HomeMy WebLinkAbout0403_AnsonLF_responsecomments_20200218From: Bivins, Nathan <nbivins@cecinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2020 3:52 PM To: Wilson, Donna J Subject: [External] RE: Anson Landfill Increased tonnage Attachments: Attachment 1.pdf; Attachment 2.pdf; NCDEQ EA 2-1-20.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to c. ov Donna, Below in blue are my responses to your comments. See the attached revised EA and attachments. 1. Please submit documentation for the public notice and public hearing for both the change in franchise for the tonnage or the expansion. Has there been interest from the community or opposition? Documentation for the public notice and hearing are attached as Attachment 1. 2. Page 1 - Phone number for Donna Wilson, 919-707-8255. Page 1 has been revised per the above. 3. The acreage is inconsistent with the information we have for the facility. Page 2 states that it is 1100 acres. The facility property is 875.7 acres according to the file. Total acreage of the landfill facility property should be 875.693 acres. You can also say that Chambers owns additional property surrounding the landfill property, within x mile radius, for a total of x acres. Page 2 has been revised to correct the acreage of the site. 4. EA - Hours listed for site operation are not consistent with approved plan. Page 8 of the EA has been revised to say that the site accepts waste from 6:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M Monday through Saturday. This information is taken from Page 9 of the approved Operations Plan from the Phase 3-4 PTC and the latest approved PTO. S. Please provide a letter from a DOT Division Engineer for the traffic study, that it will not have a substantial impact on highway traffic. Attached is the DOT documentation as Attachment 2. DOT does not require a traffic study, but did request expanded queue lane length be added to the left turn lane. We are coordinating with DOT for approvals and they have agreed that a reasonable timeline to construct the turn lane extension is to have it installed by Nov. 2020. They agreed we could proceed with the increased traffic flow until then. 6. The increased tonnage will change the estimated life of the remaining phases currently permitted, please address. Below is an updated capacity and lifespan table. I did not include it in the EA as it does not appear to pertain to the assessment. Please let me know how you would like this updated information. Table 2-1 - Landfill Area and Air Space Volume Phase Area Gross Capacity Waste Capacity Waste Life Expectancy (acres) (cubic yards) (cubic yards) Capacity (2) (years) (tons) 1 40.4 3,060,690(4) 2,930,332 1,640,985 3.00(4) 2 33.8 5,347,650(') 5,238,588 2,933,609 5.36(5) 3 & 4 58.9 1 12,548,836(') 1 12,358,785 1 6,920,919 1 3.16 TOTAL 133.1 1 20,957,176(') 1 20,527,705 1 11,495,514 1 11.52(6) i (1) Calculated using Autodesk Civil 3D 2016. (2) Based on a waste and cover density of 1,120 pounds per cubic yard. (3) Reference Construction Permit Application for Chambers Development Solid Waste Management Facility dated April 12, 2008 prepared by Brown and Caldwell. (4) Reference Permit to Construct Application for Anson County Solid Waste Management Facility dated November 12, 1996 prepared by GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. (5) Based on Phase 2 waste placement rate of 1,500 tons per day. (6) From the beginning of waste placement at the landfill. (7) Gross Capacity is from the bottom of waste to the top of the final cover. Please let me know if you need anything else for this EA. Thanks, Nathan Nathan T. Bivins, P.E. / Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 Direct Line: (980) 260-2113 • Mobile: (919) 280-3637 • http://www.cecinc.com Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships From: Bivins, Nathan Sent: Tuesday, August 27, 2019 10:02 AM To: Johnson, Matt <mrjohnson@cecinc.com> Subject: FW: Anson Landfill Increased tonnage See comments below. P:\2016\165-276\-Final Documents\Tonnage increase EA Nathan T. Bivins, P.E. / Project Manager Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Drive • Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 Direct Line: (980) 260-2113 • Mobile: (919) 280-3637 • http://www.cecinc.com Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships From: Wilson, Donna J <donna.wilson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Friday, August 23, 2019 6:12 PM To: Bivins, Nathan <nbivins@cecinc.com> Subject: Anson Landfill Increased tonnage Hello Nathan, Below are the comments on the increased tonnage for the Chambers Anson Landfill, 0403-MSWLF-2010. Please submit documentation for the public notice and public hearing for both the change in franchise for the tonnage or the expansion. Has there been interest from the community or opposition? Page 1 - Phone number for Donna Wilson, 919-707-8255. The acreage is inconsistent with the information we have for the facility. Page 2 states that it is 1100 acres. The facility property is 875.7 acres according to the file. Total acreage of the landfill facility property should be 875.693 acres. You can also say that Chambers owns additional property surrounding the landfill property, within x mile radius, for a total of x acres. 