HomeMy WebLinkAbout04017_Burlington Mills_Phase I Site Assessment Report_20001016\ ' I ()-1-011' ro-Lf-Cj r I -· thdA,-\roreSv,l €.- f:;uvlL n<jk>r; IFIECE!VF.-• OCT 16 zooo SIPERFUND SECTIOI' . -~ .' SITE ASSESSMENT ~PORTS • ,>-,' , .. ; -~ •• I i. \ July 26, 2000 Mr. Robert Tomlinson Fluor Daniel, Inc. 100 Fluor Daniel Drive Greenville, South Carolina 29607 Subject: Phase 1 ESA Final Report Former Burlington Mill Mooresville, North Carolina Dear Mr. Tomlinson: IT Corporation Patewood Plaza II 30 Patcwood Drive, Suite 370 Greenville, SC 29615-3535 TeL 864-254-9285 Fax. 864.254-9286 A Member o[ The IT Croup Following is a concise letter report detailing the results of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) performed by IT Corporation (IT) at the former Burlington Mills, Inc. (BMI) mill in Mooresville, North Carolina. The ESA comprised a review of readily-available public environmental records; review of plant environmental flies; review of land ownership; review of readily-available aerial photography; review of typical land-uses surrounding the plant; a walk- through of the plant; and, an interview with the plant engineer. This Phase I ESA explicitly excluded: (I) collection of any type of samples for analytical testing; (2) audit of the plant's environmental files and compliance status; and, (3) any examination of personnel workplace health and safety issues. This work was performed according to ASTM Practice E 1527-97. The file material was collected during the last two weeks of May; the plant walk was performed on May 25, 2000. Background and Plant Setting The BMI Mooresville Mill is located at 476 South Main Street in Mooresville, Iredell County, North Carolina. Location of the plant is depicted on a series of historical topographical maps from 1969, 1983 and 1993, in Figures 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The plant comprises approximately 1.3 million square feet of manufacturing buildings and supporting facilities on approximately 27 acres of land. BMI began operations at the plant in 1955 via purchase of the Mooresville Cotton Mill (MCM) Company. MCM had operated at this location since original construction of the first mill in 1900. Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresvil!e, North Carolina Page I July 26, 2000 • • • IT Corporation tl Member of The IT Grnup BMI ceased operations and closed the plant in January 1999. Since that time, plant housekeeping has been performed and equipment assets have been and are being sold. The plant has always been used for yarn manufacturing from cotton fiber. This essentially consisted of the processing of raw cotton via weaving, dyeing and finishing of the material into bulk cloth. This process was water-intensive. Accordingly for production water, BMI withdrew raw water from Lake Norman; piped it underground to a 30 million-gallon holding pond at the Mooresville Golf Course; thence to the plant for pre-treatment; thence to a 3 million-gallon holding pond (referred to as the clear well) on the plant property; thence to the process areas; and, then as wastewater to the pre-treatment unit before discharge to the City of Mooresville publicly-owned treatment works (POTW). All of this infrastructure remains in-place and maintained. Potable water has been obtained from the City. · The plant sits on what appears to be a slight natural knoll along South Main Street, just south of the Norfolk Southern Railway that parallels Main Street in this area. The majority of the plant property slopes to the southeast, toward the rear of the plant. That is the natural surface drainage pattern to small tributaries to Dye Creek in the Yadkin-Pee Dee Rivers drainage basin. No wetlands or similar areas were observed on the property. Soils in this area are typically a sandy clay loam with moderately coarse textures that are well-drained. These soils have an intermediate capacity to hold water. Generally, the depth to the water table is greater than six (6) feet. Figure 4 depicts the soil types in the general area of the plant. Regulatory Database Review A compilation of published regulatory information was obtained from Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR). The databases were updated by EDR as required by ASTM E-1527. The purpose of this task is to identify issues on the property or on nearby, off-site properties that are known to be contaminated; in the process of evaluation for contamination; or, are otherwise regulated. Each database was searched within a specific radius of the site. The database search is presented herein as Attachment 1. The Mooresville plant was listed on three databases: • The underground storage tank (UST) database maintained by the State of North Carolina for five (5) registered USTs; • The leaking underground storage tank (LUST) database for a release of gasoline from one of the tanks and subsequent soil contamination; and, • The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Information System (RCRlS) maintained by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) since the plant was a small quantity generator of hazardous wastes. Two (2) violations were listed in December 1994 . Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 2 Page 2 July 26, 2000 • • IT Corporation A Membt>r of The IT Group Several nearby facilities were also listed on the LUST and RCRJS databases. However, given their relative distances and directions from the plant, their likely impact to the property is considered low. Neither the plant nor any off-site areas were listed on any other databases. Review of Plant Environmental Files Environmental information on-file at the plant was reviewed during the visit. These consisted of files for air quality, wastewater and solid/hazardous wastes. This review cannot be considered as an audit of the files or of the compliance status of the plant. Accordingly, IT cannot verify if the files were complete and current. Documents prepared by BMI personnel discussing the status of some of these regulatory areas are included herein as Attachment 2. They are summarized below. Air Quality The plant operated under Title V (of the Clean Air Act) permit No. 3811T18. No problems or issues were noted in the July 1999 semi-annual report to the State of Jiorth Carolina (in Attachment 2). The report lists the regulated processes and permitted control equipment. One violation was recorded on June 14, 1996, due to dust emissions from the starch storage silo. Wastewater Sanitary wastewater was collected separately from process wastewater, although both were discharged to the City of Mooresville POTW under Permit No. LP 0010. Several violations occurred throughout the operation of the pre- treatment system as detailed in the internal BMJ status report (Significant Events-Sewer) in Attachment 2. Storm water Stormwater from the parking lots and roof drains for most of the plant complex flows via sheetflow across the rear parking lot to an outfall to the storm sewer and then to a tributary to Dye Creek. The stormwater discharge was regulated by North Carolina General Permit No. NCG 170201. The internal BMI status report (Significant Events-NPDES) lists several Notices of Violations (NOVs) for discharges to the stream. One (1) fish kill was reported. The important information from this report is: • the documentation that not all process and process waste lines were connected to the industrial wastewater pre-treatment system; and, • that the floor drains either leaked and were collected by the stormwater drain system or were connected directly to the system . Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 3 Page 3 July 26, 2000 • l iT Corporation A Membt>r of The IT Croup Other file information was reviewed that covered solid/hazardous wastes and asbestos-containing material (ACM) surveys and abatement as summarized below. Solid and Hazardous Wastes The plant was a small quantity generator of hazardous wastes under Identification No. NC982091332. Wastes were accumulated and stored in an area in the CENTAC room in the Finishing Mill. Other wastes were stored outside in a fenced area in the rear parking lot. The most recent internal summary of hazardous wastes manifested off of the plant listed the following: • 320 lbs. Waste flammable liquid (D001) • 100 lbs. Waste self-heating solids (D001) • 300 lbs. Waste sodium hydrosulfite mixture (D003) • 10 lbs. Waste potassium permanganate (D001) • 10 lbs. Waste caustic alkali liquids (D002) • 10 lbs. Waste caustic corrosive liquids (D002) • 165 gals. Waste tetrachloroethylene (D039) Vendors used to transport, store and dispose of the hazardous wastes were: • Ecoflo (10 No. NC 980843132) for D001 wastes • VanWaters & Rogers (10 No. GA D980845077) for D001, D002 and D003 wastes • • M&M Chemical (10 No. AL D070513767) for D038 wastes • BMI transported solid wastes (i.e., non-hazardous) to the Iredell County landfill for disposal. Approximately 60 tons/year of alum sludge was transported by Waste Management, Inc. to the Iredell County landfill for disposal. Asbestos-Containing Materials ACM has been found to be present in the plant. One survey report was present in the file. The report was issued by TEl Environmental, Inc. from Greensboro, NC in September 1993, entitled Report of Facility Surveys to Identify ACM. Additional file material indicated that abatement had been performed. However, a complete plant-wide report on the extent of ACM involvement, including roofmg material, and subsequent abatement coverage was not on-file. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) One (I) main electrical substation is present on the property and is owned by Duke Energy. BMI owns approximately 11 other smaller transformer units and associated capacitors (16 were considered as such in a December 1997 internal listing). Mr. Hussey indicated that all transformers and capacitors had been tested for PCBs and that at least one (1) unit contained PCBs at a concentration greater than 50 parts per million. The plant files did not contain any information to verify or review this testing or the equipment covered . Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 4 Page 4 July 26, 2000 • • • IT Corporation A Member of The IT Group On April 26, 1998, an oil leak from a polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-containing transformer (location not identified) was remediated and the resulting wastes also manifested off-site. The presence of PCB-containing ballasts in overhead lighting fixtures was not reported in the flies. However, Mr. Hussey indicated that much of the older style lighting which had PCB-ballasts had been updated in recent years thereby possibly precluding the presence of such ballasts. Mercury Switches The presence of mercury-containing switches in overhead lighting fixtures and residual equipment was not reported in the files. Lead-Based Paint The presence of lead-based paint in the buildings was not reported in the flies. Land Ownership The property on which the plant is situated has been owned by either BMI or Mooresville Cotton Mill Co. since 1900. There was no evidence that a land-use activity of environmental concem occurred on the property prior to Mooresville Cotton Mill Co. beginning operations . BMI also owns a small outparcel at the rear or the plant bounded by Short St. to the west; Nesbit St. to the east; Summer St. to the north; and, house lots to the south. According to Mr. Hussey, this parcel is part of the transaction. It is currently paved and leased to private individuals for vehicle parking. Aerial Photography Three aerial photographs were reviewed at the Iredell County Soil Conservation Service office in Statesville, NC, on May 25, 2000. These were reviewed to ascertain whether there were discemible land disturbances either on the property or on nearby properties, such disturbances can sometimes indicate land disposal or other activities that may be of environmental concem. The photographs reviewed were from 1956, 1967 and 1982. Photocopies are presented herein in Attachment 3. Unaided visual inspection of these aerials did not indicate land-use activities of concern. Surrounding Properties A driving tour along public roads was conducted to ascertain the nature of land-use activities surrounding the plant which is sited along a northwest-to- southeast axis. A survey of available City Directories, included herein as Attachment No. 4, was also performed to identify nearby historic uses. Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 5 Page 5 July 26, 2000 • • • IT Corporation A Mcmbf'r of The IT Group Mr. Hussey reported that Mooresville Cotton Mill and subsequently BMI once owned essentially all of the homes around the plant. This is no longer the case . The residences use city water as a potable source. Northwest South Main St., the Norfolk Southern Railroad and South Broad St. are to the north of the front of the plant. Across the railroad tracks, at the intersection of S. Broad St. and Mills Ave. are three (3) business. These are Gene Brannon Dry Cleaners, Hoopers Auto Cleaning and Arway, Inc. The cleaners and auto shop typically use chemicals that can be of environmental concern; drums of unknown materials were observed inside a bay door at Arway, Inc. These properties appeared to be slightly topographically down-gradient from the plant. Southside Baptist Church and a softball park sit along S. Broad St. The remainder of the area is single-family homes. Southwest This portion of the plant site is generally bounded by Brawley Ave. The neighboring land-use in this area is residential. This area is topographically side-to-upgradient from the plant. Southeast This area is separated from the plant by Summer and College Sts. And is residential. This is also the general area where the small stream drains from the clear well and stormwater drains from the plant, both eventually to Dye Creek. The city of Mooresville POTW is located southeast of the plant. The southeast area is topographically downgradient from the plant. Northeast This area is a mixture of residences and small shops since land-use begins to transition to commercial in downtown Mooresville. Two businesses of potential concern are the BP and Exxon convenience stores at the intersection of S. Main St. and College St. USTs are present at both locations which are topographically side-to-upgradient from the plant. A diagram of surrounding land-uses provided by BMI in an air quality permit application to the State of North Carolina is also included in Attachment 4. Plant Walk-Through and Interview A tour of the plant was conducted by Mr. Hussey on May 25, 2000. The former process, shipping/receiving, waste treatment and support facilities areas were observed. Much of the plant had been emptied of equipment. The plant is a series of different buildings, all constructed at different times. Some of the buildings were of slab construction, such as Mill No.3; some were built with a basement . Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 6 Page 6 July 26, 2000 • • • IT Corporation A Mcmhe-r of The IT Group Attachment 5 herein presents an engineering drawing dated September 14, 1982, that Mr. Hussey indicated was an. accurate representation of the plant layout. Attachment 6 presents three (3) historical Sanborn Maps that depict some of the historical evolution of the plant. The Maps are dated 1914, 1925 and 1950. Observations made on the walk-through and in discussions with Mr. Hussey are recorded on the site inspection checklist presented herein in Attachment 7. Observations that have not been addressed in previous sections are summarized as follows: • The maintenance shops consisted of electrical, HVAC, motors, welding, lathe machine and carpentry areas; • An in-ground hydraulic lift was formerly in-service in the finishing mill, but has been removed; apparent stained soil and pooled liquid were present in the area; • Floor drains are present in many of the former process areas; • Water from the processes (approximately 2 to 3 million gals. per day from finishing alone) were collected by the floor drains and routed to a tank-like structure made of concrete blocks in the basement of the finishing mill for routing to the wastewater pre-treatment system; • • • • • • • • • • Stained soils were observed in the basement of the fmishing mill; Tanks for dye mixing and holding and other process needs were located inside the buildings (see Attachment 8); The three (3) propane tanks shown on the drawing in Attachment 5 were being removed from the plant during this tour; The No. 6 fuel oil tank capacity was 30,000 gals, but was reported as being almost empty; Attachment 8 presents a listing and inventory of the aboveground tanks as of June 1998; Attachment 9 presents a listing of chemicals used at the plant as of October 1998; No groundwater wells of any depth for any purpose are or have been installed on the property; No groundwater investigations have been conducted; Coal ash from the boiler was formerly stockpiled near the former propane tanks before transportation to the County landfill; and, No landfills or disposal areas were reported by Mr. Hussey to be on the property. Recognized Environmental Concerns As a result of the information provided herein, the following recognized environmental concerns regarding potential soil and water contamination were noted. On-Site • Stained soils in basement of finishing mill; Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 7 Page 7 July 26, 2000 • • • IT Corporation A Member of The IT Group • Wastewater collection tank in basement of finishing mill and soils underneath; • Former coal ash stockpile area near propane tank rack; • Numerous floor drains throughout process areas as a potential release mechanism of chemicals to soils under and downgradient from the plant from the large volumes of water used; • Soils under and near the former hydraulic lift area in basement of finishing mill; • Soils underneath the former drum storage area in the rear parking lot; • Soils underneath the shops area; • Soils underneath and around the large cooling towers; • Areal groundwater hydrology; and, • Areal groundwater quality underneath and up-and downgradient from the plant. The following concerns are noted due to potential impacts on decommissioning, demolition and disposal activities: • Accurate and current information on specific transformers and capacitors that currently do contain, did contain or may have contained PCBs and potential soil contamination (also an environmental concern); • Accurate and current information on PCB lighting ballasts and mercury switches and ballasts remaining, if any; • Accurate and current information on asbestos-containing materials including extent remaining (if any), locations and areas abated by either removal or in-place management; • Accurate and current information on the extent, if any, of lead-based paint; • If removal is planned for re-development, closure of the wastewater pre- treatment unit in conformance with State regulations (also an environmental concern since soil and groundwater sampling are required); and, • If cessation of operations is planned for re-development, proper abandonment or transfer of the raw water pumping system to a responsible party. Off-Site Because of the historical off-site property uses and the topographical nature of the site, there were nominal off-site concerns observed. The concern noted was the potential for migration of a leak from USTs at the BP and Exxon convenience stores to the northeast of the property. Conclusions This Phase I ESA of the former Burlington Mills, Inc. Mooresville, NC cotton mill was conducted in the last week of May 2000 in conformance with ASTM Practice E 1527-97. In general, housekeeping conditions appeared to be good; plant environmental files indicted a generally satisfactory regulatory compliance record; no wastes appeared to have been disposed of on-site; and, the overall environmental condition of the site appeared to be good, within the context of the visual and records inspection . Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 8 Page 8 July 26, 2000 • • • IT Corporation A Member of The IT Group One potential recognized environmental concern was observed in the off-site, neighboring properties; that being potential groundwater contamination should the USTs at the BP and Exxon convenience stores have leaked. Several recognized environmental concerns were noted on or related to the plant property that, should they prove to be manifest, could have significant impacts on the property and, importantly, to third parties off-site. Consequently, IT Corporation recommends that a focused Phase 2 investigation be performed on the identified areas of environmental concern. Such an investigation would include the acquisition of soil and water samples for analytical testing. Should additional ftle search and review not speak conclusively on the absence of lead-based paint, ACM and PCB/mercury ballasts and switches and PCB transformers/capacitors, sampling should also be performed for those hazardous materials. Only through such testing and analysis can definitive understanding of the actual environmental quality of the property be established and risks and liabilities both on-and off-site, if any, be quantified and managed. Limitations of Report IT Corporation hereby gives notice that any statement or opinion contained in this Report prepared by IT Corporation shall not be construed to create any warranty or representation that the real property on which the investigation was conducted is free of pollution or complies with any or all applicable regulatory or statutory requirements, or that the property is fit for any particular purpose. Furthermore, IT Corporation makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, quality, or completeness of data obtained from subcontracted sources other than those specifically granted by the subcontractor. No attempt was made to check on the compliance of present or past owners of the site with federal, state, or local laws and regulations. The conclusions presented in the Report are based on the services described, and not on scientific tasks or procedures beyond the scope of described services, which were performed in accordance with the schedule and budget set forth in the contract with Fluor Daniel, Inc. Any person or entity considering use, acquisition, or other involvement or activity concerning the property shall be solely responsible for determining the adequacy of the property for any and all uses for which that person or entity shall use the property. Any person or entity considering the use, acquisition, or other involvement or activity concerning the property which is the subject of the Report should enter into any use, occupation, acquisition, or the like on sole reliance of its own judgment and on its own personal investigation of such property, and not in reliance on any representation by IT Corporation regarding such property, the character, quality, or its value. IT Corporation performed Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North C~olina 9 Page 9 July 26, 2000 •• • • IT Corporation A Member of The IT Croup this limited assessment in a professional manner using that degree of skill and ·care exercised for similar projects under similar conditions by reputable and competent environmental consultants. IT Corporation shall not be responsible for conditions or consequences arising from relevant facts that were concealed, withheld, or not fully disclosed at the time the assessment was conducted. Closing We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to have performed his work for Fluor Daniel, Inc. Should you have questions or wish to discuss, please contact me at 864-289-8544. Sincerely, IT Corporation Mike Marcus, Ph.D. Commercial Operations Manager Figures 1-3: Figure 4: Attachment 1: Attachment 2: Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment 5: Attachment 6: Attachment 7: Attachment 8: Attachment 9: Historical Topographical Map Sections SCS Soils Map Section Environmental Regulatory Database Search Plant Environmental Files Review Historical Aerial Photography City Directory Review and Land-Use Sketch September 1982 Site Layout Sanborn Maps Site Inspection Checklist Aboveground Tanks Listing Hazardous Chemicals Lists .Phase I ESA Final Report Former BMI Mill Morresville, North Carolina 10 Page 10 July 26, 2000 • Source: USGS 1969 7.5 Minute Series Mooresville, NC Quadrangle I s • tlw4f;group The IT Corporation Greenville, SC Site Location ~lap Former B;\11 ;\!ill M :\C Scale: Not to Scale Drawn by: ,\l.i\1. Checked by: .\L\1. Job No.: 809776 Date: 06/05/00 Figure i'io: I • • ~- . . . (11~ ... /--.~~=-~ ': . . ;J·~~ ... :··. Source: USGS 1983 7.5 Minute Series Mooresville, NC Quadrangle __.; . .- I s • tlw(/;gmup The IT Corporation Greenville, SC Scale: !S'ot to Scale Job l"o.: 809776 Site Location Map Former B~ll !\I ill 1\1oores,·ille, 1\"C Drawn by: :'\IJ\1. Checked b~·: ~1.\1. Date: 06/05/00 Figure ;\'o: 2 N w-$--E s Source: USGS !993 7.5 Minute Series Mooresville, NC Quadrangle • Lhi!f/'; oroun ~ r. The IT Corporation Greenville, SC Site Location ~lap Former ll~Il ~I ill i\looresville, 'iC Scale: Not to Scale ·Drawn by: i\t.:\1 .. I ,-,. .. deed by: .\I..\ I_. Job 'io.: 809776 Date: 06!05100 Figure No: 3 Source: USCS 1966 Soils Map Mooresville, NC I s • tire'.{; group The IT Corporation Greenville, SC General Area Soils Former BMI Mill Mooresville, NC Scale: 1'\ot to Scale Drawn by: 1\1.!\1. Checked by: ;\l.!\1. Job No,: 809776 Date: 06/05/00 Figure r\o: ~ • • Photo l: Pump house and intake for raw-process water from Lake Norman . • • • • Photo 2: 30 million gallon holding pond at Mooresville Golf club for raw-process water . • • • Photo 3: 3 million gallon clear well for raw water after treatment but prior to use in process . • • Photo 4: Process wastewater pre-treatment unit . • • • Photo 5: Influent from BMI Mooresville Mill to City of Mooresville POTW . • • • Photo 6: Main storm sewer at rear of plan along Summer Street . • • • Photo 7: Duke Energy electrical substation . • • • Photo 8: BMI electrical transformer station . • • • Photo 9: BMI electrical transformers . • • • Photo 10: Bl\11 electrical transformers/capacitor . • • • Photo 11: Bl\1 I electrical transformers . • • • Photo 12: BMI electrical transformers . • • • "11 :r 0 -0 -w • • • Photo 14: BMI electrical transformers . • • • • Photo 15: BMI electrical transformers/capacitors. Note storm sewer for typical drainage to city storm sewer . • • • Photo 16: BMI electrical transformers. Note apparent leakage around tops and bottoms of units . • • Photo 17: Waste drum labeled as containing PCBs . • • • • Photo 18: Out-parcel at rear of plant viewing down Nesbit Street from Summer Street . • • • Photo 19: View of out-parcel at rear of plant along Summer Street with trailer parked . • • Photo 20: View of plan along Brawley Avenue from S. Main Street . • • • • Photo 21: View of typical residential area along Brawley Avenue from near intersection with Summer Street . • • Photo 22: Typical residential area at rear of plant along Summer Street . • • • Photo 23: Typical residential area at rear of plant along College Street . • • • • Photo 24: View toward off-site convenience stores at intersection of College Street and S. Main Street . • • • Photo 25: Convenience stores on adjacent property at S. Main Street and College Street . • • Photo 26: View of basement area. Note floor trench drain . • • • Photo 27: View of typical basement area. Note stained soils. ·• • • Photo 28: Former hydraulic lift . • • • Photo 29: Shaft boring for former hydraulic lift . • • • Photo 30: View down toward process wastewater collection task in basement . • • • Photo 31: Wastewater collection unit in the basement . • • • Photo 32: Close-up of wastewater collection unit in the basement . • • • Photo 33: Typical view of tankage in process area . • • . \! .: ,J CS-l~ • Photo 34: Typical view of tankage in process area . • • • Photo 35: Typical view of tankage in process area. Note trench floor drainage . • • • Photo 36: Typical view of tankage in process area . • • • Photo 37: Typical view of tankage in process area . • • • Photo 38: Typical view of tankage in process area . • • • Photo 39: Eroded concrete flooring in process area . • • • Photo 40: Close-up of eroded concrete flooring in process area . • • • Photo 41: No. 6 fuel oil storage tank . • • • Photo 42: Aboveground fuel tanks still in use . • • • Photo 43: Chemical drums still present in the plant . • • • • Photo 44: General area of former ash stockpile. The mound viewed is not ash; it is sand . • • Photo 45: Former drum storage area at rear of plant . • • • • The EDR-Radius Map with GeoCheck® Former Burlington Mill 476 S Main St Mooresville, NC 28115 Inquiry Number: 498815.5s May 23,2000 ®:Environmental :Data : Resources, Inc . • : an .. ,;<edrcompany The Source For Environmental Risk Management Data 3530 Post Road Southport, Connecticut 06490 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 Internet: www.edrnet.com • • • ~~-----------------T_A_B_L_E __ o_F_c_o_N_T_E_N_T_s ______________ ~ SECTION PAGE Executive Summary. _____________________________________________________ . ES1 Overview Map. