HomeMy WebLinkAbout3426_UCLD_drawing&permits_FID1394662_20200311From:Tanner Boyles
To:Chao, Ming-tai
Subject:[External] Grading, erosion control. Watershed permit union cross land level lcidlf
Date:Monday, March 23, 2020 11:41:33 AM
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
These notes must be used with the PSRG Table
General Notes:
1. Use of the PSRG Table for remediation goals requires a complete site characterization including
identifying the contaminants present and the range of their concentrations.
2. The health-based PSRGs (Residential and Industrial/Commercial) listed on the table represent
the lower of:
a. the carcinogenic remediation goal at 1.0E-06 risk (C), or
b. the non-carcinogenic remediation goal at a hazard quotient of 0.2 (N).
3. The sum of chemical-specific hazard quotients for all contaminants detected at a site may not
exceed a non-carcinogenic hazard index of 1.0, or a carcinogenic risk of 1.0E-04. If more than
five contaminants with non-carcinogenic effects are detected, including those where a lab
reporting limit is greater than a PSRG, use the DEQ Risk Calculator to determine if the allowable
risk is exceeded, or contact the appropriate remediation program within DEQ for additional
guidance. Similarly, use of the calculator may allow higher remediation goals if less than five
contaminants with non-carcinogenic effects are detected.
4. The protection of groundwater PSRGs are developed using a US EPA soil leaching model with
conservative assumptions and default values appropriate for North Carolina. As noted on the
table, the protection of groundwater PSRGs are established based on one of the following:
a. 2L or IMAC – the North Carolina 15A NCAC 02L Groundwater Quality Standards (2L) or
the Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMAC), or
b. Calculated – For chemicals with no 2L or IMAC, a target groundwater concentration was
calculated using the procedures and references in 15A NCAC 02L.0202. Check with the
appropriate remedial program guidance to ensure applicability prior to use. Use of these
protections of groundwater values in no way exempts compliance from the 15A NCAC
02L Standards or IMACs (or risk-based alternate standards where approved by applicable
remediation program) for groundwater, including the use of the Practical Quantitation
Limit (PQL) where no numeric standard currently exists.
If a chemical on the PSRG table does not have a protection of groundwater value, that means
one or more of the chemical specific parameters needed for the calculation is not available
from EPA’s RSL table.
5. A protection of groundwater PSRG may be calculated using the following formula if site-specific
data for porosity (θ w and θ a), bulk density (Pb), and organic carbon content (Foc) are
Parameters Default Values Units
C soil Calculated Source Concentration for soil not applicable mg/kg - soil
Cgw Applicable Groundwater Target Concentration: 15A NCAC 02L Standard 02L standard or IMACs mg/L - water
df Dilution factor 20 (0.5 acre source size)1 unitless
Soil-water partition coefficient
for organic constituents ks = koc x foc
for inorganic constituents ks = kd
Calculated from koc and
foc, or Kd L/kg
koc Soil organic carbon-water partition coefficient chemical-specific L/kg
Foc Fraction of organic carbon in subsurface vadose soils 0.001 (0.1%)2 kg/kg
Kd Soil-water partition coefficient for inorganics chemical-specific (pH=5.5) L/kg
θ w Water-filled soil porosity-vadose soils 0.32 Lwater/Lsoil
θ a Air-filled soil porosity-vadose soils 0.132 Lair/Lsoil
Pb Dry bulk density 1.52 kg/L
H' Henry's Law constant-dimensionless where: H' = Henry's Law constant (atm- m3/mole) x conversion factor of 41 chemical-specific unitless
1 - USEPA default value from US EPA 1996 Soil Screening Guidance
2 - DEQ default value appropriate for North Carolina chemical-specific - use EPA data from:
6. Refer to the DEQ Technical Guidance for Risk-Based Environmental Remediation of Sites or
contact the appropriate remediation program within DEQ for methods to develop site-specific
health-based goals and protection of groundwater goals.
7. For contaminants not listed on the table or in Appendix A, contact the appropriate remediation
program within DEQ.
Compound-Specific Notes:
8. Cadmium: Use the diet value as the PSRG.
9. Chromium: Enter the speciated analytical results for Cr(III) and Cr(VI), if available. If only Total
Cr is reported, the result may only be entered as Cr(III) if it can be verified that Total Cr levels
are within natural background concentrations. Otherwise enter the Total Cr result as Cr(VI).
10. Cyanide: Analyze for total cyanide and compare the results to the lowest PSRG value for
cyanide species on the table (unless analyses for specific species are available).
11. Lead Compounds:
a. Residential soil exposure: The PSRG for direct residential contact is 400 mg/kg where it
has been demonstrated the lead contribution from well water is less than 5 ug/L.
b. Combination of residential soil AND water exposure: The PSRG is 250 mg/kg for a
residential scenario if there are untested drinking water wells in use that are located in
the area of lead contamination, or if the wells have been tested and the lead
concentration in well water is greater than 5 ug/L.
c. Industrial/commercial soil exposure: The PSRG is 800 mg/kg for an industrial/
commercial land-use scenario.
12. Manganese: Use the non-diet value as the PSRG
13. Mercury: Use the elemental value for the PSRG (unless analyses for specific species are
14. PCBs: Compare the concentrations of the 12 dioxin-like PCB congeners (listed below) to their
respective PSRGs. Total the remaining 197 congener concentrations and compare the sum to
the “PCBs (high-risk)” PSRG. Do not use the Aroclor values without first consulting with the
appropriate remediation program within DEQ.
IUPAC No. Dioxin-like PCB Congener
PCB-77 3,3’,4,4’-Tetrachlorobiphenyl
PCB-81 3,4,4’,5-Tetrachlorobiphenyl
PCB-105 2,3,3’4,4’-Pentachlorobiphenyl
PCB-114 2,3,4,4’,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl
PCB-118 2,3’,4,4’,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl
PCB-123 2’,3,4,4’,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl
PCB-126 3,3’,4,4’,5-Pentachlorobiphenyl
PCB-156 2,3,3’,4,4’,5-Hexachlorobiphenyl
PCB-157 2,3,3’,4,4’,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl
PCB-167 2,3,4,4’,5,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl
PCB-169 3,3’,4,4’,5,5’-Hexachlorobiphenyl
PCB-189 2,3,3’,4,4’,5,5’-Heptachlorobiphenyl
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
30560-19-1 Acephate 1.5E+01 N 2.0E+02 N 3.7E-02 Calculated Yes
75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 1.2E+01 C 5.2E+01 C Yes
34256-82-1 Acetochlor 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 1.6E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
67-64-1 Acetone 1.2E+04 N 1.4E+05 N 2.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
75-86-5 Acetone Cyanohydrin 2.5E+07 N 1.0E+08 N Yes
75-05-8 Acetonitrile 1.7E+02 N 7.3E+02 N Yes
98-86-2 Acetophenone 1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 4.3E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
53-96-3 Acetylaminofluorene, 2-1.4E-01 C 6.0E-01 C 8.5E-04 Calculated
107-02-8 Acrolein 3.1E-02 N 1.3E-01 N 1.6E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
79-06-1 Acrylamide 2.4E-01 C 4.6E+00 C 3.4E-05 2L or IMAC Yes
79-10-7 Acrylic Acid 2.1E+01 N 8.8E+01 N 1.4E+01 Calculated Yes
107-13-1 Acrylonitrile 2.7E-01 C 1.2E+00 C 2.8E-04 Calculated Yes
111-69-3 Adiponitrile 7.4E+07 N 3.1E+08 N Yes
15972-60-8 Alachlor 9.7E+00 C 4.1E+01 C 6.6E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
116-06-3 Aldicarb 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 3.5E-02 Calculated Yes
1646-88-4 Aldicarb Sulfone 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 3.1E-02 Calculated Yes
1646-87-3 Aldicarb sulfoxide
309-00-2 Aldrin 3.9E-02 C 1.8E-01 C 6.6E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
107-18-6 Allyl Alcohol 7.5E-01 N 3.2E+00 N 1.4E-01 Calculated Yes
107-05-1 Allyl Chloride 3.5E-01 N 1.5E+00 N 1.1E-02 Calculated Yes
7429-90-5 Aluminum 1.6E+04 N 2.3E+05 N 1.1E+05 Calculated Yes
20859-73-8 Aluminum Phosphide 6.3E+00 N 9.3E+01 N Yes
834-12-8 Ametryn 1.1E+02 N 1.5E+03 N 1.3E+00 Calculated Yes
92-67-1 Aminobiphenyl, 4-2.6E-02 C 1.1E-01 C 1.7E-04 Calculated
591-27-5 Aminophenol, m-1.0E+03 N 1.3E+04 N 4.3E+00 Calculated Yes
95-55-6 Aminophenol, o-5.1E+01 N 6.6E+02 N 2.2E-01 Calculated Yes
123-30-8 Aminophenol, p-2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 1.1E+00 Calculated Yes
33089-61-1 Amitraz 3.2E+01 N 4.1E+02 N 1.8E+02 Calculated Yes
7664-41-7 Ammonia 6.2E+09 N 2.6E+10 N Yes
7773-06-0 Ammonium Sulfamate 3.1E+03 N 4.7E+04 N Yes
75-85-4 Amyl Alcohol, tert-1.7E+01 N 7.3E+01 N Yes
62-53-3 Aniline 8.8E+01 N 4.0E+02 C 4.2E-02 Calculated Yes
84-65-1 Anthraquinone, 9,10-1.4E+01 C 5.7E+01 C 1.8E-01 Calculated Yes
7440-36-0 Antimony (metallic)6.3E+00 N 9.3E+01 N 9.0E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
1314-60-9 Antimony Pentoxide 7.8E+00 N 1.2E+02 N Yes
1332-81-6 Antimony Tetroxide 6.3E+00 N 9.3E+01 N Yes
1309-64-4 Antimony Trioxide 2.5E+06 N 1.0E+07 N Yes
7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic 6.8E-01 C 3.0E+00 C 5.8E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
7784-42-1 Arsine 5.5E-02 N 8.2E-01 N Yes
3337-71-1 Asulam 4.6E+02 N 5.9E+03 N 1.3E+00 Calculated Yes
1912-24-9 Atrazine 2.4E+00 C 1.0E+01 C 3.9E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
492-80-8 Auramine 6.2E-01 C 2.6E+00 C 7.2E-03 Calculated
65195-55-3 Avermectin B1 5.1E+00 N 6.6E+01 N 9.8E+01 Calculated Yes
86-50-0 Azinphos-methyl 3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N 1.3E-01 Calculated Yes
103-33-3 Azobenzene 5.6E+00 C 2.6E+01 C 4.9E-02 Calculated
123-77-3 Azodicarbonamide 1.1E+04 N 1.1E+05 N 4.7E+01 Calculated Yes
Page 1 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
7440-39-3 Barium 3.1E+03 N 4.7E+04 N 5.8E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
1861-40-1 Benfluralin 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 2.3E+01 Calculated Yes
17804-35-2 Benomyl 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 6.1E+00 Calculated Yes
83055-99-6 Bensulfuron-methyl 2.5E+03 N 3.3E+04 N 7.2E+00 Calculated Yes
25057-89-0 Bentazon 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 9.2E-01 Calculated Yes
100-52-7 Benzaldehyde 1.7E+02 C 8.2E+02 C 3.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
71-43-2 Benzene 1.2E+00 C 5.4E+00 C 1.0E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
6369-59-1 Benzenediamine-2-methyl
sulfate, 1,4-3.8E+00 N 2.3E+01 C 1.9E-03 Calculated Yes
