HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9480_40921_CA_O_20191002_Conditional NFA LetterCatawba (County Cagan Department Debra Bechtel, County Attorney Jodi Stewart, Assistant County Attorney Amanda Bentley, NC Certified Paralegal October 2, 2019 Brad C. Newton, P.G. NC Dept. of Environmental Quality 610 East Center Ave. Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Re: Conditional Notice of No Further Action 15A NCAC 2L .0407(d) Risk -based Assessment and Corrective Action For Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Catawba County Courthouse Facility 100 Government Drive, Newton Catawba County Incident number: 40921 Risk Classification: Low Dear Brad, V T 07 Pik 19 FP r " o- -x I appreciate your time on Friday, September 27, 2019 regarding the above - referenced matter. As we discussed I hand -delivered a copy of your September 11, 2019 letter to Anne Jordan, Mayor of the City of Newton, Mick Berry, Catawba County Manager and Doug Urland, Catawba County Health Director. Enclosed is the acknowledgement with each of their signatures. My understanding is this will successfully close this case. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Kindest Regards, Debra Bechtel County Attorney catawbacountync.gov Catawba County Government Center 25 Government Drive ( PO Box 3891 Newton NC 28658 1828-465-8483 By my signature below I acknowledge Debra Bechtel, Catawba County Attorney, provided me with a copy of a letter from Brad C. Newton with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, dated September 11, 2019, regarding a Conditional Notice of No Further Action, Incident number 40921, Catawba County Courthouse Facility. O"Y'fY(.� d c?l C CdiX Mayor Anne Jordans. City of Newton Mick Berry Catawba County Manager Do4l,J nd Catawba County Health Director Date �Q ) , 19 Date 101111-151 Date