HomeMy WebLinkAbout20043_War Memorial Stadium_Brownfields Assessment Work Plan_20180227L3 PREPARED FOR: NCDEQ-DWM Brownfields Program 1646 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 PREPARED BY: S&ME, Inc. 8646 West Market Street, Suite 105 Greensboro, NC 27409 February 26, 2018 =0 February 26, 2018 NCDEQ-DWM Brownfields Program 1926 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 28288 Attention: Ms. Hayley Irick Reference: Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 Dear Ms. Irick: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) has prepared this Brownfields Assessment Work Plan on behalf of North Carolina A&T State University. This document provides a brief project background, proposed assessment activities, and a tentative schedule for implementation. Our services were performed in accordance with the proposal between S&ME and North Carolina A&T State University, S&ME Proposal No. 43-1700565, dated May 30, 2017. Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Edmund Q.B. Henriques, P.G. Project Manager/ Senior Geologist ehenriques@smeinc.com k �AC'VQ#- David R. Loftis, P.E. Senior Engineer dloftis@smeinc.com cc. North Carolina A&T State University, Office of the University Engineer, 1601 East Market Street, Greensboro, North Carolina 27411, Attn. Mr. Chuck Dixon S&ME, Inc. 18646 West Market Street, Suite 105 1 Greensboro, NC 27409 1 p 336.288.7180 1 www.smeinc.com Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina s S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 Table of Contents 1.0 Background........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Documented Site Environmental Impacts..................................................................................1 2.0 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan.............................................................................2 2.1 Brownfield Program Notifications...............................................................................................2 2.2 Health & Safety...............................................................................................................................3 2.3 Sampling Existing Groundwater Monitoring Wells..................................................................3 2.4 Muddy Creek Surface Water and Sediment Sampling............................................................. 3 2.4.1 Surface Water Samples......................................................................................................................4 2.4.2 Sediment Samples.............................................................................................................................4 2.5 Soil Sampling at Pad Mounted Transformer..............................................................................4 2.6 Former Concession Stand Sump..................................................................................................5 2.7 Quality Assurance/Quality Control.............................................................................................5 2.8 Investigation Derived Wastes.......................................................................................................6 3.0 Brownfields Receptor Survey.........................................................................................6 4.0 Reporting............................................................................................................................6 5.0 Schedule..............................................................................................................................6 6.0 Redevelopment Plan Update..........................................................................................7 List of Figures Figure 1— Site Location Map Figure 2 — USGS Topographic Map Figure 3 — Site Map Appendices Appendix I — NCDEQ Letter dated 2-19-18 Appendix II — Valve Vault Photographs February 26, 2018 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 - 1.0 Background The subject property is the War Memorial Stadium located at 420 Yanceyville Street' in Greensboro, North Carolina Figure 1 illustrates the site location. Figure 2 is a portion of USGS topographic map depicting the topography of the site and surrounding area. The property is a 14.08 acre parcel developed with the stadium, tennis courts, and basketball courts and is currently owned by the City of Greensboro. The property has been used as a venue for City of Greensboro sporting activities since opening in 1926. The facility is the oldest minor league baseball venue in the nation and it is currently on the National Register of Historic Places. Since opening it has served as the home of several minor league and local college teams. It served as the home for North Carolina A&T State University (NC A&T) football until 1981 when a new football stadium was opened. It continues to be the home of NC A&T baseball to this day. It has not been used by minor league baseball team since the opening of Newbridge Park in 2004. During this time there may have been chemicals stored for maintaining the grass and some