HomeMy WebLinkAbout6015_HensonsCompost_renewal_20200205HENSONS'INC. PINEVILLE WOOD YARD OPERATIONS PLAN January 28, 2020 Prepared for: Hensons' Inc. P.O. Box 1060 Tryon, North Carolina 28782 Phone: 828-859-5836 Fax: 828-859-9091 Prepared by: E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. 1130 Kildaire Farm Road, Suite 200 Cary, North Carolina 27511 Phone: 919-460-6266 Fax: 919-460-6798 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 W_ : O]NCO1► MM Section 1 Page 1.0 — Introduction...................................................................................................... 1 Section 2 2.0 —Standard Facility Operations......................................................................... 1 2.1— Erosion Control................................................................................................ 2 2.2 — Leachate Treatment......................................................................................... 2 2.3 — Site Access and Signs........................................................................................ 2 2.4 — Dust Control...................................................................................................... 2 2.5 — Fires.................................................................................................................... 3 2.6 — Product Distribution........................................................................................ 3 2.7 — Hours of Operation.......................................................................................... 3 2.8 — Process Flow Diagram..................................................................................... 3 Figure 1— Process Flow Diagram............................................................................. AFTER PG. 3 2.8.1— Processing Equipment..................................................................... 3 2.8.2 — Receiving and Inspection................................................................ 4 2.8.3 — Grinding............................................................................................ 4 2.8.4 — Screening.......................................................................................... 4 2.8.5 — Composting........................................................................................... 5 Section 3 3.0 — General.............................................................................................................. 5 3.1— Personal Hygiene............................................................................................. 5 3.2 — Personal Protective Equipment.................................................................... 5 3.3 — Mechanical Equipment Hazard Prevention ................................................. 6 3.4 — Employee Health and Safety......................................................................... 6 3.4.1— Fire Extinguisher............................................................................. 6 3.4.2 — Physical Exposure........................................................................... 7 3.5 — Facility Emergency Phone Numbers............................................................. 7 3.6 —Organizational Charts....................................................................................... 8 APPENDICES Appendix A —Zoning Letter Appendix B —Site Plan & Location Appendix C — Site Sign Appendix D — Manufacturer's Information Sheets E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 1.0 -INTRODUCTION Hensons' Inc. (Hensons') owns and operates a solid waste treatment /processing and composting facility in Pineville, North Carolina. The facility processes land clearing debris, clean wood, stumps, brush, limbs, untreated wood and silviculture waste. Leaves are also composted at this facility. This operational plan details the activities that will be accomplished at the facility. The site is zoned General Industrial, and the proposed operation is permitted under this zoning. A letter from the Mecklenburg County Engineering and Building Standards Department documenting zoning approval is included in Appendix A. 2.0 -STANDARD FACILITY OPERATIONS Facility Name: Hensons' Inc. (6015TP-Compost) 13010 Lancaster Hwy. Pineville, NC 28134 704-543-9952 Facility Manager: John Elms Contact Info: 704-543-9952/828-817-0023 Facility Operator: Ellis M. Fincher, III. Hensons' Inc. P.O. Box 1060 Tryon, North Carolina 28782 Phone: 828-859-5836/828-817-0372 The facility will accept various types of wood waste to include land clearing debris, clean wood, stumps, brush, limbs, untreated wood and silviculture waste. Construction and demolition (C&D) waste will not be processed on site. The wood waste materials will be processed such that the materials are recycled and marketable products are produced. Leaves will also be accepted for compost processing. The following sections outline the standard operating procedures for the facility. E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 2.1 -EROSION CONTROL All sedimentation and erosion control activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to include the Charlotte — Mecklenburg Land Development Standards and 15A NCAC 4 (Sedimentation Pollution control Law). Erosion control and sedimentation devices are inspected weekly and after rain events to ensure compliance and functionality. Erosion control and Sedimentation devices are maintained by using Best Management Practices (BMP). 