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 Detail Map. _____________________________________________________________ 3 Map Findings Summary. __________________________________________________ • 4 Map Findings. _____________________________________ ,_____________________ 5 Orphan Summary. _______________________________________________________ . 22 GEOCHECK ADDENDUM Physical Setting Source Addendum._________________________________________ A-1 Physical Setting Source Summary. __________________________________________ . A-2 Physical Setting Source Map. ______________________________________________ . A-6 Physical Setting Source Map Findings._______________________________________ A-7 Physical Setting Source Records Searched. ___________________________________ . A-1 0 Thank you for your business. Please contact EDR at 1-800·352-0050 with any questions or comments. Disclaimer and Other Information This Report contains Information obtained from a variety of public and other sources and Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EOR) makes no representation or warranty regarding the accuracy, reliability, quality, suitability, or completeness of said information or the information contained In this report. The customer shall assume full responsibility for the use of this report. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, SHALL APPLY AND EDR SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF SUCH WARRANTIES. IN NO EVENT SHALL EDR BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES. COPYRIGHT (C) 2000 BY ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unless otherwise indicated, all trademarks used herein are the property of Environmental Data Resources, Inc. or its affiliates . TC498815.5s Page 1 • • • ~L--______________ E_x_E_c_u_r_lv __ E_s_u_M_M_A_R_v ________________ ~'l A search of available environmental records was conducted by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. (EDR). The report meets the government records search requirements of ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, E 1527-97. Search distances are per ASTM standard or custom distances requested by the user. TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS 476 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES Latitude (North): 35.577700-35' 34' 39.7" Longitude (West): 80.818990-80' 49' 8.4" Universal Tranverse Mercator: Zone 17 UTM X (Meters): 516400.9 UTM Y (Meters): 3936926.8 USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH TARGET PROPERTY Target Property: 2435080-E7 MOORESVILLE, NC Source: USGS 7.5 min quad index TARGET PROPERTY SEARCH RESULTS The target property was identified in the following government records. For more information on this property see page 5 of the attached EDR Radius Map report: Site BURLINGTON IND·MOORESVILLE PL 476 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 BURLINGTON IND MOORESVILLE 476 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 BURLINGTON FABRICS, INC. P. 0. DRAWER 540, HWY 115 MOORESVILLE, NC SURROUNDING SITES: DATABASES WITH NO MAPPED SITES Database(s) UST RCRIS-SQG FINDS LUST EPAID NIA NCD982091332 N/A No mapped sites were found in EDR's search of available ( "reasonably ascertainable ") government records either on the target property or within the ASTM E 1527-97 search radius around the target property for the following Databases: FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD NPL:. _ •••••..••••••••.••.•.•• National Priority List De listed NPL: ................ NPL Deletions CERCLIS: .................... Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information . System CERC·NFRAP: ..•.•••..•••••. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information . System CORRACTS: ................. Corrective Action Report TC498815.5s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 • • • ~~----------------E_x_E_c_u_T_IV_E __ s_u_M_M_A_R_v ________________ ~'l RCRIS-TSD: _________________ Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System RCRIS-LQG: _________________ Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System ERNS: _______________________ Emergency Response Notification System STATE ASTM STANDARD SHWS: •.••.•••••••• _____ ••• _. State Haz. Waste SWF/LF: ••••••••••••..••..•.. Solid Waste Facilities FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL CONSENT: •.••.••••••..••••.. Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees ROD: .••••.•••......••...••••. ROD HMIRS: ______________________ Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System MLTS: ....••.....••.••.•....•. Material Licensing Tracking System MINES: ..•..••.•••••••.•.•..•. Mines Master Index File NPL Lien: .•.•..••.••..•.••••• NPL Liens PADS: .••.•.....••••••••••••• PCB Activity Database System RAA TS:. _____________ .. ______ RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System TRIS: •••.•..••••••••••.•••••.. Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System TSCA: •.•••••••••••.••.•..•.•. Toxic Substances Control Act STATE OR LOCAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL NC HSDS: .•.••••••..•••..•••. Hazardous Substance Disposal Site !MD: .••••••••....••.•••.•••••. Incident Management Database EDR PROPRIETARY DATABASES Coal Gas: ••••••..•.•••..••••• Former Manufactured gas (Coal Gas) Sites. SURROUNDING SITES: DATABASES WITH MAPPED SITES Unmapped (orphan) sites are not considered in the foregoing analysis. Elevations have been determined from the USGS 1 degree Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. EDR·s definition of a site with an elevation equal to the target property includes a tolerance of +/-10 feet. Sites with an elevation equal to or higher than the target property have been differentiated below from sites with an elevation lower than the target property (by more than 10 feet). Page numbers and map identification numbers refer to the EDR Radius Map report where detailed data on individual sites can be reviewed. Sites listed in bold italics are in multiple databases. FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD RCRIS: The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act database includes selected information on sites that generate, store, treat, or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Act. The source of this database is the U.S. EPA. A review of the RCRIS-SQG list, as provided by EDR, and dated 12/22/1999 has revealed that there are 2 RCRIS-SQG sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation PARKER HANNIFIN CORP Address Dist I Dlr Map 10 Page USHWY21 N 1/8-1/4 WNW 85 10 TC498815.5s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 • • • ~~----------------E_x_E_c_u_r_lv_E __ s_u_M_M_A_R_v ________________ ~'l Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist I Dir Map ID Page ----- AEROQU/P CORP 1035 MECKLENBURG HWY 118 • 114 WNW B7 11 STATE ASTM STANDARD LUST: The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incidents Management Database contains an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. The data come from the Department of Environment, Health & Natural Resources' Incidents by Address. A review of the LUST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 01/28/2000 has revealed that there are 6 LUST sites within approximately 0.5 miles of the target property. Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dis! I Dir Map ID ---- SUPERBA PRINT WORKS HWY 150 1/8 -1/4WNW B6 BILt'S EXXON 204 S MAIN ST 1/4-112NE 9 J.T. ALEXANDER & SON HWY 115 N. 1/4-1/2NE 10 GLASPY'S AUTO SERVICE 152 S MAIN ST 1/4-1/2NE 11 MOORESVILLE ICE CREAM N BROAD ST 1/4-1/2 NE C12 MOORESVILLE AMOCO SERVICE 151 S BROAD ST 1/4-112NE C13 UST: The Underground Storage Tank database contains registered USTs. USTs are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). The data come from the Department of Environment, Health. & Natural Resources' Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database . A review of the UST list, as provided by EDR, and dated 11/16/1999 has revealed that there are 2 UST sites within approximately 0.25 miles of the target property. Page 11 14 15 16 17 18 Equal/Higher Elevation Address Dist I DJr Map ID Page SUPERBA PRINT WORKS THE PANTRY #172 150 BY-PASS 354 S MAIN ST 1/8-1/4 WNW B4 1/8 -1/4NE 8 8 12 TC498815.5s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 • • • ~~-----------------E_X_E_c_u_T_IV_E __ s_u_M_M_A_R_v ____ ~----------~'1 Due to poor or inadequate address information, the following sites were not mapped: Site Name DUKE POWER/MARSHALL STEAM PL T IREDELL COUNTY TRANSFER STATION OLD MOORE PLACE BRAWLEY CONSTRUCTION CO. PORT CITY ELECTRIC CHRISTIE'S TEXACO THE CORNER STORE. COOK'S AUTOMOTIVE CLYLE II J.T. SMITH STORE CATAWBA TIMBER CO. MOORESVILL GENERAL STORE LAKE NORMAN GROCERY THE COUNTRY CORNER WILCO FOOD MART #359 BRAWLEY CONST. CO. FRIENDLY FARE GROCERY DUKE POWER/MOORESVILLE OPS CT DENVER DISTRIBUTION INC TRUC OVERCASH ELECTRIC WATER FILTER PLANT FAST PHILS #502 STARR GROCERY PAINTING POST (CRAFT SHOP) 1-77 TEXACO NORTHSIDE PUMP STATION BRAWLEY SHCOOL ROAD PUMP STAT FORD STEWART T/A PIKE'S GULF BOWLES TEXACO BILLS EXXON MCNEEDY'S THE GENERAL STORE NORMAN'S HOUSE NC ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY REEDS CEEK PUMP STATION MOORESVILLE GOLF COURSE Database(s) SWF/LF SWF/LF LUST LUST UST,LUST LUST UST,LUST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST UST TC498815.5s EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 4 * Target Property ... Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property • Sites at elevations lower than the target property ! Coal Gasification Sites (II requested) [] National Priority Ust Sites [] Landfill Sites TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/LONG: Former Burlington Mill 476 S Main St Mooresville NC 281 t 5 35.5777/80.8190 Power transmission lines Oil & Gas pipelines Wetlands per National Wetlands Inventory ( 1994) CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY#: DATE: Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites IT Corporation Michael Marcus 498815.5s May 23, 2000 3:02 pm W WILSON AVE * Target Property .... Sites at elevations higher than or equal to the target property • Sites at elevations lower than the target property .l Coal Gasification Sites (if requested) & Sensitive Receptors [J National Priority Ust Sites Q landfill Sites TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/LONG: Former BurDngton Mill 476 S Main St Mooresville NC 28115 35.5777 I 80.8190 \ 1/Hi /'./ Power transmission lines ,-i\1 Oil & Gas pipelines CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY#: DATE: CAaARRUS AVE Hazardous Substance Disposal Sites IT Corporation Michael Marcus 498815.5s May 23, 2000 3:02 pm ij MAP FINDINGS SUMMARY • Search Target Distance Total Database Property (Miles) < 1/8 1/8-1/4 1/4-1/2 1/2 - 1 > 1 Plotted FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 Delisted NPL 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 CERCUS 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 CERC-NFRAP 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 CORRACTS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 RCRIS-TSD 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 RCRIS Lg. Quan. Gen. 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 RCRIS Sm. Quan. Gen. X 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 ERNS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 STATE ASTM STANDARD State Haz. Waste 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 State Landfill 0.500 0 0 0 NR NR 0 LUST X 0.500 0 1 5 NR NR 6 UST X 0.250 0 2 NR NR NR 2 FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL CONSENT 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 ROD 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 • FINDS X TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 HMIRS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MLTS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 MINES 0.250 0 0 NR NR NR 0 NPL Liens TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 PADS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 RAATS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TRIS TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 TSCA TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 STATE OR LOCAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL NC HSDS 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 IMD TP NR NR NR NR NR 0 EDR PROPRIETARY DATABASES Coal Gas 1.000 0 0 0 0 NR 0 AOUIFLOW-see EDR Physical Setting Source Addendum TP =Target Property NR = Not Requested at this Search Distance • Sites may be listed in more than one database • TC498815.5s Page 4 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanc;e (ft.) ~L_ __________ M_A_P __ FI_N_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR 10 Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number A2 Target Property -------------------------------------- Coal Gas Site Search: No site was found in a search of Real Property Scan's ENVIROHAZ database. BURLINGTON IND·MOORESVILLE PL 476 S MAINST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 UST: Facility 10: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: Facility 10: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: 0-009618 None Steel 04/23/1986 Permanent Closed Nol reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 03 Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES. INC. 3330 WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE GREENSBORO, NC 27420 0-009618 2 None Steel 04/28/1966 Permanent Closed Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 03 Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES. INC. 3330 WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE GREENSBORO, NC 27420 (704) 664-2611 2000 None Steel 12/30/1988 UST Diesel, Diesel Mixture (704) 664-2611 550 None Steel 12/30/1988 Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture U001435849 N/A TC49BB15.5s Page 5 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) ~L-----------M_A_P __ F_IN_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR 10 Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number -------------------------------------- BURLINGTON INC-MOORESVILLE PL (Continued) Facility ID: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: Facility 10: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: 0-009618 3 None Steel 04/28/1966 Permanent Closed Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 03 Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES. INC. 3330 WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE GREENSBORO, NC 27420 0-009618 4 None Steel 04/28/1966 Permanent Closed Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 03 Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Dale removed: Product: BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES. INC. 3330 WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE GREENSBORO, NC 27420 (704) 664-2611 500 None Steel 12/30/1988 Oil, New!Used!Mixture (704) 664-2611 500 None Steel 12/30/1988 Oil, New/Used/Mixture U001435849 TC498815.5s Page 6 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanye (ft.) Elevation Site ~L------M_A_P_FI_N_D_IN_G_S ______ ~ ------------------------------------- BURLINGTON IND-MOORESVILLE PL (Continued) Facility ID: 0-009618 TankiD: 5 Interior: None Material: Steel Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: (704) 664-2611 500 None Steel EDR 10 Number Database(s) EPA tO Number U001435849 Date installed: Status: 04/28/1966 Permanent Closed Date removed: Product: 12/30/1988 Other, Hazardous A1 Target Property A3 Target Property Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported STODDARD SOLVENT Not reported 03 Owner: BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES. INC. 3330 WEST FRIENDLY AVENUE GREENSBORO, NC 27420 BURLINGTON IND MOORESVILLE 476 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 RCRIS: Owner: BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES INC (91 0) 379-2943 Contact: JACKIE HUSSEY (704) 664-2611 Record Date: 08/21/1995 Classification: Small Quantity Generator Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: Violation information exist There are 2 violation record(s) reporte~ at this site: ~)lliljiQn__ ~~!l!ljn Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: AIRS Facility System (AIRS/AFS) Permit Compliance System (PCS) BURLINGTON FABRICS, INC. P. 0. DRAWER 540, HWY 115 MOORESVILLE, NC RCRIS-SQG 1000285574 FINDS NCD982091332 Date of QQrnJ;~Iiamce 12/07/1994 12/07/1994 12/07/1994 12/07/1994 LUST S103130173 N/A TC498815.5s Page 7 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) ~L-----------M-AP __ FI_N_D_IN_G_s __________ ~ EDR 10 Number Elevation Site ~------------------------------------Database(s) EPA ID Number B4 WNW 118·114 1067 Higher BURLINGTON FABRICS, INC. (Continued) LUST: Incident Number: 8171 Region: MOR Date Occurred: 6/3192 0:00:00 Submit Date: 6/11/92 0:00:00 GW Contam: Not reported Soil Contam: Yes Incident Desc: SOIL SAMPLES TAKEN AT SITE DETECTED CONTAMINATION. Owner: Contact: Ownership: Material: Qty Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: Not reported Not reported PO BOX 540 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 IREDE County Private GASOLINE UNK Leak-underground Facility E 2/15/98 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Response Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setling: Dem Contact: Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 Min Ouad: Last Modified Day Reported: Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt: Close Out Reprt: Industrial UNK Gasoline/diesel Urban Not reported 0.00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 5103130173 Close Req Dt: LaVLong: Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Owner Company: Risk Site BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES No SUPERBA PRINT WORKS 150 BY-PASS MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 UST 1000212163 N/A TC498815.5s Page 8 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanc~ (ft.) ~L-----------M_A_P __ FI_N_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ Elevation Site SUPERBA PRINT WORKS (Continued) UST: Facility ID: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: 0-001794 1 Unknown Steel 04/19/1966 Permanent Closed Not reported Not reported Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Overfill Protection: Not reported Financial Responsibility: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Certification: Not reported Region: 03 Owner: SUPERBA PRINT WORKS 150 BY-PASS MOORESVILLE. NC 28115 Facility ID: 0-001794 Tank ID: 2 Interior: Unknown Material: Steel Date installed: 04/19/1966 Status: Permanent Closed Leak Detection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Corrosion Protection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Overfill Protection: Not reported Financial Responsibility: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Certification: Not reported Region: 03 Owner: SUPERBA PRINT WORKS 150 BY-PASS MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: (704) 664-2084 10000 Paint Steel 07/06/1993 Fuel Oil (704) 664-2084 7500 Paint Steel 07/06/1993 Fuel Oil EDR ID Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number 1000212163 TC498815.5s Page 9 • • • Map 10 Direction Distance Oistanc;e (ft.) ~L ___________ M_A_P __ F_IN_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA 10 Number -------------------------------------- BS WNW 118·114 1067 Higher SUPERBA PRINT WORKS (Continued) Facility 10: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: PARKER HANNIFIN CORP US HWY 21 N MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 RCRIS: 0-001794 3 Unknown Steel 0411911966 Permanent Closed Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 03 SUPERBA PRINT WORKS 150 BY-PASS MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Owner: PARKER HANNIFIN CORP (216) 531-3000 Contact: JOHN PAULSEN (704) 664-1922 Record Date: 12/28/1998 Classification: . Small Quantity Generator Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: Violation information exist There are 5 violation record(s) reported at this site: Evaluatioo Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: (704) 664-2084 7500 Paint Steel 07106/1993 Fuel Oil RCRIS-SQG FINDS TRIS Area of Vlotrui.~n-:--.,-­ Generator-AII Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-Land Ban Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-Land Ban Requirements 1000212163 1000268939 NC0981862956 Date of Compliaace 1011211994 10/03/1994 10103/1994 1011211994 01/1911993 0111911993 01/19/1993 01/19/1993 01/1911993 0111911993 TC498815.5s Page 10 • • • Map 10 Direction Distance Distance (ft.) ~L-----------M_A_P __ FI_N_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR 10 Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 86 WNW 1/8·1/4 1067 Higher 87 WNW 1/8·1/4 1067 Higher -------------------------------------- PARKER HANNIFIN CORP (Continued) FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: AIRS Facility System (AIRS/AFS) Permit Compliance System (PCS) SUPERBA PRINT WORKS HWY 150 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 LUST: Incident Number: 10634 Date Occurred: 7/6/93 0:00:00 LUST Region: MOR Submit Date: 2/6/95 0:00:00 GWContam: Yes Soil Contam: Not reported Incident Desc: Owner: Contact: Ownership: Material: Oty Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: SOIL CONTAM. FOUND DURING EXCAVATION OF 3 DIESEL USTS. LEONARD NANCE Not reported PO BOX297 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 IREDE County Private DIESEL Not reported Leak·underground Facility 120E 10/22/98 0:00:00 No Not reported Responsible Parties Not reported Follow Up 10/20/98 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setting: Dem Contact Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 Min Quad: Last Modified Day Reported: Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt: Close Out Reprt: Industrial Not reported Gasoline/diesel Industrial Not reported 0.00 Soil Samples M65Y 11117/98 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 1000268939 1000956299 N/A Close Req Dt: LaVLong: Not reported 353530 /804915 Owner Company: Risk Site SUPERBA PRINT WORKS Yes AERDQUIP CORP 1035 MECKLENBURG HWY MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 RCRIS·SQG FINDS 1000340212 NCD030511976 TC498815.5s Page 11 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) MAP FINDINGS EOR 10 Number ElevatiOn Site Oatabase(s) EPA 10 Number 8 NE 1/8-1/4 1227 Higher ------------------------------------- AEROQUIP CORP (Continued) RCRIS: Owner: TRIVONA CORP (419) 867-2200 Contact: GREG DELLINGER (704) 663-4511 Record Date: 09/08/1997 Classification: Not reported Used Oil Recyc: No Violation Status: Violation information exist There are 12 violation record(s) reported at this site: E~il@Jio[L__ Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (GEt) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Schedule Evaluation (CSE) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) FINDS: Other Pertinent Environmental Activity Identified at Site: AIRS Facility System (AIRS/AFS) THE PANTRY #172 354 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 llNaJ1f.'LiQiat":'iQnn___.,,-- Generator-AII Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-Land Ban Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-Land Ban Requ'1rements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-Land Ban Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-Land Ban Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements Generator-All Requirements UST 1000340212 Date of CQmQ.li.~ 02/02/1995 02/02/1995 04/25/1994 04/25/1994 01/19/1993 01/19/1993 01/19/1993 01/19/1993 01/14/1992 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 09/13/1991 02/23/1987 04/23/1985 02/23/1987 U001437272 N/A TC498815.5s Page 12 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanc~ (ft.) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS THE PANTRY #172 (Continued) UST: Facility 10: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: Facility 10: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: 0-017533 1 Internal Lining Steel 0811711983 Currently In Use Inventory control Line tightness testing Internal lining Impressed current Catchment basins State fund Not reported Not reported 03 THE PANTRY. INC. Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: P.O. BOX 1410/1801 DOUGLAS DRIVE SANFORD, NC 27330 0-017533 2 Internal Lining Steel 08117/1983 Currently In Use Inventory control Line tightness testing lnlemallining Impressed current Catchment basins State fund Not reported Not reported 03 THE PANTRY. INC. Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product P.O. BOX 141011801 DOUGLAS DRIVE SANFORD, NC 27330 EDR 10 Number Dalabase(s) EPA ID Number (919) 774-6700 10000 Cathodic Protection Cathodic Protection Not reported Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture (919) 774-6700 10000 Cathodic Protection Cathodic Protection Not reported Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture U001437272 TC498815.5s Page 13 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanc:e (ft.) MAP FINDINGS EDR 10 Number Elevation :S:::it::•-------------------------------Oatabase(s) EPA ID Number 9 NE 1/4-1/2 2030 Higher THE PANTRY #172 (Continued) Facility ID: Tank 10: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: Leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: BILL'S EXXON 204 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 0-017533 3 Internal Lining Steel 08/19/1976 Currently In Use Inventory control Line tightness testing Internal lining Impressed current Catchment basins State fund Not reported Not reported 03 THE PANTRY. INC. Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: P.O. BOX 1410/1801 DOUGLAS DRIVE SANFORD, NC 27330 (919) 774-6700 10000 Cathodic Protection Cathodic Protection Not reported Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture LUST U001437272 5102868669 N/A TC498815.5s Page 14 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) ~L-----------M_A_P __ FI_N_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR ID Number ElevatiOn Site Database(s) EPA ID Number 10 NE 1/4-1/2 2048 Higher -------------------------------------- BILL'S EXXON (Continued) S102868669 LUST: Incident Number: 18099 Region: MOR Date Occurred: 11/10/97 0:00:00 Submit Date: 12122197 0:00:00 GWContam: Yes Soil Contam: Not reported Incident Desc: GW CONTAM. FOUND AS PART OF CLOSURE OF 3 USTS. Owner: Contact: Ownership: Material: Qty Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: Close Req Dt: LaULong: BOBBY GRAHAM Not reported P.O. BOX 28 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 IREDE County Private GASOLINE Not reported Leak-underground Facility E 5/30/98 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Responsible Parties Not reported Response Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 353422/ 804927 J.T. ALEXANDER & SON HWY 115 N. MOORESVILLE, NC Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setting: Oem Contact: Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 Min Quad: Last Modified Day Reported: Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt: Close Out Reprt: Owner Company: Risk Site Commercial Not reported Gasoline/diesel Urban Not reported 0.00 Groundwater Samples N65E Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported MOORESVILLE OIL COMPANY Yes LUST S101643149 N/A TC498815.5s Page 15 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevatibn Site MAP FINDINGS EDR 10 Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number ------------------------------------- 11 NE 1/4-1/2 2248 Higher J.T. ALEXANDER & SON (Continued) LUST: Incident Number: 13431 Dale Occurred: 1/26/95 0:00:00 GW Contam: Yes Incident Desc: Not reported Owner: Not reported Contact: Not reported Ownership: Material: Oty Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: Close Req Dt LaVLong: P.O. BOX 88 MOORESVILLE. NC 28115 IREDE Counly Private GASOLINE Not reported leak·underground Facility 0656 5/15/98 0:00:00 No Not reported Responsible Parties Not reported Closed Out Not reported 9/24/96 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 353625/ 804858 GLASPY'S AUTO SERVICE 152 S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC Region: Submit Date: Soil Contam: Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setting: Oem Contact: Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 Min Quad: Last Modified Day Reported: Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt: Close Out Reprt: Owner Company: Risk Site MOR 6/14/95 0:00:00 Not reported Commercial Not reported Gasoline/diesel Urban Not reported 0.00 Groundwater Samples M65Q 6/22/99 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported 6/11/99 0:00:00 S101643149 J.T. ALEXANDER & SON Yes LUST S103916657 N/A TC498815.5s Page 16 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanc.e (ft.) ~L-----------M_A_P __ F_IN_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR ID Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA 10 Number C12 NE 1/4-1/2 2264 Higher -------------------------------------- GLASPY'S AUTO SERVICE (Continued) LUST: Incident Number: 19930 Region: Date Occurred: 12/1/98 0:00:00 Submit Date: GW Contam: Not reported Soil Contam: Incident Desc: REMOVED 3 USTS, SOILCONTAM. AT 4,590 PPM. Owner: JUDSON C. POUKE Contact: Not reported Ownership: Material: Qly Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: · Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: Close Req Dt: LaVLong: 1111 BAGBY ST. HOUSTON, TX 77002 Private GASOLINE Not reported Leak-underground Facility Not reported 5/17/99 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Responsible Parties Not reported Response Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 353453/804853 MOORESVILLE ICE CREAM N BROAD ST MOORESVILLE, NC Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setting: Dem Contact: Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 Min Quad: Last Modified Day Reported; Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt Close Out Reprt: Owner Company: Risk Site MOR 5/17/99 0:00:00 Yes Commercial Not reported Gasoline/diesel Urban Not reported Not reported Soil Samples N65D Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported TEXACO, INC. Not reported LUST S103916657 S101572482 N/A TC498815.5s Page 17 • • • MapiD Direction Distance Distanc.e (ft.) ~L ___________ M_A_P_F_IN_D_IN_G_s __________ ~ EDR 10 Number Elevation Site Database(s) EPA 10 Number -------------------------------------- C13 NE 114-112 2264 Higher MOORESVILLE ICE CREAM (Continued) LUST: Incident Number: 8599 Region: Date Occurred: 3/26/90 0:00:00 Submit Date: GW Contam: Not reported Soil Contam: Incident Desc: CONTAMINATION FOUND DURING UST REMOVAL Owner: BOBBY GRAHAM Contact: Ownership: Material: Qty Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: Close Req Dt: LaVLong: Not reported P.O. BOX28 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 JREDE County Private PETROLEUM Not reported Leak·underground Facility E 5130/98 0:00:00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Response Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported MOORESVILLE AMOCO SERVICE 151 S BROAD ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setting: Dem Contact: Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 Min Quad: Last Modified Day Reported: Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt: Close Out Reprt: Owner Company: Risk Site MOR 7123192 0:00:00 Not reported Commercial Not reported Gasoline/diesel Urban Not reported 0.00 Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported S101572482 MOORESVILLE OIL COMPANY Yes UST LUST U001431.258 N/A TC498815.5s Page 18 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) ~L-----------M_A_P __ FI_N_D_IN_G_s ____________ ~ EDR ID Number Elevatia·n Site Database(s) EPA tD Number -------------------------------------- MOORESVILLE AMDCO SERVICE (Continued) LUST: Incident Number: 6722 Region: . MOR Date Occurred: 4/1/90 0:00:00 Submit Date: 7/16/91 0:00:00 GW Contam: Not reported Soil Contam: Not reported Incident Desc: UPON REMOVAL OF USTS, SOIL SAMPLES CONFIRMED CONTAMINATION. Owner: MICHAEL PEEBLES Contact: Not reported Ownership: Material: Qty Lost: Source: Location: Site Priority: Priority Code: Wells Affected: Wells Contam: Sampled By: 7.5 Min Quad: Incident Phase: Norr Issued: Nov Issued: Public Meeting: SOC Signed: RS Destination: Close Req Dt: LaVLong: UST: Facility 10: Tank ID: Interior: Material: Date installed: Status: leak Detection: Tank: Pipe: 151 S. BROAD ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 IREDE County Private GASOLINE UNK Leak-underground Facility E 5/30/98 0:00:00 No Not reported Responsible Parties Not reported Response Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 353457 I 804848 0-017464. 1 None Steel 03/25/1978 Currently In Use Not reported Not reported Corrosion Protection: Tank: Pipe: Overfill Protection: Financial Responsibility: Case Number: Certification: Region: Owner: Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 03 WD PEEBLES 151 S BROAD MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Operation: Qty Recovered: Type: Setting: Dem Contact: Num Affected: Samples Include: 5 MinOuad: Last Modified Day Reported: Corrective Action: Reclass Rprt: Close Out Reprt: Owner Company: Risk Site Commercial NONE Gasoline/diesel Rural Not reported 0.00 Soil Samples Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported MOORESVILLE AMOCO Yes Telephone: Tank Size: (704) 664-2928 280 Exterior: Paint Piping: Steel Dale removed: Not reported Product: Kerosene, Kerosene Mixture U001437258 TC498815.5s Page 19 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Distance (ft.) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS EDR 10 Number Database{s) EPA 10 Number ------------------------------------- MOORESVILLE AMOCO SERVICE (Continued) Facility 10: 0-017464 Tank ID: 2 Interior: None Material: Steel Date installed: 03/25/1978 Status: Currently In Use Leak Detection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Corrosion Protection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Overfill Protection: Not reported Financial Responsibility: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Certification: Not reported Region: 03 Owner: W D PEEBLES 151 S BROAD MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Facility 10: 0-017464 Tank ID: 3 Interior: None Material: Steel Date installed: 03/25/1978 Status: Currently In Use Leak Detection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Corrosion Protection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Overfill Protection: Not reported Financial Responsibility: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Certification: Not reported Region: 03 Owner: W D PEEBLES. 151 S BROAD MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: Telephone: Tank Size: Exterior: Piping: Date removed: Product: (704) 664-2928 5000 Paint Steel Not reported Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture (704) 664-2928 5000 Paint Steel Not reported Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture U001437258 TC498815.5s Page 20 • • • Map ID Direction Distance Dislanc~ (ft.) Elevation Site MAP FINDINGS MOORESVILLE AMOCO SERVICE (Continued) Facility 10: 0-017464 Telephone: Tank ID: 4 Tank Size: Interior: None Exterior: Material: Steel Piping: Date installed: 0312511978 Date removed: Status: Currently In Use Product Leak Detection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Corrosion Protection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Overfill Protection: Not reported Financial Responsibility: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Certification: Not reported Region: 03 Owner: W D PEEBLES 151 S BROAD MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Facility 10: 0-017464 Telephone: Tank 10: 5 Tank Size: Interior: None Exterior: Material: Steel Piping: Date installed: 0312511978 Date removed: Status: Currently In Use Product: Leak Detection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Corrosion Protection: Tank: Not reported Pipe: Not reported Overfill Protection: Not reported Financial Responsibility: Not reported Case Number: Not reported Certification: Not reported Region: 03 Owner: W D PEEBLES 151 S BROAD MOORESVILLE. NC 28115 (704) 664-2928 2000 Paint Steel Not reported EDR 10 Number Database(s) EPA 10 Number U001437258 Gasoline, Gasoline Mixture (704) 664-2928 550 Paint Steel Not reported Oil, New/Used/Mixture TC498815.5s Page 21 • • • ORPHAN SUMMARY City EORID Site Name Site Address Zip Database(s) Facility 10 MOORESVILLE 5104157143 OLD MOORE PLACE SR 1100 BRANLEY SCHOOL RD. 28115 LUST 17034 MOORESVILLE U001437259 COOK'S AUTOMOTIVE HVVY 115 SOUTH 28115 UST 0-017465 MOORESVILLE U001437237 CLYLE II HWY 115N 28115 UST 0-017442 MOORESVILLE U001437241 J.T. SMITH STORE HVVY 115N 28115 UST 0-017446 MOORESVILLE 5102443256 BRAWLEY CONSTRUCTION CO. HWY 150E. 28115 LUST 16495 MOORESVILLE 5103240135 DUKE POWER/MARSHALL STEAM Pl T NC 150 28115 SWF/LF 1604 MOORESVILLE U001437393 CATAWBA TIMBER CO. MOORESVIll HWY 150 BYPASS 28115 UST 0-017959 MOORESVILLE U001439019 GENERAL STORE HWY 150WEST 28115 UST 0-027788 MOORESVILLE U003562392 LAKE NORMAN GROCERY HWY 150 28115 UST 0-010450 MOORESVILLE U003563363 THE COUNTRY CORNER HWY 150 28115 UST 0-032001 MOORESVILLE U003563370 WILCO FOOD MART #359 HWY 150 28115 UST 0-032305 MOORESVILLE U001437373 BRAWLEY CONST. CO. HWY 150E 28115 UST 0-017875 MOORESVILLE U001188501 FRIENDLY FARE GROCERY HIGHWAY 152-ROUTE 3 28115 UST 0-003795 MOORESVILLE U003092024 DUKE POWER/MOORESVILLE OPS CT ROUTE 166, TALBERT RD 28115 UST 0-032471 MOORESVILLE U001437398 DENVER DISTRIBUTION INC TRUC HWY21 S 28115 UST 0-017970 MOORESVILLE U001438660 OVERCASH ELECTRIC H\'VY 21 NORTH 28115 UST 0-025626 MOORESVILLE U001439364 WATER FILTER PLANT H\'VY 21 N 28115 UST 0-030325 MOORESVILLE U003562696 PORT CITY ELECTRIC HWY21 28115 UST, LUST 0-017447 MOORESVILLE U003563372 FAST PHIL$ #502 HWY 21 & WATERLYNN RD 28115 UST 0-032358 MOORESVILLE U001192750 STARR GROCERY ROUTE 3 (621 EAST IREDELL) 28115 UST 0-010722 MOORESVILLE U003562695 PAINTING POST (CRAFT SHOP) RTS 28115 UST 0-017441 MOORESVILLE U001436110 J-77TEXACO RR 8 BOX 378/HWY 150 W 28115 UST 0-010706 MOORESVILLE U001439356 NORTHSIDE PUMP STAT ION HWY 801 (BEAM TRAILER PARK) 28115 UST 0-030317 MOORESVILLE U001439363 BRAWLEY SHCOOL ROAD PUMP STAT BRAWLEY SCHOOL ROAD (SR 1100) 28115 UST 0-030324 MOORESVILLE U001435974 FORD STEWART T/A PIKE'S GULF BROAD & MOORE STREET 28115 UST 0-010298 MOORESVILLE U003145883 BOWLES TEXACO NCHWY115N.,RT.8 28115 UST 0-023365 MOORESVILLE U001434346 BILLS EXXON S MAIN STREET 28115 UST 0-002016 MOORESVILLE U001437240 MCNEEDY'S MAIN STREET 28115 UST 0-017445 MOORESVILLE 5101572360 CHRISTIE'S TEXACO MAIN STREET 28115 LUST 8418 MOORESVILLE U001436031 THE GENERAL STORE 861 OAK RIDGE FARM HWY 28115 UST 0-010367 MOORESVILLE U001437312 THE CORNER STORE 896 OAK RIDGE FARM HWY 28115 UST, LUST 0-017677 MOORESVILLE S103595710 IREDEll COUNTY TRANSFER STATION WEST PLAZA DRIVE 28115 SWFILF 4904-T MOORESVILLE U003138363 NORMAN'S HOUSE 800 RIVER ROAD-HWY 150 WEST 28115 UST 0-034993 MOORESVILLE U001958963 NC ARMY NATIONAL GUARD ARMORY STATESVILLE HWY 28115 UST 0-033973 MOORESVILLE U001439357 REEDS CEEK PUMP STATION W WILSON AVE (GOLF COURSE) 28115 UST 0-030318 MOORESVILLE U001439362 MOORESVILLE GOLF COURSE WWILSONAVE 28115 UST 0-030323 TC496615.5s Page 22 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING To maintain currency of the following federal and state databases, EDR contacts the appropriate governmental agency on a monthly or quarterly basis, as required. Elapsed ASTM days: Provides confirmation that this EDR report meets or exceeds the 90·day updating requirement of the ASTM standard. FEDERAL ASTM STANDARD RECORDS NPL: National Priority List Source: EPA Telephone: N/A National Priorities List (Superfund). The NPL is a subset of CERCUS and identifies over 1.200 sites for priority cleanup under the Superfund Program. NPL sites may encompass relatively large areas. As such, EDR provides polygon coverage for over 1,000 NPL site boundaries produced by EPA's Environmental Photographic Interpretation Center (EPIC). Date of Government Version: 02/04/00 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/15/00 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually DELISTED NPL: NPL Deletions Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02/07/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 37 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02/07/00 The National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution· Contingency Plan (NCP) establishes the criteria that the EPA uses to delete sites from the NPL. In accordance with 40 CFR 300.425.(e), sites may be deleted from the NPL where no further response is appropriate. Date of Government Version: 11/08/99 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/15/00 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02/07/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 37 Date of Last EDR Contact 02108/00 CERCUS: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413-0223 CERCUS contains data on potentially hazardous waste sites that have been reported to the US EPA by states, municipalities, private companies and private persons, pursuant to Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). CERCUS contains sites which are either proposed to or on the National Priorities List (NPL) and sites which are in the screening and assessment phase for possible inclusion on the NPL. Date of Government Version: 02/14/00 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/15/00 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly CERCLIS-NFRAP: No Further Remedial Action Planned Source: EPA Telephone: 703-413-0223 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 03/02/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 13 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02/28/00 As of February 1995, CERCUS sites designated "No Further Remedial Action Planned" (NFRAP) have been removed from CERCUS. NFRAP sites may be sites where, following an initial investigation, no contamination was found, contamination was removed quickly without the need for the site to be placed on the NPL, or the contamination was not serious enough to require Federal Superfund action or NPL consideration. EPA has removed approximately 25,000 NFRAP sites to lift the unintended barriers to the redevelopment of these properties and has archived them as historical records so EPA does not needlessly repeat the investigations in the future. This policy change is part of the EPA's Brownfields Redevelopment Program to help cities, states, private investors and affected citizens to promote economic redevelopment of unproductive urban sites. Date of Government Version: 02114/00 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/15/00 Database Release Frequency: Quarter1y Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 03/02100 Elapsed ASTM days: 13 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02128/00 TC498815.5s Page GR-1 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING CORRACTS: Corrective Action Report Source: EPA Telephone: 800-424-9346 CORRACTS identifies hazardous waste handlers with RCRA corrective action activity. Date of Government Version: 09/07/99 Date Made Active at EDR: 10/28/99 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually RCRIS: Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 09/13/99 Elapsed ASTM days: 45 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/13/00 Resource Conservation and Recovery Information Sy~tem. RCRIS includes selective information on sites which generate, transport, store, treat and/or dispose of hazardous waste as defined by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Date of Government Version: 12/22/99 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/23/00 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually ERNS: Emergency Response Notification System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 202-260-2342 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01/07/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 76 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/01/00 Emergency Response Notification System. ERNS records and stores information on reported releases of oil and hazardous substances. Date of Government Version: 01/06/00 Date Made Active at EDR: 02/08/00 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly FEDERAL ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS BRS: Biennial Reporting System Source: EPA/NTIS Telephone: 800-424-9346 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 01131/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 8 Date of Last EDR Contact: 01/31/00 The Biennial Reporting System is a national system administered by the EPA that collects data on the generation and management of hazardous waste. BRS captures detailed data from two groups: Large Quantity Generators (LOG) and Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facilities. Date of Government Version: 12/31/97 Database Release Frequency: Biennially CONSENT: Superfund (CERCLA) Consent Decrees Source: EPA Regional Offices Telephone: Varies Date of Last EDR Contact: 12/20/99 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 03/20/00 Major legal settlements that establish responsibility and standards for cleanup at NPL (Superfund) sites. Released periodically by United States District Courts after settlement by parties to litigation matters. Date of Government Version: Varies Database Release Frequency: Varies ROO: Records Of Decision Source: NTIS Telephone: 703-416-0223 Date of Last EDR Contact: Varies Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: NIA Record of Decision. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) site containing technical and health information to aid in the cleanup. Date of Government Version: 01/31/99 Database Release Frequency: Annually Date of Last EDR Contact: 04/1 0/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/10/00 TC498815.5s Page GR-2 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING FINDS: Facility Index System/Facility Identification Initiative Program Summary Report Source: EPA Telephone: N/A Facility Index System. FINDS contains both facility information and 'pointers' to other sources that contain more detail. EDR Includes the following FINDS databases in this report: PCS (Permit Compliance System), AIRS (Aerometric Information Retrieval System), DOCKET (Enforcement Docket used to manage and track information on civil judicial enforcement cases for all environmental statutes), FURS (Federal Underground Injection Control), C-DOCKET (Criminal Docket System used to track criminal enforcement actions for all environmental statutes), FFIS (Federal Facilities Information System), STATE (State Environmental Laws arld Statutes), and PADS (PCB Activity Data System}. Date of Government Version: 10113/99 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly HMIRS: Hazardous Materials Information Reporting System Source: U.S. Department of Transportation Telephone: 202-366-4526 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/29/00 Date of Next Scheduled EOR Contact: 07/10/00 Hazardous Materials Incident Report System. HMIRS contains hazardous material spill incidents reported to DOT. Date of Government Version: 06!30!99 Database Release Frequency: Annually MLTS: Material Licensing Tracking System Source: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Telephone: 301-415·7169 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/15/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/24/00 MLTS is maintained by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and contains a list of approximately 8,100 sites which possess or use radioactive materials and which are subject to NRC licensin·g requirements. To maintain currency, EDR contacts the Agency on a quarterly basis. Date of Government Version: 10/29/99 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly MINES: Mines Master Index File Source: Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration Telephone: 303-231-5959 Date of Government Version: 08/0,/98 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually NPL LIENS: Federal Superfund Liens Source: EPA Telephone: 205-564-4267 Date of Last EDR Contact: 04/1 0100 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/10/00 Date of Last EDR Contact 04/03/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 07/03/00 Federal Superfund Liens. Under the authority granted the US EPA by the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980, the USEPA has the authority to file liens against real property in order to recover remedial action expenditures or when the property owner receives notification of potential liability. USEPA compiles a listing of filed notices of Superfund Liens. Date of Government Version: 10/15/91 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned PADS: PCB Activity Database System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-3936 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02/24/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/22/00 PCB Activity Database. PADS Identifies generators. transporters, commercial starers and/or brokers and disposers of PCB's who are required to notify the EPA of such activities. Date of Government Version: 10/01/99 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned RAATS: RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-564-4104 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/16/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/15/00 RCRA Administration Action Tracking System. RAATS contains records based on enforcement actions issued under RCRA pertaining to major vlolators and includes administrative and civil actions brought by the EPA. For administration actions after September 30, 1995, data entry in the RAATS database was discontinued. EPA will retain a copy of the database for historical records. It was necessary to tenninate RAA TS because a decrease in agency resources made it impossible to continue to update the information contained in the database . Date of Government Version: 04/17/95 Date of Last EDR Contact 03113/00 Database Release Frequency: No Update Planned Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/12/00 TC498815.5s Page GR-3 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING TRIS: Toxic Chemical Release Inventory System Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-1531 Toxic Release Inventory System. TRIS identifies facilities which release toxic chemicals to the air, water and land in reportable quantities under SARA Title Ill Section 313. Date of Government Version: 12/31/97 Database Release Frequency: Annually TSCA: Toxic Substances Control Act Source: EPA Telephone: 202-260-1444 Date of Last EDR Contacl: 03127100 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/26/00 Toxic Substances Control Act. TSCA identifies manufacturers and importers of chemical substances included on the TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory list. It includes data on the production volume of these substances by plant site. Date of Government Version: 12/31/94 Database Release Frequency: Every 4 Years STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ASTM STANDARD RECORDS SHWS: Inactive Hazardous Sites Inventory Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 91 9-733-2801 Date of Last EDR Contact 01/03/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 04/24/00 State Hazardous Waste Sites. State hazardous waste site records are the states' equivalent to CERCUS. These sites may or may not already be listed on the federal CERCUS list. Priority sites planned for cleanup using state funds (state equivalent of Superfund) are identified along with sites where cleanup will be paid for by potentially responsible parties. Available information varies by state. Date of Government Version: 02/04/99 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/19/99 Database Release Frequency: Annually LF: List of Solid Waste Facilities Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-0692 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02/22/99 Elapsed ASTM days: 25 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/13/00 Solid Waste Facilities/Landfill Sites. SWF/LF type records typically contain an inventory of solid waste disposal facilities or landfills in a particular state. Depending on the state, these may be active or inactive facilities or open dumps that failed to meet RCRA Subtitle D Section 4004 criteria for solid waste landfills or disposal sites. Date of Government Version: 10/01/99 Date Made Active at EDR: 11/16/99 Database Release Frequency: Semi-Annually LUST: Incidents Management Database Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1315 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 11/02/99 Elapsed ASTM days: 14 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/09/00 leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Reports. LUST records contain an inventory of reported leaking underground storage tank incidents. Not all states maintain these records, and the information stored varies by state. Date of Government Version: 01/28/00 Date Made Active at EDR: 03/02/00 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly UST: Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Database Source: Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1308 Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 02/01/00 Elapsed ASTM days: 30 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02/01/00 Registered Underground Storage Tanks. UST's are regulated under Subtitle I of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) and must be registered with the state department responsible for administering the UST program. Available information varies by state program. Date of Government Version: 11/16/99 Date Made Active at EDR: 12/27/99 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly Date of Data Arrival at EDR: 12113199 Elapsed ASTM days: 14 Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/12/00 TC498815.5s Page GR-4 • • • GOVERNMENT RECORDS SEARCHED I DATA CURRENCY TRACKING STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ASTM SUPPLEMENTAL RECORDS HSOS: Hazardous Substance Disposal Site Source: North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 Locations of uncontrolled and unregulated hazardous waste sites. The file includes sites on the National Priority List as well as those on the state priority list. Date of Government Version: 06/21/95 Database Release Frequency: Biennially IMO: Incident Management Database Source: Department of Health and Natural Resources Telephone: 919-733-1315 Date of Government Version: 01/28/00 Database Release Frequency: Quarterly EDR PROPRIETARY DATABASES Date of Last EDR Contact: 03/07100 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 06/05/00 Date of Last EDR Contact: 02/01/00 Date of Next Scheduled EDR Contact: 05/01/00 Former Manufactured Gas (Coal Gas) Sites: The existence and location of Coal Gas sites is provided exclusively to EDR by Real Property Scan, Inc. ©Copyright 1993 Real Property Scan, Inc. For a technical description of the types of hazards which may be found a\ such sites, contact your EDR customer service representative. Disclaimer Provided by Real Property Scan, Inc. The information contained in this report has predominantly been obtained from publicly available sources produced by entities other than Real Property Scan. While reasonable steps have been taken to insure the accuracy of this report, Real Property Scan does not guarantee the accuracy of this report. Any liability on the part of Real Property Scan is strictly limited to a refund of the amount paid. No claim is made for the actual existence of toxins at any site. This report does not constitute a legal opinion . HISTORICAL AND OTHER DATABASE(S) Depending on the geographic area covered by this report, the data provided in these specialty databases may or may not be complete. For example, the existence of wetlands information data in a specific report does not mean that all wetlands in the area covered by the report are included. Moreover, the absence of any reported wetlands information does not necessarily mean that wetlands do not exist in the area covered by the report. Oil/Gas Pipelines/Electrical Transmission Lines: This data was obtained by EDR from the USGS in 1994. It is referred to by USGS as GeoData Digital Line Graphs from 1:100,000-Scale Maps. II was extracted from the transportation category including some oil, but primarily gas pipelines and electrical transmission lines. Sensitive Receptors: There are individuals deemed sensitive receptors due to their fragile immune systems and special sensitivity to environmental discharges. These sensitive receptors typically include the elderly, the sick, and children. While the location of all sensitive receptors cannot be determined, EDR indicates those buildings and facilities-schools, daycares, hospitals, medical centers, and nur.;;ing homes-where individuals who are sensitive receptors are likely to be located. Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 100-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in March 1997 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Water Dams: National Inventory of Dams Source: Federal Emergency Management Agency Telephone: 202-646-2801 National computer database of more than 74,000 dams maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency . TC498815.5s Page GR-5 • • • GEOCHECK ®. PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE ADDENDUM TARGET PROPERTY ADDRESS FORMER BURLINGTON MILL 476S MAIN ST MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 TARGET PROPERTY COORDINATES Latitude (North): Longitude (West): Universal Tranverse Mercator: UTM X (Meters): UTM Y (Meters): 35.577702-35' 34' 39.7" 80.818993-80' 49' 8.4" Zone 17 516400.9 3936926.8 EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum has been developed to assist the environmental professional with the collection of physical setting source information in accordance with ASTM 1527-97, Section 7 .2.3. Section 7.2.3 requires that a current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (or equivalent, such as the USGS Digital Elevation Model) be reviewed. It also requires that one or more additional physical setting sources be sought when (1) conditions have been identified in which hazardous substances or petroleum products are likely to migrate to or from the property, and (2) more information than is provided in the current USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map (or equivalent) is generally obtained, pursuant to local good commercial or customary practice, to assess the impact of migration of recognized environmental conditions in connection with the property. Such additional physical setting sources generally include information about the topographic, hydrologic, hydrogeologic, and geologic characteristics of a site, and wells in the area. Assessment of the impact of contaminant migration generally has two principle investigative components: 1. Groundwater flow direction, and 2. Groundwater fiow velocity. Groundwater fiow direction may be impacted by surface topography, hydrology, hydrogeology, characteristics of the soil, and nearby wells. Groundwater fiow velocity is generally impacted by the nature of the geologic strata. EDR's GeoCheck Physical Setting Source Addendum is provided to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of potential contaminant migration . TC498815.5s Page A-1 • • • GEOCHECKID -PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY GROUNDWATER FLOW DIRECTION INFORMATION Groundwater flow direction for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site-specific well data. If such data is not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, such as surface topographic information, hydrologic information, hydrogeologic data collected on nearby properties, and regional groundwater flow information (from deep aquifers). TOPOGRAPHIC INFORMATION Surface topography may be indicative of the direction of surficial groundwater flow. This information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. USGS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP ASSOCIATED WITH THIS SITE Target Property: 2435080-E7 MOORESVILLE, NC Source: USGS 7.5 min quad index GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC GRADIENT AT TARGET PROPERTY Target Property: General SE Source: General Topographic Gradient has been determined from the USGS 1 Degree Digital Elevation Model and should be evaluated on a relative (not an absolute) basis. Relative elevation information between sites of close proximity should be field verified. HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Surface water can act as a hydrologic barrier to groundwater flow. Such hydrologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted. Refer to the Physical Setting Source Map following this summary for hydrologic information (major waterways and bodies of water). FEMA FLOOD ZONE Target Property County IREDELL, NC Flood Plain Panel at Target Property: Additional Panels in search area: NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION FEMA 03 Flood Data Electronic Coverage NO Not Reported Not Reported NWI Electronic Coverage YES Hydrogeologic information obtained by installation of wells on a specific site can often be an indicator of groundwater flow direction in the immediate area. Such hydrogeologic information can be used to assist the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the impact of nearby contaminated properties or, should contamination exist on the target property, what downgradient sites might be impacted . TC498815.5s Page A-2 • • • GEOCHECKID -PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY AOUIFLOW"' Search Radius: 2.000 Miles. EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted by environmental professionals to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, groundwater flow direction as determined hydrogeologically, and the depth to water table. MAPID Not Reported LOCATION FROM TP GENERAL DIRECTION GROUNDWATER FLOW GROUNDWATER FLOW VELOCITY INFORMATION Groundwater flow velocity information for a particular site is best determined by a qualified environmental professional using site specific geologic and soil strata data. If such data are not reasonably ascertainable, it may be necessary to rely on other sources of information, including geologic age identification, rock stratigraphic unit and soil characteristics data collected on nearby properties and regional soil information. In general, contaminant plumes move more quickly through sandy-gravelly types of soils than silty-clayey types of soils. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION IN GENERAL AREA OF TARGET PROPERTY Geologic information can be used by the environmental professional in forming an opinion about the relative speed at which contaminant migration may be occurring. ROCK STRATIGRAPHIC UNIT Geologic Code: Era: System: Pzg1 Paleozoic Ordovian GEOLOGIC AGE IDENTIFICATION Category: Plutonic and Intrusive Rocks Series: Lower Paleozoic granitic rocks Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source: P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale-a digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS-11 (1994). DOMINANT SOIL COMPOSITION IN GENERAL AREA OFT ARGET PROPERTY The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps. The following information is based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data. Soil Surface Texture: Hydrologic Group: Soil Drainage Class: sandy clay loam Class B -Moderate infiltration rates. Deep and moderately deep, moderately well and well drained soils with moderately coarse textures. Well drained. Soils have intermediate water holding capacity. Depth to water table is more than 6 feet. TC498815.5s Page A-3 • • • GEOCHEC!<ID -PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY Corrosion Potential -Uncoated Steel: HIGH Depth to Bedrock Min: > 60 inches Depth to Bedrock Max: > 60 inches Soil Layer Information Boundary Classification Layer Upper Lower Soil Texture Class AASHTO Group Unified Soil Permeabi~~ Rate (in/hr) 1 Oinches 7 inches sandy clay loam Siii·Ciay COURSE-GRAINED Max: 2.00 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 0.60 than 35 pet. Sands with passing No. fines, Silty 200), Silty Sand. Soils. 2 7 inches 11 inches sandy clay loam Silt-Clay COURSE-GRAINED Max: 2.00 Materials (more SOILS, Sands, Min: 0.60 than 35 pet. Sands with passing No. fines, Silty 200), Silty Sand. Soils. 3 11 inches 50 inches clay Silt-Clay FINE-GRAINED Max: 2.00 Materials (more SOILS, Sills Min: 0.60 than 35 pet. and Clays passing No. (liquid limit 200), Clayey 50% or more), Soils. Elastic silt. 4 50 inches 75 inches variable Not reported Not reported Max: 0.00 Min: 0.00 OTHER SOIL TYPES IN AREA Based on Soil Conservation Service STATSGO data, the following additional subordinant soil types may appear within the general area of target property. Soil Surface Textures: sandy loam loam clay loam silt loam very channery -silt loam gravelly-sandy loam Surficial Soil Types: sandy loam loam clay loam silt loam very channery-silt loam gravelly-sandy loam Shallow Soil Types: silt loam sandy clay clay Deeper Soil Types: silty clay loam very channery-silt loam loam weathered bedrock TC498815.5s Page A-4 • • • GEOCHECKID-PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE SUMMARY fine sandy loam silty clay loam unweathered bedrock sandy clay loam ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD SOURCES According to ASTM E 1527-97, Section 7.2.2, "one or more additional state or local sources of environmental records may be checked, in the discretion of the environmental professional, to enhance and supplement federal and state sources ... Factors to consider in determining which local or additional state records, if any, should be checked include (1) whether they are reasonably ascertainable, (2) whether they are sufficiently useful, accurate, and complete in light of the objective of the records review (see 7.1.1 ), and (3) whether they are obtained, pursuant to local, good commercial or customary practice." One of the record sources listed in Section 7 .2.2 is water well information. Water well information can be used to assist the environmental professional in assessing sources that may impact groundwater flow direction, and in forming an opinion about the impact of contaminant migration on nearby drinking water wells. WELL SEARCH DISTANCE INFORMATION DATABASE Federal USGS Federal FRDS PWS State Database SEARCH DISTANCE (miles) 1.000 Nearest PWS within 1 mile 1.000 FEDERAL USGS WELL INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID No Wells Found FEDERAL FRDS PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM INFORMATION MAPID WELL ID NC0149414 Note: PWS System location is not always the same as well location. STATE DATABASE WELL INFORMATION MAP ID WELL ID No Wells Found LOCATION FROM TP LOCATION FROM TP 1/2-1 Mile NE LOCATION FROM TP TC498815.5s Page A-5 PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP • 498815.5s N Major Roads /\f Contour Unes @> WaterWells ; ® Public Water Supply Wells + Groundwater Flow Direction (]JJ Indeterminate Groundwater Aow at Location CQY) Groundwater Flow Varies at Location e Cluster of Multiple Icons TARGET PROPERTY: ADDRESS: CITY/STATE/ZIP: LAT/LONG: Former BurUngton Mill 476 S Main St Mooresville NC 28115 35.5777/80.8190 @ Earthquake epicenter, Richter 5 or greater Q Wildlife Areas f:~'J Natural Areas !:.. .... !>.,; CUSTOMER: CONTACT: INQUIRY#: DATE: <> Rare & Endangered Species IT Corporation Michael Marcus 498815.5s May 23, 2000 3:03pm • • • GEOCHECK®-PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS MapiD Direction Distance Elevation 1 NE 1/2 ·1 Mile Higher PWSID: Date Initiated: PWSName: Addressee I Facility: Addressee I Facility: Facility Latitude: Facility Latitude: City Served: Treatment Class: Database FRDS PWS NC0149414 PWS Status: Active June I 2077 Date Deactivated Not Reported AMITY LUTH CH MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 System Owner/Responsible Party AMITY LUTH CH RT5 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 System Owner/Responsible Party AMITY LUTH CH RT5 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 35 35 04 35 44 15 MOORESVILLE Untreated Facility LongitudeOBO 48 37 Facility Longitude080 46 15 Population: Under 101 Persons EDR ID Number NC0149414 PWS currently has or had major violation(s} or enforcement: Yes Violations information not reported. ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation 10: Enforcement Date: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation 10: Enforcement Date: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation 10: Enforcement Date: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation ID: Enforcement Date: AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999·10-01 -1999·12·31 0000371 2000·02·04 AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999-10-01. 1999·12·31 0003413 2000.02-15 AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999-10-01 ·1999-12-31 0003413 2000·02-15 AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999·10·01 ·1999·12·31 0003413 2000·02-04 Analytical Value: 0000000.00000 Enforcement 10: 0006223 Enf. Action: State Formal NOV Issued Analytical Value: 0000000.00000 Enforcement 10: 0009904 Enf. Action: State Admin Penalty Assessed Analytical Value: 0000000.00000 Enforcement 10: 0009905 Enf. Action: State AO (w/penalty) Issued Analytical Value: 0000000.00000 Enforcement 10: 0006224 Enf. Action: State Public Notif Requested TC498815.5s Page A-7 • • • GEOCHECK®-PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS ENFORCEMENT INFORMATION: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation ID: Enforcement Date: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation 10: Enforcement Date: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation ID: Enforcement Date: System Name: Violation Type: Contaminant: Compliance Period: Violation 10: Enforcement Date: AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Moriitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999-04-01 -1999-06-30 9912229 1999-08-12 AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999-04-01 • 1999-06-30 9909608 1999-08-12 AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999·04-0 1 -1999-06-30 9909608 1999-08-12 AMITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Monitoring, Routine Major (TCR) COLIFORM (TCR) 1999-04-01 • 1999-06-30 0000371 1999-08-12 Analytical Value: Enforcement ID: Enf. Action: Analytical Value: Enforcement ID: Enf. Action: Analytical Value: Enforcement 10: Enf. Action: Analytical Value: Enforcement 10: Enf. Action: 0000000.00000 9906277 State Formal NOV Issued 0000000.00000 9906278 State Public Notif Requested 0000000.00000 9906277 State Formal NOV Issued 0000000.00000 9906278 State Public Notif Requested TC498815.5s Page A·8 • • • . GEOCHECK®-PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE MAP FINDINGS RADON AREA RADON INFORMATION EPA Radon Zone for IREDELL County: 2 Note: Zone 1 indoor average level > 4 pCi/L. : Zone 2 indoor average level >= 2 pCi/L and <:: 4 pCi/L. : Zone 3 indoor average level < 2 pCi/L. Zip Code: 28115 Number of sites tested: 11 Area Living Area • 1st Floor Living Area· 2nd Floor Basement Average Activity 1.255 pCi/L Not Reported 4.267 pCi/L % <4 pCi/L 100% Not Reported 67% % 4-20 pCi/L 0% Not Reported 33% % >20 pCi/L 0% Not Reported 0% TC498815.5s Page A-9 • • • PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED HYDROLOGIC INFORMATION Flood Zone Data: This data, available in select counties across the country, was obtained by EDR in 1999 from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Data depicts 1 00-year and 500-year flood zones as defined by FEMA. NWI: National Wetlands Inventory. This data. available in select counties across the count!)', was obtained by EDR in March 1997 from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. HYDROGEOLOGIC INFORMATION AQUIFLow™ Information System Source: EDR proprietary database of groundwater flow information EDR has developed the AQUIFLOW Information System (AIS) to provide data on the general direction of groundwater flow at specific points. EDR has reviewed reports submitted to regulatory authorities at select sites and has extracted the date of the report, hydrogeologically determined groundwater flow direction and depth to water table information. GEOLOGIC INFORMATION Geologic Age and Rock Stratigraphic Unit Source; P.G. Schruben, R.E. Arndt and W.J. Bawiec, Geology of the Conterminous U.S. at 1:2,500,000 Scale-A digital representation of the 1974 P.B. King and H.M. Beikman Map, USGS Digital Data Series DDS-11 (1994). STATSGO: State Soil Geographic Database The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Soil Conservation Service (SCS) leads the national Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) and is responsible for collecting, storing, maintaining and distributing soil survey information for privately owned lands in the United States. A soil map in a soil survey is a representation of soil patterns in a landscape. Soil maps for STATSGO are compiled by generalizing more detailed (SSURGO) soil survey maps . ADDITIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL RECORD SOURCES FEDERAL WATER WELLS PWS: Public Water Systems Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-260-2805 Public Water System data from the Federal Reporting Data System. A PWS is any water system which provides water to at least 25 people for at least 60 days annually. PWSs provide water from wells, rivers and other sources. PWS ENF: Public Water Systems Violation and Enforcement Data Source: EPA/Office of Drinking Water Telephone: 202-260-2805 Violation and Enforcement data for Public Water Systems from the Safe Drinking Water Information System (SOWIS) after August 1995. Prior to August 1995, the data came from the Federal Reporting Data System (FRDS). USGS Water Wells: In November 1971 the United States Geological Survey (USGS) implemented a national water resource information tracking system. This database contains descriptive fnformation on sites where the USGS collects or has collected data on surface water and/or groundwater. The groundwater data includes information on more than 900,000 wells, springs, and other sources of groundwater. TC498815.5s Page A-10 • • • PHYSICAL SETTING SOURCE RECORDS SEARCHED STATE RECORDS North Carolina Wildlife Resources/Game Lands Source: Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 All publicly owned game lands managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission and as listed in Hunting and Fishing Maps for North Carolina Game Lands, 1989-90. North Carolina Rare/Endangered Species and Natural Areas Source: Natural Heritage Occurrence Sites Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Telephone: 919-733-2090 North Carolina Public Water Supply Wells Source: Department of Environmental Health Telephone: 919-715-3243 RADON Area Radon Information: The National Radon Database has been developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and is a compilation of the EPA/Slate Residential Radon Survey and the National Residential Radon Survey. The study covers the years 1986-1992. Where necessary data has been supplemented by information collected at private sources such as universities and research institutions. EPA Radon Zones: Seclioris 307 & 309 of IRAA directed EPA to list and identify areas of U.S. with the potential for elevated indoor radon levels. OTHER Epicenters: Wor1d earthquake epicenters, Richter 5 or greater Source: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration TC49BB15.5s Page A-11 • • • Burlington Denim July 15, 1999 Mr. Michael Landis Environmental Regional Supervisor -Air Quality Section North Carolina DEHNR Mooresville Regional Office 919 North Main Street Mooresville, NC 28115 Subject: Burlington Industries, Moo_resvi!le Plant (Pennit No. 3811T!8): Title V Serili-Annual Summary Report Dear Mr. Landis: A division of Burlington Industries Mooresville Mills Plant P.O, Drawer 540 Mooresville, NC 28115 (704) 664-2611 (704) 664-1286 (Fax) Certified Mail Receipt Reqyested Per the requirements of Burlington Industries, Mooresville Plant, Penni! No. 38!1T!8, we have completed all monitoring and record keeping from January I, 1999, through June 30, 1999. Attached are the required tables per your letter dated October!, 1998. Our records are available at your request. Also attached is certification as required by condition Q[15A NCAC 2Q.0520]. Please contact Jackie Hussey at 704-664-2611, extension 228 or Tim Holland at 704-664-261!, extension 288 should the MDEQ have any questions regarding this information. TEW/job Attachments cc: Rob Adams -Mooresville Sharm Burkert -Mooresville Tim Holland -Mooresville Jackie Hussey-Mooresville Tracy Watkins -Mt. Holly Jim Wright-3330 EPA, Region N, Atlanta, GA File --·--z HT Tom Robinson Plant Manager Printed on 100% Reclaimed Denim • • • BURLINGTON DENIM MOORESVILLE PLANT TITLE V PERMIT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (January 1, 1999-June 30, 1999) I Inspection & Maintenance Reporting JR.,~,'? )_.: ControL··· 'IgNo ·1·-'-Nature of ··.-:.-Da:teNoted Device . , ;-:;·: · ·· · Problem Noted . . '0;. ::~ , '•''" One coal fired B-01 Two multi-C-Ol & None boiler cyclones installed C-02 in series, 64 nine inch dia. tubes each Two natural gas B-02 NA !No. 6 oil fired B-03 boilers One conTinuous DYE-0 I NA Indigo sheet range One continuous DYE-02 NA Indigo rope dye range Three slasher units Fly ash collection & storage system SL-01 SL-02 SL-03 AS-01 NA Water spray condensers to condense steam to transport the ash NA NA NA NA CD Bag filter BF Starch storage silo Opening and Carding operations Opening and Carding operations Opening& Carding oper. hopper & con- veyor lines Opening & Carding oper. (bale press) SS-1 ES- Drum- 01 ES- Drum- 02 ES- Drum- 03 ES- Drum- 04 Water spray for dust control Bag filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter SP BF-01 CO- Drum- 01 CO- Drum- 02 en- Drum- 03 CO- Drum- 04 None None None None None None None None None None None None NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ·Date Repaired NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA • • • BURLINGTON DENIM MOORESVILLE PLANT TITLE V PERMIT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (January 1, 1999-June 30, 1999) Denim finishing (tenter frames & lint brushes) Denim finishing (sanforizing, lint brushes, scrubbers) Denim finishing (floor inlet ducts) Waste Collection (intake openings from work area) . Open end spinning of cotton fiber ( autoconers) Opening and bale press operations ES- Drum- 07 ES- Drum- 08 ES- Drum- 09 ES-VF- 10 ES- Drwn- 13 ES- Drum- 14 Opening and ES- bale press Drum· operations 15 Open end ES- spinning of Drum- cotton fibers 16 ( autoconers) Beaming of ES- dyed yam (floor Drum- inlet ducts) 17 Beaming of ES- dyed yarn (floor Drum- inlet ducts) 18 Opening and ES- mixing of cotton Drum· yarn & recycled 21 denim (aeromix process, draw- frames, opening hoppers & carding mach.) Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter V~Panel filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter Rotary drum filter CO- Drum- 07 CO- Drum- 08 CO- Drum- 09 CD-VF- 10 CO- Drum- 13 CO- Drum- 14 CO- Drum- 15 CO- Drum- 16 CO- Drum- 17 CO- Drum- 18 CO- Drum- 21 None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA None NA Date Repaired NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 2 • • • Finishing area, consisting of three natural gas/propane- fired tenter frames, one narural gas/pro~ pane-fired tenter frame; singers, dye pads, steamers, wash boxes, drying cans, curing ovens, pad finishers, sanfor- izers & scrubbers Opening, card- ing, drawing & spinning equip . Six Abington systems BURLINGTON DENIM MOORESVILLE PLANT TITLE V PERMIT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (January 1, 1999-June 30, 1999) . ... Date Noted · .. FIN-O! NA NA None NA FIN-02 FIN-03 ES-VF-V-panel filter VF-23 None NA 23 A-01 One bag filter None None NA througb each A-06 ll S02 Emissions Reporting (Coal, No.6 Fuel Oils) Date Repaired NA NA NA Load of coal with highest Sulfur content was shipped 116/99 with a Sulfur content of 0.86 %. Attached is the Fuel Certification for that load of coal. Maximum Sulfur content for No. 6 fuel oil for January I, 1999 through June 30, 1999 is not applicable as there were no deliveries . 3 • • • BURLINGTON DENIM MOORESVILLE PLANT TITLE V PERMIT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (January 1, 1999-June 30, 1999) ill Daily Visible Emissions (VE) Checks One coal fired B-01 None NA NA NA Y boiler Two natural gas B-02 None NA NA NA y /No. 6 oil fired B-03 boilers One continuous DYE-01 None NA NA NA y Indigo sheet range One continuous DYE-02 None NA NA NA y Indigo rope dye range Three slasher SL-01 None NA NA NA y units SL-02 SL-03 Fly ash AS-01 None NA NA NA y collection & storage system Starch storage SS-1 None NA NA NA y silo Opening and ES-None NA NA NA y Carding Drum- operations 01 Opeoing and ES-None NA NA NA y Carding Drum- operations 02 Opeoing & ES-None NA NA NA y Carding oper. Drum- hopper & con-03 veyor lines Opening & ES-None NA NA NA y Carding oper. Drum- (bale press) 04 Denim finishing ES-None NA NA NA y (tenter frames & Drum- lint brushes) 07 4 • • • · :. Process · · ·.