HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-7444_36096_CA_RMR_20190926_CAPR RevisedI` APEX September 26, 2019 Ms. Trudy Beverly Division of Waste Management Mooresville Regional Office Department of Environmental Quality 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 RE: Corrective Action Performance Report — Rev1 (January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019) Pilot Travel Center #56 2825 Lane Street, Kannapolis, North Carolina Groundwater Incident Number: 36096 Risk Classification: High Dear Ms. Beverly: Enclosed please find one copy of the Corrective Action Performance Report-Revl prepared by Apex Companies, LLC on behalf of Pilot Flying J for the referenced site. Should you have any questions regarding the enclosed, or if additional information is required, please feel free to contact me at (540) 563-4920. Best Regards, Robert S. Wagner Program Manager Enclosure Cc: Mr. Joey Cupp, Pilot Fling J WATER RESOURCES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES • INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE • SAFETY • AIR QUALITY • SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Apex Companies, LLC • 7724 Garland Circle • Roanoke, VA 24019 T 540.563.4920 • F 540.563.4921 • apexcos.com I` APEX CORRECTIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE REPORT-Revl (January 1, 2019 to June 30, 2019) Pilot Station #56 2825 Lane Street Kannapolis, North Carolina Groundwater Incident Number: 36096 Risk Classification: High Facility ID 0-011084 Submitted To: Ms. Trudy Beverly Division of Waste Management 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, North Carolina 28115 Prepared For: Mr. Joey Cupp Pilot Fling J 5508 Lonas Road Knoxville, Tennessee 37939 Prepared BY: Apex Companies, LLC 7724 Garland Circle Roanoke, Virginia 24019 September 26, 2019 Apex Project No.: 768490.030 Prepared By: Reviewed By: O� �`�� Reviewed By: Kyle Hicks Robert S. Wagner Scott S. Huismann Environmental Scientist II Sr. Program Manager North Carolina PE # 23779 WATER RESOURCES • ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES - INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE • SAFETY • AIR QUALITY • SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Apex Companies, LLC • 7724 Garland Circle • Roanoke, VA 24019 T 540.563.4920 • F 540.563.4921 • apexcos.com A. SITE INFORMATION 1. Site Identification • Date of Report: September 26, 2019 • Facility Identification Number: 0-011084 • Site Name: Pilot Station #56 (site) • Site Street Address: 2825 Lane Street, Kannapolis, North Carolina. • Geographical Data Point: Store Building Google Earth Pro • Latitude 350 29' 53.20" N and Longitude -800 33' 39.54"W A site location map is included as Figure 1 to this report. 2. Information about Contacts Associated with the Underground Storage Tank (UST) System • UST Owner: Pilot Travel Centers, LLC 5508 Lonas Drive Knoxville, TN 37909 Phone: 865-588-7488 • UST Operator: Pilot Travel Centers, LLC 5508 Lonas Drive Knoxville, TN 37909 Phone: 865-588-7488 • Property Owner: Pilot Travel Centers, LLC 5508 Lonas Drive Knoxville, TN 37909 • Property Occupant: Pilot Travel Centers, LLC 2825 Lane Street Kannapolis, North Carolina • Consultant/Contractor: Apex Companies, LLC 7724 Garland Circle Roanoke, Virginia 24019 Phone: 540-563-4920 Facsimile: 540-563 -4921 • Analytical Laboratory: Pace National 12065 Lebanon Road Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Phone: 800-767-5859 3. Information about the Release • Date Discovered: June 13, 2006 • Estimated Quantity of Release: Unknown volume of gasoline since a source was never identified. LNAPL in monitoring wells slated for closure under Incident # 6379 created Incident #36096. • Cause of Release: Possible failure in product line and or UST. Source never identified. LNAPL in monitoring wells slated for closure under Incident # 6379 created Incident #36096. CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) i September 26, 2019 Pilot # 56 Incident#36096 • Source of Release: Possible failure in product line and or UST. Source never identified. LNAPL in monitoring wells slated for closure under Incident # 6379 created Incident #36096. • Size and Contents of UST System(s) from which release occurred: 15,000- gallon Regular Unleaded and 10,000-gallon Premium Unleaded CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) ii September 26, 2019 Pilot # 56 Incident#36096 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On behalf of Pilot Flying J (Pilot), Apex Companies, LLC (Apex) has completed system operation and maintenance (O&M) and groundwater monitoring activities associated with the soil and groundwater remediation system located at the Pilot Travel Center #56, a retail gasoline station. In accordance with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) regulatory reporting requirements, Apex has prepared a Corrective Action Performance Report for the subject property located at 2825 Lane Street in Kannapolis, North Carolina. This report includes routine system O&M, system repairs, system monitoring, and semi-annual groundwater sampling for the period beginning January 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2019. The site has been a working supplier of gasoline, diesel, and kerosene since at least 1984 and probably much earlier. From 1966 to 1972 the site was owned by the Humble Oil Company. In 1972 the property owner became Exxon Corporation via a name change. Aerial photographs obtained from Cabarrus County GIS department suggest that the site was a gas station by 1975. It operated as a Starvin Marvin from 1984 and then Speedway America until October 26, 2001, when Pilot Travel Centers, LLC purchased the property. The objective of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) prepared by Apex, was to maintain groundwater quality conditions at the site below the applicable 2L Standards for benzene and meth tertbutyl ether (MTBE) while aggressively remediating source area groundwater and minor soil contamination. The corrective action approach to achieve the aforementioned goals for groundwater at the site consisted of an engineered air sparging and soil vapor extraction (SVE) system coupled with monitored natural attenuation. Air sparging will be effective to remove the volatile hydrocarbon constituents, including MTBE from the groundwater. SVE will capture volatile organic vapors from the subsurface and provide an increased pressure gradient to enhance the efficacy of the air sparging. The end of active remediation will be determined when asymptotic conditions are reached in dissolved hydrocarbon concentrations in groundwater or when the applicable 2L standards have been achieved, or risk can be reduced. CAP implementation at the site began in April 2012. Prior to CAP implementation seven monitoring wells (MW-11, MW-12, MW-19, MW-21, MW-23, MW-24, and DMW-3) were above the benzene 2L limit of 1.0 micrograms per liter (µg/L). The MTBE 2L limit of 20 µg/L was exceeded in eight monitoring wells (MW-11, MW-14, MW-17, MW-19, MW-21, MW-23, MW-24, and DMW-3) prior to CAP implementation. At the conclusion of 2nd Quarter 2019 CAP implementation monitoring well MW-23 exceeded the benzene 2L CAP endpoint and MW-14, MW-17, and MW-23 exceeded the MTBE 2L CAP endpoint. Petroleum compounds have never been detected in any of the area potable water supplies and sentinel wells such as MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25 continue to indicate that the gasoline plume is confined to the original source zone identified and described in both the Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) and approved CAP. Mass balance calculations indicate that the mass of MTBE and benzene remaining in the aquifer are less than one half gram in groundwater. Apex recommends initiating closure of the site for the following reasons: CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) iii September 26, 2019 Pilot # 56 Incident#36096 • Mass balance calculations of remaining benzene and MTBE at the site show less than one half gram of combined MTBE and benzene remain onsite as a result of the incident. Additionally, a mass reduction for MTBE of 99.7% and 99.9% of benzene has been accomplished with the remediation system. • Absence of measurable dissolved -phase petroleum compounds in area water supply wells since source identification in June 2006. • Absence of measurable dissolved -phase petroleum concentrations in sentinel wells, MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25. • Direction of shallow groundwater flow to the North -Northwest, which is cross - gradient from potable water supplies. • Presence of municipally supplied potable water to many of the area businesses and residences. Apex requests that the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality reclassify the site as intermediate and Apex will prepare a Notice of Residual Petroleum to achieve site closure. CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) iv September 26, 2019 Pilot # 56 Incident#36096 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE HISTROY AND BACKGROUND..................................................................................... 1 3.0 REMEDIATION SYSTEM........................................................................................................... 3 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING............................................................................................ 4 5.0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE........................................................................................ 5 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE REPORT SUMMARY .................................... 6 7.0 STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATION................................................................................... 7 List of Figures Figure 1. Site Location Map Figure 2. Site Plan Figure 3. SVE System Layout Figure 4. Air Sparge System Layout Figure 5. MTBE Isoconcentration Map Figure 6. Supply Well Locations List of Tables Table 1. Groundwater Elevation Data Table 2. Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data Table 3. Supply Well Owner Information Table 4. Operation and Maintenance Activities List of Appendices Appendix A Groundwater Laboratory Certificate of Analysis and Chain of Custody Appendix B Historical Groundwater Analytical Results Appendix C Dissolved -phase Trend Graphs Appendix D O&M Checklists CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) v September 26, 2019 Pilot # 56 Incident#36096 1.0 INTRODUCTION On behalf of Pilot Flying J (Pilot), Apex Companies, LLC (Apex) has completed system operation and maintenance (O&M) and groundwater monitoring activities associated with the soil and groundwater remediation system located at the Pilot Travel Center #56, a retail gasoline station. In accordance with North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) regulatory reporting requirements, Apex has prepared a Corrective Action Performance Report for the subject property located at 2825 Lane Street in Kannapolis, North Carolina (Figure 1). This report includes routine system O&M, system repairs, system monitoring, and semi-annual groundwater sampling for the period beginning January 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2019. The remediation system was installed by Apex in accordance with the NC DEQ-approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to address the multiple -phase contaminants identified on the subject property. A description of the remediation system design and function is presented in Section 2.0. A site plan depicting pertinent features of the subject site and surrounding area is provided as Figure 2. This report for system O&M at the Pilot #56 facility is being submitted to Ms. Trudy Beverly of NC DEQ, on behalf of Pilot. 2.0 SITE HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The site has been a working supplier of gasoline, diesel, and kerosene since at least 1984 and probably much earlier. From 1966 to 1972 the site was owned by the Humble Oil Company. In 1972 the property owner became Exxon Corporation via a name change. Aerial photographs obtained from Cabarrus County GIS department suggest that the site was a gas station by 1975. It operated as a Starvin Marvin from 1984 and then Speedway America until October 26, 2001, when Pilot Travel Centers, LLC purchased the property. According to records reviewed by Apex, seven underground storage tanks (USTs) were closed by removal in May 1994. The UST Closure Report also documented that two 12,000- gallon USTs were removed from service in 1991. The report also documented that there were releases associated with both product lines and the southern UST tank basin. The release was assigned incident number 6379 by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). The site was redeveloped and subjected to active remediation. Following 18 months of active remediation, the incident was closed by NCDENR in 1998. In April 2006, a contractor mobilized to the site to gauge monitoring wells prior to abandonment on behalf of the responsible party for incident 6379. The contractor reportedly discovered light non -aqueous phase liquid (LNAPL) in RW-8 and MW-9. Follow-up investigation in the tank areas and product lines failed to determine a new source. NCDENR considered the LNAPL to be a new release and assigned incident number 36096. Several phases of assessment have occurred since 2006. A site check on the south side of the facility was performed which focused on soils around the new UST basin and the dispenser lines. A total of 22 soil samples were collected for total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) gasoline -range organics (GRO) analysis. Nine of the 22 soil samples were analyzed for TPH diesel -range organics (DRO) as well. Four soil samples were reported with GRO concentrations CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) 1 September 26, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident#36096 above the NCDENR UST action level of 10 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg) at the time of the investigation. DRO were detected in five of the soil samples above 10 mg/kg. A Phase II Limited Site Assessment was conducted and submitted, and the site was assigned a "High Risk" ranking by NCDENR. On February 20, 2009, NCDENR issued a Notice of Regulatory Requirements requesting a Comprehensive Site Assessment (CSA) for the site. A CSA was prepared for the site in December 2009 that delineated the dissolved -phase groundwater concentrations vertically and horizontally. An additional round of sampling conducted in September 2010 confirmed the previous delineation. The dissolved -phase hydrocarbon plume did not extend beyond the site property line and the detected groundwater analytes did not exceed the gross contaminant levels (GCLs). The site is ranked `high risk' due to the presence of water supply wells located within a 1,000-foot radius of the source area. It is important to note that all the identified supply wells are located hydraulically cross -gradient of the site and over 425 feet from any exceedances of the North Carolina 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standards (2L). Repeated sampling and analysis of the water supply wells have never detected petroleum hydrocarbons in the samples collected since identification of the release in June 2006. Furthermore, sentinel