z- 27 'As the applicant for this permit, I certify the information provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. APPLICANT'S IGNATURE DAT TITLE " & ./L ' MAIL TO: Charlotte Fire Department Fire Prevention Bureau 600 E. Fourth Street ' Charlotte, NC 28202-2851 TO BE FILLED IN BY FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLOTTE FIRE DEPARTMENT I FIRE PREVENTION BURSA.'! 500 EAST FOURTH STREET PERMITS ISSUED: CHARLOTTE, N. C. 28202-295I ' COD • FEE $ CO S O(� 7164r, 4lZStv1OY AL O'- _ L fj L�uD CODE-- -- FEE $ 9A SQL1$,4 �TGE T<'�.t.�ICs • ' !� CODE • FEE $ (6) 3 -20IDO GAL. (a) t - 49,0oO CrAL CODE_ ._• FEE $ C C, 2 -4 O O o CrAL . 1 DATE ISSUED: r / f 3 / 9 Z FEE AMOUNT $(4`05.0O CHECK NO. 37¢ ' VALID UNTIL: r_ A , EXEMPT: FDZ 4S'tF7/e tC I 3rb - 21 o O G ISSUED BY INSPECTOR: � � � I EMPLOYEE NO. ZZ% '. SOVTRrTANx & Ev�ONVIENTAL� INC. I CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL FEDERALXERTIFICATE # 56-1669416 9020 DATE 2/13/92 1 IAtlantic Environmental P.O. Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 TYPE OF TANK SIZE UST 4,000 gal. 64„ x 241 1 , , UST 4,000 gal. 64" x 24' LOCATION David Kru & Assoc. 7th & Caswell Charlotte NC CONTENT IN GAL. Le5g than 1% Less than 1% TANK ID# STDS--1136 SIDS-1137 ' Southern Tank & Environmental, Inc. certifies that the above mentioned tanks have been properly disposed of at 319 Lawyers Rd., Indian Trail, NC, and the contents and sludges processed in full compliance with Local. State and Federal regulations. Southern Tank & Environmental, Inc. Randy L. Williams 1 4600 Park Rd. • Suite 1000 • Charlotte, NC • 28209 SOVTHERrr T & E Arm rwnt1Uf4MZ TAL, hvC. CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL r - FEDERA XERTIFICATE # 56-1669418/9039 DATE 3 16 92 1 CONTRACTOR Atlantic Environmental P-0- Box 15130 Charlotte, NC 28211 'TYPE OF TANK SUE UST 3,000 9211on 641, x 18t UST 3,000 aa.11on .UST 3. nm em 11on UST 1.000 11on 64" x 18, 64" x 18o- STD LOCATION David Kru & Associates 7th & Caswell Charlotte, NC CONTENT IN GAL. Less than 1%_„ Less than 1M Less than_ 7 % 149than< 1% TANK ID# STDS-1181 SM -11R� STDS-1183 SIDS-1184 p Sithern Tank & Environmental, Inc. certifies that the above mentioned tanks have been properly disposed of at 319 Lawyers Rd., Indian Trail, NC, and the contents and sludges processed in full compliance with L#al, State and Federal regulations. Southern Tank & Environmental, Inc. Randy L. Williams 1 4600 Park Rd. • Suite 1000 - Charlotte, NC • 28209 NATIONWIDE TANK AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 7200 Killingdeer Ln. Charlotte, NC 28226 ( Phone: 704-542-3077 CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL S P O S A t L 1-1 I'CAn ' 363 GATE 3/30/92 Atlantic Environmental Services ' P. O. Box 15130 Charlotte, N. C. 28211 ' TpORTATION ICMZA= 1 i ' Tea or T"X fuel 1936 E. 7th Street ~ Charlotte, N. C. SIZZ CONTEl r IN GAL. TANNIC ID ; 10,000 gallon AES363A843 Nationwid e Tank Service certifies that the above mentioned tank have ' been properly disposed of and the contents and sludges processed in full compliance with the local, state, and federal regulations. Nationwide Tank Service, Inc. 1 1 YANIFKST 1AMES WASTE OIL SERVICE PART 1— TO BE COMPLETED BY 4ENERATOR E % axw ocam wweE« G /uuz it I ► � e 095TINATI I Jams. Nfaatt OY sarv" EIw IOENIfraKhr NLa 0 P.O.imsm Bot SMI ZIP 28225 F N C 0 0 1 S 1 6 1 3 17 0 beffftowummAcomm 210 Dalton A mus 1 704 ► =4W2 Char%M N.CL awsr>< deac�Pnoll roe cow w oar. Ma7/En sr�r+w �wrt I fa oEaCnrarlClr w cL,�3a ""-"r urns m m TT COMBUSTIBLE L.IOUID. NOS. NA IM COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID I k rr V&STE VASH WCER NON TT HEAVY EMULSIFIED OIL COMBUSTIBLE ALIQUID ISLE S 'let/, THIS IS TO CERTIFY Tka THE ABOVE NAMED MArEAIALS ARE PROPEAIY CLASSIFIEQ DESCRIBED. ANXAGEQ ' MARI(E AND ARE I R C+DNOf M FOR TRANSPOMMION ACWRDarD TO THE APPIJGIBLE RE{i TRANOMWWgN AND THE Eft PA — TO BE COMPLETED BY TRANSPORTER Jama oil Semite Acowm Ro. Sol Masi, Chsrlotta, Nc 2=5 . owe iwurw 7043324692 Eft IOEIrrFrXWN MUMBE« H R C D 04e. e 1 3 17 ; o This "animal Kam don in am "Y. replace on hasardo I rwrao. mmifmc which must be it re it a hard wA 'MD. °ae 01 S q /Xy PART IN — FINAL DESTINATION James Waste ON Service The virile cis are treated M a rM cuff a m sy"m and prCcaesed rMo a I" Pradtrct. The waSowsW O W0000lod thrpph a trembrwlrq syatarn and dixhMgad AD aIa IoW aanigry sswar. t MANIFEST++" JAMES WASTE OIL SERVICE PART t — TO BE COMPLETED BY GENERATOR pEprr<tGgiar WAINER .ur�aa G 1 I ss ol:srtNArlorr James Waste Oil SeNIM I EPAidErnsttAWN MAISER PO8�swi Zip28225 F N C D O I 1 4! t 7 7I0 210 Dalton AbwmA KIR WOW ( 70e I 332-OM Charaft NZ ware opaarnarr OM CI r. nl 1'r0OWT M I oar. Ppcpm 91GAw w w.a OESCPwno r 141 CLAM IA AMOUN► � U MM fw rn TT COMBUSTIBLE LIOUIQ NOS, NA 190 COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID TT NMSTE WASH WATER MON TT HEAVY EMULSIFIED OIL COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID ' THIS TO Rn TYiIT THE NAMED MATERIALS ARE PROPERLY CLMS AM DESCRIBED. PACKAGED. ' MAR AND ARE I PR PER CONDITION FOR TRANSPORvMN ACCORDING TO THE APPLICABLE I REG TH OF TAANVORUCION AND THE EPA. I PART — Iro BE COMPLETED BY TRANSPORTER T.warane■wWe 4a1es1w 1Swvla+ EPa ipsirnriartdr MAraEn Mom" P.O. Baas SWI. ChwrlotrA NC 29225 M N 0 0 0 4 11 t 6 1 3. 7! 0 r-00 Wi Kn 704 332-9692 The mandm ton dap not. in NV wy. POPUM t!M ftwmW undorm hazarddtd wants rnwft L whidt mug De um d tho transported wan is a hazardous wspa PART III — FINAL DTINA N James Waste Oil Service i The waste oiler we in a reclamalitln sperm end praawsed trtro a ItM1 OraQtw7. The ws o ow is proass"d awou9h ■ tgow wi syMam and dixhogad into the IOW sw"U" sear, I Sites' fX0G IeF5,0T'lC-5 Job No. Address: City: G, ,ec aTrt` F ._ County: .oiler. State: Zip PURPOSE RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Paee of The purpose of this form is to provide the information necessary to describe the site and surrounding vicinity in a report in terms of the environmental problem at hand, whether it be a tank pull, comprehensive site assessment, or some other purpose. The important thing to remember is that you are the eyes for somebody who may never have been to the site, and that yau— may very likely be responsible for describing the site to them in the report. Provide sufficient information to complete a descriptive narrative in a report without referring to this form. Complete all sections on this form; if some parts do not apply, then write "Does not apply" or "None". In addition, the form should should include (1) a site sketch map, (2) a topographic map showing the location of sensitive receptors in the area identified during this survey, (3) and back up data as needed. Photographs are generally used only to refresh your memory in Comprehensive Site Assessments, and are not included in the report. However, photographs are an integral part of Tank Closure Reports; be sure to include photographs of the tank(s) as well as the rest of the requested photos. PROPERTY BOUNDARY AND ADJACENT LAND USE SITE SKETCH * Draw a sketch of the site and adjacent r e . Indicate north with an arrow. Be sure to include dimensions, distance, and/or a map scale. The following information should ' be indicated on the sketch: - Scale _ Site property lines ' Building on site and adjacent properties - USTs, including pump island(s) and lines - Storm sewers ' Street Names - Water supply wells - Existing tank field observation wells Existing monitoring well(s) and soil borings - Utility vaults ' _ Downhill slope direction(s) Subway/Tunnel - Utility lines, buried and overhead ' - Concrete vs. Asphalt 1FIb6Et,,,A Sne T Vv Kewc. LJ 71� i� ,i i� i Y•i7 ' 1 j S � 7N,y��S �•� ®� r LD ot ILA LA QD J Ll � Site: Job No. 1 PICTURES RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of * All pictures should be clearly labeled as to location taken from, direction of view, and ' subject. * Take pictures of the property boundaries of the site. Start at any corner of the site. Take a picture from the corner while looking along a property line, then walk along the property line in the direction that the picture was taken. Walk to the next corner. Take a picture along the next property line. Proceed along property line while taking a picture at each change in direction. Continue taking pictures along property lines until you arrive at the starting point. * Take pictures of at least two areas of the site. One picture should generally cover the front of the site and the other picture should cover the rear of the site. * Take pictures of any utility vaults on the site. . • 6 * Topoamaphic ma-R. Include an 8 1/2 x 11 USGS topographic map section with the site centered on the map. Indicate location of site and any surrounding municipal or private water wells. The map should betaken to the site to perform -this survey. * Is the land surrounding the site relatively flat: Yes T No % If "No", then indicate downhill direction from site (may be more than one direction. N:____ N/E:_ E:— S/E:, S:_ S/W:_ W: (J N/W:_�_ * Stand over the underground storage tanks at the site and take one picture in the downhill direction. If the land surrounding the site is relatively flat, then this picture is not necessary. Site: _ Job No. WATER SUPPLY Describe the type of local water supply in the area. - Public - Suppliers' Name - a> - Source Distance and Direction from Site k1AT�T.-JEK- 2 50 le- - Private RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of If private list distance and direction to nearest available public source (you may have to contact the public water supply department. MONITOR WELLS * List the number of observation and monitoring wells, if any, on the site. Number 5 * Do any of the nearby sites have monitoring wells? If so, list the sites and the approximate number of monitoring wells. Site Number Site Number Site Number Site Number Site Number Site Number Site: _ Job No. BUMDINGS WITH BASEMENTS RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of * Drive the area within a 1500 foot radius of the site. Do any of the buildings within a 1500 foot radius of the site have basements? Yes, NoZ— If "Yes", then complete the following for the nearest three basements. - Type: Residence: _ Office Building: „ � Commercial: Other (Describe): Distance from Site (in feet): c 100 — 100-500 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 _ > 1500 Direction from Site: N: N/E: E: _ S/E: S: _ SM _ . W: — N/W: - Type: Residence: Office Building: _ Commercial: Other (Describe): Distance from Site (in feet): c 100 , 100-500 _ 500-1,000 _. 1,000-1500 _ > 1500 Direction from Site: N: _ N/E: _ E: _ S/E: _ S: — SM _ W: — N/W: - Type: Residence: _ Office Building: _ Commercial: Other (Describe): Distance from Site (in feet): c 100 — 100-500 _ 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500.. > 1500 Direction from Site: N: N/E: E: S/E: S: SM W: N/W: 1 ' Site: RECEPTOR SURVEY Job No. SHMID ENVIRONMENTAL Page of PRIVATE WATER WELLS * Is there a water well located on the retail site? Yes_ No_� * Drive the area within a 1500 foot radius of the site. Are there any other private water wells visible within a 1500 foot radius of the site: Yes _ No -1- 1 * If yes on any of the above questions, then complete the following information for the two closest wells. Private Water Wells (list actual distance from site to well if less than 500 feet.) - Distance from Site to Well (in feet): c 100 _.. 