HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9517_40954_CA_IAR_20190930_UST Removal Report.pdfhart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Via Email September 30, 2019 NC DOT Geotechnical Engineering Unit 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 Attention: Mr. Gordon Box, LG Re: UST Removal Activities Charlotte Gateway Station & Track and Safety Improvements T.I.P No.: P-5705B WBS: 44475.1.2 Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC H&H Job No. ROW-516 Dear Gordon: Please find attached one PDF copy of the UST Removal Activities letter report documenting removal of an orphan heating oil UST near the proposed Charlotte Gateway Station and Track and Safety Improvements project located in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us at (704) 586-0007. Sincerely, Hart & Hickman, PC ,--- �k —7� �Ic David Graham, PG Senior Project Geologist Attachment cc: Doug Pierotti, City of Charlotte (via email) Matt Bramblett, PE Principal 2923 5outh Tryon Street, Suite 100 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Suite 301 Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.harthickman.com 704.586.0007 main 919.847.4241 main UST Removal Activities Charlotte Gateway Station & Track and Safety Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County North Carolina H&H Job No. ROW-516 State Project P-5705B WBS Element #44475.1.2 September 30, 2019 -N hart 's• hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS #C-1269 Engineering #-245 Geology 2923 5outh Tryon Street, Suite 100 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, Suite 301 Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.harthickman.com 704.586.0007 main 919.847.4241 main hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Via Email September 30, 2019 NC DOT Geotechnical Engineering Unit 1020 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27610 Attention: Mr. Gordon Box, LG Re: Orphan UST Removal Activities Charlotte Gateway Station & Track and Safety Improvements T.I.P No.: P-5705B WBS: 44475.1.2 Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, NC H&H Job No. ROW-516 Dear Gordon: 1.0 Introduction and Background Information Hart & Hickman, PC (H&H) has prepared this letter report documenting underground storage tank (UST) removal activities conducted in a vacant parking lot located at 518 W. 4th Street in Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. This project is associated with the nearby North Carolina Department of Transportation (NC DOT) Charlotte Gateway Station and Track and Safety Improvements project. The UST removal activities were conducted on behalf of the NC DOT. A site location map is included as Figure 1, and a site map is included as Figure 2. As part of construction activities associated with the Charlotte Gateway Station project, the former Greyhound bus station (currently located at 601 W. Trade Street) was relocated to the southwestern portion of the City of Charlotte property (tax parcel 07315110) located at 518 W. 4th Street. During construction of the new Greyhound facility non -hazardous impacted soil that was removed from the new Greyhound site was temporarily stockpiled on the northeastern 2923 5outh Tryon Street, Suite 100 3921 Sunset Ridge Rd, 5uite 301 Charlotte, NC 28203 Raleigh, NC 27607 www.harthickman.com 704.586.0007 main 919.847.4241 main Mr. Gordon Box, LG September 30, 2019 Page 2 portion of the City of Charlotte property. During removal of the stockpiled soil, the top of an approximate 2,000-gallon heating oil UST was encountered in the northeastern portion of the property. The UST was removed from the site on June 17, 2019. Based on field observations, the UST apparently contained heating oil. The former UST location is shown on Figure 2. The UST removal activities are discussed below. 2.0 UST Removal Activities At the request of NC DOT, H&H contracted with EVO Corporation (EVO) of Winston-Salem, North Carolina to remove the UST. H&H obtained a fire permit from the Charlotte Fire Department prior to removal of the UST. A copy of the fire department permit is included in Appendix A. On June 17, 2019, EVO mobilized to the site to remove the UST. Prior to removing the UST, H&H directed EVO to access the UST and measure the amount of liquids in the tank. Approximately 125 gallons of wastewater and heating oil were removed from the UST using a vacuum truck. The liquids were properly disposed by EVO. The certificate of disposal and non- hazardous materials manifest for removed liquids are included in Appendix B. Following removal of the residual liquids, a lower explosion level (LEL) meter was utilized to monitor for explosive atmospheres in the UST. LEL measurements within the UST were less than 10% of the LEL. Prior to the removal of the tank, soil was removed from the top and sides of the UST with an excavator so that the UST could be removed from the ground. Soil encountered during the excavation was evaluated in the field for the presence of odors, staining, and organic vapor readings as detected with a photoionization detector (PID). The PID was calibrated prior to its use against an isobutylene standard. hart ` hickman S:\AAA-Master Projects\NC DOT Right-of-Way-ROW\ROW-500s\ROW-516 Gateway Station Soil\UST Reports\Tank 3\Report\P-5705B_UST Removal Activities_ Gateway Station_20190930.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Mr. Gordon Box, LG September 30, 2019 Page 3 Following removal of the tank, the UST was inspected for evidence of holes, pitting, and corrosion. Corrosion, small holes, and pitting were observed in the UST. The UST was approximately 2,000-gallons in capacity and was constructed of steel. With the exception of approximately two feet of small diameter copper piping on top of the tank, no other piping was observed near the UST location. Following removal, the UST was transported off -site by EVO to Foss Recycling in Winston-Salem, NC, for proper disposal and recycling. The tank disposal certificate is included in Appendix C. UST Closure Sampling Elevated PID readings (up to approximately 100 ppm) were measured in soil samples collected beneath the former UST location. Because there was evidence of a release, UST closure samples were collected in accordance with the NC DEQ UST Section Guidelines for Site Checks, Tank Closure, and Initial Response and Abatement for UST Releases, March 1, 2007 Version, Change 9, Effective February 1, 2019 (Guidelines). Closure soil samples (C-1 and C-2) were collected beneath the former UST location using the excavator bucket. The samples were placed into laboratory supplied sample containers, placed in an iced cooler, and submitted to Pace Analytical Services, LLC, under standard chain of custody protocol for analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) as gasoline range organics (GRO) and as diesel range organics (DRO) by EPA Method 8015. For each sample, additional soil was placed on hold with the laboratory for potential risk -based analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260, semi-VOCs (SVOCs) by EPA Method 8270, and extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) and volatile petroleum hydrocarbons (VPH) by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP) Methods pending the TPH DRO and GRO results. The laboratory analytical data report and chain of custody record are provided in Appendix D. Analytical Results Laboratory analytical results indicate concentrations of TPH-DRO (5,980 mg/kg and 7,230 mg/kg) in soil samples C-1 and C-2, respectively. The TPH-DRO concentrations exceed the NC hart ` hickman S:\AAA-Master Projects\NC DOT Right-of-Way-ROW\ROW-500s\ROW-516 Gateway Station Soil\UST Reports\Tank 3\Report\P-5705B_UST Removal Activities_ Gateway Station_20190930.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Mr. Gordon Box, LG September 30, 2019 Page 4 DEQ Action Level of 100 mg/kg. No TPH-GRO was detected in the closure soil samples. At the direction of NC DOT, soil sample C-2 (with the highest DRO detection), was also analyzed for the risk -based analyses noted above. Low level concentrations of 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, m&p-xylenes, fluoranthene, and pyrene were detected in sample C-2 below their respective NC DEQ Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs). A concentration of Total C9-C22 Aromatics (231 mg/kg) was detected in sample C-2 above the Soil -to -Groundwater MSCC of 31 mg/kg. Soil sample analytical results, analytical methods, and sample depths are summarized in Table 1. The UST closure sample locations and analytical results are depicted on Figure 2. Based on field screening results, only impacted soil that was required to be excavated to remove the tank from the ground was properly disposed by EVO. Approximately 8.33 tons of impacted soil were transported to EVO's facility in Winston-Salem, NC for proper treatment/disposal. As directed by NC DOT, no over excavation of impacted soil was conducted during UST closure activities. The certificate of disposal, non -hazardous materials manifest, and certified weight ticket for removed impacted soil are included in Appendix E. After closure sampling, the excavation was backfilled with clean soil provided by EVO. 3.0 Risk Evaluation Because laboratory analytical results of UST closure samples indicate target constituents above the NC DEQ Action Level and the MSCCs, additional site information was obtained by H&H to help determine the site risk. The site is situated in Uptown Charlotte within the I-277 loop. H&H reviewed the Mecklenburg County Groundwater & Wastewater Services (GWS) online Well Information System map and conducted a visual survey to identify potential water supply wells located near the site. No water supply wells were identified within a 150 ft radius of the former heating oil UST source area. No schools, daycares, assisted living, houses of worship or other potential receptors of concern were identified on properties adjacent to the site. A new Greyhound bus station was recently constructed on the southwestern portion of the site. Based on these findings, the site risk is judged to be low. hart ` hickman S:\AAA-Master Projects\NC DOT Right-of-Way-ROW\ROW-500s\ROW-516 Gateway Station Soil\UST Reports\Tank 3\Report\P-5705B_UST Removal Activities_ Gateway Station_20190930.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Mr. Gordon Box, LG September 30, 2019 Page 5 4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations H&H has completed UST removal activities on the City of Charlotte property located at 518 W. 4th Street near the Charlotte Gateway Station and Track and Safety Improvements project. An approximate 2,000-gallon heating oil UST was encountered during removal of a soil stockpile associated with construction of the adjacent Greyhound facility. Based on field screening and visual observations, evidence of impacted soil was identified beneath the UST. Laboratory analytical results of UST closure samples indicate concentrations of target constituents above the NC DEQ Action Level and Soil -to -Groundwater MSCCs. Approximately 8.33 tons of impacted soil were properly disposed during UST closure activities. Because no potential receptors were identified on the site and adjacent properties, the site risk is judged to be low. H&H recommends that a copy of this report be provided to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at (704) 586-0007. Very truly yours, *iltiyIIFrgt# Hart & Hickman, PC , � CA Roo DocuSigned br SEAL ' + 1V ay. 2535 9F6FAD6E6B41BE.. -. David Graham, PG C' ' Senior Project Geologist •, v LOG .