HomeMy WebLinkAbout18030_The Standard at Boone_Email_20160811From: Eckard, Sharon To: "Michael Falknor" lmfalknor(a)altamontenvironmental.coml Cc: "esherlock(a rbh.com"; Toole. William; Andrew Young (And rew.Youno(abLand markProperties.com) (Andrew. You n o (& Land ma r k P ro p e rt i es. co m) Subject: RE: Brownfields Redevelopment Implementaion Report, The Standard at Boone Date: Thursday, August 11, 2016 11:57:00 AM Attachments: imaae004.pnno imaae003.ona Mike — I have reviewed the Brownfields Redevelopment Implementation Report, Revision 1, The Standard at Boone, Boone, North Carolina (Altamont Environmental, Inc., July 6, 2016). You have satisfactorily addressed each of my comments to the original report from my email to you on May 25, 2016; however, the discussion of the removal of well MW-13A is in future tense. If you have already abandoned this well, you might want to simply reissue the report with the correct discussion and include the abandonment record, or you may provide an addendum at a later date. Either way, the report is approved. The resulting data after soil excavation and creek restoration activities as reported in this report indicate that there are no chlorinated solvents in soil or groundwater at the Property, and that any residual petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in soil or stream channel samples is generally of low concentration, and is at depth, including a geo-textile marker and at least a cover of two feet of clean fill material, minimizing the potential for exposure to this soil. Risk calculations based on these data indicate that the lifetime incremental cancer risk (LICR) and the non -cancer hazard index (HI) for residential settings for the residual soil and stream channel results are within acceptable risk ranges and do not exceed a HI of 1. Replacement well MW-13A indicates that no contaminants were detected in the replacement well groundwater after contaminated soils were removed from the property; this in an area which had previously exhibited free product on the water table. Based on these results, the BF Program is not requesting any additional assessment or mitigation measures than that already performed or agreed to while negotiating the Brownfields Agreement. I look forward to one day seeing the redevelopment in person! Thanks, Sharon Sharon Poissant Eckard, PG Eastern District Supervisor Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 919.707.8379 direct line & fax sharon.eckarcl&ncdenr.gov 217 W. Jones Street 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Michael Falknor [mailto:mfalknor@altamontenvironmental.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 1:19 PM To: Eckard, Sharon <sharon.eckard@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: Brownfields Redevelopment Implementaion Report, The Standard at Boone Sharon — I believe we have finally tracked down the missing pieces of the puzzle and incorporated your requested changes into the report. A link to access the revised report is below. At this point we are looking for written confirmation that the PD will not need to pursue a VI mitigation system beyond the voluntary passive system which was described to DEQ previously. Thank you again for all your assistance on this project. I look forward to the next one! https://files.acrobat.comVareview/958ddb47-7f9a-43bb-84eb-6dea737b687c Mike H. Falknor Altamont Environmental, Inc. 231 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Main 828.281.3350 Direct 828.348.2492 Cell 828.774.9655 www.altamontenvironmental.com From: Eckard, Sharon [mailto:sharon.eckard(cDncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 8:58 AM To: Michael Falknor <mfalknor(@altamontenvironmental.com> Cc:'esherlock@rbh.com' <esherlock(@rbh.com> Subject: RE: Brownfields Redevelopment Implementaion Report, The Standard at Boone Sounds great —thanks! Sharon Poissant Eckard, PG Eastern District Supervisor Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 919.707.8379 direct line & fax sharon.eckardlaDncdenr.gov 217 W. Jones Street 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 0 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Michael Falknor [mailto:mfalknorPaltamontenvironmental.com] Sent: Friday, May 27, 2016 8:33 AM To: Eckard, Sharon <sharon.eckard(@ncdenr.gov> Cc:'esherlock@rbh.com' <esherlockCcDrbh.com> Subject: RE: Brownfields Redevelopment Implementaion Report, The Standard at Boone Hi Sharon. I spoke with Carin this AM. She agrees that replacement well (MW-13A) results are representative of a condition which shows any potential concern has been abated and will allow that well to be abandoned. She asked that I send her the raw lab data, to which she will reply with confirmation of abandonment. Thank you again for all the help. I'll forward you the email from Carin and update the report to reflect this information once it is received. Mike H. Falknor Altamont Environmental, Inc. 231 Haywood Street Asheville, NC 28801 Main 828.281.3350 Direct 828.348.2492 Cell 828.774.9655 www.altamontenvironmental.com From: Eckard, Sharon [mailto:sharon.eckardl@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 12:13 PM To: Michael Falknor <mfalknor(@altamontenvironmental.com> Cc:'esherlock@rbh.com' <esherlock(@rbh.com> Subject: Brownfields Redevelopment Implementaion Report, The Standard at Boone Mike — I just wanted to memorialize our discussion earlier this morning about the Brownfields Redevelopment Implementation Report, The Standard at Boone (Altamont Environmental, Inc., April 28, 2016). 