100-500 _ 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 _ > 1500 Direction from Site: - N: _ N/E: _ E: , S/E: S: — S/W: _ W: N/W: Distance between the closest Municipal Water Connection and Private Well (in feet): C 100 ___. 100-500 _ 500-1,000 — 1,000-1500 _ > 1500 ' - Screened Depth of Well: feet - Is the well being used: Yes _ No ___- Unknown Private Water Wells (list actual distance from site to well if less than 500 feet). Distance from Site to Well (in feet): C 100 100-500 , 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 ,. > 1500 Direction from Site: N: , N/E: _ E: _ S/E: _ S: _ S/W: W: _ N/W: Distance between the closest Municipal Water Connection and Private Well (in feet): ' C 100 100-500 — 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 > 1500 Screened Depth of Well: feet ' - Is the well being used: Yes , No Unknown Site: _ Job No. STORM SEWER OR DRAINAGE FEATURES 5v, �- Sl �� GN ��5 � L? pie �Lo D2�m o � i rZ RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of * Are there any storm sewer drains located on or adjacent to the site? Yes_ No -A- If "Yes", then indicate the location on the sketch of the site. Denote sewer locations with S. SURFACE BODY OF WATER * Is there a surface body of water located within a 1500 foot radius of the site? Yes— Now If "Yes", then indicate the location on the vicinity sketch map with "SBW" and complete the following information: Name: Type: Freshwater Saltwater Lake River Creed Pond Flood Control Ditch Closest Distance between Site and Water (in feet): c 100— 100-500 500-1,OOQ 1,000-1500 > 1500 Direction From Site to Water: N:— N/E:_ E:— S/E:_ S:_ S/W:, W:_ N/W:— Is it topographically down hill from the site? Yes— No Repeat this entire section as needed for additional bodies of water. ture * If there is a surface body of water that is visible from the site, then stand on the site and take a picture of the body of water. Site: Job No. UTILTTY VAULTS RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of * Are there any utility vaults located on or adjacent to the site? Yes_ No If "Yes", then complete the following information (for each vault). Vault #1 Type of Vault: Electric:_ Telephone:_ Gas:Water:_ Unknown: Near Which Property Boundary: N:— N/E:_ E:_„_ S/E:_ S:_ S/W:— W:, N/W:_ Depth of Vault: Feet Unknown:_ ff-M-WI-X - Type of Vault: Electric:_ Telephone:_ Gas:— Water:_ Unknown: Near Which Property Boundary: N:— N/E:_ E:— S/E:_ S:— S/W:_ W:_ N/W:_ Depth of Vault: Feet Unknown: Vault #3 - Type of Vault: Electric:, Telephone:_ Gas:., Water:_ Unknown:, Near Which Property Boundary: N:_ N/E:— E:^ S/E:_ S:_ S/W:, W:_ N/W:_ Depth of Vault: Feet Unknown: Recopy this information and provide the information for each additional vault as needed. Site: _ Job No. MUNICIPAL WATER WELLS RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of * Is there a municipal water well at the listed location? Yes _ No * Drive the area within a 1500 foot radius of the site. Are there any other obvious municipal water wells within a 1500 foot radius of the site? Yes , No * Complete the following information for each Municipal Well within a 1500 foot radius of the site. Municipal Water Well - Distance from Site (in feet): c 100 — 100-500 _ 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 - Direction from Site: N: _ N/E: _ E: _. S/E: — S: — S/W: W: — N/W: - Screened Depth of Well: Feet Municipal Water Well - Distance from Site (in feet): c 100 _ 100-500 _ 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 - Direction from Site: N: N/E: E: S/E: S: S/W: W: N/W: Screened Depth of Well: Feet > 1500 �T1 You may need to call the local public works department to obtain information regarding well screens and depths. Repeat this section as necessary for each additional well. 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Site: Job No. SUBWAY/TUNNEL RECEPTOR SURVEY SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL Page of * Is there a subsurface mass transit system or any kind of tunnel located within a 1500 foot radius of the site? Yes No Z_ If "Yes", then complete the following information. Name: Minimum Distance between Site and Subway/Tunnel (in feet): C 100 100-500 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 _ > 1500 Direction from Site to Subway/Tunnel: N: _ N/E: _ E: _ S/E: _ S: _ S/W: _ W: — N/W: Name: Minimum Distance between Site and Subway/Tunnel (in feet): C 100 _ 100-500 — 500-1,000 _ 1,000-1500 _ > 1500 Direction from Site to Subway/Tunnel: N: _ N/E: _ E: _ S/E: S: S/W: W: _ N/W: Information Provided By: / Name Date 3 /�%✓ `� 3 ' Table I Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) ' Site Characteristics Evaluation (Step 1) ' Charaote�ig xs c2nditioa toting ' Grain Size' Gravel 150 Sand 100:::.<:Sa- ... ,�=Iay - - - 0 I ' Total Site Characteristics Score: ;2 o Predominant grain size based on Unified Soil Classification System or U.S. Dept of Agriculture's Soil Classification Method. (> 10 ppm TPFH by Method 5030: a40 ppm TPFH by Method 3550: >250 ppm 0&G by Method 9071) 311003 16 Table 2 Site Sensitivity Evaluation (SSE) Initial Cleanup Level Final Cleanup Level (Step 2) (Step 3) EPA Method-, 5030- Ballih •'PoEat-Hyd±oc;a1ti X' as6hbI"""" e.;`Aviation ... ...... . 2-4: uel FIZLRI Cleanup Total Site Initial Cleanup Category A & 3 Level Characteristics Level TPFH (ppm) (Multiply initial I x - =-ppm Score cleanup level by 1) >150 :910 Category C & D 121-150 20 Select (Multiply initial 2 x - a- ppm 91-120 40 Site cleanup level by 2) 61-90 60 Category- ate 511 31-fa m Ow- it i0p I R�n initial a 1 .3 x /m 300 ppm (E30D 00 cleanup level by 2) 04�qrpb' hw;..HY" C roic suc A es Osi6 Cleanup Total Site rasitial Cleanup Level Cbwacterisacs Level TPFH (ppm) Category A & B Score (Multiply initial I x mk— ppm cleanup level by 1) >150 140 Sekct Category C & D 121-150 80 Site (Multiply initial 2 X m— ppm 19 L__U_O 160 Category- cleanup level by 2) 240 Pon- Category E 320 (Multiply initial 3 x pprn cleanup level by 3) 9 G ma 5 --- #ff; motor 0 Cleanup Total Site Tin;t4ml Cleanup Category A & B Level Characteristics Level 0&0 (Ppm), (Multiply initial I x _ pprn Score cleanup level by 1) >150 S250 select Category C & 1) 121-150 400 Site (Multiply initial 2 x — ppm 91-120 550 Category' c)c=up level by 2) 61-90 700 category E 31- (Multiply initial 3 x Am =-300.ppm 0-3 1000 cleanup level by 21 ;See Site Category Descriptions. Table 3 /10/93 17 ' PETROLEUM TESTING SERVICES, INC. PETROLEUM TESTING SERVICES, INC. IPTSI) CHARLOTTE OFFICE RALEIGH OFFICE Carolina Business Center P.O. Box 13505 28Q 1-85 South, Suite H MONITO WELL GAUGE REPORT Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 ' Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Project Name/Location:���'_ G-o77">c NG �& _ r Address 3� city Project Manager: 'V ,101� #: � �,•,•,,, �,�" 1 n $ / -Ai1 C 1 1 Date: ° Time: Signed: WELL NO. Tae. X94DI es DEPTH TO PRODUCT DEPTH TO WATER PRODUCT THICK REMARKS �re T-�G RED aft Wr f 6.71 10.g5 M w- 2-�.03 �- /3.7� �01.56 ?- 83 Al w- 3 3. S-3 16. oo 816• 07 33 i EMIt�. f 5M . 7, to 0 i s7' 5,41 rNG A dSC.D / AR. Nt w - w- 1Gme. -j pJZ"� �M R+~�PIIK 1►f�/lIS r+rw `�7/vrrrL/Vt�/ Recovery Tank Reading g Inches of Liquid: Ma nahelic: Water Meter. Inches of Water: Electric: Flow Rate: Gallons of Product: LEL: Tank Size: TOTAL VOLUME BAILED: ' PETROLEUM TESTING SERVICES, INC. TAdmllkk, PETROLEUM TESTING SERVICES, INC. CHARLOTTE OFFICE G RALEIGH OFFICE Carolina Business Center P.Q. Box 13505 '28M 1-85 South, Suite H MOMOR-WELL GAUGE REPORT Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Project Name/Location: c;._ __ 'ST Address City Project Manager: `� Job #: fz oo / Date: `� !✓:�!i ,q,� Time: - T rA- - _ Signed: C 1 1 F WELL NO. D ' �'' DEPTH TO PRODUCT DEPTH TO WATER PRODUCT REMARKS Nb 4zo Alt, m 1/v 4. l5 VE►� • .S Za. 5 Recovery Tank Reading Inches of Liquid: Ma9 nahelic: Water Meter: Inches of Water: Electric: Flow Rate: Gallons of Product: LEL- Tank Size: TOTAL VOLUME BAILED: NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, TN AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT • . RQUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX Tr687 - RALEIGH. NC 271t11.76a7 ' PHONE (919)7j3-=1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR Shield Environmental Associates DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMSER 1021 1_ WELL LOCATION: (Shaw sketch at the !ocation below) MW-1 Nearest Town: arlotte Ng, 7t:h & Caswell (Road. Community. or SutiClvislon and Lot No.) �- OWNER Mr. Krug ADDRESS 7th & Caswell CStreet or Route No. ' Charlotte NC City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 2/9/93 USE OF WELL Monitoring �TOTAL DEPTH 20' CUTTINGS CCLLEC T ED ® Yes ❑ No . DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes iI No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: 12 FT. above TOP OF CASING. i below TOP OF CASING IS • 25 FT. A50VE LAND SURFACE YIELD '.gpm): - _ Nam„ _ METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES Cdepth): N/A 9_ CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From , 10' To • 225 Ft. 261 SCH 40 PVC ' From To Ft. From Ta Ft. 11. GROUT: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Cade Header Ent. GW-t Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: County: Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 4-6' Ti ht Red/Brown CLAY 9-11 Red Tan Mottled CLAY 14-16' Red/Tan Mottled CLAY Moist 19-21' Wet Red/Tan/Brown CLAY No Petroleum Odors . If additional space is needed use back of form. ' 8 , Depth 111 Material Method am To 6 Ft 3/8"Bent. Pellets Fro 6 To up Ft. Grout(Portland & Sacrete) SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material 20 From To LO Ft. 2" .01. PVC in.In. ' From To_ Ft. in in. From Ta Ft. in. in. �. GRAVEL PACK: LOCATION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) T+h Depth Size Material From 24 To 8 Ft. type 3 Sand ' From -To- Ft. 14. REMARKS: W-1 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CO RUCTED IN C RDANCE WITH IS NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD A BEEN PR v THE WELL OWNER. Z-T �� 3 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE �W-1 REVISFD 2190 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT. F 1i ANO NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT -—e4OUNOWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27ti87. RALEIGH, NC 2MI1.7587 PHONE (9191771-=l WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR Shield Environmental Associates DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1021 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No. Lat. Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: ,I* WELL LOCATION: (Show Sketcn of the location below) 14W-2 Nearest Town: Charlotte, NC, 7th & Caswell County. (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lat No.) �. OWNER ADDRESS 7th & Caswell CStreet or Route yq. ' Charlotte NC City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 2/10/93 USE OF WELL Monitoring TOTAL DEPTH 241 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ® Yes ❑ No _ DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ® No S. STATIC WATER LEVEL: FT. G above TOP OF CASING. ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS *25 FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST WATER ZONES (depth): s 9. CHLORINATION: Type N/A Amount ,0. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 9� To .25 Ft. 2" SCH 40 PVC I From To Ft. From TO Ft. 11. GROUT_ ' Depth Material Method From 7� Toil Ft Ra"t9nite 3/$" P 1 t Depth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Oescriptlon 4-6'Red/Tan-Hottled CLAY Petroleum Odor 9-11' Red Tan Mottled CLAY .� s lithic fravmpnt'a petroleum o r 14-16' Tan/Lt. Brown CLAY Moist- odor petroleum 19-21' Light tan wet CLAY slight odor petroleum It additional space is needed use back of form. l QQATION SKETH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads. or other map reference points) r7 From 5To up Ft. Sacrete ' ,? SCREEN: Depth 24 9 Diameter Slot Size Material 21' From To Ft. in. -1 in. PVC From To Kt in. in. From To 3. GRAVEL PACK: Ft. in. in. Depth Size Material W2 ' From 25 To From To 7 Ft. Ft. type 3 Sand 14. REMARKS: MW-2 I1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCWPR DANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD EEN THEW LL OWNER. Z �l3 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE 13W-i REVISED 2/90 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, I- H AND NATURAL RESOURCES ONISION of ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT -...,.OUNDWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27687 - RALEIGH, NC 27511-7697 ' PHONE (919)7x3-3M WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR __ .Shield Envirgnment•al,Aesbciates DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1021 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad. No. Serial No- Lat. Long. Pt: Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. OW-1 Ent. STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NUMBER: 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketc l of the !ocation below)MW-3 1 Nearest Town: Charlotte NC 7th & Caswell County: (Road. Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 12. OWNER Mr. Krua ADCRESS 7th & Caswell Charlotte (Street or Ro11tItCNO. ICity or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLED 2/10/93 USE OF WELL Monitoring ,a. TOTAL DEPTH 24' CUTTINGS COLLECTED ® Yes ❑ No 5. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes ❑ No S. STATIC WATER LEVEL. FT. G above TOP OF CASING. ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE. T. YIELD (gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth): P9. CHLORINATION: Type NIA Amount �0. CASING: Wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 9 To - 25 Ft. 2" PVC SCH 40 From To Ft. From To Ft. Oedth DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description 5' Red Brown CLAY slight petroleum odor 10' _ Orange/Tan CLAY strong petroleum odor OVA= 239 ppm petroleum odor 20' Golden Tan CLAY Moist If additional space is needed use back of form. .LQUTION SKETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads or other map reference points) 11_ GROUT. Depth Material Method From 7 To 5 Ft. Bentonite 3/8" Pellets From 5 To up Ft. Sadrete �2. SCREEN: Death Diameter Slot Size Material From 24 Tom -Ft._ 'tin. .I in. From To Ft in in. From To Ft. in. in. 3. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From To Ft. From 24 To 7 Ft. type „a Sand 4. REMARKS. Mw-3 ' 1 00 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONST CTED IN jC RDANCE WITH 15 NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD H B4 PRO 1 THE WELL OWNER. q3 SIGNATURE OF C N RACTOR OR- AGENT DATE 'Gw-I REVISED 2190 Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. ' NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, h H ANO NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- UAOUNOWATER SECTION P.O. BOX 27687 - RALEIGH. NC 2"11-TW7 PHONE (919)7x3-=1 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 1 DRILLING CONTRACTOR Shield Environmental Associates FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Quad No. Serial No. Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Code Header Ent. GW-t Ent. ELL DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER 1021 PER TE NUMBCEORNSTRUCTION 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketc t of the !ocation below) MW-4 Nearest Town: Charlotte NC, 7th & Caswell County. Depth DRILLING LOG (Road. Community. or Subdivision and Lot No.) �. OWNER Mr. Krug ADDRESS 7th & Caswell LStrset or Route No. 'Charl te City or Town State Zip Code 3. DATE DRILLCD 2110/93 USE OF WELL Monitoring TOTAL DEPTH 199 CUTTINGS COLLECTED ❑ Yes ❑ No . DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? ❑ Yes [R No 6. STATIC WATER LEVEL: FT. G above TOP OF CASING. ❑ below TOP OF CASING IS FT. ABOVE LAND SURFACE - YIELD :gpm): N/A METHOD OF TEST 8. WATER ZONES (depth): N/A 1. CHLORINATION: . Type N/A T.. Amount �0- CASING: wall Thickness Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material From 9 To • 25 Ft, 211 SCH 40 PVC ' From To Ft. From -To-Ft.- I. GROUT. ' Depth Material Method From 7 To 5 Ft. Bentonite 3/8" Pellets From ____5___ To u_ Ft. Sacrete - - 12. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 19 To 9 Ft. 2" in. .1 in. PVC From To Ft. in in. From To Ft. in. in. GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material From 19 To 7 Ft. type 3 Sand From To Ft. 4- REMARKS. NW-4 From To Formation Description 41 Red/Brown tight CLAY No petroleum odors 91 Brown/Tan CLAY Moist- no petroleum odor 14, ,.-Moist Ian/Brown r.T.AV 191 Wet Tan CLAY If additional space is needed use back of form. LOCATION St ETCH (Show direction and distance from at least two State Roads, or other map reference points) Q a 7q'40m house - I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS Cr IN A ANCE WITH IS NCAC 2C. WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD S EEN PRO V THE WELL OWNER Z 3 SIt;NATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE F W-1 REVISED 2l9p Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. ' North Carolina - Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-3221 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD 'DRILLING CONTRACTOR: DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: STATE WELL CONSTRUCTION 1361 . _ PERMIT NUMBER: ' 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town:Char 1 otte. NC County: '7th & Caswell 2. 1-1 1 (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) OWNER ADDRESS 7th & 6swell (Street or Route No.) Charlotte City or Town State Tap Code 3. DATE DRILLED _C,-1--94 USE OF WELL 4. TOTAL DEPTH 9 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YES® NO❑ 6. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ® NO[—] 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: NA FT. (Use "+" if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 0 FT. Above Land Surface" Casing Terminated at/or below land surface Is Illegal unless a variance Is Issued In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0118 9. YIELD (gpm): NA METHOD OF TEST NA 10. WATER ZONES (depth): n?--- _. 1 11. CHLORINATION 12. CASING: Type NA DEPTH DRILLING LOG From To Formation Description Amount NA If additional space is needed use back of form ' Wall Thickness LOCATION SKETCH Depth Diameter or WeightiFt. Material (Show direction and distance from at least two State From - 0 To - 86 Ft. 6 ----- A t A A 1 Roads, or other map reference points) ' From 0 To 8 8 Ft. 2" _HCH 4 0 P V C From TO Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth From 0 To 8 33 From 83 To 8 5 14. SCREEN: Depth From 8 8 To 9 3 Ft From To Ft. From To Ft. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth From 85 To 9 3 From To 16. REMARKS: VEw-2 Material .Ft. Portland .Ft.Bentonite Diameter Slot Size 2 in. Q. _-0 1 in. in. in. in, in. Method T7: enmie Pour Material _PVC SCH 40 Size Material Ft. #2 Sand Ft. I DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 15A NCAC 2C, WELL ' CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. IGW-1 REV.9/91 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR OR AGENT DATE Submit original to Division of Environmental Management and copy to well owner. 'SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. CHARLOTTE OFFICE Carolina Business Center 28481-85 South, Suite H ' Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 10oject Name/Location: ru Project Manager: ada SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. RALEIGH OFFICE P.O. BOX 13505 MONITOR WELL GAUGE REPORT Research Triangle Park. North Carolina 27709 Address Job #:�3 00 /�Lty _ -..,., ' -3 Date:-`p _Time: Signed: rr'D+t3DEPTH DEPTH WELL NO. .� TO TO PR1'OHICK REMARKS Dtp+h PRODUCT WATER u) .:'" �S .• OC7 �� S6 s oa�o-tom / •V" a -7 J Aae/ eJ ;6 d .G� a 1 Gil - / 9 7 • �v 6 a...� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Recovery Tank Reading Ma nahelic: Water Meter: Inchesof Liquid: g nches of Water: Electric: Flow Rate: ' Gallons of Product: LEL: Tank Size: TOTAL VOLUME BAILED: SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. CHARLOTTE OFFICE Carolina Business Center teas 1-85 South, Suite H MONITOR WELL GAUGE REPORT Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 c ,oject Name/Location: Project Manager: iG 0 ' 39� Date: Time: f] 1 u r, i Slaned: SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. RALEIGH OFFICE P.O. BOX 13505 Research Triangle Park, Notch Carolina 27709 WELL NO. T'o+ A) De p-t k DEPTH TO PRODUCT DEPTH TO WATER PRODUCT THICK REMARKS w a mw- l ) ( Recovery Tank Reading 9 Inches of Liquid: Ma nahelic: Water Meter: Inches of Water: Electric: Flow Rate: Gallons of Product: LEL: Tank Size: TOTAL VOLUME BAILED: 7 HIELd,ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. SHIELD ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. HARLoTTE OFFICE RALEIGH OFFICE Carolina Business Center P.O. BOX 13505 M 1-85 South, Suite H MONITOR WELL GAUGE REPORT Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Ifhariotte, North Carolina 28208 Project Name/ Location: _(2AI �' �D l fry raject Manager: "" r / Address __ Job #: Date: 'f110; Time: 3.36 Signed: AXA, WELL NO. DEPTH TO PRODUCT DEPTH TO WATER PRODUCT THICK REMARKS Mw-2 �A,J i �i 1 1 1 1 1 Recovery Tank Reading g Inches of Liquid: Ma nahelic: Water Meter: � I Inches of Water: Electric: Flow Rate: Gallons of Product: LEL: rI r. Tank Size: TOTAL VOLUME BAILED:` Lab Report NC WW Cert. #t402 NC DW Cert. #t37735 SC Lab ID 42002-Organics Certification SC WW Cert. #t99012 November 8, 1993 Shield Environmental ' Attn: Burt Brown 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, NC 28208 PO*:42454 Project:Krug Prop. -1 Dear Mr. Brown: RISM ORATORIES, INC. fir.+ Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on October 25, 1993% Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394-6968 LAB I.D. AA17671 Prism ID Humber 3091A2 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 10/22/93 Collection Time: 09:00 Submittal Date: 10/25/93 Submittal Time: 09:35 Customer Sample I.D*: TW-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT -----------r-r done CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg c 1.0 1.0 PREP. METHOD 3550 done TPH - DIESEL RANGE mg/kg < 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments: Project: Krug Properties P.O.