108-98-5 Benzenethiol 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N 9.4E-02 Calculated Yes
92-87-5 Benzidine 5.3E-04 C 1.0E-02 C 7.9E-06 Calculated Yes
65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 5.1E+04 N 6.6E+05 N 1.2E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
98-07-7 Benzotrichloride 5.3E-02 C 2.5E-01 C 1.2E-04 Calculated
100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 3.4E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
100-44-7 Benzyl Chloride 1.1E+00 C 5.0E+00 C 4.5E-03 Calculated Yes
7440-41-7 Beryllium and compounds 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 6.3E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
42576-02-3 Bifenox 1.1E+02 N 1.5E+03 N 9.5E+00 Calculated Yes
82657-04-3 Biphenthrin 1.9E+02 N 2.5E+03 N 9.5E+03 Calculated Yes
92-52-4 Biphenyl, 1,1'-1.0E+01 N 4.3E+01 N 8.4E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
108-60-1 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl)
ether 6.3E+02 N 9.3E+03 N 2.1E+00 Calculated Yes
111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N 9.6E-02 Calculated Yes
111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 2.4E-01 C 1.1E+00 C 1.6E-04 2L or IMAC
542-88-1 Bis(chloromethyl)ether 8.8E-05 C 3.8E-04 C 7.5E-07 Calculated
80-05-7 Bisphenol A 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 5.3E+02 Calculated Yes
7440-42-8 Boron And Borates Only 3.1E+03 N 4.7E+04 N 4.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
10294-34-5 Boron Trichloride 3.1E+04 N 4.7E+05 N Yes
7637-07-2 Boron Trifluoride 6.3E+02 N 9.3E+03 N Yes
15541-45-4 Bromate 9.9E-01 C 4.7E+00 C 7.7E-03 Calculated Yes
107-04-0 Bromo-2-chloroethane, 1-2.7E-02 C 1.2E-01 C 9.9E-05 Calculated
1073-06-9 Bromo-3-fluorobenzene, 1-4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N 4.0E-02 Calculated Yes
460-00-4 Bromo-4-fluorobenzene, 1-4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N 4.0E-02 Calculated Yes
79-08-3 Bromoacetic acid
108-86-1 Bromobenzene 5.9E+01 N 3.7E+02 N 7.6E-01 Calculated Yes
74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 3.2E+01 N 1.3E+02 N Yes
75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane 3.1E-01 C 1.4E+00 C 3.3E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
75-25-2 Bromoform 2.0E+01 C 9.0E+01 C 2.1E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
74-83-9 Bromomethane 1.4E+00 N 6.4E+00 N 5.0E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
2104-96-3 Bromophos 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 3.0E+00 Calculated Yes
106-94-5 Bromopropane, 1-4.8E+01 N 2.0E+02 N Yes
1689-84-5 Bromoxynil 5.4E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 6.0E-03 Calculated Yes
1689-99-2 Bromoxynil Octanoate 7.0E+00 C 3.3E+01 C 6.1E-02 Calculated Yes
106-99-0 Butadiene, 1,3-8.0E-02 C 3.5E-01 C 6.3E-04 Calculated Yes
94-82-6 Butanoic acid, 4-(2,4-
dichlorophenoxy)-3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 3.9E+00 Calculated Yes
71-36-3 Butanol, N-1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 2.9E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
78-92-2 Butyl alcohol, sec-2.7E+04 N 3.0E+05 N 4.1E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
2008-41-5 Butylate 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 6.8E+00 Calculated Yes
25013-16-5 Butylated hydroxyanisole 2.7E+03 C 1.1E+04 C 6.6E+00 Calculated
128-37-0 Butylated hydroxytoluene 1.5E+02 C 6.4E+02 C 5.8E+00 Calculated Yes
104-51-8 Butylbenzene, n-7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 4.5E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
135-98-8 Butylbenzene, sec-1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 4.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
98-06-6 Butylbenzene, tert-1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 3.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
75-60-5 Cacodylic Acid 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 8.1E-01 Calculated Yes
7440-43-9 Cadmium (Diet)1.4E+01 N 2.0E+02 N 3.0E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
7440-43-9 Cadmium (Water)7.5E+00 N 1.1E+02 N 3.0E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
105-60-2 Caprolactam 6.3E+03 N 8.2E+04 N 2.0E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
2425-06-1 Captafol 3.6E+00 C 1.5E+01 C 8.2E-03 Calculated Yes
133-06-2 Captan 2.4E+02 C 1.0E+03 C 2.1E-01 Calculated Yes
63-25-2 Carbaryl 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 1.3E+01 Calculated Yes
1563-66-2 Carbofuran 6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 3.1E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 1.6E+02 N 7.4E+02 N 4.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 6.9E-01 C 3.0E+00 C 2.3E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
463-58-1 Carbonyl Sulfide 1.4E+01 N 6.0E+01 N Yes
55285-14-8 Carbosulfan 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 3.4E+01 Calculated Yes
5234-68-4 Carboxin 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 7.5E+00 Calculated Yes
1306-38-3 Ceric oxide 1.1E+07 N 4.7E+07 N Yes
302-17-0 Chloral Hydrate 1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 2.8E+00 Calculated Yes
133-90-4 Chloramben 1.9E+02 N 2.5E+03 N 5.1E-01 Calculated Yes
118-75-2 Chloranil 1.4E+00 C 5.7E+00 C 1.4E-03 Calculated
12789-03-6 Chlordane 1.7E+00 C 7.7E+00 C 2.7E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
143-50-0 Chlordecone (Kepone)5.4E-02 C 2.3E-01 C 2.5E-03 Calculated Yes
470-90-6 Chlorfenvinphos 8.8E+00 N 1.1E+02 N 2.7E-01 Calculated Yes
90982-32-4 Chlorimuron, Ethyl-1.1E+03 N 1.5E+04 N 4.3E+00 Calculated Yes
7782-50-5 Chlorine 4.1E-02 N 1.7E-01 N 3.4E+00 Calculated Yes
10049-04-4 Chlorine Dioxide 4.7E+02 N 7.0E+03 N Yes
7758-19-2 Chlorite (Sodium Salt)4.7E+02 N 7.0E+03 N Yes
75-68-3 Chloro-1,1-difluoroethane, 1-1.1E+04 N 4.8E+04 N Yes
126-99-8 Chloro-1,3-butadiene, 2-1.1E-02 C 4.7E-02 C 1.5E+00 Calculated Yes
3165-93-3 Chloro-2-methylaniline HCl, 4-1.2E+00 C 5.0E+00 C 1.4E-03 Calculated
95-69-2 Chloro-2-methylaniline, 4-5.4E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 4.0E-03 Calculated Yes
107-20-0 Chloroacetaldehyde, 2-2.6E+00 C 1.2E+01 C 5.2E-04 Calculated
79-11-8 Chloroacetic Acid
532-27-4 Chloroacetophenone, 2-3.7E+05 N 1.6E+06 N Yes
106-47-8 Chloroaniline, p-2.7E+00 C 1.1E+01 C 1.5E-03 Calculated Yes
108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 5.8E+01 N 2.8E+02 N 6.8E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
98-66-8 Chlorobenzene sulfonic acid, p-1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 3.2E+00 Calculated Yes
510-15-6 Chlorobenzilate 4.9E+00 C 2.1E+01 C 2.1E-02 Calculated Yes
74-11-3 Chlorobenzoic Acid, p-3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 1.1E+00 Calculated Yes
98-56-6 Chlorobenzotrifluoride, 4-4.3E+01 N 5.1E+02 N 1.5E+00 Calculated Yes
Page 3 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
109-69-3 Chlorobutane, 1-6.3E+02 N 9.3E+03 N 2.3E+00 Calculated Yes
75-45-6 Chlorodifluoromethane 1.0E+04 N 4.4E+04 N Yes
107-07-3 Chloroethanol, 2-3.1E+02 N 4.7E+03 N 5.7E-01 Calculated Yes
67-66-3 Chloroform 3.4E-01 C 1.5E+00 C 3.9E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
74-87-3 Chloromethane 2.3E+01 N 9.9E+01 N 1.5E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
107-30-2 Chloromethyl Methyl Ether 2.1E-02 C 9.4E-02 C 6.2E-05 Calculated
88-73-3 Chloronitrobenzene, o-1.8E+00 C 7.7E+00 C 2.2E-03 Calculated Yes
100-00-5 Chloronitrobenzene, p-8.8E+00 N 3.8E+01 C 1.1E-02 Calculated Yes
95-57-8 Chlorophenol, 2-7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 7.8E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
76-06-2 Chloropicrin 4.2E-01 N 1.7E+00 N Yes
1897-45-6 Chlorothalonil 1.8E+02 C 7.4E+02 C 5.2E-01 Calculated Yes
95-49-8 Chlorotoluene, o-3.1E+02 N 4.7E+03 N 2.0E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
106-43-4 Chlorotoluene, p-3.1E+02 N 4.7E+03 N 4.6E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
54749-90-5 Chlorozotocin 2.3E-03 C 9.6E-03 C 6.4E-07 Calculated
101-21-3 Chlorpropham 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 6.3E+00 Calculated Yes
2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+00 Calculated Yes
5598-13-0 Chlorpyrifos Methyl 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 6.4E+00 Calculated Yes
64902-72-3 Chlorsulfuron 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 5.9E+00 Calculated Yes
1861-32-1 Chlorthal-dimethyl 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 1.7E+00 Calculated Yes
60238-56-4 Chlorthiophos 1.0E+01 N 1.3E+02 N 2.9E+00 Calculated Yes
16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 2.3E+04 N 3.5E+05 N 3.6E+05 2L or IMAC Yes
18540-29-9 Chromium(VI)3.1E-01 C 6.5E+00 C 3.8E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
7440-47-3 Chromium, Total
74115-24-5 Clofentezine 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 1.1E+02 Calculated Yes
7440-48-4 Cobalt 4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N 9.0E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
8007-45-2 Coke Oven Emissions 3.9E-02 C 4.8E-01 C
7440-50-8 Copper 6.3E+02 N 9.3E+03 N 7.0E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
108-39-4 Cresol, m-6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 6.4E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
95-48-7 Cresol, o-6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 6.5E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
106-44-5 Cresol, p-1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 6.4E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
59-50-7 Cresol, p-chloro-m-1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 1.7E+01 Calculated Yes
1319-77-3 Cresols 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 1.1E+01 Calculated Yes
123-73-9 Crotonaldehyde, trans-3.7E-01 C 1.7E+00 C 7.5E-05 Calculated Yes
98-82-8 Cumene 4.1E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 2.3E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
135-20-6 Cupferron 2.5E+00 C 1.0E+01 C 5.5E-03 Calculated
21725-46-2 Cyanazine 6.5E-01 C 2.7E+00 C 3.9E-04 Calculated Yes
592-01-8 ~Calcium Cyanide 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N Yes
544-92-3 ~Copper Cyanide 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N Yes
57-12-5 ~Cyanide (CN-)4.7E+00 N 3.1E+01 N 1.4E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
460-19-5 ~Cyanogen 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N Yes
506-68-3 ~Cyanogen Bromide 1.4E+03 N 2.1E+04 N Yes
506-77-4 ~Cyanogen Chloride 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N Yes
74-90-8 ~Hydrogen Cyanide 4.7E+00 N 3.1E+01 N 4.2E-01 Calculated Yes
