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MO-7444_36096_I_MISINSP_20000721_UST Tank Inspections Oct1999-July2000
To: North Carolina - Brian Murphy From: Melissa Frazer Fax: (704)663-6040 Wages: 6, including this coven sheet Phone: (704)663-1699 Date: July 21, 2000 Re: Canceling Suspected Releases CC: Stare Compliance Files ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Comments: 10061 0-016875 2305 S YORK ROAD SOUTH YORK RD & HUDSON BLVD IGASTONIA JGASTON I RUL -- ------ =-.._._ ....................... ---- ................_......_...... - -- _ �,....... - 0102 0-011084 2825 LANE STREET LANE STREET & 1-85 EXIT 63 KANNAPQLIS CABARRUS ;_RUL - MITHFIELD JOHNSTON `DSLI MUL 0120 ".....0.023565 _ 1716 E. MAR�C1_7 ST, - US 70 & 1�5 EXIT 95 S 812601 __ ;1004 W t 00SEVELT W R=LVELT & STAFFORD wdO 10-008306 RQE UNION UL MI 8167 10----Md 1321 EAST INNES ST I-85 & 52 E I& St & 1-85 EXIT 76 SALISBUP ROWAN KER Attached, please find the underground storage tank (UST) system test results. The following location was reported as a suspected releases on June 29, 2000 due to Statistical Inventory Reconciliation (SIR) May's results. The attached tank test results verify the integrity of the UST system and disprove the suspected release. Unless otherwise notified by your office, Speedway SuperAmerica LLC will consider this suspected release disproved. If you have any question or require further documentation, please call me at (937) 864-3000, extension 7722- Thank you for your assistance. From.. . Speedway SuperAmerica LLC 600 Speedway Drive Exion, OR 45323 Phone: 937/864-3000, cxt. 7722 Fax: 937/322-7550 199-d 90/10'd Z99-1 89 2k981Ee 1V1008IAN3 011 VSS-wog j mdI1:Z0 00-1Z-10 Jul-21—�OQ �1�C��3A CERTIFICATE OF UNDERG,�F'.�.OUNQ STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESTING aao. SHOAL hnk au�y Q AUSTIN YI= AS 78757 (512)481.6394 F'AX (512) 459-146D TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TEST TYPE; VacuTeat PURPOSS: S. p, 'PEST GATE_ 07/06/00 CUSTOMER PO- WORK ORDER NUMBER! 911s756 GUENT: SPEEDMy STjpER RxCA LLC SITE; Spg>J wAy #0102 P.O. nox 1500 2825 LANE STREvr SPRrNGFYELDr OH 45601 KAMNAPOLIS, NC 28083 P_01 PEE- FECHER MGR (937)864-3000 ext. 6512 (704)938-6800 The following Ics;(:q) ware: conducfod aL the site .rbovo in aCrordance with a f upplicable pUrtlows at' Federal, NT"PA and meal rUgulatinnk Tank Tests night, when you need us. Tenktivlagy representative: MIM rrA. MA Reviewed: Line and Leak Detector Tests Test conducted by: LLOYD PrUTERBQN Technician Certification Number: 199-d 90/£0'd Z09-1 99V1V991E6 1V1N20 1AN3 311 VSS-woad WdZ1:Z0 00-1Z-10 Fax To; North Carolina -- Brian Murphy From: Melissa Frazer Fax-, (704)663-6040 Pages: 1, including this cover sheet Phone: (704)663-1699 Date, June 29, 2000 Re: Reporting of Suspected Releases CC: Store Compliance Files 0 Urgent Il For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Comments: Attached, please find information regarding suspected releases that are reported to your office due to statistical inveiatozy reconciliation (STIR) Non -Passing for the following locations: 0061 .0-016875 SOUTH YORK RE) & i GASTONIA I GASTON I RUL p102 0-Q1 t 084 LANE STREET & 1-85 KANNAPOLIS .............................. ............. �.JG..O.A...HBNASRTROI JNS.....,_I�ULL- - 1US-70&1--9.5—ExIT.9.5 ISMITHFIELD .DR /-M--L-- I $126 JO-00$306 W ROOSEVELTSc �MUNROE TtJNION rMtJL 8167 Q-018401 E INNES ST & i�85 EXIT ISALISBURY ROWAN KER Our maintenance department has conducted a thorough site investigation for evidence of leakage, faulty equipment and