#: 42454 ' Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (70:) 526-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.Q. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office ' Lab Report r, ' Shield Environmental Page: 2 November 8, 1993 :SM RIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory [tanager Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 52543409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report 0 NC WW Cert. #402 HC DW Cert. #37735 SC Lab ID 42002-Organics Certification SC WW Cert. #99012 November 8, 1993 Shield Environmental Attn: Burt Brown 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, NC 28208 PO#:42454 Project: Krug Prop. Dear Mr. Brown: ISM tl" -qqqklil l .0ToRIES. INC. Ivi:. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on October 25. 1993: Customer Code: SHIELD. Phone Humbert (704)394-6913/fax(704)394--6968 LAB I.D. AA17672 Prism ID Number 3091A2 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 10/22/93 Collection Time: 12:00 Submittal Date: 10/25/93 Submittal Time: 09:35 Customer Sample I.D#: VEW-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT --_------------------------- done CALCULATIONS BASED ON DRY WEIGHT done TPH - GASOLINE RANGE mg/kg c 1.0 1.0 PREP. METHOD 3550 done TPH - DIESEL RANGE mg/kg c 10 10 Comments: -- r---- Project: Krug Properties P.O. * : 42454 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.Q. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (y04 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office ' Lab Report ' Shield Environmental Page: 2 November 8, 1993 fi li 11 1 ISM ORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, /J -1 Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager ' Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte. NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529.6364 Fax: (70A1525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report �'...ORIES, INC. ' Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 525-0409 STATEr1Mr4 OF DATA QUAL=F=CAT=ONS on Analyses Performed by Prism Laboratories, Inc. Client: Laboratory Group ID No.: 3a 9 14 Z All analyses have beeni validated and comply with our Quality Control Program. No qualifications required. The following analyses have been qualified for the reasons cited. Sample No.(s): Parameter: *Reason: Explanation: Sample No.(s): Parameter: *Reason: _ Explanation: *REASON: I. Sample integrity suspect upon receipt. (Explain) Z. Analysis performed beyond EPA established maximum allowable holding time. 3. Detection limit elevated due to matrix interference. 4. Laboratory control sample value outside established acceptable limits. 5. Matrix spike sample value outside established acceptable limits. ' 6. Duplicate analysis value outside established acceptable limits. ' 7. Surrogate/internal standard recoveries outside established acceptable limits. 8. Data point suspect due to potential laboratory contamination. (Explain) ' 9. Coelutes with the compound cited. Result may represent a combination of both compounds. ' 10. Other (Explain). NOTE: This document is included as part of the Analytical Laboratory Report for the above referenced Laboratory ID No. and must be retained as a permanent record thereof. ' PAYMENT TERMS: NET 10 DAYS A 1.5% Interest Rats will be charoW on account brl.nan over 30 Days old. We reserve the right to withhold lad test results on delinquent accounts war do days ' All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, 5C 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 .4m Y 3 " 3 a C .2 Y i L6 3 _ t C � u t� a M � a a d a c� ul a� a p N ti nJ -PC t4 G 4 p V u } z� 45 Q i o a x Lah Report HC Certification No. 402 SC Certification No. 99012 HC Drink. Water Certification No. June 3, 1994 Shield Environmental L"'� Attn: M. McCormack 4r 2848 I-�85 South, Suite H Charlotte, HC 28208 Proj: Krug Properties N, Dear Mr. McCormack: 37735 Analytical & Environmental Solutions MV JUN 6 1994 Belov are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on June 1. 1994: Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394-6968 LAB I.D. AA21275 Prism ID Number 4399A1 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 06/01/94 Collection Time: 14:30 Submittal Date: 06/01/94 Submittal Time: 15:00 =^ Customer Sample I. D* t VEW-2-90 • ------------------------------------------------------------------------ :` TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: HALOGENATED VOLATILES BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Hot Det 4 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 4 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 4 „ CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det e CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 4 =`- CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 1, 2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Dot 8 1,3-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Hot Det 8 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 8 - DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 1.1-DICHLOROETHAHE ug/L Not Dot 4 ' 1, 2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Dot 4 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Hot Det 4 ' 1,2-DICHLOROPROPAHE ug/L Not Det 4 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 4 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 4 EDB ug/L Not Det 4 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Dot 40 449 Springbrook Road &. P.O. Box 240543 &. Charlorm, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 &. Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 � Fax: 704/525-0409 t Lab Report Shield Environmental Page: 2. June 3, 1994 M-- Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HALOGENATED VOLATILES (continued)t 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Hot Dot 4 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not. Det 4 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Dot 4 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 4 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 4 Multicomponent analysis: AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS - BENZENE ug/L ,..- Not Det 4 ETHYLBENZENE ug/L Not Det 4 IPE ug/L Not Det 4 MTBE ug/L Not Det 4 TOLUENE ug/L Not Det 4 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 12 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Comments : Project Name: Krug Properties Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager ,r 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 w Charlotte, NC 28224-0545 Phone: 704/529-6364 &. Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 a. Fax: 704/525-0409 1.�L It N � C N O O NND L4 � � w C / �o N 1p C N ti C � Qw Qn 1 1 I < 0 _ J Y vT V � m Ci E1 GC m O! C � Q m d 4 F y C O � 7 C w �s t� LL 13 a 1a I gi H y O (/1 Y W Q 9 o W L X fA W _JJ Q �O 7 H u' W H W H Q 0. � N I Q W x a 8 x \` J aUA �I l UJ m a l W W H X O W y UA C 7 � Y K 3 2 N JQ f,J 3 _� U W W ~ `yl h C7 4� o C a W N I W C CJ ku a �J m m 31' m m m m LL - Q m m W a cocm EM CD C O i% 1 Lab Report HC WW Cert. #402 NC DW Cert. #37735 SC Lab ID 42002-Organics Certification SC WW Cert. #99012 November 23, 1993 Shield Environmental Attn: Mr. Burt Brown 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, NC 28208 Project: Krug Prop. Dear Mr. Brown: ISM TORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions DEC 1993 �YliltA Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on October 28, 1993: Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394-6968 �- LAB I.D. AA17722 Prism ID Number 3120A1 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 10/28/93 Collection Time: 13:20 Submittal Date: 10/28/93 Submittal Time: 13:55 ' Customer SampleI_----- - --- -.-------------------------------------------- TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT -----------_.._....-------------------.._----------------------------------- done Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 601 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHAHE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLOURO-METHANE ug/L Not Det 1 ' 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L ug/L Not Not Det 1 Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHAHE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHAHE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Hot Det 1 1, 2-DICHLOROETHAHE ug/L 98 1 ' TRICHLOROETHEHE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMODICHLOROMETHAHE ug/L Not Det 1 ' TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPEHE ug/L 4 1 CIS-1, 3--DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2--TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 ' TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Hot Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHAHE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240643 Charlotte. NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway. P.O. Box 137. Inman. SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report Shield Environmental Page: 2 November 23, 1993 PRISM -= IWATORIES, INC. METHOD 601 (continued): Full Se 9 e Analytical & Envil nmental Solution, ug/L CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Dot 1 1,3,-DICHLOROHENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Dot 1 1,2-DICHLOROHENZENE ug/L Not Dot 1 ' Multicomponent analysis: METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER METHOD 602 ug/L 4 1 ISOPROPYL ETHER ug/L 110 10 BENZENE ug/L 760 10 ' TOLUENE ug/L 90 10 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L 70 10 KYLENES ug/L 430 30 Comments: Project Krug Properties Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager tMain Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.D. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.Q. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office ' Lab Report .. 7 ism Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road BORATORIES, INC. P.O. Box 240543 y- Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 ' Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Fax: (704) 525-0409 STATEMENT O F DATA QUAILI F I CAT 2 ONS on Analyses Performed by Prism Laboratories, Inc. 1 Client: Shiald Laboratory Group ID No.: 3120 ' All analyses have been validated and comply with our Quality Control Program. No qualifications required. ' The following analyses have been qualified for the reasons cited. Sample No.(s): Parameter: *Reason: Explanation: r Sample No.(s): Explanation: Parameter: *Reason: *REASON: 1. Sample integrity suspect upon receipt. (Explain) ' 2. Analysis performed beyond EPA established maximum allowable holding time. 3. Detection limit elevated due to matrix interference. 4. Laboratory control sample value outside established acceptable limits. 5. Matrix spike sample value outside established acceptable limits. ' 6. Duplicate analysis value outside established acceptable limits. ' 7. Surrogate/internal standard recoveries outside established acceptable limits. 