wells such as MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25 continue to indicate that the gasoline plume is confined to the original source zone identified and described in both the CSA and approved CAP. Silty sands dominate the lithology at the site. Shallow soil on site is disturbed and very heavily compacted. Bedrock was encountered at approximately 45 ft below land surface (bls) at DMW-2. Shallow groundwater is encountered at approximately 22 ft bls in the developed portion of the site and flows to the north-northwest. The product of concern is unleaded gasoline. The two primary analytes of concern are meth tertbutyl ether (MTBE) and benzene. Historically there were other exceedances of the 2L standard, but there were no 2L exceedances in wells without having either benzene or MTBE present above 2L standards. The source area was presumed as south of the building, near MW- 24. At the time of CAP development, the assumed dissolved -phase groundwater contaminant plume across the site was approximately 180 feet long by 90 feet wide and 30 feet deep. Mass balance calculations indicated that the MTBE mass in the aquifer prior to active remediation was approximately 124 grams in groundwater. Based on the risk ranking for the site, corrective action objectives (CAOs) listed below were established for each site media by NCDENR. The status of the site in achieving the established CAOs are also noted. According to the North Carolina Administrative Code, (NCAC) 15A 2L .0407 soil must be cleaned up to Maximum Soil Contaminant Concentrations (MSCCs) for soil to groundwater or residential standards, whichever is lower. As documented in the approved CAP, the CAOs for residential soil were achieved prior to CAP implementation. The remediation design in the CAP addressed the nominal soil impact in the southern area subsurface that remained above soil -to -groundwater standards. According to NCAC 15A 2L .0202, surface water must be remediated to NCAC, 15A 2B standards (213). The 2B standard for benzene was 70 µg/L. As documented in the approved CAP, the CAOs for surface water at the site were achieved prior to CAP implementation as no measurable surface water impact has been detected at the site. As such, remedial measures for stormwater CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) 2 September 26, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident#36096 and surface water treatment were not carried forward in the CAP. According to NCAC 15A 2L .0202, groundwater at the site must be remediated to the applicable 2L Standards which are 1.0 µg/L and 20 µg/L for benzene and MTBE, respectively. The objective of the CAP was to maintain groundwater quality conditions at the site below the applicable 2L Standards for benzene and MTBE while aggressively remediating source area groundwater and minor soil impact. The corrective action approach to achieve the aforementioned goals for groundwater at the site consisted of an engineered air sparging and soil vapor extraction (SVE) system coupled with monitored natural attenuation. Air sparging will be effective to remove the volatile hydrocarbon constituents, including MTBE from the groundwater. SVE will capture volatile organic vapors from the subsurface and provide an increased pressure gradient to enhance the efficacy of the air sparging. The end of active remediation will be determined when asymptotic conditions are reached in dissolved hydrocarbon concentrations in groundwater or when the applicable 2L standards have been achieved, or risk can be reduced. A full description of the remediation system is provided below in Section 3.0. CAP implementation at the site began in April 2012. Prior to CAP implementation seven monitoring wells (MW-11, MW-12, MW-19, MW-21, MW-23, MW-24, and DMW-3) were above the benzene 2L limit of 1.0 µg/L. The MTBE 2L limit of 20 µg/L was exceeded in eight monitoring wells (MW-11, MW-14, MW-17, MW-19, MW-21, MW-23, MW-24, and DMW-3) prior to CAP implementation. On December 12, 2017 Apex met with Department of Transportation (DOT) staff and their consultant to inspect monitoring wells that were proposed for abandonment during a road construction project at the site. As a result of the construction project Apex turned off AS-5 supplying air to MW-18 pending abandonment by others. Additional wells requiring abandonment for the construction project were MW-3 and MW-19. At the conclusion of 4th Quarter 2018 CAP implementation no monitoring wells exceeded the benzene 2L CAP endpoint and MW-14, MW-17, and DMW-3 exceeded the MTBE 2L CAP endpoint. 3.0 REMEDIATION SYSTEM The SVE and air sparge remediation system at the Pilot #56 facility was successfully activated on April 18, 2012. The SVE system consists of a Roots Universal RAIV 36 blower (replaced February 2017) paired with a ten horsepower Baldor Electric motor. Together the system module is capable of a maximum extraction rate of 195 actual cubic feet per minute (ACFM) at a vacuum of 12.0 inches of mercury (in Hg). The air sparge system consists of a 15 horsepower "rotary screw" compressor capable of 44-cubic feet per minute (CFM) at 55.0 pounds per square inch (PSI). The complete system is housed in a mobile eight foot by 16 foot enclosed cargo trailer. The SVE manifold contains three "legs" capable of supplying a vacuum at recovery locations SVE-1 through SVE-3. The remediation system layout with SVE well locations is depicted on Figure 3. An air sparge manifold within the remediation system enclosure includes individual gate valves, pressure gauges, pressure regulators, flow meters, and check valves required to properly regulate air flow to allow for optimum treatment of the identified subsurface petroleum constituents at air sparge points AS-1 through AS-16. CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) 3 September 26, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident#36096 Activation activities included transportation of the turn -key system to the site and connection to the sub -gradient infrastructure and separately metered power from other site activities. The remediation system layout with air sparge well locations is depicted on Figure 4. 4.0 GROUNDWATER MONITORING During this phase, Apex performed a semi-annual groundwater monitoring event to assess water table elevations and current dissolved -phase contaminant levels. Pursuant to the NC DEQ-approved CAP, Apex performed monitoring and sampling at monitoring wells MW-9, MW-11, MW-12, MW-14, MW-17, MW-20, MW-21, MW-22, MW-23, MW-24, MW-25, and DMW-3. On June 19, 2019, Apex used a SolinstTM electronic interface probe to investigate for the presence of free product and to measure groundwater elevations. Free product was not detected in any of the groundwater monitoring wells gauged during this phase. Groundwater elevation data for the gauging event is presented in Table 1. Groundwater flow direction beneath the site is influenced by water table depression and mounding created by system operation at the recovery/sparge wells; thus, a water table gradient map is not included, but historical groundwater flow direction has been measured to the north-northwest. Monitoring/recovery/air sparge well locations are depicted on Figures 2, 3, and 4. Per NC DEQ directives, on June 19, 2019, Apex collected groundwater samples from twelve monitoring wells (MW-9, MW-11, MW-12, MW-14, MW-17, MW-20, MW-21, MW-22, MW-23, MW-24, MW-25, and DMW-3). Prior to sampling, Apex purged each well to remove suspended sediment from the water column and to collect samples representative of aquifer conditions. Each well was purged until a minimum of three well volumes had been displaced. Groundwater samples were collected using dedicated, disposable, high -density polyethylene bailers and were transferred directly into the appropriate sample containers immediately upon collection. The samples were stored on ice pending delivery to the laboratory. Disposable, latex gloves were used during all phases of sample collection. Groundwater samples were submitted to Pace National (Pace) in Mount Juliet, Tennessee for volatile organic compound (VOC) analysis via U.S. EPA SW-846 method 6200B. Strict sample security and chain -of -custody documentation were maintained during all phases of transport. Analytical results yielded petroleum compounds in six of the twelve monitoring wells sampled, with maximum benzene and MTBE concentrations of 1.38 µg/L and 714 µg/L, respectively in monitoring well MW-23. A summary of current groundwater quality data is presented in Table 2. Chain -of -custody documentation and the laboratory Certificates of Analyses are included as Appendix A. Historical groundwater analytical results are provided in Appendix B. The dissolved -phase endpoint for benzene of 1.0 µg/L was exceeded in monitoring well MW-23. The dissolved - phase endpoint for MTBE of 20 µg/L was exceeded in monitoring wells MW-14, MW-17 and MW-23. An isoconcentration map for MTBE is provided as Figure 5. Trend graphs depicting benzene and MTBE concentrations over time as compared to CAP endpoints are provided as Appendix C. Per NC DEQ directives, on June 19, 2019, Apex also collected groundwater samples from six supply wells (5922, 5925, 5927, 5955 Turkey Road and 2847 and 2865 Lane Street). Supply well locations are depicted on Figure 6. A list of property owners for the supply wells CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) 4 September 26, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident#36096 are provided as Table 3. The supply well samples were collected from outdoor spigots after being purged for approximately ten minutes. Clean, disposable latex gloves were used during all phases of sample collection. The samples were labeled and stored on ice pending delivery to the laboratory. Supply well samples were submitted to Pace for VOC analysis via U.S. EPA SW- 846 method 6200B. Strict sample security and chain -of -custody documentation were maintained during all phases of transport. Petroleum constituents were not detected in any of the supply well samples; however, tetrachloroethene at a concentration of 1.15 µg/L was detected in supply well SW-5922, which was consistent with the previous sampling events. Tetrachloroethene is typically associated with the use of solvents and could be the result of some recent plumbing repairs at the residence. The laboratory Certificate of Analysis and chain -of -custody records are provided as Appendix A. The site is ranked `high risk' due to the presence of water supply wells located within a 1,000-foot radius of the source area. It is important to note that all the identified supply wells are located hydraulically cross -gradient of the site (shallow groundwater flow is to the North/Northwest) and over 425 feet from any exceedances of the North Carolina 15A NCAC 2L groundwater standards (2L). Repeated sampling and analysis of the water supply wells have never detected petroleum hydrocarbons in the samples collected since identification of the release in June 2006. Furthermore, sentinel wells such as MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25 continue to indicate that the gasoline plume is confined to the original source zone identified and described in both the CSA and approved CAP. 5.0 OPERATION AND MAINTANENCE Per NC DEQ directives, Apex performed monthly site visits during this phase for routine O&M activities, system troubleshooting, system repairs, and system monitoring. The various maintenance activities included adding lubricating oil and coolant to the air sparge system air compressor, draining of moisture from the air compressor, greasing of all fittings associated with the SVE blower and motor, replacement of faulty components, and other maintenance activities to maintain system effectiveness. A tabular summary of the O&M dates and activities performed is presented in Table 3. Copies of the O&M checklists are included as Appendix D. During this phase, the SVE and air sparge system components achieved runtimes of 99% and 55%, respectively. The air sparge compressor has been set to turn on and off as needed to maintain proper flow rates at the manifold, so the runtime may not be reflective of the total delivery time to the air sparge wells. The source area was presumed as south of the building, near MW-24. At the time of CAP development, the assumed dissolved -phase groundwater contaminant plume across the site was approximately 180 feet long by 90 feet wide and 30 feet deep (486,000 cubic feet). Multiplying by 7.48 gallons per cubic foot equals a total volume of 3.6 million gallons. Using 30% porosity yields 1.1 million gallons of impacted groundwater above the 2L standard. Using 30,000 µg/L and 1,000 µg/L as average concentrations for MTBE and benzene, respectively, mass balance calculations indicated that the MTBE mass in the aquifer was approximately 124 grams and the benzene mass was approximately four grams prior to CAP Implementation. Based on 2nd Quarter 2019 analytical results of an average MTBE concentration across the site of 80.2 µg/L and an CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) 5 September 26, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident#36096 average benzene concentration of 0.57 µg/L, mass balance calculations indicate the mass of MTBE and benzene remaining in the aquifer are less than one half gram. 6.0 CORRECTIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE REPORT SUMMARY Apex has completed CAP implementation activities associated with the Pilot #56 facility located in Kannapolis, North Carolina for the period beginning January 1, 2019 and ending June 30, 2019. System runtime increased during this phase. At the conclusion of 2nd Quarter 2019 CAP implementation monitoring well MW-23 exceeded the benzene 2L CAP endpoint and MW- 14, MW-17, and MW-23 exceeded the MTBE 2L CAP endpoint. Petroleum compounds have never been detected in any of the area potable water supplies and sentinel wells such as MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25 continue to indicate that the gasoline plume is confined to the original source zone identified and described in both the CSA and approved CAP. Mass balance calculations indicate that the mass of MTBE and benzene remaining in the aquifer are less than one half gram in groundwater. Apex recommends initiating closure of the site for the following reasons: • Mass balance calculations of remaining benzene and MTBE at the site show less than one half gram of combined MTBE and benzene remain onsite as a result of the incident. Additionally, a mass reduction for MTBE of 99.7% and 99.9% of benzene has been accomplished with the remediation system. • Absence of measurable dissolved -phase petroleum compounds in area water supply wells since source identification in June 2006. • Absence of measurable dissolved -phase petroleum concentrations in sentinel wells, MW-21, MW-22, and MW-25. • Direction of shallow groundwater flow to the North -Northwest, which is cross - gradient from potable water supplies. • Presence of municipally supplied potable water to many of the area businesses and residences. Apex requests that the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality reclassify the site as intermediate and Apex will prepare a Notice of Residual Petroleum to achieve site closure. This report, prepared in accordance with NC DEQ-approved scope of work, is being submitted to Ms. Trudy Beverly of NC DEQ on behalf of Pilot. CA Performance Report (Jan. 1 to June 30, 2019) 6 September 26, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident#36096 7.0 STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATION The following statements must be included at the closing of the document text and must display the seal and signature of the certifying P.E. or L.G. in addition to the name and certification number of the company or corporation [See 15A NCAC 2L .0103(e).] 