HomeMy WebLinkAbout16055-Loftis-Blythe-2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Reporthart ''• hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Via Email January 31, 2020 NC Department of Environmental Quality- Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1464 Attention: Ms. Joselyn Harriger Re: 2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report Loftis-Blythe Construction Site 5600 and 5518 David Cox Rd. Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields ID 16055-12-060 H&H Job No. HTZ-003 Dear Joselyn: On behalf of 5518 and 5600 David Cox Road, LLC, Hart & Hickman (H&H) is providing the attached 2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report for the Loftis-Blythe Construction Site Brownfields project located at 5518 and 5600 David Cox Road in Charlotte, North Carolina. Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC John Lopez, PG Senior Project Geologist Cc: Curtis Michael Enclosure 2923 South Tryon Street, Suite 1 CO 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd . Suite 301 Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.harthick man.cam 704.586.0007 main 919_847.424r main 2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report Loftis-Blythe Construction Site (aka InnerLoop North Industrial Park) 5600 and 5518 David Cox Rd. Charlotte, North Carolina Brownfields Project No. 16055-12-060 H&H Job No. HTZ-003 January 31, 2020 1 hart 0—%• hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS 2923 South Tryon Street, Suite 100 3334 Hillsborough Street Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.harthickman.com 704.586.0007 main 919.847.4241 main 2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report Loftis-Blythe Construction Site (aka InnerLoop North Industrial Park) 5600 and 5518 David Cox Rd. Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. HTZ-003 Table of Contents Section Page No. 1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................1 2.0 Background................................................................................................................ 3 3.0 Methane Monitoring, Alarms, and Annual System Testing .................................. 6 3.1 Methane Monitoring Results................................................................................... 6 3.2 Methane Warning System Alarms........................................................................... 7 4.0 Summary and Conclusions........................................................................................ 8 T :"I- -r'r—I l— Table 1 Methane Probe Monitoring Results Table 2 Indoor Methane Monitoring Results Table 3 Manhole & Trench Methane Monitoring Results List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Subsurface Methane Monitoring Probe Location Map Figure 3 Indoor Methane Monitoring Location Map Figure 4 Manhole & Trench Sample Location Map List of Appendices Appendix A Equipment Calibration Documents i hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS S:\AAA-Master ProjectsToftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc 2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report Loftis-Blythe Construction Site (aka InnerLoop North Industrial Park) 5600 and 5518 David Cox Rd. Charlotte, North Carolina H&H Job No. HTZ-001 1.0 Introduction Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H), has prepared this Annual Methane Monitoring Report to document methane monitoring and methane warning system inspection and testing conducted at the Loftis- Blythe Construction Brownfields site (Brownfields Project No. 16055-12-060) located at 5600 and 5518 David Cox Rd. in Charlotte, North Carolina. A site location map is provided as Figure 1. The site consists of two industrial buildings (Building 1 and Building 2) that were constructed in 2015 as part of redevelopment of the site. Building 1 (5600 David Cox Rd.) is located in the western portion of the site and is approximately 300,000 sq ft, and Building 2 (5518 David Cox Rd.) is located in the eastern portion of the site and is approximately 100,000 sq ft. A site layout is provided on Figure 2. The methane monitoring and methane warning system inspection and