operator error that may have contributed to these SIR failures. Nothing has been identified as the, cause of the failure and the above tanks will ir=ediat0y be scheduled for a tightness test of the tank and lines. If you have arty questions, please call me at (937) 864-3000, extension 7722, Thank you for your assistance. From.... Speedway SuperA erica LLC 600 Speedway Drive Enon, OH 45323 Phone: 937/864-3000, exit. 7722 Fax: 937/322-7550 229-d I0/I0'd 0-1 89VIV982£6 1V33NOdIAN3 011 VSS-woad wdye:IO DO-OZ-90 L- 0dO�A 7!1 To: North Ca:rohm — Brian Murphy Froin: Melissa Frazer Fax: (704)663-6040 Pages: 2, including this cover sheet Phone; (704)663-1699 Date: May 31, 2000 Re: canceling Suspected Releases CC: Store Compliance Files © Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please COmmeuit 0 Please Reply d Please Recycle Comments: 0102 0�011084 I AiV>T STREET & 1-65 i..... CABARRUS KER NC Attached, please find the underground storage tank (UST) system test results. The following location was reported as a suspected releases on May 12,2000 due to Statistical Inventory Reconciliation SIR results. The attached tank test results verify the integrity of the UST system and disprove the suspected release. Unless otherwise notified by your office, Speedway superAmerica LLC will consider this suspected release disproved. If you have any question or require further documentation, please call me at (937) 864-300D, extension 7722_ Thank you for your assistance. Fiona.... Speedway SuperAmerica LLC 500 Speedway Diivc Enon, OH 45323 Phone: 937/864-3000, ext. 7722 Fax: 937/322-7550 269-:1 i0/10'd 966-1 89VIV98266 1V1NHWAN3 011 VSS-moat mdg0:g0 00-IE-90 CERTIFICATE OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SYSTEM TESTING gfop TenMU*W 8900 SHOAL Qrt�Ek. gUILDING 200 AUSTIM, Tr±YA8 79797 (512) 451-6334 FAX (512) 459-1459 TEST RESULT SITE SUMMARY REPORT TESTTYPE,. 9-are Test TEST DATE: 05/18/00 CUSTOMER PO: CLIENT: SPEEDWAY S1VPnnMMRXCA LLC P.O. Box 1500 gpRINGFIELD, OH 45501 PEO FECHER (937)864-3000 ext. 6512 PURPOSE: SIR WORK ORDER NUMBER: 9118326 SITE: RP323313WAY #0102 2825 LANE STREET XANN"OLIS, NC 28083 MGR (704)938-6800 The following test(s) were conducted at the site above in accordance with all applicable portions of Fcdcral, NT-PA and local regulations Tank Tests ':TANk """90AP th as 4,000 64.00 PASS -0.009 PASS Line and Leak Detector Tests II 10 il P�A N' t. T,, E CyC PAK 1' rJ p, )ITj lwdbo 6VAPESM L .1 144 I ENE 0.000 Toaknology approciates the opportunity to gerve you, and Io6kg rorward to working with you in the future. Please call any titne, day or night, when you need U9. Tanknology representative; Test conducted by: MIKE MAZZA GLESTON MARCELLZ Reviewed: 00W oor - �- Technician Certification Number: GEED 03.45 Printed 05/24/2000 12;50 KOHLM EYER 269-d ?0/Z0 A 906-1 8PIV98286 IVANWAN3 011 VSS-woad Wd90:V0 00-18-90 FaX To: North Carolina— Brian Murphy From: M,-Jissa Frazer Fax: (704)663-6040 Wages: t, including this cover sheet Phone: (704)663-1699 Date: May 12, 2000 Re: Reporting of Suspected Releases CC: ❑ Urgent © For Review ❑ Please Comment Store Compliance Files ❑ PIease Reply 0 Please Recycle comments: .Attached, Please find inforrnation regarding suspected releases that are reported to your office due to statistical inventory reconciliatian (SIR) Non -passing for the following locations: 0102 10-011Q84 I LAME STREET & I-85 EXIT 63 1 KANNAVULI LHrsr�r r pur maintenance department has conducted a thorough site investigation for evidence of leakage, faulty equipment and operator error that may have contributed