8. Data point suspect due to potential laboratory contamination. (Explain) 9. Coelutes with the compound cited. Result may represent a combination of both compounds. 10. Other (Explain) - NOTE: This document is included as part of the Analytical Laboratory Report for the above referenced Laboratory ID No. and must be retained as a permanent record thereof. ' PAYMENT TERMS: NET 10 DAYS A 1.5% Interest Rate will be charged on account balances over 30 0"s old. we reserve the "ant to withhold tab test results on delinquent accounts over W days. ' All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 �i i>� :+� �• � �.• r.4+rr_s ��.: � 1..� . S.�.t� • : '�s:. ���� Q•Ql cf�� •��Jl: j•{��'�.i.i� �1- p.-� ..�.,�x.ru�.ilo�Y•.� ¢'G1�� L. r f■ r �1■ ■f /f L�IPa�' c+'1 r O Glg1N N p0000rn�., u c N � � N Cr,.,y � 1UcvcnVn !. •.lrr.rray 7 1 Iliri >V1 •Mf rl��k! R.VgjoYU rn p►H"MIJ-0►w•.►►1&!•!•l. J►r�br c oz�Eo�� CA sO 19 1 p N�� .2 �s Cc er � 1 F 0 u " y c p Li 1 � E 1 ,f� _Y V 1 u F+ V Q 0y N a � N I Lab Report .ISM tATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions HC WW Cart. 9402 HC DW Cart. #t37735 SC Lab ID 42002-Organics Certification ' SC WW Cart. 099012 I November 3, 1993 ' Shield Environmental Attn: Burt Brown 2848 I-85 South, Suite H ' Charlotte, NC 28208 PO#b:42454 Project:Krug Prop Dear Mr. Brown: ' Below are results of analysis of the sample received for examination on October 22, 1993: ' Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Humber: (704)394-6913/tax(704)394-6968 LAB I.D. AA17639 Prism ID Number 3078A1 Prism Customer Number 6935 1 1 1 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O- Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: (704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Collection Date: 10/ Submittal Date: 10/2 Lab Report _- -PRISM y` ORATORIES, INC. ' Shield Environmental Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Page: 2 November 3, 1993 1 _ METHOD 601 (continued): ' EDB ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOFORN ug/L Not Det 1 ' 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,3,-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 602 METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 ISOPROPYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 TOLUENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ' XYLENES-__-_ug/L. -_--Not-Det2 ' Comments: ' Immediate Rushi P.O.*: 42454 Project: Krug Properties 1 1 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, ' Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager ' Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax: 104) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office Lab Report 1 RISMMain Office: 449 Springbrook Road BORATORIES, INC. P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions Fax: (704) 525-0409 STATEMEN'"r OF DATA QUAL I F = CAT -TONS ll jj on Analyses Performed by Prism Laboratories, Inc. Client: �/ll�l� Laboratory Group III No.: 3o- Ml All analyses have been validated and comply with our Quality Control Program. No qualifications required. ' The following analyses have been qualified for the reasons cited. Sample No.(s): Explanation: Parameter: *Reason: Sample No.(s): Parameter: *Reason: Explanation: *REASON: 1. Sample integrity suspect upon receipt. (Explain) ' 2. Analysis performed beyond EPA established maximum allowable holding time. 3. Detection limit elevated due to matrix interference. ' 4. Laboratory control sample value outside established acceptable limits. 5. Matrix spike sample value outside established acceptable limits. ' 6. Duplicate analysis value outside established acceptable limits. 7. Surrogate/internal standard recoveries outside established acceptable limits. 8. Data point suspect due to potential laboratory contamination. (Explain) 9. Coelutes with the compound cited. Result may represent a combination of both compounds. 10. Other (Explain). NOTE: This document is included as part of the Analytical Laboratory Report for the above referenced Laboratory ID No. and must be retained as a permanent record thereof. ' PAYMENT TERMS: NET 10 DAYS A 1.57E Interest Rath will be chalgad on account balances oral 30 Days old. We rss@"O the right to withhold tab toot results on delinquent accounts over EO days. ' All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137. Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 t" m I.Y.i N W) e�e�� m ,n•, Q00QC O\v1 UI 1 t] CV N 1 V/ d ..N ^ r^ U O ., 22 '" ` 0 1 OaV`0 n $ I � Q G C a a 0.� u u 3a L � ' a C Q ^I Q9 v/ t: O U $ •� u w M 4 N L u e •E u O' �+ 4Q� 3 J p 3 Q U L.E_ L�_ oil • Y V A � H ��{ Y F. VJ V •1 8 � c ~ ` � 3 0 p a, � t c t U Y 4 J e � F x Y M 0. 8 O O W A U � 'U � A � -gag E t C p� A rC I r u E M ' ' BORATORIES, INC. iLiuLo 1 1-�d%111 a Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions, Fax: (704) 525-0409 ' STATEMENT F DATA QUAL = F 2 GAT = ONS C1 i ent : Laboratory Group 1D No.: All analyses have been validated and comply with our Quality Control Program. ' No qualifications required. The following analyses have been qualified for the reasons cited. ' Sample No.(s): Explanation:_ 1 Sample No.(s): Explanation: Parameter: Parameter: *Reason: *Reason: 1 *REASON: ' 1. Sample integrity suspect upon receipt. (plain) 2. Analysis performed beyond EPA established maximum allowable holding time. ,3. Detection limit elevated due to matrix interference. 4. Laboratory control sample value outside established acceptable limits. ' 5. Matrix spike sample value outside established acceptable limits. 6. Duplicate analysis value outside established acceptable limits. 17. Surrogate/internal standard recoveries outside established acceptable limits. 18. Data point suspect due to potential laboratory contamination. (Explain) 9. Coelutes with the compound cited. Result may represent a combination of both compounds. 110. Other (Explain) . NOTE: This document is included as part of the Analytical Laboratory Report for the above ,referenced Laboratory ID No. and must be retained as a permanent record thereof. ' PAYMENT TERMS: NET 10 DAYS A 1.5% Intereel Rate will be charged on account balances over 30 Days old. We reserve the right to withhold lab test results on delinquent accounts over 6o days. ' All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P,O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 March 31, 1993 Shield Environmental Attn: Mr. Tom Bolyard 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, MC 28208 PO#:930014 Proj.Name: Krug Dear Mr. Bolyard: Below are results of analysis of 1 on March 11, 1993: 1 Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions sample received for examination Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394-6968 LAB I.D. AA14757 Prism ID Number 210OA4 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 03/11/93 Collection Time: 14:45 Submittal Date: 03/11/93 Submittal Time: 14:06 Customer Sample I.D#: MW-1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETERRESULT LIMIT ------- Multicomponent analysis: -METHOD 601 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLOURO-METHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L 6 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 60 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 10'2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L 4 1 BTCIMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DTCHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOP.OPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L 1 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax:(704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472.5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office 1 - t Shield Environmental Page: 2 March 31, 1993 1 ism ATORIES, INC. tire;: � QR . - Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions METHOD 601 (continued): ' BROMOFORM 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L ug/L Not Not Det Det 1 1 1, 3,-DICHLOROHENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 l,4-DICHLOR0$ENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ' 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 602 METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER ug/L 2 1 ' ISOPROPYL ETHER ug/L 45 1 BENZENE ug/L 65 1 ' TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE ug/L ug/L 31 51 1 1 XYLENES ug/L 161 3 ' ----_-..____________________________________ Comments: _____________---_--- Project Name: Krug Project Number: 930014 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respectfully submitted, a16 0�� Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager s I I Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529.6364 Fax:(704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office I March 31, 1993 ' Shield Environmental Attn: Mr. Tom Bolyard 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, NC 28208 PO#:930014 Proj.Name: Krug Dear Mr. Bolyard: Below are results of analysis of 1 on March 11, 1993: RISi1i RATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions sample received for examination Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394--6968 LAB I.D. AA14758 Prism ID Number 210OA4 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 03/11/93 Collection Time: 15:00 Submittal Date: 03/11/93 Submittal Time: 14.06 Customer Sample I.D#: MW-2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER ------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULT LIMIT Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 601 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLOURO-METHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L 51 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS--1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ; ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ' Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax:(704) 525.0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office 1 LJ Shield Environmental Page: 2 March 31, 1993 .,: ISNI C)RATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions METHOD 601 (continued): BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,3,-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 602 METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 ISOPROPYL ETHER ug/L 35 1 BENZENE ug/L 15 1 ' TOLUENE ETHYL BENZENE ug/L ug/L Not 48 Det " 1 1 XYLENES ug/L 110 3 ' -------------------------------------.._________-----______----- Comments: Project Name: Krug Project Number: 930014 1 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Ll Respectfully submitted, a��e� Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager H Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax:(704) 525.0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office f] u March 31, 1993 Shield Environmental Attn: Mr. Tom Bolyard 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, NC 28208 PO#:930014 Proj.Hame: Krug Dear Mr. Bolyard: Below are results of analysis of 1 on March 11, 1993: M-- "RISM IORATORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions sample received for examination Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394-6968 LAB I.D. AA14759 Prism ID Number 210OA4 