4. EA - Hours listed for site operation are not consistent with approved plan. 5. Please provide a letter from a DOT Division Engineer for the traffic study, that it will not have a substantial impact on highway traffic. 6. The increased tonnage will change the estimated life of the remaining phases currently permitted, please address. Thanks, Donna Donna J_ Wilson Engineering Project 1 anager, Solid Paste Section DMEioas of 9aste Idanagernent North Caroli_ua Department of Environmental Quality, 919.707.8 55 (Office) Donna_ ilsonIlAcderv_Ao Phymcal Address: 217 West Jones Street, Raleigh SIC 27603 _flailing address: 1646 Mail er ice Center, Raleigh NC 27699 E cwesWd4 a 1c and frarn ttrs awf ;s Lw,,ul iu !J u I1kw }i Gwcmik} F' v-b f7u€: wds l arri rnw be &i� to lard Wea CLIPPING OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT ATTACHED HERE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF ANSON AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duty commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oat; personally appeared who being first duty sworn, deposes a d says: that he (she) is an official of THE ANSON RECORD and MESSENGER & INTELLIGENCER a newspaper published, issued, and entered as second class mail in the City of WADESBORO, N. C. in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in THE ANSON RECORD and MESSENGER & INTELLIGENCER on the following dates: and that the said newspaper in which said notice, paper, document, or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of.,the�%General Statutes of North Carolina. This_ /7 z day of 20 .1 Swo to and subscribed before me, this —Oa —day of —1ey 20-6—. Notary Public *Commission expires: " /UF 4d K/ THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2018 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in the Board Room, Suite 209, of the Anson County Government Center. Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff members present: Other: Anna Baucom, Chair Ross Streater, Vice Chair Bobby Sikes Vancine Sturdivant Jim Sims Jarvis Woodburn Harold Smith Rita James, Interim County Manager Denise Cannon, Clerk to the Board Larry Newton, Tax Assessor Cary Garner, Finance Officer Scott Forbes, County Attorney Chairman Baucom called the meeting to Order, welcoming all who are present. Chairman Baucom asked Reverend Rob Washington to deliver the Invocation. Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Chairman Baucom added two Commissioners Concerns from Commissioner Sikes and Commissioner Sims; fire district tax and the new communication system to the agenda. Commissioner Sims moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant, motion carried unanimously. Public Hearing: Commissioner Sikes made a motion to open the public hearing for the 2018 Schedule of Standards, Values and Rules, seconded by Commissioner Sims, motion carried unanimously. Mr. Newton stated that the public hearing is required by required by GS 105-317, and newspaper ads placed in the Anson Record for the past 4 prior weeks. Mr. Newton reminded everyone that the 2018 Schedule of Standards, Values and Rules was presented to the Board of Commissioners at the February 6, 2018 meeting, and this revaluation sets schedules standards and rules for the appraisal of real property until the next Octennial Cycle. Mr. Newton stated that the values remain about the same as before and there is not a lot of change in the schedule. Chairman Baucom opened the floor for comments on the 2018 Schedule of Standards, Values and Rules. No one offered any comments. Vice -Chair Streater moved to close the public hearing, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant, motion carried unanimously. Public Addresses: Joan Taylor addressed the Board concerning an incident with the Anson County Sheriff's Office. Ms. Taylor was angry and stated that she felt verbally abused by deputies who responded to a call at one of her rental properties. Ms. Taylor felt she has been treated unfairly and inappropriately. Sheriff Reid addressed Ms. Taylor and explained the actions of his deputies were indeed warranted and his investigation found no wrongdoing on their part. Attorney Forbes advised the Board that they do not have the authority to intervene in an ongoing investigation, as the Sheriff is an autonomous entity with separate powers. Truett Wright appeared before the Board and shared his concerns with the county's mapping system, claiming it is "out of date." Mr. Wright shared his concerns about tax collection; he feels that property has been inherited by people that are able to work and pay taxes, but those taxes are not being collected. Mr. Wright stated that collecting taxes could help the Sheriff's Office with equipment, training, and enforcement of traffic violations, especially high speed racing. Mr. Wright told the Board about homes that he feels are health hazards and suggested the Board consider an ordinance. Terry Helms addressed the Board to share concerns about the Peachland area law enforcement coverage. Sheriff Reid assured Mr. Helms that Peachland area is receiving equal coverage as the rest of the