1 Enter the date the performance report was due. 10/07/19. Will this report be YES submitted after the established due date? 2 Was any required information from the above template missing from this report? YES IF the answer to question #1 or# 2 is "YES", please provide additional information in this cell to explain what was missing and why. 3 Has the operation of the installed active remediation system experienced any YES complications during this reporting period? (i.e., answer NO' if the system has been operational except for normal maintenance events, with no unscheduled shutdowns) 4 Have all issues that were responsible for causing these complications been resolved? YES O IF the answer to question #3 or #4 is "YES", please provide additional information in this cell describing the issue(s) and any troubleshooting and/or repair steps that have been taken (or are planned) to resolve the issue(s). g Will any of the proposed cleanup milestones under the schedule approved in the E NO Corrective Action Plan not be met? (within a reasonable margin of error) IF the answer to question #5 is "NO", skip to the certification under #8 below. IF the answer to question #5 is "YES", please generally describe in this cell the possible reason(s) and outline proposed remedies. (This should be described in more detail in the report text above.) While great progress has been made, several wells remain above 2L standards for benzene and MTBE. Risk reduction is proposed with Notice of Residual petroleum to follow. 6 Does any known or suspected source zone soil contamination or free product remain YES outside of the remediation system area of influence that could be inhibiting cleanup? 7 Has there been an unexpected increase in contaminant mass sufficient to suggest YES a potential new release from a separate onsite or offsite source? IF the answer to either question #6 or #7 is "YES", generally describe in this cell any actions recommended to further assess or clean up this known or suspected source. (This should be described in more detail in the report text above.) 8 Certification: Scott S. Huismann, a Professional Engineer for Maryland Apex Engineering, PC an affiliate of Apex Companies, LLC, do certify that the information contained in this reQpTtM Forrect and accurate to the best of y knowledge. ��N CA% =oQoFEsslZ/'L9 = 23779 ,cs'poT S. HUB°',. Maryland Apex Engineering, PC is licensed to practice Engineering in"Noith Carolina The certification umber of the company or corporation is C-3073. CA Performance Report (Jan. I to June 30, 2019) 7 September 23, 2019 Pilot #56 Incident #36096 FIGURES FIGURE I Site Location Map Former Pilot #56 2825 Lane Street Kannapolis, Cabarrus County, North Carolina Lw rack �K f£ _ :✓ 'y Jam`' J fi• ,l 1� _• 011 L CC - wI w 1 - s•I ar�' :r 646 nj'rR•S l} r JI�t7.. ■ �t M fi5 •, • V: `. y] !\f~ @' �' �--,: 4 � 5 � �,� - , lf'�' � "tip • 5� Ali ti x 5 ti }9i�l101w;�" l4 Bab s3 .. - of rIC k'p�.s �l ?�'+fJ� i ti. • �{�'r IL1YE� ETC �--� • f � � —� � •5i• '.ti � r ti � � 't i �� i'': y, { + i� �. r� �� I II �_I �'d` ' � ��.i � � � r 7724 Garland Circle CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA Project: CAP Implementation Roanoke, VA 24019 Telephone: (540) 563-4920 Client: Pilot Flying J s Source: U.S.G.S. Topographic Map of the Concord Quadrangle, North Carolina, 7.5 Minute Series (1991) Apex Job #: 768490.030 Latitude: Scale: 1:24,000 Contour Interval: 10 Feet Vertical Datum: National Geodetic 035°N � Verticall Datum 1929 Date: July 2019 Longitude: tude: Horizontal Datum: North American Daturn1927 -080 33' 39.54" W e!'. W W-25 � •F IF -lit 4 MW-13 _ F 4 • x T* 1 �•�1 . RW-1 MW-1 DMW-2 }- -3 _ 9 Boo.; pMw-26 MW- 4#-�,DMW-3 M++21 MW 22 — - MW-4 i _ . 'BMW-24 04-IF-1 t; ' RW-6 My 2- si r MW-23 err. RW r MW-3 1 *MW-18 - } + '11iadorL�d MW-2 - Abandoned r MW-27-' Lost -MW-19 Lost -r - } 100' 0' 50, 100, 1P0 200' II Legend GRAPHICS ALE MW-1 Monitoring Well DR.: DRY DAM July 2019 CAP Implementation Incident #36096 =` ' 1--� J E 7� 1 APEX 7724 Garland Circle Roanoke, VA24019 Phone:540-563-4920 CK.:CLC APP'D.: RSW SCALE: 1" =10V APEX PROJ. NO.: 768490.030 www.apexcos.com Site Plan Pilot Station #56 2825 Lane Street Kannapolis, North Carolina FIGURE No. 2 A Figure 3 MwTs N SVE System Layout Pilot Travel Center #56 Kannapolis, NC A3-13 Ar5�f�4 A3f9 MW-f4 Ab1f MWJ A39 LEGEND * Air Sparge Wells It Soil Vapor Extraction Wells �MW f. Monitoring Wells 0 Recovery Wells •-------- c e, �,� „„ ' - - - - - HDPE DR 13.5 Pipe --------- 2" Diam Sch 40 PVC ' MW-T6 MW-SS ✓ET OMWJ AS-T MW-T1 MW-SO —I MW-SJ A31 MW-f8 Environmental Services & Solutions, PLLC 0 25 50 75 100 feet M w �• Mw-as P. O. Box 12055 Wilmington, NC 28405 Tel. (910) 392-3050 Figure 4 MwT3 N AS System Layout Pilot Travel Center #56 Kannapolis, NC A3-13 A I' I / AS-f9 - , - r LEGEND >� Air Sparge Wells Soil Vapor Extraction Wells ijj� Monitoring Wells 0 Recovery Wells >y' - _g_ e, wo ..::.- _ _ _ _ _ _ ASd - - - - HDPE DR 11 Pipe fis ------••• V Diam Sch 40 PVC x - -*—.3EE MW-SS n 11 \\ VET OS/WJ 1 1 \ MWS4 1 1 I MW-TO 1 I 1 1 I —I � 1 1 A31 MW-f8 Environmental Services & Solutions, PLLC 0 25 50 75 100 feet Mww �• Mw-as P. O. Box 12055 Wilmington, NC 28405 Tel. (910) 392-3050 e!'. .1% 014P 4 MW-13 M RW-1 31.0 MW-1 a - r ` r ' 195 MW 3.6 RW-2 DMW-2 M1�1'Ci12 ND - -3 0 o- N MW-26 a MW- 0 _ --ems ,. 4� Aft DMA I MW-21 f . M\AL +14.5 ; -Np MW-22 MW-20 _ ND t * ND RW-6� MND 4 ti J :� -- RW-A IMF--MW-23 �•' Legend MW-1 Monitoring Well ND = Non -Detect in ug/L 100' 0' 50' 100' 1 P0 200' GRAPHIC SCALE 1"=100' CAP Implementation Incident #3609E Fe_ — L� LEGEND NO PRWATE WELL ON PROPERTY . ." hO? TO 2041 LS PROPERTY ADDRESS NBC Ta IVLi VACANT LAND - NO WELL ON PRPP£RTT TLPRKEY , ROAD � PROPERTY UTILIZES A POTABLE WELL 0105 Ta \ G "All UTRJ7fS A POTABLE WELL (PRESMEO) ■ WATER SWRY WELL LOCATWH (APAROX.) 5%6 TO p p IV 1 547h Ta . •. .� ROTES 1 re.4L .0 ur LS W11 TRH O—R 9 AT" BunixxC Ymc -B Lui 40-rtY6 . 2191 LS - . - f f S'155 TR 59A0 TR I.RS Orf•11Yw 4 .lL ", A� U�ESR PVe 1EIArLt BE TYk l 5952 iR . " - AY ` I EIREET M? LS ® ■ 59211R 1 v�h T.eS w.urr ■� x Il rRei slveRTr e��e.w "[ow.M-1 BS L.T .I 5925 TR s9ao Ta � WILL. ` L4 crtais��® � s9t2 m SrR��r FiLul RppE 2esr LS • - m � K 2lbS LS LAf� STREET 0 29BI iS nos LS _ =yn LS OrA 2RBB LS 2BIZ LS' • 2Bn LS• 2d26 LS •' • • - 2SW L$' •' ' •2e8i LE • • • 29Cb L5 SCALE 0 250 500 1 IHCH = 250 FT SOVEREIGN CONSULTING INC. F.,s 4ca s 6 GLEN ROAD, SANDY HOOK, CT (16482 (203) 270.ID07 FAX: (203) 270-1102 DATE! 07/10/08 WATER SUPPLY WELL _ DRAWN M: SWB - APPROVED BY: S6 LOCATION MAP CAD FILE NO. PL309 SCALE: I• = 250' PILOT TRAVEL CENTER #56 FIGURE REF. MAPS: 2825 LANE STREET �5 KANNAPOLIS, NC 6 TABLES Table 1. Groundwater Elevation Data Monitoring/ Recovery Well Location Date Relative Top of Casing Elevation' Depth to Water (feet) Relative Groundwater Elevation (feet) MW-9 06/19/19 750.11 17.02 733.09 MW-11 06/19/19 753.12 14.97 738.15 MW-12 06/19/19 751.34 17.31 734.03 MW-14 06/19/19 749.79 16.75 733.04 MW-17 06/19/19 748.69 16.69 732.00 MW-20 06/19/19 752.30 16.54 735.76 MW-21 06/19/19 753.08 16.96 736.12 MW-22 06/19/19 754.00 16.97 737.03 MW-23 06/19/19 753.27 17.42 735.85 MW-24 06/19/19 752.28 15.54 736.74 MW-25 06/19/19 745.90 19.07 726.83 DMW-3 06/19/19 752.19 15.72 736.47 ' Top of casing elevation based on assumed site datum from Concord USGS map of 740.00 feet. Table 2. Summary of Groundwater Analytical Data June 19, 2019 2L Parameter MW-9 MW-11 MW-12 MW-14 MW-17 MW-20 MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-25 DMW-3 Groundwater Standard' Benzene' (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.38 ND ND ND 1.0 Toluene (µg/L) ND 1.39 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 600 Ethylbenzene (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 600 Xylenes (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.01 ND ND ND 500 MTBE (µg/L) 3.6 ND ND 31.03 195 ND ND ND 714 ND ND 14.5 20 EDB (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.02 1,2-Dichloroethane ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.4 (gg/L) Styrene (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 Isopropylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 L Propylbenzene (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 400 �Ag/L) tert-Butylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 (gg/L) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 1.45 ND ND ND 400 (gg/L) n-Butylbenzene (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 sec-Butylbenzene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 70 (jAg/L) p-Isopropyltoluene ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 25 (gg/L) Naphthalene (µg/L) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 6.0 Di -isopropyl ether ND ND ::ND ND ND ND ND ND 7.59 ND ND ND 70 DIPE /L 'All parameters analyzed via U.S. EPA method 620013, reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L). 2 ND = Non -detect. ' Bold = Level detected above 2L Standard for high risk sites. '2L Groundwater quality standards as defined in section 15A NCAC 02L .0202; reported in micrograms per liter (µg/L). Table 3. Area Water Supply Information Property ID Property Owner/Occupant Site Address Mailing Address 56336927080000 Michael Gray 5922 Turkey Road 5450 Leslie Drive Kannapolis, NC 28083 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 56345072710000 Johnny Upright 5955 Turkey Road Same Kannapolis, NC 28083 56345090120000 Harvey Frost 5927 Turkey Road Same Kannapolis, NC 28083 56335999100000 Lisa Nabors 5925 Turkey Road Same Kannapolis, NC 28083 56335987960000 Linda Russell 2865 Lane Street Same Kannapolis, NC 28083 56345070530000 Marilou Hubbard 2847 Lane Street 1709 W A Street Kannapolis, NC 28083 1 Kannapolis, NC 28081 Table 4. Operations and Maintenance Activities SVE/Air Sparge Date Activities Compressor Staff Hours 12/20/18 Last O&M visit during 4th Quarter 2018. 46,890.0/ 22,984.2 KAH SVE fully operational upon arrival. Changed oil in air O1/23/19 compressor. Reset compressor and activated all components. 47,704.3 / 23,058.2 KAH performed routine O&M activities. System fully operational upon departure. System non -operational upon arrival. Belt on SVE had dislodged. Repaired belt and activated SVE. Performed semi- 02/11/19 annual maintenance vent on air compressor. Activated air -- / 23,122.0 TF sparge compressor. Performed O&M activities. System fully operational upon departure. SVE fully operational upon arrival. Activated air sparge 03/07/19 compressor. Drained water from system components. 48,754.4 / 23,555.0 TF performed O&M activities. System fully operational upon departure. All system components fully operational upon arrival. Drained 04/19/19 knockout tank. Performed routine O&M activities. System 49,748.5 / 24,562.5 TF fully operational upon departure. SVE fully operational upon arrival. Activated air sparge OS/23/19 compressor. Drained water from system components. 50,556.9 / 25,261.1 KAH performed O&M activities. System fully operational upon departure. SVE fully operational upon arrival. Activated air sparge compressor. Drained water from system components. 06/19/19 Performed O&M activities. Performed semi-annual sampling 51,206.2/ 25,383.4 KAH event of monitoring wells and supply wells. System fully operational upon departure. III Total Hours' 1 4,316.2/ 2,399. Total hours from 12/20/18 to 06/19/19. APPENDIX A Laboratory Certificate of Analysis And Chain -of -Custody Documentation aceAnalytical o National Center for Testing & Innovation ANALYTICAL REPORT July 02, 2019 Pilot Apex Environmental Sample Delivery Group Samples Received: Project Number: Description: Site: L1111284 06/20/2019 768490.011 Pilot 56 KANNAPOLIS, NC Report To: Robert Wagner 7724 Garland Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 Entire Report Reviewed By: Pam Langford Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures: 060302, 060303, and 060304. V 0a I M FSS 4 Cn FSr FC-1 E FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 1 of 59 TABLE OF CONTENTS ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Cp: Cover Page 1 Fn Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 6 Sr: Sample Results 7 FS SW-5922 L1111284-01 7 [Cn] SW-2865 L1111284-02 9 SW-5927 L1111284-03 11 FSr SW-5925 L1111284-04 13 SW-5955 L1111284-05 15 RC SW-2847 L1111284-06 17 �GI MW-14 L1111284-07 19 MW-25 L1111284-08 21 rAl DMW-3 L1111284-09 23 MW-11 L1111284-10 25 FSC MW-12 L1111284-11 27 MW-20 L1111284-12 29 MW-21 L1111284-13 31 MW-24 L1111284-14 33 MW-17 L1111284-15 35 MW-22 L1111284-16 37 MW-23 L1111284-17 39 MW-9 L1111284-18 41 Qc: Quality Control Summary 43 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 43 GI: Glossary of Terms 56 Al: Accreditations & Locations 57 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 58 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 2 of 59 SAMPLE SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SW-5922 L1111284-01 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1912:00 06/20/19 09:00 FP1 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time FTC Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/1919:00 06/26/1919:00 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time M SW-2865 L1111284-02 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1912:05 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location [Cn] date/time date/time Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/1919:21 06/26/1919:21 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN FSrVolatile Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time 6QC SW-5927 L1111284-03 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1912:10 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location GI date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/1919:41 06/26/1919:41 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN FAI Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SW-5925 L1111284-04 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1912:15 06/20/1909:00 FSC Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/19 20:01 06/26/19 20:01 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time SW-5955 L1111284-05 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1912:25 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 SW-2847 L1111284-06 GW Method Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 MW-14 L1111284-07 GW WG1302393 1 06/26/19 20:21 06/26/19 20:21 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Kyle Hicks 06/19/1912:35 06/20/19 09:00 Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time WG1302393 1 06/26/19 20:41 06/26/19 20:41 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time Kyle Hicks 06/19/1911:50 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/19 21:01 06/26/19 21:01 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-25 L1111284-08 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1911:30 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/19 21:21 06/26/19 21:21 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 3 of 59 SAMPLE SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time DMW-3 L1111284-09 