151-50-8 ~Potassium Cyanide 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N Yes
506-61-6 ~Potassium Silver Cyanide 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N Yes
Page 4 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
506-64-9 ~Silver Cyanide 1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N Yes
143-33-9 ~Sodium Cyanide 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N Yes
E1790664 ~Thiocyanates 3.1E+00 N 4.7E+01 N Yes
463-56-9 ~Thiocyanic Acid 3.1E+00 N 4.7E+01 N Yes
557-21-1 ~Zinc Cyanide 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N Yes
110-82-7 Cyclohexane 1.4E+03 N 5.8E+03 N Yes
87-84-3 Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5-
pentabromo-6-chloro-2.7E+01 C 1.1E+02 C 2.0E-01 Calculated Yes
108-94-1 Cyclohexanone 6.0E+03 N 2.7E+04 N 1.6E+02 Calculated Yes
110-83-8 Cyclohexene 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+02 N 4.6E-01 Calculated Yes
108-91-8 Cyclohexylamine 3.1E+03 N 4.7E+04 N 7.4E+00 Calculated Yes
68359-37-5 Cyfluthrin 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 9.1E+02 Calculated Yes
68085-85-8 Cyhalothrin 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 9.6E+01 Calculated Yes
66215-27-8 Cyromazine 6.3E+03 N 8.2E+04 N 1.8E+01 Calculated Yes
72-54-8 DDD, p,p`- (DDD)3.8E-01 N 4.9E+00 N 4.7E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
72-55-9 DDE, p,p'-2.0E+00 C 9.3E+00 C 4.7E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
50-29-3 DDT 1.9E+00 C 8.5E+00 C 6.7E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
75-99-0 Dalapon 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 8.3E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
1596-84-5 Daminozide 3.0E+01 C 1.3E+02 C 8.6E-03 Calculated Yes
Decabromodiphenyl ether,
2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'- (BDE-
8.8E+01 N 1.1E+03 N 5.4E+02 Calculated Yes
8065-48-3 Demeton 5.1E-01 N 6.6E+00 N Yes
103-23-1 Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 4.5E+02 C 1.9E+03 C 4.2E+01 Calculated Yes
2303-16-4 Diallate 8.9E+00 C 3.8E+01 C 1.7E-02 Calculated
333-41-5 Diazinon 8.8E+00 N 1.1E+02 N 6.1E-01 Calculated Yes
132-65-0 Dibenzothiophene 1.6E+02 N 2.3E+03 N 2.6E+01 Calculated Yes
96-12-8 Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2-5.6E-03 C 6.8E-02 C 3.5E-04 2L or IMAC Yes
631-64-1 Dibromoacetic acid
108-36-1 Dibromobenzene, 1,3-6.3E+00 N 9.3E+01 N 5.3E-02 Calculated Yes
106-37-6 Dibromobenzene, 1,4-1.6E+02 N 2.3E+03 N 1.3E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 8.3E+00 C 3.9E+01 C 2.1E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
106-93-4 Dibromoethane, 1,2-3.8E-02 C 1.7E-01 C 1.1E-04 2L or IMAC Yes
74-95-3 Dibromomethane (Methylene
Bromide)5.0E+00 N 2.1E+01 N 3.4E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
E1790660 Dibutyltin Compounds 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N Yes
1918-00-9 Dicamba 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 1.1E+00 Calculated Yes
764-41-0 Dichloro-2-butene, 1,4-2.3E-03 C 1.0E-02 C
1476-11-5 Dichloro-2-butene, cis-1,4-7.9E-03 C 3.5E-02 C
110-57-6 Dichloro-2-butene, trans-1,4-7.9E-03 C 3.5E-02 C
79-43-6 Dichloroacetic Acid 1.1E+01 C 4.6E+01 C 2.9E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
95-50-1 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2-3.8E+02 N 2.0E+03 N 3.9E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
106-46-7 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4-2.8E+00 C 1.2E+01 C 1.2E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
91-94-1 Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3'-1.2E+00 C 5.1E+00 C 1.0E-02 Calculated
90-98-2 Dichlorobenzophenone, 4,4'-1.1E+02 N 1.5E+03 N 7.6E+00 Calculated Yes
Page 5 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.8E+01 N 7.8E+01 N 3.0E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1-3.8E+00 C 1.7E+01 C 3.4E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
107-06-2 Dichloroethane, 1,2-4.9E-01 C 2.2E+00 C 2.3E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
75-35-4 Dichloroethylene, 1,1-4.8E+01 N 2.1E+02 N 2.5E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis-3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 4.1E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans-3.1E+02 N 4.7E+03 N 6.2E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
120-83-2 Dichlorophenol, 2,4-3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N 9.7E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
94-75-7 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid,
2,4-1.4E+02 N 1.9E+03 N 3.6E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
78-87-5 Dichloropropane, 1,2-2.6E+00 C 1.2E+01 C 4.0E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
142-28-9 Dichloropropane, 1,3-3.1E+02 N 4.7E+03 N 9.7E-01 Calculated Yes
616-23-9 Dichloropropanol, 2,3-3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N 8.9E-02 Calculated Yes
542-75-6 Dichloropropene, 1,3-1.9E+00 C 8.6E+00 C 2.9E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
62-73-7 Dichlorvos 1.9E+00 C 7.9E+00 C 7.4E-04 Calculated Yes
141-66-2 Dicrotophos 3.8E-01 N 4.9E+00 N 9.8E-04 Calculated Yes
77-73-6 Dicyclopentadiene 2.7E-01 N 1.2E+00 N 3.9E+01 Calculated Yes
60-57-1 Dieldrin 3.4E-02 C 1.4E-01 C 1.6E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
E17136615 Diesel Engine Exhaust 5.6E+05 C 2.4E+06 C Yes
111-42-2 Diethanolamine 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 5.7E-02 Calculated Yes
112-34-5 Diethylene Glycol Monobutyl
Ether 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 9.2E-01 Calculated Yes
111-90-0 Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl
Ether 7.6E+02 N 9.8E+03 N 1.7E+00 Calculated Yes
617-84-5 Diethylformamide 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N 2.9E-02 Calculated Yes
56-53-1 Diethylstilbestrol 1.6E-03 C 6.6E-03 C 1.1E-03 Calculated
43222-48-6 Difenzoquat 1.0E+03 N 1.4E+04 N 1.8E+03 Calculated Yes
35367-38-5 Diflubenzuron 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 3.2E+00 Calculated Yes
75-37-6 Difluoroethane, 1,1-1.0E+04 N 4.3E+04 N Yes
420-45-1 Difluoropropane, 2,2-5.0E+03 N 2.1E+04 N Yes
94-58-6 Dihydrosafrole 1.0E+01 C 4.6E+01 C 9.8E-03 Calculated
108-20-3 Diisopropyl Ether 4.8E+02 N 2.0E+03 N 3.6E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
1445-75-6 Diisopropyl
Methylphosphonate 1.3E+03 N 1.9E+04 N 3.2E+00 Calculated Yes
55290-64-7 Dimethipin 2.8E+02 N 3.6E+03 N 6.8E-01 Calculated Yes
60-51-5 Dimethoate 2.8E+01 N 3.6E+02 N 6.9E-02 Calculated Yes
119-90-4 Dimethoxybenzidine, 3,3'-3.4E-01 C 1.4E+00 C 5.3E-04 Calculated
756-79-6 Dimethyl methylphosphonate 3.2E+02 C 1.4E+03 C 8.7E-02 Calculated Yes
60-11-7 Dimethylamino azobenzene [p-
]1.2E-01 C 5.0E-01 C 6.5E-04 Calculated
21436-96-4 Dimethylaniline HCl, 2,4-9.4E-01 C 4.0E+00 C 1.1E-03 Calculated
95-68-1 Dimethylaniline, 2,4-2.7E+00 C 1.1E+01 C 2.0E-03 Calculated Yes
121-69-7 Dimethylaniline, N,N-2.6E+01 C 1.2E+02 C 9.3E-03 Calculated Yes
119-93-7 Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3'-4.9E-02 C 2.1E-01 C 4.2E-04 Calculated
68-12-2 Dimethylformamide 5.4E+02 N 3.0E+03 N 2.8E+00 Calculated Yes
57-14-7 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1-1.2E-02 N 5.1E-02 N 3.1E-03 Calculated Yes
540-73-8 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,2-9.0E-04 C 4.1E-03 C 2.9E-07 Calculated
Page 6 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
105-67-9 Dimethylphenol, 2,4-2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 2.4E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
576-26-1 Dimethylphenol, 2,6-7.6E+00 N 9.8E+01 N 1.0E-01 Calculated Yes
95-65-8 Dimethylphenol, 3,4-1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 1.7E-01 Calculated Yes
513-37-1 Dimethylvinylchloride 1.2E+00 C 5.1E+00 C 5.1E-03 Calculated
534-52-1 Dinitro-o-cresol, 4,6-1.0E+00 N 1.3E+01 N 1.9E-02 Calculated Yes
131-89-5 Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl Phenol,
4,6-2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 9.3E+00 Calculated Yes
528-29-0 Dinitrobenzene, 1,2-1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 1.3E-02 Calculated Yes
99-65-0 Dinitrobenzene, 1,3-1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 1.3E-02 Calculated Yes
100-25-4 Dinitrobenzene, 1,4-1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 1.3E-02 Calculated Yes
51-28-5 Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 3.1E-01 Calculated Yes
E1615210 Dinitrotoluene Mixture, 2,4/2,6-8.0E-01 C 3.4E+00 C 1.4E-03 Calculated
121-14-2 Dinitrotoluene, 2,4-1.7E+00 C 7.4E+00 C 2.7E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
606-20-2 Dinitrotoluene, 2,6-3.6E-01 C 1.5E+00 C 6.4E-04 Calculated Yes
35572-78-2 Dinitrotoluene, 2-Amino-4,6-3.1E+01 N 4.6E+02 N 2.1E-01 Calculated Yes
19406-51-0 Dinitrotoluene, 4-Amino-2,6-3.1E+01 N 4.5E+02 N 2.1E-01 Calculated Yes
25321-14-6 Dinitrotoluene, Technical
grade 1.2E+00 C 5.1E+00 C 2.1E-03 Calculated Yes
88-85-7 Dinoseb 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 1.2E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
123-91-1 Dioxane, 1,4-5.4E+00 C 2.5E+01 C 1.2E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
NA ~Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin,
Mixture 1.0E-04 C 4.7E-04 C 1.6E-04 Calculated
1746-01-6 ~TCDD, 2,3,7,8-4.8E-06 C 2.2E-05 C 2.0E-06 2L or IMAC Yes
957-51-7 Diphenamid 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 4.1E+01 Calculated Yes
101-84-8 Diphenyl Ether 7.2E+00 N 3.0E+01 N 8.2E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
127-63-9 Diphenyl Sulfone 1.0E+01 N 1.3E+02 N 2.7E-01 Calculated Yes
122-39-4 Diphenylamine 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 2.6E+01 Calculated Yes
122-66-7 Diphenylhydrazine, 1,2-6.8E-01 C 2.9E+00 C 2.8E-03 Calculated
85-00-7 Diquat 2.8E+01 N 3.6E+02 N 7.5E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
1937-37-7 Direct Black 38 7.6E-02 C 3.2E-01 C 4.8E+01 Calculated
2602-46-2 Direct Blue 6 7.3E-02 C 3.1E-01 C 1.5E+02 Calculated
16071-86-6 Direct Brown 95 8.1E-02 C 3.4E-01 C 1.5E+00 Calculated
298-04-4 Disulfoton 5.1E-01 N 6.6E+00 N 1.1E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
505-29-3 Dithiane, 1,4-1.6E+02 N 2.3E+03 N 6.9E-01 Calculated Yes
330-54-1 Diuron 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 1.2E-01 Calculated Yes
2439-10-3 Dodine 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 1.4E+01 Calculated Yes
759-94-4 EPTC 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 3.7E+00 Calculated Yes
115-29-7 Endosulfan 9.4E+01 N 1.4E+03 N 1.1E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
1031-07-8 Endosulfan Sulfate 7.6E+01 N 9.8E+02 N 1.6E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