•�+' *� 8' GR DocuSigned by: �� CBCA88CDFOE547B... Matt Bramblett, PE Principal Not considered final unless all signatures are completed. Attachments cc: Mr. Doug Pierotti, City of Charlotte (via email) hart ` hickman S:\AAA-Master Projects\NC DOT Right-of-Way-ROW\ROW-500s\ROW-516 Gateway Station Soil\UST Reports\Tank 3\Report\P-5705B_UST Removal Activities_ Gateway Station_20190930.doc SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Table 1(Page 1 of 1) Summary of Soil Sampling Analytical Results Charlotte Gateway Station and Track and Safety Improvements Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina H&H Job No. ROW-516 TPH (8015) (mg/kg) VOCs (8260) (mg/kg) SVOCs (8270) (mg/kg) MADEP EPH & VPH (mg/kg) Analytical Method U C C U U U U U U N U Contaminant of Concern (mg/kg) a' N a� N a� o g g 7 Q- is 0 E 0 O Q' L L Q CM 0 N N 4) 00 N 00 00 U (� CDN (� N U PID co _ U c .� .E � > X °' cn U rn U rn U U U U .� U rn U U U io U Date Sample Reading Incident °v; O ° L a co O _ _ _ — _ _ = E Sample ID Collected Sample Area Depth (ft) (ppm) Phase o o O N ch E a > > w 16 w .2 > w Q H C-1 06/17/19 UST Basin 8 100.1 Closure 5,980 <3.9 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA C-2 06/17/19 UST Basin 8 86.7 Closure 7,230 <3.8 0.0998 0.0285J 0.0664J 0.170J 0.156J <4.2 18.2* 226 244.2 91.0 10.0 221 231 NC DEQ Action Level 100 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Soil -to -Water MSCC N/A N/A 8.5 8.3 4.6 290 270 68 NS NS 540 >100% NS NS 31 Residential MSCC N/A N/A 782 782 3,129 620 469 939 NS NS 1,500 31,000 NS NS 469 Industrial/Commercial MSCC N/A N/A 20,440 20,440 81,760 16,400 12,264 24,528 NS NS 40,000 810,000 NS NS 712,264 Notes: Bold indicates concentration exceeds DEQ Action Level or Soil -to -Water Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentration (MSCC). * = The C9-Cl2 Aliphatic range is adjusted by subtraction of the C9-Cl0 Aromatic range (see laboratory report). VPH = Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons; EPH = Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons; VOCs = Volatile Organic Compounds; SVOCs = Semi-VOCs MADEP = Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection NA = Not analyzed; N/A = Not Applicable; mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram; NS = Not Specified Table 1 (Page 1 of 1) S:\AAA-Master Projects\NC DOT Right -of -Way -ROW\ROW-500s\ROW-516 Gateway Station Soil\UST Reports\Tank 3\Report\UST Soil Data Table Hart & Hickman, PC [ r. ILI pn SITE �� �" _�. — ail , �• +,,t+ 31 �•"} r S '� - .t :. D ' ... .:sue . � �/:i „ .. 4. rH.. .'�• � i �� Posh c � �r•k� - - �gilr - '�'. • • - "•., ' w Central t r'M1 , ofp .ge �• r a ' gal ��iWa xx-_: -' '����Q t� •: .�� �S � 'y� _ y � �' /�'=� $rh,, ��;'Y��. 7r"� I � '�+r, t �Q'a ��'• .r�,��r APPROXIMATE N 0 2000 4000 SCALE IN FEET U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP Charlotte East, NC 1991 QUADRANGLE 7.5 MINUTE SERIES (TOPOGRAPHIC) i --------------- EIP 18" RCP DIR ONLY EIP rn - 50,03'01- s 1 m \ TOP—=723.05' n I INV=720.45'(NE) INV=720.07' NW m ti W TOP=; NV=7g ­ Y = O I! NEW GREYHOUND FACILITY LOCATION 5' EIP TOP-727.65' \— � 1 S GRAHAM STREET a -CONCRETE BLOCK WALL ` — Co EIP I I r_j LP 37 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF 1 I UST EXCAVATION I 1 1 I I GRAVEL PARKING LOT I 1 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 ASPHALT PARKING C-2 TPH DRO 7,230 TPH GRO <3.8 C9-C22 AROMATICS 231 0 MONITORING WELL LP • 43 FORMER GREYHOUND FACILITY S 50'11'16' W ASPHALT PARKING LOT C-1 TPH DRO F5,980 TPH GRID 1 <3.9 CITY OF CHARLOTTE DB 31422 PG 950 48 lFi PARKING KIOSK EIP CT EIP TOP=72 INVINV=72- BOLLARDS EIP 'ARKING METER c x INV=724.14' O TOP_731.37' INV=724.01 EIP EIP BS7 I m L mC EIP EIP ETP o - LP i3 1 v J LU C Q LEGEND CITY OF CHARLOTTE PROPERTY BOUNDARY (PARCEL 07315110) FOOTPRINT OF NEW GREYHOUND FACILITY ....... FORMER 2,000-GALLON HEATING OIL ........; UST LOCATION LIGHT POLE ® SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION SAMPLE ID C-2 TPH DRO 7,230 TPH GRO <3.8 C9-C22 AROMATICS 231 CONSTITUENT CONCENTRATION (mg/kg) NOTES: 1. BOLD INDICATES EXCEEDANCE OF DEQ ACTION LEVEL OR SOIL -TO -GROUNDWATER MSCCs. 2. mg/kg = MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM TPH = TOTAL PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS DRO = DIESEL RANGE ORGANICS GRO = GASOLINE RANGE ORGANICS 3. RISK -BASED ANALYTICAL RESULTS BELOW TARGET SCREENING LEVELS ARE PRESENTED IN TABLE 1. APPROXIMATE 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET SITE MAP AND ANALYTICAL RESULTS PROJECT CHARLOTTE GATEWAY STATION 518 W. 4TH STREET CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA 2923 South Tryon Street -Suite 100 hart " h i c k m a n Charlotte, North Carolina 28203 704-586-0007(p) 704-586-0373(� SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS License # C-1269 / #C-245 Geology DATE: 9-26-19 REVISION NO. 0 JOB NO. ROW-516 FIGURE NO. 2 Appendix A Fire Department Permit 14 hart hickman SMARTER ENVIRONMENTAL SOLUTIONS Charlotte Fire Department 500 Dalton Avenue Charlotte, NC 28206 HART & HICKMAN PC 2923 S TRYON ST STE 100 CHARLOTTE, NC 28203 OCCUPANT AND LOCATION FOR WHICH PERMIT IS VALID. VACANTLOT 518W4THST Charlotte NC PERMIT FOR: 16 Tank Instal/Removal PERMIT CONDITIONS: #Error 1. THIS PERMIT SHALL BE POSTED ON PREMISES FOR WHICH ISSUED. 2. ANY CHANGE IN THIS PERMIT SHALL REQUIRE PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE FIRE MARSHAL 3. THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS SHALL NOT BE DEEMED OR CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR AN APPROVAL OF ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE BUILDINGS AND FIRE CODES. 4. THE LOCATION CAN BE INSPECTED AT ANY TIME BY THE CHARLOTTE FIRE DEPARTMENT. VALID FROM: 06/17/2019 VALID THROUGH: 07/01/2020 PERMIT NUMBER: 2019-162267903 jo�-- 114W-4� Jonathan Leonard, Deputy Fire Marshal Appendix B Certificate of Disposal and Non -Hazardous Materials Manifest (Liquid) hart ` hickman SMARTER ENVI ROW ENTAL SOLUT10N5 CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 ph 336-725-5844 fax 336-725-6244 CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL Evo Corporation does hereby certify that 125 gallons of product received on 6/17/2019 from: Generator: NC Department of Transportation Originating at: 518 W. 4 h St. Charlotte, NC EC Waste 1D #: 061931 has been disposed of by Evo Corporation in a manner approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Signature EVO CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street, Winston-Salem, NC 27107 www.evo�6rp.net NON -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANIFEST Load # RCDOT Generator: Site Address: 518 W 4- h Street City/State Gross Weight (lbs): Charlotte NC Empty Weight (Ibs): Net Weight (lbs): Quantity IS Transporter: Evo Corporation Truck #: 901 Manifest No. 05835 Phone: 919-707-6859 Contact: Cxordcm How Material: Product Contaminant: *2. Fuel Oil. Tons Drums Pails Sacs Yards Oth : Phone: 336-725-5844 Contact: Tony Disher As the transporter, I certify that the materials described above being shipped under this non -hazardous materials manifest are properly classified, packaged, labeled, secured and are in proper condition for transport In commerce under the applicable regulations governing transportation, and I hereby receive this material for delivery to the facility deli gate. Driver Sianature: Evo Corporation 1703 Vargrave Street Winston-Salem RC 2710 Date: 1 2` 1 I Evo Project #: Phone: (336) 725-5844 Contact: Tony Disher [IDIPM I certify that the carrier has delivered the materials described above to this facility, and I hereby accept this material for treatment and/Adisposal in a„manner that has been authorized by the Statq of North Carolina. Facilitv Sianature: Date: White/Facility Canarylinvoice Goldenrod/Generator Pink/Carrier Eva Corporation, 2008 Appendix C Tank Disposal Certificate 14 hart hickman SMARTER ENVI RONM ENTAL SOLUTIONS _.dd�drmwu IVE3 CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street Winston-Salem, NC 27107 ph 336-725-5844 fax 336-725-6244 TANK DISPOSAL CERTIFICATE Tank Owner: Orphan UST Site Address: 518 W. 41h St. Charlotte, NC Description of Tanks: Tank Size of Tank Contents Number 1 2,000 Gallons #2 Fuel Oil Transporter: Evo Corporation EC Project #: 061931 Disposal Certification: Evo Corporation does hereby certify that the above named storage tank was transported to Foss Recycling, 3459 Thomasville Road, Winston-Salem, NC for proper disposal and recycling. Appendix D Laboratory Analytical Report 14 hart hickman SMARTER ENVI RONM ENTAL SOLUT10N5 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 July 26, 2019 David Graham Hart & Hickman 2923 S. Tryon Street Charlotte, NC 28203 RE: Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Dear David Graham: Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on June 17, 2019. The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to the most current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual, where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report. Per client request, report revised 7/26/19 to include MDL and J-Flags. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Kevin Godwin kevin.godwin@pacelabs.com 1(704)875-9092 Project Manager Enclosures REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 1 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 CERTIFICATIONS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Charlotte Certification IDs 9800 Kincey Ave. Ste 100, Huntersville, NC 28078 South Carolina Certification #: 99006001 Louisiana/NELAP Certification # LA170028 Florida/NELAP Certification #: E87627 North Carolina Drinking Water Certification #: 37706 Kentucky UST Certification #: 84 North Carolina Field Services Certification #: 5342 Virginia/VELAP Certification #: 460221 North Carolina Wastewater Certification #: 12 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 2 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabsxom Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE SUMMARY Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received 92433342001 92433342002 C-1 C-2 Solid Solid 06/17/1911:25 06/17/1911:30 06/17/1916:31 06/17/1916:31 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 3 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 SAMPLE ANALYTE COUNT Project: Pace Project No.: ROW-516 92433342 Analytes Lab ID Sample ID Method Analysts Reported Laboratory 92433342001 C-1 EPA 8015C Modified BAJ 2 PASI-C EPA 8015C Modified LMB 2 PASI-C ASTM D2974-87 KDF 1 PASI-C 92433342002 C-2 EPA 8015C Modified BAJ 2 PASI-C MADEP EPH SEM 7 PASI-C EPA 8015C Modified LMB 2 PASI-C MADEP VPH LMB 6 PASI-C EPA 8270E BPJ 74 PASI-C EPA 8260D SAS 70 PASI-C ASTM D2974-87 KDF 1 PASI-C REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 4 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Sample: C-1 Lab ID: 92433342001 Collected: 06/17/19 11:25 Received: 06/17/19 16:31 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8015 GCS THC-Diesel Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Modified Preparation Method: EPA 3546 Diesel Range Organics(C10- 5980 mg/kg 158 72.8 25 06/18/19 18:03 06/20/19 13:55 C28) Surrogates n-Pentacosane (S) 0 % 33-129 25 06/18/19 18:03 06/20/19 13:55 629-99-2 S4 Gasoline Range Organics Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Modified Preparation Method: EPA 5030E Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) ND mg/kg 3.9 3.9 1 06/17/19 18:13 06/17/19 21:15 Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 112 % 63-130 1 06/17/19 18:13 06/17/19 21:15 460-00-4 Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 21.5 % 0.10 0.10 1 06/18/19 15:56 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 5 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Sample: C-2 Lab ID: 92433342002 Collected: 06/17/19 11:30 Received: 06/17/19 16:31 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8015 GCS THC-Diesel Diesel Range Organics(C10- C28) Surrogates n-Pentacosane (S) MADEP EPH NC Soil Aliphatic (C09-C18) Aliphatic (C19-C36) Aromatic (C11-C22) Surrogates Nonatriacontane (S) o-Terphenyl(S) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 2-Bromonaphthalene (S) Gasoline Range Organics Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) VPH NC Soil Aliphatic (C05-008) Aliphatic (C09-C12) Aliphatic(C09-C12) Adjusted Aromatic (C09-C10) Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (FID) (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (PID) (S) 8270E MSSV Microwave Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Aniline Anthracene Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzoic Acid Benzyl alcohol 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether Butylbenzylphthalate 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 4-Chloroaniline Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Modified Preparation Method: EPA 3546 7230 mg/kg 178 82.1 25 06/18/1918:03 06/20/1914:19 0 % 33-129 25 06/18/1918:03 06/20/1914:19 629-99-2 S4 Analytical Method: MADEP EPH Preparation Method: MADEP EPH 226 mg/kg 69.7 69.7 5 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1911:40 N2 91.0 mg/kg 69.7 69.7 5 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1911:40 N2 221 mg/kg 27.9 27.9 2 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1910:17 N2 58 % 40-140 5 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1911:40 7194-86-7 151 % 40-140 2 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1910:17 84-15-1 S5 63 % 40-140 2 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1910:17 321-60-8 134 % 40-140 2 06/28/1911:49 07/09/1910:17 580-13-2 Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Modified Preparation Method: EPA 5030E ND mg/kg 3.8 3.8 1 06/17/19 18:13 06/17/19 20:47 108 % 63-130 1 06/17/19 18:13 06/17/19 20:47 460-00-4 Analytical Method: MADEP VPH Preparation Method: MADEP VPH ND mg/kg 4.2 4.2 1 06/26/1911:00 06/26/1914:15 N2 28.2 mg/kg 4.2 4.2 1 06/26/1911:00 06/26/1914:15 N2 18.2 mg/kg 4.2 4.2 1 06/26/1911:00 06/26/1914:15 N2 10.0 mg/kg 4.2 4.2 1 06/26/1911:00 06/26/1914:15 N2 110 % 70-130 1 06/26/1911:00 06/26/1914:15 460-00-4 96 % 70-130 1 06/26/1911:00 06/26/1914:15 460-00-4 Analytical Method: EPA 8270E Preparation Method: EPA 3546 ND ug/kg 463 119 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 83-32-9 ND ug/kg 463 110 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 208-96-8 ND ug/kg 463 104 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 62-53-3 ND ug/kg 463 120 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 120-12-7 ND ug/kg 463 147 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 56-55-3 ND ug/kg 463 201 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 50-32-8 ND ug/kg 463 187 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 205-99-2 ND ug/kg 463 181 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 191-24-2 ND ug/kg 463 195 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 207-08-9 ND ug/kg 2320 500 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 65-85-0 ND ug/kg 927 246 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 100-51-6 ND ug/kg 463 122 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 101-55-3 ND ug/kg 463 123 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 85-68-7 ND ug/kg 927 282 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 59-50-7 ND ug/kg 2320 284 1 06/28/1911:08 06/28/1916:15 106-47-8 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 6 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Sample: C-2 Lab ID: 92433342002 Collected: 06/17/19 11:30 Received: 06/17/19 16:31 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8270E MSSV Microwave Analytical Method: EPA 8270E Preparation Method: EPA 3546 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ND ug/kg 463 124 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 111-91-1 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ND ug/kg 463 98.4 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 111-44-4 2-Chloronaphthalene ND ug/kg 463 103 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 91-58-7 2-Chlorophenol ND ug/kg 463 108 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 95-57-8 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ND ug/kg 463 120 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 7005-72-3 Chrysene ND ug/kg 463 135 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 218-01-9 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ND ug/kg 463 185 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 53-70-3 Dibenzofuran ND ug/kg 463 116 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 132-64-9 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 463 100 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 463 104 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 463 102 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 106-46-7 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ND ug/kg 2320 323 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 91-94-1 2,4-Dichlorophenol ND ug/kg 463 153 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 120-83-2 Diethylphthalate ND ug/kg 463 101 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 84-66-2 2,4-Dimethylphenol ND ug/kg 463 115 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 105-67-9 Dimethylphthalate ND ug/kg 463 105 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 131-11-3 Di-n-butylphthalate ND ug/kg 463 114 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 84-74-2 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ND ug/kg 927 747 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 534-52-1 2,4-Dinitrophenol ND ug/kg 2320 1480 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 51-28-5 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ND ug/kg 463 123 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 121-14-2 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ND ug/kg 463 121 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 606-20-2 Di-n-octylphthalate ND ug/kg 463 264 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 117-84-0 bis(2- Ethyl hexyl)phthalate ND ug/kg 463 152 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 117-81-7 Fluoranthene 170J ug/kg 463 140 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 206-44-0 Fluorene ND ug/kg 463 124 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 86-73-7 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/kg 463 113 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 87-68-3 Hexachlorobenzene ND ug/kg 463 118 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 118-74-1 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ND ug/kg 463 185 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 77-47-4 Hexachloroethane ND ug/kg 463 106 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 67-72-1 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ND ug/kg 463 212 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 193-39-5 Isophorone ND ug/kg 463 101 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 78-59-1 1-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/kg 463 123 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 90-12-0 2-Methylnaphthalene ND ug/kg 463 118 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 91-57-6 2-Methylphenol(o-Cresol) ND ug/kg 463 103 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 95-48-7 3&4-Methyl phenol (m&p Cresol) ND ug/kg 463 117 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 15831-10-4 Naphthalene ND ug/kg 463 ill 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 91-20-3 2-Nitroaniline ND ug/kg 2320 233 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 88-74-4 3-Nitroaniline ND ug/kg 2320 246 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 99-09-2 4-Nitroaniline ND ug/kg 927 229 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 100-01-6 Nitrobenzene ND ug/kg 463 ill 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 98-95-3 2-Nitrophenol ND ug/kg 463 143 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 88-75-5 4-Nitrophenol ND ug/kg 2320 739 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 100-02-7 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ND ug/kg 463 130 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 62-75-9 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ND ug/kg 463 130 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 621-64-7 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ND ug/kg 463 118 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 86-30-6 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 7 of 31 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Sample: C-2 Lab ID: 92433342002 Collected: 06/17/19 11:30 Received: 06/17/19 16:31 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8270E MSSV Microwave Analytical Method: EPA 8270E Preparation Method: EPA 3546 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ND ug/kg 463 129 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 108-60-1 v2 Pentachlorophenol ND ug/kg 2320 212 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 87-86-5 Phenanthrene ND ug/kg 463 117 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 85-01-8 Phenol ND ug/kg 463 ill 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 108-95-2 Pyrene 156J ug/kg 463 127 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 129-00-0 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 463 106 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 120-82-1 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ND ug/kg 463 120 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 95-95-4 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ND ug/kg 463 116 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 88-06-2 Surrogates Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) 52 % 23-110 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 4165-60-0 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) 31 % 30-110 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 321-60-8 Terphenyl-d14 (S) 36 % 28-110 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 1718-51-0 Phenol-d6 (S) 57 % 22-110 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 13127-88-3 2-Fluorophenol (S) 57 % 13-110 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 367-12-4 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) 66 % 27-110 1 06/28/19 11:08 06/28/19 16:15 118-79-6 8260D/5035A Volatile Organics Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Preparation Method: EPA 5035A Acetone ND ug/kg 1550 155 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 67-64-1 Benzene ND ug/kg 77.6 24.