HomeMy WebLinkAbout4407_Haywood_WhiteOakMSW_Revised_WQMP_FID1389941_20200127NILE BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CONSULTANTS WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN LANDFILL PHASES 1 THROUGH 5 WHITE OAK LANDFILL HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA PERMIT NUMBER 44-07 PREPARED FOR: SANTEK kTA &VA 0 SANTEK ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. CLEVELAND, TENNESSEE PREPARED BY: BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA ASHEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 011111111, oh C A R p�/�rr� SEPTEMBER 139 2016 5E P1iP.� BLE NORTII CAROLINA BUSINESS LICENSE C-1538 03905uRE 2 AND PAGES 1, 3, 4 AND 10 AND TABLE 2 WERE REVISED JANUARY 2020 *G 1 t4ti �tvV Zv .f1,IRON E yp.,�1ti �0/1110\ SANTE K Vk VA . WasteServices 650 25th Street, N. W., Suite 100 Cleveland, Tennessee 37311 (423) 303-7101 Email: info@santekwasteservices.com Internet: santekwasteservices.com January 27, 2020 Ms. Elizabeth Werner North Carolina Dept. of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section 217 West Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27603 RE: Haywood County White Oak Landfill Facility Permit Number 44-07 Groundwater and Methane Monitoring Network Modification Dear Ms. Werner: In accordance with our phone conversation on January 24, 2020, Santek Waste Services, LLC (Santek) is submitting a modification to relocate existing methane probe LFG-10 and proposed groundwater monitoring well MW-21. Additionally, we are proposing to omit proposed well MW-22 from the monitoring network. As you may recall LFG-10, MW-21, and MW-22 are located in the limits of construction for Phase 5. ■ Existing LFG-10 will be re -drilled approximately 110 feet to the west of its existing location • Proposed MW-21 will be installed approximately 700 feet to the west and downgradient of its existing permitted location. This location was chosen because it is downgradient of all groundwater flow coming from the Phase 5 area. ■ Permitted location MW-22 will be omitted from the groundwater monitoring network since the newly proposed location of MW-21 will suffice for all of Phase 5. A new location for MW-22 as well as other wells will be proposed in the permitting process of Phase 6 and 7. Pages 1, 3, 4 & 10 and Table 2 of the Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) have been revised. Please find attached the revised WQMP and Figure 2 that shows the proposed locations of the two wells. Please review and if you find these changes acceptable, replace the existing WQMP and Figure 2 with the attached in the WQMP, dated September 13, 2016, prepared by BLE. Also attached for ease of review is a redline copy of Figure 2 that shows the old and new locations. It is important to note that the groundwater wells have not yet been installed at the Landfill; the relocations outlined in this letter and attached map are for proposed groundwater wells only, and existing landfill gas well LFG-10. Santek plans to install MW-19, MW-20, MW-21 and re -drill LFG-10 by June 2020. If you have any questions or need additional information, please give me a call at (423) 303-7101. Sincerely, Ron Vail, P.E. Executive V.P. of Engineering Attachments: Water Quality Monitoring Plan Figure 2 cc: Allen Gaither, NCDEQ David Francis, Haywood County Ben Johnston, V.P. of Corporate Development, Santek Robert Hudson, Environmental Compliance Coordinator, Santek John Preston, Landfill Manager, Santek 111.E BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. GEOTECHNICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS CONSULTANTS September 13, 2016 Santek Waste Services 650 25th St, NW Suite 100 Cleveland, TN 37311 Attention: Mr. Ron E. Vail, P.E. Subject: Water Quality Monitoring Plan Landfill Phases 1 through 5 White Oak Landfill Haywood County, North Carolina Facility Permit Number 47-07 BLE North Carolina Business License C-1538 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Dear Mr. Vail: Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc. (BLE) is pleased to present this Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) for the White Oak Landfill located in Haywood County, North Carolina. This Plan is being submitted in general accordance with North Carolina Rules for Solid Waste Management, 15A NCAC 13B .0601, and .1630 through .1637 (groundwater), 15A NCAC 13B .0602 (surface water), and 15A NCAC 13B .1624(12)(c) (leachate). The Plan contained herein includes procedures performed at the facility in the past and incorporates the future development of landfill waste disposal area Phases 4 & 5. We appreciate the opportunity to serve as your geological consultant on this project and look forward to continue working with you at the White Oak Landfill. If you have any questions, please contact us J at (864) 288-1265. Sincerely, +l BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENG[NEERING,�r1 ,tN �AF?q 9�,rNSF / 4&la A" Andrew W. Alex der, P.G., RSM -P I 5 a: = ark S. Preddy, P.G Senior Hydrogeologist % OLOQ�Qk';� Senior l-lydrogeologist pp Registered, NC No. 1475 '.,9 ` Y- % Registered, NC No. 1043 ��N� Attachments: Table of Contents Tables Z7 SEAL f _ Appendices 1043 e:lawa projeetslmcgilllhaywood county 01957-51 wolf phases 4&5 dhr4gnIp phase 4&5lwolf phase 4-5 wgmli�'� haywood county wqmp 1957-51.docx fA I �11i111►1. 6004 PONDERS COURT GREENVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA 29615 PHONE (864)288-1265 FAx (864)288-4430 Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County — White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number r� J15-1957-51 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0INTRODUCTION........................................................................................ ... 1 2.0 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS.................................................................................... j 2 3.0 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN.......................................................... 3 y 3.1 Groundwater Monitoring............................................................................... 3 3.1.1 Monitoring Well Network.................................................................. 3 -� 3.1.2 Changes in Groundwater Elevations ................................................ 4 3.1.3 Monitoring Well Construction.......................................................... 5 3.1.4 Monitoring Well Development.......................................................... 5 3.1.5 Maintenance and Recordkeeping...................................................... 6 3.1.6 Monitoring Well Abandonment........................................................ 6 3.1.7 Detection Monitoring Program......................................................... 7 _ Sampling Frequency.............................................................. 7 Establishment of Background Data ....................................... 8 9 j Evaluation of Detection Monitoring Data ............................. 8 3.1.8 Assessment Monitoring Program ...................................................... 8 3.1.9 Groundwater Sampling Methodology 9 _ Sample Collection................................................................... 10 Sampling Frequency ................................................ 10 Static Water Elevations .......................................... 10 Well Evacuation..................................................... 10 Standard Evacuation Procedures .................. 10 Low -Flow Procedures ................................... 11 Sample Collection.................................................... 13 Decontamination..................................................... 13 Sample Preservation and Handling ....................................... 14 Chain -of -Custody Program .................................................... 14 Sample Labels ................... Sample Seal............................................................. 14 Field Logbook......................................................... 14 - Chain -of -Custody Record ........................................ 15 Analytical Procedures............................................................ 15 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program ................. 16 3.1.10 Statistical Methods (Optional).......................................................... 17 3.2 Surface Water Monitoring.............................................................................. 17 3.2.1 Sampling Locations............................................................................ 17 3.2.2 Monitoring Frequency....................................................................... 17 3.2.3 Surface Water Sampling Methodology ............................................ 17 Sample Collection................................................................... 18 3.2. 3.1.1 Dipper Method........................................................ 18 Direct Method.......................................................... 18 Decontamination..................................................... 18 111,418 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Sample Preservation and Handling ....................................... 18 Chain -of -Custody Program .................................................... 18 Sample Labels.......................................................... 19 Sample Seal............................................................. 19 Field Logbook......................................................... 19 Chain -of -Custody Reco►•d........................................ 19 Analytical Procedures............................................................ 20 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program ................. 21 3.3 Leachate Monitoring....................................................................................... 22 3.3.1 Sampling Location.............................................................................. 22 3.3.2 Monitoring Frequency....................................................................... 22 3.3.3 Leachate Sampling Methodology and Analytical Procedures........ 22 3.4 Reporting................................................................................................. 23 3.4.1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation and Abandonment Reports................................................................................................ 23 3.4.2 Water Quality Reports....................................................................... 23 4.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................. 24 TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction and Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2 Sampling Matrix Table 3 Sampling and Preservation Procedures Table 4 Surface Water and Leachate Sampling Point Data FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System Figure 3 Groundwater Monitoring Well Detail APPENDICES Appendix A Monitoring Well Construction Records Appendix B North Carolina Appendix I and Appendix II Constituent Lists Appendix C NCDEQ Memoranda and Reporting Limits and Standards Appendix D Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form Appendix E Low -Flow Groundwater Purging and Sampling Guidance ELE Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County — White Oak Landfill 1.0 INTRODUCTION September 13, 2016 Revised on January 27, 2020 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 The White Oak Landfill site is located in Haywood County, North Carolina, approximately twelve miles north of the city of Waynesville on White Oak Road at exit 15 of Interstate 40 (Figure 1). Haywood County owns an active Subtitle D municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill and a construction and demolition (C&D) landfill on the subject site. An existing land clearing inert debris (LCID) disposal area is also present on the site. We understand that a contract for the operation and management of the subject landfill has been awarded to Santek Waste Services (Santek) by Haywood County. The water quality monitoring system for the Subtitle D lined MSW landfill currently consists of twelve groundwater monitoring wells including two upgradient (MW-IIS and MW-I ID) and ten downgradient wells (MW-1A, MW-2, MW-2D, MW-3r, MW-3Dr, MW-4A, MW-8, MW-16, MW- 17 and MW-18). Additionally, there are four surface water monitoring points (SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, and SW-5), and a leachate lagoon sampling point (Leachate). The C&D landfill, which is located on the same property, is monitored by one upgradient well (MW- 14), one downgradient well (MW-15), and two locations for surface water monitoring (SW-6 and SW-7). Santek intends to expand the existing MSW landfill facility by constructing future waste units in expansion areas designated as Phases 4 and 5. Garrett & Moore has been retained by Santek to prepare a permit to construct the future waste units. BLE has been retained by Santek to conduct a design hydrogeologic investigation required under North Carolina's Solid Waste Management Rules, Title 15A Section 13B .1623(b)(1-3) for a Design Hydrogeologic Report (DHR). Santek has requested that BLE prepare a comprehensive Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) for submittal to the North Carolina Division of Waste Management (NCDWM) which consolidates the monitoring plans for the existing facility with those required future expansions in Phases 4 and 5. We understand that this WQMP will be included as part of the application for a permit to construct prepared by Garrett & Moore. The objective of this project is to prepare a WQMP which will include procedures and locations for groundwater, surface water, and leachate monitoring as required by the following North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste Management Rules (Rules): Groundwater —North Carolina Rules for Solid Waste Management, 15A NCAC 13B Rules .0601, and. 1630 through .1637. Surface Water — North Carolina Rules for Solid Waste Management, 15A NCAC 13B Rule .0602. Lechate — North Carolina Rules for Solid Waste Management, 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1626(12)(c). The WQMP herein is designed to detect and quantify contamination, as well as to measure the effectiveness of engineered disposal systems. The groundwater and surface water monitoring networks for this site will be designed to provide an early warning of a potential disposal system failure. The I RLI R Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 locations of the groundwater, surface water, and leachate monitoring points are indicated on the attached Figure 2 titled Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System. 2.0 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS The subject site is located within the Blue Ridge Belt. The crystalline rocks of the Blue Ridge occur in generally northeast -southwest trending geologic belts in the Carolinas and Virginia. Precambrian - age (Proterozoic) basement complexes of metamorphosed igneous and sedimentary rocks underlie the region (Hadley and Goldsmith, 1963; Horton and Zullo, 1991). The site is underlain by the Middle to Late Proterozoic -aged Spring Creek Granitoid Gneiss, which are metamorphosed -igneous rocks. The multiple metamorphic deformations of the igneous rocks have resulted in biotite granitic gneiss interlayered with biotite granodiorite gneiss, tonalitic gneiss, quartz monzodiorite gneiss, amphibolite, biotite gneiss, and biotite schist (Carter and Weiner, 1999). Late Proterozoic -aged Great Smoky Group has been mapped southeast of the facility boundary, which are metamorphosed - sedimentary rocks. The multiple metamorphic deformations of the sedimentary rocks have resulted in metagraywacke, with lesser amounts of locally interbedded kyanite-garnet-mica schist, garnet - mica schist, and calc-silicate granofels (Carter and Weiner, 1999). In the vicinity of the site, bedding and foliation generally strike northeast -southwest and dips moderately to the southeast. Structurally, the contact between the Spring Creek Granitoid Gneiss and the Great Smoky Greywacke is mapped as a thrust fault in which the Great Smokey formation overlies the Spring Creek formation (Carter and Weiner, 1999). Holocene and younger age faults were not indicated on site or within 200 feet of the site from the literature review or from the field reconnaissance. The typical residual soil profile consists of clayey soils near the surface, where soil weathering is more advanced, underlain by sandy silts and silty sands. Residual soil zones develop by the in situ chemical weathering of bedrock, and are commonly referred to as "saprolite." Saprolite usually consists of silt with lessor amounts of sand, clay, and large rock fragments. The thickness of the saprolite in the Piedmont ranges from a few feet to more than 100 feet. The boundary between soil and rock is not sharply defined. A transitional zone of partially weathered rock is normally found overlying the parent bedrock. Partially weathered rock is defined, for engineering purposes, as residual material with standard penetration resistance in excess of 100 blows per foot (bpf). Fractures, joints, and the presence of less resistant rock types facilitate weathering. Consequently, the profile of the partially weathered rock and hard rock is quite irregular and erratic, even over short horizontal distances. Also, it is not unusual to find lenses and boulders of hard rock and zones of partially weathered rock within the soil mantle, well above the general bedrock level. Often during construction, this material can be excavated using conventional earth moving equipment. 2 l 1TCi. Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill 3.0 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN September 13, 2016 Revised January 27, 2020 BLE Project Number J15-1957-5I This Water Quality Monitoring Plan (WQMP) will serve as a guidance document for collecting and analyzing groundwater, surface water, and leachate samples, evaluating the associated analytical results, and for monitoring existing and potential releases from the Haywood County Landfill. This WQMP complies with Title 15A, Subchapter 13B Rules .0601, and .1630 through .1637 pertaining to groundwater monitoring, Rule .0602 for surface water monitoring, and Rule .1626 for leachate monitoring. 3.1 Groundwater Monitoring 3.1.1 Monitoring Well Network The proposed groundwater monitoring network for the White Oak Landfill is designed to monitor for potential releases to the water table aquifer at the site (Table 1). The proposed network will consist of three (3) upgradient (background) wells (MW-11S, MW-11D, and MW-14) and fourteen (14) downgradient (compliance) wells (MW-IA, MW-2, MW-2D, MW-3r, MW-3Dr, MW-4A, MW-8, MW-15, MW-16, MW-17, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 and MW-21) [Table 2]. All monitoring locations currently exist except for MW-19, MW-20 and MW-21, which will be installed in conjunction with Phase 5 development. The location of each well is indicated on the Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System (Figure 2). A description of each groundwater monitoring point in the network and the proposed sequence of installation is provided below. Monitoring Existing and Proposed Locations and Justification Location MW-11S and Existing upgradient (background) monitoring wells presumed to be MW-11D installed above and in the bedrock south of Phases 1 through 5. See Table (existing) 1 and Appendix A for additional information. These 2 wells have been established as the background wells for the MSW waste units and are proposed as background wells for Phases 4 and 5. MW-14 Existing upgradient (background) monitoring well installed in unknown (existing) strata southwest of the C&D waste unit. See Table 1 for additional information. This well has been established as the background well for the C&D waste unit. MW-IA, MW-2, Existing downgradient (compliance) monitoring well locations set to MW-2D, MW-3r, intercept north flowing groundwater from the Phase 1, 2, and 3 MSW MW-3Dr, MW-4A, waste units and from Phase 1 C&D waste unit. These wells are set in MW-8, MW-15, and varying strata including deep saprolite, partially weathered rock, bedrock, MW-16, and some unknown strata. See Table 1 and Appendix A for additional (existing) information. 3 1ILE Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 Revised January 27, 2020 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Monitoring Existing and Proposed Locations and Justification Location MW-17 Existing downgradient (compliance) monitoring well set to intercept north (existing) flowing groundwater from the Phase 1, 2, 3, and 4 MSW waste units. This well is set in bedrock. See Table 1 and Appendix A for additional information. MW-18 Existing downgradient (compliance) monitoring well set to intersect the (existing) water table in deep saprolite north-northwest of the leachate sump for MSW Phase 4. MW-19 Proposed downgradient (compliance) monitoring well set to intersect the (p,•oposed) water table in deep saprolite near the top of bedrock northwest of MSW Phase 5. MW-20 Proposed downgradient (compliance) monitoring well set to intersect the (proposed) water table in deep saprolite and PWR south-southwest of MSW Phase 5. MW-21 Proposed downgradient (compliance) monitoring well set to intersect the (proposed) water table in PWR south-southwest of MSW Phase 5. The existing and proposed well locations are selected to yield groundwater samples representative of the conditions in the water table aquifer underlying the facility, and to monitor for potential releases from the landfill unit. Well placement, well construction methods, well development, well maintenance, and well abandonment procedures are discussed in the following sections. Groundwater monitoring wells shall be sampled during the active life of the landfill as well as the post -closure period, in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1630 of the Rules. 3.1.2 Changes in Groundwater Elevations After each sampling event, groundwater surface elevations will be evaluated to determine whether the monitoring system remains adequate, and to determine the rate and direction of groundwater flow. The direction of groundwater flow will be determined semiannually by comparing the groundwater surface elevations among the monitoring wells, and constructing a groundwater surface elevation contour map. The groundwater flow rate shall be determined using the following modified Darcy equation: V _ Ki ne where V = the groundwater flow rate (feet/day) K = the hydraulic conductivity (feet/day) i = the hydraulic gradient, Ah/Al (foot/foot) ne = the effective porosity of the host medium (unit less) Ah = the change in groundwater elevation between two wells or groundwater contours (feet) Al = the distance between the same two wells or groundwater contours (feet) _1 11LE Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 { Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 If the evaluation shows that the groundwater monitoring system does not satisfy the requirements of the Rules, the monitoring system will be modified accordingly. These modifications may include a change in the number, location, and/or depth of the monitoring wells. 3.1.3 Monitoring Well Construction The well completion information for the existing groundwater monitoring wells are included on Table 1. Completed boring and well construction logs for seven (7) of the existing wells are included in the Appendix A. Please note that records for several existing monitoring wells are not available and well construction details are unknown. Boring logs/well construction records for proposed monitoring wells will be submitted to the Solid Waste Section (SWS) following installation. Drilling and installation of any new monitoring wells will be performed in accordance with the specifications outlined in 15A NCAC Subchapter 2C, Section .0100. Further guidance is provided in the Draft North Carolina Water Quality Monitoring Guidance Document for Solid Waste Facilities; Solid Waste Section, Division of Solid Waste Management; Department of Environment, and Natural Resources (March 1995). Each groundwater monitoring well will consist of 2-inch diameter polyvinyl chloride (PVC, Schedule 40 ASTM 480, NSF -rated) casing with flush -threaded joints installed in a 6.0-inch (or larger) nominal diameter borehole in soil or bedrock. The bottom 15-foot section of each well will be a manufactured well screen with 0.010-inch wide machined slots with a 0.20-foot long sediment trap threaded onto the bottom of the screen section. The screen section of each well will be set to intersect the water table in the residual soil or the water -producing fractures in the bedrock. Silica filter sand will be placed around the outside of the pipe up to approximately 2-feet above the top of the well screen. A hydrated bentonite seal will be installed on top of the filter sand backfill to seal the monitoring well at the desired level. The borehole will then be grouted with a bentonite-cement grout mixture up to the ground surface. The surface completion of each well will consist of a PVC cap and a lockable 4" x 4" x 5' standup protective steel cover, with a 3-foot by 3-foot concrete pad at the base of the steel cover. Each well will be constructed with a vent hole in the PVC casing near the top of the well and a weep hole near the base of the outer protective steel cover. An identification plate will be fastened to the protective steel cover that specifies the well identification number, drilling contractor, date installed, total depth, and construction details. A typical groundwater monitoring well construction detail is attached as Figure 3. A geologist or engineer will oversee drilling activities and prepare boring and well construction logs for each newly installed well. As -built locations of new wells will be located by a surveyor licensed in North Carolina to within +0.1 foot on the horizontal plane and +0.01 foot vertically in reference i� to existing survey points. A boring log, well construction log, groundwater monitoring network map, and well installation certification will be submitted to the SWS upon completion. 3.1.4 Monitoring Well Development Newly constructed wells will be developed to remove particulates that are present in the well due to i construction activities, and to interconnect the well with the aquifer. Development of new monitoring wells will be performed no sooner than 24 hours after well construction. Wells may be developed with disposable bailers, a mechanical well developer, or other approved method. A surge block may be used as a means of assessing the integrity of the well screen and riser. In the event a 1 .I 5 OIL13 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 pump is employed, the design of the pump will be such that any groundwater that has come into contact with air is not allowed to drain back into the well. Each well will be developed until sediment -free water with stabilized field parameters (i.e., temperature, pH, and specific conductance) is obtained. Well development equipment (bailers, pumps, surge blocks) and any additional equipment that contacts subsurface formations will be decontaminated prior to on -site use, between consecutive on - site uses, and/or between consecutive well installations. The purge water will be disposed on the ground surface at least 10 feet downgradient of the monitoring well being purged, unless field characteristics suggest the water will need to be otherwise disposed. If field characteristics suggest, the purge water will be containerized and disposed in the 3 facility's leachate collection system, or by other approved disposal means. Samples withdrawn from the facility's monitoring wells should be clay- and silt -free; therefore, existing wells may require redevelopment from time to time based upon observed turbidity levels during sampling activities. If redevelopment of an existing monitoring well is required, it will be performed in a manner similar to that used for a new well. 3.1.5 Maintenance and Recordkeeping The existing monitoring wells will be used and maintained in accordance with design specifications throughout the life of the monitoring program. Routine well maintenance will include inspection and correction/repair, as necessary, of identification labels, concrete aprons, locking caps and locks, and access to the wells. Should it be determined that background or compliance monitoring wells no longer provide samples representative of the quality of groundwater passing the relevant point of compliance, the SWS will be notified. The owner will re-evaluate the monitoring network, and provide recommendations to the SWS for modifying, rehabilitating, abandoning, or installing replacement or additional monitoring wells, as appropriate. Laboratory analytical results will be submitted to the SWS semiannually, along with sample collection field logs, statistical analyses (if used), groundwater flow rate and direction calculations, and groundwater contour map(s) as described in the following sections. Analytical data, calculations, and other relevant groundwater monitoring records will be kept throughout the active life of the facility and the post -closure care period, including notices and reports of any groundwater quality standards (15A NCAC 2L, .0202) exceedances, re -sampling notifications, and re -sampling results. 