HomeMy WebLinkAbout3426_UCLDLCID_zoning&sitingapproval_FID1394705_20200323From:Tanner Boyles To:Chao, Ming-tai Subject:[External] Fw: Tucker LCID Date:Monday, March 23, 2020 4:40:32 PM CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to report.spam@nc.gov Ming, as luck would have it the county replied to us after sending you and email this morning. Please Look at the response from Desmond Corley, and if he would need to send thisstatement directly to you at NCDEQ in letter form I can request that from him. If this is sufficient I will have the engineer draw designated compost area and storage and re submit theplan. Thank you Tanner Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android [go.onelink.me] ----- Forwarded Message -----From: "David Coe" <coefor@gmail.com> To: "Desmond Corley" <desmondc@cityofws.org> Cc: "tannerboyles1@yahoo.com" <tannerboyles1@yahoo.com> Sent: Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 4:33 PMSubject: Re: Tucker LCIDThank you Desmond. I appreciate your efforts, as well as those of Chris, Aaron, and thefolks in legal to get Tanner an answer. Brad On Mar 23, 2020, at 3:31 PM, Desmond Corley <desmondc@cityofws.org>wrote: Brad, We were able to ascertain from the attorneys that underlying zoning dictates what can happen on a property in the event a Special Use Permit site plan does not designate a particular use for portions of a property. In this case, because the leaf composting can be associated with farming activities, it would be considered accessory to those agricultural uses. Desmond Corley, AICP, CZO Land Use Coordinator Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Planning and Development Services p: 336.747.7065 Ι e: desmondc@cityofws.org From: Desmond Corley Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 11:42 AM To: coefor@gmail.com Cc: tannerboyles1@yahoo.com; Chris Murphy <chrism@CITYOFWS.ORG> Subject: Tucker LCID Brad, An update on where we are with our LCID questions: The UDO and County Ordinance don’t authorize us to approve any site plan changes to Special Use Permits at the administrative level, but we’re working on a way to make this work without going back to the elected body. As part of that work, we’re getting feedback from the County Attorney’s office and having discussions with them regarding our overall limitations with Special Use Permits approved by the Board of Commissioners. We’ll be in touch once we have a solid answer on what you need to do. Please feel free to reach out with any questions in the meantime. Desmond Corley, AICP, CZO Land Use Coordinator Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Planning and Development Services 100 E First Street, Suite 201 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 p: 336.747.7065 Ι e: desmondc@cityofws.org <image001.jpg> City Council: Mayor Allen Joines; Vivian H. Burke, Mayor Pro Tempore, Northeast Ward; Denise D. Adams, North Ward; Dan Besse, Southwest Ward; Robert C. Clark, West Ward; John C. Larson, South Ward; Jeff MacIntosh, Northwest Ward; Derwin L. Montgomery, East Ward; James Taylor, Jr., Southeast Ward; City Manager: Lee D. Garrity County Commissioners: David R. Plyler, Chairman; Don Martin, Vice Chair, Fleming El-Amin; Ted Kaplan; Richard V. Linville; Gloria D. Whisenhunt; Everette Witherspoon; County Manager: Dudley Watts, Jr. City-County Planning Board: Arnold G. King, Chair; Chris Leak, Vice-Chair; George M. Bryan, Jr.; Melynda Dunigan; Jason Grubbs; Tommy Hicks; Clarence R. Lambe, Jr.; Johnny Sigers; Brenda J. Smith April 25, 2018 Elizabeth Tucker 7301 Watkins Ford Road Kernersville, NC 27284 Re: Special Use Permit F-1575 Dear Petitioner: The attached report of the Planning Board to the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners is sent to you at the request of the Commissioners. You will be notified by the Board of Commissioners’ Office of the date on which the Commissioners will hear this petition. Sincerely, A. Paul Norby, FAICP Director of Planning and Development Services pc: Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, Forsyth County Government Center - 5th Floor, 201 N. Chestnut Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Brad Coe, PO Box 36, Wallburg, NC 27373 FORSYTH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING DATE: ________________________AGENDA ITEM NUMBER: _______ SUBJECT: A. Public Hearing on special use permit request of Elizabeth Tucker for a Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill (F-1575). B. Approval of Special Use Permit. C. Approval of Site Plan. COUNTY MANAGER’S RECOMMENDATION OR COMMENTS: SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: See attached staff report. After consideration, the Planning Board recommended Approval of the special use permit. ATTACHMENTS: X YES NO SIGNATURE: DATE: ________________ County Manager DOCKET F-1575 SPECIAL USE PERMIT OF ELIZABETH TUCKER ISSUED BY THE FORSYTH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Forsyth County as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners hereby makes an affirmative finding as follows, based upon the material and competent evidence presented at the public hearing: 1. That the use will not material endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the application and plan as submitted and approved; 2. That the use meets all required conditions and specifications; 3. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity; and 4. That the location and character of the use, if developed according to the application and plan submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with Legacy. Section 2. The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners hereby issues a special use permit for Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill greater than 2 acres in an AG zoning district in accordance with Section 6-1.5 of the Zoning Ordinance of the Unified Development Ordinances to Tanner Boyles LCID to be established on the following described property: PIN# 6873-46-7800 The site shall be developed in accordance with Attachment “A”, provided the property is developed in accordance with requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Unified Development Ordinances, and other applicable laws, and the following additional conditions be met: • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS: a. No permits for land clearing and inert debris landfills shall be approved until all plans, including plans for rehabilitation of sites, have been reviewed and approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). b. Record a final plat and rehabilitation/reuse plan in the office of the Register of Deeds. • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: a. Developer shall obtain a driveway permit from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. b. Petitioner shall obtain a Watershed Permit from Erosion Control. • PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS a. All required improvements of NCDOT driveway permit shall be completed. b. All security fencing and security entry gate(s) shall be installed in substantial conformance with the approved site plan. • OTHER REQUIREMENTS: a. Developer shall prohibit truck traffic into abutting properties. F-1575 April 2018 1 CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT PETITION INFORMATION Docket # F-1575 Staff Bryan D. Wilson Petitioner(s) Elizabeth Ann Tucker Owner(s) Same Subject Property PIN # 6873-46-7800 Address 7301 Watkins Ford Road Type of Request County Commissioners special use permit request for the development of a Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) Landfill. Approval of a special use permit depends upon an affirmative finding of all Findings of Fact as found in the Other Applicable Plans and Planning Issues section below. GENERAL SITE INFORMATION Location North side of Watkins Ford Road, west of Teague Lane Jurisdiction Forsyth County Site Acreage ± 18.28 acres Current Land Use The site is currently undeveloped. Surrounding Property Zoning and Use Direction Zoning District Use North AG Single family home East AG Undeveloped property and single family homes South AG Undeveloped property(agricultural uses) West AG & RS12-S PRD Undeveloped property and one single family home Physical Characteristics The site is currently undeveloped, with a substantial downward grade from the perimeter of the site towards the northern-central portion where the LCID will be located. The northern portion of the site is heavily wooded. The southern half of the property is cleared. A wooded strip of varying width is located on the eastern property line Proximity to Water and Sewer Public water and sewer are available to the site. Stormwater/ Drainage No requirement. Watershed and Overlay Districts The site is located within the Abbotts Creek WSIII Water Supply Watershed. A watershed permit will be required. Analysis of General Site