···· ';\: . Denim finishing ( sanforizing, lint brushes, scrubbers) Denim finishing (floor inlet ducts) Waste Collection (intake openings from work area) Open end spinning of cotton fiber (autoconers) Opening and bale press operations Opening and bale press operations Open end spinning of cotton fibers (autoconers) Beaming of dyed yarn (floor inlet ducts) Beaming of dyed yam (floor inlet ducts) Opening and mixing of cotton yam & recycled denim (aero mix process, draw· frames, opening hoppers & carding mach.) BURLINGTON DENIM MOORESVILLE PLANT TITLE V PERMIT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (January 1, 1999-June 30, 1999) ID No ' AbrioiiD.a!VE:, Date.· ·Noted·Yor:N.;'\'·< ··:. ES· Drum· 08 ES· Drum· 09 ES·VF· 10 ES· Drum· 13 ES· Drum· 14 ES· Drum· 15 ES· Drum· 16 ES· Drum- 17 ES· Drum· 18 ES· Drum· 21 None None None None None None None None None None NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Date NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA · Checked Daily · · when operating YorN y y y y y y y y y y 5 • • • BURLINGTON DENIM MOORESVILLE PLANT TITLE V PERMIT SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT (January 1, 1999-June 30, 1999) Process IDNo . AbnorinaiVE. Date . · · Corrective Date ·· Checked I:)aily · ··-<·--.. .· ,:···: > .. ·.· · .. . . Noti:dYorN "' ., Action: · .. ·. ;;_ . :, : ·. : _.·. wh~n operating : ·· .. ;,' ', " : . : ;~:-:·~;~ !-·::~\ ·. •', -,; __ ,.;;;,_·.·:·<-: ;" .. · . ·· ·YorN Finishing area, FIN-01 None NA NA NA y consisting of FIN-02 three natural FIN-03 gas/propane- fired tenter frames, one natural gas/pro- pane-fired tenter frame; singers, dye pads, steamers, wash boxes, drying cans, curing ovens, pad finishers, sanfor- izers & scrubbers Opening, card-ES-VF-None NA NA NA y ing, drawing & 23 spinning equip . Six Abington A-01 None NA NA NA y systems through A-06 IV No photochemically reactive solvents as defmed per regulation !SA NCAC 2D.0518 were used at the facility. V No regulations in Mooresville Plant Title V Permit applicable to NSPS. VI No regulations in Mooresville Plant Title V Permit applicable to PSD .. at the records summarized in this report are truthful, accurate and complete for ing period . 6 Coal Sulfur/Ash Content Date of Coal % Sulfur Content % Sulfur Content % Ash Content % Ash Content • ·Shipment as Received Dry Basis as Received Dry Basis 1/6/99 0.820 0.860 5.64 5.92 1/12/99 0.790 0.830 5.39 5.66 1/20/99 0.750 0.790 6.27 6.56 1/29/99 0.750 0.780 5.35 5.59 2/3/99 0.750 0.780 5.35 5.39 2/10/99 0.750 0.780 5.35 5.59 2/15/99 0.750 0.780 5.35 5.59 2/26/99 0.770 0.810 5.43 5.72 3/3/99 0.770 0.810 5.43 5.72 3/10/99 0.830 0.870 5.93 6.26 3/18/99 0.780 0.810 5.06 5.28 3/18/99 0.780 0.810 5.06 5.28 4/1/99 0.740 0.770 4.86 5.09 4/5/99 0.740 0.770 4.86 5.09 • 4/22/99 0.670 0.700 5.3 5.54 4/30/99 0.740 0.770 5.22 5.43 • .. • RAW L B A L.B S A K 0 P ~ 0 C E S COAL 'l'J:S1'IllfG LA:SOJ.A'r M.\!"Z'W.U:, WI:~':!' VIRGINIA 25&78 · .i'H. (:JOt) 235-7014 ~TXriCArl 07 ANAL~SI! Sillfa 0 Jt y CO"STOX!:R :RAM! ,Bu:n.~ SHIPPI)l(: OA'U : 01/0fi/U I.D. IB'Ca0l.!J!JOCI3 /DJOL!D BY : SCP AUTO SAXPLJ:ll. .IUC'ALYZ!!D .BY 1 RAWL SALZS I.AB OR.IO:rXA'l'ION 1 S P~OI!S l! CJ1J"I:]t OJl)J:it NtnmD ·~t.t.J: !lr xcis~u.r• \ :J.ah a R•c•d o&.6.t s.u =¥ :SI&JiiJI ----· 5.!12 .,...., • ao C:on•i•~· I l 11«" I 5.3~ l/P X l./4" f eo.n •• X l/8" I 7.1\ I• % a 5.'7!11 --... ·--· 100.0\ r SO ~ 'I ii :a'l't.T'• -1.H ~ X.thodaz upling ··--AaTII t)Z2H·9·6 reparation·· AI~ ~2013-Sfi oilt~--··· ABTX nll02·91 ~lfu.r--··---~ P423S·9~ ru----------ASTM P1Jit·9D &.\XPLJ: l:IA'n 101/08/59 'l'OMNAQi ~65 N'OlQID OJ" cus • 3 ~ 07 COA.lo :STO!t:D TL lrolBn " l"i-d Jl,'f,'tr. 'II Vol Carll~ /ll:l. \8\ll Jt. BS .54 .•• 13732 0,84 .3S.57 57 • .51 14408 o.es 15314 j n J • 0 0 ' , , < ' -··~~-........ , n•••. V7r nf\::i::ii::Y (;UAL SALES COMPANY. IN<a, SUPPL~· : 111 RAWL SALES ~ PROCESSING ~ BAT~~ SHIPMENT UNIT •tM .. 11 1 4111 jjA(ijjUj!;TION SHiaNEN'f.-, · ---lru 013 MINDY BURL/i100R/RAWLW N 98597 ll 1/0b/99 RAIL SEGfl' UNIT IO TONS CAFTER CONVl MESSI\QES 00001 NW 01.2910 100.00 00002 NW 144728 100.00 00003 NS 336489 100.00 --------- ADDEO: 3 300.00 ERROR: 0 '00 ---------------TOTAL: 3 300.00 UNIT TRAIN ** END OF BATCli "* TIDE • TO BE DUHPED STOCKPILE NO WGT TYPE EST • • • Permit No. LP 0010 1-'l.r--r~ /A/(~ ~ TOWN OF MOORESVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA P E R M I T To Discharge Wastewater Under the Industrial Pretreatment Program In compliance with the provisions of the Town of Mooresville Sewer Use Ordinance, North Carolina General Statute 143- 215.1. other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Town of Mooresville, Burlington Industries is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at: PO Box 540 Mooresville, NC 28115 into the Town of Mooresville sanitary sewer system in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective: January 1st, 2000 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on January 1st, 2005 Permit Number : LP 0010 Mike Lamberth /}'J1;k ~ Superintendent of Wastewater DATE /)..-(1./--/7 Rickio W. Stutto fioL &/.~DATE /.l-N-9J Pretreatment Coordi~r • • • Permit No. LP 0010 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Burlington Industries PO Box 540 Mooresville, NC 28115 is hereby authorized to: 1. Discharge from said business into the Rocky River Wastewater Treatment Facility, NPDES Permit Number NC0046728. 2. Monitor and sample effluent being discharged according to this Local Permit No. 0010 and the Sewer Use Ordinance. 3. Report results, information and flow readings as required to the proper authorities: Page ~ • • • Permit No. LP 0010 PART I. Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements A. Description of Discharges Pipe Description 01 Wastewater shall be discharged through pipe 01. Process water, domestic and waste water generated in the research and development area. Also the water from the filter backwash. The discharge of wastewater from the pretreatment basin must be mixed at all times by mechanical areators to prevent solids from settling in basin . Page 3 • • • Permit No. LP 0010 Part 1 Cont. B: EFFLUENT LIMITS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS -FINAL Effective upon signature of the Superintendent and the Pretreatment Coordinator, until the expiration of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge from pipe 01. Parameters not limited in this permit shall be discharged in accordance with the Town of Mooresville Sewer Use Ordinance. This discharge shall be limited and monitored as specified below: Effluent Limitation mq/l unless otherwise noted Limited Daily Effluent sample Monitoring Parameter Limitation (mgLll ~ Freguency (Industry) Flow (MGD) **** Recorder Continuous BOD **** c 2/6 month TSS **** c 2/6 month PH * G 2/6 month NH3 **** c 2/6 month Cd,Cr,Cu,Pb,Ni,Zn ** **** c 2/month Ag,Al,Hg,Mo,Se *** **** c 1/6 month Cyanide **** G 2/month Total Phos. **** c 2/6 month Oil & Grease **** G 2/6 month Color **** G 2/6 month c = 24 hr Composite G = Grab sample * Ph must be greater than or equal to 6.0 and less or equal to 10.0 at all times. ** Monitoring for all metals must be down to the lowest possible detection ievels. *** These metals are Pollutants of Concern on our Long Term Monitoring Plan. **** Monitoring only (needs to conform to limits in Sewer Use Ordinance) Parameters and prohibitions not included on this page shall be regulated and limited in compliance with the· Town of Mooresville Sewer Use Ordinance. All collectio'n of samples and analysis is the sole responsibility of the Permittee. Page l/ • • • Permit No. LP 0010 All laboratory analysis expenses to be paid by Permittee. Copies of all laboratory analyses, results and chain of custody are to be sent, no later than the 15th of the· following month to: NOTES: Town of Mooresville P.O. Box 878 Mooresville, NC 28115 ATTN: Rickie W. Stutts, Pretreatment Coordinator (1) The Permittee is required to do any and all additional sampling and analysis necessary to assure proper compliance of the Local Permit. (2) The Permittee may request revisions inmonitoring frequency, parame.ters or requirements after sufficient data has been collected. Such request may be denied or made subject to conditions as the Town of Mooresville deems necessary. (3) The Permittee is required to report ALL monitoring results to the Pretreatment Coordinator for the Town of Mooresville in accordance with 40 CFR Part 403. ( 4) The Town of Mooresville reserves the right to revoke or reissue the Permit with additional conditions, within 30 days notice. Reissuance may be due to changes in regulations or non- compliance with current conditions. Permit revocatio~ due to consistent non-compliance may result in the discontinuation of sewer service and/or fines. Page _,- • • • Permit No. LP 0010 PART I. Cont. C. MONITORING AND REPORTING 1. Representative Sampling Samples and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the·volume and nature of the monitored discharge. All samples shall be taken at the monitoring points specified in this permit and, unless otherwise specified, before the effluent joins or is diluted by any other wastestream, body of water, or substance. Monitoring points shall not be changed without notification to, and approval by, the permit issuing authority. 2 •. Reporting Copies of these and all other reports required herein shall be submitted to the permit-issuing authority at the following address: Rickie w. Stutts, Pretreatment Coordinator Town of Mooresville P.O. Box 878 Mooresville, NC 28115 b .• If the sampling preformed by the permittee indicates a violation the permittee shall notify the Pretreatment Coordinator (POTW) within 24 hours of becoming aware of the violation. The permittee shall also repeat the sampling and analysis and submit the results of the repeat analysis to the Town (POTW) within 30 days of becoming aware of the violation. 3. Definitions In addition to the definitions in the Town of Mooresville Sewer Use Ordinance the following definitions apply: a. A "Composite or Camp." sample, for monitoring requirements, is defined as the collection of a minimum of one grab sample per hour for each discqarge during the entire discharge period on the sampling day. Page b • • Permit No. LP 0010 b. A "Grab" sample, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a single "dip and take" sample collected at a representative point in the discharge stream. c. An "Instantaneous" measurement, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a single reading, observation, or measurement. d. A "daily" monitoring frequency shall mean each working day e. SUO -Sewer Use Ordinance f. POTW -Publicly Owned Treatment Works g. MIPP -Mooresville Industrial Pretreatment Program PART I. C. Cont. 4. Test Procedures Test procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall be performed in accordance with the techniques prescribed in 40 CFR part 136 and amendments thereto unless specified otherwise in the monitoring conditions of this permit. 5. Additional Monitoring by Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location(s) designated herein more frequently than required by this permit, using approved analytical methods as specified above, the results of such monitoring shall be submitted to the MIPP. The MIPP may require more frequent monitoring or the monitoring of other pollutants not required in this permit by written notification. 6. The Permittee shall notify the MIPP immediately upon any accidental or slug discharge to the sanitary sewer. Formal written notification discussing circumstances and remedies shall be submitted to the Town within 5 days of the occurrence. 7. The Permittee shall notify the MIPP prior to the introduction of new wastewater or pollutants or any substantial change in the volume or characteristics of the Permittee's industrial processes. Formal written • Page 7 • • • Permit No. LP 0010 notification shall follow within 30 days of such introduction. 8. Any upset experienced by the Permittee of its treatment that places it in a temporary state of noncompliance with wastewater discharge limitations contained in this permit or other limitations specified in the Town SUO shall be reported to MIPP within 24 hours of first awareness of the commencement of the upset. A detailed report shall be filed within 5 days. D. Flow Measurement 1. Flow measurement shall be recorded daily using the Effluent Water Meter_. These readings will be compiled on the form provided with this permit. 2. This report shall be sent to the POTW no later than the 15th (fifteenth) of the following month. A copy of this form is included with this permit. (May make own forms, format similar) NOTE: See Attachment BB of this permit. 3. Measurement Frequency and Reporting a. All flow measurement records shall be available during inspections by the Town, the Department of Environmental, Health, and Natural Resources, and the EPA. 4. Calibration of Flow Measurement Devices The permittee shall calibrate and maintain all flow measurement devices to ensure that the accuracy of the measurements is consistent with the accepted capability of that type device. NOTE: Calibration shall be performed a minimum of once (1) during the first month of each calendar quarter for devices installed at Pipe 01. CALENDER QUARTERS ARE FROM: January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December Page g Permit No. LP 0010 • PART II. GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Duty to Comply • • The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Town of Mooresville SUO and is grounds for possible enforcement action. B. Duty to Mitigate -Prevention of Adverse Impact The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health, the POTW, the waters receiving the POTW's discharge, or the environment. C. Facilities Operation The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible, all control facilities or systems installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit. Bypass of treatment facilities is prohibited except when approved in advance by the Town of Mooresville. Bypass approval shall be given only when such bypass is in compliance with 40 CFR 403.17. D. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as ,to prevent any pollutants from such materials from entering the sewer system. The permittee is responsible for assuring its compliance with any requirements regarding the generation, treatment, storage, and/or disposal of "Hazardous waste" as defined under the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. E. Upset Conditions An "upset" means an exceptional incident which there is an unintentional and temporary noncompliance with the effluerit limitations of this permit because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly designed or inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operations. Page 9 • • • Permit No. LP 0010 An upset may constitute an affirmative defense for action brought for noncompliance. The permittee has the burden of proof to provide evidence and demonstrate that none of the factors specifically listed above were responsible for the noncompliance. F. Limitations of Permit Transfer This permit is not transferable. It shall not be reassigned to a different premises, applied to a different operation, given or sold to a new owner or user without approval of the MIPP. G. Dilution Prohibition No Permittee shall increase the use of potable or process water or, in any way, attempt to dilute a discharge as a partial or complete substitute for adequate treatment to achieve compliance with the limitations contained in this permit. H. Accidental Discharges and Slug Loads The permittee shall provide protection from accidental discharges of prohibited materials cir other substances regulated by this permit. The permittee shall develop, obtain Town approval, and implement a written spill control and countermeasure plan within 120 days of the effective date of this permit. This plan shall include, but is not limited to, the construction of containment dikes around the pretreatment unit, all process units containing water or oil, and the chemical storage area; the re-routing of all floor drains in the manufacturing area prior to connection to the pretreatment unit; and the plugging of all floor drains in the chemical storage area. The permittee shall notify the Town immediately of all discharges that could cause problems to the POTW including any slug loadings as defined by 40 CFR 403.5(b). If the permittee experiences such a discharge they shall inform the Supt. of Wastewater or the Pretreatment Coordinator upon the first awareness of the commencement of the discharge. A written follow-up report thereof shall be filled by the permittee within five (5) days. Page /() • • • Permit No. LP 0010 r. Right of Entry The permittee shall allow the staff of the State of the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development, Division of Environmental Management, the Regional Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Town of Mooresville, and/or their authorized representatives, upon the presentation of credentials: 1. To enter upon the permittee's premises where a real or potential discharge is located or in which records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and 2. At reasonable times to have access to and copy records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; to inspect any monitoring equipment or monit'oring method required in this permit; and to sample any discharge of pollutants. J. Availability of Records and Reports The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information, including all calibration and maintenance records as well as copies of reports and information used to complete the application for this permit for at least three years. All records that pertain to matters that are subject to any type of enforcement action shall be retained and preserved by the permittee until all enforcement activities have concluded and all periods of limitations with respect to any and all appeals have expired. Except for data determined to be confidential under the SUO, all reports prepared in accordance with terms of this permit shall be available for public inspection at the Town of Mooresville. As required by the SUO, effiuent data shall not be considered-confidential. K. Duty to Pro~ide Information The permittee shall furnish to the Director of MIPP or his designee, within a reasonable tim~, any information which the Director, his designee, or the Division of Environmental Management may request to determine whether cause exists for modifying.,, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit or to determine compliance with this permit. The pe~ttee shall also furnish, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit • Page // Permit No. LP 0010 • L. Signatory Requirements • • All reports or information submitted pursuant to the requirements of this permit must be signed and certified by a ranking official or duly authorized agent of the permittee. M. Toxic Pollutants If a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Federal Clean Water Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this permit, this permit may be revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified. N. Civil and Criminal Liability Nothing in this permit shall be construed to relieve the . permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance. 0. Federal and/or State Laws Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable Federal and/or State law or regulations. P. Penalties for Violations of Permit Conditions The Town of Mooresville SUO provides that any person who violates a permit condition is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) per day of such violation. North Carolina General Statute 143-215 provides that any person who violates a permit condition is subject to a civil penalty not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10000.00) per day of such violation. Any person who willfully or negligently violates permit conditions is subject to a fine of up to fifteen thousand dollars ($15000.00) per day of violation, or by imprisonment for up to six (6) months, or both • Page /J.. • • • Permit No. LP 0010 The Town of Mooresville SUO provides that any person who knowingly makes any false statements or representation in any application or report or other document submitted or required to be maintained pursuant to the ordinance or this permit, or who knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under this ordinance, shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1000.00) or by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both. NCGS 143-215 provides that similar offenses be punished by a fine of up to five thousand dollars ($5000.00) p~r violation, or by imprisonment for not more than one {1) year, or by both; Q. Need to Halt or Reduce not a Defense It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permittee activity to maint~in compliance with the conditions of the permit. R. Property Rights This permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or City laws or regulations. S. Severability The provisions of this permit are severable and, if any provision of this permit or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby. T. Permit Modification, Revocation, Termination This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued or terminated with cause in ac·cordance to the requirements of the Mooresville SUO and North Carolina General Statutes of. implementing regulations • Page 13 Permit No. LP 0010 ~ u. Re-application For Permit Renewal ~ The permittee is responsible for filing an application for ·reissuance of this permit within 90 days of its expiration date with an application fee of fifty dollars ($50.00), check made payable to the Town of Mooresville. v. Notification of Production Changes The permittee shall give notice to the Town 90 days prior to any facility expansion, production increase, or process modification which has the potential to result in new or substantially increased discharges or a change in the nature of the discharge. w. Construction No· construction of pretreatment facilities or additions thereto shall begin until Final Plans and Specifications have been submitted to the Town of Mooresville and written approval and an Authorization to Construct have been issued. X. Sludge Management Plan Ninety days (90) prior to the initial disposal of sludge generated by any pretreatment facility the permittee shall submit a sludge management plan. Y. Categorical Standard Re-opener This permit shall be modified, or alternatively, revoked and reissued, to comply with any applicable effluent standard or limitation issued or approved under Sections 302(b)(2)(C) and (D), 304(b)(2), and 307(a)(2) of the Clean Water Act, if the effluent standards or limitation so issued or approved: (1) contains different conditions or is otherwise more stringent than any effluent limitation in this permit; or (2) controls any pollutant not limited in this permit. The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph shall also contain any other requirements of the Act then applicable. ~ Page lj • • • Permit No. LP 0010 z. General Prohibitive Standards The permittee shall comply with general prohibitive discharge standards in 40 CFR 403.5(a) and (b) of the Federal pretreatment regulations. PART III. Special Conditions A. Re-opener This permit shall be modified or, alternatively, revoked and reissued to comply with any applicable effluent standards or limitation for the control of any pollutant shown to contribute to toxicity of the WWTP effluent or any pollutant that is otherwise limited by the POTW discharge permit. The permit as modified or reissued under this paragraph may also contain any other requirements of State or Federal pretreatment regulations that apply • Page ~ • • • ATTACHMENT BB FLOW MONITORING REPORT Industry : Month ---------------------------- Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Flow Totalizer Reading Total Flow for the Month Permit No. LP 0010 Flow in Gal/Day Page f{., • Holland. Tim To: Hussey.Jackie Cc: Adams. Rob; Wright.Jim Subject: Local WW Permit For Mooresville Jackie, As you are aware Mooresville has received a new WW permit effective Jan 1, 2000. The new permit is similar to the past permit with the following exceptions. • It requires that the pretreatment basin be mixed at all times with the mechanical aerators. There was not a specification on the number that must be running. • It requires addition testing for metals 2/month until a suitable history on the new effluent is available. Bl can apply to reduce this when we feel we have met this requirement. • The effluent limits are based on the Sewer Use Ordinance for the Town of Mooresville. I believe that most of the limits are close to the same except for fiow. The SUO has a max average fiow of 25,000 gal per day. At this point as we expressed to Rickie Stutts this will be very difficult to maintain. As we have discussed I suggest we explore ASAP the installation of a V notch weir( or similar device) in the throat of the current parshall fiume. The cost (assuming the instrument can be recalibrated) should be minimal if built and installed by the shop. This will at least get rid of the questions about the accuracy of the current fiow device at low fiows. • The requirement for pH monitoring and the associated maintenance for this equipment has been removed and replaced with a grab sampling requirement for the pH. • All other reporting and SPAD requirements remain the same as the previous permit. • If you have any further questions please let me know. Thanks, Tim Holland • .rto'84- 10/17/84- 08/02/85 - 1/31/85 - 7/28/86-• 04/01/87 - 10/30/87 - 01/10/88 - 01/20/88- SIGNIFICANT EVENTS -SEWER Two events not in record where caustic spills caused complete biological kills in the Town Waste Treatment Plant. In one case, a plug of solid caustic dislodged from a pipe in the Thies Dye House and about 1500 gallons of caustic went down the industrial sewer. In the second case, an undetermined amount of caustic went down the drain when the seal on the caustic transfer pump failed and was not discovered for several shifts. No fines were assessed. Notification by Town of Mooresville was verbal only. Notice of exceeding TSS and O&G on 6 month report. Required to retest only. Notice of exceeding TSS and O&G on 6 month report. Notification only since Rocky River WTP did not have an adverse effect. Notice of exceeding TSS on two occasions and BOD on one occasion on 6 month report. Notification only since Rocky River WTP did not have an adverse effect. Notice of exceeding TSS on two occasions, BOD on one occasion and O&G on one occasion on 6 month report. Considered violations and deadline given for compliance with surcharge penalty threatened. Notice of non-compliance for TSS issued. Follow up test required. No further action. Notice of noncompliance issued for the following parameters: O&G, Lead, TSS, Nickel (two violations for O&G and Nickel) Caustic spill of several hundred gallons. Valve left open after caustic pipe had frozen and was thawed by main- tenance personnel. Plant had been shutdown over the weekend. Spill resulted in total kill of WTP micro- organisms. Caustic system checks were initiated. No further action on this item. Caustic spill of undetermined amount. Caustic transfer pump left running by Dye Mixing personnel after pumping up a mix. Pump seal burned out causing caustic to leak into the industrial sewer. Pump controls revised, began daily monitoring and logging of eflluent pH readings. No further action after pump was repaired. Notice of non-compliance issued for pH and Nickel. FoUow up sampling