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 03/11/93 Collection Time: 15:15 Submittal Date: 03/11/93 Submittal Time: 14:06 Customer Sample I. D# : MW-3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TEST UNITS TEST DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 601 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 RRMAKETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 T-n itAt Irl:i'��@PLI I1li1%0-1191-PTHANE uQ/L Not Det � 1, 1--DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ; ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 ' Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax:(704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office ism ABbk&ORIES, INC. Shield Environmental`-•' Page • 2 March :31, 1993 ' Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions METHOD 601 (continued): BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 3,-DICHL.OROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DIGHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 602 ' METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 ISOPROPYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 TOLUENE ug/L Not Det 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Comments: Project Name: Krug Project Number: 930014 ' Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. q g Respectfully submitted, Angela D. Overcash ' Laboratory Manager n 11 ' Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529-6364 Fax:(704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office fl 11 1 1 March 31, 1993 Shield Environmental Attn; Mr. Tom Bolyard 2848 I-85 South, Suite H Charlotte, NC 28208 PO#:930014 Proj.Name: Krug Dear Mr. Bolyard: Below are results of analysis of 1 on March 11, 1993: I - S DRIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions A sample received for examination Customer Code: SHIELD Phone Number: (704)394-6913/fax(704)394-6968 LAB I.D. AA14760 Prism ID Number 210OA4 Prism Customer Number 6935 Collection Date: 03/11/93 Collection Time: 15:30 Submittal Date: 03/11/93 Submittal Time: 14:06 Customer Sample I.D#: MW-4 TEST UNITS TEST T^- DETECTION PARAMETER RESULT LIMIT ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 601 CHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 VINYL CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMOMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROFLOURO-METHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,2-DICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 CARBON TETRACHLORIDE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRICHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROPROPANE ug/L Not Det 1 BROMODICHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TRANS-I,3-DICHLOROPROPENE ug/L Not Det 1 CIS-1,3-DICHLOROPROPENE i ug/L Not Det 1 1,1,2-TRICHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 TETRACHLOROETHENE ug/L Not Det 1 DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 EDB ug/L Not Det 1 CHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: (704) 529.6364 Fax:(704) 525-0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472.5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office -4&.4 a 1'vP+.oI • Shield Environmental Page: 2 ' March 31, 1993 ism BORA-TORIES, INC. Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions METHOD 601 (continued): BROMOFORM ug/L Not Det 1 1, 1, 2, 2-TETRACHLOROETHANE ug/L Not Det 1 1, 3,-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,4-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 1,2-DICHLOROBENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 Multicomponent analysis: METHOD 602 ' METHYL TERT BUTYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 ISOPROPYL ETHER ug/L Not Det 1 BENZENE TOLUENE ug/L ug/L Not Not Det Det 1 1 ETHYL BENZENE ug/L Not Det 1 XYLENES ug/L Not Det 3 ---------------------------- -------------- ---- --------.--___-__ Camments Project Name: Krug ' Project Number: 930014 Please advise should you have questions concerning these data. Respect± ly submitted, ' Angela D. Overcash Laboratory Manager � I Main Office: 449 Springbrook Road P.O. Box 240543 Charlotte, NC 28224.0543 Phone: (704) 529.6364 Fax:(704) 525.0409 South Carolina Laboratory: 10471 Asheville Highway, P.O. Box 137, Inman, SC 29349 Phone: (803) 472-9046 Fax: (803) 472-5172 All Correspondences and Remittances to the Charlotte Office 1 1 1 1 1 0 n N U CL m ID L9 LLdCCcn. - W 0 X w Sa3NId1NOO d0 H33vq nN WE IL u Z O (L U LU W J 4 in ) � A � Q v 0.1 � 7 W 0 �- �- - a U) W ¢ w cc 75 � � r cr cr 0 O"H 0 BIOS `�+ ¢ evdo C' U Z 0 'dWOO 2ME+, v J v> ¢ - LU V r N a O CCC+ m 1p a IANn -j \\ UCiNUr-4¢t, 4 \ CD CD C C U) v7 \` •' •'. G Q CC Cr 1 SHM ENVIRONMENTAL ASSOCIATES, INC. ' QUALITY ASSURANCE - QUALITY CONTROL PROCEDURES Fj I I hn M. Brown, Chief Operating Officer 1 Rev. 3/92 I L IL IIL 10 0, TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES I. 1. Introduction I I. 2. Prepare a Site Sketch 1 L 3. Locate Public Utilities I L 4. Prepare Health and Safety Plan (Site Specific) 1 L 5. Equipment Checks 2 L 6. Purchase Order Numbers 2 SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES U. 1. Introduction 2 II. 2. Preparation for Sampling 3 II. 3. Field Procedures 3 II. 4. Special Considerations 5 H. 5. Decontamination Procedures 5 U. 6. Transportation of Samples to Laboratory 5 MONITORING WELL GAUGING PROCEDURES M. 1. Introduction 6 III. 2. Measurement of Water Levels and PSH Levels 6 WELL PURGING PROCEDURES IV. 1. Introduction 7 IV. 2. Purging Procedures (Bailing and Pumping) 7 IV. 3. Decontamination Procedures g IV. 4. General Considerations 8 WATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES V. I. Introduction g V. 2. Preparation for Sampling g V. 3. Field Procedures 10 V. 4. Special Considerations 12 V. 5. Transportation of Samples to Laboratory 12 VI. CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY PROCEDURES 12 [l FJ Quality Assurance & Quality 1 Control Procedures January, 1994 L PRELEM3NARY ACTIVITIES L 1. INTRODUCTION Prior to any drilling activities, visit and inspect the site. This will enable the project manager to effectively plan the field work phase of the project. Prior to making the site visit, ask the client whether a scaled site map of the location to be drilled currently exists. If so, obtain one prior to visiting the site. If not, prepare one during the initial site visit. I. 2. PREPARE A SITE SKETCH a. Show locations of roads, overhead lines, developed areas, and other potential obstructions. b. Show locations of underground storage tanks (note tank sizes), product lines and product dispensers. C. Locate utility manholes and/or valve covers. Common utilities to be located include water, power, gas, telephone, storm sewer and sanitary sewer. Also note apparent electrical conduit connections to signs, light poles, etc. If necessary, using a line locator, locate service lines leading to the building. d. Consider traffic flow in relation to probable drilling rig setup. If traffic flow will continue during drilling activities, consider possible ways to restrict public access while maintaining smooth traffic flow. e. Designate an auger decontamination area and temporary soil storage area for soils generated during drilling activities. If possible, locate the auger decontamination area near a water spigot. L 3. LOCATE PUBLIC UTILITIES a. Contact the public utilities' location service prior to drilling activities. Inquire whether service lines are located as part of the service, and if so, specify that service lines be painted. b. Obtain location service plans from utility companies as needed. I. 4. PREPARE HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN (Site Specific) ' Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures ' January, 1994 2 a. Fill out site specific Health and Safety Plan on forms provided by the Shield Health and Safety Director. tb. Pay particular attention to the location of the nearest emergency facilities (e.g. Medical Center, Fire Department, etc.). ' C. This plan must be read, understood and signed by all personnel prior to working on the site. d. Update the plan as more information becomes available during assessment activities. ' L S. EQUIPMENT CHECKS a. Inspect, calibrate and/or test all field equipment prior to mobilizing to the project ' site, and immediately prior to use each day. b. Maintain all field equipment in good working condition and clean and decontaminate as necessary. C. Specific test/calibration instructions for the various field equipment are located ' in Appendix B. 1.6. PURCHASE ORDERS NUMBERS 1Obtain Purchase rde numbers for all laboratory analytical work, subcontracted drilling, and other project related expenditures prior to performance of services. 1 II. SOIL SAMPLING PROCEDURES ' II.1. INTRODUCTION ' Soil samples are generally collected by one of two methods: 1) by split spoon sampling in conjunction with standard penetration testing in accordance with ASTM D-1586, or 2) by Shelby tube, whereby the sampling device is forced into the soil at specified intervals. All site supervision, borehole logging and soil sampling will be performed by an on -site qualified geologist, engineer or scientist. ' Soil sampling is most often performed using a truck -mounted rotary power auger system equipped with 8 or 11 inch O.D. continuous flight hollow stem augers. Soil sampling depth and 1 1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 3 sampling intervals are usually specified by the client. If no specification has been made, collect the initial sample at a depth of 2 feet below grade level (BGL), the second sample at 5 feet BGL and at intervals of 5 feet thereafter, until auger refusal is met, maximum depth specified is achieved or the capabilities of the power auger system are exceeded. All persons collecting and handling the soil samples must wear disposable latex gloves. II. 2. PREPARATION FOR SAMPLING Perform the following steps prior to arrival at the job site: a. Prepare labels that identify the project name, project number, project location, assigned sample collector and borehole number. Prepare three labels PER SAMPLING INTERVAL: one label should be attached to the plastic ziplock bag and two labels should be attached to the sampling jars to identify the sample. The labels placed onto the sampling jars should partly overlap the lid and sample jar, forming a tamper seal over the jar and lid. b. Prepare sample containers. If the soil samples are to be tested for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPI), a minimum of two 4 oz. glass sampling jars with teflon lined lids PER SAMPLING INTERVAL will be needed. If additional analyses are to be performed, prepare specific sample containers and labels as required by the laboratory. C. Prepare laboratory shipper container (LSC) for sample storage. The LSC should be chilled to approximately 4 degrees centigrade using ice. The ice should be kept in a plastic ziplock soil sample bag that will not allow water to come in contact with the sample containers. Vermiculite or foam can be placed in the cooler in order to cushion sample. containers, thereby minimizing the chance for breakage. d. Prepare Chain -of -Custody form. ' e. Prepare field to and/or field book. g ' II. 3. FIELD PROCEDURES ' a. Clean the augers, split spoon samplers and/or Shelby tubes with a steam -cleaner or high pressure washer prior to drilling activities. Allow augers and samplers to dry before proceeding. 