2.2 - LEACHATE TREATMENT The wood waste and mulch piles are constructed such that they drain and ponding of water on site does not occur. The runoff from the site will be collected in three sedimentation basins as shown on the attached plan. Berms, diversion ditches, stone filter check dams and/or hay bales will be utilized to direct and filter leachate runoff from the compost pile. Specifically, the site will not cause a discharge of materials or fill materials into water or wetlands of the state that is in violation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, nor shall the facility cause a discharge of pollutants into waters of the state that is in violation of the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act. 2.3 - SITE ACCESS AND SIGNS Site access will be controlled through an earth / mulch berm, fence and entrance gate as shown on the site footprint in Appendix B. Uncontrolled public access is not allowed. An operator will be on duty at the site while the facility is open for public use. The entrance gate will be locked when an operator is not on site to prevent illegal dumping. The road to the site is maintained to allow all-weather access. A sign shown in Appendix C is posted at the entrance to the facility 2.4 - DUST CONTROL Dust at the facility can be reduced by wetting the wood piles, site roads and utilizing spray nozzles installed on the grinder. E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 2.5 — FIRES To prevent fires, dusty and dry conditions should be avoided. Operators will spray water on piles if required. If a pile of material does catch fire, a loader or excavator will be used to separate the unburned material from the burning material and prevent the fire from spreading. The fire department and Mecklenburg Land Use and Environmental Services Agency (LUESA) will be notified in case of a fire. In addition, access around the site will be maintained to allow equipment access and prevent the fire from spreading. 2.6 — PRODUCT DISTRIBUTION The finished product is marketed in bulk form and retail sales for landscaping projects. A maximum storage capacity of six months' worth of material will be allowed on site. This will allow material to be stockpiled prior to the peak marketing periods in the spring and the fall. If greater than six months' worth of finished material is stored on site and cannot be marketed, it will be removed from the site. The amount of compost material received by this facility will be less than 6,000 cubic yards per quarter or 2 acres in size as required for a Type 1 small composting facility. 2.7 — HOURS OF OPERATION Hours of operation at the facility may extend from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Saturday. Typical hours of operation to be posted on the facility entrance gate will be Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 2.8 — PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM Figure 1 shows the facility process flow diagram. The following sections describe the process. 2.8.1— Processing Equipment Equipment to be utilized on site includes portable tub grinders, front end loaders, excavators and portable screens. Manufacturer's information sheets are included in Appendix D. E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 REJECTS WOOD T WASTE • --►- RECEIVING & i INERT `INSPECTION DEBRIS M I-, • INERT DEBRIS FILL MATERIAL FIGURE I PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM HENSONS' PINEVILLE WOOD WARD (Phis diagram shows T&P process only_) MULCH ------ GRINDING 10 -____-,-___1, .STORAG] f f 'avers 1 ' Overs Y1' OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL SCREENING f SCREENING f Unders. Unders ---------- TOPSOIL ISTORAGE 4 - -----J TO MARKET TO MARKET �► Primary Process Plow --------- ` Optional Process Flow The tub grinder will be a Diamond Z Model PWG 1463 or a similar type grinder. This type of tub grinder has a processing capacity of approximately 65 tons per hour depending on the screen size utilized. Based on six hours per day of operating time for a tub grinder, with one grinder on site, the facility's maximum processing rate will double to 780 tons per day The screen will be a portable trommel Model PT 6275 or Model PT 727 as manufactured by GDS Screens or a similar screen. This type of trommel screen has a processing capacity of approximately 75 tons per hour depending on screen size and moisture content of the material. 2.8.2 — Receiving and Inspection Incoming trucks will be directed to the office area. Loads will be inspected and unacceptable material will not be allowed on site. The type of material (wood waste) will be determined and the truck will be directed to the appropriate unloading area. Incoming compost material will be inspected before unloading. Once unloaded, all waste and compost material will be inspected again. Unacceptable materials for both operations will be loaded on the delivery truck for transportation off site. 2.8.3 — Grinding The primary process flow will include stockpiling wood waste in the appropriate storage area prior to grinding. Stockpiling of more material than can be ground in a 30 day period will not be allowed. Material will be stockpiled and a portable grinder will be brought on site to perform the grinding operations. After grinding, the material will be stored in the mulch storage area. 2.8.4 — Screening Optional screening may occur prior to grinding or after grinding depending on the type of wood waste. The overs from the screening process will be ground or stored with the mulch. Unders from the screening process will mainly be dirt and stored in the topsoil storage area E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 2.8.5 — Composting Leaves will be composted at this site. The leaf material is received and placed in windrows prior to processing as is the wood waste material. The wood waste material and leaf material is ground separately utilizing a Diamond Z industrial tub grinder. These materials will again be placed in separate windrows and the temperature will be measured using a temperature probe. After the material has obtained a temperature of 131 degrees Fahrenheit for three consecutive days, it will be turned (aerated) using a Komatsu PC 200 excavator with a grapple or bucket. The materials will then be marketed with directions for the product. 3.0 — GENERAL The wood waste processed contains minimal pathogenic organisms. In any event, general worker health and safety procedures should be followed. The following are some general recommendations for the health and safety of workers at the facility. 3.1— PERSONAL HYGIENE The following personal hygiene recommendations should be stressed as common practices to all operators. • Wash hands before eating, drinking or smoking • Wash, disinfect and bandage ANY cut, no matter how small it is. Any break in the skin can become a source of infection. Change bandages frequently and wear protective clothing or equipment over the wound. • Keep fingernails closely trimmed and clean (dirty nails can harbor pathogens). Individuals who are highly debilitated or have severe allergies or asthma should not be employed to work around wood processing equipment. 