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1910:40 06/20/19 09:00 FP1 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time FTC Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/19 21:41 06/26/19 21:41 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time M MW-11 L1111284-10 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1910:50 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location [Cn] date/time date/time Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1302567 1 06/27/1915:45 06/27/1915:45 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN FSrVolatile Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time sQC MW-12 L1111284-11 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1911:40 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location GI date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/19 22:22 06/26/19 22:22 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN FAI Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-20 L1111284-12 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1910:55 06/20/1909:00 FSC Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1302393 1 06/26/19 22:42 06/26/19 22:42 BMB Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-21 L1111284-13 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1910:25 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304146 1 06/30/1912:47 06/30/1912:47 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304483 1 07/01/1915:11 07/01/1915:11 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-24 L1111284-14 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1910:35 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304146 1 06/30/1913:08 06/30/1913:08 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304483 1 07/01/1915:32 07/01/1915:32 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-17 L1111284-15 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1911:45 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304146 1 06/30/1913:30 06/30/1913:30 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304483 1 07/01/1915:53 07/01/1915:53 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-22 L1111284-16 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1910:20 06/20/19 09:00 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1304146 1 06/30/1913:52 06/30/1913:52 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1304483 1 07/01/1916:14 07/01/1916:14 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 4 of 59 MW-23 L1111284-17 GW SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Kyle Hicks Collected date/time 06/19/1910:30 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Received date/time 06/20/19 09:00 FP1 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time date/time FTC Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304146 1 06/30/1914:13 06/30/1914:13 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 WG1304483 20 07/01/1916:35 07/01/1916:35 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time MW-9 L1111284-18 GW Kyle Hicks 06/19/1911:35 06/20/1909:00 4 n Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time FSrdate/time Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1304146 1 06/30/1914:35 06/30/1914:35 ADM Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 6200E-2011 WG1304483 1 07/01/1916:57 07/01/1916:57 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN RC F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 5 of 59 CASE NARRATIVE ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. Pam Langford Project Manager FP1 FTC FSS FSr 6 QC �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 6 of 59 SW-5922 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:00 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.00115 ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 19:00 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 7 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. SW-5922 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:00 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/201919:00 WG1302393 (S) Toluene-d8 104 80.0-120 061261201919.00 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.9 77.0-126 061261201919.00 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 95.8 70.0-130 061261201919.00 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 8 of 59 SW-2865 SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:05 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 9 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. SW-2865 SAMPLE RESULTS - 02 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:05 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/201919:21 WG1302393 (S) Toluene-d8 106 80.0-120 061261201919.21 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.6 77.0-126 061261201919.21 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 94.8 70.0-130 061261201919.21 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 10 of 59 SW-5927 SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:10 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 11 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. SW-5927 SAMPLE RESULTS - 03 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:10 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/201919:41 WG1302393 (S) Toluene-d8 106 80.0-120 061261201919.41 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 95.4 77.0-126 061261201919.41 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 93.2 70.0-130 061261201919.41 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 12 of 59 SW-5925 SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:15 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 13 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. SW-5925 SAMPLE RESULTS - 04 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:15 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 20:01 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 105 80.0-120 061261201920:01 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.6 77.0-126 061261201920:01 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 94.2 70.0-130 061261201920:01 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 14 of 59 SW-5955 SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:25 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier mo/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 15 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. SW-5955 SAMPLE RESULTS - 05 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:25 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 20:21 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 105 80.0-120 061261201920.21 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.7 77.0-126 061261201920.21 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethone-d4 93.6 70.0-130 061261201920:21 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 16 of 59 SW-2847 SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:35 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 17 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. SW-2847 SAMPLE RESULTS - 06 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 12:35 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 20:41 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 106 80.0-120 061261201920.41 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 96.9 77.0-126 061261201920.41 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 94.3 70.0-130 061261201920.41 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 18 of 59 M W-14 SAMPLE RESULTS - 07 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:50 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.0310 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 19 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-14 SAMPLE RESULTS - 07 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:50 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 21:01 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 105 80.0-120 061261201921.01 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.3 77.0-126 061261201921.01 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 96.9 70.0-130 061261201921.01 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 20 of 59 MW-25 SAMPLE RESULTS - 08 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:30 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 21 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-25 SAMPLE RESULTS - 08 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:30 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 21:21 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 105 80.0-120 061261201921.21 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.0 77.0-126 061261201921.21 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 95.2 70.0-130 061261201921.21 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 22 of 59 DMW-3 SAMPLE RESULTS - 09 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:40 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.0145 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 23 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. DMW-3 SAMPLE RESULTS - 09 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:40 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 21:41 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 106 80.0-120 061261201921.41 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 97.2 77.0-126 061261201921.41 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 95.2 70.0-130 061261201921.41 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 24 of 59 M W-11 SAMPLE RESULTS - 10 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:50 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 FP1 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date /time Acetone ND 0.0500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 FTc Acrolein ND 0.0500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 F Benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 4 Crl Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Bromomethane ND J3 J4 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Fc Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Fq Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 FAI Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 F 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Di -isopropyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Toluene 0.00139 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 25 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-11 SAMPLE RESULTS - 10 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:50 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/27/201915:45 WG1302567 (S) Toluene-d8 112 80.0-120 061271201915.45 WG1302567 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 77.0-126 061271201915.45 WG1302567 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.7 70.0-130 061271201915.45 WG1302567 Fp FTc FS Fn Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 26 of 59 MW-12 SAMPLE RESULTS - 11 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:40 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 27 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-12 SAMPLE RESULTS - 11 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:40 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 22:22 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 107 80.0-120 061261201922:22 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.8 77.0-126 061261201922:22 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 95.2 70.0-130 061261201922:22 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 28 of 59 MW-20 SAMPLE RESULTS - 12 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:55 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene ter[-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene 2-Butanone (MEK) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Methyl tert-butyl ether Naphthalene n-Propylbenzene Styrene 1,1,1, 2-Tet ra c h l o ro et h a n e 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroetha ne Tetrachloroethene Toluene 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1-T ri c h l o ro eth a n e 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethene Result Qualifier ma/I ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 Dilution Analysis Batch date / time 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 29 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-20 SAMPLE RESULTS - 12 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:55 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Trichlorofluoromethane ND 0.00500 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 0.00250 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 Vinyl chloride ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 o-Xylene ND 0.00100 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 m&p-Xylenes ND 0.00200 1 06/26/2019 22:42 WG1302393 (S)Toluene-d8 110 80.0-120 061261201922:42 WG1302393 (S)4-Bromofluorobenzene 94.2 77.0-126 061261201922:42 WG1302393 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 89.3 70.0-130 061261201922:42 WG1302393 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 30 of 59 MW-21 SAMPLE RESULTS - 13 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:25 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 FP1 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date /time Acetone ND J4 0.0500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 FTc Acrolein ND 0.0500 1 07/01/201915:11 WG1304483 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 F Benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 4 Crl Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Bromomethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Fc Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 q Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 FAI Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 F 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND J4 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Di -isopropyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Toluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 WG1304146 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 31 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-21 SAMPLE RESULTS - 13 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:25 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Result mg/I Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl ben zene ND 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND Vinyl chloride ND o-Xylene ND m&p-Xylenes ND (S) Toluene-d8 101 (S) Toluene-d8 110 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 98.6 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 99.3 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.6 (S 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 96.1 Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis mg/I date / time 0.00500 1 06/30/201912:47 0.00250 1 06/30/201912:47 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 0.00100 1 06/30/201912:47 0.00200 1 06/30/201912:47 80.0-120 061301201912.47 80.0-120 071011201915.11 77.0-126 061301201912.47 77.0-126 071011201915.11 70.0-130 061301201912.47 70.0-130 071011201915.11 Batch WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 32 of 59 MW-24 SAMPLE RESULTS - 14 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:35 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Acetone ND J4 0.0500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Acrolein