to these SIR failures. Nothing has been identified as the cause of the failure and the above tanks will immediately be scheduled for a tightness test of the tank and lines. If you have any question, please call me at (937) 864-3000, extension 7722. Thank you for your assistance. From.... Speedway SuperAmedca LLC 600 Speedway Drive Enon, OH 45323 'hone: 937/864-3000, ext. 7722 Fait: 937/322-7550 V80-d IO/10'd Z61-1 89VIV98166 IYMNOWN3 011 VSS-woad Wd6Z:80 00-ZI-90 11-12-C9 11:47am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 9378647468 T-307 P-01/08 F-977 [� �i � 40 on To: North Carolina — Brian Mummy From: Mike Dobie Fax- (704)663-6040 Pages: , including this cover sheet phone: (704)663-1699 Date: November 12, 1999 Re: Canceling Suspected Releases CC: Store Compliance Files [J Urgent 13 For Review 0 Please Comment © Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Comments: Attached, please find the underground storage tank (UST) system test results. The following location was reported as a suspected releases on October 15,1999 due to Statistical Inventory Reconciliation SIR results. The attached tank test rEsults verify the integrity of tho UST system and disprove the suspected release. Unless otherwise notified by your office, Speedway SuperArnerica t.LO will consider this suspected release disproved. If you have any question or require further documentation, please call me at (937) 864-3000, extension 7722. Thank you for your assistance. 'I,N,Y,r}�1Tri J�Ur*+`(l•... ra..-ritI. a t m„�::,}�.�� ��� ,� �,.�,>.. „ . .. 10102 ! 0-0110$4 .(2825 LANE: STREET KANNAPOLIS CA...... S l LJL ! _ —_ .17161 MARKET ST SM__ITHFIELD— ,JOHNSTON I KER I V _ 012a 0-023565 rt._......... .m.. I. 1 _ EAST NN - -..... . RdWAN RUL ! B,G It31C7 U-018�F01 1321 EAST lNNES ST I-85 & 52 SALISl3UaY __............ FIOV1.... speedway SuperAmeizca LLC 500 Speedway Drive Enon, ON 45323 Phone, 937/864-3000, ext. 7722 Fax: 937/322-7550 11-12-99 11:49am AAA Tank Testers 5600 Oakbrook Parkway, Suite 120 Norcross, GA 30093 (770) 441-1160 Toll ;Free (800) 749-2219 Data Completed: 10/20/1999 From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 937864T468 T-307 P.07/08 F-977 Invoice Number: 199906405 Bill To: SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERICA LLC Test Site: Speedway 0102 P. 0. Box 1500 2825 Lane Street Springfield OH 45501 Kannapolis NC 28081 CERTIFICATE OF TEST RESULTS Certified test results for the test site are summarized below. Testing has been conducted in accordance with all federal and local regulations. TANK TEST RESULTS Tank: Type of Test Product Tank I "1-anK I lam tcsi vo�umc V1IA�jV Ab »w Capacity Diameter Result Change I SYstem 5000 inegular Unleaded 1 16,000 120 PASS hUA PASS LINE AND LEAK DETECTOR TEST RESULTS Tank Line7ype: Product Volume Line Test ROSults Leak I Detector LeakMAeCtOr Results Serial# rhange___L Pressure Regular Unleaded -0.003 PASS Yes I PASS 50899-7218 Comments: Test conducted by: William Boulware! Technician Certification Number GAA0104CO91499 TEXT UPDATC-D IN DATA° E to Technlcian'S signature 11-1:-95 11:50am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 9378647468 T-307 P.08/08 F-977 AAA Tank Testers 5600 Oakbrook Parkway, Suite 120 Norcross, GA 30093 (770) 441-1160 Toll Free (800) 749-2219 Facility: Speedway #102 Tank #: 1 Line #: 1 Test Date: 10/20/1999 Product: Regular Unleaded Work #• 199906405 Test Method: System 5000 Capacity: 15000 Diameter (in): 120 Product Level (in): 63 Liquid Volume (gals): 7774 Liquid percent (%): 52% Specific Gravity: 0.75 Coer. of Expansion: 