petroleum products stored for maintenance of the lawn equipment. On June 6, 2016, NC A&T reported that there were no petroleum products stored at the site; nor are there any agricultural fertilizers stored on site, at that time. There were some paint can on site which were used to painting maintenance, none of which were observed to be leaking. NC A&T has expressed interest in acquiring the stadium from the City of Greensboro and submitted a Brownfields Application to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management, Brownfields Program (NCDEQ-DWM-BP) date June 6, 2016. Subsequently, NC A&T prepared an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) dated December 1, 2016, for the site. The EMP was prepared due to planned renovation activities at the facility to make it more usable and appealing for those who perform at and work at the facility. The redevelopment plans outlined in the EMP were somewhat conceptual. Phase I was to locate a designer and Phases II and III include the actual construction/renovation work. Specific details for Phase II and Phase III were not defined. NC A&T understood that final plans may require addendum to the EMP and/or development of task specific Work Plan for NCDEQ-DWM-BF review and approval. 1.1 Documented Site Environmental Impacts Soil and groundwater impacts were first identified in April 2000 during field activities related to the installation of a new light pole near the main entrance to the stadium. Following the initial discovery of suspect petroleum - impacted soil, multiple site investigations were completed from 2000 until the present, assessing soil and groundwater. Soil investigations were focused on the initial discovery area, and eleven groundwater monitoring wells were installed to assess the extent of impacts (see Figure 3) to the shallow groundwater aquifer. Based upon Comprehensive Site Assessment dated July 23, 2001 and the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment dated May 21, 2007, both prepared by ECS Carolina's, sixteen compounds were detected in site groundwater with concentrations that exceeded the 15A NCAC 02L groundwater quality standards. The detected compounds were ' The Brownfields application lists the address as 420 Yanceyville Street; however, Guilford County GIS lists the property address as 510 Yanceyville Street. February 26, 2018 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 111 E consistent with groundwater impacts typically related with manufactured gas plant (MGP) wastes. It is known that an MGP plant was located at East Friendly Avenue and North Church Street in Greensboro, approximately 0.5 mile to the southwest of the stadium. Ultimately, it is suspected that petroleum -impacted soils from the former MGP located 0.5 mile from the stadium and/or other local MGP sites was used as fill material during initial construction of the stadium, which occurred in 1926. The City of Greensboro completed a groundwater monitoring event during April 2016. The City reported that the site's one -inch diameter monitoring wells yielded significant amounts of suspended sediment which could not be reduced with low -flow sampling methods. The City prepared report questioned whether the presence of elevated sediment in samples caused the presence of elevated dissolved metal concentrations in the collected groundwater samples. Laboratory analytical results for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and semi -volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) reported similar constituents; and a trend of declining concentrations over time was suggested. 2.0 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan Ms. Hayley Irick with NCDEQ-DWM-BP and Mr. Chuck Dixon with NC A&T conducted a reconnaissance of the site on November 16, 2017. Subsequently, the NCDEQ-DWM-BP reviewed the information contained in the Brownfields Property Application. In a letter dated February 19, 2018, the NCDEQ-DWM-BP outlined a request for additional assessment to address data gaps identified. The additional assessment is required to determine if the site is or can be made safe for the intended reuse, which is to house the NC A&T baseball team and to enhance recreational opportunities for students, faculty, staff and the general public. Appendix I contains the NCDEQ letter dated February 19, 2018, outlining the additional assessment requirements. The Work Plan herein was prepared to describe proposed additional assessment activities to comply with the Brownfields Program request. 