145-73-3 Endothall 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 4.8E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
72-20-8 Endrin 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 1.6E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin 4.0E+00 N 1.7E+01 N 1.8E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
106-88-7 Epoxybutane, 1,2-3.4E+01 N 1.4E+02 N Yes
111-77-3 Ethanol, 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)-5.1E+02 N 6.6E+03 N 1.1E+00 Calculated Yes
Page 7 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
16672-87-0 Ethephon 6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 1.5E-01 Calculated Yes
563-12-2 Ethion 6.3E+00 N 8.2E+01 N 1.4E-01 Calculated Yes
111-15-9 Ethoxyethanol Acetate, 2-5.4E+02 N 3.0E+03 N 2.9E+00 Calculated Yes
110-80-5 Ethoxyethanol, 2-1.1E+03 N 9.8E+03 N 2.5E+00 Calculated Yes
141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 1.3E+02 N 5.6E+02 N 1.3E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
140-88-5 Ethyl Acrylate 9.8E+00 N 4.5E+01 N 1.6E-01 Calculated Yes
75-00-3 Ethyl Chloride (Chloroethane)2.9E+03 N 1.2E+04 N 1.7E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
60-29-7 Ethyl Ether 3.1E+03 N 4.7E+04 N 6.3E+00 Calculated Yes
97-63-2 Ethyl Methacrylate 3.8E+02 N 1.6E+03 N Yes
2104-64-5 Ethyl-p-nitrophenyl
Phosphonate 1.3E-01 N 1.6E+00 N 4.4E-02 Calculated Yes
100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 6.1E+00 C 2.7E+01 C 1.3E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
109-78-4 Ethylene Cyanohydrin 8.8E+02 N 1.1E+04 N 2.0E+00 Calculated Yes
107-15-3 Ethylene Diamine 1.4E+03 N 2.1E+04 N 2.9E+00 Calculated Yes
107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol 2.5E+04 N 3.3E+05 N 4.0E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
111-76-2 Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl
Ether 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 2.9E+00 Calculated Yes
75-21-8 Ethylene Oxide 2.2E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 4.7E-04 Calculated Yes
96-45-7 Ethylene Thiourea 1.0E+00 N 1.3E+01 N 2.5E-03 Calculated Yes
151-56-4 Ethyleneimine 2.8E-03 C 1.2E-02 C 2.3E-06 Calculated
84-72-0 Ethylphthalyl Ethyl Glycolate 3.8E+04 N 4.9E+05 N 9.4E+02 Calculated Yes
22224-92-6 Fenamiphos 3.2E+00 N 4.1E+01 N 3.5E-02 Calculated Yes
39515-41-8 Fenpropathrin 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 1.6E+02 Calculated Yes
51630-58-1 Fenvalerate 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 2.2E+03 Calculated Yes
2164-17-2 Fluometuron 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 1.4E+00 Calculated Yes
16984-48-8 Fluoride 6.3E+02 N 9.3E+03 N 6.0E+03 2L or IMAC Yes
7782-41-4 Fluorine (Soluble Fluoride)9.4E+02 N 1.4E+04 N 6.3E+02 Calculated Yes
59756-60-4 Fluridone 1.0E+03 N 1.3E+04 N 1.3E+03 Calculated Yes
56425-91-3 Flurprimidol 5.1E+02 N 6.6E+03 N 2.6E+01 Calculated Yes
85509-19-9 Flusilazole 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 4.5E+01 Calculated Yes
66332-96-5 Flutolanil 6.3E+03 N 8.2E+04 N 3.7E+02 Calculated Yes
69409-94-5 Fluvalinate 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 2.0E+03 Calculated Yes
133-07-3 Folpet 1.1E+03 N 1.5E+04 N 3.0E+00 Calculated Yes
72178-02-0 Fomesafen 3.2E+01 N 4.1E+02 N 1.2E+00 Calculated Yes
944-22-9 Fonofos 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 5.4E-01 Calculated Yes
50-00-0 Formaldehyde 1.2E+01 C 5.2E+01 C 2.4E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
64-18-6 Formic Acid 6.1E+00 N 2.6E+01 N 2.5E+01 Calculated Yes
39148-24-8 Fosetyl-AL 3.2E+04 N 4.1E+05 N 4.6E+03 Calculated Yes
132-64-9 ~Dibenzofuran 1.5E+01 N 2.1E+02 N 1.0E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
110-00-9 ~Furan 1.5E+01 N 2.1E+02 N 5.3E-02 Calculated Yes
109-99-9 ~Tetrahydrofuran 3.8E+03 N 2.0E+04 N 2.8E+01 Calculated Yes
67-45-8 Furazolidone 1.4E-01 C 6.0E-01 C 3.5E-04 Calculated
98-01-1 Furfural 4.3E+01 N 5.4E+02 N 8.9E-02 Calculated Yes
531-82-8 Furium 3.6E-01 C 1.5E+00 C 6.3E-04 Calculated
Page 8 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
60568-05-0 Furmecyclox 1.8E+01 C 7.7E+01 C 2.5E-02 Calculated
77182-82-2 Glufosinate, Ammonium 7.6E+01 N 9.8E+02 N 1.8E-01 Calculated Yes
111-30-8 Glutaraldehyde 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 2.8E+00 Calculated Yes
765-34-4 Glycidyl 4.7E+00 N 4.2E+01 N 1.1E-02 Calculated Yes
1071-83-6 Glyphosate 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 6.2E+01 Calculated Yes
113-00-8 Guanidine 1.6E+02 N 2.3E+03 N 3.1E-01 Calculated Yes
50-01-1 Guanidine Chloride 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N Yes
506-93-4 Guanidine Nitrate 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 1.0E+00 Calculated Yes
69806-40-2 Haloxyfop, Methyl 6.3E-01 N 8.2E+00 N 7.8E-02 Calculated Yes
76-44-8 Heptachlor 1.4E-01 C 6.3E-01 C 1.3E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide 7.1E-02 C 3.3E-01 C 1.6E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
111-71-7 Heptanal, n-5.2E+00 N 2.2E+01 N Yes
142-82-5 Heptane, N-4.4E+00 N 5.8E+01 N 6.2E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
87-82-1 Hexabromobenzene 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 1.6E+00 Calculated Yes
68631-49-2 Hexabromodiphenyl ether,
2,2',4,4',5,5'- (BDE-153)2.5E+00 N 3.3E+01 N Yes
118-74-1 Hexachlorobenzene 2.2E-01 C 9.9E-01 C 5.0E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.3E+00 C 5.6E+00 C 1.5E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
319-84-6 Hexachlorocyclohexane, Alpha-8.6E-02 C 3.6E-01 C 7.0E-04 2L or IMAC Yes
319-85-7 Hexachlorocyclohexane, Beta-3.0E-01 C 1.3E+00 C 2.3E-03 2L or IMAC
58-89-9 Hexachlorocyclohexane,
Gamma- (Lindane)5.7E-01 C 2.5E+00 C 3.5E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexane,
Technical 3.0E-01 C 1.3E+00 C 2.3E-03 2L or IMAC
77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3.8E-01 N 1.6E+00 N 2.6E+00 Calculated Yes
67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1.9E+00 C 8.5E+00 C 1.1E-02 Calculated Yes
70-30-4 Hexachlorophene 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 5.6E+01 Calculated Yes
121-82-4 Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-
triazine (RDX)8.3E+00 C 3.8E+01 C 3.3E-03 Calculated Yes
822-06-0 Hexamethylene Diisocyanate,
1,6-6.7E-01 N 2.8E+00 N Yes
680-31-9 Hexamethylphosphoramide 5.1E+00 N 6.6E+01 N 1.2E-02 Calculated Yes
110-54-3 Hexane, N-1.3E+02 N 5.4E+02 N 5.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
124-04-9 Hexanedioic Acid 2.5E+04 N 3.3E+05 N 7.0E+01 Calculated Yes
104-76-7 Hexanol, 1-,2-ethyl- (2-Ethyl-1-
hexanol)7.3E+01 C 3.4E+02 C Yes
591-78-6 Hexanone, 2-4.2E+01 N 2.8E+02 N 1.8E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
51235-04-2 Hexazinone 4.2E+02 N 5.4E+03 N 2.1E+00 Calculated Yes
78587-05-0 Hexythiazox 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 1.6E+01 Calculated Yes
67485-29-4 Hydramethylnon 2.1E+02 N 2.8E+03 N 8.6E+05 Calculated Yes
302-01-2 Hydrazine 3.4E-02 C 1.5E-01 C 4.8E-05 Calculated Yes
10034-93-2 Hydrazine Sulfate 2.3E-01 C 1.1E+00 C
7647-01-0 Hydrogen Chloride 2.5E+08 N 1.0E+09 N Yes
7664-39-3 Hydrogen Fluoride 6.3E+02 N 9.3E+03 N Yes
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
7783-06-4 Hydrogen Sulfide 2.5E+07 N 1.0E+08 N Yes
123-31-9 Hydroquinone 9.0E+00 C 3.8E+01 C 7.9E-03 Calculated Yes
35554-44-0 Imazalil 8.9E+00 C 3.8E+01 C 2.0E-01 Calculated Yes
81335-37-7 Imazaquin 3.2E+03 N 4.1E+04 N 1.7E+02 Calculated Yes
81335-77-5 Imazethapyr 3.2E+04 N 4.1E+05 N 3.1E+02 Calculated Yes
7553-56-2 Iodine 1.6E+02 N 2.3E+03 N 4.2E+01 Calculated Yes
36734-19-7 Iprodione 5.1E+02 N 6.6E+03 N 1.7E+00 Calculated Yes
7439-89-6 Iron 1.1E+04 N 1.6E+05 N 1.5E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
78-83-1 Isobutyl Alcohol 4.7E+03 N 7.0E+04 N 8.6E+00 Calculated Yes
78-59-1 Isophorone 5.7E+02 C 2.4E+03 C 2.6E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
33820-53-0 Isopropalin 2.3E+02 N 3.5E+03 N 4.8E+01 Calculated Yes
67-63-0 Isopropanol 1.2E+03 N 5.1E+03 N 5.7E+01 Calculated Yes
1832-54-8 Isopropyl Methyl Phosphonic
Acid 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 3.0E+00 Calculated Yes
82558-50-7 Isoxaben 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 1.9E+01 Calculated Yes
E1737665 JP-7 3.7E+09 N 1.6E+10 N Yes
77501-63-4 Lactofen 1.0E+02 N 1.3E+03 N 5.2E+01 Calculated Yes
78-97-7 Lactonitrile 2.5E+00 N 3.3E+01 N 5.7E-03 Calculated Yes
7439-91-0 Lanthanum 7.8E-01 N 1.2E+01 N Yes
100587-90-4 Lanthanum Acetate Hydrate 2.7E-01 N 3.4E+00 N Yes
10025-84-0 Lanthanum Chloride
Heptahydrate 3.0E-01 N 4.4E+00 N Yes
10099-58-8 Lanthanum Chloride,
Anhydrous 4.4E-01 N 6.5E+00 N Yes
10277-43-7 Lanthanum Nitrate
Hexahydrate 2.5E-01 N 3.7E+00 N Yes
Lead Compounds
7446-27-7 ~Lead Phosphate 8.2E+01 C 3.8E+02 C
301-04-2 ~Lead acetate 6.4E+01 C 2.7E+02 C 1.7E-02 Calculated
7439-92-1 ~Lead and Compounds 2.7E+02 2L or IMAC
1335-32-6 ~Lead subacetate 6.4E+01 C 2.7E+02 C 1.8E-02 Calculated
78-00-2 ~Tetraethyl Lead 1.6E-03 N 2.3E-02 N 4.9E-05 Calculated Yes
541-25-3 Lewisite 7.8E-02 N 1.2E+00 N 3.0E-04 Calculated Yes
330-55-2 Linuron 9.7E+01 N 1.3E+03 N 9.5E-01 Calculated Yes
7439-93-2 Lithium 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 4.2E+01 Calculated Yes
94-74-6 MCPA 6.3E+00 N 8.2E+01 N 1.8E-02 Calculated Yes
94-81-5 MCPB 5.6E+01 N 7.2E+02 N 2.4E-01 Calculated Yes
93-65-2 MCPP 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 4.2E-02 Calculated Yes
121-75-5 Malathion 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 7.4E-01 Calculated Yes
108-31-6 Maleic Anhydride 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 2.8E+00 Calculated Yes
123-33-1 Maleic Hydrazide 6.3E+03 N 8.2E+04 N 1.4E+01 Calculated Yes
109-77-3 Malononitrile 1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 2.9E-03 Calculated Yes
8018-01-7 Mancozeb 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 5.9E+00 Calculated Yes
12427-38-2 Maneb 6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 9.9E-01 Calculated Yes
7439-96-5 Manganese (Diet)2.2E+03 N 3.2E+04 N 6.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
7439-96-5 Manganese (Non-diet)3.8E+02 N 5.6E+03 N 6.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
Page 10 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
950-10-7 Mephosfolan 1.1E+00 N 1.5E+01 N 1.9E-02 Calculated Yes
24307-26-4 Mepiquat Chloride 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 1.4E+00 Calculated Yes
149-30-4 Mercaptobenzothiazole, 2-4.9E+01 C 2.1E+02 C 1.9E-01 Calculated Yes
Mercury Compounds
7487-94-7 ~Mercuric Chloride (and other
Mercury salts)4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N Yes