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 71-43-2 Bromobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 31.1 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-86-1 Bromochloromethane ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 74-97-5 Bromodichloromethane ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-27-4 Bromoform ND ug/kg 77.6 35.7 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-25-2 Bromomethane ND ug/kg 155 38.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 74-83-9 2-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/kg 1550 45.0 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 78-93-3 n-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 104-51-8 sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 24.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 135-98-8 tert-Butyl benzene ND ug/kg 77.6 31.1 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 98-06-6 Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/kg 77.6 40.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 56-23-5 Chlorobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-90-7 Chloroethane ND ug/kg 155 37.3 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-00-3 Chloroform ND ug/kg 77.6 24.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 67-66-3 Chloromethane ND ug/kg 155 37.3 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 74-87-3 2-Chlorotoluene ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 95-49-8 4-Chlorotoluene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 106-43-4 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/kg 77.6 55.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 96-12-8 Dibromochloromethane ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 124-48-1 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 106-93-4 Dibromomethane ND ug/kg 77.6 38.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 74-95-3 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 95-50-1 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 31.1 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 541-73-1 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 106-46-7 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/kg 155 55.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-71-8 v2 1,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 77.6 23.3 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-34-3 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/kg 77.6 34.2 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 107-06-2 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 8 of 31 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Sample: C-2 Lab ID: 92433342002 Collected: 06/17/19 11:30 Received: 06/17/19 16:31 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual 8260D/5035A Volatile Organics Analytical Method: EPA 8260D Preparation Method: EPA 5035A 1,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-35-4 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 77.6 21.7 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 156-59-2 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 156-60-5 1,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 78-87-5 1,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 142-28-9 2,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 594-20-7 1,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/kg 77.6 23.3 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 563-58-6 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 10061-01-5 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/kg 77.6 23.3 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 10061-02-6 Diisopropyl ether ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-20-3 Ethylbenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 100-41-4 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/kg 77.6 31.1 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 87-68-3 2-Hexanone ND ug/kg 776 60.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 591-78-6 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 98-82-8 p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 99-87-6 Methylene Chloride ND ug/kg 311 46.6 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-09-2 vl 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/kg 776 57.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-10-1 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/kg 77.6 23.3 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 1634-04-4 Naphthalene ND ug/kg 77.6 18.6 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 91-20-3 n-Propylbenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 103-65-1 Styrene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 100-42-5 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 77.6 32.6 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 630-20-6 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethene ND ug/kg 77.6 26.4 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 127-18-4 Toluene ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-88-3 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 34.2 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 87-61-6 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/kg 77.6 24.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 120-82-1 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 71-55-6 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/kg 77.6 32.6 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 79-00-5 Trichloroethene ND ug/kg 77.6 32.6 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 79-01-6 Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/kg 77.6 34.2 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-69-4 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/kg 77.6 24.8 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 96-18-4 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 99.8 ug/kg 77.6 31.1 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 95-63-6 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 28.5J ug/kg 77.6 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-67-8 Vinyl acetate ND ug/kg 776 137 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 108-05-4 Vinyl chloride ND ug/kg 155 27.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 75-01-4 Xylene (Total) ND ug/kg 155 55.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 1330-20-7 m&p-Xylene 66AJ ug/kg 155 55.9 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 179601-23-1 o-Xylene ND ug/kg 77.6 29.5 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 95-47-6 Surrogates Toluene-d8 (S) ill % 70-130 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 2037-26-5 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 105 % 70-130 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 460-00-4 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 105 % 70-132 25 06/26/19 14:09 06/26/19 16:14 17060-07-0 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 9 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 Sample: C-2 Lab ID: 92433342002 Collected: 06/17/19 11:30 Received: 06/17/19 16:31 Matrix: Solid Results reported on a "dry weight" basis and are adjusted for percent moisture, sample size and any dilutions. Report Parameters Results Units Limit MDL DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. Qual Percent Moisture Analytical Method: ASTM D2974-87 Percent Moisture 29.2 % 0.10 0.10 1 06/18/19 15:56 Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 10 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 481640 Analysis Method: EPA 8015C Modified QC Batch Method: EPA 5030E Analysis Description: Gasoline Range Organics Associated Lab Samples: 92433342001, 92433342002 METHOD BLANK: 2604912 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 92433342001, 92433342002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg ND 6.0 6.0 06/17/19 18:26 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 110 63-130 06/17/19 18:26 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2604913 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg 49.8 51.9 104 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 101 63-130 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 2604915 92433254002 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg ND 59.9 84.6 141 40-155 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 122 63-130 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2604914 92433254001 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Gas Range Organics (C6-C10) mg/kg ND ND 30 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 112 111 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 11 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 483337 Analysis Method: MADEP VPH QC Batch Method: MADEP VPH Analysis Description: VPH NC Soil Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 METHOD BLANK: 2612420 Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 Parameter Aliphatic (C05-008) Aliphatic (C09-C12) Aromatic (C09-C10) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (FID) (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (PID) (S) Matrix: Solid Units Blank Result Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers mg/kg ND 2.5 2.5 06/26/19 13:45 N2 mg/kg ND 2.5 2.5 06/26/19 13:45 N2 mg/kg ND 2.5 2.5 06/26/19 13:45 N2 % 91 70-130 06/26/19 13:45 % 91 70-130 06/26/19 13:45 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 2612421 2612422 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers Aliphatic (C05-CO8) mg/kg 15 13.1 13.2 88 88 70-130 1 25 N2 Aliphatic (C09-C12) mg/kg 15 15.5 15.6 103 104 30-130 1 25 N2 Aromatic (C09-C10) mg/kg 5 4.9 5.0 98 99 70-130 1 25 N2 4-Bromofluorobenzene (FID) (S) % 100 99 70-130 4-Bromofluorobenzene (PID) (S) % 100 99 70-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 12 of 31 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 483385 Analysis Method: EPA 8260D QC Batch Method: EPA 5035A Analysis Description: 8260D MSV 5035A Volatile Organics Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 METHOD BLANK: 2612686 Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 Parameter Units Matrix: Blank Result Solid Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 2.1 06/26/19 10:06 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 2.1 06/26/19 10:06 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.5 06/26/19 10:06 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.5 