3.1.6 Monitoring Well Abandonment .} Piezometers and wells installed within the proposed landfill footprint will be properly abandoned in accordance with the procedures for permanent abandonment, as described in 15A NCAC 2C Rule } .0113(b). The piezometers and wells will be progressively abandoned as necessary to complete } construction activities. The piezometers and wells that are within the proposed footprint will be over -drilled to remove well construction materials, and then grouted with a cement-bentonite grout. i Other piezometers and wells that will potentially interfere with clearing and construction activities will be grouted in place without over -drilling by grouting the well in place with a cement-bentonite grout and removing all surface features, such as concrete aprons, protective casings, and stickups. In each case, the bentonite content of the cement-bentonite grout shall be approximately 5%, and a 1 J 6 ❑1 F Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfall September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 tremie pipe will be used to ensure that grout is continuously placed from the bottom of the borehole/monitoring well upward. If a monitoring well becomes unusable during the monitoring period of the landfill, the well will be abandoned in accordance with the procedures described above. Approval from the SWS will be obtained prior to abandoning any monitoring well. For each monitoring well abandoned, the following information will be provided to the SWS in a report sealed by a licensed geologist in accordance with 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1623 of the Rules: the monitoring well name, a description of the procedure by which the monitoring well was abandoned, the date when the monitoring well was considered to be taken out of service, and the date when the monitoring well was abandoned. 3.1.7 Detection Monitoring Program Groundwater samples will be obtained and analyzed semiannually for the NC Appendix I list of constituents (Appendix B), as defined in the Detection Monitoring Program (15A NCAC 13B .1633), during the life of the facility and the post -closure care period (Table 2). The SWS has issued four (4) memoranda concerning guidelines for electronic submittal of monitoring data and environmental reporting limits and standards for constituents. Those memoranda include: 1) New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data (dated October 27, 2006), 2) Addendum to the October 27, 2006 North Carolina Solid Waste Section Memorandum Regarding New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Data (dated February 23, 2007), 3) Environmental Monitoring Data for North Carolina Solid Waste Facilities (dated October 16, 2007), and 4) Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Sediment, and Landfill Gas Electronic Document Submittal (dated November 5, 2014). The SWS has also issued a Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards — Constituent List (dated June 13, 2011) which consolidates reporting standards and limits for each required constituent. Copies of the memoranda and constituent list are included in Appendix C. The results of the groundwater data (and statistical analysis, if the owner so chooses to perform) will be submitted to the SWS semiannually in accordance with the documents in Appendix C. Sampling reports will be submitted on a CD (or other materials/method suitable for transfer of electronic data) with analytical data submitted in the required format, and be accompanied by the required Environmental Monitoring Form, which will be signed and sealed by a licensed geologist in the State of North Carolina. A copy of this form is also included in Appendix D for reference. Sampling Frequency Groundwater samples will be collected semiannually and analyzed for NC Appendix I Detection Monitoring constituents (Table 2 and Appendix B) plus required field parameters, which may ` include, pH, turbidity, conductivity, and temperature. New monitoring wells will be sampled four times during the first semiannual sampling period, and then one time during each semiannual period thereafter. If the facility's groundwater monitoring program must progress to Assessment ` Monitoring, notification and sampling will be conducted according to the schedule specified in 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1634. MILE �1 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill Establishment of Background Data September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 During future phases of facility development, a minimum of four independent groundwater samples will be collected within the first semiannual sampling period from the newly installed monitoring wells as specified in the Permit to Construct, once issued. The first of these four sampling events should be conducted prior to waste placement in any newly constructed cells. Samples collected from these wells will be analyzed for the NC Appendix I constituents. The intent of background sampling is to collect data to more accurately reflect the natural fluctuations that may occur with these constituents. The data will be submitted to the SWS after completing the fourth background sampling event. Evaluation of Detection Monitoring Data If the owner or operator determines that there is an exceedance of the groundwater protection standards (15A NCAC 2L, .0202) for one or more of the constituents in the NC Appendix I list of constituents (Appendix B) at any monitoring well at the relevant point of compliance, the following procedures will be performed: 1) Notify SWS within 14 days of the finding and place a notice in the site operating record indicating which constituents have exceeded groundwater protection standards. 2) Within 90 days, establish an Assessment Monitoring Program meeting the requirements of 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1634, except as discussed below. The data may be re-evaluated within 90 days to determine that a source other than a landfill unit caused the exceedance, or the exceedance resulted from an error in sampling, analysis, or natural variation in groundwater quality. If it can be demonstrated that one of these factors occurred, a report (Alternate Source Demonstration) certified by a North Carolina licensed geologist or engineer will be submitted to the SWS within 90 days. A copy of this report will be placed in the operating record. If the SWS approves the demonstration, the Detection Monitoring Program will be resumed with the required semiannual sampling and analysis. If the SWS does not accept the demonstration within 90 days, the Assessment Monitoring Program will be initiated. 3.1.8 Assessment Monitoring Program Assessment Monitoring (15A NCAC 13B .1634) is required whenever a violation of the groundwater quality standards (15A NCAC 2L, .0202) has occurred, and no source of error, alternate source, or naturally occurring condition can be identified. Within 90 days of triggering the Assessment Monitoring Program, and annually thereafter, groundwater will be sampled for analysis of the NC Appendix II list of constituents (Appendix B). A minimum of one groundwater sample will be collected from each well and submitted for analysis during each Assessment Monitoring sampling event. However, the Rules allow for petitions to the SWS for an appropriate subset of wells or a reduction in the NC Appendix II sampling list. 0 I Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 If any NC Appendix II constituents are detected in groundwater from the downgradient wells, a minimum of four independent samples will be collected from each background and downgradient well to establish background concentrations for the detected Appendix II constituents. Within 14 days after receipt of the initial or subsequent sampling analytical data, a report identifying the detected NC Appendix II constituents will be submitted to the SWS, and a notice will be placed in the operating record. Background concentrations of any detected NC Appendix Il constituents I will be established and reported to the SWS. Within 90 days, and on at least a semiannual basis thereafter, the wells will be sampled and analyzed j for the NC Appendix I list plus any additional detected Appendix II constituents. An analytical results report of each sampling event will be submitted to the SWS and placed in the facility 1 operational record. The SWS will determine whether Groundwater Protection Standards must be established for the facility (15 NCAC 13B .1634(g) and (h)), and may specify a more appropriate alternate sampling frequency for repeated sampling and analysis for the full set of NC Appendix II constituents. Groundwater monitoring will continue in one of two ways, based on the results of the water quality analyses: 1) If the NC Appendix II constituent concentrations are equal to or less than the approved Groundwater Protection Standards for two consecutive sampling events, the facility may resume Detection Monitoring with the approval of SWS. 2) If one or more NC Appendix II constituents are detected in excess of the approved Groundwater Protection Standards, and no source of error can be identified, within 14 days the SWS will be notified, a notice will be placed in the operating record, and appropriate local government officials will be notified. The facility operator will proceed to characterize the nature and extent of the release (15A NCAC 13B .1634(f)(1)). Next, the operator will initiate an assessment of corrective measures and corrective action plan, and proceed according to 15A NCAC 13B .1635 through.1637. If the facility proceeds to corrective action, a revised WQMP will be submitted to the SWS with the Corrective Action Plan. The results of the groundwater data will be submitted to the SWS semiannually in accordance with the documents in Appendix C. Reports will be submitted on a CD (or other materials/method suitable for transfer of electronic data) with analytical data submitted in the required format, and be accompanied by the required Environmental Monitoring Form, which will be signed and sealed by a licensed geologist or engineer in the State of North Carolina. A copy of this form is also included in Appendix D. 3.1.9 Groundwater Sampling Methodology Groundwater samples will be collected in general accordance with Solid Waste Management Rules 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1632 and guidance provided in the Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling (April 2008). Procedures for well purging, sample withdrawal, and decontamination methods as well as chain -of -custody procedures are outlined below. Field parameter measurements will be submitted electronically to the SWS in accordance with the documents in Appendix C. ELM Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill Sample Collection September 13, 2016 Revised January 27, 2020 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 The procedures for collecting groundwater samples are presented below. The background wells (MW-11S, MW-11D, and MW-14) will be sampled first, followed by the downgradient compliance wells (MW-IA, MW-2, MW-2D, MW-3r, MW-3Dr, MW-4A, MW-8, MW-15, MW-16, MW-17, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 and MW-21). The downgradient wells will be sampled so that the most contaminated well, if one is identified from the previous sampling event, is sampled last. Sampling Frequency The above -mentioned samples will be collected on a semiannual basis during the Detection and/or Assessment Monitoring programs. Static Water Elevations The static water level and total well depth will be measured with an electronic water level indicator, to the nearest 0.01 foot, in each well prior to sampling. Static water elevations will be calculated from water depth measurements and top of casing elevations. A reference point will be marked on the top of casing of each well to ensure the same measuring point is used each time static water levels are measured. If a monitoring well contains a dedicated pump, the depth to water shall be measured without removing the pump. Depth to bottom measurements should be taken from the well construction data and updated when pumps are removed for maintenance. Well Evacuation The preferred well evacuation and sampling procedure for the site is conventional bailed well technology (standard evacuation) which is presented below. Standard Evacuation Procedures Monitoring wells will be evacuated with a laboratory cleaned bailer, disposable bailer, or submersible pump. If a pump or bailer is used for multiple wells, it and any other non -dedicated equipment will be decontaminated before use and between each well. A low -yield well (one that yields less than 0.5 gallon per minute) will be purged so that water is removed from the bottom of the screened interval. Low -yield wells will be evacuated to dryness once. However, at no time will a well be evacuated to dryness if the recharge rate causes the formation water to vigorously cascade down the sides of the screen and cause an accelerated loss of volatiles. Upon recharging of the well and no longer than a time period of 24 hours, the first sample may be field-tested for pH, temperature, turbidity, and specific conductivity. Samples will then be collected and containerized in the order of the volatilization sensitivity of the target constituents. A high -yield well (one that yields 0.5 gallon per minute or more) will be purged so that water is drawn down from above the screen in the uppermost part of the water column to ensure that fresh water from the formation will move upward in the screen. If a pump is used for purging, a high - yield well should be purged at less than 4 gallons per minute to prevent further well development. 10 i I Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 A minimum of three casing volumes will be evacuated from each well sampling. prior to . An p p g alternative purge will be considered complete if the monitoring well goes dry before removing the calculated minimum purge volume. The well casing volume for a 2-inch well will be calculated using the following formula: V� (gallons) = 0.163 x hW where: �. Vc = volume in the well casing = (dc2/4) x 3.14 x hW x 7.48 gallons/cubic foot) dc = casing diameter in feet (dc = 0.167) hw = height of the water column (i.e., well depth minus depth to water) The purge water will be disposed by pouring on the ground surface at least 10 feet downgradient of the monitoring well being purged, unless field characteristics suggest the purge water may be contaminated. In that case, the purged water will be containerized and disposed in the facility's leachate collection system (or by other approved disposal means). The monitoring wells will be sampled using laboratory cleaned or disposable bailers within 24 hours of completing the purge. The bailers will be equipped with a check valve and bottom -emptying device. The bailer will be lowered gently into the well to minimize the possibility of degassing the water. Field measurements of temperature, pH, specific conductance, and turbidity will be made before and after sample collection as a check on the stability of the groundwater sampled over time. The direct - reading equipment used at each well will be calibrated in the field according to the manufacturer's specifications prior to each day's use. Calibration information should be documented in the instrument's calibration logbook and the field book. Low -Flow Procedures Under normal conditions, monitoring wells will be purged and sampled using the Standard Evacuation Procedures specified above. However, at the discretion of the owner/operator a low -flow sampling method in accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Low -Flow (Minimal Daawdown) Sampling Procedures (EPA, April 1996), may be implemented as allowed under the Rules. A summary of these procedures is listed below, and a copy of the procedures is presented in Appendix E. Depth -to -water measurements will be obtained using an electronic water level indicator capable of recording the depth to an accuracy of 0.01 foot. A determination of whether or not the water table is located within the screened interval of the well will be made. If the water table is not within the screened interval, the amount of drawdown that can be achieved before the screen is intersected will be calculated. If the water table is within the screened interval, total drawdown should not exceed 1 foot so as to minimize the amount of aeration and turbidity. If the water table is above the top of the screened interval, the amount of drawdown should be minimized to keep the screen from being exposed. 11 r 1 Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 If the purging equipment is non -dedicated, the equipment will be lowered into the well, taking care to minimize the disturbance to the water column. If conditions (i.e., water column height and well yield) allow, the pump will be placed in the uppermost portion of the water column (minimum of 18 inches of pump submergence is recommended). 1 The minimum volume/time period for obtaining independent Water Quality Parameter - Measurements (WQPM) will be determined. The minimum volume/time period is determined based on the stabilized flow rate and the amount of volume in the pump and the discharge tubing (alternatively, the volume of the flow cell can be used, provided it is greater than the volume of the i pump and discharge tubing). Volume of the bladder pump should be obtained from the manufacturer. Volume of the discharge tubing is as follows: - 3/8-inch inside diameter tubing: 20 milliliters per foot 1/4-inch inside diameter tubing: 10 milliliters per foot 3/16-inch inside diameter tubing: 5 milliliters per foot Once the volume of the flow -cell or the pump and the discharge tubing has been calculated, the well purge will begin. The flow rate should be based on historical data for that well (if available) and should not exceed 500 milliliters per minute. The initial round of WQPM should be recorded and the flow rate adjusted until drawdown in the well stabilizes. Water levels should be measured periodically to maintain a stabilized water level. The water level should not fall within 1 foot of the top of the well screen. If the purge rate has been reduced to 100 milliliters or less and the head level in the well continues to decline, the required water samples should be collected following stabilization of the WQPM, based on the criteria presented below. If neither the head level nor the WQPM stabilize, a passive sample should be collected. Passive sampling is defined as sampling before WQPM have stabilized if the well yield is low enough that the well will purge dry at the lowest possible purge rate (generally 100 milliliters per minute or less). JWQPM stabilization is defined as follows: • pH (+/- 0.2 S.U.); conductance (+/- 5% of reading); • temperature (+/- 10% of reading or 0.2 C); + dissolved oxygen [+/- 10% of reading or 0.2 mg/L (whichever is greater)]; and oxidation reduction potential (ORP) may also be measured and ideally should also fall within 10% of reading; however, this is not a required field parameter. Stabilization of the WQPM should occur in most wells within five to six rounds of measurements. If stabilization does not occur following the removal of a purge volume equal to three well volumes, a passive sample will be collected. At a minimum, turbidity measurements should also be recorded at the beginning of purging, following the stabilization of the WQPM, and following the collection of the samples. The optimal turbidity range for micropurging is 25 NTU or less. Turbidity measurements above 25 NTU are generally indicative of an excessive purge rate or natural conditions related to excessive fines in the aquifer matrix. 12 MUR Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 The direct -reading equipment used at each well will be calibrated in the field according to the manufacturer's specifications prior to each day's use and checked at a minimum at the end of each r.} sampling day. Calibration information should be documented in the instrument's calibration logbook and the field book. Each well is to be sampled immediately following stabilization of the WQPM. The sampling flow rate must be maintained at a rate that is less than or equal to the purging rate. For volatile organic compounds, lower sampling rates (100 - 200 milliliters/minute) should be used. Final field parameter readings should be recorded prior to and after sampling. Sample Collection Samples will be collected and containerized in the order described below. • Volatile Organic Compounds (SW- 846 Method 8260); • Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (SW- 846 Method 8270); - • Herbicides (SW-846 Method 8151); • Pesticides (SW- 846 Method 8081); Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs; SW-846 Method 8082); ■ Cyanide and Sulfide; and • Total Metals. Total metals samples may be collected out of sequence if the turbidity increases during sample collection. Samples will be transferred directly from field sampling equipment into pre -preserved, laboratory -supplied containers. Containers for volatile organic analyses will be filled in such a manner that no headspace remains after filling. Decontamination Non -dedicated field equipment that is used for purging or sample collection shall be cleaned with a phosphate -free detergent, and triple -rinsed with distilled water. Any disposable polyethylene tubing ` used with non -dedicated pumps should be discarded after use at each well. Clean, chemical -resistant nitrile gloves will be worn by sampling personnel during well evacuation and sample collection. Measures will be taken to prevent surface soils, which could introduce contaminants into the well being sampled, from coming in contact with the purging and sampling equipment. 13 OUR Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number JI5-1957-51 Sample Preservation and Handling Upon containerizing the water samples, the samples will be packed into pre -chilled, ice -filled coolers and either hand -delivered or shipped overnight by a commercial carrier to the laboratory for analysis. Sample preservation methods will be used to retard biological action and hydrolysis, as well as to reduce sorption effects. These methods will include chemical preservation, cooling/refrigeration at 4° C, and protection from light. The type of sample container, minimum volume, chemical I preservative, and holding times for each analysis type are provided in Table 3. Chain -of -Custody Program JThe chain -of -custody program will allow for tracing sample possession and handling from the time of field collection through laboratory analysis. The chain -of -custody program includes sample labels, sample seal, field logbook, and chain -of -custody record. Sample Labels Legible labels sufficiently durable to remain legible when wet will contain the following information: • Site identification; • Monitoring well number or other location; + Date and time of collection; + Name of collector; + Parameters to be analyzed; and • Preservative, if applicable. Sample Seal - The shipping container will be sealed to ensure that the samples have not been disturbed during transport to the laboratory. The tape used to seal the shipping container will be labeled with instructions to notify the shipper if the seal is broken prior to receipt at the laboratory. Field Logbook The field logbook will contain sheets documenting the following information: - ' • Identification of the well; J + Well depth; • Field meter calibration information; • Static water level depth and measurement technique; • Purge volume (given in gallons); • Time well was purged; Date and time of collection; • Well sampling sequence; • Types of sample containers used and sample identification numbers; • Preservative used; • Field analysis data and methods; 14 F1.. r Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Field observations on sampling event; Name of collector(s); and Climatic conditions including air temperatures and precipitation. Chain -of -Custody Record The chain -of -custody record is required for tracing sample possession from time of collection to time of receipt at the laboratory. A chain -of -custody record will accompany each individual shipment. The record will contain the following information: ■ Sample destination and transporter; ■ Sample identification numbers; • Signature of collector; • Date and time of collection; • Sample type; ■ Identification of well; ■ Number of sample containers in shipping container; ■ Parameters requested for analysis; • Signature of person(s) involved in the chain of possession; ■ Inclusive dates of possession; and • Internal temperature of shipping container upon opening in laboratory (noted by the laboratory). A copy of the completed chain -of -custody form will accompany the shipment and will be returned to the shipper after the shipping container reaches its destination. The chain -of -custody record will also be used as the analysis request sheet. Analytical Procedures A laboratory certified by the DEQ will be utilized for analysis of groundwater and surface water samples from the facility. Analyses will be performed in accordance with U.S. EPA SW-846 methods in accordance with the EPA guidance document (EPA, June 1997). For Detection Monitoring, method numbers and reporting limits to be used will be those listed in accordance with the documents in Appendix C. Alternate SW-846 methods may be used if they have the same or lower reporting limit. The laboratory must report any detection of any constituent even if it is detected below the solid waste section limit (Appendix C). The laboratory certificates -of -analyses shall, at a minimum, include the following information: ■ Narrative: Must include a brief description of the sample group (number and type of samples, field and associated lab sample identification numbers, preparation and analytical methods used). The data reviewer shall also include a statement that all holding times and Quality Control (QC) criteria were met, samples were received intact and properly preserved, with a brief discussion of any deviations potentially affecting data usability. This includes, but is not limited to, test method deviation(s), holding time violations, out -of -control incidents occurring during the processing of QC or field samples and corrective actions taken, and repeated analyses and reasons for the reanalyses (including, for example, 15 13LIS Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 contamination, failing surrogate recoveries, matrix effects, or dilutions). The narrative shall be signed by the laboratory director or authorized laboratory representative, signifying that all statements are true to the best of the reviewer's knowledge, and that the data meet the data quality objectives as described in this plan (except as noted). One narrative is required for each sample group. • Original Chain -of Custody Form. • Target Analyte List (TAL)/Target Compound List (TCL): The laboratory shall list all compounds for which the samples were analyzed. The TAL/TCL is typically included as part of the analytical reporting forms. • Dilution factors with a narrative of the sample results, including the reasons for the dilution (if any). • Blank Data: For organic analyses, the laboratory shall report the results of any method blanks, reagent blanks, trip blanks, field blanks, and any other blanks associated with the sample group. For inorganic analyses, the laboratory shall provide the results of any preparation or initial calibration blanks associated with the sample group. • QC Summary: The laboratory will provide summary forms detailing laboratory QC sample results, which include individual recoveries and relative percent differences (if appropriate) for the following Quality Assurance (QA)/QC criteria: surrogates, MS analyses, MSD analyses, LCS, and sample duplicate analyses. QC control limits shall also be reported; if any QC limits are exceeded, a flag or footnote shall be placed to indicate the affected samples. Additional QA data and/or other pertinent data may be reported as requested by the owner/operator of the facility. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program Trip and field blanks will be collected and analyzed during each monitoring event to verify that the sample collection and handling process has not affected the quality of the samples. The trip blank will be prepared in the laboratory each time a group of bottles is prepared for use in the field. The appropriate number of bottles for VOA analysis will be filled with Type II reagent grade water, transported to the site, handled like the samples, and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. The field blank will be prepared in the field and exposed to the sampling environment. As with all other samples, the time of the blank exposure will be recorded so that the sampling sequence is documented. The field blank will be analyzed for the same list of constituents as the groundwater samples. The trip blank will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds only. The assessment of blank analysis results will be in general accordance with EPA guidance documents (EPA, 1993 and 1994). No positive sample results will be relied upon unless the concentration of the compound in the sample exceeds 10 times the amount in any blank for common laboratory contaminants (see next paragraph), or five times the amount for other compounds. If necessary, resampling will be performed as necessary to confirm or refute suspect data; such resampling will occur within the individual compliance monitoring period. 16 ELM A Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Concentrations of any contaminants found in the blanks will be used to qualify the groundwater data. Any compound (other than those listed below) detected in the sample, which was also detected in any associated blank, will be qualified "B" when the sample concentration is less than five times the blank concentration. For common laboratory contaminants (methylene chloride, acetone, 2- butanone, and common phthalate esters), the results will be qualified `B" when the reported sample concentration is less than 10 times the blank concentration. The `B" qualifier designates that the reported detection is considered to represent cross -contamination and that the reported constituent is not considered to be present in the sample at the reported concentration. 3.1.10 Statistical Methods (Optional) If the landfill owner or operator chooses, groundwater monitoring data for landfill compliance wells screened in the uppermost aquifer may be evaluated using statistical procedures. However as specified in the Rules, this is optional (not required) under 15A NCAC 13B .1632(g). The statistical test used to evaluate the groundwater monitoring data will be the prediction interval procedure unless the test is inappropriate with the data collected. If statistical evaluation of groundwater monitoring data is selected, it will be performed in compliance with 15A NCAC 13B Rule .1632 (g), (h), and (i) and the USEPA's Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Unified Guidance, Office of Solid Waste, Waste Management Division, US EPA, dated March 2009. 3.2 Surface Water Monitoring 3.2.1 Sampling Locations In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B Rule .0602 of the Rules, seven (7) surface water monitoring locations have been established for the facility to monitor water quality surrounding the proposed and existing waste footprint (Table 4). The proposed surface water locations will consist of one (1) upstream (background) point (SW-6) and six (6) downstream (compliance) points (SW-1, SW-2, SW-3, SW-5, SW-7, and SW-8). All surface water sampling locations currently exist except for SW- 8 which will be added after development of Phase 5. The location of each surface water sampling point is indicated on the Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System (Figure 2). 3.2.2 Monitoring Frequency The surface water sampling locations will be sampled semiannually (Table 2) for analysis of the NC Appendix I list of constituents (Appendix B) and required water quality parameters (pH, specific conductivity, temperature, and turbidity). The results of the analysis of the surface water data will be submitted to the SWS semiannually in conjunction with the groundwater data. 3.2.3 Surface Water Sampling Methodology The surface water samples should be collected using the Dipper Method or the Direct Method described below. In surface water sampling, extreme care must be used to obtain a representative sample. The greatest potential source of inadvertent sample contamination is incorrect handling by field personnel. Therefore, extreme care should be used during sample collection to minimize the potential for inadvertent contamination. 17 IIIAG Z Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill Sample Collection September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Surface water samples will be obtained from areas of minimal turbulence and aeration. Samples will only be collected if flowing water is observed during the sampling event. Dipper Method A dip sampler is useful for situations where a sample is to be recovered from an outfall pipe or where direct access is limited. The long handle on such a device allows sample collection from a discrete location. Sampling procedures are as follows: 1. Assemble the dip sampler device in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Extend the device to the sample location and collect the sample. 3. Retrieve the sampler and transfer the sample to the appropriate sample container. Direct Method The sampler should face upstream and collect the sample without disturbing the sediment. The collector submerses the closed sample container, opens the bottle to collect the sample and then caps the bottle while sub -surface. The collection bottle may be rinsed two times by the sample water. The sample will be collected under the water surface avoiding surface debris. When using the direct method, pre -preserved sample bottles should not be used because the collection method may dilute the concentration of preservative necessary for proper sample preservation. Samples will be collected using dedicated, clean, laboratory -provided bottles, and then the samples are carefully transferred into the pre -preserved bottles for transport to the laboratory. Decontamination Non -dedicated field equipment that is used for sample collection shall be cleaned with a phosphate - free detergent, and triple -rinsed with distilled water. Clean, chemical -resistant nitrile gloves will be worn by sampling personnel during sample collection. Measures will be taken to prevent surface soils, which could introduce contaminants into the location being sampled, from coming in contact with the sampling equipment. Sample Preservation and Handling Upon containerizing the water samples, the samples will be packed into pre -chilled, ice -filled coolers and either hand -delivered or shipped overnight by a commercial carrier to the laboratory for analysis. Sample preservation methods will be used to retard biological action and hydrolysis, as well as to reduce sorption effects. These methods will include chemical preservation, cooling/refrigeration at 4° C, and protection from light. The type of sample container, minimum volume, chemical preservative, and holding times for each analysis type are provided in Table 3. Chain -of -Custody Program The chain -of -custody program will allow for tracing sample possession and handling from the time of field collection through laboratory analysis. The chain -of -custody program includes sample labels, sample seal, field logbook, and chain -of -custody record. 1 J 18 1ILIS r �I Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 1 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 Sample Labels Legible labels sufficiently durable to remain legible when wet will contain the following information: • Site identification; • Sampling location identifier; • Date and time of collection; + Name of collector; • Parameters to be analyzed; and • Preservative, if applicable. Sample Seal The shipping container will be sealed to ensure that the samples have not been disturbed during i transport to the laboratory. The tape used to seal the shipping container will be labeled with instructions to notify the shipper if the seal is broken prior to receipt at the laboratory. Field Logbook The field logbook will contain sheets documenting the following information: • Sampling location identifier; • Flow conditions observations; + Field meter calibration information; • Date and time of collection; • Sequence of sampling locations; • Types of sample containers used and sample identification numbers; + Preservative used; ■ Field analysis data and methods; • Field observations on sampling event; ■. Name of collector(s); and • Climatic conditions including air temperatures and precipitation. Chain -of -Custody Record The chain -of -custody record is required for tracing sample possession from time of collection to time of receipt at the laboratory. A chain -of -custody record will accompany each individual shipment. The record will contain the following information: • Sample destination and transporter; ■ Sample identification numbers; • Signature of collector; + Date and time of collection; ■ Sample type; ■ Number of sample containers in shipping container; 19 i Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 • Parameters requested for analysis; • Signature of person(s) involved in the chain of possession; • Inclusive dates of possession; and • Internal temperature of shipping container upon opening in laboratory (noted by the laboratory). A copy of the completed chain -of -custody form will accompany the shipment and will be returned to the shipper after the shipping container reaches its destination. The chain -of -custody record will also be used as the analysis request sheet. 3.Z3.4 Analytical Procedures A laboratory certified by the DEQ will be utilized for analysis of groundwater and surface water samples from the facility. Analyses will be performed in accordance with U.S. EPA SW-846 methods in accordance with the EPA guidance document (EPA, 1997). For Detection Monitoring, method numbers and reporting limits to be used will be those listed in accordance with the documents in Appendix C. The monitoring parameters are also included in Appendix C, along with the proposed analytical methods and reporting limits. Alternate SW-846 methods may be used if they have the same or lower reporting limit. The laboratory must report any detection of any constituent even if it is detected below the solid waste reporting limit (Appendix C). The laboratory certificates -of -analyses shall, at a minimum, include the following information: • Narrative: Must include a brief description of the sample group (number and type of samples, field and associated lab sample identification numbers, preparation and analytical methods used). The data reviewer shall also include a statement that all holding times and Quality Control (QC) criteria were met, samples were received intact and properly preserved, with a brief discussion of any deviations potentially affecting data usability. This includes, but is not limited to, test method deviation(s), holding time violations, out -of -control incidents occurring during the processing of QC or field samples and corrective actions taken, and repeated analyses and reasons for the reanalyzes (including, for example, contamination, failing surrogate recoveries, matrix effects, or dilutions). The narrative shall be signed by the laboratory director or authorized laboratory representative, signifying that all statements are true to the best of the reviewer's knowledge, and that the data meet the data quality objectives as described in this plan (except as noted). One narrative is required for each sample group. • Original Chain -of Custody Form. « Target Analyte List (TAL)/Target Compound List (TCL): The laboratory shall list all compounds for which the samples were analyzed. The TAL/TCL is typically included as part of the analytical reporting forms. ■ Dilution factors with a narrative of the sample results, including the reasons for the dilution (if any). ■ Blank Data: For organic analyses, the laboratory shall report the results of any method 20 111,418 Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 blanks, reagent blanks, trip blanks, field blanks, and any other blanks associated with the sample group. For inorganic analyses, the laboratory shall provide the results of any preparation or initial calibration blanks associated with the sample group. QC Summary: The laboratory will provide summary forms detailing laboratory QC sample results, which include individual recoveries and relative percent differences (if appropriate) for the following Quality Assurance (QA)/QC criteria: surrogates, MS analyses, MSD analyses, LCS, and sample duplicate analyses. QC control limits shall also be reported; if any QC limits are exceeded, a flag or footnote shall be placed to indicate the affected samples. Additional QA data and/or other pertinent data may be reported as requested by the owner/operator of the facility. Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program Trip and field blanks will be collected and analyzed during each monitoring event to verify that the sample collection and handling process has not affected the quality of the samples. The trip blank will be prepared in the laboratory each time a group of bottles is prepared for use in the field. The appropriate number of bottles for VOA analysis will be filled with Type II reagent grade water, transported to the site, handled like the samples, and shipped to the laboratory for analysis. The field blank will be prepared in the field and exposed to the sampling environment. As with all other samples, the time of the blank exposure will be recorded so that the sampling sequence is documented. The field blank will be analyzed for the same list of constituents as the groundwater samples. The trip blank will be analyzed for volatile organic compounds only. The assessment of blank analysis results will be in general accordance with EPA guidance documents (EPA, 1993 and 1994). No positive sample results will be relied upon unless the concentration of the compound in the sample exceeds 10 times the amount in any blank for common laboratory contaminants (see next paragraph), or five times the amount for other compounds. If necessary, resampling will be performed as necessary to confirm or refute suspect data; such resampling will occur within the individual compliance monitoring period. Concentrations of any contaminants found in the blanks will be used to qualify the groundwater data. Any compound (other than those listed below) detected in the sample, which was also detected in any associated blank, will be qualified `B" when the sample concentration is less than five times the blank concentration. For common laboratory contaminants (methylene chloride, acetone, 2- butanone, and common phthalate esters), the results will be qualified `B" when the reported sample concentration is less than 10 times the blank concentration. The `B" qualifier designates that the reported detection is considered to represent cross -contamination and that the reported constituent is not considered to be present in the sample at the reported concentration. 21 III AIR Water Quality Monitoring Plan Haywood County White Oak Landfill 3.3 Leachate Monitoring 3.3.1 Sampling Location September 13, 2016 BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 In accordance with 15A NCAC 13B .1626(12)(c) of the Rules, one leachate sampling location (leachate pond) has been established for the facility which is located north of the Phase I MSW area. The leachate generated from Phase 4 and 5 waste units will be piped into the existing leachate pond. The leachate pond location is shown on the attached Figure 2 titled Water Quality Environmental Monitoring System. 3.3.2 Monitoring Frequency The leachate pond will be sampled semiannually (Table 2) for analysis of the NC required leachate parameters. The results of the analysis of the leachate will be submitted to the SWS semiannually in conjunction with the groundwater and surface water data. 3.3.3 Leachate Sampling Methodology and Analytical Procedures The leachate sampling methodology including sample collection, sample preservation and handling, chain -of -custody program, and quality assurance and quality control program will be in general accordance with those specified herein for surface water. The NC required leachate parameters include the Appendix I list of constituents plus the following required additional parameters: 1) biological oxygen demand (BOD), 2) chemical oxygen demand (COD), 3) phosphate, 4) nitrate, 5) sulfate, and 6) pH. '1 22 �11 I ELIS Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 'j Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 3.4 Reporting 3.4.1 Monitoring Well Installation and Abandonment Reports Groundwater monitoring well installation and abandonment reports will be prepared upon completion of well installation or abandonment prior to waste disposal into a new cell in accordance ' with the phased landfill construction for Phases 4 and 5. The monitoring well installation reports will include documentation of boring logs, well diagrams, development results, and field procedures. The abandonment reports will include documentation of abandonment logs and field procedures. Monitoring well installation and abandonment reports will be submitted in electronic format in accordance with the procedures in Appendix C and if physical copies are required to the SWS at the following mailing address: } North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management -- Solid Waste Section 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Additionally, copies of all installation and abandonment reports will be kept at the landfill as part of the facility's operating record. 3.4.2 Water Quality Reports Copies of all laboratory analytical data will be forwarded to the SWS within 120 calendar days of the sampling event. The analytical data submitted will specify the date of sample collection, the sampling point identification and include a map of sampling locations. Should a significant concentration of contaminants be detected in ground and surface water, as defined in North Carolina Solid Waste Management Rules, Groundwater Quality Standards, or Surface Water Quality ` Standards, the owner/operator of the landfill shall notify the SWS and will place a notice in the landfill records as to which constituents were detected. All monitoring reports will be submitted with the following: T 1. An evaluation of potentiometric surface; 2. Analytical laboratory reports and summary tables; 3. A Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Data Form (included in Appendix D); and 4. Laboratory Data submitted in accordance with the Electronic Data Deliverable Template. Monitoring reports will be submitted electronically by e-mail, CD, or FTP and in paper copy form if requested. Copies of all laboratory results and water quality reports for the White Oak Landfill will be kept at the landfill office as part of the facility's operating record. Reports summarizing all groundwater quality results and data evaluation will be submitted in electronic form in accordance with the procedures in Appendix C and if physical copies are required to the SWS at their current mailing address. 23 1 NILE Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 13, 2016 Haywood County White Oak Landfill BLE Project Number J15-1957-51 4.0 REFERENCES Bunnell-Lammons Engineering, Inc., 2016. Design Hydrogeologic Report, Phase 4 & 5, Haywood County White Oak Landfill (in progress). Carter, M.W., and Weiner, L.S., 1999, Bedrock Geologic Map of the Fines Creek 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, North Carolina, North Carolina Geological Survey, Geologic Map Series 8. Hadley, J.B., and Goldsmith, R.E., 1983, Geology of the Eastern Great Smoky Mountains, North Carolina -Tennessee: United States Geological Survey Professional Paper 349-B. Horton, J.W. and Zullo, V.A., 1991, The Geology of the Carolinas: Carolina Geological Society fifteenth anniversary volume: The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville, TN. North Carolina Dept. Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2006. N.C. New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data. North Carolina Dept. Environmental and Natural Resources. 2007. N.C. Addendum to October 27, 2006, North Carolina Solid Waste Section Memorandum Regarding New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data. North Carolina Dept. Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). April 2008. Solid Waste Section Guidelines for Groundwater, Soil, and Surface Water Sampling. North Carolina Dept. Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). 2014. Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section, Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Sediment, and Landfill Gas Electronic Document Submittal. USEPA. September 1986. RCRA Ground -Water Monitoring Technical Enforcement Guidance Document (TEGD). USEPA. 1996. Low -Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Ground -Water Sampling Procedures. Puls, Robert W. and Barcelona, Michael J. USEPA. 1993. Region III Modifications to Laboratory Data Validation Functional Guidelines for Evaluating Inorganic Analyses, EPA 540IR-01-008. April. USEPA, 1994. Region III Modifications to National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review Multi -Media, Multi -Concentration (OLMOL O-OLMO0.9), EPA 540/R-99-008. September. USEPA. June 1997. SW-846 Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, j Final Update III. USEPA. March 2009. Statistical Analysis of Groundwater Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities — Unified Guidance. EPA/530-R-09-007. Office of Solid Waste. Washington, D.C. 24 TABLES Table 1 Groundwater Monitoring Well Construction and Groundwater Elevation Data White Oak Landfill Haywood County, North Carolina Permit Number 44-07 BLE Project No. J16-1957-51 October 26 & 29, 2015 Northing Easting Well (feet) (feet) Waste Unit Monitored Well Status/Purpose Compliance Meas. Pt. Elevation Gnd. Surface Elevation *Depth to Water (bgs) Depth to Water (bmp) Water Elevation Total Borehole Screen Screen Depth (bgs) Depth (bgs) Elevation Well Type Well Monitors Top of Rock Top of Depth (bgs) Rock Elev. MW-lA 721,096.30 812,481.47 Phases 1-3 2,520.02 2,517.97 19.95 22.00 2498.02 UK 10.4 - 25.4 : 2507.6 - 2492.6 UK Deep Residuum UK UK MW-2 721,460.76 812,309.44 Phases 1-3 Compliance 2,496.71 2,494.43 28.40 30.68 2466.03 UK 19.9 - 34.9 2474.5 - 2459.5 UK Deep Residuum/PWR UK UK MW-21) 721,456.01 812,311.87 Phases 1-3 Compliance 2,496.89 2,494.69 28.40 30.60 2466.29 J UK 44.6 - 54.6 2450.1 - 2440.1 UK Bedrock 36.9 2457.8 _ MW-3r 721,943.38 812,063.70 Phases 1-3 Compliance 2,462.61 2,459.53 30.37 33.45 2429.16 41.5 26.3 - 41.3 2433.2 - 2418.2 II Deep Residuum NE NE MW-3Dr 721,940.67 _ 812,082.82 Phases 1-3 Compliance 2,461.89 2,458.42 34.03 37.50 2424.39 65.0 49.8 - 64.8 2408.6 - 2393.6 IIIs Bedrock 44.0 2414.4 MW-4A 721,693.04 811,976.64 Phases 1-3 Compliance 2,493.85 2,491.60 42.03 44.28 2449.57 UK 80.6 - 95.6 : 2411.0 - 2396.0 UK Bedrock 23.3 2468.3 MW-8 721,704.50 812,155.03 Phases 1-3 Compliance 2,477.33 2,474.84 28.58 31.07 2446.26 UK 31.0 - 41.0 2443.8 - 2433.8 UK Deep Residuum UK UK MW-11S 719,905.88 811,642.89 Facility Background 2,674.58 UK UK 81.00 2593.58 UK UK - UK UK - UK UK UK UK UK MW-11D 719,909.34 811,651.55 Facility Background 2,674.89 2,672.01 79.12 82.00 2592.89 UK 118.0 - 127.6 2554.0 - 2544.4 UK Bedrock 97.0 2575.0 MW-14 UK UK Facility Background 2,711.69 UK UK 101.30 2610.39 UK UK UK UK - UK UK UK UK UK MW-15 UK UK C&D Compliance 2,547.41 UK UK 9.69 2537.72 UK UK UK UK - UK UK UK UK UK MW-16 721,821.98 811,660.70 MW-17 721,783.47 811,219.93 Phases 1-3 Phases 1-4 Compliance Compliance 2,519.35 2,542.55 2,516.07 2,539.13 31.88 53.53 35.16 56.95 2484.19 2485.60 41.0 25.8 - 40.8 2490.3 - 2475.3 63.0 43.0 - 58.0 2496.1 - 2481.1 11 11 Fill / Residuum Bedrock 40.0 40.0 2476.1 2499.1 MW-18 Phase 4 Proposed MW-19 Phase 5 Proposed MW-20 Phase 5 Proposed MW-21 Phase 5 Proposed MW-22 Phase 5 Proposed a� Notes: All survey data provided by McGill Associates, all units in feet. Data for MW-14 & MW-15 sourced from historical Municipal Engineering reports. *DTW from bgs values have been calculated from survey data provided by McGill Associates. All values shown to the nearest 0.1-ft have been rounded. _ Water levels were measured on 10/26/15 by Pace. Water levels were measured on 10/29/15 by BLE. MW-4A was lowered 4.59 feet by Haywood County. All bgs referenced depths for MW-4A have been adjusted accordingly on this table. Table 1 GWM of WOLF WQMP Tables.xlsx Measuring Point Elevation is top of casing. II = Type II well IIIs = Type III screened well NE = Not encountered NE = Not encountered UK = Unknown, information is not available Prepared by: AWA Checked by: MSP Table 2 Sampling Matrix White Oak Landfill Haywood County, North Carolina Permit Number 44-07 BLE Project No. J16-1957-51 April October Full Appendix I List Full Appendix I List Waste Areas Station ID b a MW-11S X X c _ Phases 1-5 u 3 MW-11D X X pq MW-14 X X C&D MW-IA X X MW-2 X X MW-2D X X Phases 1-3 MW-3r X X MW-3Dr X X MW-4A X X a MW-8 X X 3 0 C&D MW-15 X X U Phases 1-3 MW-16 X X Phases 1-4 M W-17 X X Phase MW-18 X X Phase 5 X X X X SW-1 X X Phases 1-3 SW-2 X X SW-3 X X 3 SW-5 X X Phases 1-4 0 SW-6 X X C&D SW-7 X X Phase 5 i k Phases 1-5 Leachate X* X* v a Notes: * = Plus NCDEQ SWS Leachate Parameters Leachate sample is collected from the Leachate L aguot StMiofls in hhtc'hi ltl[!lit are proposed rw 4,aide',r y Prepared by: AWA Checked by: MSP 12 Sampling Matrix of WOLF WQMP Tables 2020 Revision Table 3 Sampling and Preservation Procedures White Oak Landfill Haywood County, North Carolina Permit Number 44-07 BLE Project No. J16-1957-51 Parameter Container & Volume Preservative Maximum Holding Time Cyanide P,G; 500 mL 4°C NaOH to pH>12, add Sodium Arsenite 14 days Sulfide P,G; 500 mL 4°C, add Zinc Acetate 7 days Mercury (total) P; 500 mL RN03 to pH<2 28 days Metals (total) except mercury 'P; 500 mL HNO3 to pH<2 6 months Base Neutrals & Acids G, Teflon -lined cap; 1000 mL 4°C 7 days to extraction, 40 days after extraction Chlorinated Pesticides/PCBs G, Teflon -lined cap; 1000 mL 4°C 7 days to extraction, 40 days after extraction Chlorinated Acids G, Teflon -lined cap; 1000 mL 4°C 7 days to extraction, 40 days after extraction Purgeables 2-40 mL VOA w/G, Teflon -lined septum .4°C; HCl to pH<2 14 days BOD P; 1000 mL 6°C 48 hours COD P; 250 mL 6°C, H2SO4 to pH<2 28 days Sulfate P; 250 mL •4°C 28 days INitrate P; 250 mL 4°C 48 hours ortho-Phosphate P; 250 mL 4°C 48 hours Notes: P - Plastic, G - Glass, T - Fluorocarbon Resin (PTFE, Teflon®, FEP, etc.) No headspace should be allowed in the volatile organic compound containers. Prepared by: AWA Checked by: MSP/MPH jTable 3 Pres and Handle of WOLF WQMP Tables.xlsx a In �QaQQ�Q .N Q Q C o�waaa lai a 0 a t-It �tj U� a Q Q Q Q� Q Q W ° c a a M �D �D �D �D �D O ,. UD rA Gn � � � a C 0 FIGURES V... . ZINC ----------- r/a 2W.7 \ V• ` \ \ xz \1 \ 1 \ e ING r lose - a 0 —4 Iiiiii effio, II III III MW-18 �y2 r MW-16 `\\ 2484.11 I i '1. / MW-11 D 2592.89 2593.158 a 0 MW-3Dr MW-3r 2424.39\ 2429.16 �/\ \\ I MW-4A MW-8 2449.57\. 4446_ ..26 60 MW-2 1 2466.03 \ MW-2D 0 2466.29 \ \, 1A Ed \ �o ■ \ II f�` I ,s LEGEND: LFG-1 - SURVEYED LOCATION OF METHANE MONITORING PROBE SW-1 ■ PPPPrRTOXIMATE LOCATION OF SURFACE WATER MONITORING SW-1 a PROPOSED LOCATION OF SURFACE WATER MONITORING POINT MW-1 0 SURVEYED LOCATION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL MW-22 A PROPOSED LOCATION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LFG-10 PROPOSED LOCATION OF METHANE PROBE TOPOGRAPHIC & GEOLOGIC LEGEND: TOPOGRAPHIC SURFACE CONTOUR IN FEET ABOVE MSL STREAM OR CREEK PROPERTY BOUNDARY _ _ = UNIMPROVED ROAD ■ EXISTING WASTE BOUNDARY ■ ■ PROPOSED PHASE 4 AND 5 WASTE BOUNDARY 2537.02 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FEET MSL) 2530 GROUNDWATER EQUIPOTENTIAL CONTOUR (FEET MSL) NOTES: 1. MEAN SEA LEVEL ELEVATION (MSL) IS REFERENCED TO THE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 (NGVD). 