7439-97-6 ~Mercury (elemental)2.3E+00 N 9.7E+00 N 1.0E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
22967-92-6 ~Methyl Mercury 1.6E+00 N 2.3E+01 N 4.9E+01 Calculated Yes
62-38-4 ~Phenylmercuric Acetate 1.0E+00 N 1.3E+01 N 3.5E-03 Calculated Yes
150-50-5 Merphos 4.7E-01 N 7.0E+00 N 4.1E-01 Calculated Yes
78-48-8 Merphos Oxide 1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 6.9E-02 Calculated Yes
57837-19-1 Metalaxyl 7.6E+02 N 9.8E+03 N 2.3E+00 Calculated Yes
126-98-7 Methacrylonitrile 1.5E+00 N 2.1E+01 N 3.2E-03 Calculated Yes
10265-92-6 Methamidophos 6.3E-01 N 8.2E+00 N 1.5E-03 Calculated Yes
67-56-1 Methanol 2.5E+04 N 2.5E+05 N 1.6E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
950-37-8 Methidathion 1.9E+01 N 2.5E+02 N 5.1E-02 Calculated Yes
16752-77-5 Methomyl 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 7.7E-01 Calculated Yes
99-59-2 Methoxy-5-nitroaniline, 2-1.1E+01 C 4.7E+01 C 4.9E-03 Calculated
72-43-5 Methoxychlor 6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 4.3E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
110-49-6 Methoxyethanol Acetate, 2-2.2E+01 N 1.1E+02 N 2.3E-01 Calculated Yes
109-86-4 Methoxyethanol, 2-6.6E+01 N 7.2E+02 N 1.4E-01 Calculated Yes
79-20-9 Methyl Acetate 1.6E+04 N 2.3E+05 N 2.9E+01 Calculated Yes
96-33-3 Methyl Acrylate 3.1E+01 N 1.3E+02 N Yes
78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-
Butanone)5.5E+03 N 4.0E+04 N 1.7E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
60-34-4 Methyl Hydrazine 1.5E-01 C 6.6E-01 C 3.2E-02 Calculated Yes
108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (4-
methyl-2-pentanone)7.0E+03 N 3.0E+04 N 4.5E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
624-83-9 Methyl Isocyanate 9.8E-01 N 4.1E+00 N Yes
80-62-6 Methyl Methacrylate 9.4E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 1.1E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
298-00-0 Methyl Parathion 3.2E+00 N 4.1E+01 N 5.8E-02 Calculated Yes
993-13-5 Methyl Phosphonic Acid 7.6E+02 N 9.8E+03 N 1.7E+00 Calculated Yes
25013-15-4 Methyl Styrene (Mixed
Isomers)6.5E+01 N 5.5E+02 N 1.4E+00 Calculated Yes
66-27-3 Methyl methanesulfonate 5.5E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 1.5E-03 Calculated
1634-04-4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)4.9E+01 C 2.2E+02 C 9.0E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
615-45-2 Methyl-1,4-benzenediamine
dihydrochloride, 2-3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 2.5E-02 Calculated Yes
108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentanol, 4-1.1E+04 N 4.8E+04 N Yes
99-55-8 Methyl-5-Nitroaniline, 2-6.0E+01 C 2.6E+02 C 4.3E-02 Calculated Yes
70-25-7 Methyl-N-nitro-N-
nitrosoguanidine, N-6.5E-02 C 2.8E-01 C 2.9E-05 Calculated
636-21-5 Methylaniline Hydrochloride, 2-4.2E+00 C 1.8E+01 C 2.3E-03 Calculated
124-58-3 Methylarsonic acid 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 4.0E-01 Calculated Yes
Page 11 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
74612-12-7 Methylbenzene,1-4-diamine
monohydrochloride, 2-2.5E+00 N 3.3E+01 N Yes
615-50-9 Methylbenzene-1,4-diamine
sulfate, 2-3.8E+00 N 2.3E+01 C Yes
56-49-5 Methylcholanthrene, 3-5.5E-03 C 1.0E-01 C 6.1E-02 Calculated
75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 5.8E+01 C 6.5E+02 N 2.5E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
101-14-4 Methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline),
4,4'-1.2E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 8.1E-02 Calculated Yes
101-61-1 Methylene-bis(N,N-dimethyl)
Aniline, 4,4'-1.2E+01 C 5.0E+01 C 8.4E-02 Calculated
101-77-9 Methylenebisbenzenamine,
4,4'-3.4E-01 C 1.4E+00 C 1.9E-03 Calculated Yes
101-68-8 Methylenediphenyl
Diisocyanate 7.4E+06 N 3.1E+07 N Yes
98-83-9 Methylstyrene, Alpha-1.1E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 1.6E+01 Calculated Yes
51218-45-2 Metolachlor 1.9E+03 N 2.5E+04 N 2.5E+01 Calculated Yes
21087-64-9 Metribuzin 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 1.1E+00 Calculated Yes
74223-64-6 Metsulfuron-methyl 3.2E+03 N 4.1E+04 N 1.3E+01 Calculated Yes
8012-95-1 Mineral oils 4.7E+04 N 7.0E+05 N 1.6E+04 Calculated Yes
2385-85-5 Mirex 3.6E-02 C 1.7E-01 C 2.8E-02 Calculated Yes
2212-67-1 Molinate 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 1.6E-01 Calculated Yes
7439-98-7 Molybdenum 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 7.1E+00 Calculated Yes
10599-90-3 Monochloramine 1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N Yes
100-61-8 Monomethylaniline 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 1.0E-01 Calculated Yes
88671-89-0 Myclobutanil 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 4.3E+01 Calculated Yes
74-31-7 N,N'-Diphenyl-1,4-
benzenediamine 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 4.4E+00 Calculated Yes
300-76-5 Naled 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 1.3E-01 Calculated Yes
64742-95-6 Naphtha, High Flash Aromatic
(HFAN)4.7E+02 N 7.0E+03 N Yes
91-59-8 Naphthylamine, 2-3.0E-01 C 1.3E+00 C 2.0E-03 Calculated
15299-99-7 Napropamide 1.5E+03 N 2.0E+04 N 1.1E+02 Calculated Yes
373-02-4 Nickel Acetate 1.4E+02 N 1.8E+03 N 3.1E-01 Calculated Yes
3333-67-3 Nickel Carbonate 1.4E+02 N 1.8E+03 N Yes
13463-39-3 Nickel Carbonyl 1.7E+02 N 2.6E+03 N Yes
12054-48-7 Nickel Hydroxide 1.7E+02 N 2.6E+03 N Yes
1313-99-1 Nickel Oxide 1.7E+02 N 2.6E+03 N Yes
E715532 Nickel Refinery Dust 1.7E+02 N 2.6E+03 N 1.2E+02 Calculated Yes
7440-02-0 Nickel Soluble Salts 3.1E+02 N 4.7E+03 N 1.3E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
12035-72-2 Nickel Subsulfide 4.1E-01 C 1.9E+00 C Yes
1271-28-9 Nickelocene 1.4E+02 N 1.8E+03 N Yes
14797-55-8 Nitrate 2.5E+04 N 3.7E+05 N Yes
E701177 Nitrate + Nitrite (as N)
14797-65-0 Nitrite 1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N Yes
88-74-4 Nitroaniline, 2-1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 5.9E-01 Calculated Yes
100-01-6 Nitroaniline, 4-2.7E+01 C 1.1E+02 C 1.5E-02 Calculated Yes
Page 12 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 5.5E+00 C 2.4E+01 C 1.8E-01 Calculated Yes
9004-70-0 Nitrocellulose 3.8E+07 N 4.9E+08 N 9.2E+04 Calculated Yes
67-20-9 Nitrofurantoin 8.8E+02 N 1.1E+04 N 4.2E+00 Calculated Yes
59-87-0 Nitrofurazone 4.2E-01 C 1.8E+00 C 4.8E-04 Calculated
55-63-0 Nitroglycerin 1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 6.0E-03 Calculated Yes
556-88-7 Nitroguanidine 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 3.4E+00 Calculated Yes
75-52-5 Nitromethane 5.8E+00 C 2.5E+01 C Yes
79-46-9 Nitropropane, 2-1.5E-02 C 6.4E-02 C Yes
759-73-9 Nitroso-N-ethylurea, N-4.5E-03 C 8.5E-02 C 6.3E-06 Calculated
684-93-5 Nitroso-N-methylurea, N-1.0E-03 C 1.9E-02 C 1.3E-06 Calculated
924-16-3 Nitroso-di-N-butylamine, N-1.0E-01 C 4.6E-01 C 2.6E-04 Calculated
621-64-7 Nitroso-di-N-propylamine, N-7.8E-02 C 3.3E-01 C 7.5E-05 Calculated
1116-54-7 Nitrosodiethanolamine, N-1.9E-01 C 8.2E-01 C 5.1E-05 Calculated
55-18-5 Nitrosodiethylamine, N-8.1E-04 C 1.5E-02 C 1.7E-06 Calculated
62-75-9 Nitrosodimethylamine, N-2.0E-03 C 3.5E-02 C 3.4E-06 2L or IMAC Yes
86-30-6 Nitrosodiphenylamine, N-1.1E+02 C 4.7E+02 C 7.8E-01 Calculated
10595-95-6 Nitrosomethylethylamine, N-2.0E-02 C 9.3E-02 C 9.1E-06 Calculated
59-89-2 Nitrosomorpholine [N-]8.1E-02 C 3.4E-01 C 2.6E-05 Calculated
100-75-4 Nitrosopiperidine [N-]5.8E-02 C 2.4E-01 C 4.0E-05 Calculated
930-55-2 Nitrosopyrrolidine, N-2.6E-01 C 1.1E+00 C 1.3E-04 Calculated
99-08-1 Nitrotoluene, m-1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 1.3E-02 Calculated Yes
88-72-2 Nitrotoluene, o-3.2E+00 C 1.5E+01 C 3.0E-03 Calculated Yes
99-99-0 Nitrotoluene, p-3.4E+01 C 1.4E+02 C 4.1E-02 Calculated Yes
111-84-2 Nonane, n-2.3E+00 N 1.5E+01 N 5.8E-01 Calculated Yes
27314-13-2 Norflurazon 1.9E+02 N 2.5E+03 N 1.4E+01 Calculated Yes
32536-52-0 Octabromodiphenyl Ether 3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N 8.3E+01 Calculated Yes
2691-41-0 Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-
1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX)7.7E+02 N 1.1E+04 N 8.8E+00 Calculated Yes
152-16-9 Octamethylpyrophosphoramid
e 2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 6.7E-02 Calculated Yes
19044-88-3 Oryzalin 7.0E+01 C 2.9E+02 C 1.7E-01 Calculated Yes
19666-30-9 Oxadiazon 6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 7.1E+00 Calculated Yes
23135-22-0 Oxamyl 3.2E+02 N 4.1E+03 N 8.8E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
42874-03-3 Oxyfluorfen 7.4E+00 C 3.1E+01 C 7.7E-01 Calculated Yes
76738-62-0 Paclobutrazol 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 3.7E+00 Calculated Yes
1910-42-5 Paraquat Dichloride 5.7E+01 N 7.4E+02 N 8.7E+00 Calculated Yes
56-38-2 Parathion 7.6E+01 N 9.8E+02 N 4.2E+00 Calculated Yes
1114-71-2 Pebulate 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 5.6E+00 Calculated Yes
40487-42-1 Pendimethalin 3.8E+03 N 4.9E+04 N 4.8E+02 Calculated Yes
32534-81-9 Pentabromodiphenyl Ether 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 1.2E+01 Calculated Yes
60348-60-9 Pentabromodiphenyl ether,
2,2',4,4',5- (BDE-99)1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 6.1E-01 Calculated Yes
608-93-5 Pentachlorobenzene 1.3E+01 N 1.9E+02 N 8.5E-01 Calculated Yes
76-01-7 Pentachloroethane 7.7E+00 C 3.6E+01 C 3.7E-03 Calculated
82-68-8 Pentachloronitrobenzene 2.7E+00 C 1.3E+01 C 3.3E-02 Calculated Yes
87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol 1.0E+00 C 4.0E+00 C 8.3E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
Page 13 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
78-11-5 Pentaerythritol tetranitrate
(PETN)2.5E+01 N 3.3E+02 N 2.6E-01 Calculated Yes
109-66-0 Pentane, n-1.7E+02 N 7.2E+02 N Yes
7790-98-9 ~Ammonium Perchlorate 1.1E+01 N 1.6E+02 N Yes
7791-03-9 ~Lithium Perchlorate 1.1E+01 N 1.6E+02 N Yes
14797-73-0 ~Perchlorate and Perchlorate
Salts 1.1E+01 N 1.6E+02 N Yes
7778-74-7 ~Potassium Perchlorate 1.1E+01 N 1.6E+02 N Yes
7601-89-0 ~Sodium Perchlorate 1.1E+01 N 1.6E+02 N Yes
375-73-5 Perfluorobutane sulfonic acid
(PFBS)2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 9.1E-01 Calculated Yes
45187-15-3 Perfluorobutanesulfonate 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 9.1E-01 Calculated Yes
52645-53-1 Permethrin 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 1.7E+03 Calculated Yes
62-44-2 Phenacetin 2.5E+02 C 1.0E+03 C 9.0E-02 Calculated
13684-63-4 Phenmedipham 3.0E+03 N 3.9E+04 N 1.8E+02 Calculated Yes
108-95-2 Phenol 3.8E+03 N 4.9E+04 N 3.4E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
114-26-1 Phenol, 2-(1-methylethoxy)-,
methylcarbamate 5.1E+01 N 6.6E+02 N 1.8E-01 Calculated Yes
