HomeMy WebLinkAbout3507_INSP_20191206NORTH CARnLINAD_E Q�/�� FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management Solid Waste Section UNIT TYPE: Lined LCID YW Transfer Compost SLAS COUNTY: FRANKLIN MSWLF PERMIT NO.: 3507-TIRETP-2016 Closed HHW White Incin T&P FIRM MSWLF goods FILE TYPE: COMPLIANCE CDLF Tire T&P/ X Tire Industrial DEMO SDTF Collection Monofill Landfill Date of Site Inspection: December 6, 2019 FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: PRTI, Inc. 2105 US Highway 1 Franklinton, NC 27525 GPS COORDINATES: 36.06473°,-78.48715' Date of Last Inspection: August 7, 2019 FACILITY CONTACT NAME AND PHONE NUMBER: Name: Scott Clagett; Ben Machon; Brent Burger Telephone: (919) 272-4415 Scott; (443) 625-8119 Ben; (919) 673-2399 Brent Email address: sclagett&prtitech.com; bmachonkprtitech.com; bburger&prtitech.com FACILITY CONTACT ADDRESS: Same as above PARTICIPANTS: Davy Conners, NC DEQ — Solid Waste Section Chris Hare, PRTI, Inc. Compton Donohue, PRTI, Inc. STATUS OF PERMIT: Permit to Operate was issued on February 22, 2016 and will expire on December 31, 2019. Renewal for the permit has been submitted to the Permitting Branch of the Solid Waste Section and is under review. PURPOSE OF SITE VISIT: Follow up inspection to the August 7, 2019 compliance inspection. STATUS OF PAST NOTED VIOLATIONS: A. RESOLVED: 15A NCAC 13B .0106 GENERATOR OF SOLID WASTE (a) A solid waste generator shall be responsible for the satisfactory storage, collection and disposal of solid waste. And, (b) The solid waste generator shall ensure that his waste is disposed of at a site or facility which is permitted to receive the waste. According to Mr. Chris Hare, PRTI, Inc. has begun shipping all tire char waste to Sampson County Landfill. B. UNRESOLVED: 15A NCAC 13B .0203 PERMIT APPROVAL OR DENIAL (d) By receiving solid waste at a permitted facility, the permittee(s) shall be considered to have accepted the conditions of the permit and shall comply with the conditions of the permit. And, PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE, ISSUED FEBRUARY 22, 2016, ATTACHMENT 4, PART I, NUMBER 4 (g) control measures and practices must be employed to prevent any pollutants from contaminating surface water, groundwater, and soil. Page 1 of 4 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT D_E Q�� Division of Waste Management NORTH CAROLINA o"' t0E­!�'m"""°"""' Solid Waste Section PRTI, Inc. remains in violation of 1 SA NCAC 13B . 0203 and Permit Condition Attachment 4, Part I, 4(g) by failing to excavate and sample tire char that was observed during the August 7, 2019 inspection contaminating surface water and soil. During the December 6, 2019 inspection, Davy Conners observed a trail of tire char from the sedimentation basin at the back of the facility to a ditch alongside a service road (the service road is owned by neighboring Capital Materials/Dan Wall). The tire char diverted from the ditch into the forest and passed under the service road into another ditch. The tire char was in the water in the ditch and stained the soil in the ditch and the soil/leaves in the forested area (Figure 1). Control measures, such as booms, berms and gravel, have been implemented however it is not possible to tell if these measures are sufficient at preventing contamination since previous contamination has not been remediated. Figure 1: Contamination of soil and water with tire char beyond sediment basin. STATUS OF PAST NOTED COMPLIANCE ISSUES: A. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS ONGOING: During the August 7, 2019 inspection, tire char was found on the ground throughout the facility but was thickest around/near the grinder. The grinding operation was not under cover. During the December 6, 2019 inspection, the amount of tire char on the ground was reduced (Figure 2). PRTI, Inc. has implemented management practices to better contain and clean up the tire char such as limiting the grinding space, covering the steel post -grinding, creating berms and other containment structures. In addition, PRTI, Inc, has enlisted the help of Smith and Gardener to design and install a new sedimentation and erosion control plan/system. This system is to be installed within the next few months. Additional practices may be necessary to keep tire char from leaving the site. Figure 2: Some tire char still on the ground but greatly reduced since last inspection and amount of supersacks with tire char also reduced. Page 2 of 4 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT Division of Waste Management NORTH CAROLINA Solid Waste Section B. PARTIALLY RESOLVED: 15A NCAC 13B .1110 SCRAP TIRE PROCESSING FACILITIES (a)... At least 75% of both the scrap tires and processed tires that are delivered to or maintained on the site of the scrap tire processing facility site shall be processed and removed for recycling or disposal at a permitted solid waste management facility within one year of their receipt. C. AND, THE PERMIT TO OPERATE ATTACHMENT 4, PART I, NUMBER 2 The