HomeMy WebLinkAbout22062_Smokey Hollow 2_BAR_20190422Aptus Management, PLLC Environmental Management Solutions April 22, 2019 Sharon Eckard North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management - Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT REPORT SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NO. 22062-18-092 byMF LVAM2151Z weI Provided below is the Limited Environmental Site Assessment Report for Smokey Hollow 2. The assessment was completed in general accordance, except as noted, with our March 19, 2019 Environmental Site Assessment Work Plan. Our overall objectives were to provide information on possible soil and groundwater contamination at the Smokey Hollow 2 site to help guide safe redevelopment, for the site's Environmental Management Plan, including management of excess fill, and for the revised Brownfields Agreement being prepared for the entire redevelopment site. Our earlier vapor intrusion soil gas assessment, which showed no unacceptable risks, is referenced here. 1 BACKGROUND A site location map and site map showing the areas investigated are attached as Figures 1 and 2. Smokey Hollow 2 is located between N. West St. and N. Harrington St. in Raleigh northwest of the CDB, as shown in Figure 2. The site is an assemblage of the following six parcels: Parcel ID Address Parcel No. Acreage 1* 413 N. Harrington St. 1704512292 2.17 2 506 N. West St. 1704511285 0.66 3 516 N. West St. 1704512404 0.51 4 520 N. West St. 1704511469 0.04 5 0 N. West St. 1704511562 0.05 6 524 N. West St. 1704512525 0.14 *Includes former parcels at 437 and 431 N. Harrington St., subject to the existing Harrington St. BFA A total of 2.17 acres of the site is currently subject to the Harrington St. Brownfields Agreement (No. 20031-16-092, Recorded January 7, 2017). A Brownfields Property Application was submitted on November 27, 2018 by WK Smokey Hollow 2, LLC, the Limited Site Assessment Report April 22, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 2 Prospective Developer, to add five small parcels totaling 1.4 acres to the existing Brownfields Property, bringing the total area to 3.57 acres. The Site is slated for high - density redevelopment. All existing buildings and improvements have been demolished. Based on earlier Phase I and II assessments and the information provided in the Harrington St. BFA, there are several known or potential concerns, including off -site releases which have resulted in on -site groundwater contamination at least in the southern part of Parcel 1. Figure 3 shows the known and potential concerns in and around Smokey Hollow 2. Based on earlier assessment work, there were no known on - site releases, but there were potential on -site concerns based on past site use. Considering the earlier work, this assessment was designed specifically to investigate: 1) groundwater conditions downgradient of known off -site sources and potential impacts at the five small parcels being added to the Brownfields Property not assessed before for the Harrington St. BFA; 2) the risk of vapor intrusion (reported earlier); and 3) soil data needed to evaluate risks and potential beneficial reuse options. 2 SOIL GAS TESTING SUMMARY On March 31, 2019, we submitted our Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Sampling Report (included by reference - see Appendix A). The work was conducted by Rob Hill of RDH Environmental Consulting (RDHEC) in general accordance with the NCDWM's Vapor Intrusion Guidance (Version 2, dated March 2018) and the March 18, 2019 Interim Soil Gas Site Assessment Work Plan. For the soil gas assessment, five sub-slab/sub-pavement sampling points, described below and located as shown on Figure 4, were selected within the footprint of new buildings where elevators will be built to assess possible vapor intrusion impacts. Sample Sampling Objectives Depth of Analysis Method ID Collection SG-1 Assess building, elevator location, old fur vault and the old stream bed area. It is also directly east of the Norwood Oil incident. SG-2 Assess building, elevator location and possible impacts of electronic repair shop at 516 N West St. Sub -slab or Sub -pavement EPA Compendium Method TO-15 SG-3 Assess the Former Creamery Garage and building and elevator location. SG-4 Assess building and elevator location. SG-5 Assess the Wake Co. General Services UST incident and building and elevator location. No exceedances of soil gas screening levels were found, and the calculated cumulative risks were well within acceptable levels. As a result, we concluded that risk of VI at Smokey Hollow 2 is negligible, and no further assessment or consideration of mitigation is recommended. Limited Site Assessment Report April 22, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 3 3 SUMMARY OF SOIL AND GROUNDWATER SAMPLING ACTIVITIES 3.1 Soil Sampling On March 20, 2019, Tom Proctor of Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. (PES) conducted the assessment sampling. Before starting work, the site was walked to verify the parcel locations, property boundaries, and proposed sample locations. The boring locations were marked based on accessibility. A small building located in the northwest corner of the site had not been demolished, so the boring for temporary monitoring well TMW-1 was moved northward approximately 75 feet. The soil sample locations are shown in Figure 5, photographs of the site and assessment areas can be seen in Appendix B. A total of thirteen (13) borings (10 soil borings in the cut areas and 3 temporary monitoring well borings) were advanced for soil sample collection at the locations shown on Figure 5 using a GeoProbe. The locations and depths of the borings were determined in the field and some changes were necessary due to field conditions. Extracted soil was visually inspected for staining and screened with a photoionization device (PID) for evidence of VOC emissions. The PID, a MiniRae 3000, Unit Number 3216, was rented from Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. and calibrated by a certified technician. A calibration certificate for the unit is provided in Appendix C. Boring logs summarizing the soil conditions, PID readings, and sample collection intervals are provided in Appendix D. PID readings were collected directly from the soil core removed from the boring soon after collection. As the plastic -encased soil sample cores were removed from the boring, they were marked for depth -intervals at each end and laid on the ground, on either plastic sheeting or cardboard, near the borehole. The driller used a GeoProbe razor -knife to slice a small section from the plastic liner tube so that the soil could be examined and PID readings collected. The field technician inserted a field -decontaminated probe rod directly into the soil sample core at approximately one -foot intervals to create a hole and subsequently inserted the PID probe into the hole to collect a PID reading directly from the extracted soil. This Kwik-Screening Process (KSP) allows for numerous PID readings to be collected in a short period of time to determine if an interval of extracted soil exhibits indications of adverse impact without leaving the soil exposed to atmospheric conditions over an extended period. Representative portions of the soil were collected into plastic Ziplock baggies, labeled with the boring number and depth interval, and allowed to equilibrate for approximately 15 minutes in the heated cab of the field vehicle before then collecting a "baggie PID reading" by puncturing the baggie and inserting the PID probe to collect a reading. Finally, a "borehole PID reading" was collected by inserting the PID probe directly into the top of the borehole after its completion and subsequent to removal of the soil sampling equipment. Each of these PID readings was recorded in the field notes. This information is summarized in the table below. The "Borehole PID Reading" column refers to the reading collected by inserting the PID directly into the top of the completed borehole after sampling equipment was removed. Limited Site Assessment Report Smokey Hollow 2 Site April22, 2019 Page 4 No staining or elevated PID readings were encountered, therefore, the collection depth intervals were in general accordance with our workplan — for the three borings for the temporary monitoring wells, soil samples were collected above the water table at 6 feet bls. For the ten borings in the fill cut areas, samples were collected within the anticipated cut depths to characterize the fill to allow us to consider beneficial reuse options. Soil Borina Samolina Summary Boring No. DPT Refusal? Boring Termination (ft. bls) In -Situ KSP PID (ppm) Baggie PID (ppm) Borehole PID (ppm) VOC Sample" Depth (ft. bls TMW-1 S No 16' 0 0 0 6' TMW-2S* Yes, 9' 9' 0 0 0 6' TMW-3S No 12' 0 0 0 6' B-1 S No 4' 0 0 0 1.5' B-2S No 4' 0 0 0 1.5' B-3S No 8' 0 0 3.0 3.5' 134S No 8' 0 0 0 3.5' B-5S No 8' 0 0 0 3.5' B-6S No 8' 0 0 0 4' B-7S* Yes, 16.5' 16.5' 0 0 0.3 4' B-8S No 8' 0 0 0.1 6' B-9S Yes, 9' 9' 0 0 0 6' B-10S Yes, 9.5' 9.5' 0 0 0 5' * Temporary well TMW-2 was constructed in soil boring B-7S **SVOC and metals composite samples generated from the VOC sample interval and one foot on either side Ft. bls: feet below land surface KSP: Kwik Screening Process Discrete samples were collected for VOC analyses and three-point composite samples were the collected for SVOCs and the metals analysis. These composite samples consisted of the residual soil left in the vicinity of the VOC sample and then a similar amount of soil collected approximately one foot deeper and one foot shallower from the VOC sample interval. The three-part composite samples were placed in a plastic Ziplock baggies, thoroughly mixed together and then immediately placed into the laboratory glassware before being placed in an ice -filled cooler. Soil samples were immediately placed into laboratory -provide glassware and an ice -filled cooler and transported under chain -of -custody protocols to Prism Laboratories in Charlotte. One duplicate soil (non -background) was collected for Quality Assurance Quality Control (QA/QC) purposes for the same analyses described above. The sample, Dupe -Soil, was collected from the same boring location and sample depth intervals as the sample from boring B-4S. A trip blank for VOC analysis was placed in the sample cooler. Investigation derived soil waste (IDW) was containerized in a 55-gallon drum at the site pending receipt of laboratory analysis so appropriate disposal could be determined. Limited Site Assessment Report April 22, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 5 The soil samples were transported to Prism for analysis for VOCs by Method 826013, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the eight RCRA metals. The laboratory was instructed to analyze the three soil samples exhibiting the highest total chromium concentrations for Cr6+. In addition, the laboratory was instructed that their analytical procedures' detection limits needed to be less than the IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs). 3.2 Groundwater Sampling The three temporary wells were installed and sampled on March 20, 2019 in general accordance with our workplan. The planned original location of TMW-2 encountered refusal at 9 feet bls before groundwater was reached. As a result, the well was relocated and installed in soil boring B-7S just to the north. Well ID Boring Depth (ft) Approximate Depth to Water (ft) Screen Interval (ft) TMW-1 16 8 2.5-12.5 TMW-2* 16.5 12 6.5-16.5 TMW-3 12 9 2-12 . 11MVV-1 was Installecl In boring location b-/5 Upon advancing the GeoProbe borings approximately five (5) feet below the expected depth of shallow groundwater, approximately 12 to 16 feet bls, ten feet of PVC screen material and riser pipe were installed in the borings, which were then backfilled with filter sand and topped with a temporary bentonite seal. After verifying that groundwater was present, new polyethylene tubing and a peristaltic pump was used to slowly pump groundwater until it became visibly clearer. During purging, as the purged water became visibly clearer, a handheld YSI multiparameter instrument was used to measure temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance and pH to verify that representative samples are collected. The measurements collected during the well purging are summarized in Table 2. Investigation derived groundwater waste (IDW) generated during the soil and groundwater sampling was containerized in a 55-gallon drum pending laboratory analysis so that it's appropriate disposal could be determined. After developing the wells, groundwater samples were decanted directly into laboratory - provided glassware beginning with three HCL-preserved 40-ml vials (for VOC analysis), proceeding to two, one -liter unpreserved glass bottles (for SVOC analysis), and finishing with two 250 ml HNO3-preserved and one 250-ml plastic bottles for metals analysis. This process resulted in the clearest samples possible for the metals analysis. The RCRA metals samples were unfiltered while the samples for Cr6+ analysis were filtered through 0.45-micron filters as they were decanted into the unpreserved plastic bottles. A duplicate groundwater sample was collected from location TMW-3 for the same analytical suite as the other samples for QA/QC purposes. A trip blank for VOC analysis was placed in the sample cooler. The laboratory was instructed that their analytical procedures' detection limits needed to be less than the applicable North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standards and the IHSB residential VISLs. Limited Site Assessment Report April 22, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 6 The groundwater samples were transported under chain -of -custody protocols and shipped overnight to Prism. They were analyzed for VOCs by Method 8260B, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the eight RCRA metals and Cr6+. In addition, the groundwater sample collected from temporary well TMW-1 was analyzed for iron and manganese for use by the City of Raleigh Sewer Authority if site dewatering may be necessary during construction with discharge into the city's sanitary sewer system. 3.3 Groundwater Elevation Measurements Following well installation, the horizontal locations of the three temporary wells were surveyed relative to existing, fixed landmarks. Additionally, the top of casing elevation was surveyed and referenced to an arbitrary datum established at the site by Mr. Proctor. Mr. Proctor is not a registered land surveyor and it is understood that the field survey would be used to determine the general groundwater flow direction. The depth to groundwater was determined using a decontaminated water level probe and then subtracted from the top of casing elevation to determine the static water level elevation. The survey data and water level measurements are summarized on Tables 4 and 5. Based on survey and depth to groundwater, as shown in Figure 7 the direction of groundwater flow is generally towards the northwest, which is consistent with the area's topography. 4 SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 4.1 Soil Testing Results The soil analytical results are summarized in Table 1 and a copy of the laboratory report is contained in Appendix E. The laboratory results indicate very low concentrations of SVOCs in soil in five of the 13 borings. With respect to the VOCs, benzene and toluene were detected at low concentrations in only one of the 13 borings (B-4S). Most of the reported concentrations were detected below the laboratory's reporting limits and are therefore noted as estimated concentrations with a CLP J-flag. Except for benzo(a)pyrene in one sample (B-6S), no VOCs or SVOCs were detected at concentrations equal to or exceeding their most stringent regulatory goals, which were either the IHSB residential health -based or protection of groundwater preliminary soil remediation goals (PSRGs). Benzo(a)pyrene was detected at a concentration of 0.11 mg/Kg in the composite soil sample from B-6S, which is equal to the compound's Residential PSRG but less than its commercial/industrial PSRG of 2.1 mg/Kg. Arsenic exceeded its residential PSRG of 0.68 mg/Kg in all thirteen soil samples as well as the duplicate soil sample, which was collected from boring B-4S. The arsenic concentrations ranged from 1.2 to 3.2 mg/Kg and averaged 2.51 mg/Kg. Finally, hexavalent chromium was analyzed in the three soil samples, B-1 S, B-2S and B-8S, which exhibited the highest total chromium concentrations. No hexavalent chromium was detected in excess of its PSRGs in the three samples. Limited Site Assessment Report Smokey Hollow 2 Site 4.2 Groundwater Testing Results April 22, 2019 Page 7 The groundwater analytical results are summarized in Table 3 and a copy of the laboratory report is contained in Appendix E. No VOCs or SVOCs were detected in any samples in excess of the laboratory's reporting limits. Of the RCRA metals tested, only cadmium in samples TMW-2W and the duplicate sample (Dupe-W) from well TMW-3 exhibited concentrations in excess of its North Carolina Groundwater Quality Standard. Specifically, sample TMW-2 exhibited cadmium at 3.5 ug/L and sample Dupe-W exhibited cadmium at 3.0 ug/L. Cadmium has a NCGWQS of 2 ug/L. The non-RCRA metals iron and manganese, which were tested as required by the City of Raleigh anticipating possible discharge from the site to the city sewer system, were detected at concentrations of 44,000 ug/L and 3,600 ug/L, respectively from the groundwater sample from well TMW- 1. Iron has a NCGWQS of 300 ug/L and manganese has a NCGWQS of 50 ug/L. 5 QUALITY ASSURANCE/ QUALITY CONTROL Standard quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) processes were used during the assessment activities. Non -dedicated sampling equipment, including the water -level probe, were decontaminated using Liquinox° detergent and deionized water prior to and between each use. Sampling personnel wore disposable nitrile gloves while handling samples and collecting depth -to -water measurements. New polyethylene tubing was used at each groundwater sampling point. Samples were collected into laboratory - provided glassware or specified containers based on the analysis requested and to ensure that the laboratory had sufficient sample volume for MS/MSD analyses. Samples were shipped overnight by courier to the laboratory in ice -filled coolers under chain -of - custody protocols. Quality assurance/quality control (QA/AC) samples were included in the soil and groundwater sample delivery groups submitted to the laboratory. Specifically, one duplicate soil (Sample Dupe -Soil from boring B-4) and one duplicate groundwater sample (Dupe-W from TMW-3) were submitted for analysis by the same methodologies used on the site samples. In addition, one water trip blank was submitted for VOC analysis per sample cooler. Neither trip blank exhibited detectable concentrations of VOCs in excess of the laboratory's reporting limits. Records of equipment calibration and well gauging, purging, and sampling data were maintained by field personnel at each sample location. The laboratory analytical report, chain -of -custody records and field notes have been evaluated to ensure that the reported results are valid, accurate and sufficient to meet quality objectives. Accuracy has been evaluated through reviewing laboratory -spiked recoveries and precision has been evaluated through the assessment of duplicate results. 6 INVESTIGATION DERIVED WASTE MANAGEMENT Soil and groundwater investigation -derived waste (IDW) was containerized, properly labeled and left on -site until receipt of the analytical results are received. Based upon the analytical results, the IDW will be thinly spread on the site. Limited Site Assessment Report April 22, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 8 7 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The objectives of this assessment were to provide information on possible soil and groundwater contamination at the Smokey Hollow 2 site to help guide safe redevelopment, and to provide information for the site's Environmental Management Plan, including management of excess fill, and the revised Brownfields Agreement being prepared for the entire redevelopment site. 7.1 Soil Gas and VI Risks Our early assessment of VI risks found no exceedances of soil gas screening levels and the calculated cumulative risks were well within acceptable levels. As a result, we concluded that risk of VI at Smokey Hollow 2 is negligible, and no further assessment or consideration of mitigation is required or recommended. 7.2 Soil and Fill Management In this assessment, no VOCs, SVOCs or metals, except arsenic, were detected in soil at concentrations that exceeded their most stringent regulatory goals, which depending on the analyte, were either the IHSB residential health -based or protection of groundwater PSRGs. Arsenic was detected in all soil samples at concentrations ranging from 1.2 mg/kg to 3.2 mg/kg. These detections are within a typical range of background levels and less than the reported average concentration for soils in North Carolina (arsenic averages 4.5 mg/kg in NC soils, according to the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Heavy Metals in NC Soils, Sept 2008). The arsenic detections were, however, in excess of its Residential PSRG of 0.68 mg/kg. Hexavalent chromium was detected at an estimated concentration of 0.21 mg/Kg CLP-J in soil sample B-1 S, which is below the most stringent PSRG of 0.31 mg/Kg. The hexavalent chromium results in the other two soil samples, B-2S and B-8S, were reported as "BRL", which indicates the hexavalent chromium was not detected in either sample down to the laboratory's method detection limits of 0.12 mg/Kg and 0.11 mg/Kg for samples B-2S and B-8S, respectively. Based on these assessment findings, the limited, low-level detections of VOCs and SVOCs and arsenic (at levels considered to be naturally occurring background), are not expected to pose an unacceptable risk associated with redevelopment of the Smokey Hollow 2 site. Moreover, based on the absence of contamination, we believe that excess fill from grading and construction activities at Smokey Hollow 2 may be beneficially reused at DEQ-approved off -site commercial/industrial locations, or, without explicit DEQ approval, at municipal solid waste (MSW), construction/demolition (C&D) or land clearing/inert debris (LCID) landfills. 7.3 Groundwater No detectable VOCs or SVOCs were measured in groundwater from the three temporary wells. Cadmium, iron and manganese were detected in excess of their respective NCGWQS. However, the groundwater samples were not field -filtered so sample turbidity may account for these elevated metal levels. Limited Site Assessment Report April 22, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 9 The only reported exceedance of NCGWQS's at Smokey Hollow 2 occurred in an assessment in 2015 conducted by MidAtlantic Associates (Letter Report of Environmental Test Results, Feb. 11, 2015) for the Harington St BFA. In that earlier assessment, contamination was measured in a single well in the southern portion of Parcel 1, about 250 feet downgradient of a "closed" off -site LUST incident at the former David Allen Co. property at 309 N Harrington St. Contamination in Mid -Atlantic well TMW-2 included benzene at 4.9 ug/L (NCGWQS 1 ug/L) and C5—C8 aliphatics at 2,400 ug/L (NCGWQS 400 ug/L). Mid -Atlantic concluded that the petroleum -impacts were localized near the southwest portion of Parcel 1 and limited to groundwater. They also concluded the contamination would not pose a VI risk. Based on these assessment findings, as well as the results of earlier investigations and a future site -wide prohibition on groundwater use, the limited groundwater impacts are not expected to pose an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment associated with redevelopment of the Smokey Hollow 2 site. 7.4 NCDEQ Risk Calculator We inputted the soil and groundwater data into the NCDEQ Risk Calculator (this was done earlier for soil gas) and, as expected, no unacceptable risks were noted for a variety of receptors, including residential. The summary of the risk assessment output is provided with the report tables. CLOSING If we can answer any questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, APTUS Management PLLC NC Engineering License #P-1130 John Gallagher, P.E., RSM a SEAL 024199 °a,� �g� 91 FIGURES r ,+ • — i INC ell ! ST4.. + ` -� SITE L Al w L. f1f --1it i — t TO W,Mc[RGAN sT APPROXIMATE 0 2000 4000 SCALE IN FEET Figure 1 —Site Location Ma Source: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map Raleigh East, North Carolina g p Quadrangle 2013 SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE Lt 0, 506, 516, 520 N. WEST & 413,437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. APTUS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 o o -- SITE z Q Tack � �� O 1 0 I i r i 1 NOTE: SEE PARCEL ADDRESS, ID NUMBER AND ACREAGE IN REPORT Legend: Parcel ID No. Figure 2 — Site Plan Source: Wake County GIS Base Map Scale: 1" = 165' SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE 0, 506, 516, 520 N. WEST & 413, 437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. APTUS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO. 22062-18-092 N REFERENCE. PARCEL AND ROAD GkS DATA FROM WAKE couKrrY EIS. 2013AERIAL WAGERY FROM NG ONEMAP. .� � � M Id-ATLANTW F IELD NOTES 250 Figure 3 — Known or Potential REC Location Map source: Mid -Atlantic's June 8, 2017 The Creamery Phase I ESA SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE 0, 506, 516, 520 N. WEST & 413, 437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. APTUS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 — — N. WEST STREET T r..A.e �` — — � _ _ — — - R� N. WEST STREET .tw..E. 1' r xx �- 'PAkKINC DECK 1 k v "f9E�p70Th i���r� PET, " Win" & IE DEa T,A m _ SG-2' SGA ; i3F� yt + �. f _ KE W R&FICE � SG-4 C+ NJWkR1RGTON STREET IL LEGEND: Soil Gas Sample ID# and Location r ❑X Elevator Shaft Location Figure 4 — Soil Gas Sample Location Map Source: JDAVIS ARCHITECTS, Schematic Design Package, Level 01 Floor Plan, 9/26/18 SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE 413,437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. AP i JS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 qj Y SITE r} Ilk&fim �. TMW-1S _ y 44 4 r _ B-2S AM O B-3S t B-4S qk, B-5S B-6S ,pp � dii t TMW-3S B-7S O -O ti B8S O TMW-2S x O B-9S B-10S �` r• Figure 5 — Soil Sample Location Map Source: Wake County GIS Maps, 2015 Scale: 1" = 100' SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE 0, 506, 516, 520 N. WEST & 413, 437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. APTUS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 SITE ** y,. i TMW-3 jr Wd- "d r -- r ems- iAn r n ew Figure 6 — Estimated Groundwater Sample Location Map Source: Wake County GIS Maps, 2015 Scale: 1" = 100' SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE 0, 506, 516, 520 N. WEST & 413, 437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. Lt APTUS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 SITE 83.57' TMW-1 Vd WAR a'. 87.07' r' tota TMW-2 r o_- _ 87.07' TMW-3 91.09' ems. r -- ew Figure 7 — Estimated Groundwater Flow Direction Map Source: Wake County GIS Maps, 2015 Scale: 1°° = 100' SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 PROJECT SITE 0, 506, 516, 520 N. WEST & 413, 437 & 441 N. HARRINGTON ST. Lt APTUS Management, PLLC NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 TABLES PES Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Results Smokey Hollow 2 Site North Harrington and North West Streets Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Brownfield Project Number: 22062-18-092 Sample ID lHSB HSB Protection of B-1S B-2S B-3S B-4S B-5S B-6S B-7S B B-9S B-10S TMW-1S** TMW-2S*** TMW-3S Dupe -Soil (of Residential Health Based Industrial/Commercial Health Based PSRG Groundwater B-4S) VOC Sample Depth (ft bgs)* PSRG m /K m /K PSRG (mg/Kg) 1.5' 1.5' 3.5' 3.5' 3.5' 4' 4' 6' 10' 6' 6' 6' 3.5' VOCs by 8260B Acetone 12,000 100,000 25 0.038 J 0.020 J 0.036 J 0.050 J <0.057 0.033 J <0.053 <0.057 <0.051 <0.065 0.060 <0.047 <0.055 <0.048 Benzene 1.2 5.4 0.01 <0.0030 <0.031 <0.0030 0.0043 <0.0034 <0.0026 <0.0032 <0.0034 <0.0031 <0.0039 <0.0029 <0.0028 <0.0033 <0.0029 Toluene 820 820 8.3 <0.0051 <0.0051 <0.0050 0.0035 J <0.0057 <0.0043 <0.0053 <0.0057 <0.0051 <0.0065 <0.0048 <0.0047 <0.0055 <0.0048 SVOCs by 8270D Anthracene 3,600 45,000 1,300 <0.41 <0.41 <0.38 <0.38 <0.37 0.099 J <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.1 21 0.35 <0.41 <0.41 0.19 J <0.38 <0.37 0.16 J <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.11 2.1 0.12 <0.41 <0.41 0.10 J <0.38 1 <0.37 0.111 1 <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 1 <0.40 <0.40 1 <0.36 <0.37 1 <0.39 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.1 21 1.2 <0.41 <0.41 0.21 J <0.38 <0.37 0.16 J <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Chrysene 110 2100 36 <0.41 <0.41 0.17 J <0.38 <0.37 0.19 J <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Fluoranthene 480 6,000 670 <0.41 <0.41 0.36 J <0.38 <0.37 <0.38 <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.1 21 3.9 <0.41 <0.41 0.41 0.35 J 0.36 J 0.38 <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 0.36 J <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Phenanthrene NS NS NS <0.41 <0.41 <0.38 <0.38 <0.37 0.74 <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Pyrene 360 4,500 440 <0.41 <0.41 0.30 J <0.38 <0.37 0.37 J <0.37 <0.38 <0.38 <0.40 <0.40 <0.36 <0.37 <0.39 Metals Mercury 2.3 3.1 1.0 0.047 0.039 0.11 0.16 0.027 0.27 <0.022 <0.023 0.18 <0.024 0.048 <0.022 <0.022 <0.022 Arsenic 0.68 3 5.8 3.0 2.7 .9 1.4 1.8 1.6 1.2 1.8 2.1 2.3 Barium 3100 47,000 580 190 93 97 130 70 74 110 250 64 120 180 120 64 57 Chromium NS NS 360,000 32** 26** 17 15 17 12 5.6 24** 7.1 12 18 23 9.1 14 Hexavalent Chromium 0.31 6.5 NS 0.21 J <0.49 NA NA NA NA NA <0.46 NA NA NA NA NA NA Lead 400 800 270 13 18 46 140 42 11 8.7 24 7.4 19 50 10 5.2 9.9 NOTES: All concentrations are in r lxg or parts per million (ppm) "VOC samples were collected from discrete depths. SVOC and Metals samples were composited from aliquots collected from the VOC sample depth intervals and then one (1) fool m either side of it " The three soil samples exhibiting the highest total chromium concentrations, B-1 S, 3-2S, and 3-8S, were also analyzed by the laboratory for Chromium VI by Method 7196A " Soil sample TMW-2S was collected from a soil boring that encountered probe refusal before groundwater was encountered, so no temporary well was installed in holding TMW-2S. Temporary wall TMW-2 was installed in holing B-7 J - Constituent detected but below the reporting limit: therefore the result is an estmated concentration. NS - No applicable PSRG Standard NA - Sample not analyzed for that constituent ft bgs - feet bdow, ground surface Bolded concentrations indicate constituent detected in excess of laboratory reporting limit BOMetl and Shaded concentrations exceed at least one IHSB PSRG Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Field Parameters Smokey Hollow 2 Site North Harrington and North West Streets Raleigh, North Carolina NCBF Pro'ect No. 22062-18-092 Well ID °C DO (mg/L) SC (mS/m) pH ORP (mV) TMW-1 1442 16.9 9.75 620 6.44 -85 @1444 16.0 9.52 628 6.45 -87 1446 16.0 9.42 634 6.45 -103 @1448 16.0 9.44 665 6.46 -107 TMW-2 @1245 19.3 0.43 440 6.31 -113 1247 19.5 0.51 431 6.43 -165 @1250 19.7 0.47 420 6.45 -192 1252 19.7 0.46 417 6.46 -203 TMW-3 1650 13.6 3.31 1145 6.73 -154 @1652 13.8 3.42 1142 6.78 -155 1654 13.7 3.37 1147 6.69 -151 1656 13.9 3.39 1140 6.80 -159 NOTES.. ISamples collected on 3/20/19 IDO - Dissolved Oxygen (in milligrams per liter or mg/L) ISC - Specific Conductance (in milliSeimens/meter) IpH - measured in Standard Units JORP - Oxygen Reducing Potential (in millivolts) Table 3 Groundwater Sample Analytical Results Smokey Hollow 2 Site North Harrington and North West Streets Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina Brownfield Project Number: 22062-18-092 Sample ID North Carolina TMW-1W TMW-2W** TMW-3W Dupe-W (ofTMW-3) Groundwater Quality Screened Interval (ft bgs) Standard (ug/L) 2.5' - 12.5' 6.5' - 16.5' 2'- 12' 2'- 12' VOCs by 8260B ND ND ND ND SVOCs by 8270D ND ND ND ND Metals Barium 700 170 120 80 99 Cadmium 2 <1.0 3.5 <1.0 3.0 Iron* 300 44,000 NA NA NA Lead 15 <5 6.4 <5 <5 Manganese* 50 3,600 NA NA NA NOTES: II concentrations are in ug/L or parts per billion (ppb) Vapor Intrustion Screening Levels are not included as none of the metals are considered volatile Only the groundwater sample collected from location TMW-1 was analyzed for iron and manganese, at the request of the City of Raleigh POTW for potential site dewatering discharge ** Temporary well TMW-2 was ultimately installed in soil boring B-7S as probe refusal was encountered at the initial boring labeled TMW-2 ft bgs - feet below ground surface Bolded concentrations indicate constituent detected in excess of laboratory reporting limit Bolded and Shaded concentrations exceed NC Groundwater Quality Standard Table 4 Monitoring Well Water Level Elevations Smokey Hollow 2 Site North Harrington and North West Streets Raleigh, North Carolina NCBF Pro'ect No. 22062-18-092 Instrument Top of Casing Well ID + Reading Mid Reading Reading Distance (ft) Degrees Heighth Elevation (ft) TMW-3 3.44 1 2.76 1 2.09 1 102.76 1 100.00 1 135 153.00 TMW-2 4.32 1 3.49 1 2.66 1 99.27 1 166 1 243.00 TMW-1 12.47 1 11.05 1 9.62 1 91.71 1 285 1 336.50 NOTES: f TMW - Temporary Monitoring Well ID IAII depths recorded in feet below TOC (Top of Casing). IDepths to groundwater in permanent wells were measured on March 20, 2019. Table 5 Monitoring Well Water Level Elevations Smokey Hollow 2 Site North Harrington and North West Streets Raleigh, North Carolina NCBF Pro'ect No. 22062-18-092 Static Water Level Elevation Well ID Top of Casing Elevation (ft) Depth to Water (ft) (ft) TMW-1 91.71 8.14 83.57 TMW-2 99.27 12.20 87.07 TMW-3 100.00 8.91 91.09 NOTES: rTMW - Temporary Monitoring Well ID kil depths recorded in feet below TOC (Top of Casing). (Depths to groundwater were measured on March 20, 2019 prior to well abandonment. Summary of Risk Assessment Output Lemroma Version Date: February 2018 Basis: November 2017 EPA RSL Table Site ID: 22062-18-092 Exposure Unit ID: PRIMARY CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carciin genic Ris Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Soil Combined Pathways 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Groundwater Combined Pathways* 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Non -Residential Worker Soil Combined Pathways NC NC NC Groundwater Combined Pathways* NC NC NC Construction Worker Soil Combined Pathways 9.2E-06 1.9E-01 NO User Defined Soil Combined Pathways NC NC NC Surface Water Combined Pathways* NC NC NC VAPOR INTRUSION CALCULATORS Receptor Pathway Carcinogenic Risk Hazard Index Risk exceeded? Resident Groundwater to Indoor Air 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 NO Soil Gas to Indoor Air 3.9E-07 2.8E-02 NO Indoor Air NC NC NC Non -Residential Worker Groundwater to Indoor Air NC NC NC Soil Gas to Indoor Air NC NC NC Indoor Air NC NC NC CONTAMINANT MIGRATION CALCULATORS Pathway Source Target POE Concentrations Exceeded? Protection of Groundwater Use Source Soil Exceedence of 2L at POE? NM Source Groundwater Exceedence of 2L at POE? NM Protection of Surface Water Source Soil Exceedence of 213 at POE? NC Source Groundwater Exceedence of 213 at POE? NC Notes: 1. If lead concentrations were entered in the exposure point concentration tables, see the individual calculator sheets for lead concentrations in comparison to screening levels. Note that lead is not included in cumulative risk calculations. 2. * = If concentrations in groundwater exceed the NC 2L Standards or IMAC, or concentrations in surface water exceed the NC 2B Standards, appropriate remediation and/or institutional control measures will be necessary to be eligible for a risk -based closure. North Carolina DEQ Risk Calculator APPENDIX A VAPOR INTRUSION SOIL GAS SAMPLING REPORT R,DH/ \1 Environmental Consulting 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr. I Raleigh, NC 27603 (919) 389-7747 1 info@rdhec.com VAPOR INTRUSION SOIL GAS SAMPLING REPORT SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 SITE N. WEST ST. AND N. HARRINGTON ST. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA RDHEC PROJECT NO. 1907.00 Prepared for: Aptus Management, PLLC 109 Amber Court Carrboro, North Carolina 27510 Prepared by: RDH Environmental Consulting 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Drive Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 (919) 389-7747 March 31, 2019 R D I I L Environmental Consulting March 31, 2019 Mr. John Gallagher, P.E., RSM President, Managing Director Aptus Management, PLLC 109 Amber Court Carrboro, North Carolina 27510 Subject: VAPOR INTRUSION SOIL GAS SAMPLING REPORT SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 SITE 431, 437 AND 431 N. HARRINGTON STREET NCBP PROJECT NO. 22062-18-092 RDHEC PROJECT NO. 1907.00 Dear Mr. Gallagher: 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr. Raleigh, NC 27603 (919)389-7747 info@rdhec.com RDH Environmental Consulting (RDHEC) is pleased to provide the enclosed report for the vapor intrusion (VI) sampling that was conducted at the above -referenced site on March 19, 2019. The project was performed in accordance with the terms and conditions of RDHEC Proposal No. P1910 dated March 1, 2019, which was authorized by your text message on March 5, 2019. The sampling was completed in general accordance with the March 18, 2019 Interim Soil Gas Site Assessment Work Plan prepared by Aptus, which was submitted via email to Ms. Sharon Eckard of the NC Brownfields Program and approved on that date. The findings from the sampling indicated minimal detections of contaminants based on a full -list TO-15 analysis. Each detected analyte was well below the February 2018 North Carolina VI screening levels for soil gas at residential properties (the highest concentration detected was m&p xylene at SG-3 at 2.7% of the screening level). Consequently, the risk from VI regarding the proposed building construction is negligible/acceptable, per current guidance from the Division of Waste Management, which the Brownfields Program references for such assessments. If you have any questions regarding the report or associated documentation, please feel free to contact me at (919) 389-7747 at your convenience. Sincerely, RDH FNVIRONMJENTAL`CONSULTING '�'44'4 Robert D. Hill, P.E. Principal Consultant Enclosure ��� TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................ 1 2.0 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 2 3.0 TESTING SUMMARY................................................................................................ 2 PROBE LOCATIONS/PLACEMENT (3/18/2019)............................................................................. 2 SAMPLING(3/19/2019).......................................................................................................... 3 4.0 SOIL GAS SAMPLING RESULTS.................................................................................. 5 5.0 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................... 5 6.0 CLOSING................................................................................................................ 6 TABLES Boring/Slab Details at Sampling Locations..................................................................................... 2 Shut -In Test / Leak Check Details During Sampling........................................................................ 4 Post -Sampling Leak Check Details.................................................................................................. 4 Table 1 - Laboratory Results from Sub -Slab Soil Gas Sampling on 3/19/2019.............. Attachment Table 2 - Laboratory Results from Sub -Slab Soil Gas Sampling on 3/19/2019 (DETECTIONS ONLY) ................................................................................................................ Attachment DRAWINGS 1 Site Location Map 2 Site Map with Parcel Overlay 3 Soil Gas Sampling Locations 4 Soil Gas Sampling Locations (w/Tabulated Lab Result) APPENDICES Appendix A March 18, 2019 Interim Soil Gas Site Assessment Work Plan Appendix B Photographs Appendix C NCDWM Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels Table (February 2018) Appendix D Laboratory Report and Chain of Custody Form Appendix E NCDEQ Risk Calculator Results (Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air pathway for Vapor Intrusion) 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Pursuant to NC Brownfields Project No: 22062-18-092, RDHEC conducted vapor intrusion (VI) sampling on March 19, 2019 at the proposed Smokey Hollow 2 (SH2) site located at 431, 437 and 431 N. Harrington Street in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina (see Drawing 1— Site Location Map and Drawing 2 — Site Map with Parcel Overlay, attached). The sampling was required by the North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ) Division of Waste Management (NCDWM) Brownfields Program prior to construction on the site. The sampling involved collection of six (6) sub -slab soil gas canister samples from five locations (one of the locations, SS-2, included a duplicate sample), per the work plan and in accordance with DWM VI guidance'. The soil gas sampling locations are shown in Drawing 3 and the tabulated laboratory results are provided in Drawing 4. A copy of the work plan is included in Appendix A. Photographs from the sampling are included in Appendix B. The results of the EPA Method TO-15 analyses were compared to the NCDEQ's February 2018 list of Residential VI Soil Gas Screening Levels (RSGSLs, attached in Appendix C) upon receipt of the laboratory report (Appendix D). Twenty-two (22) analytes were detected and the concentrations of each were less than 3% of the respective RSGSLs (five detected analytes had no RSGSL). These results are provided in Table 1 (attached) and included on Drawing 4 for quick reference. The guidance for soil gas data evaluation and screening states, "If soil gas concentrations do NOT EXCEED the SGSLs, typically no further investigation is necessary and the VI pathway may be considered incomplete if the investigator is confident in the CSM and the data collected are adequate to evaluate the VI pathway. The SGSLs are expected to be conservative due to a generic default attenuation factor." The highest concentration of each of the detected analytes was entered into the NCDEQ Risk Calculator to determine the Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air risk from VI via this pathway (see Appendix E). The cumulative cancer risk and non -cancer hazard quotient were found to be 3.9E- 7 and 2.8E-2, respectively. These values confirm the risk from the detected analytes for VI is lower than that which is the basis of the RSGSLs. The risk of VI appears negligible for future occupants of the site following development, based on the findings from this sampling effort (less than 3% of the residential SGSLs and acceptable cumulative risk). Thus, per current regulatory guidance, no further assessment is required or recommended. 1 NCDEQ DWM VAPOR INTRUSION GUIDANCE document dated March 16, 2018, page 32. Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Sampling Report Smokey Hollow 2 Site Raleigh, North Carolina 2.0 INTRODUCTION March 31, 2019 Page 2 The SH2 site is comprised of multiple parcels across approximately 3.6 acres slated for high - density redevelopment. All existing buildings and improvements had been demolished at the time of RDHEC's soil gas testing and only slab foundations or asphalt parking remained. As a condition of construction approval, Aptus was requested to perform soil, groundwater, and sub - slab soil gas sampling to determine potential exposure to future occupants of the building. A work plan specific to the soil gas sampling for VI assessment was submitted on March 18, 2019 detailing the testing and approved on that date. This report summarizes the VI sampling activities that were conducted at the site in accordance with the work plan, as well as the laboratory results and conclusions based on the findings. 3.0 TESTING SUMMARY Probe Locations/Placement (3/18/2019) Upon notice of work plan approval on March 18, 2019, RDHEC contacted personnel from the General Contractor (Clancy & Theys) to arrange site access. It was found that most of the site is now used for parking by contractors/trades working at the adjacent Smokey Hollow construction site. Consequently, RDHEC determined the coordinates of the sample locations, obtained supplies, and mobilized that evening to locate the sampling points, place the Vapor Pin° sampling probes, and cordon off the locations to prevent parking in these areas the next day. Shortly after arrival at 6:50 pm, the sampling points were marked via GPS coordinates. A portable generator provided power for a hammer drill that was used to bore 5/8-inch holes in the concrete slabs and asphalt pavement. Vapor Pins fitted with silicone sleeves were secured into each boring using a special tool and rubber hammer, then capped. Details regarding each boring are noted in the table below. Boring/Slab Details at Sampling Locations Sample Location SG-1 SG-2 SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 Boring Depth 12" 12" 12" 12" 12" Medium Concrete Asphalt Asphalt Concrete Asphalt Slab Thickness 5" 5.5" 5" 4" 6" Sub -Slab Conditions Clay Clay Clay Stone/ Gravel Clay The five locations were cordoned with pipe and caution tape and the Vapor Pin probe locations were covered with safety cones. The locations and coordinates are shown on Drawing 3. While the work plan required that the probe locations equilibrate for one to two hours, they were left overnight to be sampled the next day (due to the late hour and darkness after 9:00 pm). Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Sampling Report Smokey Hollow 2 Site Raleigh, North Carolina March 31, 2019 Page 3 Meteorological conditions from the time of probe placement through sampling included clear/ partly cloudy skies and slight winds with periodic gusts from 5 to 7 mph. Temperatures ranged from 57 °F at the time of arrival to a low of 36 °F overnight (average 47 °F), with relative humidity ranging from 29 to 89% (average 58%), based on a nearby personal weather station (station ID KNCRALE1382) located approximately 4 blocks north of the site on N. West Street. According to the weather station, barometric pressure was nearly constant, ranging between 30.33 to 30.61 inches during the testing (average 30.51 inches). The last rain event at the site occurred well before the testing date (0.03 inches on Friday, March 15t"). Thus, there was no significant precipitation within 12 hours prior to (or during) the sampling event to induce pressure gradients that might affect soil VI. Sampling (3/19/2019) RDHEC arrived at the site at 12:45 pm to initiate the sampling. Numerous cars had parked on the various slab and asphalt areas. Someone had moved the barriers and cone at the SG-4 location and parked directly over the probe site. Similarly, location SG-5 had the barriers removed but the probe was accessible. A large excavator had been delivered and was parked at the SG-1 location, but the bucket and boom had been lowered such that the probe was still accessible. None of the Vapor Pins were disturbed or damaged, however, and the caps were still intact. Sampling commenced at the SG-3 location and continued until the vehicle departed from the SG-4 location. The samples were collected using 1/4-inch rigid Teflon tubing and 3-L Summa canisterS2. Small 1- to 2-inch pieces of 1/4-inch and 3/8- inch silicone tubing were employed to make connections to the various valves and fittings of the sampling trains. Tubing was connected to the barbed fittings of the Vapor Pins, routed through a plastic shroud (which was placed over each probe site) and the opposite ends connected to 3-way valves and 60-milliliter (mQ syringes to form a sampling train for each probe location. Shut-in tests were performed to ensure air tight conditions at each location. Per the work plan, once the sampling train was deemed leak -free, the probe tubing was purged of three dead volumes using a 60-mL syringe and leak checked while the shroud was filled with helium. With 1.5 feet of 1/4-Inch tubing (inner diameter of 0.177 inches), three dead volumes equaled 22 mL. (Note — 120 to 180 mLs were slowly purged using the syringe to allow for sufficient volume for the helium leak check, described below). The helium concentrations within the shroud were measured and noted using a MGD-2002 leak detector. The purged soil gas was collected into a 0.5-L Tedlar bag via the 3-way valve. After purging, the Tedlar bag was removed and the contents monitored for helium levels. A successful leak check was deemed when the purged soil gas contained less than 10% of the initial shroud concentration of helium. Each of the purged helium concentrations were 0 ppm except for SG-3, 2 The work plan designated 1- or 6-L Summa canisters for the sampling; however, due to limited availability of this size media at the time of the lab shipment, 3-L canisters were substituted. Since the testing involved soil gas, reporting limits remained acceptable/well below screening level criteria. ��TL7 Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Sampling Report Smokey Hollow 2 Site Raleigh, North Carolina March 31, 2019 Page 4 which exhibited 75 ppm (0.02%). Therefore leak -free conditions were achieved, and no adjustments were necessary (see summary table below). Shut -In Test / Leak Check Details During Sampling Sample Location SG-1 SG-2 (Dup) SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 Maintained Shut -In Vacuum (5-Min Duration) -21.5" Hg -16.5" Hg -16.0" Hg -20.0" Hg -21.0" Hg Shroud Pre -Test 83.4% / 82.0% / 39.5% / 96.0% / 53.1% / He Concentration (%/ppm) 834,000 ppm 820,000 ppm 395,000 ppm 960,000 ppm 531,000 ppm Purge He Concentration (Ppm) 0 ppm 0 ppm 75 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm Each of soil gas samples was collected using 3-L canisters fitted with 15- to 30-min flow regulators. The SS-2 sample location employed an inline tee and a single flow regulator to collect a duplicate sample for quality assurance purposes, in accordance with Brownfields Program guidance, for a total of six (6) soil gas samples/analyses. Following completion of the sampling, post -sampling leak checks were performed again at each location using helium. After a successful post -sampling leak check, the probe tubing and Vapor Pins were removed from each location. The post -sampling leak check summary is below. Post -Sampling Leak Check Details Sample Location SG-1 SG-2 (Dup) SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 Shroud Post -Test He 85.9% / 76.9% / 42.5% / 87.1% / 48.4% / Concentration (%/Ppm) 859,000 ppm 769,000 ppm 425,000 ppm 871,000 ppm 484,000 ppm Purge He Concentration (Ppm) 0 ppm 325 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 25 ppm Due to soil and groundwater sampling planned the next day, the probe borings were not grouted, however, they were covered with a safety cone and cordoned off to prevent parked cars from blocking access. The laboratory analysis request forms were then completed for laboratory analysis using EPA Compendium Method TO-15 "Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air Collected in Specially -Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)" and the canisters were placed back in the laboratory packaging for return shipment. The full -list of TO-15 analytes was requested for low-level analysis. Since post -sampling leak checks were conducted, helium analysis by the laboratory was not required. Since RDHEC did not leave the site until 7:35 pm, the samples were taken to FeclEx the next day under proper chain of custody for shipment. Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Sampling Report March 31, 2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site Page 5 Raleigh, North Carolina 4.0 SOIL GAS SAMPLING RESULTS Laboratory results for the soil gas analyses are summarized in Table 1, attached. Of the twenty-two analytes that resulted in detectable quantities, five (5) of the compounds did not have a listed RSGSL. The levels for the detected compounds were compared to the current (February 2018) table of the NCDWM RSGSLs for sub -slab and exterior soil gas VI. None of the analytes exceeded its respective RSGSL. Each concentration was minimal and well below the corresponding RSGSL for the contaminants, ranging from 0.01% to 2.71% of the respective screening levels. The highest concentrations of the detected compounds were entered into the DEQ Risk Calculator to calculate the Resident Soil Gas to Indoor Air pathway for VI. The total cumulative cancer risk was determined to be 3.9 x 10-7 and the cumulative hazard quotient was 0.028. Sampling locations and detected analytes/screening level comparisons from Table 1 are also included on the sample location map in Drawing 4. A copy of the NCDWM residential SGSLs table is included in Appendix C. The laboratory report forthe soil gas samples is provided in Appendix D. The printout from the risk calculator spreadsheet is included in Appendix E. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the prior Phase I and II ESAs and the information provided in the Harrington St. BFA, the known concerns at the SH2 site are from offsite releases, which have resulted in onsite groundwater contamination at least in the southern part of Parcel 1 (413 North Harrington Street). Testing by Mid -Atlantic Associates (MAA) noted benzene in groundwater at a temporary well that was above 2L standards but below residential and non-residential vapor intrusion screening levels. The Phase I ESAs conducted for the remaining parcels (2 — 6) concluded there was the potential for groundwater impacts and possible vapor intrusion risks due to offsite releases to the south and west. These included a closed LUST incident at the former Norwood Oil property at 509 and 601 N. West St., which abuts the redevelopment site to the west. The Norwood Oil incident has a No Further Action finding and Notice of Residual Petroleum, which makes it a Controlled Recognized Environmental Condition. • The results from this current soil gas testing show that sub -slab concentrations are well below NCDWM SGSLs for residential use (i.e., minimal VI risk since the levels of site COCs were less than 3% of the RSGSLs). • The results of the Risk Calculator, based on the highest concentrations of each detected analyte, indicated the risk of VI from soil gas to the indoor air pathway is less than the criteria that the RSGSLs are based upon. • The low-level soil gas concentrations from this testing confirm MAA's conclusion that the groundwater petroleum levels pose no VI risk. Vapor Intrusion Soil Gas Sampling Report Smokey Hollow 2 Site Raleigh, North Carolina March 31, 2019 Page 6 In summary, comparison of the soil gas testing results with current NCDWM guidance indicate that there is not an unacceptable risk of VI at the SH2 site. Further, in conjunction with earlier soil and groundwater investigations (additional lines of evidence), further VI assessment or the need to consider mitigation does not appear warranted or necessary. 6.0 CLOSING Thank you for allowing RDHEC to be of assistance with your VI testing needs. If you should have questions regarding this submittal or associated documentation, please feel free to contact us at (919) 389-7747 at your convenience. Sincerely, RDH ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING Robert D. Hill, PE Principal Consulting Engineer Attachments cc: T. Proctor — PES ��� TABLES Table 1 - Laboratory Results from Sub -Slab Soil Gas Sampling on 3/19/2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site - Raleigh, North Carolina RDHEC Project No. 1907.00 Residential Vapor Intrusion SAMPLING LOCATION Parameter Screening Levels Residential Soil -Gas SG-1 SG-2A SG-26 SG-3 SG-4 SG-S u m3 Sampling Date/ 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 Time 1818 1632 1632 1905 1634 1517 Sample Depth 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot ANALYSIS: EPA TO-15 Acetone 220,000 15 23 22 22 11 17 Benzene 120 <0.26 1 1.1 3.2 <0.21 2A Benzyl chloride 7 <0.23 <0.23 <u.21J <0.23 <0.23 <u.21) Bromodichloromethane 25 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 Bromoform 850 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 Bromomethane 35 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 1,3-Butadiene 14 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 2-Butanone (MEK) 35000 2.6 6.5 6.4 12 2.5 8 Carbon Disulfide 4900 <U.40 <0.43 -U.40 <0.43 <0.43 'U.4- Carbon Tetrachloride 160 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 Chlorobenzene 350 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 <0.45 Chloroethane 70000 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 Chloroform 41 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 Chloromethane 630 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 <0.28 Cyclohexane 42000 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 Dibromochloromethane - <0.57 <0.57 <0.57 <0.57 <0.57 <0.57 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1.6 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1400 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 <0.58 1,3-Dichlorobenzene - 0.96 1.7 1.8 1.9 <0.62 1.7 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 85 <0.73 <0.73 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 700 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 8.1 2.8 1,1-Dichloroethane 580 <0.25 <0.25 1,2-Dichloroethane 36 <0.31 <0.31 <0.31 <0.31 <0.31 1,1-Dichloroethylene 1400 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 cis- 1,2-Dichloroethylene - <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene - <0.32 0.48 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 1,2-Dichloropropane 28 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene - <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 <0.33 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) - <0.70 <0.70 <0.70 <0.70 <0.70 <0.70 1,4-Dioxane 190 '4.6 <Z <4.6 <4.6 Ethanol - 200 13 13 14 140 25 Ethyl Acetate 490 4.2 2.9 <0.54 <0.54 Ethylbenzene 370 <0.50 1.5 1.4 4.4 <0.50 1.7 4-Ethyltoluene - <0.60 <0.60 2.1 <0.60 <0.60 Heptane 2800 <0.48 <0.48 0.62 1.4 <0.48 0.72 Hexachlorobutadiene 43 <0.98 <0.9p <0.98 <0.98 Hexane 4900 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 <1.2 2-Hexanone (MBK) 210 <0.49 <0.49 <n 49 <0.49 <0.49 <0.49 Isopropanol 1400 3 ).60 1.2 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 3600 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 <0.36 Methylene Chloride 4200 <0.84 <0.84 <0.84 <0.84 <0.84 <0.84 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 21000 <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 <0.39 Naphthalene 21 <0.80 <0.80 <0.80 <0.80 <0.80 <0.80 Propene 21000 <0.34 <0.34 <0.34 7.9 <0.34 <0.34 Styrene 7000 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 <0.53 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 16 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 <0.61 Tetrachloroethylene 280 0.9 <r -- -- <0.75 1.1 - Tetrahydrofuran 14000 2.6 15 16 31 1.9 15 Toluene 35000 1.6 15 13 19 1.6 8 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 14 <1.0 <1.0 Table 1 - Laboratory Results from Sub -Slab Soil Gas Sampling on 3/19/2019 Smokey Hollow 2 Site - Raleigh, North Carolina RDHEC Project No. 1907.00 Residential Vapor Intrusion SAMPLING LOCATION Parameter Screening Levels Residential Soil -Gas SG-1 SG-2A SG-26 SG-3 SG-4 SG-S u m3 Sampling Date/ 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 Time 1818 1632 1632 1905 1634 1517 Sample Depth 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot ANALYSIS: EPA TO-15 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 35000 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 <0.41 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.4 <0.45 <> <0.45 <0.45 < <0.45 Trichloroethylene 14 <0.43 <0.43 <0.43 <0.43 < <0.43 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) - 4.8 2.4 2.5 12 3100 3 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) 35000 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 <0.93 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 420 <0.63 <0.63 3 8.9 <0.63 3.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 420 <0.62 <0.62 <0.62 1.9 <0.62 0.81 Vinyl Acetate 1400 <0.34 2.9 <0.34 <0.34 2.3 <0.34 Vinyl Chloride 56 <0.32 <' <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 m&p-Xylene 700 1.2 5.6 5.5 19 <1.0 6.4 o-X lene 700 0.59 2.2 2.2 7 -^ r^ 2.4 Notes: All laboratory TO-15 analytes are shown * Comparison to February 2018 NCDEQ Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) < Not detected above the lab reporting limit shown Table 2 - Laboratory Results from Sub -Slab Soil Gas Sampling on 3/19/2019 (DETECTIONS ONLY) Smokey Hollow 2 Site - Raleigh, North Carolina RDHEC Project No. 1907.00 Residential Vapor Intrusion SAMPLING LOCATION Parameter Screening Levels ResidentiL Soil-GasG-1 SG-2A SG-2B SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 u m3 Sampling Date/ /2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 Time 18 1632 1632 1905 1634 1517 Sample Depth oot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot ANALYSIS: EPA TO-15 Acetone 220,000 15 23 22 22 11 17 Benzene 120 1 1.1 3.2 <0.26 2.4 2-Butanone (MEK) 35000 2.6 6.5 6.4 12 2.5 8 1,3-Dichlorobenzene - 0.96 1.7 1.8 1.9 <0.62 1.7 Dichlorodifluorom ethane (Freon 12) 700 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 8.1 2.8 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene - 0.48 <0.32 Ethanol - 200 13 13 14 140 25 Ethyl Acetate 490 <0.54 4.2 2.9 <0.54 <0.54 <0.54 Ethylbenzene 370 <0.50 1.5 1.4 4.4 <0.50 1.7 4-Ethyltoluene - <0.60 w.ou 3 2.1 <0.60 <0.60 Heptane 2800 <0.48 <0.48 0.62 1.4 <0.48 0.72 Isopropanol 1400 3 <0.60 1.2 <0 Fn <0.60 <0.60 Propene 21000 <0.3• <0.34 <0.34 7.9 <0.34 <0.,: Tetrachloroethylene 280 0.9 <0.75 1.1 Tetrahydrofuran 14000 2.6 15 16 31 1.9 15 Toluene 35000 1.6 15 13 19 1.6 8 Trichlorofluorom ethane (Freon 11) - 4.8 2.4 2.5 12 3100 3 1,2,4-Trim ethyl benzene 420 <0.6- <0.63 3 8.9 <0.63 3.5 1,3,5-Trim ethyl benzene 420 <0.62 <0.62 1.9 <0.62 0.81 Vinyl Acetate 1400 2.9 2.3 m&p-Xylene 700 1.2 5.6 5.5 19 <1.0 6.4 o-Xylene 700 0.59 2.2 2.2 7 -r'.54 2.4 Notes: Only laboratory detected analytes are shown * Comparison to February 2018 NCDEQ Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) < Not detected above the lab reporting limit shown DRAWINGS 440 0 RL EI(SH N Q 0 O O lk o - 440 1 z Ld U m o o U CD 0 U U J W W y� Z U Z U W Z > o o m0 �} ' m Z� W O] W� .< M f. �. C/) 440 � - CD* z �' 44 CI WO00 <c'z0� SITE'S \,� �,— Z QON Q-Zaf0 UO-OZ 00 o O=�Z +a [ W W = W �YCO� (n0�WO Jft� T ° f Of ai .A m M O Z oD de ro - tiIlk, k � 0 Z. o 7 0+ t] £ 2 0 a a h,� A,- CLo d 87 4 f o y L U a @7 L. r C 2 D O W W m � (U Eo a (APPROXIMATE) 0 2000 4000 L � a 3 °C .. W U Z SCALE: 1 IN = 4000 FT N C uj Ld fl� W LL- W N r 0 30 60 x SCALE: 1 IN = 60 FT ,4- 714 dwL p ti A i I DRAWN. BY: DATE: MAR 2019 RD SITE MAP WITH PARCEL OVERLAY SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 SITE DRAFTING CHECK, BY: JOB NO: 1907.00 Environmental Consulting 413, 437 & 441 N.HARRINGTON ST. RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ENGINEER CHECK CAD # 1907-00-02 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr. I Raleigh, NC27603 NCBF PROJECT NO: 22062-18-092 BY: APPROVED (919) 399-7747 1 info@rdhec.com BY: DWG NO: 2 REFERENCE: IMAGERY SOURCE - iMAPS 3.0 City of Raleigh GIS & Wake County GIS (2018) I I I I I I I ham'-=� LEGEND • SUB -SLAB SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATION ELEVATOR LOCATION i L• '�� ��. l' rI ` Q ■a I i flit •• —I r f �I , � II•.■ -----'--- e' • I r--li • IT-111: i lj Y aS ■ s' ti 7-L♦ 1;y^y. i 1 r, I 1 ! � I � ■i iYY _ ,� ! f;� � � Tom• ( �Rs I I I - I 1 i -- RL s- — ✓ ■ / C y ,L r � r e } yI1 P { ■ i .l i l 1, i .L SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 SITE SOIL GAS SAMPLING LOCATION COORDINATES ID LATITUDE LONGITUDE SG-1 35.78673 -78.64541 SG-2 35.78644 -78.64536 SG-3 35.78587 -78.64544 SG-4 35.78655 -78.64483 SG-5 35.78582 -78.64479 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 IN = 60 FT f L C A RO o ' ESS �: Q�43/31 /19 SEAL 16 J0, ,eFR T D. ; L C A RO o ' ESS �: Q�43/31 /19 SEAL 16 J0, ,eFR T D. ; DRAWN BY: DATE: MAR 2019 RD -F SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATIONS SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 SITE DRAFTING CHECK JOB NO: 1907.00 BY: 413437 & 441 N.HARRINGTON ST. ENGINEER CHECK CAD # 1907-00-03 Environmental Consulting RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr. I Ra[eigh, NC27603 NCBF PROJECT NO: 22062-18-092 BY:, APPROVED (919) 389-7747 1 info@rdhec.tom BY: . DWG NO: 3 REFERENCE: IMAGERY SOURCES - Basemap - iMAPS 3.0 City of Raleigh GIS & Wake County GIS (2018); Overlay -Proposed Site, JDavis Grading Exhibit Drawing (Ver. 2019.02.20) LEGEND --�-- 4 ! • I k 6 SUB -SLAB SOIL GAS a is 111 I ; I• tent I i` e SAMPLE LOCATION 1 1- I I V i 1 ELEVATOR LOCATION i I Lam. _ VI 3�� I : III!'►ink1 I its It h tip W 4 i w _ T- C. Ik ..-. ' t4 , -- • TIE r Tip. 1 1i il: 1 1 ? - ; 1 i � tf I I I❑ I C � n 1 }� _ ` I o / V/ MWEN Residential Vapor Intrusion SAMPLING LOCATION Screening Parameter Levels Residential Soil -Gas SG-1 SG-2A SG-26 SG-3 SG-4 SG-5 ug/m3 SamplingDate/ 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 3/19/2019 Time 1818 1632 1632 1905 1634 1517 Sample Depth 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot 1 Foot ANALYSIS: EPA TO-15 Acetone 220,000 15 23 22 22 11 17 Benzene 120 <0.26 1 1.1 3.2 <0.26 2.4 2-Butanone (MEK) 35000 2.6 6.5 6.4 12 2.5 8 1,3-Dichlorobenzene - 0.96 1.7 1.8 1.9 <0.62 1.7 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 700 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 8.1 2.8 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene - <0.32 0.48 ,2 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 Ethanol - 200 13 13 14 140 25 Ethyl Acetate 490 0.54 4.2 2.9 <0.54 <0.54 <0.54 Ethylbenzene 370 <0.50 1.5 1.4 4.4 <0.50 1.7 4-Ethyltoluene - <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 2.1 <0.60 <0.60 Heptane 2800 <0.48 <0.48 0.62 1.4 <0.48 0.72 Isopropanol 1400 3 <0.60 1.2 <0.60 <0.60 <0.60 Propene 21000 <0.34 <0.34 .4 7.9 <0'14 <0.34 Tetrachloroethylene 280 0.9 <0.75 75 <0.75 1.1 Tetrahydrofuran 14000 2.6 15 16 31 1.9 15 Toluene 35000 1.6 15 13 19 1.6 8 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) - 4.8 2A 2.5 12 3100 3 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 420 <0.63 <0.63 3 8.9 <0.63 3.5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 420 <0.62 <0.62 <U.ti2 1.9 <0.62 0.81 Vinyl Acetate 1400 <0.34 2.9 <0.34 <0.34 2.3 <0.34 m&p-Xylene 700 1.2 5.6 5.5 19 <1.0 6.4 o-Xylene 1 700 1 0.59 1 2.2 1 2.2 1 7 1 <0.54 1 2.4 Notes: Only laboratory detected analytes are shown * Comparison to February 2018 NCDEQ Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (based on November2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) < Not detected above the lab reporting limitshown N 0 30 60 SCALE: 1 IN = 60 FT CAR 0•��i FSSO . Q� 3/31/19���i SEAL i� �016t .,1i. �eER T D r4#1811 n DRAWN BY: DATE: MAR 2019 RD SOIL GAS SAMPLE LOCATIONS SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 SITE DRAFTING CHECK, JOB NO: 1907.00 BY: 413, 437 & 441 N.HARRINGTON ST. ENGINEER CHECK CAD # 1907-00-04 Environmental Consulting RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr. I Raleigh, NC27603 NCBF PROJECT NO: 22062-18-092 BY: APPROVED (919) 399-7747 1 info@rdhec.com BY: DWG NO: 4 REFERENCE: IMAGERY SOURCES - Basemap - i VIAPS 3.0 City of Raleigh GIS & Wake County GIS (2018); Overlay -Proposed Site, JDavis Grading Exhibit Drawing (Ver. 2019.02.20) APPENDIX A MARCH 18, 2019 INTERIM SOIL GAS SAMPLING WORK PLAN t-APTUSManagement, PLLC March 18, 2019 Sharon Eckard Project Manager, Brownfields Program Division of Waste Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 Subject: INTERMIM SOIL GAS SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN SMOKEY HOLLOW 2 NCBP PROJECT NO.22062-18-092 Dear Ms. Eckard: Provided below is the soil gas portion of the Smokey Hollow 2 assessment work plan for your review. The work will be conducted by RDH Environmental Consulting, NC Engineering License # F-1346, as a subcontractor to Aptus Management, NC Engineering License # P-1130. Soil Gas Testing Sub -slab soil gas testing will be conducted in general accordance with the NCDWM's Vapor Intrusion Guidance (Version 2, dated March 2018). We will collect five (5) sub -slab (sub -pavement) soil gas samples beneath the existing slab foundations or paved areas at the locations shown in the attached figure. The sampling points were selected to be in and around areas where elevators will eventually be installed, to assess areas of concern and are intended to give good overall coverage to assess for possible vapor intrusion impacts Rationale for Sampling Locations • SG-1. This covers the old fur vault; elevator location and it is close to the old stream bed area. And it is directly to the east of the Norwood Oil incident. This sampling location addresses several AOCs. • SG-2. Assess elevator location and possible impacts of electronic repair shop at 516 N West St. • SG-3. This is directly to the east of the Former Creamery Garage and the soil gas would be in an elevator location. • SG-4. Elevator location • SG-5. Northwest of the Wake Co. General Services UST incident and an elevator location. Smokey Hollow 2 -Soil Gas Site Assessment Work Plan Sub -Slab Soil Gas Sampling Details March 18, 2019 Page 2 • A hammer drill will be used to bore 5/8-inch diameter holes through the slab to the soil beneath (approximately 1-foot depth). Thickness of concrete slab or paving and underlying soils/fill material depths/characteristics will be noted. • Vapor Pins® fitted with silicone sleeves will be secured into each boring using a special tool and rubber hammer. And each Vapor Pin location will be allowed to equilibrate for at least 1 to 2 hours. The samples will be collected using 1/4-inch rigid Teflon tubing and 3-L Summa canisters (1-L or 6- L canisters may be used, pending lab availability). Small 1- to 2-inch pieces of 1/4-inch and 3/8- inch Tygon or silicone tubing will be employed to make connections to various valves and fittings of the sampling trains. Tubing will be connected to the barbed fitting of the Vapor Pins, routed through a plastic shroud (to be placed over the probe site) and the other end connected to a 3-way valve and 60- milliliter (mL) syringe to form a sampling train for each sample location. A shut-in test will be performed to ensure air tight conditions, in accordance with Vapor Intrusion Pathway: A Practical Guideline (2007), Appendix D). Subsequently, once the sampling train is deemed leak -free, the probe tubing will be purged of three dead volumes using a 60-ml syringe and leak checked while the shroud is filled with helium. Assuming 1.5 feet of 1/4-inch tubing (inner diameter of 0.177 inches), three dead volumes equals 22 mL. (Note - up to 120 mLs may be purged to ensure sufficient volume for the helium leak check, described below). The helium concentration within the shroud will be measured and noted using a MGD-2002 leak detector (or equivalent monitor). The purged soil gas will be collected into a 0.5-L Tedlar bag. After purging, the Tedlar bag will be removed and the contents monitored for helium levels. A successful leak check is deemed when the purged soil gas contains less than 10% of the initial shroud concentration of helium. If helium concentrations exceed 10% in the purged soil gas, adjustments will be made to achieve leak -free conditions, and/or a new Vapor Pin location will be installed and tested. • While the sampling train cannot be enclosed in the shroud for leak check purposes while operating the syringe, the shut-in test provides assurance that the connections are leak free and the leak detector will be used to spot check possible leaks at connection joints. • If no leaks are detected, the canister sampling can begin at each of the sample locations. • Each of soil gas samples will be collected using canisters fitted with 100 to 200 ml/min flow regulators over a period of approximately five to 30 minutes (depending on the canister sizes). • Following completion of sampling, a post -sampling helium leak check will be performed. • After a successful leak check, the probe tubing and Vapor Pins will be removed from each and the borings will be abandoned/closed by grouting the borings flush to the slab foundation level with cement. At sub -slab soil gas sampling locations that will be used for temporary well locations, abandonment will be completed in accordance with 15A NCAC 02C .0113 Abandonment of Wells [15ANCAC 02C .0113(d)]. Soil Gas Anal Upon completion of the sampling and probe finalization, laboratory analysis request forms will be prepared, and the samples shipped under proper chain of custody for laboratory analysis using EPA Compendium Method TO-15 "Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air Collected in Specially -Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)". (Note — since a post -sampling leak check will be conducted, helium analysis by the laboratory will not be required.) Smokey Hollow 2 -Soil Gas Site Assessment Work Plan March 18, 2019 Page 3 We will confirm that the certified lab reporting limits will meet the current Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels for Sub -Slab and Exterior Soil Gas. The full TO-15 list of analytes will be requested to be analyzed for the soil gas samples plus one duplicate sample. Soil Gas OA Batch certification of canisters is proposed for this sampling work plan, since testing does not include indoor air analysis. Per the Guidance, canister vacuum will be verified for each Summa canister, before and after sample collection. If the initial vacuum prior to sampling is in excess of 10% lower than the vacuum documented by the laboratory upon shipment, the canister will not be used. The post -sampling vacuum in the canister will be recorded and noted on the analytical request form. Sampling will be completed when the residual vacuum reaches -5 inches mercury in the canister. The canister vacuum will also be documented by the lab upon receipt of the sample canisters. One location for sub -slab soil gas sampling will involve collection of a duplicate canister, via connection of two canisters with an inline stainless -steel tee and employing one 30-minute flow regulator. Using a 30- minute flow regulator on a duplicate sample will allow for both canisters to be sampled over a 15-minute period, which will be consistent for the other sample locations (when 3-L canisters are used.) Similar methodology will be used for other canister sizes, pending laboratory availability. CLOSING Aptus appreciates the opportunity to provide this proposed assessment. If we can answer any questions or provide additional information, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. If you have any questions on the environmental -related work, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, APTUS MANAGEMENT PLLC John Gallagher, P.E., RSM e9�19911°81A�//! SEAL e 024199 klN;�A°��* �sd B �• `i �� t 6d/ led Cc, APTUS APPENDIX B PHOTOGRAPHS _.... — t Truck parked over SGA location Excavator parked over SG-1 location �y h � � Sampling train at SG-3 location Helium shroud leak check at SG-3 location j �gppp0 tumauF cmoano caar�av / wcrmv —cuwaw cxxai'=rw� Shut-in vacuum test at SG-3 location Sampling train - SG-5 location Sampling within cordon area — SG-3 location 1 Shut-in vacuum test - SG-5 location 1 Helium shroud leak check at SG-5 location Duplicate sampling train — SG-2 location Helium shroud leak check at SG-1 location PwW Helium purge concentration - SG-1 location Shut-in vacuum test - SG-4 location I Sampling train - SG-4 location Helium shroud leak check at SG-4 location I Helium purse concentration - SG-4 location shroud leak check - SG-4 location I Post -sampling purge concentration - SG-4 location APPENDIX C NCDWM RESIDENTIAL VAPOR INTRUSION SCREENING LEVELS TABLE (FEBRUARY 2018) North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 30560-19-1 Acephate 75-07-0 Acetaldehyde 6.9E+02 6.3E+01 N 1.3E+00 C 1.9E+00 N 1.9E+00 N Yes 34256-82-1 Acetochlor 67-64-1 Acetone 4.5E+06 2.2E+05 N 6.5E+03 N 6.5E+03 N 6.5E+03 N Yes 75-86-5 Acetone Cyanohydrin Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 75-05-8 Acemnitrile 8.9E+03 4.2E+02 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N Yes 98-86-2 Acetophenone 53-96-3 Acetylaminofluorene, 2- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.2E-03 C 2.2E-02 C 2.2E-01 C 107-02-8 Acrolein 8.4E-01 1.4E-01 N 4.2E-03 N 4.2E-03 N 4.2E-03 N Yes 79-06-1 Acrylamide Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-02 C 1.0E-01 C 1.0E+00 C Yes 79-10-7 Acrylic Acid 1.4E+04 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 107-13-1 Acrylonitrile 7.3E+01 1.4E+01 C 4.1E-02 C 4.1E-01 C 4.2E-01 N Yes 111-69-3 Adiponitrile Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E+00 N 1.3E+00 N 1.3E+00 N Yes 15972-60-8 Alachlor 116-06-3 Aldicarb 1646-88-4 Aldicarb Sulfone 1646-87-3 Aldicarb sulfoxide 309-00-2 Aldrin 3.2E+00 1.9E-01 C 5.7E-04 C 5.7E-03 C 5.7E-02 C 107-18-6 Allyl Alcohol 1.0E+02 7.0E-01 N 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N Yes 107-05-1 Allyl Chloride 4.6E-01 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 7429-90-5 Aluminum Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E+00 N 1.0E+00 N 1.0E+00 N Yes 20859-73-8 Aluminum Phosphide 834-12-8 Ametryn 92-67-1 Aminobiphenyl, 4- Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.7E-04 C 4.7E-03 C 4.7E-02 C 591-27-5 Aminophenol, m- 95-55-6 Aminophenol, o- 123-30-8 Aminophenol,p- 33089-61-1 Amitraz 766441-7 Ammonia 1.6E+05 3.5E+03 N 1.0E+02 N 1.0E+02 N 1.0E+02 N Yes 7773-06-0 Ammonium Sulfamate 75-854 Amyl Alcohol, tert- 1.1E+03 2.1E+01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N Yes 62-53-3 Aniline Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 84-65-1 Anthmquinone, 9,10- 7440-36-0 Antimony (metallic) 1314-60-9 Antimony Pentoxide 1332-81-6 Antimony Tetroxide 1309-644 Antimony Trioxide Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N Yes 7440-38-2 Arsenic, Inorganic Not Volatile Not Volatile 65E-04 C 3.1E-03 N 3.1E-03 N Yes 778442-1 Arsine Not Volatile Not Volatile LOE-02 N 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N Yes 3337-71-1 Asulam 1912-24-9 Atrazine 492-80-8 Auramine Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.1E-02 C 1.1E-01 C 1.1E+00 C 65195-55-3 AvermectinB1 86-50-0 Azinphos-methyl Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E+00 N 2.1E+00 N 2.1E+00 N Yes 103-33-3 Azobenzene 1.6E+03 3.0E+01 C 9.1E-02 C 9.1E-01 C 9.1E+00 C 123-77-3 Azodicarbonamide Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.5E-03 N 1.5E-03 N 1.5E-03 N Yes 7440-39-3 Barium Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-01 N 1.0E-01 N 1.0E-01 N Yes 186140-1 Benfluralin 17804-35-2 Benomyl 83055-99-6 Bensulfuron-methyl 25057-89-0 Bemazon 100-52-7 Benzaldehyde 7143-2 Benzene 1.6E+01 1.2E+02 C 3.6E-01 C 3.6E+00 C 6.3E+00 N Yes 6369-59-1 Benzenediamine-2-methyl sulfate, 1,4 108-98-5 Benzenethiol 92-87-5 Benzidine Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.5E-05 C 1.5E-04 C 1.5E-03 C 65-85-0 Benzoic Acid 98-07-7 Benzotrichloride 100-51-6 Benzyl Alcohol 100-44-7 Benzyl Chloride 1.2E+01 7.0E+00 N 5.7E-02 C 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 744041-7 Beryllium and compounds Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.2E-03 C 4.2E-03 N 4.2E-03 N Yes 42576-02-3 Bifenox 82657-04-3 Biphenthrin 92-524 Biphenyl, 1,1'- 6.6E+00 2.8E+00 N 8.3E-02 N 8.3E-02 N 8.3E-02 N Yes 108-60-1 Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether 111-91-1 Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane 111-44-4 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 1.2E+02 2.8E+00 C 8.5E-03 C 8.5E-02 C 8.5E-01 C 542-88-1 Bis(chloromethyl)ether 2.5E-03 1.5E-02 C 4.5E-05 C 4.5E-04 C 4.5E-03 C 80-05-7 Bisphenol A 744042-8 Boron And Bomtes Only Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 10294-34-5 Boron Trichloride 5.6E+00 1.4E+02 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 7637-07-2 Boron Trifluoride 9.0E+01 N 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N Yes 15541-45-4 Bromate 107-04-0 Bromo-2-chloroethane, 1- 1.3E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.7E-03 C 4.7E-02 C 4.7E-01 C 1073-06-9 Bromo-3-fluorobenzene,1- 460-00-4 Bromo-4-fluorobenzene, 1- 108-86-1 Bromobenzene 1.2E+02 4.2E+02 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N Yes 74-97-5 Bromochloromethane 1.4E+02 2 1.3E+00N 8.3E+00 N 8.3E+00 Yes Bromodichloromethane 8.8E+00 2.5E+175-274 C 7.6E-02 C 7.6E-01 C 7.6E+00 C 75-25-2 Bromoform 1.2E+03 8.5E+02 C 2.6E+00 C 2.6E+O1 C 2.6E+02 C Page 1 0£ 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 74-83-9 Bromomethane 3.5E+00 3.5E+01 N 1.0E+00 N 1.0E+00 N 1.0E+00 N Yes 2104-96-3 Bromophos 106-94-5 1 Bromopropane, 1- 7.0E+01 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 1689-84-5 Bromoxynil 1689-99-2 BromoxynilOctanoate 106-99-0 Butadiene, 1,3- 1.4E-01 1.4E+01 N 9.4E-02 C 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 94-82-6 Butanoic acid, 4-(2,4- dichlorophenoxy)- 71-36-3 Butanol, N- 78-92-2 Butyl alcohol, sec- 1.7E+07 2.1E+05 N 6.3E+03 N 6.3E+03 N 6.3E+03 N Yes 200841-5 Butylate 25013-16-5 Butylated hydroxyanisole Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.9E+01 C 4.9E+02 C 4.9E+03 C 128-37-0 Butylated hydroxytoluene 104-51-8 Butylbemmne, n- 135-98-8 Butylbenzene, sec- 98-06-6 Butylbenzene,tert- 75-60-5 Cacodylic Acid 744043-9 Cadmium (Diet) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.6E-03 C 2.1E-03 N 2.1E-03 N Yes 744043-9 Cadmium (Water) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.6E-03 C 2.1E-03 N 2.1E-03 N Yes 105-60-2 Caprolactam Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.6E-01 N 4.6E-01 N 4.6E-01 N Yes 2425-06-1 Captafol Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.5E-02 C 6.5E-01 C 6.5E+00 C 133-06-2 Captan Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.3E+00 C 4.3E+01 C 4.3E+02 C 63-25-2 Carbaryl 1563-66-2 Carbofuran 75-15-0 Carbon Disulfide 2.5E+02 4.9E+03 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N Yes 56-23-5 Carbon Tetrachloride 4.1E+00 1.6E+02 C 4.7E-01 C 4.7E+00 C 2.1E+01 N Yes 463-58-1 Carbonyl Sulfide 8.4E-01 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 55285-14-8 Carbosulfan 5234-684 Carboxin 1306-38-3 Ceric oxide Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.9E-01 N 1.9E-01 N 1.9E-01 N Yes 302-17-0 Chloral Hydrate 133-90-4 Chloramben 118-75-2 Chloranil 12789-03-6 Chlordane 7.3E+01 4.9E+00 N 2.8E-02 C 1.5E-01 N 1.5E-01 N Yes 143-50-0 Chlordecone (Kepone) Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.1E-04 C 6.1E-03 C 6.1E-02 C 470-90-6 Chlorfenvinphos 90982-32-4 Chlorimuron, Ethyl- 7782-50-5 Chlorine 6.5E-02 1.0E+00 N 3.1E-02 N 3.1E-02 N 3.1E-02 N Yes 10049-04-4 Chlorine Dioxide 2.5E-02 1.4E+00 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N Yes 7758-19-2 Chlorite (Sodium Salt) 75-68-3 Chloro-1,l-difluoroethane, 1- 4.3E+03 3.5E+05 N 1.0E+04 N 1.0E+04 N 1.0E+04 N Yes 126-99-8 Chloro-1,3-butadiene, 2- 4.1E-02 3.1E+00 C 9.4E-03 C 9.4E-02 C 9.4E-01 C Yes 3165-93-3 Chloro-2-methylaniline HCl, 4- 95-69-2 Chloro-2-methylaniline, 4- Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.6E-02 C 3.6E-01 C 3.6E+00 C 107-20-0 Chloroacetaldehyde, 2- 79-11-8 Chloroacetic Acid 532-27-4 Chloroacetophenone, 2- Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.3E-03 N 6.3E-03 N 6.3E-03 N Yes 106-47-8 Chloromiline, p- 108-90-7 Chlorobenzene 8.2E+01 3.5E+02 N 1.0E+01 N 1.0E+01 N 1.0E+01 N Yes 98-66-8 Chlorobemmne sulfonic acid, p- 510-15-6 Chlorobenzilate Not Volatile Not Volatile 9.1E-02 C 9.1E-01 C 9.1E+00 C 74-11-3 Chlorobenzoic Acid, p- 98-56-6 Chlorobenzotrifluoride, 4- 4.4E+O1 2.1E+03 N 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+01 N Yes 109-69-3 Chlorobutane, 1- 7545-6 Chlorodifluoromethane 6.3E+03 3.5E+05 N 1.0E+04 N 1.0E+04 N 1.0E+04 N Yes 107-07-3 Chloroethanol, 2- 67-66-3 Chloroform 8.1E+00 4.1E+01 C 1.2E-01 C 1.2E+00 C 1.2E+01 C Yes 74-87-3 Chloromethane 5.2E+01 6.3E+02 N 1.9E+01 N 1.9E+01 N 1.9E+01 N Yes 107-30-2 Chloromethyl Methyl Ether 3.3E+00 1.4E+00 C 4.1E-03 C 4.1E-02 C 4.1E-01 C 88-73-3 Chloronitrobenzene, o- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E-03 N 2.1E-03 N 2.1E-03 N Yes 100-00-5 Chloronitrobenzene, p- Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 95-57-8 Chlorophenol, 2- 76-06-2 Chloropicrin 1.0E+00 2.8E+00 N 8.3E-02 N 8.3E-02 N 8.3E-02 N Yes 189745-6 Chlorothalonil Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.2E+00 C 3.2E+01 C 3.2E+02 C 9549-8 Chlorotoluene, o- 106-43-4 Chlorotoluene, p- 54749-90-5 Chlorozotocin Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.1E-05 C 4.1E-04 C 4.1E-03 C 101-21-3 Chlorpropham 2921-88-2 Chlorpyrifos 5598-13-0 Chlorpyrifos Methyl 64902-72-3 Chlorsulfuron 1861-32-1 Chlorthal-dimethyl 60238-56-4 Chlorthiophos 16065-83-1 Chromium(III), Insoluble Salts 18540-29-9 Chromium(VI) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.2E-05 C 1.2E-04 C 1.2E-03 C Yes 744047-3 Chromium, Total 74115-24-5 Clofentezine 7440484 Cobalt Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.1E-04 C 1.3E-03 N 1.3E-03 N Yes 800745-2 Coke Oven Emissions 3.6E-02 5.5E-01 C 1.6E-03 C 1.6E-02 C 1.6E-01 C 7440-50-8 Copper 108-39-4 Cresol, m- Not Volatile I Not Volatile 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N Yes Page 2 of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 9548-7 Cresol, o- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N Yes 106-44-5 Cresol, p- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N Yes 59-50-7 1 Cresol, p-chloro-m- 1319-77-3 Cresols Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N Yes 123-73-9 Crotonaldehyde,trans- 98-82-8 Cumene 1.8E+02 2.8E+03 N 8.3E+01 N 8.3E+01 N 8.3E+01 N Yes 135-20-6 Cupfermn Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.5E-02 C 4.5E-01 C 4.5E+00 C 21725-46-2 Cyanazine Cyanides 592-01-8 -Calcium Cyanide 544-92-3 -Copper Cyanide 57-12-5 -Cyanide (CN-) 4.0E+01 5.6E+00 N 1.7E-01 N 1.7E-01 N 1.7E-01 N Yes 460-19-5 -Cyanogen 506-68-3 -Cyanogen Bromide 506-77-4 -Cyanogen Chloride 74-90-8 -Hydrogen Cyanide 3.1E+01 5.6E+00 N 1.7E-01 N 1.7E-01 N 1.7E-01 N Yes 151-50-8 -Potassium Cyanide 506-61-6 -Potassium Silver Cyanide 506-64-9 -Silver Cyanide 143-33-9 -Sodium Cyanide E1790664 -Thiocyanates 463-56-9 -Thiocyanic Acid 557-21-1 -Zinc Cyanide 110-82-7 Cyclohexane 2.0E+02 4.2E+04 N 1.3E+03 N 1.3E+03 N 1.3E+03 N Yes 87-84-3 Cyclohexane, 1,2,3,4,5-pentabromo-6 chloro- 108-94-1 Cyclohexanone 4.0E+05 4.9E+03 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N Yes 110-83-8 Cyclohexee 1.1E+02 7.0E+03 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N Yes 108-91-8 Cyclohexylamine 68359-37-5 Cyfluthrin 68085-85-8 Cyhalothrin 52315-07-8 Cypemrethrin 66215-27-8 Cyromazine 72-54-8 DDD, p,p'-(DDD) Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.1E-02 C 4.1E-01 C 4.1E+00 C 72-55-9 DDE, p,p'- 1.7E+02 9.6E+00 C 2.9E-02 C 2.9E-01 C 2.9E+00 C 50-29-3 DDT Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-02 C 2.9E-01 C 2.9E+00 C 75-99-0 Dalapon 1596-84-5 Daminozide Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.5E-01 C 5.5E+00 C 5.5E+01 C 1163-19-5 Decabromodiphenyl ether, 2,2',3,3',4,4',5,5',6,6'- (BDE-209) 806548-3 Demeton 103-23-1 Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 2303-164 Diallate 333-41-5 Diazinon 132-65-0 Dibenzothiophene 96-12-8 Dibromo-3-chloropropme, 1,2- 2.8E-01 5.6E-02 C 1.7E-04 C 1.7E-03 C 1.7E-02 C Yes 108-36-1 Dibromobenzene,l,3- 106-37-6 Dibromobenzene,l,4- 124-48-1 Dibromochloromethane 106-93-4 Dibromoethane, 1,2- 1.8E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.7E-03 C 4.7E-02 C 4.7E-01 C Yes 74-95-3 Dibromomethane (Methylene Bromide) 2.5E+01 2.8E+01 N 8.3E-01 N 8.3E-01 N 8.3E-01 N Yes E1790660 Dibutyltin Compounds 1918-00-9 Dicamba 764-41-0 Dichloro-2-butene, 1,4- 1.9E-02 2.2E-01 C 6.7E-04 C 6.7E-03 C 6.7E-02 C 1476-11-5 Dichloro-2-butene, cis-1,4- 2.5E-01 2.2E-01 C 6.7E-04 C 6.7E-03 C 6.7E-02 C 110-57-6 Dichloro-2-butene, trans-1,4- 2.5E-01 2.2E-01 C 6.7E-04 C 6.7E-03 C 6.7E-02 C 7943-6 Dichloroacetic Acid 95-50-1 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- 5.3E+02 1.4E+03 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N Yes 106-46-7 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- 2.6E+O1 8.5E+01 C 2.6E-01 C 2.6E+00 C 2.6E+O1 C Yes 91-94-1 Dichlorobenzidine, 3,3'- Not Volatile Not Volatile 8.3E-03 C 8.3E-02 C 8.3E-01 C 90-98-2 Dichlorobenzophenone, 4,4'- 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 1.5E+00 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 75-34-3 Dichloroethane, 1,1- 7.6E+O1 5.8E+02 C 1.8E+00 C 1.8E+01 C 1.8E+02 C 107-06-2 Dichloroethane, 1,2- 2.2E+01 3.6E+O1 C 1.1E-01 C 1.1E+00 C 1.5E+00 N Yes 75-354 Dichloroethylene, 1,1- 3.9E+01 1.4E+03 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N Yes 156-59-2 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- 156-60-5 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- 120-83-2 Dichlorophenol,2,4- 94-75-7 Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid, 2,4- 78-87-5 Dichloropropane, 1,2- 7.2E+00 2.8E+01 N 7.6E-01 C 8.3E-01 N 8.3E-01 N Yes 142-28-9 Dichloropropane, 1,3- 616-23-9 Dichloropropanol, 2,3- 542-75-6 Dichloropropee, 1,3- 2.9E+01 1.4E+02 N 7.0E-01 C 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 62-73-7 Dichlorvos Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.4E-02 C 1.0E-01 N 1.0E-01 N Yes 141-66-2 Dicrotophos 77-73-6 Dicyclopentadiene 2.4E-02 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 60-57-1 Dieldrin Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.1E-04 C 6.1E-03 C 6.1E-02 C E17136615 Diesel Engine Exhaust Not Volatile Not Volatile 9.4E-03 C 9.4E-02 C 9.4E-01 C Yes 111-42-2 Diethanolamine Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N Yes 112-34-5 Dethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N Yes Page 3 of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 111-90-0 Diethylene Glycol Monoethyl Ether Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 617-84-5 Diethylfomramide 56-53-1 1 Diethylstilbestrol Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.8E-05 C 2.8E-04 C 2.8E-03 C 43222-48-6 Difenzoquat 35367-38-5 Diflubenzuron 75-37-6 Difluoroethane, 1,1- 1.0E+04 2.8E+05 N 8.3E+03 N 8.3E+03 N 8.3E+03 N Yes 420-45-1 Diflucropropane, 2,2- 3.0E+02 2.1E+05 N 6.3E+03 N 6.3E+03 N 6.3E+03 N Yes 94-58-6 Dihydrosafrole 4.3E+03 7.2E+01 C 2.2E-01 C 2.2E+00 C 2.2E+01 C 108-20-3 Diisopropyl Ether 1.4E+03 4.9E+03 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N Yes 1445-75-6 Diisopropyl Methylphosphonate 55290-64-7 Dimethipin 60-51-5 Dimethoate 119-90-4 Dimethoxybenzidine,3,3'- 756-79-6 Dimethyl methylphosphonate 60-11-7 Dimethylamino azobenzene rp-1 Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.2E-03 C 2.2E-02 C 2.2E-01 C 21436-96-4 Dimethylaniline 140, 2,4- 95-68-1 Dimethylaniline, 2,4- 121-69-7 Dimethylaniline, N,N- 119-93-7 Dimethylbenzidine, 3,3'- 68-12-2 Dimethylformamide 2.1E+06 2.1E+02 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N Yes 57-14-7 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,1- 7.9E-01 1.4E-02 N 4.2E-04 N 4.2E-04 N 4.2E-04 N Yes 540-73-8 Dimethylhydrazine, 1,2- 6.2E+01 5.8E-03 C 1.8E-05 C 1.8E-04 C 1.8E-03 C 105-67-9 Dimethylphenol, 2,4- 576-26-1 Dimethylphenol, 2,6- 95-65-8 Dimethylphenol, 3,4- 513-37-1 Dimethylvinylchloride 4.5E+01 7.2E+01 C 2.2E-01 C 2.2E+00 C 2.2E+01 C 534-52-1 Dinitro-o-cresol, 4,6- 131-89-5 Dinitro-o-cyclohexyl Phenol,4,6- 528-29-0 Dinitrobenzene,l,2- 99-65-0 Dinitrobenzene,l,3- 100-25-4 Dinitrobenzene,l,4- 51-28-5 Dinitrophenol, 2,4- E1615210 Dinitrotoluene Mixture, 2,4/2,6- 121-14-2 Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.2E-02 C 3.2E-01 C 3.2E+00 C 606-20-2 Dinitrotoluene, 2,6- 35572-78-2 Dinitrotoluene, 2-Amino-4,6- 19406-51-0 Dinitrotoluene, 4-Amino-2,6- 25321-14-6 Dinitrotoluene, Technical grade 88-85-7 Dinoseb 123-91-1 Dioxane, 1,4- 2.9E+04 1.9E+02 C 5.6E-01 C 5.6E+00 C 6.3E+00 N Yes Dioxins -Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, Mixture Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.2E-06 C 2.2E-05 C 2.2E-04 C 1746-01-6 -TCDD, 2,3,7,8- 3.6E-04 2.5E-05 C 7.4E-08 C 7.4E-07 C 7.4E-06 C Yes 957-51-7 Diphenamid 101-84-8 Diphenyl Ether 7.3E+00 2.8E+00 N 8.3E-02 N 8.3E-02 N 8.3E-02 N Yes 127-63-9 Diphenyl Sulfone 122-39-4 Diphenylamine 122-66-7 Diphenylhydrazine, 1,2- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E-02 C 1.3E-01 C 1.3E+00 C 85-00-7 Diquat 1937-37-7 Direct Black 38 Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.0E-05 C 2.0E-04 C 2.0E-03 C 260246-2 Direct Blue 6 Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.0E-05 C 2.0E-04 C 2.0E-03 C 16071-86-6 Direct Brown 95 Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.0E-05 C 2.0E-04 C 2.0E-03 C 298-04-4 Disulfoton 505-29-3 Dithiane, 1,4- 330-54-1 Diuron 2439-10-3 Dodine 759-94-4 EPTC 115-29-7 Endosulfan 145-73-3 Endothall 72-20-8 Endrin 106-89-8 Epichlorohydrin 1.7E+02 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 106-88-7 Epoxybutane, 1,2- 5.7E+02 1.4E+02 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 111-77-3 Ethanol, 2-(2-methoxyethoxy)- 16672-87-0 Ethephon 563-12-2 Ethion 111-15-9 Ethoxyethanol Acetate, 2- 9.6E+04 4.2E+02 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N Yes 110-80-5 Ethoxyethanol, 2- 2.2E+06 1.4E+03 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N Yes 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 2.7E+03 4.9E+02 N 1.5E+01 N 1.5E+01 N 1.5E+01 N Yes 140-88-5 Ethyl Acrylate 1.2E+02 5.6E+O1 N 1.7E+00 N 1.7E+00 N 1.7E+00 N Yes 75-00-3 Ethyl Chloride(Chloroethane) 4.6E+03 7.0E+04 N 2.1E+03 N 2.1E+03 N 2.1E+03 N Yes 60-29-7 Ethyl Ether 97-63-2 Ethyl Methacrylate 2.7E+03 2.1E+03 N 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+01 N Yes 2104-64-5 Ethyl-p-nitrophenyl Phosphonate 100-41-4 Ethylbenzene 3.5E+01 3.7E+02 C 1.1E+00 C l.lE+01 C 1.1E+02 C Yes 109-78-4 Ethylene Cyanohydrin 107-15-3 Ethylene Diamine 107-21-1 Ethylene Glycol Not Volatile Not Volatile 8.3E+01 N 8.3E+01 N 8.3E+01 N Yes 111-76-2 Ethylene Glycol Monobutyl Ether Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.3E+02 N 3.3E+02 N 3.3E+02 N Yes 75-21I Ethylene Oxide 5.6E-01 1.1E-01 C 3.4E-04 C 3.4E-03 C 3.4E-02 C Yes 96-45-7 Ethylene Thiourea Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.2E-01 C 2.2E+00 C 2.2E+01 C Page 4 of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/mm TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/mm TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 151-56-4 Ethyleneimine 3.0E+00 4.9E-02 C 1.5E-04 C 1.5E-03 C 1.5E-02 C 84-72-0 Ethylphthalyl Ethyl Glycolate 22224-92-6 1 Fenamiphos 39515-41-8 Fenpropathrin 51630-58-1 Fenvalemte 2164-17-2 Fluometuron 16984-48-8 Fluoride Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N Yes 7782414 Fluorine (Soluble Fluoride) Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N Yes 59756-60-4 Fluridone 56425-91-3 Flurimmidol 85509-19-9 Flusilazole 66332-96-5 Flutolanil 69409-94-5 Fluvalinate 133-07-3 Folpet 72178-02-0 Fomesafen 944-22-9 Fowles 50-00-0 Formaldehyde 1.5E+05 6.8E+01 N 2.2E-01 C 2.0E+00 N 2.0E+00 N Yes 64-18-6 Formic Acid 9.2E+03 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 39148-24-8 Fosetyl-AL Forms 132-64-9 -Dibenzofuran 110-00-9 -Furan 109-99-9 -Tehuhydrofurm 1.4E+05 1.4E+04 N 4.2E+02 N 4.2E+02 N 4.2E+02 N Yes 6745-8 Fum olidone 98-01-1 Furfural 6.8E+04 3.5E+02 N 1.0E+01 N 1.0E+01 N 1.0E+01 N Yes 531-82-8 Furium Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.5E-03 C 6.5E-02 C 6.5E-01 C 60568-05-0 Furmecyclox Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.3E-01 C 3.3E+00 C 3.3E+01 C 77182-82-2 Glufosinate, Ammonium 111-30-8 Glutaraldehyde Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.7E-02 N 1.7E-02 N 1.7E-02 N Yes 765-34-4 Glycidyl 1.0E+04 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 1071-83-6 Glyphosate 113-00-8 Guanidine 50-01-1 Guanidine Chloride 506-93-4 Guanidine Nitrate 69806-40-2 Haloxyfop, Methyl 7644-8 Heptachlor 1.8E+00 7.2E-01 C 2.2E-03 C 2.2E-02 C 2.2E-01 C 1024-57-3 Heptachlor Epoxide 1.3E+01 3.6E-01 C 1.1E-03 C 1.1E-02 C 1.1E-01 C 111-71-7 Heptanal,n- 5.7E+01 2.1E+01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N Yes 142-82-5 Heptane,N- 1.0E+00 2.8E+03 N 8.3E+01 N 8.3E+01 N 8.3E+01 N Yes 87-82-1 Hexabromobenzene 68631-49-2 Hexabromodiphenyl ether, 2,2',4,4',5,5'- (BDE-153) 118-74-1 Hexachlorobemmne 8.8E-01 2.0E+00 C 6.1E-03 C 6.1E-02 C 6.1E-01 C 87-68-3 Hexachlorobutadiene 3.0E+00 4.3E+01 C 1.3E-01 C 1.3E+00 C 1.3E+01 C 319-84-6 Hexachlorocyclohexane, Alpha- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.6E-03 C 1.6E-02 C 1.6E-01 C 319-85-7 Hexachlorocyclohexane, Beta- Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.3E-03 C 5.3E-02 C 5.3E-01 C 58-89-9 Hexachlorocyclohexane, Gamma- (Lindane) Not Volatile Not Volatile 9.1E-03 C 9.1E-02 C 9.1E-01 C 608-73-1 Hexachlorocyclohexane, Technical Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.5E-03 C 5.5E-02 C 5.5E-01 C 77474 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 3.8E-02 1.4E+00 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N Yes 67-72-1 Hexachloroethane 1.6E+01 8.5E+01 C 2.6E-01 C 2.6E+00 C 6.3E+00 N Yes 70-304 Hexachlorophene 121-82-4 Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5- triazine (RDJ) 822-06-0 Hexamethylene Diisocyanate, 1,6- 1.1E+00 7.0E-02 N 2.1E-03 N 2.1E-03 N 2.1E-03 N Yes 680-31-9 Hexamethylphosphoramide 110-54-3 Hexane, N- 2.0E+00 4.9E+03 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N Yes 124-04-9 Hexanedioic Acid 591-78-6 Hexamme,2- 1.6E+03 2.1E+02 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N Yes 51235-04-2 Hexazinone 78587-05-0 Hexythiazox 67485-29-4 Hydramethylnon 302-01-2 Hydrazine 2.3E+02 1.9E-01 C 5.7E-04 C 5.7E-03 C 6.3E-03 N Yes 10034-93-2 Hydrazine Sulfate Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.7E-04 C 5.7E-03 C 5.7E-02 C 7647-01-0 Hydrogen Chloride 5.0E-08 1.4E+02 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 7664-39-3 Hydrogen Fluoride 6.9E+02 9.7E+01 N 2.9E+00 N 2.9E+00 N 2.9E+00 N Yes 7783-064 Hydrogen Sulfide 1.2E+00 1.4E+01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 123-31-9 Hydroquinone 35554-44-0 hnazalil 81335-37-7 hnazaquin 81335-77-5 hnazethapyr 7553-56-2 Iodine 36734-19-7 Iprodione 7439-89-6 Iron 78-83-1 Isobutyl Alcohol 78-59-1 Isophorone Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E+02 N 4.2E+02 N 4.2E+02 N Yes 33820-53-0 Isopropalin 67-63-0 Isopropanol 1.3E+05 1.4E+03 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N Yes 1832-54-8 Isopropyl Methyl Phosphonic Acid 82558-50-7 Isoxaben E173766, JP-7 1.5E+02 2.1E+03 N 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+01 N 6.3E+01 N Yes Page 5 of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 77501-63-4 Lactofen 78-97-7 Lactonitrile Lead Compounds 7446-27-7 -Lead Phosphate Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.3E-01 C 2.3E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 301-04-2 -Lead acetate Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.3E-01 C 