2.1 Brownfield Program Notifications S&ME will provide the Brownfields program with at least 10 days advance notice of proposed on -site assessment activities. Key Project contacts include: Ms. Hayley Irick, Project Manager NCDEQ-DWM-BP 271 W. Jones Street Raleigh, NC 27699 (919) 707-8294 — direct office line Hayley.irick@ncdenr.gov Mr. Edmund Henriques, Project Manager S&ME, Inc. (Consultant) 8646 West Market Street, Suite 105 Greensboro, NC 27409 (336) 288-7180 - office (336) 312-3330 - mobile ehenriques@smeinc.com February 26, 2018 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 - Mr. Chuck Dixon, Project Engineer North Carolina A&T State University (Prospective Developer) 1601 East Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 (336) 285-4511— office (336) 392-4223 — mobile chuck@ncat.edu 2.2 Health & Safety S&ME will conduct field activities under a site -specific health and safety plan (HASP) in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.120 hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) rule for the protection of workers at uncontrolled hazardous sites. Based on the data currently available, a minimum of Level D Personal Protect Equipment (PPE) comprised of hard-hats, steel -toed safety boots, safety glasses with side -shields and high - visibility safety vests is appropriate. 2.3 Sampling Existing Groundwater Monitoring Wells To assess current shallow groundwater quality and examine trends of detected constituent concentrations over time, existing monitoring wells at the site will be sampled. During 2016, the City of Greensboro was able to locate and sampling monitoring wells MW-1, MW-1d, MW-2 through MW-8, and reported that monitoring wells MW-9 and MW-10 were not found. Based on this information, monitoring wells MW-1, MW-1d, MW-2 through MW-8 will be purged and sampled (see Figure 3). Prior to sampling, S&ME will attempt to use typical low -flow sampling methods; however, the existence of one - inch diameter wells and the turbidity concerns previously reported by the City of Greensboro, may require making some adjustments and the use of professional judgement in determining when the wells have been purged adequately for sample collection. The collected samples will be submitted for laboratory analyses for VOCs by Method 8260, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals by EPA Method 6010 and EPA Method 7471 (as total metals). S&ME will request a standard turnaround from the laboratory. 2.4 Muddy Creek Surface Water and Sediment Sampling To assess the potential for impacts to Muddy Creek due to off -site contamination sources as well as potential impacts to surface water quality due to the discharge of shallow groundwater, both surface water samples and sediment samples will be collected. February 26, 2018 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 - 2.4.1 Surface Water Samples The following surface water samples will be collected: Surface water sample location SW-4 approximates the 2016 City of Greensboro sample location of the same name. This location will be sampled to characterize surface water quality immediately up -gradient of the subject site. Surface water sample location SW-2, near the bridge over Muddy Creek. This location will be sampled to characterize surface water quality near the anticipated groundwater discharge area for a plume of dissolved phase constituents in shallow groundwater. Surface water sample location SW-1 approximates the 2016 City of Greensboro sample location of the same name. This location will be sampled to characterize surface water quality immediately down - gradient of the stadium. Please note that the location of City of Greensboro's surface water samples SW-2 and SW-3 are not known and S&ME believes that they are not essential to the proposed assessment. Surface water samples will be collected by directly filling the laboratory prepared sample containers from the surface water body or by decanting the water from a property decontaminated collection device. The collected samples will be submitted for laboratory analyses for VOCs by Method 8260, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals by EPA Method 6010 and EPA Method 7471 (as total metals). S&ME will request a standard turnaround from the laboratory. Figure 3 depicts the approximate sample locations. 2.4.2 Sediment Samples A segment of Muddy Creek in the immediate vicinity of the site will be assessed for potential for MGP waste constituents in stream sediments. The sediment samples will be used to initiate an assessment of a probable historic MGP waste source upstream of the subject site. The assessment will incorporate two sample locations. One immediately upstream of the site at surface water sample location SW-4 and one near surface water sample location SW-2. Ideally, thicker, non -consolidated stream sediment accumulations that are finer grained (>30% silt and clay) are desirable. Therefore, a pre -sampling collection survey will be conducted to evaluate the proposed sample locations. Sample location adjustments will be made, if appropriate, to satisfy the goal of sampling deeper and finer grained sediments at the up -stream location and the on -site location. Each sample will be collected using either a core type sampler or a scoop. The sampling tool with be property decontaminated prior to the collection of each sample. The collected samples will be submitted for laboratory analyses for VOCs by Method 8260, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals by EPA Method 6010 and EPA Method 7471 (as total metals). S&ME will request a standard turnaround from the laboratory. Figure 3 depicts the approximate sample locations. 