2. GROUNDWATER ELEVATIONS FOR 7 OF THE 13 MONITARING WELLS WERE COLLECTED ON 10/26/15 BY PACE. GENERAL MAP REFERNECE: REFERENCES: 1. DRAWING TITLED "PHASE 4 & 5 PROPOSED LAYOUT" WHITE OAK LANDFILL, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FIGURE 1, PREPARED BY SANTEK ENVIRONMENTAL OF NORTH CAROLINA, LLC; SANTEK JOB NUMBER NC 10-1420. 2. AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY DATED MAY 4, 2015 & MAY 21, 2019. 3. DRAWING TITLED 'BORING LOCATION PLAN" WHITE OAK LANDFILL, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FIGURE 3, PREPARED BY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC.; BLE PROJECT NUMBER J07-1957-02. 4. SURVEYING FOR NEW PIEZOMETERS AND BORINGS IN THE PHASE 4 & 5 AREA WAS PERFORMED BY SANTEK. CARO // 6 4�SS/p2 // Q y =z:°- p3g055� SE 400 200 0 200 400 .DZd9 SCALE SCALE: AS NOTED WATER QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SANTEK ATE: 1/27/20 MONITORING SYSTEM 650 25TH STREET NW DRAWN BY: WM SUITE 100 CLEVELAND, CHECKED BY: RI1 2 WHITE OAK MUNICIPAL LANDFILL TENNESSEE APPROVED BY: RV sheet number 1 1127I20 JW RH REVISED LOCATIONS OF MW-21, LFG-10 &OMITTED MW-22. � (423) 3o3-not FILE:NCIO-1933 HAYWOOD COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Waste Services REV. DATE DRWN HKDJ REVISION JOB NO:IIAYWOOD WELL MOD... -A JOB NO.: DATE: SCALE: WELL ID PLATE WELL CAP WITH LOCK WELL CAP STEEL PROTECTOR CAP 1/4" GAS VENT DRAINMEEP HOLE SURVEYOR'S PIN (FLUSH MOUNT) GROUND SURFACE X x 3' x 4" CONCRETE PAD - SLOPE TO DRAIN U) w CONTINUOUS POUR CONCRETE CAP 3 FEET MIN. w p AND WELL APRON LL. N [+ NEAT CEMENT GROUT, CEMENT/BENTONITE �- GROUT, OR HIGH SOLIDS SODIUM BENTONITE GROUT WELL DIAMETER 2" PVC THREADED BENTONITE LAYER (1.0 FEET MIN.) = f- BOREHOLE DIAMETER 6 INCHES MINIMUM (NOMINAL DIMENSION) SILICA FILTER PACK SAND -_ POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE w = - SCREENED INTERVAL 0.010 INCH SLOT w = MANUFACTURED SCREEN (NOT TO EXCEED Of ZO =_ 15 FEET WITHOUT AMPLE JUSTIFICATION Q N = = WELL INSTALLATION.) U) BOTTOM CAP NOTES: 1. IF THE WELL IS SET IN SOIL, THE SCREEN WILL BE SET TO BRACKET THE 24-HOUR WATER LEVEL WITH APPROXIMATELY 12-FT OF WATER IN THE WELL. IF THE WELL IS SET INTO BEDROCK, THE SCREEN WILL BE SET TO ENCOUNTER WATER -PRODUCING FRACTURES. 2. PLACE PEA GRAVEL IN ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN PVC STICK UP AND STEEL PROTECTIVE CASING. GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL (TYP. J15-1957-51 08-29-16 NOT TO SCALE 13LEINC. BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC. 6004 PONDERS COURT GREENVILLE. 30UTH CAROLINA 29515 PHONE. (684MR-S265 FAX, ($84)288.4430 FIGURE I GiiOUHLSINATER W MTORMIG WELL DETAL WHITE OAK MSW LANDFILL HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 13 APPENDICES APPENDIX A MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORDS J , 36.9 .. DEPTH (Fr.) 0.0 Overburden Soils (Brown silty sand and s"y silt.) Set Boring GWM•2 for demdad soil descriptions W ite lad gmy. fresh, turd ID very bud GRANITIC GNEISS. with no joints. very thin to thin thIladon srEHAM- Type III Monitoring Well lasullad. ❑tillers: I.Voekel mW M.Wignar. Drill Ng: Truck . Mount. Burin= l'pe. 8-1/4' (1) HSA and PQ Rock Coring. SEE KEY $HEEL FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED ABOVE DESCRIPTION ELEVATION • PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT (Fr.) 0 10 20 30 40, 60 80 100 BORING NUMBER GWM 2D DATE DRUIM September 23. 1993 pRQJECT NUMBER 472-07913-03 PROJECT White Oak Sanitary I.== PAGE 1 OF 2 h" DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT (Fr.) (FT.) 0 10 20 30 40 60 80 L00 rre and gray. fzesh, h&R to very hard GRANITIC GNEISS. with no joints, very thin to thin fo€i2tion 48.8 - ---- -- Dark Y.white, and brown. slight to moderately — weathered. moderately hard to hard GRANITIC — GNEISS. with close jointing and very thin to* thin _ foliation S5.1 Core Run /1: 36.9 to 39.8 feet RQD ¢ 100% Core Run N2: 39.8 to 42.9 feet RQD = 100% Coro Run N3: 42.9 to 47.9 feet RQD - 100% Core Run /4: 47.9 to 53.0 feet RQD - 95 % Core Run /5: S3.0 to 55.1 feet RQD m 95 % Boring terminated at 5S.1 feet on 9/26/93. RENIAM: Tjype 111 Monhodng Well lttstalled. Drillers: s ').Voekel mW M.Wagaar. Drill Rig: Truck Mount. Boring Type: 9-114• iD HSA and PQ BORING NUM33ER GWM 2D Rock Coring. DATE DRILLED September 23, 1993 PROJECT NUMBER 472-07913-03 PROTECT White Oak Sanitary LaaM PAGE 2 OF 2 _ SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIA71ONS USED ABOVE TYPE III. MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD - Part A JOB NAME White Oak Sanitary Landfill JOB NUMBER 47Z-07913-03 WELL NUMBER GWH-2D INSTALLATION DATE 9/23 - 9/26/93 LOCATION Haywood county, North Carolina GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION CASING DIAMETER PVC CASING MATERIAL - BOREHOLE DIAMETER 12 5/$r. DRILLING TECHNIQUE HSA DRILLING CONTRACTOR Law Engineering -- LAW ENGINEERING FIELD REPRESENTIVE.- Soda S. Kablawi - GROUND SURFACE GROUT NOTE: CASING SHOULD BE PLACED IN SUCH AWAY THAT GROUT CAN PENETRATE (NOT TO SCALE) LENGTH OF I TOTAL DEPTH CASING' OF BORING .36 - � 141;s� LAW ENGINEERING TESTING FIGURE 3 A COMPANY TYPE III MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION RECORD - Part B 408NAME ^ white Oak_ Landfill J08 NUMBER 472-07913-03 WELL NUMBER GWM-2D INSTALLATION DATE 9/23 - 9/26/93 LOCATION East Access Road. Cell 1 {See Record DrawinSs7 _ GROUND SURFACE ELEVATION -REFERENCE POINT ELEVATION GRANULAR BACKFILL tic #2 Sand SLOT SIZE 0.010" SCREEN MATERIAL PVC SCREEN DIAMETER_211 PVC 2" RISER MATERIAL RISER DIAMETER BOREHOLE DIAMETER 4.8" LAW ENGINEERING FIELD REP.Hada Kahlawi DRILLING TECHNIQUE RSA & PQ-Coring DRILLING CONTRACTOR Law Engineering LOCK: BRAND Master SIZEIIHOOEL #3 KEYCODF.iCOMBINATION Q536 STABILIZED WATER LEVEL 7 8_- n FEET BELOW GROUND SURFACE, MEASURED ON 9 /30I93 LOCKABLE COVER VENTED CAP THREADED COUPLING DEPTH TO TOP OF 13ENTONITE SEAL. 42.6 ' DEPTH TO TOP OF GRANULAR BACKFILL 44_tiT • • . 3 GROUT SOLID RISER :•.. . SCREEN 13ENTONITE GRANULAR 6ACKFILL CAP (NOTTO SCALE) GROUND SURFACE STICKUP2� LENGTH OF SOLID SECTION 44-6,'... TOTAL DEPTH OF WELL 55.1' LENGTH OF SLOTTED SECTION 10.0' LENGTH OF TAIL PIPE- n�- LAW ENGINEERING TESTING FIGURE 3 B COMPANY North Carolina - Depariment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management - Groundwater Section P.O. Box 29535 - Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Phone (919) 733-32-21 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD DRILLING CONTRACTOR: Law En ineerin GWM-2D FOR OFFICE USE ONLY QUAD. NO. SERIAL NO. Lac Long. Pc Minor Basin Basin Cade Header Ent. GW-1 Ent _ LANDFILL CONSTRUCTION DRILLER REGISTRATION NUMBER: 332 PERMIT NUMBER: 44-07 1. WELL LOCATION: (Show sketch of the location below) Nearest Town: White Oak North Carolina County: Havwooa (Road, Community, or Subdivision and Lot No.) 2. OWNER Haywood ADDRESS t420 N. Main Street (Street or Route No.) Waynesville NC^ 28786 City or Town 9/23- Slate Tap Code 3. DATE DRILLED 9726 93 USE OF WELL Monitoring_ 4. TOTAL DEPTH 55.1' 5. CUTTINGS COLLECTED YESO NO❑ S. DOES WELL REPLACE EXISTING WELL? YES ❑ NO© 7. STATIC WATER LEVEL Below Top of Casing: 30 - 3 FT. (Use '+' if Above Top of Casing) 8. TOP OF CASING IS 2.3 FT. Above Land Surface• • Casing Terminated st/or below land surface Is Illegal unless a variance Is issued In accordance with 15A NCAC 2C .0110 9. YIELD (gpm): NIA METHOD OF TEST N/A 1o. WATER ZONES (depth): DEPTH From To 0' - 36.9' 36.9'- 55.1' DRILLING LOG Formation Description Sandy Silt/Silt Sa: Hard Rock 11. CHLORINATION: Type NIA Amount N/A If additional space Is needed use back of form 12. CASING: Wall Thickness LCCATION SKETCH Depth Diameter or Weight/Ft. Material (Show direction and distance from at least two State From 0 To 36.4 Ft. 6 PVC Roads, or other map reference points) From 0 To 44.6 Ft. 2" PVC From To Ft. 13. GROUT: Depth Material Method From 0 To 36.9 FL Cem-Bent. Tremie From 0 To 42.6 Ft. Cem-Bent. Tremie 14. SCREEN: Depth Diameter Slot Size Material From 4_ To 94. 6 Ft Z_. in. 0 - 010_ In. PVC _ From To Ft In. In. From To Ft. in. in. 15. SAND/GRAVEL PACK: Depth Size Material 43 — From 6 To 55.1 Ft. NC#2 Sand From To Ft. 16. REMARKS: ' ' 1 DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH I SA NCAC 2C, WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, AND THAT A COPY OF THIS RECORD HAS BEEN PROVIDED TO THE WELL OWNER. JD -- 4 43 SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR O 11GENT DATE GW 1 REV. 5/91 Submit original to Division of En*onmenttal Managsmerd and copy to wag owner. 11LISINC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3Dr PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-17-10 END: 9-20-10 BUNNEL.L-LAMNIONS ENMEERIMC^ INS. LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2458.42 GEoTmwwcALAwEwdFmwn iaL DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth COMIUMAIM DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch and 10-inch diameter air rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: Q 43.20 AFTER 24 HOURS: 1 34.65 CAVING>3M ELEVATION/ DESCRIPTION SOIL WELL INSTALLATION DEPTH (FT) TYPE n DETAILS 2-inches of GRASSfTOPSOIL :'. .:. •:. SURFACE CQMPLEfI_DN 3.47-foot stick-up with 4" x 4" x 5' Brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND - (fill) long steel protective cover installed ina 3' x 3' x 4" thick concrete pad 2455 Ground surface elev. = 2,458.42 feet 5 - Top of PVC casing elev. = 2,461.89 feet Northing = 721,940.67' 2450 Easting = 812,082.82' 10 - 2445 15 6-inch diameter casing set to 46 feet 2440 20 Neat cement, 0 to 45.2 feet 2435 Brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND (partially 25 weathered rock with layers of soil) -(residuum) 2430 30 Z425 35 2420 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK which sampled as brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3Dr Sheet 1 of 2 ,BLISINC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3Dr PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-17-10 END: 9-20-10 RMNM E MMEERNG, INC. LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2458.42 DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth COlwu6lMl DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch and 10-inch diameter air rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: �Z 43.20 AFTER 24 HOURS: t 34.65 CAVING> N ELEVATION/ DESCRIPTION SOIL WELL INSTALLATION DEPTH (FT) TYPE DETAILS PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK which sampled as brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND Neat cement, 0 to 45.2 feet 2415 BEDROCK which sampled as brown, micaceous, silty, fine 45 to medium SAND Bentonite seal, 45.2 to 47.65 feet Filter pack, sand 47.65 to 65 feet 2410 50 2405 Fracture at 54 feet 55 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted Schedule 40 PVC well screen, 49.8 to - 64.8 feet 2400 BEDROCK which sampled as gray, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND 6o Fracture at 59 feet - 2395 — 65 Pipe cap - Boring terminated at 65 feet. Groundwater encountered at 43.20 feet at time of drilling and at 34.65 feet after 24 hours. Total well depth, 65 feet 2390 70 2385 75 2380 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3Dr Sheet 2 of 2 ,ILIBINC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3r PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 BLNNELL-LAMMONS CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-15-10 END: 9-20-10 ENGiNEERNSv, INC. LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2459.53 GEOTmw.ALAwExry nxL DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth CONWLTAKS DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch diameter air rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: Q 34.60 AFTER 22 HOURS: Z 31.70 CAVING> ELEVATION/ SOIL WELL INSTALLATION DEPTH (FT) DESCRIPTION TYPE n DETAILS 2-inches of GRASS/TOPSOIL SURFACE COMPLETION Brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND - (fill) 3.08-foot stick-up with 4" x 4" x 5' Ion steel rotective cover installed 10 15 2440 20 25 1 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK which sampled as tan and brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND 30 35 9 p in a 3' x 3' x 4" thick concrete pad 1/4-inch vent and weep holes installed in the PVC casing and the protective cover, respectively - Top of casing elev. = 2,462.61 feet Ground surface elev. = 2,459.53 feet Northing = 721,943.38' Easting = 812,063.70' Neat cement, 0 to 15.5 feet KA INN VA Bentonite seal, 16.5 to 22.0 feet Filter pack, sand 22.0 to 41.5 feet 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted Schedule 40 PVC well screen, 26.3 to 41.3 feet GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3r I Sheet 1 of 2 -1 ,BLEINC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3r PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 RUNNELL-LAMMCNS CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-15-10 END: 9-20-10 E MMEERN% INC. LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2459.53 OEOTEWMCALAwElnr>ttOrrww1m _ DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth CoNWLTAWO DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch diameter air rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: �Z 34.60 AFTER 22 HOURS: t 31.70 CAVING>3M ELEVATION/ SOIL WELL INSTALLATION DEPTH (FT) DESCRIPTION TYPE DETAILS Tan and brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND (partially weathered rock) With layers of soil - (residuum) Pipe cap Boring terminated at 41.5 feet. Groundwater encountered at 34.60 feet at time of drilling and at 31.70 feet after 22 Total well depth, 41.5 feet hours. 2415- 2410 50 55 ' 2400 —60 65 70 75 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-3r Sheet 2 of 2 IIj DEPTH (FT.) 0.0 Overburden Sods (Brown sandy slit and silty sand) See Boring GWM-4 for detailed soil descriptions Hard Rock (Gray) 28.0 REMARKS: Borehole dry at completion of drilling. Groundw=r measured at 90.8 feet after 24 hrs. Type I! MonfwdnS Weil lasndiod. Duller. Caldwell Well Drilling. Drill Rlg: Truck-Mm w Driimch D25. Boring Typc:6-II4" AfrvRotxry SEE KEY SHEEP FOR EXnANATION OF SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED ABOVE DESCRIPTION ELEVATION • PENETRATION- BLOWS/FOOT (FT.) 0 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 'BORING NUMBER DATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMCBER PROJECT PAGE 1 OF 3 GWM-4A September 29, 1993 472-07913-03 White Oak Sanitary Landfill DEPTH DESCREMON (FT.) Barchole dry at eomplction of drilling. Gnwndwurs nwuuted at 9a.8 feet sftcr 24 hm Type U Monitoring Weri insDalled Dtillw.. Caddwell Well Drilling. Drill Rig: Truck-Moutu Driltech D25. boring Type:6-1/4- Air-Roruy SEE KEY SHEET FOR EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS AND A13BRBVIA77ONS USED ABOVB ELEVATION • PENETRATION - BLOWSIFOOT (ET.) 0 •10 20 30 40 60 80 100 WRING NUMER HATE DRILLED PROJECT NUMBER PRCUECT PAGE 2 OF 3 GWM-4A September 29, 1993 472-07913-03 White Oak Sanitary Landfill DEPTH DESCRIPTION ELEVATION / PENETRATION - BLOWS/FOOT 0 10 20 30 40 60 80 100 100.: Hard Rockray) i Boring terminated at 100.3 feet REIMIAPM: Borehole dry al; cornpledon of drilling. Groundwater rneamred at 90.8 feet aftr 24 hrs. Type 11 Monitoring Well InsWlcd. Driller. Caldwell Well Drilling. Drill Rig: Truck -Mount Driltech D2S. Boring Type:6.1/4' Air -Rotary SEE KEY SHEETFOR EXPLANA77ON OF SYUBO1S AND ABBREVIATIONS USED ABOVE ORING NUMBER DATE DRUIM PROJECT NUMBER PROJECT PAGE 3 OF 3 GWM-4A September 29, 1993 472-07913-03 White Oak Sanitary Landfill Project: Haywood County Project No. 698010.5 e: HSA RB 8 O N 11 a 20 40 45 50 55 iou 65 Completion Depth:127.6 ft DATE:12127/1999 LOG OF BORING: GMW-11D Drilling Contractor: Engineering Tectonlcs Surface Elevation: 2672.01ft Registration Number: Top of Casing: 2675.21ft DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL. Air drilled w/o any sampling to 08' PIEZOMETER DIAGRAM Depth to Water: 98.0 ft WD J' MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPANY, P.A. I acknowledge that this record is true to the best of ■y knowledge: — Project: Haywood County Project No. 698010.5 pe: HSA RB W UJ F. a [K 130 LOB OF BORING: (3MW-110 Drilling Contractor: Engineering Tectonics Surface Elevation: 2672.01ft Registration Number: Top of Casing: 2675.21ft DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL - Hard drilling starts. - Cuttings from borehole wet. Highly -fractured -rock ----------------------------- PIEZOMETER DIAGRAM REC=97.1%, R00=20.8% Gneiss, quartz, muscovite, blofite foliation. 40 to 50 degree (rip of foliation. Breaks along foliation. - 70 degree Iron stained fracture that crosses foliation from 114.1 to 114.4 ft. REC-100%, ROD-03.8% Gneiss, same as above. ERR] HHHFH HHTH FEH�H FR+H V ..... ..... Completion Deptk 127.6 ft DATE: 2/27/1999 MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPANY, P.A. I acknowledge that this record Is true to the best of my knowledge. — Depth to Water. 0&0 ft Wo (L 0 MILMINC GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-16 _ PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 SIXINELL-LMMOM CLIENT: Hqwood County START: 9-15-10 END: 9-20-10 ENGNEEMG, INC. LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2516.07 QEOTEwmw LAIOEwAr wEm1xL DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth CarwLTum DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T45OWS, 6-inch diameteralr rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: Q 36.0 AFTER 18 HOURS: 1 32.75 CAVING>= ELEVATION/ SOIL DESCRIPTION WELL INSTALLATION DEPTH (FT) TYPE n DETAILS 6-inches of GRAVEL SURFACE COMPLETION 2515 Tan and brown, micaceous, silty,fine to medium SAND with foot stick-up with v r in t 11 long steel protective cover installed long boulders of partially weathered rock - (fill) in a Y x Y x 4" thick concrete pad 1/4-inch vent and weep holes installed in the PVC casing and the 5 protective cover, respectively 2510 Top of casing elev. = 2,519.35 feet Ground surface elev. = 2,516.07 feet Northing = 721,821.98' 10 Fasting = 811,660.70' Neat cement, 0 to 19.4 feet 15 20 Brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND - (fill) Bentonite seal, 19.4 to 23.2 feet Filter pack, sand 23.2 to 41.0 feet 25 30 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted Schedule 40 PVC well screen, 25.8 to 40.8 feet 35 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-16 Sheet 1 of 2 B L 13INC. BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGNEERING, INC. MoTr-cHwcu AwEwmomovmmi CON MTMM ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 45 2470 50 2465 55 2460 i 60 2455 i 65 70 75 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-16 PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-15-10 END: 9-20-10 LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2516.07 DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch diameter air rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: Q 36.0 AFTER 18 HOURS: 1 32.75 CAVING>3M DESCRIPTION Boring terminated at 41 feet. Groundwater encountered at 36.0 feet at time of drilling and at 32.75 feet after 18 hours. SOIL I WELL INSTALLATION TYPE DETAILS Pipe cap Total well depth, 41.0 feet GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-16 Sheet 2 of 2 ,BLIBINC. BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGNEERNG, INC.. GW"1EC1N*CALAmExyw4mu faL CoMMMIrs ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 1 251 1 251 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-17 PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-15-10 END: 9-20-10 LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2539.13 DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch diameter air rotaq hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: Q 60.0 AFTER 23 HOURS: 1 48.65 CAVING>3M DESCRIPTION SOILF WELL INSTALLATIONTYPE DETAILS 3-inches of GRAVEL SURFACE COMPLETION 3.42-foot stick-up with 4" x 4" x 5' long steel protective cover installed Tan and brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND - (fill) in a 3' x 3' x V' thick concrete pad 1/4-inch vent and weep holes installed in the PVC casing and the 5 protective cover, respectively Top of casing elev. = 2,542.55 feet Ground surface elev. = 2,539.13 feet Northing = 721,783.47' 10 Easting = 811,219.93' 15 Neat cement, 0 to 34.0 feet 20 25 30 35 PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK which sampled as gray and brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND - (residuum) Bentonite seal, 34.0 to 38.7 feet PARTIALLY WEATHERED ROCK which sampled as tan and 2500brown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND.17 Filter pack, sand 38.7 to 63.0 feet GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-17 Sheet 1 of 2 ,BLEINC. BUNNELL-LAI NINIMS ENGNEERP40, «c. GwTwmNMALAwEwvRD wufl L CONWLTAM ELEVATION/ DEPTH (FT) 2470 50 55 60 GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-17 PROJECT: Haywood County White Oak MSW Landfill PROJECT NO.: J10-1957-17 CLIENT: Haywood County START: 9-15-10. END: 9-20-10 LOCATION: Haywood County, North Carolina ELEVATION: 2539.13 DRILLER: Landprobe, M. King LOGGED BY: B. Nisbeth DRILLING METHOD: Schramm T450WS; 6-inch diameter air rotary hammer DEPTH TO - WATER> INITIAL: Q 60.0 AFTER 23 HOURS: 1 48.65 CAVING>= DESCRIPTION BEDROCK which sampled as gray, silty, fine to medium SAND BEDROCK which sampled as tan and Drown, micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND Soil seam from 43 to 45 feet BEDROCK which sampled as gray, slightly micaceous, silty, fine to medium SAND Fracture at 51 feet Boring terminated at 63.0 feet. Groundwater encountered 65 at 60.0 feet at time of drilling and at 48.65 feet after 23 hours. 70 75 SOIL I WELL INSTALLATION TYPE DETAILS Filter pack, sand 38.7 to 63.0 feet 2-inch diameter, 0.010-inch slotted Schedule 40 PVC well screen, 43.0 to - 58.0 feet Pipe cap Total well depth, 58.2 feet GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL NO. MW-17 Sheet 2 of 2 APPENDIX B NORTH CAROLINA APPENDIX I AND APPENDIX H CONSTITUENT LISTS Constituents for Detection Monitoring (40 CFR 258, Appendix I) Common name CAS RN Antimony Total Arsenic Total Barium Total Beryllium Total Cadmium Total Chromium Total Cobalt Total Copar Total Lead Totall Nickel Total Selenium Total Silver Total Thallium Total Vanadium Total Zinc (Total) ,Acetone 07-64-1 Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 Benzene '71-43-2 Bromochloromethane '74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane '75-27-4 Bromoform; Tribromomethane '75-25-2 Carbon disulfide '75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride :56-23-5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 Chloroethane; Ethyl chloride '75-00-3 Chloroform; Trichloromethane 67-66-3 Dibromochloromethane; Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromo-3-chlo ro ane; DBCP 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene dibromide; EDB 106-93-4 o-Dichlorobenzene;l,2-Dichlorobenzene 195-50-1 Uichlorobenene; [A-Dichlorobenoene 106-46-7 trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 110-57-6 1,1-Dichloroethane; Ethyl idene chloride '75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane; Ethl ene dichloride 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1-1-Dichloroethene; Vinylidene chloride '75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethvlene; cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 trans- l,2-Dichloroethylene;trans- l,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 1 2-Dichlo ro ane; Propylene dichloride 78-87-5 cis-1 3-Dichlo ro ne 10061-01-5 trans-1 3-Dic lorpropene 10061-02-6 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2-hexanone; Methyl butyl ketone :591-78-6 Methyl bromide; Bromomethane '74-83-9 Methyl chloride, Chloromethane '74-87-3 Methylene bromide Dibromomethane 74-95-3 Methylene chloride; Dichloromethane 75-09-2 Methyl ethyl ketone; MEK; 2-Butanone '78-93-3 Methyl iodide; Iodomethane '74-88-4 4-Methyl-2-pentanone; Methyl isobutyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 Styrene 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 1,1 2 2- fetrachloroethane 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethylene; Tetracholorethene; !Perchloroeth lene 127-18-4 Toluene 108-88-3 1,1,1-Trochlorethane; Meth lhloroform 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 Trichloroeth lene; Trichlorethene 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane; CFC-11 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloro ro ane 196-18-4 Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 X lens 1330-20-7 Constituents for Assessment Monitoring (40 CFR 258, Appendix II) Common Name CAS RN Acena hthene 83-32-9 Acena hthvlene 208-96-8 Acetone .67-64-1 Acetonitrile; Methyl cyanide 75-05-8 Aceto henone '98-86-2 2-Ace laminofluorene; 2-AAF 53-96-3 Acrolein 107-02-8 Acrylonitrile 107-13-1 Aldrin 309-00-2 All l chloride 107-05-1 4-Aminobi henyl 92-67-1 Anthracene 120-12-7 Antimon Total) Arsenic Total Barium Total Benzene 71-43-2 Benzo a anthracene; Benzanthracene 56-55-3 Benzo b fluoranthene 205-99-2 Benzo k fluoranthene 207-08-9 Benzo hi a lene 191-24-2 Benzo a yrene 50-32-8 Benyl alcohol 100-51-5 Beryllium (Total) ;al ha-BHC .319-84-6 'beta-BHC 319-85-7 {delta-BHC 319-86-8 gamma-BHC; Lindane .58-89-9 Bis(2-chloroethox )methane 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroeth 1)ether; Dichloroeth 1 ether 111-44-4 Bis-(2-chlor-1-methyl) ether; 2, 2-Dichloro- diiso ro 1 ether; DCIP, See note 6 108-60-1 Bis(2-ethvlhexvl) hthalate 117-81-7 Bromochloromethane; Chlorobromomethane 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane; Dibromochloromethane 75-27-4 Bromoform; Tribromomethane 75-25-2 4-Bromo hen 1 phenyl ether 101-55-3 Bu 1 benzylphthalate; Benzyl butyl phthalate 85-68-7 Cadmium (Total) Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 Chlordane See NOTE 1 -Chloroaniline 106-47-8 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 Chlorobenzilate 159-50-7 510-15-6 -Chloro-m-cresol; 4-Chloro-3-meth 1 henol Chloroethane; Ethyl chloride '75-00-3 Chloroform; Trichloromethane 167-66-3 '2-Chlorona hthalene 191-58-7 2-Chloro henol 195-57-8 .4-Chloro hen 1 phenyl ether 7005-72-3 Chloro rene 126-99-8 Chromium (Total) -C sene 218-01-9 Cobalt :218-01-9 'Copper (Total) m-Cresol; 3-meth 1 henol 108-39-4 -o-Cresol; 2-methl henol 195-48-7 -Cresol; 4-meth 1 henol 106-44-5 C anide .57-12-5 2,4-D• 2 4-Dichloro heno acetic acid 194-75-7 4,4-DDD '72-54-8 .414-DDE '72-55-9 ,4,4-DDT 50-29-3 Diallate :2303-16-4 ;aDibenz a h anthracene .53-70-3 Dibenzofuran 132-64-9 Dibromochloromethane; Chlorodibromomethane 124-48-1 1 2-Dibromo-30chloro ro ane; DBCP 196-12-8 1,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene dibromide; EDB 106-93-4 Di-n-bu 1 phthalate 84-74-2 io-Dichlorobenzene; 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 195-50-1 ;m-Dichlorobenzene; 1,3-Dichlorobenzene .541-73-1 -Dichlorobenzene; 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 :3,3-Dichlorobenzidine 91-94-1 itrans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 110-57-6 Dichlorodifluoromethane• CFC 12• '75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane chloride '75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane; Ethylene dichloride 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1-Dichloroethane; Vin lidene '75-35-4 chloride i(Total) cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene trans- l,2-Dichloroethen 156-60-5 2 4-Dichloro henol 120-83-2 2,6-Dichloro henol :87-65-0 72-Dichloro ro ane; Propylene dichloride 78-87-5 113-Dichloro ro ane; Trimeth lene dichloride 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloro ro ane: Iso ro ylidene chloride 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloro ro ene 563-58-6 cis- 1,3-Dichloro ro ene 10061-01-5 trans- l,3-Dichloro ro ene 10061-02-6 Dieldrin 60-57-1 Dieth 1 phthalate 84-66-2 �0,0-Diethyl 0-2-pyrazinyl phosphorothioate; thionazin 297-97-2 Dimethoate 60-51-5 - Dimeth lamino azobenzene 160-11-7 7,12-Dimeth lbenxz a anthracene .57-97-6 3,3-Dimeth lbenzidine 119-93-7 2,4-Dimethl henol; m-X lenol 105-67-9 Dimeth 1 Ehthalate 131-11-3 m-Dinitrobenzene 199-65-0 •4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol4,6-Dinitro-2-meth 1 henol .534-52-1 2,4-Dinitro henol .51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 121-14-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1606-20-2 Dinoseb; DNBP; 2-sec-Butyl-4,6-dinitro henol :88-85-7 Di-n-octyl phthalate 117-84-0 Di hen ylamine 122-39-4 Disulfoton 298-04-4 Endosulfan I 1959-98-8 Endosulfan II 33213-65-9 Endodulfan sulfate 1031-07-8 Endrin '72-20-8 Endrin aldehyde '7421-93-4 .Eth lbenzene 100-41-4 Ethyl methac late 197-63-2 Eth 1 methanesulfonate 62-50-0 Fam hur .52-85-7 Fluoranthene 206-44-0 Fluorene .86-73-7 Heptachlor '76-44-8 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57-3 Hexachlorobenzene 118-74-1 Hexachlorobutadiene 87-68-3 Hexachloroc clo entadiene '77-47-4 Hexachloroethane 67-72-1 Hexachloro ro ene 188-71-7 2-Hexanone; Methyl butyl ketone 591-78-6 Indenol(1,2,3-cd) yrene 193-39-5 Isopbutyl alcohol 78-83-1 Isodrin 465-73-6 Iso horone 78-59-1 Isosafrole 120-58-1 Ke one 143-50-0 Lead (Total) Mercu Total Methac lonitrile 126-98-7 Metha yrilene 91-80-5 Methox chlor 72-43-5 Meth 1 bromide; Bromomethane 74-83-9 Methyl chloride; Cliloroniethane 74-87-3 .3-Methylcholanthrene 56-49-5 Methyl ethyl ketone; MEK; 2-Butanone 78-93-3 Methyl iodide; lodomethane 74-88-4 Methyl methac late 80-62-6 Methyl methanesulfonate 66-27-3 2-Meth lna hthalene 91-57-6 Methyl parathion, Parathion methyl 298-00-0 4-Methyl-2- entanone, Methyl isobutyl ketone 108-10-1 Methylene bromide; Dibromomethane 74-95-3 Methylene chloride; Dichloromethane 75-09-2 Na hthalene 91-20-3 1,4-Na htho uinone 130-15-4 1-Na hth lamine 134-32-7 '2-Na hth lamine 91-59-8 Nickel (Total) o-Nitroaniline; 2-Nitroaniline 88-74-4 ;m-Nitroaniline; 3-Nitroanile 99-09-2 -Nitroaniline; 4-Nitroaniline 100-01-6 'Nitrobenzene 98-95-3 o-Nitro henol; 2-Nitrophenol 88-75-5 -Nitro henol; 4-Nitrophenol 100-02-7 N-Nitrosodi-n-bu lamine 924-16-3 N-Nitrosodieth lamine 55-18-5 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 62-75-9 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine, N-Nitroso-N-Di-n- ro lnitrosamme 86-30-6 N-Nitrosodi ro lamine; di ro lamine; 621-64-7 N-Nitrosometh lethalamine 10595-95-6 N-Nitroso i eridine 100-75-4 N-Nitroso vrrolidine 930-55-2 5-Nitro-o-toluidine 99-55-8 Parathion 56-3 8-2 Pentachlorobenzene 608-93-5 Pentachloronitrobenzene 82-68-8 Pentachloro henol 87-86-5 Phenacetin 62-44-2 Phenanthrene 85-01-8 Phenol 108-95-2 -Phen lenediamine 106-50-3 Phorate 298-02-2 Polychlorinated bi hen is (PCBs); Aroclors see NOTE 2 Pronamide 23950-58-5 Pro ionitrile; Ethyl cyanide 107-12-0 rene 129-00-0 Safrole 94-59-7 Selenium Total Silver Total Silvex, 2,4,5-TP 93-72-1 Styrene 100-42-5 Sulfide 18496-25-8 2,4,5-T; 2,4,5-Trichloro henox acetic acid 93-76-5 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 95-94-3 1. 