HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-5276_18241_CA_RMR_20170331;ETC ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. March 31, 2017 Mr. Edward Leach North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Mooresville Regional Office Division of Waste Management Underground Storage Tank Section 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 RE: Active Remediation Monitoring Report (Former) Wilgrove Express 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Risk Classification: High (H-274-D) Land Use Classification: Commercial NCDEQ Incident No. 18241 ATC Project No. 1581048706 Dear Mr. Leach: 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive Suite 800 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Telephone:704-529-3200 Fax: 704-529-3272 www.atcgroupservices.com ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. (ATC) on behalf of Irvin Perry is pleased to submit the following Active Remediation Monitoring Report for the above -referenced site for your review and approval. This report summarizes groundwater monitoring activities conducted by ATC and sister company ATC Group Services LLC (ATC LLC) in February of 2017, in accordance with approved costs. If you have any questions or comments pertaining to this project please feel free to contact me at (980) 583-2711 or by email at tgarrison(a-)_ecsconsult.com. Sincerely, ATC ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. Thomas W. Garrison, III Program Manager cc: Mr. Irvin Perry (electronic) ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.O. ACTIVE REMEDIATION MONITORING REPORT (FORMER) WILGROVE EXPRESS 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina NCDEQ Incident No. 18241 ATC Project No. 1581048706 Latitude: 35.208474° Longitude: 80.672795' Prepared for: Mr. Irvin Perry Perry's Market 6728 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28227 Prepared by: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive — Suite 800 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 tel 704.529.3200 fax 704.529.3232 www.atcqroupservices.com March 31, 2017 Ar 0, kTC Page ii CERTIFICATION I, Michael D. Shaw, a Professional Geologist employed by ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C., do certify that the information contained in this report is correct and accurate to the best of Id my knowledge. ATC Associates of North Carolina. P.C. is licensed to practice geology in North Carolina. The certification number of the company is G274. 'AE At Michael D. Shaw, P.G. Professional Geologist NCPG# 1338 j9A C kT SITE INFORMATION Date of Report: March 31, 2017 Site Identification Facility ID: 00-0-0000031952 UST Incident No: 18241 Site Risk: High (H-274-D) Agency Contact: Edward G. Leach, NCDEQ, MRO, UST Section (704) 663-1699 or edward.leach(a).ncdenr.gov Site Name: (Former) Wilgrove Express Site Street Address: 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte. Mecklenbura Countv. NC 28227 Latitude / Longitude: 35.2084740 / (-) 80.6727950 Site Contact Information Page i Former UST Owner/Operator: Perry's Market Address: 6728 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road, Charlotte, NC 28227 Telephone: (704) 545-6978 Contact: Irvin Perry Property Owner: Couchell Investment Company, LLC Address: 3362 Smith Farm Road, Matthews, NC 28104 Consultant/Contractor: ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. Address: 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive — Suite 800 Telephone: (704) 529-3200 NC License No: C-415 Analytical Laboratory: Pace Analytical Services, Inc. Address: 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100, Huntersville, NC 28265 Telephone: (704) 875-9092 State Certification No: 12 Information about Release Date Discovered: 1st Release: October 8, 1997; 2nd Release: August 2, 2007 Estimated Quantity of Release: 1st Release: Unknown; 2nd Release: Unknown Source of Release: 1st Release: UST System; 2nd Release: UST System 1997 UST(s) Size & Contents: (1) 1,000-gallon Kerosene 2007 UST(s) Size & Contents: (1) 8,000-gallon Gasoline (previously used for Diesel storage), (1) 2,000-gallon Gasoline, (1) 2,000-gallon Diesel & (1) 1,000-gallon Kerosene jffAkTN C Page iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As required, the following executive summary provides the most pertinent information for this monitoring period. For additional information please refer to subsequent sections of this report. • As requested and approved in Pre -Approval Task Authorization (PATA) Number 18241- 20, a limited groundwater sampling event was performed. Groundwater quality samples were collected from seven (7) monitoring wells on February 20, 2017 by ATC LLC personnel. Samples were collected following the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) "Guidelines for Sampling' dated July 15, 2008 with December 1, 2013 revisions. Utilizing a combination of a stainless -steel submersible pump and dedicated bailers, ATC LLC purged each monitoring well prior to sampling and placed groundwater samples in laboratory provided containers for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 6200B and ethylene dibromide by EPA Method 504.1. During the February 2017 sampling event, the requested site monitoring wells were located and observed to be in good condition. In addition, no free phase product was encountered in the wells accessed during the reporting period; • A review of groundwater laboratory data revealed the samples collected from monitoring wells MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, TWA and TW-5 contained levels of benzene in excess of the applicable GWQS. Samples collected from wells MW-1 R, MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, and TW-4 contained levels of MTBE in excess of the applicable GWQS. Additionally, various other constituents were detected at concentrations above their respective GWQS in monitoring wells MW-1 R, MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, TW-4, and TW-5 as summarized in Table 5. • Groundwater flow in the deep aquifer was interpreted to trend northwest. Groundwater flow in the shallow aquifer is unable to be determined without additional well gauging points. The average horizontal hydraulic gradient in February 2017 was calculated to be 0.025-feet per foot (ft/ft) and the average vertical hydraulic gradient was calculated to be 0.048-ft/ft in the downward direction; • In conclusion, based on the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater exceeding the GWQS for multiple constituents and the presence of a water supply well within 1,500-feet of the source area, the site will remain classified as a "High" risk. However, groundwater modeling should be considered as a path to incident closure. Page iv TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE INFORMATION........................................................................................................................I CERTIFICATION............................................................................................................................. II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................. III 1.0 INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................1 2.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION.............................................................................2 2.1 RECEPTORS/POTENTIAL RECEPTORS 4 2.2 REGIONAL & LOCAL GEOLOGY 4 2.3 REMEDIAL PLAN STRATEGY 5 3.0 CURRENT ASSESSMENT INFORMATION...............................................................................6 3.1 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY 6 3.2 GROUNDWATER QUALITY 3.3 GROUNDWATER QUALITY— HISTORICAL COMPARISON 7 7 4.0 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................9 5.0 LIMITATIONS...................................................................................................................10 6.0 REFERENCES..................................................................................................................11 TABLES Table 1: Site History: UST System and Other Release Information Table 2: Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information Table 3: Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results FIGURES Figure 1: Site Locus Figure 2: Site Plan Figure 3: Water Supply Well Locations Map Figure 4: Groundwater Elevation Map — Shallow (Not Applicable) Figure 5: Groundwater Elevation Map - Deep Figure 6: Benzene Contour Map Figure 7: Xylenes Contour Map Figure 8: MTBE Contour Map Figure 9: Naphthalene Contour Map Figure 10: 1,2-DCA Contour Map Figure 11: EDB Contour Map Figure 12: IPE Contour Map Figure 13: 1,2,4-TMB Contour Map Figure 14: Cumene Contour Map Figure 15: Methylene Chloride Contour Map Figure 16: Groundwater Constituents Map Page v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) APPENDICES Appendix A: Current Pre -Approval Task Authorization Form Appendix B: Groundwater Sampling Log(s) Appendix C: Laboratory Analytical Report & Chain -of -Custody Form(s) ;ETC 1.0 INTRODUCTION Page 1 This Active Remediation Monitoring Report (ARM) presents a summary of the first half 2017 semi-annual groundwater monitoring activities conducted on February 20, 2017 by ATC Group Services LLC (ATC LLC). The (former) Wilgrove Express facility is located at 10102 Albemarle Road within the city limits of Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (henceforth referred to as the "site"). A site vicinity map with topographic features is included as Figure 1. The activities were conducted in accordance with the Pre -Approval Task Authorization (PATA) as approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) dated February 6, 2017 (PATA No. 18241-20). The current PATA is included in Appendix A. The site is currently owned by Couchell Investment Company, LLC of Matthews, North Carolina and operates as leased commercial space. During the July 2016 sampling event, the site was developed with a one-story building and associated asphalt parking areas. Three (3) tenants were observed inside the site structure during the July 2016 site visit. Based on assessment information collected between 1997 and 2004, there was a release into the subsurface from one (1) 1,000—gallon kerosene underground storage tank (UST) that was subsequently removed and replaced upon the release confirmation in 1997. Based on information collected from assessment activities between 2006 and the present, the contaminant source of the second release was the former UST system, which was removed from the site on January 8, 2008. The former UST information is summarized on Table 1 and locations are illustrated on Figure 2. ;ETC 2.0 SITE HISTORY AND CHARACTERIZATION Page 2 The site operated as a gasoline station and convenience store for over 17-years. Release No. 1 was confirmed during removal of a 1,000-gallon kerosene UST on October 8, 1997. Two (2) soil samples were collected beneath the UST at closure, and laboratory analysis of one (1) of the two (2) soil samples reported a Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons -Gasoline Range Organics (TPH-GRO) concentration of 15-milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). The NCDEQ standard for TPH-GRO in soil was 10-mg/kg as detailed in "Underground Storage Tank Closure Report" completed by CBM Environmental Services, Inc., (CBM) submitted on November 18, 1997. A Phase I Limited Site Assessment (LSA) was completed at the facility in April 1998. Additional soil sampling activities did not detect TPH-GRO or TPH-DRO (Diesel Range Organics) at concentrations above the method detection limits. Groundwater monitoring well MW-1 was installed adjacent to the former kerosene UST location during completion of the Phase I LSA. A groundwater sample collected from MW-1 on April 6, 1998 was laboratory -analyzed for BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes), MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether), IPE (di - isopropyl ether), and naphthalene using EPA Methods 601/602, and benzene was detected at a concentration of 3-micrograms per liter (pg/L) at a level above the North Carolina Administrative Code 2L Groundwater Quality Standard (GWQS). No other compounds were detected above the method detection limits as detailed in a "Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report" completed by CBM dated May 15, 1998. Groundwater sampling efforts were completed at the site between 1998 and 2003. Additional groundwater samples were collected from well MW-1 from December 1998 to February 2003. Groundwater samples collected during this time period were analyzed for BTEX, MTBE, IPE, and naphthalene using EPA Methods 601/602. Laboratory analyses did not detect compound concentrations above the method detection limits from samples collected during these events. In November 2006, the on -site water supply well was sampled. The laboratory analysis indicated MTBE at a concentration of 1.5-pg/L. Based on this detected concentration, the NCDENR (North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources') forwarded a "Notice of Regulatory Requirements" (NORR) to Mr. Irvin Perry, the UST owner/operator. The NORR required completion of a site check to include both tank and line tightness testing (in accordance with NC 15A NCAC 2N.0603). During July 16 and 17, 2007 a total of twenty-three (23) soil borings were completed with soil samples collected for laboratory analyses during performance of the site check. Based on the results of the site check it was determined that removal of the on -site UST system would be appropriate. The results of the site check activities were presented in the "Site Check Report" as prepared by Environmental Compliance Services, Inc. (ECS) dated July 31, 2007. On January 8, 2008, the former UST system was removed from the site. During the removal activities a total of 1,220-tons of impacted soil was excavated from two (2) areas: (1) the larger excavation area included the former gasoline and diesel UST locations and their dispensers; 1 NCDENR - predecessor to NCDEQ ;ETC Page 3 and (2) the smaller excavation encompassed the former kerosene UST and dispenser. Excavation activities were accompanied by confirmatory soil sampling. The total depths of the completed excavations ranged from approximately 12 to 17-feet below ground surface (BGS). The results of these activities were presented in the "UST Closure, 20 Day, and Initial Abatement Action Report" prepared by ECS dated March 3, 2008. Based on the results of confirmatory soil sampling performed after completion of the excavation activities, a LSA was initiated. During Phase I/Phase II LSA activities (May through July, 2008), concentrations of benzene and MTBE which exceeded the respective Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) for soil -to -groundwater were detected in two (2) soil samples. Total xylenes were detected in excess of the soil -to -groundwater MSCC in one (1) soil sample. Benzene, ethylbenzene, naphthalene and MTBE concentrations were reported in excess of their respective 15A NCAC 02L .0202 Groundwater Quality Standards (GWQS) in two (2) of the five (5) on -site monitoring wells (MW-2 and MW-3). Total xylenes were reported in excess of the GWQS in monitoring well MW-3, and IPE was reported in excess of the GWQS in well MW-2. Wells MW-2 and MW-3 also contained concentrations of C5-C8 Aliphatics and C9- C18 Aliphatics in excess of the applicable GWQSs. Wells MW-1, MW-2 and MW-3 contained concentrations of C9-C22 Aromatics in excess of the GWQS. On October 1, 2008, the NCDENR issued a subsequent NORR requiring completion of a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA). During CSA activities, it was determined that the horizontal extent of contamination had been defined. The vertical extent of contamination was determined to have been adequately defined even though a single exceedance of 1,2- dichloroethane (1,2-DCA) was detected in monitoring well TW-3. Bedrock was encountered approximately 75-feet BGS. Results of the CSA were presented in the "Comprehensive Site Assessment Report" dated April 22, 2009, "Comprehensive Assessment Report — Addendum" dated September 30, 2009, and "Comprehensive Site Assessment Report — Addendum" dated January 20, 2010, all prepared by ECS. Due to the presence of contamination within the aquifer, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) was developed by ECS detailing the design of a proposed air sparge (AS) and soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. The CAP was approved by NCDENR on September 22, 2010 and an air sparging and soil vapor extraction remediation system was installed in August 2011 which commenced active site remediation on April 19, 2012. Semi-annual groundwater sampling events coupled with bi-weekly remediation system operations and maintenance site visits were completed from the first quarter of 2012 to the fourth quarter of 2014. Results of these activities have been reported in "Active Remediation Monitoring Report" dated September 12, 2012 and March 27, 2014, both prepared by ECS. According to the "Active Remediation Monitoring Report" prepared by ECS and dated November 24, 2014, two (2) additional telescoping wells were installed per the NORR dated April 4, 2014. Following well installation, a dual -phase extraction (DPE) event was completed on monitoring well TW-1 which recovered approximately 155-gallons of petroleum impacted groundwater and 0.002-gallons of petroleum products as vapor. Subsequently, a groundwater ;ETC Page 4 sampling event was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the DPE event. It was determined that dual -phase extraction is not an effective method for reduction of petroleum hydrocarbons at the site. A NORR was received from the NCDEQ dated November 26, 2014. The NORR requested that the remediation system be winterized and shut -down. The decision to terminate remedial operations at the site was based on the monitored stability of the plume, availability of public water supplies in the area, and low efficiency of the remediation system. Additionally, groundwater sampling was requested to be performed annually as opposed to semi-annually. A groundwater sampling event was completed by ECS in February 2015. Groundwater quality data from samples collected in February 2015 revealed multiple constituents exceeding the applicable GWQS in site monitoring wells. Additionally, an updated receptor survey indicated that multiple receptors remain within 1,500-feet of the facility. An 8-hour AFVR event conducted in June 2016 recovered approximately 269-gallons of liquid and 0.02-gallons of vapor -phase petroleum hydrocarbon constituents from site monitoring wells TW-1 and TW-4. Subsequent groundwater quality data from samples collected in July 2016 revealed multiple constituents exceeding the applicable GWQS in onsite monitoring wells No additional information regarding other assessments or remediation efforts was obtained or reviewed prior to the completion of this report. 2.1 RECEPTORS/POTENTIAL RECEPTORS A receptor survey was completed by CBM during the Phase I LSA completed May 1998. A total of twenty-two (22) water supply wells were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. Municipal water was available within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. An unnamed pond was identified within 1,500-feet of the site located on private property. No wellhead protection areas were identified within a 1,500-foot radius of the site. Subsurface utilities were not buried far enough below land surface to intersect the water table. A receptor survey update was completed by ECS in March of 2016. It was determined that a total of twenty-seven (27) active water supply wells were present within a 1,500- foot radius of the site. A site vicinity map indicating the locations of all water supply wells within a 1,500-foot radius of the site is included as Figure 3. Water supply well and other receptor information is presented in Table 3. 