HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9503_40940_CA_LAB_20190228_TPH DRO Soil SampleSGS Orlando, FL Feb 28, 2019 19:59 pm Job Number: FA61658 Account: Thompson Geological Project: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Project Number: Hit Client Sample ID: CS-1 Lab Sample ID: FA61658-1 Date Sampled: 02/14/2019 Matrix: Soil GC/LC Semi-volatiles (SW846 8015C) TPH (C10-C28) mg/kg 15200 General Chemistry Solids, Percent % 72.6 file:///C/... ktop/Sites/Hernandez%20Property%20%2340940/MO-9503_40940_CA LAB_20190228_TPH%20DR0%2OSoi1%2OSample.htm[10/2/2019 9:27:54 AM] ffm Orlando, FL The results set forth herein are provided by SGS North America Inc. a-Hl ydcopy 2. Q Automated Report Technical Report for Thompson Geological 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC SGS Job Number: FA61658 Sampling Date: 02/ 14/ 19 Report to: Thompson Geological 2411 Lawyers Rd W Indian Trail, NC 28079 philip_thom@msn. com ATTN: Phil Thompson Total number of pages in report: 14 Ac F6 Test results contained within this data package meet the requirements Caitlin Brice, M. S. of the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program General Manager and/or state specific certification programs as applicable. Client Service contact: Muna Mohammed 407-425-6700 Certifications: FL(E83510), LA(03051), KS(E-10327), IL(200063), NC(573), NJ(FL002), NY(12022), SC(96038001) DoD ELAP(ANAB L2229), AZ(AZ0806), CA(2937), TX(T104704404), PA(68-03573), VA(460177), AK, AR, IA, KY, MA, MS, ND, NH, NV, OK, OR, UT, WA, WV This report shall not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written approval of SGS. Test results relate only to samples analyzed. SGS North America Inc. • 4405 Vineland Road • Suite C-15 • Orlando, FL 32811 • tel: 407-425-6700 SGS is the sole authority for authorizing edits or modifications to this document. Please share your ideas about Unauthorized modification of this report is strictly prohibited. how we can serve you better at: Review standard terms at: http://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions EHS.US.CustomerCare@sgs.com fax: 407-425-0707 1 of 14 FA61658 Sections: Table of Contents -1- Section1: Sample Summary................................................................................................... 3 Section 2: Case Narrative/Conformance Summary.............................................................. 4 Section3: Summary of Hits.................................................................................................... 5 Section4: Sample Results........................................................................................................ 6 4.1: FA61658-1: CS-1.......................................................................................................... 7 Section5: Misc. Forms............................................................................................................ 8 5.1: Chain of Custody........................................................................................................... 9 Section 6: GC/LC Semi-volatiles - QC Data Summaries..................................................... 11 6.1: Method Blank Summary................................................................................................ 12 6.2: Blank Spike Summary................................................................................................... 13 6.3: Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary........................................................... 14 W, SGS North America Inc. Sample Summary Thompson Geological 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Job No: FA61658 Sample Collected Matrix Client Number Date Time By Received Code Type Sample I D FA61658-1 02/14/19 16:15 PT 02/16/19 SO Soil CS-1 Soil samples reported on a dry weight basis unless otherwise indicated on result page. 6 3of14 FA61658 SAMPLE DELIVERY GROUP CASE NARRATIVE Client: Thompson Geological Job No: FA61658 Site: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Report Date 2/28/2019 7:50:33 PM 1 Sample(s), 0 Trip Blank(s) and 0 Field Blank(s) were collected on 02/14/2019 and were received at SGS North America Inc - Orlando on 02/16/2019 properly preserved, at 2.6 Deg. C and intact. These Samples received an SGS Orlando job number of FA61658. A listing of the Laboratory Sample ID, Client Sample ID and dates of collection are presented in the Results Summary Section. Except as noted below, all