1. 1.2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 --I Tetrachloroethylene; Tetrachloroethene; Perchloroeth lene 127-18-4 :2,3,4.6-Tetrachloro henol 58-90-2 Thallium Total Tin Total) Toluene 108-88-3 o-Toluidine 95-53-4 Toxa hene See NOTE 3 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane; Meth lchloroform 71-55-6 1,1.2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 Trichloroethylene; Trichloroethene 79-01-6 Trichlorrofluoromethane; CFC-11 75-69-4 2,4,5-Trichloro henol '95-95-4 2,4,6-Trichloro henol 88-06-2 1,2,3-Trichloro ro ane 96-18-4 0,0,0-Trieth 1 phsphorothioate 126-68-1 s m-Trinitrobenzene 99-35-4 Vanadium (Total) Vinyl acetate 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene 75-01-4 Xylene (total) See NOTE 4 .Zinc Total) 1. Chlordane: This entry includes alpha -chlordane (CAS RN 5103-71-9), beta -chlordane (CAS RN 5103-74-2), gamma -chlordane (CAS RN 5566-34-7), and constituents of chlordane (CAS RN 57-74-9 and CAS RN 12789-03-6) 2. Polychlorinated biphenyls (CAS RN 1336-36-3); this category contains congener chemicals, including constituents of Aroclor-1016 (CAS RN 12674-11-2), Aroclor-1221 (CAS RN 11104-28-2), Aroclor-1232 (CAS RN 11141-16-5), Aroclor-1242 (CAS RN 53469-21-9), Aroclor-1248 (CAS RN 12672-29-6), Aroclor-1254 (CAS RN 11097-69-1), and Aroclor-1260 (CAS RN 11096-82-5) 3. Toxaphene: This entry includes congener chemicals contained in technical toxaphene (CAS RN 8001-35-2), ie, chlorinated camphene 4. Xylene (total): This entry includes o-xylene (CAS RN 96-47-6), m- xylene (CAS RN 108-38-3), p-xylene (CAS RN 106-42-3), and unspecified xylenes (dimethylbenzenes) (CAS RN 1330-20-7) F l APPENDIX C NCDEQ MEMORANDA AND REPORTING LIMITS AND STANDARDS I AV;A NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dexter R. Matthews, Director Division of Waste Management Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary October 27, 2006 I To: SW Director/County Manager/Consultant/Laboratory From: NC DENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section Re: New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Monitoring Data The Solid Waste Section receives and reviews a wide variety of environmental monitoring data from permitted + solid waste management facilities, including the results from groundwater and surface water analyses, leachate samples, methane gas readings, potentiometric measurements, and corrective action data. We are in the process of developing a database to capture the large volume of data submitted by facilities. To maintain the integrity of the database, it is critical that facilities, consultants, and laboratories work with the Solid Waste Section to ensure that environmental samples are collected and analyzed properly with the resulting data transferred to the Solid Waste Section in an accurate manner. In order to better serve the public and to expedite our review process, the Solid Waste Section is requesting specific formatting for environmental monitoring data submittals for all solid waste management facilities. Effective, December 1, 2006, please submit a Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Data Form in addition to your environmental monitoring data report. This form will be sent in lieu of your current cover letter to the Solid Waste Section. The Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Data Form must be filled out completely, signed, and stamped with a Board Certified North Carolina Geologist License Seal. The solid waste environmental monitoring data form will include the following: 1. Contact Information 2. Facility Name 3. Facility Permit Number 4. Facility Address 5. Monitoring Event Date (MM/DD/YYYY) 6. Water Quality Status: Monitoring, Detection Monitoring, or Assessment Monitoring 7. Type of Data Submitted: Groundwater Monitoring Wells, Groundwater Potable Wells, Leachate, Methane Gas, or Corrective Action Data 8. Notification of Exceedance of Groundwater, Surface Water, or Methane Gas (in table form) 9. Signature 10. North Carolina Geologist Seal 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone: 919-508-84001 FAX: 919-733-48101 Internet http://wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer— Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper Page 2 of 2 Most of these criteria are already being included or can be added with little effort. The Solid Waste 1 Environmental Monitoring Data Form can be downloaded from our website: http://www.wastenotnc.org/swhome/enviro monitoring.asp. The Solid Waste Section is also requesting a new format for monitoring wells, potable wells, surface water sampling locations, and methane probes. This format is essential in the development and maintenance of the database. The Solid Waste Section is requesting that each sampling location at all North Carolina solid waste management facilities have its own unique identification number. We are simply asking for the permit number to be placed directly in front of the sampling location number (example: 9901-MW1 = Permit Number 99-01 and Monitoring Well MW-1). No changes will need to be made to the well tags, etc. This unique identification system will enable us to accurately report data not only to NCDENR, but to the public as well. We understand _ that this new identification system will take some time to implement, but we feel that this will be beneficial to everyone involved in the long term. Additionally, effective December 1, 2006, the Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs) established in 1994 will change. The Solid Waste Section is requiring that all solid waste management facilities use the new Solid Waste Reporting Limits (SWRL) for all groundwater analyses by a North Carolina Certified Laboratory. Laboratories must also report any detection of a constituent even it is detected below the new SWRL (e.g., J values where the constituent was detected above the detection limit, but below the quantitation limit). PQLs are technology -based analytical levels that are considered achievable using the referenced analytical method. The PQL is considered the lowest concentration of a contaminant that the lab can accurately detect and quantify. PQLs provided consistency and available numbers that were achievable by the given analytical method. However, PQLs are not health -based, and analytical instruments have improved over the years resulting in lower achievable PQLs for many of the constituents. As a result, the Solid Waste Section has established the SWRLs as the new reporting limits eliminating the use of the PQLs. We would also like to take this opportunity to encourage electronic submittal of the reports. This option is intended to save resources for both the public and private sectors. The Solid Waste Section will accept the entire report including narrative text, figures, tables, and maps on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM submittal shall contain a CD-ROM case and both CD-ROM and the case shall be labeled with the site name, site address, permit number, and the monitoring event date (MM/DD/YYYY). The files maybe a .pdf, .txt, .csv, .xls, or .doc type. Also, analytical lab data should be reported in an .xls file. We have a template for analytical lab data available on the web at the address listed above. If you have any questions or concerns, please call (919) 508-8400. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this matter. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Dexter R. Matthews, Director MEMORANDUM Division of Waste Management February 23, 2007 Natural Resources Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary To: Solid Waste Directors, Landfill Operators, North Carolina Certified Laboratories, and Consultants From: North Carolina Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section Re: Addendum to October 27, 2006, North Carolina Solid Waste Section Memorandum Regarding New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Data. The purpose of this addendum memorandum is to provide further clarification to the October 27, 2006, North Carolina Solid Waste Section memo titled, "New Guidelines for Electronic Submittal of Environmental Data." The updated guidelines is in large part due to questions and concerns from laboratories, consultants, and the regulated community regarding the detection of constituents in groundwater at levels below the previous practical quantitation limits (PQLs). The North Carolina Solid Waste Section solicited feedback from the regulated community, and, in conjunction with the regulated community, developed new limits. The primary purpose of these changes was to improve the protection of public health and the environment. The North Carolina Solid Waste Section is concerned about analytical data at these low levels because the earliest possible detection of toxic or potentially carcinogenic chemicals in the environment is paramount in the North Carolina Solid Waste Section's mission to protect human health and the environment. Low level analytical data are critical for making the correct choices when designing site remediation strategies, alerting the public to health threats, and protecting the environment from toxic contaminants. The revised limits were updated based on readily available laboratory analytical methodology and current health -based groundwater protection standards. Definitions Many definitions relating to detection limits and quantitation limits are used in the literature and by government agencies, and commonly accepted procedures for calculating these limits exist. Except for the Solid Waste Section Limit and the North Carolina 2L Standards, the definitions listed below are referenced from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The definitions are also an attempt to clarify the meaning of these terms as used by the North Carolina Solid Waste Section. Method Detection Limit (MDL) is the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero. _I Method Reporting Limit or Method Quantitation Limit (MRL or MQL) is the minimum concentration of a target analyte that can be accurately determined by the referenced method. 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone 919-508-8400 \ FAX 919-715-3605 \ Internet http://wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer — Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) is a quantitation limit that represents a practical and routinely achievable - quantitation limit with a high degree of certainty (>99.9% confidence) in the results. Per EPA Publication Number SW-846, the PQL is the lowest concentration that can be reliably measured within specified limits of precision and accuracy for a specific laboratory analytical method during routine laboratory operating ? conditions in accordance with "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Wastes, Physical/Chemical Methods. The PQL appears in older NCDENR literature; however, it is no longer being used by the North Carolina Solid Waste Section. Solid Waste Section Limit (SWSL) is the lowest amount of analyte in a sample that can be quantitatively determined with suitable precision and accuracy. The SWSL is the concentration below which reported - analytical results must be qualified as estimated. The SWSL is the updated version of the PQL that appears in older North Carolina Solid Waste Section literature. The SWSL is the limit established by the laboratory survey conducted by the North Carolina Solid Waste Section. The nomenclature of the SWRL described in the October } 27, 2006, memorandum has changed to the SWSL. l North Carolina 2L Standards (2L) are water quality standards for the protection of groundwaters of North Carolina as specified in 15A NCAC 2L .0200, Classifications and Water Quality Standards Applicable to the Groundwaters of North Carolina. Method Detection Limits (MOLs) Clarification of detection limits referenced in the October 27, 2006, memorandum needed to be addressed because of concerns raised by the regulated community. The North Carolina Solid Waste Section is now requiring laboratories to report to the method detection limit. Method detection limits are statistically determined values that define the concentration at which measurements of a substance by a specific analytical protocol can be distinguished from measurements of a blank (background noise). Method detection limits are matrix -specific and require a well defined analytical method. In the course of routine operations, laboratories generally report the highest method detection limit for all the instruments used for a specific method. In many instances, the North Carolina Solid Waste Section gathers data from many sources prior to evaluating the data or making a compliance decision. Standardization in data reporting significantly enhances the ability to interpret and review data because the reporting formats are comparable. Reporting a method detection limit alerts data users of the known uncertainties and limitations associated with using the data. Data users must understand these limitations in order to minimize the risk of making poor environmental decisions. Censoring data below unspecified or non -statistical reporting limits severely biases data sets and restricts their usefulness. Solid Waste Section Limits (SWSLs) Due to comments from the regulated community, the North Carolina Solid Waste Section has changed the nomenclature of the new limits referenced on Page 2 of the October 27, 2006, memorandum, from the North Carolina Solid Waste Reporting Limits (SWRL) to the Solid Waste Section Limits (SWSL). Data must be reported to the laboratory specific method detection limits and must be quantifiable at or below the SWSL. The SWSLs must be used for both groundwater and surface water data reported to the North Carolina Solid Waste Section. The PQLs will no longer be used. ! 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 _y Phone 919-508-84001 FAX 919-715-36051 Internet http://wastenotnc.org 2 L1 An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer — Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper _ The North Carolina Solid Waste Section has considered further feedback from laboratories and the regulated community and has made some additional changes to the values of the SWSLs. These changes may be viewed on our webpage: http://www.wastenotnc.org/sw/swenvmonitoringlist.asp Analytical Data Reporting Requirements j The strategy for implementing the new analytical data reporting requirements involves reporting the actual + laboratory method detection limit with all analytical laboratory results along with the following requirements: 1) Any analyte detected at a concentration greater than the MDL but less than the SWSL is known to be present, but the uncertainty in the value is higher than a value reported above the SWSL. As a result, the actual concentration is estimated. The estimated concentration is reported along with a qualifier (" J" flag) to alert data users that the result is between the MDL and the SWSL. Any analytical data below quantifiable levels should be examined closely to evaluate whether the analytical data should be included in any statistical analysis. A t statistician should make this determination. If an analyte is detected below the North Carolina 2L Standards, even if it is a quantifiable concentration, compliance action may not be taken unless it is statistically significant increase over background. These analytical results may require additional confirmation. 2) Any analyte detected at a concentration greater than the SWSL is present, and the quantitated value can be reported with a high degree of confidence. These analytes are reported without estimated qualification. The laboratory's MDL and SWSL must be included in the analytical laboratory report. Any reported concentration of an organic or inorganic constituent at or above the North Carolina 2L Standards will be used for compliance purposes, unless the inorganic constituent is not statistically significant). Exceedance of the North Carolina 2L Standards or a statistically significant increase over background concentrations define when a violation has occurred. Any reported concentration of an organic or inorganic constituent at or above the SWSL that is not above an North Carolina 2L Standard will be used as a tool to assess the integrity of the landfill system and predict the possibility that a constituent concentration may exceed the North Carolina 2L Standards in the future. These analytical results may be used for compliance without further confirmation. Failure to comply with the requirements described in the October 27, 2006, memorandum and this addendum to the October 27, 2006, memorandum will constitute a violation of 15A NCAC 13B .0601, .0602, or .1632(b), and the analytical data will be returned and deemed unacceptable. Submittal of unacceptable data may lead to enforcement action. Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) Submittal The North Carolina Solid Waste Section would also like to take this opportunity to encourage electronic submittal of the reports in addition to the analytical laboratory data. This option is intended to save resources for both the public and private sectors. The North Carolina Solid Waste Section will accept the entire report including narrative text, figures, tables, and maps on CD-ROM. Please separate the figures and tables from the report when saving in order to keep the 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 3 Phone 919-508-84001 FAX 919-715-36051 Internet http://wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer— Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper '-1 size of the files smaller. The CD-ROM submittal shall contain a CD-ROM case and both CD-ROM and the case shall be labeled with the site name, site address, permit number, and the monitoring event date (MM/DD/YYYY). The reporting files may be submitted as a .pdf, .txt, .csv, .xls,. or .doc type. -1 Also, analytical lab data and field data should be reported in .xls files. The North Carolina Solid Waste Section J has a template for analytical lab data and field data. This template is available on our webpage: http://www.wastenotnc.org/swhome/enviro_monitoring.asp. Methane monitoring data may also be submitted electronically in this format. Pursuant to the October 27, 2006, memorandum, please remember to submit a Solid Waste Section Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form in addition to your environmental monitoring data report. This form should be sealed by a geologist or engineer licensed in North Carolina if hydrogeologic or geologic calculations, maps, or interpretations are included with the report. Otherwise, any representative that the facility owner chooses may sign and submit the form. Also, if the concentration of methane generated by the facility exceeds 100% of the lower explosive limits (LEL) at the property boundary or exceeds 25% of the LEL in facility structures (excluding gas control or recovery system components), include the exceedance(s) on the North Carolina Solid Waste Section Environmental Monitoring Reporting Form. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Jaclynne Drummond (919-508-8500) or Ervin Lane (919-508-8520). Thank you for your continued cooperation with this matter. 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 4 Phone 919-508-84001 FAX 919-715-36051 Internet http://wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer — Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper A� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dexter R. Matthews, Director MEMORANDUM Division of Waste Management October 16, 2007 Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary To: Solid Waste Directors, Landfill Operators, North Carolina Certified Laboratories, and Consultants From: North Carolina Division of Waste Management, Solid Waste Section J Re: Environmental Monitoring Data for North Carolina Solid Waste Management Facilities 1 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a reiteration of the use of the Solid Waste Section Limits (SWSLs), provide new information on the Groundwater Protection Standards, and provide a reminder of formats for environmental monitoring data submittals. The updated guidelines are in large part due to questions and concerns from laboratories, consultants, and the regulated community regarding the detection of constituents in groundwater at levels below the previous Practical Quantitation Limits (PQLs). The North Carolina Solid Waste Section solicited feedback from the regulated community, and, in conjunction with the regulated community, developed new limits. The primary purpose of these changes was to improve the protection of public health and the environment. Data must be reported to the laboratory specific method detection limits and must be quantifiable at or below the SWSLs. The SWSLs must be used for both groundwater and surface water data reported to the North Carolina Solid Waste Section. The PQLs will no longer be used. In June 2007, we received new information regarding changes to the Groundwater Protection Standards. If a North Carolina 2L Groundwater Standard does not exist, then a designated Groundwater Protection Standard is used pursuant to 15A NCAC 13B .1634. Toxicologists with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services calculated these new Groundwater Protection Standards. Questions regarding how the standards were calculated can be directed to the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services. 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Phone 919-508-8400 \ FAX 919-715-3605 \ Internet http://wastenotnc.org 1 An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer— Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper We have reviewed the new results from the North Carolina Department of Public Health and have updated our webpage accordingly. The list of Groundwater Protection 1 Standards, North Carolina 2L Standards and SWSLs are subject to change and will be reviewed every year or sooner if new scientific and toxicological data become available. Please review our website periodically for any changes to the 2L NC Standards, 1 Groundwater Protection Standards, or SWSLs. Specific updates will be noted on our website. http.,//www.wastenotnc.orp-/sw/swenvmonitoriLiglist.asp In addition, the following should be included with environmental monitoring data submittals: 1. Environmental Monitoring Data Form as a cover sheet: ht tp://www. wastenotnc. orgiswhome/EnvMoni toringlNCEny Mon RptFortn.12d f 2. Copy of original laboratory results. 3. Table of detections and discussion of 2L exceedances. 4. Electronic files on CD or sent by email. These files should include the written report as a Portable Document Format (PDF) file and the laboratory data as an excel file following the format of the updated Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) template on our website: http://www.wastenotnc.org/swhome/enviro monitoriniz.asp If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Donald Herndon (919- 508-8502), Ervin Lane (919-508-8520) or Jaclynne Drummond (919-508-8500). Thank you for your continued cooperation with these matters. 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 2 Phone 919-508-84001 FAX 919-715-36051 Internet http://wastenotnc.org An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer— Printed on Dual Purpose Recycled Paper -�� NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Waste Management Pat McCrory John E. Skvarla, III Governor Secretary November 5, 2014 MEMORANDUM To: Solid Waste Directors, Public Works Directors, Landfill Operators, and Landfill Owners 1 From: Solid Waste Section I Re: Groundwater, Surface Water, Soil, Sediment, and Landfill Gas Electronic Document Submittal The Solid Waste Section is continuing its efforts to improve efficiencies in document management. All groundwater, surface water, soil, sediment, and landfill gas documents submitted to the Solid Waste Section are stored electronically and are made readily available for the public to view on our webpage. Please remember that hard copies/paper copies are not required, and should not be submitted. The submittal of these electronic documents following a consistent electronic document protocol will also assist us in our review. Please follow these procedures when submitting all groundwater, surface water, soil, sediment, and landfill gas documents to the Solid Waste Section. Submittal Method and Formatting • All files must be in portable document format (pdf) except for Electronic Data Deliverables (EDDs) unless otherwise specified by the Solid Waste Section. All pdf files should meet these requirements: o Optical Characteristic Recognition (OCR) applied; o Minimum of 300 dpi; o Free of password protections and/or encryptions (applies to EDDs as well); o Optimized to reduce file size; and o Please begin using the following naming convention when submitting all electronic files: Permit Number (00-00)_Date of Document (YYYYMMDD). For example: 00-00_20140101. ■ Please submit all files via email or by file transfer trotocol (FTP) via email to the appropriate Hydrogeologist unless otherwise specified by the Solid Waste Section. If the electronic file is greater than 20 MB, please submit the file via FTP or on a CD. If submitting a CD, please mail the CD to the appropriate Hydrogeologist. The CD should be labeled with the facility name, permit number, county, name of document, date of monitoring event (if applicable), and the date of document. • Please be sure a signed Environmental Monitoring Data Form is submitted as part of the electronic file for all water quality and landfill gas documents (monitoring, alternate source demonstration, assessment, investigation, corrective action). This completed form should be the first page of the document before the cover/title page and should not be submitted as an individual file. Blank forms can be downloaded at httplJwww.wastenotnc.orglswhome/EnvMoniforingJNCEnvMonRptForm.pdf Monitoring Data Monitoring data documents may include any or all of the following: 1) groundwater and surface water monitoring; 2) soil and sediment, and 3) landfill gas monitoring. In addition to the above procedures, at a minimum, please include the following: Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring ■ A copy of the laboratory report(s). ■ A copy of the sampling log(s). • A separate table of detections and exceedances for each monitoring location. 