2.2 REGIONAL & LOCAL GEOLOGY According to the 1985 "Geologic Map of North Carolina", the site was located in the Charlotte Belt of the Piedmont Physiographic Province. The Charlotte Belt consists of Upper Precambrian and Cambrian amphibolite facies of metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks intruded by granitic plutons ranging in age from 265 to 325-million years (Brown, 1985). ;ETC Page 5 The crystalline rocks of the Charlotte Belt were typically covered by a mantle of residual soil and saprolite ranging in depth from at least five to more than 60-feet. This residual soil layer provided an intergranular medium for recharge of precipitation to the underlying fractured crystalline bedrock. Surficial soils observed at the site consisted primarily of red to brown silty clay grading with increased depth into red to brown clayey silt. Previous assessment activities performed at the site determined the silty clay and clayey silt continued to a depth of at least 75-feet BGS. These soils were thought to be the result of in -place chemical weathering of the parent bedrock material. The previously determined depth to groundwater at the site ranged from approximately 14 to 24-feet BGS. 2.3 REMEDIAL PLAN STRATEGY A Corrective Action Plan was completed by ECS in September 2010 and subsequently approved by the NCDEQ. Air sparge and soil vapor extraction test wells were installed in May 2010 with pilot testing completed August 17 through August 19, 2010 consisting of a 12-hour aquifer test, an air sparge test, and a soil vapor extraction test. The tests were completed by Advanced Environmental Services, Inc. of Greensboro, NC. An AS/SVE system utilizing five (5) AS and four (4) SVE wells was installed in August 2011 and commenced operation on April 19, 2012. The system operated for approximately 2.75-years until it was shut down in December 2014. The decision to terminate remedial operations at the site was based on the monitored stability of the plume, availability of public water supplies in the area, and low efficiency of the remediation system. Details regarding remediation system operations and maintenance have been included in previous reports prepared by ECS. An 8-hour dual -phase extraction event was performed on June 27, 2014 on monitoring well TW-1 with observation of water table conditions at monitoring wells MW-3, TW-2, and TW-3. Free phase product was not detected in these wells. A total of 155-gallons of petroleum impacted groundwater was recovered from TW-1 during the DPE event. An 8-hour AFVR event conducted in June 2016 recovered approximately 269-gallons of liquid and 0.02-gallons of vapor -phase petroleum hydrocarbon constituents from site monitoring wells TW-1 and TW-4. Currently, the site is in a monitoring phase of corrective action. At this time, no additional remediation activities have been planned for the site. ;ETC 3.0 CURRENT ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Page 6 The current scope of work included a limited groundwater monitoring event in accordance with the PATA No. 18241-20 as approved by the NCDEQ dated February 6, 2017. 3.1 SITE HYDROGEOLOGY On February 20, 2017, ATC LLC mobilized to the site to perform a limited groundwater assessment event. The depths to groundwater and total well depths were measured in Type II monitoring wells MW-1 R and MW-3, and Type II I monitoring wells TW-1 through TW- 5. The groundwater elevation data is summarized on Table 4. Free product was not detected in the gauged monitoring wells during the February 2017 monitoring event. The depths to groundwater measured in the Type II monitoring wells MW1R and MW3 were measured to be 16.68-feet below top -of -Casing (TOC) and 16.72-feet below TOC, respectively. The groundwater elevations in the Type II monitoring wells MW1R and MW3, relative to a temporary benchmark with an assumed datum of 100.00-feet, were 92.63-feet and 93.76-feet, respectively. Groundwater flow in the shallow aquifer is unable to be reliably determined without additional well gauging points, therefore a shallow groundwater elevation map is not applicable and not provided in this report. The depths to groundwater measured in the Type III monitoring wells ranged from 17.90- feet below TOC (TW-2) to 19.86-feet below TOC (TW-3). The groundwater elevations in the Type III monitoring wells, relative to a temporary benchmark with an assumed datum of 100.00-feet, ranged from 74.54-feet (TW-3) to 76.76-feet (TW-5). A deep groundwater table elevation map for the Type III wells is included as Figure S. After review of the groundwater elevation data and application of the three point solution, groundwater flow in the deep aquifer was interpreted to trend to the northwest. Monitoring wells TW-1 and TW-3 screened intervals differ greatly from that of TW-2, TW-4, and TW-5, and were therefore not included in determination of the deep aquifer flow direction. The horizontal hydraulic gradient was determined by dividing the change in head between an upgradient monitoring well and a downgradient monitoring well by the horizontal ground surface distance between the wells. The horizontal hydraulic gradient in June 2017 was calculated to be 0.025-feet per foot (ft/ft) as measured between monitoring wells MW-3 and MW-1 R. The vertical hydraulic gradient was determined by dividing the change in head between a paired shallow and deep well by the mid -points of the screened intervals of a paired shallow and deep well. The vertical hydraulic gradient between monitoring well pair MW-3 and TW-1 was calculated to be 0.068-ft/ft in the downward direction. The vertical hydraulic gradient between monitoring well pair MW-3 and TW-2 was calculated to be 0.027-ft/ft in the downward direction. The average vertical hydraulic gradient was calculated to be 0.048 ft/ft in the downward direction. ;ETC 3.2 GROUNDWATER QUALITY Page 7 On February 20, 2017 utilizing a combination of submersible stainless steel pump with disposable polyethylene tubing, dedicated bailers with colorless nylon rope, and disposable powderless nitrile gloves, ATC LLC personnel purged and sampled seven (7) monitoring wells (MW-1 R, MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, TW-4, and TW-5) and placed each groundwater sample in laboratory provided containers for laboratory analysis. Field parameters (i.e., dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, oxidation reduction potential, and specific conductivity) were measured during the purging of the monitoring wells and are presented on the groundwater sampling logs included as Appendix B. Groundwater samples collected by ATC LLC during February 2017 were submitted to Pace Analytical Services (Pace) located in Huntersville, North Carolina, under chain -of -custody as documented in Appendix C. Groundwater analyses included benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (collectively referred to as BTEX), methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE), naphthalene, 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCA), di -isopropyl ether (IPE), 1,2,4- trimethyl benzene, 1,3,5-trimethyl benzene, isopropyl benzene (cumene), methylene chloride, n-propylbenzene, and n-butylbenzene by EPA Method 6200B and ethylene dibromide (EDB) by EPA Method 504.1. A review of groundwater laboratory data revealed the samples collected from monitoring wells MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, TW-4, and TW-5 contained levels of benzene in excess of the applicable GWQS. Samples collected from wells MW-1R, MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, and TW-4 contained levels of MTBE in excess of the applicable GWQS. Additionally, various other constituents were detected at concentrations above their respective GWQS in monitoring wells MW-1R, MW-3, TW-1, TW-2, TW-3, TW-4, and TW-5 as summarized in Table 5. Isoconcentration maps for all contaminants detected above the GWQS are illustrated on Figure 6 through Figure 15. A map with additional constituents which were detected and found to be below the applicable GWQS is included as Figure 16. A summary of current and historical groundwater analytical data can be found on Table 5. The laboratory report and chain of custody record are included as Appendix C. 3.3 GROUNDWATER QUALITY— HISTORICAL COMPARISON Based on a comparison of current groundwater quality data to previous data obtained from the July 2016 groundwater sampling event, the levels of MTBE have decreased at the locations of monitoring wells MW-1 R and MW-3 by 30% and 3%, respectively while increasing at the locations of monitoring wells TW-1, TW-2, and TW-3 by 14%, 11 %, and 54%, respectively. Current data from monitoring wells MW-1 R and MW-3 indicate dissolved concentrations of BTEX, naphthalene, 1,2-DCA, di -isopropyl ether (IPE), 1,2,4- trimethyl benzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, cumene, n-propylbenzene, n-butylbenzene, and lead at generally static or downward trending levels when compared to historical data. An increase in methylene chloride was observed in MW-1 R and MW-3 when compared to historical data, with the NCGWQS exceeded in both wells. ;ETC Page 8 Contaminant concentrations generally trended upward in Type III wells TW-1 and TW-2 located at the source area based on a comparison to data collected from the July 2016 groundwater sampling event. However, data collected at the locations of Type III wells TW- 4 and TW-5 indicated a decrease in overall VOC concentrations as compared to previous assessments. Concentrations of benzene, xylenes, MTBE, naphthalene, 1,2-DCA, EDB, IPE, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and cumene above the their respective GWQS remain present within the intermediate to deep aquifer. Currently groundwater contamination exceeding the applicable GWQS at multiple locations and the presence of active water supply wells within 1,000-feet of the source area is responsible for the current risk setting of "High". ;ETC 4.0 CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS Page 9 Groundwater quality data from samples collected in February 2017 revealed multiple constituents exceeding the applicable GWQS in onsite monitoring wells as summarized in Table 5. Groundwater flow in the deep aquifer was interpreted to trend to the northwest. In conclusion, based on the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in the groundwater exceeding the applicable GWQS for multiple constituents and the presence of active water supply wells within 1,500-feet of the source area, the site will remain classified as a "High" risk. At this time, we recommend implementation of a groundwater modeling scenario to evaluate the fate of remaining residual petroleum concentrations as a path to incident closure. ;ETC 5.0 LIMITATIONS Page 10 This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Irvin Perry for specific application to the referenced site in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The assessment was conducted based on the scope -of -work and level of effort requested by the NCDEQ and with resources adequate only for that scope -of -work. Our findings have been developed in accordance with generally accepted standards of geology and hydrogeology practices in the State of North Carolina, available information, and our professional judgment. No other warranty is expressed or implied. The data that are presented in this report are indicative of conditions that existed at the precise locations sampled and at the time the samples were collected. Additionally, the data obtained from samples would be interpreted as being meaningful with respect to parameters indicated in the laboratory report. No additional information can be logically be inferred from these data. Conclusions and recommendations set forth herein are applicable only to the facts and conditions described at the time of this report ;ETC 6.0 REFERENCES Page 11 EPA Region III, 1997. Risk -based Concentration Tables (RBC Tables). Office of RCRA, Technical and Program Branch, (http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/index.html). "Guidelines for Assessment and Corrective Action for UST Releases" completed by the UST Section of the NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management dated December 1, 2008 with subsequent revisions. North Carolina Administrative Code, Title 15A, Chapter 2L. "Guidelines for Sampling" completed by the UST Section of the NCDEQ, Division of Waste Management dated July 15, 2008 with subsequent revisions. Mecklenburg County Well Information System, (http://meckmap.mecklenburgcountync.gov/WIS 3/index.html). CBM Environmental Services, Inc., November 1997 "UST Closure Report" CBM Environmental Services, Inc., May 15, 1998, "Phase I Limited Site Assessment Report" ECS, March 2008, "UST Closure, 20 Day, and Initial Abatement Action Report' ECS, July 2007, "Site Check Report for Wilgrove Bait and Tackle" ECS, September 2008, "Phase I/Phase II Limited Site Assessment Re ECS, April 2009, "Comprehensive Site Assessment Report' ECS, September 2009, "Comprehensive Assessment Report — Addendum" ECS, January 2010, "Comprehensive Site Assessment Report — Addendum" ECS, September 2012, "Initial Active Remediation Monitoring Report" ECS, January 2013, "Initial Active Remediation Monitoring Report" ECS, March 2014, "Active Remediation Monitoring Report" ECS, November 2014, "Active Remediation Monitoring Report". ECS, March 2015, "Corrective Action Monitoring Report". ECS, April 2016, "Corrective Action Monitoring Report". ECS, August 2016, "Active Remediation Monitoring Report". TABLES Table 1: Site History - UST System and Other Release Information Revision Date: August 4, 2010 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wierove Express Bait and Tackle Was release Description of Current / Last Previous Capacity (in Construction Tank Date Tank Status of associated with UST ID Number Associated Piping Contents * Contents * gallons) Details ** Dimensions Installed UST*** the UST and Pumps System? PC R 1 Kerosene n/a 1,000 STL 10' 9" x 4' Unknown 11/23/1986 Yes (10/8/1997) PC R 2 Gasoline (Regular) n/a 8,000 STL 21'4"x8' Unknown Nov-70 No (1/08/2008) Gasoline PC R 3 Diesel 8,000 STL 21'4"x8' Unknown Nov-70 Yes (Premium) (1/08/2008) Gasoline PC R 4 n/a 2,000 STL 5'4" x 12' Unknown Jan-98 No (Premium) (1/08/2008) PC R 5 Kerosene n/a 1,000 STL 4'3" x 10' Unknown Oct-97 No (1/08/2008) Material Date of Incident Number Description of Release Released Release 18241 Kerosene 10/8/1997 one 1,000-gallon UST 18241 Gasoline/Diesel 1/8/2008 UST system Notes: * Gasoline (unleaded or leaded), diesel, used oil, waste oil, aviation fuel, etc., or pesticides, non -halogenated or halogenated solvents, etc. ** Fiberglass (single- or double -walled), steel (single- or double -walled), steel with FRP (single- or double -walled), steel with liner, other, unknown. *** Currently operational, not in use or temporarily closed (specify date), permanently closed in place (specify date), permanently closed by removal (specif PC-R: permanently closed -removed Table 2: Monitoring and Remediation Well Construction Information Revision Date: March 28, 2016 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wiluove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID Date Installed Well Casing Diameter (in) Well Casing Depth (fbgs) Screened Interval (fbgs) Depth of Well (fbgs) Top of Casing Elevation (ft) Depth toFree WaterProduct from Top of Casing Thickness (ft) Comments MW-1 04/01/98 2 15 15-25 25 n/a 17.41 0 Well destroyed on May 13, 2008 MW-1R 03/05/09 2 12 12-27 27 92.63 16.35 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-2 05/12/08 2 10 10-25 25 93.39 22.05 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-3 05/12/08 2 18.5 18.5-33.5 33.5 93.76 22.48 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-4 07/25/08 2 12 12-25 27 94.22 23.04 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-5 07/25/08 2 12 12-27 27 95.30 24.09 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-6 03/11/09 2 12 12-27 27 93.96 17.8 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-7 03/05/09 2 12 12-27 27 94.23 18.27 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-8 03/05/09 2 12 12-27 27 93.69 17.65 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-9 03/05/09 2 12 12-27 27 95.06 19.08 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-10 06/29/09 2 12 12-27 27 92.98 16.47 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-11 06/29/09 2 12 12-27 27 94.89 18.6 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-12 06/29/09 2 12 12-27 27 94.19 18 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-13 08/06/09 2 12 12-27 27 96.50 11.44 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 MW-14 12/10/09 2 12 12-27 27 91.89 14.4 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 TW-1 03/05/09 2 40 40-45 45 94.20 18.75 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 TW-2 06/29/09 2 65 65-70 70 93.88 17.73 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 TW-3 12/15/09 2 78 78-83 83 94.40 17.28 0 TOC re -surveyed on 7/7/2010 TW-4 07/02/14 2 42 45-60 60 95.03 18.25 0 TW-5 07/02/14 2 42 45-60 60 95.16 18.31 0 ASP-1 05/17/10 2 39 39-40 40 93.81 15 0 SVE-1 05/17/10 4 3.5 3.5-13.5 13.5 93.70 Dry 0 Well installed above the water table OW-2 05/17/10 2 3.5 3.5-13.5 13.5 94.57 Dry 0 Well installed above the water table OW-3 05/17/10 2 3.5 3.5-13.5 13.5 94.56 Dry 0 Well installed above the water table OW-4 05/17/10 2 3.5 3.5-13.5 13.5 93.56 Dry 0 Well installed above the water table OW-5 07/07/10 2 15 15-55 55 93.31 15 0 Replacement well for RW-2 OW-6 07/08/10 2 15 15-55 55 94.75 15 0 Replacement well for RW-3 RW-1R 07/07/10 4 15 15-55 55 93.63 15 0 Replacement well for RW-1 RW-1 05/17/10 4 45 45-55 55 94.20 15 0 Abandoned on 7/6/2010 RW-2 0S/17/10 2 45 45-55 55 94.81 15 0 Abandoned on 7/6/2010 RW-3 05/17/10 2 45 45-55 55 93.40 15 0 Abandoned on 7/6/2010 Table 3: Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information Revision Date: April 1, 2016 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wil oQr veEExpress Bait and Tackle Distance Owner's Year Well Well Parcel Current Well From Well No. Property Owner Owner's Mailing Address Phone Well Address Well Depth Well Use Screen Number Well Status Casing Source Area Number stalled (feet) Interval feet WSW-1* Investment 3362 Smith Farm Road, Matthews, 10102 Albemarle Road ON SITE 10940206 Company, LLC NC 28104 UnknownCouchell Charlotte, NC 28227 Abandoned 165 Potable Unknown Unknown 0 6809 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road 6809 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road WSW-1 10940214 Dorsey and Grace McIlroy Unknown Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —740 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 3362 Smith Farm Road, Matthews, 6705 Huntley Road WSW-2 10940207 CPC Properties, LLC Unknown Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —357 NC 28104 Charlotte, NC 28227 7017 Indian Trail -Fairview Road, Huntley Road WSW-3 10940208 Gene Eric Privette Indian Trail, NC 28709 Unknown Charlotte, NC 28227 Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —597 6416 Oak Hill Road 6725 Huntley Road Irrigation, Swimming WSW-4 10940209 Meldona T. Gladden Mint Hill, NC 28227 Unknown Charlotte, NC 28227 Active 1958 Unknown Pool Unknown Unknown —674 6732 Huntley Road 704-523- 6732 Huntley Road Potable, Irrigation, WSW-5 10940108 Walter David Baucom Charlotte, NC 28227 0061 Charlotte, NC 28227 Active 1985 Unknown Swimming Pool Unknown Unknown —645 William Lee & Joyce M. 6811 Huntley Road 704-545- 6811 Huntley Road WSW-6 10940210 Active 1961 150 Potable, Irrigation Unknown Unknown —937 Gladden Charlotte, NC 28227 5159 Charlotte, NC 28227 6811 Huntley Road 6814 Huntley Road WSW-7 10940106 William Lee Gladden Charlotte, NC 28227 Unknown Charlotte, NC 28227 Active 100 Potable Unknown Unknown —956 6818 Huntley Road 6818 Huntley Road WSW-8 10940105 Dave C & Louise S Cochrane Unknown Active 200 Potable Unknown Unknown —1,035 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 William Lee & Joyce M. 6811 Huntley Road 704-545- 6822 Huntley Road WSW-9 10940104 Active 100 Potable Unknown Unknown —1,113 Gladden Charlotte, NC 28227 5159 Charlotte, NC 28227 William Lee & Joyce M. 6811 Huntley Road 704-545- 6819 Huntley Road WSW-10 10940211 Active 150 Potable Unknown Unknown —1,068 Gladden Charlotte, NC 28227 5159 Charlotte, NC 28227 William Lee & Joyce M. 6811 Huntley Road 704-545- 7731 Wilson Grove Road WSW-11 10940103 Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown 1,196 Gladden Charlotte, NC 28227 5159 Charlotte, NC 28227 7617 Wilson Grove Road 7617 Wilson Grove Road WSW-12 10940101 Jeffrey &Jana Griebel Unknown Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,319 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 7609 Wilson Grove Road 7609 Wilson Grove Road WSW-13 10939125 TroyO. Watson Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown —1,438 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 7603 Wilson Grove Road 704-506- 7603 Wilson Grove Road WSW-14 10939124 Jerry D. Flowe Active 1956 70 Potable Unknown Unknown 1,400 Mint Hill, NC 28227 6826 Mint Hill, NC 28227 7519 Wilson Grove Road 7519 Wilson Grove Road WSW-15 10939218 Justin W Young Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown —1,500 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 Liberty Healthcare Properties of 2334 South 41 at Street 7712 Wilson Grove Road WSW-16 13702667 Mecklenburg County LLC Wilmington, NC 28403 Unknown Charlotte, NC 28227 Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,476 CJMJ, LLC, c/o Charles S PO Box 23226 704-545- 6808 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road WSW-17 13707639 Jones Charlotte, NC 28227 1180 Charlotte, NC 28227 Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —982 Hassan and Barbara 4300 Bridgewood Lane 10430 Albemarle Road WSW-18 13707602 Unknown Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,254 Hashemloo Charlotte, NC 28226 Charlotte, NC 28227 9820 Thormidge Drive 10510 Parkton Road WSW-19 11116421 Steve R & Evelyn S Berrier Unknown Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,346 Indian Trail, NC 28709 Charlotte, NC 28215 10335 Parkton Road 10335 Parkton Road WSW-20 11116211 Linda Hager Oliver Unknown Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —922 Charlotte, NC 28215 Charlotte, NC 28215 6023 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road 10231 Parkton Road WSW-21 11116207 Joanne A. & T.R. Craft Charlotte, NC 28227 Unknown Charlotte, NC 28215 Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —618 6808 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road 704-545- 6812 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road Does Not Exist, WSW-22 13707607 Charles S. Jones Active Unknown Unknown Unknown —1,110 Charlotte, NC 28227 1180 Charlotte, NC 28227 Shares WSW-17 13601 Old Camden Road 6718 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road, WSW-23 13707635 James S & Linda L Hartsell Unknown Active r Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown 1,128 Midland, NC 28107 Charlotte, NC 28227 Table 3: Private Water Supply Well and Other Receptor Information Revision Date: April 1, 2016 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , WilgroveExpress Bait and Tackle Distance Owner's Year Well Well Parcel Current Well From Well No. Property Owner Owner's Mailing Address Phone Well Address Well Depth Well Use Screen Number Well Status Casing Source Area Number Installed (feet) Interval feet 7807 Wilson Grove Road (704) 281- 7807 Wilson Grove Road, Does Not WSW-24 10940212 Ronda C Preslar ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- —1,216 Charlotte, NC 28227 2558 Charlotte, NC 28227 Exist William Lee & Joyce M. 6811 Huntley Road 704-545- 7723 Wilson Grove Road, WSW-25 10940116 Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,205 Gladden Charlotte, NC 28227 5159 Charlotte, NC 28227 Ina Star Estes & Dixie Ruth C 1207 Matthews Plantation Drive 10010 Albemarle Road WSW-26 10940112 Unknown Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —550 Mitchell Matthews, NC 28105 Charlotte, NC 28227 WSW-27 11116210 Billy E & Shirley H Arant 6103 Wilgrove Mint -Hill Road Unknown 10311 Parkton Road Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —771 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28215 WSW-28 10940202 Jerry W & Celia S Stallings 2117 Cotton Mill Court 704-573- 10136 Albemarle Road Does Not ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- —550 Matthews, NC 28105 5454 Charlotte, NC Exist WSW-29 11116407 Terry J Wilson 8513 Rolling Fields Road Unknown 10417 Albemarle Road Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,161 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 Development Disabilities 9822 Albemarle Road 704-650- 6824 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road, Does Not WSW-30 13707604 Resources, Inc. c/o Gina ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- —1,113 Charlotte, NC 28227 9954 Charlotte, NC 28227 Exist Lemons WSW-31 11116214 Wilgrove Investments, LLC 10901 Robinson Church Road Unknown 10525 Parkton Road Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,445 Charlotte, NC 28215 Charlotte, NC 28215 WSW-32 10940215 Dorsey and Grace McIlroy 6809 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road Unknown 6809 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —740 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 Bobby Ray & Annie B 9817 Pleasant View Lane 9817 Pleasant View Lane WSW-33 10939118 Unknown Active Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,376 Williams Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 6724 Wilgrove-Mint Hill Road 6724 Wil ove-Mint Hill Road WSW-34 13707611 Thomas RV Rentals Unknown Inactive Unknown Potable Unknown Unknown —1,310 Charlotte, NC 28227 Charlotte, NC 28227 Note: 1. Water supply wells are keyed to Figure 3. Other Potential Receptors (other public water supplies, reservoirs, water supply lines, surface water bodies, wellhead protection areas, recharge areas for deep aquifers, subsurface structures) Receptor ID Parcel Property Owner Owner's Mailing Address Owner's Location Usage Up or down Distance Number Phone gradient from Source Pond 10940109 Merle F Rye 6801 Lake Leslie Lane Unknown Southwest of site Unknown upgradient —800 Charlotte, NC 28227 City of Charlotte c/o Real 600 East 4th Street Water tower 11116218 Unknown Northwest Municiple water upgradient —1,800 Estate Division Charlotte, NC 28202 Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Revision Date: March 30, 2017 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID No. Screened Interval Top of casing Elevation Date Depth to Water Uncorrected (ft) Free Product Thickness (ft) Depth to Water Corrected for Free Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Surface Elevation MW-1 15-25 NA 05/13/08 17.41 0 17.41 NA 08/06/09 NF NF NF NF 09/25/09 NF NF NF NF 12/08/09 NF NF NF NF 12/30/09 NF NF NF NF 06/26/12 NF NF NF NF MW-1R 12-27 95.39 03/13/09 16.35 0 16.35 79.04 08/06/09 15.72 0 15.72 79.67 09/25/09 19.61 0 19.61 75.78 12/08/09 16.05 0 16.05 79.34 12/30/09 14.38 0 14.38 81.01 92.63 06/26/12 18.17 0 18.17 74.46 01/02/13 22.70 0 22.70 69.93 08/14/13 14.82 0 14.82 77.81 01/21/14 15.39 0 15.39 77.24 07/31/14 16.64 0 16.64 75.99 02/10/16 11.36 0 11.36 81.27 07/08/16 14.69 0 14.69 77.94 02/20/17 16.68 0 16.68 75.95 MW-2 10-25 96.20 08/27/08 22.05 0 22.05 74.15 03/13/09 17.35 0 17.35 78.85 08/06/09 16.94 0 16.94 79.26 09/25/09 20.37 0 20.37 75.83 12/08/09 17.06 0 17.06 79.14 12/30/09 15.43 0 15.43 80.77 93.39 06/26/12 17.81 0 17.81 75.58 01/02/13 23.55 0 23.55 69.84 08/14/13 15.32 0 15.32 78.07 01/21/14 16.08 0 16.08 77.31 07/31/14 17.30 0 17.30 76.09 02/10/16 11.92 0 11.92 81.47 07/08/16 16.63 0 16.63 76.76 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-3 18.65-33.65 96.56 08/27/09 22.48 0 22.48 74.08 03/13/09 17.73 0 17.73 78.83 08/06/09 17.52 0 17.52 79.04 09/25/09 20.69 0 20.69 75.87 12/08/09 17.63 0 17.63 78.93 12/30/09 15.85 0 15.85 80.71 93.76 06/26/12 17.80 0 17.80 75.96 01/02/13 24.06 0 24.06 69.70 08/14/13 15.91 0 15.91 77.85 01/21/14 16.57 0 16.57 77.19 07/31/14 17.75 0 17.75 76.01 02/10/16 12.47 0 12.47 81.29 07/08/16 16.73 0 16.73 77.03 F-0-2-/2-0/-1-71 16.72 0 16.72 77.04 Page 1 of 6 Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Revision Date: March 30, 2017 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID No. Screened Interval Top of casing Elevation Date Depth to Water Uncorrected (ft) Free Product Thickness (ft) Depth to Water Corrected for Free Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Surface Elevation MW-4 10-25 96.98 08/27/09 23.04 0 23.04 73.94 03/13/09 18.10 0 18.10 78.88 08/06/09 17.74 0 17.74 79.24 11.58-26.58 09/25/09 21.21 0 21.21 75.77 11.61-26.61 12/08/09 17.82 0 17.82 79.16 12/30/09 16.14 0 16.14 80.84 94.22 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 16.42 0 16.42 77.80 01/21/14 NM NM NM NM 07/31/14 18.30 0 18.30 75.92 02/10/16 12.94 0 12.94 81.28 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-5 10-25 98.05 08/27/09 24.09 0 24.09 73.96 03/13/09 19.40 0 19.40 78.65 12.11-27.11 08/06/09 18.99 0 18.99 79.06 12.29-27.29 09/25/09 22.02 0 22.02 76.03 12.30-27.30 12/08/09 19.38 0 19.38 78.67 12/30/09 17.69 0 17.69 80.36 95.30 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 17.71 0 17.71 77.59 01/21/14 NM NM NM NM 07/31/14 19.33 0 19.33 75.97 02/10/16 14.73 0 14.73 80.57 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-6 12-27 96.72 03/13/09 17.80 0 17.80 78.92 12.65-27.65 08/06/09 17.73 0 17.73 78.99 12.61-27.61 09/25/09 21.01 0 21.01 75.71 12.64-27.64 12/08/09 17.50 0 17.50 79.22 12/30/09 15.75 0 15.75 80.97 93.96 06/26/12 19.98 0 19.98 73.98 01/02/13 24.35 0 24.35 69.61 08/14/13 15.93 0 15.93 78.03 01/21/14 17.15 0 17.15 76.81 07/31/14 18.14 0 18.14 75.82 02/10/16 13.28 0 13.28 80.68 07/08/16 16.52 0 16.52 77.44 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM Page 2 of 6 Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Revision Date: March 30, 2017 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID No. Screened Interval Top of casing Elevation Date Depth to Water Uncorrected (ft) Free Product Thickness (ft) Depth to Water Corrected for Free Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Surface Elevation MW-7 12-27 96.99 03/13/09 18.27 0 18.27 78.72 11.56-26.56 08/06/09 17.83 0 17.83 79.16 11.58-26.58 09/25/09 21.02 0 21.02 21.02 12/08/09 18.14 0 18.14 78.85 12/30/09 16.45 0 16.45 80.54 94.23 06/26/12 18.51 0 18.51 75.72 01/02/13 24.59 0 24.59 69.64 08/14/13 16.44 0 16.44 77.79 01/21/14 17.42 0 17.42 76.81 07/31/14 18.13 0 18.13 76.10 02/10/16 13.16 0 13.16 81.07 07/08/16 17.40 0 17.40 76.83 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-8 12-27 96.43 03/13/09 17.65 0 17.65 78.78 11.84-26.84 08/06/09 16.82 0 16.82 79.61 11.99-26.99 09/25/09 20.43 0 20.43 20.43 11.95-26.95 12/08/09 17.63 0 17.63 78.80 12/30/09 15.83 0 15.83 80.60 93.69 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 15.81 0 15.81 77.88 01/21/14 16.97 0 16.97 76.72 07/31/14 17.48 0 17.48 76.21 02/10/16 13.00 0 13.00 80.69 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-9 12-27 97.83 03/13/09 19.08 0 19.08 78.75 12.15-27.15 08/06/09 18.75 0 18.75 79.08 12.12-27.12 09/25/09 22.09 0 22.09 75.74 12.14-27.14 12/08/09 18.91 0 18.91 78.92 12/30/09 17.25 0 17.25 80.58 95.06 06/26/12 19.40 0 19.40 75.66 01/02/13 25.65 0 25.65 69.41 08/14/13 17.48 0 17.48 77.58 01/21/14 18.37 0 18.37 76.69 07/31/14 19.27 0 19.27 75.79 02/10/16 13.97 0 13.97 81.09 07/08/16 18.39 0 18.39 76.67 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM Page 3 of 6 Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Revision Date: March 30, 2017 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID No. Screened Interval Top of casing Elevation Date Depth to Water Uncorrected (ft) Free Product Thickness (ft) Depth to Water Corrected for Free Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Surface Elevation MW-10 12.22-27.22 95.74 08/06/09 16.47 0 16.47 79.27 12.18-27.18 09/25/09 19.39 0 19.39 76.35 12.20-27.20 12/08/09 17.56 0 17.56 78.18 12/30/09 14.92 0 14.92 80.82 92.98 06/26/12 18.13 0 18.13 74.85 01/02/13 23.27 0 23.27 69.71 08/14/13 15.98 0 15.98 77.00 01/21/14 18.08 0 18.08 74.90 07/31/14 17.50 0 17.50 75.48 02/10/16 14.55 0 14.55 78.43 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-11 12.21-27.21 97.65 08/06/09 18.60 0 18.60 79.05 12.03-27.03 09/25/09 21.53 0 21.53 76.12 12.05-27.05 12/08/09 19.18 0 19.18 78.47 12/30/09 17.51 0 17.51 80.14 94.89 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 17.23 0 17.23 77.66 01/21/14 NM NM NM NM 07/31/14 18.78 0 18.78 76.11 02/10/16 14.18 0 14.18 80.71 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-12 12.31-27.31 96.96 08/06/09 18.00 0 18.00 78.96 12.11-27.11 09/25/09 21.21 0 21.21 75.75 12.12-27.12 12/08/09 17.62 0 17.62 79.34 12/30/09 15.90 0 15.90 81.06 94.19 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 NM NM NM NM 01/21/14 NM NM NM NM 07/31/14 18.63 0 18.63 75.56 02/10/16 13.10 0 13.10 81.09 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM MW-13 14.36-29.36 99.27 08/06/09 11.44 0 11.44 87.83 14.32-29.32 09/25/09 23.46 0 23.46 75.81 14.35-29.35 12/08/09 20.18 0 20.18 79.09 12/30/09 18.52 0 18.52 80.75 96.5 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 NM NM NM NM 01/21/14 NM NM NM NM 07/31/14 20.80 0 20.80 75.70 02/10/16 15.32 0 15.32 81.18 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM Page 4 of 6 Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Revision Date: March 30, 2017 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID No. Screened Interval Top of casing Elevation Date Depth to Water Uncorrected (ft) Free Product Thickness (ft) Depth to Water Corrected for Free Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Surface Elevation MW-14 12.20-27.20 94.66 12/17/09 14.40 0 14.40 80.26 12/30/09 13.42 0 13.42 81.24 91.89 06/26/12 NM NM NM NM 01/02/13 NM NM NM NM 08/14/13 NM NM NM NM 01/21/14 NM NM NM NM 07/31/14 16.31 0 16.31 75.58 02/10/16 10.70 0 10.70 81.19 07/08/16 NM NM NM NM 02/20/17 NM NM NM NM TW-1 40-45 96.99 03/13/09 18.75 0 18.75 78.24 40.31-45.31 08/06/09 17.88 0 17.88 79.11 40.27-45.27 09/25/09 21.30 0 21.30 75.69 40.30-45.30 12/08/09 17.95 0 17.95 79.04 12/30/09 16.22 0 16.22 80.77 94.20 06/26/12 20.00 0 20.00 74.20 01/02/13 24.75 0 24.75 69.45 08/14/13 NM NM NM NM 01/21/14 17.49 0 17.49 76.71 07/31/14 18.57 0 18.57 75.63 02/10/16 13.10 0 13.10 81.10 07/08/16 17.72 0 17.72 76.48 02/20/17 18.30 0 18.30 75.90 TW-2 63.20-68.20 96.69 08/06/09 17.73 0 17.73 78.96 62.61-67.61 09/25/09 21.40 0 21.40 75.29 62.40-67.40 12/08/09 17.52 0 17.52 79.17 12/30/09 15.83 0 15.83 80.86 93.88 06/26/12 19.00 0 19.00 74.88 01/02/13 24.17 0 24.17 69.71 08/14/13 NM NM NM NM 01/21/14 16.95 0 16.95 76.93 07/31/14 18.70 0 18.70 75.18 02/10/16 13.28 0 13.28 80.60 07/08/16 17.20 0 17.20 76.68 02/20/17 17.90 0 17.90 75.98 TW-3 78.22-83.22 97.18 12/17/09 17.28 0 17.28 79.90 12/30/09 16.38 0 16.38 80.80 94.40 06/26/12 21.23 0 21.23 73.17 01/02/13 24.75 0 24.75 69.65 08/14/13 NM NM NM NM 01/21/14 17.55 0 17.55 76.85 07/31/14 19.57 0 19.57 74.83 02/10/16 13.73 0 13.73 80.67 07/08/16 18.76 0 18.76 75.64 02/20/17 19.86 0 19.86 74.54 Page 5 of 6 Table 4: Current and Historical Groundwater Liquid Level Data Revision Date: March 30, 2017 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Well ID No. Screened Interval Top of casing Elevation Date Depth to Water Uncorrected (ft) Free Product Thickness (ft) Depth to Water Corrected for Free Product Thickness (ft) Groundwater Surface Elevation 07/31/14 21.08 0 21.08 73.95 TW-4 45-60 95.03 02/10/16 14.40 0 14.40 80.63 07/08/16 18.65 0 18.65 76.38 02/20/17 19.37 0 19.37 75.66 07/31/14 20.85 0 20.85 74.31 TW-5 45-60 95.16 02/10/16 13.30 0 13.30 81.86 07/08/16 17.73 0 17.73 77.43 02/20/17 18.40 0 18.40 76.76 Note: Top of casing elevations are based on an assumed benchmark of 100.00 feet. All data recorded in feet. NF - Not Found NM = Not Measured NA = Not Available Page 6 of 6 Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern F. N W W z d c 60 Well ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 04/06/98 32 <1 <1 <3 <5 <10 -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12/08/98 <1 <1 <1 <3 <5 <5 -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/15/99 <1 <1 <1 <3 <5 <10 -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 09/14/99 <1 <1 <1 <3 <5 <10 -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/01/00 <1 <1 <1 <3 <5 <10 -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- MW-1 02/28/01 <1 <1 <1 <3 <5 <10 -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 02/17/03 <1 <1 <1 <3 <5 NR -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/19/04 <1 <1 <1 <3 9.3 NA -- -- <5 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 05/13/08 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <3.0 6.4 <2.0 <1.0 <0.02 <1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF 12/17/09 NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF NF 03/13/09 <5.0 <5.0 <5.0 <15.0 117 <10.0 <5.0 <0.019 <5.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 113 <2.0 <0.50 <0.020 6.0 <0.50 -- <0.50 -- <0.50 -- 7.9 01/02/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 75.5 <2.0 <0.50 -- 2.7 -- -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 MW-1R 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 321 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 7.9 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 8.0 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 159 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 1.1 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 16.3 07/31/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 189 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 0.85 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 12.3 02/12/16 <0.50 <.50 <.50 <1.50 322 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 2.5 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <2.5 07/08/16 <1.2 1.4 J <1.2 <2.5 650 <5.0 <1.2 <1.2 4.7 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <5.0 <1.2 <1.2 10.0 02/20/17 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 <6.0 455 <8.0 1.OJ <0.020 6.9 <2.0 <2.0 <2.0 6.7 J <2.0 <2.0 NR 05/13/08 1,230 62.5 376 512 4,010 446 <10.0 <0.02 302 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/13/09 1,180 <100 466 <300 4,110 712 <100 <0.02 117 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 <12.5 <12.5 15.6 <37.5 3,470 <50.0 <12.5 <0.020 168 <12.5 -- <12.5 -- <12.5 -- <5.0 01/02/13 <10.0 <10.0 <10.0 <30.0 2,170 <40.0 <10 -- 86.5 -- -- -- -- -- -- 15.5 MW-2 08/14/13 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <3.7 818 <10 <2.5 <2.5 24.2 1.5 J -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 01/21/14 <2.5 <2.5 <2.5 <7.5 508 <10.0 <2.5 <2.5 16.5 6.9 -- -- -- -- -- 6.9 07/31/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 5.5 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 0.33 J <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <5.0 02/12/16 <0.25 <0.25 1 <0.25 <1.50 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <2.5 07/08/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.50 0.74 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 11.0 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern F. N W W z d c 60 Well ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 05/13/08 2,110 191 1,120 5,550 5,620 1,060 <50 <0.02 <50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/13/09 2,150 198 1,560 6,710 6,820 1,470 <100 0.1 249 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 2,610 180 2,020 6,160 8,840 1,240 <25.0 0.14 575 3,570 -- 229 -- 387 -- 12.6 01/02/13 1,200 70 969 2,059 5,870 868 <25.0 -- 342 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.7 MW-3 08/14/13 201 132 103 481 3,900 325 <25.0 <25.0 115 575 -- -- -- -- -- 9.8 01 /21 / 14 19.8 3.0 12.9 78.4 401 33.2 <2.0 <2.0 13.9 63.3 -- -- -- -- -- 11.8 07/31/14 29 4.3 45.6 265.6 1430 202 <2.0 <2.0 43.6 429 60.1 13.1 5.8 J 23.6 <2.0 19.5 02/12/16 31.5 <2.5 33.7 70.8 1200 159 <2.5 <2.5 46.5 63.7 20.4 11.8 <10.0 18.1 <2.5 <2.5 07/08/16 26.7 <2.5 44.5 20.5 1030 175 <2.5 <2.5 34.4 13.0 3.2 J 14.4 <10.0 25.2 <2.5 <2.5 02/20/17 11.9 <5.0 19.2 <15.0 997 180 2.7 J <0.020 37.6 2.7 J <5.0 9.7 50.2 17.7 <5.0 NR 07/28/08 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <3.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <0.02 <1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/13/09 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <3.0 <1.0 <2.0 <1.0 <0.019 <1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01 /02/ 13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-4 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 13.9 <2.0 0.52 <0.50 0.56 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 01 /21 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/31/14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/28/08 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <3.0 3.2 <2.0 <1.0 <0.02 <1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 03/13/09 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 <3.0 2.5 <2.0 <1.0 <0.02 <1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01 /02/ 13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-5 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 1.2 <2.0 0.75 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 01 /21 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/31/14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR I NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern F. N W W z d c 60 Well ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 03/13/09 82.1 <2.0 <2.0 33.5 <2.0 24.5 11.5 <0.02 <2.