2.5 Soil Sampling at Pad Mounted Transformer The location of the site pad mounted transformer is illustrated on Figure 3. A decontaminated steel hand -auger will be advanced at four locations adjacent to the pad mounted transformer, one along each side of the transformer pad. Each boring will be advanced to depth of less than 1 foot below land surface (bls). At each February 26, 2018 4 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 location a grab soil sample will be collected from the interval approximating 0.0 to 0.5 foot bls. For each of the four soil boring locations, soil sample headspace will be field screened for organic vapors using a Photoionization Detector (PID). The sample exhibiting the highest PID concentration will be placed in laboratory containers to be analyzed for VOCs. If volatile organic vapors are not detected by field screening, the sample obtained from an apparent down -gradient location relative to the transformer will be selected for VOC analysis. An aliquot of soil from each of the four individual grab samples will be composited to form one record sample, which will be submitted for the remaining laboratory analyses. The collected samples will be submitted for laboratory analyses for VOCs by Method 8260, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals by EPA Method 6010 and EPA Method 7471 (as total metals), and poly- chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) by Method 8082. S&ME will also collect a sample for analysis of PCB congeners by EPA Method 1668A per the NCDEQ Inactive Hazardous Section Branch (IHSB) guidelines. The laboratory will be instructed to place the sample for congeners on hold pending the results of the initial Method 8082 analysis. If PCBs are detected in the soil sample at concentrations exceeding IHSB Preliminary Soil Remediation Goals (PSRGs), the laboratory will be instructed to analyze the sample for congener -specific PCBs. S&ME will request a standard turnaround from the laboratory. 2.6 Former Concession Stand Sump The February 19, 2018, letter from NCDEQ-DWM-BP, requested collection of a soil sample at depth around the sump located adjacent to the former concession stand on the west side of the stadium (see Figure 3). To better understand the requested assessment of this location and develop a corresponding assessment plan for this location, S&ME made a site visit on February 21, 2018 to observe the sump feature. The sump was observed and the metal cover was removed for further inspection. The sump has solid concrete sides and was observed to contain clear water with no apparent sheen. Three boiler style valves were observed submerged below the water within the vault. No drain lines entering or exiting the vault were observed. S&ME chose to bail water out of the vault for further visual inspection. Water was bailed down to a level leaving approximately 6 inches or less in the bottom of the vault. The three valves were exposed, but no drain lines entering or exiting the vault were observed. The site photographs contained in Appendix II, documents our observations. Based on our observations, S&ME finds that the feature referred to as a "sump" is most likely a water utility valve box — maybe for an irrigation system. With no sheen on the water, no drain lines observed entering or existing the vault, no stained concrete, and no known sources of contamination nearby, we respectfully request that NCDEQ-DWM-BP accept this visual assessment as sufficient evidence to eliminate the request for collection and analysis of soil from this location as it is not suspected to be a contaminant source. 2.7 Quality Assurance/Quality Control All sampling activities will be performed with properly trained environmental staff. Sampling personnel with don new disposal nitrile gloves for each sample location and anytime the integrity of the sample gloves is in question. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated prior to advancement at each borehole, monitoring well, or stream sediment sample location. All samples will be transferred directly into laboratory -provided containers, and placed into a cooler with ice, pending shipment to the laboratory under chain of custody to a North Carolina certified laboratory for analysis. February 26, 2018 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 - New down -well tubing and silicone tubing at the peristaltic pump head will be installed prior to the collection of each groundwater sample. A trip blank will accompany the samples and will be submitted for laboratory analysis for VOCs by EPA Method 8260B to document cross -contamination during shipment. One duplicate groundwater sample will be collected and submitted for the same suite of analyses that apply to groundwater samples. S&ME will request Level II QA/QC from the laboratory that will analyze the samples. 