ND 0.0500 1 07/01/201915:32 WG1304483 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Bromomethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND J4 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Di -isopropyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Toluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 WG1304146 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 33 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-24 SAMPLE RESULTS - 14 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:35 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Result mg/I Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl ben zene ND 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND Vinyl chloride ND o-Xylene ND m&p-Xylenes ND (S) Toluene-d8 103 (S) Toluene-d8 109 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 99.0 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 98.9 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.1 (S 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 96.6 Qualifier RDL mg/I Dilution Analysis date / time 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:08 0.00250 1 06/30/201913:08 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:08 0.00200 1 06/30/201913:08 80.0-120 061301201913:08 80.0-120 07101120191532 77.0-126 061301201913:08 77.0-126 07101120191532 70.0-130 061301201913:08 70.0-130 07101120191532 Batch WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 34 of 59 M W-17 SAMPLE RESULTS - 15 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:45 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 FP1 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date /time Acetone ND J4 0.0500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 FTc Acrolein ND 0.0500 1 07/01/201915:53 WG1304483 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 F Benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 4 Crl Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Bromomethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Fc Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Fq Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 FAI Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 F 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND J4 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Di -isopropyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.195 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Toluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 WG1304146 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 35 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-17 SAMPLE RESULTS - 15 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:45 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Result mg/I Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl ben zene ND 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND Vinyl chloride ND o-Xylene ND m&p-Xylenes ND (S) Toluene-d8 103 (S) Toluene-d8 ill (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 100 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 104 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.9 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 96.6 Qualifier RDL mg/I Dilution Analysis date / time 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:30 0.00250 1 06/30/201913:30 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:30 0.00200 1 06/30/201913:30 80.0-120 06130120191330 80.0-120 071011201915.53 77.0-126 06130120191330 77.0-126 071011201915.53 70.0-130 06130120191330 70.0-130 071011201915.53 Batch WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 36 of 59 MW-22 SAMPLE RESULTS - 16 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:20 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 FP1 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date /time Acetone ND J4 0.0500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 FTc Acrolein ND 0.0500 1 07/01/201916:14 WG1304483 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 F Benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 4 Crl Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Bromomethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Fc Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Fq Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 FAI Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 F 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND J4 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Di -isopropyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Methyl tert-butyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Toluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 WG1304146 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 37 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-22 SAMPLE RESULTS - 16 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:20 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Result mg/I Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl ben zene ND 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND Vinyl chloride ND o-Xylene ND m&p-Xylenes ND (S) Toluene-d8 102 (S Toluene-d8 ill (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 99.0 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 99.8 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.1 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 94.5 Qualifier RDL mg/I Dilution Analysis date / time 0.00500 1 06/30/201913:52 0.00250 1 06/30/201913:52 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 0.00100 1 06/30/201913:52 0.00200 1 06/30/201913:52 80.0-120 061301201913:52 80.0-120 071011201916.14 77.0-126 061301201913:52 77.0-126 071011201916.14 70.0-130 061301201913:52 70.0-130 071011201916.14 Batch WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 38 of 59 MW-23 SAMPLE RESULTS - 17 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:30 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Acetone ND J4 0.0500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Acrolein ND 1.00 20 07/01/201916:35 WG1304483 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Benzene 0.00138 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Bromomethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND J4 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Di -isopropyl ether 0.00759 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.714 0.0200 20 07/01/201916:35 WG1304483 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Toluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 WG1304146 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 39 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-23 SAMPLE RESULTS - 17 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 10:30 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Result mg/I Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl ben zene 0.00145 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND Vinyl chloride ND o-Xylene 0.00101 m&p-Xylenes ND (S) Toluene-d8 101 (S) Toluene-d8 109 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 99.4 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 102 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 99.2 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 93.4 Qualifier RDL mg/I Dilution Analysis date / time 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:13 0.00250 1 06/30/201914:13 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:13 0.00200 1 06/30/201914:13 80.0-120 061301201914.13 80.0-120 07101120191635 77.0-126 061301201914.13 77.0-126 07101120191635 70.0-130 061301201914.13 70.0-130 07101120191635 Batch WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 Fp FTc FS Fn N Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 40 of 59 M W- 9 SAMPLE RESULTS - 18 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:35 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/I mg/I date / time Acetone ND J4 0.0500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Acrolein ND 0.0500 1 07/01/201916:57 WG1304483 Acrylonitrile ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Bromobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Bromoform ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Bromomethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 n-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 sec -Butyl benzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 ter[-Butylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Carbon tetrachloride ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Chlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Chlorodibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Chloroethane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Chloroform ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Chloromethane ND 0.00250 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 2-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 4-Chlorotoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2-Dibromoethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Dibromomethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Dichlorodifluoromethane ND J4 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1-Dichloropropene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,3-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 2,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Di -isopropyl ether ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Ethylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Isopropylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 p-Isopropyltoluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Methylene Chloride ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.0100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.00360 0.00100 1 07/01/201916:57 WG1304483 Naphthalene ND 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 n-Propylbenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Styrene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Tetrachloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Toluene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1,1-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 Trichloroethene ND 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 WG1304146 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn Fc F ql FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 41 of 59 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. MW-9 SAMPLE RESULTS - 18 Collected date/time: 06/19/19 11:35 L1111284 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Analyte Result mg/I Trichlorofluoromethane ND 1,2,3-Trichloropropane ND 1,2,4-Trimethyl ben zene ND 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene ND Vinyl chloride ND o-Xylene ND m&p-Xylenes ND (S) Toluene-d8 102 (S Toluene-d8 ill (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 98.7 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 101 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 96.3 (S 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.1 Qualifier RDL mg/I Dilution Analysis date / time 0.00500 1 06/30/201914:35 0.00250 1 06/30/201914:35 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 0.00100 1 06/30/201914:35 0.00200 1 06/30/201914:35 80.0-120 06130120191435 80.0-120 071011201916.57 77.0-126 06130120191435 77.0-126 071011201916.57 70.0-130 06130120191435 70.0-130 071011201916.57 Batch WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 WG1304146 WG1304483 Fp FTc FS Fn Fc F, FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 42 of 59 WG1302393 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,11,12 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3425107-1 06/26/1912:33 MB Result MB Qualifier Analyte mg/I Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U MB MDL mg/I 0.0100 0.00887 0.00187 0.000331 0.000352 0.000380 0.000469 0.000866 0.000361 0.000365 0.000399 0.000379 0.000348 0.000327 0.000453 0.000324 0.000276 0.000375 0.000351 0.00133 0.000381 0.000346 0.000349 0.000220 0.000274 0.000551 0.000259 0.000361 0.000398 0.000260 0.000396 0.000306 0.000352 0.000366 0.000321 0.000320 0.000384 0.000256 0.000326 0.000350 MB RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 43 of 59 WG1302393 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,11,12 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3425107-1 06/26/1912:33 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/I 2-Butanone (MEK) U 0.00393 0.0100 Methylene Chloride U 0.00100 0.00500 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) U 0.00214 0.0100 Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000367 0.00100 Naphthalene U 0.00100 0.00500 n-Propylbenzene U 0.000349 0.00100 Styrene U 0.000307 0.00100 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane U 0.000385 0.00100 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U 0.000130 0.00100 Tetrachloroethene U 0.000372 0.00100 Toluene U 0.000412 0.00100 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene U 0.000230 0.00100 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U 0.000355 0.00100 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U 0.000319 0.00100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U 0.000383 0.00100 Trichloroethene U 0.000398 0.00100 Trichlorofluoromethane U 0.00120 0.00500 1,2,3-Trichloropropane U 0.000807 0.00250 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene U 0.000373 0.00100 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene U 0.000387 0.00100 Vinyl chloride U 0.000259 0.00100 o-Xylene U 0.000341 0.00100 m&p-Xylenes U 0.000719 0.00200 (S) Toluene-d8 107 80.0-120 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 100 77.0-126 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 92.7 70.0-130 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3425107-2 06/26/1914:37 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/I mg/I % % Acetone 0.125 0.121 96.9 19.0-160 Acrolein 0.125 0.0983 78.7 10.0-160 Acrylonitrile 0.125 0.118 94.0 55.0-149 Benzene 0.0250 0.0218 87.0 70.0-123 Bromobenzene 0.0250 0.0213 85.1 73.0-121 Bromodichloromethane 0.0250 0.0228 91.3 75.0-120 Bromoform 0.0250 0.0238 95.4 68.0-132 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. FP1 FTC FSS [Cn] FSr �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 44 of 59 WG1302393 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,11,12 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) FP1(LCS) R3425107-2 06/26/1914:37 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/I mg/I % % FTC Bromomethane 0.0250 0.0212 85.0 10.0-160 n-Butylbenzene 0.0250 0.0223 89.1 73.0-125 FSS sec -Butyl benzene 0.0250 0.0217 86.9 75.0-125 tert-Butylbenzene 0.0250 0.0213 85.1 76.0-124 Carbon tetrachloride 0.0250 0.0221 88.4 68.0-126 [Cn] Chlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0216 86.4 80.0-121 Chlorodibromomethane 0.0250 0.0238 95.1 77.0-125 FSr Chloroethane 0.0250 0.0205 82.1 47.0-150 Chloroform 0.0250 0.0216 86.5 73.0-120 Chloromethane 0.0250 0.0206 82.3 41.0-142 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0250 0.0219 87.7 76.0-123 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0250 0.0223 89.1 75.0-122 7G1 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 0.0250 0.0254 102 58.0-134 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0250 0.0229 91.8 80.0-122 Dibromomethane 0.0250 0.0228 91.3 80.0-120 FAI 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0230 92.1 79.0-121 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0212 84.9 79.0-120 FSC 