06/26/19 10:06 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.2 06/26/19 10:06 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.6 06/26/19 10:06 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.6 06/26/19 10:06 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.0 06/26/19 10:06 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/kg ND 5.0 3.6 06/26/19 10:06 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/kg ND 5.0 2.2 06/26/19 10:06 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.0 06/26/19 10:06 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/kg ND 100 2.9 06/26/19 10:06 2-Chlorotoluene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 2-Hexanone ug/kg ND 50.0 3.9 06/26/19 10:06 4-Chlorotoluene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/kg ND 50.0 3.7 06/26/19 10:06 Acetone ug/kg ND 100 10.0 06/26/19 10:06 Benzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.6 06/26/19 10:06 Bromobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.0 06/26/19 10:06 Bromochloromethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 Bromodichloromethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 Bromoform ug/kg ND 5.0 2.3 06/26/19 10:06 Bromomethane ug/kg ND 10.0 2.5 06/26/19 10:06 Carbon tetrachloride ug/kg ND 5.0 2.6 06/26/19 10:06 Chlorobenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 Chloroethane ug/kg ND 10.0 2.4 06/26/19 10:06 Chloroform ug/kg ND 5.0 1.6 06/26/19 10:06 Chloromethane ug/kg ND 10.0 2.4 06/26/19 10:06 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.4 06/26/19 10:06 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 Dibromochloromethane ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 13 of 31 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 METHOD BLANK: 2612686 Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 Parameter Units Matrix: Blank Result Solid Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed Dibromomethane ug/kg ND 5.0 2.5 06/26/19 10:06 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/kg ND 10.0 3.6 06/26/19 10:06 Diisopropyl ether ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 Ethylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.0 06/26/19 10:06 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 m&p-Xylene ug/kg ND 10.0 3.6 06/26/19 10:06 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/kg ND 5.0 1.5 06/26/19 10:06 Methylene Chloride ug/kg 10.2J 20.0 3.0 06/26/19 10:06 n-Butylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 n-Propylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 Naphthalene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.2 06/26/19 10:06 o-Xylene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 p-Isopropyltoluene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 sec-Butylbenzene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.6 06/26/19 10:06 Styrene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 tert-Butyl benzene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.0 06/26/19 10:06 Tetrachloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.7 06/26/19 10:06 Toluene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.9 06/26/19 10:06 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 5.0 1.5 06/26/19 10:06 Trichloroethene ug/kg ND 5.0 2.1 06/26/19 10:06 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/kg ND 5.0 2.2 06/26/19 10:06 Vinyl acetate ug/kg ND 50.0 8.8 06/26/19 10:06 Vinyl chloride ug/kg ND 10.0 1.8 06/26/19 10:06 Xylene (Total) ug/kg ND 10.0 3.6 06/26/19 10:06 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 93 70-132 06/26/19 10:06 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 100 70-130 06/26/19 10:06 Toluene-d8 (S) % 111 70-130 06/26/19 10:06 v2 v1 Qualifiers LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2612687 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg 50 53.3 107 70-130 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/kg 50 53.5 107 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg 50 45.4 91 55-130 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/kg 50 50.9 102 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/kg 50 53.9 108 68-130 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/kg 50 55.8 112 70-130 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/kg 50 55.2 110 70-130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg 50 50.6 101 70-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/kg 50 49.4 99 70-130 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg 50 50.6 101 70-130 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg 50 51.6 103 69-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 14 of 31 aceAnalytical -pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2612687 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Qualifiers 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/kg 50 47.5 95 57-141 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/kg 50 49.7 99 70-130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 50 48.3 97 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/kg 50 50.1 100 70-130 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg 50 53.7 107 70-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/kg 50 51.4 103 70-130 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 50 50.1 100 70-130 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/kg 50 51.3 103 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 50 47.9 96 70-130 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg 50 55.6 111 70-130 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/kg 100 80.9J 81 60-130 2-Chlorotoluene ug/kg 50 51.9 104 70-130 2-Hexanone ug/kg 100 99.4 99 70-132 4-Chlorotoluene ug/kg 50 51.3 103 70-130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/kg 100 102 102 69-130 Acetone ug/kg 100 94.5J 94 49-148 Benzene ug/kg 50 52.6 105 70-130 Bromobenzene ug/kg 50 49.7 99 70-130 Bromochloromethane ug/kg 50 50.4 101 70-130 Bromodichloromethane ug/kg 50 51.2 102 70-130 Bromoform ug/kg 50 44.9 90 68-136 Bromomethane ug/kg 50 45.5 91 60-140 Carbon tetrachloride ug/kg 50 51.8 104 70-130 Chlorobenzene ug/kg 50 48.5 97 70-130 Chloroethane ug/kg 50 50.2 100 51-147 Chloroform ug/kg 50 50.2 100 70-130 Chloromethane ug/kg 50 51.2 102 48-130 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg 50 53.7 107 70-130 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg 50 54.6 109 70-130 Dibromochloromethane ug/kg 50 48.3 97 70-130 Dibromomethane ug/kg 50 46.3 93 70-130 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/kg 50 46.1 92 49-130 v3 Diisopropyl ether ug/kg 50 58.3 117 66-130 Ethylbenzene ug/kg 50 51.1 102 70-130 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg 50 48.8 98 70-130 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/kg 50 50.0 100 70-130 m&p-Xylene ug/kg 100 101 101 70-130 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/kg 50 59.4 119 70-130 Methylene Chloride ug/kg 50 67.8 136 50-137 v1 n-Butylbenzene ug/kg 50 53.2 106 70-130 n-Propylbenzene ug/kg 50 53.4 107 70-130 Naphthalene ug/kg 50 49.8 100 70-131 o-Xylene ug/kg 50 48.9 98 70-130 p-Isopropyltoluene ug/kg 50 52.4 105 70-130 sec-Butylbenzene ug/kg 50 53.8 108 70-130 Styrene ug/kg 50 48.5 97 70-130 tert-Butyl benzene ug/kg 50 46.1 92 69-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 15 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2612687 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Tetrachloroethene ug/kg 50 48.3 97 56-130 Toluene ug/kg 50 50.4 101 70-130 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg 50 55.7 111 70-130 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg 50 52.7 105 70-130 Trichloroethene ug/kg 50 53.1 106 70-141 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/kg 50 46.0 92 67-130 Vinyl acetate ug/kg 100 94.0 94 10-136 Vinyl chloride ug/kg 50 50.2 100 67-130 Xylene (Total) ug/kg 150 150 100 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 101 70-132 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 99 70-130 Toluene-d8 (S) % 99 70-130 Qualifiers MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2612688 MS 92433342002 Spike Parameter Units Result Conc. MSD Spike Conc. 2612689 MS Result MSD Result MS % Rec MSD % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Qual 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 316 311 98 96 52-133 2 30 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 343 317 106 98 49-137 8 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 357 334 110 103 39-150 7 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 364 321 113 99 48-140 13 30 1,1-Dichloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 365 329 113 102 46-135 10 30 1,1-Dichloroethene ug/kg ND 322 322 325 304 101 94 38-149 7 30 1,1-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 322 322 353 312 109 97 41-140 12 30 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 353 322 109 100 10-158 9 30 1,2,3-Trichooropropane ug/kg ND 322 322 356 335 110 104 33-157 6 30 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 334 307 103 95 10-155 8 30 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene ug/kg 99.8 322 322 338 317 74 67 24-154 6 30 1,2-Dibromo-3- ug/kg ND 322 322 339 336 105 104 33-158 1 30 chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/kg ND 322 322 346 307 107 95 40-136 12 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 318 307 98 95 27-146 3 30 1,2-Dichloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 362 331 112 103 49-140 9 30 1,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg ND 322 322 367 336 114 104 44-143 9 30 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ug/kg 28.5J 322 322 329 315 93 89 40-144 4 30 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 322 304 100 94 33-140 6 30 1,3-Dichloropropane ug/kg ND 322 322 354 334 110 103 47-147 6 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 318 297 99 92 35-139 7 30 2,2-Dichloropropane ug/kg ND 322 322 349 320 108 99 41-140 9 30 2-Butanone (MEK) ug/kg ND 646 646 660J 582J 102 90 10-181 30 2-Chlorotoluene ug/kg ND 322 322 329 308 102 95 38-147 7 30 2-Hexanone ug/kg ND 646 646 758J 745J 117 115 18-169 30 4-Chlorotoluene ug/kg ND 322 322 331 314 103 97 36-145 5 30 4-Methyl-2-pentanone ug/kg ND 646 646 809 726J 125 112 16-175 30 (MIBK) Acetone ug/kg ND 646 646 715J 668J 111 103 10-200 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 16 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2612688 MS 92433342002 Spike Parameter Units Result Conc. MSD Spike Conc. 2612689 MS Result MSD Result MS % Rec MSD % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Qual Benzene ug/kg ND 322 322 359 327 111 101 46-136 10 30 Bromobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 329 312 102 97 38-149 5 30 Bromochloromethane ug/kg ND 322 322 338 307 105 95 44-142 10 30 Bromodichloromethane ug/kg ND 322 322 337 313 104 97 41-140 8 30 Bromoform ug/kg ND 322 322 281 254 87 79 34-145 10 30 Bromomethane ug/kg ND 322 322 239 225 74 70 14-162 6 30 Carbon tetrachloride ug/kg ND 322 322 320 304 99 94 44-141 5 30 Chlorobenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 332 305 103 94 39-141 8 30 Chloroethane ug/kg ND 322 322 247 229 76 71 