Information Due to the site’s location, natural screening, and steep topography, the subject property lends itself well to the proposed Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill. F-1575 April 2018 2 SITE ACCESS AND TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Street Name Classification Frontage Average Daily Trip Count Capacity at Level of Service D Watkins Ford Road Minor Thoroughfare 756’ 2,100 15,800 Proposed Access Point(s) Access will be provided by an existing gravel drive to Watkins Ford Road. Trip Generation - Existing/Proposed No trip rate generation estimate is available for the proposed use. Sidewalks There are no sidewalks along Watkins Ford Road Analysis of Site Access and Transportation Information A 20’ graveled access road will provide access to the LCID landfill. Staff recommends a condition prohibiting truck traffic into the abutting properties. SITE PLAN COMPLIANCE WITH UDO REQUIREMENTS Building Square Footage Square Footage Placement on Site 600’ Eastern-central portion of the site Parking Required Proposed Layout 2 spaces 2 spaces 90° head-in Building Height Maximum Proposed 40’ One story Impervious Coverage Maximum Proposed 24% 2.48% UDO Sections Relevant to Subject Request • Chapter B, Article II, Section 2-1.2 (B) AG District • Chapter B, Article II, Section 2-5.41 Landfill, Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) • Chapter B, Article VI, Section 6-1.5 Special Use Permits Authorized by the Elected Body Complies with Chapter B, Article VII, Section 7-5.3 (A) Legacy 2030 policies: Yes (B) Environmental Ord. Yes (C) Subdivision Regulations N/A Analysis of Site Plan Compliance with UDO Requirements The site plan depicts a 6.5 acre LCID landfill area. The site plan illustrates the required 100’ setback from the abutting residentially zoned properties. A 600 square foot accessory office will be place at the curve of the proposed drive close to the central eastern property line. Site access will be provided by a 20’ wide gravel drive emptying onto Watkins Ford Road. The site plan shows the required security fencing, access gate, and signage to be installed along the southern property line next to Watkins Ford Road. The site plan meets the requirements of the UDO. F-1575 April 2018 3 CONFORMITY TO PLANS AND PLANNING ISSUES Legacy 2030 Growth Management Area Growth Management Area 3 -Suburban Neighborhoods Relevant Legacy 2030 Recommendations • Promote compatible infill development that fits with the context of its surroundings. • Ensure appropriate transitional land uses or physical buffering between residential and nonresidential uses to maintain the character and stability of neighborhoods Relevant Area Plan(s) Southeast Forsyth County Update (2013) Area Plan Recommendations • The most prevalent zoning in the plan area is the Agricultural (AG) District with 7,377 acres (p. 9). Site Located Along Growth Corridor? No. Site Located within Activity Center? No. Comprehensive Transportation Plan Information The Comprehensive Transportation Plan recommends adding 5’ of additional shoulder and a shared bike lane with no additional right-of-way requested. Other Applicable Plans and Planning Issues The Board of Commissioners shall issue a special use permit only when the Board of Commissioners makes an affirmative finding as follows (Planning staff comments in italics): Board of Commissioners Findings: 1. That the use will not materially endanger the public health or safety if located where proposed and developed according to the application and plan as submitted and approved. (Yes). 2. That the use meets all required conditions and specifications. (Yes, the subject request will meet the minimum requirements of the UDO). 3. That the use will not substantially injure the value of adjoining or abutting property, or that the use is a public necessity; and, (Planning staff does not have the expertise to make property value determinations). 4. That the location and character of the use, if developed according to the application and plan submitted and approved, will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and in general conformity with Legacy 2030. (Yes). Addressing Address issued for LCID Landfill: 7301 Watkins Ford Rd. Comments from The Town of Kernersville The Kernersville Planning Department was contacted regarding this case and provided no additional comments. F-1575 April 2018 4 Analysis of Conformity to Plans and Planning Issues The request for an elected body special use permit would allow for a Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill (LCID) to be operated on the subject property. This type of landfill is distinct from a Sanitary Landfill or a Construction and Demolition Landfill in that it is “…limited to receiving land clearing waste, concrete, brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, gravel and rock, untreated and unpainted wood, and yard trash.”