testing were conducted in accordance with the June 12, 2017 Methane Warning System Installation Report provided to the Brownfields Program. The methane monitoring events were conducted in March 2019, June 2019, and September 2019. Because H&H received approval from the Brownfields Program to reduce the methane monitoring to a semi-annual basis in September 24, 2019, methane monitoring was not conducted in December 2019. The methane monitoring included the collection of methane readings from four subsurface methane monitoring probes, ambient air methane readings from Building 1 and Building 2, and methane readings from sewer manholes and a drainage trench located in the vicinity of Building 2. The annual inspection and testing of the methane warning system installed in the western portion of Building 2 was conducted during the September 2019 methane monitoring event. 1 hart hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsToftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SQLUTIOtJS A brief summary of the site background is provided in Section 2.0, and the results of the methane monitoring and methane system inspection and testing for 2019 are provided in Section 3.0. N S:\AAA-Master Projects\Loftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTI014S 2.0 Background Loftis Construction (also listed as Blythe Construction) previously occupied the property from the 1970s to 1983 and operated a permitted land clearing and inert debris landfill in the central portion of the site. The landfill was closed in 1984, and a notice was placed on the deed indicating the location of the buried materials. The estimated extent of the landfilled materials based upon the test pits is indicated in Figure 2. Results of test pits conducted as part of previous assessment activities indicated that the materials present in the landfill consist of soil, rock, tires, stumps, trees, woody debris, bricks, concrete, rebar, scrap metal, paper trash, and plastic. In July 2013, H&H conducted Brownfields assessment activities at the site. As part of the assessment activities, H&H conducted methane monitoring in and around the area of the former landfill. The methane monitoring conducted during the Brownfields assessment included the installation of 11 temporary methane probes. Five of the probes (MP-1, MP-6, MP-7, MP-10, and MP-13) were installed within the landfill area (as identified by previous test pits), and six of the sample locations (MP-2, MP-8, MP-9, MP-11, MP-12, and MP-14) were installed at locations around the perimeter of the identified landfill area. The locations of the temporary methane probes are shown on Figure 2. The results of the initial methane monitoring indicated that MP-10 contained a concentration of methane below the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Solid Waste screening level of 100% of the LEL (5% methane) for property boundaries, but above the screening level of 20% of the LEL (1.25% methane) for interior air. No other methane probes, including methane probes surrounding MP-10, contained concentrations of methane above the Regulation Level. The results of the methane monitoring in July 2013 are provided in Table 1. Based on the results of the methane monitoring during the 2013 Brownfields assessment activities, a methane monitoring plan was included in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the site to further evaluate subsurface methane concentrations as part of and after construction activities. The methane monitoring plan included the installation and monitoring of 3 hart hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsTollis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Reporti2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIOtJS four methane monitoring probes (MP-IOR, MP-15, MP-16, and MP-17) installed in the vicinity of previous methane monitoring probe MP-10. In accordance with the approved EMP, methane monitoring probes were installed in January 2015 and monitored approximately semi-annually (some events were delayed due to rainy weather conditions preceding or on the planned sampling day) after completion of the construction of the site buildings. The results of the