2.3E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 7439-92-1 -Lead and Compounds Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.5E-01 N 1.5E-01 N 1.5E-01 N Yes 1335-32-6 Lead subacetate Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.3E-01 C 2.3E+00 C 2.3E+01 C 78-00-2 -Tetraethyl Lead 541-25-3 Lewisite 330-55-2 Linuron 7439-93-2 Lithium 94-74-6 MCPA 94-81-5 MCPB 93-65-2 MCPP 121-75-5 Malathion 108-31-6 Maleic Anhydride Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.5E-01 N 1.5E-01 N 1.5E-01 N Yes 123-33-1 Maleic Hydrazide 109-77-3 Malononitrile 8018-01-7 Mancozeb 12427-38-2 Maneb 7439-96-5 Manganese (Diet) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N Yes 7439-96-5 Manganese (Non -diet) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N Yes 950-10-7 Mephosfolan 24307-26-4 Mepiquat Chloride 149-30-4 Mercaptobenzothiazole, 2- Mercury Compounds 7487-94-7 -Mercuric Chloride (and other Mercury salts) Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 7439-97-6 -Mercury(elemental) 1.8E-01 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 22967-92-6 -Methyl Mercury 62-384 -Phenylmercuric Acetate 150-50-5 Merphos 7848-8 Merphos Oxide 57837-19-1 Metalaxyl 126-98-7 Metbacrylonitrile 6.2E+02 2.1E+02 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N Yes 10265-92-6 Methamidophos 67-56-1 Methanol 2.2E+07 1.4E+05 N 4.2E+03 N 4.2E+03 N 4.2E+03 N Yes 950-37-8 Methidathion 16752-77-5 Methomyl 99-59-2 Metboxy-5-nitromiline, 2- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.0E-01 C 2.0E+00 C 2.0E+01 C 7243-5 Methoxychlor 110-49-6 Metboxyethanol Acetate, 2- 1.6E+04 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 109-86-4 Metboxyethanol, 2- 3.1E+05 1.4E+02 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 79-20-9 Methyl Acetate 96-33-3 Methyl Acrylate 5.1E+02 1.4E+02 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 4.5E+05 3.5E+04 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N Yes 60-344 Methyl Hydrazine 3.4E+O1 1.4E-01 N 2.8E-03 C 4.2E-03 N 4.2E-03 N Yes 108-10-1 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone(4-methyl-2- pentanone) 1.1E+05 2.1E+04 N 6.3E+02 N 6.3E+02 N 6.3E+02 N Yes 624-83-9 Methyl lsocyanate 5.5E+00 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 80-62-6 Methyl Metbacrylate 1.1E+04 4.9E+03 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N 1.5E+02 N Yes 298-00-0 Methyl Parathion 993-13-5 Methyl Phosphonic Acid 25013-15-4 Methyl Styrene (Mixed Isomers) 7.8E+01 2.8E+02 N 8.3E+00 N 8.3E+00 N 8.3E+00 N Yes 66-27-3 Methyl methmesulfonate Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-01 C 1.0E+00 C 1.0E+01 C 1634-044 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether(MTBE) 4.5E+03 3.6E+03 C 1.1E+01 C 1.1E+02 C 6.3E+02 N Yes 615-45-2 Methyl-1,4-benzenediamine dihydrochloride, 2- 108-11-2 Methyl-2-Pentmol, 4- 3.4E+05 2.1E+04 N 6.3E+02 N 6.3E+02 N 6.3E+02 N Yes 99-55-8 Methyl-S-Nitromiline, 2- 70-25-7 Methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.2E-03 C 1.2E-02 C 1.2E-01 C 636-21-5 Methylaniline Hydrochloride, 2- Not Volatile Not Volatile 7.6E-02 C 7.6E-01 C 7.6E+00 C 124-58-3 Methylarsonic acid 74612-12-7 Methylbenzene, 1 4-diamine monohydrochloride, 2- 615-50-9 Methylbenzene-1,4-diamine sulfate, 2 5649-5 Methylcholanthrene, 3- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.6E-04 C 1.6E-03 C 1.6E-02 C 75-09-2 Methylene Chloride 9.4E+02 4.2E+03 N 1.0E+02 C 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N Yes 101-14-4 Methylene-bis(2-chloromiline), 4,4'- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.4E-03 C 2.4E-02 C 2.4E-01 C 101-61-1 Methylene-bis(N,N-dimethyl) Aniline, 4,4'- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.2E-01 C 2.2E+00 C 2.2E+01 C 101-77-9 Methylenebisbemmnamine, 4,4'- Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.1E-03 C 6.1E-02 C 6.1E-01 C Yes 101-68-8 Methylenediphenyl Diisocyanate Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E-01 N 1.3E-01 N 1.3E-01 N Yes 98-83-9 Methylstyrene, Alpha- 51218-45-2 Metolachlor 21087-64-9 Metribuzin 74223-64-6 Metsulfuron-methyl 8012-95-1 Mineral oils Page 6 of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis NASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 2385-85-5 Mirex 1.7E-01 1.8E-01 C 5.5E-04 C 5.5E-03 C 5.5E-02 C 2212-67-1 Molinate 7439-98-7 1 Molybdenum 10599-90-3 Monochlommine 100-61-8 Monomethylaniline 88671-89-0 Myclobutanil 74-31-7 N,N'-Dipheny1-1,4-benzenediamine 300-76-5 Naled 64742-95-6 Naphtha, High Flash Aromatic (HFAN) 1.2E+03 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 91-59-8 Naphthylamine, 2- 15299-99-7 Napropamide 373-02-4 Nickel Acetate Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 3333-67-3 Nickel Carbonate Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 13463-39-3 Nickel Carbonyl 1.4E-04 9.7E-02 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 12054-48-7 Nickel Hydroxide Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 1313-99-1 Nickel Oxide Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-03 N 4.2E-03 N 4.2E-03 N Yes E715532 Nickel Refinery Dust Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 7440-02-0 Nickel Soluble Salts Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.1E-02 C 1.9E-02 N 1.9E-02 N Yes 12035-72-2 Nickel Subsulfide Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 1271-28-9 Nickelocene Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N 2.9E-03 N Yes 14797-55-8 Nitrate E701177 Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) 14797-65-0 Nitrite 88-744 Nitroaniline, 2- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N 1.0E-02 N Yes 100-01-6 Nitroaniline, 4- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E+00 N 1.3E+00 N 1.3E+00 N Yes 98-95-3 Nitrobenzene 7.2E+02 2.3E+01 C 7.0E-02 C 7.0E-01 C 1.9E+00 N Yes 9004-70-0 Nitrocellulose 67-20-9 Nitrofurantoin 59-87-0 Nitrofurazone Not Volatile Not Volatile 7.6E-03 C 7.6E-02 C 7.6E-01 C 55-63-0 Nitroglycerin 556-88-7 Nitroguanidine 75-52-5 Nitromethane 8.9E+02 3.5E+01 N 3.2E-01 C 1.0E+00 N 1.0E+00 N Yes 7946-9 Nitropropane,2- 2.1E+00 3.5E-01 C 1.0E-03 C 1.0E-02 C 1.0E-01 C Yes 759-73-9 Nitroso-N-ethylurea, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E-04 C 1.3E-03 C 1.3E-02 C 684-93-5 Nitroso-N-methylurea, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.0E-05 C 3.0E-04 C 3.0E-03 C 924-16-3 Nitroso-di-N-butylamine, N- 3.3E+01 5.8E-01 C 1.8E-03 C 1.8E-02 C 1.8E-01 C 621-64-7 Nitroso-di-N-propylamine, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.4E-03 C 1.4E-02 C 1.4E-01 C 1116-54-7 Nitrosodiethanolamine, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.5E-03 C 3.5E-02 C 3.5E-01 C 55-18-5 Nitrosodiethylamine, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.4E-05 C 2.4E-04 C 2.4E-03 C 62-75-9 Nitrosodimethylamine, N- 9.7E+00 2.4E-02 C 7.2E-05 C 7.2E-04 C 7.2E-03 C Yes 86-30-6 Nitrosodiphenylamine, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.1E+00 C 1.1E+01 C 1.1E+02 C 10595-95-6 Nitrosomethylethylamine, N- 7.6E+O1 1.5E-01 C 4.5E-04 C 4.5E-03 C 4.5E-02 C 59-89-2 Nitrosomorpholine jN-j Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.5E-03 C 1.5E-02 C 1.5E-01 C 100-75-4 Nitrosopiperidine jN-) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.0E-03 C 1.0E-02 C 1.0E-01 C 930-55-2 Nitrosopyrrolidine, N- Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.6E-03 C 4.6E-02 C 4.6E-01 C 99-08-1 Nitrotoluene, m- 88-72-2 Nitrotoluene,o- 99-99-0 Nitrotoluene, p- 111-84-2 Nonane, n- 3.0E-02 1.4E+02 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 27314-13-2 Norfiurazon 32536-52-0 Octabromodiphenyl Ether 269141-0 Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7- tetrazocine (BA4X) 152-16-9 Octamethylpyrophosphoramide 19044-88-3 Oryzalin 19666-30-9 Oxadiazon 23135-22-0 Oxamyl 42874-03-3 Oxyfiuorfen 76738-62-0 Paclobutrazol 191042-5 Paraquat Dichloride 56-38-2 Parathion 1114-71-2 Pebulate 40487-42-1 Pendimethalin 32534-81-9 Pentabromodiphenyl Ether 60348-60-9 Pentabromodiphenyl ether, 2,2',4,4',5- (BDE-99) 608-93-5 Pentachlorobenzene 76-01-7 Pentachloroethane 82-68-8 Pentachloronitrobenzene 87-86-5 Pentachlorophenol Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.5E-01 C 5.5E+00 C 5.5E+01 C 78-11-5 Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN ) 109-66-0 Pentane, n- 4.1E+00 7.0E+03 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N Yes Perchlorates 7790-98-9 -Ammonium Perchlorate 7791-03-9 -Lithium Perchlorate 14797-73-0 -Perchlorate and Perchlorate Salts 7778-74-7 -Potassium Perchlorate 7601-89-0 -Sodium Perchlorate 375-73-5 Perfiuorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS) Page 7 of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 45187-15-3 Perfluorobutanesulfonate 52645-53-1 Permethrin 6244-2 Phenacetin Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.5E+00 C 4.5E+01 C 4.5E+02 C 13684-63-4 Phenmedipham 108-95-2 Phenol Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N Yes 114-26-1 Phenol, 2-(I-methylethoxy)-, methylcarbamate 92-84-2 Phenothi-ine 103-72-0 Phenyl lsothiocyanate 108-45-2 Phenylenediamine, m- 95-54-5 Phenylenediamine, o- 106-50-3 Phenylenediamine,p- 90-43-7 Phenylphenol,2- 298-02-2 Phorate 7544-5 Phosgene 9.2E-02 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 732-11-6 Phosmet Phosphates, Inorganic 13776-88-0 -Aluminum metaphosphate 68333-79-9 -Ammonium polyphosphate 7790-76-3 -Calcium pyrophosphate 7783-28-0 -Diammonium phosphate 7757-93-9 -Dicalcium phosphate 7782-754 -Dimagnesium phosphate 7758-114 -Dipotassium phosphate 7558-794 -Disodium phosphate 13530-50-2 -Monoaluminum phosphate 7722-76-1 -Monoammonium phosphate 7758-23-8 -Monocalcium phosphate 7757-86-0 -Monomagnesium phosphate 7778-77-0 -Monopotassium phosphate 7558-80-7 -Monosodium phosphate 8017-16-1 -Polyphosphoric acid 13845-36-8 -Potassium tripolyphosphate 7758-16-9 -Sodium acid pyrophosphate 7785 88 8 -Sodium aluminum phosphate (acidic) 10279-59-1 -Sodium aluminum phosphate (anhydrous) 10305-76-7 -Sodium aluminum phosphate (tetrahydrate) 10124-56-8 -Sodium hexametaphosphate 68915-31-1 -Sodium polyphosphate 7785-844 -Sodium trimetaphosphate 7758-294 -Sodium tripolyphosphate 7320-34-5 -Tetrapotassium phosphate 7722-88-5 -Tetmsodium pyrophosphate 15136-87-5 -Trialuminum sodium tetra decahydrogenoctaorthophosphate (dihydrate) 7758-874 -Tricalcium phosphate 7757-87-1 -Trimagnesium phosphate 7778-53-2 -Tripotassium phosphate 7601-54-9 -Trisodium phosphate 7803-51-2 Phosphine 6.3E-02 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 7664-38-2 Phosphoric Acid Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E+00 N 2.1E+00 N 2.1E+00 N Yes 7723-14-0 Phosphorus, White Phthalates 117-81-7 -Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.2E+00 C 1.2E+01 C 1.2E+02 C 85-68-7 -Butyl Benzyl Phthalate 85-70-1 -Butylphthalyl Butylglycolate 84-74-2 -Dibutyl Phthalate 84-66-2 -Diethyl Phthalate 120-61-6 -Dimethylterephthalate 117-84-0 -Octyl Phthalate, di-N- 100-21-0 -Phthalic Acid, P- 8544-9 -Phthalic Anhydride Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 1918-02-1 Picloram 96-91-3 Picmmic Acid (2-Amino-4,6- dinitrophenol) 88-89-1 Picric Acid(2,4,6-Trinitrophenol) 29232-93-7 Pirimiphos, Methyl 59536-65-1 Polybrominated Biphenyls Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.3E-04 C 3.3E-03 C 3.3E-02 C Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) 12674-11-2 -Aroclor 1016 1.7E+02 4.7E+01 C 1.4E-01 C 1.4E+00 C 1.4E+O1 C 11104-28-2 -Aroclor 1221 5.3E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 11141-16-5 -Aroclor 1232 1.6E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 53469-21-9 -Aroclor 1242 3.5E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 12672-29-6 -Aroclor 1248 2.7E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 11097-69-1 -Aroclor 1254 4.3E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 11096-82-5 -Aroclor 1260 3.6E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 11126-42-4 -Aroclor 5460 Page 8 0£ 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 39635-31-9 -Heptuhlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 189) 1.2E+01 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 52663-72-6 -Hexachlorobiphenyl,2,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 167) 9.1E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 69782-90-7 -Hexachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4',5'- (PCB 157) 3.9E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 38380-08-4 -Hexachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4',5- (PCB 156) 4.4E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 32774-16-6 -Hexachlorobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4',5,5'- (PCB 169) 9.1E-03 8.5E-04 C 2.6E-06 C 2.6E-05 C 2.6E-04 C Yes 65510-44-3 -Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2',3,4,4',5- (PCB 123) 3.3E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 31508-00-6 -Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,3',4,4',5- (PCB 118) 2.2E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 32598-14-4 -Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,3',4,4'- (PCB 105) 2.2E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 74472-37-0 -Pentachlorobiphenyl, 2,3,4,4',5- (PCB 114) 6.8E+00 8.5E-01 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C Yes 57465-28-8 -Pentachlorobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4',5- (PCB 126) 9.5E-04 2.5E-04 C 7.4E-07 C 7.4E-06 C 7.4E-05 C Yes 1336-36-3 -Polychlorinated Biphenyls (high 2.9E+00 1.6E+00 C 4.9E-03 C 4.9E-02 C 4.9E-01 C 1336-36-3 -Polychlorinated ) Biphenyls (low 1.7E+01 9.4E+00 C 2.8E-02 C 2.8E-01 C 2.8E+00 C 1336-36-3 -Polychlorinated Biphenyls (lowest risk) 8.3E+01 4.7E+01 C 1.4E-01 C 1.4E+00 C 1.4E+O1 C 32598-13-3 -Tetruhlorobiphenyl, 3,3',4,4'- (PCB 77) Not Volatile Not Volatile 7.4E-04 C 7.4E-03 C 7.4E-02 C Yes 70362-50-4 -Tetruhlorobiph8e1) 1, 3,4,4',5- (PCB 2.8E-01 8.5E-02 C 2.6E-04 C 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C Yes 9016-87-9 Polymeric Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate (PMDI) Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.3E-01 N 1.3E-01 N 1.3E-01 N Yes Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 83-32-9 -Acenaphthene 120-12-7 -Anthracene 56-55-3 -Benzra)anthracene 3.4E+02 5.6E+00 C 1.7E-02 C 1.7E-01 C 1.7E+00 C 205-82-3 -Benzo(i)flumanthene Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C 2.6E+00 C 50-32-8 -Benzora)pyrene Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-04 N 4.2E-04 N 4.2E-04 N Yes 205-99-2 -Benzorb)fluoranthene Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.7E-02 C 1.7E-01 C 1.7E+00 C 207-08-9 -Benzork)fluoranthene Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.7E-01 C 1.7E+00 C 1.7E+01 C 91-58-7 -Chloronaphthalene, Beta- 218-01-9 -Chrysene Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.7E+00 C 1.7E+01 C 1.7E+02 C 53-70-3 -Dibenzra,h)anthmcene Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.7E-03 C 1.7E-02 C 1.7E-01 C 192-65-4 -Dibenzo(a,e)pyrene Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.6E-03 C 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C 57-97-6 -Dimethylbenz(a)anthmcene, 7,12- Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.4E-05 C 1.4E-04 C 1.4E-03 C 206-44-0 -Fluoranthene 86-73-7 -Flumene 193-39-5 -Indenor1,2,3-cd)pyrene Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.7E-02 C 1.7E-01 C 1.7E+00 C 90-12-0 -Methylnaphthalene, 1- 91-57-6 -Methylnaphthalene, 2- 91-20-3 -Naphthalene 3.5E+01 2.1E+01 N 8.3E-02 C 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N Yes 57835-92-4 -Nitropyrene, 4- Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.6E-02 C 2.6E-01 C 2.6E+00 C 129-00-0 -Pyrene 29420-49-3 Potassium Perflumobutane Sulfonate 67747-09-5 Prochloraz 26399-36-0 Profluralin 1610-18-0 Prometon 7287-19-6 Prometryn 1918-16-7 Propachlor 709-98-8 Propanil 2312-35-8 Prolawgite 107-19-7 Propargyl Alcohol 139-40-2 Propazine 122-42-9 Propham 60207-90-1 Propiconazole 123-38-6 Propionaldehyde 5.6E+02 5.6E+01 N 1.7E+00 N 1.7E+00 N 1.7E+00 N Yes 103-65-1 Propyl benzene 4.9E+02 7.0E+03 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N Yes 115-07-1 Propylene 7.8E+01 2.1E+04 N 6.3E+02 N 6.3E+02 N 6.3E+02 N Yes 57-55-6 Propylene Glycol 6423434 Propylene Glycol Dinitrate Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.6E-02 N 5.6E-02 N 5.6E-02 N Yes 107-98-2 Propylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether 1.1E+07 1.4E+04 N 4.2E+02 N 4.2E+02 N 4.2E+02 N Yes 75-56-9 Propylene Oxide 2.2E+03 2.1E+02 N 7.6E-01 C 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N Yes 23950-58-5 Propyzamide 110-86-1 Pyridine 13593-03-8 Quinalphos 91-22-5 Quinoline 76578-14-8 Quizalofop-ethyl E715557 Refractory Ceramic Fibers Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N Yes Page of 11 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' 10453-86-8 Resmethrin 299-84-3 Runnel 83-794 Rotenone 94-59-7 Safrole Not Volatile Not Volatile 1.6E-02 C 1.6E-01 C 1.6E+00 C 7783-00-8 Seleniou Acid 778249-2 Selenium Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 7446-34-6 Selenium Sulfide Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N 4.2E+00 N Yes 74051-80-2 Sethoxydim 7631-86-9 Silica (crystalline, respirable) Not Volatile Not Volatile 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N Yes 7440-224 Silver 122-34-9 Simazine 62476-59-9 Sodium Acifluorfen 26628-22-8 Sodium Azide 148-18-5 Sodium Diethyldithiocarbamate 7681494 Sodium Fluoride Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N 2.7E+00 N Yes 62-74-8 Sodium Fluoroacetate 13718-26-8 Sodium Metavanadate 13472-45-2 1 Sodium Tungstate 10213-10-2 Sodium Tungstate Dihydmte 961-11-5 Stirofos (Tetrachlorovinphos) 7440-24-6 Strontium, Stable 57-24-9 Strychnine 100-42-5 Styrene 1.9E+03 7.0E+03 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N 2.1E+02 N Yes NA Styrene-Acrylonitrile (SAN) Trimer 126-33-0 Sulfolane Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 80-07-9 Sulfonylbis(4-chlorobenzene), 1,1'- 7446-11-9 Sulfur Trioxide 7.0E+00 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 7664-93-9 Sulfuric Acid Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N 2.1E-01 N Yes 140-57-8 Sulfurous acid, 2-chloroethyl 2-[4- (1,1-dimethylethyl)phenoxy]-1- methylethyl ester Not Volatile Not Volatile 4.0E-01 C 4.0E+00 C 4.0E+01 C 21564-17-0 TCMTB 34014-18-1 Tebuthiumn 3383-96-8 Temephos 5902-51-2 Terbacil 13071-79-9 Terbufos 886-50-0 Terbutryn 543643-1 Tetmbromodiphenyl ether, 2,2',4,4'- (BDE47) 95-94-3 Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5- 630-20-6 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- 3.7E+01 1.3E+02 C 3.8E-01 C 3.8E+00 C 3.8E+01 C 79-34-5 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- 3.2E+01 1.6E+01 C 4.8E-02 C 4.8E-01 C 4.8E+00 C 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.2E+01 2.8E+02 N 8.3E+00 N 8.3E+00 N 8.3E+00 N Yes 58-90-2 Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6- 5216-25-1 Tetrachlorotoluene, p- alpha, alpha, alpha- 3689-24-5 Tetraethyl Dithiopyrophosphate 811-97-2 Tetrafluoroethane, 1,1,1,2- 8.2E+03 5.6E+05 N 1.7E+04 N 1.7E+04 N 1.7E+04 N Yes 479-45-8 Tetryl (Trinitmphenylmethylnitramine) 1314-32-5 Thallic Oxide 10102-45-1 Thallium (I) Nitrate 7440-28-0 Thallium (Soluble Salts) 563-68-8 Thallium Acetate 6533-73-9 Thallium Carbonate 7791-12-0 Thallium Chloride 12039-52-0 Thallium Selenite 7446-18-6 Thallium Sulfate 79277-27-3 Thifensulfuron-methyl 28249-77-6 Thiobencarb 111-48-8 Thiodiglycol 39196-18-4 Thiofanox 23564-05-8 Thiophanate, Methyl 137-26-8 Thiram 7440-31-5 Tin 755045-0 Titanium Tetrachloride 7.0E-01 N 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N Yes 108-88-3 Toluene 3.8E+03 3.5E+04 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N Yes 584-84-9 Toluene-2,4-diisocyanate 3.7E+00 5.6E-02 N 1.7E-03 N 1.7E-03 N 1.7E-03 N Yes 95-70-5 Toluene-2,5-diamine 91-08-7 Toluene-2,6-diisocyanate 3.7E+00 5.6E-02 N 1.7E-03 N 1.7E-03 N 1.7E-03 N Yes 99-94-5 Toluic Acid, p- 95-534 Toluidine, o- (Methylaniline, 2-) Not Volatile Not Volatile 5.5E-02 C 5.5E-01 C 5.5E+00 C 106-49-0 Toluidine,p- E1790670 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aliphatic High) E1790666 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aliphatic Low) 1.7E+00 4.2E+03 N 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N 1.3E+02 N Yes E1790668 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aliphatic Medium) 1.5E-01 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes E1790676 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aromatic High) Page 10 oft I North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels February 2018 (based on November 2017 USEPA Regional Screening Tables) CAS # Chemical Name: Ground Water Screening Level (GWSL) ug/L TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Sub -slab and Exterior Soil Gas Screening Level (SGSL) ug/m' TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (A) ug/ms TCR=1.0E-06 THQ=0.2 Basis IASL (B) ng/m TCR=1.0E-05 THQ=0.2 Basis z IASL (C) ug/m TCR=1.0E-04 THQ=0.2 Basis Does Chemical Have a Non- Cancer Effect?' E1790672 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aromatic Low) 2.8E+01 2.1E+02 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N 6.3E+00 N Yes E1790674 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (Aromatic Medium) 3.2E+01 2.1E+01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N Yes 8001-35-2 Toxaphene Not Volatile Not Volatile 8.8E-03 C 8.8E-02 C 8.8E-01 C 66841-25-6 Tmlomethrin 688-73-3 Tri-n-butyltin 102-76-1 Triacetin 43121-43-3 Triadimefon 2303-17-5 Triallate 82097-50-5 Triasulfuron 101200-48-0 Tribenuron-methyl 615-54-3 Tribromobenzene, 1,2,4- 118-79-6 Tribromophenol, 2,4,6- 126-73-8 Tributyl Phosphate E1790678 Tributyltin Compounds 56-35-9 Tributyltin Oxide 76-13-1 Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethme, 1,1,2- 4.8E+01 3.5E+04 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N Yes 76-03-9 Trichloroacetic Acid 33663-50-2 Trichloroaniline HCI, 2,4,6- 634-93-5 Trichloroaniline, 2,4,6- 87-61-6 Trichlorobemmne, 1,2,3- 120-82-1 Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- 7.2E+00 1.4E+01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 71-55-6 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- 1.5E+03 3.5E+04 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N 1.0E+03 N Yes 79-00-5 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- 1.2E+00 1.4E+00 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N 4.2E-02 N Yes 79-01-6 Trichloroethylene 1.0E+00 1.4E+01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N 4.2E-01 N Yes 75-694 Trichlorofluoromethane 95-954 Trichlorophenol, 2,4,5- 88-06-2 Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- Not Volatile Not Volatile 9.1E-01 C 9.1E+00 C 9.1E+01 C 93-76-5 Trichlorophenoxyacetic Acid, 2,4,5- 93-72-1 Trichlorophenoxypropionic acid, - 2,4,5 598-77-6 Trichloropropane, 1,1,2- 96-184 Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- 4.5E+00 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 96-19-5 Trichloropropee, 1,2,3- 8.7E-02 2.1E+00 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N 6.3E-02 N Yes 1330-78-5 Tricresyl Phosphate (TCP) 58138-08-2 Tridiphane 121-44-8 Triethylamine 2.4E+02 4.9E+01 N 1.5E+00 N 1.5E+00 N 1.5E+00 N Yes 112-27-6 Triethylene Glycol 420-46-2 Trifluoroethane, 1,1,1- 1.3E+02 1.4E+05 N 4.2E+03 N 4.2E+03 N 4.2E+03 N Yes 1582-09-8 Triflumlin 512-56-1 Trimethyl Phosphate 526-73-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,3- 7.0E+01 4.2E+02 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N Yes 95-63-6 Trimethylbenzene, 1,2,4- 5.0E+01 4.2E+02 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N Yes 108-67-8 Trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- 3.5E+01 4.2E+02 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N 1.3E+01 N Yes 25167-70-8 Trimethylpentene, 2,4,4- 99-354 Trinitrobenzene, 1,3,5- 118-96-7 Trinitrotoluene, 2,4,6- 791-28-6 Triphenylphosphine Oxide 13674-87-8 Tris(1,3-Dichloro-2-propyl) Phosphate 13674-84-5 Tris(1-chloro-2-propyl)phosphate 126-72-7 Tris(2,3-dibromopropyl)phosphate 4.8E+01 1.4E+00 C 4.3E-03 C 4.3E-02 C 4.3E-01 C 115-96-8 Tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate 7842-2 Tris(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate 7440-33-7 Tungsten E715565 Uranium (Soluble Salts) Not Volatile Not Volatile 8.3E-03 N 8.3E-03 N 8.3E-03 N Yes 51-79-6 Urethane Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.5E-03 C 3.5E-02 C 3.5E-01 C 1314-62-1 Vanadium Pentoxide Not Volatile Not Volatile 3.4E-04 C 1.5E-03 N 1.5E-03 N Yes 7440-62-2 Vanadium and Compounds Not Volatile Not Volatile 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N 2.1E-02 N Yes 1929-77-7 Vemolate 50471-44-8 Vinclozolin 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 2.0E+03 1.4E+03 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N 4.2E+01 N Yes 593-60-2 Vinyl Bromide 1.2E+00 2.1E+01 N 8.8E-02 C 6.3E-01 N 6.3E-01 N Yes 75-014 Vinyl Chloride 1.5E+00 5.6E+O1 C 1.7E-01 C 1.7E+00 C 1.7E+01 C Yes 81-81-2 Warfarin 106-42-3 Xylene, P- 7.4E+01 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 108-38-3 Xylene,m- 7.1E+01 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 9547-6 Xylene,o- 9.8E+O1 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 1330-20-7 Xylenes 7.7E+01 7.0E+02 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N 2.1E+01 N Yes 1314-84-7 Zinc Phosphide 7440-66-6 Zinc and Compounds 12122-67-7 Zineb 7440-67-7 Zirconium 1) TCR = Target Cancer Risk; THQ=Target Hazard Quotient; C= Carcinogenic; N = Non -Carcinogenic 2) Indoor A r/Crawlspace Screening Levels at target risk 1.0E-04 (IASL C) to be used if only one carcinogen is present. 3) If more than five compounds with non -cancer effects are present risk should be evaluated using NCDEQ Risk Calculator. Page 11 oft I APPENDIX D LABORATORY REPORT AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 March 29, 2019 Robert Hill RDH Environmental Consulting 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 Project Location: Raleigh, NC Client Job Number: Project Number: 1907.00 Laboratory Work Order Number: 19C1255 Enclosed are results of analyses for samples received by the laboratory on March 20, 2019. If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, I,&, �. A�� Kerry K. McGee Project Manager QA Officer Katherine Allen Laboratory Manager Daren Damboragian Page 1 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 RDH Environmental Consulting REPORT DATE: 3/29/2019 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Drive Raleigh, NC 27603 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER: ATTN: Robert Hill PROJECT NUMBER: 1907.00 ANALYTICAL SUMMARY WORK ORDER NUMBER: 19C1255 The results of analyses performed on the following samples submitted to the CON -TEST Analytical Laboratory are found in this report. PROJECT LOCATION: Raleigh, NC FIELD SAMPLE # LAB ID: MATRIX SAMPLE DESCRIPTION TEST SUB LAB SG-1 19C1255-01 Sub Slab EPATO-15 SG-2 19C1255-02 Sub Slab EPATO-15 SG-2 DUP 19C1255-03 Sub Slab EPATO-15 SG-3 19C1255-04 Sub Slab EPA TO-15 SG-4 19C1255-05 Sub Slab EPATO-15 SG-5 19C1255-06 Sub Slab EPATO-15 Page 2 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 CASE NARRATIVE SUMMARY All reported results are within defined laboratory quality control objectives unless listed below or otherwise qualified in this report. EPA TO-15 Qualifications: Laboratory fortified blank/laboratory control sample recovery is outside of control limits. Reported value for this compound is likely to be biased on the low side. Analyte & Samples(s) Qualified: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, 1,2-Dichloropropane, 2-Hexanone (MBK), Heptane 19C1255-01[SG-1], 19C1255-02[SG-2], 19C1255-03[SG-2 DUP], 19C1255-04[SG-3], 19C1255-05[SG-4], 19C1255-06[SG-5], B226969-BS1 Continuing calibration verification (CCV) did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for this compound. Analyte & Samples(s) Qualified: 1,2-Dichloropropane, 2-Hexanone (MBK), Heptane, Vinyl Acetate 19C1255-01[SG-1], 19C1255-02[SG-2], 19C1255-03[SG-2 DUP], 19C1255-04[SG-3], 19C1255-05[SG-4], 19C1255-06[SG-5], 5034081-CCVI Initial calibration verification (ICV) did not meet method specifications and was biased on the high side. Data validation is not affected since sample result was "not detected" for this compound. Analyte & Samples(s) Qualified: Hexachlorobutadiene B226969-BS1, 5034081-CCVI The results of analyses reported only relate to samples submitted to the Con -Test Analytical Laboratory for testing. I certify that the analyses listed above, unless specifically listed as subcontracted, if any, were performed under my direction according to the approved methodologies listed in this document, and that based upon my inquiry of those individuals immediately responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this report is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, accurate and complete. Lisa A. Worthington Project Manager Page 3 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-1 Sample ID: 19C1255-01 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/19/2019 18:18 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -30 Canister ID: 2383 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -2.8 Flow Controller ID: 4038 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sample Type: 15 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results ILL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Acetone 6.5 8.0 2.8 J 15 19 6.6 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Benzene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.64 0.26 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 0.044 ND 1.0 0.23 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 0.074 ND 1.3 0.49 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Bromoform ND 0.20 0.090 ND 2.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Bromomethane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.78 0.53 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.44 0.28 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.87 8.0 0.31 J 2.6 24 0.92 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 0.14 ND 6.2 0.43 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 0.065 ND 1.3 0.41 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.098 ND 0.92 0.45 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Chloroethane ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.53 0.32 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Chloroform ND 0.20 0.074 ND 0.98 0.36 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Chloromethane ND 0.40 0.14 ND 0.83 0.28 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Cyclohexane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.69 0.49 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 0.066 ND 1.7 0.57 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 0.078 ND 1.5 0.60 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.096 ND 1.2 0.58 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.16 0.20 0.10 J 0.96 1.2 0.62 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 1.2 0.73 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 0.42 0.20 0.087 2.1 0.99 0.43 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1, 1 -Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.061 ND 0.81 0.25 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.076 ND 0.81 0.31 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 0.071 V-05, L-03 ND 0.92 0.33 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.070 ND 0.91 0.32 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.073 ND 0.91 0.33 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.4 0.70 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 1.3 ND 7.2 4.6 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Ethanol 100 8.0 3.6 200 15 6.7 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Ethyl Acetate ND 0.20 0.15 ND 0.72 0.54 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.87 0.50 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.98 0.60 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Heptane ND 0.20 0.12 V-05, L-03 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.092 ND 2.1 0.98 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Hexane ND 8.0 0.35 ND 28 1.2 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 0.12 V-05, L-03 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Isopropanol 1.2 8.0 0.25 J 3.0 20 0.60 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 0.72 0.36 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 0.24 ND 6.9 0.84 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 0.096 ND 0.82 0.39 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.15 ND 1.0 0.80 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Propene ND 8.0 0.20 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Styrene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.85 0.53 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 0.089 ND 1.4 0.61 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Page 4 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project Location: Raleigh, NC Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Date Received: 3/20/2019 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -30 Field Sample #: SG-1 Canister ID: 2383 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Sample ID: 19C1255-01 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -2.8 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Flow Controller ID: 4038 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sampled: 3/19/2019 18:18 Sample Type: 15 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: Analyte Results ppbv RL EPA TO-15 MDL Flag/Qual Results ug/m3 RL MDL Dilution Date/Time Analyzed Analyst Tetrachloroethylene 0.13 0.20 0.11 J 0.90 1.4 0.75 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Tetrahydrofuran 0.88 0.20 0.13 2.6 0.59 0.39 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Toluene 0.44 0.20 0.10 1.6 0.75 0.39 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.14 ND 1.5 1.0 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.075 L-03 ND 1.1 0.41 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.082 ND 1.1 0.45 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 1.1 0.43 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.86 0.80 0.12 4.8 4.5 0.65 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ND 0.80 0.12 ND 6.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.63 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.62 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Vinyl Acetate ND 4.0 0.095 V-05 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.51 0.32 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF m&p-Xylene 0.28 0.40 0.23 J 1.2 1.7 1.00 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF o-Xylene 0.14 0.20 0.12 J 0.59 0.87 0.54 4 3/28/19 15:56 BRF Surrogates % Recovery % REC Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene(1) 105 70-130 3/28/19 15:56 Page 5 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-2 Sample ID: 19C1255-02 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/19/2019 16:32 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28.5 Canister ID: 2375 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -5.2 Flow Controller ID: 4186 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sample Type: 30 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Acetone 9.7 8.0 2.8 23 19 6.6 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Benzene 0.33 0.20 0.082 1.0 0.64 0.26 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 0.044 ND 1.0 0.23 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 0.074 ND 1.3 0.49 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Bromoform ND 0.20 0.090 ND 2.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Bromomethane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.78 0.53 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.44 0.28 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 2-Butanone (MEK) 2.2 8.0 0.31 J 6.5 24 0.92 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 0.14 ND 6.2 0.43 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 0.065 ND 1.3 0.41 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.098 ND 0.92 0.45 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Chloroethane ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.53 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Chloroform ND 0.20 0.074 ND 0.98 0.36 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Chloromethane ND 0.40 0.14 ND 0.83 0.28 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Cyclohexane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.69 0.49 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 0.066 ND 1.7 0.57 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 0.078 ND 1.5 0.60 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.096 ND 1.2 0.58 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.29 0.20 0.10 1.7 1.2 0.62 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 1.2 0.73 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 0.43 0.20 0.087 2.1 0.99 0.43 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.061 ND 0.81 0.25 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.076 ND 0.81 0.31 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.12 0.20 0.081 J 0.48 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 0.071 L-03, V-05 ND 0.92 0.33 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.070 ND 0.91 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.073 ND 0.91 0.33 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.4 0.70 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 1.3 ND 7.2 4.6 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Ethanol 7.1 8.0 3.6 J 13 15 6.7 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Ethyl Acetate 1.2 0.20 0.15 4.2 0.72 0.54 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Ethylbenzene 0.34 0.20 0.12 1.5 0.87 0.50 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.98 0.60 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Heptane ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.092 ND 2.1 0.98 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Hexane ND 8.0 0.35 ND 28 1.2 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Isopropanol ND 8.0 0.25 ND 20 0.60 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 0.72 0.36 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 0.24 ND 6.9 0.84 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 0.096 ND 0.82 0.39 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.15 ND 1.0 0.80 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Propene ND 8.0 0.20 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Styrene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.85 0.53 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 0.089 ND 1.4 0.61 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Page 6 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-2 Sample ID: 19C1255-02 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/ 19/2019 16:32 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Sub Description/Location: Canister ID: 2375 Canister Size: 3 liter Flow Controller ID: 4186 Sample Type: 30 min Work Order: 19C1255 Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28.5 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -5.2 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.20 0.11 ND 1.4 0.75 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Tetrahydrofuran 5.2 0.20 0.13 15 0.59 0.39 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Toluene 4.0 0.20 0.10 15 0.75 0.39 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.14 ND 1.5 1.0 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.075 L-03 ND 1.1 0.41 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.082 ND 1.1 0.45 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 1.1 0.43 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.42 0.80 0.12 J 2.4 4.5 0.65 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ND 0.80 0.12 ND 6.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.63 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.62 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Vinyl Acetate 0.82 4.0 0.095 V-05, J 2.9 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.51 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF m&p-Xylene 1.3 0.40 0.23 5.6 1.7 1.00 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF o-Xylene 0.51 0.20 0.12 2.2 0.87 0.54 4 3/28/19 17:17 BRF Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) % Recovery 106 % REC Limits 70-130 3/28/19 17:17 Page 7 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-2 DUP Sample ID: 19C1255-03 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/19/2019 16:32 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28.5 Canister ID: 2350 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -5.2 Flow Controller ID: 4186 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sample Type: 30 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Acetone 9.1 8.0 2.8 22 19 6.6 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Benzene 0.33 0.20 0.082 1.1 0.64 0.26 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 0.044 ND 1.0 0.23 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 0.074 ND 1.3 0.49 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Bromoform ND 0.20 0.090 ND 2.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Bromomethane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.78 0.53 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.44 0.28 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 2-Butanone (MEK) 2.2 8.0 0.31 J 6.4 24 0.92 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 0.14 ND 6.2 0.43 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 0.065 ND 1.3 0.41 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.098 ND 0.92 0.45 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Chloroethane ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.53 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Chloroform ND 0.20 0.074 ND 0.98 0.36 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Chloromethane ND 0.40 0.14 ND 0.83 0.28 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Cyclohexane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.69 0.49 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 0.066 ND 1.7 0.57 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 0.078 ND 1.5 0.60 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.096 ND 1.2 0.58 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.30 0.20 0.10 1.8 1.2 0.62 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 1.2 0.73 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 0.42 0.20 0.087 2.1 0.99 0.43 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.061 ND 0.81 0.25 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.076 ND 0.81 0.31 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 0.071 L-03, V-05 ND 0.92 0.33 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.070 ND 0.91 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.073 ND 0.91 0.33 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.4 0.70 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 1.3 ND 7.2 4.6 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Ethanol 6.6 8.0 3.6 J 13 15 6.7 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Ethyl Acetate 0.81 0.20 0.15 2.9 0.72 0.54 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Ethylbenzene 0.33 0.20 0.12 1.4 0.87 0.50 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.98 0.60 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Heptane 0.15 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05, J 0.62 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.092 ND 2.1 0.98 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Hexane ND 8.0 0.35 ND 28 1.2 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Isopropanol 0.50 8.0 0.25 J 1.2 20 0.60 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 0.72 0.36 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 0.24 ND 6.9 0.84 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 0.096 ND 0.82 0.39 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.15 ND 1.0 0.80 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Propene ND 8.0 0.20 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Styrene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.85 0.53 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 0.089 ND 1.4 0.61 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Page 8 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-2 DUP Sample ID: 19C1255-03 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/ 19/2019 16:32 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Sub Description/Location: Canister ID: 2350 Canister Size: 3 liter Flow Controller ID: 4186 Sample Type: 30 min Work Order: 19C1255 Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28.5 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -5.2 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.20 0.11 ND 1.4 0.75 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Tetrahydrofuran 5.3 0.20 0.13 16 0.59 0.39 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Toluene 3.5 0.20 0.10 13 0.75 0.39 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.14 ND 1.5 1.0 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.075 L-03 ND 1.1 0.41 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.082 ND 1.1 0.45 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 1.1 0.43 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.44 0.80 0.12 J 2.5 4.5 0.65 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ND 0.80 0.12 ND 6.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.62 0.20 0.13 3.0 0.98 0.63 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.62 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Vinyl Acetate ND 4.0 0.095 V-05 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.51 0.32 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF m&p-Xylene 1.3 0.40 0.23 5.5 1.7 1.00 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF o-Xylene 0.52 0.20 0.12 2.2 0.87 0.54 4 3/28/19 17:58 BRF Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) % Recovery 107 % REC Limits 70-130 3/28/19 17:58 Page 9 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-3 Sample ID: 19C1255-04 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/19/2019 14:41 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28 Canister ID: 2357 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -6.4 Flow Controller ID: 4090 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sample Type: 15 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Acetone 9.2 8.0 2.8 22 19 6.6 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Benzene 1.0 0.20 0.082 3.2 0.64 0.26 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 0.044 ND 1.0 0.23 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 0.074 ND 1.3 0.49 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Bromoform ND 0.20 0.090 ND 2.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Bromomethane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.78 0.53 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.44 0.28 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 2-Butanone (MEK) 3.9 8.0 0.31 J 12 24 0.92 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 0.14 ND 6.2 0.43 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 0.065 ND 1.3 0.41 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.098 ND 0.92 0.45 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Chloroethane ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.53 0.32 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Chloroform ND 0.20 0.074 ND 0.98 0.36 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Chloromethane ND 0.40 0.14 ND 0.83 0.28 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Cyclohexane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.69 0.49 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 0.066 ND 1.7 0.57 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 0.078 ND 1.5 0.60 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.096 ND 1.2 0.58 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.32 0.20 0.10 1.9 1.2 0.62 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 1.2 0.73 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 0.42 0.20 0.087 2.1 0.99 0.43 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.061 ND 0.81 0.25 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.076 ND 0.81 0.31 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 0.071 L-03, V-05 ND 0.92 0.33 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.070 ND 0.91 0.32 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.073 ND 0.91 0.33 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.4 0.70 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 1.3 ND 7.2 4.6 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Ethanol 7.3 8.0 3.6 J 14 15 6.7 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Ethyl Acetate ND 0.20 0.15 ND 0.72 0.54 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Ethylbenzene 1.0 0.20 0.12 4.4 0.87 0.50 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 4-Ethyltoluene 0.42 0.20 0.12 2.1 0.98 0.60 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Heptane 0.35 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 1.4 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.092 ND 2.1 0.98 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Hexane ND 8.0 0.35 ND 28 1.2 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Isopropanol ND 8.0 0.25 ND 20 0.60 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 0.72 0.36 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 0.24 ND 6.9 0.84 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 0.096 ND 0.82 0.39 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.15 ND 1.0 0.80 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Propene 4.6 8.0 0.20 J 7.9 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Styrene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.85 0.53 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 0.089 ND 1.4 0.61 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Page 10 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-3 Sample ID: 19C1255-04 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/ 19/2019 14:41 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Sub Description/Location: Canister ID: 2357 Canister Size: 3 liter Flow Controller ID: 4090 Sample Type: 15 min Work Order: 19C1255 Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -6.4 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.20 0.11 ND 1.4 0.75 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Tetrahydrofuran 11 0.20 0.13 31 0.59 0.39 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Toluene 5.1 0.20 0.10 19 0.75 0.39 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.14 ND 1.5 1.0 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.075 L-03 ND 1.1 0.41 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.082 ND 1.1 0.45 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 1.1 0.43 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 2.1 0.80 0.12 12 4.5 0.65 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ND 0.80 0.12 ND 6.