county. Mr. Helms also shared that his major concern is tax overhaul and feels a plan needs to be in place to bring more money in, such as soliciting businesses to move to the County and not overburdening to the taxpayer. Appearances: Ron Smith, Centralina Council of Governments Executive Director presented the Board with a 2018 Proclamation honoring Anson County. Mr. Smith explained that Centralina Council of Governments (CCOG) is celebrating its 50" anniversary in 2018. During each month between March and November, CCOG will honor one county in the nine -county region. For the month of March, CCOG is recognizing Anson County as a valued member of the organization for its successes and collaborative work with CCOG. Justin Rice, Field Director of Marsy's Law for North Carolina, appeared before the Board to explain and ask for the Commissioner's assistance in the adoption of a resolution supporting Marsy's law. Mr. Rice explained that Marsy's Law for North Carolina seeks to amend the state constitution in order to provide an equal level of constitutional protections to victims of crimes that are already afforded to the accused and convicted. Marsy's Law is supported across the political spectrum to ensure that victims have the same "co -equal' rights as the accused and convicted - nothing more, nothing less". Marsy's Law support to give the victim a voice in the process; not a veto. Commissioner Sims made a motion to adopt a resolution supporting Mary's Law, seconded by Vice -Chair Streater, motion carried unanimously. Tyler Fitzgerald addressed the Board concerning the Ordinance Granting Sanitary Landfill Franchise, noting a request to expand the footprint from the original 133 acres to 210 acres to increase the life span of the facility. Vice -Chair Streater moved to approve the change in the Ordinance Granting Sanitary Landfill Franchise. Motion carried (5 to 1): (Ayes -yes: Baucom, Streater, Sturdivant, Sikes, and Woodburn), (Nay -no: Sims). Tyler Fitzgerald also addressed the Board concerning the Fifth Supplemental Agreement to the Host Fee Agreement. Mr. Fitzgerald discussed with the Board the life of the landfill, safety of the landfill, and the Board's concerns for the citizens. Mr. Fitzgerald explained the significant increase in income to the County. Commissioner Woodburn moved to approve the Fifth Supplemental Agreement, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant. Motion carried (5 to 1): (Ayes -yes: Baucom, Streater, Sturdivant, Sikes, and Woodburn), (Nay -no: Sims). Dr. Fred Thompson, Anson County Health Department Director, presented the 2017 State of the County Health Report to the Board. Mr. Thompson also introduced Mr. Dave Anderson, Carolinas Healthcare System -Anson Administrator. Scott Rowell, Anson County ACTS Director, appeared before the Board to present the ACTS Grants and Financial Management Policies & Procedures. Vice -Chair Streater moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Sturdivant moved to approve the ACTS Conflict of Interest Statement, seconded by Vice -Chair Streater, motion carried unanimously. Sheriff Reid/Captain Paxton, Anson County Sheriffs Office discussed mental health issues concerning the jail and transport. Sheriff Reid advised it takes additional part-time and overtime staff to monitor and transport individuals with mental health issues to county and surrounding area hospitals. Chief Spencer added that most mental health facilities use in - network placements. Vice -Chair Streater shared that a Mental Health First Aid Class will be offered on March 29, 2018, at CHS — Anson, and encouraged everyone to attend. Commissioner Woodburn stated that this was a statewide problem and Boards need to start contacting the local legislatures addressing this issue. The current demands stress the departments and taxpayers. Commissioner Woodburn moved to compose a letter on behalf of Anson County addressing the mental health issues, to be sent to Representative Brody and Senator McInnis, seconded by Commissioner Sims. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Sims acknowledged Superintendent Michael Freeman (in the audience) for receiving the 2018 NC Regional Superintendent of the Year Award. Commissioner Sturdivant acknowledged Mr. Freeman for his Community Forum on School Safety. *Chairman Baucom asked for a break and the Board accommodated. Appointments: Commissioner Woodburn moved to appoint Caroline Goins to the Centralina Workforce Development Board, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Countywide Zoning: Chairman Baucom asked for this agenda item (Countywide Zoning) be stricken/removed from the agenda. The Board had no objections. Commissioner Sims moved to send a letter informing the fire districts of the timeline for tax rate equalization, seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, motion carried unanimously. Consent Agenda: Vice -Chair Streater made a motion to approve the consent agenda as follows: board minutes, tax releases/refunds/adjustments, Logan System renewal, Sandhills Quarterly Report, vehicle tax and water bill write-offs: vehicle write-offs totaled $188.223.90, water write-offs totaled $5,599.25, sewer write-offs totaled $90.53, Wadesboro sewer $37.50, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant. Motion carried unanimously. Closed Session: Motion by Vice -Chair Streater, seconded by Commissioner Sturdivant, to go into closed session to Prevent the disclosure of privileged information: North Carolina General Statute 143-318.11(a)(1) Under the North Carolina General Statues or regulations. Economic Development: North Carolina General Statutes 143-318.11(a)(4) to discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this body. Consult with the Attorney: North Carolina General Statutes 143-318.11(a)(3)to consider and give instructions concerning a potential or actual claim, administrative procedure, or judicial action. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Commissioner Sikes, seconded by Commissioner Sims to come out of closed session, motion carried unanimously. In regular session, Commissioner Sikes made a motion to recess until March 145 2018, 6:00 pm seconded by Commissioner Woodburn, motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted: Denise Cannon Clerk to the Board Bivins, Nathan From: Johnson, Matt Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 3:32 PM To: Bivins, Nathan Subject: FW: [External] NCDEQ Letter Anson County Landfill ESA Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Thank you, Matthew R. Johnson / Project Consultant Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Dr Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 Toll -Free: 855-859-9932 Direct: 980-260-2109• Fax: 980-237-0372 Mobile: 704-804-8977 • http://cecinc.com Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships This electronic communication is intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. From: Ainsworth, Charles L <clainsworth@ncdot.gov> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2019 2:32 PM To: Johnson, Matt <mrjohnson@cecinc.com> Cc: Brock, Stanley G <sbrock@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: [External] NCDEQ Letter Anson County Landfill ESA Hey Matt, A traffic impact analysis will not be required. However, we do request that the left turn lane be extended to add more storage at the site's access point. Please let this email serve as an official response from this office. Should you need anything else please let us know. Lee Ainsworth, P.E. Division 10 — District 3 Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation 704 218 5100 office 704 292 1800 fax clainsworth(c�ncdot.gov 130 South Sutherland Avenue Monroe, NC 28112 From: Johnson, Matt <mrlohnson@cecinc.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2019 4:19 PM To: Ainsworth, Charles L <clainsworth@ncdot.gov> Cc: Brock, Stanley G <sbrock@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: [External] NCDEQ Letter Anson County Landfill ESA • External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to m nc. ov Hey Charles, I wanted to see if you could give me an estimate on when we could get that letter requested below from you? My manager Nathan Bivins should have sent you the requested information sometime last week. Thank you, Matthew R. Johnson / Project Consultant Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 3701 Arco Corporate Dr Suite 400 • Charlotte, NC 28273 Toll -Free: 855-859-9932 Direct: 980-260-2109• Fax: 980-237-0372 Mobile: 704-804-8977 • http:Hcecinc.com Senior Leadership • Integrated Services • Personal Business Relationships This electronic communication is intended solely for the use of the person or entity to which it is addressed, and may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law, including copyright law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Please promptly notify the sender by reply electronic communication and immediately delete this message from your system. From: Ainsworth, Charles L <clainsworth@ncdot.gov> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 8:45 AM To: Johnson, Matt <mrlohnson@cecinc.com> Cc: Brock, Stanley G <sbrock@ncdot.gov> Subject: RE: [External] NCDEQ Letter Anson County Landfill ESA Hey Matt, I remember when the request came in back in November but I don't remember the allowable tonnage being doubled. Do you know how many trucks deliver there on average? I'm pretty sure it won't require a TIA. My only concern is for the turn lane storages. Mostly the left turn lane. Lee Ainsworth, P.E. Division 10 — District 3 Engineer North Carolina Department of Transportation 704 218 5100 office 704 292 1800 fax clainsworth(c�ncdot.gov 130 South Sutherland Avenue Monroe, NC 28112 T vr f� 1 •fi From: Brock, Stanley G <sbrock@ncdot.gov> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2019 7:08 AM To: Ainsworth, Charles L <clainsworth@ncdot.gov> Subject: FW: [External] NCDEQ Letter Anson County Landfill ESA Stan Brock Engineer I Division 10 District 3 North Carolina Department of Transportation 704-218-5100 office 704-292-1800 fax sbrock@ncdot.gov 130 South Sutherland Ave. Monroe, North Carolina 28112 '�` ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENT TO FACILITY PERMIT — ALLOWABLE DAILY TONNAGE INCREASE FOR ANSON COUNTY MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL Prepared for: WASTE CONNECTIONS OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. 