HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-4519_14969_CA_O_20180906_Receptor Survey Update^IN TANAGER PARK R I DELLINGER CR SUNSET OP / AKEITH DR A NTH DR / ` I c DERITA DAY CARE 41 STATESVILLE RD �_ 7__L 117�21' ", - [!W:� i ! - " NEVIN PARK MECKLENBURG COUNTY 6000 STATESVILLE RD I 0 DELLWGERCR MILHAVEN MEMORIAL BAPTIST J -- > W a S DELLIN R BOULDER LN JUNIPER OR' OVEN LN W r a r N IGLESIA DE RESTAURACION ADONAI INC 6001 STATESVILLE RD RANSON MIDDLE SCHOOL BRISBANE ACADEMY & TUTORING 5850 STATESVILLE RD _ SUNS RIDGE cT 5901 STATESVILLE R_ DJ - z _T .•, -P z U T Q I0 `SUNSTONEDR T-'-�) Ur W NEVIN GLEN DR [= T� TFFM ffTTTM L N � W J BURMIrH Av6325 BURMITH AV N C vx � SUNjRpOE x n A I Legend Source Area Receptor Locations Churches Creeks/Streams Daycare �� E 1,500' from Source Park Locations 0 Site Private Schools ® Ponds Q Potential Water Supply Well Parcels T.EITIIWT-"C'q'T v s� x s I ORR ST GIBBON TERRACE CT [ GRA_K DR 1 1 � DURH AM LN O�'Pv 411 feet Feet ME 1 200 411 :11 Charlotte -Mecklenburg Schools Ranson Middle School 5850 Statesville Road, Charlotte, NC Potential Receptor Map NCDEQ Incident No.:14969 Date: 8/29/2018 A=COM Figure: 1 Project No.: 60581611 AECOMImagine it. AECOM Delivered. 5925 Carnegie Boulevard Charlotte, NC 28209 aecom.com September 6, 2018 Ms. Trudy Beverly Hydrogeologist Mooresville Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Underground Storage Tank Section, Division of Waste Management 919 N. Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 RE: Receptor Survey Update Ranson Middle School 5850 Statesville Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina 28269 NCDEQ Incident No.: 14969 AECOM Project Number: 60581611 Dear Ms. Beverly: AECOM, on behalf of Charlotte -Mecklenburg Schools (CMS), is presenting this Receptor Survey Update for Ranson Middle School, located at 5850 Statesville Road, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (subject property) in relation to a Notice of Regulatory Requirement (NORR) dated December 6, 2017 from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) associated with Underground Storage Tank (UST) Incident Number 14969. AECOM understands that the subject property consists of one 28.55-acre parcel identified as Mecklenburg County Parcel Identification Number 04542103, occupied by CMS and operated as Ranson Middle School. Review of the NORR indicated that an updated receptor survey needed to be conducted on the surrounding area to identify sensitive receptors within 1,500 feet of the former UST basin (Site or source area) that could be at potential risk. Background As documented in the Underground Storage Tank Site Closure Report prepared by Handex of the Carolinas, Inc. (Handex) and dated February 28, 1995, the subject property (NCDEQ Facility ID 0-021184) operated a 10,000-gallon heating oil UST (tank dimensions reportedly 26 feet long and 8 feet in diameter) until December 16, 1994. The installation date of the UST is unknown. On December 16, 1994, the UST system was closed via removal from the ground. During tank closure activities, the UST was uncovered at approximately 4 feet below ground surface (bgs) and removed from an excavation reportedly 8.5 feet wide, 26.5 feet long, and 12.5 feet deep. The UST was observed to be in good condition with no visual evidence of scaling or corrosion. Some soil discoloration was observed on the east sidewall of the excavation. Based on the condition of the UST, the staining was attributed to past spills and/or overfills around the fill port. Subsequently, three confirmatory soil samples (S-1, S-2, and S-3) were collected near the observed staining (at 14 feet bgs) and analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) diesel range organics (DRO) and gasoline range organics (GRO) by United States Environmental Protection Agency Methods 3550 and 5030, respectively. Due to limitations encountered during excavation (i.e. a concrete pad encountered at the base of the UST), no soil samples were collected below the tank. In addition, over excavation of the impacted