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1.8 0.20 0.13 8.9 0.98 0.63 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.40 0.20 0.13 1.9 0.98 0.62 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Vinyl Acetate ND 4.0 0.095 V-05 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.51 0.32 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF m&p-Xylene 4.4 0.40 0.23 19 1.7 1.00 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF o-Xylene 1.6 0.20 0.12 7.0 0.87 0.54 4 3/28/19 18:39 BRF Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) % Recovery 108 % REC Limits 70-130 3/28/19 18:39 Page 11 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project Location: Raleigh, NC Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Date Received: 3/20/2019 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -30 Field Sample #: SG-4 Canister ID: 2354 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Sample ID: 19C1255-05 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -4 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Flow Controller ID: 4039 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sampled: 3/19/2019 19:05 Sample Type: 15 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: Analyte Results ppbv RL EPA TO-15 MDL Flag/Qual Results ug/m3 RL MDL Dilution Date/Time Analyzed Analyst Acetone 4.8 8.0 2.8 J 11 19 6.6 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Benzene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.64 0.26 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 0.044 ND 1.0 0.23 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 0.074 ND 1.3 0.49 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Bromoform ND 0.20 0.090 ND 2.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Bromomethane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.78 0.53 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.44 0.28 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.83 8.0 0.31 J 2.5 24 0.92 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 0.14 ND 6.2 0.43 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 0.065 ND 1.3 0.41 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.098 ND 0.92 0.45 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Chloroethane ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.53 0.32 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Chloroform ND 0.20 0.074 ND 0.98 0.36 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Chloromethane ND 0.40 0.14 ND 0.83 0.28 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Cyclohexane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.69 0.49 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 0.066 ND 1.7 0.57 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 0.078 ND 1.5 0.60 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.096 ND 1.2 0.58 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.2 0.62 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 1.2 0.73 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 1.6 0.20 0.087 8.1 0.99 0.43 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.061 ND 0.81 0.25 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.076 ND 0.81 0.31 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 0.071 L-03, V-05 ND 0.92 0.33 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.070 ND 0.91 0.32 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.073 ND 0.91 0.33 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.4 0.70 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 1.3 ND 7.2 4.6 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Ethanol 77 8.0 3.6 140 15 6.7 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Ethyl Acetate ND 0.20 0.15 ND 0.72 0.54 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.87 0.50 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.98 0.60 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Heptane ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.092 ND 2.1 0.98 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Hexane ND 8.0 0.35 ND 28 1.2 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Isopropanol ND 8.0 0.25 ND 20 0.60 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 0.72 0.36 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 0.24 ND 6.9 0.84 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 0.096 ND 0.82 0.39 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.15 ND 1.0 0.80 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Propene ND 8.0 0.20 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Styrene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.85 0.53 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 0.089 ND 1.4 0.61 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Page 12 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project Location: Raleigh, NC Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Date Received: 3/20/2019 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -30 Field Sample #: SG-4 Canister ID: 2354 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Sample ID: 19C1255-05 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -4 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Flow Controller ID: 4039 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sampled: 3/19/2019 19:05 Sample Type: 15 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Tetrachloroethylene 0.16 0.20 0.11 J 1.1 1.4 0.75 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Tetrahydrofuran 0.66 0.20 0.13 1.9 0.59 0.39 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Toluene 0.44 0.20 0.10 1.6 0.75 0.39 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.14 ND 1.5 1.0 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.075 L-03 ND 1.1 0.41 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.082 ND 1.1 0.45 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 1.1 0.43 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 550 8.0 1.2 3100 45 6.5 40 3/28/19 20:00 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ND 0.80 0.12 ND 6.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.63 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.98 0.62 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Vinyl Acetate 0.66 4.0 0.095 V-05, J 2.3 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.51 0.32 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF m&p-Xylene ND 0.40 0.23 ND 1.7 1.00 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF o-Xylene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.87 0.54 4 3/28/19 19:20 BRF Surrogates % Recovery % REC Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) 107 70-130 3/28/19 20:00 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) 106 70-130 3/28/19 19:20 Page 13 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Project Location: Raleigh, NC Sample Description/Location: Work Order: 19C1255 Date Received: 3/20/2019 Sub Description/Location: Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28 Field Sample #: SG-5 Canister ID: 2416 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Sample ID: 19C1255-06 Canister Size: 3 liter Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -7 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Flow Controller ID: 4303 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Sampled: 3/19/2019 15:17 Sample Type: 15 min Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: Analyte Results ppbv RL EPA TO-15 MDL Flag/Qual Results ug/m3 RL MDL Dilution Date/Time Analyzed Analyst Acetone 6.9 8.0 2.8 J 17 19 6.6 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Benzene 0.75 0.20 0.082 2.4 0.64 0.26 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 0.044 ND 1.0 0.23 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 0.074 ND 1.3 0.49 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Bromoform ND 0.20 0.090 ND 2.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Bromomethane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.78 0.53 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.44 0.28 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 2-Butanone (MEK) 2.7 8.0 0.31 J 8.0 24 0.92 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 0.14 ND 6.2 0.43 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 0.065 ND 1.3 0.41 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.098 ND 0.92 0.45 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Chloroethane ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.53 0.32 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Chloroform ND 0.20 0.074 ND 0.98 0.36 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Chloromethane ND 0.40 0.14 ND 0.83 0.28 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Cyclohexane ND 0.20 0.14 ND 0.69 0.49 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 0.066 ND 1.7 0.57 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 0.078 ND 1.5 0.60 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.096 ND 1.2 0.58 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.28 0.20 0.10 1.7 1.2 0.62 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 1.2 0.73 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 0.58 0.20 0.087 2.8 0.99 0.43 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.061 ND 0.81 0.25 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 0.076 ND 0.81 0.31 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.082 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 0.79 0.32 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 0.071 L-03, V-05 ND 0.92 0.33 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.070 ND 0.91 0.32 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 0.073 ND 0.91 0.33 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 1.4 0.70 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 1.3 ND 7.2 4.6 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Ethanol 13 8.0 3.6 25 15 6.7 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Ethyl Acetate ND 0.20 0.15 ND 0.72 0.54 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Ethylbenzene 0.39 0.20 0.12 1.7 0.87 0.50 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.98 0.60 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Heptane 0.18 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05, J 0.72 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 0.092 ND 2.1 0.98 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Hexane ND 8.0 0.35 ND 28 1.2 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 0.12 L-03, V-05 ND 0.82 0.48 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Isopropanol ND 8.0 0.25 ND 20 0.60 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 0.10 ND 0.72 0.36 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 0.24 ND 6.9 0.84 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 0.096 ND 0.82 0.39 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Naphthalene ND 0.20 0.15 ND 1.0 0.80 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Propene ND 8.0 0.20 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Styrene ND 0.20 0.12 ND 0.85 0.53 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 0.089 ND 1.4 0.61 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Page 14 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Project Location: Raleigh, NC Date Received: 3/20/2019 Field Sample #: SG-5 Sample ID: 19C1255-06 Sample Matrix: Sub Slab Sampled: 3/ 19/2019 15:17 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYTICAL RESULTS Sample Description/Location: Sub Description/Location: Canister ID: 2416 Canister Size: 3 liter Flow Controller ID: 4303 Sample Type: 15 min Work Order: 19C1255 Initial Vacuum(in Hg): -28 Final Vacuum(in Hg): -5 Receipt Vacuum(in Hg): -7 Flow Controller Type: Fixed -Orifice Flow Controller Calibration RPD Pre and Post -Sampling: EPA TO-15 ppbv ug/m3 Date/Time Analyte Results RL MDL Flag/Qual Results RL MDL Dilution Analyzed Analyst Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.20 0.11 ND 1.4 0.75 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Tetrahydrofuran 5.2 0.20 0.13 15 0.59 0.39 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Toluene 2.1 0.20 0.10 8.0 0.75 0.39 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 0.14 ND 1.5 1.0 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.075 L-03 ND 1.1 0.41 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 0.082 ND 1.1 0.45 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 0.081 ND 1.1 0.43 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.53 0.80 0.12 J 3.0 4.5 0.65 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 113) ND 0.80 0.12 ND 6.1 0.93 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.71 0.20 0.13 3.5 0.98 0.63 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.16 0.20 0.13 J 0.81 0.98 0.62 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Vinyl Acetate ND 4.0 0.095 V-05 ND 14 0.34 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 0.13 ND 0.51 0.32 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF m&p-Xylene 1.5 0.40 0.23 6.4 1.7 1.00 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF o-Xylene 0.56 0.20 0.12 2.4 0.87 0.54 4 3/28/19 20:40 BRF Surrogates 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) % Recovery 106 % REC Limits 70-130 3/28/19 20:40 Page 15 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: TO-15 Prep -EPA TO-15 Pre-Dil Pre-Dil Default Actual Pressure Pre Initial Final Injection Injection Lab Number [Field ID1 Batch Dilution Dilution mL mL mL mL Date 19C1255-01 [SG-1] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 150 03/28/19 19C1255-02 [SG-2] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 150 03/28/19 19C1255-03 [SG-2 DUP] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 150 03/28/19 19C1255-04 [SG-3] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 150 03/28/19 190255-05 [SG-4] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 150 03/28/19 19C1255-05RE1 [SG-4] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 15 03/28/19 190255-06 [SG-5] B226969 1.5 1 N/A 1000 400 150 03/28/19 Page 16 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 QUALITY CONTROL Air Toxics by EPA Compendium Methods - Quality Control ppbv ug/m3 Spike Level Source %REC RPD malyte Results RL Results RL ppbv Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Flag/Qua Batch B226969 - TO-15 Prep Blank (B226969-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/19 Acetone ND 1.4 Benzene ND 0.035 Benzyl chloride ND 0.035 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.035 Bromoform ND 0.035 Bromomethane ND 0.035 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.035 2-Butanone (MEK) ND 1.4 Carbon Disulfide ND 0.35 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.035 Chlorobenzene ND 0.035 Chloroethane ND 0.035 Chloroform ND 0.035 Chloromethane ND 0.070 Cyclohexane ND 0.035 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.035 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.035 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.035 1,3-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.035 114-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.035 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) ND 0.035 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.035 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.035 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.035 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.035 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.035 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.035 cis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene ND 0.035 trans- l,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.035 1,2-Dichloro- 1, 1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane ND 0.035 (Freon 114) 1,4-Dioxane ND 0.35 Ethanol ND 1.4 Ethyl Acetate ND 0.035 Ethylbenzene ND 0.035 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.035 Heptane ND 0.035 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.035 Hexane ND 1.4 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.035 Isopropanol ND 1.4 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.035 Methylene Chloride ND 0.35 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.035 Naphthalene ND 0.035 Propene ND 1.4 Styrene ND 0.035 Page 17 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 QUALITY CONTROL Air Toxics by EPA Compendium Methods - Quality Control ppbv ug/m3 Spike Level Source %REC RPD \nalyte Results RL Results RL ppbv Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Flag/Qua] Batch B226969 - TO-15 Prep Blank (B226969-BLKI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/19 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.035 Tetrachloroethylene ND 0.035 Tetrahydrofuran ND 0.035 Toluene ND 0.035 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.035 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.035 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.035 Trichloroethylene ND 0.035 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) ND 0.14 1, 1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon ND 0.14 113) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.035 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.035 Vinyl Acetate ND 0.70 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.035 m&p-Xylene ND 0.070 o-Xylene ND 0.035 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) LCS (B226969-BS1) 8.40 8.00 105 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/19 70-130 Acetone 3.78 5.00 75.5 70-130 Benzene 3.68 5.00 73.7 70-130 Benzyl chloride 4.92 5.00 98.5 70-130 Bromodichloromethane 3.66 5.00 73.2 70-130 Bromoform 4.93 5.00 98.6 70-130 Bromomethane 5.32 5.00 106 70-130 1,3-Butadiene 5.27 5.00 105 70-130 2-Butanone (MEK) 3.76 5.00 75.3 70-130 Carbon Disulfide 5.71 5.00 114 70-130 Carbon Tetrachloride 3.77 5.00 75.4 70-130 Chlorobenzene 4.31 5.00 86.2 70-130 Chloroethane 5.33 5.00 107 70-130 Chloroform 4.79 5.00 95.9 70-130 Chloromethane 5.10 5.00 102 70-130 Cyclohexane 3.50 5.00 70.0 70-130 Dibromochloromethane 4.26 5.00 85.3 70-130 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 4.06 5.00 81.1 70-130 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4.64 5.00 92.8 70-130 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4.92 5.00 98.3 70-130 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 4.82 5.00 96.3 70-130 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 5.63 5.00 113 70-130 1,1-Dichloroethane 4.57 5.00 91.3 70-130 1,2-Dichloroethane 4.41 5.00 88.3 70-130 1, 1 -Dichloroethylene 4.33 5.00 86.6 70-130 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 4.22 5.00 84.3 70-130 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 4.81 5.00 96.2 70-130 1,2-Dichloropropane 3.21 5.00 64.2 * 70-130 L-03 Page 18 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 QUALITY CONTROL Air Toxics by EPA Compendium Methods - Quality Control ppbv ug/m3 Spike Level Source %REC RPD \nalyte Results RL Results RL ppbv Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Flag/Qua] Batch B226969 - TO-15 Prep LCS (B226969-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/19 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 3.67 5.00 73.4 70-130 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 3.82 5.00 76.4 70-130 1,2-Dichloro- 1, 1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane 5.34 5.00 107 70-130 (Freon 114) 1,4-Dioxane 4.29 5.00 85.8 70-130 Ethanol 5.11 5.00 102 70-130 Ethyl Acetate 3.74 5.00 74.9 70-130 Ethylbenzene 3.82 5.00 76.4 70-130 4-Ethyltoluene 4.21 5.00 84.2 70-130 Heptane 3.26 5.00 65.3 * 70-130 L-03 Hexachlorobutadiene 3.74 5.00 74.8 70-130 V-3E Hexane 3.86 5.00 77.2 70-130 2-Hexanone (MBK) 3.24 5.00 64.9 * 70-130 L-03 Isopropanol 3.51 5.00 70.2 70-130 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 4.48 5.00 89.6 70-130 Methylene Chloride 3.98 5.00 79.6 70-130 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) 3.51 5.00 70.2 70-130 Naphthalene 4.22 5.00 84.4 70-130 Propene 4.48 5.00 89.5 70-130 Styrene 4.20 5.00 83.9 70-130 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4.06 5.00 81.2 70-130 Tetrachloroethylene 4.40 5.00 88.0 70-130 Tetrahydrofuran 3.81 5.00 76.1 70-130 Toluene 3.87 5.00 77.5 70-130 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 4.10 5.00 81.9 70-130 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane 3.39 5.00 67.8 * 70-130 L-03 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 3.98 5.00 79.5 70-130 Trichloroethylene 3.76 5.00 75.1 70-130 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 4.87 5.00 97.3 70-130 1, 1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 4.96 5.00 99.2 70-130 113) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 4.14 5.00 82.9 70-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 4.12 5.00 82.3 70-130 Vinyl Acetate 5.90 5.00 118 70-130 Vinyl Chloride 5.24 5.00 105 70-130 m&p-Xylene 8.53 10.0 85.3 70-130 o-Xylene 4.06 5.00 81.1 70-130 Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) 8.92 8.00 Ill 70-130 Page 19 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 QUALITY CONTROL Air Toxics by EPA Compendium Methods - Quality Control ppbv ug/m3 Spike Level Source %REC RPD knalyte Results RL Results RL ppbv Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Flag/Qual Batch B226969 - TO-15 Prep Duplicate (B226969-DUPI) Source: 19C1255-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/19 Acetone 6.3 8.0 15 19 6.5 3.24 25 J Benzene ND 0.20 ND 0.64 ND 25 Benzyl chloride ND 0.20 ND 1.0 ND 25 Bromodichloromethane ND 0.20 ND 1.3 ND 25 Bromoform ND 0.20 ND 2.1 ND 25 Bromomethane ND 0.20 ND 0.78 ND 25 1,3-Butadiene ND 0.20 ND 0.44 ND 25 2-Butanone (MEK) 0.92 8.0 2.7 24 0.87 4.92 25 J Carbon Disulfide ND 2.0 ND 6.2 ND 25 Carbon Tetrachloride ND 0.20 ND 1.3 ND 25 Chlorobenzene ND 0.20 ND 0.92 ND 25 Chloroethane ND 0.20 ND 0.53 ND 25 Chloroform ND 0.20 ND 0.98 ND 25 Chloromethane ND 0.40 ND 0.83 ND 25 Cyclohexane ND 0.20 ND 0.69 ND 25 Dibromochloromethane ND 0.20 ND 1.7 ND 25 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND 0.20 ND 1.5 ND 25 1,2-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 ND 1.2 ND 25 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.17 0.20 1.0 1.2 0.16 4.88 25 J 1,4-Dichlorobenzene ND 0.20 ND 1.2 ND 25 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 0.43 0.20 2.1 0.99 0.42 0.939 25 1,1-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 ND 0.81 ND 25 1,2-Dichloroethane ND 0.20 ND 0.81 ND 25 1,1-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 ND 0.79 ND 25 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 ND 0.79 ND 25 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene ND 0.20 ND 0.79 ND 25 1,2-Dichloropropane ND 0.20 ND 0.92 ND 25 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND 0.20 ND 0.91 ND 25 trans- 1, 3 -Dichloropropene ND 0.20 ND 0.91 ND 25 1,2-Dichloro- 1, 1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane ND 0.20 ND 1.4 ND 25 (Freon 114) 1,4-Dioxane ND 2.0 ND 7.2 ND 25 Ethanol 100 8.0 190 15 100 4.32 25 Ethyl Acetate ND 0.20 ND 0.72 ND 25 Ethylbenzene ND 0.20 ND 0.87 ND 25 4-Ethyltoluene ND 0.20 ND 0.98 ND 25 Heptane ND 0.20 ND 0.82 ND 25 Hexachlorobutadiene ND 0.20 ND 2.1 ND 25 Hexane ND 8.0 ND 28 ND 25 2-Hexanone (MBK) ND 0.20 ND 0.82 ND 25 Isopropanol 1.2 8.0 2.9 20 1.2 1.66 25 J Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) ND 0.20 ND 0.72 ND 25 Methylene Chloride ND 2.0 ND 6.9 ND 25 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND 0.20 ND 0.82 ND 25 Naphthalene ND 0.20 ND 1.0 ND 25 Propene ND 8.0 ND 14 ND 25 Styrene ND 0.20 ND 0.85 ND 25 Page 20 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 QUALITY CONTROL Air Toxics by EPA Compendium Methods - Quality Control ppbv ug/m3 Spike Level Source %REC RPD Analyte Results RL Results RL ppbv Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Flag/Qual Batch B226969 - TO-15 Prep Duplicate (B226969-DUPI) Source: 19C1255-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/28/19 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND 0.20 ND 1.4 ND 25 Tetrachloroethylene 0.12 0.20 0.84 1.4 0.13 6.25 25 J Tetrahydrofuran 0.93 0.20 2.7 0.59 0.88 4.86 25 Toluene 0.47 0.20 1.8 0.75 0.44 7.08 25 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND 0.20 ND 1.5 ND 25 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane ND 0.20 ND 1.1 ND 25 1,1,2-Trichloroethane ND 0.20 ND 1.1 ND 25 Trichloroethylene ND 0.20 ND 1.1 ND 25 Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 0.83 0.80 4.7 4.5 0.86 3.79 25 1, 1,2-Trichloro- 1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon ND 0.80 ND 6.1 ND 25 113) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 ND 0.98 ND 25 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND 0.20 ND 0.98 ND 25 Vinyl Acetate ND 4.0 ND 14 ND 25 Vinyl Chloride ND 0.20 ND 0.51 ND 25 m&p-Xylene 0.30 0.40 1.3 1.7 0.28 6.90 25 J o-Xylene 0.14 0.20 0.61 0.87 0.14 2.90 25 J Surrogate: 4-Bromofluorobenzene (1) 8.59 8.00 107 70-130 Page 21 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 * FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 FLAG/QUALIFIER SUMMARY * QC result is outside of established limits. t Wide recovery limits established for difficult compound. $ Wide RPD limits established for difficult compound. # Data exceeded client recommended or regulatory level RL Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference LCS Laboratory Control Sample LCS Dup Duplicate Laboratory Control Sample MS Matrix Spike Sample MS Dup Duplicate Matrix Spike Sample REC Recovery QC Quality Control ppbv Parts per billion volume EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency % REC Percent Recovery ND Not Detected N/A Not Applicable DL Detection Limit NC Not Calculated LFB/LCS Lab Fortified Blank/Lab Control Sample ORP Oxidation -Reduction Potential wet Not dry weight corrected % wt Percent weight Kg Kilogram g Gram mg Milligram µg Microgram ng Nanogram L Liter mL Milliliter µL Microliter m3 Cubic Meter EPH Extractable Petroleum Hydrocarbons VPH Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons APH Air Petroleum Hydrocarbons FID Flame Ionization Detector PID Photo Ionization Detector Percent recoveries and relative percent differences (RPDs) are determined by the software using values in the calculation which have not been rounded. J Detected but below the Reporting Limit (lowest calibration standard); therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). L-03 Laboratory fortified blank/laboratory control sample recovery is outside of control limits. Reported value for this compound is likely to be biased on the low side. V-05 Continuing calibration verification (CCV) did not meet method specifications and was biased on the low side for this compound. V-36 Initial calibration verification (ICV) did not meet method specifications and was biased on the high side. Data validation is not affected since sample result was "not detected" for this compound. Page 22 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 ANALYST STATION PDF Management Station NIP Nicholas J. Pollard KKM Kerry K. McGee BRF Brittany R. Fisk Page 23 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 INTERNAL STANDARD AREAAND RT SUMMARY EPA TO-15 Internal Standard Response RT Reference Response Reference RT Area % Area o/ Limits RT Diff RT Diff Limit Q Initial Cal Check (S033211-ICV1) Lab File ID: F030617.D Analyzed: 03/06/19 20:40 Bromochloromethane (1) 200323 8.624 194605 8.624 103 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 600461 10.389 580681 10.389 103 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 566414 14.756 545525 14.756 104 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 INTERNAL STANDARD AREAAND RT SUMMARY EPA TO-15 Internal Standard Response RT Reference Response Reference RT Area % Area o/ Limits RT Diff RT Diff Limit Q Calibration Check (S034081-CCV1) Lab File ID: F032804.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 11:04 Bromochloromethane (1) 176806 8.624 194605 8.624 91 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene (1) 666170 10.389 580681 10.389 115 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 613238 14.752 545525 14.756 112 60-140 -0.0040 +/-0.50 LCS (B226969-BS1 ) Lab File ID: F032806.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 12:23 Bromochloromethane (1) 174171 8.624 176806 8.624 99 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene (1) 667259 10.389 666170 10.389 100 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 615659 14.752 613238 14.752 100 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Blank (B226969-BLK1) Lab File ID: F032808.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 13:45 Bromochloromethane (1) 165184 8.624 176806 8.624 93 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 621794 10.389 666170 10.389 93 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 580426 14.752 613238 14.752 95 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 SG-1 (19C1255-01 ) Lab File ID: F0328IO.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 15:56 Bromochloromethane (1) 172014 8.624 176806 8.624 97 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 630940 10.386 666170 10.389 95 60-140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 590785 14.752 613238 14.752 96 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Duplicate (B226969-DUP1) Lab File ID: F032811.13 Analyzed: 03/28/19 16:36 Bromochloromethane (1) 163197 8.624 176806 8.624 92 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 615833 10.389 666170 10.389 92 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 573463 14.752 613238 14.752 94 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 SG-2 (19C1255-02 ) Lab File ID: F032812.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 17:17 Bromochloromethane (1) 168456 8.624 176806 8.624 95 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 640651 10.386 666170 10.389 96 60-140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 597450 14.752 613238 14.752 97 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 SG-2 DUP (19C1255-03) Lab File ID: F032813.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 17:58 Bromochloromethane (1) 163688 8.621 176806 8.624 93 60 - 140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 620159 10.389 666170 10.389 93 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 582513 14.749 613238 14.752 95 60-140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 Page 24 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 INTERNAL STANDARD AREAAND RT SUMMARY EPA TO-15 Internal Standard Response RT Reference Response Reference RT Area % Area % Limits RT Diff RT Diff Limit Q SG-3 (19C1255-04) Lab File ID: F032814.1) Analyzed: 03/28/19 18:39 Bromochloromethane (1) 162740 8.621 176806 8.624 92 60 - 140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 618711 10.389 666170 10.389 93 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 586700 14.749 613238 14.752 96 60-140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 SG4 (19C1255-05) Lab File ID: F032815.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 19:20 Bromochloromethane (1) 165810 8.624 176806 8.624 94 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene (1) 629542 10.386 666170 10.389 95 60 - 140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 584103 14.752 613238 14.752 95 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 SG4 (19C1255-05RE1) Lab File ID: F032816.D Analyzed: 03/29/19 20:00 Bromochloromethane (1) 160878 8.624 176806 8.624 91 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 630817 10.389 666170 10.389 95 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 582061 14.749 613238 14.752 95 60-140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 SG-5 (19C1255-06) Lab File ID: F032817.D Analyzed: 03/28/19 20:40 Bromochloromethane (1) 160791 8.624 176806 8.624 91 60 - 140 0.0000 +/-0.50 1,4-Difluorobenzene(1) 612852 10.386 666170 10.389 92 60-140 -0.0030 +/-0.50 Chlorobenzene-d5(1) 578785 14.752 613238 14.752 94 60-140 0.0000 +/-0.50 Page 25 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street' East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK EPA TO-15 S034081-CCV 1 COMPOUND TYPE CONC. (ppbv) RESPONSE FACTOR % DIFF / DRIFT STD CCV ICAL CCV MIN (#) CCV LIMIT (#) Acetone A 5.00 4.05 1.114004 0.9028472 -19.0 30 Benzene A 5.00 3.73 0.7760336 0.5794365 -25.3 30 Benzyl chloride A 5.00 5.10 0.9001647 0.917313 1.9 30 Bromodichloromethane A 5.00 3.82 0.5617128 0.4285897 -23.7 30 Bromoform A 5.00 5.24 0.6118379 0.640944 4.8 30 Bromomethane A 5.00 5.32 0.7311104 0.7779103 6.4 30 1,3-Butadiene A 5.00 5.12 0.5680577 0.5812744 2.3 30 2-Butanone(MEK) A 5.00 3.80 1.558376 1.182946 -24.1 30 Carbon Disulfide A 5.00 5.01 1.799649 1.803016 0.2 30 Carbon Tetrachloride A 5.00 3.95 0.5370126 0.423947 -21.1 30 Chlorobenzene A 5.00 4.44 0.8198399 0.7280593 -11.2 30 Chloroethane A 5.00 5.38 0.3385425 0.3640238 7.5 30 Chloroform A 5.00 4.88 1.528583 1.493424 -2.3 30 Chloromethane A 5.00 5.20 0.7996321 0.8315102 4.0 30 Cyclohexane A 5.00 3.53 0.3408674 0.2403711 -29.5 30 Dibromochloromethane A 5.00 4.44 0.6473741 0.5747302 -11.2 30 1,2-Dibromoethane(EDB) A 5.00 4.18 0.5367602 0.4491855 -16.3 30 1,2-Dichlorobenzene A 5.00 4.76 0.7912816 0.7538763 -4.7 30 1,3-Dichlorobenzene A 5.00 5.08 0.8295511 0.8425518 1.6 30 1,4-Dichlorobenzene A 5.00 4.93 0.8353047 0.8234167 -1.4 30 Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) A 5.00 5.46 2.015798 2.203319 9.3 30 1,1-Dichloroethane A 5.00 4.55 1.335898 1.216447 -8.9 30 1,2-Dichloroethane A 5.00 4.55 0.934478 0.850677 -9.0 30 1,1-Dichloroethylene A 5.00 4.35 1.159597 1.008156 -13.1 30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene A 5.00 4.37 0.9788387 0.8553013 -12.6 30 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene A 5.00 4.40 0.9500568 0.8359988 -12.0 30 1,2-Dichloropropane A 5.00 3.31 0.3080059 0.2037294 -33.9 30 cis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene A 5.00 3.68 0.4419676 0.32489 -26.5 30 trans- l,3-Dichloropropene A 5.00 3.79 0.3725371 0.2825993 -24.1 30 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 1 A 5.00 5.61 2.086514 2.340753 12.2 30 1,4-Dioxane A 5.00 4.22 0.1501642 0.1267544 -15.6 30 Ethanol A 5.00 5.37 0.1706891 0.1832607 7.4 30 Ethyl Acetate A 5.00 4.97 0.2631796 0.261783 -0.5 30 Ethylbenzene A 5.00 3.95 1.297819 1.025656 -21.0 30 4-Ethyltoluene A 5.00 4.17 1.414081 1.178554 -16.7 30 Heptane A 5.00 3.35 0.2451318 0.1641791 -33.0 30 Hexachlorobutadiene A 5.00 4.16 0.5309972 0.4421644 -16.7 30 Hexane A 5.00 3.83 0.9141655 0.6995419 -23.5 30 Page 26 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street' East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ` FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 CONTINUING CALIBRATION CHECK EPA TO-15 S034081-CCV 1 COMPOUND TYPE CONC. (ppbv) RESPONSE FACTOR % DIFF / DRIFT STD CCV ICAL CCV MIN (#) CCV LIMIT (#) 2-Hexanone (MBK) A 5.00 3.39 0.5880728 0.3988376 -32.2 30 Isopropanol A 5.00 3.76 1.275201 0.9598407 -24.7 30 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) A 5.00 4.36 1.991866 1.737 -12.8 30 Methylene Chloride A 5.00 3.93 0.8950267 0.7030893 -21.4 30 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MI13K) A 5.00 3.70 0.2222891 0.1646763 -25.9 30 Naphthalene A 5.00 4.75 1.311609 1.245908 -5.0 30 Propene A 5.00 4.48 0.9441131 0.8469305 -10.3 30 Styrene A 5.00 4.29 0.7716466 0.6627587 -14.1 30 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane A 5.00 4.35 0.7374424 0.642105 -12.9 30 Tetrachloroethylene A 5.00 4.53 0.5037019 0.4561883 -9.4 30 Tetrahydroforan A 5.00 3.82 0.8178999 0.62492 -23.6 30 Toluene A 5.00 3.87 1.011908 0.7830982 -22.6 30 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene A 5.00 4.95 0.6050774 0.599201 -1.0 30 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane A 5.00 3.78 0.5100487 0.386102 -24.3 30 1,1,2-Trichloroethane A 5.00 4.09 0.3473619 0.2838937 -18.3 30 Trichloroethylene A 5.00 3.86 0.3570416 0.2756534 22.8 30 Trichlorofluoromethane(Freon 11) A 5.00 4.80 1.730469 1.659953 -4.1 30 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane (Freon 11 A 5.00 5.10 1.553059 1.583874 2.0 30 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene A 5.00 4.24 1.174477 0.9970732 -15.1 30 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene A 5.00 4.30 1.202725 1.035359 -13.9 30 Vinyl Acetate A 5.00 3.41 1.245221 0.848668 -31.8 30 Vinyl Chloride A 5.00 5.37 0.8165706 0.8765585 7.3 30 m&p-Xylene A 1 10.0 8.73 1.005867 0.8784974 -12.7 30 o-Xylene A 1 5.00 4.19 1.023364 0.8570271 -16.3 30 # Column to be used to flag Response Factor and %Diff/Drift values with an asterisk * Values outside of QC limits Page 27 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ' FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 CERTIFICATIONS Certified Analyses included in this Report Analyte EPA TO-15 in Air Acetone Benzene Benzyl chloride Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 1,3-Butadiene 2-Butanone (MEK) Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane Cyclohexane Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodifluoromethane (Freon 12) 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene trans- l,2-Dichloro ethylene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis- 1,3 -Dichloropropene trans- 1, 3 -Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane (Freon 114) 1,4-Dioxane Ethanol Ethyl Acetate Ethylbenzene 4-Ethyltoluene Heptane Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane 2-Hexanone (MBK) Isopropanol Methyl tart -Butyl Ether (MTBE) Methylene Chloride 4-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) Naphthalene Propene Styrene 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Certifications AIHA,NY,ME,NH AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,NY,ME,NH AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NY,ME,NH AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NY,ME,NH AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA AIHA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,NJ AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA AIHA,NY,ME,NH AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH NY,ME,NH AIHA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH, VA AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA Page 28 of 33 icon-tes w . ANALYTICAL LABORATORY 39 Spruce Street ` East Longmeadow, MA 01028 ' FAX 413/525-6405 " TEL. 413/525-2332 CERTIFICATIONS Certified Analyses included in this Report Analyte Certifications EPA TO-15 in Air Tetrachloroethylene AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA Tetrahydrofuran AIHA Toluene AIHA,FL,NJ,NYM E,NH,VA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA 1, 1, 1 -Trichloroethane AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA Trichloroethylene AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA Trichlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) AIHA,NY,ME,NH 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-ttifluoroethane (Freon 113) AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene AIHA,NJ,NY,ME,NH Vinyl Acetate AIHA,FLNJ,NY,ME,NH,VA Vinyl Chloride AIHA,FLNJ,NY,ME,NH,VA m&p-Xylene AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA o-Xylene AIHA,FL,NJ,NY,ME,NH,VA The CON -TEST Environmental Laboratory operates under the following certifications and accreditations: Code Description Number Expires AIHA AIHA-LAP, LLC - ISO17025:2005 100033 03/l/2020 MA Massachusetts DEP M-MA100 06/30/2019 CT Connecticut Department of Publilc Health PH-0567 09/30/2019 NY New York State Department of Health 10899 NELAP 04/1/2019 NH-S New Hampshire Environmental Lab 2516 NELAP 02/5/2020 RI Rhode Island Department of Health LA000112 12/30/2019 NC North Carolina Div. of Water Quality 652 12/31/2019 NJ New Jersey DEP MA007 NELAP 06/30/2019 FL Florida Department of Health E871027 NELAP 06/30/2019 VT Vermont Department of Health Lead Laboratory LL015036 07/30/2019 ME State of Maine 2011028 06/9/2019 VA Commonwealth of Virginia 460217 12/14/2019 NH-P New Hampshire Environmental Lab 2557 NELAP 09/6/2019 VT-DW Vermont Department of Health Drinking Water VT-255716 06/12/2019 NC-DW North Carolina Department of Health 25703 07/31/2019 Page 29 of 33 Address. 4012 Ridgebrook Bluffs Dr., Raleigh NC 27603 Phone: (919)389-7747 ZMEMEWSmokey Hollow 2 (SH2) Site VI Sampling Project Location: Raleigh, NC Project Number: 1907.00 Project Manager: Kerry McGee I Con -Test Bid: Invoice Recip Sampled By: Order 9 1903080 BTO 03 08 19 110907 anY: Rob Hill Rob Hill aeginairs r# Chelst San pie fU J DeScnptinri �atelTir j SG-1 3119114 1 BC 2383, FC 4038 1800 SG-2 237BC ,FC4186 3/19/19 SG-2 DUP 1556 BC 2350, FC 4186 C{ S&3 3/19/19 i 8C 2357, FC 4090 (* SEE NOTE 2) 1355 SG-4 3119119 ., SC 2354, FC 4039 1849 SG-5 3119/19 BC 2416, FC 4303 1505 Page 1 of --I — # of Containers 6 2 Preservation Code ' Container Code S 1-Day ❑ 3-Day ❑ ANALYSIS REt�EJESTED2 Day ❑ 4-Day ❑> =Fieldered lterFormat: PDF ❑ EXCELOther: rFc fCesiaaneiai sG srs enu Enhanced Data Package Required: a O Field Filtered Email To: �D UJ Q ial3ito Filter Fax To #: D Eliriirtg Corn r3site � ''&tab /Matrix Conc DatetFame Gode .Code ` 1 Matrix Codes: W -"Ground Water 3119/19 A H X _ - 1818 •30 _g ,y� `WW w , Waste Water DW 'Drinking Water 3/19l19 1632 A H X NOTE 1: All samples are sub -slab collected beneath ' as.5 5 S.ZA Air $ — SOiI/SOEid slab foundations and asphalt. parking areas. ' Only low-level DROIGRO products expected . S.2$� _:$lodge Othler (please 3/19119 A H X 1441 (based on Phase II findings). However, initial 100x (1- to 2- mL) dilution screen suggested.. zs 5 f� efl0t 3/19119 A H X 1905 -30 -5 c1 7 z Preservation Codes: 3119/19 1517 A H X _28 -5 l - Iced *NOTE 2; FOR 5AMPLr ;G-3, LAB PACKING LIST AND SHIPMENT BOX SHOWED FC 4390 15-MIN li - HCL FLOW CONTROLLER, BUT FC 4090 1-HR WAS DELIVERED/USED M = Methldnot N - Nitric Acid email results in,PDF and Excel EDD format with units in ug/m3 with NC IHS6 / Brownfields NTIAL SOIL GAS kcreening levels included) 940y 10�7; 9 MOO ❑ 2L - Received by: (signature) uc CD W Relinquished by: (signature) O O W Received by: (signature) W / ime: ❑ GWPC z 7(l5 171, z� SWSL 2/Time: IHSB (RESIDENTIAL n MSCC 5 = :Sulfuric kid 1; 8 :sodium Bisulfate X -:Sodium liydroxlde .:.:. T = Sodium Thiosulfate 0 = Other (Please Please use the following codes to indicate possible sample concentration within define) the Conc Code column above: H - High; M - Medium; L - Low; C - Clean; U - Unknown ' Container Codes: A = Amber Glass G = Glass P =..Plastic Program Information Q. ,RSCA Q UST Q 5WS landfill Q Trust Fund ST = Sterile V = Vial Q IHSB Orphaned Landfill Q REC $=:5uInlTla Canister Q State Lead T = Tedlar. Bag Other: NC Brownfields Program _Either (phase define) NELAC and AIHA-LAP, LLC Accredited Date/Time: TURNAROUND TIME (BUSINESS DAYS) STARTS AT 9:00 AM THE DAY AFTER SAMPLE RECEIPT UNLESS THERE ARE QUESTIONS ON THIS CHAIN. IF THIS FORM IS NOT FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IS INCORRECT, TURNAROUND TIME Date/Time: CANNOT START UNTIL ALL QUESTIO' RVA !I ,;BEEN ANSWERED. PLEASE BE CAREFUL NOT TO CONTAMINATE THIS DOCUMENT 3/25/2019 Track your package or shipment with FedEx Tracking 774.757093224`� Delivered Monday 3/25/2019 at 12:37 pm FROM Rafeigh, NC LS Shipment Facts DELIVERED Signed for by: FFQUST GET STATUS UPDATES OBTAIN PROOF OF DELIVERY TRACKING NUMBER SERVICE 774757093224 FedEx Ground WEIGHT DIMENSIONS 32 ibs / 14 51 kgs 22xl9xl4 in TERMS PACKAGING Shipper Package SHIP DATE ACTUAL DELIVERY 0 Mon 3/25/2019 12:37 pm Thu 3/21 /2019 Travel History TO East Longrnoadow, IAA US REFERENCE 1907.00 SH2 VI Testing TOTAL PIECES 1 STANDARD TRANSIT 3/25/2019 Monday, 3/25/2019 12:37 pm East Longmeadow, MA Defivered 4$2 am CHICOPEE, MA On FedEx vehicle for delivery Saturday,3/23/2019 3:44 am CHICOPEE, MA On FedEx vehicle €Of delivery 3-35 am CHICOPEE, MA At local FedEx facility https://www.fedex.comlapps/fedextrackl?action=track&tracknumbers=774757093224&locale=en_US&cntry_code=us A , Local Scan Time \,/ Page 31 of 33 3/25/2019 Track your package or shipment with FedEx Tracking rma,v , 3� tr.! to d s 9 58 pin kritDDLETCVV, CT Departed FedEx location 8 30 pin MIDDI-ElOWN, CT Arrived at FedEx location 4,35 pin PAWLING,10VVN OF, NY hr transit 4:35 am KERNERSVILLC, NC Departed FedEx location 12:57 am KERNERSVILLE NC Arrived at FedEx location Thursday,3/21/2019 9AB pm DURHAM, NC Left FedEx origin facility 6:23 pm DURHAM, NC Arrived at FedEx location 5:00 pm DUNHAM, NC Picked up Wednesday,3l2O/2019 6:30 pin RALEIGH, NC In FedEx possession Scheduled or pi-"Aup r=exi day 5:35 pin Shipment informatfon sent to FedEx https://www.fedex.comlappsffedextrackl?action=track&tracknumbers=774757093224&locale=en_US&cntry_code=us Page 32 of 33 Received By U Date How were the samples �� In Cooler received? In Box Were samples within Temperature By Gun # Compliance? 2-6°C IVIA By Blank # Was Custody Seal Intact? /V Was COC Relinquished ? Are there any loose caps/valves on any samples? Is COC in ink/ Legible? I -� I -I ;- /I � Time 1 2-6 On Ice No Ice Ambient Melted Ice Actual i emp - Actual Temp - Were Samples Tampered with? Does Chain Agree With Samples? F Zvz,� f MA COC I l d ll Client -r-- Analysis 'T' Sampler Name 1- I ncu ea Pertinent Information? Project ! Are Sample Labels filled out and legible? Are there Rushes? F Samples are received within holding time? Proper Media Used? I Are there Trip Blanks? E ID's Collection DatesMmes T` -r Who was notified? i` Individually Certified Cans? I°= Is there enough Volume? T - Summa Cans ms,, A Nut/Ferrule; IC Train Tedlar Baqs Tubing i TO-17 Tubes T-Connector < , Radiello Syringe Pufs[TO-11 s Tedlar SCA�-Cle '- 5 CC,e\ t�-- L-/a5 1�-) 4 4 J �S z. 77 oAC©(-/ 2 37 recP,'vf 33 of 33 APPENDIX E NCDEQ RISK CALCULATOR RESULTS (RESIDENT SOIL GAS TO INDOOR AIR PATHWAY FOR VAPOR INTRUSION) Version Date: February 2018 Basis: November 2017 EPA RSL Table Site ID: Exposure Unit ID: Carcinogenic risk and hazard quotient cells highlighted in orange are associated with non-volatile chemicals. Since these chemicals do not pose a vapor intrusion risk, no risk values are calculated for these chemicals. All concentrations are in ue/m3 CAS # Chemical Name: Soil Gas Concentration s (ug/m) Calculated Indoor Air Co Concentration (ug/ms) Target Indoor Air Conc. for Carcinogens @ TCR = 1E-06 Target Indoor Air Conc. for Non - Carcinogens @ THQ = 0.2 Calculated Carcinogenic Risk Calculated Non - Carcinogenic Hazard Quotient 67-64-1 Acetone 23 0.69 6.5E+03 2.1E-05 71-43-2 Benzene 3.2 0.096 3.6E-01 6.3E+00 2.7E-07 3.1E-03 75-71-8 Dichlorodifluoromethane 8.1 0.243 2.1E+01 2.3E-03 156-60-5 Dichloroeth lene, 1,2-trans- 0.48 0.0144 141-78-6 Ethyl Acetate 4.2 0.126 1.5E+01 1.7E-03 100-41-4 Eth lbenzene 4.4 0.132 1.1E+00 2.1E+02 1.2E-07 1.3E-04 109-99-9 -Tetrah drofuran 31 0.93 4.2E+02 4.5E-04 142-82-5 Heptane, N- 1.4 1 0.042 8.3E+01 1.0E-04 67-63-0 Iso ro anol 3 0.09 4.2E+01 4.3E-04 78-93-3 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 12 0.36 1.0E+03 6.9E-05 115-07-1 Propylene 7.9 0.237 6.3E+02 7.6E-05 127-18-4 Tetrachloroethylene 1.1 0.033 1.1E+01 8.3E+00 3.1E-09 7.9E-04 108-88-3 Toluene 19 0.57 1.0E+03 1.1E-04 75-69-4 Trichlorofluoromethane 3100 93 95-63-6 Trimeth lbenzene, 1,2,4- 8.9 0.267 1.3E+01 4.3E-03 108-67-8 Trimeth lbenzene, 1,3,5- 1.9 0.057 1.3E+01 9.1E-04 108-05-4 Vinyl Acetate 2.9 0.087 4.2E+01 4.2E-04 106-42-3 X lene,P- 19 0.57 2.1E+01 5.5E-03 108-38-3 X lene, m- 19 0.57 2.1E+01 5.5E-03 95-47-6 X lene, o- 7 0.21 2.1E+01 2.0E-03 Cumulative: I 3.9E-07 2.8E-02 North Carolina DEC Risk Calculator APPENDIX B SITE PHOTOGRAPHS Photolog of Phase 1 ESA Activities Smokey Hollow 2 Site Raleigh, North Carolina March 20, 2019 Page 1 #1 —Attempting TMW-2. Encountered Refusal 1 #2 — Soil Tubes Extracted at Boring TMW-2 F I #3 — Boring B-10S, on SE Side of Site 1 #4 - Soil Tubes Extracted at Boring B-10S #5 — Boring Location for TMW-3 #6 - Soil Tubes Extracted at Boring TMW-3 Photolog of Phase 1 ESA Activities Smokey Hollow 2 Site Raleigh, North Carolina March 20, 2019 Page 2 #7 — Pouring Sand Filter Pack at TMW-3 1 #8 - Soil Tubes Extracted at Boring B-5 #9 — Installing TMW-1 North of Undemolished Building I #10 —Preparing to Sample TMW-1 and Extracted Soil #11— Boring Location B-4S and Survey Set -Up #12 - Soil Tubes Extracted at Boring B-4S APPENDIX C PID CALIBRATION CERTIFICATION Calibrated at Geotech's N Carolina service center 2517 Noblin Road, Suite 103 geotechRaleigh, NC 27604 (800)293-5325 Fax: (919)878-1269 MiniRae 3000 Calibration Certificate Unit Number: 3216 Serial Number: 592-904766 0 Cleaned PID and Case 0 Visually inspect for damage and missing part ❑d Manual is in case. ❑d Unit display is showing fully charged Raw Readings 10A Zero 60459 Span 45390 Delta 15069 I- rCalibration Calibration Zero 0 ppm Span 100 ppm Pass Pass Pass Reading Variance 0 ppm 0.00% 99 ppm -1.00% Pass Pass Lamp Type ❑d 10.6eV ❑ 11.7eV Calibration Gas Nitrogen Isobutylene Calibration Date 3/19/2019 Technician: David Hathaway Charger (V) Spare Battery (V) Lamp Serial # Sensor Serial # Pump Flow (ml/min) Gas Lot # 132-401347344-1 18-6426 12.14 Pass 4.19 Pass 2R125386 23030248U8 520 Pass Exp. Date 7/21 Pass Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. takes pride in ensuring this instrument is tested to function as specified by the manufacturer and was calibrated in accordance to manufacturer specifications. All calibration standards used are NIST traceable. With the provided lot numbers we can provide NIST documents on request. Call us at (800) 833-7958 and we will be glad to help. APPENDIX D SOIL BORING LOGS LOG OF BORING: TMW-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 1% SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 16 Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): 12.5 Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (11): 2.5- 12.5 Date Started: 3/20/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 8' Date Completed: 3/20/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor E ° o Sampling oJ°' o, SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors 96 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 Loose Fill Material, Gray Silty SAND and Dark Brown Clayey SILT with 0 Gravel, Bricks, and Debris ; --- 0 5 Medium Dense,Gray Brown Fine Sandy SILT ; --- ; 5 0 0 oMedium Dense Gray/Brown Silty SAND with Quartz Fragments 0 10 , --- , 10 Stiff Brownish Gray Fine Sandy SILT. Temporary monitoring well TMW- 0 0 1 installed at 12.5' bls. 