1 1 u 1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 b. Locate the sample handling point away from running motors or where discharged vapors and fumes may come in contact with the sample. Place towels, field meters, sample jars and other equipment so that they do not come in contact with soil or other materials that may contaminate the sampled soils. DO NOT place any equipment on the ground unless a ground cloth is used. C. As the sample is withdrawn from the borehole, all personnel will handle the sample using clean, disposable latex gloves. Immediately upon opening the sample tube, discard the obvious "cave-in" portion of the sample (approximately the top 3 inches.) Next, split the sample lengthwise into two identical halves. One half is to be immediately packed into 4 oz. sample jars with Teflon lined lids. Take care to completely fill the jars, leaving no headspace between the soil sample and the Teflon lined lids. A lithologic description of the replicate sample will be prepared and recorded on the boring log and/or field notebook. Then the replicate sample will be removed from the sampler and placed in a plastic ziplock bag. If the entire sample cannot be placed into the plastic ziplock bag, again replicate the sample by splitting it lengthwise, placing equal halves into separate plastic ziplock bags. Transfer the sample into the plastic ziplock bag in such a manner as to preclude loss of possible volatile organic compounds. d. Immediately place the previously prepared labels on the soil sampling jars and the plastic ziplock bag. Then place all sample jars into a LSC pre -chilled to approximately 4 degrees centigrade. e. During the sampling process, collect one duplicate sample for every six sampling locations. Duplicate samples are considered to be two replicates, prepared by dividing the sample into two separate aliquots. Split the sample into equal portions, making both portions representative of the entire sample. f. After the sample has had sufficient time to disperse volatiles into the headspace of the plastic ziplock bag, perform a scan of the headspace using an organic vapor analyzer (OVA). The field scan is performed by opening a small portion of the plastic ziplock bag and inserting the OVA probe into the headspace of the bag. Take care to prevent soil from entering the OVA probe. Note reading(s) on boring long and/or field book. g. After completion of the steps outlined above, place all sampling jars that contain soil samples to be laboratory analyzed in the LSC in individual plastic ziplock bags. If any samples are suspected to be highly contaminated, place a small amount of activated charcoal in each ziplock plastic bag. This will help prevent 4 Quality Assurance & Quality 5 Control Procedures January, 1994 cross -contamination of samples through diffusion. If. 4. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS When working in hot weather, avoid handling samples in direct sunlight. Heat and direct sunlight may cause accelerated volatilization of the sample. II. 5. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES a. The augers MUST BE decontaminated between successive boreholes using a steam -cleaner or high pressure HOT WATER washer. Take particular care to remove soil material from inside hollow -stem augers. Store soil material generated during the cleaning process in the temporary soil stockpile area or in DOT approved 55 gallon drums. ' b. Clean the split spoon soil sampler both inside and outside between successive samples with a solution of laboratory grade soap (Alconox) and tap water, rinse with pesticide grade isopropyl alcohol solution, and then rinse with distilled water. The sampler MUST BE allowed to dry between successive samples. c. - If Shelby tubes are used, only clean, unused tubes should be used for individual samples. d. Always replace the disposable latex gloves worn by the sampler handler(s) between successive samples. e. Change the sampler cleaning solution between successive borings. If samples appear to be highly contaminated, change the cleaning solution between sampling intervals. II. 6. TRANSPORTATION OF SAMPLES TO LABORATORY a. The maximum holding time for samples to be tested for volatile organics is 14 days. Therefore, samples must be delivered to the laboratory and analyzed by the laboratory within this time frame. Consult the laboratory regarding holding times for other constituents to be tested. b. If the samples are taken directly to the laboratory from the drill site, transport them in the same LSC at a temperature of approximately 4 degrees centigrade. C. If the samples cannot be taken directly to the lab, take them to the project office. Upon arrival, immediately transfer the sample containers from the LSC to the Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 assigned refrigerator, pre -cooled to approximately 4 degrees centigrade, until such a time that they can be taken to the laboratory. d. When the samples are scheduled to be delivered to the lab, transfer them from the refrigerator to a LSC pre -chilled to a temperature of approximately 4 degrees centigrade, where they will remain until they are delivered. III. MONITORING WELL GAUGING PROCEDURES M. 1. INTRODUCTION 6 Well monitoring is necessary to provide information on a) depth to water in the monitoring well, and b) whether liquid phase separated hydrocarbons (PSH) are present. If PSH are present, the thickness of the floating layer must be determined. M. 2. MEASUREMENT OF WATER LEVELS AND PSH LEVELS a. Before each gauging event, open the monitoring well and let it stand for approximately 30 minutes to allow the liquid level(s) in the well to stabilize to atmospheric pressure. After the well has stabilized, take an initial measurement of PSH level and/or water level using a clean water level meter or interface probe. Record values on the monitor well gauge report. ' b. Clean the interface probe and/or water level meter between each successive well. To clean the equipment, first wash it in a soap solution (Alconox) and distilled ' water, rinse with a pesticide grade isopropyl alcohol solution, then rinse with distilled water. ' C. If PSH are present, purge each well of liquid PSH using a new disposable bailer, and place the liquid in an appropriate container. Lower the bailer gently into the well, so that the bailer does not impact hard on the liquid surface (this may cause ' emulsification of the hydrocarbon layer). Allow the bailer to fill (approximately 1 foot) and retrieve quickly. Repeat this process until the PSH are removed or until the hydrocarbon thickness cannot be further reduced by bailing. Record the total volume of liquid PSH removed on the field sheet; do not include water. ' d. Some monitoring wells accumulate exaggerated thicknesses of PSH. Therefore, it is necessary to allow the wells to recover (24 hours maximum) before rechecking water and PSH levels. ' Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures ' January, 1994 ' e. Amex well recovery, gauge the wells a second time using the procedures in III.2.a. above. Do not remove PSH again. ' f . The groundwater, PSH and potentiometric surface elevations will be calculated later by the Project Geologist. IV. WELL PURGING PROCEDURES ' 1V.1. INTRODUCTION 7 Monitoring wells are purged a) both shortly after the well has been constructed and b) prior to groundwater quality sampling. After well construction, the well is thoroughly purged in order to restore the aquifer's hydraulic characteristics, which may have been altered by drilling. Prior to water quality sampling, the well is purged in order to introduce formation water into the well. In both cases, the primary reason for well purging is to evacuate the standing water column from the well. The standing water may not be representative of the actual on -site groundwater quality. Therefore, both the standing water in the casing and in the filter pack must be removed ' in order to allow more representative formation water to enter the well. TV. 2. PURGING PROCEDURE (Bailing and Pumping) a. - During the purging procedure, maintain a field sheet for each well. ' b. The well is initially checked for the presence of liquid phase separated hydrocarbons (PSH). If PSH are present, follow the procedures outlined in "Monitoring Well Gauging Procedures," page 7. c. Prior to pumping, the Project Geologist should estimate the approximate well ' volume, and consider the casing pipe diameter, casing depth and the backfilled annular space diameter, if known (if unknown, assume a 10-inch annulus). ' d. Evacuate low -yield wells to dryness once. The pumping rate should be slow, allowing recharge water to slowly enter the well, minimizing the degree of ' agitation to the formation water, thereby reducing volatilization. For high -yield wells, remove at least three well volumes from the well. At a minimum, note the number of well volumes on the log sheet. Note more detailed information if ' available. e. Purge the well using either a disposable bailer or a pump. The pumping method C' Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 is preferred since it is much faster than the bailing method. 1. Pump Method ' Remove the water by means of a disposable hose extending to the bottom of the well casing. Water is continuously drawn from the bottom of the well until the well is dry, or until an appropriate volume of water has been removed. Take ' care not to introduce dirty hoses into the well. Drain hoses thoroughly between successive wells and dispose of them. ' 2. Bailing Method Remove the water utilizing a clean, disposable bailer with a bottom ball check ' valve. Lower the bailer into the well by means of a string, and bring the water to the surface. Allow the bailer to drop to the bottom of the well each time in order to evacuate the well from the bottom. Replace the bailer and string ' between each successive well. IV. 3. DECONTAMINATION PROCEDURES ' a. Disposable hoses must be changed between wells. 8 ' b. Clean the bailer (if not disposable) with a soap solution (Alconox), rinse with isopropyl alcohol, and then rinse with distilled water. ' C. Change the bailer line between each successive well. Do not let the bailer touch the ground before or during the purging process. ' IV. 4. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS The cleaning solution and distilled water are contained in plastic jugs. If the cleaning solution ' is poured into a bucket for use in cleaning the equipment, thoroughly clean the bucket with the solution prior to use at the next well location. 