3.2 — PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be evaluated as to the level of protection necessary for particular operating conditions and then made available to facility employees. The list below includes the PPE typically used and/or required when working with wood processing equipment. E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 • Safety shoes • Noise reduction protection should be used in areas where extended exposure to continuous high decibel levels is expected. • Dust filter masks Following use, PPE's should be disposed of or adequately cleaned, dried and readied for reuse. 3.3 — MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT HAZARD PREVENTION The loaders, grinder and screen should be operated with care and caution. All safety equipment such as horns and lights should be functional. Detailed safety procedures are included with the manufacturer's literature. 3.4 — EMPLOYEE HEATH AND SAFETY Some general safety rules are: • Makes sure that you understand the job that has to be done. Review the equipment O&M Manual prior to attempting repairs/changes. • Use common sense when attempting a job. Use the safest way to get the work done, including using the proper equipment and tools. • Use the buddy system in case of repair or mechanical equipment (have a co- worker stand guard). • Keep the right attitude towards safety. Lack of awareness or a careless attitude can lead to accidents. • Make sure you know where the first aid kit and fire extinguishers are located. Understand how to use the first aid kit. 3.4.1— Fire Extinguisher Potential fire hazards at the wood waste processing facility are created from build-up of fine dry dust particles on and around operational motors and control panels. The presence of these build-ups can cause overheating and potential fire if periodic equipment cleaning and maintenance are not practiced. Portable fire extinguishers should be maintained in a state of readiness at the grinder and screen locations and on each piece of moving equipment. E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 3.4.2 — Physical Exposure Facility personnel who may come in contact with physical exposure on the job should be kept aware of health aspects associated with the fluids, solids and airborne constituents found at the facility. Training concerning safe work practices around these potential exposures should be conducted. The major physical exposure at the facility is from dust. Excessive dust can be a health hazard as a result of its irritating effect on eyes and mucous membranes if proper PPE, such as eye protective goggles and dust filter masks, are not worn by all personnel in the affected areas. During periods of extremely dry weather, excessive dust can be controlled by spraying wood piles and access roads with water. Goggles and dust masks should be worn regardless in "dusty" conditions. 3.5 — FACILITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Main Office: Hensons' Inc. Wood Waste Processing Facility P.O. Box 1060 Tryon, North Carolina 28782 Phone: 828-859-5836 Fax: 828-859-9091 Facility: Hensons' Inc. (6015TP-Compost) 13010 Lancaster Hwy. Pineville, NC 28134 Facility Manager: John Elms Contact Info: 704-543-9952/828-817-0023 Facility Operator: Ellis M. Fincher, III. Hensons' Inc. P.O. Box 1060 Tryon, North Carolina 28782 Phone: 828-817-0372 EMERGENCY MEDICAL / FIRE / POLICE SERVICES 911 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Hensons Inc. Administrative Overview Elis M. finchor III pmWent Amer FkXh!Y - McEnl VICE-Preii(kM PJYMWLdkn&m GLg Gibbs John Modho Randy Rpn Jim Runioy Benny Smith Real Gnndnaoperaaons T Mantanam Colxdom MongWAccoune Pay&e Qp@Mmffw M-W 0pE��entwis Mwnayer He-nsons. Inc. Organizational Overview Hensons' Inc. Wood Waste Recyclkng & Property Management Hensons' Mulch Hensons' Mulch Hensons' Mulch Hensons' Mulch Hensons' Mulch &More Hensons' Mulch Hensons' Mulch &More &Mare & More& More 'Tryon, &, More Pineville, & More Greer, Asheville, NC SimpWnwille, SC 5partanhurg, SC Spartanburg, SC NC Yard Yard NC Yard SC Yard Yard Hwy 176 Yard Blackstock Yard Corporate pfeers & Administrative (Office management, accounting. payrol I, estimating,job q uotes, collections etc,) Field Operati-QELsf5-ia d (Grinding,yard, shop and property management operations) Sales& Marketing (Advertising customer relations,sales, sch edu I i ng, di spatch. product management} En-PineeringfTechnology {Computer & technology support. yard planning, compliance, reporting, permitting. civil and mech. design) Appendix A Zoning Letter E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 MECKLENBURG COUNTY _ Engineering & Building Standards Department April 29, 1998 Hensons' Inc. Ellis M. Fincher, Vice President P.O. Box 1060 Tryon, NC 28782 Dear Mr. Fincher: The parcel of land located at 13011 Lancaster Highway and further identified as tax parcel number 22L-111-20 is zoned GI .(General Tndustrial Permitted uses include a wood recycling processing facility and other uses referenced in Section 6-1 of the Town of Pineville Zoning Ordinance. To the best cf my. knowledge there are no current zoning violations at the subject property. If this office can be of any further assistance, please contact us. (704) 336-4682. Sincerely, Zoning Ins0ector Form B-150 NS (2/98) 1111.1 PEOPLE • PRIDE • PROGRESS 700 North Tryon Street • Charlotte. North Carolina 28202 . (704)11r,-7R11 . Taw rynd)'111 ..IQAA E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 130/22i1955 22:1,4 7�t-5a=-l�J^_3 PLPt" PA13E 6_ MECKLENBURG COUNTY Engineering & Building Standards Department May 6, 1998 W. P. Mohle 1950 Antler Drive Catawba, SC 29704 Dear Mr Mohle: Mecklenburg County and the City of Charlotte have implemented a computer enhanced 911 E.we. sn tcy -Stem. This System relies on tht use of street address--4 to aispau:h emergency vehicles, i_e. fire, police, ambulance, etc, To be a part of this system and