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 TE =16 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory r� LOG OF BORING: TMW-2 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct ESPENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 \,,) SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 9 Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2018 Driller: Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/20/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor e so N SamallOdors ing o SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Inter , A R W 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Medium Dense Brown Silty SAND with Quartz Fragments. Refusal 0 encountered at 9' bls and groundwater not encountered so temp well not 5 0 installed. Temp well ulitmately installed further north, in boring B-7. Soil 5 o sample already collected and labeled TMW-2S. 0 i 0 0 i 10 ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 Temp well installed in soil boring B-7 as original location encountered probe refusal at 9' bls TD = 9 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory r� LOG OF BORING: TMW-3 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct ESPENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 \,,) SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 12 Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): 12 Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 2-12 Date Started: 3/20/2018 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): 9 Date Completed: 3/20/2018 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor e so N SamallOdors ing o SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Inter , A R W 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 0 5 i --- i 5 0 0 Very Stiff Reddish Brown Fine Sandy Micaceous SILT 0 0 L o 10 --- ; 10 0 0 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 TD =12 ft. 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-IS PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 16 Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Reddish Brown Orange Clay Material. No odors or staining noted. 0 5 i i 5 10 ; ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-2S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 4' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Reddish Brown Orange Clay Material. No odors or staining noted. 0 5 i i 5 10 10 15 15 20 i i 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-3S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 8' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 B-3SJ 0 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. Soil sample 5 B-3S (VOC) collected at 3.5' his. SVOC and Metals sample was a composite from 2.5', 0 3.51, and 4.5' bls. 0 10 ; ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-4S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 8' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 B-4SJ 0 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. Soil sample 5 B-4S (VOC) collected at 3.5' his. SVOC and Metals sample was a composite from 2.5', 0 3.51, and 4.5' bls. 0 10 ; ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-5S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 8' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 B-5SJ 0 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. Soil sample 5 B-5S (VOC) collected at 3.5' his. SVOC and Metals sample was a composite from 2.5', 0 3.51, and 4.5' bls. 0 10 ; ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-6S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of l Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 8' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 B-6S o ' 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. Soil sample ; ; 5 B-6S (VOC) collected at 4' bls. SVOC and Metals sample was a composite from 3', 41, 0 and 5' bls. 0 10 ; ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-7S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 16.5' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): 16' Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): 6' - 16' Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 0 B-7S 0 Medium Dense, Brown Silty SAND with Quartz Fragments 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 10 ; -- ; 10 0 0 Partially Weathered Rock generated recovery as Gray Silty SAND. Probe refusal encountered at 16.5' bls. Soil sample B-7S collected at 4' bls (VOC) and from 31, 4' and i -- 0 5' his for SVOC and Metals. Temporary monitoring well TMW-2 installed at 16' bls. 0 0 15 -- 15 0 0 20 i i 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-8S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 8' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 0 ' ' 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. Soil sample 5 B-8S (VOC) collected at 6' bls. SVOC and Metals sample was a composite from 5', 61, 0 and 7' bls. 0 10 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-9S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 9' Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 0 5 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. PWR 0 encountered at about 9' bls. Soil sample B-9S (VOC) collected at 6' bls. SVOC and 0 Metals sample was a composite from 5', 6', and 7' bls. 0 10 ; ; 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory 911-1 PROCTOR 5113 Yachtsman Ct LOG OF BORING: B-10S PESENVIRONMENTAL Raleigh, NC 27615 SERVICES, INC. Ph: (919) 630-0721 Page: 1 of 1 Site Name: Smokey Hollow 2 Drilling/Boring Method: GeoProbe Total Boring Depth (ft): 10, Project Number: R277 Sampling Method: DPT Temp Well Depth (ft): NA Location: Raleigh, NC Subcontractor/Drillers: Regional Probing Screen Depth (ft): NA Date Started: 3/20/2019 Driller : Larry Opper Approx. DTW (ft): NA Date Completed: 3/202019 Monitoring Equipment: PID PES Field Staff: Tom Proctor s so Sampling A ? SOIL DESCRIPTION (color, texture, moisture, comments etc.) Construction Details w Interval, Odors A ; 0 Asphalt and Stone Base 0 0 Fill Material - Very Stiff, Reddish Brown Sandy CLAY 0 0 ' ' 5 5 0 Medium Dense Orangish Brown, Silty SAND. No odors or staining noted. PWR 0 encountered at about 9' bls. Soil sample B-10S (VOC) collected at 5' his. SVOC and 0 Metals sample was a composite from 41, 5', and 6' bls. Probe refusal encountered at 10' 0 bls. 0 � � 10 10 15 15 20 ; ; 20 25 25 30 30 COMMENTS: in - indicates inches N/A - indicates not applicable to this boring DTW - Depth to Water at Time of GeoProbe ft - indicates depth in feet ppm - indicates parts per million ♦ Approximate Static Water Level ft-bgs - indicates feet below ground surface TD - Total Depth of Boring for Sampling The shaded area represents the VOC sample interval submitted to the laboratory APPENDIX E LABORATORY ANALYTICAL REPORTS Case Narrative PRISM Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions `,. LABORATORIES, INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 NC Certification No. 402 NC Drinking Water Cent No. 37735 SC Certification No. 99012 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Lab Submittal Date: 03/21/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030347 4/9/19 14:24 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. a,j Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Reviewed By Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Data Qualifiers Key Reference: CCV CCV result is above the control limits. Analyte not detected in the sample. No further action taken. D RPD value outside of the control limits. J Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). L2 LCSD recovery outside of the QC limits. LCS recovery within the limits. No further action taken. LH High LCS recovery. Analyte not detected in the sample(s). No further action taken. M Matrix spike outside of the control limits. MC Sample concentration too high for recovery evaluation. BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference * Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PRISMSample LABORATORIES INC. Full -Service Analytical R Environmental Solutions Receipt Summary 04/09/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date/Time Sampled Date/Time Received B-1S 9030347-01 Solid 03/20/19 14:50 03/21/19 10:00 B-2S 9030347-02 Solid 03/20/19 14:30 03/21/19 10:00 B-3S 9030347-03 Solid 03/20/19 14:00 03/21/19 10:00 B-4S 9030347-04 Solid 03/20/19 14:10 03/21/19 10:00 B-5S 9030347-05 Solid 03/20/19 13:20 03/21/19 10:00 B-6S 9030347-06 Solid 03/20/19 10:40 03/21/19 10:00 B-7S 9030347-07 Solid 03/20/19 11:10 03/21/19 10:00 B-8S 9030347-08 Solid 03/20/19 10:10 03/21/19 10:00 B-9S 9030347-09 Solid 03/20/19 9:10 03/21/19 10:00 B-10S 9030347-10 Solid 03/20/19 8:40 03/21/19 10:00 TMW-1S 9030347-11 Solid 03/20/19 14:40 03/21/19 10:00 TMW-2S 9030347-12 Solid 03/20/19 8:00 03/21/19 10:00 TMW-3S 9030347-13 Solid 03/20/19 9:40 03/21/19 10:00 Dupe-S 9030347-14 Solid 03/20/19 17:00 03/21/19 10:00 Trip Blank 9030347-15 Water 03/20/19 0:00 03/21/19 10:00 Samples were received in good condition at 3.2 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 A&P R I S M Full Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions 1LABORATORIES, INC. Summary of Detections 04/09/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 9030347-01 B-1 S Hexavalent Chromium 7196A 0.21 J mg/kg dry 9030347-01 B-1 S Mercury *7471 B 0.047 mg/kg dry 9030347-01 B-1 S Arsenic '6010D 3.2 mg/kg dry 9030347-01 B-1S Barium `6010D 190 mg/kg dry 9030347-01 B-1S Chromium '6010D 32 mg/kg dry 9030347-01 B-1 S Lead "6010D 13 mg/kg dry 9030347-01 B-1 S Acetone 8260B 0.038 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-02 B-2S Mercury *7471B 0.039 mg/kg dry 9030347-02 B-2S Arsenic '6010D 3.0 mg/kg dry 9030347-02 B-2S Barium '6010D 93 mg/kg dry 9030347-02 B-2S Chromium `6010D 26 mg/kg dry 9030347-02 B-2S Lead '6010D 18 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Benzo(a)anthracene 8270D 0.19 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Benzo(a)pyrene 8270D 0.10 J mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270D 0.21 J mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Chrysene 8270D 0.17 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Fluoranthene 8270D 0.36 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270D 0.41 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Pyrene 8270D 0.30 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Mercury *7471B 0.11 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Arsenic '6010D 2.7 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Barium '6010D 97 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Chromium "6010D 17 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Lead '6010D 46 mg/kg dry 9030347-03 B-3S Acetone 8260E 0.036 J mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270D 0.35 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Mercury *7471B 0.16 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Arsenic `6010D 4.2 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Barium '6010D 130 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Chromium "6010D 15 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Lead '6010D 140 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Acetone 8260E 0.050 J mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Benzene 8260E 0.0043 mg/kg dry 9030347-04 B-4S Toluene 8260B 0.0035 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-05 B-5S Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270D 0.36 J mg/kg dry 9030347-05 B-5S Mercury '7471B 0.027 mg/kg dry 9030347-05 B-5S Arsenic "6010D 2.1 mg/kg dry 9030347-05 B-5S Barium '6010D 70 mg/kg dry 9030347-05 B-5S Chromium `6010D 17 mg/kg dry 9030347-05 B-5S Lead "6010D 42 mg/kg dry 9030347-06 B-6S Arsenic '6010D 1.9 mg/kg dry 9030347-06 B-6S Barium `6010D 74 mg/kg dry 9030347-06 B-6S Chromium '6010D 12 mg/kg dry 9030347-06 B-6S Lead "6010D 11 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 /,GA1P-R I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, ING Summary of Detections 04/09/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 9030347-06 B-6S Acetone 8260E 0.033 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06P B-6S 2-Methylnaphthalene 8270D 0.067 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06P B-6S Acenaphthylene 8270D 0.068 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Anthracene 8270D 0.098 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Benzo(a)anthracene 8270D 0.16 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06P B-6S Benzo(a)pyrene 8270D 0.11 J mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Benzo(b)fluoranthene 8270D 0.15 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 8270D 0.065 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06P B-6S Chrysene 8270D 0.19 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270D 0.069 J mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Naphthalene 8270D 0.060 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-06R B-6S Phenanthrene 8270D 0.78 mg/kg dry 9030347-06P B-6S Pyrene 8270D 0.37 J mg/kg dry 9030347-07 B-7S Arsenic '6010D 1.4 mg/kg dry 9030347-07 B-7S Barium "6010D 110 mg/kg dry 9030347-07 B-7S Chromium '6010D 5.6 mg/kg dry 9030347-07 B-7S Lead `6010D 8.7 mg/kg dry 9030347-08 B-8S Arsenic '6010D 1.8 mg/kg dry 9030347-08 B-8S Barium '6010D 250 mg/kg dry 9030347-08 B-8S Chromium `6010D 24 mg/kg dry 9030347-08 B-8S Lead '6010D 24 mg/kg dry 9030347-09 B-9S Mercury *7471B 0.18 mg/kg dry 9030347-09 B-9S Arsenic '6010D 1.6 mg/kg dry 9030347-09 B-9S Barium `6010D 64 mg/kg dry 9030347-09 B-9S Chromium '6010D 7.1 mg/kg dry 9030347-09 B-9S Lead '6010D 7.4 mg/kg dry 9030347-10 B-10S Arsenic `6010D 1.2 mg/kg dry 9030347-10 B-10S Barium '6010D 120 mg/kg dry 9030347-10 B-10S Chromium "6010D 12 mg/kg dry 9030347-10 B-10S Lead '6010D 19 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8270D 0.36 1 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Mercury *7471B 0.048 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Arsenic '6010D 1.8 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Barium `6010D 180 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Chromium '6010D 18 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Lead "6010D 50 mg/kg dry 9030347-11 TMW-1S Acetone 8260B 0.060 mg/kg dry 9030347-12 TMW-2S Arsenic '6010D 1.9 mg/kg dry 9030347-12 TMW-2S Barium "6010D 120 mg/kg dry 9030347-12 TMW-2S Chromium '6010D 23 mg/kg dry 9030347-12 TMW-2S Lead `6010D 10 mg/kg dry 9030347-13 TMW-3S Arsenic '6010D 2.1 mg/kg dry 9030347-13 TMW-3S Barium '6010D 64 mg/kg dry 9030347-13 TMW-3S Chromium `6010D 9.1 mg/kg dry 9030347-13 TMW-3S Lead '6010D 5.2 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 /1211ER I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions -� LABORATORIES ING Summary of Detections 04/09/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 9030347-14 Dupe-S Arsenic '6010D 2.3 mg/kg dry 9030347-14 Dupe-S Barium '6010D 57 mg/kg dry 9030347-14 Dupe-S Chromium `6010D 14 mg/kg dry 9030347-14 Dupe-S Lead '6010D 9.9 mg/kg dry This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 79.4 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.080 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.078 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.080 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.075 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.082 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.035 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:35 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 102 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 89 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 86 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 81 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 81 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 94 % 54-127 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium 0.21 J mg/kg dry 0.50 0.12 1 7196A 4/3/19 10:30 BMS P9D0034 Mercury 0.047 mg/kg dry 0.025 0.0024 1 *7471B 3/22/19 10:33 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 3.2 mg/kg dry 1.3 0.17 1 *6010D 3/25/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 Barium 190 mg/kg dry 63 19 5 *6010D 3125/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.63 0.043 1 *6010D 3/25/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 32 mg/kg dry 1.3 0.096 1 *6010D 3/25/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 Lead 13 mg/kg dry 1.3 0.21 1 *6010D 3/25/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.3 0.35 1 *6010D 3/25/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.63 0.039 1 *6010D 3/25/19 12:45 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-1S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-01 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00045 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00014 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Acetone 0.038 J mg/kg dry 0.051 0.0012 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0030 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00057 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00062 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.10 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.025 0.00069 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.015 0.00095 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:27 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 106 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 93 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:30 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 81.0 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.078 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.076 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.079 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.080 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.034 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:30 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.41 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 11:57 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 109 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 87 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 78 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 81 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 98 % 54-127 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium BRL mg/kg dry 0.49 0.12 1 7196A 4/3/19 10:30 BMS P9D0034 Mercury 0.039 mg/kg dry 0.025 0.0023 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:13 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 3.0 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.16 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 Barium 93 mg/kg dry 12 3.7 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.62 0.042 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 26 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.094 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 Lead 18 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.21 1 *6010D 3125/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.34 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.62 0.038 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:13 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-2S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-02 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:30 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00045 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00014 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00066 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.0013 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0031 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00058 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00063 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:30 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.10 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.026 0.00070 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.015 0.00096 1 8260B 3/25/19 16:58 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 92 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 86.3 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.075 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene 0.19 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.10 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.21 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene 0.17 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene 0.36 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.41 mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene 0.30 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:20 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 97 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 85 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 85 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 74 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 79 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 90 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.11 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:18 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 2.7 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.15 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 Barium 97 mg/kg dry 12 3.5 1 *6010D 3125/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.58 0.039 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 17 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.088 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 Lead 46 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.19 1 *60101) 3/25/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.32 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.58 0.036 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:22 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-3S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-03 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00014 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00064 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Acetone 0.036 J mg/kg dry 0.050 0.0012 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0030 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00057 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00062 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.050 0.00045 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.10 0.00045 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.050 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.025 0.00068 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0050 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.015 0.00093 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:28 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 107 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 93 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-4S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 86.3 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.075 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-4S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.35 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 12:43 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 96 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 80 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 75 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 69 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 72 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 87 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.16 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:22 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 4.2 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.15 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 Barium 130 mg/kg dry 12 3.5 1 *6010D 3125/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.58 0.039 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 15 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.088 1 *60101) 3/25/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 Lead 140 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.19 1 *60101) 3/25/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.32 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.58 0.036 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:31 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-4S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-04 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00051 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00073 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Acetone 0.050 J mg/kg dry 0.057 0.0014 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Benzene 0.0043 mg/kg dry 0.0034 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00071 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-4S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00053 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.00052 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00052 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Toluene 0.0035 J mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.029 0.00079 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.017 0.0011 1 8260B 3/25/19 17:58 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 119 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 116 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 98 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-5S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-05 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 13:20 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 88.0 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.040 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.031 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-5S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-05 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 13:20 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.36 J mg/kg dry 0.37 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:06 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 99 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 80 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 72 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 77 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 93 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.027 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:27 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 2.1 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.15 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 Barium 70 mg/kg dry 11 3.4 1 *6010D 3125/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.57 0.038 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 17 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.086 1 *60101) 3/25/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 Lead 42 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.19 1 *60101) 3/25/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.1 0.31 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.57 0.035 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:40 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-5S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-05 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 13:20 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00051 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00073 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.0014 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0034 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00071 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-5S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-05 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 13:20 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00053 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.00052 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00052 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.029 0.00079 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.017 0.0011 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:28 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 107 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 92 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: 13-6S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-06 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 87.8 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:31 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.9 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.15 1 *6010D 3125/19 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Barium 74 mg/kg dry 11 3.4 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.57 0.039 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 12 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.086 1 *60101) 3/25119 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Lead 11 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.19 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.1 0.31 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.57 0.035 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:48 JAB P9C0421 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00012 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00055 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Acetone 0.033 J mg/kg dry 0.043 0.0011 1 8260B 3125/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0026 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00054 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-6S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-06 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.043 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.087 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.043 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00014 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0087 0.00014 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.022 0.00059 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0043 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00081 1 8260B 3/25/19 18:58 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 105 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 93 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-6S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-06RE1 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.072 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.070 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.073 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene 0.067 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 413119 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene 0.068 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene 0.098 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthrace ne 0.16 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.11 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 413119 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.15 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene 0.065 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene 0.19 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 413119 18:20 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-6S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-06RE1 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Dibenzo(a,h)anth racene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.063 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.069 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.043 1 8270D 4/3119 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene 0.060 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene 0.78 mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene 0.37 J mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 4/3/19 18:20 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 87 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 94 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 96 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 89 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 97 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 96 % 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-7S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-07 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 89.3 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.040 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.040 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.031 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-7S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-07 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 13:51 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 98 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 82 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 75 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 77 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 93 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.022 0.0021 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:45 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.4 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.15 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 Barium 110 mg/kg dry 11 3.4 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.56 0.038 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 5.6 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.085 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 Lead 8.7 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.19 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.1 0.31 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.56 0.034 1 *6010D 3/25/19 13:57 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-7S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-07 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00067 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.053 0.0013 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0032 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00060 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-7S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-07 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 11:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.053 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.053 0.00045 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.026 0.00072 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0053 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.016 0.00099 1 8260B 3/25/19 23:05 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 101 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 108 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 91 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-8S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-08 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 87.8 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-8S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-08 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:14 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 90 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 72 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 64 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 68 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 83 % 54-127 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium BRL mg/kg dry 0.46 0.11 1 7196A 4/3/19 10:30 BMS P9D0034 Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 12:49 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.8 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.15 1 *6010D 3125/19 14:05 JAB P9C0421 Barium 250 mg/kg dry 110 34 10 *60101) 3/26/19 11:18 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.57 0.038 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:05 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 24 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.086 1 *60101) 3/25/19 14:05 JAB P9C0421 Lead 24 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.19 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:05 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.1 0.31 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:05 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.57 0.035 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:05 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-8S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-08 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00051 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00073 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.0014 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0034 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00071 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-8S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-08 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 10:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00053 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.00052 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00052 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.057 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.029 0.00078 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0057 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.017 0.0011 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:28 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 104 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 92 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-9S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-09 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 86.3 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.076 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.032 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-9S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-09 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.38 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:37 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 108 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 88 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 78 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 82 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 97 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.18 mg/kg dry 0.023 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 13:03 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.6 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.15 1 *60101) 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 Barium 64 mg/kg dry 12 3.5 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.58 0.039 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 7.1 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.088 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 Lead 7.4 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.19 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.32 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.58 0.036 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:15 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-9S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-09 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00014 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00066 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.0013 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0031 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00058 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00063 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-9S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-09 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:10 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.10 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.051 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.010 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.026 0.00070 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0051 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.015 0.00096 1 8260B 3/25/19 19:58 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 107 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 90 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-10S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-10 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 83.1 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.076 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.074 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.076 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.078 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.033 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-10S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-10 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 14:59 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 107 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 87 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 76 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 83 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 98 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.0023 1 *7471B 3/22/19 13:08 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.2 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.16 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 Barium 120 mg/kg dry 12 3.6 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.60 0.041 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 12 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.091 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 Lead 19 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.20 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.33 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.60 0.037 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:39 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: B-10S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-10 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00053 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00057 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00082 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.065 0.0016 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0039 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00054 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00073 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00080 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00054 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: B-10S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-10 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00060 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.065 0.00058 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.13 0.00058 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.065 0.00055 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.013 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00038 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.032 0.00088 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0065 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.019 0.0012 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:28 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 106 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 91 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-11 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 81.9 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.077 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.075 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.078 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.079 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.034 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-11 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.36 J mg/kg dry 0.40 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.40 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:22 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 96 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 86 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 80 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 74 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 76 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 93 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury 0.048 mg/kg dry 0.024 0.0023 1 *7471B 3/22/19 13:12 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.8 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.16 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:48 JAB P9C0421 Barium 180 mg/kg dry 120 37 10 *6010D 3126/19 11:28 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.61 0.041 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:48 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 18 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.093 1 *60101) 3/25/19 14:48 JAB P9C0421 Lead 50 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.20 1 *60101) 3/25/19 14:48 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.34 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:48 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.61 0.037 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:48 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: TMW-1S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-11 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00013 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00061 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Acetone 0.060 mg/kg dry 0.048 0.0012 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0029 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00055 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0096 0.00059 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0096 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-1S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-11 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0096 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.096 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0096 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0096 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0096 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.00066 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.014 0.00090 1 8260B 3/25/19 20:58 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 106 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 91 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-12 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 92.9 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.038 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.039 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.030 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-12 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.041 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.36 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 15:45 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 101 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 88 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 84 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 76 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 78 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 94 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.022 0.0020 1 *7471B 3/22/19 13:17 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 1.9 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.14 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 Barium 120 mg/kg dry 11 3.2 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.54 0.036 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 23 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.082 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 Lead 10 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.18 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.1 0.30 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.54 0.033 1 *6010D 3/25/19 14:57 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: TMW-2S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-12 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00013 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00061 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.0012 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0028 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00054 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00059 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-2S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-12 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 08:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.095 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.047 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0047 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.014 0.00089 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:28 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 106 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 91 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-13 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 90.2 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.072 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.044 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.040 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.040 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.031 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-13 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.37 0.064 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:08 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 107 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 89 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 86 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 74 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 80 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 99 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.022 0.0021 1 *7471B 3/22/19 13:21 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 2.1 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.15 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 Barium 64 mg/kg dry 11 3.3 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.55 0.037 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 9.1 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.084 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 Lead 5.2 mg/kg dry 1.1 0.19 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.1 0.30 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.55 0.034 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:07 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: TMW-3S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-13 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00045 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00048 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00070 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.055 0.0013 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0033 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00062 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00067 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00046 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00037 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-3S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-13 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 09:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00050 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.055 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.11 0.00049 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.055 0.00047 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.011 0.00017 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00033 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00035 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.027 0.00075 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0055 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.016 0.0010 1 8260B 3/25/19 21:58 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 99 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 102 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 91 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions P R S M LABORATORIES INC. 