2.8 Investigation Derived Wastes Investigation Derived Wastes (IDW) generated during these assessment activities (e.g. groundwater) will be containerized in 55-gallon drums and staged on -site pending analytical results of a composite IDW sample for each media type (e.g. groundwater). The composite IDW sample collected will be submitted for laboratory analyses for VOCs by Method 8260, SVOCs by Method 8270, and the 13 Priority Pollutant Metals by EPA Method 6010 and EPA Method 7471 (as total metals). Based on the laboratory analytical results of IDW samples, the drum(s) will transported off -site to a properly permitted disposal facility. 3.0 Brownfields Receptor Survey S&ME will complete a receptor survey of the surrounding area according to the NCDEQ-DWM-BP, Brownfields Property Receptor Survey by collecting information on possible receptor that include the property and building characteristics, surrounding property land use, subsurface structures / utilities, water supply wells, surface water bodies and wetlands. Additional information will be collected regarding the availability of public water supply, well head protection areas in the vicinity of the site, and surrounding property owners and occupants. 4.0 Reporting Following receipt of the final laboratory analytical reports for the samples obtained, S&ME will prepare a Brownfields Assessment report that summarizes our field activities, analytical results, findings and conclusions. Groundwater analytical results will be compared with the 15A NCAC 02L groundwater quality standards. Analytical results for the collected soil and sediment samples will be compared with IHSB PSRGs. Analytical results for surface water samples will be compared with 15A NCAC 02B surface water quality standards, applicable to the classification of Muddy Creek. The report will provide drawings illustrating sampled locations, a discussion of the data with comparison of the soil and groundwater analytical results to regulatory screening levels. The Brownfields Receptor Survey will be provided as a stand-alone document, appended to the report. 5.0 Schedule S&ME anticipates that the above outlined assessment and reporting activities can be completed within 60 to 90 days, or less following the receipt of NCDEQ-DWM-BP approval of this Work Plan. February 26, 2018 Brownfields Assessment Work Plan War Memorial Stadium Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 - 6.0 Redevelopment Plan Update NC A&T will provide an update of their redevelopment plans for the subject site. This will include activities associated with any building dismantling or demolition that would occur as part of site redevelopment. This information may be provided as a separate stand-alone document, or it may be incorporated into the Additional Brownfields Assessment Report. February 26, 2018 prw)t�-,4 Im 1.3 m Appendices Appendix I - NCDEQ Letter dated February 19, 2018 Waste Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY February 19, 2018 Sent via E-Mail Mr. Chuck Dixon, Project Engineer North Carolina A&T State University DeHughley Building 1601 East Market Street Greensboro, NC 27411 ChuckLa) ncat.edu Subject: Request for Additional Assessment War Memorial Stadium 420 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, Guilford County Brownfield Project Number 20043-16-041 Dear Mr. Dixon: ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN secretary MICHAEL SCOTT Director On July 7, 2016, as outlined in its Letter of Eligibility, the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) determined that the redevelopment of the War Memorial Stadium parcel in Greensboro was eligible for entry into the North Carolina Brownfields Program. The following sources were submitted with your Brownfield Property Application dated June 6, 2016, and were reviewed during the evaluation process: Title Prepared by Lab Results Fax Paradigm Analytical Labs, Inc. Date of Report June 1, 2000 Notice of Violation NCDENR December 27, 2000 Initial Site Assessment Report S&ME July 18, 2000 Monitoring Well Construction Guilford County DPH February 20, 2001 Permit Requests for Extension of CSA ECS Ltd. Feb. 28, Mar. 13, May 3 & 15, 2001 Comprehensive Site Assessment I ECS Ltd. I July 23, 2001 State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Waste Management 217 West Jones Street 11646 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1646 919 707 8200 War Memorial Stadium February 19, 2018 Page 2 Facility Condition Sutton Kennerly June 3, 2003 Associates ECS Ltd. May 3, 2007 Phase II ESA Potential Configurations Walter Robbs Callahan Pierce 2010 Preservation Plan and Conditions Assessment Sutton Kennerly Associates August 2014 Site Inspection Report State Construction Office 2015 Pre -Reg Determination Email NCDENR September 11, 2015 Phase I ESA Sitech Consulting, PC September 14, 2015 Geophysical Assessment Sitech Consulting, PC January 10, 2016 MGP Oversite Criteria Email NCDENR February 18, 2016 Monitoring Well Lab Reports ENCO Laboratories April 18, 2016 GW Sampling Results Email City of Greensboro May 12, 2016 Based on our review of these documents, data gaps were identified. Additional assessment activities, as outlined below, are required to assist in making risk management decisions for inclusion in the brownfields agreement (BFA). After reviewing these documents, the following items need to be addressed to determine that the site is or can be made safe for its intended reuse, which as indicated in the Brownfields Property Application, is to house the NC A&T State University Aggies baseball team and to enhance recreational opportunities for students, faculty, staff and the general public. This includes restoration and renovation of the historically significant War Memorial Stadium. 