utilize the services it P—m ides, it is vltal that you di'splay your Correct sireer address. The Yietkicri`o'rug County Engineering and Building Standards Department is responsible fcr administering the Street Address Ordinance (Copy enclosed), We have reviewed the addresses on the street where your property is located and have made the following changes that are necessary to reflect your correct street address: Property Identification: 13011 Lancaster Hy New Address 13010 Lancaster Hy (We apologize for error on our part and incortveni- Tax Parcel: 221-1 11-'_0 ence it may cause vou.) The Street Address Ordinance requires that the assigned street address be displayed within 30 days or receipt of dtis notice. This address has been given to the Tax, Dire, Police, and Medic Departments. Please notify your local post office, the telephone, and appropriate utility companies. If you have leased the property, please give the tenant the new address. i Tf there are questions concerning the newly assigned address, contact this o$ce at 336-6175. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, �[T7lcXG /J-Cat�h��4,� •- Rhonda Buckner GIS Address Coordinator Ezic PEOPLE • PRIDE • PROGRESS 700 North Tryon Street • Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 - (704)336-1831 i Fax (704)336-3846 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Appendix B Site Plan E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 mma�Rcp pwe l 1 13N SET A6 _fir _�.T.-V+ __��Shcs'/.`• ��� � olv6ee�Xe V � Hen.sous' Tryon, RC 8$&859-5636 x�✓ULLM AREA MANUFAMRING AREA STORAGE AREA ze• x �sn SERRaRJT Ef1151N WI RR RAP WEIR p1VNErtCN MANUFACTURING AREA A STORAGE AREA 20'x 66• I61ENT B'k W RIP RAP WEIR l� 6 RCP • wIFES 7 8G� o { { WETLANDS r' { { { 1 RIP RAP { cxecx UAIA SERIME.TAX— { PINEVILLE YARD SCALEI" � 100'. 10o s0 0 100 .200 Date: 01128120 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Mulch & More - Pineville, N Hensons' Inc. Mulch & More Pineville Retail Yard (A permitted wood waste disposal facility.) Permit#60-15 TP 13010 Lancaster Hwy. Pineville, NC 28134 Phone. (704)543-9952 Fax: (704) 543-0229 Hours: M-F 7:00am-4:45 pm, Sat 8:00am -12:45 pm (Sato relay hours are seasonal) hensonspineville@gmaii.com Established: 1998 r fill z AM 13010 Lancaster Hwy f 13010 Lancaster Hwy, Pineville. NC Directions 28134 s .� view larger reap p � C n� V 5 Hens; ,' Inc.: C . MULCH&Mt][�a A d fear i X I Synagrc Technologies 9 r 13010 Lancaster Highway Hen5ons' Inc Mulch & More M1111pine Creek Go gle Map data rZO20 Tens 0f Uje Rppri a map error E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Appendix C Site Sign E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 • OWNER/OPERATOR: Hensons' Inc. • PERMIT NO. 60-15-TP • MATERIALS ACCEPTABLE: Yard Waste Land Clearing Debris Inert Construction Debris Clean/Untreated and Unpainted Wood Waste Silviculture Waste Others - See Operator • EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: Operator:(' 828 ) 859-5836 Emergency: 911 • HOURS OF OPERATION: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Appendix D Manufacturer's Information Sheets E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 CALDWELL, ID14HO USA (200) 585-2929 'the 1463B is the standard by which all tub grinders are measured. No other grinder can match its power (up to 1,200 horsepower), production, or its versatility, It grinds wood waste, green waste, and even tires at unparalleled rates. Since the first one produced in 1988, the 1463B has continued to out -perform the competition, resulting in the industry's highest resale value. Please visit our website for More information. www.DiamondZ.com ❑ ZT14638 MRSEP❑WER: 1050 TO 1200 TRRNSMISSl❑N: FLUID COUPLING DRIVE LENGTH: 4E' WIDTH: HEIGHT: 14' WEIGHT: 9Ei,❑❑❑ LES SCREEN RRER; 6,795 S❑IN PRODUCTION RATES: 120 tph or 800 yph STANDARD FEATURES: Radio remote control, choice screens, engine cover, fluid coupling miff drive Weights vary depending on options. Diamond 2 reserves the right to improve our products and make changes without notice. Actual products may vary. F i �!i�rm��t�l Z CALDWELL, MAHO USA (208) 585-2929 Being the most versatile grinder in the market, the 1460E makes short work of C&D material, railroad ties, green waste, stumps, passenger tires, and many other materials. 0 i The compact, mobile 1352B with powerful engine options ranging from 650 hp to 860 hp, aggressively process up to 85 tons ground material per hour. r`r� 13 n� Please visit our website for snore information. www.DiamondZ.com ,�i�i11■ M ❑ZT14F3❑B TF ❑ZT1352B H❑R5EP❑WER: 13so H75 TRRNSMISSI❑N: FLUID ECUPLING ❑RIVE FLUID COUPLING ❑RIVE LENGTH: 336" 3FTB„ WIC]TH: ll'll" 11'll" HEIGHT: LUEIGHT: 63,0130 LBS 55.❑❑❑ LSS SCREEN RRER. 3.960 SGIN I 3,1415 SGIN PRODUCTION RATES: DZT1460B. up to 95 tph or 665 yph; DZT1352B up to 85 tph or 595 yph STANDARD FEATURES: Radio remote control, tool box, choice screens, engine cover, fluid coupling mill drive, all track mounted machines come with 24" (640mm) wide pads (20" and 32" available on most models). Weights vary depending on options. Widths based on 500 mm tracks or Transporter width. Diamond Z reserves the aright to improve our products and make changes without notice. Actual products may vary. 0 CA�_6WELL, 1[3AHO USA (208) 585-2929 N6—/ %Wr The DZT8000's short, compact and durable design maximizes mobility and stability. Its heaver -built frame design and aggressive 61-inch hammermill allow for increased production capacities of up to 105 tons per hour. The 8000 model combines Diamond Z's user-friendly engineering philosophies with innovative features that improve on -site mobility and enhanced overall appearance. Please visit our website for More information. www.DiameadZ.com 8❑❑❑ SERIES SPECS 5 ' k r r r JErm .. - - ❑ZTBOOO DZTBOOOTKT HORSEPOWER: HMO 1050 TRgN5M155I0N: FLUI❑ COUPLING ❑RIVE FL UIO COUPLING ❑RIVE LENGTH: 4111" 45'e" WI❑TH: 11'S" 11'11" HEIGHT: 19,81 14'LF, WEIGHT: 77,000 LEIS 95,❑❑❑ LEIS SCREEN FIRER: 7.BOO S❑IN' 4,900 S❑IN PRODUCTION RATES: DZT8000: up to 105 tint or 735 yph; DZT8000TKT up to 105 tph or 735 yph STANDARD FEATURES: Radio remote control, tool box, choice screens, engine cover, fluid coupling mill drive, all track mounted machines come with 24" (600mm) wide pads (20" and 32" available on most models). Weights vary depending on options. Widths based on 500 mm tracks or Transporter width. Diamond Z reserves the right to improve our products and make changes without notice. Actual products may vary. KOMAfSU (9) PC200-w PC200L< w RC E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 HYDRAULIC EXOWATOR P 00 LC-8mo spEcrFrcarronrs InE14C.114C. ® =1KQ $F5TEN Model . . . . . . . ............ . ......... Kanum SWD1 o7E-1 Type ........... ......... WiltaM1c;&Ed. 4-cycle, direct injEctian Aspiration ................ . ..... . . Turw&arged, aftencc� Nun Lroftiylindws .....................................6 Sore ............................................ ID7 mm Slmke................................---------- 124 mm Pistm diqDWmnmM .................... .----------- jr,s9L Horselocner GAEJ1B95--------.. .................Gna5s1101iW 147HP ISD 92+48 f SA€ JM9+9............. . . . ...Nk 103 kW 13o HP Reed rpm ............... ..,,.... ....... 20DD mirk' Fan drim molrod kr rATwwCtDDkQ .. ........ hilechwkal m Qweor---. . . ... .......... . ....+e'd caraid, electronic U & EPA TQa aid 1=1 Sage J4 �+.� agwAleb HYDRAULICS Type.. HydreuMind [Hydraulic Mesharcal linWlgence Mm Design) system, closed -center system wkh kwd sensing wakes end pretl weovr9wwabedvaires Number of selectable wo kirg madft .................. .-.. -a Main pump: Type --------------------- Van"CAf arisbmtype Pumps for- - - .. - - - PJtmti aTl1L budwL sw l g. aid mud aiails IA"rrrjmfkrw................................. AmUrrn Suppby for exmd cicui ... .. ............ 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I ..„.................23.1 L Final drioe (Each Si.................................3.6 L Dining dF.ae.........................................6.s L HyCkaulicCemk.......................•------------..135 L OPmRATING NAAta64T tAwPftoram,vEt 0W=rg Wei�g!!A rKMWp $700 mm Pm boar% 2B25 mm errs. SAE J 296 heaped 0 4ti0 err` DaC3 *a bsucke>4 named aapadty of lubricant, onokaMfare%ill a"k ci w mrK, and stedt'iatd e[jmWr-1 K-M M PD20mirlm op —my kind OWaurg G,rciri F,sfaw* WPW IiOUmrn u 1_gC9kg draikh OAF kW ��� 4S1kP- a44kyar 700 min 20200 kg 0.41 ' 21180 k9 1137.2 9 kgrcrr fla-0 min 2059 k9 9 36 kyw pi40Q eg a M kgrcn' E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 MACHSIONS AM LMO lw mm U10 0% ?M MM 1L DwJ bro IM mn 9195 mm 11 mm 1G P4:IW BMD 6M mn 665 mm 5F90mm 5m mm 4011mm WM mm DMA hpft 00 tap d dam¢ 299E mm 3190 mm "On mm MD-1-MG PC240LS-PO p OYWAWI i 2"!CcM- 3194mm e; 4�eShc [TakPalenpi 3C40 Mr 34t4mm r Gm rpd dWnrgwc*o--j'r. G 6.ddvtlhYgFN*+ri ii mm ltR� H -1d rvfPA 2750 Y �59� I --xk w 321SY 3MR- a --z* knqO 40170 Y ;iwTpn R Tom# 220O Y FBB: mm L WW9,pr. M 3DBJmm 5�wf4h I 6OOTvn i'JDmm w 4x 26 inn n mm 4 Mahm a& 2-04tinn 2995 mm F Mahm 9111 tt-m 2714 nm 7P10 mtn 4 Dwwa . OhwePFMand 2714mm 2710mtn FORKING pANGE Arm Lerpo cw zmY msl A 41a. BM04 i6LC _m IPMi 10n rr 0 wp.effl Ovbpog gm 711g m- e iwt 6M t t m- D Mx M W9 66M mm SA 30 mn M nr.. E alsvt:x7++0a.m7wd S33DMM 5790mn EPOM-. F M.. hw:h d950 mm 5380 mm 9BT5 mm p M.. &WV MO* d000 mm 911A mm gm mn ■I gatd 1kd N Mn.w'' t�dwa 3G70mm n mm 9LbQmn Brktedg"WN 12kN 13SM 136k15 =.c al aanef C, 16000 kg 141CO kg 111 D] hi g-- kmav*dkrM 119kN 121.k4 101k11 It Pwrt• rml, 14290kg 1 H.:: , a 1 O3GO kq 3LrkMdggAgb= 177kN 1:,'1 1+9kM - � at Pa u rr4 t. ladn 6g 152UO ky Arm avadkn4 14SkM i't4 MOM atpmer- . I 1"WH* I ISi"kg 91000ky E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR P 0 0 IL-amo MLIMN CAPACITY WITH LIFrU4G MODE k P44ch kwnaWhg �: I�11C147L hDG�E h1 {` L�unp CIR'u%rY C1; AwwQ am iron: Cs: " over Salo 0: i abn Al nwim-im reach 5700 MM 4*� Pax* bwn 4.6 rrp SM J M hmped d k&A Shoe wk M: -BOG-BMO SM mmtV& grouser PCOM- MP pm rW mm 3.dcrt 0.9 m' SSE J 2M ham. J Shea 5M as V* 9 S 75� 5Aph i {* GF Cf NM5KMp0 Ca C1 b p Gr !f r 75- 'y1g4 'S140 'MM 'S9h1 kq IWO '+140 t'r4G 7440 - `rMk5 kq 45M AW 1�R7..4�1'4 'M84 asokq •1UMkg '3M 9A- 7" +#.�Ok4 fig=' M 2654MM ISM FW 5bkg 79Okg M50kg H+6404 n+<cnkg `Mk9 4 3PN 7Wb0 3700 230p HMk elm Mkq -LOB ak4p 1795 5F00 H?64k E3s8 Sd60 *96CC *SAC' -310m 5fwkg dM kg I I 5359ho I 1]d4 k4 E6rfrr kp S?M kg '130CC-q I 1M".q PC wllp Am A10 mm mat O.0 m' SSE J 2K timed 5ft pO} ms pla prWw 7.5 a LDe itK4OM G Cf C� of C' hi C4 fil 7.5 iw '#5W kC AM kp rill m 925p 3W k CLW +OWI k d 5 •r 364p k0 kg 269akg 5450 Fg 799Uk5 I90d k9 t4 .g Hm NKk0 1 4eg 25M kg %M kg XNk4 'atiSL' :g SM kg 1.5m 230 MW 2550 5d-50 1p" SSG' S&LCO- 34" }740k9 nMkg 5754� W # k9 53fiCq 7MIq 'T990 kq tri!! #750 1650 2254 5m m #1�0 SM 19M '9344 *rr44 '!!W - E:� 1 711pk1 5750 # 0 i10d 'HBO 1QG94 '1%4 4MIy ►g 535dkg •116fAlgl 14100 PCZRHM A m M ® 0 DA WPSU J 2% Nomd %ft M ffp sib r"- & C! (k a Cs Ea G CF r, Of G CI Gs TSm 'M k4 'M ko 14950 k4 "buM 5.9m '2?W kg OW kg '3100kg 2600kg 'i250 +140Mg 5.5m -UK 1 4003kg 26SOkg 4959kg 3WOkg --LouL9 '4EMkg 3.0m 'MW 7p48 kj AM9 24SDkg M54k MO kg 'I M Lq S 0 kg -116C0 kg imu 1.5m 26wW 1gp8k4 'Y00kg 2300kg 5494kg 3 44kp A100kg 5330kg %Mkg '6800 kg Om min IDN14 3&00kg 22DDkg 5190k i7nnka 310dY 4%fl kq '5150 kg '5159 -1.5m HHpO Mmin M0k 2150 kq M90 6g 191 dlddk i350 'fie} '43C17 'Seo 'SEW -0 9 m k9 ICW kg �050 k, J I :0 4 M kg iWa kg 'r4M kg 9&54 '4104 Rd8 kg -4.5- 5740 kq 1 i56d kd 1 A'M 5106 kq 1 `1797A ki I fWW '1nudis'r Wbw%*a&L*W'rnd—renW0}=.icyI.modmSFFJIM. ROW 10W%%nxeeeM!Q%d*kwkIkGMFK4p QT5%uf4ppr %" E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 " LIFT'tNC- CAPACITY WITH LIFTING h7DDC A: PAwh fmra swing D rber 9; Bucket hook Wght 0 LifOng capacky Cf: Radrq over !mma Ca; Pw'q war size q$; RlDr9 in mmdrnLm rew3 Li • 5704 mm 4r4Peo$ �Qw • ti.a rw SM J M Noped Ixrfcet • Shw W4%: -pUOOLO4w 7OO — UW-: 9UUw F OMLC4M km r AU mn 9LdjEtCLS E3W J 2% Fed 'rye r 00 ars rok J4 aim 7J5. GO r 4.5 m SA rn to m i! G � C! d � Oi cc Cf W 7.5— 'S'44 S10d --va 'ga 6t}� -RwEi a1SDrg IWW - •g 'Smig diltw W"M ylb'54 4758 kg 2900 kq 46000ka W 'I330w 7HU kq 'IM kg '19350 a0m 457k9 M5kg UOkg 29Nkg E900ka 4M61 •9100:g WOtg 1& I ,�kq }4 ifiWkg 2T69kg 6190k 4QpYg 90�00:g 6100kg 4ww [gS} M04 6559k 3W6 10FA11 kq -itiww 5<S}kg 3?SSkq 6599kq J000Yg •18d00kg 59tq •96fa}41 '95?0 UN Z,.w kq 6✓f59 kg No '4FS0 kq 6100 `t3W0 12254 P km %tab mm &ckx 4.9 m' SAE J M Fmped S wrt r00 rat"* ffMRff '16" kMX TEE U■ LEM UMIJI■ 1« CI CF Cf Ca CF Cr of Ca Cr Caw Ci 7.