methane monitoring indicated increasing levels of methane in probes MP-15, MP-16, and MP- IOR near Building 2 (Figure 2 and Table 1). As shown on Figure 2, the highest concentrations of methane were measured in MP-16 located closer to the center of the landfill area. Because of the elevated levels of methane detected in the probes, H&H also measured methane in indoor air in both buildings during the August 2016 and March 2017 monitoring events to ensure that there was not an imminent hazard, and no methane was detected. Based on the results of the post -building construction methane monitoring, the property owner at the time submitted a Methane Warning System Design Plan (Design Plan) for the western portion of Building 2 to the Brownfields Program on May 16, 2017. In addition to the installation of a methane warning system, the Design Plan included quarterly monitoring of subsurface methane probes and possible methane accumulation areas (i.e. manholes and trenches), indoor air monitoring for methane, and inspection and testing of the methane warning system. Following approval of the Design Plan, the methane warning system was installed in the western portion of Building 2 in May 2017. A report documenting the installation of the methane warning system (Methane Warning System Installation Report) was provided to the Brownfields Program on June 12, 2017. In 2017 and 2018, the quarterly methane monitoring was conducted in March, June, September, and December and included the collection of methane readings from four subsurface methane monitoring probes, ambient air methane readings from Building 1 and Building 2, and methane readings from sewer manholes and a drainage trench located in the vicinity of Building 2. In 4 hart hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsToftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SQLUTIOtJS addition, during the December 2017 and December 2018 quarterly methane monitoring events, the annual inspection and testing of the methane warning system installed in the western portion of Building 2 was conducted. The western portion of Building 2 was occupied by JD Generators until December 2017. Between December 2017 and February 2019, the western portion of Building 2 was vacant. The western portion of Building 2 is currently occupied by Southern Pipe and Tank Company (SPATCO) and is utilized for the storage and fabrication of piping, dispensers, and storage tanks. Additionally, as discussed in the 2018 Annual Methane Monitoring Report, the current property owner elected to install methane vent wells within the footprint of the landfill and adjacent to the building to reduce the buildup of methane gas within the landfill, and reduce or eliminate the migration of such gas under the building slab. A work plan detailing the proposed installation of six methane vent wells was submitted to the Brownfields program on October 19, 2017 by Engineering Consulting Services (ECS). The work plan was approved by the Brownfields program on December 12, 2017 with the contingency of the installation of a seventh vent well in the southern end of the footprint of the landfill. In January 2018, ECS installed the methane vent wells at the site. Five methane vent wells were installed within the footprint of the landfill and two vent wells were installed between the landfill and Building 2. Locations of the methane vent wells, labeled MVW-1 through MVW-7, are shown on Figure 2. 5 hart hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsTollis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SQLUTIOtJS 3.0 Methane Monitoring, Alarms, and Annual System Testing In accordance with the approved 2017 Design Plan and correspondence with DEQ in September 2019, H&H conducted monitoring of methane probes MP-IOR, MP-15, MP-16, and MP-17 in March, June, and September 2019. During each monitoring event, H&H also collected ambient air methane readings from inside Building 1 and Building 2. Locations of the methane probes and ambient air samples are shown on Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. In addition, each monitoring event included the collection of methane readings from the sanitary sewer manholes north of