. The proposed use will not require the use of public water or sanitary sewer service. The site is bordered by similarly zoned Agricultural District property on all sides, excepting one property abutting the northeastern property line that is zoned RS12-S-PRD. The majority of the abutting properties lie within Town of Kernersville city limits. Kernersville Planning has declined comment regarding this case. The site lies within the Abbots Creek WSIII watershed, and therefore will need to submit for both an erosion control plan and a watershed plan permit. Staff is recommending a condition prohibiting truck traffic into abutting properties. The developer illustrates a gate preventing access to the western property on the proposed site plan. The steep inward sloping topography along with the natural screening of the existing woodland lend the site well to the proposed use. The proposed use and site plan are both in conformance with Legacy 2030 recommendations and UDO requirements, therefore Planning staff is supportive of the request. CONCLUSIONS TO ASSIST WITH RECOMMENDATION Positive Aspects of Proposal Negative Aspects of Proposal The request is in conformance with the recommendations of Legacy 2030. The request may place industrial traffic in close proximity to existing homes. The special use permit request appears to meet findings 1, 2, and 4. The request would provide additional convenient fill area for other development projects in the area. SITE-SPECIFIC RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The following proposed conditions are from interdepartmental review comments and are proposed in order to meet codes or established standards, or to reduce negative off-site impacts. • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS: a. No permits for land clearing and inert debris landfills shall be approved until all plans, including plans for rehabilitation of sites, have been reviewed and approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). b. Record a final plat and rehabilitation/reuse plan in the office of the Register of Deeds. F-1575 April 2018 5 • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: a. Developer shall obtain a driveway permit from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. b. Petitioner shall obtain a Watershed Permit from Erosion Control. • PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS a. All required improvements of NCDOT driveway permit shall be completed. b. All security fencing and security entry gate(s) shall be installed in substantial conformance with the approved site plan. • OTHER REQUIREMENTS: a. Developer shall prohibit truck traffic into abutting properties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval NOTE: These are staff comments only; a certification of compliance of the site plan with UDO requirements is made by the City-County Planning Board; with final decisions on the special use permit being made by the appropriate Elected Body, who may approve, deny, table or request modification for any project. THE APPLICANT OR REPRESENTATIVE IS STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC HEARINGS WHERE THE CASE WILL BE CONSIDERED BY THE PLANNING BOARD AND THE ELECTED BODY. F-1575 April 2018 6 CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES FOR F-1575 APRIL 12, 2018 Aaron King presented the staff report. WORK SESSION MOTION: Clarence Lambe moved approval of the Planning Board Review for the site plan. SECOND: Chris Leak VOTE: FOR: George Bryan, Melynda Dunigan, Jason Grubbs, Tommy Hicks, Arnold King, Clarence Lambe, Chris Leak, Johnny Sigers, Brenda Smith AGAINST: None EXCUSED: None ____________________________ A. Paul Norby, FAICP Director of Planning and Development Services Printed: 3/16/2018 PROPOSED ZONING:Special Use Permit for LCIDGreater Than Two Acres EXISTING ZONING:AG SCALE: 1'' represents 600' STAFF: Wilson GMA: 3 ACRES: 18.28 DOCKET #: F1575 F BLDG: 67' westNEAREST PETITIONER:Elizabeth Tucker (TannerBoyles LCID) MAP(S): 6873.01, 6873.02 Property included in zoning request. 