92-84-2 Phenothiazine 6.3E+00 N 8.2E+01 N 2.2E-01 Calculated Yes
103-72-0 Phenyl Isothiocyanate 3.1E+00 N 4.7E+01 N 1.8E-02 Calculated Yes
108-45-2 Phenylenediamine, m-7.6E+01 N 9.8E+02 N 2.2E-01 Calculated Yes
95-54-5 Phenylenediamine, o-4.5E+00 C 1.9E+01 C 1.6E-03 Calculated Yes
106-50-3 Phenylenediamine, p-1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 3.7E-02 Calculated Yes
90-43-7 Phenylphenol, 2-2.9E+02 C 1.2E+03 C 5.0E+00 Calculated
298-02-2 Phorate 2.5E+00 N 3.3E+01 N 2.2E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
75-44-5 Phosgene 6.5E-02 N 2.7E-01 N Yes
732-11-6 Phosmet 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 6.2E-01 Calculated Yes
Phosphates, Inorganic
13776-88-0 ~Aluminum metaphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
68333-79-9 ~Ammonium polyphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7790-76-3 ~Calcium pyrophosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7783-28-0 ~Diammonium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7757-93-9 ~Dicalcium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7782-75-4 ~Dimagnesium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7758-11-4 ~Dipotassium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7558-79-4 ~Disodium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
13530-50-2 ~Monoaluminum phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7722-76-1 ~Monoammonium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7758-23-8 ~Monocalcium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7757-86-0 ~Monomagnesium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7778-77-0 ~Monopotassium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7558-80-7 ~Monosodium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
8017-16-1 ~Polyphosphoric acid 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
Page 14 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
13845-36-8 ~Potassium tripolyphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7758-16-9 ~Sodium acid pyrophosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7785-88-8 ~Sodium aluminum phosphate
(acidic)7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
10279-59-1 ~Sodium aluminum phosphate
(anhydrous)7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
10305-76-7 ~Sodium aluminum phosphate
(tetrahydrate)7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
10124-56-8 ~Sodium hexametaphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
68915-31-1 ~Sodium polyphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7785-84-4 ~Sodium trimetaphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7758-29-4 ~Sodium tripolyphosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7320-34-5 ~Tetrapotassium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7722-88-5 ~Tetrasodium pyrophosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
~Trialuminum sodium tetra
ate (dihydrate)
7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7758-87-4 ~Tricalcium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7757-87-1 ~Trimagnesium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7778-53-2 ~Tripotassium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7601-54-9 ~Trisodium phosphate 7.7E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7803-51-2 Phosphine 4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N Yes
7664-38-2 Phosphoric Acid 7.6E+05 N 1.1E+07 N Yes
7723-14-0 Phosphorus, White 3.1E-01 N 4.7E+00 N 3.4E-03 Calculated Yes
117-81-7 ~Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate 3.9E+01 C 1.6E+02 C 1.4E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
85-68-7 ~Butyl Benzyl Phthalate 2.9E+02 C 1.2E+03 C 2.9E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
85-70-1 ~Butylphthalyl Butylglycolate 1.3E+04 N 1.6E+05 N 3.2E+03 Calculated Yes
84-74-2 ~Dibutyl Phthalate 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 3.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
84-66-2 ~Diethyl Phthalate 1.0E+04 N 1.3E+05 N 4.9E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
120-61-6 ~Dimethylterephthalate 1.6E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 3.7E+00 Calculated Yes
117-84-0 ~Octyl Phthalate, di-N-1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 5.6E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
100-21-0 ~Phthalic Acid, P-1.3E+04 N 1.6E+05 N 5.0E+01 Calculated Yes
85-44-9 ~Phthalic Anhydride 2.5E+04 N 3.3E+05 N 6.2E+01 Calculated Yes
1918-02-1 Picloram 8.8E+02 N 1.1E+04 N 2.7E+00 Calculated Yes
96-91-3 Picramic Acid (2-Amino-4,6-
dinitrophenol)1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 9.1E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
88-89-1 Picric Acid (2,4,6-
Trinitrophenol)1.1E+01 N 1.5E+02 N 5.9E-01 Calculated Yes
29232-93-7 Pirimiphos, Methyl 8.8E-01 N 1.1E+01 N 9.3E-03 Calculated Yes
59536-65-1 Polybrominated Biphenyls 1.8E-02 C 7.7E-02 C Yes
Polychlorinated Biphenyls
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North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
12674-11-2 ~Aroclor 1016 8.2E-01 N 1.0E+01 N 9.4E-01 Calculated Yes
11104-28-2 ~Aroclor 1221 2.0E-01 C 8.4E-01 C 5.9E-03 Calculated
11141-16-5 ~Aroclor 1232 1.8E-01 C 7.3E-01 C 5.9E-03 Calculated
53469-21-9 ~Aroclor 1242 2.3E-01 C 9.5E-01 C 5.5E-02 Calculated
12672-29-6 ~Aroclor 1248 2.3E-01 C 9.6E-01 C 5.4E-02 Calculated
11097-69-1 ~Aroclor 1254 2.3E-01 N 9.7E-01 C 9.1E-02 Calculated Yes
11096-82-5 ~Aroclor 1260 2.4E-01 C 9.9E-01 C 2.4E-01 Calculated
11126-42-4 ~Aroclor 5460 7.0E+00 N 8.8E+01 N 1.4E+01 Calculated Yes
39635-31-9 ~Heptachlorobiphenyl,
2,3,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 189)1.3E-01 C 5.2E-01 C 1.3E-01 Calculated Yes
52663-72-6 ~Hexachlorobiphenyl,
2,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 167)1.2E-01 C 5.1E-01 C 7.5E-02 Calculated Yes
69782-90-7 ~Hexachlorobiphenyl,
2,3,3',4,4',5'- (PCB 157)1.2E-01 C 5.1E-01 C 7.7E-02 Calculated Yes
38380-08-4 ~Hexachlorobiphenyl,
2,3,3',4,4',5- (PCB 156)1.2E-01 C 5.1E-01 C 7.7E-02 Calculated Yes
32774-16-6 ~Hexachlorobiphenyl,
3,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 169)1.2E-04 C 5.1E-04 C 7.5E-05 Calculated Yes
65510-44-3 ~Pentachlorobiphenyl,
2',3,4,4',5- (PCB 123)1.2E-01 C 5.0E-01 C 4.7E-02 Calculated Yes
31508-00-6 ~Pentachlorobiphenyl,
2,3',4,4',5- (PCB 118)1.2E-01 C 4.9E-01 C 4.6E-02 Calculated Yes
32598-14-4 ~Pentachlorobiphenyl,
2,3,3',4,4'- (PCB 105)1.2E-01 C 4.9E-01 C 4.7E-02 Calculated Yes
74472-37-0 ~Pentachlorobiphenyl,
2,3,4,4',5- (PCB 114)1.2E-01 C 5.1E-01 C 4.7E-02 Calculated Yes
57465-28-8 ~Pentachlorobiphenyl,
3,3',4,4',5- (PCB 126)3.6E-05 C 1.5E-04 C 1.4E-05 Calculated Yes
1336-36-3 ~Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(high risk)2.3E-01 C 9.5E-01 C 5.5E-02 Calculated
1336-36-3 ~Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(low risk)1.2E+00 C 4.8E+00 C 5.5E-02 Calculated
1336-36-3 ~Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(lowest risk)6.5E+00 C 2.7E+01 C 5.5E-02 Calculated
32598-13-3 ~Tetrachlorobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4'-
(PCB 77)3.8E-02 C 1.6E-01 C 8.4E-03 Calculated Yes
70362-50-4 ~Tetrachlorobiphenyl, 3,4,4',5-
(PCB 81)1.2E-02 C 4.8E-02 C 2.8E-03 Calculated Yes
9016-87-9 Polymeric Methylene Diphenyl
Diisocyanate (PMDI)7.4E+06 N 3.1E+07 N Yes
Polynuclear Aromatic
Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
83-32-9 ~Acenaphthene 7.2E+02 N 9.0E+03 N 1.6E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
120-12-7 ~Anthracene 3.6E+03 N 4.5E+04 N 1.3E+03 2L or IMAC Yes
56-55-3 ~Benz[a]anthracene 1.1E+00 C 2.1E+01 C 3.5E-01 2L or IMAC
205-82-3 ~Benzo(j)fluoranthene 4.2E-01 C 1.8E+00 C 7.0E-01 Calculated
Page 16 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
50-32-8 ~Benzo[a]pyrene 1.1E-01 C 2.1E+00 C 1.2E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
205-99-2 ~Benzo[b]fluoranthene 1.1E+00 C 2.1E+01 C 1.2E+00 2L or IMAC
207-08-9 ~Benzo[k]fluoranthene 1.1E+01 C 2.1E+02 C 1.2E+01 2L or IMAC
91-58-7 ~Chloronaphthalene, Beta-9.6E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 5.8E+01 Calculated Yes
218-01-9 ~Chrysene 1.1E+02 C 2.1E+03 C 3.6E+01 2L or IMAC
53-70-3 ~Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 1.1E-01 C 2.1E+00 C 3.8E-01 2L or IMAC
192-65-4 ~Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene 4.2E-02 C 1.8E-01 C 7.6E-01 Calculated
57-97-6 ~Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene,
7,12-4.6E-04 C 8.4E-03 C 2.8E-03 Calculated
206-44-0 ~Fluoranthene 4.8E+02 N 6.0E+03 N 6.7E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
86-73-7 ~Fluorene 4.8E+02 N 6.0E+03 N 1.1E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
193-39-5 ~Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 1.1E+00 C 2.1E+01 C 3.9E+00 2L or IMAC
90-12-0 ~Methylnaphthalene, 1-1.8E+01 C 7.3E+01 C 1.1E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
91-57-6 ~Methylnaphthalene, 2-4.8E+01 N 6.0E+02 N 3.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
91-20-3 ~Naphthalene 4.1E+00 C 1.8E+01 C 3.9E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
57835-92-4 ~Nitropyrene, 4-4.2E-01 C 1.8E+00 C 1.0E-01 Calculated
129-00-0 ~Pyrene 3.6E+02 N 4.5E+03 N 4.4E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
29420-49-3 Potassium Perfluorobutane
Sulfonate 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N Yes
67747-09-5 Prochloraz 3.6E+00 C 1.5E+01 C 2.4E-02 Calculated Yes
26399-36-0 Profluralin 9.4E+01 N 1.4E+03 N 5.1E+01 Calculated Yes
1610-18-0 Prometon 1.9E+02 N 2.5E+03 N 1.0E+00 Calculated Yes
7287-19-6 Prometryn 5.1E+02 N 6.6E+03 N 8.5E+00 Calculated Yes
23950-58-5 Pronamide 9.5E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 1.1E+01 Calculated Yes
1918-16-7 Propachlor 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 1.1E+00 Calculated Yes
709-98-8 Propanil 6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 3.9E-01 Calculated Yes
2312-35-8 Propargite 2.9E+00 C 1.2E+01 C 2.7E-01 Calculated Yes
107-19-7 Propargyl Alcohol 3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 5.7E-02 Calculated Yes
139-40-2 Propazine 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 2.5E+00 Calculated Yes
122-42-9 Propham 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 1.8E+00 Calculated Yes
60207-90-1 Propiconazole 1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 4.6E+01 Calculated Yes
123-38-6 Propionaldehyde 1.6E+01 N 6.7E+01 N Yes
103-65-1 Propyl benzene 7.8E+02 N 5.1E+03 N 2.6E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
115-07-1 Propylene 4.7E+02 N 2.0E+03 N Yes
57-55-6 Propylene Glycol 2.5E+05 N 3.3E+06 N 5.7E+02 2L or IMAC Yes
6423-43-4 Propylene Glycol Dinitrate 3.3E+06 N 1.4E+07 N Yes