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778-82111 Phone: 919-707-8200 Phone: 828-296-4500 hftp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/ An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer o All analytical results should be reported in micrograms per liter (ug/L) except for field parameters and specific Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) parameters. o Please also include the laboratory's method detection limit (MDL) in ug/L, the Solid Waste Section Limit (SWSL) in ug/L, the appropriate NC regulatory standard in ug/L (2L, 213, GWPS, IMAC), and the Federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) in ug/L. o Please BOLD each exceedance result. • A separate table of field parameters for each monitoring location. • An Electronic Data Deliverable (EDD) spreadsheet for each monitoring event submitted in the correct format. All analytical results should be reported in micrograms per liter (ug/L) except for field parameters and specific Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA) parameters. The blank EDD template can be downloaded at littp://www.wastenotne.org/swhome/enviro monit_o_ringasp. Please pay attention to the formats within the spreadsheet. Any EDD received that is not formatted correctly will be emailed back to be resubmitted via email within five (5) days. • A separate groundwater monitoring well construction table. o Please also include the date the well was drilled, well diameter, total well depth, depth to top of screened interval (in feet), screened interval (in feet), geology of screened interval, TOC elevation, ground elevation, groundwater elevation, GPS coordinates (latitude and longitude), and depth to water (in feet). ■ A separate groundwater table with groundwater flow rate(s). • A recent facility figure that includes labeled groundwater and surface water monitoring locations. • A groundwater flow map with an arrow(s) indicating flow direction(s), including date the measurements were taken. Soil and Sediment Sampling • A copy of the laboratory report(s). • A copy of the sampling log(s). • A separate table of detections and exceedances for each sampling location. o Please also include the results in micrograms per liter (ug/L), the laboratory's method detection limit (MDL) in ug/L, and the appropriate NC regulatory standard (PSRG) in ug/L. o Please BOLD each exceedance result. ■ A separate table of soil and/or sediment characteristics. • A recent facility figure that includes labeled sampling locations. Landfill Gas Monitoring • A blank Landfill Gas Monitoring Data Form can be found within the Landfill Gas Monitoring Guidance document and can be downloaded at littp://portal.ncdenr.org/e/docurnent library/get file?rruid=da699f7e-8c13-4249-9012- 16af8aefdc7b&groupld=3 836 1. • A separate table of landfill gas detections and exceedances for each monitoring location. Please BOLD each exceedance result. • A recent facility figure that includes labeled landfill gas monitoring locations (both permanent and temporary). If you have any questions or concerns regarding electronic submittals, please feel free to contact the — Hydrogeologist overseeing your facility. The Solid Waste Section greatly appreciates your assistance on this matter. Working together, we can continue to provide excellent customer service to you and to the public. ■ Jackie Drummond, Asheville Regional Office, 828-296-4706, iaelynne.drummond[)a,ncdenr.gov • Ervin Lane, Raleigh Central Office, 919-707-8288, ervin.lane&cdenr.gov • Elizabeth Werner, Raleigh Central Office, 919-707-8253, elizabeth.werner a@nedenr.g-ov • Christine Ritter, Raleigh Central Office, 919-707-8254, christine.ritteranedenr.goy • Perry Sugg, Raleigh Central Office, 919-707-8258, perry.sugg a,ncdenr.gov 2 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 2090 US Highway 70, Swannanoa, North Carolina 28778-82111 Phone: 919-707-8200 Phone: 828-296-4500 hftp://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/ An Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Waste Management - Constituent List Sections and Programs , Solid Waste Section - Environmental Monitoring »List Solid Waste Environmental Monitoring Reporting Limits and Standards All units are in (ug/L) unless noted. NE = Not Established CAS numbers that begin with "SW' are not real CAS numbers, instead this represents the Solid Waste Section's ID number. 1 CAS Number Name Other Names 2L Std. GWP" Std. SWSL— SW ID App 1 630-20-6 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane Ethane, 1,1,1,2-tetrachloro- NE 1 5 190 1 71-55-6 1,1,1-Trichloroethane; Ethane, 1,1,1-trichloro- 200 1 200 1 79-34-5 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Ethane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloro- 0.2 0.18 3 191 1 79.00-5 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Ethane, 1,1,2-trichloro- NE 0.6 1 202 1 76-13-1 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane CFC-113 200000 NE NE 398 92-52-4 1,1-biphenyl 1,1-biphenyl 400 10 421 r 75-34-3 1,1-Dichloroethane; Ethyldidene Ethane, 1,1-dichloro- 6 5 75 1 75-35-4 1,1-Dichloroethylene; 1,1- Ethene, 1,1-dichloro- 7 5 77 1 j1 563-58-6 1,1-Dichloropropene 1-Propene, 1,1-dichloro- NE NE 5 85 )( 96-18-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Propane, 1,2,3-trichloro- 0.005 -- 1 206 1 95-94-3 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene Benzene, 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro- NE 2 10 189 120-82-1 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene Benzene, 1,2,4-trichloro- 70 70 10 199 95-63-6 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene Pseudocu mene 400 NE NE 372 226-36-8 111 1,2,5,6-Dibenzacridine NE NE NE 385 96-12-8 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane; DBCP Propane, 1,2-dibromo-3-chloro- 0.04 13 67 1 106-93-4 1,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene dibromide; Ethane, 1,2-dibromo- 0.02 1 68 1 107-06-2 1,2-Dichloroethane; Ethylene Ethane, 1,2-dichloro- 0.4 1 76 1 540-59-0 1,2-Dichloroethylene mixed isomers Mixed Isomers NE 60 NE 481 78-87-5 1,2-Dichloropropane Propane, 1,2-dichloro- 0.6 1 82 1 122-66-7 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine NE NE NE 394 108.67-8 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene) Mesitylene 400 NE NE 373 142-28-9 1,3-Dichloropropane; Trimethylene Propane, 1,3-dichloro- NE NE 1 83 R 106-37-6 I 1,4-Dibromobenzene p-Dibromobenzene, p-Bromobenzene 70 471 123-91-1 1,4-dioxane 1,4-dioxane 3 10 422 1 130-15-4 1,4-Naphthoquinone 1,4-Naphthalenedione NE NE 10 149 �11 87-61-6 1-2-3-Trichlorobenzene NE NE NE 371 + 90-12-0 1-Methylnaphthalene a-methylnaphthalene NE 1 NE 503 Y JI 134-32-7 1-Naphthylamine 1-Naphthalenamine NE NE 10 150 120-36-5 2-(2-4-dichlorophenoxy)propionic NE NE NE 352 http://portal. ncdenr.orgtweb/wm/sw/envmonitori ngl i st 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List 594-20-7 2,2-Dichloropropane;lsopropylidene Propane, 2,2-dichloro- NE NE 15 84 58-90-2 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Phenol, 2,3,4,6-tetrachloro- 200 10 193 93-76-5 2,4,5-T; 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acetic acid, (2,4,5-trichlorophenoxy)- NE NE 2 188 93-72-1 2,4,5-TP Acid Silvex 50 NE NE 452 95-95-4 2,4,5-Trichlorophenot Phenol, 2,4,5-trichloro- NE 63 10 204 88-06-2 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol Phenol, 2,4,6-trichloro- NE 4 10 205 94-75-7 2,4-D; 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acetic acid,(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)- 70 2 59 120-83-2 2,4-Dichlorophenol Phenol, 2,4-dichloro- NE 0.98 10 80 105-67-9 2,4-Dimethylphenol; m-Xylenol Phenol, 2,4-dimethyl- 100 10 95 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrophenol Phenol, 2,4-dinitro- NE NE 50 99 121-14-2 2,4-Dinitrotoluene Benzene, 1-methyl-2,4-dinitro- NE 0.1 10 100 87-65-0 2,6-Dichlorophenol Phenol, 2,6-dichloro- NE NE 10 81 606-20-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene Benzene, 2-methyl-1,3-dinitro- NE NE 10 101 94-82-6 2-4 DB NE NE NE 350 53-96-3 2-Acetylaminofluorene; 2-AAF Acetamide, N-9H-fluoren-2-yl- NE NE 20 6 110-75.8 2-Chloroethylvinyl ether NE NE NE 358 91-58-7 2-Chloronaphthalene Naphthalene, 2-chloro- NE NE 10 47 95-57-8 2-Chlorophenol Phenol, 2-chloro- 0.4 10 48 591-78-6 2-Hexanone; Methyl butyl ketone 2-Hexanone NE 40 50 124 1 91-57-6 2-Methylnaphthalene Naphthalene, 2-methyl- 30 10 145 91-59-8 2-Naphthylamine 2-Naphthalenamine NE NE 10 151 109-06.8 2-Picoline NE NE NE 390 91-94-1 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine,3,3'- NE NE 20 72 119-93-7 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4,4'-diamine,3,3'- NE NE 10 94 56-49-5 3-Methylcholanthrene BenzD]aceanthrylene,1,2-dihydro-3- NE NE 10 138 72-54-8 4,4'-DDD Benzene 1,1'-(2,2- 0.1 0.1 60 72-55-9 4,4'-DDE Benzene, 1,1'- NE NE 0.1 61 50-29-3 4,4'-DDT Benzene, 1,1'-(2,2,2- 0.1 0.1 62 534-52-1 4,6-Dinitro-o-cresol; 4,6-Dinitro-2- Phenol, 2-methyl-4,6-dinitro- NE NE 50 98 92-67-1 4-Aminobiphenyl [1,1'-Biphenyl]-4-amine NE NE 20 11 460-00-4 4-Bromofluorobenzene NE NE NE 463 101-55-3 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Benzene, 1-bromo-4-phenoxy- NE NE 10 31 7005-72-3 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Benzene, 1-chloro-4-phenoxy- NE NE 10 49 108-10-1 4-Methyl-2-pentanone; Methylisobutyl 2-Pentanone, 4-methyl- NE 560 100 147 1 56-57-5 4-nitroquinoline-l-oxide NE NE NE 388 99-55-8 5-Nitro-o-toluidine Benzenamine, 2-methyl-5-nitro- NE NE 10 157 57-97-6 7,12-Dimethylbenz[a]anthrace ne Benz [a]anthracene, 7,12-dimethyl- NE NE 10 93 83-32-9 Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene, 1,2-dihydro- 80 10 1 208-96.8 Acenaphthylene Acenaphthylene 200 10 2 SW416 Acetic Acid Acetic Acid NE NE NE 416 34256-82-1 Acetochlor 100 490 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wm/sw/envmonitoringlist 2111 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List 187022-11-3 184992-44-4 67-64-1 75-05-8 98-86-2 50594-66-6 107-02-8 79-06-1 107-13-1 15972-60-8 309-00-2 SW337 107-05-1 319-84-6 319-84-6 7429-90-5 7664-41-7 62-53-3 120-12-7 7440-36-0 140-57-8 12674-11-2 11104-28-2 11141-16-5 53469-21-9 12672-29-6 11097-69-1 11096-82-5 7440-38-2 7440-39-3 25057-89-0 100-52-7 71-43-2 122-09.8 92-87-5 56-55-3 50-32-8 205-99-2 191-24-2 Acetochlor ESA Acetochlor OXA Acetone Acetonitrile; Methyl cyanide Acetophenone Acifluorofen Acrolein Acrylamide Acrylonitrile Alachlor Aldrin Alkalinity Allyl chloride alpha-BHC alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane Aluminum Aluminum Ammonia Aniline Anthracene Antimony Aramite Aroclor 1016 Aroclor 1221 Aroclor 1232 Aroclor 1242 Aroclor 1248 Aroclor 1254 Aroclor 1260 Arsenic Barium Bentazon Benzaldehyde Benzene Benzeneethanamine, alpha,alpha- Benzidine Benzo[a]anthracene; Benzo[a]pyrene Benzo[b]fluoranthene Benzo[ghi]perylene 2-Propanone Acetonitrile Ethanone, 1-phenyl- Acifluorofen 2-Propenal Acrylamide 2-Prapenenitrile 1,4:5,8- 1-Propene, 3-chloro- Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro- a-Benzenehexachloride Aluminum Ammonia Anthracene Antimony congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) congener of PCB; see (1336-36-3) Arsenic Barium Phenylmethanal, Benzene Benz [a]anthracene Benzo[a]pyrene Benz[e]acephenanthrylene Benzo[ghi]perylene 1000 1000 6000 NE 42 NE 700 NE 4 0.008 • • NE NE 0.4 NE 0.002 NE NE NE NE NE 0,006 NE 0.006 NE 3500 NE 3500 NE 1500 NE NE 2000 NE 1 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 10 700 NE NE NE 700 1 -- NE NE NE NE 0.05 0.005 0.05 200 491 492 100 3 1 55 4 10 5 453 53 7 NE 429 200 8 1 469 0.05 9 NE 337 10 10 0.05 24 NE 501 NE 454 NE 438 NE 435 NE 381 10 12 6 13 1 NE 382 NE 401 NE 402 NE 403 NE 404 NE 405 NE 406 NE 407 10 14 1 100 15 1 NE 462 NE 496 1 16 1 NE 386 NE 383 10 17 10 21 10 18 10 20 http://portal.ncdenr.org/Web/wm/sw/envmonitoringlist 3/11 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List 207-08-9 Benzo[k]fluoranthene Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.5 10 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 30000 28000 NE 100-51.6 Benzyl alcohol Benzenemethanol NE 700 20 7440-41-7 Beryllium Beryllium NE 4 1 319-85-7 beta-BHC Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro- NE 0.019 0.05 319-85-7 beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane B-Benzenehexachloride NE 0.02 NE SW347 Bicarbonate (as CaCO3) NE NE NE SW316 Biological Oxygen Demand BOD NE NE NE 101-84-8 biphenyl ether biphenyl ether NE NE 10 108-60-1 Bis(2-chloro-l-methylethyl) ether; 2,2'- Propane, 2,2'-oxybis[l-chloro- NE NE 10 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane Ethane, 1,1'-[methylenebis(oxy)]bis [2- NE NE 10 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether; Dichloroethyl Ethane, 1,1'-oxybis[2-chloro- NE 0.031 10 39638-32-9 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether 0.03 NE NE 117-81-7 Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis(2- 3 NE 15 7440-42-8 Boron Boron 700 NE 108-86-1 Bromobenzene NE NE NE 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane; Methane, bromochloro- NE 0.6 3 75-27-4 Bromodichloromethane; Methane, bromodichloro- 0.6 1 75-25-2 Bromoform; Tribromomethane Methane, tribromo- 4 3 71-36-3 Butanol n n-Butyl Alcohol NE 700 78-92-2 Butanol sec sec -Butyl Alcohol NE 10000 85-68-7 Butyl benzyl phthalate; Benzyl butyl 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, butyl 1000 10 SW418 Butyric Acid Butyric Acid NE NE NE 7440-43-9 Cadmium Cadmium 2 1 7440-70-2 Calcium NE NE NE 471-34-1 Calcium carbonate NE NE NE 105-60-2 Caprolactam 4000 NE NE 86-74-8 Carbazole dibenzopyrrole, diphenylenimine, NE 2 NE 1563-66-2 Carbofuran Carbofuran 40 NE NE 124-38-9 Carbon Dioxide NE NE NE SW413 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) CO2 Gas NE NE NE 75-15-0 Carbon disulfide Carbon disulfide 700 100 56-23-5 Carbon tetrachloride Methane, tetrachloro- 0.3 1 SW348 Carbonate (as CaCO3) NE NE NE 7440-44-0 Charcoal NE NE NE SW317 Chemical Oxygen Demand COD NE NE NE 57-74-9 Chlordane 4,7-Methano-1H-in den e,1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8- 0.1 0.5 12789-03-6 Chlordane (constituents) NE NE NE 5103-71-9 Chlordane, alpha cis -Chlordane NE NE NE 5103-74-2 Chlordane, beta trans -Chlordane NE NE NE 5566-34-7 Chlordane, gamma NE NE NE 19 395 22 23 25 502 347 316 423 46 42 43 384 ill 428 360 28 29 30 470 483 32 418 34 375 464 440 497 430 459 413 35 36 348 466 317 339 400 379 378 399 http://portal.ncdenr.org&veb/wm/sw/envmonitoringlist 4✓11 NCDENR - Constituent List Chloride Chloride 455 Chloride 250000 •- NE 301 Chlorobenzene Benzene, chloro- 50 3 39 1 Chlorobenzilate Benzeneacetic acid, 4-chloro-(4- NE NE 10 40 Chloroethane; Ethyl chloride Ethane, chloro- 3000 10 41 1 Chloroform; Trichloromethane Methane, trichloro- 70 5 44 1 Chloroprene 1,3-Butadiene, 2-chloro- NE NE 20 50 Chromium Chromium 10 10 51 1 Chrysene Chrysene 5 10 52 cis -1,2-Dichloroethylene; cis-1,2- Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-,(Z)- 70 5 78 1 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (Z)- 0.4 1 86 1 Cobalt Cobalt NE 1 10 53 1 Coliform (total) 1 NE NE 309 Color (color units) 15 NE NE 310 Copper Copper 1000 10 54 1 Cyanide Cyanide 70 -- 10 58 Dalapon NE 200 NE 355 DDE o,p-DDE 0.1 472 delta-BHC Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro- NE 0.019 0.05 26 Depth To Water (ft) DTW NE NE NE 318 Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthat ate Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthatate, DEHP 2.5 NE 431 Diallate Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, NE NE 10 63 Dibenz[a,h]anthracene Dibenz[a,h]anthracene 0.005 •• 10 64 Dibenzofuran Dibenzofuran NE 28 10 65 Dibromochloromethane; Methane, dibromochloro- 0.4 0.41 3 66 1 Dicamba NE NE NE 353 Dichloroacetic Acid NE 0.7 NE 480 Dichlorodifluoromethane; CFC 12 Methane,dichlorodifluoro- 1000 -- 5 74 Dieldrin 2,7:3,6-Dimethanon aphth[2,3- 0.002 0.075 88 Diethyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, diethyl 6000 10 90 Dimethoate Phosphorodithioic acid,0,0-dimethyl 5- NE NE 20 91 Dimethyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, dimethyl NE NE 10 96 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, dibutyl 700 10 33 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid, dioctyl 100 10 168 Dinoseb; DNBP; 2-sec-Butyl-4,6- Phenol, 2-(1-methylpropyl)-4,6-dinitro- NE 7 1 102 Dioxin 2,3,7,8-TCDD 0.2 NE NE 441 Diphenyl ether Diphenyl oxide; 1,1'-Oxybisbenzene; NE 100 NE 498 Diphenylamine Benzenamine, N-phenyl- NE NE 10 103 Diquat 20 473 Dissolved Methane Dissolved Methane 456 jhttp://portal.ncdenr.orgAveb/wm/sw/envmonitoringlist 5/11 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List 7782-44-7 Dissolved Oxygen NE NE NE 356 298-04-4 Disulfoton Phosphorodithioic acid,0,0-diethyl S-[2- 0.3 -- 10 104 3648-20-2 Diundecyl phthalate Santicizer 711 100 NE NE 442 959-98-8 Endosulfan I 6,9-Methano-2,4,3-benzodiox- 40 NE 0.1 105 33213-65-9 Endosulfan II 6,9-Methano-2,4,3- 42 0.1 106 1031-07-8 Endosulfan sulfate 6,9-Methano-2,4,3- NE 40 0.1 107 145-73-3 Endothall 100 474 72-20-8 Endrin 2,7:3,6-Dimethanonaphth[2,3-b]oxirene, 2 0.1 108 7421-93-4 Endrin aldehyde 1,2,4-Methenocyclo-penta[cd]pentalene- 2 0.1 109 106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin 4 NE NE 443 74-84-0 Ethane- Dissolved NE NE NE 331 64-17-5 Ethanol Ethyl alcohol, Ethyl hydrate, NE 4000 NE 499 74-85-1 Ethene- Dissolved NE NE NE 332 141-78-6 Ethyl acetate 3000 NE NE 444 97-63-2 Ethyl methacrylate 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, ethyl NE NE 10 112 62-50-0 Ethyl methanesulfonate Methanesulfonic acid,ethyl ester NE NE 20 113 637-92-3 Ethyl tert-butyl ether ETBE, Ethyl tertiary butyl ether NE 47 NE 500 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene Benzene, ethyl- 600 1 110 107-21-1 ethylene glycol ethylene glycol 10000 10,000 424 52-85-7 Famphur Phosphorothioic acid, 0-[4- NE NE 20 114 SW334 Ferrous Iron- Dissolved NE NE NE 334 206-44-0 Fluoranthene Fluoranthene 300 10 115 86-73-7 Ruorene 9H-Fluorene 300 10 116 16984-48.8 Fluoride 2000 2000 312 SW313 Foaming Agents 500 NE 313 50-00.0 Formaldehyde 600 NE NE 445 59-89-9 gamma-BHC (Lindane) gamma-BHC (Lindane) 457 58-89-9 gamma-BHC; Lindane Cyclohexane,1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachloro- 0.03 -- 0.05 27 SW314 Gross Alpha 15 NE NE 314 SW427 Groundwater Elevation (feet) GW Elevation (feet) NE NE NE 427 SW319 Head (ft mean sea level) NE NE NE 319 76-44-8 Heptachlor 4,7-Methano-1H-indene,1,4,5,6,7,8,8- 0.008 0.05 117 1024-57-3 Heptachlor epoxide 2,5-Methano-2H-indeno[1,2- 0.004 0.075 118 142-82-5 Heptane Heptane 400 NE 432 118-74.1 Hexachlorobenzene Benzene, hexachloro- 0.02 10 119 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 1,3-Butadiene,1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro- 0.4 0.44 10 120 608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexane isomers 0.02 NE NE 446 77-47-4 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1,3-Cyclopentadiene,1,2,3,4,5,5- NE 50 10 121 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane Ethane, hexachloro- NE 2.5 10 122 70-30-4 Hexachlorophene NE NE NE 387 1888-71-7 Hexachloropropene 1-Propene, 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexachloro- NE NE 10 123 http://portal. ncdenr. org/web/w m/sw/envm on itor i ngl i st M. 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List 142-62-1 Hexanoic Acid NE NE NE 485 133-74-0 Hydrogen Gas Dissolved Hydrogen Gas NE NE NE 420 SW338 Hydrogen Sulfide NE NE NE 338 646-07-1 i-Hexonic Acid NE NE NE 486 193-39-5 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 0.05 •• 10 125 503-74-2 i-Pentanoic Acid NE NE NE 488 7439-89-6 Iron 300 -- 300 340 78-83-1 Isobutyl alcohol 1-Propanol, 2-methyl- NE NE 100 126 465-73-6 Isodrin 1,4,5,8-Dimethanonaphthalene,1,2,3,4,1 NE NE 20 127 78-59-1 Isophorone 2-Cyclohexen-l-one,3,5,5-trimethyl- 40 10 128 108-20-3 Isopropyl ether 70 NE 366 98-82-8 Isopropyl benzene 70 NE 367 120-58-1 Isosafrole 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(1-propenyl)- NE NE 10 129 143-50-0 Kepone 1,3,4-Metheno-2H-cyclobuta- NE NE 20 130 SW415 Lactic Acid Lactic Acid NE NE NE 415 SW329 Landfill Gas LFG NE NE NE 329 7439-92-1 Lead Lead 15 10 131 1 SW374 m-Ftp-Cresol (combined) NE NE NE 374 SW359 m-Etp-Xylene (combined) NE NE NE 359 7439-95-4 Magnesium NE NE NE 376 7439-96-5 Manganese 50 50 342 SW335 Manganese- Dissolved 50 50 335 94-74-6 MCPA NE NE NE 351 108-39-4 m-Cresol; 3-Methylphenol Phenol, 3-methyl- 400 10 345 541-73-1 m-Dichlorobenzene; 1,3- Benzene, 1,3-dichloro- 200 5 70 i 99-65-0 m-Dinitrobenzene Benzene, 1,3-dinitro- NE NE 20 97 93-65-2 Mecopop, MCPP NE NE NE 354 7439-97-6 Mercury Mercury 1 -- 0.2 132 126-98-7 Methacrylonitrile 2-Propenenitrile, 2-methyl- NE NE 100 133 SW333 Methane- Dissolved NE NE NE 333 67-56-1 Methanol 4000 NE NE 448 91-80-5 Methapyrilene 1,2,Ethanediamine, N,N-dimethyl-N'-2- NE NE 100 134 ■ 72-43-5 Methoxychlor Benzene, 1,1'- 40 1 135 72-43-5 Methoxychlor 40 NE NE 449 74-83-9 Methyl bromide; Bromomethane Methane, bromo- NE 10 10 136 1 74-87-3 Methyl chloride; Chloromethane Methane, chloro- 3 -- 1 137 1 78-93-3 } Methyl ethyl ketone; MEK; 2- 2-BUtanone 4000 •• 100 141 1 74-88-4 Methyl iodide; lodomethane Methane, iodo- NE NE 10 142 1 108-10-1 Methyllsobutyl Ketone 100 493 80-62-6 Methyl methacrylate 2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl NE 25 30 143 66-27-3 Methyl methanesulfonate Methanesulfonic acid,methyl ester NE NE 10 144 reI http://portal.ncdenr.orgANeb&vm/sw/envmonitoringlist 7/11 5/15/2015 298-00-0 2037-26-5 74-95-3 75-09-2 1634-04-4 99-09-2 7439-98-7 108-38-3 91-20-3 104-51-8 110-54-3 7440-02-0 14797-55-8 14797-65-0 98-95-3 7727-37.9 55-18-5 62-75-9 924-16-3 86-30.6 SW426 SW439 621-64-7 10595-95-6 59-89-2 100-75-4 930-55-2 SW419 103-65-1 126-68-1 297-97-2 136777-61-2 95-49-8 95-48-7 95-50-1 88-74.4 88-75-5 SW437 95-53.4 Methyl parathion; Parathion methyl Methylbenzene Methylene bromide; Methylene chloride; Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) m-Nitroaniline; 3-Nitroaniline Molybdenum m-Xylene Naphthalene n-Butylbenzene n-Hexane Nickel Nitrate (as N) Nitrite (as N) Nitrobenzene Nitrogen N-Nitrosodiethyl amine N-N itrosodimethylamin e N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine N- N- N-Nitrosodipropylamine; N-Nitroso-N N -Nit rosomethylet halamine N-Nitrosomorpholine N-Nitrosopiperidine N -N it rosopyrrol id in e No2/No3 (nitrate Et nitrite reported n-Propylbenzene 0,0,0-Triethyl phosphorothioate 0,0-Diethyl 0-2-pyrazinyl o,p-Xylene o-Chlorotoluene o-Cresol; 2-Methylphenol o-Dichlorobenzene; 1,2- o-Nitroaniline; 2-Nitroaniline o-Nitrophenol; 2-Nitrophenol Orthophosphate Phosphorus o-Toluidine NCDENR - Constituent List Phosphorothioic acid,0,0-dimethyl Methane, dibromo- Methane, dichloro- Benzenamine, 3-nitro- Naphthalene Nickel Benzene, nitro- Ethanamine, N-ethyl-N-nitroso- Methanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- 1-Butanamine, N-butyl-N-nitroso- Benzenamine, N-nitroso-N-phenyl- N- 1-Propanamine, N-nitroso-N-propyl- Ethanamine, N-methyl-N-nitroso- Piperidine, 1-nitroso- Pyrrolidine, 1-nitroso- NOX Phosphorothioic acid,0,0,0-triethyl Phosphorothioic acid,0,0-diethyl 0- 2-chlorotoluene Phenol, 2-methyl- Benzene, 1,2-dichloro- Benzenamine, 2-nitro- Phenol, 2-nitro- Benzenamine, 2-methyl NE NE NE 5 20 NE NE NE 6 70 400 100 10000 1000 NE NE NE 0.0007 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 70 NE NE NE 100 NE 20 NE NE NE NE NE NE 70 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 400 NE NE NE NE 10 146 NE 461 10 139 1 1 140 1 NE 369 50 153 NE 397 NE 409 10 148 NE 361 NE 447 50 152 1 10000 303 1000 304 10 156 NE 467 20 160 10 161 10 162 10 163 10 426 NE 439 10 164 10 165 NE 389 20 166 10 167 NE 419 NE 370 10 207 20 89 NE 460 NE 364 10 56 5 69 1 50 154 10 158 NE 437 10 197 23135-22.0 Oxamyl 200 NE NE 450 http://portal.ncdenr.orgANeb&vm/sw/envmonitoringlist 8111 NCDENR - Constituent List Oxygen Reduction Potential (mV) ORP NE NE NE 336 o-Xylene NE NE NE 408 p-(Dimethylamino)azobenzene Benzenamine, N,N-dimethyl-4- NE NE 10 92 Parathion Phosphorothioic acid, O,O-diethyl-0-(4- NE NE 10 169 p-Chloroaniline Benzenamine, 4-chloro- NE NE 20 38 p-Chloro-m-cresol; 4-Chloro-3- Phenol, 4-chloro-3-methyl- NE NE 20 45 p-Chlorotoluene NE 24 NE 365 p-Cresol; 4-Methylphenol Phenol, 4-methyl- 40 NE-- 10 344 p-Cymene NE 25 NE 368 p-Dichlorobenzene; 1,4- Benzene, 1,4-dichloro- 6 -- 1 71 1 Pentachlorobenzene Benzene, pentachloro- NE NE 10 171 Pentachloroethane NE NE NE 380 Pentachloronitrobenzene Benzene, pentachloronitro- NE NE 20 172 Pentachlorophenol Phenol, pentachloro- 0.3 •- 25 173 Pentanoic Acid NE NE NE 487 Perchlorate and Perchlorate Salts 2 494 Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA, C8 2 484 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class 10000 -- NE 307 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class 400 NE 305 petroleum aliphatic carbon fraction class 700 — NE 306 petroleum aromatics carbon fraction 200 -• NE 308 pH (field) NE NE NE 320 pH (lab) NE NE NE 321 Phenacetin Acetamide, N-(4-ethoxyphenyl) NE NE 20 174 Phenanthrene Phenanthrene 200 10 175 Phenol Phenol 30 10 177 Phorate Phosphorodithioic acid,O,O-diethyl S- 1 10 178 Picramic Acid 2-amino-4,6-dinitiphenol NE 0.7 NE 482 p-Nitroaniline; 4-Nitroaniline Benzenamine, 4-nitro- NE NE 20 155 p-Nitrophenol; 4-Nitrophenol Phenol, 4-nitro- NE NE 50 159 Polychlorinated biphenyls; PCBs 1,1'-Biphenyl,chloro derivatives Method NE 0.09 2 434 Potassium NE NE NE 377 p-Phenylenediamine 1,4-Benzenediamine NE NE 10 176 Pronamide Benzamide, 3,5-dichloro-N-(1,1- NE NE 10 179 Propionic Acid Propionic Acid NE NE NE 417 Propionitrile; Ethyl cyanide Propanenitrile NE NE 150 180 Propylene Glycol NE 140,000 NE 507 p-Xylene NE NE NE 410 Pyrene Pyrene 200 10 181 110-86-1 Pyridine NE 7 NE 391 N http://portal.ncdenr.org&vebANm/sw/envmonitori nglist 5/15/2015 NCDENR - Constituent List SW414 Pyruvic Acid Pyruvic Acid 94-59-7 Safrole 1,3-Benzodioxole, 5-(2-propenyl)- 135-98-8 sec -Butyl benzene 7782-49-2 Selenium Selenium 7440-22-4 Silver Silver 93-72-1 Silvex; 2,4,5-TP Propanoic acid, 2-(2,4,5- 122-34-9 Simazine 7440-23-5 Sodium SW323 SpecCond (field) SW324 SpecCond (lab) 7440-24.6 Strontium 100-42-5 Styrene Benzene, ethenyl- 14808-79-8 Sulfate 18496-25-8 Sulfide Sulfide 3689-24-5 Sulfotep 99-35-4 sym-Trinitrobenzene Benzene, 1,3,5-trinitro- SW325 Temp (oQ 994-05-8 tert-Amyl methyl ether TAME, 2-methoxy-2-methylbutane 98-06-6 tert-Butylbenzene 75-65-0 Tertiary Butyl Alcohol tert-butanol + 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene; Tetrachloroethene; Ethene, tetrachloro- 109-99-9 Tetrahydrofuran 7440-28-0 Thallium Thallium ` 7440-31-5 Tin Tin 108-88-3 Toluene Benzene, methyl- SW328 Top Of Casing (ft mean sea level) TOC SW425 Total BHC l I SW311 j Total Dissolved Solids TDS - SW436 Total Fatty Acids Total Fatty Acids 1 E-10195 Total Organic Carbon ` SW396 Total Organic Halides j 7723-14-0 Total Phosphorus Total Phosphorus SW343 Total Suspended Solids SW411 Total Well Depth (ft) TD 8001-35-2 Toxaphene Toxaphene 156-60-5 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene; trans-1,2- Ethene, 1,2-dichloro-,(E)- j 10061-02-6 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1-Propene, 1,3-dichloro-, (E)- �� 110-57-6 trans- l,4-Dichloro-2-butene 2-Butene, 1,4-dichloro-, (E)- 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene; Trichloroethene Ethene, trichloro- 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane; CFC-11 Methane, trichlorofluoro- SW330 Turbidity u http://portal.ncdenr.org/webANm/sw/envmonitoringlist NE NE NE 414 NE NE 10 182 70 NE 362 20 10 183 1 20 10 184 1 50 2 185 4 NE NE 451 NE 20000 NE 322 NE NE NE 323 NE NE NE 324 NE NE NE 465 70 1 186 1 250000 •- 250000 315 NE NE 1000 187 NE NE NE 392 NE NE 10 208 NE NE NE 325 NE 128 NE 504 70 -- NE 363 NE 10 NE 505 0.7 -- 1 192 1 NE NE NE 458 NE 0.28 5.5 194 1 NE 2000 100 195 600 -- 1 196 