500' mail notificationradius. Property not in zoning request. AG RS12-S-PRD MU-S GI-S AG AG WATKINS FORD RD TEAGUE LNHIG H P OIN T R D KERNERSVILLE ZONI NGKERNERSVILLE ZONING FORSYTH COUNTY ZONING FORSYTH COUNTY ZONING KÃ!"a$ !(S1.121'756'1,224'670' KÃ!"a$ Southeast Forsyth CountyArea Plan KernersvilleComprehensive PlanSoutheast Forsyth CountyArea PlanKernersvilleComp r e h en sivePlanArea P l a n Southeast F o r s y thArea Pl a n H A W IC KCT G L E N L IV E T C T RIDGE STONEL ND IX IE D R PARK C RESTCRWEATHERTONDR KIPPEN DRWOODWAY DRV E S T A V IADRIDLE W IL D HAVEN C T WATKINSFORDRD HIGH P OINT RD TEAGUELNWATKINSFORDRD ABB O TTS CRE E K*ad *ae *ag CaseF1575 Plotted: 3/27/2018 ¯500 0 500250 Feet Southeast Forsyth CountyArea Plan Update, 2013(Proposed land uses shown are generalized.See area plan for specific recommendtations.) Activity Center Special Land Use Condition Areas* Proposed Land UseLarge-Lot Residential or Agricultural Program Low-Density ResidentialModerate-Density Residential Intermediate-Density Residential Manufactured Housing Park Office/Low-Intensity CommercialCommercial Mixed-Use Development Industrial InstitutionalPark/Open Space Commercial Recreation Utilities SITE PLAN REVIEW RECORD April 11, 2018, Planning Board Meeting 1) SITE PLAN TITLE AND NUMBER: Tanner Boyles LCID F-1575 2) TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT: Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill greater than 2 acres in an AG zoning district. Requires a Special Use Permit from the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners 3) ACREAGE: 18.28 4) ZONING: Existing: AG 5) # UNITS/LOTS: N/A 6) SITE PLAN PREPARER: Coe Forestry & Surveying c/o Brad Coe P.O. Box 36 Wallburg, N.C. 27373 PHONE: 336-769-4673 E-MAIL: coefor@gmail.com 7) OWNER AND/OR AGENT: Same 8) CONDITIONS: (These conditions are additional requirements for development. All other city or county code regulations still apply.) • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMITS: a. No permits for land clearing and inert debris landfills shall be approved until all plans, including plans for rehabilitation of sites, have been reviewed and approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). b. Record a final plat and rehabilitation/reuse plan in the office of the Register of Deeds. • PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF GRADING PERMITS: a. Developer shall obtain a driveway permit from the North Carolina Department of Transportation. b. Petitioner shall obtain a Watershed Permit from Erosion Control. • PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF OCCUPANCY PERMITS a. All required improvements of NCDOT driveway permit shall be completed. b. All security fencing and security entry gate(s) shall be installed in substantial conformance with the approved site plan. • OTHER REQUIREMENTS: a. Developer shall prohibit truck traffic into abutting properties. F-1575 Tanner Boyles LCID Bryce A. Stuart Municipal Building 100 East First Street, Suite 225 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Phone: 336-747-7068 Fax: 336-748-3163 City of W-S Planning Brad Coe Coe Forestry and Surveying P.O. Box 36 Wallburg, NC 27373 Project Name: F-1575 Tanner Boyles LCID Jurisdiction: City of Winston-Salem ProjectID: 188976 Wednesday, March 28, 2018 Please Provide "Instructions to Applicant for X1.04) Application for Special Use Permit Open Issues: 14 These issues are currently being filtered Erosion Control General Issues 2. Erosion Control Plan Needed City of Winston-Salem Matthew Osborne 336-747-7453 matthewo@cityofws.org 3/14/18 10:22 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 If the proposed project creates more than 10,000 sq. feet of land disturbance, an Erosion Control/Grading Permit will be required prior to the start of work. In order to obtain this permit you must submit a professionally designed Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan along with an original signed/notarized Financial Responsibility/Ownership (FRO) form for review and approval. Please submit the plan through the electronic plan review portal at the following link: https://winston-salem.idtplans.com/secure/ [Ver. 2] [Edited By Matthew Osborne] 3. Watershed Permit Needed City of Winston-Salem Matthew Osborne 336-747-7453 matthewo@cityofws.org 3/14/18 10:20 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 This