375 DOZER ROAD, POLKTON, NC 28135 Prepared by: CIVIL & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS, INC. 1900 CENTER PARK DRIVE, SUITE A CHARLOTTE, NC 28217 CEC Project 165-276 February 2019 I'F' Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc, 1900 Center Park Drive, Suite A I Charlotte, NC 2821 7 1 p: 980-237-0373 f: 980-237-0372 I www.cecinc.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION.......................................................................I 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT.................................................4 3.0 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS.........................................................................................5 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERSITICS OF PROJECT AREA..................................................................................................................................6 4.1 Topography.............................................................................................................6 4.2 Soils.........................................................................................................................6 4.3 Land Use................................................................................................................. 6 4.4 Wetlands................................................................................................................. 6 4.5 Prime or Unique Agricultural Lands....................................................................... 7 4.6 Public Lands, Scenic and Recreational Area.......................................................... 7 4.7 Areas of Archeological or Historical Value............................................................ 7 4.8 Air Quality.............................................................................................................. 7 4.9 Noise Levels............................................................................................................ 8 4.10 Water Resources..................................................................................................... 8 4.11 Forest Resources..................................................................................................... 8 4.12 Shellfish or Fish and Their Habitats....................................................................... 8 4.13 Wildife and Natural Vegetation.............................................................................. 9 5.0 MITIGATIVE MEASURES...........................................................................................10 6.0 REFERENCES.................................................................................................................12 7.0 EXHIBITS........................................................................................................................13 8.0 STATE AND FEDERAL PERMITS REQUIRED.......................................................14 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -i- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 1.0 PROPOSED PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Environmental Assessment for Anson County Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Substantial Amendment to Facility Permit — Allowable Daily Tonnage Increase NCDEQ Solid Waste Permit No. 04-03 -MSWLF-201 0 CEC Project 165-276 Responsible State Agency: Mailing Address: Phone: Email: Mrs. Donna Wilson, P.E. Permitting Engineer Solid Waste Section Division of Waste Management NCDEQ 217 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 (919) 707-8255 donna.wilson@ncdenr.gov Preparer of Document: Scott L. Brown, P.E. Vice President Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 1900 Center Park Drive, Suite A Charlotte, NC 28217 Phone: (980) 237-0373 Fax: (980) 237-0372 Email: sbrown@cecinc.com Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -1- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 The Anson County Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfill (NCDEQ Solid Waste Permit No. 04- 03-MSWLF-2010) is an operating landfill located at 375 Dozer Road between Polkton and Wadesboro on U.S. Route 74, see Figure 1. The site is bounded on the northwest by Brown Creek, on the east by Pinch Gut Creek, and on the south generally by the CSX railroad. A U.S.G.S. topographic map was used in the creation of the facility location map included as Figure 2. The map extends beyond the facility property boundary and displays general topographic features including the facility and adjacent surface water bodies. The Anson County Municipal Solid Waste Landfill serves North Carolina and South Carolina. The landfill site is approximately 875.693 acres in size and operated by Waste Connections of North Carolina, Inc. Chambers Development owns additional property of approximately 224 acres surrounding the landfill for a total of approximately 1,100 acres. The nature of the business conducted at the Site consists of disposal operations of MSW. In addition, vehicle and equipment maintenance and fueling in support of landfill and hauling operations is conducted in the maintenance building (approx. 