1 NE NE NE 328 NE 0.019 NE 425 500000 -• NE 311 NE NE NE 436 NE NE NE 357 NE NE NE 396 NE NE NE 412 NE NE NE 343 NE NE NE 411 0.03 1.5 198 100 5 79 1 0.4 1 87 1 NE NE 100 73 1 3 1 201 1 2000 1 203 1 NE NE NE 330 10/11 5/15/2015 7440-62-2 Vanadium 108-05-4 Vinyl acetate 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride; Chloroethene 1330-20-7 Xylene (total) 7440-66-6 Zinc " GWP = Groundwater Protection Last updated: 6/13/2011 8:19:15 AM SWSL = Solid Waste NCDENR - Constituent List Vanadium Acetic acid, ethenylester Ethene, chloro- (o-,m-,and p-, Benzene, dimethyl Zinc Top 4•Y] cf ca+"e N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Headquarters (Environment and Natural Resources Building): 217 W. Jones St. Archdale Building: 512 N. Salisbury St. Toll Free: (877) 623-6748 NE 0.3 25 209 1 NE 88 50 210 1 0.03 -- 1 211 1 500 5 346 1 1000 10 213 1 Top I p http://portal. nedenr.org&vebAN m/sw/envm oni for i ngl i st ME APPENDIX D JENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORTING FORM Electronic Data - Email CD (data loaded: Yes / No ) Doc/Event #: 'NC DENR " Environmental Monitoring Division of Waste Management - Solid Waste Reporting Form Notice: This form and any information attached to it are "Public Records" as defined in NC General Statute 132-1. As such, these documents are available for inspection and examination by any person upon request (NC General Statute 132-6). Instructions: • Prepare one form for each individually monitored unit. • Please type or print legibly. • Attach a notification table with values that attain or exceed NC 2L groundwater standards or NC 2B surface water standards. The notification must include a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of each value. (e.g. naturally occurring, off -site source, pre-existing condition, etc.). • Attach a notification table of any groundwater or surface water values that equal or exceed the reporting limits. • Attach a notification table of any methane gas values that attain or exceed explosive gas levels. This includes any structures on or nearby the facility (NCAC 13B .1629 (4)(a)(i). • Send the original signed and sealed form, any tables, and Electronic Data Deliverable to: Compliance Unit, NCDENR-DWM, Solid Waste Section, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. Solid Waste Monitoring Data Submittal Information Name of entity submitting data (laboratory, consultant, facility owner): Contact for questions about data formatting. Include data preparer's name, telephone number and E-mail address: Name: Phone: E-mail: NC Landfill Rule: Actual sampling dates (e.g., Facility name: Facility Address: Facility Permit # (.0500 or .1600) October 20-24, 2006) Environmental Status: (Check all that apply) ❑ Initial/Background Monitoring ❑ Detection Monitoring Assessment Monitoring ❑ Corrective Action of data submitted: (Check aIf that apply) Groundwater monitoring data from monitoring wells ❑ Groundwater monitoring data from private water supply wells ❑ Leachate monitoring data ❑ Surface water monitoring data Methane gas monitoring data Corrective action data (specify) Other(specify) Notification attached? e No. No groundwater or surface water standards were exceeded. Yes, a notification of values exceeding a groundwater or surface water standard is attached. It includes a list of groundwater and surface water monitoring points, dates, analytical values, NC 2L groundwater standard, NC 2B surface water standard or NC Solid Waste GWPS and preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of any concentration. ❑ Yes, a notification of values exceeding an explosive methane gas limit is attached. It includes the methane monitoring points, dates, sample values and explosive methane gas limits. Certification To the best of my knowledge, the information reported and statements made on this data submittal and attachments are true and correct. Furthermore, I have attached complete notification of any sampling values meeting or exceeding groundwater standards or explosive gas levels, and a preliminary analysis of the cause and significance of concentrations exceeding groundwater standards. I am aware that there are significant penalties for making any false statement, representation, or certification including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Facility Representative Name (Print) Title (Area Code) Telephone Number Signature Facility Representative Address Date Affix NC Licensed/ Professional Geologist Seal NC PE Firm License Number (if applicable effective May 1, 2009) D...,i_-A ailnnn APPENDIX E LOW -FLOW GROUNDWATER PURGING AND SAMPLING GUIDANCE United States Office of Office of Solid Waste EPA/540/S-95/504 Environmental Protection Research and and Emergency April 1996 Agency Development Response %,EPA Ground Water Issue LOW -FLOW (MINIMAL DRAWDOWN) GROUND -WATER SAMPLING PROCEDURES by Robert W. Puls' and Michael J. Barcelona Background The Regional Superfund Ground Water Forum is a group of ground -water scientists, representing EPA's Regional Superfund Offices, organized to exchange information related to ground -water remediation at Superfund sites. One of the major concerns of the Forum is the sampling of ground water to support site assessment and remedial performance monitoring objectives. This paper is intended to provide background information on the development of low -flow sampling procedures and its application under a variety of hydrogeologic settings. It is hoped that the paper will support the production of standard operating procedures for use by EPA Regional personnel and other environmental professionals engaged in ground -water sampling. For further information contact: Robert Puls, 405-436-8543, Subsurface Remediation and Protection Division, NRMRL, Ada, Oklahoma. I. Introduction The methods and objectives of ground -water sampling to assess water quality have evolved over time. Initially the emphasis was on the assessment of water quality of aquifers as sources of drinking water. Large water -bearing units were identified and sampled in keeping with that objective. These were highly productive aquifers that supplied drinking water via private wells or through public water supply systems. Gradually, with the increasing aware- ness of subsurface pollution of these water resources, the understanding of complex hydrogeochemical processes which govern the fate and transport of contaminants in the subsurface increased. This increase in understanding was also due to advances in a number of scientific disciplines and improvements in tools used for site characterization and ground -water sampling. Ground -water quality investigations where pollution was detected initially borrowed ideas, methods, and materials for site characterization from the water supply field and water analysis from public health practices. This included the materials and manner in which monitoring wells were installed and the way in which water was brought to the surface, treated, preserved and analyzed. The prevailing conceptual ideas included convenient generali- zations of ground -water resources in terms of large and relatively homogeneous hydrologic units. With time it became apparent that conventional water supply generalizations of homogeneity did not adequately represent field data regard- ing pollution of these subsurface resources. The important role of heterogeneity became increasingly clear not only in geologic terms, but also in terms of complex physical, 'National Risk Management Research Laboratory, U.S. EPA 'University of Michigan ties. r�yy Superfund Technology Support Center for RChnGround Water � 4Wgy � „peon National Risk Management Research Laboratory r0i"I Subsurface Protection and Remediation Division Robert S. Kerr Environmental Research Center , tqcx� Ada, Oklahoma Technology Innovation Office Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, US EPA, Washington, DC Walter W. Kovalick, Jr., Ph.D. Director chemical and biological subsurface processes. With greater appreciation of the role of heterogeneity, it became evident that subsurface pollution was ubiquitous and encompassed the unsaturated zone to the deep subsurface and included unconsolidated sediments, fractured rock, and aquitards or low -yielding or impermeable formations. Small-scale pro- cesses and heterogeneities were shown to be important in identifying contaminant distributions and in controlling water and contaminant flow paths. It is beyond the scope of this paper to summarize all the advances in the field of ground -water quality investiga- tions and remediation, but two particular issues have bearing on ground -water sampling today: aquifer heterogeneity and colloidal transport. Aquifer heterogeneities affect contaminant flow paths and include variations in geology, geochemistry, hydrology and microbiology. As methods and the tools available for subsurface investigations have become increas- ingly sophisticated and understanding of the subsurface environment has advanced, there is an awareness that in most cases a primary concern for site investigations is characterization of contaminant flow paths rather than entire aquifers. In fact, in many cases, plume thickness can be less than well screen lengths (e.g., 3-6 m) typically installed at hazardous waste sites to detect and monitor plume movement over time. Small-scale differences have increasingly been shown to be important and there is a general trend toward smaller diameter wells and shorter screens. The hydrogeochemical significance of colloidal -size particles in subsurface systems has been realized during the past several years (Gschwend and Reynolds, 1987; McCarthy and Zachara, 1989; Puls, 1990; Ryan and Gschwend, 1990). This realization resulted from both field and laboratory studies that showed faster contaminant migration over greater distances and at higher concentrations than flow and trans- port model predictions would suggest (Buddemeier and Hunt, 1988; Enfield and Bengtsson, 1988; Penrose et al., 1990). Such models typically account for interaction between the mobile aqueous and immobile solid phases, but do not allow for a mobile, reactive solid phase. It is recognition of this third phase as a possible means of contaminant transport that has brought increasing attention to the manner in which samples are collected and processed for analysis (Puts et al., 1990; McCarthy and Degueldre, 1993; Backhus et al., 1993; U. S. EPA, 1995). If such a phase is present in sufficient mass, possesses high sorption reactivity, large surface area, and remains stable in suspension, it can serve as an important mechanism to facilitate contaminant transport in many types of subsurface systems. Colloids are particles that are sufficiently small so that the surface free energy of the particle dominates the bulk free energy. Typically, in ground water, this includes particles with diameters between 1 and 1000 nm. The most commonly observed mobile particles include: secondary clay minerals; hydrous iron, aluminum, and manganese oxides; dissolved and particulate organic materials, and viruses and bacteria. These reactive particles have been shown to be mobile under a variety of conditions in both field studies and laboratory column experiments, and as such need to be included in monitoring programs where identification of the total mobile contaminant loading (dissolved + naturally suspended particles) at a site is an objective. To that end, sampling methodologies must be used which do not artificially bias naturally suspended particle concentrations. Currently the most common ground -water purging and sampling methodology is to purge a well using bailers or high speed pumps to remove 3 to 5 casing volumes followed by sample collection. This method can cause adverse impacts on sample quality through collection of samples with high levels of turbidity. This results in the inclusion of otherwise immobile artifactual particles which produce an overestima- tion of certain analytes of interest (e.g., metals or hydrophobic organic compounds). Numerous documented problems associated with filtration (Danielsson, 1982; Laxen and Chandler, 1982; Horowitz et al., 1992) make this an undesir- able method of rectifying the turbidity problem, and include the removal of potentially mobile (contaminant -associated) particles during filtration, thus artificially biasing contaminant concentrations low. Sampling -induced turbidity problems can often be mitigated by using low -flow purging and sampling techniques. Current subsurface conceptual models have under- gone considerable refinement due to the recent development and increased use of field screening tools. So-called hydraulic push technologies (e.g., cone penetrometer, Geoprobe®, QED HydroPunch®) enable relatively fast screening site characterization which can then be used to design and install a monitoring well network. Indeed, alternatives to conventional monitoring wells are now being considered for some hydrogeologic settings. The ultimate design of any monitoring system should however be based upon adequate site characterization and be consistent with established monitoring objectives. If the sampling program objectives include accurate assessment of the magnitude and extent of subsurface contamination over time and/or accurate assessment of subsequent remedial performance, then some information regarding plume delineation in three-dimensional space is necessary prior to monitoring well network design and installation. This can be accomplished with a variety of different tools and equipment ranging from hand -operated augers to screening tools mentioned above and large drilling rigs. Detailed information on ground -water flow velocity, direction, and horizontal and vertical variability are essential baseline data requirements. Detailed soil and geologic data are required prior to and during the installation of sampling points. This includes historical as well as detailed soil and geologic logs which accumulate during the site investigation. The use of borehole geophysical techniques is also recom- mended. With this information (together with other site characterization data) and a clear understanding of sampling 2 objectives, then appropriate location, screen length, well diameter, slot size, etc. for the monitoring well network can be decided. This is especially critical for new in situ remedial approaches or natural attenuation assessments at hazardous waste sites. In general, the overall goal of any ground -water sampling program is to collect water samples with no alter- ation in water chemistry; analytical data thus obtained may be used for a variety of specific monitoring programs depending on the regulatory requirements. The sampling methodology described in this paper assumes that the monitoring goal is to sample monitoring wells for the presence of contaminants and it is applicable whether mobile colloids are a concern or not and whether the analytes of concern are metals (and metal- loids) or organic compounds. II. Monitoring Objectives and Design Considerations The following issues are important to consider prior to the design and implementation of any ground -water monitoring program, including those which anticipate using low -flow purging and sampling procedures. A. Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) Monitoring objectives include four main types: detection, assessment, corrective -action evaluation and resource evaluation, along with hybrid variations such as site - assessments for property transfers and water availability investigations. Monitoring objectives may change as contami- nation or water quality problems are discovered. However, there are a number of common components of monitoring programs which should be recognized as important regard- less of initial objectives. These components include: 1) Development of a conceptual model that incorporates elements of the regional geology to the local geologic framework. The conceptual model development also includes initial site characterization efforts to identify hydrostratigraphic units and likely flow -paths using a minimum number of borings and well completions; 2) Cost-effective and well documented collection of high quality data utilizing simple, accurate, and reproduc- ible techniques; and 3) Refinement of the conceptual model based on supplementary data collection and analysis. These fundamental components serve many types of monitor- ing programs and provide a basis for future efforts that evolve in complexity and level of spatial detail as purposes and objectives expand. High quality, reproducible data collection is a common goal regardless of program objectives. High quality data collection implies data of sufficient accuracy, precision, and completeness (i.e., ratio of valid analytical results to the minimum sample number called for by the program design) to meet the program objectives. Accu- racy depends on the correct choice of monitoring tools and procedures to minimize sample and subsurface disturbance from collection to analysis. Precision depends on the repeatability of sampling and analytical protocols. It can be assured or improved by replication of sample analyses including blanks, field/lab standards and reference standards. B. Sample Representativeness An important goal of any monitoring program is collection of data that is truly representative of conditions at the site. The term representativeness applies to chemical and hydrogeologic data collected via wells, borings, piezometers, geophysical and soil gas measurements, lysimeters, and temporary sampling points. It involves a recognition of the statistical variability of individual subsurface physical proper- ties, and contaminant or major ion concentration levels, while explaining extreme values. Subsurface temporal and spatial variability are facts. Good professional practice seeks to maximize representativeness by using proven accurate and reproducible techniques to define limits on the distribution of measurements collected at a site. However, measures of representativeness are dynamic and are controlled by evolving site characterization and monitoring objectives. An evolutionary site characterization model, as shown in Fig- ure 1, provides a systematic approach to the goal of consis- tent data collection. r i 00tlna Pm9FAIn Qh}ectivsar 1 l stahuah Data Owallty 1� $ Donne sate pliny and Hvolulionary 81to Analytical Pluloeoie Characie tal'run 1 Apply Prat000ls 1 4 .Refino Protocols ,f — —y Wlako Side Doclslons Figure 1. Evolutionary Site Characterization Model The model emphasizes a recognition of the causes of the variability (e.g., use of inappropriate technology such as using bailers to purge wells; imprecise or operator -dependent methods) and the need to control avoidable errors. 3 1) Questions of Scale A sampling plan designed to collect representative samples must take into account the potential scale of changes in site conditions through space and time as well as the chemical associations and behavior of the parameters that are targeted for investigation. In subsurface systems, physical (i.e., aquifer) and chemical properties over time or space are not statistically independent. In fact, samples taken in close proximity (i.e., within distances of a few meters) or within short time periods (i.e., more frequently than monthly) are highly auto -correlated. This means that designs employing high -sampling frequency (e.g., monthly) or dense spatial monitoring designs run the risk of redundant data collection and misleading inferences regarding trends in values that aren't statistically valid. In practice, contaminant detection and assessment monitoring programs rarely suffer these over -sampling concerns. In corrective -action evaluation programs, it is also possible that too little data may be collected over space or time. In these cases, false interpreta- tion of the spatial extent of contamination or underestimation of temporal concentration variability may result. 2) Target Parameters Parameter selection in monitoring program design is most often dictated by the regulatory status of the site. However, background water quality constituents, purging indicator parameters, and contaminants, all represent targets for data collection programs. The tools and procedures used in these programs should be equally rigorous and applicable to all categories of data, since all may be needed to deter- mine or support regulatory action. C. Sampling Point Design and Construction Detailed site characterization is central to all decision -making purposes and the basis for this characteriza- tion resides in identification of the geologic framework and major hydro-stratigraphic units. Fundamental data for sample point location include: subsurface lithology, head -differences and background geochemical conditions. Each sampling point has a proper use or uses which should be documented at a level which is appropriate for the program's data quality objectives. Individual sampling points may not always be able to fulfill multiple monitoring objectives (e.g., detection, assessment, corrective action). 1) Compatibility with Monitoring Program and Data Quality Objectives Specifics of sampling point location and design will be dictated by the complexity of subsurface lithology and variability in contaminant and/or geochemical conditions. It should be noted that, regardless of the ground -water sam- pling approach, few sampling points (e.g., wells, drive -points, screened augers) have zones of influence in excess of a few feet. Therefore, the spatial frequency of sampling points should be carefully selected and designed. 2) Flexibility of Sampling Point Design In most cases well -point diameters in excess of 1 7/8 inches will permit the use of most types of submersible pumping devices for low -flow (minimal drawdown) sampling. It is suggested that short (e.g., less than 1.6 m) screens be incorporated into the monitoring design where possible so that comparable results from one device to another might be expected. Short, of course, is relative to the degree of vertical water quality variability expected at a site. 3) Equilibration of Sampling Point Time should be allowed for equilibration of the well or sampling point with the formation after installation. Place- ment of well or sampling points in the subsurface produces some disturbance of ambient conditions. Drilling techniques (e.g., auger, rotary, etc.) are generally considered to cause more disturbance than direct -push technologies. In either case, there may be a period (i.e., days to months) during which water quality near the point may be distinctly different from that in the formation. Proper development of the sam- pling point and adjacent formation to remove fines created during emplacement will shorten this water quality recovery period. III. Definition of Low -Flow Purging and Sampling It is generally accepted that water in the well casing is non -representative of the formation water and needs to be purged prior to collection of ground -water samples. However, the water in the screened interval may indeed be representa- tive of the formation, depending upon well construction and site hydrogeology. Wells are purged to some extent for the following reasons: the presence of the air interface at the top of the water column resulting in an oxygen concentration gradient with depth, loss of volatiles up the water column, leaching from or sorption to the casing or filter pack, chemical changes due to clay seals or backfill, and surface infiltration. Low -flow purging, whether using portable or dedi- cated systems, should be done using pump -intake located in the middle or slightly above the middle of the screened interval. Placement of the pump too close to the bottom of the well will cause increased entrainment of solids which have collected in the well over time. These particles are present as a result of well development, prior purging and sampling events, and natural colloidal transport and deposition. Therefore, placement of the pump in the middle or toward the top of the screened interval is suggested. Placement of the pump at the top of the water column for sampling is only recommended in unconfined aquifers, screened across the water table, where this is the desired sampling point. Low- 4 flow purging has the advantage of minimizing mixing between the overlying stagnant casing water and water within the screened interval. A. Low -Flow Purging and Sampling Low -flow refers to the velocity with which water enters the pump intake and that is imparted to the formation pore water in the immediate vicinity of the well screen. It does not necessarily refer to the flow rate of water discharged at the surface which can be affected by flow regulators or restrictions. Water level drawdown provides the best indica- tion of the stress imparted by a given flow -rate for a given hydrological situation. The objective is to pump in a manner that minimizes stress (drawdown) to the system to the extent practical taking into account established site sampling objectives. Typically, flow rates on the order of 0.1 - 0.5 L/min are used, however this is dependent on site -specific hydrogeology. Some extremely coarse -textured formations have been successfully sampled in this manner at flow rates to 1 Umin. The effectiveness of using low -flow purging is intimately linked with proper screen location, screen length, and well construction and development techniques. The reestablishment of natural flow paths in both the vertical and horizontal directions is important for correct interpretation of the data. For high resolution sampling needs, screens less than 1 m should be used. Most of the need for purging has been found to be due to passing the sampling device through the overlying casing water which causes mixing of these stagnant waters and the dynamic waters within the screened interval. Additionally, there is disturbance to suspended sediment collected in the bottom of the casing and the displacement of water out into the formation immediately adjacent to the well screen. These disturbances and impacts can be avoided using dedicated sampling equipment, which precludes the need to insert the sampling device prior to purging and sampling. Isolation of the screened interval water from the overlying stagnant casing water may be accomplished using low -flow minimal drawdown techniques. If the pump intake is located within the screened interval, most of the water pumped will be drawn in directly from the formation with little mixing of casing water or disturbance to the sampling zone. However, if the wells are not constructed and developed properly, zones other than those intended may be sampled. At some sites where geologic heterogeneities are sufficiently different within the screened interval, higher conductivity zones may be preferentially sampled. This is another reason to use shorter screened intervals, especially where high spatial resolution is a sampling objective. B. Water Quality Indicator Parameters It is recommended that water quality indicator parameters be used to determine purging needs prior to sample collection in each well. Stabilization of parameters such as pH, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, oxida- tion-reduction potential, temperature and turbidity should be used to determine when formation water is accessed during purging. In general, the order of stabilization is pH, tempera- ture, and specific conductance, followed by oxidation- reduction potential, dissolved oxygen and turbidity. Tempera- ture and pH, while commonly used as purging indicators, are actually quite insensitive in distinguishing between formation water and stagnant casing water; nevertheless, these are important parameters for data interpretation purposes and should also be measured. Performance criteria for determi- nation of stabilization should be based on water -level draw - down, pumping rate and equipment specifications for measur- ing indicator parameters. Instruments are available which utilize in -line flow cells to continuously measure the above parameters. It is important to establish specific well stabilization criteria and then consistently follow the same methods thereafter, particularly with respect to drawdown, flow rate and sampling device. Generally, the time or purge volume required for parameter stabilization is independent of well depth or well volumes. Dependent variables are well diam- eter, sampling device, hydrogeochemistry, pump flow rate, and whether the devices are used in a portable or dedicated manner. If the sampling device is already in place (i.e., dedicated sampling systems), then the time and purge volume needed for stabilization is much shorter. Other advantages of dedicated equipment include less purge water for waste disposal, much less decontamination of equipment, less time spent in preparation of sampling as well as time in the field, and more consistency in the sampling approach which probably will translate into less variability in sampling results. The use of dedicated equipment is strongly recom- mended at wells which will undergo routine sampling over time. If parameter stabilization criteria are too stringent, then minor oscillations in indicator parameters may cause purging operations to become unnecessarily protracted. It should also be noted that turbidity is a very conservative parameter in terms of stabilization. Turbidity is always the last parameter to stabilize. Excessive purge times are invariably related to the establishment of too stringent turbidity stabilization criteria. It should be noted that natural turbidity levels in ground water may exceed 10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). C. Advantages and Disadvantages of Low -Flow (Minimum Drawdown) Purging In general, the advantages of low -flow purging include: • samples which are representative of the mobile load of contaminants present (dissolved and colloid-assock ated ); • minimal disturbance of the sampling point thereby minimizing sampling artifacts; • less operator variability, greater operator control; F7 • reduced stress on the formation (minimal drawdown); • less mixing of stagnant casing water with formation water; • reduced need for filtration and, therefore, less time required for sampling; • smaller purging volume which decreases waste disposal costs and sampling time; • better sample consistency; reduced artificial sample variability. Some disadvantages of low -flow purging are: • higher initial capital costs, • greater set-up time in the field, • need to transport additional equipment to and from the site, • increased training needs, • resistance to change on the part of sampling practitio- ners, • concern that new data will indicate a change in conditions and trigger an action. IV. Low -Flow (Minimal Drawdown) Sampling Protocols The following ground -water sampling procedure has evolved over many years of experience in ground -water sampling for organic and inorganic compound determinations and as such summarizes the authors' (and others) experi- ences to date (Barcelona et al., 1984, 1994; Barcelona and Helfrich, 1986; Puls and Barcelona, 1989; Puls et. al. 1990, 1992; Puls and Powell, 1992; Puls and Paul, 1995). High - quality chemical data collection is essential in ground -water monitoring and site characterization. The primary limitations to the collection of representative ground -water samples include: mixing of the stagnant casing and fresh screen waters during insertion of the sampling device or ground- water level measurement device; disturbance and resuspension of settled solids at the bottom of the well when using high pumping rates or raising and lowering a pump or bailer; introduction of atmospheric gases or degassing from the water during sample handling and transfer, or inappropri- ate use of vacuum sampling device, etc. A. Sampling Recommendations Water samples should not be taken immediately following well development. Sufficient time should be allowed for the ground -water flow regime in the vicinity of the monitor- ing well to stabilize and to approach chemical equilibrium with the well construction materials. This lag time will depend on site conditions and methods of installation but often exceeds one week. Well purging is nearly always necessary to obtain samples of water flowing through the geologic formations in the screened interval. Rather than using a general but arbitrary guideline of purging three casing volumes prior to sampling, it is recommended that an in -line water quality measurement device (e.g., flow -through cell) be used to establish the stabilization time for several parameters (e.g. , pH, specific conductance, redox, dissolved oxygen, turbidity) on a well -specific basis. Data on pumping rate, drawdown, and volume required for parameter stabilization can be used as a guide for conducting subsequent sampling activities. The following are recommendations to be considered before, during and after sampling: • use low -flow rates (<0.5 L/min), during both purging and sampling to maintain minimal drawdown in the well; • maximize tubing wall thickness, minimize tubing length; • place the sampling device intake at the desired sampling point; • minimize disturbances of the stagnant water column above the screened interval during water level measurement and sampling device insertion; • make proper adjustments to stabilize the flow rate as soon as possible; • monitor water quality indicators during purging; • collect unfiltered samples to estimate contaminant loading and transport potential in the subsurface system. B. Equipment Calibration Prior to sampling, all sampling device and monitoring equipment should be calibrated according to manufacturer's recommendations and the site Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and Field Sampling Plan (FSP). Calibration of pH should be performed with at least two buffers which bracket the expected range. Dissolved oxygen calibration must be corrected for local barometric pressure readings and eleva- tion. C. Water Level Measurement and Monitoring It is recommended that a device be used which will least disturb the water surface in the casing. Well depth should be obtained from the well logs. Measuring to the bottom of the well casing will only cause resuspension of settled solids from the formation and require longer purging times for turbidity equilibration. Measure well depth after sampling is completed. The water level measurement should be taken from a permanent reference point which is surveyed relative to ground elevation. D. Pump Type The use of low -flow (e.g., 0.1-0.5 L/min) pumps is suggested for purging and sampling all types of analytes. All pumps have some limitation and these should be investigated with respect to application at a particular site. Bailers are inappropriate devices for low -flow sampling. 6 1) General Considerations There are no unusual requirements for ground -water sampling devices when using low -flow, minimal drawdown techniques. The major concern is that the device give consistent results and minimal disturbance of the sample across a range of low flow rates (i.e., < 0.5 L/min). Clearly, pumping rates that cause minimal to no drawdown in one well could easily cause significant drawdown in another well finished in a less transmissive formation. In this sense, the pump should not cause undue pressure or temperature changes or physical disturbance on the water sample over a reasonable sampling range. Consistency in operation is critical to meet accuracy and precision goals. 2) Advantages and Disadvantages of Sampling Devices A variety of sampling devices are available for low - flow (minimal drawdown) purging and sampling and include peristaltic pumps, bladder pumps, electrical submersible pumps, and gas -driven pumps. Devices which lend them- selves to both dedication and consistent operation at defin- able low -flow rates are preferred. It is desirable that the pump be easily adjustable and operate reliably at these lower flow rates. The peristaltic pump is limited to shallow applications and can cause degassing resulting in alteration of pH, alkalinity, and some volatiles loss. Gas -driven pumps should be of a type that does not allow the gas to be in direct contact with the sampled fluid. Clearly, bailers and other grab type samplers are ill - suited for low -flow sampling since they will cause repeated disturbance and mixing of stagnant water in the casing and the dynamic water in the screened interval. Similarly, the use of inertial lift foot -valve type samplers may cause too much disturbance at the point of sampling. Use of these devices also tends to introduce uncontrolled and unacceptable operator variability. Summaries of advantages and disadvantages of various sampling devices are listed in Herzog et al. (1991), U. S. EPA (1992), Parker (1994) and Thurnblad (1994). E. Pump Installation Dedicated sampling devices (left in the well) capable of pumping and sampling are preferred over any other type of device. Any portable sampling device should be slowly and carefully lowered to the middle of the screened interval or slightly above the middle (e.g., 1-1.5 m below the top of a 3 m screen). This is to minimize excessive mixing of the stagnant water in the casing above the screen with the screened interval zone water, and to minimize resuspension of solids which will have collected at the bottom of the well. These two disturbance effects have been shown to directly affect the time required for purging. There also appears to be a direct correlation between size of portable sampling devices relative to the well bore and resulting purge volumes and times. The key is to minimize disturbance of water and solids in the well casing. F. Filtration Decisions to filter samples should be dictated by sampling objectives rather than as a fixfor poor sampling practices, and field -filtering of certain constituents should not be the default. Consideration should be given as to what the application of field -filtration is trying to accomplish. For assessment of truly dissolved (as opposed to operationally dissolved [i.e., samples filtered with 0.45 pm filters]) concen- trations of major ions and trace metals, 0.1 pm filters are recommended although 0.45 pm filters are normally used for most regulatory programs. Alkalinity samples must also be filtered if significant particulate calcium carbonate is sus- pected, since this material is likely to impact alkalinity titration results (although filtration itself may alter the CO2 composition of the sample and, therefore, affect the results). Although filtration may be appropriate, filtration of a sample may cause a number of unintended changes to occur (e.g. oxidation, aeration) possibly leading to filtration -induced artifacts during sample analysis and uncertainty in the results. Some of these unintended changes may be unavoidable but the factors leading to them must be recognized. Deleterious effects can be minimized by consistent application of certain filtration guidelines. Guidelines should address selection of filter type, media, pore size, etc. in order to identify and minimize potential sources of uncertainty when filtering samples. In -line filtration is recommended because it provides better consistency through less sample handling, and minimizes sample exposure to the atmosphere. In -line filters are available in both disposable (barrel filters) and non - disposable (in -line filter holder, flat membrane filters) formats and various filter pore sizes (0.1-5.0 pm). Disposable filter cartridges have the advantage of greater sediment handling capacity when compared to traditional membrane filters. Filters must be pre -rinsed following manufacturer's recom- mendations. If there are no recommendations for rinsing, pass through a minimum of 1 L of ground water following purging and prior to sampling. Once filtration has begun, a filter cake may develop as particles larger than the pore size accumulate on the filter membrane. The result is that the effective pore diameter of the membrane is reduced and particles smaller than the stated pore size are excluded from the filtrate. Possible corrective measures include prefiltering (with larger pore size filters), minimizing particle loads to begin with, and reducing sample volume. G. Monitoring of Water Level and Water Quality Indicator Parameters Check water level periodically to monitor drawdown in the well as a guide to flow rate adjustment. The goal is minimal drawdown (<0.1 m) during purging. This goal may be difficult to achieve under some circumstances due to geologic heterogeneities within the screened interval, and may require adjustment based on site -specific conditions and personal experience. In -line water quality indicator parameters should be continuously monitored during purging. The water quality 7 indicator parameters monitored can include pH, redox potential, conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO) and turbidity. The last three parameters are often most sensitive. Pumping rate, drawdown, and the time or volume required to obtain stabilization of parameter readings can be used as a future guide to purge the well. Measurements should be taken every three to five minutes if the above suggested rates are used. Stabilization is achieved after all parameters have stabilized for three successive readings. In lieu of measuring all five parameters, a minimum subset would include pH, conductivity, and turbidity or DO. Three successive readings should be within ± 0.1 for pH, ± 3% for conductivity, ± 10 my for redox potential, and ± 10% for turbidity and DO. Stabilized purge indicator parameter trends are generally obvious and follow either an exponential or asymptotic change to stable values during purging. Dissolved oxygen and turbidity usually require the longest time for stabilization. The above stabiliza- tion guidelines are provided for rough estimates based on experience. H. Sampling, Sample Containers, Preservation and Decontamination Upon parameter stabilization, sampling can be initiated. If an in -line device is used to monitor water quality parameters, it should be disconnected or bypassed during sample collection. Sampling flow rate may remain at estab- lished purge rate or may be adjusted slightly to minimize aeration, bubble formation, turbulent filling of sample bottles, or loss of volatiles due to extended residence time in tubing. Typically, flow rates less than 0.5 L/min are appropriate. The same device should be used for sampling as was used for purging. Sampling should occur in a progression from least to most contaminated well, if this is known. Generally, volatile (e.g., solvents and fuel constituents) and gas sensitive (e.g., Fez+, CH4, H2S/HS-, alkalinity) parameters should be sampled first. The sequence in which samples for most inorganic parameters are collected is immaterial unless filtered (dis- solved) samples are desired. Filtering should be done last and in -line filters should be used as discussed above. During both well purging and sampling, proper protective clothing and equipment must be used based upon the type and level of contaminants present. The appropriate sample container will be prepared in advance of actual sample collection for the analytes of interest and include sample preservative where necessary. Water samples should be collected directly into this container from the pump tubing. Immediately after a sample bottle has been filled, it must be preserved as specified in the site (QAPP). Sample preservation requirements are based on the analyses being performed (use site QAPP, FSP, RCRA guidance document [U. S. EPA, 1992] or EPA SW-846 [U. S. EPA, 1982] ). It may be advisable to add preservatives to sample bottles in a controlled setting prior to entering the field in order to reduce the chances of improperly preserving sample bottles or introducing field contaminants into a sample bottle while adding the preservatives. The preservatives should be transferred from the chemical bottle to the sample container using a disposable polyethylene pipet and the disposable pipet should be used only once and then discarded. After a sample container has been filled with ground water, a Teflon TM (or tin) -lined cap is screwed on tightly to prevent the container from leaking. A sample label is filled out as specified in the FSP. The samples should be stored inverted at 4°C. Specific decontamination protocols for sampling devices are dependent to some extent on the type of device used and the type of contaminants encountered. Refer to the site QAPP and FSP for specific requirements. I. Blanks The following blanks should be collected: (1) field blank: one field blank should be collected from each source water (distilled/deionized water) used for sampling equipment decontamination or for assisting well development procedures. (2) equipment blank: one equipment blank should be taken prior to the commencement of field work, from each set of sampling equipment to be used for that day. Refer to site QAPP or FSP for specific require- ments. (3) trip blank: a trip blank is required to accompany each volatile sample shipment. These blanks are prepared in the laboratory by filling a 40-mL volatile organic analysis (VOA) bottle with distilled/deionized water. V. Low -Permeability Formations and Fractured Rock The overall sampling program goals or sampling objectives will drive how the sampling points are located, installed, and choice of sampling device. Likewise, site - specific hydrogeologic factors will affect these decisions. Sites with very low permeability formations or fractures causing discrete flow channels may require a unique monitor- ing approach. Unlike water supply wells, wells installed for ground -water quality assessment and restoration programs are often installed in low water -yielding settings (e.g., clays, silts). Alternative types of sampling points and sampling methods are often needed in these types of environments, because low -permeability settings may require extremely low - flow purging (<0.1 Umin) and may be technology -limited. Where devices are not readily available to pump at such low flow rates, the primary consideration is to avoid dewatering of 8 the well screen. This may require repeated recovery of the water during purging while leaving the pump in place within the well screen. Use of low -flow techniques may be impractical in these settings, depending upon the water recharge rates. The sampler and the end -user of data collected from such wells need to understand the limitations of the data collected; i.e., a strong potential for underestimation of actual contami- nant concentrations for volatile organics, potential false negatives for filtered metals and potential false positives for unfiltered metals. It is suggested that comparisons be made between samples recovered using low -flow purging tech- niques and samples recovered using passive sampling techniques (i.e., two sets of samples). Passive sample collection would essentially entail acquisition of the sample with no or very little purging using a dedicated sampling system installed within the screened interval or a passive sample collection device. A. Low -Permeability Formations (<O.1 Umin recharge) 1. Low -Flow Purging and Sampling with Pumps "portable or non -dedicated mode" - Lower the pump (one capable of pumping at <0.1 L/min) to mid -screen or slightly above and set in place for minimum of 48 hours (to lessen purge volume requirements). After 48 hours, use procedures listed in Part IV above regard- ing monitoring water quality parameters for stabiliza- tion, etc., but do not dewater the screen. If excessive drawdown and slow recovery is a problem, then alternate approaches such as those listed below may be better. b. "dedicated mode" - Set the pump as above at least a week prior to sampling; that is, operate in a dedicated pump mode. With this approach significant reductions in purge volume should be realized. Water quality parameters should stabilize quite rapidly due to less disturbance of the sampling zone. 2. Passive Sample Collection Passive sampling collection requires insertion of the device into the screened interval for a sufficient time period to allow flow and sample equilibration before extraction for analysis. Conceptually, the extraction of water from low yielding formations seems more akin to the collection of water from the unsaturated zone and passive sampling techniques may be more appropriate in terms of obtaining "representa- tive" samples. Satisfying usual sample volume requirements is typically a problem with this approach and some latitude will be needed on the part of regulatory entities to achieve sampling objectives. B. Fractured Rock In fractured rock formations, a low -flow to zero purging approach using pumps in conjunction with packers to isolate the sampling zone in the borehole is suggested. Passive multi -layer sampling devices may also provide the most "representative" samples. It is imperative in these settings to identify flow paths or water -producing fractures prior to sampling using tools such as borehole flowmeters and/or other geophysical tools. After identification of water -bearing fractures, install packer(s) and pump assembly for sample collection using low -flow sampling in "dedicated mode" or use a passive sampling device which can isolate the identified water -bearing fractures. VI. Documentation The usual practices for documenting the sampling event should be used for low -flow purging and sampling techniques. This should include, at a minimum: information on the conduct of purging operations (flow -rate, drawdown, water -quality parameter values, volumes extracted and times for measurements), field instrument calibration data, water sampling forms and chain of custody forms. See Figures 2 and 3 and "Ground Water Sampling Workshop -- A Workshop Summary" (U. S. EPA, 1995) for example forms and other documentation suggestions and information. This information coupled with laboratory analytical data and validation data are needed to judge the "useability" of the sampling data. VI1. Notice The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through its Office of Research and Development funded and managed the research described herein as part of its in-house research program and under Contract No. 68-C4-0031 to Dynamac Corporation. It has been subjected to the Agency's peer and administrative review and has been approved for publication as an EPA document. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommenda- tion for use. VIII. References Backhus, D,A., J.N. Ryan, D.M. Groher, J.K. McFarlane, and P.M. Gschwend. 1993. Sampling Colloids and Colloid - Associated Contaminants in Ground Water. Ground Water, 31(3):466-479. Barcelona, M.J., J.A. Helfrich, E.E. Garske, and J.P. Gibb. 1984. A laboratory evaluation of groundwater sampling mechanisms. Ground Water Monitoring Review, 4(2):32-41. Barcelona, M.J. and J.A. Helfrich. 1986. Well construction and purging effects on ground -water samples. Environ. Sci. Technol., 20(11):1179-1184. Barcelona, M.J., H.A. Wehrmann, and M.D. Varljen. 1994. Reproducible well purging procedures and VOC stabilization criteria for ground -water sampling. Ground Water, 32(1):12- 22. Buddemeier, R.W. and J.R. Hunt. 1988. Transport of Colloidal Contaminants in Ground Water: Radionuclide Migration at the Nevada Test Site. Applied Geochemistry, 3: 535-548. Danielsson, L.G. 1982. On the Use of Filters for Distinguish- ing Between Dissolved and Particulate Fractions in Natural Waters. Water Research, 16:179. Enfield, C.G. and G. Bengtsson. 1988. Macromolecular Transport of Hydrophobic Contaminants in Aqueous Environ- ments. Ground Water, 26(1): 64-70. Gschwend, P.M. and M.D. Reynolds. 1987. Monodisperse Ferrous Phosphate Colloids in an Anoxic Groundwater Plume, J. of Contaminant Hydrol., 1: 309-327. Herzog, B., J. Pennino, and G. Nielsen. 1991. Ground -Water Sampling. In Practical Handbook of Ground -Water Moni- toring (D.M. Nielsen, ed.). Lewis Publ., Chelsea, MI, pp. 449- 499. Horowitz, A.J., K.A. Elrick, and M.R. Colberg. 1992. The effect of membrane filtration artifacts on dissolved trace element concentrations. Water Res., 26(6):753-763. Laxen, D.P.H. and I.M. Chandler. 1982. Comparison of Filtration Techniques for Size Distribution in Freshwaters. Analytical Chemistry, 54(8):1350. McCarthy, J.F. and J.M. Zachara. 1989. Subsurface Transport of Contaminants, Environ. Sci. Technol., 5(23):496-502. McCarthy, J.F. and C. Degueldre. 1993. Sampling and Characterization of Colloids and Ground Water for Studying Their Role in Contaminant Transport. In: Environmental Particles (J. Buffle and H.P. van Leeuwen, eds.), Lewis Publ., Chelsea, MI, pp. 247-315. Parker, L.V. 1994. The Effects of Ground Water Sampling Devices on Water Quality: A Literature Review. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 14(2):130-141. Penrose, W.R., W.L. Polzer, E.H. Essington, D.M. Nelson, and K.A. Orlandini. 1990. Mobility of Plutonium and Ameri- cium through a Shallow Aquifer in a Semiarid Region, Environ. Sci. Technol., 24:228-234. Puls, R.W. and M.J. Barcelona. 1989. Filtration of Ground Water Samples for Metals Analyses. Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, 6(4):385-393. Puls, R.W., J.H. Eychaner, and R.M. Powell. 1990. Colloidal - Facilitated Transport of Inorganic Contaminants in Ground Water: Part I. Sampling Considerations. EPA/600/M-90/023, NTIS PB 91-168419. Puls, R.W. 1990. Colloidal Considerations in Groundwater Sampling and Contaminant Transport Predictions. Nuclear Safety, 31(1):58-65. Puls, R.W. and R.M. Powell. 1992. Acquisition of Representa- tive Ground Water Quality Samples for Metals. Ground Water Monitoring Review, 12(3):167-176. Puls, R.W., D.A. Clark, B.Bledsoe, R.M. Powell, and C.J. Paul. 1992. Metals in Ground Water: Sampling Artifacts and Reproducibility. Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials, 9(2): 149-162. Puls, R.W. and C.J. Paul. 1995. Low -Flow Purging and Sampling of Ground -Water Monitoring Wells with Dedicated Systems. Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, 15(1):116-123. Ryan, J.N. and P.M. Gschwend. 1990. Colloid Mobilization in Two Atlantic Coastal Plain Aquifers. Water Resour. Res., 26: 307-322. Thurnblad, T. 1994. Ground Water Sampling Guidance: Development of Sampling Plans, Sampling Protocols, and Sampling Reports. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. U. S. EPA. 1992. RCRA Ground -Water Monitoring: Draft Technical Guidance. Office of Solid Waste, Washington, DC EPA/530/R-93/001, NTIS PB 93-139350. U. S. EPA. 1995. Ground Water Sampling Workshop -- A Workshop Summary, Dallas, TX, November 30 - December 2, 1993. EPA/600/R-94/205, NTIS PB 95-193249, 126 pp. U. S. EPA. 1982. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, EPA SW-846. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, D.C. 10 Figure 2. Ground Water Sampling Log Project Well Depth Sampling Device Measuring Point. Sampling Personnel JType of Samples Collected Site Well No. Screen Length Well Diameter Tubing type Otherinfor Information: 2 in = 617 mllft, 4 in = 2470 mllft: Volcyi = nr2h, Vol„ha.e = 413rr r3 Date Casing Type Water Level 11 r�z Figure 3. Ground Water Sampling Log (with automatic data logging for most water quality parameters) Project Well Depth Sampling Device Measuring Point_ Sampling Personnel Type of Samples Collected Site Well No. Screen Length Well Diameter Tubing type Otherinfor Information: 2 in = 617 ml/ft, 4 in = 2470 ml/ft: Vol�y, = rrr2h, Vol,ph.. = 4/3Tr r3 Date Casing Type Water Level 12 Z 0 Q$U Y K at✓Ya�YB �� ` ��— r+ A_ LEGEND : LFG-1 - SURVEYED LOCATION OF METHANE MONITORING PROBE SW-1 . APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF SURFACE WATER MONITORING POINT MW-18 A CURRENT LOCATION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL IAW-22 Q PROPOSED LOCATION OF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LFC-10 * PROPOSED LOCATION OF METHANE PROBE TOPOGRAPHIC & GEOLOGIC LEGEND: TOPOGRAPHIC SURFACE CONTOUR IN FEET ABOVE MSL STREAM OR CREEK PROPERTY BOUNDARY !_ ■ ■ PROPOSED PHASE 4 AND 5 WASTE BOUNDARY SOIL STOCKPILE AREA 2537.02 GROUNDWATER ELEVATION (FEET MSL) GROUNDWATER EQUIPOTENFIAL CONTOUR (FEET MSL) PHASE 5 EXCAVATION LIMITS PROPOSED PHASE 6 EXCAVATION LIMITS REFERENCES: j, DRAWINGTITLED "PHASE 4 & 5 PROPOSED LAYOUT" WHITE OAK LANDFILL, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FIGURE I, PREPARED BY SANTEK ENVIRONMENTAL OF NORTH CAROLINA, LLC; SANTEK JOB NUMBER NC 10-1420 2- AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY DATED MAY 4, 2015 & MAY 21, 2019, 3. DRAWING TITLED "BORING LOCATION PLAN" WI IITE OAK LANDFILL, HAYWOOD COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, FIGURE 3, PREPARED BY BUNNELL-LAMMONS ENGINEERING, INC; BILE PROJECT NUM BER J07-1957-02 4- SURVEYING FOR NEW PI EZOMETERS AND BORINGS IN THE PHASE 4 & 5 AREA WAS PERFORMED BY SANTEK ti. .,Po....� - REDLINE �P �j� ww-14 Q+� ` . 400 200 0 200 400 r 2810.J9 . 1 h SCALE -- ► WATER QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SANTEK1. MONITORING SYSTEM ��+1 x 4 ►� _A_ fis025lII S r RIJI NW rlRnwK' I,YtvlNzn l Surrl; 1nu �1 �L