$ Y •�500 I&N k Los Y250 JSNk 'nwio 4 # 4.0r '{300ko 2950kg 4wN 3C. ' _ 'i�SO� #0pr0 MUM k9 U0 42-A 2w 4� 2S- 'FAN � 62i9 kq t.e. ++00kq 468rg UON :s- _ WN aG0oba -1t�ssary L-A g 0. QN 14 2waa "ON Yg A ig 59tA kg ^ x9 kg 'f914 -1.F. 4106 :756ko 4i56 2;, 6599 Mkg lasso J999 Kg '93W kq '93 979Ck: FdoNg VAOL§ 5550 9604 •1M30.9 6MKg '149kkg '2h0 '11wq W •9]00 kq 6r0 `116Sr1 '1i660 KWMr- xF} " ?M mn mmkft 0.9 M1 SAE J 296 Wiped 5hw to) mn q* FDLV. 9brAx 7.6m {.4m :=_m 3.0m 1is 9 U C. ti ra q G Cf N CF to Do C+ 7.§m 'Fmkq pWk 'dG59k '"Ok 5.4 - 'g 5C kg 21501il •2100 kg 3959 kg 'tM kq '&M k4 4.5- *Vwkt 21.60 4600 ky 2000kg MS59 WQ ',6W kq U)M TM W 2250kg 4090kg 2850kg '540akq +h7flkq 1Mkq GM4 •11946kq 'gifpq 1.5.- '7290kq t g 46-0Okg ?FAkg 5RGSq ]4 4 rq cmin4 Yg 151190 kq 0- 7700 2XO kq 45H ky 21MM 55W-Lq 14658L9 -1.5 m e15A k4 ?a 60 tg 44i0 Yg 2559 Ng {b750tir, 1 "34 1UN kg S1 S0 rg 193MLY 11M 1150 ka •6116014 -Igm +A SA 25100 61501Q }fbd kg '104N SAd9 kq -IUWLg IINQ 10PO4 61•g7A? -4.5m '4f99 kq t100 •9160 we •12%MQ 4 -law • Eoud 6irtPed �r��. C 4 i�R �1L �](II� �i�. i! t•S/d � �1 ;IiO� � q10{� r'.>'aj+' �0 hS d00d7d 9� � 0� ?ff�fS�lC kp C.'I�171]� R7�ii L4 • �� www.kortlattuAam Pfinwa in Thailand 201712 KOMA*U(P ZESSP20BM4EP-01 NLVN riD1$ gad apeGWoabom we mA*g l is GFwWW wrtt+put notice_ swoAdipwia a t-admwxwk of K w mtruU Ltd..lsrpan_ E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Chi' Engine Engine MWW Cmm*llae 31268 with ATAAG Flywheel Pourer 119 kw ISO bp Max. FNw6mlPuww 131 M in by Weighis Operating WeigN 13452 kq 2W7lb B u ekets 8ucketCapack! es -"me 3."JDyd' Engine Engine Model Catarpigar3126113 with ATAAC Flywheel Power 119 kW 160 hp Max Fhwheei Power 134 kW 180 hp PeaUorqueINetl6iA rpm B39Nm 619ft-lb TMITarque Rise 62 Rare 1110 mm 4.3 in Stroke 127 mm 5 in Displacement 7.2 L 4,39 in' F Flywheel power rating at 2r200 rpm, Maximum ily+whael power rating at 1,840 rpm. • Caterpillar 3126E engine moats EPA Tier 2 off -highway emissions regulauuns- * Ne derating required up tv 3115O m 118Ap8 hi akaude. IM hp 160 bp L ■■■■■■1 ■■■■■1 NIrMIMINIMI1 . ■■■ 1 1 ■■■ ■■■IMEM ■■■i■■f MI■1MOO■l , ■ MIJAMI� , MrAIMMINNI NIMI■■■■1 , FAA■■MI■■1 . .■MINI■■' -, ■■■■■■1, ■■NI■■■I -, ■■■MINE' ., rmn i2m '4Do .1=o iaoo moo 220 Engine Speed Srpm1 us N-n IM kW msxir tin Weights Operating Weight 13 452 kg 29.65711) Buckets 8utkatCapacities 2.3-_0rr 3.0-4.0 Max 7Lrr tic ket Capacity 3m 4 Operating Specifications Static Tipping Load. Full Turn 9470 kg 20,476 lb Breakout Force 109.4 kN 24,%4 lb - Oparating specifications based Dn 2-8 eU-65 yd'l GP bucket and standard 24,5-R25 tires. Transmission Forward 1 76 kph 4.7 mph FnFwarrl2 13.4koh 8.3 Mph Furward4 3&&kph 24.1mph Reverse 1 7.6 kph 4,7 mph Revers@ 2 13.4kph 8.3 mph Reverse 3 233kph 14.5 mph • ftdmumtr8vel spaedswirh empty huckeland 205-fM tiros. Hydraulic System Bucket/Work Tool SvvWrn — 163 Umin 43 gall/Min Pump Output Bucketl4^lork Tool "rn - 24 WO kPa 3,597 ps.i Ralief Valve Setting Hydraulic Cycle ame - Raise 6 Seconds RydrauficCycle Tmt- Ournp 1ASeconds HydrauficCycleTwo- Lower, 28Socands Em ptyr Float Dutm Hydraukc Cycle Tree - Total 10.2 Seconds Pika System -Pump Oftul 102 Ijmiri 26-9 gaUmi n * BuckerfYllorklool $ystemr VanwType Pump - Output at Z200 tpm and 7000 kPa IIA15 Psi)- * Pilot System Piston Pump - Output at 2,200 rpm and 7000 kRa I1,0151 psi. 9UG Series II Wheel Loader spccific ions 14 M E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Dinnensians All dlrrreasiota are appraxr`frare. 1 Heightto tap of ROPS 33010min 10'14' 2 Heighttatap of axhaust pipe 3227mm 10'7- 3 Height to tap of hood 2359 mm 71 4 Ground Clearancef Standard &o20_rrR25IL-4 Saa Cho rt below for other 6FUS 369rnm 14, 5 lift aum clearance Q rnmimurn lift 3M mm 11'3' 6 Bucket Pin height @maximum lift 3M nwn 121 Bucket Pin height, D*nal high JA 4266 mm 14'0' 7 Overall height- huckgt raised 5254 rrtm 17T Tires 8 Ge nter Una of rear axle to edge of counterweight 11357 mrn 51" 9 Wheelbaso 30Q0mut 9'11' 10 H eight to conter lino of axle 666 mm 2'3` 11 Center We of foar axle to hitch 1510mm 4'11- 12 Rack back Qmaxitntrm lift 65° 13 DUO)a attpla 0 maxintrm lift 4V 14 Rack back 0 carry W 15 flackbackOgmund W 16 Qump sloe ran ce 0 maximm lift and 4Y duMP 2771 rnm ST Troad width far all tires is M mrn (641 Mlidlkayertires IIYIi :flfi7Q5 cbmew nr tertical diansim Rill i ckm C4grin We maw 4 IG cbmwin Vb6ctippilo! kw —staid 41b 24.5-25.[ -3 Bridgastano 2$% 102 -9 --0.4 ;M +461 WA NfA SW66 •3) Michelin 2%9 101 -M 3.1 +0 +95 0 0 20.5-2& IL-21 Goodyear 2607 103 +24 4-M -0 -132 -44 -97 20.5-25(L-31 Goodyear 2M 102 -22 -0.9 -a -190 464 +141 20.5-Ra51L-21 Michelin XTLA 2601 102 0 0 0 0 0 0 3-R31L-3} Michelin XHA 2594 102 +6 4.2 -170 -375 +129 +284 20.5-R3IL-3) G0Ddpeall' GP2I3 2595 102 +10 4.4 +127 +250 +98 +216 N01'Ik Tire 4plioriB include ti rss and rims_ In certain opplicatione isuch as Iaad-andcerry world the IOider9 productive Capabilities might FXOH9d Shp tiM: tonnes-kmOl Non-Flrphl apibilikln. Caterpillar recommends consulting a tie@ tapplierta evaluate all conditions before wimie0 a 6m made- 9386 Series II Wheel Loader Txjfications 17 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Operation Specifications Rated capaAy m" Stniek capacity m" 3d, WidFh mm Rraa rjympctcarawcELL fu1Llift MM And 45' disehwTe Aran Rcxh at full lift MM WW W dischame Ma RCACh wiih lift arms mra hnfizmal and hucliet level Mn 1)iUing depth cirri iai ()wfol Length rnm in ()vcrjll height with bucket rnm aL futt raisc Ruin i,uudC* Clearance circle vrilh mFn IiaCk0 in caFry pcaitioo Ma 5tiitic tippiog k", stmigh4' kg, b 5WSic rippieg lord- k9 anicduo % full 40= turn' ]b 1ltrjl4ou1 f3F9c kN' 11, Fri wigs' kg b 18 Gonelal Purpose Buckets Teeth Teeth Teeth Roll -an and Roll -an and Solt -an and edges segments Teeth iidgra wpltiants Teat edge$ 599nents TQQth 3,01 ;,11 '_,75 Mr IV 3A1 3M 3.66 3.53 1,97 LY7 1.87 2.1 2.1 2-0 2-41 2.43 294 2.59 2M 2.45 2.75 2175 2.62 3-15 3.15 2.67 7M "3T77 2777 27M 277i ?777 2706 2M 2777 97 9'1' 9rl' 8111` 9'1' 91' Sill 9'1" 171, 2786 2796 2949 2M ?743 2771 2h64 2664 76, 9rr 92' 94' 9a' 910' 91' 619" S'9 994 1089 1089 1010 1114 1114 106E 1170 1170 313, 37' 37 3'4' 316' }%" 3'6' 3-10" 3-10" 2180 2327 2327 2230 2377 3377 2331} 2.447 2447 72, 72" 79" 74' 710" 7110' 7-8, Sw 8'4" 50 50 25 50 50 25 s4 50 23 IN 1.9' 0.9" LK t,9' 0,9" 1-9' l-9' 0.9' 718L 7339 7339 7231 7389 7389 7331 7489 7499 282.7" 258.9" '358-9" 294-8" 2911,9" ?90,9' 2U-F 294-8" 294 S- .140 5140 5L40 5188 5185 $199 5294 5294 5294 10Ln' L610" 16't0" L70" 17V Mr 1T4' IT•4" 174' 11932 1208d 12694 11939 121% 12109 12008 12160 12160 03' -M. 3W 39'3- 31T NT 39'5' 39'11' 3911' 10 883 10 753 10 782 10 809 10679 1 D $94 10 657 10527 10727 23S9P 23,7(16 23-770 23-81-9 23 S43 23.M �3,494 23,308 23AU 96113 45S? 9591 9613 9480 9678 947111 9340 9530 21.347 ?1,059 21,144 21,193 20,906 20. 