required. No further action· as resample results were in compliance. .7/89- ll/09/89 - 11/14/89- 11/15/96 - 08/02/90 - 04/03/90 - 01/24/91 -• 01/24/91- 02/11191- 02/25/91 - 03/17/91- 03/18/91 - SIGNIFICANT EVENTS-SEWER Notice ofyjolation issued for exceeding pennit limitations for maximrnn flow while backwashing water filters. Notice ofyjolation issued for exceeding pennit limitations for maximrnn flow while backwashing water filters. Notice of yjolation issued for exceeding pennit limitations for maxim tun flow while backwashing water filters. Notice ofyjolation issued for drnnping a tank of caustic solution thus exceeding pennit pH limit. Required to submit letter detailing steps to be taken to assure compliance. No further action after letter was submitted. Received verbal caution about effluent discoloration. Town WTP was having difficulty remomg black color from their effluent and were being monitored by DEHNR For particular dates concerned, we couldn't confirm that color came from us. No further action on this item. Received notification affine for exceeding pennit pH limitations on 04/02/90 and 04/03/90. Fine was set at $1,000. Received notification on 04/20/90 that fine had been reduced to $500 since we were in process of installing our neutralization system. High pH was attributed to the startup of the rope range. No further action after $500 fine was paid and response letter was submitted. Received notice of $500 fine for exceeding pH limits on 01/08/91 as a result of "significant impact on the RRWWTP . Nothing in record indicates final status or fine payment. Receive notification of being placed on a 45 day compliance schedule for exceeding the pennit limitation on zinc. Procedures set up by Ed Teague and Ellis Dayjs for drnnping used dye charges to control color in effluent to some degree. Memo was issued to Terry Wilson. Incident report referencing high pH experienced on 02/16 & 17/91 submitted to Town ofMooreMlle. Problem occurred when box drnnps were made on the Dye Ranges. · Received notice ofyjolation ofpennit limits on TSS and Cadmirnn. Required to retest and submit results. No further action after retest showed no yjolation. Received letter explaining proper handling and taking of samples for analysis. We had some problems with getting the proper paperwork, etc., to suit the Town ofMooreS>ille Pretreatment Coordinator. Received notification of$500 fine for exceeding pennit limitation on TSS on 03/17/91 and subsequent resample. . Nothing in records to indicate disposition of fine. 2 07/23/91 - 03114/92 - 08121/92 - 10/05/92 - 11/05/92 - 11/18/92- 01111193 - • SIGNIFICANT EVENTS-SEWER Received notification of fines totaling $2,000 for exceeding permit limits on Cyanide. Considerable effort followed to identify and remove cyanide containing chemicals from the plant. Nothing in record to indicate disposition of fines. Received letter advising of levy of $9,000 fine for exceeding pH on 07/14/91, flow on 07115.91 and Rocky River Waste Water Treaunent Plant's exceeding their limitations on pH on 07115/91 and TSS on 07/16, 17, 18 & 19/91. Subsequent additional fines of $5,000 were levied for continued TSS violation by RRWWTP through the last of the month to 08/02/91. Problem with pH occurred on startup after July Vacation Week when the rope range finished a Mercerol run that the maintenance personnel thought had been finished prior to the shutdown. Nothing in records indicate final status of these violations and fines. Letter to Town of Mooresville calling attention to violations of permit limits for Cyanide, Zinc and TSS during January and February of !992 as required by the permit. Received letter advising of violations of permit limits on Cyanide on 07/29 & 30/92. There was a problem with getting Sedgefield to analyze to limit required by the permit. Another test lab was suggested in the letter. NOV only. No punitive action taken. NOV issued for late reporting on resampling for cyanide violations. Problems being experienced with getting analysis results back to us in a reasonable amount of time. Results were obtained and submitted. No further action on this incident. Received fine totaling $2,000 for Cyanide violations on 07129 & 30/92. Received notification of fines totaling $!,500 for cyanide limit violations and were placed on a 45 day compliance schedule. All chemicals in the plant were sampled and sent out for analysis. Many that had been unsuspected were found to contain Cyanide. Many chemicals were removed from production and one vendor of Indigo was banned from the plant. Nothing in the record indicates disposition of the fine. Received letter notifYing of reduction in previous fine to $1,250 from $2,000. Nothing in record to indicate fine being paid or other action. Incident report of high pH experienced on 0 1/08/93. Problem was traced to a leaking flex joint on a Mercerol transfer pump . No further action after part was replaced. 3 .29/93- 11124/93 - 11130/93 - 12110/93 - 12113/93 01/06/94 10/13/94 03/10/95 08123-24/96 • SIGNIFICANT EVENTS-SEWER Received NOV and fines totaling $17,000 for a series of high pH episodes involving malfunctions of the C02 system, heavy dum page of dye charges due to style changes and pump malfunctions. Received letter reducing fines for pH violations in June from $17,000 to $11,500 and outlining a number of requirements to be completed within an unspecified time limit. These items are presently under study and is to be resolved by Christmas of 1993. Drafted letter to Town of Mooresville advising them that we had exceeded permit limits on flow for the month of November. Advised by Ted LeJeune and Jim Wright of Corporate Engineering to delay delivery of the letter until Wednesday, December 15, 1993. Discovered that we were out of compliance on several parameters on reports received from sampling done on 09/23, 09/24, 11110 & 11117. Parameters exceeding limits were BOD< TSS< Cadmium, Cyartide, Ammonia and Chromium. Split samples were sent to two labs for analysis and different values were determined. One lab did not test for some perimeters to a low enough level which automatically put us into violation. Since we are required to report all analyses done on our effluent to the Town of Mooresville, we are automatically in jeopardy whenever an error occurs in the laboratory's analysis and are required to report the results to the Town. We then are required to immediately resample. We were slow in reacting to this incident. Notice of Violation issued for late reporting of Waste Water Testing. Inspection by Town of Mooresville and NCDEM indicated that the pretreatment facility was not properly operated or maintained; the C02 system controller was not installed and ATC's had not been requested for much of the pretreatment facilities. · NCDEM issued Notice of Violation for violations of the Pretreatment Permit Parts II.C., II .H., and II. W .. NOV for exceeding the Zinc Permit limits. Plant was put on 90 day compliance schedule. Cause for high Zinc results unknown to writer. NOV for exceeding the TSS Permit limits. The plant felt that this resulted from reducing water use while maintaining the same production leveL NOV for Caustic spilL I" line burst at suction of Caustic pump. 4000 gallons of caustic was lost to process system. C02 and Sulfuric systems function, but cannot handle load. Phone dialer does not function. Spill results in <10.0 pH to Town of Mooresville. RRWWTP is not affected due to plant's actions. Original fine of$13,880.50 is reduced to $4,380.50. Plant installs flow control gates as a result of the NOV . Updated 1113/97 -Tim Holland 4 .Burlington lnteroHice Memorandum • From: Tim Holland -Div. Environmental Engineer Mooresville Plant Jim Wright -Corporate Engineering Date: cc: January 18, 1999 T. Fripp -Corp. Eng.* R Adams -Mooresville* T. Robinson-Mooresville* J. Williams-Mt. Holly* SubJect: NPDES Stormwater Permit Renewal Mooresville and Mt. Holly Plants • • Attached are (2) letters from the State ofNorth Carolina concerning renewal of subject permit. Attached to each letter is an "Invoice and Permit Renewal" form. There is one letter with attached form for each of the two subject facilities. I recommend that each of the two facilities listed above renew the stormwater permits as instructed by these letters. The permit renewal section of the form has already been signed. The appropriate personnel should complete the following steps in order to renew these permits. 1. Review the Location Address on page 2 of each letter. Revise as necessary. Replace Mr. Klein's name with "Terry Fripp". Correct telephone area code from 910 to 336. 2 . Attach a check to each form made payable to NCDEHNR for $80.00 (per facility) to pay the application processing fee. 3. Send the "Invoice and Permit Renewal" form and check to the address shown at the bottom of the form. These items need to be submitted by February I, 1999, and should be sent CERTIFIED MAIL-RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED. Please send a copy of each submittal to Corporate Engineering for our files. Please call me at 3 79-2289 if you have questions. Attachments cc: T. Watkins -Mooresville • • M. Lemnios-Mt. Holly ** • -cover letter only **-cover letter and facility's letter/form from State ofNC • • • State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director NOR"n-i CAROUNA DEPARTMENT OF' ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES January 12, 1999 PHILIP KLEIN BURLINGTON INDUSTRIES INC.-MOORESVILLE PLANT 3330 W FRlENDL Y AVE GREENSBORO, NC 27410 Dear Permittee: Subject: NPDES Stonnwater Permit Renewal Burlington Industries Inc.-Mooresville Plant COC NumberNCGI 70201 Iredell County Your facility is currently covered for storm water discharge under General Permit NCG 170000. This permit expires on July 31, 1999. We are currently in the process of rewriting this permit and are scheduled to have the permit reissued by the summer of 1999. Once the permit is reissued your facility would be eligible for continued coverage under the reissued permit. In order to assure your continued coverage under the general permit, you must apply to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) for renewal of your permit coverage. To make this renewal process easier, we are informing you in advance that your permit will be expiring. Enclosed you will fmd a general permit renewal application form. This form serves two purposes. First, it is an application for renewal of your permit. Second, it serves as an invoice for the $80.00 permit fee. The application must be completed and returned with the required fee by February 1, 1999 in order-to assure continued coverage under the general permit. Recent legislation modified the fee structure for DWQ permits. Your general permit fee has been changed to an armual fee of $80.00. A copy of the new fee schedule is enclosed in this package. Failure to request renewal within this time period may result in a civil assessment of at least $250.00. Larger penalties may be assessed depending on the delinquency of the request. Discharge ofstormwater from your facility without coverage under a valid storm water NPDES permit would constitute a violation ofNCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessments of civil penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If you have any questions regarding the permit renewal procedures please contact Mike Parker of the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699 or Darren England of the Central Office Storrnwater Unit at (919) 733-5083, ext. 545 cc: Central Files Mooresville Regional Office P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Sincerely, Bradley Bennett, Supervisor Stormwater and General Permits Unit Telephone 919-733-5083 FAX 919-733-9919 50% recycJed/1 Oo/o post-consumer paper • • • AVA PERMIT COVERAGE RENEWAL APPLICATION AND FEE INVOICE National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Stormwater General Permit NCG170000 NCDENR Burlington Industries Inc.-Mooresville Plant COC Number NCG 17020 I Iredell County NORTI-i CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL.. RESOURCES THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO THE DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY, WITH THE REQUIRED FEE, lN ORDER FOR YOUR FACILITY TO QUALIFY FOR RENEWAL OF YOUR COVERAGE UNDER STORMWATER GENERAL PERMIT NCG170000 PERMIT RENEWAL INFORMATION The following is the information currently in our database for your facility. Please review this information carefully and make all corrections as necessaty in the space provided to the right of the current information. Facility Name: Burlington Industries Inc.-Mooresville Plant Mailing Address•: 3330 W FRIENDLY AVE GREENSBORO, NC 27410 Location Address: 476 S. MAIN ST. PO DRAWER 540 MOORESVILLE, NC 28115 Facility Contact: Phone Number: Fax Number: E-mail address: PHILIP KLEIN (91 0) 379-2000 No number on file No address on file • This is the address to which all pennit correspondence will be mailed INVOICE Penn it Fee ................................. $80.00 (Checks payable to NCDENR) CERTIFICATION I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete and ace a Date 1-1/=--=if 7 v--e Title Please return this completed renewal fonn, $80.00 penn it fee and any relevant documentation to: General Penni! Renewal Division of Water Quality/ WQ Section Stonnwater and General Permits Unit Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 .127/83- 09125/88 - 05/21/90- 09/20/90 - • 09/18/92- 11/03/92 - 10/07/93- • 10/28/93 - SIGNIFICANT EVENTS-NPDES Notice of Non-Compliance from DEHNR concerning temperature rise in stream. Required to resample and send written reply. Found condensate leak at Boiler House which was running to stream. Repaired leak, rechecked stream temper- atures per instructions and submitted letter to DEHNR. No further action was taken after end of episode report was submitted to DEHNR. Dye spill at dye mixing area which resulted in a secondary spill into the storm drain system. Spill was contained in stream and cleanup completed by Burlington personnel. Chemical Spillage Report was sent to DEHNR Potential of similar leaks getting into the storm drain system was removed. No further action was taken after end of episode report was submitted to DEHNR. Assessed fine of $150 for failing to submit 30 day report as required by NPDES permit. No readings had been obtained by plant personnel for the subject period. Steps and procedures were set up to assure 2roper reporting each cycle as required. Fine was paid. No further action on this item. Results of a Compliance Evaluation Inspection by the DEHNR showed that the stream temperature limit was being exceeded. Temperature rise was attributed to Boiler Blowdown. It was requested that we begin monitor- ing all three (3) outlets into the stream which originated on Burlington property. Temperature fell below limits on next check and the additional test points were added and reports issued. A written reply was sent to the DEHNR No further action on this item. NOV issued by DEHNR citing fish kill in the stream. A caustic spill in the Boiler House bad gone into the floor drains which were tied into the boiler blowdown piping going to the stream. Approximately 75 gallons of caustic solution were spilled. The floor drain piping was rerouted to discharge into the industrial sewer system. No further action on this item. Hydrogen Peroxide spill at receiving dock. Approximately 100 gallons spilled from punctured barrels. Barrels punctured by forklift. Material entered storm drain. Incident report sent to DEHNR No further action on this item. NOV issued after Compliance Sampling Inspection for turbidity at discharge. There was some confusion as to the source of each discharge which was cleared up in a subsequent reply letter. There was an inadvertent omis- sion of a pH value on a monthly report submitted to the state. The value was recorded on the rough copy on Efforts are being made to install a better method for capturing and disposing of fly ash. Not resolved to date . NOV issued for high turbity discharge from outfall #00 I. ... I . -. totes: Refer to definitions page for specific descriptions of each activity category. For new permit requests under activities listed in Category A, a fee equivalent to the corresponding annual fee is required. This fee is non-refundable if the permit request is denied. If the permit is granted, this fee applies as the annual fee for the first year after permit issuance. This fee is non-refundable if the permit request is denied. A major modification shall be defined as one that increases the volume, increases the pollutant load, results in a significant relocation of the discharge point, or '"SUits in a change in the characteristics of the waste generated. -se fees shall be in addition to the associated annual fee as listed under Category A. This fee is non-refundable if the permit request is denied. ....... ./03/93- 04/07/95 09/16/95 05/02/96 • SIGNIFICANT EVENTS-NPDES Deficiencies noted on Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report. There were no pH meter calibration records on file. Item Corrected. Operators confused about proper temperarure reading at discharge points; employees instructed on proper readings. No accurate method of flow measurement at each discharge point. Installed weirs. No fiuther action on this item. White discoloration was noted in NPDES outfall. Source was determined to be sink in paint shack. Acrylic latex paint had been rinsed off paint brushes. John Lesley with NCDEHNR was notified and drain was piped to industrial sewer. No action from State. Blue discoloration was noted in NPDES outfall. Source was determined to be broken drain line on #3 Finish Line. The #3 line was immediately shutdown and drain repaired. The pH at outfall was 7.15. Rex Gleason with NCDEHNR was notified. No action from State. Bottom ash was noted in NPPEDS outfall. Source was determined to be 8" ash line with hole located in storm water pit. The coal boiler was shut down until repairs were made. Four Seasons Environmental cleaned the ash from the storrn water lines. John Lesley with NCDEHNR was notified. It was decided to leave ash in creek as removal would create more problems. No action from State. rted 11_13/97 -Tim Holland 2 1956 uses Photo Scale 1320 West Bearing to top of page 1982 uses Photo Scale 1000 Northeast bearing to top of page AREA DIAGRAM D page 1 of 1 Show all surrounding buildings and r~ds within 1500 feet of the equipment covered by this application. Anach a site diagram identify· .,ach emission source location(>), property boundaries and building (structure) dimensions (height, width, and length). 1500 feet ~ ' (, 1000 feet ' 7 .2. , .., ' 1.: I X ' "' ~ s-s-"' ... c,. ~ ~ <:l. • ~ ' INSTRUCTIONS 1. Indicate location and type of building by the use of small numbered circle~ with th~ decription below. 2. Show roads as lines representing the road edges. Indicate street names and highway numbers. 3. Show wooded or cleared area by approximate boundary lines and the words "woods", 10clcared", "cornfield", etc. • C1 Plt--~tL pt.IIIVT r 1.: k 10. 4 • ~ I/1LU10J 0 ' /l<-SMV ~ ,,.,..,.-·. ' CODE DESCRIPTION (1) Pt4.u r (2) 0 ;=t:1c" /Jvd-1),./ C (3) t..+vJVOII-Y (4) w +/I. t-ff-<'v s c- (5) 13" .s r ,v,... r J (6) ;Ct-Jr 0 to.vC.6- ( 7) c.. /.f. <.ut c.. ff (8) sC./21/1 CG-!r+TtdN (9) s (()11.6- ( 1 0) Ex.!mple: · (1) Church (2) Residence r; (, (p }, 7 8/l•fl/) $/. s •. I( f. /I'! AI/ ~ T, G. G. 7 .. i • • • The EDR-City Directory Abstract Former Burlington Mill 476 S Main St Mooresville, NC 28115 May 25,2000 Inquiry Number: 498815-6 R :Environmental :Data :Resources, Inc . • : an..tedrcompany The Source For Environmental Risk Management Data 3530 Post Road Southport, Connecticut 06490 Nationwide Customer Service Telephone: 1-800-352-0050 Fax: 1-800-231-6802 • Environmental Data Resources, Inc. City Directory Abstract Environmental Data Resources, Inc.'s (EDR) City Directory Abstract is a screening tool designed to assist professionals in evaluating potential liability on a target property resulting from past activities. ASTM E 1527-97, Section 7.3 on Historical Use lnfonnation, identifies the prior use requirements for a Phase I environmental site assessment The ASTM standard requires a review of reasonably ascertainable standard historical sources. Reasonably ascertainable means infonnation that is publicly available, obtainable from a source with reasonable time and cost constraints, and practically reviewable. To meet the prior use requirements of ASTM E 1527-97, Section 7.3.2, the following standard historical sources may be used: aerial photographs, fire insurance maps, property tax files, land title records (although these cannot be the sole historical source consulted), topographic maps, city directories, building department records, or zoning/land use records. ASTM E I 527-97 requires "All obvious uses of the property shall be identified/rom the present, back to the property's obvious first developed use, or back to /940, whichever is earlier. This task requires reviewing only as many of the s/Lllldard historical sources as are necessary, and that are reasonablyascenainable and likely to be useful." (ASTM E 1527-97,Section 7.3.2, page I I. EDR's City Directory Abstract includes a search and abstract of available city directory data. City Directories City directories have been published for cities and towns across the U.S. since the 1700s. Originally a list of residents, the city directory developed into a sophisticated tool for locating individuals and businesses in a particular urban or suburban area. Twentieth century directories are generally divided into three sections: a business index, a list of resident names and addresses, and a street index. With each address, the directory lists the name of the resident or, if a business is operated from this address, the name and type of business (if unclear from the name). While city directory coverage is comprehensive for major cities, it may be spotty for rural areas and small towns. ASTM E 1527-97 specifies that a "review of city directories (standard historical sources) at less than approximately Jive year intervals is not required by this practice." (ASTM E I 527-97, Section, page 11.) Please call EDR Nationwide Customer Service at I -800-352-0050 (8am-8pm EST) with questions or comments about your report. ·r----------------------------------------~-n_a_n_k_y_o_u_fi_o_r_y_o_u_r_b_,_~_in_e_s_s_t __________________________________ , • Disclaimer Copyright and Trademark Notice This report contains information obtained from a variety of public and other sources. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION WITH THIS REPORT. ENVIRONMENTAL DATA RESOURCES, INC. SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS THE MAKING OF ANY SUCH WARRANTIES,INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES AS TO NON-INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS,ACCURACY, VALIDITY, COMPLETENESS, SUITABILITY, CONDITION, QUALITY, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE OF THIS REPORT OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED OR REFERENCED 7HEREINOR USED IN CONNECDON Willi THE PREPARA710NTHEREOF. AlL RISK IS ASSUMED BY THE USER. No liability to anyone is assumed, whether arising out of errors or omissions, negligence. accident or any other cause, for any loss or damage, including, without limitation, special, incidental,consequentia/, or exemplary damages. Entire contents copyright 2000 by Environmental Data Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media or fonnat,in whole or in part, of any report or map of Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, is prohibited without prior wn"tten permission. EDR atU! the edr logos are trademarks of Environmental Data Resow-ces,/nc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective ol1!11er.r. Use of such trademarks does not constitute an endor.rement by Environmental Data Resources, Inc., or its affiliates, of the organizations claiming ownership thereof or the information obtained from such organizations and contained herein . • • EtJr' :Environmental :Data Prior Use Report™ Timeline :Resources, Inc . • : an..edrcompany 1890 1900 1910 Front 1890 1900 1910 Back 1890 1900 1910 Left 1890 1900 1910 Right 1890 1900 1910 Legend: I]:J = Historical Topographic Map (HT) * $/, = National Wetland Inventory Map (WT) * Superscript number corresponds to graph ID in text 1920 1920 1920 1920 1920 Target Property '1 ~2 ,,, ,. 1930 1940 -1950 1960 1970 Adjoining Property Not Available 1930 1940 . 1950 1960 1930 1940 1950. 1960 1930 1940 1950 1960 1930 1940 1950 1960 b = Flood Prone/FEMA Maps (FP/FR) * I;) = Aerial Photos Included (P) * + = Aerial Photos Available* 1970 1970 1970 1970 •Displayed on lirneline when aerial photos, historical topos, flood prone, FEMA, we/land maps, or Aerial Research Summary are purchased. Target Property: Address: City/State/Zip: Former Burlington Mill 476 S Main St Mooresville, NC 28115 Customer: Contact: Inquiry#: Date: IT Corporation Michael Marcus 498815-6 05/25/00 '1=· 1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000 1980 1990 2000 ~ = Residential (R) ' = Commercial or Industrial (C) page 1 • • • 4. SUMMARY • City Directories: Business directories including city, cross reference and telephone directories were reviewed, if available, at approximately five year intervals for the years spanning 1940 through 1991. (These years are not necessarily inclusive.) A summary of the information obtained is provided in the text of this report . 