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 11.2 <0.50 <0.50 2.3 <0.50 2.5 1.4 <0.020 <0.50 <0.50 NR 0.93 NR <0.50 NR 58.1 01/02/13 1.7 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 <0.50 <2.0 1.1 -- <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- 137 MW-6 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 0.35 J <2.0 0.45 J <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 37 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 0.75 <2.0 1.3 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 43.6 07/31/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 3 <2.0 1.3 <0.50 0.52 0.44 J <0.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 98.8 02/12/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.75 6.2 <1.0 1.8 <0.25 0.85 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 4.4 J 07/08/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.50 7.6 <1.0 1.9 <0.25 0.69 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 50.5 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 03/13/09 88 23.9 347 1,560 24.7 205 <10.0 1.7 <10.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 202 15.3 167 731 36.2 235 10 1.4 3.4 222 -- 18.7 -- 28.7 -- 5.8 01/02/13 22.4 0.97 3 68.3 24.7 40.3 8.7 NR 2.3 NR -- -- -- -- -- 24.4 MW-7 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 0.64 9.6 32.5 1.6 J 4.2 <0.50 0.80 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 9.9 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 0.41J 5.93J 16.8 <2.0 3.2 <0.50 0.59 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 10.7 07/31/14 <0.50 <0.50 0.28 J 0.98 11.2 <2.0 1.6 <0.50 0.28 J 1.2 2.8 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 10.8 02/12/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 0.56 3.6 <1.0 0.99 <0.25 <0.25 0.50 0.26 J <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <2.5 07/08/16 <0.25 <0.25 1 <0.25 0.39 J 1.4 <1.0 0.75 <0.25 <0.25 0.32 J <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 1 <0.25 <0.25 41.9 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 03/13/09 <1.0 <1.0 <1.0 2.4 <1.0 7.3 <1.0 <0.019 <1.0 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01/02/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-8 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 1.6 <2.0 1.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 6.5 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 0.95 <2.0 0.96 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 7.6 07/31/14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern F. N W W z d c 60 Well ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 03/13/09 315 <20 750 1,762 205 311 <20 2.3 <20 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 22.5 1.7 20.2 192.8 73.2 17.8 3.9 0.61 2.9 71.1 -- 3.0 -- 3.3 -- 8.8 01/02/13 0.94 <0.50 0.69 11.9 17.2 <2.0 1.3 -- 0.69 -- -- -- -- -- -- 10.6 MW-9 08/14/13 1.6 <0.50 <0.50 5.9 3.6 <2.0 0.37 J <0.50 <0.50 1.1 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 1.26J 3.2 <2.0 0.59 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 15.2 07/31/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 1.3 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 8.9 02/12/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.75 0.41 J <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 3.6 J 07/08/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.50 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 3.4 J 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/06/09 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 0.94 <0.019 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 35.2 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 3.9 <2.0 2.4 <0.019 <0.50 -- -- <0.50 -- <0.50 -- <0.50 01/02/13 4.4 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 1.0 <2.0 1.2 NR <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 0.59 <2.0 2.4 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 MW-10 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 0.59 <2.0 2.1 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 8.8 07/31 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/06/09 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.019 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01/02/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 7.0 MW-11 01/21/14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/31 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern F. N W W z d c 60 Well ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 08/06/09 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.019 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01 /02/ 13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-12 01 /21 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/31 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/06/09 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 0.68 <2.0 <0.50 <0.019 <0.50 -- -- <0.50 -- <0.50 -- <0.50 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01 /02/ 13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-13 01 /21 / 14 NR NR NR I NR NR NR I NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/31 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.020 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 06/26/12 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01 /02/ 13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR MW-14 01 /21 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/31 / 14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/20/17 NR NR NR I NR I NR I NR I NR I NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern F. N W W z d c 60 Well ID Date Collected (mm/dd/yy) NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 03/13/09 890 <100 <100 2,290 830 416 <100 0.17 <100 NR NR <0.50 NR <0.50 NR <0.50 08/06/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 1,200 9.4 5.3 2,640 1,370 640 22.8 0.35 96.8 1,260 -- 55.9 -- 17.8 -- 11.2 01/02/13 1,090 9 <5.0 2,840 1,340 679 18 -- 81 -- -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 TW-1 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01/21/14 1,350 40.6 6.3 2,560 2,370 682 16.3 <5.0 149 1,500 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 07/31/14 1100 11.2 11.6 2360 3260 697 8.9 J <10.0 196 1610 181 112 31.1 J 63.1 19.5 4.7 J 02/10/16 802 8.6 J <6.2 1484 2740 586 8.6 J <6.2 161 1160 200 88.4 <25.0 46.9 <6.2 <2.5 07/08/16 873 7.9 J 5.6 J 1476 2980 467 9.6 J <5.0 164 1090 188 83.8 <20.0 46.0 16.9 <2.5 02/20/17 967 7.4 J <10.0 1721 3430 685 13.8 0.12 205 1290 200 108 71 59.4 <10.0 NR 08/06/09 81.6 <0.50 <0.50 89.0 1.6 18.5 11.7 0.20 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- 12/17/09 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 06/26/12 41.7 <0.50 <0.50 63.4 8.1 22.4 19.5 0.12 1.1 13 -- 4.5 -- 0.81 -- 10.1 01/02/13 36.9 14.4 <0.50 48.4 20.5 26.1 22.8 -- 2.2 -- -- -- -- -- -- 6.1 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR I NR NR NR NR NR TW-2 01/21/14 143 12.4 <0.50 140.2 85.5 82.7 31.3 <0.50 7.7 35.8 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 07/31/14 78.5 7.3 1.4 74.2 118 95.1 25.9 <1.0 10 25.2 2.1 11.3 <4.0 1.4 <1.0 8.4 02/10/16 73.8 <0.25 <0.25 47.6 184 46.9 29.1 <0.25 16.4 24.1 0.54 8.7 <1.0 0.99 <0.25 11.5 07/08/16 186 <0.62 <0.62 118.4 332 109 32.3 <0.62 24.8 69.3 4.3 16.9 <2.5 <0.62 <0.62 <2.5 02/20/17 315 0.68 J <1.2 297 373 218 37.2 0.23 30 114 2.2 27.8 9.3 5.7 <1.2 NR 12/17/09 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 1.8 <0.020 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- 06/26/12 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 2.3 <2.0 3.8 0.022 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 01/02/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 3.1 <2.0 3.3 -- <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR TW-3 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 4.2 1.1J 2.5 <0.50 0.32J <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 07/31/14 12.3 <0.50 <0.50 16.8 9.3 8.1 3.9 <0.50 0.9 6.4 <0.50 1.7 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <5.0 02/10/16 3.9 <0.25 <0.25 4.2 14.7 2.2 2.6 <0.25 1.0 1.9 <0.25 0.52 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <2.5 07/08/16 56.5 0.26 J <0.25 43.2 35.8 34.2 5.6 <0.25 2.9 14.8 <0.25 8.0 <1.0 <0.25 0.71 <2.5 02/20/17 34.0 <0.50 <0.50 19.1 78.2 26.1 7.2 0.051 6.1 5.3 <0.50 5.2 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 NR 07/31/14 331 2.9 0.62 971 50.8 246 16.5 0.74 4.9 102 <0.50 49.0 <2.0 13.4 5.3 <5.0 TW-4 02/10/16 318 1.8 J <1.0 642 73.0 266 14.8 <1.0 6.4 2.9 <1.0 42.0 <4.0 7.9 4.0 <2.5 07/08/16 279 1.9 <0.62 618 67.7 188 14.9 <0.62 5.3 46.7 <0.62 24.3 <2.5 4.2 2.0 4.7 J 02/20/17 89.4 0.54 <0.50 172.9 52.1 60.7 11.9 0.16 4.4 <2.0 <0.50 17.3 <2.0 1.7 <0.50 NR Table 5: Summary of Groundwater Analytical Results Revision Date: 03/30/17 Incident Number and Name: No. 18241 , Wilgrove Express Bait and Tackle Analytical Method 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 6200B 200.7 Contaminant of Concern N d W Date Collected Well ID F. (mm/dd/yy) W z c 60 NCGWQS 1 600 600 500 20 6 0.4 0.02 70 400 400 70 5 70 70 15 GCL 5,000 260,000 84,500 85,500 20,000 6,000 400 50 70,000 28,500 25,000 25,000 5,000 30,000 6,900 15,000 07/31/14 18 10.1 <0.50 34.8 1.2 5 3.2 <0.50 <0.50 5.4 <0.50 1.3 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 51.6 TW-5 02/10/16 32.1 <0.25 <0.25 13.7 2.8 8.3 5.0 <0.25 0.48 J 5.5 0.83 6.5 <1.0 0.44 J 0.47 J 9.8 07/08/16 210 0.64 J <0.50 214.2 8.7 100 12.8 <0.50 1.3 103 16.8 23.5 <2.0 2.5 <0.50 <2.5 02/20/17 12.3 0.26 J <0.50 8.6 5.9 7.1 8.5 <0.019 0.95 5.5 <0.50 8.4 <2.0 0.42 J 0.38 J NR 06/26/12 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.019 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 01/02/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.5 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 -- <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 08/14/13 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 WSW-21 07/31/14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.50 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <0.25 <1.0 <0.25 <0.25 <2.5 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 08/14/13 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 -- <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 01/21/14 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <1.50 <0.50 <2.0 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 -- -- -- -- -- <5.0 07/31/14 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR WSW-4 02/ 10/ 16 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS WSW-2 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR 07/08/16 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS WSW-3 02/20/17 NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR NR Notes: -- denotes results for this compound not readily available All values reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L) Concentrations in bold face type exceeded the NCGWQS. J - An estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. NR - Not Requested NA - Not Available NS - Not Sampled North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards (NCGWQS), as established in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 (effective April 1, 2013) Gross Contaminant Levels (GCLs) as defined in Title 15A, NCAC, Subchapter 02L, Section .0406 (2)(d-e) (effective December 1, 2005) FIGURES "r ,fir XF kTc ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA. P.G. (Former) Wilqrove Express 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, NC 28227 ATC Associates of North Carolina, P.C. 7606 Whitehall Executive Center Drive Suite 800 Charlotte, North Carolina 28273 Phone: 704-529-3200 www.atcassociates.com Figure 1: SITE LOCUS PPIF 4. ' ti r • jJ} '' I I f� I I I5 x l - '� I ' l � •l ! � F � •• 'r'ai � �i I ' .i i I � /' S A 4 1� 15� � t , �, I' f ^{+ ■I `■- } . - j�I Y' f rFi'r l�"�'"f I /--' _. 4 ��{ty�' f. }- F 5 aR I r 799 . '. %r+.- . r - f i-_}#' --}' { i + rft 1.f2 4• I � r� ~l II •i . •--ubaiai 500 feet SITE tt ••I- - .. u# f _ - v�l 1�,_ _ 4y• .f�i •Y•" � r■ �i�-� -,~ +• �}{'j,. !_yl-'ll + •. f }� �. r�~',ZC' '•� ^w /' rf.' fa'• ti• `•� a -9� .a � l I I ,l � Jl - . LxLµ•dltnJont� '�+� - �. it , � � y � .� .. _ +• ,` { + - �' • i + 'J. Ca rrlr.'_JP True Light ch 1 _- —�J` 4 it � *Nr � { •-,kv.�! i � - � ■'r • _• � — k _ ,7 3• - •- _ f* ^ 1I -+ • r. Fief •� i 4 i�~ •�--:'a V. ■ Map Datum; NAD 27 Contour Interval; 10 Feat g V2 1 Mile Map Edited: 1996 Base Map: U.S. Geological Survey; Quadrangle Location: Mint Hill,SC Lat/Lon: 35112' 31" NORTH, 80140' 21" WEST - UTM Coordinates: 17 529809 EAST / 3896237 NORTH Generated By: Kevin Collins COMMERCIAL Legend OE OE COMMERCIAL Z W J Y m Povennen t Center of Lake Leslie Approx. 868 ft SW of / Site /j L; . _MENT "o ACeEMAR�E ROA D i4 ONES w /MEDJgN) °E MW-1 \ OE GRASS MW-12 MW-4 PAVEMENT OE ® OE OW-3 TW-4 MW-9 � OW-28TW-3 ©V� MW-6 % AS-1 Q / vT , 3 TW-1 AS-2 SVE-2 MW--0 e O -4 TW-2% OTW-5 OW-6 MW-10 / e MW�-2 ��AS-3MW-71 AS-5 RW-1R MW-14 SVE-3_� A M W 8 PAVEMENT W-1R AS-4OW-5 SVE-4 HOT RODS / — CAFE JES�S S/A DE RE ESY COMMERCIAL TIEND LA DNA Approximate Property Line Water Line OEOverhead Electric Gas Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well O Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well MW_ 1 Well I.D. ® Former Water Supply Well p Fire Hydrant �o Area of Excavation(2008) 14 Soil Vapor Extraction Well e Air Spurge Well e Pilot Test Well OE MW-5 / of of General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. GRASS MW-11 / / ® WSW-1- I COMMERCIAL Aff AWA F kT N C ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.C. 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 wnw.atcassoeiates.com / PMWT.* Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road / Charlotte, North Carolina GRASS TRLE Site Plan cuEHT: Irvin Perry GRAPHIC SCALE 30 15 PEq15 30 COMPUTER CADFILE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: / ARW DRM TWG MS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 30' 3/31/17 1581048706 2 Legend S r ' 110110 11011011 + + Q� , ❑❑❑❑❑❑ + + t + ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ SITE + + +/ + + / ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑❑p ++++/++++ +++ rr r / / 01100000000 + + /+ + +/ + + + S+� , 0011000 n + + /+ + ++ + + + �VF / / ❑a + + + +/+ + + , , + + R ' 000 WSW-31 + + + + + + +, + + + + + ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ + + + + +/ + + + + + + + ,' + + + + + 1+ + + + + + + ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 13❑ ❑ ❑ + + + 4 + + + +,+ + + ❑❑❑❑❑EJ❑❑❑ + + + + + + +/+ +/ + + ,' I a ❑❑❑❑❑❑❑ +/+ + + H + + + + + + + ❑ o + /+ + + + + + ++ .. + + + WSW-20 ❑ ❑ ❑ �°td RD• + + + t + + + + + + + + WSW-27 ppR + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I+ + + + + + + + + W W-19 +< . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + _ + + + + + + + + + + ++ ++ ++ + ALB1RLER + + _ -2+ W WSW9+ + `+ ++++ + _ . / + + + + + + + + + +� 4- . 4- + 1" + + + + + ,+ WSW-1* + + + + ' + + + + + J + . + + + + + + + + + — / — — — — SW-2 L — — — + W* + + + + WSW-28 WSW-30. . ——— —— �+ + WSW-17 3> WSW-32 WSW-1 r . — — — — - — - — — — — - — - ZG ❑o WSW-4\ z _ �— \. — — — — — — 'WSW-5 ❑o — - - - ,WS34 ❑0 00 - - — — — WSW-6 c� _ WSW-7 3 - WSW-8 WSW-10. 500' RADIUS I -WSW-33 ' — _ — — — 4/_ — WSW-90 — — — —� . — ❑ WSW-24 — - WSW- 1 r Q — /I Imo— WSW-25 1,000 RADIUS —I -1 I I .... WSW-12- j WSW- P- WSW-16 " 1,500' RADIUS Mint Hill R = Residential District B-D = Distributive Business B-G(CUD) = General Business (Conditional Use District) B-G = General Business City of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County I-1 = Light Industrial R-MH = Manufactured Homes R-3 = Single Family (3.0 units per acre) ❑000000000o R-4 = Single Family (4.0 units per acre) + + + + + + B-2 = Business (General Business) Parcel Boundary ❑o Active WSW Inactive WSW ® Abandoned WSW General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on January 21, 2014. AFAk C Aff T A5S0.1ilArFS OF 11IiRTH CAR9LINA, P E 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704etocia 32 Fax: : (70 )529-3232 com PROJECT. Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, North Carolina lrne WSW Location Map Irvin Perry RAPHIC SCALE 400 200 Q 200 400 ;OMPUTER CADFlLE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: KD DRM ARW MS SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1"=400' 3/31/17 1581048706 3 PA VEMEN T PaVern en t 'ASS N0 - RODS ��gEM�R LE ROAD i4 tq Es PA VEMENT TW-4 TW-3 (75.66) [74.54]O O 0 TW-1 ��� [75.90] O TW-2 & (&TW-5 (75.98) 00 O�D- (76.76) L/EI GtES/A DE RE ESY PA SEMEN T T/END LA T/Nq W/MEO/A N) GRASS GRASS / / GRASS / ®/WSW-1* / / / / / Legend Approximate Property Line O Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well TW-1 Well I.D. ® Former Water Supply Well p Fire Hydrant 75.00 Groundwater Elevation Contour (Dashed where inferred) (75.98) Groundwater Elevation, feet Groundwater Flow Direction [74.541 Groundwater Elevation, feet [not used in contour] General Notes: TW-1 and TW-3 screened intervals differ from that of TW-2, TW-4, and TW-5, and were therefore not used for the determination of deep groundwater flow direction. All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Horizontal, and vertical locations of wells, and selected site features determined through measurements made by representatives of ATC. Groundwater elevations are relative to a temporary benchmark with an assumed datum of 100.00 feet. Groundwater elevations are based on measurements made on 2/20/17. Water table contours, and flow directions assume homogenous, isotropic aquifer conditions, and horizontal flow. Fluctuations in the level of the water table may occur due to factors not accounted for at the time of measurement. AV AV C • kT A55aCIAiES OF WROTH CAROLINA, P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-9200 Fax: (704)529-9292 "w.atcaeeociatee.com PROJECT• Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, North Carolina TRLE Groundwater Elevation Map - Deep Irvin Perry RAPHIC SCALE 20 i 10 10 20 f :OMPUTER CADFILE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY., ARW DRM TWG MS SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 5 M PQ Vern en t ASS MW-12 /NR PA VEMEN T MW-10 NR MW-6 NR ��gEM�R �E R04D i4 t' N S w/MED MW-13 NR -- MW-4 PAVEMENT NR 1 TW-4 MW-9 (89.4) TW-3 O NR (34.0)jkj TW-1 MW-3 0 (967) (11.9)� TW-2 TW-5 (315) (60 (12.3) MW-2 MW-7 NR NR RW-1 R NR MW-8 /\ TT7) PA VEMEN r GRASS MW-5 NR MW-11 1� NR Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant ® Former Water Supply Well (967) Benzene Concentration 1 Benzene NCGWQS Exceedance Contour Line / ND Constituent not detected above laboratory reporting limits. / NR Not requested for sampling. / General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This CR,ISS / plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L NCGWQS — North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /WSW-1 Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. AVAkT / C O 'AV C / ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 www.ateassociates.com PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road / Charlotte, North Carolina rHLE: / Benzene Contour Map CLIENT: Irvin Perry GRAPHIC SCALE: 20 10 Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADFlLE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: / 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 6 M PQ Vern en t ��gEM�R �E R04D ASS MW-12' MW-4 /NR NR PA VEMEN r MW-10 NR i4 t' N S w/MED MW-13 NR PA VEMEN r TW-4 (172.9) TW-3 MW�-6 (19.1) �OJ.500 NR /TW-1 (1721) MW-3 0 ND TW-2 �6> (297) MW-2 MW-7 NR NR RW-1 R NR MW-8 /1 TT77 Pq VEMEN r GRASS MW-5 NR MW-11 1� NR Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant ® Former Water Supply Well (1,721) Xylenes Concentration ----500 Xylenes NCGWQS Exceedance Contour Line / ND Constituent not detected above laboratory reporting limits. / NR Not requested for sampling. / General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This GRASS plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L NCGWQS — North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /WSW-1 Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. ArAkTc ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 W1rw.atcassociates.com PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road / Charlotte, North Carolina rHLE: Xylenes Contour Map cuEHr: Irvin Perry GRAPHIC SCALE: 20 10 Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADFlLE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FlGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 7 M Z W PQ Vern en t PA SEMEN T MW-14 NR ��gEM�R �E R04D ASS MW-12' MW-4 /NR NR MW-10 NR i4 t' N S w/MED MW-13 NR PA VEMENT 20 TW-4 _ (52.1) W TW-3 O Mw-( NR �TW-1 MW-3 C(3430) (997) TW-2 (373) 0 (5 9) MW-2 NR RW-1 R NR MW-1R (455) JES s 14 DE RE RSY MW-7 NR MW-8 NR PA SEMEN T TiEND LA T/NA GRASS MW-5 / NR / GRA,S / MW-11 NR ®/WSW-1* / GRASS / / Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant ® Former Water Supply Well (455) MTBE Concentration 20 MTBE NCGWQS Exceedance Contour Line ND Constituent not detected above laboratory reporting limits. NR Not requested for sampling. General Notes: I All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L NCGWQS — North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. JrAkT 'ff IF C ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA,P.0 806 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 w".atcassociates.com PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, North Carolina ME MTBE Contour Map cuENr: Irvin Perry DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 8 SS ACg�MARCE RoAD i4 LINES W/ME��gN� MW-13 0 NR GRASS MW-12 MW-4 6PAVEMENi NR NR TW-4 MW-9 (60.7) \,& TW-3 O NR MW-6 (26.1)� NR TW_ 1 MN W-5 PAVEMENT (1 0 -3 0 (685) TW-2 T _ MW-10 (218) 0 ND 5 MW-2 -7 � MW-7 NR NR � NR RW-1R MW-11 Q NR MW-14 MNRg PAVEMENT NR J & MW-1R JC") NR � ND Pa Vern en t Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well Myy_ 1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant ® Former Water Supply Well (180) Napthaelene Concentration / \ — 6 Napthalene NCGWQS Exceedance Contour Line / ND Constituent not detected above laboratory reporting limits. / NR Not requested for sampling. / General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This GRASS plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /WSW -I* Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. / CONA C / M ASSOCIATEr kT S OF NORTH CAROLINA,P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 w".atcassociates.com PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road / Charlotte, North Carolina rHLE: / Napthalene Contour Map CLIENT: Irvin Perry GRAPHIC SCALE: 20 10 Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADFlLE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: / 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 9 PA SEMEN T rAI Pa Vern en t SS MW-12 /NR MW-10 NR MW-6 NR Legend q LSEMq/R` Approximate Property Line E /� Shallow (Water Table) / \ O/j D � 1 4 Monitoring Well (Telescoping) ��Deep ESMonitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well II^//� ED e Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-13 MW_1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant NR GRASS ® Former Water Supply Well Mkv --r PAVEMEN7- (9.6J) 1,2-DCA Concentration NR /-0.4 1,2-DCA NCGWQS Exceedonce D� W-4 MW-9 Contour Line /C) (11.9) / ND Constituent not detected above TW-3 laboratory reporting limits. NR (7.2)� R Not requested for sampling. NR TW-1 MW-5 // 0 (13.8) (2MW-3 NR TW-2 TW-5 (37.2) O (8.5)I General Notes: / All locations, dimensions, and property lines MW-2 MW-7 GRASS / depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or NR land conveyance purposes. NR R_ W-1 R MW-11 Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L NR & P E / MW-8 A `/MENT NR NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality NR ®/WSW Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North -I* Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. / Arr C / OM ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, PC 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 w".atcassociates.com PROTECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road ES/ 14 Charlotte, North Carolina EfREREY E / 1,2-DCA Contour Map !IENp / CLIENT: Irvin Perry LA Tl N A �'t GRAPHIC 20�, 10 Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADFlLE : DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS OR,4 SS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: / 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 10 q �gEM4 / R`E Legend Approximate Property Line /� Shallow (Water Table) / \ O/j D 1 ( 4 Monitoring Well (Telescoping) ��Deep ESMonitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well I^/ GRASS V�//MED/qN e Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-13 MW_1 Well I.D. 0 & pp Fire Hydrant NR GRASS ® Former Water Supply Well MW-12 MW-4 PAVEMENr (0.12) EDB Concentration NR NR / —0.02ED6 NCGWQS Exceedance Contour Line TW-4 MW-9 (0.16) / ND Constituent not detected above TW-3 O laboratory reporting limits. MW-6 (0.051)& NR / NR Not requested for sampling. PA VEMEN NR TW-1 MW-5 / r MW-3 O (0.12) ND TW-2 NR TW-5 MW-10 (0.23) QND General Notes: / All locations, dimensions, and property lines NR MW-2 MW-'7 GRASS depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or & NR land conveyance purposes. NR RW-1 R MW-11 Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L Q NR MW-8 P q `/ EMEN NR NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /� MW-14 NR r * M/WSW-1 Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section MW-1 R .0202 NRND / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. Ljj / C0A SmAkTc ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.Ci 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 w".atcassociates.com P°verne Nor Rpp PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle n t GAFF S /GL 10102 Albemarle Road JES ES/A Charlotte, North Carolina DE RE RSY / EDB Contour Map r-/E/�p / cuENr: Irvin Perry LA rV/A, A ,'t GRAPHIC 20�, ,D Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADFlLE : DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS GjRA SS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 11 / q �gEM4 / R`E Legend Approximate Property Line /� Shallow (Water Table) / \ O/j D ( 1 4 Monitoring Well (Telescoping) ��Deep ESMonitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well I^/ GRASS V�//MED/qN e Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-13 MW_1 Well I.D. 0 & pp Fire Hydrant NR GRASS ® Former Water Supply Well MW-12 Mkv --r PA VFMEN T (6.9) IPE Concentration NR NR / =70 IPE NCGWQS Exceedance TW-4 MW-9 Contour Line (4.4) / ND Constituent not detected above TW-3 O laboratory reporting limits. MW-6 NR (6.1)0_,00M / / NR Not requested for sampling. PA NR /TW-1� MW-5 SEMEN T MW-3 0 (205) (34.4)� NR TW-2 TW-5 0 (30) (0.95) MW-10 General Notes: / All locations, dimensions, and property lines NR MW-2 M`]` 7 GRASS � depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or NR land conveyance purposes. NRRW-1 R MW-11 Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter Q NR MW-8 P q `/ EMENT NR NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /� MW-14 NR * M/WSW-1 Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section MW-1 R .0202 NR(6.9) / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. AFAkT CoM / ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA,P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 www.atcassociates.com P°verne NoT Rpp PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle n t CAFE S /GL 10102 Albemarle Road JES ES/14 Charlotte, North Carolina DE RE RSY / ffLE IPE Contour Map TIENp / CLIENT: Irvin Perry LATV/A, A ,'t GRAPHIC SCALE, ,D Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADFlLE DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS l7RA SJ / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 12 / Q J PQ Vern en t ��gEM4R LE R04D SS MW-12' Mkv --r /NR NR P,q VEMCNT MW-10 NR NE S MW-13 NR PA VEMENT TW-4 ND TW-3 MWW-6 (5.3) e 0 00 NR TW-1 MW-3 0 (1290) (2.7J)AK-�/ TW-2 0 � W (114) MW-2 MW-7 NR NR RW-1 R NR MW-8 /\ ATT) Pq V EMEN r wl MEDIq N) CR,q SS MW-5 NR MW-11 1� NR Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well (, W-1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant ® Former Water Supply Well \ (1290) 1,2,4 TMB Concentration / \ --4001,2,4 TMB NCGWQS Exceedance Contour Line / ND Constituent not detected above laboratory reporting limits. / NR Not requested for sampling. / General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This CR,ASS plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter J indicates an estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. ®/WSW -I* NCGWQS —North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North / Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. NA C / CCM ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA,P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 "w.atcassociates.com PROJECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road / Charlotte, North Carolina rHLE: / 1,2,4 TO Contour Map CLIENT: Irvin Perry GRAPHIC SCALE: 20 10 Q 10 20 IF COMPUTER CADFlLE : DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG JB / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: / 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 13 q �gEM4 / R`E Legend Approximate Property Line /� Shallow (Water Table) / \ O/j D 1 ( 4 Monitoring Well (Telescoping) ��Deep ESMonitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well I^/ GRASS V�//MED/qN e Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-13 MW_1 Well I.D. 0 & pp Fire Hydrant NR GRASS ® Former Water Supply Well MW-12 Mkv -Y PA SEMEN T (108) Cumene Concentration NRNR / 70 Cumene NCGWQS Exceedance TW-4 MW-9 Contour Line (17.3) / ND Constituent not detected above TW-3 O NR / laboratory reporting limits. MW-6 (5'2) O 70 MW-5 / NR Not requested for sampling. NR W_ PAVEMENT 1 1 O(108) MW (9) NR TW-2 TW-5 (27.8) O (8'4) MW-10 General Notes: / All locations, dimensions, and property lines NR MW-2 MW 7 GRASS depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or NR land conveyance purposes. NRRW-1 R MW-11 Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter Q NR MW_8 PA `/ EMENT NR NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /� MW-14 NR * ®WSW-1 Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section MW-1 R .0202 NRND / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. jr A C FAkT COM / ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 www.ateamociates.com P°verne NoT Rpp PROTECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle n t CAFE S /GL 10102 Albemarle Road JES ES/14 Charlotte, North Carolina DE RE RSY / ME Cumene Contour Map 7/E/VD / CLIENT: Irvin Perry LA TV/A, A ,'t GRAPHIC SCALE: ,D Q 10 20 COMPUTER CADRLE : DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS l7RA SJ / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 14 / P,q VEMCNT rAI Pa Vern en t SS MW-12 /NR MW-10 NR MW-6 NR n ��gEM4R LE R04D Mkv --r NR NE S MW-13 NR PA VEMENT MW-9 TW-3 S O NR TW-1 i W-3 O(71) .2) 2 �TW-5 ) MW-7 NR NR RW-1 R NR MW-8 ATT) TW-4 Pq V EMEN r wl MEDIq N) CR,q SS MW-5 NR MW-11 1� NR Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well e Pilot Test Well MW-1 Well I.D. pp Fire Hydrant ® Former Water Supply Well (71) Methylene Chloride Concentration / — 5 Methylene Chloride NCGWQS Exceedonce Contour Line / ND Constituent not detected above laboratory reporting limits. / NR Not requested for sampling. / General Notes: All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This CR,ASS plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North /WSW -I* Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 / The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. NA C / COM ASSOCIATEF kT S OF NORTH CAROLIHA,P.0 7006 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, NC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 www.ateassociates.com PROTECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road / Charlotte, North Carolina rmE: / Methylene Chloride Contour Map CLIENT: Irvin Perry GRAPHIC SCALE: 20 10 Q 10 20 IF COMPUTER CADFlLE : DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS / SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FlGURE NO.: / 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 15 M TW-2 02/20/17 0.68 J <1.2 2.2 5.7 <1.2 PQ Vern en t SS TW-3 02/20/17 <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 MW-12� <0.50 <0.50 NR MW-6 PA SEMEN NR T ALgEMgRCE RogD i4 L,gNes MW-4 NR TW-3 TW-1 MW-3 Ilia TW-2q�-\ BMW-10 MW-2 NR NR RW-1 R NR MW-14 MW-1R NR 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 WIN DES LESIA DE RE RSY MW-13 PA VEMEN T E GRASS MW-5 NR TW-4 02/20/17 0.54 <0.50 <0.50 1.7 <0.50 TW-5 MW-7 NR MW-11 NR \g PA VEMEN NR\ T MW-3 02/20/17 <5.0 19.2 <5.0 17.7 <5.0 TiENo LA T/NA TW-5 02/20/17 0.26 J <0.50 <0.50 0.42 J 0.38 J GRASS GRASS TW-1 02/20/17 7.4 J <10.0 200 59.4 <10.0 Legend Approximate Property Line Shallow (Water Table) Monitoring Well Deep (Telescoping) Monitoring Well Soil Vapor Extraction Well A Air Sparge Well a Pilot Test Well MW-1 Well I.D. ® Former Water Supply Well Qs Fire Hydrant Well ID MWIR Date 02/20/17 Toluene 600 Ethylbenzene 600 1,3,5-TMB 400 n Propylbenzene 70 n-Butylbenzene 70 Values represent the NCGWQS NR = Not Requested to sample. Concentrations in BOLD represent NCGWQS exceeded General Notes: I All locations, dimensions, and property lines depicted on this plan are approximate. This plan should not be used for construction or land conveyance purposes. Concentrations measured in micrograms per Liter ug/L NCGWQS - North Carolina Ground Water Quality Standards as defined in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (NCAC), Subchapter 02L, Section .0202 The groundwater analytical data summarized on this figure was collected during sampling on February 20, 2017. Iff I JwAkTc I 'Wir ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA,P.0 7606 Whitehall Executive Park Drive • Charlotte, INC 28273 Phone: (704)529-3200 Fax: (704)529-3232 PROTECT: Wilgrove Express Bait & Tackle 10102 Albemarle Road Charlotte, North Carolina ME Groundwater Constituents Map CUEW'. Irvin Perry DRAWN BY: DESIGNED BY: CHECKED BY: APPROVED BY: ARW DRM TWG MS SCALE: DATE: JOB NO.: FIGURE NO.: 1" = 20' 3/31/17 1581048706 16 APPENDIX A CURRENT PRE -APPROVAL TASK AUTHORIZATION FORM DIRECTED CO J 1 S COSTS ELECTRONIC PREAPPROVAL TASK AUTHORIZATION FORM Dept of Environmental Quality - Division of Waste Management Site Name Wilgrove Express City/County Charlotte /Mecklenburg Incident# 1821 RP STF ID/Name (F/L) / Irvin Perry Incident Mgr Edward Leach Region MOR RP Type(owner/opemroymndowneyanny-m-/arr) -__ Owner/Operator Change Order? No Prev. TA If 19 Consult. ID/Co.Name / ATC Group Services LLC (Reservedfor Incident Manager) Phone / Fax Number 704.583.2711 / 704.583.2744 Task. Authorization Number: 20 ChangeOrd: Email/PM Name(F/L) tAarrisonAeesconsull.com/ Thomas Garrison Site Risk/Rank/Abatement: H2740 RRA Date: 912312008 Proposal#/Scope Dates 14-810487 /Feb-2017 thru Apr- 2017 % Commercial (C=100%NC=O%Both=1%-99%) 100% Has STF Eligibility Been Determined?(T/F) TRUE Site Status (Active or NFA Date) Active Note: This Electronic Preapproval Task Authorization (ePATA) shall be used to receive preapproval from the UST Section. A proposal, Including maps and figures, must be attached to elaborate on the costs for the tasks listed below that describes the scope of work and the nationals for the proposed activities. #, following completion of this ePATA, you discover that unexpected tasks must be performed, incu rdng costs for tasks not originally included with this form, you must complete and submit a separate ePATA request designated as a "Change Ordee, in the provided space above prior to conducting those tasks. Include a copy of the prior ePATA form for confirmation. Please attach this form to the cover of the corresponding claim when requesting reimbursement. IMPORTANT: Only one claim may be submitted per ePATA and all work on the ePATA must have been completed within 12 months of the completion date of the FIRST completed task. All ePATAs submitted within a claim are closed with that claim, and may not be re -used In a separate submittal, even for costs or tasks that were not originally claimed. Final reimbursement of costs associated with the Total Claimed amount below may be affected by the eligibility status of the site (i.e., deductibles, apportionment, etc.), and the documentary validation of Incurred costs as reasonable and necessary expenses per 16A NCAC 2P .0402 and .0404. With Claim: )] All Main Consultant/Contractor invoices attached? )] Proof of payment attached directly to the front of each Invoice? e Important: The date of reimbursement is dependent on the Trust Fund balance. There may be a delay in the reimbursement of claims for work under this ePATA. PREAPPROVAL / TASK AUTHORIZATION (See Instructions/RRD for Tasks requiring Preapproval/Task Authorization) FINAL REIMBURSEMENT (Must Complete with Claim Submittal) $ .E Task# Lab/ Sub ads Proposed Units/Type Consultant ( 1 4 O a: Proposed 5 Rate/Price 4 O (Consultant) y Proposed Task Subtotal fConsultantl Preapproved Subtotal (USTSatlon) Dates of Workl (Consultant) Started Completed Claimed Amount' (Consultant) 4.031 1 / well Y $140.00 $140.00 $140.00 / 10 / well 6 $80.00 y $eg0:00 4g0.0o / 4090 #271 44: / sample 7 $62.00 y $682..0 34.00 / #330 14 / sample N $13.00 n $i43.0 0.03 / 4.091 1 / each y $35.00 y $35.00 $35.00 / 6.091 1 / report Y $625.00 y $625.00 $625.00 / 12.050 1 / trip Y $220.00 y $220.00 $220.00 / 4.090 #280 - 7 / sample Y $42.00 y $294.00 $294.00 / 4.031&4.090 MW IR, 3, TW-1, TW 2, TWA, TW-4, TW-5 - Replaced Pb with EDB EGL / / / Requested Preapproved Claimed' TOTAL: $2,228.00 TOTAL: Total Standard Costs (Not Third Parry00 ) $293990 222g.Total Standard Costs Total applied as Third Parry Deductible/Damage Costs 50.00 $0.00 Total Third Pry Costs Process Tracking !Date) (Initials) TASubmittal: 1/30/17 by: TWG (PM) (Beservedfor RO) RO Review: 2/3/17 by: EGL (IM) Joint UST Preapproval Confirmed By: 4? Date' 4-'9G ^� CO Review: 2/3/17 by: SCR (STF) RP or Designee Receipt Confirmation By: Date' 1- The ePATA expires one year from the Joint UST Preapproval date. Note: Tasks must be claimed within one year of completion. This one-year activity deadline from the authorization date does not supercede other regulatory deadlines (e.g., NORR's, NOV's, Enforcements, Remissions, etc.) 2 - Only Tasks Included on this ePATA may be claimed. Do not Include other Tasks or claimed casts (i.e., Claim preparation) that were not preapproved or the claim will be returned. 3 - Preapproval Is not valid (i.e., claimable) until receipt Is confirmed by the RP or their designee and returned to the Trust Fund within a week of approval. Signature indicates agreement with the tasks and amounts approved. Any objections/appeals must be submitted via Change Order prior to work proceeding and does not supercede other regulatory deadlines as described In #1 above.) DWM/usT DATA vx. 1/15/2017 APPENDIX B GROUNDWATER SAMPLING LOG(S) ATC Group Services Water Sampling Loa Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte NC Date: 02/20/17 Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) Sample ID: AA tAa) 1 9� Purge Time: elya Sample Time: 22-� Weather: Clear, warm, high of 75F Evacuation Data 1 Description of Measuring Point (MP): TOC Water Column in well: (1 ° Height of MP above/below land surface: Below Gals/ft: 0,163 Total Depth of Well below MP: Diameter of Well (inches): 2 Depth to Water: 1 In �Q� Gallons in well: 3 & Evacuation Method: Bail Out Gallons Purged: Purging Data / Field Parameters Color: Odor: Appearance: Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new, clean disposable polyethylene bailer, nylon rope, and nitrile gloves. Purge Volumes pH (SU) Tem%pe�r/ature (°C) ORP (mV) Con/d-,uctivity (mS/cm) Turb%idity (NTU) D.O. Zero Volume h 40 vG"'�jy-;E-) One Volume � `�2✓ � �"t 0 -0 3 � �'` `may'. 3,5 Two Volumes Three Volumes U ! Z ci �?