6 20,877 20.591 21010 125.9 124-9 134-4 1199 119.0 128,2 109.4 10S.6 L 16-3 2&3W 29.079 30.214 26,955 26,752 26,821 24-44 MAN 26J45 13 MS 13 456 13 363 13 331 13489 I3 396 B 452 13 560 13 467 29.437 39A5 29,460 29,500 29.73.9 ?9333 29.636 29,594 29A89 Pi nOn Bucket Sol action G wde um IM ]rw M =MMPM=7=M== 2w ma MD 3DV 3w 3M Ira hh* Malarial Oelnitr y,. �eWe Fill f�e,r 444� lift 5e11 SM6 Series II Wheel Loader spedficatiorls E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 MN*dalHandling Buckets Rofuse B uckal To eth Te Rh T491h Teeth Beh-0n and Ball -on and Belt -on an0 Bolt -en and adgas sepows Tep* vdV4a aognlents Tooh edges sugmOts T"th edges seg11em Teeth T"th 3.0 3-4 2.9 2.3 2.3 2.1 2.5 7. 2_3 3 28 2.7 4.2 3.92 3.92 IN 3.00 3.M 2.75 3.27 127 3.00 3.66 3-66 IS 3r19 2.66 2.66 2.55 t." 1.99 119 2-13 111 2.03 142 242 2.33 173 3.49 3.48 3.34 2.59 2-59 2_47 2-79 ? 79 2,66 3.17 3-17 3M 4A9 1692 2692 2692 2706 2777 2777 27M 2777 2777 2706 TR7 2777 2736 810" 8'10' 810" Vit, 91" 71' Fl.I- 71' Vol 911, 911" 9W 9G" 7702 2604 2604 2827 3713 2713 2791 2678 2679 2721 2607 2607 2501 &10' 87' 87' 93' rII' Irll' 42' 8SI" W VII' 87" 8'7' 82" 1091 1209 128 M* 98U 9M 922 1616 1016 992 1086 3086 1133 3'T 41Y 4V ?'11' X7 YY 3W N' 34* 313" 37 3-7' 39" 2M7 2539 2539 2180 2327 2327 2231E 2377 2377 2330 2477 2477 2385 710' 84- 8'4" 712* n. 73' T4" 7-30, 710' TO' BY 81-1 816" 111 111 66 50 50 25 50 50 25 50 50 25 106 4.i' 4 3" 3.3" IX 1.9' 0.9' 1-7 1,9" 0.9" LT 1.9' Q4' 4.1' 7437 7590 790 7381 7334 7339 7231 7389 73899 7331 7489 7439 7531 '_92-7" 298-5' 298.8" 23 7' ZU.9' 299.9' 284.6" 291T 2MV 198 6' 294,8' 294Z' 300.a' 5154 5194 5194 5129 5129 5129 5176 5176 5176 5272 5272 5273 5541 1710" 177 1T0" 16-10' WIT Is14' 171cr 177 170' IT#' 17T 174' 1872' 12076 12156 12156 11932 12OU 12094 11959 12109 12109 12009 12160 12160 122116 397" 39'11' 3WIF 392" 39"8' 39'8' 39'3' 39W 3"' 34'5' 3991' 34-II" 40-I' 10615 10429 10635 10944 10717 101917 10757 10629 101427 IQS86 10456 10653 9086 23.4011 22 991 23_446 23.906 U626 P4,057 23,715 23-432 21869 23.S 1R 23JD51 23AW -V.031 94% 9361 94M 9651 95N 9714 9569 9441 4;'M 9308 9279 9464 8004 3DA33 20,a16 20-8.51 21.276 A946 21,415 21-096 W-613 21=8 20.741 30,454 210.864 17645 105.0 1032 110.5 126.0 125A 1352 119.9 119.1 12&3 109.3 108.7 116.4 54-9 23AO5 23,230 24,941 2026 26.101 30394 26.955 26,775 28,843 24,617 24,437 26.168 19.086 33325 13 435 13 342 13 336 13444 13 351 13 370 13 478 13 As 13 437 13 545 13 452 14 113 24.376 29,619 29,414 39,400 29,639 24,533 29,475 29,713 29M8 29,623 24,861 29.656 31.113 9MG Series II Wheel Loader spooifications 19 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Operation Specification Rated capacity 111' $truck capacity m' yd, width a1m flfFsf 13urrLp ekammcc a1 ful 1101 Mm VW 49 duchmEc Arm R wh of full lift Mm and W dischmgc ftl1 Reach with lift arms rrlm jfprixnfllal and bucket lewd AAM l jongdepth MM bi <)K(,Lll icngth rnrn irk OvcralI height Wilhbut keL ram at full. faisc RJm 1,aodi:t clra awc drde wtlh nlm huckcl to carry pasiboo PAn studlC tipping toad, stmighl' kg lb Sabo eippieg load. kg IA;Cwlwd ss full 40= Iurn' lb Iireakoul farce kN 1b {lpmig, weight' kg Ub 0lhick Coupler Buckets High Lill Dab" ieath Taatlh Teeth Solt -an and UDI1-on and Butt -on and odgas segnrenlsx Teeth edgm %Mponds Taem edged sepeslts Tomb ZA - 4 2-3 2-7 27 2.5 2-9 _ .�j 2.7 3, l4 1.14 3Aa 3.53 3.53 3,37 3-79 3-79 333 2,U2 3A'_* 1-92 235 2.35 2.25 1.49 2-49 236 2,64 264 251 3V 3.07 Z,94 32-1 3-24 3-49 2692 2692 V02 2592 2EA2 2692 2f 9n Y290- 8'tD' F1(r FI.Cr 8'10' 810' #`10' 8'10' W10' WIG- 2776 '268U 2690 2720 2632 3622 2696 2588 2588 423 9I' 8'1w 8-10' 8'11' 8-r S7' 910' 8'6' 8Th' VI. 10" 112-1 1122 1074 1190 1190 Ills 1231 1231 121 34" TF 37' TF $, I I' YIN' 31' 410' 4W Is. 2275 2425 2425 2361 2514 2514 2415 2567 2567 390 7-6" 7-11' TII' 79' 81' &`3' 7111' 815' 8-5' 1131 Ip8 108 83 108 WS 83 109 log 83 5S 4?' 4-2" 3-2" 4-2" 4,2" ] 2" 4?' 42' 32" 2" 7325 7473 7473 74L8 7562 7582 7453 7616 7616 490 288,3' 293.2' 294.2' 291.7' 291.7" --AO IX 2938' 2W8' 299.8' I'T' 5037 5037 5037 5145 5145 5145 yDI11 5D13 5013 423 14`b' 1.6.6' f6r6' 1611" 16'11' 11011" 16'S' 165' 1615, 115' 12 019 12 044 l 2 094 12 060 12 140 12 140 12 0®S 12 169 12 163 520 39'S' 3Q'8' 378' 3Q'7' -WIW WIT 378' 3711- WI 118` 104S9 103?5 10527 10392 10211 10415 10M 10128 10333 (2916) 21124 s? 76? 23-208 22-910 72.533 21.961 2? 700 22,328 22,7EC (6429} 9339 9165 935E 9223 9167 9252 9149 90M 9176 (2643) 30-W 20-105 2D,6W 20- 33 19,967 3a397 M167 19,907 20,229 (5829) 1115.9 114,4 123-1 107-0 105.6 113,1 PX3 100.8 107-S (5.3) 2d.05S 25.71E 27.674 24- 55 23.740 25AU 21M 22.66L 24.234 (1191) 13 402 13 512 13 4 i9 13 457 135,67 13 474 13 474 l 3 5,M 13 493 347 7y$4ly 2q,798 29.583 21?