498815-6 2 .ate EDR Searched Historical Sources: City Directories May 25, 2000 Target Property: 476 S Main St Mooresville, NC 28115 PURID Year Uses 1940 Address not Listed in Research Source I 1955 Mooresville Mills 2 1960 Mooresville Mills 3 1968 Mooresvl1\e Mills 4 1973 Mooresville Mills 5 1988 Burlington Industries Denim Division-Mooresville Plant 6 1991 Burling10n Industries Inc I Sexton Janitorial Services Inc • Adjoining Properties SURROUNDING AREA 344-500 Blk S Main St Mooresville, NC 28115 • PURJD Year Uses 1940 ••south Main Street Addresses•• Address Not Listed in Research Source (344,348) Address Not Listed in Research Source (350,354) .. Templeton Street Intersects•• Residence (400,402,404,406,408) Address Not Listed in Research Source (412) South Main Scrvke Station (414) Address Not Listed in Research Source (416) Stonestreet Cafe (418) Residence (420) J A White Drug Co (422) Tuxedo Billiards (424) Moore's Groce!)' (426) Do lice Beauty Shop ( 428) Iredell Barber Shop ( 430) Residence (434) Address Not Listed in Research Source (448,450,452,454) Portion~Findings (FJM In(ormation On/y) Miller's City Directory NIA Miller's City Directory NIA Miller's City Directory NIA Mullin-Kille City Directory NIA Mullin-Kille City Directory NIA Johnson City Directory NIA Johnson City Directory Surrounding Area Property Log of Address Changes 1991 344-500 Blk S Main St Portion-Findings (FIM ln(ormation On/vJ NIA 498815-6 3 Miller's City Directory • PURID Year Uses 1940 (continued) Address Not Listed in Research Source (456,458,460,462) Mooresville Conan Mills (500) ••Templeton Street Addresses .. Address Not Listed in Research Source ( 130,13 I ,207,21 0) .. Wilson Street AddressesH Unable to Detennine Cross Street Intersection With Target St 1955 .. South Main Street Addresses .. Address Not Listed in Research Source (344) Mooresville Mills Community House (348) Address Not Listed in Research Source (350,354) • • Wilson Street Intersects• • Johnson's Esso Service Center (404) Residence (412) Residence ( 416) urempleton Street intersects•• Residence (422) Vacant (428) Self Service Washerette (448) • Stonestreet Cafe (450) A J White Drug Co ( 452) Tu,.;edo Billiards (454} Mooresville Mills Conference Rooms (456) Lynn's Beauty Shoppe (458) Mooresville Mills Emp Office (460) Iredell BarberShop(462) ·No Listings in 500 B1k ••Templeton Street Addresses .. Residence (130) Residence ( 131) Residence (207) Address Not Listed in Research Source (2 I 0) ••wilson Street Addresses•• Address Not Listed in Research Source (108) Residence ( 117) 1960 ••south Main Street Addresses•• Oaks Motor Court (344) Address Not Listed in Research Source (350) Alexander 66 Service (354) ••wilson Street Intersects•• Johnson's Esso Service Center (404) • Residencc(412) Portion-Findings (f'/M In(prmation On/~/ NIA NIA 498815-6 4 Source Miller's City Directory Miller's City Directory • PURID Year Uses • • 1960 (continued) 1968 1973 Residence ( 416) ••Templeton Streetlnter.;ects .. Self Service Washerene (448) Vacant (450) Mooresville Spans Club ( 454) Mooresville Mills Emp Office (456) Lynn's Beauty Salon (458) Mooresville Mills (462) .No Listings in 500 Blk ••Templeton Street Addresses-. Residence ( 130) Residence (207) Residence (21 0) ••Wilson Street Addresses•• Address Not Listed in Research Source (108) Residence (I 17) usouth Main Street Addresses .. Oaks Motor Coun (344) Address Not Listed in Research Source (350) Blackie's Phillips 66 Service (354) ••Wilson Street Intersects .. Poston Esso Service (404) urcmpleton Street Intersects .. The Washerette (448) Vacant (450) Mooresville Spons Club (454) -No Listings in 500 Blk ••Templeton Street Addresses•• Residence (207) vacant (21 0) ••Wilson Street Addresses•• Mooresville Trailer Park (I 08) Residence ( 117) ••South Main Srreet Addressesn Oaks Motor Coun (344) Address Not Listed in Research Source (350) Blackie's Sunoco Service I U Haul Co (354) ••Wilson Street Inters~ts•• Poston Exxon Service (404) ••Templeton Street Intersects•• The Washerette (448) Pon City Restaurant (450) Portion-Findings (FIM In (ormation On IV) NIA N!A 498815-6 5 Mullin-Ki!Je City Directory Mullin· Kille City Directory .PURID . Year · Uses 1973 (continued) 1988 1991 • • Mooresville Sports Club (454) -No Listings in 500 Blk ••Templeton Street Addresses•• Residence (207) Residence (210) ••Wilson Street Addresses•• Mid State Trailer Cour1 (108) Residence ( 117) usouth Main Street Addresses .. Contemporary Lamp Co/ The Oaks Motel (344) Address Not Listed in Research Source (350) The Pamry 11172 (354) Quick Fare ll (404) -No Listings in 500 Blk usouth Main Street Addresses•• Contemporary Laundry Co I The Oaks Motel (344) Budget Dry Cteaners-Shef\1/ood Laundry (350) The Pantry 11172 (354) -No Other Listings in 400 Blk -No Listings in 500 Blk Portion-Findings (FIM ln(ormation Only) NIA NIA 498815-6 6 Johnson City Directory Johnson City Directory • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the'/; group 1.0 Site Name: Site Address: County: City, State & Zip Code: Site Contact: Title: Company: Phone No.: IT CORPORATION PROJECT INFORMATION Inspector: ~ liZ/~ Date: IT Office: ~, S c._ ; Phone No.: Project Manager: ~ ~ Project No.: Task No.: ----------~------------------- IT Office: --Vb-"',._.'-'q~e"".,.,/_"""''~=--tJ-->.S.._C.=-------Phone No.: -zd'Y-(!.J4'-f 2.0 3.0 LIMITING CONDITIONS Describe conditions that limited your ability to inspect the property (snow cover, lack of access, restricted movement, debris, etc.): -, / IVPZ<.e-~ ~ ,J4; ~ PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Complete this section for each property and/or group of properties that will be compiled into one report. • Age and Size (approximate square footage of buildings(s) and property acreage): p~ ~/..'.; ~·<-& {l a ~1~ e.-JJ General description of the building tenant(s), the address, start of tenant occupancy (if • known), and current property usage describing type of business and tenant names (Complete Attachment 1 if the property has multiple tenant(s): OAt-~-A-U,.~.:/... Page 1 of 22 •• • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the'/; group 3.1 Building Characteristics Basement or slab foundation: ~52-1l!::ff{L:Z);5.e.~ Description of building interior (i.e. floor coverings, wall coverings, drop ceilings, condition of the floor, etc.): Page 2 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the'{; group Exterior Structure Description (type of walls, floors, siding, roof, access doors (overhead, etc., who completes building maintenance, etc.): ~~~~/~.fi/~ CM.0-<4 red!-1 v-e() ~· 3.2 Property Characteristics Exterior Grounds Description (type of parking area, location of parking area(s), location and type of landscaped areas, etc.): ~· (type, at property boundary?): c;;;:~0±~~~ £;):~ Page 3 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the(/; group • Refuse/Rubbish & Scrap Material Containers (type, size, location, appearance, ro~! •mpP'" <h• ~"'""''"' o...P :j~~~z Filled or Re-graded areas (fill material and reason for modification): ~~;: Irrigation System (type, water source): Utilities Water (public (surface or groundwater, location), on-site well (location, depth, age, galla~ per day)) and where to water line(s) come into the facility: ~ df;;t:f:::_~~ (4~i.l·!E#v ~UJo~ .. ~~-·~¢ OW~· Wk.. ~~~~.J)l~'""j ~.A_ ~-""'Y' ~-a..J;...,-,~o1~ o::t-r..-e...t ~ ~'ISr~tf\1'<-· Wells: Type (potable, irrigation, dry, rfi'oniioring, etc.): ---. 7 Location (note on Site Plan): Depth to water and depth of well: Page 4 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the4figroup Comments: Sewer (on-site septic or treatment plant, public, combined sewer/storm water) include location of septic field or where the sewer line enters the building (note on site map): s~~ ~~~"M Municipal Storm Water Drains and Lines (note location(s) on Site Sketch or Plan; name of utility company): · Sfr¥,. .,t..:,.? h /~ ~ c-..9~· I I Floor drains/sumps: Location(s): ~h.:-.ew~~/4. Discharge to where: ~~r~;t.~?e~~ Uncontained hazardous materials stored/used/spilled in vicinity of floor drains or sumps: r Yes No Page 5 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the'f;group If yes, describe: If Sumps are present describe fully {length, width, depth, material of construction, sealed bottom, open bottom {drain lo ground}, what is the sump used for, etc.): Oil/Water Separators, Holding Tanks, Process Tanks (above or below ground, locations, siz~dition, use, discharge point)?: • ~~~c-~~ ~ I How is the building heated (gas, electric, fuel oil, other) and cooled {location of HVAC, fuel source): ~~ 2 Electrical (overhead, underground, transformers, location of meter): ~ /; Mr w'·!;p7· Page 6 of 22 • • • • PHASE I the'{; grouP. PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST 4.0 4.1 Telephone (overhead, underground, fiber optic, where does the line enler the building (above or below ground)): Maintenance (building, property, landscape, who is responsible for interior, exterior): ~~7/v._ h#4-~Mfl ~ Surface Drainage (direction of flow, where does drainage go, end receptor of drainage, pumping stations, flooding potential on property, and off-site sources of drainage (if ~~i~ vw ~.,-q¢-ble {A Q e/.4 • It /Ht)-ec u~ 1 ~1'S~P<~~cha,.;_ 'fo~~ ~ -(...(-. Easements (drainage, sewer, pipeline, cable, etc.): PROPERTY CONDITIONS Site Topography (sloping, flat, elevation above sea level, etc., direction of slope): !:J:i~~ ~~~~~ Page 7 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the4f; group 4.2 Regional Geology and Hydrogeology (information gathered from local sources including local reports and state surveys): 4.3 Wetlands and Surface Vegetation Wet Area: _I,),JW' ~~ Vegetation (type; not if stressed): Description of Landscaped and Undeveloped Areas (grass, shrubs, trees, locations on Site Map): /!::i:;r!!c ~ .. 9 'M (A -rv R ¥~ :;r er-J2 5.0 PROPERTY HISTORY Describe Past Property Usage or Tenants (ask current tenants for information): ~ Page 8 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the4f; group 6.0 PROPERTY ASSESSMENT OBSERVATIONS 6.1 Description of Tenant Processes including each process step and chemicals used or wastes generated by each step: 11:--~ ~ ~4; 1 [!:2;,1 "~3 f;s~ 1~-ts] ~·:~~#{~~ Page 9 of 22 • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the4{;group • • • Page 10 of 22 .ASEI • PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST 6.2 On-site Underground and Aboveground Storage Tanks or Dispensers Underground or Aboveground Storage Tanks: ~Yes Page 11 of 22 •.. -.SE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST 6.3 PCBs/Eiectrical Transformers · Transformer# Pad or Pole 1le (_0 ~ ~4 . -···Mounted . Location on-site ~ l~ of {; Owner A-1... --t. CJ~ J~ I .. Utility comp:. IJ.~ L hz_ IIJ/, .. .. · .• -.. ·. ~ Serial# ~~ II An. '" ,_, / , --. "Non-PCB" :. ~'-. _· _-._----_ • sticker · ~ . : -Evidence of< ,f), ~L Leakage Current ... ~ -or Historical:": , I " I~ . --. f-A 1& Evidence of .. -~-_,, Corrosion · ·_ · -. ;:: •·.·. --. . :;...·· .... >. ~ .. :> ... ..! r. Jl. -. • .J-{Jv II Tested for P.CBs -. -·:.::;.:,; ... · d,.r? ~--·- tJ • ../. "' J f. A • ::t: htn-f A-II ,1-A. /__/; ~·r ~ ~ . A lr;...Q_{J, () J_;t' ,. Nt· ·"' o .-J Zrt (" ~ ~ ""-~, -/ ..::P-. ~ r /)·A ~.A , I j ~ .Lt;. _,/ /1 • .:fl:-.0 -r ~ '/· ,/L; ~ 1/t-()" 7 . "1!:-/. A J /_At.. 1<7..6' j; w ........ __., // I (_ ~*" ~-/'}. ./. "7 ., ~ ),., ~Jr. /~ /\ Page 12 of 22 •• the'f;group_ //1M kn- - _#_ , L ·p -.......-. {/ 7' '4-P A 0 (_ r:}-, ~ fv v_ ~ ~-.L· ·~ /.J --. -~OJC-I ~~-I r ..vL de r7o ,., .d)_ 5~ .... I ...,..h, -""l.--, rv ->rz..._ o .(/ .2. v-8 "/r~- I • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST 6.4 Radon Building tests for Radon: r Yes 6.5 Asbestos Containing Materials Potential Asbestos Containing Materials: Building Constructed before 1985? rVYes r No If yes, Asbestos Containing Materials may be present in building. I wP ~. v . Location Has ACM been tested: ~es r No '1 /C"Lfi!l)t~·.!J4e~~~)'i(/~. 6.6 Chemical and Waste Storage and Usage Description of Hazardous Substance Storage, Use, and Generation (Petroleum Products, Solvents, Paints, Oils, Etc.) Page 13 of 22 •• SEI • PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST . Chemical and Waste Stora11e, Usaae, and Generation I. . Container Type and Name of Tenant .·· Type of Haz. . 9ua:i~Z, !~~:;';b~r, . storing/using Location · Evidence of Spil( Quantity Used and .. Substance Haz. Substance Leakage/Spills· Containment · · : : · Process · ·. •. ~~~2 -lt~-'h .A;, ~ -v ,-' ~ btA p A~ _., L.a Uh./.~~ / tl . 7 f--~-' f. h A1 ..;, • rj lu/1,, • J? 1 -<1. d ~ ~ ~ / / [/ c/} . .L "· ..1-z~ {, ftt. ,.~ i-/~,a ti £ ../a c;_~ ~ tA ~ -""' ·-~ w L ,..., '-,. ·u .. , ~~~7 #' I ~ ~ / ~ ~ /'~ ...., .. ~ p-7: £l o-f _L .(') ' -07;_ ~.17,., -f-1-. l ~ ~ /D .. 0 ~ M ft.e A a. '-'· l'H /.' h-v'"- (/ I ( Page 14 of 22 • • SEI • PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST Chemical and Waste Storage, Usage, and Generation . ,·. T . f H , ', Container Type and ,, ype o. az •. y>:, . 1. ··( . b .. ·.····s .b t . ..· .. Quan oty num er, . .. · .· . u s ance ·.. . .... · .. , size, type) , .· .. Nam~ of Te?ant .. , :,, Evidence of:·. . storong/usong Location 1.. k /S .11 Haz. Substance ea age PI s Page 15 of 22 · .· Spill > ~;:.; Containment· .. ..,· .... Quantity Used and ·:·;;:• Process. :: .. • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the(/; group Evidence of spills, leaks, floor staining (and cracked flooring), poor housekeeping, storage of incompatible materials, unlabeled drums, etc.: Evidence of odors, pools of liquid, stressed vegetation: A ).rvv cr(n..!. y Unidentified substance containers: /J.rw> ~-~~fp~ f,~ Lur;~ kc:e.(l ; ~ 7 A..!J.(A~ h..:Uvo ~~ 7 Describe Chemical and Waste'5tor~ge Areas (containment structures, dnp pans, chemical storage racks, stacking of chemical containers, storage of open buckets/drums, overturned drums, lack of labels, etc.): w~ Describe general housekeeping practices (storage of chemicals and waste, drip pans, staining, drum labeling, clutter, cleanliness, etc.) _ J . ).Jff ~~~AN~ Page 17 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the'/Jwoup 6.8 Environmental Permits • • • 6.9 6.10 Have permit violations occurred? If yes, describe: ie.e-~ IV Yes Are copies of proper Waste Manifest Forms on file: I No d::;;-;;:::t~L:fi ~~ JH~ . I Wastewater Discharge Wastewater Discharge Points---Septic, Sewer. Treatment Facility: fk.~;-~.to.!-& 1:4 -?.~~ ;;:t:;:!z~~~~~ Describe pesticide/herbicide/fungicide usage: U.1 e,P ?7i ,..,),. J-k ~ i .~ Page 18 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the(/; group 7.0 ADJACENT PROPERTY INFORMATION Describe evidence of chemical storage or use on adjacent properties (USTs, ASTs, drum storage, buckets, stains, concrete pads, vent lines, processes using chemicals, etc.) Describe the current use of adjoining properties based on observations East: .)A.~ c ..... West: .t~~;ee~ Page 19 of 22 • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST thec,f; group • • • • Page 20 of 22 • • • • PHASE I PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST the'f;group ATIACHMENT2 Copy and complete this section for each tenant Tenant No.: Tenant Name: Tenant Contact: • Describe current tenant property : ~1z?':i~7· d-/i.) • • Describe manufacturing processes employed at the facility. Include types of machinery, power sources, raw materials, maintenance procedures, and all chemical usage and waste generation, etc.: ~ I Page 22 of 22 •. ASEI PROPERTY INSPECTION CHECKLIST • •• the4f;group ATTACHMENT1 List of Tenants: . List all tenants with a description of the type of business, street and mailing address, length of occupancy and name and phone number of tenant contact. • Street Address (and Mailing Address, if · · · · .. · different) . · · - :·. . .··.• ,,. ·•· . •.· ; .. . Description of .. ;·· •.··. • Length of . Teri~n{~~Jt~~i · .···· ,. . Operations · ·. Occupancy .. · . i>,, 't'. U ~.~~~;4:r /~1<4~4~~ ~~~/)~~- Page 21 of 22 Phone.:.,. ·Number, •. • • • ABOVEGROUND TANK SURVEY Plant/Facility Name: /VIooresu; //e, Prepared By: JVacy Wafk(VJS Date: G(zq /18 I I Conte!Jts (i.e. Tank Horizontal In 6 Oil, Diesel, Material Describe Dike or Size or Service? Sulfuric Acid Date of Diked? Other Containment (Gallons) Vertical Yes No Empty) Installed Construction Yes No Construction ?ooo 4 Hori~~h>.( 'I e.> -'1ncJ,'8o D'Je. Til"ll:.. ShedRn. ~e /"f9f ~;fa/n le>r>~e I '/es -Co V1 crt:.-+-e. CU Y' b C<-M.}2 F I~ o r f./py;~rrm I ies :In«·r 'D!fe Tqnk. u I 'l 'l4-cs 1/ Yes Concve-te.uurb 01nd. ?oOO~ -s-/q/nlerr >~e I -J=/oo,... l~qoooG-Verh'ctt I Yer. --~P (:, fi;e I o; I unknown cs ,, Yes Concvete cvq II w/ CoVlCV'eTe. r:/o s+ee..i {X2. - l?,ooo G-veYh-ca. I '/es -Sail-8n'.,e l.Jn J<.11o VJ n A b e-'7/ Jqss ~ ~s C.,nerr.e-fe_ '!lrld::.uJal\ wpVJc.V'e-h. I 24000 c;. r/vriwnhtl Yer -5o%. ;;;.,d/u, Hyd~ticle (CtWJ/i ):"~known steel cs a '/e.S -8 y, C./c..u..Ja I I u:>/ O>ncx~ fc.. F /oo r :2S'oo6-Verh'cal Yes -Ca."sn'c. DaV t<~nk I "{q7 FlbertJ/qSS Yes ConcvUe... uJaJ.J... w(CoYlC.v-e.+s Flo C.S'C -Y:,ooG Hv ri~n-lril '/es -5 ed,1esoft O'l;N -~ Sof&Je.;-un lc11o<On :f',+eej Csl/ 'les 13 y;'c.}::. l<)a.lf ..:;( Covt~ ~lao v--6ooo& ltz> Yi"'l:<> 11 fq Yes -MoYfOI UD-~ EnJ me u 11 k.now YJ sf-eel CJ '{ yes 6v1'c./t:.wcdl u:Jj CCJvtcvefe. Floor - ~0& rfvrlwnht I '/es -?od Y' Sa /1 Dye. B> lve. ICfqlf sree./ cs '{ Yes f3 Y'id: u.Ja II w/ COY!Wd-~ Floor - JO{OOO(r VtrHoa./ y,~ -V•'rf-!KlJb'O/i~llid S'oJ,·um U11l:.11o.vn &tee/ 1-!jjdr!><,; ul {ice CS7 ye_r -Con eve ce.. ~ s,...,·d::. wa li.s ,_,; 15oo& Hori):()fl m I '/et -:LVtdl~ll Dye. TCI Yl k o..IY!~OWYI s-teel cs '1 Jes Concv-et-e.. R-oar -f3~;c./<..wa II wj concre:-{e Floor Jo1ooo rr t+ori'l:onhll Yes -t3Jae-}<. ~~lf:v '9JG u ~ k-n ou:J 11 ~tee-/ oq Yer to,ooo& Vet"-h'ca,J Yr.s -1i.td1~o D(jt. fqn k-!!ope RQ~ -G~"ic.-k-wa II w/ D:Jn c Ye.fe.. Ft o o v- }o1ooo& Vern·wJ ies -e I qq I S1r:. i»Je.wfeel 'les 0J11c~ pike wj U>ncve-k. r:;foov /( l'lqJ C51 -ro1ooo &-Vt-vn·c...._f 'le5 -II II '-/es -Con c,.. d-e (7;../:e w /Co >1c. ve -!e. £1, o v: 1'1ql ,, y,s -1o1ooo& \/u-h·c. .... f Yes --,, l"!~l II Concl/'e~ Vik VJ/Concv-efe.H.ao~ I} e.r+lod Y<-s -1o1ooo & Yes -II I 'jq I II ~VJcVefe.-O; 1<.0 w/UJYI.Crde. r/<Jor Yes -I o1ooo €r Vu-h'GAI Ye~ -lJ I 'I'll II CC.YJcr.e+e.-'D ;J<:.e., !Pf (ortcvefaJ==to<>CJ v-'-/.t.~ ~ COV!Cref~ p,·k_e_, w/concv-eroFI<:>o 'f1oooG V<!Y.fl'w.l Yt.s -Dye -D ,·sco.l ZDo7 l'l'l'l Frberff/qssC5'1 Yes -£3,-i cf::.uJQ.l} t-D/ Co11CV'e.te Ftoo r '? 1006 & Ve,r..fl'CA) \fes -Co.usric S'ioYl:!,~e. T'111/::.. 1"1'17 hbiZ'l!(<lSS MCSl '{ t. s -ConcVl'.-+t.. Dike. wffi" k Floov- -v AST-1 -·- • • ABOVEGROUND TANK SURVEY-Sheet 2 PI ant/Facility N arne: !..fJl....u...G\?!:4'-f'-Le""'£c~<t}u_tLJf!-5e"----------­ Prepared By: lfa03 Wa+k ,·VIs Contents (i.e. Tank Horizontal In 6 Oil, Diesel, Size or Service? Sulfuric Acid (Gallons) Vertical Yes No Empty) tfooo G V~rlic.a..l -No ern~ 'foOD G verfiCAJ -tJo Ernp 'fOOO C7 vern·~,. I -No Vie~e.TJE I '{e.; 2ooo G 1-+ori~•rm I -f11>'"'·~·11ht I '/e<O '5'506 -D•~Jel hie( I-to v-i 'ti>Ylht I y'es G-qsollne '51..?& - i6oo6r )-h,...-i :ron m I Ye.s -U!;e<! Oil 4oo1oooG Jer.f-\~..,1 its -VVo.h..v Wahv-J00,0¢06 Vev.n~~ I yes -?opooG-v'tV"-h'c<\1 '/e<. -we~.~ ?o1oooc.-V .trti <A( Ye.s -NctCl LIST LPG Propane) TANKS BERE ?ooooG ~/vn'-=totr/n I 'I Pvvr~n.e.-- I Ho .. iC:t>rtfa l y PYllp" 111.e.. ?O,oooG - ?p1oooG 11o Y'i ~vdn I y -'PI-vft~.l'lll- 2ooe G-tto "' '!;lll'lrn 1 y -Pwf'AVI€. Date: 0/zq(qg Material Date of Diked? Installed Construction Yes No [Cj16 Fi'be,'(JitiS~ C:>l ~y - f1<f5 -Fib~fq~,-CS\ ~~~ I '11? Fib gt~ucs -L'l'li'!i' St..:ef PS I y -l'HlO 'btee.l f'S 16 y -I 'I'&> '0 f>te (,.I !?!; I y -Jq!3 B ~c.( P$1 y - W1 k~Wul Yl st.ee.l No -LL" kll-<' WYI <;-tee I -No c< n l<.ttoW Y1 &fee( -No (q'l7 -fb"1)lqss Ma y - l'f72 5fee) Ps'f -No 1qrr3 She/ PS't -No 11'75 s+~e.l PS'I -No l'\'71 ~{-12e.l Ps1 No AST-'\ • Describe Dike or Other Containment Construction Cor~c~ bloe-k wall o.<Jjconcnde ,, r/.,or II .g.. ConcveAe.. wQii r:: Loov- Col'lc.ve be W1>.kt <!Js Ffoo \r Ccnc:.~ret-e. wed( if t::foov Col'!c.re.-be W<t II lll>' C::Joov- - -. concv .. '\:e-t?lo{-kWII.tl w/ conwt-1-e-fvor --- - - Co11cre-l:-e. ~ loov- I • ..... ...,__._ • • 10 VIII. Listing of Controlled Stora£e Facilities and Inspection Points (Only non-process storage areas w-illr tDIIk.r larger tfuut 500 galforu ore addressed in dt1ail) IDNo. CS-I CS-2 CS-4 CS-5 CS-6 CS-7 A. CHEMICAL STORAGE AREAS (CS) LOCATION FJNISHING DRUG ROOM ON THIRD FLOOR BASEMENT UNDER FJNISHING DRUG ROOM FlNISHING CHEMICAL STORAGE BUILDING DESCRIPTION 55 GALLON DRUMS OF FJNISHING CHEMICALS 55 GALLON DRUMS OF FJNISHING CHEMICALS 5,000 GALLON SOFTENER TANK 5,000 GALLON ENZYME TANK 8,000 GALLON DYE TANK PROPOSED VERTICAL TANK RESPONSIBILITY Finishing Finishing Finishing Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total contents of each tank may spill) The tanks are located in a diked area, which would contain the contents of any individual tank. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks -(Tanker load of approximately 4000 gallons may spill) The overflow of any tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan . Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately 4000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D. I of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. DRY HYDRO STORAG3 BUILI;l!NG FJNISHING CHEMICAL BUILDING LIQUID HYDRO STORAGE BUILDING . 30 GALLON DRUMS OF DRY SODIUM HYDROSULFITE 55 GALLON DRUMS OF FJNISHING CHEMICALS I 0,000 GALLON TANK OF LIQUID SODIUM HYDROSULFITE Finishing Finishing Preparation Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total content of tank may spill) The tank is located in a diked area, which would contain the spill. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks-(Tanker load of approximately 4000 gallons may spill) The overflow of the tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D. I of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. • ·.· ..... ' • •• !DNa. CS-8 CS-9 CS-!0 LOCATION ELEVATED OUTDOORS ADJACENT TO CENT AC ROOM APPRO X. I 0 FT. ABOVE GRADE INSIDE CBITAC ROOM DESCRIPTION 20,000 GALLON TANK OF 50% SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAUSTIC) 2500 GALLON CAUSTIC DAY TANK II RESPONSIBILITY Preparation Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total content of tank may spill) The tank is located in a diked area, which would contain the spill. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) The overflow of the tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D.!· of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. INDIGO STORAGE BUILDING 9,500 GALLON TANK OF INDIGO DYE 10,000 GALLON TANK OF BLACK SULFUR DYE Preparation Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total contents of each tank may spill) The tanks are located in a diked area, which would contain the contents of any individual tank. Clean up would be ~ade per Section VI of this plan . Overflow of Tanks-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) The overflow of any tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) Loarung procedures in Section V D.! of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan .. 2nd FLOOR IN COILER ROOM SIX 10,000 GALLON INDIGO DYE TANKS Preparation Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total contents of each tank may spill) The tanks are located in a diked area, which would contain the contents of any individual tank. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks -(Approximately. 2400 gallons from dye boxes may spill) The overflow of any tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloadine: failure-(Total contents of each tank may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D. I of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan . 12 IDNo. LOCATION DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBILITY CS-11 I st FLOOR OF BEAM TWO 7,000 GALLON Preparation • WARPERROOM INDIGO DYE TANKS Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total contents of each tank may spill) The tanks are located in a diked area, which would contain the contents of aoy individual tank. Cleao up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) The overflow of any tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D. I of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. CS-12 METAL STORAGE 55 GALLON DRUMS AND Preparation RACKS ACROSS FROM TOTE TANKS OF DYE & DYE MIXING AREA SLASIDNG CHEMICALS CS-13 DRY HYDRO STORAGE 30 GALLON DRUMS OF Preparation ROOM BESIDE DYE DRY SODIUM MIXING AREA HYDRO SULFITE CS-14 No. ONE MEZZANINE IN 4 -220 GALLON Preparation -·""", SLASHER ROOM CAUSTIC MIX TANKS • CS-16 CUTTING ROOM SPARE 3 -4000 GALLON DYE Preparation FLOOR LIQUOR TANKS B. IN-PROCESS STORAGE AREAS@) IDNo. LOCATION DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBILITY IP-1 FINISIDNG DRUG ROOM 55 GALLON DRUMS AND Finishing 3rd FLOOR MEZZANINE 300 GALLON MIX TANKS IP-2 DYE MIXING AREA IN 55 GALLON DRUMS AND Preparation SLASHER ROOM 19-TANKS, 200 TO 500 GALLON MIXING TANKS IP-3 SIZE COOKING AREA IN 55 GALLON DRUMS AND Slashing SLASHER ROOM 4 -300 GALLON SIZE COOKING KETTLES • • • • IDNo. !P-4 IP-5 IP-6 ID No. PS-I PS-2 PS-3 13 LOCATION No. ONE lV!EZZANINE IN SLASHER ROOM DESCRIPTION 55 GALLON DRUMS AND 9 -300 TO 800 GALLON MDC TANKS RESPONSIBILITY Slashing No. TWO lV!EZZANINE IN SLASHER ROOM I st FLOOR IN BOILER HOUSE 55 GALLON DRUMS AND 8 -300 TO 800 GALLON MDC TANKS 4 - I 00 TO 200 GALLON MDC TANKS C. PETROLEUM STORAGE AREAS (PS) LOCATION OUTSIDE BEHIND SHOP DESCRIPTION 525 GALLON TANK GASOLINE 2,000 GALLON TANK DIESEL 1,500 GALLON TANK USED OIL 2,000 GALLON PROPANE TANK Preparation Maintenance RESPONSIBILITY Maintenance Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total contents of each tank may spill) The tanks are located in a diked area, which would contain the contents of all tanks. The dike has a volume of 7853 gallons. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks -(Tanker load of approximately. 2000 gallons may spill) The overflow of any tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 2000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D.3 of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. OUTSIDE BEHIND BOILER HOUSE 150,000 GALLON TANK #6FUELOIL Maintenance Tank Failure or Line Rupture -(Total content of tank may spill) The tank is located in a diked area, which would contain the spill. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks -(Tanker load of approximately. 6000 gallons may . spill) The overflow of the tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 6000 · gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D.3 of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan . OUTSIDE BEHIND BOILER HOUSE PROPANE BLENDING EQUIPlV!ENT ONLY (NOT A STORAGE AREA) Maintenance • • • IDNo. PS-4 PS-5 PS-6 LOCATION OUTSIDE BEHIND BOll-ER HOUSE INSIDE BOll-ER HOUSE OUTSIDE ADJACENT TO FIRE PUMP BUll-DING DESCRIPTION 3 -30,000 GALLON TANKS LIQUID PROPANE 500 GALLON DAY TANK #6 FUEL Oll- 550 GALLON TANK OF DIESEL FUEL 14 RESPONSIBILITY Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total content of tank may spill) The tank is located in a diked area, which would contain the spill. The dike has a volume of 503 gallons. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Overflow of Tanks -(Tanker load of approximately. 2000 gallons may spill) The overflow of the tank would be cleaned up would be cleaned up per Section VI of this plan. ·· Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 2000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D.3 of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan . • MCS-2 MCS-3 MCS-4 • 15 D. MAINTENANCE CHEMICAL STORAGE AREAS (MCS) LOCATION DESCRIPTION RESPONSIBILITY CENTACROOM WATER FILTER PLANT BUILDING 55 GALLON DRUMS OF WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS 150 lb. CHLORINE CYLINDERS 3000 GALLON TANK 50% SODIUM HYDROXIDE 150 GAL ALUM MIX TANK 150 GAL MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE MIX TANK ON MEZZANINE MIX TANK IN SOFTEN- ER BUILDING Maintenance Maintenance Tank Failure or Line Rupture-(Total contents of each tank may spill) The tanks are located in a diked area, which would contain the contents of any individual tank .. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Chlorine Cvlinder Failure or Line Rupture-(To:al contents of three 150 lb. chlorine cylinders could escape to surroundings). In the event of a leak in a line or fitting the gas supply will be shut off and the leak repaired. If the leak is signillcant or the cylinder is leaking the local Hazmat Response Team and the Vendor should be called immediately. UNDER NO CffiCUMSTANCE SHOULD WATER BE DffiECTED AT A CHLORINE LEAK Vendor: Van Waters & Rogers, Inc. 3600 West Wendover Av. Greensboro, NC 27407 (910) 292-0624 or PPG Industries at (304) 843-1300 Overflow of Tanks -(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) The overflow of any tank would be contained in the diked area and clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. Loading or Unloading failure-(Tanker load of approximately. 4000 gallons may spill) Loading procedures in Section V D.4 of this plan will be followed. Clean up would be made per Section VI of this plan. BOILER BUILDING CENTACROOM 55 GALLON DRUMS OF WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS 55 GALLON DRUMS OF FINISHING CHEMICALS Maintenance Maintenance U> 1) ~ r r " "' "' < "' ~ ~ 0 z "' l> .... .... .. CJ "' z -< l> r 0 ~ U> .... . I l> ;o "' "' " r !! I ,, 11 I ' I ii> I ! ! ! " G! ~~~ !: lj '·· lj~ II ;-I . a' I E I I I ' ~ l ' l ' • H I ~ • ~ r ·~ !Ill ·' ·~ •I J, r:l 1.! ~-,~ I I; i!ll ~~ ll II ! I 'p ~ . I I I I . -.r-. ! r ' p ~~ II i J 1 " I. i· L . i l h I i! ~ I ·~ ' I ~. ' . " ~-=-~~=-""··--.-.. -- y I I __ ~ I I -----hE> I~ .. ' :;t I 5 r· ·I '.----..J . . ·----.--~ ~-----~ ~-----~ I r ~ : I I . ~ ! ! 