10-182 7 30 Chloroform ug/kg ND 322 322 349 312 108 97 45-140 11 30 Chloromethane ug/kg ND 322 322 357 323 111 100 19-149 10 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg ND 322 322 375 344 116 107 38-150 9 30 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 322 322 355 325 110 101 30-144 9 30 Dibromochloromethane ug/kg ND 322 322 300 270 93 83 36-145 11 30 Dibromomethane ug/kg ND 322 322 343 320 106 99 41-145 7 30 Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/kg ND 322 322 298 264 92 82 16-146 12 30 v3 Diisopropyl ether ug/kg ND 322 322 371 344 115 106 41-143 8 30 Ethylbenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 344 321 99 92 35-144 7 30 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg ND 322 322 309 286 96 88 10-160 8 30 Isopropylbenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 332 320 103 99 30-152 4 30 (Cumene) m&p-Xylene ug/kg 66AJ 646 646 663 630 92 87 33-145 5 30 Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/kg ND 322 322 377 339 117 105 49-140 11 30 Methylene Chloride ug/kg ND 322 322 374 337 116 104 10-174 10 30 v1 n-Butylbenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 328 308 102 95 10-160 6 30 n-Propylbenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 331 317 96 92 24-159 4 30 Naphthalene ug/kg ND 322 322 385 368 119 114 10-171 5 30 o-Xylene ug/kg ND 322 322 331 319 97 93 31-150 4 30 p-Isopropyltoluene ug/kg ND 322 322 335 321 104 99 21-154 4 30 sec-Butylbenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 339 319 105 99 19-159 6 30 Styrene ug/kg ND 322 322 330 310 102 96 15-152 6 30 tert-Butylbenzene ug/kg ND 322 322 293 279 91 87 31-141 5 30 Tetrachloroethene ug/kg ND 322 322 317 298 98 92 19-141 6 30 Toluene ug/kg ND 322 322 350 326 108 101 31-146 7 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/kg ND 322 322 363 331 113 102 28-157 9 30 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/kg ND 322 322 353 315 109 98 25-146 11 30 Trichloroethene ug/kg ND 322 322 335 306 104 95 34-149 9 30 Trichlorofluoromethane ug/kg ND 322 322 201 191 62 59 10-167 5 30 Vinyl acetate ug/kg ND 646 646 747J 694J 116 107 10-200 30 Vinyl chloride ug/kg ND 322 322 343 308 106 96 36-155 11 30 Xylene (Total) ug/kg ND 968 968 994 948 103 98 29-148 5 30 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 107 108 70-132 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 102 105 70-130 Toluene-d8 (S) % 105 101 70-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 17 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 481847 Analysis Method: EPA 8015C Modified QC Batch Method: EPA 3546 Analysis Description: 8015 Solid GCSV Associated Lab Samples: 92433342001, 92433342002 METHOD BLANK: 2605739 Matrix: Solid Associated Lab Samples: 92433342001, 92433342002 Blank Reporting Parameter Units Result Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg ND 5.0 2.3 06/19/19 11:13 n-Pentacosane (S) % 81 33-129 06/19/19 11:13 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: 2605740 Spike LCS LCS % Rec Parameter Units Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg 66 52.8 80 43-130 n-Pentacosane (S) % 67 33-129 MATRIX SPIKE SAMPLE: 2605846 35475350001 Spike MS MS % Rec Parameter Units Result Conc. Result % Rec Limits Qualifiers Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg 2.31-1 67.1 48.5 71 10-130 n-Pentacosane(S) % 60 33-129 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2605847 35475350002 Dup Max Parameter Units Result Result RPD RPD Qualifiers Diesel Range Organics(C10-C28) mg/kg 6.0 ND 30 n-Pentacosane (S) % 52 64 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 18 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 483816 Analysis Method: EPA 8270E QC Batch Method: EPA 3546 Analysis Description: 8270E Solid MSSV Microwave Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 METHOD BLANK: 2614776 Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 Parameter Units Matrix: Blank Result Solid Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 331 75.9 06/28/19 15:05 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 331 71.6 06/28/19 15:05 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 331 74.5 06/28/19 15:05 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 331 72.8 06/28/19 15:05 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/kg ND 331 88.2 06/28/19 15:05 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ug/kg ND 331 92.0 06/28/19 15:05 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/kg ND 331 86.0 06/28/19 15:05 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/kg ND 331 83.2 06/28/19 15:05 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/kg ND 331 109 06/28/19 15:05 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/kg ND 331 82.5 06/28/19 15:05 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/kg ND 1660 1060 06/28/19 15:05 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/kg ND 331 87.7 06/28/19 15:05 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/kg ND 331 86.6 06/28/19 15:05 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/kg ND 331 73.7 06/28/19 15:05 2-Chlorophenol ug/kg ND 331 77.1 06/28/19 15:05 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/kg ND 331 84.3 06/28/19 15:05 2-Methylphenol(o-Cresol) ug/kg ND 331 73.3 06/28/19 15:05 2-Nitroaniline ug/kg ND 1660 167 06/28/19 15:05 2-Nitrophenol ug/kg ND 331 102 06/28/19 15:05 3&4-Methyl phenol (m&p Cresol) ug/kg ND 331 83.3 06/28/19 15:05 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/kg ND 1660 231 06/28/19 15:05 3-Nitroaniline ug/kg ND 1660 176 06/28/19 15:05 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ug/kg ND 662 534 06/28/19 15:05 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ug/kg ND 331 86.9 06/28/19 15:05 4-ChIoro-3-methyl phenol ug/kg ND 662 202 06/28/19 15:05 4-Chloroaniline ug/kg ND 1660 203 06/28/19 15:05 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/kg ND 331 86.0 06/28/19 15:05 4-Nitroaniline ug/kg ND 662 164 06/28/19 15:05 4-Nitrophenol ug/kg ND 1660 528 06/28/19 15:05 Acenaphthene ug/kg ND 331 85.2 06/28/19 15:05 Acenaphthylene ug/kg ND 331 78.4 06/28/19 15:05 Aniline ug/kg ND 331 74.3 06/28/19 15:05 Anthracene ug/kg ND 331 85.9 06/28/19 15:05 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg ND 331 105 06/28/19 15:05 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg ND 331 143 06/28/19 15:05 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg ND 331 133 06/28/19 15:05 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/kg ND 331 129 06/28/19 15:05 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/kg ND 331 139 06/28/19 15:05 Benzoic Acid ug/kg ND 1660 357 06/28/19 15:05 Benzyl alcohol ug/kg ND 662 176 06/28/19 15:05 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/kg ND 331 88.4 06/28/19 15:05 v2 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 19 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 METHOD BLANK: 2614776 Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 Parameter Units Matrix: Blank Result Solid Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/kg ND 331 70.3 06/28/19 15:05 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/kg ND 331 108 06/28/19 15:05 Butylbenzylphthalate ug/kg ND 331 88.2 06/28/19 15:05 Chrysene ug/kg ND 331 96.1 06/28/19 15:05 Di-n-butylphthalate ug/kg ND 331 81.7 06/28/19 15:05 Di-n-octylphthalate ug/kg ND 331 189 06/28/19 15:05 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/kg ND 331 132 06/28/19 15:05 Dibenzofuran ug/kg ND 331 82.8 06/28/19 15:05 Diethylphthalate ug/kg ND 331 71.8 06/28/19 15:05 Dimethylphthalate ug/kg ND 331 74.8 06/28/19 15:05 Fluoranthene ug/kg ND 331 100 06/28/19 15:05 Fluorene ug/kg ND 331 88.6 06/28/19 15:05 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg ND 331 80.5 06/28/19 15:05 Hexachlorobenzene ug/kg ND 331 84.1 06/28/19 15:05 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/kg ND 331 132 06/28/19 15:05 Hexachloroethane ug/kg ND 331 75.5 06/28/19 15:05 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/kg ND 331 152 06/28/19 15:05 Isophorone ug/kg ND 331 71.9 06/28/19 15:05 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/kg ND 331 92.7 06/28/19 15:05 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/kg ND 331 93.1 06/28/19 15:05 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/kg ND 331 84.5 06/28/19 15:05 Naphthalene ug/kg ND 331 79.3 06/28/19 15:05 Nitrobenzene ug/kg ND 331 79.1 06/28/19 15:05 Pentachlorophenol ug/kg ND 1660 152 06/28/19 15:05 Phenanthrene ug/kg ND 331 83.4 06/28/19 15:05 Phenol ug/kg ND 331 79.1 06/28/19 15:05 Pyrene ug/kg ND 331 91.1 06/28/19 15:05 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) % 82 27-110 06/28/19 15:05 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) % 70 30-110 06/28/19 15:05 2-Fluorophenol (S) % 71 13-110 06/28/19 15:05 Nitrobenzene-d5 (S) % 65 23-110 06/28/19 15:05 Phenol-d6 (S) % 71 22-110 06/28/19 15:05 Terphenyl-d14 (S) % 77 28-110 06/28/19 15:05 Qualifiers LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2614777 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Qualifiers 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg 1650 1070 65 52-130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 1650 1110 67 51-130 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 1650 1050 64 50-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg 1650 1110 67 49-130 1-Methylnaphthalene ug/kg 1650 1190 72 55-130 2,2'-Oxybis(1-chloropropane) ug/kg 1650 1480 90 30-130 v3 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/kg 1650 1310 79 55-130 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 20 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2614777 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits 2,4,6-TrichIorophenol ug/kg 1650 1440 87 57-130 2,4-DichIorophenol ug/kg 1650 1250 76 56-130 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/kg 1650 1320 80 51-130 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/kg 8250 5760 70 27-133 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/kg 1650 1210 73 61-130 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/kg 1650 1250 76 60-130 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/kg 1650 1160 70 52-130 2-Chlorophenol ug/kg 1650 1380 83 54-130 2-Methylnaphthalene ug/kg 1650 1270 77 54-130 2-Methylphenol(o-Cresol) ug/kg 1650 1310 79 51-130 2-Nitroaniline ug/kg 3300 2450 74 51-130 2-Nitrophenol ug/kg 1650 1290 78 49-130 3&4-Methyl phenol (m&p Cresol) ug/kg 1650 1340 81 11-163 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/kg 3300 2430 74 10-132 3-Nitroaniline ug/kg 3300 2200 67 55-130 4,6-Dinitro-2-methyl phenol ug/kg 3300 2630 80 47-142 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ug/kg 1650 1340 81 59-130 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/kg 3300 2750 83 55-130 4-Chloroaniline ug/kg 3300 2260 68 54-130 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/kg 1650 1360 83 58-130 4-Nitroaniline ug/kg 3300 2250 68 54-130 4-Nitrophenol ug/kg 8250 6530 79 48-130 Acenaphthene ug/kg 1650 1320 80 60-130 Acenaphthylene ug/kg 1650 1310 79 60-130 Aniline ug/kg 1650 1070 65 43-130 Anthracene ug/kg 1650 1330 81 63-130 Benzo(a)anthracene ug/kg 1650 