11,000 sf) at the Site. The site also contains a truck wash near the maintenance building. An on -site leachate storage facility stores the leachate generated from the municipal solid waste. A scale house (approx. 3,500 sf) to weigh collection vehicles and an administration building (approx. 4,000 sf) is located on Dozer Road at the entrance to the site. The development of the Anson County MSW Landfill will be done incrementally in four (4) phases with each phase being comprised of smaller cells. The general intent is to construct a phase incrementally within the landfill when needed. Phases 1-2 of the landfill's four phases are currently operational. Phase 1 and 2 was permitted to construct by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) on June 1, 2000 and are currently receiving waste. Phases 3 and 4 were permitted in 2018 and Phase 3 has been partially constructed. The infrastructure to support the landfill has been constructed. This infrastructure includes an asphalt drive (Dozer Road) for access to the administrative building with a seven space asphalt parking lot. The other constructed support buildings include a scalehouse, maintenance building and truckwash. All leachate from the landfill operations are collected and stored onsite in a leachate storage facility. The leachate storage facility is connected to the local municipal sanitary Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -2- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 sewer system. The landfill cells are constructed and accessed by un-paved roadways. Stormwater conveyance systems and sediment control basins have been constructed to handle run-off from the developed landfill site. With each major phase, perimeter berms, access roads, landfill base, leachate management system, landfill gas management system, stormwater management system, and erosion and sedimentation control measures will be constructed. Currently, in accordance with the contractual agreement with Anson County, the landfill can operate at a maximum average waste acceptance of 3,000 tons of solid waste per day. For an operating factor of 307 days per year, the yearly disposal rate is estimated to be about 921,000 tons per year. On March 6, 2018, a revised Franchise Agreement was executed and the local ordinance was passed (See Exhibits). Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -3- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 2.0 PURPOSE AND NEED FOR PROPOSED PROJECT This Environmental Assessment has been prepared in support of a request to increase the daily tonnage acceptance rate from 3,000 tons of solid waste per day to 6,000 tons per day. This request requires a substantial amendment to the NCDEQ Permit to Operate, which in turn requires the completion of an Environmental Assessment for the site. It is anticipated that the increase in the acceptance rate will result in an increase to daily landfill activities and a reduction to the operational life of the landfill. The increase in the waste acceptance rate has been requested so that the landfill can continue to adequately serve a growing population in the service area of the landfill. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -4- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 3.0 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The alternative to increasing the waste acceptance rate at the Anson County MSW Landfill would be to increase waste disposal at another operating facility, or to construct a new landfill to accept the additional waste. Currently, the Anson County MSW Landfill accepts waste from Anson County and surrounding areas in North Carolina and South Carolina. An increase in waste disposal at another facility could potentially result in increased travel distances for waste hauling vehicles. Larger travel distances result in increased vehicle emissions and more frequent need to service and replace waste hauling vehicles. Development of a new site in general would require permitting for a new landfill (including siting and buffer requirements), construction of new infrastructure and buildings, additional operational staff and equipment, and potential impacts to wildlife and natural areas on the new site. In addition to the natural and financial resources required for construction of a new site, the timing of construction may result in an impact to current waste collection and disposal services. Siting a new landfill typically takes four to six years to plan, permit, purchase property and construct a new cell. By utilizing the existing landfill on -site, Anson County can minimize impacts to the human and natural environment by using existing utility infrastructure (both roadway, sewer and stormwater), regulatory buffers, and operational personnel and equipment. Increasing the waste acceptance rate at the existing facility on -site is the only reasonable alternative that still meets the project's purpose and need. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -5- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 4.0 EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS OF PROJECT AREA 4.1 TOPOGRAPHY The existing site topography includes gently sloping wooded terrain in undeveloped areas of the site. The constructed landfills generally have 3:1 side slopes and are constructed with access roads and benches to maintain the landfill slopes after construction. This project will have no impact on the permitted grading of the site. 4.2 SOILS The existing soils at the site have been graded to construct landfill cells. Soil export from the site is not anticipated. This project will have no impact on the permitted soil moving activities on the site. 4.3 LAND USE The current land use for the property is a MSW landfill and will continue to operate as permitted by NCDEQ. This project will have no impact on the permitted land use of the site. 4.4 WETLANDS According to a wetlands delineation performed by Carolina Wetland Service (CWS) on August, 10, 2016, natural wetlands are located on the project site. Figure 2 depicts the extent of the wetlands on the site. All stormwater run-off from operating areas of the site is captured and treated in sediment basins in accordance with active NCDEQ site permits and rules and regulations for sediment and erosion control. This project will have no impact to the existing wetlands. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -6- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 4.5 PRIME OR UNIQUE AGRICULTURAL LANDS The current land use for the property is a MSW landfill and will continue to operate as permitted by NCDEQ. This project will not result in the development of additional agricultural lands. 4.6 PUBLIC LANDS, SCENIC AND RECREATIONAL AREA As part of the active NCDEQ Permit to Construct for the landfill, buffers must be maintained between waste disposal activities and adjacent public parks, churches and public recreation areas. This project will have no impact on the permitted buffers established for the landfill. 4.7 AREAS OF ARCHEOLOGICAL OR HISTORICAL VALUE As part of the original NCDEQ Permit to Construct for the landfill, an investigation of archeological or historically valuable area on the site was performed. This project will have no impact to areas of archeological or historical value. 4.8 AIR QUALITY Odors and dust control are regulated through the approved NCDEQ Permit to Operate for the landfill. In accordance with this permit and NCDEQ solid waste rules, the Permittee shall not cause or allow fugitive dust emissions to cause or contribute to substantive complaints or excess visible emissions beyond the property boundary. Dust is controlled by site best management practices including soil and access road wetting with the on -site water truck. Odors are also regulated in accordance with the approved NCDEQ solid waste permit and rules. A landfill gas management and control plan for the landfill was approved by NCDEQ as part of the Permit to Operate. This project is not anticipated to have an effect on overall air quality of the site, as the site is regulated under the approved Permit to Operate. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -7- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 4.9 NOISE LEVELS The landfill is buffered from nearby residences. Although this project will increase equipment and truck activity on the site, the buffers will be maintained in accordance with the approved Permit to Operate for the site. The facility shall accept waste disposal vehicles only between the hours of 6:30 A.M. and 5:30 P.M Monday through Saturday. 4.10 WATER RESOURCES The approved landfill Permit to Operate requires the collection of leachate from landfilling activities. The groundwater is protected from contamination through the use of constructed liners below the waste and collection of the landfill leachate. Leachate is discharged to the municipal sanitary sewer system. Surface water is protected by existing sediment basins constructed as part of the NCDEQ Sediment and Erosion Control Permit. This project will have no impact on the permitted and approved leachate collection system or the constructed surface water basins. In addition, the landfill is covered under the NCDEQ Division of Water Quality General Permit No. NCG120000 to discharge stormwater under the national pollutant discharge elimination system. This project will not affect this permit coverage. 4.11 FOREST RESOURCES The site is an active MSW landfill. Clearing activities are limited to those required for the construction of new cells in accordance with the approved Permit to Construct for the site. This project will not result in impacts to existing forest resources. 4.12 SHELLFISH OR FISH AND THEIR HABITATS Surface waters adjacent to the operating, permitted landfill are protected by sediment control basins and periodic stormwater outfall testing in accordance with NCG120000. This project will not impact surface waters, fish, shellfish or their habitat. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -8- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 4.13 WILDLIFE AND NATURAL VEGETATION This project will not result in the removal of additional natural vegetation or wildlife habitat, beyond what has been previously permitted. This project will not impact wildlife and natural vegetation. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -9- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 5.0 MITIGATIVE MEASURES This Environmental Assessment has been prepared in support of a request to increase the allowable daily tonnage acceptance rate from 3,000 tons of solid waste per day to 6,000 tons per day. This request requires a substantial amendment to the NCDEQ Permit to Operate, which in turn requires the completion of an Environmental Assessment for the site. The increase in the allowable tonnage acceptance rate will have no effect on the existing land use, permitted total waste capacity, the area of the waste footprint, the required infrastructure to adequately operate the landfill or the final closure and reclamation measures required by the existing Permit to Operate and other local, State and Federal regulations. Due to the fact that the overall plan for the landfill development is not changing, there is no expected impact to those existing conditions discussed in Section 4.0. An increase in the allowable daily tonnage acceptance rate has the potential to increase the truck traffic to and from the site. An analysis of the potential increase in truck traffic is discussed in the following paragraphs. Conservatively, typical waste hauling vehicles have a capacity of approximately 20 tons of waste, and as a result of the requested increase in the acceptance rate, approximately 150 additional vehicle trips to the landfill are expected on operating days. The NCDOT compiles traffic data for most roadways in each County on a yearly basis and makes this information available to the public in the form of a document titled "Annual Average Daily Traffic Map". The NCDOT 2016 Annual Average Daily Traffic map for Anson County estimates traffic data on U.S. Route 74 to be 18,000 trips per day. Based on the current traffic data from NCDOT, the increase in additional truck traffic on U.S. Route 74 resulting from the increase in the waste acceptance will be approximately 0.8%. Further, the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides methodologies for estimating the level of service and capacity for both uninterrupted and interrupted transportation facilities. For each facility there are one or more performance measures, or measures of effectiveness (MOEs), which characterize the user's perception of the operating conditions of that facility. It is critical to understand at the outset that users, not facilities, experience the travel characterized by levels of service (LOS) in the 2000 HCM. By implication, there are different levels of service for each user, Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -10- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 and indeed even within a travel mode there are different service qualities possible by approach or direction, as well as by time of day. However, regardless of user mode, approach, or direction, each LOS represents a range of values for that facility's MOE. This range varies by a lettering system `A' through `F. LOS `A' represents a user perception of the MOE as being excellent, with `F' denoting a breakdown in the facility. On November 28, 2018, CEC contacted Stan Brock, NCDOT District Engineer for Division 10, which serves Anson County. According to Mr. Brock, and based on a cursory review of the roadway, U.S. Route 74 would most likely be classified as LOS "A". At the landfill site, U.S. Route 74 is a 4-lane, divided highway with dedicated turning lanes for access to Dozer Drive, the private road which serves only the landfill. As Dozer Road is a private road to the landfill, any increase in traffic would affect only U.S. Route 74 and no smaller local roads in the area. Based on the information provided by NCDOT and the expected minimal percentage increase in traffic, data suggests there will not be an adverse impact to U.S. Route 74 from this project. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -11- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 6.0 REFERENCES 1. NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Anson County Landfill Permit to Construct (NCDEQ Solid Waste Permit No. 04-03-MSWLF-2010). 2. NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Anson County Landfill Permit to Operate (NCDEQ Solid Waste Permit No. 04-03 -MSWLF-20 10). 3. NCDEQ Division of Water Quality General Permit to Discharge Stormwater General Permit NCG120000. 4. NCDOT 2016 Annual Average Daily Traffic map for Anson County. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -12- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 7.0 EXHIBITS Figure 1 — Anson County MSW Landfill Vicinity Map Figure 2 — Anson County MSW Landfill Site Map NCDOT 2016 Annual Average Daily Traffic map for Anson County Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -13- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 8.0 STATE AND FEDERAL PERMITS REQUIRED 1. NCDEQ Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section Substantial Amendment to the Permit to Operate. Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. -14- Anson County Landfill Tonnage Increase EA February 2019 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.