1 V. WATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES ' V.1 INTRODUCTION 11 1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 9 Prior to water quality sampling, gauge the well for the presence of PSH. If PSH are present, the client may not request water quality samples to be collected since hydrocarbons are obviously present. If the well is to be sampled, the well MUST be purged (see "Well Purging Procedures"), and allowed to recharge fully. Water sampling must be performed within 24 hours from the time the well was purged. Disposable latex gloves are to be worn by all persons collecting and handling the samples. V. 2. PREPARATION FOR SAMPLING Perform the following steps prior to arrival at the job site: Discuss analytical testing procedures laboratory to ensure sufficient number prepared for proper sample analysis. around times with the laboratory. and requirements with the selected and volume of sample containers are Additionally, discuss holding and turn b. Obtain a laboratory prepared trip blank and place in the LSC prior to arriving at the project site. This blank is used to monitor possible sample contamination and should be carried with the samples throughout the sampling, storage, shipping and testing process. C. Prepare labels identifying project, project number, project location, assigned sample collector and monitoring well number. Prepare two labels PER SAMPLE to be used as follows: one label attached to the container identifying the sample; one label placed partly over the lid and partly on the sample container to form a tamper seal over the container lid. d. Prepare sample containers. Use containers that are clean and unused. If samples are collected for analysis of volatile organics, a minimum of three standard 40-m1 glass screw -cap VOA vials with teflon-faced septums will be needed PER SAMPLE LOCATION. If additional analyses are to be performed, prepare specific sample containers as directed by the analytical laboratory. ' e. Prepare laboratory shipping container (LS to approximately 4 degrees centigrade usin bag that does not allow water to come Vermiculite or foam may be used minimizing the chance for breakage. bag will help protect the sample from C) for sample storage. Chill the LSC g ice. Keep the ice in a plastic ziplock in contact with the sample containers. to cushion sample containers, thereby An air -space left in a sealed plastic ziplock m breakage. f 1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 L To monitor possible contamination, place a trip blank (obtained from the analytical laboratory or prepared from distilled, de -ionized water) in the LSC prior to placement of any samples. Carry this blank with the samples throughout the sampling, storage, shipping and testing process. Some clients require a rinse blank to be obtained by collecting the rinsate from a clean, disposable bailer. g. Prepare Chain -of -Custody forms. h. Prepare field log and/or field book. V.3 FIELD PROCEDURES a. Locate the sample handling point away from running motors or where discharged vapors and fumes may come in contact with the sample. Place towels, field meters, sample containers and other equipment so that they do not come into contact with soil or other materials that may contaminate the water samples. DO NOT place any equipment on the ground unless a ground cloth is used. b. Collect water quality samples using either a disposable bailer with a bottom ball check valve or a peristaltic pump with disposable hoses. 1. Sample Collection Using Bailer a. If a nondisposable bailer is used, it must be decontaminated prior to sampling. To decontaminate the bailer, first wash in a soap solution (Alconox), rinse with pesticide grade isopropyl alcohol, then rinse with distilled water, in that order. The bailer MUST be allowed to dry before collecting the next sample. Use either a teflon coated string or a new string of inert material. This string will be changed on each individual well. Follow this decontamination procedure between successive sampling points. b. Gently lower the bailer into the water. Personnel must wear clean, disposable latex gloves during this procedure. Gently lowering the bailer will reduce gassification and maximize the size of the collected sample. After the bailer is lowered into the water, let the sample stabilize for approximately 3 seconds, which will allow the ball valve to close properly. Gently raise the bailer to the surface. It is preferable that the actual water surface be inspected for PSH, so take care not to overfill the bailer. 10 1 1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 C. Once the sample has been withdrawn, pour the water into the sample vials in such a manner as to minimize agitation, which may drive off volatile compounds. Do not introduce air into the vial while the sample is being poured. If bubbling occurs as a result of violent pouring, the sample must be poured out and refilled. Fill each vial until there is a meniscus over the lip of the vial. Tighten the screw-top lid with the teflon septum (white toward the sample) on the vial. After the lid is tightened, invert and tap the vial to check for the presence of trapped air bubbles. If bubbles are present, retake the sample. 2. Sample Collection Using a Peristaltic Pump If a peristaltic pump is used, change the hose between successive sampling points. a. Submerge the hose such that the upper 12 inches of the standing water column is sampled. Be sure that the hose is submerged deep enough that the system does not take on air. Once the water is pumped to the surface, discharge the sample from the discharge hose directly into the sample vials. Since the pumping rate will be a steady flow, the sample collector must be prepared by having a sufficient number of containers ready to collect the sample as it is discharged. b. Once the sample is discharged into the vials, handle the sample as described under "Sample Collection Using a Bailer." C. Immediately note the project number, monitoring well number, sampling interval, date and time on two labels as soon as the sample is placed in the container. Use permanent marker, not pencil, on the labels. Place one label on the container to identify the sample. Place a second label over the lid, overlapping the container, so as to form a tamper seal. Put each sample container in a separate plastic ziplock bag and immediately transfer them to the LSC. An airspace left in the plastic ziplock bag will help cushion the sample containers. d. Collect one duplicate sample for every six sampling locations during the sampling process. Duplicate samples are considered to be two replicates, and are prepared by dividing the sample into 11 1 Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures 7anuary, 1994 two separate aliquots. In order to duplicate the sample as closely as possible, prepare six sample vials and fill all six vials from a single bail of sample. Tag alternate vials as the sample and the duplicate (ex: vial 1 is sample, vial 2 is duplicate, vial 3 is sample, vial 4 is duplicate, vial 5 is sample, and vial 6 duplicate). C. After completion of the steps outlined above, place all sample containers in the LSC in individual plastic ziplock bags. If the samples are suspected to be highly contaminated, place a small amount of activated charcoal in each plastic ziplock bag. This will help prevent cross -contamination of samples through diffusion. f. Prepare Chain -of -Custody forms. g. Prepare field log and/or field book. V. 4. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 12 When working in hot weather, avoid handling samples in direct sunlight. Heat and direct sunlight may cause accelerated volatization of the sample. V. 5. TRANSPORTATION OF SAMPLES TO LABORATORY a. The maximum holding time for samples to be tested for volatile organics is 14 days. Therefore, samples must be delivered to the laboratory and analyzed by the laboratory within this time frame. Consult the laboratory concerning holding times for other constituents to be tested. b. If the samples are taken directly to the lab from the drill site, they should be held in the same LSC, at a temperature of 4 degrees centigrade. C. If the samples cannot be taken directly to the lab, deliver them to the office. Upon arrival, transfer the sample containers immediately from the LSC to the assigned refrigerator pre -cooled to 4 degrees centigrade, until such a time that they can be taken to the lab. Keep the trip blank with the samples. d. When the samples are scheduled to be delivered to the lab, transfer them from the refrigerator to an LSC pre -chilled to a temperature of approximately 4 degrees centigrade until they are delivered to the lab. Quality Assurance & Quality Control Procedures January, 1994 VI. CHAIN -OF -CUSTODY PROCEDURES a. Prior to any sampling activities, the person conducting the sampling must partially complete a chain -of -custody report. A purchase order number must be obtained for every sampling event per location and recorded on the chain -of - custody form. b. Immediately upon obtaining the sample, complete the appropriate lines of the chain -of -custody report for each sample (see attached chain -of -custody). After all samples are collected for each day's activities, note a specific sample number, along with shipment and laboratory testing and reporting specifics. C. The Chain -of -Custody report shall accompany each sample group in each transport LSC. Received by and relinquished by signatures and specifics shall be completed appropriately. A copy of the chain -of -custody form must be maintained in the Shield sampling logbook. 1 13 1 ' Krug Property Slug Test NMA 1 - ' Elapsed Time Depth to H,,O &H=O Level Who (minutes) (feet) h(feet) ' Static Level = 9.29' 0 16.05 0.5 15.75 1.0 15.54 1.5 15.20 2.0 15.00 2.5 14.81 3.0 14.60 3.5 14.43 ' 4.0 14.24 4.5 14.10 5.0 13.97 6.0 13.68 7.0 13.41 ' 8.0 13.17 9.0 12.94 10.0 12.76 12.0 12.38 14.0 12.12 16.0 11.84 ' 18.0 11.63 20.0 11.41 25.0 10.99 1 30.0 10.71 6.76(h,) 1.0 6.46 0.96 6.25 0.92 5.91 0.87 5.71 0.84 5.52 0.82 5.31 0.78 5.14 0.76 4.95 0.73 4.81 0.71 4.68 0.69 4.39 0.65 4.12 0.61 3.88 0.57 3.65 0.54 3.47 0.51 3.09 0.46 2.83 0.42 2.55 0.38 2.34 0.35 2.12 0.31 1.70 0.25 1.42 0.21 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hydraulic Conductivity- MW -1 Krug Property In (I./R) K — 2LT, K = Hydraulic Conductivity r = radius of well casing (feet) 0.167 R — Radius of well screen (feet) 0.354 L — Length of Screen (feet) 16.0 T. = 37% of initial change (seconds) 984 (U,=2 x in 11,6/9.354) K — 2x 16x984 3.39 x 101 ft/sec x 8.64 x 101 sec/day 0.292 ft/day 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Krug Property Slug Tests AM-3 Elapsed Tune Depth to H2O &H20 level (minutes) (feet) h (feet) Static level = 16.32' 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 Who 22.31 5.99 (h,) 1.000 21.83 5.51 0.919 21.60 5.28 0.881 21.50 5.18 0.865 21.40 5.08 0.848 21.32 5.00 0.835 21.18 4.86 0.811 21.05 4.73 0.789 20.94 4.62 0.771 20.81 4.49 0.749 20.73 4.41 0.736 20.55 4.23 0.706 20.38 4.06 0.678 20.23 3.91 0.653 20.09 3.77 0.629 19.96 3.64 0.608 19.62 3.30 0.551 19.36 3.04 0.507 19.10 2.78 0.464 18.87 2.55 0.426 18.70 2.38 0.397 18.33 2.01 0.336 18.02 1.70 0.284 17.78 1.46 0.244 17.60 1.28 0.214 Hydraulic Conductivity - MW - 3 Krug Pmperty -,ein-am K 2 L T. K — Hydraulic Conductivity r = radius of well casing (feet) 0.167 R = Radius of well screen (feet) 0.354 L = Length of Screen (feet) 17.0 T. = 37 % of initial change (seconds) 1320 (0.16 x In (17 l_ 0.3541 K — 2x17x1320 _2.57 x 10 ft/sec x 8.64 x Ur sec/day 0.222 ft/day