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-14 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 17:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID General Chemistry Parameters % Solids 84.7 % by 0.100 0.100 1 *SM2540 G 3127/19 8:45 KBS P9C0502 Weight Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.075 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.073 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.075 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.052 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2-Chlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2-Methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 2-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.071 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.077 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 4-Chloroaniline BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 4-Nitrophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.060 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Acenaphthylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.063 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Azobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.042 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(g,hJ)perylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.043 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzoic Acid BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.033 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Benzyl alcohol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.067 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.066 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-14 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 17:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.058 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Chrysene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.049 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.047 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Dibenzofuran BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Diethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.054 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Dimethyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.048 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Fluoranthene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Fluorene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.056 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.070 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.069 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Hexachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.065 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.045 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Isophorone BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.053 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.062 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Nitrobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.055 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.061 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.059 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Pentachlorophenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.046 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Phenanthrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.050 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Phenol BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.057 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Pyrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.051 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Pyridine BRL mg/kg dry 0.39 0.068 1 8270D 3/25/19 16:31 JMV P9C0431 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 106 % 39-132 2-Fluorobiphenyl 90 % 44-115 2-Fluorophenol 88 % 35-115 Nitrobenzene-d5 78 % 37-122 Phenol-d5 83 % 34-121 Terphenyl-d14 97 % 54-127 Total Metals Mercury BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.0022 1 *7471B 3/22/19 13:26 MMR P9C0426 Arsenic 2.3 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.16 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 Barium 57 mg/kg dry 12 3.5 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 Cadmium BRL mg/kg dry 0.59 0.040 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 Chromium 14 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.089 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 Lead 9.9 mg/kg dry 1.2 0.20 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 Selenium BRL mg/kg dry 1.2 0.32 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 Silver BRL mg/kg dry 0.59 0.036 1 *6010D 3/25/19 15:15 JAB P9C0421 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Solid Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Prism Sample ID: 9030347-14 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 17:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00039 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00042 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00013 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00021 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00061 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00030 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00036 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 2-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Chlorotoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Acetone BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.0012 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Benzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0029 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00026 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromodichloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromoform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00054 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Bromomethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00059 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Chlorobenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00040 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloroform BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00034 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Chloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00032 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Dibromochloromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00022 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Ethylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00018 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00019 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Dupe-S Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-14 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Solid Time Collected: 03/20/19 17:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID m,p-Xylenes BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00044 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL mg/kg dry 0.095 0.00043 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL mg/kg dry 0.048 0.00041 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Methylene Chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Naphthalene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0095 0.00015 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00024 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 n-Propylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00028 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 o-Xylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00020 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 sec-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Styrene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 tert-Butylbenzene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00016 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Tetrachloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Toluene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00027 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00029 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00025 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichloroethylene BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00031 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl acetate BRL mg/kg dry 0.024 0.00065 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Vinyl chloride BRL mg/kg dry 0.0048 0.00023 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Xylenes, total BRL mg/kg dry 0.014 0.00089 1 8260B 3/25/19 22:28 JLB P9C0490 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 104 % 70-130 Dibromofluoromethane 108 % 84-123 Toluene-d8 90 % 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 04/09/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Prism Sample ID: 9030347-15 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Chloroethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 04/09/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030347-15 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030347 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Xylenes, total BRL ug/L 1.5 0.15 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:53 KDM P9C0442 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 100 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 97 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 103 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 /r Full -Service R I IS M Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B Blank (P9C0442-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL 1.0 ug/L 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 1.0 ug/L 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL 2.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 2.0 ug/L 2-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L 4-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L Acetone BRL 5.0 ug/L Acrolein BRL 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile BRL 20 ug/L Benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromochloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromodichloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromoform BRL 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane BRL 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide BRL 5.0 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 0.50 ug/L Chlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloroform BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Dibromochloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Dibromomethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 2.0 ug/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B Blank (P9C0442-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Isopropyl Ether BRL 0.50 ug/L Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL 0.50 ug/L m,p-Xylenes BRL 1.0 ug/L Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL 5.0 ug/L Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL 5.0 ug/L Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL 5.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride BRL 1.0 ug/L Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL 0.50 ug/L Naphthalene BRL 1.0 ug/L n-Butylbenzene BRL 1.0 ug/L n-Propylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L o-Xylene BRL 0.50 ug/L sec-Butylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Styrene BRL 0.50 ug/L tert-Butylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Toluene BRL 0.50 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Trichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Vinyl acetate BRL 2.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride BRL 0.50 ug/L Xylenes, total BRL 1.5 ug/L Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 48.1 ug/L 50.00 96 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.3 ug/L 50.00 99 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 50.0 ug/L 50.00 100 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B LCS (P9C0442-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 17.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 79-134 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 17.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 75-136 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 62-127 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 70-140 1,1-Dichloroethane 22.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 112 78-130 1,1-Dichloroethylene 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 70-154 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 19.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 71-136 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 20.4 2.0 ug/L 20.00 102 58-144 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 18.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 94 71-127 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 104 66-139 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 75-133 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 16.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 81 63-134 1,2-Dibromoethane 19.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 77-135 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 78-128 1,2-Dichloroethane 22.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 68-131 1,2-Dichloropropane 22.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 113 77-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 75-131 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 77-125 1,3-Dichloropropane 21.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 76-132 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 75-126 2,2-Dichloropropane 14.5 2.0 ug/L 20.00 73 29-149 2-Chlorotoluene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 74-126 4-Chlorotoluene 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 78-129 4-Isopropyltoluene 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 69-132 Acetone 61.4 5.0 ug/L 40.00 154 40-166 Acrolein 47.6 20 ug/L 40.00 119 70-130 Acrylonitrile 44.2 20 ug/L 40.00 111 81-127 Benzene 21.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 109 77-128 Bromobenzene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-129 Bromochloromethane 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-135 Bromodichloromethane 20.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 76-138 Bromoform 14.7 1.0 ug/L 20.00 73 71-135 Bromomethane 27.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 138 41-168 Carbon disulfide 22.3 5.0 ug/L 20.00 112 59-135 Carbon Tetrachloride 14.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 73 72-142 Chlorobenzene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 78-119 Chloroethane 35.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 178 57-142 LH Chloroform 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 77-130 Chloromethane 25.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 127 47-145 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 76-141 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 65-140 Dibromochloromethane 16.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 82 75-134 Dibromomethane 20.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-138 Dichlorodifluoromethane 18.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 92 28-163 Ethylbenzene 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 80-127 Hexachlorobutadiene 21.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 106 61-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO442 - 5030B Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0442-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Isopropyl Ether 23.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 119 60-154 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 20.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 70-130 m,p-Xylenes 42.7 1.0 ug/L 40.00 107 77-133 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 23.5 5.0 ug/L 20.00 117 64-137 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 23.3 5.0 ug/L 20.00 116 71-134 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 22.4 5.0 ug/L 20.00 112 69-134 Methylene Chloride 23.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 115 73-131 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 68-135 Naphthalene 19.8 1.0 ug/L 20.00 99 64-136 n-Butylbenzene 21.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 109 68-134 n-Propylbenzene 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 72-132 o-Xylene 20.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-128 sec-Butylbenzene 20.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 71-131 Styrene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-129 tert-Butylbenzene 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 70-132 Tetrachloroethylene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 80-129 Toluene 20.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-131 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 22.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 76-135 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 16.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 84 67-140 Trichloroethylene 19.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 95 77-133 Trichlorofluoromethane 20.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 62-148 Vinyl acetate 23.3 2.0 ug/L 20.00 117 34-167 Vinyl chloride 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 57-141 Xylenes, total 63.0 1.5 ug/L 60.00 105 77-133 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.7 ug/L 50.00 99 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 47.8 ug/L 50.00 96 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 50.8 ug/L 50.00 102 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B LCS Dup (P9CO442-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 17.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 79-134 0.6 20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 17.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 75-136 2 20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 62-127 1 20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 70-140 0.05 20 1,1-Dichloroethane 21.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 109 78-130 3 20 1,1-Dichloroethylene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 70-154 4 20 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 19.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 71-136 2 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 19.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 96 58-144 6 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 19.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 97 71-127 2 20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 19.2 1.0 ug/L 20.00 96 66-139 9 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 19.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 95 75-133 6 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 17.4 2.0 ug/L 20.00 87 63-134 7 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 19.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 77-135 2 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 19.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 78-128 3 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 21.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 68-131 4 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 77-130 3 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 19.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 75-131 5 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 19.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 77-125 2 20 1,3-Dichloropropane 21.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-132 0.2 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 18.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 94 75-126 6 20 2,2-Dichloropropane 15.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 76 29-149 4 20 2-Chlorotoluene 19.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 74-126 4 20 4-Chlorotoluene 19.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-129 3 20 4-Isopropyltoluene 19.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 69-132 5 20 Acetone 64.3 5.0 ug/L 40.00 161 40-166 5 20 Acrolein 50.3 20 ug/L 40.00 126 70-130 6 20 Acrylonitrile 48.3 20 ug/L 40.00 121 81-127 9 20 Benzene 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 77-128 2 20 Bromobenzene 19.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 78-129 5 20 Bromochloromethane 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-135 3 20 Bromodichloromethane 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 76-138 2 20 Bromoform 14.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 73 71-135 0.9 20 Bromomethane 26.2 1.0 ug/L 20.00 131 41-168 5 20 Carbon disulfide 21.5 5.0 ug/L 20.00 108 59-135 4 20 Carbon Tetrachloride 14.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 71 72-142 2 20 L2 Chlorobenzene 19.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 78-119 3 20 Chloroethane 33.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 165 57-142 8 20 LH Chloroform 20.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 77-130 2 20 Chloromethane 23.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 116 47-145 9 20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 76-141 2 20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 65-140 3 20 Dibromochloromethane 16.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 83 75-134 1 20 Dibromomethane 21.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 76-138 1 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 18.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 91 28-163 1 20 Ethylbenzene 19.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 80-127 3 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 19.9 2.0 ug/L 20.00 99 61-134 6 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B LCS Dup (P9C0442-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Isopropyl Ether 23.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 117 60-154 2 20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 19.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 70-130 5 20 m,p-Xylenes 41.3 1.0 ug/L 40.00 103 77-133 3 20 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 24.9 5.0 ug/L 20.00 125 64-137 6 20 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 23.2 5.0 ug/L 20.00 116 71-134 0.5 20 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 23.4 5.0 ug/L 20.00 117 69-134 5 20 Methylene Chloride 23.0 1.0 ug/L 20.00 115 73-131 0.2 20 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 68-135 0.2 20 Naphthalene 19.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 98 64-136 1 20 n-Butylbenzene 19.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 98 68-134 11 20 n-Propylbenzene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 72-132 5 20 o-Xylene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 78-128 2 20 sec-Butylbenzene 19.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 71-131 5 20 Styrene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 78-129 0.7 20 tert-Butylbenzene 18.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 94 70-132 6 20 Tetrachloroethylene 18.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 94 80-129 5 20 Toluene 20.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 76-131 3 20 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 76-135 2 20 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 17.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 67-140 4 20 Trichloroethylene 17.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 77-133 7 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 21.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 62-148 3 20 Vinyl acetate 24.3 2.0 ug/L 20.00 122 34-167 4 20 Vinyl chloride 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 57-141 5 20 Xylenes, total 61.1 1.5 ug/L 60.00 102 77-133 3 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 48.4 ug/L 50.00 97 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.0 ug/L 50.00 98 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 50.8 ug/L 50.00 102 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO490 - 5035 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P9C0490-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 2-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 4-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Acetone BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Benzene BRL 0.0030 mg/kg wet Bromobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromochloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromodichloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromoform BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Bromomethane BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chlorobenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chloroethane BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Chloroform BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Chloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Dibromochloromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Ethylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Isopropyl Ether BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet m,p-Xylenes BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL 0.10 mg/kg wet Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL 0.050 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO490 - 5035 Blank (P9C0490-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 Methylene Chloride BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet Naphthalene BRL 0.010 mg/kg wet n-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet n-Propylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet o-Xylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet sec-Butylbenzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Styrene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet tert-Butyl benzene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Tetrachloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Toluene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Trichloroethylene BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Trichlorofluoromethane BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Vinyl acetate BRL 0.025 mg/kg wet Vinyl chloride BRL 0.0050 mg/kg wet Xylenes, total BRL 0.015 mg/kg wet Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.9 ug/L 50.00 100 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 50.1 ug/L 50.00 100 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 46.2 ug/L 50.00 92 76-129 LCS (P9C0490-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0545 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 72-115 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0504 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 67-131 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 56-126 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0489 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 70-133 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0490 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 74-127 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.0499 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 67-149 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 0.0509 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 71-130 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0478 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 68-130 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 60-137 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 66-125 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0468 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 69-129 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0491 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 70-132 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0444 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 72-123 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0480 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 68-128 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0500 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 73-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0465 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 69-128 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0452 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 71-120 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0486 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 75-124 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0455 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 71-123 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0493 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 99 50-142 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0452 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 67-124 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0450 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 71-126 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.0472 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 68-129 Acetone 0.161 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.1000 161 29-198 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO490 - 5035 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0490-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 Benzene 0.0494 0.0030 mg/kg wet 0.05000 99 74-127 Bromobenzene 0.0457 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 73-125 Bromochloromethane 0.0487 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 72-134 Bromodichloromethane 0.0514 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 75-122 Bromoform 0.0607 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 121 66-135 Bromomethane 0.0373 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 75 20-180 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0565 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 113 64-143 Chlorobenzene 0.0471 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 74-118 Chloroethane 0.0544 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 109 33-149 Chloroform 0.0490 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 73-127 Chloromethane 0.0447 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 45-143 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0484 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 76-134 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0501 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 71-125 Dibromochloromethane 0.0525 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 105 73-122 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0460 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 26-146 Ethylbenzene 0.0490 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 74-128 Isopropyl Ether 0.0453 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 59-159 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.0473 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 68-126 m,p-Xylenes 0.0973 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.1000 97 75-124 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0.0527 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 105 61-157 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.0662 0.10 mg/kg wet 0.05000 132 63-149 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0489 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 57-162 Methylene Chloride 0.0452 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 74-129 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 0.0492 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 70-130 Naphthalene 0.0471 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 57-157 n-Butylbenzene 0.0483 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 65-135 n-Propylbenzene 0.0469 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 67-130 o-Xylene 0.0480 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 74-126 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 66-131 Styrene 0.0479 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 77-121 tert-Butyl benzene 0.0464 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 67-132 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0517 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 68-130 Toluene 0.0503 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 71-129 trans- 1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0481 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 73-132 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0506 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 68-123 Trichloroethylene 0.0498 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 75-133 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0535 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 107 44-146 Vinyl acetate 0.0469 0.025 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 85-161 Vinyl chloride 0.0474 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 48-147 Xylenes, total 0.145 0.015 mg/kg wet 0.1500 97 74-126 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.9 ug/L 50.00 100 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.3 ug/L 50.00 99 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 46.8 ug/L 50.00 94 76-129 J J This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO490 - 5035 LCS Dup (P9CO490-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0538 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 72-115 1 20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 0.0497 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 99 67-131 1 20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 0.0456 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 56-126 4 20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 0.0478 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 70-133 2 20 1,1-Dichloroethane 0.0488 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 74-127 0.4 20 1,1-Dichloroethylene 0.0485 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 67-149 3 20 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 0.0502 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 71-130 1 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 0.0475 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 68-130 0.5 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 0.0455 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 60-137 4 20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 0.0466 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 66-125 2 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 0.0461 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 69-129 1 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 0.0477 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 70-132 3 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 0.0443 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 72-123 0.2 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 0.0475 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 68-128 1 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.0494 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 99 73-130 1 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 0.0452 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 69-128 3 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 0.0449 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 71-120 0.5 20 1,3-Dichloropropane 0.0471 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 75-124 3 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 0.0449 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 71-123 1 20 2,2-Dichloropropane 0.0478 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 96 50-142 3 20 2-Chlorotoluene 0.0447 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 67-124 1 20 4-Chlorotoluene 0.0443 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 71-126 2 20 4-Isopropyltoluene 0.0460 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 68-129 3 20 Acetone 0.126 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.1000 126 29-198 24 20 D Benzene 0.0492 0.0030 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 74-127 0.4 20 Bromobenzene 0.0448 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 90 73-125 2 20 Bromochloromethane 0.0486 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 72-134 0.1 20 Bromodichloromethane 0.0513 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 103 75-122 0.08 20 Bromoform 0.0587 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 117 66-135 3 20 Bromomethane 0.0400 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 80 20-180 7 20 Carbon Tetrachloride 0.0540 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 64-143 4 20 Chlorobenzene 0.0460 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 74-118 2 20 Chloroethane 0.0539 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 108 33-149 0.9 20 Chloroform 0.0491 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 73-127 0.3 20 Chloromethane 0.0441 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 45-143 1 20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0484 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 76-134 0.02 20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0501 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 71-125 0.06 20 Dibromochloromethane 0.0519 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 104 73-122 1 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 0.0441 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 88 26-146 4 20 Ethylbenzene 0.0476 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 74-128 3 20 Isopropyl Ether 0.0457 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 59-159 0.9 20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 0.0463 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 68-126 2 20 m,p-Xylenes 0.0950 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.1000 95 75-124 2 20 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 0.0447 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 89 61-157 17 20 J Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 0.0552 0.10 mg/kg wet 0.05000 110 63-149 18 20 J Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 0.0459 0.050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 57-162 6 20 J This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, INC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO490 - 5035 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS Dup (P9C0490-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 Methylene Chloride 0.0455 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 74-129 0.6 20 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 0.0487 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 97 70-130 1 20 Naphthalene 0.0456 0.010 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 57-157 3 20 n-Butylbenzene 0.0466 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 65-135 4 20 n-Propylbenzene 0.0459 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 92 67-130 2 20 o-Xylene 0.0471 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 74-126 2 20 sec-Butylbenzene 0.0464 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 93 66-131 2 20 Styrene 0.0471 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 77-121 2 20 tert-Butylbenzene 0.0456 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 67-132 2 20 Tetrachloroethylene 0.0511 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 102 68-130 1 20 Toluene 0.0499 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 100 71-129 0.7 20 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 0.0477 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 95 73-132 0.9 20 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 0.0506 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 101 68-123 0.02 20 Trichloroethylene 0.0490 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 98 75-133 2 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 0.0524 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 105 44-146 2 20 Vinyl acetate 0.0468 0.025 mg/kg wet 0.05000 94 85-161 0.09 20 Vinyl chloride 0.0454 0.0050 mg/kg wet 0.05000 91 48-147 5 20 Xylenes, total 0.142 0.015 mg/kg wet 0.1500 95 74-126 2 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.4 ug/L 50.00 99 70-130 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 50.4 ug/L 50.00 101 84-123 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 46.4 ug/L 50.00 93 76-129 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Blank (P9C0431-BLK1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Chlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 2-Nitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chloroaniline BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet 4-Nitrophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Acenaphthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Acenaphthylene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Azobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzoic Acid BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Benzyl alcohol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Chrysene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dibenzofuran BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Diethyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Dimethyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P9C0431-BLK1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Fluoranthene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Fluorene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Hexachloroethane BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Isophorone BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Naphthalene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Nitrobenzene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pentachlorophenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Phenanthrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Phenol BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pyrene BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Pyridine BRL 0.33 mg/kg wet Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.09 mg/kg wet 3.333 93 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.56 mg/kg wet 1.667 93 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 3.03 mg/kg wet 3.333 91 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.36 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.90 mg/kg wet 3.333 87 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.74 mg/kg wet 1.667 104 54-127 LCS (P9C0431-BSI) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 34-118 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.26 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 76 33-117 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 30-115 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 31-115 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.32 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 40-119 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.36 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 82 62-124 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.51 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 91 39-126 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.31 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 40-122 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.74 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 104 30-127 2,4-Dinitrophenol 0.977 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 59 27-129 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.51 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 91 48-126 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 46-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.47 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 41-114 2-Chlorophenol 1.44 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 86 34-121 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.29 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 38-122 2-Methylphenol 1.52 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 91 32-122 2-Nitrophenol 1.44 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 86 36-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.70 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 102 22-121 3/4-Methyl phenol 1.35 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 34-119 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.50 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 90 29-132 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0431-BSI) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.44 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 86 46-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.40 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 84 45-122 4-Chloroaniline 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 17-106 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.50 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 90 45-121 4-Nitrophenol 1.38 