1420 86 59-130 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg 1650 1340 81 57-130 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg 1650 1330 81 54-130 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/kg 1650 1310 79 59-130 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/kg 1650 1260 77 54-130 Benzoic Acid ug/kg 8250 5740 70 19-130 Benzyl alcohol ug/kg 3300 2630 80 50-130 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane ug/kg 1650 1130 68 54-130 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/kg 1650 1160 70 48-130 bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate ug/kg 1650 1450 88 45-134 Butylbenzylphthalate ug/kg 1650 1440 87 46-138 Chrysene ug/kg 1650 1300 79 58-130 Di-n-butylphthalate ug/kg 1650 1330 80 60-130 Di-n-octylphthalate ug/kg 1650 1550 94 53-130 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/kg 1650 1260 76 59-130 Dibenzofuran ug/kg 1650 1260 76 60-130 Diethylphthalate ug/kg 1650 1290 78 60-130 Dimethylphthalate ug/kg 1650 1270 77 60-130 Fluoranthene ug/kg 1650 1370 83 65-130 Fluorene ug/kg 1650 1320 80 63-130 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg 1650 1070 65 46-130 Qualifiers Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 21 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE: Parameter 2614777 Units Spike Conc. LCS Result LCS % Rec % Rec Limits Hexachlorobenzene ug/kg 1650 1180 71 58-130 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/kg 1650 1150 70 23-130 Hexachloroethane ug/kg 1650 1170 71 47-130 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/kg 1650 1310 80 60-130 Isophorone ug/kg 1650 1080 66 49-130 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/kg 1650 1120 68 47-130 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/kg 1650 1010 61 45-130 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/kg 1650 1320 80 59-130 Naphthalene ug/kg 1650 1240 75 55-130 Nitrobenzene ug/kg 1650 1030 62 49-130 Pentachlorophenol ug/kg 3300 2760 84 10-132 Phenanthrene ug/kg 1650 1310 79 62-130 Phenol ug/kg 1650 1290 78 46-130 Pyrene ug/kg 1650 1420 86 53-130 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) % 84 27-110 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) % 75 30-110 2-Fluorophenol(S) % 78 13-110 Nitrobenzene-d5(S) % 68 23-110 Phenol-d6 (S) % 78 22-110 Terphenyl-d14 (S) % 79 28-110 Qualifiers MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2614778 MS 92434737004 Spike Parameter Units Result Conc. MSD Spike Conc. 2614779 MS Result MSD Result MS % Rec MSD % Rec % Rec Limits RPD Max RPD Qual 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1430 1300 79 71 18-130 9 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1310 1190 73 65 14-130 10 30 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1280 1170 71 64 12-130 9 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1330 1220 74 67 10-130 9 30 1-Methyl naphthalene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1410 1290 78 71 12-130 9 30 2,2'-Oxybis(1- ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1270 1150 70 63 10-130 9 30 v1 chloropropane) 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1420 82 78 13-130 4 30 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1620 1500 90 82 17-130 7 30 2,4-Dichlorophenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1610 1450 89 79 10-130 11 30 2,4-Dimethylphenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1340 82 73 10-130 10 30 2,4-Dinitrophenol ug/kg ND 9030 9130 7840 7900 87 87 10-130 1 30 2,4-Dinitrotoluene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1400 1420 78 78 24-130 1 30 2,6-Dinitrotoluene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1490 1470 83 81 23-130 2 30 2-Chloronaphthalene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1380 1260 76 69 19-130 9 30 2-Chlorophenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1440 1320 80 72 10-130 9 30 2-Methyl naphthalene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1360 82 74 18-130 9 30 2-Methyl phenol(o-Cresol) ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1360 1220 75 67 10-130 10 30 2-Nitroaniline ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2540 2510 70 69 17-130 1 30 2-Nitrophenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1560 1420 86 78 10-130 10 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 22 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2614778 2614779 MS MSD 92434737004 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual 3&4-Methylphenol(m&p ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1390 1220 77 67 10-130 12 30 Cresol) 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2750 2860 76 78 10-130 4 30 3-Nitroaniline ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2420 2500 67 68 24-130 3 30 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol ug/kg ND 3610 3650 3520 3520 98 96 10-152 0 30 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1490 1460 83 80 29-130 3 30 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2970 2870 82 79 17-130 3 30 4-Chloroaniline ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2600 2420 72 66 14-130 7 30 4-Chlorophenylphenyl ether ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1430 1380 79 76 25-130 4 30 4-Nitroaniline ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2550 2660 71 73 22-130 4 30 4-Nitrophenol ug/kg ND 9030 9130 6700 6920 74 76 10-130 3 30 Acenaphthene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1430 1360 79 74 20-130 6 30 Acenaphthylene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1390 82 76 25-130 6 30 Aniline ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1170 1060 65 58 10-130 10 30 Anthracene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1500 82 82 29-130 1 30 Benzo(a)anth race ne ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1510 1530 83 84 19-130 2 30 Benzo(a)pyrene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1530 1540 84 85 12-130 1 30 Benzo(b)fluoranthene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1470 1490 81 82 14-130 1 30 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1560 1580 87 87 10-130 1 30 Benzo(k)fluoranthene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1440 1460 80 80 14-130 1 30 Benzoic Acid ug/kg ND 9030 9130 6550 5990 73 66 10-130 9 30 Benzyl alcohol ug/kg ND 3610 3650 2730 2460 76 67 13-130 11 30 bis(2- ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1430 1300 79 71 16-130 10 30 Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1370 1230 76 67 11-130 11 30 bis(2- Ethyl hexyl)phthalate ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1570 1540 87 85 21-130 2 30 Butylbenzylphthalate ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1610 1580 89 87 23-130 2 30 Chrysene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1400 1420 78 78 22-130 1 30 Di-n-butylphthalate ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1380 1390 77 76 30-130 1 30 Di-n-octylphthalate ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1490 82 82 23-142 1 30 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1490 1480 83 81 10-130 1 30 Dibenzofuran ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1450 1400 80 77 24-130 4 30 Diethylphthalate ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1370 1390 76 76 26-130 2 30 Dimethylphthalate ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1460 1460 81 80 22-130 0 30 Fluoranthene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1400 1450 78 80 33-130 3 30 Fluorene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1430 1410 79 77 22-130 1 30 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1400 1260 77 69 13-130 10 30 Hexachlorobenzene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1400 1370 77 75 29-130 2 30 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1320 1170 73 64 10-130 12 30 Hexachloroethane ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1230 1130 68 62 10-130 9 30 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1580 1590 87 87 10-130 1 30 Isophorone ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1340 1230 74 68 13-130 8 30 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1320 1170 73 64 12-130 11 30 N-Nitrosodimethylamine ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1410 1250 78 69 11-130 12 30 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1480 1440 82 79 15-130 3 30 Naphthalene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1460 1330 81 73 15-130 10 30 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 23 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 MATRIX SPIKE & MATRIX SPIKE DUPLICATE: 2614778 2614779 MS MSD 92434737004 Spike Spike MS MSD MS MSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Result Conc. Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qual Nitrobenzene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1310 1190 73 65 12-130 10 30 Pentachlorophenol ug/kg ND 3610 3650 3100 3090 86 85 10-130 1 30 Phenanthrene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1460 1470 81 80 27-130 0 30 Phenol ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1510 1360 83 74 10-130 11 30 Pyrene ug/kg ND 1810 1820 1710 1660 95 91 19-130 3 30 2,4,6-Tribromophenol (S) % 85 69 27-110 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) % 73 56 30-110 2-Fluorophenol(S) % 68 53 13-110 Nitrobenzene-d5(S) % 69 53 23-110 Phenol-d6 (S) % 65 51 22-110 Terphenyl-d14 (S) % 74 59 28-110 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 24 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 483818 Analysis Method: MADEP EPH QC Batch Method: MADEP EPH Analysis Description: MADEP EPH NC Soil Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 METHOD BLANK: 2614786 Associated Lab Samples: 92433342002 Parameter Aliphatic (C09-C18) Aliphatic (C19-C36) Aromatic (C11-C22) 2-Bromonaphthalene (S) 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) Nonatriacontane (S) o-Terphenyl(S) Matrix: Solid Units Blank Result Reporting Limit MDL Analyzed Qualifiers mg/kg ND 9.9 9.9 07/09/19 08:54 N2 mg/kg ND 9.9 9.9 07/09/19 08:54 N2 mg/kg ND 9.9 9.9 07/09/19 08:54 N2 % 84 40-140 07/09/19 08:54 % 89 40-140 07/09/19 08:54 % 55 40-140 07/09/19 08:54 % 54 40-140 07/09/19 08:54 LABORATORY CONTROL SAMPLE & LCSD: 2614787 2614788 Spike LCS LCSD LCS LCSD % Rec Max Parameter Units Conc. Result Result % Rec % Rec Limits RPD RPD Qualifiers Aliphatic (C09-C18) mg/kg 10 ND ND 49 51 40-140 50 N2 Aliphatic (C19-C36) mg/kg 13.3 ND ND 64 64 40-140 50 N2 Aromatic (C11-C22) mg/kg 28.2 20.9 20.3 74 72 40-140 3 50 N2 2-Bromonaphthalene (S) % 86 92 40-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl (S) % 91 94 40-140 Nonatriacontane (S) % 67 65 40-140 o-Terphenyl(S) % 96 95 40-140 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 25 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 QC Batch: 481863 Analysis Method: ASTM D2974-87 QC Batch Method: ASTM D2974-87 Analysis Description: Dry Weight/Percent Moisture Associated Lab Samples: 92433342001, 92433342002 SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2605829 Parameter Percent Moisture SAMPLE DUPLICATE: 2605830 Parameter Percent Moisture 92431830001 Dup Units Result Result % 28.6 26.6 92433210002 Dup Units Result Result % 65.3 65.7 Max RPD RPD Qualifiers 7 25 Max RPD RPD Qualifiers 1 25 Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 26 of 31 Pace Analytical Services, LLC ceAnalX cal ® 9800 Kiney Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078078 www.pacelabs.com (704)875-9092 QUALIFIERS Project: ROW-516 Pace Project No.: 92433342 DEFINITIONS DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot. ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit. TNTC - Too Numerous To Count J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit. MDL -Adjusted Method Detection Limit. PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit. RL - Reporting Limit - The lowest concentration value that meets project requirements for quantitative data with known precision and bias for a specific analyte in a specific matrix. S - Surrogate 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte is a combined concentration. Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values. LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate) MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate) DUP - Sample Duplicate RPD - Relative Percent Difference NC - Not Calculable. SG - Silica Gel - Clean -Up U - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected. Acid preservation may not be appropriate for 2 Chloroethylvinyl ether. A separate vial preserved to a pH of 4-5 is recommended in SW846 Chapter 4 for the analysis of Acrolein and Acrylonitrile by EPA Method 8260. N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported for each analyte is a combined concentration. Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes. TNI -The NELAC Institute. LABORATORIES PASI-C Pace Analytical Services - Charlotte ANALYTE QUALIFIERS N2 The lab does not hold NELAC/TNI accreditation for this parameter but other accreditations/certifications may apply. A complete list of accreditations/certifications is available upon request. S4 Surrogate recovery not evaluated against control limits due to sample dilution. S5 Surrogate recovery outside control limits due to matrix interferences (not confirmed by re -analysis). v1 The continuing calibration verification was above the method acceptance limit. Any detection for the analyte in the associated samples may have a high bias. v2 The continuing calibration verification was below the method acceptance limit. The analyte was not detected in the associated samples and the sensitivity of the instrument was verified with a reporting limit check standard. v3 The continuing calibration verification was below the method acceptance limit. Any detection for the analyte in the associated samples may have low bias. REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 27 of 31 aceAnalytical —pacelabs.com Pace Analytical Services, LLC 9800 Kincey Ave. Suite 100 Huntersville, NC 28078 (704)875-9092 QUALITY CONTROL DATA CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Project: Pace Project No.: ROW-516 92433342 Analytical Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical Method Batch 92433342001 C-1 EPA 3546 481847 EPA 8015C Modified 482030 92433342002 C-2 EPA 3546 481847 EPA 8015C Modified 482030 92433342002 C-2 MADEP EPH 483818 MADEP EPH 485177 92433342001 C-1 EPA 5030B 481640 EPA 8015C Modified 481719 92433342002 C-2 EPA 5030B 481640 EPA 8015C Modified 481719 92433342002 C-2 MADEP VPH 483337 MADEP VPH 483449 92433342002 C-2 EPA 3546 483816 EPA 8270E 484102 92433342002 C-2 EPA 5035A 483385 EPA 8260D 483392 92433342001 C-1 ASTM D2974-87 481863 92433342002 C-2 ASTM D2974-87 481863 Date: 07/26/2019 01:28 PM REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC. Page 28 of 31 Document Name: Document Revised: February 7, 2018 a aceAnaVidal Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCUR) Page 1 of 2 Document No.: Issuing Authority: F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quality Office Laboratory receiving samples: Asheville ❑ Eden[] Greenwood ❑ Huntersville Raleigh❑ Mechanicsville❑ Client Name: WO# :92433342 Upon Receipt �Project rr: Courier: -- -- i' � Ex �r � �-�'��','������`�' � 11111111111111111111 (-]Fed ❑UPS ❑USPS [�Ciient IIII ❑ Commercial ❑Pace �� ❑Other: L39,092433342 Custody Seal Present? ❑Yes E3rvo Seals Intact? Oyes\jay jj}��fr/''' n ��e Jln Ffi alc Pwrcnn Fvaminin2 Ce nteR[5: ' �X � /� Packing Material: ❑Bubble Wrap [-]Bubble Bags ❑None ®--Other Biological TJ ue Frozen? Thermomete ❑yes Z&o []N/A IR Gun Ip; 92TO48 Type of Ice: Wet ❑Blue ❑None , Cooler Temp ('CJ: - Correction Factor: Add/Subtract VC) 0.0 r, �� Temp should be above freezing to 6'C Cooler Temp Corrected ('C): .1 ❑Samples out of temp criteria. Samples on ice, cooling process has begun USDA Regulated Soil (0/N/A, water sample) Did samples orig^ _ e in a quarantine zone within the United States: CA, NY, or SC (check maps)? Did samples originate from a foreign source (internationally, inri—iina Hawaii anrd PI)Prtn Rlrnl? MY" nNo Comments/Discrepancy: Chain of Custody Present? E 5Yes []NO ❑N/A 1. Samples Arrived within Hold Time? es❑,NNoo ❑NIA 2. Short Hold Time Analysis (c72 hr.)? ❑Yes Imo ❑N/A 3. Rush Turn Around Time Requested? ❑Yes i o ❑N/A 4. Sufficient Volume? 0<1 ❑No ❑N/A S. Correct Containers Used? -Pace Containers Used? ryes DYes ❑No ❑No ❑N/A ❑N/A 6. Containers Intact? 01,s ❑No []N/A 7. Dissolved analysis: Samples Field Filtered? ❑YES . ❑No ❑<A a. Sample Labels Match COC? -Includes Date/Time/ID/Analysis Matrix; [ es []No ❑N/A 9. Headspace in VOA vials (>S-6mm)? ❑Yes []No N/A 10. Trip Blank Present? Trip Blank Custody Seals Present? ❑Yes ❑Yes 0llo [-]No ❑NIA N/A 11. COMMENTS/SAMPLE DISCREPANCY Lot ID of split containers: CLIENT NOTIFICATION/RESOLUTION Field Data Required? Dyes ❑No Person contacted: Date/Time: Project Manager SCURF Review: r Dale: Project Manager SRF Review: r� Date: Page 29 of 31 a ace Analytical Document Name: Sample Condition Upon Receipt(SCURi Document Revised: February 7, 2018 Page 1 of 2 Document No.: Issuing Authority; F-CAR-CS-033-Rev.06 Pace Carolinas Quality Office *Check mark top half of box if pH and/or dechlorination is verified and within the acceptance range for preservation samples. Exceptions; VDA, Coliform, TOC, Oil and Grease, DRO/8015 (water) DOC, LLHg **Bottom half of box is to list number of bottle Project ># WO# : 92433342 PM: KRG Due Date: 06/24/19 CLIENT: 92-Hart Hick m ¢ v -•-• a di vae a 5 a N N a m WV a a M a Vj rry 7 a m v a a a : a d an a ea z v a — .-i a 07 N a O 0 M LM a N 1%1 a m N n m O 2 n u1 N d m _ m y a z a N ti N a m � rryi x O 10 a J N U a In N CL M, 'a 3 V13 2 a c E 7 ri H a v a u E ¢ S .a [7 a Q a ¢ m l9 a N n cc�� O rev E a U7 rl t9 a y 0 wt 2 ¢ J VI e%f rrl l7 d V v Q o N a m t7 a ? a O S d1 l7 o 2 m O vryi q 0 J H T t7 n Q Z Z c 4 0 J 01 t7 n ? V C7 4 O J 6 GI U' L? 2 3e M m ❑ m`, n Y Q O > Y 1° z a � a. k l7 Lo ? z c� h ro vi N H N a W i ¢ V a v in C l!i f N a N N N ? ro a E Q N1 a m v C a E' W > O 0 z .� ,i= vi J v1 v E 4 T c7 a'NN\ I X I 5 N\\� b \\N\ N\ 7 T \\N\ N\\� \\N\ \�\\d 9 10 \N 11 NN 12 NN L pH Adjustment Log for Preserved Samples Sample tD Type of Preservative pH upon receipt Date preservation adjusted Time preservation Amount of Preservative Lot k adjusted added Note: Wheneverthere is a discrepancy affetting North Carolina compliance samples, a copy of this form will be sent to the North Carolina DEHNR Certification Office p.e. Out of hold, incorrect preservative, out of temp, incorrect containers. Page 30 of 31 © N o m w v o) ur A w N ITEM # °' o y �• o .. 0. 3 D d n r1 0 r- n cc 3 tz' V I C I J N p J 3 N v r V, r ro0 N R N i 4 V D b q l F _ VI Ti y 8 , 3 , [C N r M V C ° o 3 ; xv n R rl z � c > T Q P p a&- a C 4 V f'S c .. mEL 9 MATRIX CODE (see valid codes to left) m » rr ~ D p Z k 4 5 I n j) SAMPLE TYPE {G=GRAB C=COMP] c A G � m 0 0 A 3 < � m ca m A b y T+ \ W W `-` M1 `� N vi 3 O t L z � A z m n 'r D Z A- m 3 3 m rn m o p b i L7 = 0 m o D 0 mr =. Z n i n i y a II + m r C ~ m a SAMPLE TEMP AT COLLECTION rn A �' } N T ``. m m m a o D g ,a C -) Z --Q N OF CONTAINERS m �Q= �' Cr UnprBserved v C) y o m H2504 E m R y 3 n r o rrT1 0 n HNO3 u D r� HCI ry m A p .. 1 1 NaOH v j 0 7 t'1 Na2S203 rn v A ]� Methanol n [ L ZMz „ n { Z rC� „+ (" \ E, a al �] Other [, r a} { `n ny- v = a n t Analyses Test YIN y;, Gasoline Range Organics a fD @ 7- 80150110 m y 3 n N x 82SC15035 y 7• e270, EPH m a u p C ci d m Cr (� x 7t VPH D Z a X 7' X 7� SuL! bs y 0 CD � L f �CD T i m ro ro � N 1 C Z m m m ;D D -44-44-- TEMP in C Residual Chlorine (YIN) °'S. n o m 0 Received on Ice (YIN) m o C- V us o y Sealed =' Cooler \ o YIN z Samples) iv } Intact �J (YIN) ` Page 31 of 31 Appendix E Certificate of Disposal, Non -Hazardous Materials Manifest, and Certified Weight Ticket (Soil) hart ` hickman SMARTER ENVI RONM ENTAL SOLUT10N5 CORPORATION 1703 VwWave Street Wkiston-Salem, NC 27107 ph 338-725-5844 fax 338-725-6244 CERTIFICATE OF DISPOSAL Evo Corporation does hereby certify that 8.33 tons of non -hazardous contaminated material received on 6/18/2019 from: Generator: NC Department of Transportation Originating at: 518 W. 4t' St. Charlotte, NC EC Waste ID #: 061931 has been disposed of by Evo Corporation in a manner approved by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality. Signature Thomas W. Hammett CEO Eva Corporation EVO CORPORATION 1703 Vargrave Street, Wins bp -Salem, NC 27107 www.evocorp.net NON -HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANIFEST Load # NC!DOT Generator: Site Address: 5118 w 4 Street City/State: Charlotte NC MAv Manifest No. 05836 Phone: Contact: Gordon Box Gross Weight (Ibs): 4,� 5_00 Material: Sol Empty Weight (Ibs): a S,[qd Contaminant: #2 Fuel Oil Net Weight (Ibs): Quantity fz7� Tons Drums Pails Sacs Yards Other. .J Evo Corporation., 336-125-5544 Transporter: Phone: Truck #: (a Contact: Tony Maher As the transporter, I certify that the materials described above being shipped under this non -hazardous materials manifest are properly classified, packaged, labeled, secured and are in proper condition for transport in commerce under the applicable regulations governing transportation, and I hereby receive this material for delivery to the facility designate. Driver Sianature: Evo Corporates 1703. Vargrave_Street Winston- em. NC 2710 Date: �4 --1 o -- l q Evo Project #: Phone: 036) 725-5844 Contact: Tony Disher 061931 certify that the carrier has delivered the materials described above to this facility, and I hereby accept this material for treatment and/or disposal In a manner that has been authorized by the State of North Carolina. Facilitv Sianature: -� �` i \V Date: (' - l $- I White/Facility Canary/Invoice Goldenrod/Generator Pink/Can ier Evo Corporation, 2009 Foss Recycling Winston Salem 3459 Thomasville Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107 Phone : (336) 788-9122 DISHER TONY EVQ TRUCKING WINSTON SALEM NC" CATCH 4MA5 1 r-M ` ,1LlNE �411 I 42,500 0 I SCALE TICKET 11111111111111111 Ticket No. : 15608684 Scale: 88 In : 18 Jun 2019 3:53 pm out : 18 Jun 2019 Supplier-# : DIS040 late No. EVO Vehicle 215 TR. Served By : rgonzales Mission: Excellence in Recycling Core Values: Honesty/Integrity, Customer Experience, Hardworking, Accountability Asperational Value: Glorify God By 42,500 LBS