project resides within the Lower Abbotts Creek Watershed Protection Area which is regulated per Winston- Salem/Forsyth Co. UDO, Chapter C, Article IV - Watershed Protection. As a result, an application for a Watershed Protection Permit must be submitted and approved prior to the start of work. The site plan must show all existing Built Upon Area (BUA), all newly proposed BUA, and associated calculations noting both square footage of impervious cover, as well as percent of total parcel coverage. Furthermore, additional special provisions require that 50 foot undeveloped buffers (inner 30 feet undisturbed) must be shown and established on-site for all existing streams as outlined in the ordinance. Please submit the plan through the electronic plan review portal at the following link: https://winston-salem.idtplans.com/secure/ [Ver. 2] [Edited By Matthew Osborne] Created with idtPlans Review 3/28/18 F-1575 Tanner Boyles LCID Page 1 of 4 Fire/Life Safety 17045.pdf [5 redlines] (Page 1) 7. Cloud+ B Forsyth County Fire Department Scott Routh 336-703-2560 routhcs@forsyth.cc 3/16/18 7:49 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Access Road is greater than 150', need to add an approved turn around area. 503.2.5 8. Cloud+ B Forsyth County Fire Department Scott Routh 336-703-2560 routhcs@forsyth.cc 3/16/18 7:49 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Any gate shall be approved by this office. 9. Cloud+ B Forsyth County Fire Department Scott Routh 336-703-2560 routhcs@forsyth.cc 3/16/18 7:49 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 There is no fire hydrant shown on the plans. One will need to be shown prior to any building being put on the property to assure proper distance. Health Department General Issues 10. Wastewater Application for office building Forsyth County Health Department Brock Turner 336-703-3134 turnerbh@forsyth.cc 3/20/18 11:32 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 If the proposed office building will require a on-site septic system, then an application to the Forsyth County Health Department should be submitted. While reviewing the proposed LCID plan, the 100' setback from the property line should prevent any conflict with any other surrounding property of existing wells or septic systems. IDTP 17045.pdf [7 redlines] (Page 1) 6. Callout B Created with idtPlans Review 3/28/18 F-1575 Tanner Boyles LCID Page 2 of 4 City of Winston-Salem Gary Roberts 336-747-7069 garyr@cityofws.org 3/14/18 2:54 PM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 As per Use Condition 2-5.41 (D) no grading is allowed within the ist 100'. MapForsyth Addressing Team General Issues 5. Addressing & Street Naming MapForsyth Stacy Tolbert 3367477497 tolbersy@forsyth.cc 3/14/18 1:02 PM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Address issued for LCID Landfill: 7301 Watkins Ford Rd. NCDOT General Issues 14. NCDOT Comments NCDOT Division 9 Victoria Kildea 336-747-7900 vrkildea@ncdot.gov 3/27/18 9:07 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 NCDOT driveway permit required. Gate needs to be located 75' from edge of pavement. Planning General Issues 16. Conditions City of Winston-Salem Bryan Wilson 336-747-7042 bryandw@cityofws.org 3/27/18 10:17 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Staff will recommend a condition to install a sign on western property line stating " no through truck traffic." Utilities General Issues 4. General Comment Created with idtPlans Review 3/28/18 F-1575 Tanner Boyles LCID Page 3 of 4 City of Winston-Salem Charles Jones 336-727-8000 charlesj@cityofws.org 3/14/18 10:28 AM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Please be aware there is a 12" Water Main and a 20" Sanitary Sewer Force Main in the northern right-of-way of Watkins Ford Road. Do not disturb these lines. WSDOT 17045.pdf [7 redlines] (Page 1) 11. Callout B City of Winston-Salem Jeffrey Fansler 336-727-8000 jeffreygf@cityofws.org 3/21/18 4:16 PM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Show Parking 12. Callout B City of Winston-Salem Jeffrey Fansler 336-727-8000 jeffreygf@cityofws.org 3/21/18 4:16 PM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 Provide turnaround for when gate is closed 13. Callout B City of Winston-Salem Jeffrey Fansler 336-727-8000 jeffreygf@cityofws.org 3/21/18 4:16 PM 01.04) Special Use Permit - 2 No Public Street Created with idtPlans Review 3/28/18 F-1575 Tanner Boyles LCID Page 4 of 4