HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCB0049_Brawley School Road Deed Acknowledgement and ConsentGk0973PG0647 E= ELED IRI PELL COUNTY 96 EE3 -2 AM 1It 43 m p v ca a m a NORTH CAROLINA 0001.39 IREDELL COUNTY ACKNOWLEDGMENT AND CONSENT D. BELL The undersigned, Marto Corporation, a North Carolina corporation, and Monticello -Jefferson Corp., a North Carolina Corporation, in accordance with the provisions of N.C.G.S 130A-294 and 15A NCAC 13B.1703, acknowledge that they are the owners of the real property located in Davidson Township, Iredell County, North Carolina, and more specifically described on Schedule A attached hereto. The undersigned further acknowledge and consent to the use of coal combustion by-products as structural fill on the real property described on Schedule A. The volume of coal combustion by-products placed on this property is estimated to be 102,575 tons. The undersigned further agree to record this document as required by 15A NCAC 13B.1707. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Marlo Corporation has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its President and attested by its Secretary with its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and Monticello -Jefferson Corp. has caused this instrument to be signed in its corporate name by its President and attested by its Secretary with its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, this �a�G�day of , 1996. oxri4nfia�a:GPga,j�3 •s' iRPflllIN`PI, "SE ) ATTEST: Sddretary .tie+�i's:iid:33ii1✓rr y�j➢ .,. ATTEST: SEAL) __P n MARLO CORPORATION BY: President MONTICELLO-JEFFERSON CORP. cretary BK0973PG0648 NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. I ` �, Notary Pu Iic of the Count and State aforesaid certify that Y personally came before me this day and ac ovule ged that � he is Secretary of Marlo Corporation, a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by its Secret . Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this an day of 1996. 0A Notary Public My:oWission Expires: a NORTH CAROLINA, IREDELL COUNTY. I, e , a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid certify and ackno led d that the iJ. s' personally came before me this day a North Carolina Secretary of Monticello --Jefferson Corp., corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing instrument was signed in its name by its President, sealed with its corporate seal and attested by as its lSecretary. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this YA day of ' 1996. Notary Public My Commission Expires: BK0973PG0649 The foregoing Certificate(s) of M K. are certified to be correct. This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Page shown on the first page hereof. i I �, - r'M-4 REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR IREDELL COUNTY MapaVy/Assistant-Register of Deeds. BK0973PG0650 SCHEDULE A A tract of land containing approximately 3.93 acres located just north of Brawley School Road (before relocation) and just west of U.S. Highway No. 21 and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east side of the proposed Brawley School Road Relocation, said point being located North 61 deg. 17 min. 50 sec. West 231.07 feet from the northeast corner of Lot No. 83 of the Windsor Woods Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book on page in the office of the Register of Deeds of Iredell County; thence the following bearings and distances: (1) North 87 deg. 33 min. 09 sec. East 16.07 feet (2) South 30 deg. 03 min. 12 sec. East 74.23 feet (3) South 63 deg. 51 min. 00 sec. East 49.69 feet (4) South 43 deg. 40 min. 57 sec. East 108.21 feet (5) South 39 deg. 07 min. 24 sec. West 134.37 feet (6) South 30 deg. 35 min. 06 sec. West 110.86 feet (7) South 50 deg. 50 min. 52 sec. West 78.00 feet (8) South 62 deg. 38 min. 57 sec. West 111.97 feet (9) South 71 deg. 45 min. 51 sec. West 103.42 feet (10) South 86 deg. 41 min. 45 sec. West 73.16 feet (11) North 72 deg. 10 min. 06 sec. West 26.17 feet (12) North 61 deg. 17 min. 38 sec. West 146.68 feet (13) North 05 deg. 07 min. 34 sec. East 98.28 feet (14) North 20 deg. 34 min. 37 sec. East 60.85 feet (15) North 30 deg. 23 min. 09 sec. East 63.35 feet (16) North 81 deg. 25 min. 30 sec. East 21.63 feet (17) North 61 deg. 07 min. 28 sec. East 98.24 feet (18) North 84 deg. 32 min. 08 sec. East 138.30 feet (19) North 70 deg. 48 min. 42 sec. East 50.09 feet (20) North 40 deg. 16 min. 05 sec. East 79.35 feet (21) North 33 deg. 28 min. 48 sec. East 86.14 feet ( See map on next page) BKO913PGO65