soil was not performed and the excavation was backfilled with clean fill. Upon aecom.com 1/4 /� _COM Imagined. /�� Delivered. completion of tank removal activities, the UST was transported off -site for disposal by Nation Wide Tank Disposal Services (Handex, 1995). Soil sample analytical results identified a concentration of 666 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) of TPH DRO in S-1. No detections of TPH DRO or TPH GRO were reported in soil samples S-2 and S-3. Based on the findings of the soil sample analysis, additional assessment was recommended to further delineate the horizontal and vertical extent of the soil impacts (Handex, 1995). J.A. Jones Environmental Services Company (Jones) prepared a Site Sensitivity Evaluation and Comprehensive Site Assessment to evaluate potential groundwater impacts associated with the former UST (Jones, 1995). One groundwater monitoring well (MW-1) was installed to a total depth of 31 feet bgs at the Site. During installation, one soil sample (MW-1 SB-01) was collected from 17 to 19 feet bgs and analyzed for TPH DRO and TPH GRO. Subsequent to well installation, a groundwater sample was collected in May 1995 (Jones, 1995). Soil sample results for TPH DRO/GRO were below laboratory method detection limits for MW-1 SB-01. The groundwater sample collected from MW-1 identified low concentrations of volatile organic compounds; however, total lead was reported at a concentration of 27 micrograms per liter which is above its respective water quality standard located in Title 15A of the North Carolina Administrative Code, Subchapter 2L, Section .0202 (211- Standards). Based on the TPH DRO concentration report in soil sample S-1 (666 mg/kg), groundwater elevation recorded in MW-1, an accessible public water supply and lack of drinking water supply wells (WSWs) in the surrounding area, the Site Sensitivity Evaluation ranked the release incident as Low Risk (rank: D) with a score of 70, which resulted in a TPH DRO cleanup level of 480 mg/kg for soils at the Site (Jones, 1995). As a result of the identified soil cleanup standards for the Site, two additional soil samples (SB-01 and SB- 02) were collected between 13 and 15 feet bgs on July 26, 1995, as part of a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA). The CSA was implemented to further define the extent of the soil impacts. Soil sample results were below the laboratory method detection limits for SB-01 and SB-02 (Jones, 1995). Natural attenuation was recommended coupled with quarterly groundwater gauging and annual sampling events in the CSA. Resolve Environmental Services, P.A. (Resolve), completed a Limited Site Assessment (LSA) in January 2002. Existing monitoring well MW-1 was reportedly dry and unable to be sampled during LSA activities and Resolve replaced the well with monitoring well MW-2 to a total depth of 40 feet bgs. Soil samples were collected at depths of 13 to 15, 23 to 25, and 33 to 35 feet bgs during the installation of monitoring well MW-2 (Resolve, 2002). Soil sample results from monitoring well MW-2 indicated detections of benzo(a)anthracene and benzo(a)pyrene above their respective soil -to -water maximum soil contamination concentrations collected from a depth of 13 to 15 feet bgs (Resolve, 2002). In addition, a groundwater sample was collected from monitoring well MW-2 in December 2001. No constituents of concern were detected above the 2L Standards. In addition, the LSA included updated receptor information that identified three potential sensitive receptors: an onsite WSW; an unnamed tributary of Irwin Creek; and Brisbane Academy & Tutoring. No wellhead protection areas were identified within the search radius. On December 6, 2017, NCDEQ issued a NORR indicating that receptor survey activities be updated prior to Site closure. During site activities, AECOM attempted to locate MW-1 and MW-2 at the Site. Both MW-1 and MW-2 were unable to be located and are assumed to be destroyed during a repaving project completed in 2015 at the Site. aecom.com 2/4 /�_COM Imagined. /�►E