1 have reviewed the report and have the following comments: 1. 1 have a few comments, but overall I thought the report was well done and was in keeping with the approved March 2015 Environmental Management Plan (EMP). 2. For Table 1: a. Add MW-13A, with a footnote to indicate that the well was a replacement well to satisfy the UST Section request, and is anticipated to be abandoned once we obtain approval from Carin Kromm with Winston-Salem Regional Office UST Section (OR MODIFY AS APPROPRIATE IF YOU GET CARIN'S OK BEFORE). b. Add a footnote that the wells MW-1— MW-8 were closed on INSERT DATE RANGE. c. Add a footnote to clarify that the soil samples represent soil that has been excavated and transported for offsite disposal. 3. For Table 2: a. Please add the depths of the soil samples b. Add a footnote to clarify for those locations that residual soil contaminants exceeded the residential SRGs for one or more contaminants, that geotextile fabric and at least two feet of clean fill were added to minimize exposure to the material. c. Add a footnote that the stockpile samples were obtained from stockpiles that have been removed and transported for offsite disposal. d. There were some instances where the reporting limits exceeded the screening levels for certain compounds (PAHs); should note this in a footnote. e. It is not necessary for BFs to have the "Protection of Groundwater Remediation Goal" column or code the table with regards to this regulatory screening level; we do not use that screening level to evaluate risk on Brownfields sites. f. Note 9 — missing the "U" in UST and please add the date of the guidance document cited in this reference. 4. Fill material: a. the referenced appendices F & G were not included in my electronic copy of the report, and are not mentioned in the table of contents; please provide and revise the report to include this information. b. As we discussed, since this EMP was approved we have evolved some in our thinking about fill soil sampling. Please note that the sampling and necessary documentation should be shared with the BF PM in order to get BF pre -approval prior to bringing the fill soil onsite. The sampling should be representative with a starting ratio of 1 sample:100 cyd of soil (IHSB guidance), although BFs does allow flexibility with this ratio especially when large volumes of soil are needed. Good communication/documentation of source area history (aerials/etc.) helps. c. Add the actual volume of fill soil imported to the site in the text. d. I concur that the arsenic concentration in the fill soil sample, although above the residential SRG, is consistent with background concentrations in the State of NC, and do not exceed site -specific residential cleanup levels calculated for other similar properties. 5. Stream channel confirmation samples — it is my understanding that in sample SC-3 was overexcavated and that C-3 and C-4 were sampled in this general location; the soil exhibiting the exceedances noted in sample C-4 was covered with geotextile fabric and clean fill as was much of the property due to geotechnical issues. Please add a footnote to make that clear on the table. 6. We did not discuss this today, but because you do have monitoring well/groundwater data in the report, this should be signed and sealed by a NC -licensed PG or PE.; this report is signed but not sealed. 7. Remaining issues are: a. Discussion with Carin Kromm to obtain approval to remove MW-13A and reporting of same. b. Final grade sampling of shallow soil in the courtyard areas. I think this captures our discussion from this morning. Please let me know if I have omitted anything. I look forward to getting the revised report. It is acceptable to revise the report after the items of 7 a. & 7 b. above are completed. Thanks, Sharon Sharon Poissant Eckard, PG Eastern District Supervisor Division of Waste Management — Brownfields Program NC Department of Environmental Quality 919.707.8379 direct line & fax sharon.eckard@ncdenr.gov 217 W. Jones Street 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1646 a Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.