HomeMy WebLinkAboutMO-9180_40691_CA_UST-3_19980919ct GW/UST-3 Notice of Intent: UST Permanent Closure or Change -In -Service j FOR Retum Completed Form To: State Use Only TANKS The appropriate DWO Regional Office according to the county of the facility's 1. D. Number IN location. (SEE REVERSE SIDE OF OWNER'S COPY (PINKS FOR REGIONAL Date Received �] (� OFFICE ADDRESS]. INSTRUCTIONS Complete and return at least five (5) working days prior to closure or change -in -Service if a Professional,Engineer (P.E.) or a Licensed Geologist (L.G.) provides supervision for closure or change -in-service site assessment activities and signs and seals all closure reports. Otherwise, thirty (30) days notice is required. L :aWNERSHIP OF TANK(S) II. LOCATION OFTANK(S} 11 Tank Owner Name: O e �^� �� Facility Name or Company:��ovaiSh /� �.✓ C tcwPx8b0 1M*VbL LPw*: Aq Street Address:_7i '� '!7O / ,�iJ�, a 9 S Facility ID # (if available): O �OD BLOC County: � r�—S Street Address or State Road: 770 �� `i Soo City: Stater ;TB� Zip Code2S— County: City Zip Code �7s - ��= � -- Tele. No. (Area Code): �f Tele. No. (Area Code): 22K ' Ill. CONTACT PERSON Name: iJob Title: a Telephone Number.O 2 IV. TANK REMOVAL, CLOSURE IN PLACE, CHANGE -IN-SERVICE 1. Contact Local Fire Marshall. 2. Plan the entire closure event. 3. Conduct Site Soil Assessments. 4. If Removing Tanks or Closing in Place refer to API Publications 2015 "Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks" & 1604 "Removal & Disposal of Used Under- ground Petroleum Storage Tanks". 5. Provide a sketch locating piping, tanks and soil sampling locations. 6. Submit a closure report in the format of GW/UST-12 and include the form GW/UST-2 within 30 days following the site investigation. 7. If a release from the tank(s) has occurred, the site assessment portion of the tank closure must be conducted under the supervision of a P.E. or L.G., with all closure site assessment reports bearing signature and seal of the P.E. or L.G. If a release has not occurred, the supervision, signature, or seal of a P.E. or LG. is not required. 8. Keep closure records for 3 years. V. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY: (Contractor) Name: C L di•ct Address: �_ GY/� Y� ' �G,1"10 State: 04/ • G • Zip Code: .� Contact: A1�-e—.c� S 1�--°7 Phone: 8 " .✓�� Cif lna� Primary Consultant: Phone: VI. TANKS SCHEDULED FOR CLOSURE OR CHANGE -IN-SERVICE TANK ID# TANK CAPACITY LAST CONTENTS PROPOSED ACTIVITY CLOSURE CHANGE-1N-SERVICE 3r DOD e— et L 45SAO A4110- Removal Abandonment In Place New Contents Stored ® C� �� O — VII. OWNER OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Print name and official title QJVe'!!; N , 4-4 ' 'Scheduled Removal Date:�� Cinnn?rn-l-%1 l 1'.O 1/11 r Slam_ Date Submitted: n If scheduled work date changes, notify your appropriate DWO Regional bffice 48 hours prior to originally scheduled date. GWIUST-3 (Rev. 10/96) White Copy - Regional Office Yellow Copy - Central Office Pink Copy - Owner