0.000654 Water on Tani; (in): 0 Water in Tank (in): 0 Product Temp. (F): Head Pressure (psi): 1.64 Test Start Time: 1:45 AM Test End Time: 1:46 AM Test rate (gph): N/A Test Result: PASS Calibration 1: 0 Calibration 2: 0 Calibration 3: 0 Calibration Avg: 0 Test Method, System 5000 Ullage volume (gals): 7226 1Jllage Test Time: 1.45 AM Ullage vacuum (psi): 2.64 Ullage Result: PASS Test Method: LDT 890 Manufacturer: Red Jacket LID Model: 116-056 DD Serial #: 50899-7218 Line Drain Baek (ml): 120 L/D Trip Time (sec): 3 Holding Pressure (psi): 21 Metering Pressure: 10 L/D Test rate (&ph): 3.17 LID Result): PASS Test Method: Petro -Tate Pump Brand: Red Jacket System Type: Pressure Line Pressure (psi): 50 Line Start Time: 1:00 AM Line End Time: 2:00 AM Line Start Level: 0.041 Line End Level: 0.038 Line Test rate (gph): -0.003 Line Tact Result: PASS 10-15-99 01:41pm From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 9378647468 7-909 P.01/01 F-085 To: North Carolina — Brian Murphy From: Mike Dobie Fax: (704)663-6040 Pages: 1, including this cover sheet Phone: (704)663-1699 Date: October 15,1999 Re: Reporting of Suspected Releases M. Store Compliance Files ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review 0 Please Comment ❑ .Please Reply O Please Recycle Comments: Attached, please find information rcgarding suspected releases that are reported to your office due to statistical inventory reconciliation (SIR) Non -Passing for the following locations: 0102 0-011084 2825 LANE STREET KANNAPOLIS CABARRUS RUL / C 0120 ; 0-023565 1716 E. MARKET S7 SMITHFIELD JOHNSTON f -- / ET --........� __..�I . __.._.R _..._.._..... ..._....,..._ 8167 0 018401 1321 EAST INNES ST I-85 & 52 SALISBURY a ROWAN RUL / 6,C __... _ ............. —--._...�....—__...._......, - _ ...,.. _-- . ,...,_----........ _.......... Our maintenance department has conducted a thorough site investigation for evidence of leakage, faulty equipment and operator error that may have convibuted to these SIR failures. Nothing has been identified as the cause of the failure and the above tanks will immediately be scheduled fox a tightness test of the tank and lines. If you have any questions, please call me at (937) 864-3000, extension 7722. Thank you for your assistance. From.... Speedway SuperAmerica LLC 500 Speedway Drive Enon, OH 45323 Phone: 937/864-3000, ext. 7722 .,Fax. 937/322-7550 09-07-99 10:08am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 9378647468 T-400 P-01/09 F-905 1 To: North Carolina —Brian Murphy From: Mike Dobie Fax: (704)663-6040 Pages: 1 , including this cover sheet Phone: (704)663-1699 Bate: September 7,1999 Re: Canceling Suspected Releases CC: Store Compliance Files ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Conn ent ❑ please Reply © Please Recycle Comments: Attached, please find the underground storage tank (UST) system test results. The following location was reported as a suspected releases on August 10,1999 'ap '•r� ''i 'I 8 rIG, t.r �a ;f ' �4ili ri1°1%'If •!d' GG : J ° , It :.I•.', ; '4;t T.� n;."I ;+l1� �11f ll,�l,rl ! i' it ! ;� I�'t, ''� Pod,�i nt'rfl,'Ic �{�1:��!;!�>,i ttirl I I J ,. J'r .•1..i..,,�al;,, �! . Yd+.�"f • r ll. i... •.I-'.tn ; 11Pa,llan.r •rllibr.:i; dr f d ., l !' h j s134 10-009712 2425 DELLWOOD ROAD _ - _ IWAYNESVILLE= HAYWOOD ; RUL A 0102 � 0-011084 -- 2825 LANE STREET KANNAPOLIS �CASARRUS DSL D E , The attached tank test results verify the integrity of the UST system and disprove the suspected release. Unless otherwise notified by your office, Speedway SuperAmerice LLC will consider this suspected release disproved. 