� a O Sample 5' IZ� Z� off" 0 •03Z�' Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200B 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Remarks Sampled By ATC Group Services Water Sampling Log Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte INC Date: 02/20/17 Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) Sample ID: 4M.W � Purge Time: j'ZZ53 Sample Time: 3bo Weather: Clear, warm, high of 75F Evacuation Data Description of Measuring Point (MP): Height of MP above/below land surface: Total Depth of Well below MP: Depth to Water: Evacuation Method: Bail Out Color: TOC Water Column in well: U ° Below Gals/ft: 0.163 j >2�- Diameter of Well (inches): 2 7� Gallons in well: Gallons Purged: Purging Data /Field Parameters Odor: Appearance: Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new, clean, disposable polyethylene bailer, nylon rope, and nitrite gloves. Purge Volumes pH (SU) Temperature (°C) ORP (mV) Conductivity (mS/cm) Turbidity(NTU) D.O. (mg/L) Zero Volume 01 One Volume Two Volumes Three Volumes �,Q Z2 5' a iz� arz Sam /e Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200E 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Remarks Sampled By ATC Group Services Water Sampling Loa Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte NC Date: 02/20/17 Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) T Sample ID:yW \ Purge Time: ) Lfl�1 y " %ti 2 8 Sample Time: l lP09 Weather: Clear, warm, high of 75F Evacuation Data Description of Measuring Point (MP): Height of MP above/below land surface: Total Depth of Well below MP: Depth to Water: Evacuation Method: Bail Out Color: TOC Below zo Water Column in well: Gals/ft: 0.163 Diameter of Well (inches): 2 v Gallons in well: Gallons Purged: Purging Data /Field Parameters Odor: Appearance: Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new clean disposable polyethylene bailer nylon rope, and nitrite gloves. Purge Volumes pH (SU) Temperature (°C) ORP (mV) Conductivity Turbidity (NTU) D.O. (mg/L) Zero Volume 12`JU a-3- (V L (9 �` r L41 One VolumeY' rt Two Volumes Three Volumes Sample t Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200B 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Remarks Sampled By E. Greene - ATC Group Services Water Sampling Loci Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte NC Date: 02/20/17 Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) Sample ID: \y Z Purge Time: Sample Time: Weather: Clear, warm, high of 75F Evacuation Data Description of Measuring Point (MP): Height of MP above/below land surface: Total Depth of Well below MP: Depth to Water: Evacuation Method: Bail Out Color: TOC Below Water Column in well: Gals/ft: Diameter of Well (inches): Gallons in well: Gallons Purged: Purging Data /Field Parameters Odor: Appearance: 0.163 2 Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new clean disposable polyethylene bailer nylon rope and nitrite gloves. Purge Volumes (SU) Tempe7ra4(°C) ORP (mV) ConAdluctivity (mS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) D.O. (mg/L) Zero Volume !pH /ure One Volume'f'� �7 Two Volumes Three Volumes Cf� - 9 '"l / - 0, 09 Sample �.� / - rJ ' 0�t`a Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200B 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Remarks Sampled By E. Greene ATC Group Services Water Sampling Log Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd. Charlotte NC Date: 02/W/17 Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) Sample ID: i VJ N Purge Time: �I (; Z.< Sample Time: j (5�0 Weather: Clear. warm. hiah of 75F �rFTi1FIiC.7i7�FtF1 Description of Measuring Point (MP): TOC Water Column in well: (e2 Height of MP above/below land surface: Below Gals/ft: 0.163 Total Depth of Well below MP: 0)� kQ Diameter of Well (inches): 2 Depth to Water: 1 q . Gallons in well: r Evacuation Method: Beirut- j 7t, ,,,,,a Gallons Purged: T Purging Data / Field Parameters Color: Odor: Appearance: Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new, clean, disposable polyethylene bailer, nylon rope, and nitrile gloves. Purge Volumes pH (SU) Temperature (°C) ORP (mV) Conductivity (mS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) D.O. (mg/L) Zero Volume �"` IZ- 1 �'vJ �I1 z Z� One Volume "� `U c�"�� `10 0 ' �r�" � � " d �� 02 C3 Two Volumes °%"t Three Volumes � 2 `/ (,3 ` v-�+ 1 v 0 `) , J Sample Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200B 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Remarks Sampled By E. Greene ATC Group Services Water Sampling Loa Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte NC Date: 02/2b/l7 Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) Sample ID: T\rJ4 Purge Time: -j.(q.'"SampleTime: 1' (_)[o Weather: Clear, warm, high of 75F Description of Measuring Point (MP): Height of MP above/below land surface: Total Depth of Well below MP: Depth to Water: Evacuation Data TOC Li 6 . � W Below 0.163 t96S+ Water Column in well: Gals/k: Diameter of Well (inches): Gallons in well: 2 Evacuation Method: Bail Out Gallons Purged: Purging Data / Field Parameters Color: Odor: Appearance: Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new, clean, disposable polyethylene bailer, nylon rope, and nitrile gloves. Purge Volumes pH (SU) Temperature (°C) ORP (mV) Conductivity (mS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) D.O.(mg/L) Zero Volume � � � i _') V ` � L -tA 000 q 1 t One Volume Z� �- Two Volumes' ivi �'j� •(?�'3 "IOOZ) Three Volumes Sample�web �UUv i I •�1.�' Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200E 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Remarks Sampled By E. Greene ATC Group Services Water Samnlina Loa Job Name: Wilgrove Express Page: 1 of 1 Location: 10102 Albemarle Rd, Charlotte NC Date: 02/ /17 °--r Groundwater or Surface Water (circle one) Sample ID: lu�D� Purge Time: C1 Iq _ CJ ,�Z. Sample Time: T Weather: Clear, warm, high of 75F Evacuation Data r Description of Measuring Point (MP): TOC Water Column in well: Height of MP above/below land surface: Below Gals/ft: 0.163 Total Depth of Well below MP: 5d - ( S� Diameter of Well (inches): 2 5� Depth to Water: ,:`-� Gallons in well: ca 1"fU Evacuation Method: BaiTQur t,i.Gallons Purged: Purging Data / Field Parameters Color: Odor: Appearance: Temp: Sampling Method and Materials: Bail using new, clean, disposable polyethylene bailer, nylon rope, and nitrile gloves. Purge Volumes pH (SU) Temperature (°C) ORP (mV) Conductivity (mS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) D.O. (mg/L) Zero Volume •0 j�'; .�- ,Z,.��1 1Urr60 �' •�- One Volume 3 i � ) CI Z li" ° -z5 �3 Two Volumes �C (�' 1- � U f woo - Three Volumes Sample 7 - 7/ v 010 T- tobo Sampling Data ompoun s Sampled Container Preservative 6200B 40 mL VOA HCI 504.1 40 mL VOA Sampled By APPENDIX C LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORT & CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM(S) aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 March 02, 2017 Aaron Williamson ATC Group Services LLC- South Charlotte 13504 South Point Blvd Unit F Charlotte, NC 28210 RE: Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Dear Aaron Williamson: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on February 22, 2017. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, p Taylor Ezell taylor.ezell@pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 CERTIFICATIONS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Charlotte Certification IDs 9800 Kincey Ave. Ste 100, Huntersville, NC 28078 South Carolina Certification #: 99006001 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460221 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabsxom Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 92331044001 MWA R Water 02/20/17 12:20 02/22/17 13:21 92331044002 MW-3 Water 02/20/1713:00 02/22/17 13:21 92331044003 TW1 Water 02/20/1716:00 02/22/17 13:21 92331044004 TW2 Water 02/20/1715:35 02/22/17 13:21 92331044005 TW3 Water 02/21/1710:50 02/22/17 13:21 92331044006 TW4 Water 02/21/1712:00 02/22/17 13:21 92331044007 TW5 Water 02/21/17 09:48 02/22/17 13:21 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Pace Project No.: Wilgrove Express 92331044 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92331044001 MW-1R EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C 92331044002 MW-3 EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C 92331044003 TW1 EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C 92331044004 TW2 EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C 92331044005 TW3 EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C 92331044006 TW4 EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C 92331044007 TW5 EPA 504.1 HSK 2 PASI-C SM 6200B CAH 63 PASI-C REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: MWAR Lab ID: 92331044001 Collected: 02/20/17 12:20 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 0.020 0.020 1 02/28/17 13:16 03/01/17 01:37 106-93-4 L1 Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 99 % 70-130 1 02/28/17 13:16 03/01/17 01:37 301-79-56 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Benzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/L 20.0 2.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 74-83-9 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 135-98-8 tert-Butyl benzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/L 4.0 2.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/L 4.0 2.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 4.0 2.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane 1.0J ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether 6.9 ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 8.0 4.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 87-68-3 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 98-82-8 Methylene Chloride 6.7J ug/L 8.0 4.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-09-2 Methyl-tert-butyl ether 455 ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: MWAR Lab ID: 92331044001 Collected: 02/20/17 12:20 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Toluene-d8 (S) Analytical Method: SM 6200B ND ug/L 8.0 4.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 91-20-3 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 103-65-1 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 100-42-5 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 630-20-6 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 79-34-5 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 127-18-4 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 108-88-3 ND ug/L 8.0 4.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 87-61-6 ND ug/L 8.0 4.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 120-82-1 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 71-55-6 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 79-00-5 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 79-01-6 ND ug/L 4.0 2.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-69-4 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 96-18-4 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 95-63-6 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 108-67-8 ND ug/L 4.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 75-01-4 ND ug/L 4.0 2.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 179601-23-1 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 4 02/24/17 21:15 95-47-6 119 % 70-130 4 02/24/17 21:15 17060-07-0 88 % 70-130 4 02/24/17 21:15 460-00-4 97 % 70-130 4 02/24/17 21:15 2037-26-5 Sample: MW-3 Lab ID: 92331044002 Collected: 02/20/17 13:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 0.020 0.020 1 02/28/17 13:16 03/01/17 01:57 106-93-4 L1 Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 113 % 70-130 1 02/28/17 13:16 03/01/17 01:57 301-79-56 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Benzene 11.9 ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/L 50.0 5.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 74-83-9 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene 4.4J ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 135-98-8 tert-Butyl benzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 56-23-5 Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: MW-3 Lab ID: 92331044002 Collected: 02/20/17 13:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane 2.7J ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether 37.6 ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene 19.2 ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 87-68-3 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 9.7 ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 98-82-8 Methylene Chloride 50.2 ug/L 20.0 10.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-09-2 Methyl-tert-butyl ether 997 ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 1634-04-4 Naphthalene 180 ug/L 20.0 10.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene 17.7 ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 103-65-1 Styrene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.7J ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 95-63-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: MW-3 Lab ID: 92331044002 Collected: 02/20/17 13:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Toluene-d8 (S) Analytical Method: SM 6200B ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 108-67-8 ND ug/L 10.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 75-01-4 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 10 02/23/17 20:57 179601-23-1 ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 10 02/23/17 20:57 95-47-6 115 % 70-130 10 02/23/17 20:57 17060-07-0 94 % 70-130 10 02/23/17 20:57 460-00-4 103 % 70-130 10 02/23/17 20:57 2037-26-5 Sample: TW1 Lab ID: 92331044003 Collected: 02/20/17 16:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 6200B MSV Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butyl benzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 0.12 ug/L 0.020 0.020 1 03/01 /17 16:15 03/01 /17 22:15 106-93-4 106 % 70-130 1 03/01 /17 16:15 03/01 /17 22:15 301-79-56 Analytical Method: SM 6200B 967 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 71-43-2 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 108-86-1 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 74-97-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-27-4 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-25-2 ND ug/L 100 10.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 74-83-9 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 104-51-8 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 135-98-8 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 98-06-6 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 56-23-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 108-90-7 ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-00-3 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 67-66-3 ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 74-87-3 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 95-49-8 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 106-43-4 ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 96-12-8 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 124-48-1 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 106-93-4 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 74-95-3 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 95-50-1 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 541-73-1 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 106-46-7 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-71-8 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-34-3 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW1 Lab ID: 92331044003 Collected: 02/20/17 16:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene Diisopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) Methylene Chloride Methyl-tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Toluene-d8 (S) Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM Analytical Method: SM 6200B 13.8 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 107-06-2 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-35-4 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 156-59-2 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 156-60-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 78-87-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 142-28-9 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 594-20-7 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 563-58-6 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 10061-01-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 10061-02-6 205 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 108-20-3 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 100-41-4 ND ug/L 40.0 20.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 87-68-3 108 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 98-82-8 71.0 ug/L 40.0 20.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-09-2 C9 3430 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 1634-04-4 685 ug/L 40.0 20.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 91-20-3 59.4 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 103-65-1 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 100-42-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 630-20-6 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 79-34-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 127-18-4 7.4J ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 108-88-3 ND ug/L 40.0 20.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 87-61-6 ND ug/L 40.0 20.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 120-82-1 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 71-55-6 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 79-00-5 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 79-01-6 ND ug/L 20.0 10.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-69-4 ND ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 96-18-4 1290 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 95-63-6 200 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 108-67-8 ND ug/L 20.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 75-01-4 795 ug/L 20.0 10.