Building 2 and the drainage trench south of Building 2. Locations of the sewer manholes and drainage trench are shown on Figure 4. Lastly, as part of the monitoring, unpaved and paved areas were inspected for the presence of settlement areas which could be locations of potential methane gas accumulation. The methane monitoring events were conducted on March 29, 2019, June 26, 2019, and September 25, 2019. Methane levels in the monitoring probes, indoor ambient air, sewer manholes, and drainage trench were collected utilizing a calibrated Landtec GEM 5000. Equipment calibration documents for the Landtec GEM 5000 are provided as Appendix A. The readings collected during monitoring included methane, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. Barometric pressure was also recorded with the GEM 5000 for each monitoring event. During the monitoring events, an in -line carbon filter was used. Prior to sampling, the carbon filter was conditioned with methane in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications prior to monitoring. The annual methane warning system inspection and testing was performed on September 25, 2019. The inspection included verifying communication of the sensors to the central control panel, testing a representative number of sensors, and confirming that each sensor's green "armed" light was illuminated at the time of the inspection. 3.1 Methane Monitoring Results The results of methane monitoring conducted in March, June, and September 2019 indicated the presence of methane in MP-16 (ranging from 51.8% to 59.6%), MP- IOR (ranging from 13.1% to 6 hart � hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsTollis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIOtJS 19.7%), and MP-15 (ranging from 10.9% to 13.9%) above the most conservative methane screening level of 1.25% during each of the methane monitoring events. Methane was not detected above 0.0% in MP-17 during the 2019 monitoring events. In general, the methane concentrations detected were consistent with recent and previous methane monitoring events conducted at the site, and methane concentrations detected in the subsurface monitoring points appear to be generally stable since quarterly sampling began in March 2017. A summary of the methane probe readings is provided in Table 1. Methane was not detected inside either of the two buildings at the site during the methane monitoring events. In addition, methane was not detected in the sanitary sewer manholes or trench drain during the methane monitoring events. The results of the site visual inspections did not indicate the presence of settlement areas at the site that could result in potential accumulation of methane gas. Results of indoor air methane monitoring conducted at the site are provided as Table 2 and depicted on Figure 3. Results of the manhole and trench methane monitoring conducted at the site are summarized in Table 3 and depicted on Figure 4. As part of the monitoring activities in 2019, H&H also screened the exhaust of the methane vent wells (MVW-1 through MVW-7) utilizing the Landtec GEM 5000. The result of the screening did not indicate the presence of methane in the exhaust of the methane vent wells. 3.2 Methane Warning System Alarms H&H has not been notified of a methane alarm in 2019. As indicated in the Design Plan, in the event of an alarm, building occupants will be notified by a visual and audible signal in the office, warehouse space, and entryway of the western portion of Building 2 which will prompt an evacuation. 7 hart hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsTollis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SQLUTIOtJS 4.0 Summary and Conclusions The results of the 2019 methane monitoring events indicated concentrations of methane in MP- 16, MP-10R, and MP-15 above the most conservative methane screening level of 1.25%. Detected methane concentrations are consistent with recent previous methane monitoring events conducted at the site and appear to be generally stable. Methane was not detected in ambient air inside either of the two buildings at the site or the trench drain near Building 2 during the methane monitoring events. In