HomeMy WebLinkAbout21007_Hoke Street_VIWP_20180427Aptus Management, PLLC Environmental Management Solutions Aptus Management, PLLC 109 Amber Court Carrboro, NC 27510 April 27, 2018 Ms. Sarah Hardison Young VIA EMAIL: sarah.hardison@ncdenr.gov Brownfields Project Manager NC Division of Waste Management 217 W Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603-6100 SUBJECT: REVISED VAPOR INTRUSION INDOOR AIR TESTING WORK PLAN PASSAGE HOME SITE – RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA BROWNFIELDS PROJECT NUMBER: 21007-17-092 Dear Ms. Young: Based on your February 21, 2018 comments to the sub-slab vapor intrusion (VI) assessment report submitted on January 13, 2018, Aptus Management, LLC (Aptus) has prepared this work plan for conducting indoor air (VI) testing at the Passage Home, Inc. site located at 500 Hoke Street in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. A site location map is provided in Drawing 1. A site map is also provided in Drawing 2 for the Passage Home site, which includes parcels from 500 Hoke Street (with the existing building), 506 Hoke Street, and 1412 Garner Road. Please note that this work plan addresses indoor air testing within the existing building only. This work plan has been revised per NC Brownfields Program (NCBP) final review comments received on April 10, 2018. A separate submittal is being prepared to address assessment regarding the proposed greenhouse and urban agriculture structures at the Passage Home site. PRIOR SOIL GAS RESULTS The findings from the October 11, 2017 sub-slab soil gas sampling of the existing building indicated minimal detections of various volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at each of the sampling locations except one analyte, tetrachloroethylene (PCE). PCE at the southwest building quadrant sample location (SS-3) was the only analyte detected at a concentration greater than the NC residential soil gas screening level (NCRSGSL). The soil gas concentration was 590 ug/m3, versus the NCRSGSL of 280 ug/m3 (a 2.1-fold exceedance). However, a risk assessment performed using the October 2017 NCDEQ’s Risk Calculator showed the cumulative risk from vapor intrusion was acceptable. Moreover, the detected PCE concentration was less than 17% of the nonresidential NCSGSL of 3,500 ug/m3. While the building is presumed to have good VI attenuation due to measured floor slab thickness (6.5- to 8-inches) and the use of a commercial-grade heating, ventilating, and air Revised Vapor Intrusion Indoor Air Testing Work Plan April 27, 2018 Passage Home Site - Raleigh, North Carolina Aptus Management, PLLC Page 2 conditioning (HVAC) system that will increase air exchange rates, indoor air testing was recommended for confirmation purposes. This was due to the future use of the site as a community center with intermittent presence of children inside the building. Consequently, the objective of this sampling effort is to evaluate indoor air within the building to confirm that PCE is below acceptable guideline levels and protective of future site occupants. SITE-SPECIFIC CHEMICALS OF CONCERN (COCs) Based on the soil gas sampling testing, the only contaminant of concern at the site is PCE. During review of the laboratory results from the October sampling, it was noted that 1,1,2- trichloroethane (1,1,2-TCA) had a laboratory reporting limit (RL) that was greater than the NCRSGSL. Discussions with the lab in this regard concluded that 1,1,2-TCA was not detected in the samples and that concentrations were reported to the minimum detection limit (MDL) of the method, given the presence of other analyte concentrations and matrix interferences in the samples. Levels of 1,1,2-TCA from the soil gas testing were reported in the range of 2.3 to 3.5 ug/m3. These concentrations, which were below the RLs, ranged between 3.4 to 5.5 ug/m3. The NCRSGSL for 1,1,2-TCA is 1.4 ug/m3. While 1,1,2-TCA was not detected in any of the samples, the MDLs ranged from 178% to 250% of the NCRSGSL. The current NC residential indoor air screening level (NCRIASL) for 1,1,2-TCA is 0.042 ug/m3. This is considerably lower than the soil gas screening level noted above. Discussions with various laboratories indicate that, after final calculations, the lowest possible lab detection limit for 1,1,2-TCA is 0.071 ug/m3 up to 0.11ug/m3. Since these laboratory MDLs/RLs cannot reach the indoor air screening level for 1,1,2-TCA even under ideal conditions, and each of the other detected chlorinated analytes (besides PCE) were an order of magnitude below the NCRSGSLs, it is the opinion of Aptus that 1,1,2-TCA should not be considered a site-specific COC. Therefore, since guidance recommends that indoor air sample analyses be limited to the chemicals of concern to eliminate background sources, this work plan will request analysis of only those analytes detected during the prior soil gas sampling for the indoor air sampling at the site, and omit analysis of 1,1,2-TCA. This is suggested based on NCBP comments and because, according to air analysis laboratories, such low screening levels (i.e., 1,1,2-TCA) appears to be beyond the scope of the current methodologies available, as well as the current analytical instrumentation available. A list of site-specific analytes, which includes PCE and daughter products, is shown below: Acetone 2-Butanone (MEK) Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroform Cyclohexane cis-1,2-dichloroethene trans-1,2-dichloroethene Ethyl Acetate Ethylbenzene Heptane Hexane 2-Hexanone (MBK) Isopropanol Naphthalene Propene Tetrachloroethylene Tetrahydrofuran Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene (TCE) 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl Chloride Xylenes Revised Vapor Intrusion Indoor Air Testing Work Plan April 27, 2018 Passage Home Site - Raleigh, North Carolina Aptus Management, PLLC Page 3 SAMPLING WORK PLAN Following receipt of initial comments from the NCBP, Aptus contacted the building architect to obtain plans