-"7 29.910 29.705 29.709 ?9r951 29r746 765 * 9t81iC tippi ng loads and operating weij;M3 Orr bared on standard mach ine co*oration (with standard 20.5-1326 L3 dra1, full fyal Tank, 80 kla o.paratar. Plus air *orhdi i-mni ng, P43WSF train and crenkaos9 guards and ride cantral attachrnem $prpftcabons and ratings confarrn10 all applrubte Standards recommended by the Smiety of Autornolrve Engineers, including $Alt Standards J732C gDwrning t04,def ralirLgs. *• Tipping lead changes for 2.8 m'{3.65 yd1 GP bucW. flipping load deltas wary depr oirhg on huckel selected- 20 93BG Series II Wheel Loader sped Gcatialls E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 605 SCREENS INC. Does what most screens won't even attempt! The PT627S Screanmasier Portable' Trammel by GDS Screens is specifi- cally designed to take rough, tough r1 treatment of compost, yard waste, .. ■.._.:_.. y� wood grinding .and land clearing projects. The Screenmaster features a variety of sizes of screen cloth and a 7/16" thick screen drum, the heaviest in the industry. It is supported by four 8" self -centering spherical roller bearings, with a 50,000 lb. static load and 45,000 lb. dynamic load rating g per bearing. With 20' of actual screen length (376 square ft. of screen area), the 627S provides more screen than `• n competitive models — which translates to higher production at lower cost. The 5275 is driven by a 115hp John Deere water-cooled turbocharged diesel engine for years of trouble -free service. It is equipped with a road -legal fifth -wheel tow arrangement and dual -axle, super single wheel heavy-duty suspension. The Screenmaster comes complete with an under - Collection conveyor and fold -out fines stacker, achieving a 7'10" stock- pile height. This machine is hydraulically equipped to run an additional 40' radial stacker, boosting the stockpile capability to a height of 15'6". All PT627 models come with complete remote control operations and are furnished with four hydraulically operated support legs for ease of operation and quick portability — at no extra charge. GDS also provides the added advantage of a 1-year bumper -to -bumper warranty and 24-hour emergency parts service. GOS has a variety of trornmel sizes and configurations to handle every conceivable job including: Compost Topsoil • wood chips • Yard waste Land clearing Landfill mining • Municipal solid waste Coal slurry • Sludge Sand & gravel Landscape operations • Construction & demolition debris 3a50 Or. Martin Luther King it Blvd. Riviera Beach, FL 33404 107 830,8481 FAX J07.843.0042 E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 Length.................... 44'7" Width ...................... 9,3,, Height ........ _ ......... 13,6,, Weight .............. 45,000 lbs. 20' SCREEN 12'HOPPER d )U G'LQAD HGT HL4 4 4' 0, A. L. 20' SCREEN Z' HOPPER V) K;T 10'6'LOAD � DE I Lo *Zl� 44! OLA.L_ 7- OVERT 9-HODUCTS -4- UR: 6' diameter- by 27'-long drum with 20' Of actual screen cloth (376 square • 14" diameter brushes ft. s.cree n .�; a I rea) prevent clogging or binding of screen •-Flat unrestricted in -feed drum Opening for-Jarge, bulky items 4211 wide fold -out fines stacking co nveyor-withArOp height of P 10" 115hp JohW_Deere water cooled diesel engjneL':L_, • Closed -loop hydraulic system M. ComCompleteControl operations • Road- I egal- =fj fth-wheel to, rranqement'.­A;,� D -ax e-�` ual I super -single wheel heavy-dutr';edsp&tsicrl wit� a )oad rating of Emergency- ! s. per axle shut -down switch —remote ot;-.­­ . manual ' ­., 1-year bumper -to -bumper warranty ok-i: 3-year extended warranty on GDS man Utaqt4jeif-components Heavy-duty" ,drum - kZ­ Bi-fold extra -long Conveyors unc" plate 3/8 or 1/2" thick Various punch plate hole sizes n­T products Split machine wide, 40' attachable avers stacker -with drop height of IS15-, 3PS Screens today for a dealer in your areal Pn­d R,-ycl.d Paper E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 GDS SCREENS, INC. '727' SPECIFICATIONS �c l IS6ith ENGINE: John Deere T04039T, continuous�lA 2,500 RPM LENGTH: 45'-3" HEIGHT: LOAD HEIGHT: WIDTH: to' WEIGHT: 49,000 Lbs. FUEL CAPACITY: 130 Gallons HYDRAULIC CAPACITY: 120 Gallons SCREEN SPECS: 440 square foot screen area . Screens bolt an with Grade 8 x 3/4 self looking nuts for easy removal, replace or size change. TROMMEL SPECS: 7' inside diameter x 27'-8" long trommel tube made from 3/8 " steel 6l1 L plate and support rollers ride on 6" steel channels rolled and welded to tube. TROMMEL DRIVE: A variable speed closed loop system, Eaton series 46 hydrostatic PUMP and staffs HMB-045 piston motor, with heavy duty #160 chain and sprockets. FRAME SPECS: 14" x 6" x 1/2" box tubing throughout the frame. LOADING CONVEYOR & CONVEYOR FRAME: 8 plus cubic yard hopper, 5/16", 48", 3 ply, rubber conveyor belt supported on impact troughing rollers with 1/2" thick frame and 7GA side walls. BELLY CONVEYOR & CONVEYOR FRAME: 48" wide x 20' long, 2 ply smooth top rubber belt supported by 5 class 8 troughing rollers. STACKING CONVEYOR & CONVEYOR FRAME: 36" wide by 15' long, 2 ply Chevron topped rubber belt with stacking height of 8'. Conveyor frame is "C" channef with 3 class "B" troughing rollers. Stagg conveyor folds up hydraulically for transportation. STABILIZERS: 4, 6" box tube x 3/8" wall and 1 1/2" locking pin with 3" bore, heavy duty hydraulic cylinder for easy and stable set-up. HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS: Vickers, Charlynn, Staffa, Eaton "Top of the Line Components" with triple steel braided hoses, cooled by thermal Transfer. HEAVY DUTY COOLING SYSTEM: 120 gallon hydraulic fuel tank capacity with dual filtering system for long component life. REMOTE CONTROL: First in the Trommel Industry with wireless remote: Operates load Conveyor and Trommel Screen speeds emergency:but down (A one man operation). AXLES: Dexter Brand, 20K leaf spring type equipped with DOT air and parking brake system. Tires are super singles. LIGHTS: Truck light sealed system, DOT approved. STEEL SUPPORT ROLLERS: 8" diameter x 6 1/2" face, vibrating screen type self -aligning spherical roller bearing and nitrile spring loaded seals. Dynamic load rating of 22 tons each. Trommel Screens cleaned by brush system or first in the industry with "Vibration System "Far punch plate only". NOTE: THESE SPECIFICATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE TO IMPROVE DESIGN REQUIREMENTS By GDS SCREENS, INC. GDS Screens, Inc. did not invent the Trommel Screen Production, durability and reliability for any job. We rim ply refined it for greafer profit, performance, E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020 96 TRANSPORT POSITION OTHER AVAILABLE MODELS INCLUDE STATIONARY, SKID MOUNT AND SINGLE DRUM SCREENS. 32'-9" 139" � � 1 3 5o" E&A Environmental Consultants, Inc. January 28, 2020