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0242 96.8 79.0-120 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0250 0.0234 93.5 51.0-149 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0209 83.6 70.0-126 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0232 92.8 70.0-128 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0227 90.7 71.0-124 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0221 88.3 73.0-120 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0199 79.6 73.0-120 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0243 97.0 77.0-125 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.0250 0.0229 91.5 74.0-126 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0223 89.1 80.0-120 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0242 96.9 58.0-130 Di -isopropyl ether 0.0250 0.0221 88.6 58.0-138 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0211 84.3 79.0-123 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.0250 0.0238 95.1 54.0-138 Isopropylbenzene 0.0250 0.0205 81.9 76.0-127 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0250 0.0221 88.4 76.0-125 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.125 0.126 101 44.0-160 Methylene Chloride 0.0250 0.0219 87.4 67.0-120 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 0.125 0.112 89.6 68.0-142 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0236 94.3 68.0-125 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.0244 97.4 54.0-135 n-Propylbenzene 0.0250 0.0217 86.7 77.0-124 Styrene 0.0250 0.0212 84.6 73.0-130 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 45 of 59 WG1302393 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3425107-2 06/26/1914:37 Spike Amount LCS Result Analyte mg/I mg/I 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0250 0.0223 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0250 0.0239 Tetrachloroethene 0.0250 0.0205 Toluene 0.0250 0.0208 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0249 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0239 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0250 0.0223 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0250 0.0217 Trichloroethene 0.0250 0.0216 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0250 0.0246 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0250 0.0246 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0223 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 0.0250 0.0231 Vinyl chloride 0.0250 0.0218 o-Xylene 0.0250 0.0207 m&p-Xylenes 0.0500 0.0409 (S) Toluene-d8 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY L1111284-01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,11,12 LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier 89.3 75.0-125 95.4 65.0-130 81.9 72.0-132 83.2 79.0-120 99.7 50.0-138 95.5 57.0-137 89.2 73.0-124 86.8 80.0-120 86.3 78.0-124 98.5 59.0-147 98.3 73.0-130 89.1 76.0-121 92.6 76.0-122 87.2 67.0-131 82.9 80.0-122 81.8 80.0-122 98.7 80.0-120 95.3 77.0-126 107 70.0-130 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. FP1 FTC FSS [Cn] FSr �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 46 of 59 WG1302567 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-10 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3425401-4 06/27/1914:00 MB Result MB Qualifier Analyte mg/I Acetone Acrolein Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromobenzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane n-Butylbenzene sec -Butyl benzene tert-Butylbenzene Carbon tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chlorodibromomethane Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane Dibromomethane 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropane 2,2-Dichloropropane Di -isopropyl ether Ethylbenzene Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U MB MDL mg/I 0.0100 0.00887 0.00187 0.000331 0.000352 0.000380 0.000469 0.000866 0.000361 0.000365 0.000399 0.000379 0.000348 0.000327 0.000453 0.000324 0.000276 0.000375 0.000351 0.00133 0.000381 0.000346 0.000349 0.000220 0.000274 0.000551 0.000259 0.000361 0.000398 0.000260 0.000396 0.000306 0.000352 0.000366 0.000321 0.000320 0.000384 0.000256 0.000326 0.000350 MB RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 FP1 FTC FSS [Cn] FSr �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 47 of 59 WG1302567 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-10 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3425401-4 06/27/1914:00 MB Result Analyte mg/I 2-Butanone (MEK) U Methylene Chloride U 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) U Methyl tert-butyl ether U Naphthalene U n-Propylbenzene U Styrene U 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane U 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U Tetrachloroethene U Toluene U 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene U 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U Trichloroethene U Trichlorofluoromethane U 1,2,3-Trichloropropane U 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene U 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene U Vinyl chloride U o-Xylene U m&p-Xylenes U (S) Toluene-d8 ill (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 97.8 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 101 MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL mg/I mg/I 0.00393 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00214 0.0100 0.000367 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.000349 0.00100 0.000307 0.00100 0.000385 0.00100 0.000130 0.00100 0.000372 0.00100 0.000412 0.00100 0.000230 0.00100 0.000355 0.00100 0.000319 0.00100 0.000383 0.00100 0.000398 0.00100 0.00120 0.00500 0.000807 0.00250 0.000373 0.00100 0.000387 0.00100 0.000259 0.00100 0.000341 0.00100 0.000719 0.00200 80.0-120 77.0-126 70.0-130 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3425401-1 06/27/1912:36 • (LCSD) R3425401-2 06/27/1912:57 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/I Acetone 0.125 0.114 0.127 Acrolein 0.125 0.109 0.112 Acrylonitrile 0.125 0.110 0.112 Benzene 0.0250 0.0233 0.0227 Bromobenzene 0.0250 0.0244 0.0245 Bromodichloromethane 0.0250 0.0233 0.0229 Bromoform 0.0250 0.0265 0.0245 ACCOUNT: Pilot Apex Environmental LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits 91.3 102 19.0-160 10.8 27 87.1 89.9 10.0-160 3.25 26 87.6 89.2 55.0-149 1.81 20 93.1 90.9 70.0-123 2.42 20 97.5 98.1 73.0-121 0.632 20 93.1 91.5 75.0-120 1.76 20 106 98.1 68.0-132 7.71 20 PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 48 of 59 FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn FSr �GI FAI [Sc WG1302567 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-10 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3425401-1 06/27/1912:36 • (LCSD) R3425401-2 06/27/1912:57 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/I Bromomethane 0.0250 0.0425 0.0309 n-Butylbenzene 0.0250 0.0247 0.0246 sec -Butyl benzene 0.0250 0.0246 0.0239 tert-Butylbenzene 0.0250 0.0240 0.0232 Carbon tetrachloride 0.0250 0.0246 0.0240 Chlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0254 0.0233 Chlorodibromomethane 0.0250 0.0256 0.0240 Chloroethane 0.0250 0.0241 0.0232 Chloroform 0.0250 0.0238 0.0230 Chloromethane 0.0250 0.0188 0.0181 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0250 0.0244 0.0237 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0250 0.0261 0.0253 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 0.0250 0.0233 0.0240 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0250 0.0247 0.0231 Dibromomethane 0.0250 0.0226 0.0218 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0260 0.0256 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0272 0.0268 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0244 0.0239 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0250 0.0208 0.0199 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0229 0.0224 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0225 0.0228 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0227 0.0223 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0231 0.0219 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0252 0.0243 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0238 0.0232 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.0250 0.0253 0.0244 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0255 0.0235 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0229 0.0219 Di -isopropyl ether 0.0250 0.0214 0.0209 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0259 0.0234 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.0250 0.0258 0.0259 Isopropylbenzene 0.0250 0.0252 0.0233 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0250 0.0245 0.0239 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.125 0.109 0.116 Methylene Chloride 0.0250 0.0223 0.0224 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 0.125 0.124 0.116 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0229 0.0227 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.0226 0.0245 n-Propylbenzene 0.0250 0.0264 0.0257 Styrene 0.0250 0.0246 0.0228 ACCOUNT: Pilot Apex Environmental LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits 170 123 10.0-160 J4 J-� 31.6 25 98.8 98.3 73.0-125 0.513 20 98.3 95.4 75.0-125 3.02 20 96.0 92.8 76.0-124 3.43 20 98.3 95.8 68.0-126 2.56 20 102 93.2 80.0-121 8.75 20 103 96.0 77.0-125 6.58 20 96.5 92.9 47.0-150 3.76 20 95.3 92.1 73.0-120 3.42 20 75.1 72.6 41.0-142 3.43 20 97.5 94.8 76.0-123 2.80 20 104 101 75.0-122 2.98 20 93.4 95.8 58.0-134 2.58 20 98.9 92.3 80.0-122 6.94 20 90.6 87.2 80.0-120 3.81 20 104 103 79.0-121 1.54 20 109 107 79.0-120 1.65 20 97.6 95.5 79.0-120 2.15 20 83.2 79.6 51.0-149 4.42 20 91.8 89.6 70.0-126 2.46 20 90.1 91.2 70.0-128 1.18 20 90.7 89.2 71.0-124 1.67 20 92.5 87.7 73.0-120 5.27 20 101 97.2 73.0-120 3.49 20 95.3 92.7 77.0-125 2.73 20 101 97.6 74.0-126 3.78 20 102 94.0 80.0-120 8.30 20 91.7 87.8 58.0-130 4.42 20 85.5 83.5 58.0-138 2.34 20 104 93.6 79.0-123 10.1 20 103 103 54.0-138 0.406 20 101 93.3 76.0-127 7.82 20 97.9 95.7 76.0-125 2.25 20 87.3 92.5 44.0-160 5.77 20 89.1 89.6 67.0-120 0.608 20 99.4 92.7 68.0-142 6.98 20 91.5 91.0 68.0-125 0.628 20 90.6 98.1 54.0-135 7.94 20 105 103 77.0-124 2.60 20 98.6 91.3 73.0-130 7.70 20 PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 49 of 59 FP1 FTC FSS [Cn] FSr �GI FAI FSC WG1302567 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-10 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3425401-1 06/27/1912:36 • (LCSD) R3425401-2 06/27/1912:57 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. Rec. Limits Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/I % % % 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0250 0.0252 0.0231 101 92.2 75.0-125 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0250 0.0237 0.0237 95.0 94.9 65.0-130 Tetrachloroethene 0.0250 0.0276 0.0243 110 97.2 72.0-132 Toluene 0.0250 0.0256 0.0232 102 92.7 79.0-120 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0238 0.0253 95.1 101 50.0-138 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0249 0.0253 99.8 101 57.0-137 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0250 0.0245 0.0235 98.0 93.9 73.0-124 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0250 0.0232 0.0216 92.9 86.6 80.0-120 Trichloroethene 0.0250 0.0246 0.0241 98.3 96.5 78.0-124 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0250 0.0241 0.0233 96.2 93.4 59.0-147 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0250 0.0241 0.0235 96.2 94.1 73.0-130 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0253 0.0244 101 97.7 76.0-121 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 0.0250 0.0255 0.0246 102 98.5 76.0-122 Vinyl chloride 0.0250 0.0218 0.0212 87.3 84.9 67.0-131 o-Xylene 0.0250 0.0246 0.0225 98.4 90.1 80.0-122 m&p-Xylenes 0.0500 0.0511 0.0459 102 91.9 80.0-122 (S) Toluene-d8 106 96.5 80.0-120 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 93.2 77.0-126 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 105 105 70.0-130 LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits 9.07 20 0.0857 20 12.5 20 10.1 20 6.26 20 1.28 20 4.24 20 7.09 20 1.86 20 3.03 20 2.29 20 3.55 20 3.41 20 2.78 20 8.77 20 10.6 20 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. FP1 FTC FSS 4 Cn FSr �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 50 of 59 WG1304146 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-13,14,15,16,17,18 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3426303-2 06/30/1911:08 MB Result Analyte mg/I Acetone U Acrylonitrile U Benzene U Bromobenzene U Bromodichloromethane U Bromoform U Bromomethane U n-Butylbenzene U sec -Butyl benzene U tert-Butylbenzene U Carbon tetrachloride U Chlorobenzene U Chlorodibromomethane U Chloroethane U Chloroform U Chloromethane U 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane U 2-Chlorotoluene U 1,2-Dibromoethane U 4-Chlorotoluene U Dibromomethane U 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U Dichlorodifluoromethane U 1,1-Dichloroethane U 1,2-Dichloroethane U 1,1-Dichloroethene U cis-1,2-Dichloroethene U trans-1,2-Dichloroethene U 1,2-Dichloropropane U 1,1-Dichloropropene U 1,3-Dichloropropane U 2,2-Dichloropropane U Di -isopropyl ether U Ethylbenzene U Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.000567 2-Butanone (MEK) U Isopropylbenzene U Methylene Chloride U MB Qualifier J MB MDL mg/I 0.0100 0.00187 0.000331 0.000352 0.000380 0.000469 0.000866 0.000361 0.000365 0.000399 0.000379 0.000348 0.000327 0.000453 0.000324 0.000276 0.00133 0.000375 0.000381 0.000351 0.000346 0.000349 0.000220 0.000274 0.000551 0.000259 0.000361 0.000398 0.000260 0.000396 0.000306 0.000352 0.000366 0.000321 0.000320 0.000384 0.000256 0.00393 0.000326 0.00100 MB RDL mg/I 0.0500 0.0100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00500 0.00250 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00500 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.0100 0.00100 0.00500 FP1 FTC FSS [Cn] FSr �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 51 of 59 WG1304146 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-13,14,15,16,17,18 Method Blank (MB) Cp (MB) R3426303-2 06/30/1911:08 MB Result MB Qualifier MB MDL MB RDL Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/I E p-Isopropyltoluene U 0.000350 0.00100 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) U 0.00214 0.0100 E Methyl tert-butyl ether U 0.000367 0.00100 Naphthalene U 0.00100 0.00500 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U 0.000130 0.00100 FCn n-Propylbenzene U 0.000349 0.00100 Tetrachloroethene U 0.000372 0.00100 E Styrene U 0.000307 0.00100 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane U 0.000385 0.00100 Toluene U 0.000412 0.00100 ce 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U 0.000319 0.00100 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U 0.000383 0.00100 FG I Trichloroethene U 0.000398 0.00100 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U 0.000355 0.00100 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene U 0.000230 0.00100 FAI Trichlorofluoromethane U 0.00120 0.00500 1,2,3-Trichloropropane U 0.000807 0.00250 E 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene U 0.000373 0.00100 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene U 0.000387 0.00100 Vinyl chloride U 0.000259 0.00100 o-Xylene U 0.000341 0.00100 m&p-Xylenes U 0.000719 0.00200 (S) Toluene-d8 103 80.0-120 (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 100 77.0-126 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethone-d4 