showing current and proposed building layouts. These were used to select sampling locations for indoor air testing in relation to the prior sub-slab sampling, as well as present future partitioning of the building floorplan located at 500 Hoke Street (the Site). According to Mr. Steve Vebber, Operations Management Consultant for Passage Home, Inc., the estimated ages of building occupants upon completion of construction are as follows: • 90% of the people in the finished building will be 18 years of age or older, and • The remaining 10% may be children that accompany the adult building occupants. With this occupant breakdown, Aptus will collect the indoor air samples at a breathing zone height of five (5) feet above floor level. Aptus proposes to collect the samples at five locations inside the existing building, of which one location will include a duplicate. One outdoor ambient air sample will also be collected simultaneously upwind of the building at breathing zone height for background comparison purposes. For comparison purposes, the existing layout drawing from the architect was superimposed with the sample locations from the October soil gas sampling event (see Drawing 3). The proposed indoor air sampling locations shown in Drawing 4 include an underlay of the architect’s proposed building layout following completion of construction. Presently, the interior of the building (Drawing 3) is quite open with minimal wall partitions. Thus, the locations proposed for this round of sampling should provide sufficient characterization of the indoor air within the entire building. The actual locations will be determined in the field based on visual observations, locations of walls, doors, flooring conditions, etc. and/or as directed by the NCBP based on their review of this work plan. The work will be conducted in accordance with current Brownfield’s Program VI screening levels and guidance1. (Note that the guidance document and the VI screening levels have been updated since the prior testing was conducted. The screening levels for the COCs, however, remained unchanged.) Additionally, per NCBP comments, since the prior October sampling was conducted during warm weather conditions (average ambient temperature 71.5 °F), we propose to conduct the indoor air sampling under similar conditions (i.e., when temperatures are expected to remain above 60 °F throughout the test period). This suggestion was provided in the NCBP comments so that additional concurrent soil gas sampling will not be required. The Indoor Air Building Survey and Sampling Form (Appendix C) will be completed and provided with the final report. The testing lab will be contacted prior to sampling to ensure that the reporting limits will be below residential Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (Feb. 2018 version). Per EPA method 1 “Vapor Intrusion Guidance”, NCDENR, Division of Waste Management, Brownfields Program, March 2018, Version 2. Revised Vapor Intrusion Indoor Air Testing Work Plan April 27, 2018 Passage Home Site - Raleigh, North Carolina Aptus Management, PLLC Page 4 TO-15, the analysis will include a lab control sample (LCS) and a lab blank sample for QA/QC purposes. Lastly, the report will include photos showing (1) each room (floors to ceiling) in which sampling is conducted and (2) representative photos showing the sampling arrays. Sample Collection • Aptus will collect indoor air samples from five (5) locations within the building footprint, per Drawing 4. The sample locations will be identified as A- 1 through A-5. Location A-1 will involve a duplicate canister sample collected using an inline tee. • An outdoor ambient air sample (A-6) will be obtained at simultaneously with the indoor samples for background comparison purposes, in accordance with NCBP guidance, for a total of five (7) air samples/analyses. • The samples will be collected using 6-L Summa canisters equipped with 24-hour flow regulators at each location. Tripods will be employed such that each canister inlet port will be at a height of five feet (e.g., breathing zone height). • Cannister vacuum readings will be collected prior to shipment, before and after sampling, and the vacuum readings reported by the laboratory will be recorded and provided to the Brownfields Program. If the initial vacuum prior to sampling is in excess of 10% lower than the vacuum documented by the laboratory upon shipment, the canister will not be used. A residual vacuum of up to -5 inches mercury (Hg) must exist in the canister upon completion of the sampling event. • Upon completion of the sampling, laboratory analysis request forms will be prepared and the samples will be shipped under proper chain of custody for laboratory analysis using EPA Compendium Method TO-15 “Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Air Collected in Specially-Prepared Canisters and Analyzed by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)”. REPORTING Upon receipt of the laboratory results, the concentrations will be compared to the residential indoor air screening levels (NCRIASLs). A written report will be prepared summarizing our field activities, observations, laboratory results, conclusions and recommendations. The summa canister and flow controller log from the lab will be provided as well with the final report. The findings and conclusions will be used to develop the recommendations regarding the risk of vapor intrusion at the site. Revised Vapor Intrusion Indoor Air Testing Work Plan April 27, 2018 Passage Home Site - Raleigh, North Carolina Aptus Management, PLLC Page 5 CLOSING We hope that the presented work plan approach will meet with your approval. If you should have questions regarding this submittal or associated documentation, please feel free to contact us at (919) 522-7289 at your convenience. Sincerely, APTUS MANAGEMENT, PLLC John Gallagher, PE Robert D. Hill, PE Engineer of Record Principal Consulting Engineer Attachments cc: R. Hill – RDHEC Aptus Management, PLLC DRAWINGS