1. Additional Assessment Activities: Prior to conducting field activities, a site -specific work plan should be submitted to DEQ for review and approval. The work plan should include a description of the sampling and analytical methods to be utilized and a map depicting the proposed sample locations. Sampling methodologies should be consistent with the most recent Inactive Hazardous Sites Program Guidelines for Assessment and Cleanup. Request Level 2 QA/QC data packages from a NC certified environmental laboratory. At a minimum, analyze for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi -volatile organics (SVOCs), and RCRA metals, as well as any site -specific contaminants not included in the above analytical methods. a. Resample the existing monitoring wells present in the southeast region of the property to update the groundwater data of the previously documented groundwater plume. b. Collect a surficial soil sample near the pad mounted transformer located at the eastern edge of the property and in addition to standard analyses, also analyze for the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) via EPA Method 8082A. War Memorial Stadium February 19, 2018 Page 3 c. Collect a soil sample at depth around the sump near the former concession stand located west of the stadium. d. Collect two surface water samples, one upstream and one downstream from Muddy Creek. e. Conduct a Brownfields Receptor Survey and submit the results using the attached form. 2. Report and Figures: Upon receipt of analytical data, submit a summary report with a description of field activities, tabulated data in comparison to applicable screening levels, the laboratory data packet with applicable QA/QC documentation and figures. The figures should include a site plan with locations of sample points, the current site structure, and a concentration map (s) for contaminants detected above applicable standards. 3. Redevelopment Plan: Because risk management decisions may vary depending on the nature of the redevelopment, it will be important that DEQ review the locations of the various elements. Please forward any maps or drawings, including grading plans, you may presently have indicating these details, even if only preliminary or conceptual. 4. Schedule: Inform DEQ on the activities and progress of any building dismantling and demolition that will occur as part of site redevelopment. Be aware that during dismantling any and all chemicals, wastes, demolition debris and contaminated media must be managed in accordance with all applicable laws and guidelines. Please work closely with me on any activities associated with the site. I want to remind you that you are not afforded the protections of the Brownfields Agreement until the Brownfields documents are finalized, signed, and recorded at the county register of deeds office. If you operate at the site prior to this time, you jeopardize your eligibility as a Prospective Developer. Please keep in mind that as plans change for the property or new information comes to light, additional assessment may be required at a future date. I look forward to working with you to advance this project toward redevelopment. Please provide the work plan for additional assessment as soon as you are able. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 919-707-8294, or via email at Hayle..Iy rick Ccpncdering_ov. Sincerely, Hayley .Irick /MA Project Manager Brownfields Program ec: Tracy Wahl, DEQ Ed Henriques, S&ME Wanda Hilliard, State Property Office Appendix II - Valve Vault Photographs War Memorial Stadium 420 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 00 CD r \ N i�r' 41 7 Metal valve T box with cover closed w v Q 0 0 a Location / Orientation Northwest side of stadium / Looking northeast 1 Remarks Metal valve box top (sump) visible in foreground. 4i co Former 0 concession C stand - N Valve box - with metal s ,.. - - cover removed = u, v a 0 0 a Location / Orientation Northwest side stadium / Looking northeast 2 Remarks Former concession stand on left. Valve box (a.k.a. sump) is adjacent to building. Metal cover removed for inspections. War Memorial Stadium 420 Yanceyville Street Greensboro, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 4358-17-032 3 Location / Orientation down into the valve box M Valve below 0 water level N Valve below water level v 6 C N Valve below = water level I w v Q 0) 0 0 s a Remarks iNo Prior to removal of water. Clear water, no sheen observed. drain liness.�{comina in or out of the box observed. W O - Valve N z Valve Valve s LU 12 a o MGM a Location / Orientation Looking down into the valve box 4 Remarks Valve box after bailing out most of the water. Water more urbid but valves were exposed. No drain lines observed.