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 179601-23-1 926 ug/L 10.0 5.0 20 02/23/17 21:14 95-47-6 118 % 70-130 20 02/23/17 21:14 17060-07-0 92 % 70-130 20 02/23/17 21:14 460-00-4 103 % 70-130 20 02/23/17 21:14 2037-26-5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW2 Lab ID: 92331044004 Collected: 02/20/17 15:35 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 0.23 ug/L 0.020 0.020 1 03/01/17 16:15 03/01/17 22:34 106-93-4 Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 116 % 70-130 1 03/01/17 16:15 03/01/17 22:34 301-79-56 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Benzene 315 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/L 12.5 1.2 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 74-83-9 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene 3.7 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 135-98-8 tert-Butyl benzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/L 2.5 1.2 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 67-66-3 Chloromethane 1.81 ug/L 2.5 1.2 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 2.5 1.2 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane 37.2 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether 30.0 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 87-68-3 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 27.8 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 98-82-8 Methylene Chloride 9.3 ug/L 5.0 2.5 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-09-2 C9 Methyl-tert-butyl ether 373 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW2 Lab ID: 92331044004 Collected: 02/20/17 15:35 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Toluene-d8 (S) Analytical Method: SM 6200B 218 ug/L 5.0 2.5 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 91-20-3 5.7 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 103-65-1 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 100-42-5 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 630-20-6 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 79-34-5 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 127-18-4 0.68J ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 108-88-3 ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 87-61-6 ND ug/L 5.0 2.5 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 120-82-1 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 71-55-6 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 79-00-5 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 79-01-6 ND ug/L 2.5 1.2 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-69-4 ND ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 96-18-4 114 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 95-63-6 2.2 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 108-67-8 ND ug/L 2.5 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 75-01-4 100 ug/L 2.5 1.2 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 179601-23-1 197 ug/L 1.2 0.62 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 95-47-6 113 % 70-130 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 17060-07-0 95 % 70-130 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 460-00-4 99 % 70-130 2.5 02/23/17 21:30 2037-26-5 Sample: TW3 Lab ID: 92331044005 Collected: 02/21/17 10:50 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 0.051 ug/L 0.020 0.020 1 03/01/17 16:15 03/01/17 22:53 106-93-4 Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 103 % 70-130 1 03/01/17 16:15 03/01/17 22:53 301-79-56 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Benzene 34.0 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/L 5.0 0.50 1 02/23/1717:17 74-83-9 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene 0.59 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 135-98-8 tert-Butyl benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/1717:17 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 56-23-5 Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW3 Lab ID: 92331044005 Collected: 02/21/17 10:50 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/23/17 17:17 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/23/17 17:17 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.47J ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane 7.2 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether 6.1 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/23/17 17:17 87-68-3 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 5.2 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 98-82-8 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-09-2 Methyl-tert-butyl ether 78.2 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 1634-04-4 Naphthalene 26.1 ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/23/17 17:17 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 103-65-1 Styrene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/23/17 17:17 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/23/17 17:17 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.3 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 95-63-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW3 Lab ID: 92331044005 Collected: 02/21/17 10:50 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Toluene-d8 (S) Analytical Method: SM 6200B ND ug/L 0.50 ND ug/L 1.0 1.1 ug/L 1.0 18.0 ug/L 0.50 114 % 70-130 96 % 70-130 99 % 70-130 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 108-67-8 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 75-01-4 0.50 1 02/23/17 17:17 179601-23-1 0.25 1 02/23/17 17:17 95-47-6 1 02/23/17 17:17 17060-07-0 1 02/23/17 17:17 460-00-4 1 02/23/17 17:17 2037-26-5 Sample: TW4 Lab ID: 92331044006 Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 6200B MSV Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene tert-Butyl benzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 0.16 ug/L 0.019 0.019 1 03/01 /17 16:15 03/01 /17 23:13 106-93-4 106 % 70-130 1 03/01 /17 16:15 03/01 /17 23:13 301-79-56 Analytical Method: SM 6200B 89.4 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 71-43-2 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 108-86-1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 74-97-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-27-4 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-25-2 ND ug/L 5.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 20:58 74-83-9 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 104-51-8 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 135-98-8 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 98-06-6 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 56-23-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 108-90-7 ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-00-3 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 67-66-3 ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 20:58 74-87-3 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 95-49-8 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 106-43-4 ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 20:58 96-12-8 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 124-48-1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 106-93-4 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 74-95-3 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 95-50-1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 541-73-1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 106-46-7 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-71-8 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-34-3 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 13 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW4 Lab ID: 92331044006 Collected: 02/21/17 12:00 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene Diisopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) Methylene Chloride Methyl-tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl chloride m&p-Xylene o-Xylene Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) Toluene-d8 (S) Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM Analytical Method: SM 6200B 11.9 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 107-06-2 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-35-4 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 156-59-2 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 156-60-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 78-87-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 142-28-9 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 594-20-7 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 563-58-6 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 10061-01-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 10061-02-6 4.4 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 108-20-3 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 100-41-4 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 20:58 87-68-3 17.3 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 98-82-8 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-09-2 52.1 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 1634-04-4 60.7 ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 20:58 91-20-3 1.7 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 103-65-1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 100-42-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 630-20-6 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 79-34-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 127-18-4 0.54 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 108-88-3 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 20:58 87-61-6 ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 20:58 120-82-1 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 71-55-6 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 79-00-5 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 79-01-6 ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-69-4 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 96-18-4 17.7 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 95-63-6 ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 108-67-8 ND ug/L 1.0 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 75-01-4 24.9 ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 20:58 179601-23-1 148 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 20:58 95-47-6 122 % 70-130 1 02/24/17 20:58 17060-07-0 93 % 70-130 1 02/24/17 20:58 460-00-4 99 % 70-130 1 02/24/17 20:58 2037-26-5 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 14 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW5 Lab ID: 92331044007 Collected: 02/21/17 09:48 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 504 GCS EDB and DBCP Analytical Method: EPA 504.1 Preparation Method: EPA 504.1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 0.019 0.019 1 03/01/17 16:16 03/01/17 23:32 106-93-4 Surrogates 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) 100 % 70-130 1 03/01/17 16:16 03/01/17 23:32 301-79-56 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Benzene 12.3 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/L 5.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 17:02 74-83-9 n-Butylbenzene 0.38J ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene 0.75 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 135-98-8 tert-Butyl benzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 108-90-7 Chloroethane 0.55J ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 17:02 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 17:02 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-71-8 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane 8.5 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 107-06-2 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether 0.95 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 17:02 87-68-3 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 8.4 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 98-82-8 Methylene Chloride ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-09-2 Methyl-tert-butyl ether 5.9 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 1634-04-4 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 15 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 Sample: TW5 Lab ID: 92331044007 Collected: 02/21/17 09:48 Received: 02/22/17 13:21 Matrix: Water Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 6200B MSV Analytical Method: SM 6200B Naphthalene 7.1 ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 17:02 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene 0.42J ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 103-65-1 Styrene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 127-18-4 Toluene 0.26J ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 17:02 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 2.0 1.0 1 02/24/17 17:02 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 5.5 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 108-67-8 Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 1.0 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 75-01-4 m&p-Xylene 7.4 ug/L 1.0 0.50 1 02/24/17 17:02 179601-23-1 o-Xylene 1.2 ug/L 0.50 0.25 1 02/24/17 17:02 95-47-6 Surrogates 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 120 % 70-130 1 02/24/17 17:02 17060-07-0 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 92 % 70-130 1 02/24/17 17:02 460-00-4 Toluene-d8 (S) 100 % 70-130 1 02/24/17 17:02 2037-26-5 Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 16 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 QC Batch: 349640 Analysis Method: SM 6200B QC Batch Method: SM 6200B Analysis Description: 6200E MSV Associated Lab Samples: 92331044002, 92331044003, 92331044004, 92331044005 METHOD BLANK: 1939777 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92331044002, 92331044003, 92331044004, 92331044005 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/23/17 17:00 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/23/17 17:00 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/23/17 17:00 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 2-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 4-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Benzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Bromobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Bromochloromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Bromodichloromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Bromoform ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Bromomethane ug/L ND 5.0 0.50 02/23/17 17:00 Carbon tetrachloride ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Chlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Chloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/23/17 17:00 Chloroform ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Chloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/23/17 17:00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Dibromochloromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Dibromomethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Diisopropyl ether ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Ethylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 17 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 METHOD BLANK: 1939777 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92331044002, 92331044003, 92331044004, 92331044005 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/23/17 17:00 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 m&p-Xylene ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/23/17 17:00 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Methylene Chloride ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/23/17 17:00 n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Naphthalene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/23/17 17:00 o-Xylene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Styrene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 tert-Butyl benzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Toluene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Trichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/23/17 17:00 Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 1.0 0.25 02/23/17 17:00 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 112 70-130 02/23/17 17:00 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 92 70-130 02/23/17 17:00 Toluene-d8 (S) % 99 70-130 02/23/17 17:00 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 1939779 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 50 46.9 94 60-140 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 50 51.1 102 60-140 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 50 50.0 100 60-140 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 50 49.6 99 60-140 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 50 49.2 98 60-140 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 50 56.0 112 60-140 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/L 50 50.0 100 60-140 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 50 51.9 104 60-140 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L 50 52.0 104 60-140 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 50 50.7 101 60-140 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 50 51.4 103 60-140 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L 50 55.4 111 60-140 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L 50 49.2 98 60-140 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 50 50.4 101 60-140 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 50 50.9 102 60-140 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 50 46.8 94 60-140 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 50 50.6 101 60-140 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 50 49.3 99 60-140 Qualifiers Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 18 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 1939779 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/L 50 48.7 97 60-140 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 50 47.2 94 60-140 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 50 49.4 99 60-140 2-Chlorotoluene ug/L 50 52.1 104 60-140 4-Chlorotoluene ug/L 50 51.5 103 60-140 Benzene ug/L 50 48.6 97 60-140 Bromobenzene ug/L 50 53.9 108 60-140 Bromochloromethane ug/L 50 51.9 104 60-140 Bromodichloromethane ug/L 50 51.4 103 60-140 Bromoform ug/L 50 44.7 89 60-140 Bromomethane ug/L 50 46.0 92 60-140 Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 50 46.9 94 60-140 Chlorobenzene ug/L 50 47.8 96 60-140 Chloroethane ug/L 50 53.1 106 60-140 Chloroform ug/L 50 51.2 102 60-140 Chloromethane ug/L 50 54.2 108 60-140 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 50 51.2 102 60-140 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 50 50.0 100 60-140 Dibromochloromethane ug/L 50 50.0 100 60-140 Dibromomethane ug/L 50 49.3 99 60-140 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 50 53.3 107 60-140 Diisopropyl ether ug/L 50 56.3 113 60-140 Ethylbenzene ug/L 50 46.9 94 60-140 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L 50 48.6 97 60-140 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L 50 47.2 94 60-140 m&p-Xylene ug/L 100 94.1 94 60-140 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L 50 57.9 116 60-140 Methylene Chloride ug/L 50 56.6 113 60-140 n-Butylbenzene ug/L 50 52.0 104 60-140 n-Propylbenzene ug/L 50 51.3 103 60-140 Naphthalene ug/L 50 54.2 108 60-140 o-Xylene ug/L 50 48.4 97 60-140 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L 50 51.1 102 60-140 Styrene ug/L 50 48.2 96 60-140 tert-Butyl benzene ug/L 50 42.3 85 60-140 Tetrachloroethene ug/L 50 43.4 87 60-140 Toluene ug/L 50 46.8 94 60-140 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 50 53.3 107 60-140 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 50 49.7 99 60-140 Trichloroethene ug/L 50 46.6 93 60-140 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 50 58.9 118 60-140 Vinyl chloride ug/L 50 44.5 89 60-140 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 112 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 90 70-130 Toluene-d8 (S) % 99 70-130 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 19 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1939780 1939781 MS MSD 92331039013 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1, 2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 1,2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2,2-Dichloropropane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diisopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) m&p-Xylene Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 20 20 20.7 21.1 104 105 ug/L ND 20 20 24.4 24.0 122 120 ug/L ND 20 20 21.2 21.9 106 110 ug/L ND 20 20 21.6 21.8 108 109 ug/L ND 20 20 23.8 23.1 119 115 ug/L ND 20 20 26.8 26.4 134 132 ug/L ND 20 20 23.8 23.5 119 118 ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 20.8 106 104 ug/L ND 20 20 22.2 22.9 111 115 ug/L ND 20 20 20.6 19.9 103 99 ug/L ND 20 20 22.2 24.1 111 120 ug/L ND 20 20 22.3 23.5 111 118 % Rec Max Limits RPD RPD Qual 60-140 2 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 3 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 3 30 60-140 2 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 3 30 60-140 3 30 60-140 8 30 60-140 5 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.1 22.2 110 111 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.7 23.0 108 115 60-140 6 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.0 22.6 114 112 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.6 21.7 103 108 60-140 5 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.1 23.7 110 118 60-140 7 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 22.4 106 112 60-140 6 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.1 22.5 111 113 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.0 21.4 105 107 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.8 21.1 104 105 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.2 24.3 111 121 60-140 9 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.0 23.5 110 118 60-140 7 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.5 22.8 113 114 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.7 23.5 108 117 60-140 8 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.8 22.7 114 114 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.2 23.8 116 119 60-140 3 30 ug/L ND 20 20 18.4 18.8 92 94 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 21.4 105 107 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.5 22.0 108 110 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.1 22.6 111 113 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 25.0 24.6 125 123 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.5 23.3 117 116 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 26.4 26.5 132 133 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 24.0 23.5 120 118 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.8 21.1 109 105 60-140 3 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.7 21.7 108 109 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.5 