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 30-132 Acenaphthene 1.54 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 92 40-123 Acenaphthylene 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 32-132 Anthracene 1.66 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 100 47-123 Azobenzene 1.39 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 39-125 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.54 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 92 49-126 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.63 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 45-129 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.72 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 103 45-132 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.57 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 43-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.52 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 91 47-132 Benzoic Acid 0.734 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 44 10-83 Benzyl alcohol 1.38 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 29-122 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 36-121 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1.16 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 70 31-120 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 33-131 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.73 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 104 51-133 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 48-132 Chrysene 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 50-124 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.64 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 45-134 Dibenzofuran 1.52 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 91 44-120 Diethyl phthalate 1.55 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 93 50-124 Dimethyl phthalate 1.50 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 90 48-124 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.67 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 100 51-128 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.68 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 101 45-140 Fluoranthene 1.59 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 95 50-127 Fluorene 1.58 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 95 43-125 Hexachlorobenzene 1.40 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 84 45-122 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.29 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 32-123 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1.42 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 85 32-117 Hexachloroethane 1.15 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 28-117 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.60 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 96 45-133 Isophorone 1.19 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 30-122 Naphthalene 1.28 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 35-123 Nitrobenzene 1.14 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 69 34-122 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1.24 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 36-120 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.73 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 104 38-127 Pentachlorophenol 1.75 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 105 25-133 Phenanthrene 1.63 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 50-121 Phenol 1.39 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 34-121 Pyrene 1.62 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 97 47-127 Pyridine 0.946 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 10-60 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.45 mg/kg wet 3.333 104 39-132 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0431-BS1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.48 mg/kg wet 1.667 89 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 3.00 mg/kg wet 3.333 90 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.18 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.77 mg/kg wet 3.333 83 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.62 mg/kg wet 1.667 97 54-127 LCS Dup (P9CO431-BSD1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.25 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 34-118 3 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.29 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 77 33-117 2 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.25 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 30-115 3 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.25 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 75 31-115 2 20 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.34 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 80 40-119 1 20 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.39 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 62-124 2 20 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.54 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 93 39-126 2 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.35 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 40-122 3 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.74 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 104 30-127 0 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.07 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 64 27-129 9 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.60 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 96 48-126 6 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.63 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 46-124 4 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.48 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 89 41-114 1 20 2-Chlorophenol 1.46 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 34-121 1 20 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.31 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 38-122 2 20 2-Methylphenol 1.51 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 91 32-122 0.7 20 2-Nitrophenol 1.50 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 90 36-123 4 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.79 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 107 22-121 5 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 1.35 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 81 34-119 0.2 20 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 1.59 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 95 29-132 6 20 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.46 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 46-124 1 20 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.41 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 85 45-122 1 20 4-Chloroaniline 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 17-106 0.9 20 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 93 45-121 3 20 4-Nitrophenol 1.45 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 87 30-132 5 20 Acenaphthene 1.58 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 95 40-123 3 20 Acenaphthylene 1.59 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 96 32-132 2 20 Anthracene 1.72 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 103 47-123 3 20 Azobenzene 1.43 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 86 39-125 3 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.67 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 100 49-126 8 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.71 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 103 45-129 5 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.77 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 106 45-132 3 20 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.66 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 100 43-134 6 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.59 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 96 47-132 5 20 Benzoic Acid 0.734 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 44 10-83 0 20 Benzyl alcohol 1.39 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 83 29-122 0.7 20 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.23 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 74 36-121 2 20 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1.20 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 31-120 3 20 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 1.21 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 33-131 0.1 20 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.81 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 109 51-133 5 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO431 - 3546 LCS Dup (P9C0431-BSD1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.67 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 100 48-132 7 20 Chrysene 1.64 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 99 50-124 5 20 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.76 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 105 45-134 7 20 Dibenzofuran 1.55 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 93 44-120 2 20 Diethyl phthalate 1.63 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 50-124 5 20 Dimethyl phthalate 1.56 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 94 48-124 4 20 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.76 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 106 51-128 5 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.76 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 105 45-140 4 20 Fluoranthene 1.69 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 101 50-127 6 20 Fluorene 1.64 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 98 43-125 4 20 Hexachlorobenzene 1.46 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 87 45-122 4 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.32 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 32-123 2 20 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1.46 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 87 32-117 3 20 Hexachloroethane 1.19 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 28-117 3 20 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 1.66 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 100 45-133 4 20 Isophorone 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 30-122 3 20 Naphthalene 1.32 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 79 35-123 3 20 Nitrobenzene 1.18 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 71 34-122 3 20 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1.22 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 73 36-120 1 20 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.78 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 107 38-127 2 20 Pentachlorophenol 1.83 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 110 25-133 4 20 Phenanthrene 1.68 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 101 50-121 3 20 Phenol 1.40 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 84 34-121 1 20 Pyrene 1.70 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 102 47-127 5 20 Pyridine 0.945 0.33 mg/kg wet 1.667 57 10-60 0.1 20 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.64 mg/kg wet 3.333 109 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.47 mg/kg wet 1.667 88 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 2.96 mg/kg wet 3.333 89 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.19 mg/kg wet 1.667 72 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.74 mg/kg wet 3.333 82 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.66 mg/kg wet 1.667 99 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike (P9C0431-MS1) Source: 9030347-05 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.34 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 71 34-118 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.39 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 73 33-117 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.32 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 70 30-115 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.35 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 71 31-115 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.46 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 77 40-119 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.49 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 78 45-121 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.65 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 87 39-126 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.45 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 76 40-122 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.73 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 91 30-127 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.74 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 92 27-129 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.72 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 91 48-126 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.77 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 93 46-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.62 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 86 41-114 2-Chlorophenol 1.56 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 82 34-121 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.42 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 75 38-122 2-Methylphenol 1.60 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 85 32-122 2-Nitrophenol 1.61 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 85 36-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 1.90 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 100 22-121 3/4-Methyl phenol 1.45 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 77 34-119 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2.00 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 106 29-132 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.61 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 85 46-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 1.54 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 81 45-122 4-Chloroaniline 1.38 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 73 17-106 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.69 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 89 45-121 4-Nitrophenol 1.54 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 81 30-132 Acenaphthene 1.73 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 91 40-123 Acenaphthylene 1.73 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 91 32-132 Anthracene 1.84 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 97 47-123 Azobenzene 1.54 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 82 39-125 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.73 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 91 49-126 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.80 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 95 45-129 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.86 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 98 45-132 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.75 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 93 43-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.68 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 89 47-132 Benzoic Acid 1.03 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 55 10-83 Benzyl alcohol 1.51 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 80 29-122 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.33 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 70 36-121 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1.33 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 70 31-120 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 1.29 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 68 33-131 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.90 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 101 51-133 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.74 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 92 48-132 Chrysene 1.75 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 93 50-124 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.84 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 97 45-134 Dibenzofuran 1.70 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 90 44-120 Diethyl phthalate 1.73 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 91 50-124 Dimethyl phthalate 1.69 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 89 48-124 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, INC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike (P9C0431-MS1) Source: 9030347-05 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.84 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 97 51-128 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.84 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 97 45-140 Fluoranthene 1.80 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 95 50-127 Fluorene 1.78 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 94 43-125 Hexachlorobenzene 1.56 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 82 45-122 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.43 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 76 32-123 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1.61 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 85 32-117 Hexachloroethane 1.26 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 66 28-117 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 2.19 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 0.356 97 45-133 Isophorone 1.31 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 69 30-122 Naphthalene 1.40 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 74 35-123 Nitrobenzene 1.23 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 65 34-122 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1.31 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 69 36-120 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.88 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 99 38-127 Pentachlorophenol 1.99 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 105 25-133 Phenanthrene 1.80 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 95 50-121 Phenol 1.51 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 80 34-121 Pyrene 1.82 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 96 47-127 Pyridine 0.998 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.892 BRL 53 20-150 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.80 mg/kg dry 3.784 100 39-132 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.61 mg/kg dry 1.892 85 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 3.08 mg/kg dry 3.784 81 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.25 mg/kg dry 1.892 66 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 2.94 mg/kg dry 3.784 78 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.76 mg/kg dry 1.892 93 54-127 Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0431-MSD1) Source: 9030347-05 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1.42 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 75 34-118 6 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1.45 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 77 33-117 5 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1.40 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 74 30-115 6 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1.42 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 75 31-115 6 20 1-Methyl naphthalene 1.53 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 81 40-119 5 20 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 1.57 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 83 45-121 6 35 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 1.74 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 92 39-126 6 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 1.52 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 81 40-122 5 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 1.81 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 96 30-127 5 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol 1.88 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 99 27-129 8 20 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 1.79 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 95 48-126 4 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 1.82 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 96 46-124 3 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 1.69 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 89 41-114 4 20 2-Chlorophenol 1.65 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 87 34-121 5 20 2-Methyl naphthalene 1.50 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 79 38-122 6 20 2-Methylphenol 1.68 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 89 32-122 5 20 2-Nitrophenol 1.70 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 90 36-123 5 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2.06 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 109 22-121 8 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 1.51 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 80 34-119 4 20 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 2.21 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 117 29-132 10 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0431-MSD1) Source: 9030347-05 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 1.72 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 91 46-124 6 20 4-Chloro-3-methyl phenol 1.58 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 84 45-122 3 20 4-Chloroaniline 1.43 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 75 17-106 4 20 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 1.75 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 92 45-121 3 20 4-Nitrophenol 1.61 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 85 30-132 4 20 Acenaphthene 1.78 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 94 40-123 3 20 Acenaphthylene 1.78 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 94 32-132 3 20 Anthracene 1.92 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 102 47-123 4 20 Azobenzene 1.63 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 86 39-125 5 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 1.79 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 95 49-126 3 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.85 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 98 45-129 3 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1.91 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 101 45-132 3 20 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 1.81 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 96 43-134 3 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.77 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 94 47-132 5 20 Benzoic Acid 1.15 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 61 10-83 11 20 Benzyl alcohol 1.61 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 85 29-122 7 20 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 1.38 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 73 36-121 4 20 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 1.39 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 73 31-120 5 20 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 1.36 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 72 33-131 6 20 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1.95 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 103 51-133 2 20 Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.79 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 95 48-132 2 20 Chrysene 1.81 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 96 50-124 3 20 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 1.93 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 102 45-134 5 20 Dibenzofuran 1.74 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 92 44-120 2 20 Diethyl phthalate 1.77 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 94 50-124 2 20 Dimethyl phthalate 1.72 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 91 48-124 2 20 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1.93 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 102 51-128 5 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 1.91 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 101 45-140 4 20 Fluoranthene 1.85 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 98 50-127 3 20 Fluorene 1.81 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 96 43-125 2 20 Hexachlorobenzene 1.66 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 88 45-122 6 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 1.53 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 81 32-123 7 20 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1.70 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 90 32-117 6 20 Hexachloroethane 1.30 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 69 28-117 3 20 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 2.27 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 0.356 101 45-133 3 20 Isophorone 1.36 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 72 30-122 4 20 Naphthalene 1.48 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 79 35-123 6 20 Nitrobenzene 1.33 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 71 34-122 8 20 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 1.35 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 71 36-120 3 20 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 1.99 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 105 38-127 6 20 Pentachlorophenol 2.12 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 112 25-133 6 20 Phenanthrene 1.88 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 99 50-121 4 20 Phenol 1.59 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 84 34-121 5 20 Pyrene 1.86 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 99 47-127 2 20 Pyridine 1.02 0.37 mg/kg dry 1.889 BRL 54 20-150 2 60 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 3.86 mg/kg dry 3.778 102 39-132 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Analyte Result Limit Units Batch P9CO431 - 3546 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0431-MSD1) Source: 9030347-05 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Surrogate: 2-Fluorobiphenyl 1.65 mg/kg dry 1.889 87 44-115 Surrogate: 2-Fluorophenol 3.26 mg/kg dry 3.778 86 35-115 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 1.32 mg/kg dry 1.889 70 37-122 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 3.02 mg/kg dry 3.778 80 34-121 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 1.78 mg/kg dry 1.889 94 54-127 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9C0421 - 3050B Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P9C0421-BLK1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Arsenic BRL 1.0 mg/kg wet Barium BRL 10 mg/kg wet Cadmium BRL 0.50 mg/kg wet Chromium BRL 1.0 mg/kg wet Lead BRL 1.0 mg/kg wet Selenium BRL 1.0 mg/kg wet Silver BRL 0.50 mg/kg wet LCS (P9C0421-BS1) Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Arsenic 11.8 1.0 mg/kg wet 12.50 94 80-120 Barium 12.3 10 mg/kg wet 12.50 99 80-120 Cadmium 12.1 0.50 mg/kg wet 12.50 97 80-120 Chromium 12.5 1.0 mg/kg wet 12.50 100 80-120 Lead 12.1 1.0 mg/kg wet 12.50 97 80-120 Selenium 11.9 1.0 mg/kg wet 12.50 95 80-120 Silver 4.75 0.50 mg/kg wet 5.000 95 80-120 Matrix Spike (P9C0421-MS1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Arsenic 15.6 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 3.20 79 75-125 Barium 122 13 mg/kg dry 15.75 189 NR 75-125 MC Cadmium 12.9 0.63 mg/kg dry 15.75 BRL 82 75-125 Chromium 48.8 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 32.5 104 75-125 Lead 27.1 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 12.7 91 75-125 Selenium 11.7 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 BRL 74 75-125 M Silver 5.95 0.63 mg/kg dry 6.300 0.171 92 75-125 Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0421-MSD1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Arsenic 15.0 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 3.20 75 75-125 4 20 Barium 156 13 mg/kg dry 15.75 189 NR 75-125 25 20 D, MC Cadmium 13.1 0.63 mg/kg dry 15.75 BRL 83 75-125 1 20 Chromium 47.1 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 32.5 93 75-125 4 20 Lead 25.7 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 12.7 82 75-125 5 20 Selenium 11.9 1.3 mg/kg dry 15.75 BRL 76 75-125 2 20 Silver 5.98 0.63 mg/kg dry 6.300 0.171 92 75-125 0.6 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO421 - 3050B Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Post Spike (P9C0421-PS1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared: 03/22/19 Analyzed: 03/25/19 Arsenic 0.516 mg/L 0.5001 0.102 83 75-125 Barium Over Range mg/L 0.5000 6.00 NR 75-125 M Cadmium 0.400 mg/L 0.5000-0.000785 80 75-125 Chromium 1.41 mg/L 0.5001 1.03 77 75-125 Lead 0.798 mg/L 0.5001 0.405 79 75-125 Selenium 0.409 mg/L 0.4999-0.0391 82 75-125 Silver 0.176 mg/L 0.2000 0.00544 85 75-125 Batch P9CO426 - 7471 B Blank (P9C0426-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Mercury BRL 0.020 mg/kg wet LCS (P9C0426-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Mercury 0.438 0.020 mg/kg wet 0.4167 105 80-120 Matrix Spike (P9C0426-MS1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Mercury 0.601 0.025 mg/kg dry 0.5250 0.0475 106 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0426-MSD1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Mercury 0.602 0.025 mg/kg dry 0.5250 0.0475 106 80-120 0.2 20 Batch P9DO034 - 3060A Blank (P9D0034-BLK1) Prepared: 04/02/19 Analyzed: 04/03/19 Hexavalent Chromium BRL 0.40 mg/kg wet This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9D0034 - 3060A Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9D0034-BS1) Prepared: 04/02/19 Analyzed: 04/03/19 Hexavalent Chromium 15.2 0.40 mg/kg wet 16.00 95 80-120 Matrix Spike (P9D0034-MS1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared: 04/02/19 Analyzed: 04/03/19 Hexavalent Chromium 17.9 0.50 mg/kg dry 20.16 0.213 88 60-119 Matrix Spike Dup (P9D0034-MSD1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared: 04/02/19 Analyzed: 04/03/19 Hexavalent Chromium 17.9 0.50 mg/kg dry 20.16 0.213 88 60-119 0.2 20 Post Spike (P9D0034-PS1) Source: 9030347-01 Prepared: 04/02/19 Analyzed: 04/03/19 Hexavalent Chromium 0.353 mg/kg 0.4000 0.00422 87 85-115 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 4/9/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 General Chemistry Parameters - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 9030347 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9C0502 - Solids, Dry Weight Duplicate (P9C0502-DUP1) Source: 9030347-06 Prepared: 03/26/19 Analyzed: 03/27/19 % Solids 87.7 0.100 % by Weight 87.8 0.1 20 Duplicate (P9C0502-DUP2) Source: 9030347-13 Prepared: 03/26/19 Analyzed: 03/27/19 % Solids 90.6 0.100 % by Weight 90.2 0.5 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: Solids, Dry Weight Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030347-01 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-02 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-03 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-04 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-05 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-06 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-07 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-08 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-09 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-10 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-11 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-12 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-13 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 9030347-14 P9C0502 30 g 30 g 03/26/19 16:38 Prep Method: 3546 Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030347-01 P9C0431 30.17 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-02 P9C0431 30.07 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-03 P9C0431 30.05 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-04 P9C0431 30.19 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-05 P9C0431 30.1 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-06RE1 P9C0431 30.04 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-07 P9C0431 30.08 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-08 P9C0431 30.05 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-09 P9C0431 30 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-10 P9C0431 30.15 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-11 P9C0431 30.16 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-12 P9C0431 30.02 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-13 P9C0431 30.05 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 9030347-14 P9C0431 30.09 g 1 mL 03/22/19 10:15 Prep Method: 3050E Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030347-01 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-02 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-03 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-04 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-05 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-06 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-07 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-08 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-08 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-09 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-10 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-11 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-11 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-12 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-13 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 9030347-14 P9C0421 2 g 50 mL 03/22/19 8:30 Prep Method: 3060A Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030347-01 P91D0034 2.5 g 100 mL 04/02/19 13:00 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: 3060A Lab Number Batch Initial Final DatelTime 9030347-02 P9D0034 2.5 g 100 mL 04/02/19 13:00 9030347-08 P9D0034 2.5 g 100 mL 04/02/19 13:00 Prep Method: 7471B Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030347-01 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-02 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-03 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-04 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-05 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-06 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-07 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-08 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-09 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-10 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-11 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-12 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-13 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 9030347-14 P9C0426 0.6 g 50 mL 03/22/19 9:15 Prep Method: 5030B Lab Number Batch Initial Final DatelTime 9030347-15 Prep Method: 5035 Lab Number P9C0442 Batch 10 Initial mL 10 Final mL 03/22/19 9:16 Date/Time 9030347-01 P9C0490 6.23 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-02 P9C0490 6.01 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-03 P9C0490 5.81 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-04 P9C0490 5.05 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-05 P9C0490 4.94 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-06 P9C0490 6.56 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-07 P9C0490 5.31 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-08 P9C0490 4.98 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-09 P9C0490 5.63 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-10 P9C0490 4.66 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-11 P9C0490 6.34 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-12 P9C0490 5.67 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-13 P9C0490 5.07 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 9030347-14 P9C0490 6.18 g 5 mL 03/25/19 10:51 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 O m m c C C (n cn D cncnmm-V ;.' ;w <D 0 y m �- 7 Q p 3 a $ 3 7 -00 ic ID p O C % N 1 m (D m =. V]MV, �,j ��'►�j `l�9 �j �e1 'OCj 'w+ m m_ 0,-0 a Li �Tn n v; I v, i cCL ai a F. ") �' y v\ '\ A A „ Z O fyil \ 0 y 8 C D ❑ G (c _ (D �_ '� �l 3 �• a Ix = 3 m O z m m m E N SID _ k m - CL C a o D m �I o 0 i r- ,..1 �+ v m � �1 p m 1iQI R ,8 3 a m O - :'� .U) '� m m m El< �,_ n Z ocm`� zm a 0 �� Q v -`� Orbs yjmm y {. O 0 Tm ma ��• v yw Fm 3 Cr7 fD vm0� \ {� �� r a ) m O' xo I1 0� << d� 1c my m r� p 0 33 W N 3 .-�•. m 0 O ^ m r x� \ m N m N Z m� 3 ma W 3 y ` rm D O Z m s N v�a3 v <y m0 CD v 3 `� mm_CD mn 0 cD Dw nm m °a,rn D N O m r N G. 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P� CY K D n Q M N IQ k N O /c C - o a m x m C7 S m m c N o N Cl ozaCD ° m mm. m O mr�+i m (DID O O a a e p m -<n m 'D m N Z A a m ❑ ❑ C 0), a? 9, ' W 3m 0oo co00) p _ O N N - CO Q. � C.❑ ;a v Oz N o ❑ p M' m � m cOi d . � O N N N N 2Zymm ❑ m C_, w ormaID a , R n - xl v In 2 N N ❑ j61 W CD ❑ ? CO) N�mp Maa`D�� N N D N M:❑ N a 3 o aK 0 maN,< -< co N a m z Ny d CD _ m m m C� d CO a ° v C � 3 n m a c mI 0 iy°I Z m 0 M CM Iy T z r DI Z n ;a z n o m = n V tQ p O a o m ao- o w to z m ,°, rn z 3 Vow 61 O ACT a D 3 NO O CD 10 x m rnO z� Aa m0 md m -n JO AN W N 0 m ci bN > m w D � co _ o w rtF . n 90 CL on , .0, MID N _ z "��no 0 d > CL B7 Cy N °' N ° Q n'0 � � O c m on C o m ' 1 a -- o to CD (D Z Cc = CD y C m YI CD 0 o m C 7D to �� A 'o C1 0 r m m m rt m r � �o 0 m M rO c m x m M D � . _0 -. v < m O a x a N O z 3 p m CDjT1- m z D a O D = Cn * o zi 4 �e �nzm 3. v a c CD 0 z m CD v "N\M\N\1V0 Case Narrative PRISM Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions `,. LABORATORIES, INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 NC Certification No. 402 NC Drinking Water Cent No. 37735 SC Certification No. 99012 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Lab Submittal Date: 03/21/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030346 3/28/19 10:08 This data package contains the analytical results for the project identified above and includes a Case Narrative, Sample Results and Chain of Custody. Unless otherwise noted, all samples were received in acceptable condition and processed according to the referenced methods. Data qualifiers are flagged individually on each sample. A key reference for the data qualifiers appears at the end of this case narrative. Please call if you have any questions relating to this analytical report. Respectfully, PRISM LABORATORIES, INC. a,j Angela D. Overcash VP Laboratory Services Reviewed By Terri W. Cole For Angela D. Overcash Project Manager Data Qualifiers Key Reference: CCV CCV result is above the control limits. Analyte not detected in the sample. No further action taken. D RPD value outside of the control limits. J Detected but below the Reporting Limit; therefore, result is an estimated concentration (CLP J-Flag). L Parameter reported with possible low bias. LCS recovery below the QC limit. L2 LCSD recovery outside of the QC limits. LCS recovery within the limits. No further action taken. LH High LCS recovery. Analyte not detected in the sample(s). No further action taken. BRL Below Reporting Limit MDL Method Detection Limit RPD Relative Percent Difference * Results reported to the reporting limit. All other results are reported to the MDL with values between MDL and reporting limit indicated with a J. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 1 of 36 Receipt Summary Full -Service Analytical R PRISMSample Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Client Sample ID Lab Sample ID Matrix Date/Time Sampled Date/Time Received TMW-1W 9030346-01 Water 03/20/19 14:50 03/21/19 10:00 TMW-2W 9030346-02 Water 03/20/19 12:50 03/21/19 10:00 TMW-3W 9030346-03 Water 03/20/19 16:40 03/21/19 10:00 Dupe-W 9030346-04 Water 03/20/19 0:00 03/21/19 10:00 Trip Blank 9030346-05 Water 03/20/19 0:00 03/21/19 10:00 Samples were received in good condition at 3.2 degrees C unless otherwise noted. This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 2 of 36 Full -Service Analytical & �P R I S M Environmental Solutions �. LABORATORIES, INC. Summary of Detections 03/28/2019 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Prism ID Client ID Parameter Method Result Units 9030346-01 TMW-1W Barium `6010D 0.17 mg/L 9030346-01 TMW-1W Iron '6010D 44 mg/L 9030346-01 TMW-1W Manganese '6010D 3.6 mg/L 9030346-02 TMW-2W Barium `6010D 0.12 mg/L 9030346-02 TMW-2W Cadmium '6010D 0.0035 mg/L 9030346-02 TMW-2W Lead "6010D 0.0064 mg/L 9030346-03 TMW-3W Barium '6010D 0.080 mg/L 9030346-04 Dupe-W Barium `6010D 0.099 mg/L 9030346-04 Dupe-W Cadmium '6010D 0.0030 mg/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 3 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-1W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-01 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 20 4.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 20 4.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 51 13 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 51 16 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 20 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 20 4.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 20 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Aniline BRL ug/L 20 6.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Anthracene BRL ug/L 20 5.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 23 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 4 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-1 W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 10 3.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 20 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 20 4.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Fluorene BRL ug/L 20 5.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 20 4.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 20 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 20 4.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 20 4.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.71 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:02 JMV P9C0460 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 103 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 99 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 54 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 86 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 36 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 108 % 50-134 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0037 1 *SM3500-Cr B 3/21/19 10:58 BMS P9C0412 Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 *7470A 3/26/19 11:50 MMR P9C0474 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0031 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Barium 0.17 mg/L 0.010 0.00080 1 *6010D 3122/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Cadmium BRL mg/L 0.0010 0.00015 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Chromium BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00036 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Iron 44 mg/L 0.10 0.0014 1 *6010D 3122/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Lead BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00080 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Manganese 3.6 mg/L 0.010 0.0020 1 *60101) 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 5 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-1 W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Selenium BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0056 1 *601OD 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Silver BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00039 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:24 JAB P9C0422 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Chloroethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 6 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-1 W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-01 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 14:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Xylenes, total BRL ug/L 1.5 0.15 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:32 KDM P9C0442 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 99 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 103 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 7 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-2W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-02 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 12:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 20 4.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 20 4.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 50 13 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 50 15 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 20 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 20 4.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 20 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 20 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Aniline BRL ug/L 20 6.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Anthracene BRL ug/L 20 4.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 23 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 8 of 36 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-2W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 12:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 20 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 20 4.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Fluorene BRL ug/L 20 5.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 20 4.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 20 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 20 4.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 20 4.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.71 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:25 JMV P9C0460 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 104 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 105 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 62 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 97 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 39 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 106 % 50-134 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0037 1 *SM3500-Cr B 3/21/19 10:58 BMS P9C0412 Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 *7470A 3/26/19 12:02 MMR P9C0474 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0031 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 Barium 0.12 mg/L 0.010 0.00080 1 *6010D 3122/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 Cadmium 0.0035 mg/L 0.0010 0.00015 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 Chromium BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00036 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 Lead 0.0064 mg/L 0.0050 0.00080 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 Selenium BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0056 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 Silver BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00039 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:33 JAB P9C0422 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 9 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-2W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-02 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 12:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Chloroethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 10 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-2W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-02 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 12:50 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Xylenes, total BRL ug/L 1.5 0.15 1 8260B 3/22/19 19:58 KDM P9C0442 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 103 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 103 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 11 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-3W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-03 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 16:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 11 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 4.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 22 4.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 11 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 54 14 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 11 3.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 22 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 22 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 11 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 11 2.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 11 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 11 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 54 17 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 22 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 11 2.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 11 1.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 22 5.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 11 1.