Delivered. Receptor Survey Update On July 9, 2018, AECOM performed updated receptor survey activities for the vicinity surrounding the Site. The 2018 receptor survey update included a public records database search of the Site and surrounding properties and a windshield survey of all properties within a 1,500-foot radius of the Site. Visual observations regarding the apparent source of water to each of the properties (i.e. a public water meter or WSW on the property) were recorded. Figure 1 and Table 1 indicate the approximate location of suspected private WSWs, surface water bodies (i.e. streams, ponds, wetlands), and other sensitive receptors (i.e. public assembly areas) within a 1,500-foot radius. Table 1 also contains parcel ownership information and observations that were recorded during the windshield portion of the receptor survey. AECOM also contacted Charlotte Water, the municipal water supplier, for information on public and private water usage within a 1,500-foot radius of the source area. However, as of the date of this report, Charlotte Water has not responded to the inquiry. Surface Water On July 9, 2018, Site reconnaissance identified three surface water bodies within a 1,500-foot radius of the source area. The nearest surface water body is an unnamed tributary of Irwin Creek located 900 feet northeast of the source area. The remaining surface water bodies identified during Site reconnaissance included a pond located approximately 1,050 feet northwest of the source area at 6000 Milhaven Lane, and an unnamed tributary of Irwin Creek, located 1,125 feet southeast of the source area. Sensitive Receptors The presence of sensitive receptors including schools, daycares, hospitals, churches, nursing homes, playgrounds, parks, or other places of public assembly, was evaluated based on the results of a vicinity windshield survey conducted on July 9, 2018 by AECOM. The Site itself is considered a sensitive receptor as a public middle school. The following sensitive receptors were also identified within 1,500 feet of the Site and are also indicated on Table 1: • Nevin Community Park, located 6000 Statesville Road approximately 200 feet north and approximately 1,100 feet east of the source area; • Brisbane Academy & Tutoring, located at 5901 Statesville Road approximately 615 feet southwest of the source area; • Iglesias De Restauracion Adonai Inc., located 6001 Statesville Road approximately 485 feet west of the source area; and, • Milhaven Memorial Baptist Church, located approximately 1,000 feet northwest of the source area. Water Supply A review of the Mecklenburg County Well Information System 3.0 database was completed as a portion of this receptor survey update. An onsite irrigation well was reportedly abandoned July 9, 2015. However, during Site reconnaissance, the WSW and well house were still intact with power still connected to the pump. AECOM attempted to obtain WSW information but the WSW did not have a tag and the well casing could not be opened to gauge well depth and depth to water. If this well was abandoned, additional above grade structures should be removed. The windshield portion of the receptor survey was conducted to verify findings through online research, as well as other potential receptors that were not previously identified. Two potential private WSWs were identified within the search radius during review of online databases and/or the windshield survey conducted on July 9, 2018. • WSW 1: 6325 Burmith Avenue; approximately 1,400 feet southwest of the source area; and, • WSW 2: 3413 Keith Drive; approximately 1,500 feet north of the source area. aecom.com 3/4 /� _COM Imagined. /�� Delivered. On August 2, 2018, AECOM requested Charlotte Water verify municipal water connections for the properties identified during the windshield survey as having a WSW onsite within the search radius. However, as of the date of this report, AECOM has not received a response. The municipal water connection information will be provided upon receipt. According to North Carolina's Source Water Assessment Program, no public supply wells or wellhead protection areas were identified within the search radius. Summary In summary, two WSWs were identified at the 1,500-foot radius limit of the former UST basin along with several sensitive populations. No surface water bodies were identified within 500 feet of the former UST basin. Based on historical information regarding the UST incident, and updated receptor information CMS requests a discussion with NCDEQ on potential additional actions necessary to close the UST incident number as a no further action. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, please contact Jeffery Mitchell, CMS at jefferyq.mitchell(a�-cros.k12.nc.us or Jeffrey T. Hvozdik of AECOM at (704) 553-6150 or Jeff. Hvozdik(ab-aecom.com. Yours sincerely, #--? 7—;4�x Jeffrey T. Hvozdik, PG Project Manager Attachments aecom.com 4/4 ^IN TANAGER PARK R I DELLINGER CR SUNSET OP / AKEITH DR A NTH DR / ` I c DERITA DAY CARE 41 STATESVILLE RD �_ 7__L 117�21' ", - [!W:� i ! - " NEVIN PARK MECKLENBURG COUNTY 6000 STATESVILLE RD I 0 DELLWGERCR MILHAVEN MEMORIAL BAPTIST J -- > W a S DELLIN R BOULDER LN JUNIPER OR' OVEN LN W r a r N IGLESIA DE RESTAURACION ADONAI INC 6001 STATESVILLE RD RANSON MIDDLE SCHOOL BRISBANE ACADEMY & TUTORING 5850 STATESVILLE RD _ SUNS RIDGE cT 5901 STATESVILLE R_ DJ - z _T .•, -P z U T Q I0 `SUNSTONEDR T-'-�) Ur W NEVIN GLEN DR [= T� TFFM ffTTTM L N � W J BURMIrH Av6325 BURMITH AV N C vx � SUNjRpOE x n A I Legend Source Area Receptor Locations Churches Creeks/Streams Daycare �� E 1,500' from Source Park Locations 0 Site Private Schools ® Ponds Q Potential Water Supply Well Parcels T.EITIIWT-"C'q'T v s� x s I ORR ST GIBBON TERRACE CT [ GRA_K DR 1 1 � DURH AM LN O�'Pv 411 feet Feet ME 1 200 411 :11 Charlotte -Mecklenburg Schools Ranson Middle School 5850 Statesville Road, Charlotte, NC Potential Receptor Map NCDEQ Incident No.:14969 Date: 8/29/2018 A=COM Figure: 1 Project No.: 60581611 Table 1 Updated Receptor Survey Information Ranson Middle School 5850 Statesville Road Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina NCDEQ Incident No. 14969 Approximate Property.. Identification Water WSW on WSW Date Source Number Property Address Property Owner Information Connection property Status WSW Use Confirmation Method Confirmed (feet) Land Use Comments / Observations Subject Property - Ranson Middle School; Site - CHARLOTTE-MECKLENBURG GOVERNMENT Mecklenburg County WIS UST Incident 14969. WSW located during 04542103 5850 STATESVILLE RD CENTER Yes Yes Inactive Irrigation 07/09/15 Subject Property / Public Assembly - windshield survey. Pumping apparatus was 600 E 4TH ST Site Reconnaissance Site School present inside of the well housing and appeared CHARLOTTE NC 20802 to still be connected to power. However, the well is reportedly inactive. GERALDINE B BRISBANE Sensitive Receptor - Brisbane Academy & 04121114 5901 STATESVILLE RD 5901 STATESVILLE RD Unknown No NA NA Charlotte Water Pending 615 Public Assembly - Tutoring. Municipal water connection confirmation CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 Southwest School is pending a response from Charlotte Water. IGLESIA DE RESTAURACION ADONAI INC Sensitive Receptor - Church. Municipal water 04121116 6001 STATESVILLE RD 6001 STATESVILLE RD Unknown No NA NA Charlotte Water Pending 485 Public Assembly - connection confirmation is pending a response CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 West Church from Charlotte Water. CHURCH MILHAVEN MEMORIAL BAPTIST Sensitive Receptor - surface water body & 04121183 6000 MILHAVEN LN PO BOX 19216 Unknown No NA NA Charlotte Water Pending 1000 Public Assembly - Milhaven Memorial Baptist Church. Municipal CHARLOTTE, NC 28219 Northwest Church water connection confirmation is pending a response from Charlotte Water. THE IRA CLUB Identified during windshield survey. Mecklenburg FBO DAVID J THOMAS IRA Drinking Windshield Survey 07/09/18 1440 County WIS identified an active WSW on this 04121208 6325 BURMITH AV 79 W MONRO 1208 Unknown Yes Active Water Southwest Residential