96.6 70.0-130 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R3426303-1 06/30/19 10:25 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/I mg/I % % Acetone 0.125 0.202 161 19.0-160 J4 Benzene 0.0250 0.0254 102 70.0-123 Bromomethane 0.0250 0.0277 ill 10.0-160 Acrylonitrile 0.125 0.125 99.8 55.0-149 Bromobenzene 0.0250 0.0237 94.7 73.0-121 Bromodichloromethane 0.0250 0.0267 107 75.0-120 Carbon tetrachloride 0.0250 0.0268 107 68.0-126 Bromoform 0.0250 0.0271 109 68.0-132 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 52 of 59 WG1304146 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-13,14,15,16,17,18 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) FP1(LCS) R3426303-1 06/30/19 10:25 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/I mg/I % % FTC n-Butylbenzene 0.0250 0.0232 92.9 73.0-125 Chloroform 0.0250 0.0250 100 73.0-120 FSS sec -Butyl benzene 0.0250 0.0231 92.3 75.0-125 tert-Butylbenzene 0.0250 0.0238 95.2 76.0-124 Chlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0258 103 80.0-121 rCn Chlorodibromomethane 0.0250 0.0272 109 77.0-125 Chloroethane 0.0250 0.0281 112 47.0-150 FSr Chloromethane 0.0250 0.0263 105 41.0-142 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 0.0250 0.0227 90.7 58.0-134 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0251 101 70.0-126 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0250 0.0266 106 80.0-122 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0250 0.0234 93.5 70.0-128 7G1 Dibromomethane 0.0250 0.0266 106 80.0-120 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0233 93.3 79.0-121 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0240 95.9 79.0-120 FAI 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0218 87.1 79.0-120 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0248 99.0 73.0-120 FSC Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0250 0.0452 181 51.0-149 J4 1,1-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0263 105 71.0-124 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0250 0.0231 92.4 76.0-123 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0250 0.0241 96.6 75.0-122 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 0.0250 0.0247 98.6 73.0-120 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0268 107 77.0-125 Ethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0256 102 79.0-123 Di -isopropyl ether 0.0250 0.0229 91.8 58.0-138 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.125 0.161 129 44.0-160 Methylene Chloride 0.0250 0.0240 96.2 67.0-120 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene 0.0250 0.0230 91.9 54.0-138 1,1-Dichloropropene 0.0250 0.0273 109 74.0-126 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0265 106 80.0-120 Naphthalene 0.0250 0.0206 82.5 54.0-135 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0250 0.0277 111 58.0-130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 0.125 0.113 90.8 68.0-142 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0250 0.0246 98.4 65.0-130 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0245 98.1 68.0-125 Tetrachloroethene 0.0250 0.0273 109 72.0-132 Toluene 0.0250 0.0251 100 79.0-120 n-Propylbenzene 0.0250 0.0239 95.5 77.0-124 Styrene 0.0250 0.0276 110 73.0-130 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0250 0.0257 103 75.0-125 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 53 of 59 WG1304146 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 L1111284-13,14,15,16,17,18 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) FP1(LCS) R3426303-1 06/30/19 10:25 Spike Amount LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier Analyte mg/I mg/I % % 2 TC 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0250 0.0256 102 73.0-124 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0250 0.0261 104 80.0-120 FSS Isopropylbenzene 0.0250 0.0259 104 76.0-127 p-Isopropyltoluene 0.0250 0.0238 95.0 76.0-125 Trichloroethene 0.0250 0.0239 95.4 78.0-124 rCn 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0219 87.6 57.0-137 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0250 0.0296 118 59.0-147 FSr 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0250 0.0264 105 73.0-130 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0250 0.0239 95.5 76.0-121 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene 0.0250 0.0225 90.2 76.0-122 Vinyl chloride 0.0250 0.0281 112 67.0-131 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0250 0.0183 73.2 50.0-138 7G1 o-Xylene 0.0250 0.0251 101 80.0-122 m&p-Xylenes 0.0500 0.0512 102 80.0-122 (S) Toluene-d8 104 80.0-120 FAI (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 102 77.0-126 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 98.1 70.0-130 FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 54 of 59 WG1304483 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 620OB-2011 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3426486-4 07/01/1910:54 MB Result A I /I na yte mg Acrolein U Methyl tert-butyl ether U (S) Toluene-d8 ill (S) 4-Bromof/uorobenzene 104 (S) 1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 99.6 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY L1111284-13,14,15,16,17,18 MB Qualifier MB MDL mg/I MB RDL mg/I 0.00887 0.0500 0.000367 0.00100 80.0-120 77.0-126 70.0-130 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3426486-1 07/01/19 09:30 • (LCSD) R3426486-2 07/01/19 09:51 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD Result LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. Rec. Limits LCS Qualifier LCSD Qualifier RPD RPD Limits Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/I % % % % % Acrolein 0.125 0.140 0.138 112 ill 10.0-160 1.11 26 Methyl tert-butyl ether 0.0250 0.0248 0.0232 99.1 92.7 68.0-125 6.65 20 (S) Toluene-d8 94.7 97.7 80.0-120 (S) 4-Bromofluorobenzene 90.6 90.4 77.0-126 (S)1,2-Dich/oroethane-d4 109 104 70.0-130 ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. FP1 FTc FSS 4 Cn FSr �GI FAI FSC ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 55 of 59 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Abbreviations and Definitions MDL Method Detection Limit. ND Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). RDL Reported Detection Limit. Rec. Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference. SDG Sample Delivery Group. Surrogate (Surrogate Standard) - Analytes added to every blank, sample, Laboratory Control Sample/Duplicate and (S) Matrix Spike/Duplicate; used to evaluate analytical efficiency by measuring recovery. Surrogates are not expected to be detected in all environmental media. U Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). Analyte The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes reported. If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the Dilution standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. These are the target % recovery ranges or % difference value that the laboratory has historically determined as normal Limits for the method and analyte being reported. Successful QC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or duplicated within these ranges. This column provides a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional information concerning the result Qualifier reported. If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and potentially a discussion of possible implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative if applicable. The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state "ND" (Not Detected) or "BDL" Result (Below Detectable Levels). The information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. FP1 FTC FSS [Cn] FSr 6 QC FAI FSC Uncertainty (Radiochemistry) Confidence level of 2 sigma. A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non -conformances to protocol Case Narrative (Cn) observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report. Quality Control This section of the report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or Summary (Qc) analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples. These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and Sample Chain of date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This Custody (Sc) chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. This section of your report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided Sample Results (Sr) by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss) This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. J3 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 56 of 59 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS ONE LAB. NATIONWIDE. Pace National is the only environmental laboratory accredited/certified to support your work nationwide from one location. One phone call, one point of contact, one laboratory. No other lab is as accessible or prepared to handle your needs throughout the country. Our capacity and capability from our single location laboratory is comparable to the collective totals of the network laboratories in our industry. The most significant benefit to our one location design is the design of our laboratory campus. The model is conducive to accelerated productivity, decreasing FP1 turn -around time, and preventing cross contamination, thus protecting sample integrity. Our focus on premium quality and prompt service allows us to be YOUR LAB OF CHOICE. Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported in the attached report. Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace National. Z Tc State Accreditations f—� Alabama 40660 Nebraska _ NE-OS-15-05 SS Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN-03-2002-34 Arizona AZO612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey_NELAP TNO02 C n California 2932 New Mexico n/a Colorado TN00003 New York 11742 s Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Sr Florida E87487 North Carolina' DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina' 41 Georgia' 923 North Dakota R-140 RC Idaho TN00003 Ohio—VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 G Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68-02979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LA000356 Kentucky76 90010 South Carolina 84004 Kentucky 2 16 South Dakota n/a Louisiana A130792 Tennessee' 4 2006 Louisiana' LA180010 Texas T104704245-18-15 [SC Maine TN0002 Texas' LABO152 Maryland 324 Utah Massachusetts M-TNO03 Vermont Michigan 9958 Virginia Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia Missouri 340 Wisconsin Montana CERT0086 Wyoming Third Party Federal Accreditations A21LA — ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP A21LA — ISO 17025 5 1461.02 DOD Canada 1461.01 USDA EPA—Crypto TN00003 ' Drinking Water 'Underground Storage Tanks 3 Aquatic Toxicity 4 Chemical/Microbiological 5 Mold 6 Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable Our Locations TN00003 VT2006 460132 C847 233 9980939910 A2LA 100789 1461.01 P330-15-00234 Pace National has sixty-four client support centers that provide sample pickup and/or the delivery of sampling supplies. If you would like assistance from one of our support offices, please contact our main office. Pace National performs all testing at our central laboratory. WA ME MT NO OR MN T ID t WI NY SD WY MI NV t NE IA OH PA T f IL Ills WV vA UT T CA�� T KS MO KY N NM O� AR SC T MS AL`7GA T TX * LA T AK q FL wo HI ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Pilot Apex Environmental 768490.011 L1111284 07/02/19 19:37 57 of 59 Billing Information: Analysis/Container/Preservative Chain of Custody Page J—of 2. Apex Companies, LLC - Roanoke, VA Accounts Payable Pros J��/�) 7744 Garland Circle Chk 7744 Garland Circle Roanoke, VA 24019 /1ceAmIXicale Nam�w cnarm...Rmva mmMrmn Roanoke, VA 24019 12MS Lem000 Rd Report to: Email To: rwagner@apexcos.com Mr. Robert Wd ner g Mount Juliet, TN 37122 'V tiklilT; W`+ Phone: 615-0Sa6899 Phan.: a8o-0fi)Sa59 ' Project City/State Description: Pilot #56 Collected: fax'. 615J69-6969 Lp Client Project» Lab Project# Phone. 540-563-4920 768490.011 APEXENV-PILOT56 c02� Fax L Table # - Collected/ b/y(prin1 Site/Facility ID# P.O.p (� KANNAPOLIS, NC Acctnum: APEXENV K ii CJW = E 151277 Trelogu Collected b tur� Rush] (Lab MUST Be Notified) Quote q — Same Day _ Five Day Q P71366 Prelogin: P713668 _Next Day _5 Day (Bad only) Date Results Needed E TSR: 633-Pam Langford Immediately Two Day _ 10 Day (Rod Only) No. C PB: -lq Packedonlce N_ Y Three Day of O � ntrs Shipped Via: FedEX Ground Sample lD Comp/Grab Matrix' Depth Date Time to J Rema,k: sample a (lab only] GW 6 !9 ( l200 3 X —o r Sw _ 2g1� GW 12 us 1 3 x Oa GW 1Z o 3 X O Sw - 5925 GW IzLS 3 X su') Sri SS GW 3 X p 15 5w- 28Y7 GW l2 S 3 X O&o ^AA,,, - ly GW 115D 3 X new - 2S GW 1130 3 X p QMw j GW ,yo 3 X Oq nnw - ll GW- ' Matrix: sample Receipt ChecklistSS-Soil Ccc Coal Present/Intact: _NP Y _N CDC Signed/Accurate: � AIR -Air F-Filter pH Temp SCREEN: GW -Groundwater B-BioassayRAD [emarks: <0.5m ryflr _N Boccles arrive intact:1NT WW-WasteWater Fo.v Other _NCorrect bottles used: 6'_N DW-Drinking Water mplesreturned via: sufficient volume sent: /Y N OT-Other UPS _Fed Ex _Courier Tracking# I£ Applicable VOA Zero Headspace: /Y N Preservation Correct/Checked: _Y _N Relinquished y:(Signature) Date: Time: Received by:(Signature) Trip Blank Received: No zvq/l I I Meath Relinquished (Signature) Date: Time: Received by: (Signature) Temp. =D.Botues Received: If preservation required by Login: Date/Time th-lo 14 C Relinquished by: (Signature) Date. Time: Re lv d for lab by: (Signature) Dat-Time : Hold: Condition / - NCF /,OK J Billing Information Analysis/Container/Preservative ':hair of Custody Page Zola II' Apex Companies, LLC - Roanoke, VA Accounts Payable Pres 2ceAnallyllCal" 7744 Garland Circle 7744 Garland Circle Chk Roanoke, VA 24019 / •yn<,Ml cane,mna.nrea:m.,rwmn Roanoke, VA 24019 12MS Lebanon Rd OoJi*O Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Phi 615-158�5858 s- 1 Phone: ROo767 5859 Fax 615.75E 5859 O Re port to: Mr. Robert Wagner li Email To rwagner@apexcos.com Project Description: Pilot #56 City/State //// Collected: ka,' nr, OI`Sr NL L # Phone:540-563-4920 Client Project # 768490.011 Lab Project # APEXENV-PILOT56 Fax: _ a E Q -- _.._. Table d Collected by (print): //'t Site/Facility ID # _ KANNAPOLIS, NC P.O. If -- Acctnum: APEXENV Template:T151277 Prelogin: P713668 Collected by signature Rush? (Lab MUST Be Notified) Quote If —Same Day _ Five I I Immedl ely / Packed on Ice N V ✓ _Next Day _S Day (Bad Onlyl Date Results Needed _Two Day _ lO Day (Bad Only) No Three Day of E p o ; TSR: 633-Pam Langford PB: f V Shipped Via: FedEX Ground Sample ID Comp/Grab Matrix' Depth Date Time .ntrs Remarks l 5ampleklInnnlyl / GW L IS ( 1 k go 3 X Alw _ Lo GW 3 X �a /aqW — 21 GW 3 X GW 10 S 3 X +{ w— 17 GW 114 3 X 15 Mw - 22 GW 1 3 X MW - 23 GW 10>30 3 X ) 3 X GW 3 X GW 3 X Remarks: ' Matrix: Sample Receipt Checklist CDC Seal Preseht/Intact: _NP _N CDC Signed/Accurate: Y _N Bottles arrive intact: r7 _N Correct bottles on ad: r4 SS - Soil AIR -Alf F-Filter GW- GrODOdWa[er B- BioaSSaV WW - Waste Water _ pH Temp [ C rr�''.J (ilib�ll LAD 5CI lb'ki: <V.- Flow Other DW- Drinking Water Samples returned via: —N Sufficient volume sent: _N OT - Other —UPS _FedEx _Courier Tracking# -_ If Applicable VOA Zero Headspace: _N Preservation Correct/checked: _Y N Relic qui hedb :(Sig aure) Date: ` l4 l 5 Time. 1 7bc> Received by (Signature) Trip Blank Received: (YesNo BR/ McOH Relin shed by. (Signature) Date: Time. Received by: (Signature) Temp: °C BPnies Received: If preservation required by Login: Date/Time F 1Fa -D Relinquished by :(Signature) Date: Time: R;cg for lab b :(Signature) Date: Time: Hold: Conditio G� OQ6-X NCF / 01 APPENDIX B Historical Groundwater Analytical Results Table 2.