9 you have any question or require further documentation, please call me at (937) 864- 3000, extension 7722. Thank you for your assistance From.... Speedway SuperAmerica LLC 500 Speedway Drive Enon, OH 45323 Plione: 937!864-3000, ext. 7722 Fax: 937i322-7550 09-07-99 10:098m From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 93T864T468 T-400 P.02/09 F-905 AAA Tank Tester � 5600 Oakbrook iP'nrkvvtty, Suite 129 Norcrofa, GA 30093 (770) 441-1160 Toll Free (800) ?'49-2219 Date trompl d: 08/15/1999 Invoice Number: 199905226 'rest Site: Speedway 0102 2825 Lane Street Kennapolis NG 28081 Bill To: SPEEDWAY SUPERAMERIC A LLC P, G- Box 1500 Springfield OH 45501 CERTIFICATE OF TEST RESULT: ' Certified test results for the test site ary summarized below. been conducted in accordance with all federal and local n TANK "IrEV1 RESULTS TEXT RESULTS UPDATED IN s ing as nn1F I utk: 4'Pa of Test 1'rodurx Tonle Tank I Tsnk Test i Vo1ume. ; lliiage RGsuli i Cilpeeiry Diameter Result Change I 1 Syatem 5000 Rloeol ^Q,000 y2a i PASS NIA PASS 2 Syatam 5AQ0 ales4l so,000 1 128 PASS r.. NIA, i PASS , LINE ANND LEAK N31EtNCTOR TEST RESULTS LlrteTypo: Product Volume Llno Test Laak Leak Detector Change Results j Detector i Results" Serial4: �reesure, f3ieset �0,004 PASS Yea PAII. 111595-44ag ;ratsuurB IlDiesel -0.004 _PAS_ 5 Yes l PASS--20194-45011 Comments: The leak detector ibr diesel #1 failed and should be replooed. Test conducted by: Greg Potts Technician Certification Number_ 092397L1570 TechntoIan's signature M 09-07-99 10:09am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 93T6647466 T-400 P.03/09 F-905 AAA Tank Testers 5600 Oakbrook Plnrkwey, Suite 120 Nora6n, CA 30093 (770) 441-1160 'Tag Fm (800) 749-2219 F=Mty: Speedway #102 Tank #: 1 Line #: 1 TestDate-, 08/15M 999 Product! Diesel Work #: 199005226 IMNINIAANII�YIYiY I �1 I�t`CCPI .Msnit i Tcst Method: System 5000 Copaaity: zoom Diameter (in): 126 Product Level (in): 83 Uquid Volume (gals): 14107 Liquid Pera mt (94); 71 % Specific Qravby. 0.06 Coat: pYFacPansian: Q.Qtlt?4 1V+rh+r Rrr Nlt+wt+ �C-1. n Produce Tevlp, (F): Road erasure (psi): 2.57 Test Start Time: 1120 AM Test find Time: 1121 AM Test rate (gph): NIA Teat Result: PASS CaAhratlon 1: 0 CaUbratlon 2: 0 Callismilon 3: 0 Calibration Avg: 0 Tea Method: System 5000 I7ttsga Yalume (8als): 5893 tillage Vest Timc: 11.20 AM Vllop Vacuum (psi): 3.57 U bsp Result. PASS Test Method' LDT 890 Manufacturer: Fled Jacket LID model! 119-048 LID Serial 0; 111595-4489 Line nrniu flaek (ml)-- 1L D Trip Timo (sec): Holding rmwurc (psi); IJD Result): FAA. Test Method: Petro -rite Pump Brand: Red Jacket -$Ystem Type-, Pressure Line Pressure (psi): 5t1 Line Starr Time: 10:30 AM Line End Time: 11:30 AM Line sw I-evel: 0.070 Lino End Level: 0.063 I Line Test rate (gpb): 0-0iX Line zest Result: PASS 11 09-07-99 10:09am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 9378647468 T-400 P.04/09 F-905 AAA Tiank Testers Wo 0310 oalr: Nirkway, Smite 120 Numimok GA 30093 (770) 441-1160 Toll Free (800) 749-2219 Facility: Speedway #102 Ta k #: 2 Line #: 1 Test Date: 06/15/1999 Product: Cilesel Work #: 199905226 teetor Test Ptosii)tt Test ,Mathad; System Woo I - Capacity: 20000 Diameter (in); 126 Product Level (ip): so Liquid ValurttC (gals): 13522 Liquid Paraent (%): Go% Specific Gravity: 0.65 Caef a ExpvWon: 0.0004 Water on Tank (in): 0 Water in Tank (in): 0 PraductTemp. (F): Head Pm-wu : (psi): 2_48 1 To Steu't Time: d 1120 AM Text Rnd Tame 11:21 AM Test rate (Spit): NIA T"t Result: PASS Calibratcm 1: D Callbratlen 3: D Calibration 3: 0 Calibration Avg; 0 Teat Ucthnd: $ystam 5000 U1149e Volmno (gals): 0478 Ullage Test Time: 11.20 AM UllW VACUUM (psi): 3_48 VIDge Result: PASS Tcst Method' LOT 890 Manufacturer: Red Jacket i LID Model: 110-036 LID Ser4d #: 20194.4580 Line Drpin Beck (ml)_ 55 LM Trip Time (sec): 3 ' I Holding 1Preseure (psi): 29 Metering pressure. 