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Gerstell DN: cn=Charles T. Gerstell, o=Divsion of Waste Management, ou=Solid Waste Section, email=charles.gerstell@ncdenr.gov, c=US Date: 2020.01.27 15:16:31 -05'00' Page 1 of 4 Revised 2019 supplemental SF site inspection Site Name and ID No.: BK Barringer Jr’s Lots 7 & 8 (CCB0046) County: Iredell Date of Inspection / Site Visit: December 4, 2019 Inspection Performed by (Inspector / Division): Charles Gerstell and Larry Frost Physical Address / Crossroads of Location / GPS Location: • Site located off Bevan Drive, Mooresville, NC • N: 35.614866 W: 80.809159 Size of Structural Fill: <10,000 cubic yards (CY): Notification proposed use of approximately 9,500-cubic yards of fly ash. Landowner verified: MEO Holdings, LLC Lisa M. Ellis, Registered Agent/Managing Member 119 Timberview Lane Mooresville, North Carolina 28119 Current use of site? Has use changed from last inspection? Are there any areas of exposed ash? Design concerns (if applicable) • Lots 7 and 8 are currently used for commercial purposes. • No exposed ash was observed on site. • All lots were stabilized with vegetation, asphalt, gravel, and a building on lot 8. • No significant changes from previous inspection performed on December 23, 2009. • No erosion of cover material or cap was observed within the paved area of lot 7. • One groundwater monitoring well was observed on the • The eastern facing slopes of lots 7 and 8 were covered with dense brush and trees. Overgrowth should be mowed back annually to allow for a thorough inspection, and trees should be managed to prevent degradation of the cover/cap. What is the proximity of the structural fill to receptors? Private Dwellings: Nearest private dwelling located approximately 460-feet from suspected western edge of fill area. Community Centers: None Surface Water Features 50’ (Lakes, Ponds, Wetlands, Streams): None observed. Page 2 of 4 Revised 2019 supplemental SF site inspection Water Supply Wells 100’/500’ (Public and Private): Unknown. Residential areas near the site are provided with public water access. Desktop Receptor Check Seasonal high groundwater table: Unknown 100 year / 500 year floodplain: Site not located within a floodplain. Are there any known utilities in close proximity to, within and/or beneath the fill area? The site is an active industrial park with all associated utilities provided. Past Noted Violations: (What were they and were the violations resolved?) N/A Additional Comments: • A Structural Fill Notification was submitted to the Solid Waste Section on September 15, 1995. This document proposed the utilization of approximately 9,500-cubic yards of fly ash in a structural fill application to develop the property for marketing. • Closure certification for the project was submitted to the Solid Waste Section on March 31, 1997. This document included a “Certificate of Compliance” signed and sealed by Mr. B.K. Barringer, Jr., P.E. This document stated that it was being provided as evidence of compliance with all requirements of Solid Waste Regulation Section .1700 and specifically to meet Section .1706 Closure of Structural Fill Facilities, part (d). • A Statement of Structural Fill was recorded with the Iredell County Register of Deeds on January 10, 1996 under Deed Book 0971; Page 0583. The recording verified use of approximately 4,267-tons coal combustion by- products on lots 7 and 8. Charles T. Gerstell – DWM/Solid Waste Section (704) 235-2144 Inspector Name and Division/Section Phone Number Page 3 of 4 Revised 2019 supplemental SF site inspection Pictures View of west side of Lot 8 looking east. View of lot 7 looking west. Note groundwater monitoring well in the foreground. Page 4 of 4 Revised 2019 supplemental SF site inspection Closeup view of groundwater monitoring well on Lot 7. View of east facing slopes of Lots 7 & 8. Note dense brush and trees.