addition, settlement areas where methane gas could potentially accumulate were not observed during the quarterly monitoring events. To date, methane has not been observed in ambient air in either of the two on -site buildings or potential receptors in the vicinity of the landfill area. However, as a precautionary measure, the current landowner elected to install seven methane gas vent wells to assist with the ventilation and reduce the potential for migration of methane gas within and around the landfill area. In January 2018, ECS installed the methane vent wells at the site. Based on the data collected following the installation of the methane vent wells, it does not appear that they have had a significant effect on reducing methane levels at the locations of the subsurface methane monitoring probes. However, methane levels detected in the subsurface monitoring probes are generally stable. Based on the generally stable subsurface methane levels, no detections of methane in ambient indoor air in Building 1 or Building 2, and the presence of a methane warning system in Building 2, H&H recommends continued semi-annual methane monitoring at the Site. In accordance with correspondence from DEQ, the property owner will continue to conduct the methane monitoring on a semi-annual basis. It is anticipated that the semi-annual methane monitoring will be conducted in March and September of each year. The September semi-annual methane monitoring event will also include the annual system testing and inspection. Following the September monitoring event, an Annual Methane Monitoring Report will be provided to DEQ. The report will include the methods and results of the semi-annual methane monitoring and annual methane warning system inspection. 8 hart hickman S:\AAA-Master ProjectsTollis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIOtJS TABLES 10 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Loftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTI014S Table 1 (Page 1 of 2) Methane Probe Monitoring Results Loftis-Blythe Construction Site (aka Innerloop North Industrial Park) 5600 David Cox Rd H&H Job No. HTZ-003 Sampling Location �? Well ID Date Ambient/Subsurface Landfill/Perimeter Ambient 0.0 04/02/15 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 11/17/15 Subsurface 4.2 Ambient 0.1 08/04/16 Subsurface 11.6 Ambient 0.0 03/08/17 Subsurface 16.0 Ambient 0.0 06/30/17 Subsurface 14.9 Ambient 0.0 09/28/17 Subsurface 13.5 Ambient 0.0 12/27/17 Subsurface 15.5 MP-10R Landfill Ambient 0.0 03/23/18 Subsurface 16.6 Ambient 0 06/29/18 Subsurface 13.6 Ambient 0.0 09/21/18 Subsurface 10.8 Ambient 0.0 12/26/18 Subsurface 14.2 Ambient 0.0 03/29/19 Subsurface 19.7 Ambient 0.0 06/26/19 Subsurface 15.5 Ambient 0.0 09/25/19 Subsurface 13.1 Ambient 0.0 04/02/15 Subsurface 0.0 11/17/15 Ambient 0.0 Subsurface 2.6 08/04/16 Ambient 0.0 Subsurface 8.7 Ambient 0.0 03/08/17 Subsurface 12.4 Ambient 0.0 06/30/17 Subsurface 13.8 Ambient 0.0 09/28/17 Subsurface 13.1 Ambient 0.0 12/27/17 Subsurface 13.8 MP-15 Perimeter Ambient 0.0 03/23/18 Subsurface 14.5 Ambient 0.0 06/29/18 Subsurface 14.7 Ambient 0.0 09/21/18 Subsurface 12.5 Ambient 0.0 12/26/18 Subsurface 11.9 Ambient 0.0 03/29/19 Subsurface 13.9 Ambient 0.0 06/26/19 Subsurface 12.2 Ambient 0.0 09/25/19 Subsurface 10.9 DEQ Sot Waste Section Sceening Level <1.25 0.6 21.4 78.0 6.8 2.8 90.0 0.1 20.9 78.8 9.7 0.2 85.0 0.1 10.8 20.8 0.5 79.1 72.6 0.2 20.5 79.3 11.2 0.9 73.0 0.2 19.8 80.0 12.7 0.7 73.1 0.1 22.7 77.2 8.7 0.1 74.7 0 20.5 79.4 9.5 0.7 76.1 0 21.2 79.2 10.8 0.1 78.3 0.1 21.8 78.1 11.8 0.5 73.5 0.1 20.2 79.7 8.8 0.1 71.4 0.0 20.3 79.7 9.3 0.1 75.2 0.0 20.2 79.7 10.1 0.3 75.3 0.9 21.2 78.0 6.9 2.1 78.0 0.2 20.7 79.1 11.1 0.6 83.9 0.1 23.1 21.4 0.8 78.5 63.4 0.6 20.5 78.9 21.7 0.4 63.9 0.2 19.5 80.3 24.3 0.2 62.4 0.1 19.2 23.6 0.3 76.3 66.0 0.0 20.5 79.5 20.0 0.8 65.0 0.1 20.2 79.6 22.5 0.2 64.8 0.1 22.5 20.2 0.0 79.7 63.5 0.0 20.3 79.6 21.8 0.2 65.8 0.0 20.2 79.7 25.0 0.1 63.9 Notes Bold indicates concentration exceeds screening level. Screening level based upon DEQ Solid Waste Section regulations for facility structures of 25% LEL (1.25% methane). MP = Methane Probe Ambient Measurements were taken adjacent to