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 11 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 22 4.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 22 4.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Aniline BRL ug/L 22 6.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Anthracene BRL ug/L 22 5.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 11 3.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 11 3.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 11 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 11 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 11 2.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 11 2.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 110 24 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 11 2.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 11 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 11 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 12 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-3W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 16:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 11 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthaIate BRL ug/L 11 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 1.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Chrysene BRL ug/L 11 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 11 1.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 22 4.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 22 4.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 11 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 22 5.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Fluorene BRL ug/L 22 5.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 22 4.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 11 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 11 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 11 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 11 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Isophorone BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 11 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 11 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 22 4.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 22 5.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 11 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 22 4.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Phenol BRL ug/L 11 0.76 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Pyrene BRL ug/L 11 3.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 15:47 JMV P9C0460 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 97 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 97 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 54 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 87 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 37 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 104 % 50-134 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0037 1 *SM3500-Cr B 3/21/19 10:58 BMS P9C0412 Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 *7470A 3/26/19 12:06 MMR P9C0474 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0031 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 Barium 0.080 mg/L 0.010 0.00080 1 *6010D 3122/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 Cadmium BRL mg/L 0.0010 0.00015 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 Chromium BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00036 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 Lead BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00080 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 Selenium BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0056 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 Silver BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00039 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:42 JAB P9C0422 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 13 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: TMW-3W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-03 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 16:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Chloroethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 14 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: TMW-3W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-03 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 16:40 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Xylenes, total BRL ug/L 1.5 0.15 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:24 KDM P9C0442 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 96 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 94 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 102 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 15 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-04 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 20 4.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL ug/L 20 4.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL ug/L 50 13 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL ug/L 20 3.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2-Chlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2-Methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 1.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 3.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 2-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 3-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL ug/L 50 15 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 20 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4-Chloroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL ug/L 20 4.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitroaniline BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 4-Nitrophenol BRL ug/L 10 2.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthene BRL ug/L 20 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Acenaphthylene BRL ug/L 20 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Aniline BRL ug/L 20 6.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Anthracene BRL ug/L 20 4.9 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Azobenzene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(a)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL ug/L 10 2.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzoic Acid BRL ug/L 100 23 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Benzyl alcohol BRL ug/L 10 1.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 16 of 36 Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & P R S M / LABORATORIES INC. environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL ug/L 10 3.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 1.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Chrysene BRL ug/L 10 3.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL ug/L 10 1.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Dibenzofuran BRL ug/L 20 4.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Diethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.6 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Dimethyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL ug/L 20 3.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL ug/L 10 2.0 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Fluoranthene BRL ug/L 20 4.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Fluorene BRL ug/L 20 5.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobenzene BRL ug/L 20 4.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL ug/L 10 2.1 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Hexachloroethane BRL ug/L 10 2.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL ug/L 10 2.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Isophorone BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 10 3.2 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Nitrobenzene BRL ug/L 10 2.4 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL ug/L 20 3.7 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL ug/L 20 4.8 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Pentachlorophenol BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Phenanthrene BRL ug/L 20 4.5 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Phenol BRL ug/L 10 0.71 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Pyrene BRL ug/L 10 3.3 1 8270D 3/26/19 16:09 JMV P9C0460 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 108 % 43-140 2-Fluorobiphenyl 108 % 44-119 2-Fluorophenol 63 % 19-119 Nitrobenzene-d5 100 % 44-120 Phenol-d5 41 % 11-52 Terphenyl-d14 111 % 50-134 Total Metals Hexavalent Chromium BRL mg/L 0.010 0.0037 1 *SM3500-Cr B 3/21/19 10:58 BMS P9C0412 Mercury BRL mg/L 0.00020 0.000036 1 *7470A 3/26/19 12:09 MMR P9C0474 Arsenic BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0031 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 Barium 0.099 mg/L 0.010 0.00080 1 *6010D 3122/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 Cadmium 0.0030 mg/L 0.0010 0.00015 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 Chromium BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00036 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 Lead BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00080 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 Selenium BRL mg/L 0.020 0.0056 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 Silver BRL mg/L 0.0050 0.00039 1 *6010D 3/22/19 16:52 JAB P9C0422 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 17 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Prism Sample ID: 9030346-04 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Chloroethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 18 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Dupe-W Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-04 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Date/Time Analyst Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Xylenes, total BRL ug/L 1.5 0.15 1 8260B 3/22/19 20:50 KDM P9C0442 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 102 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 98 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 99 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 19 of 36 PR I S M Full -Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES INC. Laboratory Report 03/28/2019 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Sample Matrix: Water Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Prism Sample ID: 9030346-05 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report MDL Dilution Method Analysis Analyst Batch Limit Factor Date/Time ID Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.036 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.40 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.13 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.17 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.051 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.043 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL ug/L 2.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 2-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.066 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 4-Chlorotoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.089 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Acetone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.31 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Acrolein BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Acrylonitrile BRL ug/L 20 0.20 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Benzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.048 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Bromobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.057 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Bromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.14 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Bromodichloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Bromoform BRL ug/L 1.0 0.040 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Bromomethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.18 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Carbon disulfide BRL ug/L 5.0 0.075 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Carbon Tetrachloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Chlorobenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Chloroethane BRL CCV ug/L 0.50 0.22 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Chloroform BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Chloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.056 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.079 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Dibromochloromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.081 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 20 of 36 P R S M Laboratory Report ` Full -Service Analytical & / Environmental Solutions 03/28/2019 LABORATORIES INC. Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Attn: Tom Proctor Prism Sample ID: 9030346-05 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Prism Work Order: 9030346 Raleigh, NC 27615 Sample Matrix: Water Time Collected: 03/20/19 00:00 Time Submitted: 03/21/19 10:00 Parameter Result Units Report Limit MDL Dilution Factor Method Analysis Analyst Date/Time Batch ID Dibromomethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL ug/L 1.0 0.11 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Ethylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.061 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Hexachlorobutadiene BRL ug/L 2.0 0.16 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Isopropyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.050 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL ug/L 0.50 0.054 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 m,p-Xylenes BRL ug/L 1.0 0.12 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.065 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL ug/L 5.0 0.24 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL ug/L 5.0 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Methylene Chloride BRL ug/L 1.0 0.083 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL ug/L 0.50 0.042 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Naphthalene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.19 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 n-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 1.0 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 n-Propylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.087 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 o-Xylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 sec-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.076 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Styrene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.047 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 tert-Butylbenzene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.088 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Tetrachloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.098 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Toluene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.044 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.094 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 trans-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.070 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Trichloroethylene BRL ug/L 0.50 0.078 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Trichlorofluoromethane BRL ug/L 0.50 0.062 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl acetate BRL ug/L 2.0 0.060 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Vinyl chloride BRL ug/L 0.50 0.097 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Xylenes, total BRL ug/L 1.5 0.15 1 8260B 3/22/19 13:27 KDM P9C0442 Surrogate Recovery Control Limits 4-Bromofluorobenzene 98 % 80-124 Dibromofluoromethane 95 % 75-129 Toluene-d8 103 % 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 21 of 36 /r Full -Service R I IS M Service Analytical Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B Blank (P9C0442-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,1-Trichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1,2-Trichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,1-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene BRL 2.0 ug/L 1,2,3-Trichloropropane BRL 1.0 ug/L 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 1.0 ug/L 1,2,4-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane BRL 2.0 ug/L 1,2-Dibromoethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,2-Dichloropropane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3,5-Trimethyl benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,3-Dichloropropane BRL 0.50 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L 2,2-Dichloropropane BRL 2.0 ug/L 2-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L 4-Chlorotoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L 4-Isopropyltoluene BRL 0.50 ug/L Acetone BRL 5.0 ug/L Acrolein BRL 20 ug/L Acrylonitrile BRL 20 ug/L Benzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromochloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromodichloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Bromoform BRL 1.0 ug/L Bromomethane BRL 1.0 ug/L Carbon disulfide BRL 5.0 ug/L Carbon Tetrachloride BRL 0.50 ug/L Chlorobenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloroethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloroform BRL 0.50 ug/L Chloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Dibromochloromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Dibromomethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Dichlorodifluoromethane BRL 1.0 ug/L Ethylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 2.0 ug/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 22 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B Blank (P9C0442-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Isopropyl Ether BRL 0.50 ug/L Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) BRL 0.50 ug/L m,p-Xylenes BRL 1.0 ug/L Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) BRL 5.0 ug/L Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) BRL 5.0 ug/L Methyl Isobutyl Ketone BRL 5.0 ug/L Methylene Chloride BRL 1.0 ug/L Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether BRL 0.50 ug/L Naphthalene BRL 1.0 ug/L n-Butylbenzene BRL 1.0 ug/L n-Propylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L o-Xylene BRL 0.50 ug/L sec-Butylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Styrene BRL 0.50 ug/L tert-Butylbenzene BRL 0.50 ug/L Tetrachloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Toluene BRL 0.50 ug/L trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Trichloroethylene BRL 0.50 ug/L Trichlorofluoromethane BRL 0.50 ug/L Vinyl acetate BRL 2.0 ug/L Vinyl chloride BRL 0.50 ug/L Xylenes, total BRL 1.5 ug/L Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 48.1 ug/L 50.00 96 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.3 ug/L 50.00 99 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 50.0 ug/L 50.00 100 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 23 of 36 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B LCS (P9C0442-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 17.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 79-134 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 17.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 75-136 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 62-127 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 70-140 1,1-Dichloroethane 22.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 112 78-130 1,1-Dichloroethylene 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 70-154 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 19.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 71-136 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 20.4 2.0 ug/L 20.00 102 58-144 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 18.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 94 71-127 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 20.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 104 66-139 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 75-133 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 16.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 81 63-134 1,2-Dibromoethane 19.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 77-135 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 78-128 1,2-Dichloroethane 22.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 68-131 1,2-Dichloropropane 22.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 113 77-130 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 75-131 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 77-125 1,3-Dichloropropane 21.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 76-132 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 75-126 2,2-Dichloropropane 14.5 2.0 ug/L 20.00 73 29-149 2-Chlorotoluene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 74-126 4-Chlorotoluene 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 78-129 4-Isopropyltoluene 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 69-132 Acetone 61.4 5.0 ug/L 40.00 154 40-166 Acrolein 47.6 20 ug/L 40.00 119 70-130 Acrylonitrile 44.2 20 ug/L 40.00 111 81-127 Benzene 21.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 109 77-128 Bromobenzene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-129 Bromochloromethane 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-135 Bromodichloromethane 20.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 76-138 Bromoform 14.7 1.0 ug/L 20.00 73 71-135 Bromomethane 27.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 138 41-168 Carbon disulfide 22.3 5.0 ug/L 20.00 112 59-135 Carbon Tetrachloride 14.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 73 72-142 Chlorobenzene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 78-119 Chloroethane 35.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 178 57-142 LH Chloroform 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 77-130 Chloromethane 25.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 127 47-145 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 76-141 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 65-140 Dibromochloromethane 16.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 82 75-134 Dibromomethane 20.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-138 Dichlorodifluoromethane 18.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 92 28-163 Ethylbenzene 20.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 80-127 Hexachlorobutadiene 21.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 106 61-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 24 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO442 - 5030B Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0442-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Isopropyl Ether 23.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 119 60-154 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 20.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 103 70-130 m,p-Xylenes 42.7 1.0 ug/L 40.00 107 77-133 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 23.5 5.0 ug/L 20.00 117 64-137 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 23.3 5.0 ug/L 20.00 116 71-134 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 22.4 5.0 ug/L 20.00 112 69-134 Methylene Chloride 23.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 115 73-131 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 68-135 Naphthalene 19.8 1.0 ug/L 20.00 99 64-136 n-Butylbenzene 21.9 1.0 ug/L 20.00 109 68-134 n-Propylbenzene 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 72-132 o-Xylene 20.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 78-128 sec-Butylbenzene 20.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 71-131 Styrene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-129 tert-Butylbenzene 20.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 70-132 Tetrachloroethylene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 80-129 Toluene 20.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-131 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 22.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 76-135 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 16.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 84 67-140 Trichloroethylene 19.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 95 77-133 Trichlorofluoromethane 20.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 62-148 Vinyl acetate 23.3 2.0 ug/L 20.00 117 34-167 Vinyl chloride 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 57-141 Xylenes, total 63.0 1.5 ug/L 60.00 105 77-133 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 49.7 ug/L 50.00 99 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 47.8 ug/L 50.00 96 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 50.8 ug/L 50.00 102 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 25 of 36 P R I IS M Full -Service Analytical & Environmental Solutions LABORATORIES, INC. Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B LCS Dup (P9CO442-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 17.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 79-134 0.6 20 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 17.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 87 75-136 2 20 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 62-127 1 20 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 70-140 0.05 20 1,1-Dichloroethane 21.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 109 78-130 3 20 1,1-Dichloroethylene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 70-154 4 20 1, 1 -Dichloropropylene 19.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 71-136 2 20 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 19.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 96 58-144 6 20 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 19.3 1.0 ug/L 20.00 97 71-127 2 20 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 19.2 1.0 ug/L 20.00 96 66-139 9 20 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 19.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 95 75-133 6 20 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 17.4 2.0 ug/L 20.00 87 63-134 7 20 1,2-Dibromoethane 19.7 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 77-135 2 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 19.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 78-128 3 20 1,2-Dichloroethane 21.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 68-131 4 20 1,2-Dichloropropane 21.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 110 77-130 3 20 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 19.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 75-131 5 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 19.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 77-125 2 20 1,3-Dichloropropane 21.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 105 76-132 0.2 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 18.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 94 75-126 6 20 2,2-Dichloropropane 15.2 2.0 ug/L 20.00 76 29-149 4 20 2-Chlorotoluene 19.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 74-126 4 20 4-Chlorotoluene 19.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-129 3 20 4-Isopropyltoluene 19.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 97 69-132 5 20 Acetone 64.3 5.0 ug/L 40.00 161 40-166 5 20 Acrolein 50.3 20 ug/L 40.00 126 70-130 6 20 Acrylonitrile 48.3 20 ug/L 40.00 121 81-127 9 20 Benzene 21.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 77-128 2 20 Bromobenzene 19.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 78-129 5 20 Bromochloromethane 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 78-135 3 20 Bromodichloromethane 20.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 76-138 2 20 Bromoform 14.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 73 71-135 0.9 20 Bromomethane 26.2 1.0 ug/L 20.00 131 41-168 5 20 Carbon disulfide 21.5 5.0 ug/L 20.00 108 59-135 4 20 Carbon Tetrachloride 14.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 71 72-142 2 20 L2 Chlorobenzene 19.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 96 78-119 3 20 Chloroethane 33.0 0.50 ug/L 20.00 165 57-142 8 20 LH Chloroform 20.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 104 77-130 2 20 Chloromethane 23.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 116 47-145 9 20 cis-1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 76-141 2 20 cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene 19.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 65-140 3 20 Dibromochloromethane 16.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 83 75-134 1 20 Dibromomethane 21.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 106 76-138 1 20 Dichlorodifluoromethane 18.1 1.0 ug/L 20.00 91 28-163 1 20 Ethylbenzene 19.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 100 80-127 3 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 19.9 2.0 ug/L 20.00 99 61-134 6 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 26 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Volatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO442 - 5030B LCS Dup (P9C0442-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Isopropyl Ether 23.4 0.50 ug/L 20.00 117 60-154 2 20 Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) 19.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 98 70-130 5 20 m,p-Xylenes 41.3 1.0 ug/L 40.00 103 77-133 3 20 Methyl Butyl Ketone (2-Hexanone) 24.9 5.0 ug/L 20.00 125 64-137 6 20 Methyl Ethyl Ketone (2-Butanone) 23.2 5.0 ug/L 20.00 116 71-134 0.5 20 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 23.4 5.0 ug/L 20.00 117 69-134 5 20 Methylene Chloride 23.0 1.0 ug/L 20.00 115 73-131 0.2 20 Methyl-tert-Butyl Ether 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 68-135 0.2 20 Naphthalene 19.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 98 64-136 1 20 n-Butylbenzene 19.6 1.0 ug/L 20.00 98 68-134 11 20 n-Propylbenzene 20.2 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 72-132 5 20 o-Xylene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 78-128 2 20 sec-Butylbenzene 19.9 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 71-131 5 20 Styrene 19.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 99 78-129 0.7 20 tert-Butylbenzene 18.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 94 70-132 6 20 Tetrachloroethylene 18.8 0.50 ug/L 20.00 94 80-129 5 20 Toluene 20.3 0.50 ug/L 20.00 102 76-131 3 20 trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 21.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 76-135 2 20 trans- 1,3-Dichloropropylene 17.5 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 67-140 4 20 Trichloroethylene 17.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 88 77-133 7 20 Trichlorofluoromethane 21.6 0.50 ug/L 20.00 108 62-148 3 20 Vinyl acetate 24.3 2.0 ug/L 20.00 122 34-167 4 20 Vinyl chloride 20.1 0.50 ug/L 20.00 101 57-141 5 20 Xylenes, total 61.1 1.5 ug/L 60.00 102 77-133 3 20 Surrogate:4-Bromofluorobenzene 48.4 ug/L 50.00 97 80-124 Surrogate: Dibromofluoromethane 49.0 ug/L 50.00 98 75-129 Surrogate: Toluene-d8 50.8 ug/L 50.00 102 77-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 27 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO460 - 3510C MS Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P9C0460-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene BRL 10 ug/L 1-Methyl naphthalene BRL 10 ug/L 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol BRL 20 ug/L 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol BRL 20 ug/L 2,4-Dichlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4-Dimethylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrophenol BRL 50 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrotoluene BRL 10 ug/L 2,6-Dinitrotoluene BRL 20 ug/L 2-Chloronaphthalene BRL 20 ug/L 2-Chlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L 2-Methyl naphthalene BRL 10 ug/L 2-Methylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 2-Nitroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 2-Nitrophenol BRL 10 ug/L 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine BRL 10 ug/L 3/4-Methyl phenol BRL 10 ug/L 3-Nitroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol BRL 50 ug/L 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether BRL 20 ug/L 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol BRL 10 ug/L 4-Chloroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether BRL 20 ug/L 4-Nitroaniline BRL 10 ug/L 4-Nitrophenol BRL 10 ug/L Acenaphthene BRL 20 ug/L Acenaphthylene BRL 20 ug/L Aniline BRL 20 ug/L Anthracene BRL 20 ug/L Azobenzene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(a)anthracene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(a)pyrene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(b)fluoranthene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene BRL 10 ug/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene BRL 10 ug/L Benzoic Acid BRL 100 ug/L Benzyl alcohol BRL 10 ug/L bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane BRL 10 ug/L Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether BRL 10 ug/L Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether BRL 10 ug/L Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Butyl benzyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Chrysene BRL 10 ug/L This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 28 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Attn: Tom Proctor Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Analyte Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9CO460 - 3510C MS Blank (P9C0460-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene BRL 10 ug/L Dibenzofuran BRL 20 ug/L Diethyl phthalate BRL 20 ug/L Dimethyl phthalate BRL 20 ug/L Di-n-butyl phthalate BRL 20 ug/L Di-n-octyl phthalate BRL 10 ug/L Fluoranthene BRL 20 ug/L Fluorene BRL 20 ug/L Hexachlorobenzene BRL 20 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene BRL 10 ug/L Hexachlorocyclopentadiene BRL 10 ug/L Hexachloroethane BRL 10 ug/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene BRL 10 ug/L Isophorone BRL 10 ug/L Naphthalene BRL 10 ug/L Nitrobenzene BRL 10 ug/L N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine BRL 20 ug/L N-Nitrosodiphenylamine BRL 20 ug/L Pentachlorophenol BRL 10 ug/L Phenanthrene BRL 20 ug/L Phenol BRL 10 ug/L Pyrene BRL 10 ug/L Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 99.9 ug/L 100.0 100 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 50.8 ug/L 50.00 102 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 63.1 ug/L 100.0 63 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 47.8 ug/L 50.00 96 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 39.9 ug/L 100.0 40 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 52.1 ug/L 50.00 104 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 29 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO460 - 3510C MS Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0460-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 34.2 10 ug/L 50.00 68 29-126 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 35.2 10 ug/L 50.00 70 32-111 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 33.8 10 ug/L 50.00 68 28-110 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 34.8 10 ug/L 50.00 70 29-112 1-Methyl naphthalene 40.6 10 ug/L 50.00 81 41-119 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 49.0 20 ug/L 50.00 98 53-123 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 51.6 20 ug/L 50.00 103 50-125 2,4-Dichlorophenol 43.5 10 ug/L 50.00 87 47-121 2,4-Dimethylphenol 55.7 10 ug/L 50.00 111 31-124 2,4-Dinitrophenol 23.5 50 ug/L 50.00 47 23-143 J 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 49.2 10 ug/L 50.00 98 57-128 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 51.9 20 ug/L 50.00 104 57-124 2-Chloronaphthalene 47.3 20 ug/L 50.00 95 40-116 2-Chlorophenol 47.1 10 ug/L 50.00 94 38-117 2-Methyl naphthalene 38.4 10 ug/L 50.00 77 40-121 2-Methylphenol 44.3 10 ug/L 50.00 89 30-117 2-Nitroaniline 50.7 10 ug/L 50.00 101 55-127 2-Nitrophenol 42.9 10 ug/L 50.00 86 47-123 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 54.8 10 ug/L 50.00 110 27-129 3/4-Methyl phenol 36.0 10 ug/L 50.00 72 29-110 3-Nitroaniline 50.5 10 ug/L 50.00 101 41-128 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 42.2 50 ug/L 50.00 84 44-137 J 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 50.1 20 ug/L 50.00 100 55-124 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 42.8 10 ug/L 50.00 86 52-119 4-Chloroaniline 46.2 10 ug/L 50.00 92 33-117 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 50.1 20 ug/L 50.00 100 53-121 4-Nitroaniline 50.7 10 ug/L 50.00 101 45-135 4-Nitrophenol 21.7 10 ug/L 50.00 43 10-77 Acenaphthene 49.5 20 ug/L 50.00 99 47-122 Acenaphthylene 49.3 20 ug/L 50.00 99 41-130 Aniline 60.8 20 ug/L 50.00 122 12-197 Anthracene 55.0 20 ug/L 50.00 110 57-123 Azobenzene 52.2 10 ug/L 50.00 104 61-116 Benzo(a)anthracene 53.2 10 ug/L 50.00 106 58-125 Benzo(a)pyrene 53.7 10 ug/L 50.00 107 54-128 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 51.7 10 ug/L 50.00 103 53-131 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 51.9 10 ug/L 50.00 104 50-134 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 57.1 10 ug/L 50.00 114 57-129 Benzoic Acid BRL 100 ug/L 50.00 10-125 L Benzyl alcohol 42.9 10 ug/L 50.00 86 31-112 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 44.8 10 ug/L 50.00 90 48-120 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 42.8 10 ug/L 50.00 86 43-118 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 47.0 10 ug/L 50.00 94 37-130 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 54.0 10 ug/L 50.00 108 55-135 Butyl benzyl phthalate 54.1 10 ug/L 50.00 108 53-134 Chrysene 52.8 10 ug/L 50.00 106 59-123 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 30 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO460 - 3510C MS Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS (P9C0460-BSI) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 52.2 10 ug/L 50.00 104 51-134 Dibenzofuran 49.1 20 ug/L 50.00 98 53-118 Diethyl phthalate 52.2 20 ug/L 50.00 104 56-125 Dimethyl phthalate 51.1 20 ug/L 50.00 102 45-127 Di-n-butyl phthalate 53.2 20 ug/L 50.00 106 59-127 Di-n-octyl phthalate 56.4 10 ug/L 50.00 113 51-140 Fluoranthene 51.7 20 ug/L 50.00 103 57-128 Fluorene 52.5 20 ug/L 50.00 105 52-124 Hexachlorobenzene 49.4 20 ug/L 50.00 99 53-125 Hexachlorobutadiene 32.0 10 ug/L 50.00 64 22-124 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 35.9 10 ug/L 50.00 72 32-117 Hexachloroethane 31.7 10 ug/L 50.00 63 21-115 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 51.2 10 ug/L 50.00 102 52-134 Isophorone 43.1 10 ug/L 50.00 86 42-124 Naphthalene 38.7 10 ug/L 50.00 77 40-121 Nitrobenzene 42.1 10 ug/L 50.00 84 45-121 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 47.0 20 ug/L 50.00 94 49-119 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 60.8 20 ug/L 50.00 122 51-123 Pentachlorophenol 40.7 10 ug/L 50.00 81 35-138 Phenanthrene 53.3 20 ug/L 50.00 107 59-120 Phenol 20.3 10 ug/L 50.00 41 12-58 Pyrene 54.7 10 ug/L 50.00 109 57-126 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 101 ug/L 100.0 101 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 48.1 ug/L 50.00 96 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 61.2 ug/L 100.0 61 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 41.9 ug/L 50.00 84 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 40.0 ug/L 100.0 40 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 52.2 ug/L 50.00 104 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 31 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO460 - 3510C MS Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS Dup (P9C0460-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 33.5 10 ug/L 50.00 67 29-126 2 20 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 34.6 10 ug/L 50.00 69 32-111 2 20 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 33.2 10 ug/L 50.00 66 28-110 2 20 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 33.8 10 ug/L 50.00 68 29-112 3 20 1-Methyl naphthalene 40.6 10 ug/L 50.00 81 41-119 0.1 20 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 51.7 20 ug/L 50.00 103 53-123 5 20 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 53.3 20 ug/L 50.00 107 50-125 3 20 2,4-Dichlorophenol 44.8 10 ug/L 50.00 90 47-121 3 20 2,4-Dimethylphenol 57.1 10 ug/L 50.00 114 31-124 3 20 2,4-Dinitrophenol 35.1 50 ug/L 50.00 70 23-143 40 20 D, J 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 52.1 10 ug/L 50.00 104 57-128 6 20 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 53.9 20 ug/L 50.00 108 57-124 4 20 2-Chloronaphthalene 46.5 20 ug/L 50.00 93 40-116 2 20 2-Chlorophenol 49.2 10 ug/L 50.00 98 38-117 4 20 2-Methyl naphthalene 39.0 10 ug/L 50.00 78 40-121 1 20 2-Methylphenol 45.2 10 ug/L 50.00 90 30-117 2 20 2-Nitroaniline 52.6 10 ug/L 50.00 105 55-127 4 20 2-Nitrophenol 44.3 10 ug/L 50.00 89 47-123 3 20 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 58.4 10 ug/L 50.00 117 27-129 6 20 3/4-Methyl phenol 38.3 10 ug/L 50.00 77 29-110 6 20 3-Nitroaniline 53.1 10 ug/L 50.00 106 41-128 5 20 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 46.4 50 ug/L 50.00 93 44-137 9 20 J 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 51.7 20 ug/L 50.00 103 55-124 3 20 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 44.9 10 ug/L 50.00 90 52-119 5 20 4-Chloroaniline 48.3 10 ug/L 50.00 97 33-117 4 20 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 50.7 20 ug/L 50.00 101 53-121 1 20 4-Nitroaniline 50.8 10 ug/L 50.00 102 45-135 0.3 20 4-Nitrophenol 21.0 10 ug/L 50.00 42 10-77 4 20 Acenaphthene 50.8 20 ug/L 50.00 102 47-122 2 20 Acenaphthylene 50.4 20 ug/L 50.00 101 41-130 2 20 Aniline 63.1 20 ug/L 50.00 126 12-197 4 20 Anthracene 56.8 20 ug/L 50.00 114 57-123 3 20 Azobenzene 53.7 10 ug/L 50.00 107 61-116 3 20 Benzo(a)anthracene 55.1 10 ug/L 50.00 110 58-125 4 20 Benzo(a)pyrene 55.1 10 ug/L 50.00 110 54-128 3 20 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 56.6 10 ug/L 50.00 113 53-131 9 20 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 53.7 10 ug/L 50.00 107 50-134 3 20 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 56.9 10 ug/L 50.00 114 57-129 0.3 20 Benzoic Acid BRL 100 ug/L 50.00 10-125 20 L Benzyl alcohol 44.9 10 ug/L 50.00 90 31-112 5 20 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 46.6 10 ug/L 50.00 93 48-120 4 20 Bis(2-Chloroethyl)ether 45.8 10 ug/L 50.00 92 43-118 7 20 Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether 48.7 10 ug/L 50.00 97 37-130 4 20 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 57.6 10 ug/L 50.00 115 55-135 6 20 Butyl benzyl phthalate 56.3 10 ug/L 50.00 113 53-134 4 20 Chrysene 55.2 10 ug/L 50.00 110 59-123 4 20 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 32 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO460 - 3510C MS Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes LCS Dup (P9C0460-BSD1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/25/19 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 54.9 10 ug/L 50.00 110 51-134 5 20 Dibenzofuran 49.8 20 ug/L 50.00 100 53-118 1 20 Diethyl phthalate 53.5 20 ug/L 50.00 107 56-125 3 20 Dimethyl phthalate 53.0 20 ug/L 50.00 106 45-127 4 20 Di-n-butyl phthalate 55.3 20 ug/L 50.00 ill 59-127 4 20 Di-n-octyl phthalate 59.5 10 ug/L 50.00 119 51-140 5 20 Fluoranthene 54.2 20 ug/L 50.00 108 57-128 5 20 Fluorene 53.4 20 ug/L 50.00 107 52-124 2 20 Hexachlorobenzene 51.0 20 ug/L 50.00 102 53-125 3 20 Hexachlorobutadiene 32.5 10 ug/L 50.00 65 22-124 2 20 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 36.2 10 ug/L 50.00 72 32-117 1 20 Hexachloroethane 31.5 10 ug/L 50.00 63 21-115 0.9 20 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 52.9 10 ug/L 50.00 106 52-134 3 20 Isophorone 44.8 10 ug/L 50.00 90 42-124 4 20 Naphthalene 38.6 10 ug/L 50.00 77 40-121 0.1 20 Nitrobenzene 43.8 10 ug/L 50.00 88 45-121 4 20 N-Nitroso-di-n-propylamine 48.8 20 ug/L 50.00 98 49-119 4 20 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 63.2 20 ug/L 50.00 126 51-123 4 20 L2 Pentachlorophenol 48.5 10 ug/L 50.00 97 35-138 17 20 Phenanthrene 54.9 20 ug/L 50.00 110 59-120 3 20 Phenol 20.5 10 ug/L 50.00 41 12-58 0.9 20 Pyrene 56.7 10 ug/L 50.00 113 57-126 4 20 Surrogate: 2,4,6-Tribromophenol 105 ug/L 100.0 105 43-140 Surrogate:2-Fluorobiphenyl 48.5 ug/L 50.00 97 44-119 Surrogate:2-Fluorophenol 60.7 ug/L 100.0 61 19-119 Surrogate: Nitrobenzene-d5 43.3 ug/L 50.00 87 44-120 Surrogate: Phenol-d5 40.4 ug/L 100.0 40 11-52 Surrogate: Terphenyl-d14 53.1 ug/L 50.00 106 50-134 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 33 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Batch P9CO412 - NO PREP Reporting Result Limit Units Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Spike Source %REC RPD Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Blank (P9C0412-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/21/19 Hexavalent Chromium BRL 0.010 mg/L LCS (P9C0412-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/21/19 Hexavalent Chromium 0.410 0.010 mg/L 0.4000 102 90-110 Matrix Spike (P9C0412-MS1) Source: 9030346-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/21/19 Hexavalent Chromium 0.388 0.010 mg/L 0.4000 BRL 97 85-115 Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0412-MSD1) Source: 9030346-03 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/21/19 Hexavalent Chromium 0.410 0.010 mg/L 0.4000 BRL 103 85-115 6 20 Batch P9CO422 - 3010A Blank (P9C0422-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Arsenic BRL 0.020 mg/L Barium BRL 0.010 mg/L Cadmium BRL 0.0010 mg/L Chromium BRL 0.0050 mg/L Iron BRL 0.10 mg/L Lead BRL 0.0050 mg/L Manganese BRL 0.010 mg/L Selenium BRL 0.020 mg/L Silver BRL 0.0050 mg/L LCS (P9C0422-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/22/19 Arsenic 0.475 0.020 mg/L 0.5001 95 80-120 Barium 0.494 0.010 mg/L 0.5000 99 80-120 Cadmium 0.480 0.0010 mg/L 0.5000 96 80-120 Chromium 0.491 0.0050 mg/L 0.5001 98 80-120 Iron 47.2 0.10 mg/L 50.00 94 80-120 Lead 0.484 0.0050 mg/L 0.5001 97 80-120 Manganese 0.490 0.010 mg/L 0.5001 98 80-120 Selenium 0.470 0.020 mg/L 0.4999 94 80-120 Silver 0.192 0.0050 mg/L 0.2000 96 80-120 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 34 of 36 P R 1 S M Full -Service Analytical s Environmental Solutions LABORATOR, Proctor Environmental Services, Inc. Attn: Tom Proctor 5113 Yachtsman Ct. Raleigh, NC 27615 Total Metals - Quality Control Analyte Project: Smokey Hollow 2 Level II QC Report 3/28/19 Prism Work Order: 9030346 Time Submitted: 3/21/2019 10:00:OOAM Reporting Spike Source %REC RPD Result Limit Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Notes Batch P9C0474 - 7470A Blank (P9C0474-BLK1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/26/19 Mercury BRL 0.00020 mg/L LCS (P9C0474-BS1) Prepared & Analyzed: 03/26/19 Mercury 0.00986 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 105 80-120 Matrix Spike (P9C0474-MS1) Source: 9030346-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/26/19 Mercury 0.00965 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 BRL 103 80-120 Matrix Spike Dup (P9C0474-MSD1) Source: 9030346-01 Prepared & Analyzed: 03/26/19 Mercury 0.00967 0.00020 mg/L 0.009375 BRL 103 80-120 0.2 20 Sample Extraction Data Prep Method: 3510C MS Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030346-01 P9C0460 990 mL 1 mL 03/26/19 8:59 9030346-02 P9C0460 1000 mL 1 mL 03/26/19 8:59 9030346-03 P9C0460 930 mL 1 mL 03/26/19 8:59 9030346-04 P9C0460 1000 mL 1 mL 03/26/19 8:59 Prep Method: 3010A Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030346-01 P9C0422 50 mL 50 mL 03/22/19 7:55 9030346-02 P9C0422 50 mL 50 mL 03/22/19 7:55 9030346-03 P9C0422 50 mL 50 mL 03/22/19 7:55 9030346-04 P9C0422 50 mL 50 mL 03/22/19 7:55 Prep Method: 7470A Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030346-01 P9C0474 20 mL 30 mL 03/26/19 8:25 9030346-02 P9C0474 20 mL 30 mL 03/26/19 8:25 9030346-03 P9C0474 20 mL 30 mL 03/26/19 8:25 9030346-04 P9C0474 20 mL 30 mL 03/26/19 8:25 Prep Method: 5030E Lab Number Batch Initial Final Date/Time 9030346-01 P9C0442 10 mL 10 mL 03/22/19 9:16 9030346-02 P9C0442 10 mL 10 mL 03/22/19 9:16 9030346-03 P9C0442 10 mL 10 mL 03/22/19 9:16 9030346-04 P9C0442 10 mL 10 mL 03/22/19 9:16 9030346-05 P9C0442 10 mL 10 mL 03/22/19 9:16 This report should not be reproduced, except in its entirety, without the written consent of Prism Laboratories, Inc. 449 Springbrook Road - P.O. Box 240543 - Charlotte, NC 28224-0543 Phone: 704/529-6364 - Toll Free Number: 1-800/529-6364 - Fax: 704/525-0409 Page 35 of 36 Q G c ik 5 0 W N �4 v 0 a a 0 7 m 0 3 m 'rO a)3 3 a a CD (O m os Err (n m N � 30 vn c •N 0 N N (Do ID Df S S N O. cn FN 3 m a �o W sm v M N mg � O Z W G CDc) Dai a of N S S W fi D, d m lu N N N N N N y S N y n O C vo oN 3. a om d m 1D aD d o s d m w c M C m D r 3 •SS m 0 v n z i i 22 -,!• 7nS� /' j z --0 0 0 ry rD m-4 0 m I m v Co�+\ Orr . -1 ' ccai �v I r- vm0>1 0;uF2? no- x w m M W r m 0 D � 3 r M z 0 O 0 z D 4 Z m y � N m Mm ca3 D m z N tSfW o22 Wm 3 co) cnmm� o m 3 0 vd 0 0�-{y� a °: m a 7 7 y z y y N x n M a I— f�D n W W y O k 5 C 0. MEOW � c ; a m 3 ° Z Rml j N IG O VJ v;a a CODa CDmm-.CD m 0 m m CD CD y N a (D m <�aC m z z z m m ❑❑ C N•i a'A W W 3A co (D m W 0 (3A C `t, N. _ (O w � � N ❑ O CD z N. CD U 0CD ❑ N ;a e a o DOi MR 1 v � m ID N O N COD N 7 Z Z. 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