scrap tire processing facility is permitted to collect, store, process and maintain on site, not more than 13,000 tires or the equivalent in shredded tire or by-products. Most of the large stockpile of supersacks full of tire char, observed in the August 7, 2019 inspection, have been removed from the site. Mr. Hare said they have been disposed of at the Sampson County MSWLF. However, some supersacks remain (Figure 2). RESOLVED: During the August 7, 2019 inspection, one of the scrape tire storage bays had some tires and rubber outside of the covered area. During the December 6, 2019 inspection all tires and rubber were stored under cover, with the exception of tires that had just been delivered (Figure 3). Figure 3: Rubber and tires stored under bays. The item(s) listed above were observed by Section staff and require action on behalf of the facility in order to come into or maintain compliance with the Statutes, Rules, and/or other regulatory requirements applicable to this facility. Be advised that pursuant to N.C.G.S. 130A-22, an administrative penalty of up to $15,000 per day may be assessed for each violation of the Solid Waste Laws, Regulations, Conditions of a Permit, or Order under Article 9 of Chapter 130A of the N.C. General Statutes. Further, the facility and/or all responsible parties may also be subject to enforcement actions including penalties, injunction from operation of a solid waste management facility or a solid waste collection service and any such further relief as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the North Carolina Solid Waste Management Act and Rules. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS During the inspection and formally via email on December 6, 2019 Mr. Hare asked for an extension of the deadline given in the August 28, 2019 Notice of Violation. The Section grants an extension with a new compliance deadline of January 30, 2020. PRTI must take the following corrective action measures by January 30, 2020 in order to achieve compliance: 1. Excavate all areas of tire char that have migrated beyond PRTI, Inc.'s sediment basin. If you wish to test/sample nrior to excavation. you may. however removal of all migrated tire char and at least 2 inches of un stained soil is still necessary and soil sampling post excavation is also needed. Excavated tire char and soil must be disposed of in an MSWLF permitted to receive that waste. a. Surface confirmation soil samples shall be collected between zero and one foot below ground surface. Page 3 of 4 FACILITY COMPLIANCE INSPECTION REPORT D_E Q�� Division of Waste Management NORTH CAROLINA o"'—t0r-!�'m"""°"""' Solid Waste Section All samples shall be collected as discrete samples for all constituents. Composite samples will not be accepted. b. Sampling constituents include: zinc, chromium (total, hexavalent and trivalent) and PA -Hs: Benz [a] anthracene, Benzoo)fluoranthene, Benzo[a]pyrene, Benzo[b]fluoranthene, Benzo[k]fluoranthene, Dibenz[a,h]anthracene, Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene, Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene, 7,12-, Indeno[ 1,2,3 -cd]pyrene, Methylnaphthalene, 1-, Methylnaphthalene, 2-, Naphthalene, and Nitropyrene, 4-. c. Please submit to me the following: i. a map of the areas excavated and sampled, ii. documentation of proper disposal of excavated material, iii. a table of the subsurface soil analytical results compared to the NCDEQ Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs) (both the Residential Health Based and the Protection of Groundwater PSRGs must be met), iv. and the associated laboratory reports from the NC certified laboratory including the chain of custody and QA/QC results. 2. Properly dispose of all remaining supersacks of tire char to an MSWLF permitted to receive that waste. Please submit to me documentation of proper disposal of this material. 3. Continue to ensure the facility PRTI is sending its waste to is permitted to receive that waste by asking for a copy of the permit and verifying that the permit is not expired. Retain records of all waste disposal. 4. Continue to take measures to prevent tire char and any other pollutants from contaminating surface water, groundwater, and soil. Additional measures may be necessary. 5. Continue to implement best management practices to contain waste including carbon black dust. Additional measures may be necessary. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this inspection report. Digitally signed by Davy Conners DN: cn=Davy Conners, o=Division of Waste Management, ou=Solid Waste Section, email=davis.conners@ncdenr.gov, c=US Date: 2019.12.17 15:49:40-05'00' Davy Conners Environmental Senior Specialist Regional Representative Email: davis.conners@ncdenr.gov Phone: (919) 707-8290 Sent on: December 17, 2019 X Email Hand delivery US Mail Certified No. Copies: Andrew Hammonds, NC DEQ Jason Watkins, NC DEQ Sherri Stanley, NC DEQ Ethan Caldwell, NC DEQ Jason Williams, PRTI, Inc. Compton Donohue, PRTI, Inc. John Patrone, NC DEQ Page 4 of 4