MP locations immediatley prior to subsurface reading. Readings collected with a conditioned in -line charcoal filter. Table 1 (Page 1 of 2) S \AAAA-Master Projects\i-oftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\Methane point data table 9-25-19 OHart (fC HiC/z712a1t, PC Table 1 (Page 2 of 2) Methane Probe Monitoring Results Loftis-Blythe Construction Site (aka Innerloop North Industrial Park) 5600 David Cox Rd H&H Job No. HTZ-003 Sampling Location �? Well ID Date Ambient/Subsurface Landfill/Perimeter Ambient 0.0 04/02/15 Subsurface 31.3 Ambient 0.0 11/17/15 Subsurface 34.6 Ambient 0.1 08/04/16 Subsurface 46.0 Ambient 0.0 03/08/17 Subsurface 36.2 Ambient 0.0 06/30/17 Subsurface 36.1 Ambient 0.0 09/28/17 Subsurface 40.3 Ambient 0.0 12/27/17 Subsurface 39.5 MP-16 Landfill Ambient 0.0 03/23/18 Subsurface 33.4 Ambient 0.0 06/29/18 Subsurface 33.6 Ambient 0.0 09/21/18 Subsurface 35.6 Ambient 0.0 12/26/18 Subsurface 56.7 Ambient 0.0 03/29/19 Subsurface 51.8 Ambient 0.0 06/26/19 Subsurface 57.8 Ambient 0.0 09/25/19 Subsurface 59.6 Ambient 0.0 04/02/15 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 11/17/15 Subsurface 0.0 08/04/16 Ambient 0.0 Subsurface 0.4 Ambient 0.0 03/08/17 Subsurface 0.6 Ambient 0.0 06/30/17 Subsurface 0.1 Ambient 0.0 09/28/17 Subsurface 0.1 Ambient 0.0 12/27/17 Subsurface 0.2 MP-17 Perimeter Ambient 0.0 03/23/18 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 06/29/18 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 09/21/18 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 12/26/18 Subsurface 0.1 Ambient 0.0 03/29/19 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 06/26/19 Subsurface 0.0 Ambient 0.0 09/25/19 Subsurface 0.0 DEQ Solid Waste Section Sceening Level <1.25 0.4 1 21.4 1 78.1 0.2 22.8 76.9 16.0 1.2 36.8 0.1 20.4 79.5 22.0 0.3 41.5 0.1 20.0 78.4 19.5 0.4 40.8 0.2 22.7 77.2 16.8 0.2 49.6 0.1 21.9 78.0 17.4 0.5 25.5 0.1 20.3 79.4 12.0 0.1 16.2 0.0 20.1 79.8 11.9 0.1 30.2 0.0 20.2 79.8 13.9 0.1 26.3 1.8 14.6 83.7 0.3 21.5 1 78.2 0.1 20.8 79.2 5.7 0.4 93.0 0.4 22.1 77.5 12.2 0.1 87.3 0.1 19.9 80.0 8.7 2.4 88.0 0.2 20.6 79.2 10.6 0.1 89.2 0.5 19.8 79.8 11.6 0.2 87.9 0.2 20.6 79.2 9.3 0.4 89.9 0.1 22.7 77.2 8.4 0.3 91.3 0.0 20.6 79.3 9.4 0.3 90.2 0.3 20.2 79.1 10.6 0.2 89.1 0.0 21.4 78.5 11.7 0.8 87.5 0.1 20.4 79.5 9.7 0.1 90.2 0.0 20.2 79.8 10.3 0.1 89.6 Notes Bold indicates concentration exceeds screening level. Screening level based upon DEQ Solid Waste Section regulations for facility structures of 25% LEL (1.25% methane). MP = Methane Probe Ambient Measurements were taken adjacent to MP locations immediatley prior to subsurface reading. Readings collected with a conditioned in -line charcoal filter. Table 1 (Page 2 of 2) S \AAAA-Master Projects\i-oftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\Methane point data table 9-25-19 OHart (fC HiC/z712a1t, PC FIGURES 11 S:\AAA-Master Projects\Loftis-Blythe Brownfields site (HTZ)\Reports\2019 Annual Report\2019 Annual Methane Monitoring Report.doc hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTI014S xt L _� I \ / __ _ +R!`• — .fir _ _- �� �-';' NA -111'' lilt • I 5 •ml J �_. 1. ; III - .�/�! , • � _ _-- r ! �j/J � �`-- � BM � _ _ - -' mm IV \. 'th f qj 1 "+', � �k.:Yf•�-~y �." jL1__. �'",• -- ,BSI! ' .. .—�i r _—. ii ;I; �.-. -!� ]e: * .sae k.� r'1l I -il ' `� I i Srarken� ug t� -r.' 1. j I APPROXIMATE N 0 2000 4000 TITLE SITE LOCATION MAP SCALE IN FEET PROJECT LOFTIS-BLYTHE CONSTRUCTION SITE 5600 AND 5518 DAVID COX ROAD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP DERITA, NC 1996 2923 S. Tryon Street, Suite 100 hart "Z hickman Charlotte, NC28203 w 704.586.0007(p) 704.586.0373(o QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) DATE: 01-23-20 REVISION NO: 0 JOB NO: HTZ-003 FIGURE: 1 I ETHANE PROBE ID rSAMPLE DATE LEGEND IMP-10R 4/2/15 11/17/15 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 ANE 0.0 4.2 11.6 16.0 14.9 13.5 15.5 16.6 13.6 10.8 14.2 19.7 15.5 13.1 SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY CONSTITUENT__� _ ^ _ I CONCENTRATION % CHAINLINK FENCE - - - - I ` APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF LANDFILL AREA MP-15 4/2/15 11/17/15 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 