method specified calibrations and quality control performance criteria were met for this job. For more information, please refer to QC summary pages. GC/LC Semi-volatiles By Method SW846 8015C Matrix: SO Batch ID: OP73896 All samples were extracted within the recommended method holding time. All samples were analyzed within the recommended method holding time. Sample(s) FA61685-1AMS, FA61685-IAMSD were used as the QC samples indicated. All method blanks for this batch meet method specific criteria. Matrix Spike Duplicate Recovery(s) for TPH (C 10-C28) are outside control limits. Probable cause is due to matrix interference. Sample(s) FA61658-1 have surrogates outside control limits. Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. Sample(s) FA61658-1 are outside limits due to dilution. FA61658-1: Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. OP73896-MB for o-Terphenyl: Outside control limits. General Chemistry By Method SM19 2540G Matrix: SO Batch ID: GN81155 Sample(s) FA61658-1DLTP were used as the QC samples for Solids, Percent. SGS Orlando certifies that this report meets the project requirements for analytical data produced for the samples as received at SGS Orlando and as stated on the COC. SGS Orlando certifies that the data meets the Data Quality Objectives for precision,accuracy and completeness as specified in the SGS Orlando Quality Manual except as noted above. This report is to be used in its entirety. SGS Orlando is not responsible for any assumptions of data quality if partial data packages are used. Narrative prepared by: Courtney A. Hulce, QA Coordinator (signature on file) 6 4of14 FA61658 Summary of Hits Job Number: FA61658 Account: Thompson Geological Project: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Collected: 02/ 14/ 19 Lab Sample ID Client Sample ID Result/ Analyte Qual RL MDL Units Method FA61658-1 CS-1 TPH (C 10-C28) a 15200 3400 1700 mg/kg SW846 8015C (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. Page 1 of 1 6 5of14 FA61658 FM Orlando, FL Sample Results Report of Analysis Section 4 6 6of14 FA61658 SGS North America Inc. Report of Analysis Client Sample ID: CS-1 Lab Sample ID: FA61658-1 Date Sampled: 02/14/19 Matrix: SO - Soil Date Received: 02/ 16/ 19 Method: SW846 8015C SW846 3546 Percent Solids: 72.6 Project: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Page 1 of 1 File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch Run #1 a WW19229.D 500 02/26/19 21:30 SJL 02/21/19 12:15 OP73896 GWW796 Run #2 Initial Weight Final Volume Run # 1 20.4 g 1.0 ml Run #2 CAS No. Compound Result TPH (C10-C28) 15200 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Run# 1 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 0% b (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. (b) Outside control limits due to dilution. RL MDL Units Q 3400 1700 mg/kg Run# 2 Limits 56-122% ND = Not detected MDL = Method Detection Limit J = Indicates an estimated value RL = Reporting Limit B = Indicates analyte found in associated method blank E = Indicates value exceeds calibration range N = Indicates presumptive evidence of a compound 6 7of14 FA61658 ffm Orlando, FL Misc. Forms i IN Section 5 Custody Documents and Other Forms Includes the following where applicable: • Chain of Custody 6 8of14 FA61658 I��.w1✓ �.ra..�.. Accutest Laboratories Southeast LA�'�5 Chain of Custody ACCUTEST JOB #: r' PAGE OF ® 4405 Vineland Road, Suite C-15 Orlando, FI "all TEL 407-425-6700 FAX: 407-425.0707 Accutest Quote # SKIFF # —.aGClIfe61-C, Client I Reporting Information Project Information Analytical Information Matrix Codes Com an Name t oStreet Project Name, ,y j� DW - D1inking GW • Ground Water W W —Water SW - Surface Water -Soil Sludge OI - Oil LIO - Other Liquid Address �a it ;1L CI % r State Zi 6;1 tice e �G c 10 Project Contact all 4 7' rcrSO Project# IS Phone # 7� 7� Faa #SL- Sampler(s) Name(e) (Printed) Sampler 1: Sampler 2: Client Purchase Order # AcCDleel Sample # Field ID I Point of Collecdon COLLECTION CONTAINER INFORMATION DATE TIME aA BD BY: MATRX TOTAL# BOTTLES N 9 $ d �� S LAB LISE ONLY Turnaround Time Business days) Data elltw In ormatEon Cpmmen�1.marks Sid, 10 Business Days Approved By: I DatelRush Code: 7 De RUSH S Day RUSH MERGENCY 2 Day EMERGENCY i Day EMERGENCY Other Emergency or Rush TIA Data Available VIA Email or Lablink COMMERCIAL "A" (RESULTS ONLY) COMMERCIAL "B" (RESULTS PLUS QC) []REDT1 (EPA LEVEL 3) FULLT1(EPA LEVEL 4) EDD'S .