HomeMy WebLinkAbout22040_Metromont Concrete BF PC Approval 20191021From:Schmithorst, William L To:gjgodley@legacycre.com Cc:Scott, Michael; Nicholson, Bruce; Wahl, Tracy; Leonard, Laura; Watson, Samuel; Liggins, Shirley; Jesneck, Charlotte; Tatum, Katie; Macdonald, Janet K; Day, Collin; Lorscheider, Ellen; rmcgee@harthickman.com Subject:Approval to Proceed to Brownfields Public Notice - Metromont Concrete BF#22040-18-060 Date:Monday, October 21, 2019 1:18:00 PM Attachments:Metromont Concrete NBP for PC 20191018.pdfMetromont Concrete NI 20190923.docxMetromont Concrete Draft SNI 20191018.docximage001.png Dear Mr. Godley: Based on acceptance by the Prospective Developer of drafts of all four required brownfields documents -- the Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property (NI), Summary of Notice of Intent to Redevelop a Brownfields Property (SNI), Notice of Brownfields Property (NBP) and the Brownfields Agreement (Exhibit A to the NBP) -- and DEQ's approval of the plat component of the NBP, Prospective Developer may now proceed to the tasks required by NCGS § 130.310.34(a) in connection with the required public notice and comment period of at least 30 days regarding the subject brownfields project. Those tasks are as follows: 1. Publish the approved SNI in a newspaper of general circulation serving the area in which the brownfields property is located, 2. Conspicuously post a copy of the SNI at the brownfields property, 3. Mail or deliver the SNI to each owner of property contiguous to the brownfields property, 4. Provide a copy of the full NI to the local location where it will be available for public review as stated in the SNI, and 5. Provide a copy of the full NI, consisting of the one-page NI and the NBP with its three exhibits (the Brownfields Agreement, the survey plat, and the legal description), to all local governments having jurisdiction over the brownfields property. Pursuant to NCGS § 130.310.34.(b), the public comment period shall begin following completion of the above tasks. The NI and SNI, with a date filled in representing our belief as to how long it will take you to complete those tasks by October 24, 2019, are attached hereto. The comment period shall not end any sooner than 30 days after you complete the tasks. NCGS § 130.310.34(b) also requires the Prospective Developer to submit documentation of the public notices to DEQ prior to DEQ entering into a Brownfields Agreement. That documentation shall be submitted by promptly providing to me, preferably at william.schmithorst@ncdenr.gov or at Brownfields Program, 1646 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646, the following: Affidavit of publication of the SNI from the newspaper or a copy of the SNI published in the newspaper which shows the name of the newspaper and the date of publication, Photos of the SNI posted at the site, one close up to show the wording and one far enough to show the posting location relative to the property, Copies of the cover letters and copies of the mailing receipts stamped by the post office or copies of the delivery service receipts for the SNI sent to contiguous property owners, letter confirming receipt of the full NI from each local government entity and the entity where the document will be available for viewing or delivery confirmation from the carrier confirming such receipt by these entities. Thank you for your attention to these matters. If you have any questions or require additional information, you may contact me.