PERMANENT METHANE PROBE ® METHANE 0.0 2.6 8.7 12.4 13.8 13.1 13.8 14.5 14.2 12.5 11.9 13.9 12.2 10.9 LOCATION I BATHROOMS PAVED I I � ® TEMPORARY METHANE PROBE AREA I LOCATION (JULY 2013) MP-17 4/2/15 11/17/15 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 I METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 I APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF p WAREHOUSE I METHANE VENT WELL 1 OFFICES (INSTALLED JANUARY 2018) O (x MP-11 - - - - DUKE POWER RIGHT-OF-WAY J BUILDING 1 MVW-6 ® I-9 WAREHOUSE (5600 DAVID COX ROAD)-- (SPATCO) W MP-17 I MP-15 I OFFICES MP-12 W I * VF5 4 MVW-7 BUILDING 2 MP-10 I (5518 DAVID COX ROAD) p PAVED I I -� O AREA 1\ MP-10R WAREHOUSE - 09MVW-4 (TIRE WHOLESALES) MVW-8 - MI i -3®I MP-1 MP-8 I � NOTE: MP-14® I ®MP-7 P-13 OFFICES BOLD CONCENTRATION INDICATES MP-16 4/2/15 11/17/15 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 I I PAVED EXCEEDANCE OF DEQ SOLID WASTE SECTION SCREENING LEVEL OF 1.25%. MVW-2 I AREA METHANE 31.3 34.6 46.0 1 36.2 1 36.1 1 40.3 1 39.5 33.4 33.6 1 35.6 1 56.7 1 51.8 57.8 59.6 ` I WAREHOUSE I I MP-6 I I 1 I MVW-1 1B,MP-1 MP-10R 4/2/15 11/17/15 /16 8/43/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 METHANE 0.0 4.2 11.6 16.0 14.9 13.5 15.5 16.6 13.6 10.8 1 14.2 1 19.7 15.5 1 13.1 IMPPAVED AREA I I I I APPROXIMATE 0 150 300 SCALE IN FEET PAVED I I E / AREA ` SUBSURFACE METHANE MONITORING PROBE LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOFTIS-BLYTHE CONSTRUCTION SITE 5600 DAVID COX ROAD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA DA VID COx2923 South Tryon Street -Suite 100 ROAD . hart !'` h i c k m a n Charlotte. North Carolina 28203 I AMB-4 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 METHANE 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 AMB-2 1 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/191 9/25/19 METHANE 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0'Zz I 0.0 1 I Q Q I 1 I O cr- I W J 1 � co I I c/) I 1 PAVED O 1 AREA ETHANE PROBE ID 197V9:1 LEGEND - - SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY CHAINLINK FENCE CONSTITUENT, 'CONCENTRATION - APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF CES 4AMB-2 WAREHOUSE BUILDING 1 (5600 DAVID COX ROAD) AMB-3 AMB-1 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AMB-3 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 WAREHOUSE I 1 1 I 1 I I 1 1 / / PAVED oNREA� D PAVED AREA DA V/-X D AMB-5 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 LANDFILL AREA METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 PERMANENT METHANE PROBE ® LOCATION AMB-6 1 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 i PAVED I METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 F" AMBIENT AIR SAMPLE AREA APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF ♦ ® METHANE VENT WELL FICES ` ` - - - - DUKE POWER RIGHT-OF-WAY NOTE: AMB-5 MVW-6® WAREHOUSE I I(SPATCO) � ♦ BOLD CONCENTRATION INDICATES / ^ �♦ EXCEEDANCE OF DEQ SOLID WASTE SECTION A ('SP AMP-17 I &MP-15 `� ` SCREENING LEVEL. (IMVW-5 BUILDING 2 /MVw-7 (5518 DAVID COX ROAD) ® MP-1010R WAREHOUSE MVW-4 �MVw 8 (TIRE WHOLESALES) AMB-8 M'V -3®I MP-16 jl AMB 7 OFFICES I I �PA ED MVW-2 EA-"\ I -MVW1 i I J I I41 ' AMB-7 8/4/16 1 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 III I METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AMB-8 1 8/4/16 3/8/17 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 METHANE 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 / I I I I APPROXIMATE 0 150 300 SCALE IN FEET I E ♦ I INDOOR METHANE MONITORING LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOFTIS-BLYTHE CONSTRUCTION SITE 5600 DAVID COX ROAD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA `I I 2923 South Tryon Street -Suite 100 _ ♦ hart !'