�. sample Custody must be documented below sac time aam es chap a possession, Including courier elive . Renrlah d by SemplerlAfffllatlon 1 `' Dete Time: zd Received B Ilatlo _ �f" 2 : 5- Relinquls d ByIA Ila n _ — 3 � • Date Time: 7/ /e4e Reaeiv ylA Ilatlon 4 tJ Relinquished by/Aiatlon 6 Ime: Received BylAfflliatlon S Relinquished BylAfflllation 7 Date Time: Received BylA filiatlon e Lab Use Onl : Custody Seal In Place: Y N Temp Blank Provided: Y N Preserved Where Applicable: Y N Total # of Coolers; talus: FA61658: Chain of Custody Page 1 of 2 dail 9of14 FA61658 SGS Sample Receipt Summary Job Number: FA61658 Client: THOMPSON GEOLOGIC Project: 9901 RD Date / Time Received: 2/16/2019 10:00:00 AM Delivery Method: FX Airbill Vs: 1015907012260003281100812575718741 Therm ID: IR 1; Therm CF: -0.2; Cooler Temps (Raw Measured) °C: Cooler 1: (2.8); Cooler Temps (Corrected) °C: Cooler 1: (2.6); Cooler Information 1. Custody Seals Present 2. Custody Seals Intact 3. Temp criteria achieved 4. Cooler temp verification 5. Cooler media Trio Blank Information 1. Trip Blank present / cooler 2. Trip Blank listed on COC 3. Type Of TB Received # of Coolers: 1 Y or N Sample Information Y or N N/A ❑d ❑ 1. Sample labels present on bottles ❑J ❑ ❑J ❑ 2. Samples preserved properly W ❑ ❑,i ❑ 3. Sufficient volume/containers recvd for analysis: ❑d ❑ IR Gun 4. Condition of sample Intact Ice (Bao 5. Sample recvd within HT 0 ❑ 6. Dates/Times/IDs on COC match Sample Label ❑� ❑ Y or N N/A 7. VOCs have headspace ❑ ❑ W ❑ ❑ W 8. Bottles received for unspecified tests ❑ ❑d ❑ ❑ W 9. Compositing instructions clear ❑ ❑ ❑d W S N/A 10. Voa Soil Kits/Jars received past 48hrs? ❑ ❑ ❑� or 11. % Solids Jar received? ❑ ❑ ❑d ❑ ❑ W 12. Residual Chlorine Present? Misc. Information Number of Encores: 25-Gram 5-Gram Number of 5035 Field Kits: Test Strip Lot #s: pH 0-3 230315 pH 10-12 219813A Residual Chlorine Test Strip Lot #: comments smool Technician: PETERH Date: 2/16/2019 10:00:00 A Re, Date 05/24/17 Number of Lab Filtered Metals: Other: (Specify) Reviewer: Date: FA61658: Chain of Custody Page 2 of 2 6 10 of 14 FA61658 i Sri$ - Orlando, FL Section 6 GC/LC Semi-volatiles QC Data Summaries Includes the following where applicable: • Method Blank Summaries • Blank Spike Summaries • Matrix Spike and Duplicate Summaries 0 6 11 of 14 FA61658 Method Blank Summary Job Number: FA61658 Account: TGNCIT Thompson Geological Project: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP73896-MB WW19227.1) 1 02/26/19 SJL 02/21/19 OP73896 GWW796 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C FA61658-1 CAS No. Compound Result RL MDL Units Q TPH (C 10-C28) ND 5.0 2.5 mg/kg CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 52%* a 56-122% (a) Outside control limits. 6 12 of 14 FA61658 Blank Spike Summary Job Number: FA61658 Account: TGNCIT Thompson Geological Project: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Page 1 of 1 Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP73896-BS WW19226.1) 1 02/26/19 SJL 02/21/19 OP73896 GWW796 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C FA61658-1 CAS No. Compound TPH (C 10-C28) CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl * = Outside of Control Limits. Spike BSP BSP mg/kg mg/kg % Limits 50 36.6 73 62-116 BSP Limits 76% 56-122% 6 13 of 14 FA61658 Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate Summary Page 1 of 1 Job Number: FA61658 Account: TGNCIT Thompson Geological Project: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Sample File ID DF Analyzed By Prep Date Prep Batch Analytical Batch OP73896-MS WW19231.13 5 02/26/19 SJL 02/21/19 OP73896 GWW796 OP73896-MSD WW19232.D 5 02/26/19 SJL 02/21/19 OP73896 GWW796 FA61685-IA a WW19230.D 5 02/26/19 SJL 02/21/19 OP73896 GWW796 The QC reported here applies to the following samples: Method: SW846 8015C FA61658-1 FA61685-1A Spike MS MS Spike MSD MSD Limits CAS No. Compound mg/kg Q mg/kg mg/kg % mg/kg mg/kg % RPD Rec/RPD TPH (C10-C28) 136 56.5 185 87 56.2 151 27* b 20 62-116/35 CAS No. Surrogate Recoveries MS MSD FA61685-1A Limits 84-15-1 o-Terphenyl 74% 68% 66% 56-122% (a) Associated MB surrogates outside control limits. (b) Outside control limits due to high level in sample relative to spike amount. * = Outside of Control Limits. 