parcel. No other WSW information was given. CHICAGO, IL 60603 L 60 Charlotte Water Pending Municipal water connection confirmation is pending a response from Charlotte Water. MCWHIRTER INVESTMENTS LLC 1425 Public Assembly - Sensitive Receptor - Derita Day Care. Municipal 04121342 6141 STATESVILLE RD 4020 WILSON LN Unknown No NA NA Charlotte Water Pending Northwest Day Care water connection confirmation is pending a CHARLOTTE, NC 28206 response from Charlotte Water. MECKLENBURG COUNTY Public Assembly - Sensitive Receptor - Nevin Community Park. 04542101 6000 STATESVILLE RD 600 E 4TH ST Unknown No NA NA Charlotte Water Pending 200 Nevin Community Municipal water connection confirmation is CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 North Park pending a response from Charlotte Water. MECKLENBURG COUNTY Public Assembly - Sensitive Receptor - Nevin Community Park. 04542102 6100 STATESVILLE RD 600 E 4TH ST Unknown No NA NA Charlotte Water Pending 1100 Nevin Community Municipal water connection confirmation is CHARLOTTE, NC 28202 East Park pending a response from Charlotte Water. Identified during windshield survey, however not KEITH MIDWINTER Windshield Survey 07/09/18 identified by Mecklenburg County WIS as a 04543126 3413 KEITH DR 3301 ARCHDALE DR Unknown Yes Unknown Unknown 1,500 Residential known water supply well. Municipal water CHARLOTTE NC 28210 Charlotte Water Pending connection confirmation is pending a response from Charlotte Water. Notes: Table was generated using available online information obtained from the Mecklenburg County Polaris 3G (http://polaris3g.mecklenburgcountync.gov/), the Mecklenburg County Well Information System (http://meckmap.mecklenburgcountync.gov/WIS_3/index.htmi, and by performing a windshield survey of surrounding properties on July 9, 2018. AECOM contacted Charlotte Water for verification of municipal water usage within a 1,500-foot radius. However as of the date of this report, Charlotte Water has not responded to the inquiry. WSW - Water Supply Well Church Daycare Park School AECOM Beverly, Trudy From: Beverly, Trudy Sent: Monday, October 8, 2018 1:43 PM To: Hvozdik, Jeff Cc: Taylor, Amanda M Subject: RE: [External] UST Incident No. 14969: Ranson Middle School_5850 Statesville Rd -Charlotte, NC Hey Jeff, They have still not resolved the bat issues in our building. The smell there is unpleasant. UST staff are still working remotely until the bats are gone and cleanup is completed. I went to the office at the end of last week to grab my mail. The receptor survey for Ranson Middle School was in my box. I will get back with you when the material has been reviewed. Have a wonderful day! Trudy From: Hvozdik, Jeff [mailto:jeff.hvozdik@aecom.com] Sent: Monday, October 8, 2018 12:07 PM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Taylor, Amanda M <amanda.m.taylor@aecom.com> Subject: RE: [External] UST Incident No. 14969: Ranson Middle School_5850 Statesville Rd -Charlotte, NC • ernal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email as an attachment Trudy Hoe you had a good vacation! Now that you're back in the office, I wanted to circle back with you regarding receipt of the receptor survey report for the referenced site. FeclEx delivery tracking indicates the report was delivered on 9/20. Can you please confirm the receipt of this report? Also, I've reattached the map showing distance from the former UST basin to the location of the on -site WSW (-185'). Please let me know if you have had time to review the report/file for this incident so we can schedule a call to discuss a path forward for closure. Thanks! From: Hvozdik, Jeff Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 12:04 PM To: Beverly, Trudy Cc: Taylor, Amanda M Subject: RE: [External] UST Incident No. 14969: Ranson Middle School_5850 Statesville Rd -Charlotte, NC Trudy Thanks for the quick response. I will update the address and have new copies mailed out. The attached map shows the location of the irrigation well; the distance from the source area is approximately 185 feet. From: Beverly, Trudy[mailto:trudy.beverly(a)ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 11:29 AM To: Hvozdik, Jeff Cc: Taylor, Amanda M Subject: RE: [External] UST Incident No. 14969: Ranson Middle School_5850 Statesville Rd —Charlotte, NC Hi Jeff, UST staff is having to work remotely due to a bat infestation in our building. Unfortunately, our phone system is old and not capable of call forwarding. There are no UST cell phones issued to the Mooresville office. This leaves us with only email communications when we work remotely. Hopefully, the Iredell county (building owners) will approve a plan to address the bat issue this week. I will also be on vacation leave next week (September 24-28). 1 will not have access to phone or email during my vacation. I have not received a hard copy or cd of the report attached to your email. But, I did look at the electronic copy that you just emailed. The address is not correct. Our physical and mailing address is 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301, Mooresville, NC 28115. This is most likely the reason that the receptor survey update was not delivered to our office. What is the distance in feet of the on parcel irrigation well from the site source area? I couldn't find this information in the report text or the map that was submitted. Trudy ,s��ID7EQ Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist, Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department ofEnvironment Quality Underground Storage Tanks Section Corrective Action Branch Mooresville Regional Office (704) 235-2182 (Office) Trudv.Beve rlv(@ncdenr.eov tom':+. •x w w, Fw. & ' .eit 4 .. ,J..,,arir.1 %�. . %1,•' :: ',% 'v% ff"I t.r je. eP. 1 r1r d;J&ti16P.m &-19'1."'Ifi J&-z.-91j':'.r,"+P;r:ow. Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste- management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management- gis-maps File Review Procedures: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresville-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://edocs.deg.nc.gov/WasteManagement/Search.aspx Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%20Action/Electronic%20Document% 20Submittal%2OMemo%2OUpdate.pdf https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DWM/UST/Corrective%2OAction/UST%2Ofile%20names%20 f6r%20Laserfiche.docx From: Hvozdik, Jeff [mailto:ieff.hvozdik@aecom.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2018 10:40 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Taylor, Amanda M <amanda.m.taylor@aecom.com> Subject: [External] UST Incident No. 14969: Ranson Middle School_5850 Statesville Rd —Charlotte, NC Ms. Beverly A hard copy and pdf version (on CD) of the attached report was recently submitted to your attention. As such I wanted to reach out to you to: 1) verify that you have received the report; and 2) request a follow up call to discuss your review of the incident files and a path forward for closure. If you recall, I spoke with you briefly about this site on September 4, 2018. During our discussion, I mentioned that the Responsible Party (CMS) would like to obtain a clean closure/NFA. However, I also pointed out during our discussion that any additional actions that need to be taken to achieve this closure will have time constraints due to site operations as a school. Most likely, any follow on work will need to be performed when the school is closed and does not have students on -site. Thanks and I look forward to your response! Jeffrey T. Hvozdik, PG Project Manager D:704.499.4706 C:704.615.1177 0eff.hvozdik cDaecom.com AECOM AECOM Technical Services of North Carolina, Inc. 5925 Carnegie Blvd, Suite 370 Charlotte, North Carolina 28209 T:704.553.6150 F:704.553.6151 Cisco: 1884706 www.aecom.com This e-mail and any attachments contain AECOM confidential information that may be proprietary or privileged. If you receive this message in error or are not the intended recipient, you should not retain, distriute, disclose or use any of this information and you should destroy the e-mail and any attachments or copies.