9 L/D Test rare (gph): 2.2D LID Result). PASS I e?esf�Reau�ti~� . Teat Method: Petra -Tits Pump Brand: Red Jacket System Type: Pressure Line Pressure (psi): 50 Lima Start Time: 10.31 AM Line End Time: 11,31 AM Line Start [.Awel: 0.069 Line End Leval: 0.062 Lino Test rata ($ph): .0.004 Lino Vest plt: PASS 09-07-99 10:10am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 9378647468 T-400 P.05/09 F-905 Locdtlon: Speedway 0102 Testad: 2M Lane Sweet Kaonapplle INC DATA SHEET PaVo-Tibor Lines Tightness Test Page 1 of 1 l:anmci: Custemer_ SPEEDWAY SUPERAMEFSICA Ylllb: i P. 0. Bolt 1509 Phone: Sprinoeld QH 45501 TankiD 1 10,45 AM tat Rosding 5a 48 _ 0.070 UnCID 1 11;00 AM 2nd Reading 50 48 0.060 Product: jDkWAO 11:15AM 3rd Reading 60 48 006tiStart Time A i 1:3D AM 4th Reading Go48 _—_..._ 0.06e - 0,087 O Oti5 ....._..,. -o,aoi r- -0A01 -0.Og1 I ,.......- LinsType: !Pressure 4 01eedE�ack I O.p7' Line Tes! hake ; -0 004 0.063 -0.001. Line Test Rtzsult PASS LineT-6. Pressure Tankll) iOgBAM 9stRaeding BQ 48 OQ6 o.Asa� Q.t7p1 LlnelD 1 11:01 AM 2nd Reading 50 48 0,05 0.0t96 -0.001 BleedElaclt ; 0.06! Product: leebl 11:1$ AM 3rd Reading 50 .0r 0.085 0.064 -0.001 Line Test hate �0.Q0<t; Start Time 10:31 AM 11:31 AM 4th Pleading b0 49 0.063 T O.Qt3� •�OA01 Line Test Retsuit PASS 9378647468 T-400 P•06/09 F-905 09-07-99 1O:10am From -SSA LLC ENVIRONENTAL 5ERME. INC. TESTCA'1`E 'Tang C;Wner +. • Cawtre�'�3-��xsxu•a • City, 5t1gU City, st"gto Ale Test Patp Test Met -hod FlorsYer LZY-Chak Ta=k Opacity prv4uct Task Line, Leak Detector Remarks: This Is' t4'����L�TY tbar r m above t �s) amd >�55�A eA P11 3Z9. syast�ta(s) 'ti. ht =d meat the r tez Y a PETROi► AND SERVICE: INC_ - 3810 Sta es!r3.11e ; e C>}�arlpte, ir.atvl ZSZ06 (704) 335-13003. t �0�17 Z37-���4 ;5i$x�t-uze 1� ..�,. • TESTCERZ 5 03-10-99 05:25pm From -SSA LLC ENUIRONENTAL 9378647468 T-106 P-01/01 F-163 To: North Carolina — Brian Murphy From: Mike Dobie Fax: (704)663-6040 Pages: 1, including this cover sheet Phone: (704)663-1699 bate: August 10,1999 Re. Deporting of Suspected Releascs CC: Storc Compliance piles ❑ urgent M For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply 0 Please Recycle Con-mients: Attached, please find information regarding suspected releases that need to be reported to your office due to 1" month statistical inventory reconciliation (SIR) failures 8134 0.009712 ;2425 OELLWOOD ROAD : WAYNESVIL.LE INAYWOOD i RUL A .....�. .... ...�............................�....�..N........__---...._._.....'_........-......,�.....,,..,,...'.......�.�..........p.�.......,................,...-................Mrs.. 0�102 0-011064 2825 LANE STREET KANNAP0L IS __......—_._..__....___-- Our maintenance departna,erit has conducted a thorough site investigation for evidence of leakage, faulty equipment and operator error that may have contributed to these SIR failures. Nothing has been identified as the cause of the failure and the above tanks will immediately be scheduled for a tightness test of the tank and lines. If you have any questions, please call me at (937) 864-3000, extension 7722. Thank you for your assistance. From.... Speedway SuperAme:ica LLC 500 Speedway DriYe Enon, OH 45323 Phone: 937/864-3000, ext. 7722 Fax: 937/322-7550