6 14 of 14 FA61658 Beverly, Trudy From: Philip Thompson <philip_thom@msn.com> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 9:17 AM To: Beverly, Trudy Subject: Re: [External] Fw: SGS e-Hardcopy 2.0 Report FA61658: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC, sampled on 02/14/2019 1 email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an report.spam@nc.gov I will prepare another one for you, I am sure I sent one. From: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 12:56 PM To: Philip Thompson <philip_thom@msn.com> Subject: RE: [External] Fw: SGS e-Hardcopy 2.0 Report FA61658: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC, sampled on 02/14/2019 Phil, Do you have a UST-61? Thanks, Trudy Trudy Beverly, L.G. Hydrogeologist Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality UST Section, Mooresville Regional Office 704.235.2182 (Office) Trudy. Beverly@ncdenr.gov Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Office Mailing Address: 610 East Center Avenue, Suite 301 Mooresville, NC 28115 Branch's Underground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust Branch's Above Ground Storage Tanks Website Address: https://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/ast-program INTERACTIVE MAPS WITH DWM SITES AND PERMITTED FACILITIES: httr)s://deo.nc.aov/about/divisions/waste-management/waste-management-rules-data/waste-management-ais-maps File Review Procedures: https://deg.nc.gov/about/divisions/waste-management/ust/file-review-procedures#mooresviIIe-regional-office ONLINE ACCESS TO UST SECTION DOCUMENTS (Laserfiche): https://edocs.dea.nc.gov/WasteManaaement/Search.asr)x Document Submittal & UST File Names for Laserfiche Policies: https://files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Waste%20Management/DW M/UST/Corrective%2OAction/Electronic%2ODocument%2OSubmittal%20Memo%20Update.pdf https:Hfiles.nc.gov/ncdeq/W aste%2OManagement/D WM/UST/Corrective°/u2OAction/UST%20file%20names%20for%2OLaserfiche.docx From: Philip Thompson [mailto:philip_thom@msn.com] Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 8:25 AM To: Beverly, Trudy <trudy.beverly@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Fw: SGS e-Hardcopy 2.0 Report FA61658: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC, sampled on 02/14/2019 ��report.spam@nc.gov rnal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an Here is the sampling data for 9901 Harrisburg Road From: Philip Thompson <philip thom@msn.com> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 7:43 PM To: concordindustrial@ctc.net <concordindustrial@ctc.net> Subject: Fw: SGS e-Hardcopy 2.0 Report FA61658: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC, sampled on 02/14/2019 Lab From: SGS LabLink Orlando FL <ehs.lablink@sgs.com> Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 12:59 AM To: philip thom@msn.com Subject: SGS e-Hardcopy 2.0 Report FA61658: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC, sampled on 02/14/2019 Enclosed is the e-Hardcopy 2.0 report for the following SGS job: FA61658: 9901 Harrisburg Rd, Charlotte, NC Received: 02/16/2019 7 day TAT Thompson Geological The attached PDF file contains your report; 14 pages. Report includes QC summaries. The scanned chain of custody is also included in this report. NOTE: This PDF contains complete COMMBN deliverables. No paper report will be mailed. A RESULT SUMMARY TABLE is also attached in HTM format. This file can be opened as a web page -or- it can be saved to disk and opened using Excel. Address questions/changes to your project manager at the link below: Muna Mohammed muna.mohammed ansas.com NOTE: This PDF file is an e-Hardcopy 2.0 report. It is a complete, self-contained report with bookmarks, table of contents, and section markers, all with hypertext links for ease of navigation. We believe you will find it to be the most easy to use data package in the industry. SGS LabUnV Celebrating 20 Years On -Line - 1996-2016 This message is confidential and intended solely for the use of the addressee and may contain material protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you have received this in error and any use, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this message is prohibited. Information in this email and any attachments is confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed or otherwise directed. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the Company. Finally, the recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The Company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. All SGS services are rendered in accordance with the applicable SGS conditions of service available on request and accessible at https://www.sgs.com/en/terms-and-conditions