107-98-2 Propylene Glycol Monomethyl
Ether 8.3E+03 N 7.7E+04 N 2.0E+01 Calculated Yes
75-56-9 Propylene Oxide 2.1E+00 C 9.9E+00 C 6.1E-04 Calculated Yes
110-86-1 Pyridine 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N 4.8E-02 Calculated Yes
13593-03-8 Quinalphos 6.3E+00 N 8.2E+01 N 6.0E-01 Calculated Yes
91-22-5 Quinoline 1.8E-01 C 7.7E-01 C 7.7E-04 Calculated
76578-14-8 Quizalofop-ethyl 1.1E+02 N 1.5E+03 N 2.0E+01 Calculated Yes
E715557 Refractory Ceramic Fibers
(units in fibers)3.7E+14 N 1.6E+15 N Yes
10453-86-8 Resmethrin 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 2.6E+03 Calculated Yes
Page 17 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
299-84-3 Ronnel 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 6.4E+01 Calculated Yes
83-79-4 Rotenone 5.1E+01 N 6.6E+02 N 2.9E+02 Calculated Yes
94-59-7 Safrole 5.5E-01 C 1.0E+01 C 2.0E-03 Calculated
7783-00-8 Selenious Acid 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N Yes
7782-49-2 Selenium 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 2.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
7446-34-6 Selenium Sulfide 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N Yes
74051-80-2 Sethoxydim 1.8E+03 N 2.3E+04 N 1.8E+02 Calculated Yes
7631-86-9 Silica (crystalline, respirable)3.7E+07 N 1.6E+08 N Yes
7440-22-4 Silver 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 3.4E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
122-34-9 Simazine 4.5E+00 C 1.9E+01 C 3.9E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
62476-59-9 Sodium Acifluorfen 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 1.4E+01 Calculated Yes
26628-22-8 Sodium Azide 6.3E+01 N 9.3E+02 N Yes
148-18-5 Sodium
Diethyldithiocarbamate 2.0E+00 C 8.5E+00 C 1.6E-03 Calculated Yes
7681-49-4 Sodium Fluoride 7.8E+02 N 1.2E+04 N 5.3E+02 Calculated Yes
62-74-8 Sodium Fluoroacetate 2.5E-01 N 3.3E+00 N 5.7E-04 Calculated Yes
13718-26-8 Sodium Metavanadate 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N Yes
13472-45-2 Sodium Tungstate 1.3E+01 N 1.9E+02 N Yes
10213-10-2 Sodium Tungstate Dihydrate 1.3E+01 N 1.9E+02 N Yes
961-11-5 Stirofos (Tetrachlorovinphos)2.3E+01 C 9.6E+01 C 8.6E-02 Calculated Yes
7440-24-6 Strontium, Stable 9.4E+03 N 1.4E+05 N 1.5E+03 Calculated Yes
57-24-9 Strychnine 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 4.6E-01 Calculated Yes
100-42-5 Styrene 1.2E+03 N 7.3E+03 N 1.5E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
57964-39-3 Styrene-Acrylonitrile (SAN)
Trimer (THNA isomer)3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N Yes
57964-40-6 Styrene-Acrylonitrile (SAN)
Trimer (THNP isomer)3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N Yes
126-33-0 Sulfolane 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 3.1E-02 Calculated Yes
80-07-9 Sulfonylbis(4-chlorobenzene),
1,1'-1.0E+01 N 1.3E+02 N 6.6E-01 Calculated Yes
7446-11-9 Sulfur Trioxide 1.2E+07 N 5.2E+07 N Yes
7664-93-9 Sulfuric Acid 1.2E+07 N 5.2E+07 N Yes
Sulfurous acid, 2-chloroethyl 2-
1-methylethyl ester
2.2E+01 C 9.2E+01 C 3.2E-01 Calculated Yes
21564-17-0 TCMTB 3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 2.9E+01 Calculated Yes
34014-18-1 Tebuthiuron 8.8E+02 N 1.1E+04 N 2.8E+00 Calculated Yes
3383-96-8 Temephos 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 5.3E+02 Calculated Yes
5902-51-2 Terbacil 1.6E+02 N 2.1E+03 N 5.5E-01 Calculated Yes
13071-79-9 Terbufos 3.9E-01 N 5.8E+00 N 7.7E-03 Calculated Yes
886-50-0 Terbutryn 1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 2.0E-01 Calculated Yes
540-88-5 Tert-Butyl Acetate 8.6E+00 C 3.8E+01 C 3.2E-02 Calculated
5436-43-1 Tetrabromodiphenyl ether,
2,2',4,4'- (BDE-47)1.3E+00 N 1.6E+01 N 3.7E-01 Calculated Yes
95-94-3 Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N 1.9E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
Page 18 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
630-20-6 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2-2.1E+00 C 9.3E+00 C 7.6E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
79-34-5 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2-6.4E-01 C 2.8E+00 C 1.6E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.7E+01 N 8.2E+01 N 6.3E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
58-90-2 Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-3.8E+02 N 4.9E+03 N 3.0E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
5216-25-1 Tetrachlorotoluene, p- alpha,
alpha, alpha-3.5E-02 C 1.6E-01 C 1.2E-04 Calculated
3689-24-5 Tetraethyl
Dithiopyrophosphate 6.3E+00 N 8.2E+01 N 5.1E-02 Calculated Yes
811-97-2 Tetrafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2-2.2E+04 N 9.1E+04 N Yes
479-45-8 Tetryl
(Trinitrophenylmethylnitramine)3.1E+01 N 4.7E+02 N 2.6E+00 Calculated Yes
1314-32-5 Thallic Oxide 3.1E-01 N 4.7E+00 N Yes
10102-45-1 Thallium (I) Nitrate 1.6E-01 N 2.3E+00 N Yes
7440-28-0 Thallium (Soluble Salts)1.6E-01 N 2.3E+00 N 2.8E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
563-68-8 Thallium Acetate 1.6E-01 N 2.3E+00 N 2.8E-04 Calculated Yes
6533-73-9 Thallium Carbonate 3.1E-01 N 4.7E+00 N 2.9E-04 Calculated Yes
7791-12-0 Thallium Chloride 1.6E-01 N 2.3E+00 N Yes
12039-52-0 Thallium Selenite 1.6E-01 N 2.3E+00 N Yes
7446-18-6 Thallium Sulfate 3.1E-01 N 4.7E+00 N Yes
79277-27-3 Thifensulfuron-methyl 5.4E+02 N 7.1E+03 N 1.8E+00 Calculated Yes
28249-77-6 Thiobencarb 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 4.8E+00 Calculated Yes
111-48-8 Thiodiglycol 1.1E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 2.0E+00 Calculated Yes
39196-18-4 Thiofanox 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 1.4E-02 Calculated Yes
23564-05-8 Thiophanate, Methyl 4.5E+01 C 1.9E+02 C 5.0E-02 Calculated Yes
137-26-8 Thiram 1.9E+02 N 2.5E+03 N 3.0E+00 Calculated Yes
7440-31-5 Tin 9.4E+03 N 1.4E+05 N 1.0E+04 2L or IMAC Yes
7550-45-0 Titanium Tetrachloride 1.2E+06 N 5.2E+06 N Yes
108-88-3 Toluene 9.9E+02 N 9.7E+03 N 8.3E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
584-84-9 Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 1.4E+00 N 5.7E+00 N 2.7E-01 Calculated Yes
95-70-5 Toluene-2,5-diamine 2.5E+00 N 1.3E+01 C 1.2E-03 Calculated Yes
91-08-7 Toluene-2,6-diisocyanate 1.1E+00 N 4.7E+00 N 2.8E-01 Calculated Yes
99-94-5 Toluic Acid, p-6.3E+01 N 8.2E+02 N 1.8E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
95-53-4 Toluidine, o- (Methylaniline, 2-)3.4E+01 C 1.4E+02 C 1.9E-02 Calculated
106-49-0 Toluidine, p-1.8E+01 C 7.7E+01 C 9.9E-03 Calculated Yes
E1790670 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(Aliphatic High)4.7E+04 N 7.0E+05 N 1.6E+04 Calculated Yes
E1790666 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(Aliphatic Low)1.1E+02 N 4.6E+02 N Yes
E1790668 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(Aliphatic Medium)2.0E+01 N 9.3E+01 N 1.9E+01 Calculated Yes
Page 19 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
E1790676 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(Aromatic High)5.1E+02 N 6.6E+03 N 6.2E+02 Calculated Yes
E1790672 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(Aromatic Low)1.7E+01 N 8.9E+01 N 2.9E-01 Calculated Yes
E1790674 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons
(Aromatic Medium)2.2E+01 N 1.3E+02 N 2.4E+00 Calculated Yes
8001-35-2 Toxaphene 4.9E-01 C 2.1E+00 C 9.3E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
E1841606 Toxaphene, Weathered 3.8E-01 N 4.9E+00 N 6.5E-01 Calculated Yes
66841-25-6 Tralomethrin 9.5E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 4.0E+02 Calculated Yes
688-73-3 Tri-n-butyltin 4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N 9.1E-01 Calculated Yes
102-76-1 Triacetin 1.0E+06 N 1.3E+07 N 3.2E+03 Calculated Yes
43121-43-3 Triadimefon 4.3E+02 N 5.6E+03 N 3.8E+00 Calculated Yes
2303-17-5 Triallate 9.7E+00 C 4.5E+01 C 2.2E-02 Calculated Yes
82097-50-5 Triasulfuron 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 1.5E+00 Calculated Yes
101200-48-0 Tribenuron-methyl 1.0E+02 N 1.3E+03 N 4.4E-01 Calculated Yes
615-54-3 Tribromobenzene, 1,2,4-7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 1.0E+00 Calculated Yes
118-79-6 Tribromophenol, 2,4,6-1.1E+02 N 1.5E+03 N 2.3E+00 Calculated Yes
126-73-8 Tributyl Phosphate 6.0E+01 C 2.6E+02 C 3.8E-01 Calculated Yes
E1790678 Tributyltin Compounds 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N Yes
56-35-9 Tributyltin Oxide 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 2.2E+03 Calculated Yes
76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane,
1,1,2-1.4E+03 N 6.0E+03 N 9.8E+03 2L or IMAC Yes
76-03-9 Trichloroacetic Acid 7.8E+00 C 3.3E+01 C 2.1E-03 Calculated Yes
33663-50-2 Trichloroaniline HCl, 2,4,6-1.9E+01 C 7.9E+01 C 6.6E-02 Calculated
634-93-5 Trichloroaniline, 2,4,6-3.8E-01 N 4.9E+00 N 3.8E-02 Calculated Yes
87-61-6 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-1.3E+01 N 1.9E+02 N 3.3E-01 Calculated Yes
120-82-1 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-1.2E+01 N 5.5E+01 N 4.1E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-1.7E+03 N 7.6E+03 N 1.4E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
79-00-5 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2-3.2E-01 N 1.3E+00 N 3.9E-03 2L or IMAC Yes
79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 8.7E-01 N 4.0E+00 N 2.1E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 4.7E+03 N 7.0E+04 N 2.5E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
95-95-4 Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5-1.3E+03 N 1.6E+04 N 4.3E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
88-06-2 Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-1.3E+01 N 1.6E+02 N 7.7E-02 2L or IMAC Yes
93-76-5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid,
2,4,5-1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 5.8E-01 Calculated Yes
93-72-1 Trichlorophenoxypropionic
acid, -2,4,5 1.0E+02 N 1.3E+03 N 5.5E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
598-77-6 Trichloropropane, 1,1,2-7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 2.7E-01 Calculated Yes
96-18-4 Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-5.1E-03 C 1.1E-01 C 4.3E-05 2L or IMAC Yes
96-19-5 Trichloropropene, 1,2,3-1.6E-01 N 6.5E-01 N 2.1E-01 Calculated Yes
1330-78-5 Tricresyl Phosphate (TCP)2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 2.6E+02 Calculated Yes
58138-08-2 Tridiphane 3.8E+01 N 4.9E+02 N 3.0E+00 Calculated Yes
121-44-8 Triethylamine 2.5E+01 N 1.0E+02 N Yes
Page 20 of 21
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
May 2019
(based on May 2019 USEPA Regional Screening Tables)
This table must be used with the PSRG Notes/ See Compound-Specific Notes for chemicals in blue .