21.9 108 110 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 25.6 25.3 128 126 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 25.3 25.2 126 126 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.9 22.5 109 112 60-140 3 30 ug/L ND 20 20 19.7 19.6 99 98 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.7 22.1 109 110 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 40 40 43.9 44.9 110 112 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 24.9 24.4 124 122 60-140 2 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 20 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1939780 1939781 MS MSD 92331039013 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Methylene Chloride ug/L ND 20 20 24.6 24.6 123 123 60-140 0 30 n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 21.4 23.3 107 116 60-140 8 30 n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 22.0 23.8 110 119 60-140 8 30 Naphthalene ug/L ND 20 20 22.3 22.8 111 114 60-140 2 30 o-Xylene ug/L ND 20 20 21.9 22.5 109 113 60-140 3 30 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 22.3 23.8 111 119 60-140 7 30 Styrene ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 22.1 105 110 60-140 5 30 tert-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 18.3 19.7 91 99 60-140 8 30 Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 20 20 18.9 20.2 95 101 60-140 6 30 Toluene ug/L ND 20 20 20.7 22.0 104 110 60-140 6 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 20 20 24.9 23.9 125 119 60-140 4 30 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 20 20 21.2 21.9 106 110 60-140 3 30 Trichloroethene ug/L ND 20 20 21.5 21.7 108 109 60-140 1 30 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 20 20 28.4 28.6 142 143 60-140 1 30 Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 20 20 21.2 21.5 106 107 60-140 2 30 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 113 109 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 97 93 70-130 Toluene-d8 (S) % 92 97 70-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 21 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 QC Batch: 349814 Analysis Method: SM 6200B QC Batch Method: SM 6200B Analysis Description: 6200E MSV Associated Lab Samples: 92331044001, 92331044006, 92331044007 METHOD BLANK: 1940711 Matrix: Associated Lab Samples: 92331044001, 92331044006, 92331044007 Blank Parameter Units Result Water Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/24/17 15:54 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/24/17 15:54 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/24/17 15:54 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 2-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 4-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Benzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Bromobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Bromochloromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Bromodichloromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Bromoform ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Bromomethane ug/L ND 5.0 0.50 02/24/17 15:54 Carbon tetrachloride ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Chlorobenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Chloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/24/17 15:54 Chloroform ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Chloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/24/17 15:54 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Dibromochloromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Dibromomethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Diisopropyl ether ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Ethylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 22 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 METHOD BLANK: 1940711 Associated Lab Samples: Parameter Matrix: 92331044001, 92331044006, 92331044007 Blank Units Result Water Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/24/17 15:54 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 m&p-Xylene ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/24/17 15:54 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Methylene Chloride ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/24/17 15:54 n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Naphthalene ug/L ND 2.0 1.0 02/24/17 15:54 o-Xylene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Styrene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 tert-Butyl benzene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Toluene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Trichloroethene ug/L ND 0.50 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 0.50 02/24/17 15:54 Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 1.0 0.25 02/24/17 15:54 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 117 70-130 02/24/17 15:54 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 94 70-130 02/24/17 15:54 Toluene-d8 (S) % 97 70-130 02/24/17 15:54 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 1940712 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 50 47.9 96 60-140 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 50 53.8 108 60-140 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 50 49.5 99 60-140 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 50 50.2 100 60-140 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 50 51.0 102 60-140 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 50 55.9 112 60-140 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/L 50 51.6 103 60-140 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 50 46.4 93 60-140 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L 50 51.8 104 60-140 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 50 46.0 92 60-140 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 50 48.9 98 60-140 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L 50 52.0 104 60-140 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L 50 50.4 101 60-140 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 50 48.1 96 60-140 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 50 54.0 108 60-140 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 50 46.4 93 60-140 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 50 48.4 97 60-140 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 50 46.6 93 60-140 Qualifiers Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 23 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 1940712 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/L 50 49.6 99 60-140 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 50 46.3 93 60-140 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 50 51.3 103 60-140 2-Chlorotoluene ug/L 50 48.6 97 60-140 4-Chlorotoluene ug/L 50 48.5 97 60-140 Benzene ug/L 50 49.4 99 60-140 Bromobenzene ug/L 50 49.9 100 60-140 Bromochloromethane ug/L 50 51.1 102 60-140 Bromodichloromethane ug/L 50 51.3 103 60-140 Bromoform ug/L 50 44.9 90 60-140 Bromomethane ug/L 50 52.1 104 60-140 Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 50 48.2 96 60-140 Chlorobenzene ug/L 50 47.9 96 60-140 Chloroethane ug/L 50 54.5 109 60-140 Chloroform ug/L 50 52.4 105 60-140 Chloromethane ug/L 50 56.6 113 60-140 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 50 52.4 105 60-140 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 50 50.6 101 60-140 Dibromochloromethane ug/L 50 51.0 102 60-140 Dibromomethane ug/L 50 46.7 93 60-140 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 50 50.2 100 60-140 Diisopropyl ether ug/L 50 57.1 114 60-140 Ethylbenzene ug/L 50 47.6 95 60-140 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L 50 45.7 91 60-140 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L 50 48.6 97 60-140 m&p-Xylene ug/L 100 98.2 98 60-140 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L 50 55.3 111 60-140 Methylene Chloride ug/L 50 57.7 115 60-140 n-Butylbenzene ug/L 50 49.6 99 60-140 n-Propylbenzene ug/L 50 48.7 97 60-140 Naphthalene ug/L 50 49.5 99 60-140 o-Xylene ug/L 50 49.8 100 60-140 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L 50 48.9 98 60-140 Styrene ug/L 50 48.3 97 60-140 tert-Butyl benzene ug/L 50 40.4 81 60-140 Tetrachloroethene ug/L 50 44.3 89 60-140 Toluene ug/L 50 47.6 95 60-140 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 50 52.8 106 60-140 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 50 50.5 101 60-140 Trichloroethene ug/L 50 46.5 93 60-140 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 50 58.0 116 60-140 Vinyl chloride ug/L 50 43.6 87 60-140 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 119 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 97 70-130 Toluene-d8 (S) % 99 70-130 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 24 of 33 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1940713 1940714 MS MSD 92330994013 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1, 2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1, 2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene 1,2-Dibromo-3- chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2,2-Dichloropropane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Benzene Bromobenzene Bromochloromethane Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene Dibromochloromethane Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane Diisopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) m&p-Xylene Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 20 20 19.7 20.5 98 103 ug/L ND 20 20 25.2 25.1 126 125 ug/L ND 20 20 21.4 21.6 107 108 ug/L ND 20 20 21.2 21.4 106 107 ug/L ND 20 20 24.0 23.7 120 119 ug/L ND 20 20 26.5 25.8 132 129 ug/L ND 20 20 24.1 24.1 121 120 ug/L ND 20 20 19.4 20.8 97 104 ug/L ND 20 20 22.2 22.1 111 111 ug/L ND 20 20 18.7 20.3 94 102 ug/L ND 20 20 21.5 22.1 107 111 ug/L ND 20 20 22.1 23.5 111 118 % Rec Max Limits RPD RPD Qual 60-140 4 30 60-140 0 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 1 30 60-140 3 30 60-140 0 30 60-140 7 30 60-140 0 30 60-140 8 30 60-140 3 30 60-140 6 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.2 21.0 106 105 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.8 21.7 104 109 60-140 4 30 ug/L ND 20 20 24.2 23.9 120 118 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.4 20.4 102 102 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.2 21.3 106 106 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.1 19.9 100 99 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.5 21.7 107 109 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.1 20.9 101 105 60-140 4 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.3 22.2 111 111 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.9 22.0 110 110 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.4 21.7 107 108 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.8 22.3 109 112 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.7 22.2 108 111 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.2 23.3 116 116 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 22.6 22.8 113 114 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 17.6 18.3 88 92 60-140 4 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.4 21.2 102 106 60-140 4 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.5 22.0 108 110 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.3 21.3 107 106 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.0 23.8 115 119 60-140 3 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.8 24.1 119 121 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 23.6 24.3 118 122 60-140 3 30 ug/L ND 20 20 24.3 24.7 121 124 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 20.3 21.4 101 107 60-140 5 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 21.0 105 105 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 20 20 19.6 20.8 98 104 60-140 6 30 ug/L ND 20 20 25.1 25.4 125 127 60-140 1 30 ug/L ND 20 20 25.8 25.3 129 127 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.3 21.8 107 109 60-140 2 30 ug/L ND 20 20 17.7 20.2 89 101 60-140 13 30 ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 21.1 106 106 60-140 0 30 ug/L ND 40 40 43.1 43.5 108 109 60-140 1 30 ug/L 0.64 20 20 25.6 25.7 125 125 60-140 0 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 25 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1940713 1940714 MS MSD 92330994013 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Methylene Chloride ug/L ND 20 20 25.8 25.6 129 128 60-140 1 30 n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 20.8 22.3 104 111 60-140 7 30 n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 21.3 22.5 106 113 60-140 6 30 Naphthalene ug/L ND 20 20 20.8 22.7 104 113 60-140 8 30 o-Xylene ug/L ND 20 20 21.9 21.5 109 108 60-140 1 30 sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 21.3 22.0 106 110 60-140 3 30 Styrene ug/L ND 20 20 20.7 20.6 103 103 60-140 1 30 tert-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 20 20 17.1 17.9 86 90 60-140 5 30 Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 20 20 19.2 19.3 96 97 60-140 1 30 Toluene ug/L ND 20 20 21.1 21.3 105 107 60-140 1 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 20 20 24.8 24.8 124 124 60-140 0 30 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 20 20 20.2 21.1 101 106 60-140 4 30 Trichloroethene ug/L ND 20 20 20.5 21.4 103 107 60-140 4 30 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 20 20 27.3 27.8 137 139 60-140 2 30 Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 20 20 19.3 20.2 96 101 60-140 5 30 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 121 118 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 94 93 70-130 Toluene-d8 (S) % 96 99 70-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 26 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 QC Batch: 350106 Analysis Method: EPA 504.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 504.1 Analysis Description: GCS 504 EDB DBCP Associated Lab Samples: 92331044001, 92331044002 METHOD BLANK: 1941968 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92331044001, 92331044002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 0.019 0.019 03/01/17 00:40 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) % 107 70-130 03/01/17 00:40 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 1941969 1941970 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L .24 0.35 0.33 144 137 70-130 6 20 L1 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) % 123 115 70-130 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1941973 92331220001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND ND 20 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) % 114 112 2 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 27 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 QC Batch: 350367 Analysis Method: EPA 504.1 QC Batch Method: EPA 504.1 Analysis Description: GCS 504 EDB DBCP Associated Lab Samples: 92331044003, 92331044004, 92331044005, 92331044006, 92331044007 METHOD BLANK: 1943447 Matrix: Water Associated Lab Samples: 92331044003, 92331044004, 92331044005, 92331044006, 92331044007 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 0.020 0.020 03/01/17 21:17 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) % 98 70-130 03/01/17 21:17 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 1943448 1943449 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L .25 0.30 0.30 119 121 70-130 1 20 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) % 103 99 70-130 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 1943450 1943451 MS MSD 92331374001 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND .25 .25 0.31 0.31 121 123 65-135 2 20 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane % 99 100 70-130 (S) SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 1943452 92331374002 Dup Parameter Units Result Result 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND ND 1-Chloro-2-bromopropane (S) % 102 99 Max RPD RPD Qualifiers 20 3 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 28 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALIFIERS Project: Wilgrove Express Pace Project No.: 92331044 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TN -The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-C Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte ANALYTE QUALIFIERS C9 Common Laboratory Contaminant. L1 Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) was above QC limits. Results for this analyte in associated samples may be biased high. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 29 of 33 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Pace Project No.: Wilgrove Express 92331044 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92331044001 MWA R EPA 504.1 350106 EPA 504.1 350160 92331044002 MW-3 EPA 504.1 350106 EPA 504.1 350160 92331044003 TW1 EPA 504.1 350367 EPA 504.1 350406 92331044004 TW2 EPA 504.1 350367 EPA 504.1 350406 92331044005 TW3 EPA 504.1 350367 EPA 504.1 350406 92331044006 TW4 EPA 504.1 350367 EPA 504.1 350406 92331044007 TW5 EPA 504.1 350367 EPA 504.1 350406 92331044001 MWA R SM 6200E 349814 92331044002 MW-3 SM 6200B 349640 92331044003 TW1 SM 6200B 349640 92331044004 TW2 SM 6200B 349640 92331044005 TW3 SM 6200B 349640 92331044006 TW4 SM 6200B 349814 92331044007 TW5 SM 6200B 349814 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 03/02/2017 04:02 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 30 of 33 Document Name: Document Revised: Sept. 21, 2016 aceAnalXical' Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.01 Pace Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville ❑ Eden[] Greenwood ❑ Huntersville� Raleigh❑ Mechanicsville❑ Sample Condition ,. Client Name: WO# : 92331044 Courier:ReceiptFed E Project #. ❑ x ❑UPS ❑USPS ❑Client ❑ Commercial ace ❑Other: 92331044 Custody Seal Present? Dyes Dfo-� Seals Intact? ❑Yes ❑No r / Date/initials Person Examining Contents: Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap IeBubble Bags ❑None ❑Other: Thermometer: � 1� . '-" - ❑ IR Gun ID: Type f Ice. ewet ❑Blue ❑None ❑Samples od-ice, cooling process has begun Correction Factor: Cooler Temp Corrected (°C): � Biological Tissue Frozen? Dyes ❑No "DNjfi Temp should be above freezing to 6-C USDA Regulated Soil (Q N/A, water sample) Did samples originaje in a quarantine zone within the United States: CA, NY, or SC (check maps)? r1„_ _ ram.. Chain of Custody Present? es ❑No ❑N/A 1. Samples Arrived within Hold Time? _ ' es ❑No ❑N/A 2. Short Hold Time Analysis (<72 hr.)? i.-]Yes ova ❑N/A 3. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ---]Yes L'1No ❑N/A 4. Sufficient Volume? !� ❑No ❑N/A S. Correct Containers Used?<J"Y es ❑No ❑N/A 6. -Pace Containers Used? -j[�Y s [:]No ❑N/A Containers Intact-7 Yes []No ❑NJA- . 7. Samples Field Filtered? ❑Yes ❑No ❑N/A 8. Sample Labels Match COC? ❑Yes [:]No I--] NIA 9. -Includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix: Headspace in VOA Vials (>5-6mm)? ❑Yes o ❑N/A 10. Trip Blank Present? ❑Yes []No -N/A 11. Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑Yes ❑No []N/A CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Person Contacted: Comments/Sample Discrepancy: Did samples originate from a foreign source (inte including Hawaii and Puerto Rico)? nYes F Note if sediment is visible in the dissolved container Date/Time: Field Data Required? ❑Yes ❑No Project Manager SCARF Review: Date:+J?� Project Manager SRF Review: Date: L Nate: Whenever there is a discrepancy affecting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy of this form will be sent to the North Carolina DEHNR Certification Office (i.e. Out of hoid, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers) Page 31 of 33 Document Name: Sample Condition upon Recei, Analytical Document No.: F-CAR-CS-033-itev.01 *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination Project # is verified and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. **Bottom half of box is to list number of bottles Document Revised: Sept. 21, 2016 Page 2 of 2 Issuing Authority: Pace Quality Office W0#:92331044 PM: PTE Due Date: 03/01/17 CLIENT: 92-Env Compl U Z Q, Z aI a Z v � a v U w 2 2 ro Z dS Q U N H CU a C V Q V N N U a Z v !' ry V r� v 2 a U 4 Z z Z y -. m i < = Z t` M a 2 N a u N a V a 7 V v a O N a r O = u io cQi a z N o. x O Z o N 2 m C ' V s U = a c a 0 O N i O ut = i ? o ¢ � z _ U z M O In fa z a C ` a O CL m o u's +' = n- _+ Z `U N rC Y a N ry x Z u N = o [tl n. 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