- Historical Groundwater and Surface Water Sampling Results Revision Date: 06/19/19 Incident Number and Name: # 36096 Pilot 056 Analytical Method (VOC by EPA 62006) Contaminant of Concern: gasoline 0DMW-21111111111111111mama 1em8.68 emmeemememememe amamma�amamamamama 1amammamamamamamama 6amamma3.6amamamamama M� CAP amamma®amam�mam®ma ��emem®®�eme�emem�me ��amamma�amamamamama ��amamma�amamamamama ��amammamamamamamama ��amammamamamamamama ��amammamamam�mamama ��emem��®e�ememememe ��amamma�ama�amamama ��amamma�amamamamama ��am�mmamamamamamama ��amammamamamamamama ®��amamma®amamamamama ���memm®�eme�emem�me ��amamma®amamamamama �amamma®amamamamama �amamma®amamamamama ��amamma�amamamamama ��amamma®amamamamama 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Time vs. MTBE Concentration and DTW DMW-3 Oh N`l 00 �l 00 �ti 00 N 00 �0 00 N 00 Time MTBE CAP Endpoint (20 ug/L) 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 N t MTBE N 19.00 0 t DTW 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 Time vs. MTBE Concentration and DTW M W-11 1250.0 1000.0 750.0 500.0 250.0 M@ Time MTBE CAP Endpoint (20 ug/L) 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 N t MTBE d 18.00 ❑ t DTW 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 Time vs. MTBE Concentration and DTW MW-12 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 J 07 7 60.0 0 c 50.0 d c 0 u 40.0 w m 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 Time MTBE CAP Endpoint (20 ug/L) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 w m —0— MTBE w t DTW Time vs. MTBE Concentration and DTW MW-14 35.0 30.0 two" 5.0 0.0 Time MTBE CAP Endpoint (20 ug/L) 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 N t MTBE w 19.00 0 t DTW 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 Time vs. MTBE Concentration and DTW MW-17 2400.0 2200.0 2000.0 1800.0 1600.0 1400.0 1200.0 1000.0 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 .1 �O �3 Nt N �� �<D NO NO �� �� �� NO, O`O�ON\ �'��^g\ O`9��0\ ^`l�^0, O`O��o,\ '�`LO�\ O�O�^O\ �`LOO\ 0�0��0\ '�O`O\��\ �`1�^0\ O` 11 NL�O\ Time MTBE CAP Endpoint (20 ug/L) 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 d N 20.00 0 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 t MTBE t DTW APPENDIX D O&M Checklists PILOT # 56 KANAPOLIS, NC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST O&M Date: 1/23/18 Apex Staff: KAH Apex Job #: 768490.030 ALARM CONDITIONS Description p Check Alarm Conditions Conditions/Comments AWS High Level OK Emergency Stop OK INFLUENT MANIFOLD AND WELL HEADS Recovery Well ID Measurement Conditions/Comments Manifold (in Hg) Well Head (in Hg) SVE-1 10.5 NA SVE-2 28.5 NA SVE-3 12.0 NA SVE Header Influent (in hg) 8.5 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Vacuum (in Hg) 9.5 Temperature (°F) 185 Vent Stack Pressure (in H2O) 0.0 Flow Meter (in scfm) 90 Check Filter Clean Oil Level 3/4 full SVE Hours 47,704.3 Check Fittings for Leaks None PHASE SEPARATOR (Knockout(KO)) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Phase Separator Vacuum (in Hg) 8.0 Site Glass (clouding, scratched, etc.) Clear Check Fittings for Leaks None AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Air Compressor OFF Turned back on Air Compressor Hours 23,058.2 Air Compressor (psi) 50 Air Compressor Temperature 55 Changed oil Air Compressor Regulator (psi) 50 Air Flow (scfin) 19 Drain Pressure Tank Yes AIR SPARGE WELLS Air Sparge Well Pressure (psi) Air Flow (scfm) AS-1 30.0 8.0 AS-2 31.5 6.8 AS-3 33.0 13.0+ AS-4 31.5 13.0+ AS-5 Off Off AS-6 Off Off AS-7 Off Off AS-8 Off Off AS-9 Off Off AS-10 Off Off AS-11 Off Off AS-12 Off Off AS-13 Off Off AS-14 Off Off AS-15 Off Off AS-16 Off Off SYSTEM BUILDING AND COMPONENTS Description Measurement Conditions/Comments General Condition of Building OK Heater (Operating Temperature) 500 Exhaust Ventilation Fan 500 Working Manifold OK Overhead Lighting Working Bulb needed in Compressor room Locks and Anchors Secure CONTROL PANEL (Building) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Electric Meter Reading (kWh) 498,619 Electric Meter Reading (max kW) NA Breaker Box Secure Additional Comments and Notes: -Apex on site. Rain 35' -System partially operational upon arrival due to compressor being down. -Reset compressor. -Performed routine O&M activities. -Changed oil in compressor. -Check valve on knockout tank needs replacing upon next visit! -System fully operational upon departure. -Left new belt for SVE in system. -Apex off site. 2 PILOT # 56 KANAPOLIS, NC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST O&M Date: 2/11/19 Apex Job #: 768490.030 Apex Staff: TMFisher ALARM CONDITIONS Description p Check Alarm Conditions Conditions/Comments AWS High Level OK Emergency Stop OK INFLUENT MANIFOLD AND WELL HEADS Recovery Well ID Measurement Conditions/Comments Manifold (in Hg) Well Head (in Hg) SVE-1 10 NA SVE-2 27.5 NA SVE-3 12 NA SVE Header Influent (in hg) 8 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Vacuum (in Hg) 9 Temperature (°F) 190 Vent Stack Pressure (in H2O) 0 Flow Meter (in scfm) -- Check Filter Yes Oil Level Checked SVE Hours -- Check Fittings for Leaks None PHASE SEPARATOR (Knockout(KO)) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Phase Separator Vacuum (in Hg) 8 Site Glass (clouding, scratched, etc.) Checked Check Fittings for Leaks None AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Air Compressor OFF Serviced compressor Air Compressor Hours 23,122 Air Compressor (psi) 125 Air Compressor Temperature -- Air Compressor Regulator (psi) 50 Air Flow (scfm) 20 Drain Pressure Tank Yes AIR SPARGE WELLS Air Sparge Well Pressure (psi) Air Flow (scfm) AS-1 30 6 AS-2 31 6 AS-3 33 6 AS-4 31 6 AS-5 Off Off AS-6 Off Off AS-7 Off Off AS-8 Off Off AS-9 Off Off AS-10 Off Off AS-11 Off Off AS-12 Off Off AS-13 Off Off AS-14 Off Off AS-15 Off Off AS-16 Off Off SYSTEM BUILDING AND COMPONENTS Description Measurement Conditions/Comments General Condition of Building OK Heater (Operating Temperature) 500 Exhaust Ventilation Fan 500 Working Manifold OK Overhead Lighting No Bulb out in compressor room Locks and Anchors Secure CONTROL PANEL (Building) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Electric Meter Reading (kWh) -- Electric Meter Reading (max kW) NA Breaker Box Secure Additional Comments and Notes: -Apex on site. -Air sparge air compressor system not functioning upon arrival. -Drained water from air compressor tank. -Performed compressor O&M, replaced filters, inspected hoses, cleaned oil from inside cabinet and refill oil. Cleaned air intake filter. -Vacuum belt not on pulley placed back on vacuum blower. -System fully operational upon departure. -Apex off site. PILOT # 56 KANAPOLIS, NC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST O&M Date: 3/07/19 Apex Job #: 768490.030 Apex Staff: TMFisher ALARM CONDITIONS Description p Check Alarm Conditions Conditions/Comments AWS High Level OK Emergency Stop OK INFLUENT MANIFOLD AND WELL HEADS Recovery Well ID Measurement Conditions/Comments Manifold (in Hg) Well Head (in Hg) SVE-1 10 NA SVE-2 28 NA SVE-3 11 NA SVE Header Influent (in hg) 8 Drained knockout tank SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Vacuum (in Hg) 8 Temperature (°F) 190 Vent Stack Pressure (in H2O) 0 Flow Meter (in scfm) 8 Check Filter Yes Oil Level Checked SVE Hours 48,754.4 Check Fittings for Leaks None PHASE SEPARATOR (Knockout(KO)) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Phase Separator Vacuum (in Hg) 7.5 Site Glass (clouding, scratched, etc.) Checked Drained tank Check Fittings for Leaks None AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Air Compressor OFF Leaked oil Air Compressor Hours 23,555 Water in flow site glass Air Compressor (psi) 125 Air Compressor Temperature 52 Air Compressor Regulator (psi) 90 Air Flow (scfm) 13 Drain Pressure Tank Yes AIR SPARGE WELLS Air Sparge Well Pressure (psi) Air Flow (scfm) AS-1 23 5 AS-2 22.5 5 AS-3 30 5 AS-4 32 5 AS-5 Off Off AS-6 Off Off AS-7 Off Off AS-8 Off Off AS-9 Off Off AS-10 Off Off AS-11 Off Off AS-12 Off Off AS-13 Off Off AS-14 Off Off AS-15 Off Off AS-16 Off Off SYSTEM BUILDING AND COMPONENTS Description Measurement Conditions/Comments General Condition of Building OK Heater (Operating Temperature) 500 Exhaust Ventilation Fan 500 Working Manifold OK Overhead Lighting No Bulb out in compressor room Locks and Anchors Secure CONTROL PANEL (Building) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Electric Meter Reading (kWh) -- Electric Meter Reading (max kW) NA Breaker Box Secure Additional Comments and Notes: -Apex on site. -Air sparge air compressor system not functioning upon arrival. -Drained water from air compressor tank and knockout tank. -Performed routine O&M activities. -Some oil leaked from air compressor. Checked levels. -System fully operational upon departure. -Apex off site. PILOT # 56 KANAPOLIS, NC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST O&M Date: 4/19/19 Apex Job #: 768490.030 Apex Staff: TMFisher ALARM CONDITIONS Description p Check Alarm Conditions Conditions/Comments AWS High Level OK Emergency Stop OK INFLUENT MANIFOLD AND WELL HEADS Recovery Well ID Measurement Conditions/Comments Manifold (in Hg) Well Head (in Hg) SVE-1 10 NA SVE-2 29 NA SVE-3 20 NA SVE Header Influent (in hg) 8.5 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Vacuum (in Hg) 8.5 Temperature (°F) 170 Vent Stack Pressure (in H2O) 9 Flow Meter (in scfm) 85 Check Filter Good Oil Level Good SVE Hours 49,748.5 Check Fittings for Leaks Yes PHASE SEPARATOR (Knockout(KO)) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Phase Separator Vacuum (in Hg) 8.5 Site Glass (clouding, scratched, etc.) Good Drained SVE tank Check Fittings for Leaks OK AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Air Compressor On at arrival Air Compressor Hours 24,562.5 Air Compressor (psi) 125 Air Compressor Temperature 82 Air Compressor Regulator (psi) 75 Air Flow (scfin) 18 Drain Pressure Tank No Auto drain functioning AIR SPARGE WELLS Air Sparge Well Pressure (psi) Air Flow (scfm) AS-1 25 7 AS-2 23 7 AS-3 30 6 AS-4 30 9 AS-5 Off Off AS-6 Off Off AS-7 Off Off AS-8 Off Off AS-9 Off Off AS-10 Off Off AS-11 Off Off AS-12 Off Off AS-13 Off Off AS-14 Off Off AS-15 Off Off AS-16 Off Off SYSTEM BUILDING AND COMPONENTS Description Measurement Conditions/Comments General Condition of Building OK Heater (Operating Temperature) 500 Exhaust Ventilation Fan 500 Working Manifold OK Overhead Lighting No Bulb out in compressor room Locks and Anchors Secure CONTROL PANEL (Building) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Electric Meter Reading (kWh) 529,327 Electric Meter Reading (max kW) NA Breaker Box Secure Additional Comments and Notes: -APEX on site. -All components operational upon arrival. -Drained phase separator. -Performed routine O&M activities. -System fully operational upon departure. -APEX off site. PILOT # 56 KANAPOLIS, NC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST O&M Date: 5/23/19 Apex Job #: 768490.030 Apex Staff: KAH ALARM CONDITIONS Description p Check Alarm Conditions Conditions/Comments AWS High Level OK Emergency Stop OK INFLUENT MANIFOLD AND WELL HEADS Recovery Well ID Measurement Conditions/Comments Manifold (in Hg) Well Head (in Hg) SVE-1 11.5 NA SVE-2 29.0 NA SVE-3 10.5 NA SVE Header Influent (in hg) 8.5 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Vacuum (in Hg) 8.5 Temperature (°F) 180 Vent Stack Pressure (in H2O) N/A Flow Meter (in scfm) 90 Check Filter Good Oil Level Good SVE Hours 50,556.9 Check Fittings for Leaks None PHASE SEPARATOR (Knockout(KO)) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Phase Separator Vacuum (in Hg) 8.0 Site Glass (clouding, scratched, etc.) Good Drained SVE tank Check Fittings for Leaks OK AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Air Compressor OFF Air Compressor Hours 25,261.1 Air Compressor (psi) 120 Air Compressor Temperature 80 Air Compressor Regulator (psi) 78 Air Flow (scfin) 17 Drain Pressure Tank Yes Auto drain functioning AIR SPARGE WELLS Air Sparge Well Pressure (psi) Air Flow (scfm) AS-1 27.0 8.4 AS-2 25.0 4.6 AS-3 33.0 5.4 AS-4 36.0 7.0 AS-5 Off Off AS-6 Off Off AS-7 Off Off AS-8 Off Off AS-9 Off Off AS-10 Off Off AS-11 Off Off AS-12 Off Off AS-13 Off Off AS-14 Off Off AS-15 Off Off AS-16 Off Off SYSTEM BUILDING AND COMPONENTS Description Measurement Conditions/Comments General Condition of Building OK Heater (Operating Temperature) 500 Exhaust Ventilation Fan 500 Working Manifold OK Overhead Lighting No Bulb out in compressor room Locks and Anchors Secure CONTROL PANEL (Building) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments T Electric Meter Reading (kWh) 543,304 Electric Meter Reading (max kW) NA Breaker Box Secure Additional Comments and Notes: -APEX on site. -Overcast 80°. -Air compressor not operational upon arrival. -Drained phase separator. -Left jug of coolant for compressor. -Some coolant leaking from compressor, need replacement filter. -Performed routine O&M activities. -System fully operational upon departure. -APEX off site. L, PILOT # 56 KANAPOLIS, NC OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST O&M Date: 6/19/19 Apex Job #: 768490.030 Apex Staff: KAH/JPC ALARM CONDITIONS Description p Check Alarm Conditions Conditions/Comments AWS High Level OK Emergency Stop OK INFLUENT MANIFOLD AND WELL HEADS Recovery Well ID Measurement Conditions/Comments Manifold (in Hg) Well Head (in Hg) SVE-1 12.5 NA SVE-2 29.0 NA SVE-3 10.5 NA SVE Header Influent (in hg) 9.5 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION (SVE) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Vacuum (in Hg) 9.0 Temperature (°F) 180 Vent Stack Pressure (in H2O) N/A Flow Meter (in scfm) 170 Check Filter Good Oil Level Good SVE Hours 51,206.2 Check Fittings for Leaks None PHASE SEPARATOR (Knockout(KO)) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Phase Separator Vacuum (in Hg) 8.0 Site Glass (clouding, scratched, etc.) Good Drained SVE tank Check Fittings for Leaks OK AIR SPARGE COMPRESSOR Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Air Compressor OFF Air Compressor Hours 25,383.4 Air Compressor (psi) 125 Air Compressor Temperature 80 Air Compressor Regulator (psi) 78 Air Flow (scfin) 19 Drain Pressure Tank Yes Auto drain functioning AIR SPARGE WELLS Air Sparge Well Pressure (psi) Air Flow (scfm) AS-1 27.0 6.8 AS-2 25.0 4.6 AS-3 35.0 5.6 AS-4 36.0 7.0 AS-5 Off Off AS-6 Off Off AS-7 Off Off AS-8 Off Off AS-9 Off Off AS-10 Off Off AS-11 Off Off AS-12 Off Off AS-13 Off Off AS-14 Off Off AS-15 Off Off AS-16 Off Off SYSTEM BUILDING AND COMPONENTS Description Measurement Conditions/Comments General Condition of Building OK Heater (Operating Temperature) 500 Exhaust Ventilation Fan 500 Working Manifold OK Overhead Lighting No Bulb out in compressor room Locks and Anchors Secure CONTROL PANEL (Building) Description Measurement Conditions/Comments Electric Meter Reading (kWh) 549,462 Electric Meter Reading (max kW) NA Breaker Box Secure Additional Comments and Notes: -APEX on site. -Overcast 80°. -Air compressor not operational upon arrival. -Drained phase separator. -Some coolant leaking from compressor, need replacement filter. -Performed routine O&M activities. -Took site and SW samples. -System fully operational upon departure. -APEX off site. L,