` h i c k m a n Charlotte. North Carolina 28203 I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE ID SAMPLE DATE MANHOLE-2 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 1 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 1 6/26/19 1 9/25/19 METHANE 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION % MANHOLE-3 16/30/17 19/28/17 112/27/171 3/23/18 16/29/18 19/21 /18 112/26/181 3/29/19 16/26/19 19/25/19 METHANE 1 0.0 1 0.1 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 OFFICES WAREHOUSE MANHOLE-216/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 (SPATCO) METHANE 1 0.0 0.1 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 ®MP-15 BUILDING 2 (5518 DAVID COX ROAD) ®MP-10RTRENCH-1 6/30/17 9/28/17 12/27/17 3/23/18 6/29/18 9/21/18 12/26/18 3/29/19 6/26/19 9/25/19 \ ,cy7 METHANE 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 WAREHOUSE (TIRE WHOLESALE) PAVED AREA MANHOLE-1 MAN HOLE-1 16/30/17 19/28/17 I12/27/17I 3/23/18 16/29/18 19/21 / 18 112/26/181 3/29/19 16/26/19 19/25/19 METHANE 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 1 0.0 OFFICES LEGEND SITE PROPERTY BOUNDARY - - - - DUKE POWER RIGHT-OF-WAY -->-->- TRENCH DRAIN SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE ® PERMANENT METHANE PROBE LOCATION 0 APPROXIMATE 0 50 100 SCALE IN FEET TITLE MANHOLE & TRENCH SAMPLE LOCATION MAP PROJECT LOFTIS-BLYTHE CONSTRUCTION SITE 5600 DAVID COX ROAD CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 100 hart � h i c k m a n Clar South Tryon Carolina 282 3 Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(f SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DATE: 1-14-20 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. HTZ-003 FIGURE NO. 4 Appendix A Equipment Calibration Documents ■� ZJ�.J CALIBRATION LOG LANDTEC - GEM 5000+ ES # 1255 Calibrated materials required: OXYGEN Lot: EBJ-161-4-5 LOW Exp: 5/8/2023 OXYGEN Lot: LBI-1-8 HIGH Exp: 12/27/2022 Methane Lot: EBJ-399-5 High Exp: 5/8/2023 Carbon Filter Saturation (CH4) - Condition: PASS now METHANE Lot: LOW Exp: CARBON Lot: MONOXIDE Exp: HYDROGEN Lot: SULFIDE Exp: FBJ-341TSM-1 5/08/20233 FBJ-49-1000-1 5/8/2023 FBJ-98-200-1 05/08/21 Gas Calibration Check Performed at Room Temperature SENSOR GEM 5000+ (FRES Initial Reading CAL Reading TIO Tolerance Comments CH4 (%) 0.0 0.0 +/- 0.5% CO m) 0.0 0.0 +/- 5 ppm 1-12S (ppm) 0.0 0.0 +/- 5 ppm H2 (%) 0.0 0.0 +/- 1.5% GEM 5000+ (MULTI SPAN GAS CALIBRATION) METHANE HIGH CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments CH4 (%) 49.9 50.0 +/- 0.5% CO2 (%) 35.1 35.0 +/- 1.5% 02 (%) 0.0 0.0 +/- 1.5% METHANE LOW CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments CH4 % 10.0 10.0 +/- 0.5% CO2 (%) 10.0 10.0 +/- 1.5% 02 (%) 0.0 0.0 +/- 1.5% OXYGEN HIGH CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments 02 (%) 20.9 20.9 +/- 0.5% OXYGEN LOW CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments 02 (%) 4.3 4.0 +/- 0. 5 % CARBON MONOXIDE CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments CO (ppm) 1008 1000 +/- 50 ppm SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments H2S (ppm) 201 200 +/- 10 ppm Signature: RQA Date: 06/24/2019 e-1 � Jk-p CALIBRATION LOG LANDTEC -GEM 5000+ ES # 1255 Calibrated materials required: OXYGEN Lot: EBJ-161-4-5 LOW Exp: 5/8/2023 OXYGEN Lot: LBI-1-8 HIGH Exp: 12/27/2022 METHANE Lot: EBJ-399-5 HIGH Exp: 5/8/2023 Carbon Filter Saturation (CH4) - Condition: PASS METHANE Lot: LOW Exp: CARBON Lot: MONOXIDE Exp: HYDROGEN Lot: SULFIDE Exp: FBJ-341TSM-1 5/8/2023 FBJ-49-1000-1 5/8/2023 FBJ-98-200-1 5/8/2021 Gas Calibration Check Performed at Room Temperature 5000+ (FRESH AIR CALIBRATION) SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments CH4 (%) 0.0 0.0 +/- 0.5% CO (ppm) 0.0 0.0 +/- 5 ppm H2S (ppm) 0.0 0.0 +/- 5 ppm H2 (%) 1 -0.4 1 0.0 1 +/- 1.5% SENSOR EM 5000+ (MULTI SPAN GAS CALIBRATIO METHANE HIGH CALIBRATIO Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments CH4 (%) 47.1 50.0 +/- 0.5% CO2 (%) 33.5 35.0 +/- 1.5% 02 (%) SENSOR 0.0 0.0 METHANE L Initial Reading CAL Reading +/- 1.5% Tolerance Comments CH4 (%) 10.6 10.0 +/- 0.5% CO2 (%) 10.3 10.0 +/- 1.5% 02 (%) 0.0 0.0 +/- 1.5% OXYGEN HIGH CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments 02 (%) 20.8 20.9 +/- 0.5% SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments 02 (%) 4.2 4.0 +/- 0.5% CARBON MONOXIDE CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading:= Tolerance Comments CO (ppm) 992 1000 1 +/- 50 ppm HYDROGEN SULFIDE CALIBRATION SENSOR Initial Reading CAL Reading Tolerance Comments H2S (ppm) 198 200 +/- 10 ppm Signature: FZ Date: 09/25/2019