Chemical Name
(See companion notes for
shaded chemicals)
Based PSRG
Protection of
Have a Non-
112-27-6 Triethylene Glycol 2.5E+04 N 3.3E+05 N 6.2E+01 Calculated Yes
420-46-2 Trifluoroethane, 1,1,1-3.1E+03 N 1.3E+04 N Yes
1582-09-8 Trifluralin 9.0E+01 C 4.2E+02 C 3.0E+00 Calculated Yes
512-56-1 Trimethyl Phosphate 2.7E+01 C 1.1E+02 C 7.7E-03 Calculated Yes
526-73-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3-7.0E+01 N 4.3E+02 N 2.1E+00 Calculated Yes
95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4-6.3E+01 N 3.7E+02 N 1.2E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-5.6E+01 N 3.2E+02 N 1.1E+01 2L or IMAC Yes
25167-70-8 Trimethylpentene, 2,4,4-1.6E+02 N 2.3E+03 N 4.7E+00 Calculated Yes
99-35-4 Trinitrobenzene, 1,3,5-4.5E+02 N 6.5E+03 N 1.5E+01 Calculated Yes
118-96-7 Trinitrotoluene, 2,4,6-7.3E+00 N 9.6E+01 C 1.4E-01 Calculated Yes
791-28-6 Triphenylphosphine Oxide 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 1.2E+01 Calculated Yes
13674-87-8 Tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-propyl)
Phosphate 2.5E+02 N 3.3E+03 N 6.3E+01 Calculated Yes
13674-84-5 Tris(1-chloro-2-
propyl)phosphate 1.3E+02 N 1.6E+03 N 4.8E+00 Calculated Yes
126-72-7 Tris(2,3-
dibromopropyl)phosphate 2.8E-01 C 1.3E+00 C 6.0E-03 Calculated
115-96-8 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 2.7E+01 C 1.1E+02 C 3.4E-02 Calculated Yes
78-42-2 Tris(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate 1.7E+02 C 7.2E+02 C 1.1E+03 Calculated Yes
7440-33-7 Tungsten 1.3E+01 N 1.9E+02 N 8.4E+00 Calculated Yes
E715565 Uranium (Soluble Salts)3.1E+00 N 4.7E+01 N 6.3E+00 Calculated Yes
51-79-6 Urethane 1.2E-01 C 2.3E+00 C 1.6E-04 Calculated
1314-62-1 Vanadium Pentoxide 1.4E+02 N 2.1E+03 N Yes
7440-62-2 Vanadium and Compounds 7.8E+01 N 1.2E+03 N 3.5E+02 Calculated Yes
1929-77-7 Vernolate 1.6E+01 N 2.3E+02 N 1.1E-01 Calculated Yes
50471-44-8 Vinclozolin 1.5E+01 N 2.0E+02 N 1.3E-01 Calculated Yes
108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 1.9E+02 N 8.2E+02 N 3.7E-01 2L or IMAC Yes
593-60-2 Vinyl Bromide 1.3E-01 C 5.6E-01 C Yes
75-01-4 Vinyl Chloride 6.1E-02 C 1.7E+00 C 2.1E-04 2L or IMAC Yes
81-81-2 Warfarin 3.8E+00 N 4.9E+01 N 4.4E-02 Calculated Yes
106-42-3 Xylene, P-1.2E+02 N 5.2E+02 N 9.8E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
108-38-3 Xylene, m-1.2E+02 N 5.0E+02 N 9.8E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
95-47-6 Xylene, o-1.4E+02 N 5.9E+02 N 9.8E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
1330-20-7 Xylenes 1.2E+02 N 5.3E+02 N 9.9E+00 2L or IMAC Yes
1314-84-7 Zinc Phosphide 4.7E+00 N 7.0E+01 N Yes
7440-66-6 Zinc and Compounds 4.7E+03 N 7.0E+04 N 1.2E+03 2L or IMAC Yes
12122-67-7 Zineb 6.3E+02 N 8.2E+03 N 2.0E+01 Calculated Yes
7440-67-7 Zirconium 1.3E+00 N 1.9E+01 N 1.7E+01 Calculated Yes
Page 21 of 21
Residential Health Based PSRG
Industrial/ Commercial Health Based PSRG
Protection of Groundwater PSRG
NC Groundwater Protection Standard 2L (IMAC)
Federal Drinking Water Standard MCL
mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg ug/l ug/l64-19-7 Acetic Acid 20 5000
000086-74-8 Carbazole 0.74 2
541-73-1 Dichlorobenzene, 1,3-(metadichlorobenzene)3.8 2003648-20-2 Diundecyl phthalate 20,600 100
64-17-5 Ethanol (ethyl alcohol)16 4000
99-87-6 4-Isopropyl toluene (p-cymene)1.24 25
335-67-1 Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA; C8)0.017 2
208-96-8 Acenaphthylene 41 200191-24-2 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 15,600 20085-01-8 Phenanthrene 134 200
CAS #Chemical Name:
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRG)
Appendix A lists chemicals with NC 02L Groundwater Standards or Interim Maximum Allowable Concentrations (IMACs) that are not listed on the
EPA Regional Screening Level table.
From:Tanner Boyles
To:Chao, Ming-tai
Subject:[External] Fw: LCID Plans
Date:Monday, March 23, 2020 9:58:00 AM
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an
attachment to report.spam@nc.gov
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Rich Glover <rglover@jamestownengineering.com>To: Tanner Boyles <tannerboyles1@yahoo.com>Sent: Wednesday, March 11, 2020, 10:58:36 AM EDTSubject: LCID Plans
Tanner,Look these over and let me know if you need anything else. I think Ming also needs the attached file inwith your operational plan.Thanks,Rich
Thomas R. (Rich) Glover, Jr., PEJamestown Engineering Group, Inc.PO Box 365117 E. Main St.Jamestown, NC 27282(336) 886-5523 (o)(336) 886-5478 (f)rglover@jamestownengineering.comwww.jamestownengineering.com [jamestownengineering.com]
From:Chao, Ming-tai
To:Tanner Boyles
Cc:David Coe; Heim, Susan A; Stanley, Sherri
Subject:RE: [External] LCID permit
Date:Monday, March 23, 2020 11:30:00 AM
Hi Tanner:
I hope you and your family do well and hanker down to avoid this monster virus. The Solid Waste Section applaudsyour decision of moving forward the permit application without doing compost activities at the LCIDLF site in thistough time. You can always make request of adding the compost activities and any other solid waste managementfacilities in the future as long as the law permitted.
In the future, if the county approves the modified special land use permit for composting at this site, you can justrequest a permit modification without paying any fee (this fee determination may be subject to change by the law orrule in the future). If law and rule are not change at the time you submit the permit modification for adding composting activities, you need to submit the revised operations plan including composting according to SectionRule 1400 (1401 through 1410) - http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/ncac.asp?folderName=\Title%2015A%20-%20Environmental%20Quality\Chapter%2013%20-%20Solid%20Waste%20Management and a site plan drawing
to show the compost area.
If you have any question please give me or Susan a call. Take care.
Ming-Tai Chao, P.E. Environmental EngineerPermitting Branch, Solid Waste SectionNCDEQ, Division of Waste Management(Mailing Address)1646 Mail Service CenterRaleigh, NC 27699-1646(Street Address)Green Square, 217 West Jones StreetRaleigh, NC 27603Tel. 919-707-8251ming.chao@ncdenr.govhttp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw
E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may
be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulations.
-----Original Message-----From: Tanner Boyles <tannerboyles1@yahoo.com>Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 9:54 AMTo: Chao, Ming-tai <ming.chao@ncdenr.gov>; David Coe <coefor@gmail.com>Subject: [External] LCID permit
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email asan attachment to report.spam@nc.gov<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov>
Good Morning Ming, I hope you are doing well.
I'm sending this email in regards to our permit application. Since my last update we have been back and forthbetween the county about amending the special use permit for compost.
We were in communication up until two weeks ago when this shutdowns started to occur, the planning department
was waiting for a response from the county attorney on questions about the compost facility being an accessory
since the statute had been implemented last November and if we would have to go back before the elected body.That being said, I'm sure the county attorney has his hands full with more pressing matters at the time and I wouldnot like to delay any further.
My questions regarding the new permit is can we proceed if we as a facility refuse yard waste or materials that fallinto the compostable material category. I can change signage, and monitor material as is comes in.
I would like to get the simple compost facility approved by the County in the future, so that we may use our facilityto its fullest potential.My question to that is once approved by the county, will we have to go trough all of this again to get another permitissued by you and your department? or will we be able to make an amendment or expansion upon the existingpermit. If you could please respond and let us know that would be great.
I am forwarding all of the soil reports and updated plans addressing the comments you had sent previously in aseparate email
Thank you for any information regarding this project and wishing safety and good health to you in this time ofuncertainty.