1 '1 ~ ~: i ; 1' L[!Ji a I I ~ .. ' .. ' I ~ I I d ... ,. ' ;~-:--' . ' / ~ ., ~,_· I·.: ., I = I' ~ ,i I ; ~i:: l I ~I~ I, " ~ . ~ 1 1 .s-~ i ; ~I "j i i i . i i i 'i ~.:1 ~J i i ' ~ ~ j' ' j' l ~~~ : l--~----l_______ _ __ \,_:·_· _] ' .--------~ ' .------------. r---------. r------~ .---------, 'i i i· i i ---i Ji i . I ' . I ' ' . ... ·-· ·-· • I •· I i ! i K ,-,-_,-,-_~ i I i ;~: :·: :·: i ~ i i ' ' ... ' ' -' I . -' .. i ~P i t .:_~~ .:_~-: ! i tl; i J !!: 1 i ~I~ j i ~I i :, i ~~ :i: :_l; :_!; i ii i I I I I I I ____ j l _______ j I I . ' ~· i. '' • -· • centro/No: 5 661 666 450 678 29 628 627 71 74 76 • 659 653 654 624 206 211 335 549 665 655 656 255 663 1A Hazardous Chemical List 10/6/98 ProdJ!c! Ntl.llrt: 5035 Hilcolube Adhesive/Sealant 290 Aerosol Enamel Schlofhorst Green All Puropose Sili Lube (00206) Alpha Fibers Bel-Ray 6 in 1 Belt Dressing 00607 Chain & Pin Bushing Lube Clorox Liquid Bleach Compressed Air Cotton Oust Electrical Contact Cleaner Fast-Lok 2000 & Fast-Lok 4000 Fugilite Blue T1259010 Glid-Guard Alkyd Ind. Enamel 4540 Safety Yellow Isopropanol Lead/Acid Storage Battery LP Gas Propane (Odorized) Meropa 150 (02320) Meropa 680 (02342) Mobilube HO BOW-90 Mobilux EP 2 Multifak EP 2 (00995) Multigear Lubricant EP SAE BOW-90 (02316) Combustible liquid, Nervous system, Corrosive ,Sensitizer ,Carcinogen,Nervous system, Flammable, lrritant,Kidneys,Liver,Nervous system, Combustible lrritant,Respiratory system, liquid, Compressed gas, Flammable, Irritant, Nervous system, Compressed gas, Combustible liquid, Flammable, Flammable,Compresse d gas, Irritant, Respiratory system, lrritant,Nervous system, Irritant, lrritant.Carcinogen, Irritant, Corrosive, lrritant,Eye irritation possible,Nervous system,Based on scientific literature, this product should be regarded as a central nervous system depressant It is also classified as a simple asphyxiant by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, Respiratory system, Respiratory system, • co,tro/Na, ProdMct Nlll!lt: PhJJ!clti HAZRrds H!itlth HJllArds 657 Nickel Anti-Seize Lubricant Irritant, Sensitizer, Carcinogen, Respiratory system, 281 Open Gear& Wire Rope Lube Flammable, I rri tan t, Carcinogen, Kidneys. Liver, Nervous (00201) system, 305 Polyester Staple Eye irritation possible,Skin irritation possible,lrritation from this product could be due to the finish which is usually concentrated in the dust. 652 Premium RB Grease Sensitizer,Eye irritation possible,Heart,Kidneys,Uver.Respiration initation possible,Skin sensitizer, 647 Prolink Flying Insect Killer Respiratory system, 662 Quick Set (TM) 404 Instant Combustible liquid. lnitant,Sensitizer,Biood,Bone,Nervous system, Adhesive 337 Rando Oil HD 68 (01659) Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, 339 Regal Oil R&O 150 (00715) 340 Regal Oil R&O 220 (01531) Eye irritation possible,Respiratfon irritation possible,Skin initation possible, 403 Safety-Kieen Premium Solvent Combustible liquid, I nitant, Bone ,Kidneys,Liver ,Nervous system, 658 Spindura 22 00788 Respiratory system, • 648 Spring-Feel Cement 514 Starplex 2 (01935) Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible. 516 Steam Compressed gas, Irritant, 660 Tencel 294 The Protector (S00711) Combustible liquid, Irritant, 644 Windex-Biue '1~ Po\~>kr s~ • • • • C'.l11lro/No: 138 5 29 71 74 76 136 639 206 211 335 240 249 254 255 277 278 280 337 340 343 403 409 Product N«mt: 1 Flake 5035 Hilcolube Bel-Ray 6 in 1 Clorox Liquid Bleach Compressed Air Cotton Oust Gilman #34 Laquer Thinner lsoflex PDP65 Isopropanol Lead/Acid Storage Battery LP Gas Propane (Odorized) Mariak 0 (00927) Mobilux 2 Multifak 2 (01 990) Multifak EP 2 (00995) N-122 Adhesive N-122 Thinner Onex-Seal II Rando Oil HD 68 (01659) Regal Oil R&O 220 (01531) Regal Oil R&O 68 (00702) 6A Hazardous Chemical List 10/6/98 Respiratory system, Combustible liquid, Nervous system, Combustible lrritant,Respiratory system, liquid,Compressed gas, Compressed gas, Flammable, Flammable, Flammable,Compresse d gas. Flammable, Irritant, Respiratory system. Irritant, Irritant, Corrosive, · lrritant,Eye irritation possible,Nervous system,Based on scientific literature, this product should be regarded as a central nervous system depressant It is also classified as a simple asphyxiant by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Irritant, Eye irritant,Respiratory irritant,Skin irritant. lrritant,Nervous system, Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation poSsible,Skin irritation possible. Safety-Kieen Premium Solvent Combustible liquid, Irritant, Bone,Kidneys,Uver ,Nervous system, SBS-30 WateMess Skin Cleanser '$~1 1CO l,t)-lt:N~, • C011tro/No: Product Name: Physical HJizards Health H4Z4rds 414 Sedgeclean sc.a Irritant, Eye irritant,Kidneys,Liver ,Skin irritant, May be absorbed in toxic amounts from prolonged or repeated exposure resulting in possible liver and kidney damage. 514 Starplex 2 (01 935) Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible, 516 Steam Compressed gas, 1nitant, • • ·'-. • Dyeing Hazardous Chemical List J0/6/98 CorrtraiNi.l: proJud Nllllrt: Physk<i HRwds 229 1-Methyi2-Pyrrolidone Combustible liquid, 5 5035 Hilcolube 7 Acetic Acid, 84% 11 Airvol • AU Grades 597 Bucosul Black 4G-C 39 Buffer 7 PF 40 Buffer Solution pH 10.00 (Blue) 680 Buffer Solution pH 12 41 Buffer Solution pH 4.00 (Red) 42 Buffer Solution pH 7.0 (yellow) 679 Buffer Solution, pH 11, pH 12 671 Callaway 1640 48 Carbon Dioxide, Refrigerated Compressed gas, • Liquid 51 Caustic Soda, 50% 641 Clinco 430 Industrial Starch Modified 71 Clorox Liquid Bleach 74 Compressed Air Compressed gas. 76 Cotton Dust 82 Oeniblack 4G Liquid Contact with acids, acidic material, or sodium hydrosulfite will liberate toxic and flammable hydrogen sulfide gas. 88 Douglas CS-3012B Starch 110 Oyetone (R) Solution Oxidizer, 126 Formaldehyde Solution, 37% Combustible liquid, 134 Fulsolve·PB Cone 136 Gilman #34 Laquer Thinner Flammable, 153 Hipochem Bleach e (.pqo C~ssuJFV,v 6~12N a,,& ~3 " k::h1k AL (!fie, Fl~xb~d 31~ H'a./th HAI.ar.U Irritant, Nervous system, Corrosive. Irritant. Corrosive, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant, Circulatory system,Nervous system, Corrosive, Respiratory system, Irritant, Respiratory system, Corrosive, Respiratory system, Corrosive, Eye irritant,Respiratory irritant,Skin corrosive, lrritant,Sensitizer ,Carcinogen ,Eyes ,Kidneys,Ner vous system,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Irritant, Corrosive, 110 1/1 t:=M-a~·lt{f"'"\ d.\or~ s,IN. s~.hAftk_J <R .?ex.. II 11 It • C"1lro/N" 156 Hydrogen Peroxide, 20·52% • 184 Indigo 20% Paste -Bence 676 Indigo Carmine 187 Indigo NACCO 20% Solution 186 Indigo Solution BASF 20% 189 lndilube C-20 205 211 335 464 663 260 672 583 273 275 276 673 288 681 293 296 683 674 309 312 311 314 Iodine Solution, 0.1 N Lead/Acid Storage Battery LP Gas Propane (Odorized) Monosodium Phosphate Anhydrous Multigear Lubricant EP SAE BOW-90 (02316) Muriatic Acid Navinon Grey GL Double Paste Navinon Olive R Double Paste Nitrogen Northsize 7256-S Northstat 54 Orcosolve Cleaner CM Palanthrene Brown T -LBG CoiL Liquid Patco Indigo 20% Paste Penetrant TER Penford Gum 230 Pentex 45 Pentex WS Pomoleine CNO Pomossist 117 Pomossist 117--66 Potassium Chloride Phys1!4l Hazards Oxidizer, F!ammable,Compresse d gas, Compressed gas, Corrosive, Corrosive, Irritant, Sensitizer, Corrosive, lrritant.Eye irritation possible,Nervous system,Based on scientific literature, this product should be regarded as a central nervous system depressant. It is also classified as a simple asphyxiant by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. Respiratory system, Corrosive,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Irritant. Corrosive, Eye irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, Corrosive, Irritant, Carcinogen,Respiratory system, Eyes, Irritant, • • • Ccntro/Na: prMllcl Nanlt: 406 Sandozol Black 4G·RDT Liquid 407 Sandozol Reducer RDT L Liquid 415 416 642 428 456 Sedgekil CK-2 Sedgemul CS-25 Sedgemul ISE-2 Sedgescour S-7-Y Sodium Carbonate 457 Sodium Chloride 458 463 Sodium Hydroxide Solutions, 1N to N/100 Sodium Perborate, Monohydrate 467 Sodium Sulfite 469 675 471 474 481 487 488 491 682 492 613 516 459 534 Sodyeco Penetrant EH Mod Liq. Sodyeco Penetrant EH-1 Liquid Sodyefide B Liquid Sodyesul Liquid Black PLCF Sodyesul Liquid Brown GNCF Sodyesul Liquid Green 3BCF Socyesul Liquid Green NYCF Sodyesul Liquid Navy GICF Sodyesul Liquid Olive "T:FL Sodyesul Liquid Olive TFL-SF Socyesul Liquid Tan RWCF Steam Sunny Sol 150 Tanatex Protowet 5917 PhysicAl Hazards Combustible liquid, Oxidizer, Combustible liquid, Contact with acids, acidic material, or sodium hydrosulfite will liberate toxic and flammable hydrogen sulfide gas. Contact with acids, acidic material, or sodium hydrosulfite will liberate toxic and flammable hydrogen sulfide gas. Compressed gas, Combustible liquid, Corrosive, Eye irritation possible, Skin irritation possible, lrritant,Eye irritant,Kidneys, Liver,Skin absorption,Skin irritant, Irritant. Eye irritant,Skin irritation possible, Irritant, Eye irritant,Skin irritant, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant. Corrosive,Kidneys,Liver, lrritant,Kidneys, Liver. Corrosive, Corrosive,Kidneys ,Liver, Corrosive, Toxic,Corrosive,Reproductive toxin, Corrosive, Toxic,Corrosive,Reproductive toxin, Corrosive,Eye corrosive,Respiratory corrosive,Skin corrosive, Corrosive, Irritant, Corrosive, lrritant,Nervous system. C!]ntro/N!]: ProdJlcl N~tmc: Physical HRzards Htalth HJWr.iJ • 537 Texblend 145 538 Texblend STF-S lrritant,Respiratory system, 539 Texwax G-2 551 Urea Solid Irritant, 574 Virtex D Concentrated Sodium Flammable solid,Water Irritant, Sensitizer ,Eye irritant, Respiratory Hydrosulfite reactive, system, Skin irritation possible, 630 Virtex L-170 lrritant.Respiratory system, lP'll • • • • • Slashing J0/6/98 Hazardous Chemical List conlro/No: product Na.l!t(: Phpulli HA"'rdJ 5 5035 Hilcolube Combustible liquid, 11 Airvol -All Grades 28 Belt Dressing (00607) Flammable, 45 Callaway 4600 641 Clinco 430 Industrial Starch Modified 71 Clorox Liquid Bleach 74 Compressed Air Compressed gas, 76 Cotton Oust 88 Douglas CS-30128 Starch 134 Fulsolve-PB Cone 136 Gilman #34 Laquer Thinner Flammable, 211 Lead/Acid Storage Battery 664 Madoi5800W 275 Northsize 7256-S 296 Penford Gum 230 415 Sedgekil CK-2 516 Steam Compressed gas, 537 Texblend 145 538 Texblend STF-S 539 Texwax G-2 '7Cb tc&~ t'U:Er.J 7C'l ~la:> &Jl&? ~~ ~~~ -r~tl~o5 Htailh ~rdJ Nervous system, Irritant, Eyes,Nervous system,Respiratory system, Irritant, Respiratory system, Irritant, Respiratory system, lnitant, Corrosive, lrritant,Eye initant,Respiratory system,Skin irritant, Respiratory system, Carcinogen,Respiratory system, Eye irritaUon possible,Skin irritation possible, lnitant, lnitant,Respiratory system, • Finishing 10/6/98 Hazardous Chemical List ConlroiNo: ProdMct Nanll: Phystca./ HAI4.rds Htailh H<!Ar<U 77 00948 Crater 2X Respiratory system, 5 5035 Hilcolube Combustible liquid, Nervous system, 7 Acetic Acid, 84% Corrosive, 628 Belt Dressing 00607 Flammable, lrritant,Nervous system, 597 Bucosul Black 4G-C Corrosive, 621 Bucosul Reducer 8 Liquid 42 Buffer Solution pH 7.0 (yellow) 51 Caustic Soda, 50% Corrosive, 52 Cellosei3A 627 Chain & Pin Bushing Lube Flammable, lrritant,Nervous system, 70 Clinton 277 Industrial Starch Respiratory system, Modified 71 Clorox Liquid Bleach Irritant. • 73 Coil Brite 74 Compressed Air Compressed gas, 76 Cotton Oust Respiratory system, 618 Crown Thin Boiling Starch XP 87 Oiscol2007 lnitant,Sensitlzer, 623 Dow Coming 710(R) Fluid 251 Dow Coming 710G(R) Fluid Irritant, , , 2 Electro-Wash C80, C160, C240, C240-4, C160CB 550 Exxon Extra Ui11eaded Flammable, lrritant,Carcinogen,Biood,Nervous system, Gasoline 134 Fulsolve-PB Cone Respiratory system, 136 Gilman #34 Laquer Thinner Flammable, Irritant, 624 Glid~Guard Alkyd Ind. Enamel Combustible liquid, Irritant, Carcinogen, 4540 Safely Yellow 143 Havoline Formula 3 Motor Oil SAE30 19 Hycar 26-A370 Irritant, 156 Hydrogen Peroxide, 20-52% Oxidizer. Corrosive, • 631 lnhibisol OS lnitant,Cardnogen, ~li:)~ '"'Itt> '117 F\LXLct1"-< AoiJ ~~ • c~,1!rolNo: Hralth HAZArd< 620 K Wet 9111 211 Corrosive, 335 Lead/Acid Storage Battery LP Gas Propane (Odorized) Flammable,Compresse d gas, Irritant, Eye irritation possible.Nervous system,Based on scientific literature, this product should be regarded as a central nervous system depressant. It is also classified as a simple asphyxiant by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 244 625 6 552 250 253 255 257 • 278 285 286 632 309 635 313 338 401 403 406 609 615 602 610 Meropa 460 (02325) MH 51 Bonding Cement Mobil 600 W Cylinder Oil Mobil Vacuoline Oil1409 Moly In Oil-#10049 Moropol HD25 Multifak EP 2 (00995) Multigear Lubt EP SAE 85W- 140 N·122 Thinner Pad N Blue 2GC OS-97808 Pad N Violet 4BC OS-9686 PARABOND A-883 Pomoleine CNO Pomolube 803 Pomostat OK 17 Reducer NS S Black 01-6612 Safety-Kieen Premium Solvent Sandozot Black 4G-RDT Liquid Sandozot Blue 2GB ROT Liquid Sandozol Brown CR-RDT Liquid Sandozol Brown GN-RDT Liquid Sandozol Green NY-ROT Uquid Flammable liquid, Flammable, Flammable, Flammable, Combustible liquid. • f.A7 Para.seal * ~4tLfDI 43 J Sed9~~r+ ~rn.s "'35 1 ' · STF-0) Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible,Skin irTitation possible, Eye irritation possible, Nervous system, Skin irritation possible, Nervous system, Respiratory system, Irritant, Eye initant,Respiratory irritant.Skin irritant, Irritant, lrritant,Nervous system, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant. Carcinogen, Kidneys, Liver, Respiratory system, lnitant,Bone,Kidneys,Uver,Nervous system, Corrosive, Corrosive, Kidneys, Liver, Corrosive, Corrosive, Kidneys, Liver, Toxic,Corrosive,Reproductive toxin, iJo~ ~~v.M ~o~d{:d '1 L~ Pt.::ro<..o K.~-~ '11ct 'PoMOCO F£-L • (I)M{raiNI.I: Product N4mt: P~JSf!al HAz~trds Health """'"" 407 Sandozol Reducer ROT L Liquid 69 Sedgeclean ESG Irritant, Eye irritant,Respiration irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, 413 Sedgeclean MPR Irritant, 414 Sedgeclean SC-8 I rritant,E ye initani,Kid neys,Liver ,Skin irritant,May be absorbed in toxic amounts from prolonged or repeated exposure resulting in possible liver and kidney damage. 415 Sedgekil CK-2 Eye irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, 416 Sedgemul CS-25 I rrita n I, Eye irritant, Kidneys, Liver, Skin absorption,Skin irritant, 417 Sedgemul DNS-2 lrritant,Kidneys,Uver,Respiratory system. 619 Sedgemul HOS 421 Sedgemul SS-75 Combustible liquid, lrritant,Heart,Kidneys,Uver, 651 Sedgequest FCM Irritant, 425 Sedgeres CSI-2 Sensitizer, Carcinogen, 427 Sedgescour CV-7 Combustible liquid, Irritant, 429 Sedgesoft 700 • 600 Sedgesoft DWS 432 Sedgesoft LVC-2 Irritant, Eye initant,Skin irritation possible, 433 Sedgesoft MEM Irritant, 434 Sedgesoft OZN-6 Irritant, Eye irritant,Skin irritant, 638 SGL 1000 Irritant, 629 Silver-Brite Aluminum Paint Flammable, lrritant,Nervous system, 859S11 469 Sodyeco Penetrant EH Mod Combustible liquid, Carras ive, Kidneys ,Liver, Liq. 471 Sodyefide B Liquid Corrosive, 484 Sodyesul Liq. Fast Black G-Contact with acids, Corrosive, Kidneys, Liver, 75X acidic material, or sodium hydrosulfite will liberate toxic and flammable hydrogen sulfide gas. 474 Sodyesul Liquid Black PLCF Corrosive, 614 Softsel 9200 8 626 Solder Seal Liq. Wrench No.1 Combustible liquid, Irritant, (Aerosol) 516 Steam Compressed gas, • 7o~ SoR-rvtr I+D-55 • C~ulroiNo: PrOduct N41!!C: P/ryllt4/ HAZ<r<U "'"th ""'''" 637 Synten/2100 Irritant. 633 TC #16 ( Laquer Thinner) Flammable, lrritant.Nervous system, 622 Teresstic 32 Respiratory system, 551 Urea Solid Irritant, 591 Vantalc F2003, F2003C, Respiratory system, F1803C 577 Vycar VA-0173 I rritant,Cardnogen, • • ~- • Maintenance Hazardous Chemical List 10/6/98 CCiltrJNo: 13 643 2 5 9 10 15 14 21 585 • 22 25 26 29 31 72 33 37 38 46 47 48 50 4 51 rr~ct N4mt: 00525 Algol Oil 100 1 A29E Firm Foot Master 1 U8265 (Penetrating Oil) 25% Carbon Oioxide/75% Argon 5035 Hilcolube Acetylene (Ethyne, Ethine) Acid Starch Indicator Alum (Dry) Aluminum Alloy Antifoam A Aqualar Cleaning Solution Concentrate Argon, Refrigerated Liquid Auto Pro Antifreeze Aviation Form-A-Gasket #3 Bel-Ray 6 in 1 Bio/scent Industrial Bituminous Coal Blast Heavy Duty Floor Cleaner Brass Branz Alloys Carbon and Alloy Steels Carbon Dioxide, Gas Carbon Dioxide, Refrigerated Liquid Castec 3055 Caterpillar Brake Component Cleaner Caustic Soda, 50% Flammable, Compressed gas, Combustible liquid, Flammable gas,Compressed gas, Combustible liquid, Compressed gas, Flammable, Combustible liquid,Compressed gas, Compressed gas, e6£P ~c7 FzuJ OLl 5 ~t Ah. lP Fit. I Oi/ 7CO a~~ Respiratory system, Irritant, Nervous system, I rritant,Sensitizer, Circulatory system, Circulatory system, Nervous system, lrritant,Nervous system, Corrosive, lrritant,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, Corrosive, Irritant, lrritant,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Corrosive, lrritant,Eyes,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Heart,Nervous system,Respiratory system, Circulatory system.Nervous system, Carcinogen, Respiratory system, Corrosive, • CrmtrolNo: Product Nllrnt: PhJlktU HAzi<nlJ Hrtdlh HAzi<rdJ 54 Cer-Wool Blanket LT, RT, HP, lrritant,Carcinogen, HTA 56 Chemgrale Respiratory system,Skin, 57 Chemtool Contact Adhesive Flammable, Irritant, 59 Chlorine Compressed gas, Toxic, Corrosive, 60 Chrome Plated Carbon Steel Respiratory system, 67 Citrisolv Plus 71 Clorox Liquid Bleach Irritant, 73 Coil Brite 74 Compressed Air Compressed gas, 75 Copper/Copper Alloys Respiratory system, 76 Cotton Oust 78 Cresol Red Irritant. 81 Day And Night 400 E-SOuOO Par 1 Reagent Flammable, 113 Electro-Lube Automatic Lube Dispenser • 119 Euco 456 & 4565 Epoxy Corrosive.Sensitizer,Carcinogen, as Exxon Diesel 2 Combustible liquid, Irritant. 84 Exxon Diesel Fuel 1 550 Exxon Extra Unleaded Flammable, lrritant,Carcinogen,Biood.Nervous system, Gasoline 616 Exxon Low S No. 2 Diesel Combustible liquid, Carcinogen,Skin, 611 Exxon Supreme Gasoline Flammable, Irritant, Ca rei nog en, Nervous system, Skin, 125 FM-200 lrritant,Eye irritant,Heart,Skin irritant, 128 Form-A,Gasket (R) #1 Sealant Flammable, trritant,Respiratory system, 130 Freon 11 Toxic, trritant,Circulatory system, Nervous system, 131 Freon 12 Compressed gas, 132 Freon 22 lrritant,Circulatory system,Nervous system, 216 Freon 500 Refrigerant trritant.Sensitizer, 133 Freon TF 690# Circulatory system, 135 Genetron 500 Irritant, 136 Gilman #34 Laquer Thinner Flammable, 140 Halon 1211 Circulatory system,Nervous system, • l91'5 ~sl:e* r1al~1-~ v-er- '1l1 Paid~ FI~Cha~ • C~utra/Na: Prodll.ct NIU!tt': PhJJka/ """"" Health HAL!,.iJ 141 Happy Eyes,Skin, 142 Havoline ATF MerconfOexron Respiratory system, II Multipurpose (01854) 143 Havoline Formula 3 Motor Oil SAE 30 593 Haz-Mat Pig Absorbent Socks, Item #124CR 594 Haz-Mat Pig Mats, Item #MAT301 154 Hot Top Moldit Irritant, Carcinogen, Respiratory system, 158 Ice Robot Eyes, 183 lmron Activators, Clears, & Corrosive,Reproductive toxin, Additives 202 Insulation Board Products I nitant,Carcinogen ,Respiratory system, 677 lonac C-249 Irritant, 211 Lead/Acid Storag_e Battery Corrosive. 224 Liquid Gasket Material -A Flammable liquid, 598 LITE-DRI absortlent #PLP201 • 335 LP Gas Propane (Odorized) Flammable,Compresse Irritant, Eye irritation possible,Nervous d gas, system,Based on scientific literature, this product should be regarded as a central nervous system depressant. It is also classified as a simple asphyxiant by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists. 241 Mech X-142 243 Mercury Sensitizer,Carcinogen,Respiratory system. 645 Mercury in Glass Thennometer Respiratory system, 252 Monsey Elastic Roof Sealer Combustible liquid, Irritant, 271 Nickel Based Alloy Steel Respiratory system, 272 Nitric Acid Unstable(reactive, Corrosive, 273 Nitrogen Compressed gas, 274 Non-ammoniated ultrasonic Flammable, instrument cleaning sol. 279 Oakite Speedet Corrosive, 595 Original PIG Absorbent Socks, Item #404 284 Oxygen Compressed gas, Oxidizer, 290 Parapol 1300 • 7c;t, (ft#-7 ce) 7:P 't5 fAajM:~Ut'Y\_ ~O~tde • c"troiN" Product N4111t: 291 PB82 Powder Boiler Treatment 298 Perma Fil (Part A) 300 Perma Fil (Part C) 301 Phenolphthalein Solutions, Alcoholic 596 PIG Mats, Item #MAT231 303 Pig Pipe Wrap Repair Tape 304 Pig Repair Putty 308 Polyrex 309 Pomoleine CNO 336 PR-45 Anchors 376 R-0001 DPD No.1 Reagent 377 R-0002 DPD No.2 Reagent 378 R-0601 Molybdate Reagent 379 R-0602P Stannous Chloride Powder 203 R-0617lodide Iodate (N/63) • 381 R-0619 Hardness Buffer 382 R-061 9L Hardness Buffer 383 R-0620 Hardness Indicator Powder 384 R-0620L Hardness Indicator Liquid 385 R-0627S-10 Sulfuric Acid (N/10) 386 R-0629-58 Silver Nitrate (N/58.4) 387 R-0630 Chrome Indicator 388 R-0645 Total Alkalinity Indicator 389 R-0725 Acid Starch Indicator Powder 667 R-0833 Deionized Water 390 R-0868-3C Conductivity Solution 300 uMHOS 391 R-0868-3K Conductivity Solution 3000 uMHOS Flammable, Flammable, Oxidizer, lrritant,Sensitlzer, Irritant, lnitant,Sensitizer,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Irritant, lrritant,Respiratory system, Irritant. Corrosive, Corrosive, Eye corrosive,Respiration irritation possible,Skin corrosive, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant, Corrosive.An ingredient in this mixture is an experimental mutagen and teratogen. Corrosive, Toxic, Irritant. Carcinogen, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant, • c"lro/N" Product NRrnt: ,,,,... ""'"" Htaltlr HAzArrU 392 R-0868-3X Conductivity Irritant. Solution 30 uMHOS 393 R-0890 Molybdenum Buffer Combustible liquid, Corrosive,Eye corrosive,Respiratory Solution irritant,Skin corrosive, 394 R-0891 Molybdenum Indicator Flammable, Toxic,lrritant,Eye irritation possible,Respiration Solution irritation possible, Skin irritation possible, 395 R-0892 Molybdenum Titrating Solution 396 R-1003H Bromthymol Blue Irritant. Eye irritation possible,Skin irritation Indicator possible, 397 R-1003K Cresol Red Indicator Irritant. 398 R-1003L Meta Cresol Purple Indicator 399 R-30000 Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidizer, 3% 337 Rando Oil HD 68 (01659) Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible,Skin irritation possible, 405 Randustrial P-277 Aggregate Respiratory system, 117 Randustrial P-277 Hardner Corrosive,Sensitizer, 116 Randustrial P-277 Resin Combustible liquid, lnitant,Sensitizer, • 341 Regal Oil R&O 32 (00700) Eye irritation possible,Respiration irritation possible,Skin initation possible, 342 Regal Oil R&O 46 (00701) 343 Regal Oit R&O 68 (00702) 404 Sal-T-Thaw Irritant, 402 Safety Absorbent, Plus and Oil Carcinogen,Respiratory system, Years of and Grease Absorb. continuous exposure above the TWA/PEL may cause silicosis. IARq has classified crystalline silica as a probable carcinogen based on limited human evidence. 403 Safety-Kieen Premium Solvent Combustible liquid, lrritant.Bone,Kidneys,Liver,Nervous system, 436 SELamine 1280 Corrosive, Kidneys, Liver, 437 Selcide 202 Irritant, 438 Selcide 401 lnitant,Eye irritant,Kidneys,Respiration irritation possible,Skin initation possible, 440 SELcide 7 40T Oxidizer, Irritant, 441 SELcide 750T 442 SELcide 901 Corrosive,Sensitizer, 443 SELoxy 600 Irritant, 444 SELphos 300 • • C~lllftl/N~: Prcr®ct N~tlrtt: 445 SELplus 730 446 SELsperse 320 617 SELsperse 350 447 SELsperse 430 448 • SELtect 570 586 SF 50 Solvent Free Oegreaser Concentrate 452 Snowcal 40 457 Sodium Chloride 513 Stainless Steels 515 Startex Anti-Freeze and Summer Coolant (02055) 516 Steam 518 Sulfuric Acid 519 Sulfuric Acid Solutions 0.1 N to • 2.5N 520 Sunblend 31 521 Sunblend 32 522 Sunblend 34 524 Super Bond Part A (Resin) 525 Super Bond Part 8 (Hardener) 526 Supertrack Part A (Resin) 532 SUVA Centri-LP 670 SUVA-123 Refrigerant 542 Transultex F (01557) 544 Triple I Insulating Cement 545 Tungsten Carbide with Cobalt Binder 546 Tungsten Welding Electrodes 549 Underwater Repair Putty Resin 584 Virginia Ice Machine Cleaner H417, H418 578 W-155 Air Washer Dispersant Physic.! Hmrds Combustible liquid, Compressed gas. Water re~ctive, Compressed gas, Corrosive, Irritant, Corrosive, Irritant. Respiratory system, lnitant,Carcinogen,Bone,Kidneys,Liver,Respirat ory system, Irritant, Corrosive,Carcinogen,Circulatory system, Digestive system,Heart,Kidneys,Uver,Respiratory system, CorroSive, Respiratory system, Irritant, Irritant. Eyes,Heart,Nervous system, lnitant,NeJVous system, Respiratory system, lnitant,Sensitizer,Respiratory system, Respiratory system, Sensitizer, Corrosive,Kidneys,Liver, • coulro/No: Product NJUilt': 51 Caustic Soda, 50% 71 Clorox Liquid Bleach 76 Cotton Dust 156 Hydrogen Peroxide, 20·52% 157 Hydroxylamine Sulfate 213 Leucophor PC Cone Liquid 282 Orvus Hytemp 588 Rapidaser XC-T 587 Rocksoft Super Scour 414 Sedgeclean SC-8· 456 Sodium Carbonate • 463 Sodium Perborate, Monohydrate 516 Steam 612 Tanatex Super A Plus 607 Tide (non-phosphate formula) 553 Vireo Antichlor 589 Vireo Buffer 482 590 Vireo Pocket White 235 559 Vireo Ouickstone 100 560 Vireo QuickstOne 215 563 VIreo Quickstone LA-129 564 Vireo Quickstone PN-404 565 Vireo Quickstone PN-467 566 Vireo Safety Scour 567 Vircoscour 500 570 Vircosoft 348 571 Vircosoft LM-2 Merchandising Chemical List Oxidizer, Oxidizer, Compressed gas, 10/7/98 H<.Jih -rds Corrosive, Irritant, Respiratory system, Corrosive, lrritant,Kidneys, Liver, Sensitizer, lrritant,Eye irritant.Kidneys,Uver,Skin irritant,May be absorbed in toxic amounts from prolonged or repeated exposure resulting in possible liver and kidney damage. Irritant. Irritant, Respiratory system, Irritant, Respiratory system,Respiratory sensitizer, lrritant,Sensitizer, lrritant,Sensitizer,Respiratory system, lrritant.Sensitizer, lrritant,Eye irritant.Respiratory system,Skin irritant, • Gntro/Na: 572 573 569 • • Product N4111l: Vircosoft SLP-3 Vircowhite TK-1 Viroscour New LF #2 lrritant,Eye irritant, Skin irritant, Corrosive,Eye corrosive,Skin corrosive, • luality contrc Hazardous Chemical List 10/6/98 cc,ltro!No: Product N~tl'lt': rhysiC#.I Hmrds Ht~lh HAt<rds • • 5 5035 Hilcolube Combustible liquid, 7 Acetic Acid, 84% 51 Caustic Soda, 50% 71 Clorox Liquid Bleach 74 Compressed Air Compressed gas, 76 Cotton Oust 112 Electro-Wash C80, C160, C240, C240-4, C160CB 156 Hydrogen Peroxide, 20-52% Oxidizer, 157 Hydroxylamine Sulfate 604 Laquer Thinner Flammable, 213 Leucophor PC Cone Liquid 246 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Flammable, 606 N 161 (Rubber Adhesive) 272 Nitric Acid Unstable(reactive, 282 Orvus Hytemp 605 Prorex 39 (Lubricating Oil) 588 Rapidaser XC-T 587 Rocksoft Super Scour 414 Sedgeclean SC-8 612 Tanatex Super A Plus 607 Tide (non-phosphate formula) 553 Vireo Antichlor 589 Vireo Buffer 482 590 Vireo Pocket White 235 559 Vireo Quickstone 100 560 Vireo Quickstone 215 563 Vireo Quickstone LA-129 ldt~ ::1 ~cltl i lk 'I~ '1o0 ['dWtJ~s Nervous system, Corrosive, Irritant, RespiratofY system, Irritant. Corrosive, lrritant,Liver,Nervous system, I rritant,Kidneys,Liver, Irritant, Nervous system,Respiratory system, Corrosive,Kidneys,Uver,Nervous system,Respiratory system, Corrosive, Irritant, Sensitizer, lrritant,Eye initant,Kidneys,Uver,Skin irritant,May be absorbed in toxic amounts from prolonged or repeated exposure resulting in possible liver and kidney damage. Irritant, lrritant,Respiratory system, Irritant, Respiratory system,Respiratory sensitizer, lrritant,Sensitizer, • C~J!Iro/No: Product Nllmt: Phplcltl H4zanU Ht>llth HAZArds 564 Vireo Quickstone PN-404 lrritant,Sensitizer,Respiratory system, 566 Vireo Safety_Scour lrritant,Eye initant,Respiratory system,Skin irritant, 567 Vlrcoscour 500 570 Vircosoft 348 571 Vircosoft LM-2 572 Vircosoft SLP-3 lrritant,Eye initant,Skin irritant. 569 Viroscour New LF #2 Corrosive,Eye corrosive,Skin corrosive . • •